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ATTACHMENT U PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 9:26 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Costco gas station at Tustin Ranch. Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: Jamal Khan < Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 5:01 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco gas station at Tustin Ranch. My husband and I believe that quality gas at a reasonable price will be available if Costco is allowed to open this gas station at Tustin Ranch Road.And it may also lower the price of gas in the neighborhood. Jamal & Fauzia Khan Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent Monday, October 7, 2019 9:26 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: No to mega Costco Gas Station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: jenn fuentes < Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2019 2:06 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: No to mega Costco Gas Station No to mega Costco Gas Station: Reason's: 1. value of homes will decrease ( many hard working people will move out, as well) 2. Traffic 3. Air Pollution/ Air quality 4. safety (not to mention a fire hazard) 5. crime 6. loitering 7. littering/pollution Do the right thing and require that a full Environmental Impact Report (EIR) be conducted to determine the impacts of this mega fueling station. Let's get past the greed and look at the negative impacts. Study and look into other cities with mega gas stations. Do the research before making and irreversible decision. 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 9:26 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Costco Gas Station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: shanu hemnani < Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2019 4:02 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco Gas Station Me and my famil • • Q•�'flNew Costco Gas Station In Tustin Ranch. Thanks & Reagrds Savitri Tustin 92782 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 9:25 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: No to Mega Costco Gas Station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: shanu hemnani < Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2019 4:07 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: No to Mega Costco Gas Station No to a Mega Costco Gas Station and More Traffic and Pollution. I Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 10:38 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: No to a Mega Costco Gas station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 -----Original Message ----- From: Mahmoud Arian < Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 7:28 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: No to a Mega Costco Gas station Dear sir/Madam I am resident of Tustin,please to inform you that I am not Accepting to Costco Gas station establishment in Tustin Ranch. NO to a Mega Costco Gas Station and More Traffic #Pollution Thank you M.Arian Families Sent from my Wad 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 10:37 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Mega Costco Gas Station in Tustin Ranch. From: Michele Daneshvar < Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 11:13 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Mega Costco Gas Station in Tustin Ranch. Dear City Council Of Tustin I am a resident of Tustin range road and I donot want a gas station in my area because of pollution and Traffic. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Sincerely yours,Michele Daneshvar. 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Sent: To: Subject: Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 Blankenhorn, Regina Monday, September 30, 2019 10:37 AM Demkowicz, Erica FW: Costco gas station Tustin station From: Linda McCarthy < Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 2:17 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco gas station Tustin station Hello, I simply ask you require an EIR to be conducted before issuing Costco a mitigated negative declaration. Knowledge is power is what we preach so let's do our homework to best understand the positive and negative impacts. If we assume wrong the consequences are too severe for the community of Tustin to bear. Do not let big business and financial pressures dictate the correct course of action. The right decision is always the hardest one to make. Please make the right decision- require an EIR. Kindly, .Linda McCarthy Kindly, Linda Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 8:41 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Mega Costco Gas Station From: Jack Amin < Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 6:41 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Mega Costco Gas Station Dear sir Unfortunately I would not able to attend meeting on October 15th but.... I STRONGLY SUPPORT TO HAVE COSTCO GAS STATION, LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVE NEW COSTCO GAS STATION. Regards, Jagdish (Jack) Amin. 3e4t IZeWw4, Jack m vv Demkowicz, Erica From: Sent: To: Subject: Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 Blankenhorn, Regina Wednesday, September 25, 2019 7:56 AM Demkowicz, Erica FW: Proposed Costco gas station in Tustin Ranch From: Carol Furumoto < Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 6:49 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Proposed Costco gas station in Tustin Ranch have lived in the Arcada Community Condominium Association for over 13 years. l attended the Planning Commission meeting where the proposed Costco 32 pump gas station was discussed. There were speakers on both sides of the issue. Some of those speakers live in Irvine and others live near The District area of Tustin. It seemed as though those who live in Irvine and The District area were tired of the mess that the Costco Gas Station at The District has become. Those residents would love the addition of the 32 pumps near the older Costco in Tustin Ranch. Of course they would be in favor of the project as it would alleviate some of the problems at The District location. Listening to the Planning Commission discuss the proposal before them, it seemed that they were seeking any way to approve the project. Many local Tustin Ranch residents are against the added traffic, congestion and pollution that this additional 32 gas pumps will cause. would like the City Council of Tustin to have an environmental study done that is completed in a forthright manner. Many of us who live off of the 3 streets that it will impact feel that the Planning Commission rubber stamped their approval. We are very concerned that the added pollution will affect local residents who live and shop in this area. It's very hard to believe that 3,500 cars sitting idling each and every day won't affect us in a detrimental way. understand that some of the local residents would be happy not to have to drive to The District area