HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 05-61 RESOLUTION NO. 05-61 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 05-001, AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. II. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That General Plan Amendment 05-001 is considered a "Project" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"); B. That an Initial Study and a Negative Declaration have been prepared for this project and distributed for public review. The Initial Study/Negative Declaration evaluated the implications of the proposed project. C. That the Initial Study/Negative Declaration was advertised for public review for 20 days in compliance with Section 15105 of the State CEQA Guidelines. D. That at a regularly scheduled meeting on April 11, 2005, the Planning Commission considered the proposed Final Negative Declaration before considering a recommendation to approve General Plan Amendment 05- 001. E. The City Council of the City of Tustin has considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and comments received during the public review process with respect to the proposed Final Negative Declaration at the April 18, 2005, meeting. A. A Final Negative Declaration, attached hereto as Exhibit A, has been completed in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. The City Council finds that, on the basis of the whole record before it (including the initial study and any comments received), there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment and that the proposed Final Negative Declaration reflects the City's independent judgment. B. The City Council hereby adopts the Final Negative Declaration for the purpose of approving General Plan Amendment 05-001. Resolution No. 05-61 Page 1 of 145 C. The record of proceedings upon which this decision is based is located at City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California, Attention: Director of Community Development. III. The City Council finds that the project involves no potential for any adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively, on wildlife resources as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the 18th day of April, 2005. ~I~ LOU BONE MAYOR ~}ntcCb~R r P MELA STOKE CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 05-61 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 18th day of April, 2005, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: '1m~ r PAMELA STOKER City Clerk Resolution No. 05-61 Page 2 of 145' EXHIBIT A OF RESOLUTION NO. 05-61 Resolution No. 05-61 Page.3 qf 145 $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-JJOO NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Title: El Camino Real General Plan Amendment Project Location: EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue, Tustin Project Description: Amend the Circulation Element of the Tustin General Plan to redesignate EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue &om a Secondary Arterial to a Collector Arterial. Project Proponent: City of Tustin Lead Agency Contact Person: Scott Reekstin Telephone: 714/573-3016 The Community Development Department has conducted an Initial Study for the above project in accordance with the City of Tustin's procedures regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, and on the basis of that study hereby finds: ' !81 0 That there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. That potential significant effects were identified, but revisions have been included in the project plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly'no significant effects would occur. Said Mitigation Measures are included in Attachment A of the Initial Study which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not required. The Initial Study which provides the basis for this determination is attached and is on file at the Community Development Department, City of Tustin. The public is invited to comment on the appropriateness of this Negative Dec1aration during the review period, which begins with the public notice of Negative Declaration and extends for twenty (20) calendar days. Upon review by the Community Development Director, this review period may be extended if deemed necessary. REVIEW PERIOD ENDS 4:00 P.M. ON APRIL 11, 200S &.~ ~k E beth A. Binsack Community Development Director Date $'.;Z/ 05' INITIAL STUDY AND NEGA TIVE DECLARA TION CITY OF TUSTIN EL CAMINO REAL GENERAL PLAN' AMENDMENT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA L SA March 2005 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 5 of 145 LOA "'OCUT", INC, M"C. .... .un 'OIT"L non TonlN/n CAMINO OI.U.. PLAO AM"""NT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..........................1-1 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ...................................................................................................1-1 1.2 FINDINGS OF THIS INITIAL STUDY.......................................~....................................I-I 1.3 EXISTING DOCUMENTS TO BE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE ..................... 1-2 1.4 CONTACT PERSON....................................................................... ..................................1-3 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................;......................................... 2-1 2.1 PROJECT SITE SETIING ...................................................................:............................ 2-1 2.2 PROPOSED DISCRETIONARY ACTION ........................................................"............ 2-1 2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................2-3 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM.....................".......................................................... 3-1 4.0 EXPLANATIONS TO THE CHECKLIST FORM...................................................................... 4-1 4.1 AESTHETICS..,.........................................................................................,.................:::-.:.4-1 4.2 AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES """"""'.........................................................."............ 4-1 4.3 AIR QUALITY ,.................................................................................................................4-2 4.4 BIOLOGICAL ..RESOURCES.......................................................................................... 4-5 4.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES...............................................................................................4-6 4.6 GEOLOGY AND SOILS....................................................................................... ............4-7 4.7 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ..............................................................4.9 4.8 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY .....................................................................4-12 4.9 LAND USE AND PLANNING .............................................................................."....... 4-15 4,10 MINERAL RESOURCES..............................................................................................4-17 4.11 NOISE.............,..............................................................................................................4-17 4.12 POPULATION AND HOUSING .................................................................................,4-19 4.13 PUBUC SERVICES """""""""""""""""""""""""............................................"...... 4-20 4.14 RECREATION ....................................,.......................................................................... 4-20 4.15 TRANSPORTATIONrrRAFFIC...................................................................................4-20 4.16 UTILITIES .................................................................................,...................................4-26 4.17 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE.....................................;.................. 4-27 APPENDICES A: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT B: TRAFFIC STUDY P,'=33O\F1,.1 Soln'TOe.doc ,000lllO~, LOA Auoel..... lNe, .ARCH ",. ""T 'NITIAL ITUDY TUITIN'" CAMINO .'Nn.. PL'N 'M..DMlNT FIGURES Figure 2.1: Project Location ............................................................................................................... 2-2 Figure 4.1: Existing Daily Volumes (two lanes)............................................................;.................. 4.22 Figure 4.2: Year 2020 Peak.Hour Volumes (with project. two lanes).............................................. 4-23 TABLES Table 4.A: Intersection Analyses Summary ...............................................................;..................... 4-24 P,I<1,,330IF;..1 SentlTOC,d", """II/OS.. ii Resolution No, 05-61 Page 7 of 145 LtA ..,oeIAT... INC, "ueH '"II DRAFT ""TIAL ITC.Y TUITINIEL CAMINO .""AL PLAW AM"""'T 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This Initial Study (IS) is being prepared to analyze the environmental effects of a proposed amendment to the City of Tustin General Plan. The proposed project is to reclassify El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue &om a secondary arterial to a coUector roadway in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The proposed reclassification is cónsistent with a parallel change that has already been made to the County of Orange Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) and reflects the current conditions of the affected roadway segment. The Circulation Element is one of seven mandated elements of the General Plan and is intended to guido:: the development of the City of Tustin (City) circulation system in a manner that is compatible with the Land Use and other Elements of the General Plan. The purpose of the Circulation Element is to provide a safe, efficient, and adequate circulation system for the City. To meet this purpose and the requirements of Government Code Section 65302 (b), the Circulation Element addresses the circulation improvements needed. to provide adequate capacity for future land uses. Corresponding . goals and policies are designed to improve overall circulation in the City and to address circulation issues that concern the City. For highway transportation, the physical attributes involve a network of existing and future roadways defined according to designated roadway types, each with specific design standards. Other modes are defmed by appropriate physical attributes (e.g.. bicycle trails). The County of Orange MP AH fonDS part of the Orange County General Plan and designates the arterial system in the Circulation Element of the County General Plan. Defined according to specific arterial functional classification, the MPAH serves to define the intended future road system within the County., Cities within the County are expected to achieve consistency with the MP AH in their individual General Plan Circulation Elements. The purpose of the proposed amendment to the City of Tustin Circulation Element is to: I) achieve consistency with the MPAH designation, 2) to reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment, and 3) to ensure consistency between the roadway and the ádjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly character of the Old Town commercial district in the City of Tustin. The two lane configuration and on-street diagonal parking is consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town by contributing to a pedestrian-oriented environment. This Initial Study has evaluated each of the environmental issues contained in the checklist provided in Section 3.0 of this document. 1.2 FINDINGS OF THIS INITIAL STUDY Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines, this Initial Study has been prepared to determine whether implementation of the City's proposed General Plan Amendment to the Circulation Element (proposed project) will result in significant P:lctU33O\Fin.1 ""t\Section l.doc <001128/05. 1-1 ... AllaCI..". 'NC, ..AlCR "" Dun 'NITIAL ITVDT TUlT'N,n CA..,NO .""AL .... A".ND""T environmental impacts that would require mitigation or the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) if significant impacts cannot be avoided. This Initial Study is.based on an Environmental Checklist Form, as suggested in Section 15063 (dX3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. The completed Form is found in Section 3.0 of this Initial Study. It contains a series of questions about the proposed project for each of the listed environmental areas. The Form is used to evaluate whether or not there are any significant environmental effects associated with implementation of the proposed project and, if there are, whether or not mitigation can be attached to the project to lessen or avoid such impacts. . Section 4.0 provides an explanation for each an.swer indicated on the Form. The Form and accompanying evaluation provide the information and analysis upon which the City may make its determination as to whether or not an EIR must be required for the project The Form is used to review the potential environmental effects of the proposed project for each of the following areas: Aesthetics Agricultural Resources Mineral Resources Noise Popu1ationIHousing Recreation Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Public Services Trans portad onrr raffi c Utilities/Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance Geology/Soils Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hydrology/Water Quality Land UselPlanning 1,3 EXISTING DOCUMENTS TO BE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE Section 15150 of the State CEQA Guidelines permits an environmental document to incorporate by reference other docwnents that provide relevant data. The docwnents outlined in this section are hereby incorporated by reference, and the pertinent material is summarized throughout this Initial Study, where that information is relevant to the analysis of potential impacts resulting &om the project Any document incorporated by reference is available for review at the following public service counter: City of Tustin Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 City of Tustin General Plan, 2001 County of Orange General Plan. 2000 P",",330IFi.ol S",.lSoct'.. I.doc ..o112810S" 1-2 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 9 of 145 ... ..,oCIATII, 'HC, MARCH .... ...,T 'HITIAL ITU.. TUIT'H'" C...,OO'O"...L PLAM 'M'HO..'HT Master Plan of Arterial Highways. Orange County (acTA) 1.4 CONTACT PERSON The Lead Agency for the Initial Study for the proposed project is the City of Tustin. Any questions' about the preparation of this Initial Study, its assumptions, or its conclusions should be referred to the following: Mr. Dana R. Kasdan Engineering Services Manager City ofTustin Public Worlcs Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 (714) 573-3150 tM. Scott Reekstin Senior Planner City of Tustin " Commwlity Development Department/Planning Division 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 (714) 573-3106 P:Ic"330\FinaJS"'tlS""¡oo'.d<>",011281{)5,, 1-3 La' ",.cln... 'HC, ""CH ",. .un UlTlAL nun T"TlHln C""H. .'HUAL H.. """""T 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROJECf SITE SETTING The City of Tustin is located in central Orange County and encompa,çses an area of 11.01 square miles, The City is bound on the south by the Cities of Irvine and Santa Ana, on the north by the wiincorporated portion,s of the County of Orange and the City of Orange, on the west by lamboree Road, and on the east by unincorporated County tenitory and the City of Irvine. Tustin is located approximately two miles north of Orange County's lohn Wayne Airport. There are two fi'eeways that transect the City, the Interstate S (I-S) (Santa Ana) freeway dividing the City into north and south and the State Route SS (SR-SS) (Costa Mesa) fi'eeway transecting the western portions of the City. The City has an Old Town commercial area, which is one of the oldest historical commercial areas in Orange County. ' The proposed project is the reclassification ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue as shown on Figure 2.1. This segment ofEI Camino Real is located north ofI-S within the Old Town commercial district. The City is proposing to reclaSsify this portion ofEI Camino Real ftom a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane Local Collector in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. This segment ofEI Camino Real is currently two lanes with on-street diagonal parking. 2.2 PROPOSED DISCRETIONARY ACTION The proposed discretionary action is the approval of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan by the City CoUncil. The proposed amendment includes text, tables, and map changes to reflect a redesignation ûom a Secondary Arterial to a Collector Arterial. Specifically, the General Plan Amendment includes the following: Add a definition of Collector to the Circulation Plan Add a cross section ofa Collector roadway to Figure C-I, Typical Cross Sections Amend Figure C-2 to add Collector to the Legend and to redesignate El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue ' Amend Table C-S to reclassify EI Camino Real south of First Street and El Camino Real south of Main from Secondary to Collector The proposed General Plan Amendment is included as Appendix A of this document. P'\clu330'.F;..' 5"'tlS",I;0. 2.doc .01/28105. 2.] Resolution No, 05-61 Page 11 of 145 FIGURE 2.1 0 ,........., JUT SOURCE, USGS '-"QUADS- TUSTIN & ORANGE. CALIFORNIA TustinlEl Gamino Project Location 1,\CTU3301G\L0~,;o.."" (711"") . ". .U.C,...,. ,.C. URCH ,n' _..n '"'T". nu_. Tun'"" CA"'.. ....... >.AN A.........T 2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Circulation Element is one of the seven General Plan elements mandated by the State of California, as articulated in Sections 65580 to 65589.S of the Government Code. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to the City's Circulation Element to reclassify a street segment ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue ftom a four-lane Secondary Artcrial to a two-lane collector roadway. The roadway segment ofEl Camino Real has a north-south ali tUllent before it transitions to a northwest-southeast ali tUllent between Sixth Street and Newport Avenue. This portion ofEI Camino Real is located within the City's Old Town commercial dis1rict, which supports a mixture of retail and commercial uses and includes various public improvements to provide a more pedestrian-oriented environment. In November 1997, the City, in coordination with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), approved a demonstration project to reduce the number of travel lanes on EI Camino Real between Second Street to Sixth Street ( one block south of First Street and west of Newport Avenue) ftom a four-lane undivided Secondary Arterial street to a two-lane undivided collector street with diagonalparking along both sides of the street. The purpose of the demonstration project was to document the existing and define the future impacts of the redesignation on other nearby streets and intersections. A subsequent traffic study (Appendix B.ofthis IS) was prepared by WPAlWilIdan in May 2001 that concluded that 2020 traffic conditions, both with and without the project, would result in acceptable daily traffic levels and intersection operations. Following the success of the demonstration project and the preparation of the traffic study, the OCT A approved an amendment to the MP AH to change the status of the street segment of El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a four lane secondary arterial to a two lane local collector roadway. The proposed General Plan Amendment would similarly reflect the existing and planned two-lane collector status of the roadway on the City's Circulation Element and ensure consistency between the City's General Plan and aCTA's MPAH. The proposed action is limited to the amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Since the physical changes to the roadway have already been implemented, the proposed project does not include changes to the existing physical environment. The changes that occurred in the past are included as part of the environmental setting defined as the physical conditions existing at the time environmental analysis is commenced (CEQA Guidelines Section 15125). The purpose of the proposed amendment to the City's Circulation Element is to (I) achieve consistency with the MPAH designation, (2) reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment, and (3) ensure consistency between the roadway and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly character of the Old Town commercial district. The two-lane configuration and on-street diagonal parking are consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town by contributing to a pedestrian-oriented environment. P,Ict,330\F;,.1 S,."