for their lower cost gas. I am not one of them. Although I have purchased gas at The District location, I only go there early in the morning when it's less crowded. I also only purchase gas at that location when I plan to shop at The District Costco as it is much larger than the Costco just off of Bryan. Please do not approve this proposal without an environmental impact study. To do otherwise, would not be in the best interest of the Tustin Ranch residents. I do not own any stock or interest in any gas/oil company. I'm just a concerned retired resident. Thank you. Carol Furumoto Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 9:41 AM To: West, Matt; Binsack, Elizabeth Cc: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: 100 more people signed "City Council, Protect Tustin Ranch! NO to a Mega Costco Gas Station and MORE Traffic & Pollution" FYI Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: mail@changemail.org <mail@changemail.org> Sent: Sunday, September 22, 20191:01 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: 100 more people signed "City Council, Protect Tustin Ranch! NO to a Mega Costco Gas Station and MORE Traffic & Pollution" change.org New signatures Tustin City Council — This petition addressed to you on Change.org has new activity. See progress and respond to the campaign's supporters. City Council, Protect Tustin Ranch! NO to a Mega Costco Gas Station and MORE Traffic & Pollution Fletit on by Protect-rLlsfin Ranch - 100 supporters 100 more people signed AtKen Johnston h I Sep 2. 1, 2010 1 This is a terrible idea for this neighborhood. Costco should have to play by the rules like everyone else and should conduct a full EIR before anything is approved! ALJohana Carrillo Los Angeles, CA - Sep OEC, 2019 I'm signing because it's isn't necessary Rita Viselli Tustin, CA - Sep 02, 2019 Traffic at the district is a nightmare every single day of the week because of the Costco gas station! Putting in another and larger Costco gas station in the same city is ridiculous! Lisa Bill Irvine;, CA - Aug. 09, 2019 Too much traffic already!! Overkill atJasmine Bancud Kailua-Kona, Sep 22, 2019 View all 100 supporters CHANGE ERG FOR DECISION NIAKK_RS On Change.org, decision makers like you connect directly with people around the world to resolve issues. Respond to let the people petitioning you know you're listening, say whether you agree with their call to action, or ask them for more information. Learn more. Phis notification was sant t{_, Ci�yCouiir;ile,c7tListinca.org, the address listed as the dedsion maker cont ac:t by thr:; patltlon staricr. If this is Incorrect, pleaseoosst_a response to let the petition .:tartar know. 2 Chango.org - 548 Market St #29993, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 9:40 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Costco Gas Station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: bcwbeach@aol.com < Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2019 3:27 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco Gas Station To the City Council of Tustin: This letter is being written in regards to the proposed Mega Costco Gas Station in Tustin Ranch. We are totally against the gas station being proposed at this location. What are you thinking..... the parking lot is already a mess and difficult to get in and out of during regular times or prime holiday times. Now you are going to allow a 32 pump gas station..... where do you propose to make the lines for -the pumps?? That parking lot can not accommodate those pumps. The traffic on EI Camino, Tustin Ranch and Bryan is already a night mare .... Now the gas lines will be flowing out on to these already over flowing streets. We avoid the district due to the crazy lines and the congestion in the parking lots there. The traffic is already impacted in the Tustin Ranch area and this will only hinder the flow of traffic even more. Since the old K Mart store is not being bought or sold at this time ...... what is the plan for that store and more traffic once that store is bought. Parking spots will be decreased but lines of traffic will increase. The lot is way to small for the lines and the gas pumps. Let alone all the fuel trucks, idling cars, more pollution along with more congestion. We are against the proposed mega gas station in Tustin Ranch. Thank you, Barbara and Ron Winter I Demkowicz, Erica From: Sent: To: Subject: Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 Blankenhorn, Regina Tuesday, September 17, 2019 2:19 PM Demkowicz, Erica FW: Costco Gas Station Tustin Ranch From: Kayvan Moussavi < Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:48 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco Gas Station Tustin Ranch To whom it may concern, I am requesting that the City of Tustin require Costco to conduct a full Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to determine the impact of a new fueling station in Tustin Ranch. There is currently no comprehensive report on the impact of traffic and pollution. I am concerned that this new installation will have a negative influence on the city, residents, and visitors. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Kayvan Moussavi Tustin Resident Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:44 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: COSTCO GAS PUMPS Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: kingnetwork < Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:13 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: COSTCO GAS PUMPS To the City Council of Tustin, CA I believe it is IMPERATIVE that Costco be made to comply with Tustin residents' most reasonable demands for a complete and COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT to be completed and published for review prior to any permits! To bypass this residential safety procedure preferring revenue over resident safety is totally immoral and totally lacking any regard for the health, welfare and safety of all local Tustin residents setting a precedent that is totally unacceptable. Respectfully submitted via email, as I am presently unable to attend the scheduled meeting on the 15th, October. Pat King Sheeter Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Sent: To: Subject: Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 Blankenhorn, Regina Monday, September 16, 2019 1:01 PM Demkowicz, Erica FW: Proposed Costco Gas Station -----Original Message ----- From: Scott Rifkin < Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2019 11:29 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Cc: ProtectTustinRanch@gmail.com Subject: Proposed Costco Gas Station Dear Tustin City Council Members, I am very concerned and disheartned regarding the proposed 32 -pump Costco gas station in the Tustin Marketplace. As a long time Tustin resident and supporter of this community, my family depends on the City Council to make prudent decisions to ensure what is best for our community's well being. I sincerely feel this decsion was not accomplished at