\Sect;",, 2 doc .01/28/05" 2-3 Resolution No. 05-61 Page 13 of 145 ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Way. Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3100 INITIAL STUDY A. BACKGROUND Project Title: EI Camino Real General Plan Amendment Lead Agency: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Lead Agency Contact Persons: Mr. Dana R Kasdan Mr. Scott Reekstin Phone: (714) 573-3150 Phone: (714) 573-3106 Project Location: EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue Project Sponsor's Name and Address: City ofTustin, 300 Centennial Way General Plan Designation: Secondary Arterial Zoning Designation: Not Applicable Project Description: Amend the Circulation Element of the General Plan to redesignate this portion of El ClIIÌlÌno Real to a Col1ecter Arterial Surrounding Uses:. Project is located in the Old Town Commercial District Other public agencies whose approval is required: 0 0 0 0 Orange County Fire Authority Orange County Health Care Agency South Coast Air Quality Management District Other 0 0 0 City of Irvine City of Santa Ana Orange County EMA P'\ctuJ30\Fìnal S"'\\Section 3 Chec'1i" do< B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. 0 Aesthetics 0 Air Quality 0 Cultura1 Resources 0 Hazards & Hazardous Materials 0 Land Use/Planning 0 Noise 0 Public Services 0 Transportationffraffic 0 Mandatory Findings of Significance 0 Agriculture Resources 0 Biological Resources 0 Geology/Soils 0 HydrologylWater Quality 0 Mineral Resources 0 PopulationIHousing 0 Recreation . 0 UtilitieslService Systems C. DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: [8J I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. 0 I find that although the proposed project could have a sigriificant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. 0 I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. . 0 I find that although the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated impact" on the environment, but at least one effect I) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described in the attached sheets. An. ENVIRONMENT AI.. IMP ACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. . 0 I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, and no further documentation is required. Preparer: Sc.oft ReeLSh;" , zg~~~~ Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Deve pment Director Title $&¡,òr Planner Date .,?,'Z/- oÇ P'\c\u330\F;.., 500\1.._;00 3 Ch"kh~doc Resolution No, 05-61 Page 15 of 145 D. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Directions 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses foIlowing each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact"answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors and general standards (e.g., the project wiIl not expose sensitive receptors to poIlutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take into account the whole action involved, including off-site, on-site, cumulative project level, indirect, direct" constructi°!l, and operational impacts. Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur,then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "PotcntiaIly Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, and EIR is required. 3) 4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect &om "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a lèss than significant level (mitigation measures !Tom Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross- referenced). 5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c) (3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identifY the foIlowing: a) Earlier Analysis Used. IdentifY and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. identifY which effects &om the abOve checklist were 'within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures, For effects that are "Less than Significant withMitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to infonnation sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously preparedòr outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are &ee to use different formats; however, lead agencies normaIly address the questions &om this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected. 9) The explanation of each issue should identifY: a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and, b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance. P:\clu330IF;nal S"'tlS,";"" 3 Chockl;',do<: EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAcrs Leu TIrDn Signiftcanl Potentially With Less TIrDn Signiftcanl Mlt/gallOIÌ Significant I. AESTHETICS - Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? 0 0 0 181 b) Substanlially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings . within a stale scenic lúgbway?' 0 0 0 181 c) Substanûally degrade the exiSting visual charocter or quality of the site and its SIDTOWldings? 0 0 0 181 d) Create a new source of substanûalligbt or glare wbJch would adversely affect day or nigbttime views in the area? 0 0 0 181 n. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: In detenninin¡ whether impacts to agricultural resow-ces ere si¡nificant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California AgriculturaI Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use In assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique FañìiJand, or FaririJand of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on tile maps prepared pursuant to the FarmJand Mapping and Monitoring Program of tile California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use? 0 0 0 181 b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or . Williamson Act contract? 0 0 0 181 c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location Ot nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? 0 0 0 181 Ill. AIR OUALITY: Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution con1ro1 district may be relied upon to make the following determinations, Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable tJ air quality plan? 0 0 181 b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? 0 0 0 181 c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net Increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- auainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precunors)? 0 0 0 181 d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? 0 0 0 181 e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? 0 0 0 ~ Pclc1U330IFinal .en'\Sect;"" 3 Check¡;stdoc Resolution No, 05-61 Page 17 of 145 -----~-- -----.-. Le.r. Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant IV BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: - Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department ofFish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? 0 0 0 181 b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or , regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department ofFish and Game or U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service? 0 0 0 181 c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, bUt not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? 0 0 0 181 d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native " resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife coJTidors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? 0 0 0 181 e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? 0 0 0 181 f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? 0 0 0 181 v. CULTURAL RESOURÇES: . Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in § 15064,5? 0 0 0 181 b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5? 0 0 0 181 c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? 0 0 0 t8I d) Disturb any human remains, including those inteJred outside of fonnal cemeteries? 0 0 0 181 VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: - Would the project: a) Expose poopJe or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk ofloss, injury, or death involving: P'\ctu33O1Firu,] S",'Secti" 3 Checkli.doc i) RuplW'e of a !mown eørtbquoke fanlt, os delinoated on the most recent AlqlÙst-Priolo EørthqWllœ Foult Zoning Mop issued by the State Geologist for the 8rCII or bued on other substontioI evidence of a known foul!? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Spec:ioI PubliCBtion 42. ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? iii) Seismic-reløted ground failure, including liquofàction? iv) Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be loœted on a geologic unit or soil that ¡s unstable, or that would become unstable os a result of the project, and potentiolly result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral sproøding, subsidence, liqueføction or coUøpse? d) Be lO<:ated on expansive soil, os deemed in Table IS-l-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), Cl'CBting substantioI risks to life or property'] e) Have soils iœøpabJe of adequately supporting the uŠe of septic tanks or oltemotive WBSte water disposal systems where sewers I\I'C not avoilable for the disposal of woste water? VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine træISpOrt, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release ofhazardous materiaJs into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-< uarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be loœted on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materiols sit.. compiled pUl'SUlUlt to Government Code Section 6S962.S and, os a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or WOtking in the project .rea? t) For a project withio the vicinity of a privote airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? P,IGtu33O\F;n.' S""\S",,,inn 3 Ch",k¡;~.dnc Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant MIllgotion. Significant Impact I"corporal/on Impoct No Impoct 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ,~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ Resolution No, 05-61 Page 19 of 145 Less Than Significant Pot.ntlally Wllh Less Than Signffu;anJ Mitigation SlgnificanJ g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an Impact Incorþoratlon Impact No Impact adopted emergency response plan or emer¡ency evacuation plan? 0 0 181 0 h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wlldlllld fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? 0 0 0 181 VllL HYDROLOGY AND WATER OUALITY: -Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? 0 0 0 181 b) Substalltially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g" the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level whIch would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? - 0 0 0 181 c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the cou... of a stream or river, in a marmer whIch would result in substantial erosion or siltation on. or off-site? 0 0 0 181 d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the coune ora stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surfàce nmoff in a manner which would resuh in flooding on- or off-site? 0 0 0 181 e) Create or contribute runoff water whIch would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted nmofl'l 0 0 0 181 f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality'? 0 0 0 181 g) Place housing within a IOo-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other t100d hazard delineation map? 0 0 0 181 h) Place within a IOo-year t100d hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? 0 0 0 ~ i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk ofloss, injury or death involving flooding as a result of the failure of a 181 levee or dam? 0 0 0 j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow'l 0 0 0 181 k) Potentially impact stormwater runoff fi'om construction activities? 0 0 0 181 0.\olu330\F;",1 s..t\S"";on 3 Check!;. doc Loss Than Signif'wtl1lt Poten1iaJly Wilh Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Potentially impact stormwatcr nmoff 1Jom post- Impact Incorporation Ilft/KIct Nolinpacl I) construction activities? 0 0 0 t8I m) Result in a potentia] for discharge of stonnwater pollutants 1Jom areas ofmaterial stora¡e, vehicle or equipment fuelmg, vehicle or equipment maintenance (including washing), waste handling, hazardous materials handling or storage, delivery areas, loading docks or other outdoor work areas? 0 0 0 t8I n) Result in a potential for discharge of stormwater to affect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters? . 0 0 0 t8I 0) Create the potential for significant changes in the flow velocity or volume of stormwater nmoff to cause environmental harm? 0 0 0 t8I p) Create significant increases in erosion of the project site or surrounding areas? 0 0 0 t8I IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING - Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community'? 0 0 0 t8I b) Conflict with any applicable land use pJan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including. but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose ofavoidmg or mitigating an environmental effèct? 0 0 0 t8I c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural comnumity conservatiOn plan? 0 0 0 t8I X. MINERAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? 0 0 0 t8I b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? 0 0 0 ~ XI. NOISE- Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordiDance, or applicable standards of other agencies? 0 0 0 ~ b) Exposure of persons to or genention of excessive groundbome vihration or groundbome noise levels? 0 0 0 I8J Polc!U33QIF;",,) S",'Section 3 Chock';..do, Resolution No, 05-61 Page 21 of 145 Less Than Significant Potentially With Leu Than Significant Mitigation SignifICant c) A substantial ponnancnt increJlS4' in IIDbient noise levels Impacr IncDf1)orøtion Impact No/mpacl in tho project vicinity above levels existing without the project? 0 0 181 0 d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the. project? 0 0 181 0 e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan bas not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project anoa to excessive noise levels? 0 0 0 181 f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project orea to excess noise levels? 0 0 0 181 xn,POPULA TION AND HOUSING - Would the project: a) induce substantial population growth in an area, either ~ctly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? 0 0 0 181 b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 0 0 0 181 c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 0 0 0 181 xm. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical ùnpacts associated with the provision of new or physically alterod governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction ofwhicb could cause significant environmental impacts, Ù1 order to maintain acceptable service ratius, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? 0 0 0 181 Police protection? 0 0 0 181 Schools? 0 0 0 181 Parks? 0 0 0 181 Other public facilities? 0 0 0 181 p,\ctu3J()\FinoJ SentlSect;Q" J Ch"kli~.d", Less Than SlgntfK:anl PotenllalJy With Les.s Than Significant Millgatlon SIgnificant XIV. RECREATION - Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact a) Would the project increase the use of oxisting neighborhood and regional parlcs or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the 0 0 0 181 fàcility would occur or be 1ICCO1erated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which 0 0 0 181 might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? XV. TRANSPORTATIONfl'RAFFIC - Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffIc load and c:apacity of the street system (i.e. resuh in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to c:apacity ratio on roads, or 0 0 181 0 congestion at intersections)? b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard establisbed by the county congestion 0- 0 0 181 -management agency for designated roads or highways? c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change mlocation that results 0 0 0 181 in substantial safety risks? d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g. shatp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses 0 0 0 181 (e.g., farm equipment)? 0 0 181 0 e) Result in inadequate emergency access? 0 0 0 181 f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus twnouts, 0 0 0 181 bicycle racks)? XVI. UTlLffiES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS - Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the 0 0 0 181 applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? b) Require or result in the COnstructiOD of new water or was1ewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction ofwhicb could cause significant 0 0 0 181 environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new stonn water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, tbe construction of which could cause significant environmental 0 0 0 181 effects? P'\cIUJ3O\Final S""\SoClio. 3 ChockH.d.o Resolution No, 05-61 Page 23 of 145 Lis. Than Signijù;ant Potentially With Less Than Significant Miligation Significant ImfXICl Incorporation Impact No Impact d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project ftom existilig entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements noeðed? 0 0 0 181 e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or msy serve the project that it has adequa~ capacity to serve the project's projected demand in -addition to the provider's existing commitments? 0 0 0 181 f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient pcnniued capacity to accoinmodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? 0 0 181 g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? 0 0 0 181 h) Would the project include a new or retrofiUod stann water treatment control Best Management Practice (BMP), (e.g. water quality treatment basin, constructed treatment wetlands), the operation of which could result in significant 0 0 0 181 environmental effeCts (e.g.lncreued vectors and odors)? - XVU. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fISh or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, 1hrcaten to eliminate a plant at animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples oCthe major periods of California history or prehistory? 0 0 0 181 b) Does the project have impacts thet are individually limited, but cu!nulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" .means that the incremental effeCts of a project arc considorablewhen viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? 0 0 0 181 c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 0 0 0 181 P:\ctuJ3OIFIn~ SontlS",!;on J Chcckli"d", .OA A"OC"T", INC, "A.CN 10.. Dun IXITI.. ITUDT TunlNfn CA,,'NO .aN".. P.A' A..a......T 4.0 EXPLANATIONS TO THE CHECKLIST FORM 4.1 Aesthetics Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse eft'ect OD a IlCeDlc vista? No Impact. AccordiDg to the County General Plan's Resources Element, no open space/scenic resources are located within or near the project study area, The Conservation/Open SpaceIRecreation Element of the City's General Plan states that lI1e Peters Canyon ridgeline is a prominent visual feature in east Tustin that should be protected. The proposed General Plan Amendment will have no effect on this or any other visual!natural resource within the City or the COWlty. b) SubltaDtially damalle scenic resources, IDcludiDlI. but Dot limited to, tl'eell, rock outcroppings, aDd biBtoric bußdiDp wlthiD a State SeeDic ffighway? ~o Impact. There are no natural scenic resources located within the projCÇ! study area (EI Camino ¡teal between First Stre« and Newport Avenue [see Figure 2.1], nor is the project site located within a State Scenic Highway. Part of El Camino Real, however, is within a historic resource area of the City called the Cultural Resources Overlay District. It also passes through the Old Town commercial district. The proposed project is to reclassifY a portion ofE! Camino Real ftom a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. Reducing the designated number of lanes wiIl not adversely impact scenic resources, On the contrary, the proposed General Plan amendment may benefit lI1e historic resource by maintaining a two-lane, pedestrian- oriented roadway. c) SubstaDtJalIy degrade the exiltiDg visual character or quality of the site aDd ita lurrouDdings? No Impact. Please refer to discussion 4.1(a), above. d) Create a Dew aouree of lubstaDtiallight or glare that would adversely affect day or Dighttime views iD the area? No Impact. The proposed project does not involve construction of any kind and does not involve aný change to the existing street lighting. Therefore, the proposed project will not affect day or Dighttime views in the area relating to light, glare, shadows, or shading. 