this time. I completely understand the fiscal responsibility of the council and the tax revenues this will generate for the city, but at what cost to the residents? Our traffic is already horrendous on Tustin Ranch Road, El Camino, Bryan and Jamboree. Being a resident in the community adjacent to aforementioned streets, it's become unbearable to get to our residence. Adding a lane will not mitigate the traffic situation, especially when you add hundreds of cars into the equation. I am also very concerned regarding the lack of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to this proposed project. With public schools, parks and neighborhoods so close to the proposed site, how will this affect the health and well being of your constitutes over time? This is really unheard of for a city project of this magnitude and should be completed before being considered going forward. Our families health and well being are in your hands. Another issue we must contemplate is the value of our properties and the ability to sell if we choose to leave the area. If a potential buyer see's the massive traffic flow issues, potential health related problems and impact to our community, this may have a financial impact to our property value. I see absolutely no upside to this project for our surrounding neighborhoods. Council members, please take a step back and re-evaluate this project for the sake of our community, which had the faith to vote you into your roles to protect us and make the best decisions for our community. Please don't be blindside by a big corporation's finances... We are a wonderful small town and that has always been the value of living here. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Scott Rifkin Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019 1:00 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: STOP COSTCO GAS STATION IN TUSTIN RANCH Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 -----Original Message ----- From: Chris Santos < Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2019 9:33 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: STOP COSTCO GAS STATION IN TUSTIN RANCH Please do not let Costco build the gas station on EI Camino Real. It's clearly about revenue. No impact studies have been conducted and yet Costco obtained a conditional use permit. At the very least do the right thing by mandating a full environmental impact report. Go to the District on any given day and see for yourself the traffic jam, idling cars and pollution these gas stations cause. Add to this the fact that the Market Place is already impacted and you have a confluence of events that will significantly affect traffic, air quality, emergency response times and public safety. Costco cannot be allowed special favor at the expense of the public at large, local residents and the environment. Chris Santos Tustin California Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:45 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: No Costco gas station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 -----Original Message ----- From: Ryan DeSantis < Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 9:38 AM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: No Costco gas station Hi. I live in Tustin off of browning and Irvine. I heard there are plans for Costco put in a gas station. I am very against this and am asking that you vote to not allow it. Thank you. Ryan DeSantis Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:44 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Against Costco Gas Station in Tustin Ranch Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 -----Original Message ----- From: James US < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 201910:27 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Against Costco Gas Station in Tustin Ranch Dear Sir / Madman, As a homeowner living in Tustin range area (Maricopa community), I am really concerned about the proposal of mega Costco gas station plan. The traffic on Tustin ranch road is growing more and more heavier in recent two years. The ramps of 15 is right on this road and it is the main routine for us to go out. If the gas station built up here, it will definitely block the traffic and bring inconvenience to our life. Moreover, the traffic around the station and the gas fuel will generate pollution in the air, which will impact residents nearby. I hope our voice of worries can be heard and the city will do the right thing to protect our life. Thank youl James Homeowner of Sent from my Whone Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:44 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: NO ON MEGA COSTCO GAS STATION!!! IN TUSTIN RANCH!!! Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct; 714-573-3012 From: Mifa Yuh < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 7:10 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: NO ON MEGA COSTCO GAS STATION!!! IN TUSTIN RANCH!!! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, WE HAVE JUST HEARD OF THE MAJOR CHANGES TAKING PLACE AT THE COSTCO IN TUSTIN RANCH. AS A RESIDENT AND OWNER OF 2 PROPERTIES AT TRAVILLA WE ARE AGAINST SUCH ADDITIONS. WE BESEECH YOU TO RESIST MAKING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD A CESSPOOL FOR EXTRA CARBON MONOXIDE BLOWING TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AIR AS HUNDREDS OF VEHICLES ARE NOTORIOUSLY IDYLING AT THE GAS STATIONM THIS WILL HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON OUR PROPERTIES AS VALUE IS SURE TO GO DOWN RESULTING FROM EXTRA TRAFFIC AND CONGESTED ROADS. WE WOULD EXTREMELY APPRECIATE IT TO CONSIDER BEING MOVED TO DIFFERENT LOCATION PREFERABLY FARTHER FROM THE CURRENT COSTCO AT THE DISTRICT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION TO OUR CONCERNS. SINCERELY, MIFA YUH 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:43 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: No to Costco gas station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: Kaitlin Wilmoth < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 6:15 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: No to Costco gas station No to mega Costco gas station in Tustin. This will cause more unecessary traffic in the area and will result in many upset residence in the area. It is not worth the inconvenience. Thank you Sent from Yahoo Mail for Whone 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:43 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Costco Gas Station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct; 714-573-3012 From: Giselle Dunn < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 6:03 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco Gas Station NO TO A MEGA COSTCO GAS STATION IN TUSTIN! This will creat more traffic and pollution! Sent from Yahoo Mail for !Phone 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:43 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Costco Gas Station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct; 714-573-3012 From: Tyler Dunn < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 6:02 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco Gas Station NO to a mega costco gas station. This will create more traffic and pollution, no need! Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:43 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Mega Costco Gas Station in Tustin Ranch Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 From: Gunther Tunnermann < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 5:55 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Mega Costco Gas Station in Tustin Ranch Gentlemen, NO to a mega Costco gas station in Tustin Ranch. This gas station will only lead to more traffic and pollution to the area. Besides, there is another Costco gas station only a couple of miles away. Thank you, Gunther Tunnermann 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:42 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Costco gas station Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 -----Original Message ----- From: Elizabeth Wilmoth < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 5:09 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco gas station NO to a mega Costco Gas Station in Tustin. All this will create is more traffic and pollution. There is not a need for an additional gas station. Elizabeth Wilmoth , 1 Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 4:36 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Please do not approve the Costco gas station Please see below. Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 -----Original Message ----- From: Max Gouron, M.D. < Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 3:46 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Please do not approve the Costco gas station Hi there, We already have too much traffic on Jamboree and Tustin Ranch Rd. Adding the massive Costco gas station on EI Camino will only make it worse. The city may benefit from increased tax revenue, but residents will all have a cost to bear. City council members should focus on creating a city that is residential friendly, a city that provides excellent quality of life for its residents, not as an industrial town where business has a higher priority than the residents. Thank you, Max Gouron Demkowicz, Erica From: Blankenhorn, Regina Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 8:54 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: FW: Costco Gas Station Hi, Erica I will be forwarding any mention of Costco Gas Station for your information and the public hearing. Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Direct: 714-573-3012 -----Original Message ----- From: Dave Tomcheck < Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 5:21 PM To: CITY COUNCIL <CITYCOUNCIL@tustinca.org> Subject: Costco Gas Station City Council members, Have you seen the mess the Costco gas station at the District creates? Costco gas stations, like airports, need to be in areas that won't cause chaos for nearby neighborhoods. Please don't approve the Costco gas station! Sent from my iPad Demkowicz, Erica From: TustinPlanning Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 1:03 PM To: Lupe Solis Cc: Demkowicz, Erica; Tiscareno, Vera; Willkom, Justina Subject: RE: Good news about Costco Gas Plans Hello Lupe, The City is in receipt of you e-mail and it will be added to the public record. Regards, Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP Senior Planner City of Tustin Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3127 From: Lupe Solis < Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 9:38 AM To: TustinPlanning <TustinPlanning@tustinca.org> Subject: Good news about Costco Gas Plans I am a long time resident of Tustin & want to ensure your department hears from other residents that are not opposed to the plans of installing gas pumps at Costco at the MarketPlace. I saw the plans of the different entrances & exits — and appears to me that the traffic flow through that area will work much better than what has happened at the District. Further, the Costco at the District should be alleviated a bit with some customers now having the option to go to the MarketPlace Costco Gas Station. I also like what you're doing to provide dedicated right-hand turn lanes at EI Camino and Tustin Ranch Road. I had written you all about this a couple years back, so glad you took the time to see that this is sorely needed. Thank you. Lupe Solis 1 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail transmission, and any documents, files, or previous e-mail messages attached to it, may contain confidential information that is proprietary to GOLDEN STATE FOODS CORP. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this message is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify us by reply e-mail at Admin@goldenstatefoods.com and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading them or saving them to disk. Thank you. RUTAN RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP July 9, 2019 VIA E-MAIL Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Tustin Planning Commission City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Hans Van Ligten Re: Jul} 9 Agenda Item No. 2: Proposed Costco Tustin Gas Station Project Dear Commissioners: This office represents Mr. Charlie Mazza, a local business owner who will be adversely affected by the potential impacts of the proposed Costco Gas Station Project on your agenda as Item No. 2. Mr. Mazza objects to the City's proposed use of Categorical Exemption No. 32, Infill Projects to deprive the community of the regular environmental review process that such a project deserves. First, please find attached the professional opinion of Thomas Brohard, a licensed civil engineer and traffic engineer with 50 years of experience pointing out the short -comings of the applicant's traffic report. As such, the City is unable to make the finding required by CEQA Guidelines, Section 15332 (d), that approval of the project would not result in significant traffic, noise, air quality or water quality. Absent a thorough traffic study, the City cannot make this affirmative finding of no impact, for the reasons stated in Mr. Brohard's report. Second, and perhaps even more clear, is the fact that the record on its face now makes clear that Section 15332 cannot be applied to exempt this project. Section 15332 (b) requires that it only applies to projects "on a project site of no more than 5 acres ...." While the original Staff Report never clearly explained why Section 15332 was being relied upon, the additional materials now included in the July 9 Staff Report make it clear the exemption does not apply. Specifically, the Costco Wholesale Site Plan, dated April 15, 2019, and included in the Kittleson & Associates Memorandum, clearly identifies the "Existing Site Area" as 10.96 acres, the "Goodyear Site Area" as 1.00 acre, and the "Total Site Area" as 11.97 acres. Nowhere is there any