4.2 Agrlculturlll Reaourcea ID determining whether impacts to 8&ricultural relourcea are IllDlflcant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the CaUCol"llia Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the CanCornia Department of ConservatioD as an optional model to UI in assessiug impacts on agriculture aud farmland. Would the project: ",10",330\Fh",' S..tlSe~;oo 4.doo ,,"!noIOS- 4-1 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 25 of 145 LOA A"OCO"". 'RC. MA'CR .... DRA" "'TIAL lTun TUITIR,"L CAMIRO GEN".. PLA. A".DM"RT a) Convert Prime Farmland, U Dlque Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland) as shown on the mapa prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Progl'RDl of the California Resource Aleney, to non-agrlenltural use? No Impact. As described in Section 2, the proposed project will n.ot result in any changes to the existing two-lane conditions of this portion ofEl Camino Real. The City ofTustin (City) General Plan and Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (State Department of Conservation, 2000) do not identify any designated farmland in the project study area. Therefore, the proposed project will not have an impact to designated farmland. h) ConIDct with exlating zoning for aarieultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? No Impact. There is no agriculturally zoned land, or land protected by a Williamson Act contract, within the study area. Therefore, there will be no impact to agriculturally zoned or protected lands. c) InvolVè'other changes in the exlating environment which, due to their loeatio;or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland to nonagriculture? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion ofEI Camino Real that will result in maintàiningthe existing two-lane configuration of the roadway, consistent with the future two-lane build out condition identified in the MP AH. The proposed project will not result in changes in the existing environment and therefore will not lead to the conversion of existing farmland. 4.3 Air Quality Would the project: a) Coufllct with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? No Impact. California is. divided into 15 air basins for the purpose of managing the air resources'of the State on a regional.basis. Areas within each air basin are considered to share the same air masses and are therefore expected to have similar ambient air quality. Additionally, the State is divided into 35 Air Pollution Control Districts (APeD) and Air Quality Management Districts (AQMD), which are county or regional authorities that have primary responsibility for controlling air pollution. Air basin boundaries may fall within the jurisdiction of one or more APCD! AQMD. The City is geographically located within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin). Air quality conditions in the Basin are und.er the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The SCAQMD regulates stationary sources of pollution throughout its jurisdiction area, Direct emissions from motor vehicles are regulated by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The SCAQMD governing Board approved the 2003 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) in August 2003 and submitted itto the California Air Resources Board and the U.S. Environmental Planning Agency for approval. The SCAQMD also establishes construction and operational emissions thresholds for the Basin, P:\ctU3JOIFinal ScntlSection ..doc «01128105" 4-2 .u ...oel"". 'Ne. M..ey ,"" ...n '"'TIA. ITU.Y TUITIN,n C.M'". .u.u. P.....M"'MUT The proposed projeCt is a General Plan Amendment to .reclassify EI.Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue. The General Plan Amendment deaignates the roadway a two-Iane collector, , consistent with existing conditions. Therefore, tho proposed project will not result in a physical change to existing conditions. The proposed Genoral Plan Amendment is consistent with the adopted MPAH. New development within the City shall comply with tho density and intensity standards outlined in the Land Use Element and the City's current Zoning Ordinance. Implementation of the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element will be consistent with the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan. The City's Land Use Element, along with the pla¡¡s of other cities and counties in the region, are reflected in the assumptions for the land use, traffic, population, and air quality projections , used to develop the AQMP. Therefore, the proposed project will not conflict with or obstruct implementation, of the AQMP. In addition, the proposed project is intended to ensure consistency between the affected portion of EI Camino Real and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-fiiendly ~ of the Old Town commercial district. The two-lane roadway configuration and on-street diagonal parking are consistent With the revitalization goals for Old Town by contributing to a pedestrùÙi-oriented environment. The proposed project will support continued and increased pedestrian activity in this area of the City, and is therefore consistent with the goal of the AQMP to implement land use patterns that reduce overall vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled. b) VIolate any air quality atandard or eontribute aubatantially to an emtiDl or projected air quaUty violation? . No Impact. New development within the City is required to comply with the density and intensity standards outlined in the Land Use Element and the City's current Zoning Ordinance. Implementation of the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element will be consistent with the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan, which is reflected in the assumptions for the projections used to develop the AQMP. The AQMPidentifies a number of air pollution reduction goals, measures, and policies. Local jurisdictions have been mandated to reduce a fair share proportion of vehicle pollution through the adoption of a menu of optional transportation control measures (rCMs) that have been identified by the local agency to be politically and economically feasible. In addition, the 200 I City General Plan, Conservation/Open SpacelRecreation Element, includes air quality goals and policies intended to reduce emissions through proper land use and transportation planning, implementation of Transportation Demand Management (1DM) programs, alternative transporia!Ïon modes, and reduced energy consumption. The proposed project is consistent with the Land Use and Conservation/Open SpacelRecreation Elements of the City's General Plan and with the MPAH. It will not result in a change to the existing physical environment. It will result in the reclassification of the existing designation of this portion of El Camino Real to one that accommodates lower traffic volumes. Some traffic that would have used El Camino Real will be redistributed to adjacent, parallel streets; however, the overall traffic volumes P:\cIU330\F;nol S",tIScct;on 4.doc ..01/28/0'" 4-3 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 27 of 145 u' ",.CI"", INC, "UCR .... ...n ..,T,.. ITUDY TUITIRIIL C""R. ....... PL" ."'RD"'RT in the vicinity of the project will remain essentially the same. In other words, the increased traffic volume on adjacent streets would offset the lower traffic volumes on EI Camino Real. Total vehicular emissions within the study area would remain similar before and after the proposed project. In addition, the County of Orange is in attainment with the State CO standard, and no monitoring stations in the County have recorded any CO exceedances in the,past five years. Therefore, the proposed project is not expected to result in new, or contribute to existing, air quality violations. c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project reelou is aoaattainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emwlons, whicb exceed quantitative thresholcb for ozone precunol'll)? No Impact. The proposed project is consistent with Land Use and Conservation/Open SpacelRecreation ElementS of the City's General Plan and with the MPAH. It will not result in a change to the existing physical environment. It wíl1 result in the downgrade of the existing designation of this portion ofEI Camino Real. Total vehicular emissions within the study area would remain similar before and after the proposed project. Therefore, the proposed project will not contribute to advene, ~ulative air quality conditions. d) Expose sensitive receptOI'll to substantial pollutant concentrations? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to the City's Circulation Element that will match existing conditions with proposed future conditions for the portion of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenùe. The project will not require construction activities; therefore, there will be no construction air quality impacts to nearby uses. There will be no physical change to the existing roadway configuration. Changes in the number of vehicular trips associated with the proposed project would affect the traffic at intersections and along roadway segments in the project vicinity. The primary mobile source pollutant of local concern is carbon monoxide (CO). CO concentration is a direct function of vehicle idling time and, thus, traffic flow conditions. CO dispenes rapidly with distance from the source under nonua! meteorological conditions. Typically, high CO concentrations are associated with roadways or intersections operating at unacceptable levels of service or with extremely high Ù'affic volumes. The Traffic Study (Appendix B) addressed 2020 traffic conditions in the study area under "with project" conditions (EI Camino Real at two lanes between First Street and Newport A venue) and "without project" conditions (EI Camino Real at four lanes between' First Street and Newport Avenue). The traffic study found that under both conditions, the daily traffic levels on the street segment and the study intersections would continue to maintain acceptable levels of service. Therefore, the project is not expected to result in a substantial increase in pollutant concentration as a result of traffic congestion. The County of Orange is in aitainment with the State CO standard, and no monitoring stations in the County have recorded any CO exceedances in the past five years. The proposed project is not expected to result in any substantial changes in CO concentrations. Because no CO hotspots are anticipated, no sensitive receptors would be affected by project-related local air quality impacts. P:\ctu330\F;n.' Sent\Section 4.'00 «01128105. 4-4 LO. "'O.IA"'. '.C, MU.. .... oun "'TIAL nuDY .un,.,n CAM'.O ......L PL.. An.oM'" e) Create objectionable odors aft'ecting a subltantial number of people? No Impact. The proposed project will not require construction activity; therefore, there will be no odors from the application of asphalt or paint The project will not result in a change to existing physical environment; therefore, no odors will be created. 4.4 Biological Resources Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat moditicadons, on any species Identified as a caudidate, scuitive, or special status species In local or regional plans, policies, or regaladolll, or by the CaIlfol'llia Department ofFiJh aDd Game or U.S. Flah and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The project site is currently a two-lane road located in an urban area. There are no known animal species inhabiting the site. The City and County General Plans (2001, 2000) do not indicate any sensitive or special status species on the project site. b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural commuuity identifIed in local or regional piau, policies, reguladons or by the Califonia Department ofFlah and Game or US Fish and WUdlife Service? No Impact. According to Figure COSR-2 in the City's General Plan, the site has not been i@ntified as being the location of an important natural resource (i.e., a sensitive natural community). Peter's Canyon Regional Park is identified as a significant natural resource in the City, and the site of the proposed project is not located in or adjacent to the park. c) Have a substantial adverse effect ou federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Aet (IncludIng, but not limited to, marsh, vel'llal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, ¡¡Ding, hydrological interruption, or other means? No Impact. The Lower Peters Canyon Retarding Basin contains a small amount of riparian habitat. However, the wetlands are not in close proximity to the proposed project site and would not be affected by the project. . d) Inteñere subltantially with the movement of any native resident or mi¡ratory fIs.h or wildlife species or wIth established native resident or mi¡ratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? P:",..3301F;n.i SentlSoction 4.doc «01/28105" 4-5 Resolution No. 05-61 Page 29 of 145 LO. 'U.COAT", 'HC. MUC. .... .un 'NITIAL ITU.. TUIT'H'" CAM'H. ....... .... AM'..".T No Impaet. The project site is an existing roadway. It has not been identified as a crucial portion of the migratory path of any animal species. Its usefulness to migratory species would be limited, considering that it has no natura1 water sources or habitat. e) CoD1llet with any local pondes or ordinances protecting biological reIOnrcel. luch as a tree prese"ation policy or ordinance? No Impact. Two tree groups that are identified in the General Plan as important to the City are eucalyptus windrow and redwood grove. The proposed project would not result in the removal' of; or otherwise adversely impact, these tree communities. No specific local policies or ordinances would be violated by the proposed project. f) Conniet with the provl8lonl of an adopted Habitat CoIlSe"ation Plan, Natural Community Conse"ation Plan. or other approved local, regioual. or .tate habitat conoervation plan? No Impact. The Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP), !IS prepared by the County of Orange Environmental Managemèììt Agency, covers a large portion of Orange County, including portions of the City of Tustin. The proposed project is located outside the NCCP and will not conflict with its policies. 4.5 Cultural Resources Would the project: a) Cause a substantial advent change in the slllDific:auce of a hiitorical resource al defined In CEQA Guidelines Section 15O64.5? . No Impact. Cultural resources are places, structures, or objects that are important for scientific, historic, and/or religious reasons to cultures, communities, groups, or individuals. Cultural resources include historic and prehistoric arobacological sites, arohitectural remains, engineering structures, and artifacts that provide evidence ofpast human activity. They also include places, resources, or items of importance in the traditions of societies and religions. CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 defines historic resources as any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, manuscript, or other resource listed or determined to be eligible for listing by the State Historical Resources Commission, a local register of historic resources, or the Lead Agency. Generally, a resources is considered to be "historically significant" if it meets one of the following criteria: is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California\~ history and cultural heritage; is associated with the lives of important persons in the past; embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values; or P:\ctu3JO\F;"i Sent\Section '.doc «01128/05, 4.6 .OA ",.C"T", ,"C, IIUCH ..., Ph" "'T". ITV.. TVITI",". C.MI.. "...... P.'" '",..MUT has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. E1 Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue is within an area of the City known as Old Town. The Old Town District characterizes the City's historical and architectural focus. The area south of First Street, and on either side of Camino Real, is a City designated Cultural Resources District The purpose of the district is to provide a Û'IIIIcWork for recognizing. preserving, and protecting culturally significant struc!lU'es, natural features, sites, and neighborhoods within the City of Tustin. . The proposed reclassification of this portion of El Camino Real is intended to allow for the continuation of the existing on-street diagonal parking and to support the pedestrian focus of the Old Town District. The pedestrian-fiiendly nature of the street is consistent with the historical and architectural context of the adjacent land uses, including Old Town and the adjacent Cultural Resources District Therefore, there are no adverse effects associated with maintaining El Camino Real in current conditions on the historic character and historic resources in Old Town. b) Cause a substantial adveneChange In the sipifieanCB of an archaeolopca1 resource punu. ant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5? No Impact. The proposed project will not result in any construction activities, including grading, and therefore will not impact any archaeological resources. c) DIreet1y or Indirectly destroy auuique paleontolocJca1 resource or site or unique &eolocJc feature? No Impact. The proposed project will not result in any construction activities, including grading, and therefore will not impact any paleontological resources. d) Disturb any human remains, IDcludlD& those IDterred outside oUormal cemeteries? No Impact. The proposed project will not1'eSuIt in any construction activities, including grading, and therefore will not impact any interred human remains. 4.6 Geology nnd Soils Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial advene effects,lnclnding the risk of loss, Injury, or death IDvolvlng: (i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquiat-Priolo Earthqualce Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologbt for the area or based on other P'\clu330IFina] S","Sect", 4 do, ,,01/28/050> 4-7 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 31 of 145 LIA ...oeu..., ..e, MAReH .... .U.. "'TIAL nu.y TDnIN'OL C"".o G"U.L PL'" ."....... 