indication of a project site "not more than 5 acres." This project is being proposed, by the applicant's own admission, on more than 10 acres. Logically, this must be true because the gas station will be utilizing all the common area parking and drive aisles. Rutan & Tucker, LLP 1 611 Anton Blvd, Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PO Box 1950, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1950 1 714-641-5100 1 Fax 714-546-9035 235/016052-0005 Orange County I Palo Alto I San Francisco I www.rutan.com 10991593.3a07/09/19 RUTAN RUTAN & TUCKER. LLP Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Tustin Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 2 As you know, CEQA requires a stable, finite project description. Here the record now admits this project is far larger than 5 acres. As such reliance on Category 32, Section 15332, is not appropriate. Accordingly, we respectfully submit this proposal cannot be approved at this time until a fully compliant CEQA document has been prepared. Failure to do so would be an abuse of discretion subject to being overturned by a court. Sincerely, RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Hans Van Ligten HVL:kfw Enclosure 235/016052-0005 10991593.3 a07/09/19 July 7, 2019 3 s _-I Mr. Hans Van Ligten Rutan & Tucker LLP 611 Anton Boulevard, 14th Floor Costa Mesa, California 92626 SUBJECT: Review of Urban Infill Exemption to Demolish the Existing Goodyear Tire Center at 2641 EI Camino Real and Construct a Costco Gasoline Fuel Station with 32 Fueling Dispensers at 2655 El Camino Real in the City of Tustin — Traffic and Transportation Issues Dear Mr. Van Ligten: As requested, I, Tom Brohard P.E., have reviewed the traffic and transportation portions of various documents regarding the Proposed Project to demolish the existing Goodyear Tire Center at 2541 EI Camino Real and to construct a Costco Gasoline Fuel Station with 32 fueling dispensers at 2655 El Camino Real in the City of Tustin. The documents I reviewed included: June 11, 2019 Agenda Report to the Planning Commission ➢ April 15, 2019 Site Plans Prepared by MG2 April 17, 2019 Traffic Analysis for the Tustin Ranch Costco Fuel Station Addition prepared by Kittelson & Associates Proposed operating hours for the proposed Fuel Station are from 5 AM to 10 PM while operating hours at the Costco Fuel Stations in Temecula (the largest with 30 pumps) and at the other Costco in Tustin (22 pumps) are from 5:30 AM to 9:30 PM. Most Costco Fuel Stations operate from 6 AM to 9 PM. Until the various issues and concerns raised in this letter are addressed, there is substantial evidence that the Proposed Project with 32 fueling dispensers will have adverse traffic and transportation impacts that have not been properly disclosed, analyzed, and mitigated. Trip credits for the 5,200 SF existing Goodyear Tire Center facility to be demolished on the site may be overstated. The April 17, 2019 Traffic Analysis does not properly calculate, evaluate, or analyze the substantial increase in vehicle trips that will be created by the Proposed Project during weekdays and does not analyze weekend conditions when project trips will be even higher. Additionally, there are significant traffic issues associated with the traffic queueing plans on-site that must be addressed and resolved as pointed out in this letter. Education and Experience Since receiving a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina in 1969, 1 have gained 50 years of professional Mr. Hans Van Ligten Tustin Ranch Costco Fuel Station Addition — Traffic/Transportation Issues July 7, 2019 engineering experience. I am licensed as a Professional Civil Engineer both in California and Hawaii and as a Professional Traffic Engineer in California. I formed Tom Brohard and Associates in 2000 and have served as the City Traffic Engineer for the City of Indio for the last 14 years and as Consulting Transportation Engineer for the City of San Fernando since 2003. 1 have extensive experience in traffic engineering and transportation planning. During my career in both the public and private sectors, I have reviewed numerous environmental documents and traffic studies for various projects as indicated on the enclosed resume. Traffic and Transportation — External Issues Based on my review of various documents, there is at least a "fair argument" that the Proposed Project to add a Fuel Station with 32 fueling dispensers will have significant traffic and transportation impacts external to the site as follows: 1) Credit Volumes from Existing Goodyear Tire Center Are Overstated — The existing Goodyear Tire Center attached to the closed K -Mart building contains about 5,200 square feet. Costco itself sells tires in an attached structure on the south side of their main building just east of the main pedestrian entrance/exit to the store and then installs these tires in one of four bays in an area of about 6,500 square feet. With two facilities selling tires within about 500 linear feet, it is doubtful that the existing Goodyear Tire Store will continue as a viable operation. To determine the credit traffic volumes to be given for the closure of the existing Goodyear Tire Store, actual counts must be made during peak hours on typical weekdays and weekends. Without actual counts, the credit values in the traffic analysis are merely speculation and likely are overstated. When the existing Goodyear Tire Center is removed by redevelopment of the site, the most appropriate method to determine the existing trip generation is to actually count peak hour and daily trips to and from the site with the existing Tire Center operating. It appears that the Traffic Analysis instead relied on national trip generation averages which can significantly overstate the volume of trips generated by the existing use. In tum this faulty methodology then underestimates the net number of new trips, and decreases the number of potentially significant traffic impacts that would otherwise result. A higher number of net new trips may result in additional significant traffic impacts that must be identified and analyzed. Feasible and enforceable mitigation measures must be imposed. 2) Existing Baseline Traffic Volumes and Level of Service — The Traffic Analysis for the Proposed Project gathered traffic volumes on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving in 2018. This was not a typical traffic day in that it was raining F. Mr. Hans Van Ligten Tustin Ranch Costco Fuel Station Addition - Traffic/Transportation Issues July 7, 2019 and traffic volumes during the week after Thanksgiving in commercial areas are typically less than those measured during most other days during the Holiday Shopping Season. The lower than normal traffic volumes counted on a day with inclement weather during a lull in the Holiday Shopping Season artificially reduce baseline traffic volumes, significantly reducing the number of potentially significant traffic impacts that would otherwise require mitigation. 