8UbttaDtl8I evideDCè8 of ImOWD fault? Refer to DivillioD of Mines ADd Geoio&ieai Special PubUeatioD 42. No Impact. The Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act was signed into law in 1972. In 1994, it was renamed the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (A.P Act). The primary purpose of the Act is to mitigate the hazard of fault rupture by prohibiting the location of struct1U'es for human occupancy across the trace of an active fault. The A-P Act requires the State Geologist (Chief of the California Geology Survey) to delineate "Earthquake Fault Zones" along faults that are "sufficiently active" and "well-defmed." The boundary of an "Earthquake Fault Zone" is generally about 500 feet from major active faults and 200 to 300 feet from well-defIned minor faults. The A-P Act dictates that cities and counties withhold development penriits for sites within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone until geologic investigations demonstrate that the sites are not threatened by surface displacements from future faulling. There are no known active or suspected potentially active faults within the City ofTustin (City General Plan, Public Safety Element, 2001). (H) StroDe seismic groundsbaking? No Impact. No faults have been mapped immè!liately near the City, although several major faults lie within 10 to 45 miles of the City. Therefore, the City would experience decreased magnitude or lesser ground shaking from an adjacent fault rupture, Development within the City will be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements of the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code standards and applicable City requirements. Adherence to these requirements will reduce potential impacts associated with new construction to a less than significant level, The proposed project does not result in new construction but rather a General Plan Amendment to maintain existing conditions. The segment ofEI Camino Real does not include any bridges or overpasses that would be subject to seismic evaluation and retrofit. The portion of Interstate 5 adjacent to El Camino Real was upgraded in the mid-1990s and is in compliance with seismic safety requirements. Therefore, the proposed project will not expose people or struct1U'es to substantial adverse effects associated with strong seismic ground shaking. (iü) Seismic-related ground failure, iDeluding liquefaction? No Impact. Liquefaction is a process by which water-saturated materials (including soil, sediment, and certain types of volcanic deposits) lose strength and may fail during strong ground shaking. Liquefaction is defined as "the transformation of a granular material from a solid state into a liquefied state as a consequence of increased pore-water pressure," The project study area is not located within an area subject to liquefaction as defined in the County of Orange General Plan Safety Element (Figure IX-12). Therefore, the proposed project is not expected to expose people or struct1U'es to potential substantial adverse effects associated with liquefaction. (Iv) LandsUdes? No Impact. The study area's flat topography minimizes the potential for landslides, liquefaction, settlement, or other seismically related hazards. Furthermore, new development within the City will P'\ctu330\Flnal Sent\Sect;on ',doc ,01/2810S» 4-8 ... AII.coAT". IHe, ....eR '"' "'PT "'T'AL ITU" TUSTlNln eA""O ...n.. PLA' A""""'T be designed and constructed to meet the most current safety standards included in the Unifonn Building Code and/or standards eatablished by the City. The proposed project does not involve new construction and wiII not increase any risks associated with landslides. b) ReSult In substantial soil erosion or tbe loss of topsoU? No Impact. The proposed project will not require earthmoving activities, which would expo~soils and thereby increase the potential for erosion or loss of topsoiL Therefore, the proposed project will not result in soil erosion 'or loss of topsoil. c) Be located on a Ceolopc unit or soU that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in 00- or oß'-slte lancbolides, lateral spreadioll, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? No Impact. Refer to Responses 6a(iii) and 6a(iv). d) Be located on eIpauive soil, as defined iu Table 18-1-B of the Uniform BuUdinc Code (1994), creatio& lub.tantiaJ risks to life or property? No Impact. Expansive soils have a significant amount of clay particles that can give up water (shrink) or take on water (swell). The change in volume exerts stress on buildings and other loads placed on these soils. The occurrence of these soils is often associated with geologic units having marginal stability. The distribution of expansive soils can be widely dispersed, and they can occur in hillside areas as well as low-lying alluvial basins. Expansive soils are not identified in the County General Plan. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing two-lane condition of this segment of El Camino Real. The proposed project does not involve any new construction and therefore will not create risks associated with expansive soil. e) Have soils incapable of adequately SUpportiDC the DIe of septic tanks or alternative wastewater dlsposall}'stems wbere lewen are Dot available for the disposal of wastewater? No Impact. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing two-lane condition of this segment ofEI Camino Real and will have no effect on sewer availability. 4.7 H878rcbo and Hazardous Materials Would tbe project: a) Create a sipiftc:aJlt b878rd to tbe public or the environment through the routine trauport, use, or disposal of h878rdoDl materials? ' P:\ctu;3OIFlnal S",\\'<o"i"" ',doc .01128105. 4-9 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 33 of 145 ... ."OCIATI', INC. MUea '"' .un 'OIT'.. nu.. TVITIN'.. CAMINO GENII.. '..0 .M"."OT No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of EI Camino Real ftom a four-lane Sècondary Arterial to a two-lane local collector roadway to be consistent with the MP AH. The proposed project will not involve the transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials, nor demolition or construction activity. The City of Tustin is concerned with hazardous materials that are transported through the planning area either by abovegi'ound transport or via underground pipeline. The City follows the Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan (1991), which contains policy direct:ion and action programs to deal with incidences of hazardous waste emissions goals to prevent hazardous material emergencies include having transportation routes to safely transport any hazardous materials. The Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), located on Barranca Parkway between Jamboree Road and Red Hill Avenue in Tustin, is identified as a source of hazardous materials. Identification and clean up of hazardous waste disposal sites on military bases occurs under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation Liability Act (CERCLA). The Depllrtment of the Navy would implement CERCLA policies for the MCAS. The MCAS is located over two miles from the project site and poses no threat to the site. b) Create a si¡¡nificant haard to the public or the environment throu¡¡h rea8Onably fomeeable upset and accident conditioD.l involving the release of haardous materials into tbe e"vironment? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.7(a), above. c) Emit bazardous em\S8lons or handle bazardous or acutely bazardous materials, substances, or waste witbln oluHlnarter mUe of an eIistln& or proposed scbool? No Impact. According to Thomas Brothers Maps (2003), there are no existing school sites within one-quarter mile of the project site. Therefore, there are no impacts associated with this issue, Also, refer to Response 4.7(a), above. d) Be IDeated on a site whicb Is Inclnded on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a mnlt; would It create a sl¡¡nlficant bazard to tbe public or tbe environment? No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real from a four-lane Secondlll)' Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway to be consistent with the MP AH. The project does not involve grading, demolition, or construction; therefore, a search ofknoWD hazardous material sites in the vicinity of the project site is not warranted. e) For a project located within an airport land..... plan or, wbere lucb a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, wonld tbe project molt In a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? Po'<lUJJO\Final SentlSootiuo ',doc ,<QI/28"'5>, 4-10 LOA AUOCIATU. 'NC. "ARCH U.. DurT INITIAL ITUDY TVITIN/.L tA"'NO ..NUAL 'LAN A"..."." No Impact. The proposed project location is over four miles &om John Wayne Airport and is not located within the John Wayne Airport land use plan. The landing flight path of aircraft, however, is near or over the project site location. Generally, if a site is greater than two miles away &om an airport and it is not under a direct flight path, then the impact and safety threat &om the airport is negligible. Safety hazards related to this issue are anticipated to be less than significant. f) For a project within the viclnlty or a private airstrip, wonld the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area! No Impact. There are no private airstrips identified in close proximity to the proposed project location. The proposed project will not affect or be affected by private airstrips. g) Impair implementation of or physically IDterfere with an adopted emel'8ency response plan or emergency evacuation'plan! Leu Than SI¡nIIlc:ant Impact. EI Camino Real is an existing Evacuation Route, according to Figure PS-l of the Public Safety Element of the City's Generall>tan. The City's Emergency Operations Plan identifies routes through the City tþat are suitable for use as evacuation routes. The Public Safety Element of the General Plan states that the extent and severity of a disaster will determine which routes and which directions people may take in order to escape the afflicted areas. El Camino Real is identifJed as an existing evacuation route that tenninates at First Street and Jamboree Road. EI Camino Real does not provide a direct connection to ml\Íor fteeways or to major arterials in other communities, and as such is the only evacuation route that is entirely contained within the City limits. While the reconfiguration of the affected portion ofEI Camino Real reduces its capacity, its current status as an evacuation route will not be adversely impacted. As the Public Safety Element of the General Plan states, the extent and severity of a disaster will determine which routes and which directions people may take in the event of an emergency; therefore, the reconfiguration of one of many existing evacuation romes will not impair implementation of or physically interfere with the adopted emergency response/evacuation plan. The proposed project does not involve demolition or new construction, nor will it induce population growth. The area immediately surrounding the project site is fulJy built om and is not anticipated to increase in occupancy. Therefore, it is not anticipated to increase a need for emergency response or the re-routing of evacuation plans. h) Expose people or structures to a slgnlficant risk of loss, iujury or death invoMng wildland fires, lncludlng where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized aM or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? No Impact. The projeCt site is located in an urban area with no wildlands in close proximity. The project does not involve the construction of any residential or commercial areas. Therefore, the project would not expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury, or delith &om wildfires, ' P:1ctu33O1Fi".1 Scnt\SecdOl1 4.doc ,01/28/05» 4-11 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 35 of 145 La. ...oel"", 'Ne, MUCH .... Ou.. INITIAL ITVDY Tun"'"L e'MI NO OI.IR.L ..., .MI.OMlNT 4.8 BydrololD' and Water Quality Would the project: a) Violate any water quality staadards or waste discharge requirements? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the ~sting roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing water quality or discharge requirements as a result of the project. b) Substantially deplete Il'Oundwater supplies or Inteñere substantially with groundwater reehal'Ke such that there would be a net deficit In aquif'er volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.II" the production rate ofpre-eJiating nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uøes or plaaned UBeII for which permits have been aranted)? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassifY a portion ofEI Camino Real &om a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roacWay to be consistent with the MP AH. The proposed project would not cause any long-term interference with groundwater recharge or affect existing aquifer volumes because the project does not involve construction. Therefore, there are no impacts associated with depletion of groundwater supplies. ' c) Substantially alter the nistlnl drainaae pattern of the site or area, Includin¡: through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would resuit In snbstaDtial erosion or siltation on- or off.slte? No Impact. The project site is an existing road located on relatively level topography. The site is not in close proximity to a stream or river, nor would runoff from it be expected to enter a stream or river and alter its course. The existing drainage pattern would remain unchanged as a result of the proposed General Plan Amendment. The proposed project would not alter existing drainage, and no significant impacts associated with erosion or siltation are antici¡iated. d) Substantially alter the e:dstilll drainage pattern of the site or area, Includin¡: through the. alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface mnoff in a manner which would result In t100dln¡: on- or off..lte? No Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendment would not alter existing drainage conditions nor would it cause flooding to the area. e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity ofexistlnl or plaDned stormwater drainace systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted mnoff? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to allow the maintenance of the existing roadway configur¡¡tion. It will not create or contribute runoff water. Existing storm drain ";Ie",3JO\Final S",.\Seàion 4,do"OI1281OS. 4-12 ... "'OClAT... lOCo "'.CH ..11 ".rT ,"IT'" ITU.Y TUITIO", C."'OO .'OU.. .... ""'.""T capacity will not be affected, nor will the project increase pollu1ed runoff. The proposed project will not substantially increase sources of polluted runoff. f) Otberwise substantially deer-de water quality? No Impact. The proposed project is a Gene.raJ Plan Amendment to reclassifY a portion ofEl Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway to be consistent wi1h 1he MP AH. The proposed project will not cbange or degrade water quality. g) Place housing withlD a lOO-year .flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? No Impact. The proposed project does not include the addition of new housing. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood rD.surance Rate Map (FIRM), 1he project site is not located in a special flood hazard area (I DO-year or less floodplain); therefore, 1here are no impacts associated with bousing and flood hazards. Source: FIRM Map No. 06059COO30 E, September IS, 1989. -. h) Place within a lOO-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? No Impact, While the proposed project site is located in a 500-year floodplain, it does not include the addition of new structures. Therefore, there are no impacts associated with structures redirecting flood flow. Source: FIRM Map No, 06059C0030 E, September IS, 1989. i) Expose people or structures to a significant ri8k ofloas, injury or death involving flooding, including floodIDg as a result of the failure of a levee or. dam? No Impact. The project site is not located in 1he vicinity of a large body of water with a levee or a dam, nor does 1he project involve the construction of bomes or any other structures, Therefore, there is no impact associated wi1h damage from the failure of a levee or a dam associated with the proposed ~~ . j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudfiow? No Impact. A seiche is an oscillation of a landlocked body of water that can causewàter damage to buildings, roads, and infi'astructure that surround the body of water. There is no such body of water located in 1he City of Tustin. Therefore, impacts to 1he project study area associated with seiches will not occur. The project site is over 20 miles from the Pacific Ocean or any body of water that could cause tsunami, also know as a tidal wave, to the area. There is no risk of tsunami associated witb the project. The project is located on relatively level topography, is not adjacent to hills or mountains that could be the source of mud flow or landslide, and is therefore not at risk for mud flow damage. p,\ctu33O\F;na' S",!\Sec,ion 4 doc ,OII2SJ()5" 4-13 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 37 of 145 .u ,..OCIAT... INC, ""CH "" DRAn 'NITIA. ITUD. TUITINln C""NO GIN",. PL.N ""'."'NT k) Potentially Impact stormwaterrunofffrom construction activities? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to allow the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration. There are no new construction activities associated with this action. The proposed amendment will not result in a change to existing runoff conditions. I} Potentially impact.stormwater runoff from po.st-construction activitieS? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stonnwater runoff as a result of the project. m) Result In a potential for dlsc:harge of stormwater pollutants from areu of materialltorage, vehicle or equipment fueling, vehicle or equipment malDtenance (including wubing), waste handUng, hazardous materials handUng or storage, delivery areas,loadlng docks or other outdoor work areas? The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a.portion ofE! Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway to be consistent with the MPAH, The project does not include areas of material storage, vehicle or equipment fueling, vehicle or equipment maintenance, waste handling, hazardous materials handling or storage, delive¡y areas, loading docks or other outdoor work areas. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in a potential for discharge ohtonn water pollutants as a result of these uses. n) Result in a potential for discharge of stormwater to affect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters? No Impact The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stonnwater runoff as a result of the project, and therefore no potential to affect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters. 0) Create the potential for significant changea in the now velocity or volume of stormwater runoff to caue environmental harm? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the cOntinuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stonnwater flow velocity or volume as a result of the project. p) Create significant increases in erosion or the project site or surrounding areas? No Impact The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stormwater runoff as a result of the project; and therefore no increase in erosion potential for the project site or surrounding areas. P,ICIU3JOlFi.al SenllSoc!i.. 4.doc «01128/0'" 4-14 ... "'OC'AT", INC, M"CN ".. .un 'N"'.. nuov vunlN/n C.MINO C""" P..N .M".M'.T 4.9 Land Use and PJanDing Woald the project: a) Physically divide an eatabl18hed commualty? No Impact. The proposed project would resuh in the maintenance of the exi$tiDg roadway configuration as a two-lane undivided roadway with on-street diagonal parking. Previously, this roadway segment of EI Camino Real was a four-lane undivided arterial street with parallel on-street parking. The reconfiguration and downgrading of the roadway was undertaken by the City and the acTA in November 1997 asa demonstration project. The purpose of the proposed amendment to the City's Circulation Element is to (I) achieve consistency with the MP AH designation, (2) reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment, and (3) ensure cOnsistency between the roadway and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-ftiendIy character of the Old Town commercial district. The purpose of the demonstration project was to document the existing and define the future impacts of the redesignation of the roadway. The results of the Traffic Study (Appendix B) indicate that 2020 traffic conditions, both with and without. the p¡:oject, would maintain acceptàble daily traffic levels and intersection operations. The proposed project is an amendment to the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan to institutionalize existing conditions and the MPAH designation of the roadway. The two-lane configuration and on-site diagonal parking are consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town to create a pedestrian~riented environment. The proposed project does not divide an established community;' rather, it creates a stronger connection between the land uses on both sides of the street by creating better pedestrian access. b) Conflict with any applic:able land use plan, policy or regalation ofan a¡ency with jurisdiction over the project (Inclndin¡¡, but not lImited to the general plan, specific plan, local COBltal program, or HnIDg ordiDanee) adopted for the purpoae of avoldlDg or mltigatin¡¡ an environmental effect? No Impact. EI Camino Real between First Street aÌ1d Newport Avenue lies within an area that is designated as Old Town Commercial on the City's Land Use Policy map, The Old Town Commercial designation includes retail, professional office, and service-oriented business activities that serve Old Town and surrounding areas. The proposed project is consistent with, and furthers the intent of, several goals of the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Goal 3: Ensure that new development is compatible with surrounding land;"es in the community. the City's circulation network, availability of public facilities, existing development constraints, and the City's unlqùe characteristics and resources. By downgrading the classification ofEl Camino Real within the Old Town district, the roadway classification will be compatible with the surrounding Old Town commercial uses, chll1'8Cterized by historic buildings and a ped~strian orientation. P,'<tu330\Hnal ScnllSccûon 4,do< ,01128105. 