3) No Analysis of Weekend Peak Hour Conditions Has Been Conducted - Erroneously, the Traffic Analysis did not count or evaluate weekend traffic volumes. Table 6 on Page 7 of the Traffic Analysis shows the results of five Costco Gasoline Stacking Observations for weekday PM peak queues and for weekend Midday peak queues. These observations, while mostly made in 2016 or 2017, show the vehicles in the queues for the weekend midday peak hour were greater than the number of vehicles in the queues for the weekday PM peak hour. This indicates that the worst case with higher traffic volumes during weekend traffic conditions must also be studied for the Proposed Project as well. 4) Auto Center Drive Must Be Widened North of EI Camino Real - In the area just to the west of the proposed Fuel Station, Auto Center Drive north of EI Camino Real varies in width north of EI Camino Real from about 48' to about 60'. Drawings in the Traffic Analysis show the restriping of Auto Center Drive but the roadway must also be widened to provide two 12' wide northbound lanes for access to the Fuel Station as depicted on this drawing. Without widening and restriping, the second northbound lane that turns into the Fuel Station cannot be provided. 5) El Camino Real East of Auto Center Drive Must be Widened By At Least 12'- From 2'-From Google Earth, EI Camino Real provides 5 lanes, each about 12' wide, in the short block between Auto Center Drive and Myford Road. Queue Management Plan 1 (Figure 3) shows a very short westbound taper that shifts lanes to the south on EI Camino Real to install a westbound right tum lane to enter Auto Center Drive. The existing 60' width however does not provide sufficient space to add a sixth lane without widening the bridge on EI Camino Real over the flood control channel adjacent to Myford Road. Dropping one of the westbound lanes on EI Camino Real will adversely impact the capacity of the Auto Center Drive/EI Camino Real intersection and will cause significant traffic impacts. According to Table 5, constructing a 155' long westbound right turn lane in the existing parkway (without widening the bridge) will not accommodate the industry standard methodology design queue (95th percentile) for existing plus project volumes. Additional study of the intersection of EI Camino Real and Auto Center Drive is required to install an adequately long westbound right tum lane for traffic entering the Fuel Station queue. 3 Mr. Hans Van Ligten Tustin Ranch Costco Fuel Station Addition — Traffic/Transportation Issues July 7, 2019 Traffic and Transportation — Internal Issues Based on my review of various documents, there is at least a "fair argument" that the Proposed Project to add a Fuel Station with 32 fueling dispensers will have significant internal traffic and transportation impacts as follows: 1) Angled Parking Spaces East of the Fuel Station Cannot Be Accessed — Queue Management Plan 1 reorients the existing perpendicular parking spaces east of the Fuel Station to angled parking spaces oriented to the southeast. This will then require motorists to back out of the stalls to the northwest and then head south into an area where they can only join the queue for gasoline. This will make these 13 parking spaces largely ineffective and unusable. 2) North-South Aisle West of Fuel Station Encourages Exiting Double Stacking — The north -south aisle west of the Fuel Station is shown as 45' wide, much too wide for only one-way northbound traffic in a single lane. Anything over 12' wide will encourage a second northbound exiting lane into the "KEEP CLEAR" area where all exiting traffic will be required to tum left and will be immediately faced with northbound traffic turning right to enter the queue to get gas. This geometry is extremely confusing and potentially unsafe. Requiring the queue to cross itself twice before exiting the Costco parking area is poor practice and that creates additional conflicts and confusion. 3) Pop Up Bollards Extending the Inbound Queue Are Not Safe — The entering queue is planned to be extended as shown in Queue Management Plan 2 in Figure 4 with the use of pop-up bollards that are intended to force traffic into the second east -west aisle north of the Fuel Station. When the bollards are activated and are popping up, traffic must be held back from crossing the bollards so the rising bollards do not impale the underside of vehicles passing over the bollards. Additional pop-up bollards or other devices will be required to prevent northbound traffic on Auto Center Drive from continuing to reach the second east -west aisle rather than making a right tum into the first aisle. Without continuous monitoring, it will also be very difficult to maintain cones and delineators in place during high traffic volumes. 4) Only Employees Park on the South Side of the First East-West Aisle — Parking along this aisle just north of the Fuel Station is closer to the front door of the store than the majority of other spaces in the parking lot. It will be very difficult to identify employee cars and then to keep customer cars from parking in these 36 spaces. This proposed measure is not practical or feasible. 4 Mr. Hans Van Ligten Tustin Ranch Costco Fuel Station Addition — Traffic/Transportation Issues July 7, 2019 As discussed in this letter, there is substantial evidence that the Proposed Project will have adverse environmental impacts that have not been properly disclosed, analyzed, and mitigated. The Traffic Analysis must be revised to address the issues in this letter. Feasible and effective mitigation measures for the significant traffic impacts that will occur in peak hour at the intersections, particularly at Auto Center Drive and EI Camino Real where traffic lanes are proposed to be eliminated, must be proposed. Internal queuing issues and conflicts must also be addressed and resolved. If you have questions regarding these comments, please call me at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Tom Brohard and Associates Tom Brohard, PE Principal Enclosure - Resume M Tom Brohard, PE Licenses: 1975 / Professional Engineer / California — Civil, No. 24577 1977 / Professional Engineer / California — Traffic, No. 724 2006 / Professional Engineer / Hawaii — Civil, No. 12321 Education: 1969 / BSE / Civil Engineering / Duke University Experience: 50 Years Memberships: 1977 / Institute of Transportation Engineers— Fellow, Life 1978 / Orange County Traffic Engineers Council - Chair 1982-1983 1981 / American Public Works Association — Life Member Tom is a recognized expert in the geld of traffic engineering and transportation planning. His background also includes responsibility for leading and managing the delivery of various contract services to numerous cities in Southern Califomia. Tom has extensive experience in providing transportation planning and traffic engineering services to public agencies. From May 2005 through June 2019, he served as Consulting City Traffic Engineer for the City of Indio. He also currently provides "on call" Traffic and Transportation Engineer service to the City of San Fernando. In addition to conducting traffic engineering investigations for Los Angeles County from 1972 to 1978, he has previously served as City Traffic Engineer in the following communities: o Bellflower..................................................... 1997-1998 o Bell Gardens ................................................ 1982-1995 o Big Bear Lake........................................2006-2015 o Huntington Beach ......................................... 1998-2004 o Lawndale..................................................... 1973-1978 o Los Alamitos ................................................ 1981-1982 o Oceanside ................................................... 1981-1982 o Paramount................. .................................. 1982-1988 o Rancho Palos Verdes .................................. 1973-1978 o Rolling Hills .................................................. 1973 -1978, 1985 -1993 o Rolling Hills Estates ..................................... 1973 -1978, 1984 -1991 o San Marcos ................................................. 1981 o Santa Ana .................................................... 1978-1981 o Westlake Village .......................................... 1983-1994 During these assignments, Tom has supervised City staff and directed other consultants including traffic engineers and transportation planners, traffic signal and street lighting personnel, and signing, striping, and marking crews. He has secured over $10 million in grant funding for various improvements. He has managed and directed many traffic and transportation studies and projects. While serving these communities, he has personally conducted investigations of hundreds of citizen requests for various traffic control devices. Tom has also successfully presented numerous engineering reports at City Council, Planning Commission, and Traffic Commission meetings in these and other municipalities. Tom Brohard and Associates Tom Brohard, PE, Page 2 In his service to the City of Indio since May 2005, Tom has accomplished the following: ❖ Oversaw preparation and adoption of the 2008 Circulation Element Update of the General Plan including development of Year 2035 buildout traffic volumes, revised and simplified arterial roadway cross sections, and reduction in acceptable Level of Service criteria under certain conditions. Oversaw preparation of fact sheets/design exceptions to reduce shoulder widths on Jackson Street and on Monroe Street over 1-10 as well as justifications for protected - permissive left tum phasing at 1-10 on -ramps, the first such installations in Caltrans District 8 in Riverside County; reviewed plans and provided assistance during construction of both $2 million projects to install traffic signals and widen three of four ramps at these two interchanges under Caltrans encroachment permits. ❖ Reviewed traffic signal, signing, striping, and work area traffic control plans for the County's $45 million 1-10 Interchange Improvement Project at Jefferson Street. ❖ Reviewed traffic impact analyses for Project Study Reports evaluating different alternatives for buildout improvements of the 1-10 Interchanges at Jefferson Street, Monroe Street, Jackson Street and Golf Center Parkway. ❖ Oversaw preparation of plans, specifications, and contract documents and provided construction assistance for over 70 traffic signal installations and modifications. Reviewed and approved over 2,000 work area traffic control plans as well as signing and striping plans for all City and developer funded roadway improvement projects. ❖ Oversaw preparation of a City-wide traffic safety study of conditions at all schools. Obtained $47,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety and implemented the City's Traffic Collision Database System. Annually reviews "Top 25" collision locations and provides traffic engineering recommendations to reduce collisions. ❖ Prepared over 1,500 work orders directing City forces to install, modify, and/or remove traffic signs, pavement and curb markings, and roadway striping. ❖ Oversaw preparation of engineering and traffic surveys to establish enforceable speed limits on over 500 street segments. Reviewed and approved traffic impact studies for more than 35 major projects and special events including the annual Coachella and Stagecoach Music Festivals. Developed and implemented the City's Golf Cart Transportation Program. Since forming Tom Brohard and Associates in 2000, Tom has reviewed many traffic impact reports and environmental documents for various development projects. He has provided expert witness services and also prepared traffic studies for public agencies and private sector clients. Tom Brohard and Associates Demkowicz, Erica From: Goetz Family < Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 3:29 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Hi Erica, We spoke a few weeks ago about the proposed Costco gas station. I am in favor of it and greatly distressed about the signs that have been appearing along Jamboree and Tustin Ranch Road. I am hoping to attend the meeting July 9, but wanted to give you my approval in writing. The misconception that it will add traffic to the area is misguided as many of us drive past the Tustin Ranch Costco to go to the district Costco and if anything it will alleviate traffic. Thank you. Leslie Goetz Demkowicz, Erica From: Dominica Kristedja < Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 3:26 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: Costco Gas Station Just want to express my opinion in favor of the Costco gas station considered for the location on EI Camino Real in Tustin. This would be a welcome and much utilized service to our neighborhood. Thank you so much for your consideration. Dominica Kristedja Demkowicz, Erica From: Beth Waltmire < Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 2:55 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: Costco Gas Station in Tustin Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed We live in West Irvine Pointe and are very much in favor of the Costco gas station. Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Waltmire Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Demkowicz, Erica From: Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 2:43 PM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: Proposal for Costco Traffic Flow Study Good day Erica, As you are aware, many residents of Tustin are in opposition of Costco adding their largest ever gas station into an area that many consider too small for the anticipated traffic. I do understand the millions of dollars that city officials are envisioning, but it appears that the income is overshadowing logic in this location. In my industry, whenever a decision is being made with major consequences, or that's in dispute, an independent expert third party evaluation is required. If Costco is confident in their plans, they should support funding the evaluation to be done by an expert organization of the City of Tustin's choice. I proposed the Traffic Flow Study be conducted focusing on the following areas of concern: 1. Identify the impact of the current infrastructure of roads in the surrounding area and the ability to accommodate the increase traffic demands. (will adding right hand turn lanes truly ease the flow? What about left hand turns?) 