4-15 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 39 of 145 LSA "OOC""O, 'NC, "UCH 10" .UPT 'NITIAL ITU" TUITI.,U C""RO ."'.AL PLAN ..".""T Goal 5: Revitalize older commercial, industrial, and residential uses qnd properties, The proposed General Plan Amendment to maintain the existing configuration of EI Camino Real in the Old Town district will support the revitalization efforts that rely on the historic character and pedestrian orientation of this unique commercial area. Goal 10: Improve and strengthen the Tustin Old Town/Firsr Street area with a lI1Iique pedestrian environment and a dÍVerse mix of goocú, services, and uses. The Land Use Element of the General Plan (page 21) states, "The development character of Old Town and the First Street area can be significantly enhancèd by greater integration of residential uses and physical renovations to existing buildings and street &ontages which promote a pedestrian orientation." The proposed reclassification ofEI Camino Real &om a Secondary Arterial to a collector in order to maintain the existing street configuration furthers the intent of this goal by maintaining a pedestrian-fi'iondly environment, A collector street is characteri¡ed by slower speeds than the speeds of a Secondary Arterial. Additionally, the provision of on-street diagonal parking bas a traffic calming effect and reduces travel speeds due to parking and backing-out maneuvers. The future street width wiII be two lanes instead of four lanes, which wiD allow for eàSier pedestrian street crossing. Finally, on-street parking provides convenient access to commercial establishmentS'Dnd reduces the need to provide additional public parking away from Old Town land uses, In addition to the general goals and policies in the Land Use Element, specific development guidance is provided for this area through the First Street Specific Plan and the Town Center Redevelopment project. The First Street SpecÍÍlc Plan encompasses approximately one mile along the First Street commercial corridor from central Tustin at Newport Avenue to the SR-55 treeway. The plan is intended to define the entry into Tustin fi'om the west and to provide access to Old Town and the Civic Center. All development activities within this area of the City are subject to the provisions of the First Street Specific Plan. All development within the redevelopment project area is subject to design review and conformity with the redevelopment plan by the Redevelopment Agency. The proposed project is located within the Town Center Redevelopment Plan area. The Town Center Redevelopment Plan was approved in 1976 and bas been amended several times since then. The objectives of the plan include creating a mixed-use town center, revitalizing the EI Camino Real section of the redevelopment area, and increasing the level of capital improvements. The proposed redesignation of EI Camino Real to a two-lane collector roadway is consistent with the redevelopment plan's intent of". . . encouraging business development, attracting new customers to the area, alleviating pass-through traffic congestion and conflict, and improving safety." The portion ofEl Camino Real that intersects with First Street is located within the First Street Specific Plan (1985) area, which extends from Newport Avenue to the Newport Freeway. The Specific Plan provides the land use regulations and design guidelines to maintain and enhance the uses along First Streot,create an attractive entrance to the City, rehabilitate facades and signage, improve vehicular circulation, and maximize pedestrian movement and access, As noted previously, the proposed General Plan Amendment to reclassifY a portion ofEl Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector is consistent with the pedestrian-orientation of the area wbere it intersects with First Street and furthers the intent of the First Street Specific Plan. P:",""OIFI,,' S",tIS...l.n 4doo «01/28/05» 4.16 U' ...ael..... 'Ne, ....c. u.. OUFT 'NITI'. nuDY TunlNIIL C""NO c...... P... .."""'T c) ConØict with any appUcable habitat couervadon plan or natural communities? No Impact. The City does not have a habitat conservation plan, and there are no natural comm\lllities in the study area. No impact would occur &om the implementation on the proposed project. 4.10 MInerai Resources Would the project: a) Result In the loss of avaUabWty of a known mineral resource that wòuld be of value to the regioD and the residents of the state? No Impact. According to Figure VI-3 found in the County's General Plan Resources Elemen~ no mineral resources are located in the project site. There are no impacts .associated with mineral resources. b) Result In the 1011 of availablUty of a locally-Important mineral resource reeovery"lite delineated on a loc:al eeneral plan, speeific plan or other Iud use plan? . No Impact. According to the County General Plan, there are no loc:aily important mineral resource sites on the project site. There are no impacts associated with this issue. 4.11 Noise Would the project result In: a) Exposure of persons to or een~ration of noise levels In CXCCII of standards estabUshed In the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? No Impact. The Noise Element of the General Plan identifies the noise contours for the build out conditions of the Land Use Policy Map. The General Plan noise contours were developed based upon existing and future traffic conditions, train operations, and other environmental conditions. The Noise Element defmes the 60 dB CNEL contour as the noise impact area. Any proposed new noise sensitive land uses, sucbas residences, hospitals, schools, and churches, within the contour are to be evaluated on a project-specific basis. The 20]0 Noise Map (Noise E]ement Figure N-l) identifJeS the study area for the EI Camino Road redesignatiòn as within the 60+ CNEL dB area. The Noise Element also notes that residences next to . a number of major and secondary arterials in Tustin are exposed to a CNEL in excess of 65 dB, including EI Camino Real. Noise levels below 65 dB are generally considered compatible with residential uses, and noise levels up to 70 dB are generally considered compatible with most commercial uses (Noise Element, Table N-2; Land Use Noise Compatibility Matrix). The proposed redesignation of this segment of El Camino Road will allow the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration. Some residences along the street &ontage may currently experience noise in excess of 65 dB, However, noise levels on the road are not expected to change as a result of P:lctu330IFi,.IS",tlSect'",,4.doc«O1128IOS, 4-]7 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 41 of 145 ... "IOe14"'. 'HC. MUCR ,.., Dun '.ITI.. ITGDY TUI"H/I. CAMIH. .'H"" fLA' AMUDMUT the project. Noise levels with the project may be less than wbat is accommodated for in the 2010 General Plan noise conditions if the 20 I 0 noise modeling reflected the planned four-lane roadway configuration. The proposed project will not result in a substantive increase in noise levels compared with existing conditions; therefore, there will be no increase in noise exposure. b) Expoaure of penoos to or leneration of exc_lve lroundborue vibration or grDundborue noise levels? No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of EI Camino Real &om a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway. The downgrading of the roadway to match existing conditions will not result in an increase in 'groundbome vibration or noise levels. c) A subltaDtiaI Ìermanent Increue in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels emtinl without the project? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendment will allow the existing roadway configuration to continue in the future. Small increases in traffic may occilr within the existing roadway as a result of growth and deveiopment in the surromtding areas; however,the proposed project will not cause land use growth beyond what is already planned for in the General Plan. Therefore, the project will not result in an increase in overall ambient noise levels. Some traffic that would have used EI Camino Real when it was four lanes will now use parallel streets as a result of the reduction of travel lanes, The increased traffic on parallel streets will result in an increase in the traffic-related noise levels on those parallel streets. The Traffic Study (Appendix B) indicates that South B Street experiences a 5 to 10 percent increase in dc as a result of the reconfiguration ofEI Camino Real. South C Street and Prospect Avenue experience a1 percent increase in traffic. A 10 percent increase in traffic volumes would result in an increase ofO.~ clBA in traffic noise; wruch is not perceptible to the human ear. The incremental nature oÎthe change in traffic levels is further documented in the Traffic Report, Figures 9 and 10, which illustrate an average daily traffic level of 5,800 in 2020 without the project and 5,900 in 2020 with implementation of the project (continuation of existing conditions). The increase of the daily traffic volumes tTom 5,800 to 5,900 would result in less than a 0.1 dBA increase in traffic noise, a negligible change. The incremental changes to traffic levels on streets that currently handle relatively low volumes of traffic is not sufficient to result in significant changes in traffic-related noise levels. d) A substantial temporary or periodic increalle in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without tbe project? LeIS Than SignIficant Impact. see Response 4.1 I (c) above. e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan bas not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? P",tu330\F'", ,..!\Sea;o. 4."" ,01128105" 4-18 ... 'UOCI..... 'HC, "U'H IO.. .00n .HIT... nu.. Tun'N'IL C""H. .".OA. P..N ""'.".NT No Impact. The project area is withiD two miles of the former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin (MCAS- Tustin); however, the former base was conveyed by the Department of the Navy to the City of Tustin, the LocaJ Redevelopment Authority as designated by federal law. Nonaviation reuse plans are currently underway for the former base. The project is located over three miles &om John Wayne Airport and is well outside the 60 dB and 65 dB aviation noise contour. The project is not within the airport land use plan or within two miles of the airport and will have no impact on aircraft noise exposure levels. f) For a project within the vIduity of a private aintrip, would the project expose people residing or worlduclu the project area to eueuiveno!oe levels? No Impact. The propOsed project is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip. 4.12 Population and Housing Would the project: .a) Induce substantial population I'OwtJi in an area, either direc:tJy (for example, by proposinc new homcs and bulncslIeI) or Indirectly (for example, through exterulou of roads or other Infrastructure)? No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway. The downgrading of the roadway to match existing conditions will not result in an increase in roadway capacity or traffic levels that could have growth-inducing effects. Future growth and development of the City is defined in the General Plan, including the Land Use and Growth Management Elements. The proposed project is consistent with these EJements and will not result in a change to the future population growth of the City. b) Displace substantial uumben of exIs1Iug housing, ueCessitating the coll8truction of replacement holl8lnC elsewhere? No Impact. 'The proposed project will allow the maintenance of the existing two-lane configuration of this portion ofEI Camino Real with on-street diagonal parking. The project does not involve any Dew construction; therefore, DO housing units will be displaced. c) Displace substantial nnmben of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. Please refer to the response 12(b). P:\c1u33O\F1M' S<n1lSe«ion 4.doo ,<)ln8lO", 4-19 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 43 of 145 ... ...OCUT". '"c. ...'CH un ..... '.,T... aTU'Y TUITI",n C"""O Gun.. PL,. AMU"""T 4.13 Public Services a) Would'the project result In substantial advene physical Ílnpactl UIOCÎatecl with the proviJion of new or physically altered lovernmentaJ (aclßtles, need for new or phYJIicaJly altered governmental facllItles, the construction of which could cause Illnlflcant environmentallmpaCU, In order to maintain acceptable serVice ratIos, responae times or other performance objectives for FIre Protection, Police Protection, Schools, or Parks? No Impact. The proposed project is to reclassifY a portion ofEl Camino Real &om a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector in the Circulation Element of the City's OeneralPlan. The proposed project will not add new structures to the area or induce population growth. Therefore, governmental facilities will not be affected by the proposed project. 4.14 Recreation a) Would the project increaue the use of eDsting neighborhood ,and regional parks or other reereatioDal facßIties luch that substantial physical deterioration of the faclßty would occur or be aecelerated ' ' No Impact. The proposed project will not increase population and housing in the area, and the demand for recreational facilities will not increase. Therefore, existing recreational facilities in the area will not be impacted by the proposed project b) Does the project inclade reereational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facllItiesthat might have an adverse phYJIical effect on the environment? No Impact. The project site is not located in or adjacent to a City or County recreational facility and will not require the construction or expansion of recreational faciijties. Therefore, implementation of the project will not have a physical environmental impact relating to recreational facilities. 4.15 TransportationlI'raffic Woald the project: a) CaDle aa increase in traflic which is Illbstantial in relation to the exlstlnl tramc load and capacity olthe street system (i.e., result in a substantial increue in either the umber of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or conleadon at Intenections)? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real will not cause an increase in traffic. The Traffic Study (Appendix B) addressed 2020 conditions with El Camino Real as a two-lane roadway ("with project", conditions) and as a four-lane roadway ("without project" conditions). The study considered other changes.to land use and traffic conditions that would occur over this period, including the redevelopment of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin base and the extension of Newport Avenue to the south. The traffic study assumed MCAS traffic model projections where possible (two locati,:ms) and a traffic growth rate of 1.0 percent per year to existing volumes at four study intersections. The growth rate was considered P,"",330IFi.01 s,.tlSoclion 4,do, .01/28/0'. 4-20 'U A"O."T". ..., MA'.. .... ""T '."'" nuDY TUn'N,n ..MINO .u.... PL" AMINDMSNT . conservative to represent a "worst-case" projection. A midblock arteria] volume-to-capacity (vie) analysis provided a general overview of roadway operation under both "with" and "without project" conditions. Intersection capacity utilization (lCU) analyses were conducted based on a.m. and p.m. peak-hour intersection turn volumes and the intersection approach lanes. Six study intersections were analyzed in order to address the potential impact of maintaining EI Camino Real at two lanes on other streets and intersections. The selected study intersections were: EI Camino Real/First Street EI Camino Real/Main Street EI Camino Real/Newport Avenue Main Street/Newport Avenue Main StreetlProspect Avenue Prospect Avenue/First Street See Figure 4.1 for infonnation regarding existing traffic volumes and the location of study intersections. Figure 4.2 illustrates 2020 peak-hour traffic volumes with the project (two lanes), and Table 4.A summarizes the intersection analysis. The traffic study concluded the following: All of the study intersections currently operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS) during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Year 2020 traffic conditions "without project" were evaluated and showed that acceptable LOS values for the daily traffic analyses and the six study intersections are maintained. Under "with project" conditions where the MPAH Amendment (two lanes on EI Camino Real) is assumed to be in place, the street segment (daily traffic analyses) and study intersections continue to operate at an acceptable LOS, No significant traffic impacts are anticipated as a result of the EI Camino Real redesignation. No significant traffic-related impacts are expected for any jurisdictions outside of the City. b) Exceed, either indIvidually or cumulatively, a level ohervice standard establÙlhed by the CIty congestion ma.acement agency for despted roads or highways? No Impact The OCT A is the congestion management agency for Orange County. The Orange County Congestion Management Plan (CMP) generally consists of a composite of submittals from local agencies, in which each local jurisdiction develops the required data in accordance with the guidelines established by the acTA. The OCT A compiles the data and submits the results to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) for a finding of regional consistency. Based on the success of the demonstration project and the results of the traffic study, the aCTA approved an amendment to the MPAH to reclassify EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue to a two-lane collector road. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendtnent to the City's Circulation Element to create consistency with the adopted, countywide MP AH, Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the standard established by the congestion management agencies. P:lctu33O\F;"oJ ""tlS..t;o" 4.doc ,01128/05" 4-2] Resolution No, 05-61 Page 45 of 145 1STST 1900 ôE@I ,~ i~ ¡¡ MAIN IT IDQ[] ~ ~ LeQend . Study Intel'll8CllolÌ8 ~ C811yTramc Volumllll L S ^ FIGURE 4.1 NO sc.w: Twtin/El Camino Ezjoting Daily Volumes (2 Lanes) SOURCE: T<om, Study For th, Idl"" PI.. At",I.1 H;,bw.y (MPAH) Amondmen' utE! C.mlnoR..I. WPA WJld.n,MlY 10, ¡OOI. 1:\cru33O\GID.;¡, Vol."" (711/03) ~~ I ~ ~0I244 -1- mn68 - -- -1- 641"" ,1101119 -1ST IT ~t\t... ,54124 S6919R -+- ~ ¡r 16~~ ~+¡r 140/227",\ .,.: 301~ ~~@ !:! ~ i ~ ~ !II ,i;3;¡¡ I; "':9 I i ~!~m :s~ ' Ill! ~r.:;:M ~ t "'- , 64/85 ¡ r:: \. 91/132 MAIN IT .JI "'- -1- 409/etO 3=¿' ~ + ¡r 87/132.1 323143:1-+- 102/120", ~@~ i¡i'i Legend . Study Intel'88ctlDl1l 10/15 AMJPM Peek Hour VolulMI LSA FIGURE 4.2 NO 0""'" SOURCE: Tnm, Stud, '",b. Mu", PI.. Art,,¡o! Hi,hw., (MPAH) Amondm."orEl CaminoR.a'. WPA Wildon.Ma, 10,2001. 1:\C1U330'G\2020 Puk_", (711103) Tustin/EI Camino 2020 Peak Hour Volume. (With Project 2 Lane.) Resolution No, 05-61 Page 47 of 145 LSA 1AC U330AMAmlysis S=MWYM&(71M) TABLE 4.A 7utHn/fl Camino Intersection Analysis Summery City of Tustin .SA .UOCI.TU. ,HC, MUCH .... ...n 'H'T". nuDY Tun'H'.. C.M,.O .O."'L PL'. 'MUDn.T c) Result In a chance In air framc pIItterns, Ineludinc either an Increase In trafIIc levels or a chu j:e In location that results in subitantiaJ safety risks? No Impact. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway com¡guration ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue. Maintaining the existing roadway configuration will have no impact on air traffic patterns. d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous Inteneetions) or incomplltlble uses (e.g., farm equipmeut)? No Impet. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration aiEl Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue, There will be no change to the existing roadway geometries or to the existing intersections. Therefore, there will be no increase in traffic hazards. e) ~ult lu iDadequate emel'leney accesa? Leas Than Significant Impact. El Camino Real is identified as an existing Evacuation Route according to Figures PS-I of the Public Safety Element of the City's General Plan. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration between First Street and Newport Avenue. Current emergency access and evacuation conditions would not change as a result of the project. Please see also response to 4.7 (g). f) Result in Inadequate parking capacity? No Impact. Additional pwking has been created as a result of changing El Camino Real ft'Om a four- lane roadway to a two-lane roadway with on-street diagonal parking. The proposed General Plan Amendment will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration and therefore has a beneficial effect on parking in the Old Town commercial district g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or prognms supportinc alternative transportation (e.g., bUll turnouts, bicycle neks)? No Impllct. The City provides access to several forms of alternative transportation such as buses, walking trails, and bike paths. The Circulation Element of the City's General Plan identifies existing public bus routes and existing and proposed bikeways. El Camino Real betw.een First Street and Newport A venue is clllTeJ1tly served by a bus route; however, it is neither an existing or proposed bikeway. The existing two-lane configuration with on-street diagonal parking is a more pedestrian fi'iendly environment than the four traffic lanes that existed prior to the demonstration project. The proposed project will maintain the existing pedestrian-oriented conditions and will not preclude continued bus service to the study area. P,\ctu330IFin~S""\SOC1ion4.d"",OII28IOS, 4-25 Resolution No. 05-61 Page 49 of 145 .IA A.,OC14.". 'NC. ""CH .... Dun IN'TlA' STUDY 'US..N'" C."'NO D'N".. PLA' AM'ND"'H' 4.16 Utilities Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Rectonal Water Quality Control Board No Inlpact. The proposed project is to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real &om it four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector in the Circulation Elementoftlie City's General Plan. The proposed project will not add new structures in the area, increase population in the area, or require construction. Therefore, utilities will not be affected by implementation of the proposed project, b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing fadUties, the construction of which could cause significant environmental efl'eetJ? No Impact. Refer to Response 4. I 6(a), above. c) Reqnire or result in theconstrnction of new storm water drainage facilities'or expansion of existing facl.lities. the construction of whicb could canae significant environmental effects? No Impact. Refer to Response 4. I 6(a), above. d) Have sufficient water luppliCII available to serve the project from eDIting entitlements and resourees, or are new or expanded entitlemenu needed? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(8), above. e) Resnlt in a determination by the wastewater treat~ent provIder whicb serves or may serve the project that It has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to tbe provider's exi.tting commitments? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(a), above. f) Be served by a landrlll with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste diaposal needs? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(a), above, g) Comply with federal. state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(a), above. P:\ctu33O\Finaj Sen¡ISoct;on 4.do< «OlnBlOS» 4-26 LOA n'.CIAT". INC, MUCH IOU "A" 'NITIAL ITVD' TVlTlNln CAMINO ."0'" PLAN AMONOMONT h) Wollld the project Include a new or retrofitted storm water treatment control Belt Maluq:ement Practice (BMP) (e.e. water quality treatment bula, constructed treatment wetlands), the o~ration ofwbich collld result in lipiflcant environmental effem (e.g. Increased vecton and odon)? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing storm water runoff_ent as a result of the project, and therefore no implementation of new or retrofitted stonn water treatment control measures. 4.17 Mandatory Findings of Significance a) Does the project have the potential to deerade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause .. fish or wildlife popnlation to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to elimInate a plant or animal community, rednce the number or"'l'eltrict the range of a rare o.r endanllered plant or animal or eliminate Important examples oethe major periods of California hÎltory or prehlatory? No Impact. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing ro8dway configuration fòr the segment ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue. Sensitive species and cultural resources are not present within the existing right-of-way of the roadway. b) Does the project have impacta that are Individually limited, but cumnlatively considerable? Cumulatively considerable meaJIII that the l.acremental effecta of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current pro- jects, and the effects of probable future projects)? No Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendment wilI allow the existing configuration of the street to remain, without adversely affecting nearby streets or intersections. The project will not make any substantial adverse contributions to cumulative impacts. The project may result in beneficial effects on land uses adjacent to the roadway and bas been demonstrated to enhance revitalization of the Old Town area by supporting pedestrian orientation of the commercial district c) Does the project have environmental effects, which will cause snbstantial adverse effecta on human beings, either directly or l.adlrectly? No Impact The proposed downgrading of this segment ofEI Camino Real will further the goals of the Land Use Eletnent of the General Plan and support the continued revitalization of the Old Town district. There are no substantial direct or indirect adverse effects. P:\c!u33O\F',,' SentlS",tloo 4.'°' ""12810S» 4-27 Resolution No. 05-61 Page 51 of 145 .IA UIOCI"". INC. ""CN '"' .un INITIAL ITODT TUITINII. CAMINO 0""'. ..,. ""'.""T APPENDIX A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT P,ICTU3301SENl\Ap"..dix.doc «0311 512005" Secondary: A four-lane undivided roadway, with a typical right-of-way width of 80 feet and a curb-to-curb pavement width of 64 feet. These roadways serve as collectors, distributing traffic between local streets, and major and primary arterials. For the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. SO-foot right-of-way was modified to a 92-foot right-of-way to provide a painted median for two-way left turn lanes and Class n bicycle lanes. Collector: A two-lane undivided roadwav. with a minimum ri!!ht-of-wav width of 66 feet and a minimum curb-to-curb width of 50 feet. The width mav be increased to acCommodate roadwavfcatures such as bicYCle lanes. on- street parkin!!. and turn lanes. At LOS "C." this road Me accommodates UP to apmoximatelv 10.000 vehicle trips Der dav. This road functions as a collector facilitY. however it tends to move traffic between two arterials rather than between local streets. it has been added to the CitY's arterial hillhwav svstem because it orovides network continuitY and is rel!ÌonaJIv sil!Dificant. and mav serve throu!!h traffic demand where nroiected volumes do not warrant a hil!hcr classification such as Secondary. The Circulation Element roadway classification system does nÓt include private streets. Private street" widths and cross-sections will vary from those described for roadways in this Element. Standard cross-sections represent the obvious and accepted answer to most situations. However, the standard cross-sections do not always provide the best solution to any given need or set of objectives. Reasonable flexibility and variety is provided for in the City's private street standards. Figure C-l shows schematic cross sections of each category of arterial roadway. These sections represent desirable standards, but variation in right- of-way width and specific road improvements will occur in certain cases due to physical constraints and/or right-of-way limitations. In particular, the median width in eight-lane, six-lane and four-lane roadways will vary according to the area being served and the available right-of-way constraints and turn lane requirements. Hence, any of the arterial classifications may deviate from the standards where physical constraints exist or where preservation of community character diCtates special treatment. Bikeway facilities are another factor which affect the specific standards applied for various facilities. The desirable goal for every classified street section is that it carry the designed volume of traffic at the desired level of service. Within this requirement, descriptions of width and facilities arc offered as basic guidelines and as noted above, variation in design is expected, depending on CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN 20 CIRCULATION ELEMENT Aprl118,2oo5 Resolution No. 05-61 Page 53 of 145 ~I ~ .': . ' 72' sa' rfj' ¡----¡ , , 72' 50' ' I~ '~ i-LANE MAJOR ARTBRIAL 144' :R/V!! H ~ :: I~ :: rl r- r--J 6-LANB MAJOR ARTBRIAL 120' RIW r-I ----.. :~: Ibl :~: rl r-. ,~ PRIMARY AR'l'BRlAL 100' RIW, ) -h --,."", - 48' 38' : I 48' 3(1' rl ~ , SECONDARY ARTBRIAL 92' RIW (WmI CLASS IT BICYCLB LANES) rt-:: - I :: j:J - SECONDARY AR'l'BRlAL so', R/W , h' ~: ~ ~. ,rl ---.r- COLLEC;OR ARTERIAL 66' RIW SOURCE: Aus~o-Foust Associates, tnc, City ofTus~n ' ) IIlJJ~Dn~ GENERAL PLAN ~ Marohl!,2005 21 . Figure C-1 Typical Cross-Seqtions TlbleC4 LAND US! AND TRIP G!!NI!RATION SUMMARY -1993 - -PIIIuno.- Loa4 U.. Colopy Ullill AmouIII ADT -. ADT 1. crTYOPTUSTIN 1. Raid..llw DU 17,604 148.213 Z9,790 :/50,67Z 2, CommaciII/OftIœ, TSI' 1l.9Z6 27'.434 28"55 625.744 3, 01her 43,241 79,197 Sub-Toll! 466.888 955.613 Z- SPHBRBOPINPLUBNCE 1. Residcoda1 DU 8.146 101.043 8.363 103.343 2, Common:iIVO!!\o, !SP 7S 2"13 113 2,4ßl 3, Oilier 19.089 19.635 Sub-Toll! 1Z2,645 12S,445 TOTAL 1,- DU 25,750 249,2S6 38.1S3 3S4,01S 2, CommerciaJIOffid, !SF 12.001 'r/7,947 Z8.668 628,211 3. Other 6Z-330 98.832 SIIb-TocaI 589"33 I.OBI.as8 N"': DU = DwdIiD¡UullI, !SF = _dS~ Pee<, ADT. A_Daily Tnffic '[be "OdI""_...~ refcn 10_, cI1111'd1D1, boIpiIIII,boIds, >lID. eJc., whic;h douotba...aquareroutbued!rip .... (... trip.... in AppcadIx A). '[be - fDDllp, 0I 1Ii'I8I00II1JO oIIDwII in pu"'-' 10 provide """'~1aIcy widl the dall pv," in the Loa4 U..1!IemaII. Source: Cityof'IUl1inOt:ocn!PiaD _TrIllo SJudy, _Foul_, 0cI0b0r 1m. GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION SYSTEM The goals and policies included in this Element emphasize the need for a circulation system that is capable of serving both existing and future residents while preserving community values and character. The location, design, and constituent modes of the circulation system have major impacts on air quality, noise. community appearancé. and other elements of the environment. The highway network designated in the Arterial Highway Plan is illustrated in Figure C- 2, and indicates all of the designated Major arterials, Primary arterials, Secondary arterials, Collector arterials, and the sections of roadway designated for modified right- of-way or augmented capacity, Table C-S provides an additional description of the Arterial Highway Plan links. Discussions on sections of roadway for which these two qualifiers are proposed as follows: CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN Z7 CIRCULATION ELEMENT April 18,2005 Resolution No. 05-61 Page 55 of 145 II . ,... ~ .,. r-.,."" J I . E .1 ! I 1"1 ~ ~. ~ LEGEND - Major (8 la..,) - Major (6Ia.0$) -.- Modified Major (6Ia....) --- 'rimuy (4 Ja...) -.- Modified Pri¡nary (4 I....} -; Secondary (4 or 2 Jane.) ---t AUSJllODted RoadwlY' ~ City Boundary ... , , ..¡ PI&DIIÎI1g Area Boundary -.C-- Collector (2 lanes) 1- NORTH nollo scale SOURCE: Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. City of Tustin Figure 0-2 Arterial Highway Plan Ole!! II !:'~~2', 2005 28 ( . TABLEC.S ARTERIAL HIGHWAY Unk Classification Link Classification Armslroll¡/ro Loop Rd N S.......wy 1M.. wlo Varba M~or (A) AnnoUOlll 11o W..... SC<Olldary lrviDe wlo ProIpect M~or (A) AnIII"""I Dlo Bunn'" ' Sec:œdlry Irvine elD Proopoct Majœ lrvineeioHait Major IIaITaaca 010 Red Hill M~or 1M.. 010 Newport ~(M.A) - WID Vœ Køman ~or 1M.. wlo Red Hill ~or(M.A) Bamoca WiD Jomboroe Major Iriioe WID Browaioa ~or(M,A) Iriioe wlo TuIdD - ~or(A) BrowDiD¡ 110 Irvine SccœdIry Irvine 010 Tuslin - Ml,jor BrowDiD¡ liD Bryu ScccxØry Irvinew/oJamboree M~or BrowDiD¡ DID Nisson SecoadaI)' Jomboroe DID Tuldn Ranch RAt Major BrowDiD¡ 110 N;"œ Secoadory Jambor.. 110 TuIIiD - Rood Ml,jor 8ryu oIoNewport SC<OIIdary Bryu WiD Red Hill SecoadaI)' J- % PortoIa ,~or Bryu wID IkowoiD¡ SC<Olldary Jamboree liD Iriioe M~or(A) B.,an wID TuIdD - Primory Jamboree liD IIryu Major (A) B.,an wiD MyfonI Primory J- liD EI Camino ~or(A) B.,an wiD Jamboree Primory JomboreelloWalmJt Ml,jor JomboRoJ/oBdiD¡a' Ml,jor 001 A11!IJ liD BdiD¡a' SccœdIry - J_IIoWomer ~or BasI Coomcctor J/o I!<ÜIIF SecoadaI)' Loop Rd 010 Red Hill S.......wy Loop Rd N elo AnIII-1 SC<OIIdary I!<ÜIIF wID Del Amo Major Loop Rd wID TuIIiD - Soooodary I!<ÜIIF wID Rod mu Major Loop Rd N 010 Tuslia - Sccœduy EdiDgeroioRedHill Major Loop Rd J/o Wamer Soc:œdary I!<ÜIIF WiD Tu.1iI' - ~or Loop Rd S elD Tullio RsDch SccoIIdary Edinaer 010 Tullio Rsøch Major Loop RdS do Anns1rOl1l Secoadaiy Bdin¡e< WID Jambor.. ~or I!<ÜIIF elo Jam- Major Maio wiD BI Camino Real Primory Maio elo EI Camino Real Primory BI Camino 11o I" ~ Maio do Prospect Secœdlry BI eam;oo liD Main ~ Maio do Newport Primary BI Camino riD Newpon Secoadory Primory EI Camino do Rod Hill Sccoodlry McPaddeo WiD Wi\IiIms Primory EI Camioo 010 BJ'OWIIÌD¡ SC<OIIdary McI'sddeoeloWdJiams EI Camino olD TuIdD Rancb SecoadaI)' II! Camino riD MyfonI Primory M- wlo Wainot Primory M_w/oNewport Primory I" WiD V- Primory I" elo Varba Primory Myfordllolriioe SOOODduy I" wID Proopect Primory MyfonIIID 8.,an Secoadory I' wID Newport Primory M)'forð 110 BI Camino Real Secoadory M~DlDWainDt Secoodary Horvuð Dlo ICD Socoodlry H.....SId J/o ¡CD Primory Newport elD Irvine Primory (A) Horvud Dlo W""'" Primory Newport % HoI! Primary (A) NewportJ/oHoII Primory (A) HoitJ/o 17" S=mdary Newport 110 1. Primory (A) Holt J/o Irvioe 8lvð. SecoadIry Newport elD Malo Primory (A) Newport 010 BI CamiDo Roa! Primal)' (A) Newport 11o BI Camino Primory (A) CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN 29 CIRCULATION ELEMENT APRIL 18, 2005 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 57 of 145 LOA "..C"".. '.C. MAa.K ".. .un '.ITln noOY TOn,.,n C'MO.. .'."AL PL,. .M'..M'.T '- APPENDIX B TRAFFIC STUDY P.,cru330\SENT\Appendix.doc ,O311SI200S, TUSTIN PUBUC WORKS DEPT. TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE , , MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL .HIGHWA Y(MPAH) AMENDMENT OF EL CAMINO REAL Prépared for: City of Tùstln. & . OCT A P~pered by: WPAlWIliden ' 27042 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 270' Foothill Rench, California 92610 . May 10, 2001 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 59 of 145 W ~~~u~R~~ 27042 Towne eon.. Driw, Suite 270 foothill !lancÞ,Clllfomil92610 9491470-88o<O/ox 949/770-9041 www,wllldaÌl.com May 10, 2001 Mr. Douglas Anderson Senior Project Manager - Transportation City of Tustin ' 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS (MPAH) AMENDMENT OF EL CAMINO REAL ' Dear t,IIr. Anderson: The enclosed Traffic Study presems a summary of our traffic analyses arid fb1dJngà related to the propos~ MPAH Am,endment 01 EI Camino Reàl for the section ,?ted between FIrst Street and Newport Avenuè, 'In the City of Tustin. The8a analyses are based upOn field ' studies conductSd by our staff, Information provided by the, City of Tustin, long range traffic mode,l data, previously completed ,studies and standard reference materials. The primary, purpose of this evaluation is to Identify any potential traffic Impacts that may result from the project and recommend mitigation measures as may be nec;essary., These ,analyses can serve to determine If acceptable traffic operations can be maintained 'for' both current and future conditions, If the proposed project Is implemented. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you, through our work on this Important project. If we can be of further assista~ or need to respond to any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. W é trust that this study wilt be of assistance to 'oCT A and the CIty of Tustin. Respectfully submitted, WPA TRAFFIC ENGINEERING A Division of Willdan ,~~ d~. ¡;'t"e~~. Sasak!, P.E. . Registered Professional Engineer, State of Callfomla NumberS C52768 & TR1462 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE NUMBER INTRODUCTION.....................................................""""""""',"""""""" ......1 PROJECT DESCRIPT/ON............................;...................................................1 EXIST/NGDESCRIPTION............. ........... ~.. ............ ..,... ...... ........................ .....4 EI Camino Rea/.............".......................~...............................................4' Newport Avenue...... .................. ........................ ....................................4 Main Street.... ...........................................,.............. ..;.........,....... .........7 First Street....... .............. .....................................,.. ............... .....,. ........7 - - Prospect Avenue................................. ..................................................7 Dally Traffic Analyses...... """""""""""""""""""'" "","""""""" .... .....8 Intersection Analyses.................. ............................ .............................. 13 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT............;....................................... 14 Traffic ProjectIon Methodology........ ........................... ....... .......... .... ........ '15 Daily Traffic Analyses...........................................................................20 Intersf!ctlon Analyses..............."""""""""""""""""",;"""""............,.20 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT..........................................................2O Daily Traffic Anatyses..............................""",;""""""""""".................24 Intersection Analyses................................................................... .........24 IMPACTS TO OTHIERJURISDIQTIONS............................................................24 SUMMARY................................,..........................,...................'...................25 WPA Traffic EnglnHring (A Division of Wllidan) Job # 12680 EI CamIno Rul MPAH AmandlHÐt City of Tuslln Resolution No, 05-61 Page 61 of 145 I FIG. NO. I' 1 2 3 ' 4 5 6 "7 8 9 10 11 12 LIST OF RGURES DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. SITE MAP....................................................................................2 EL CAMINO REAL ROADWA Y CONFIGURATION..............................3 , ' , ' EXISTING MPAH ROADWAY NETWORK..............................:..........5 . ÒLD TOWN COMMl=RCIAL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES........................6 STUDY INTERSECTION LOCATIONS.............................................9 EXISTING DAIL Y VOLUMES (2 LANES).........................................10 EXISTING PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (2 LANES).................._............11 REDISTRIBUTION OF FUTURE TRIPS (4 LANES)..................:........ 17 YEAR 2020 DAILY VOLUMES (WIO PROJECT. 4 LANES)................. 18 YEAR 2Ò20 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (W/O PROJECr'- 4 LAÀlES)......19 YEAR 2020 DAILY VOLUMES (WIPROJECT -2L.ANES)................,..22 YEAR 2020 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (W/PROJECT - 2 LANES)........ .23 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1 2 DAILY TRAFFIC ANAL YSES SUMMARY....................:................... 