2. Identify how many tanker refueling trucks will be impacting city streets, and the estimated resulting damage from the weight/volume/safety on street hardscape. 3. It was identified that tankers will enter for refueling the station via Bryan - the effect/flow of the tankers entering the parking area, driving through the passenger vehicle traffic/parking lot to the far side (where pumps/tanks will be located); create undue hazard? Is this an efficient traffic flow? 4. Examine the proposed traffic flow for entering the Fuel Station. Evaluate the "peak flow" proposal. This traffic will be re-routed through a parking zone. How will cars parked for shopping be able to get in and out of their parking spots with back up traffic from the waiting line of the fuel station? 5. How does the proposed fuel high traffic flow impact the tire center, and other daily deliveries to the Costco store? The Costco proposal does not include the Tire Center flow, nor their regular deliveries. 6. The current design has ALL vehicles exiting the fuel center by breaching through all of the incoming and outgoing traffic in close proximity to the El Camino entrance. This design would create a major back up into the fuel station by vehicles not being able merge/cut through to exit. The flow in this particular area is guaranteed to create major traffic and safety issues. 7. The currently vacant retail pad (previously Kmart, Sears, International Market) within this center is actually larger than the Costco pad. It cannot be ignored that should a major retailer fill the vacancy, which it is zoned to accommodate, their anticipated traffic flow/volume/parking MUST be considered, and included in the design/flow for the entire center. City of Tustin, my plea to you is to evaluate the full impact the Costco proposal (not just the financial income) will have to our city. Costco is proposing their largest EVER fueling station, in an area that is the smallest! The corner they propose isn't large enough to smoothly accommodate their plans. Costco has previously shown us their traffic design and estimates are insufficient. The District is still suffering, even with their restructuring (and resultant decreasing number of fuel pumps) Please do not proceed based on the current plan without major considerations and expert evaluation. Sincerely, Veronica Barker Demkowicz, Erica From: Vipul Bhaysar < Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 11:04 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: Costco Gas Station Hi Erica, On behalf of myself and many of my neighbors; I'd like to voice our support for the Costco gas station proposed on EI Camino/Tustin Ranch Rd. We believe this is a good thing for the community and for local businesses in the area. We understand it's your job as the Planning Commission to evaluate traffic congestion, however please take into consideration that this will reduce traffic at the Costco gas station at the District because many residents from Tustin Ranch drive there to fill up gas. We would also like you to take into account that many people are for this, but aren't as vocal as some of the people opposing it. It's not fair to have our voices be drown out by some people who just choose to be louder. Thank you for your time and consideration. Vipul Bhaysar Tustin Ranch Resident Demkowicz, Erica From: John Garay < Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 12:39 AM To: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: June 11th Planning Commission meeting Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Hello Erica, No email was provided in the public announcement so if you could forward it to the right people it would be greatly appreciated. Dear Planning commission, I am completely in favor of the hearing item to demolish the Good Year Tire Center and build the Costco Fuel Station. That shopping center has stagnated over the last years as the grocery store stopped its lease and it would be a step in the right direction to attract more business to the area. The added tax revenue would be helpful to address the decrease that has happen because of online sales. The only thing that needs to be addressed is how Costco plans to handle the cars that wait in line and for it not to lead to the street which could cause traffic congestion if not done correctly. Thank you, John Garay Demkowicz, Erica From: Tiscareno, Vera Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 12:58 PM To: Ron Nestor, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB Cc: Demkowicz, Erica Subject: RE: Planning Commission 6/11/19 RE: Tustin Ranch Costco Gas Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Ron, The City is in receipt of your email and it will be added to the public record. Should you have any further comments or questions, I have cc'd Erica Demkowicz to this email since she is the Senior Planner assigned to this project. Erica will be back in the office on Monday. Thank you. VERA TISCARENO i EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Community Development 714-573-3106 1W From: Ron Nestor, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB < Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 11:40 AM To: Tiscareno, Vera <VTiscareno@tustinca.org> Subject: Planning Commission 6/11/19 RE: Tustin Ranch Costco Gas I may not be able to attend the meeting due to travel commitments, but I would like to offer the following: To Tustin Planning Commission members: My name is Ron Nestor and I am a resident of the Montecito Community of Tustin Ranch. I would like to speak IN FAVOR of the proposed Costco Tustin Ranch gas station. The current Tustin Legacy facility is not sized for demand causing massive traffic tie ups. Having a second facility would benefit the Tustin community with convenience and additional tax revenue. The Tustin Ranch plaza is an underutilized facility with the large vacant Kmart store and is in need of revitalization. As for the traffic concern, the center is designed for an anchor department store so should be able to handle the traffic of a gas station. Current projects to enhance the adjacent intersection and synchronize traffic lights on Tustin Ranch Road should alleviate some of the existing congestion as well. Please vote YES for this project. Ron Nestor Ron Nestor, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB Senior Principal VMA Start with an idea. Think without constraints. Develop and refine it. Add layers of talent and experience, collaborate. Realize the potential and actualize the purpose. Push the boundaries. Join us on our journey as we transform lives and design a better world. 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