12' INTERSECTION ANAL YSES SUMMARY........................................21 /I ëJ CamIno Re.' MPAH Amendm8l'lt City of Tu8tln WPA Tl'8fflc engineering (A Dlvl.lon of Wllld.n) Job /I 72680 INTROOUCTION This report present¡ a summary of our traffic analyses and findings related to the proposØd MPAH Amendment of 8 Camino Real for the section located between First Street and Newport Avenue, In the City of Tustin. These analyses are based upon field studies conducted by our staff, Information, provided by the City of. Tustin, long range traffic model data" previously completed studies and standard reference materials. The primary purpose Of this evaluatiçm Is to Identify any pot6l'!tlal traffic impacts that may result from the project and, recommend mitigation. measures as may be necessary. It Is important to determine If. acceptable traffic operations can bè maintained for both current and future conditions, If the proposed project Is Implemented. . ,PROJECT DESCRIPTION , This report analyzes the effects of amending a stres! segment of 8 ~o Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a four lane .Secondary" arterial to a two lane "local" coilector roadway. This rolRÌway ,segment of EI Camino Real has a north-south afignment before It transitions to a northwest-southeasterly alignment between Sixth Street and Newport Avenue. The overall study street segment, of 8. Camino Real Is also located within the" City of Tustin's Old Town Commercial District, which supports a mixture of retail and ~mel'åaJ uses Including various public Improvementa to provide a more pedestrian oriented' environment FlgUl'f 1 illustrates the location of the pròposed project In relationship to the surrounding strest system. In November 1997, the City of Tustin, In coordination with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCT A), approved a demonstration project to reduce the number of traveUanes on EJ Camino Real between Second Street to Sixth Street from a four lane undivided Secondary arterial street to a two lane undivided Local collector street with diagonal parking along both sides of the street (Figure 2 provides a representation of the EI Camino Real study section). With more than three years at experience sInce Its Implementation, the existing and future Impacts of the proposed Amendmsnt are better defined.. The potential operations of EI Camino Real and the surrounding roadway. network, resulting from the proposed Amendment and change In the roadway capacity (on EI Camino Real) is documented and. summarized In the following sections of this report. WPA Traffic engIneering (A Division of Wllldan) Job # 12680 EI Csmlno R.., MPAH Amandmant Cily of TuaUn Resolution No, 05-61 Page 63 of 145 D ,H STRIMT.. i S E L CAM 1.N.Cr R E AL 4—� ■ 1 i i j FIGURE 2 EL CAMINO RE ROADWAY CONFIGURATION .CITY OF TUS7'IId. CAI�OR?TIA- AI- 1°��"O1Y"� DSPAR7Li17T'OF.PUDLk' vomm FlRST.STREET iQ) SOUTH of SIXTH STREET ,Lf) I� L� 00 0 L Z zz ca -5 a 0 N N EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing conditions serve to provide a .prevfew" of the effects of the proposed MPAH , ' Amendment (two lanes) on EI Camino Real. This roadway has been operating under geometry, consistent with. the proposed MPAH Amendment conditions, for sE!veral years. This allows ' 'stronger documentation of the potential Impacts of the project, since the future operations presently exist and the analyses are based on conditions measured In the field (through counts), which are representative of the proposed MPAH Amendment conditions. The existing MPAH Is Illustrated ,In FIgure 3, which reflects a four-lane roadway for the study section. This also pròvldes an overview of the atudy section and Its relationship to other Master Plan roadways. The number of lanes and candfttons Indicated In FlguÍ'8 3 ara not necessarily representative of _existing field conditions, but show the ,current long-range plan. The current status of some pertineÌ1t study area rcads and their operations, are further addressed below. It is also Important to note 'that EI Camino Fl9alls central to the Old Town commercial district as -, Illustrated In FIgure 4. A revitalization plan for the Old Town area was developed by the City of Tustin In approximately 1991 and many elements can -presently be seen in the area. There are on-going efforts to continue, Implementation' of the plans and a significant element Is the , proposed MPAH Amendment for EI Camino Real, There was a significant amount of focus on this roadway and the development, which, Is and would be adjacent to EI CamIno Real. EI Camino Real presently has two undivided lanes from Sixth Street to Second Street and has a general north-south alignment. Four travel lanes are provided north and south of this section. On-street diagonal parking is available on both sides of EI Camino Real through the two-Iane section, with some restrictions. EI Camino Real south of Sixth Street curves into a nor!hwest- southeast alignment and is a four lane undivided roadway with no on-street parking. A speed limit of 25 miles per hour (MPH) Is posted. The proposed project would result In maintenance of this roadway configuration as a two-lane undivided roadway with on-street diagonal parking. Previously, this roadway segment on EI Camino Real was a four-lane undivided arterial street with parallel on-street parking. NewIJort Avenue is it four-lane divided roadway In the study area and has a general northeast- southwest direction. A raised median divides the four travel lanes with 35 miles per hour (MPH). WPA ,Traffic Engineering (A Divis/on of Wllldln) Job 1/12680 4 EI CimIno Rul MPAH Amendment City of Tuelln en .... -~ No !c81. ~ Ii; 2ND I ~ ~ 2C .. () 9J I, " .. 3RD 0 ~ ~ 2C N E MAIN In.. 4P 4P t) 9J I N 61H aT 2C . 2C 01 IRVINE B~VO 6M .8M :~ z ¡.:¡ '!11 ì ~ 4P 4P , E 1STST 4P I Legend 8M MAJOR (6 LANES) 4P PRIMARY (4 LANES, DIVIDED) 4S SECONDARY (4 LANES, UNDIVIDED) 2C LOCAL COLLECTOR (2 LANES) EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment I ~DRjfJlL~NG WEERrnG FIGURE 3 Existing MHAH Roadway Network Resolution No. 05-61 Page 67 of 145 speed limit posted. No on-street parking Is allowed. Newport Avenue provides ramp connections at the 1.5 Freeway for ,travel to and from the north. The Southem terminus of Newport Road is presently south of Sycamore Avenue, Just northof the railroad tracks. Main StrHtis a two-lane undivided roadway In the Immediate study ar$a and has an east-west direction. The posted speed limit IS 35 miles per hour (MPH). On-street parking Is allowed with some restrictions. To thewest, Main Street becomes Chestnut Avenue In the City Of Santa Ana and terminates at Grand AvenLie. In an easterly direction, there' are four travel lanes ,east of Preble and Main Street transitions to become Bryan Avenue. First Stre.t Is a' four-lane divided roadway 111 the study area and has a general east.west direction. A two-way lefttUm ,lane divide!! the four travel'lanes In the stL¡dy area and the posted speed limit Is 30 miles per hour (MPH). On-street parking Is allowed with some restrictlons~ To the west, Arst Street ccmtlnues through the City of -šanta Ana and eventUally becomes Boisa Avenue. To the east, First Street terminates In Tustin at Red Hili Avenue. Pro,øect Avenue Is a' two-Iane undivided roadway between Main :::¡treet \me southerly tennlnus) and first Street WIth a north.south alignment. A speed limit of 25 miles per hour (MPH) Is posted. On-street parking is allowed with no restrictions in the two-lane section. To the north 01 First Street, Prospect continues as a four lane divided roadway to 17" Street, where there is an .offset" before It continues further to the north. Prior to evaluation of the existing conditions, It Is necessary to determlnè the scope of work for the proposed,pro!ect. In compliance with OCTA procedures and policies regardIng reque$lSfor MPAH Amendments, the City of Tustin developed a scope of work with OCTA as part of the Cooperative Study Agreement. Pursuant to the agreed upon scope betWeen the aCTA and City Staff, six study intersections were analyzed In order to address the potential Impact of the project. Th,e study Intersections are: WPA T,,"lc Englneetlng (A Dlv/s/an af WlIIdan) Jab # 12680 7 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City at Tustin Resolution No, 05-61 Page 69 of 145 . . . . . . EI Camino Real I First Street EJ Camino Real ¡ Main Street EI Camino RealI Newport Avenue Main Street I Newport Avenue Main Street I Prospect Avenue Prospf¡Ct Avenue I First Street, ExIsting field data were collecte(j'for use In the analyses, which Included the Infonnatfon shown . ' In FIgure 5. These existing approach lanes (FiguTfI 5) at the study Intersections are critical to the Intersection analyses and In addition, factors such as driveway locations; type of adjacent development, general circulation patterns and other related information were noted but not illustrated. The existing conditions analYlles, also required collection of existing dally traffic volumes and AMlPM peak hour counts at the six study intersections, which can be referenced In FIgures 6 snd 7, Fespectlvely.. The dally traffic count information serves to provide more general evaluations of roadway operations to supplement the more detailed existing (and future) intersection analyses. DaIlY TTflfflc AI1IIIv... The dally volume traffic analyses provide a general assessment of the current roadway conditions and can serve as a "baseline" for evaluation of the project related Impacts~ ThesÈl analyses were based on current dally traffic volumes, compared to the existing roadway capacities established by the County of Orenge, as well as previously Included In the Orsnge County Congestion Management Program (CMP) document. The CMP previously råqulred mid- block analyses as a part of the CIty's annual reporting proCedures. The existing dally volumes used are based on the most recent counts conducted by the City of Tustin. Tsble 1 includes the County daily traffic "Capacities", applicable to the varying types of existing roadway segments found In the study area. The dally capacities shown In Tabla 1 are representative of maximum roadway operations (Level of Service "Ej and serves as a base for volume to capacity reviews. The street segment roadway operations are typically evaluated through 'Comparison of existing. dally traffic volumes, divided by the theoretical (LOS E) capacities in order to provide a volume to capacity (VlC) ratio. This V/C ratio then provides a measure for evaluating the roadway performance. Ranges of V/C ratios relate to varying Leve!s of Service (LOS), which is further explained below. For the WPA Tflfflc; Eng/noerlng (A Dlvlalon of WI/ldan) Job' 12680 B EI Camino Rea/ MPAH Amendlllllnt . City of Tustin -- \.. -- -- ~~'" 7 (" 1STST ~. "I" .¿. . ,,~ ~ T' 'i ~ I, I ! ïiI ~ ~ ..),.., ^ \.. . (" MAIN ST . -- I, f --11" .J ~ ¡ - Legend . Study Interse'Ctlons EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment I F~J!GINE~RrnG FIGURE 5 , Study Intersections Resolution No, 05-61 Page 71 of 145 , , 19000 1STSI' 119,0001 ~~. I~ III i~ Œ@] MAIo! IT ~ I: I I, .\ ) ¡ ] I I ! ] , EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment I wprÏRAFFI~ ENGINEERING I A DIVISION OF WlLLDAN ~ Legend, . Study Interaectlon8 ~ Dally Traffic Volumes FIGURE 6 ' Existing D"aily Volumes (2 Lanes) N O 0 ,p O m � wo 0 0 -T A m U1 � TABLE 1 DAILY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS SUMMARY (a) If the MPAH Amendment "Project' Is nol Implemented, there are four lanes. (b) If the MPAHAmendment'ProW is Implemented, there are two lanes. (c) SOURCE: County of Orange and Orange County CMP documents. El Camino Real ffgjR --NeW ort to Main • Two Lanes, Undivided • Four Lanes Undivided —Main to 1 15,000 25,000 8,100 ti,i00 0.54-A. 0.32-A 11,400 (a) 0.46A 9,900 p,g�g b • Two Lanes, Undivided • Four Lanes Undivided 15,000 25,000 6,000 6,000 0.40-A 0.24-A -6,000. (a 0.32-A 7,300 0.48.A b) Pros ecf Avenue --Main to 1 • Two Lanes, Undivided 15,000 4,800 0.32,A 5,800. 0.39 A5,900 0.39-A Main Street —ECR to Prospect • Two Lanes, Undivided • Four Lanes, Divided 15,000 37,500 10,200 10,200 0.68-B 0.27 A 12,700 2,700 0.85-D 0.34-A 12,400 12,400 0:83-D 6,33-A : 1s St►eet —ECR to Prospect • Four Lanes, Divided 37,500 19,000 0.51-A. 22,500 0.60-A 23,200 0.62-B (a) If the MPAH Amendment "Project' Is nol Implemented, there are four lanes. (b) If the MPAHAmendment'ProW is Implemented, there are two lanes. (c) SOURCE: County of Orange and Orange County CMP documents. ! City of Tustin; a VlC ratio of 0.90, which relates to a Level of Service "0" (LOS D), has been established as the maximum acceptable level of service for the roadway system. ' The purpose of these performance criteria Is to specify target levels of service 'on the arterial highway system. Traffic LOS values arequalltativedescriptfons of roadway operations and designated in terms of letters oK through of; with LOS °A" representing free flow conditions and LOS .p representing severe traffic congestion. The portion of the overall capacity used by the existing (and future) traffic determines the LOS assigned to a particular roadway. The City of Tustin requirements are consistent with generelly recognized standards'of acceptable roadway operations (LOS D, which relates to about 90 percent of the capacity). The qualitative, technical roadway operation description for each of the LOS "'etters" Is contained In AppendIx A. The results ofthe dally traffic-analyses are shown In T"b/e1. The VlC ratios for the study area street system! based on the existing volumes and existing road geometry, show acCeptable LOS results. This Is of particular relevance to the' proposed MPAH Amendment, "1¡¡nce the reduction of roadway capaclly on EI Camino Real from a four-lime Secondary,arterlal to a two- lane LocàI collector roadway has been In existence for several years and the effects are reflected In Table 1. "In other words, the present roadway capacities (whiCh Include the two lanes on EI Camino Real) provide acceptable levels 01 service lor the area streets. Table 1 shows that EI Camino .Rea! and the surrounding roadways are all operating at LOS D or better. It should be recognized that the street seginent (mid-block) analyses are more general indicators of uafflc operations due to the various inherent assumptions Included In these' evaluations. The intersection analyses provide a more detailed verlflcation 01 tl'afflc conditions. A summary of the analyses lor the study Intersections, agreed to be the focus of the evaluation within this cooperative study between the acTA and the City of Tustin, is presented below. IntersectIon Anlllvses The recent AM and PM peak hour intersection counta conducted by'the City of Tustin, at the six study intersections, served as bases for documenting existing conditions. These existing traffic volumes were' combined with the current intersection geometric Inlormatlon, then incorporated into the Interseciion Capàcity Utilization (ICU) methodology of intersection analysis. The ICU methodology is the required procedure lor Orange County CMP evaluations and widely utilized in the Southem California area. WPA Trafflc Engineering (A Division of Wl/ldln) Job' 12680 13 EI CamIno Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin In this methodology, the critical Intersection volumes are divIded by the available lane capacitIes and other "lost" time Is considered, resulting I~ an .ICU value for the study location. The .ICU value is then related to a Level of Service (LOS), which ranges from "A" (the best) to"F" (the worst). This procedure Is very similar to the dally traffic "\lie- eVliluatlon, although the ICÙ contains more analysis factors since the evaluation 01 intersection operations Is inherent~ more' complex than the street segments. 'It is the City policy that LOS resultS A through D represent acceptable opel'\!tions, while LOS E and F are considered over capacity. The leu analyses for the existing conditions are utlnzed to determine If any elgnlflcant traffic' impacts presently exist at the studY, area Intersections. These ICU evaluations reflect present operations through the recent counts and current Intersection approach lanes. It shoùld be remembered the exiSting analyses actually provide a base condition that reflects the proposed MPAH Amendment, given the existence of the approved ECR demonstration project (two lanes exist for the majority of the study section of ECR). ' Table 1 summarizes the results of the ICU analyses at tha six study Intersections under existing conditions. As shown in Table 1, all the study Intarsectlons are operating at LOS e or b~r . , which documents acceptable existlngoperatlona (LOS D or better) during both tha AM and PM peak hours. Based upon the fIndIngs for existing condliJons, with EI Camino Real currently operating as a two lane Local collector, there are no present adverse impacte or deficiencies In peak hour performance at all study intersections. The supporting Intersection analysis worksheets are contained in Appendix B of this study. The existing count data, which were utilized In the analyses, can be referenced It! Appendlx.C. FUTURE CONOmONS WITHOUT PROJECT {Current MPAH - Four Lanes on ECRJ The evaluations of future conditions under tha current MPAH referenced previous year 2020 trl!ffic modeling efforts perfonned for the City of Tustin and also include separate analyses of the Intersections more "intemal" to the project area. Extensive traffic modellnQ efforts wera undertaken as a part of the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin Disposal and Reuse Traffic Study'. The year 2020 traffic modeling assumptions for the MCAS project included the currant MPAH road system for the study area (I. a., ECR at four lanes) and specifically analyzad two of the study intersections agreed to be evaluated as a part 01 this MPAH Amendment project.' WPA r,.mc EngIneering (A DIvIsIon of WllldlJn) Job 1/12680 14 EI Camino Re81 MPAH Amendment . City of rust/Ii Resolution No, 05-61 Page 75 of 145 TrBfflc Prefect/on ~thodo/OCIf Two study intersections (NewportlECR and Newport/Main) previously modeled and analyzed In the MCAS report were referenced directly for the 'Without (MPAH) Project" condition. It was determined the other four study Intersections, however, required detailed evaluations and considerations In order to reflect future conditions 'Without the Project". These four InterseCtions are more "internal" to the City, of Tustin and their future traffic Increases are not expected to be as significantly Influenced by traffic generated outside the City of Tustin. The projection of Mure 1raffic for the four "internal" intersections were determined'to be best reflected through use of a reasonably conservative growth factor. Given the configuration of the street system and the relatively built outcondltfon of the surrounding areas, It Is anticipated the present traffic movements' would provide the best representation of future traffic patterns. ,The traffic growth documented In the MCAS analyses, lit the NeWport Avenue study InterseCtions, is shown to be In the 1.2 to 2.9 percent per year range. The Newport Avenue Intersections, however, are antIcipated to be subject to, significantly greater through traffic Increasel; especiallY when factors such as the extension/connection of NewpOrt Avenue to the south is considered. In order to provIde an accurate ,evaluation of pre-project conditions, eppropriate growth rateS over Ii twenty-year growth perIOd were utß/zed in this study. A traffic growth rate of 1.0 percent per year was applied to the existing volumes at the study Intersections of 1:1 Camino ReaV111 'Street and EI Camino ReaVMaln Street In these traffic analyses. A traffic growth rate of 1.0 percent per year was also applied to the existing volu~es at the ~tiJdy intE!rsØctions of Prospect Avenue/1Jt Street and Prospect Avenue/Main Street in these analyses. These groWth rates are intended to address ,the potential traffic Increases due to various potential projects and/or general traffic growth In the study area. ,This provides a conservative growth rate and is anticipated to be representative of .wom casd' projections. For purposes of evaluating the four "intemat" study Intersections, It Is anticipated that application of the one percent per year growth factor through the year 2020 will provide a conservative projection of the Mure traffic volumes at these study locations. The growth factor, however, is , "Marine Corps Air'Statlon (MCAS) Tustin Disposal and Reuse Traffic Study" Appendix B WPA Trame EnglnHrlnll (A Division ofWllfdanj Job' 12680 15 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment, CIty at Tustin not the only consideration required. It must be recognized the existing Intersection counts Included the cond'rtion where EI Camino Beal has two undivided lanes for most of the study sections. Adjustments were, therefore, required to ,assure the volumes used In these 'Without Project" analyses .reflect four travel lanes on ECR. (It can be noted the 'Newport Avenue Intersections' do not require adjustment for these conditions since the MCAS modeling incorporated a four-lane condition for ECR). Trip origin and destination patterns for traffic using ECB as a through route were developed based upon the street system configuration" review of ECR. related traffic volumes, consideratlÒn of the types of area land uses, potential regional attractors, the current roadway confIguratIons, and the changes planned for the project street classification. Numerous Individual travel routes were, examined and evaluated. An overview of, the trip ~sslgn~ent patterns Included In the origin/destination evaluations is Rlustrated In FIgure B. . The numerous travel routes considered specifically examined the traffic. that would be "drawn" to ECR If four lanes were t.o be proVIded. These' "Without ProJect" analyses for the four 'nterna1' Intersections must consider the "draw" to, ECR; since the existing counts rsfleèt ECR at. Its present two-lane configuration (and the growth factor Is applied to these volumes). It shoulcl be recalled, the two-modeled InterSections already included the assumption of four lanes on ECR. and so the Figure 8 "âdJustments~ are not applicable to the' Newport Avenue IntersectIons for the 'Without Project" conditions. ' These same principals anti considerations were also applied to the dally traffic voIum9i. The resuttlng deny and peak hour traffic volumes are Illustrated In Flgurell 9 8nd 10. respectively. These vplumes were then Incor¡JOrated in the same analyses that were, performed for the , existing conditions. These evaluations will show how the future conditions compare to. the existing operations and also will serve to provide a baseline .to measure the 'With" project operations against. WPA 1,a"/e Engln..rlng (A DivisIon 0' WII/dan) Job' 126BO 16 Eil camIno Raa¡ MPAH Amendment CIty 0' TusUn Resolution No, 05-61 Page 77 of 145 � � 1 m � 1 Z -2 1 1 ' 1 1 -5 j -1 1 +9 t � 0 1 � 1 < " rl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 +$ 1 +4 r- - - � 1 � 1 70 1 +f5 10 El Camino, Real MPAH Amendment JOB# 126x0 M10 NNGINNNRING A DIVISION OF WILLDAN 2ID 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 aT 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 3RD V 1 1 1 1 i -3 1 +2 E IMM! T 1 -3 Edi s +4 I Legend Existing Cut -Through Route - - - With ProJect Cut -Through Route N025 Percentage of El Camino Real Traffic (Exists as 2 lanes so added traffic Is 'aWacted" for the 4 lane condlUons) FIGURE 8 Redistribution of Future Trips (4 Lanes) 1STST 22 500 122,5001 ~~ . ~.~ t; 0 i ~ i ~ iii MAIN ST I ~ ~ Leç¡erid . Study Intersections ~ Dally Tre1IIc Volumes t, EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment I R[~N~jJ!Gm]NG FIGURE 9 Year 2020 Daily Volumes Without Project 14 Lanesì Resdlution Ño, 05-61 Page 79 of 145 \: 010 ;~@ \: 130/244 ~~! ~ 777nse .-oIt" ~ .641/", I ,. 1101'119 ,. 541'24 1STST 0/0.1 "'\ t ¡r 16~~~ "'\ t ¡r e69l'92 -+- 1401'227, !!:~: 3D/3~~~@ , ~o=:: ~' ~ ;! !11 ~:8 !; " "',' I .' I 1D~",¡¡f i!~ ~¡¡;~ \:57150 ,," I Ie... n -+- 44Bl434 ~,~ ._>~-;,. lMD .-01 r..... ., we , II' .... \: 91/13 ! )I ~3- IAAlIlST ' ~ \.... ~ 4D'J/UD 160/90 35/49 ~ ~ +1"" 87/132~ 3611.'3+4 -- 323/433 -- 102/120, ~@~ Ì' iii;:; Legend . Study InterseCtIons lD/15 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumea 'I ,I ,i II ,I ,I ,I ,I WP Ä1RAmC ~NGINEERING EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment I A DNISION OF WlLLDAN FIGURE 10 Year 2020 Peak Hour Volumes (Without Project - 4 Lanes) Dallv Trame Ana/vsss Table 1, )Nhich was presented earlier in this study, provides B summary of the dally traffic . analyses r~ults for year 202j) 'Without Project" conditions. It can be seen the study locations maintain acceptable (LOS D or better) operations for conditions where four lanes ilre provided on EI Camino Real; It can also be noted, these dally traffic analyses were p.erfonned based on . both the existing road configurations and the future MPAH lanes. Acceptable operations are noted under both geometric conditions. For EI Camino Real, only the four-lane condit/on Is shown to clarify this Is the "Without Project" scenario. Intersactlon Ànalv8811 The ICU worksheets çlocumel"ll the traffic volumes, approaèh lanes and analyses of the "Without Project" traffic conditions, while the approach lanes sndvolumes used In these analyses are also shown In FIgures 5 end S, respectively. The existing .Intersection approach lanes ara maintained to reflect a "worst case" and the volumes provide well-documented evaluation of the . two Newport Avenue intersections and conservative analyses of the four '1nternar Intersections. The ICU worksheets Can be referenced In Appendbc B. As shown In Tabl. 2, acceptable LOS results are maintained at all of the study Intersections for year 2020 "Without Project" conditions. FUTURE CONomONS WITH PROJECT (ProDNed MPAH Amendment - 2 Lenes on ECRJ The proposed MPAH Amendment Is considered .In this section through evaluatión of the dally traffic conditions and detailed evaluation of the six study intersections. AS was described ,earlier, In this study, there is a high level of confidence in the results of these "With Project" analyses, which Include the two lane configurations. on EI Camino Real. In part. this Is due to counts that could be taken while this configuration Is actually '1n place", aa well as considerstion of other pertinent trsfflc related factors (i.e., the layout of the surroundIng street system, the relative built out condition 01 the surrounding areas, etc.). FIgures 11 end 12 present the dally and AM/PM peak hour volumes; which resulted from the same type of analyses and considerations applied In the 'Without Project" analyses. This serves to assure that the comparison of "With" to "Without" the Project is valid. These volumes were then Incorporated in the same analyses that were perfòrmed for the previously considered conditions. WPA Traffic Engineering (A DIvisIon of Wl/ldan) Job Ii 12680 20 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment CIty 01 Tustin Resolution No. 05-61 Page 81 of 145 TABLE 2 INTERSECTION ANALYSES SUMMARY City of Tustin l d 1 1st TI& A 0.32 A 0.47 A ... 0.39 A 0.59 A 0.38 A 0.55 Et t d 2 A p 4,t A 0.54 A 0.56 C 0.72 A 0.54 B 066 E Camino Rea 3 Newport Avenue A 0.53 B 0.68 A 0.49 C 0.79 A 0.49 C' 0.77 Main Street 6 4 Ne Avenue g 0.84 B 0.62 B 0.65 B 0.65 B 0,64 g 0.65. Main Street & 5 Pros Avenue A 0.39 A 0.52EA 0..48 B 0.83 A p 44 A 0.40 PrvgpeetAvenned A 0.43 A 0.580.52 B 1st $treatB 0.70 A 0.496 0.63 "~I 1STST 2 200 123,2001 ~~ I~ , I ~ III MAIN aT ôbIQID 112,4001 ~ Legend . . Study Intersections ~ DaDY Tratrk: VolumllS EI Camino Real MPAH Amer:\dment I ~[~N~l!GIERllfG FIGURE 11 Year 2020 Daily Volumes With ~~~Å~t\6hß,~~-~rs) Page 83 of 145 --'77n68 ,. 110/119 ,STST. ~.~~ :à Iì\ ¡y; \... 130/2+4 ';;1 \... -- 64V699 T .,. 54/24 16~~ ~ + "...- '30/38, ~~~ ~ ...:g~ I - S6'~ -..- " "...- 140/227, !!:;::¡ ~ -:: ! ~ ~ m i l6ì1i~¡¡ ' ,::;~ "" Ie!!!!:! ,,-57150 ) -- 448/434 ~t\.... ,64/95 3S/49.1 .....1.- 36'-'344-"- -, T r 1021120" ~~!!! ~~~ "'! MAIN 8T \Om ~~ ~ ¡:: \... 91/132 ..; \.... -- 4nt2!1O 97113e.J 323/433-"- #.~~ ..,..>~(I 10/10 -,/ -- 3BOI3O , 160/90 I I Legend . Study Intaraectfona lOllS AMJPM Peak Hour Volume. EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment 'r~lRAFfl~ ~NGrnEERrnG A DIVJSION OF WlLlDAN FIGURE 12 Year 2020 Peak Hour Volumes (With Project .. 2 Lanes) DailY Trame Analysee The same as for the 'Wlthout Project" analyses, evaluations are provided based on bOth the existing lanes and the future MPAH geometries. Of course, for EI Camino Real the .Proj8er Is to provide a two-Iane configuration, so only this condition Is analyzed,for the study segments. Table 1, which was presented ea:rt1er in this study, shows the proposed ìwo-Iane configuration for EI Camino Real would provide ecceptable Levels of .Servlce. This Is shown to be the case for all of the study locations under both the existing roadway and future MPAHcondltions. Intersect/on AnalvaN The estimated traffic growth was applied to the existing traffIC volumei so the study Intersecti,ons could be analyzec for the 'With Project" conditions. The proper adjustments to the study Intersections were applied, depending on their locations, as was èlescrlbed in the 'Without projece. conditions. The volumes in FIgure 12 were then used in the IOU analyses, which were calculated for these 'With Project" (two lanee on EI Ca~ln~ Real) analyses.. The existing Intersection approach lanes (FIgure 5) were also utlllzåd to consIder the "worst case". The results for these 'With Project" conditions can be referenced In Table 1. The mid-block. , . arterial volume-to-capaclty (V/C) analysis provides a more general overview of roadway operations, while these Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analyses results In 'detailed evaluations of the intersections, which are the critical loCations of the street system. The . ' combination of the mid-block analysis component (utHizing the daily traffic volumes and capacities) and the ICU analyses (based on AM and PM peak hour Intersection turn volumas and the. Intersection approach lanes) serve to provide wen documented evalustlons of the anticipated operations and whether the proposed MPAH Amendment Is feasible and can result In acceptable operstions for the street system. For the. proposed MPAH Amendment, !!Q deficiencies are forecast, based on daily traffic V/C ratios or the datalled intersection analyses. IMPACTS TO OTHER JURiSDICTIONS Given the location of the proposed MPAH Amendment of EI Camino Real, there Is not expected to be very significant traffic impacts on any other jurisdiction. The changes In travel due to the proposed Amendment Eire .shown to be "local" to the City of Tustin. In addition, sinoethe proposed . project configuration presently exists, there are well defined indications of the future operations. WPA TT8",C Englne.,lnl1 (A Dlvlelon of Willden) Job /I 12680 24 EI Camino Real MPAH Amandtllflnt City of TusUn Resolution No, 05-61 Page 85 of 145 SUMMARY This study has e)(8mlned traffic factors related to the reclassification (MPAH Amendment) of EI Camino Real between FIrst Street and Newport Avenue In the City of Tustin. The project Is to change th~ section of EI Cemlno Real from a future four-Iami Secondary arterial to a'proposed two-lane Local roadway. It Is noted, however, the pres.ent cqnfiguratlon of EI Camino Real between SiXth Street and Second Street Is as a two-Iane roadway. I' This study addresses the potential project traffic Impacts at the six designated study Intersections, Identiflèd through agreement between OCT A and the City ofTustin. ExIsting traffic conditions were reVIewed and quantified to provide a basis for this study. Potential year ;!O20 traffic conditions, both 'With. and 'Without" the Project were considered. ,Evaluations were made of these future conditions and the ability of the street system to accommodate the trips evàluated. The following are the principal findings of these analyses: (1) All of the study imersectlons currently operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the AM and ,PM peak houRI: I. EI Camino Real & 111 Street II. EI Camino Real & Main Street iii. EI Camino Real & Newport Avenue Iv. Main Street & Newport Avenue v. Main Street & Prospect Avenue vi. Prospect Avenue & 111 Street (2) Year 2020 traffic conditions 'Without Project" were evaluated and It showed that ,acceptable LOS values for the daily traffic analyses and the six study intersections are maintained. (3) A "worst case" analysis was used, In evaluating the future traffic impacts at the study segments and Intersections. A -conservative growth rate was applied In the evaluation of fUture conditions and analyses were shown for lane geometries that presently exist. WPA Tr8ff1c Engineering (A DIvision of WIllden) Job # 12680 25 EI Camino Resl MPAH Amendment City of Tustin (5) (4) Under "With Project" conditions where the MPAH Amendment (two lane on EI Camino ReaQ Is assumed to be in plaCe, the street segment (dally traffic analyses) study. Intersections continue to operate at acceptable Levels of Service. No significant traffic impaéts are anticipated ae' a result of the 8 Camino Real Reclassification. . ' No significant traffic related impacts are ~xpected for any Jurisdictions outside of the City of Tustin. .* WPA T,.ff/c 1;ngln.."n/l (A alvIs/on of WI/ldsn) Job # 12680 26 E/ CamIno Rea/ MPAH Amendm.nt CIty of Tustin Resolution No, 05-61 Page 87 of 145 . AP:;ÞENDIX A EXPLANATION OF INTERSECTiON CAPACITY UTtLIZA TION AND LEVEL OF SERVICE APPENDIX A EXPLANA nON OF INT~RSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION The capa'city of a. street is nearly always greater between' int~ections and less at intersections. The reason for thilt is thàt the traffic flows continuously betWeen intersections and only part of the time at Intersections. To study InterSection capacity, a technique known as Intersection Capacity UtIJlZaUon (ICU) has been developed. ICU analysis consists of (a) determlolng the proportion öfsignal time neede( "fo serVe each , ,conflicting movement; (b) summing the times, for the movements;'and (c) comparing the: . total time required to the' time available.- For example, If for north-soUth traffic the northbound traffic ìs 1,.0.0.0 vehicles per"hour, the southbound traffic Is 8.00 vehIcles per hour, and'~he capacity of either approach Is 2,.0.0.0 vehicles per heur of green, then northbound trefflc is critical and requires ,1 ,.0.00.012,.000' or 5.0 percent of the signal time.' If' for the east-west traffic, 4.0 percent ofthe signal time Is required, then It'can be seen that the ICU is 5.0 plus 40, or 9.0 percent. When left-tum phases exist, they are Incorporated . Into the analysis. As ICtJ's approach 1.0.0 percent, the quality of traffic servlce'spproaches 'Level of Servlœ (LOS) E, as defi~ed In the HléJhw8Y, CsoscltV Menua/, Special Report 87, Highway Research Board, 1 ~5. Level of Service Is'used to describe quality of traffic flow. Levels of Service A to C operate quite well. Level of Service D Is typicellythe Level of Service for Which an urban street is designed. Level of Service E is the maximum volume a facUlty can accommodate and will result In possible stoppages of momentary duration. Level of ServiceF occurs when a facility is overloaded an~ is chsracterlz!"d by stop,-and.:.go traffic with stoppages of long duration. A description of-the various Levels of Service appears on the-following, page. ,The ICU calculations assume that an intersection II! signalized and that the. signal Is Ideally timed. It is possible to have an ICU well below'1.0, yet have severe ~c congestion. This would occur because one or more movements is' not getting enough time to satisfy Its demand, with excess time existing on other moves. Although calculating leu for an unsig"alized intersection is not necessarily valid, Itcal'1 be performed with the presumptlQn that s signal can be installed and the calculations show whether the geometries are. capable of accommodating the expected volumes. . Capacity is often defined in terms of roadway width. However, standard lanes have approximately the same capacity whether they are .11 foot or 14 foot lanes. Our data indicates that a typical lane, whether a through lane or a left-turn lane, has a capacity as high as approximately 22.0.0 vehicles per lane per,hour of green time. The 1985 Hiahwav Csoacitv Manuaifound capacities of 1800 vehicles per lane per hour of green time. These studieS show that values in the 160.0 to 1700 range should result In a conservative analysis. Resolution No, 05-61 Page 89 of 145 APPENDIX A LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS FOR INTERSECTIONS A B I,- c D E F , 'Low volumes; high speeds; speed not restricted by other vehicles; elf slgnat cycles clear with no vehicles; all, signal cycles cleer with no' vehicles waiting through more than one signal cycle. OpereUng speeds beginning to be affected byothertrafflc; between one and ten percent of the' signal cycles have one or more vehicles which walt through more than one signal cycle during peak trefflc periods.' ' OperaUng speeds and maneuverability closely controlled "yother 'traffic; between 11 and 30 percent of the signal cycles have one or 'more vehicles which walt through more than 'one signa/ cycle during peak traffic periòds; recommended Ideal design standard. Tolerable operating speeds; 31 to 70 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehIcles which walt through more than one signal cycle during traffic periods; often used as design standard in urben arees. ' Capacity; the maximum traffic volumes an intarsectlon can accommodate; restricted speeds; 71 to 100 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which walt through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods. ' ' Long queues of traffic; unstable flow; stoppages of long' duration; traffic volume and traffic speed can drop to zero; traffic volume, will be less than the volume which occurs at Level of SeNice E. , 0.O~0.60 0.61-0.70 0.71-0.80 0.81-0.90 0.91-1.00 Not Meaningful (a) ICU (Intersection Capacity Utilization) at various Levels of Service versus Level of Service E for urban arterial streets. SOURCE: HiGhway CaDacity Manua/; Special Report 87; Highway Research Board; 1965. AP PEN,DlX B INTERseCTION ANALYSES WORKSH'EETS Resolution No, 05-61 Page 91 of 145 WTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME TTKsH Cmrdm Red Reder9Y�a' 11wi PROJECT: .rY=ie.e=iN9I NTERVAL- ECR a td • 1 - NTERSECTION: OAS 1 -- _ lull 0.00 pill II AAI 1111 MOVEMIENT 1111 EMT 0 PROP Op 1111 0.19 NII LANES N LAWS 111 WI •---- 111-m-• 1 — 111 1111 NL 111 1 II 0. IN PIN HT NI0 01 01110 IIB NR 11111 ' 1 N OWN 101 SL 101 01 0100 IIII ST 101 OR 01011 Ilia SR 101 0 1 011111 11111 EL 101 t1 0011 011 ET lull 2 1 0 011 1101 ER 001 1 N coal IIIA WL 10 t-1 0011 Iw WT 0 z 1 0111 MA WR tl11 0 1 0 AIR ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME TTKsH Cmrdm Red Reder9Y�a' 11wi m .. Y®YiY 001 .rY=ie.e=iN9I ECR a td • 1 - I OAS 1 -- _ ACM PEAK 0.00 pn / IIII 0.119 1 0.19 _— EI Carta Red a td sk" Ebsav coxamme -- I 0.19 I OAO CLEARANCE. 0.01 I OAS DOSTING A PROPOSED II I � EXISTING I OTHER p PROJECT IA D09TIN0 N M I a On1FEIR 1 II E7L+OTHER II p +PROJECT 1 EX+OTHER 1 � IIM CAPACITY R CAPACITY IN VOLUME N VOLUME p VOLUME NIR Vic p N Vie N R N Vic I A -PROJECT V/Gw , IAII AIA 1 1 A0 A�1 N-� R A IAP Il s l ®''� A tT•000 as MMR 139 N 1. OAS A' 1 0.09 A• 1 0.01 N• p 1 A . .010 0 tt0O N 0 A0 6T 1 A In 0.00 1 p OAS N 0.079 1 1 1 AAI ON 01111 ON 1 01 1 1 A 1 1 N a ILII oll 0001 0 MR ON p A' A R' 1. A' II 1• IMNtl 1700 I 0 RN 34001 01111 ON 4171 - N 1 lull A11 - 0.00 1• I 0-00 N• N 0.00 p • p p II N' 011 NAI - I?W N o 651 All 0u A A p 0.0 q p o -tap ().Do N _ N e 11w N NM am 1 moos 1 I I 34W0 . ON an 1 A A 10 0.19 1• 0.19 1• N ata N• ; N• _ AN I N - NORTHBOUND. S - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTSOUND. W - WESTBOUND L - LEFT. T - THROUGH, R - RIGHT H.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS a LEVEL OF SERVICE DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS HORTFYSOUTH IOTICALRUM6= ' 11wi m .. Y®YiY 001 .rY=ie.e=iN9I ECR a td • 1 - I OAS 1 -- _ aoS 1 0.00 pn . FJI9TN EST CRITICAL SUMS- IIII 0.119 1 0.19 _— R4 -- I 0.19 I OAO CLEARANCE. 0.01 I OAS =�... I 0.09 1 0.06 � ICU VALUE- LAI i • 0.11 I am I ®- i 0.32 iYY.Yr. = i , I OA6 NN =4.011 INTERSECTION CAPACITY unuzATIDN ANALYSIS Cay of Tub&rEi Ceeilo Red Radom PM PEAK HOUR M Cwdw Reel 8 1d S6w1 E•Wdq Cadlb EXISTING PROPOSED Am EXISTING CAPACITY p CAPACITY W VOLUME A In 17001 o Pn 2I4 00 0An 0 1700 1 0 m 122 ON Olin 0 ON o mN 0 of GIN 0 I PROJECT: 11 I OUSTING . p WERSECTIOR INTERVAL• mal Bill I PROJECT IRI I —y IIm INN MOVEMENT INN Dtl3T I PROP 1110 INN {PROJECT I Nil LANES N LANES Nm In — am—a--am VMC I Im NL NIA 1 N MR IIIII NT NIA o n NIA IIIA NR PIN 111 NIA PIN SL OIN Oil 1111 IIIA ST am 011 NNf IIIN SR IIIN 011 qm IPA EL Nm 111 Nil Ni PIN ET Alm 211 mil Nm ER PIN 1 a n IIIII WL 1111 1 a INS PIA WT pill 21 I IIIII WR . Mill a tl A AAI nil NA Mm I m1 11 I OUSTING . p p OL440THE R 1 II Ex+oTHER A mal A OTHER I PROJECT m1. OUSTING Y 1 •OTHER A a *PROJECT 1 II {PROJECT I am II VOLUME A VOLUME PIN VIC 1.1 VMC I 1 VAC p p vr-w IMP A mA A n mI Ie1 1-1 Yet A.Min 1 A 1700 1 0 all A 0.13 N' 3+00 N o VIII 0 • I7oo 1 a a 1 17001 08111 1 A 3+001 oil 0 o1 a� a ICU SPREADSHEET PLE NAME ECR S 1d I N. NORTHBOUND, S r SOUTHSOUdD E • EASTBOUND. W • WESTBOUND L • LEFT. T • THROUGH. R. RIGHT N.S.. NOT SIGNNRED LOS • LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS A o 701 % /x1 of Y I m1 11 I OUSTING . p p OL440THE R 1 II Ex+oTHER A mal A OTHER I PROJECT m1. OUSTING Y 1 •OTHER A a *PROJECT 1 II {PROJECT I am II VOLUME A VOLUME PIN VIC 1.1 VMC I 1 VAC p p vr-w IMP A mA A n mI Ie1 1-1 Yet A.Min 1 A m0 0.13 1' A 0.13 N' 0 M13 A' 0 0 • Nm 1 M mil I 1 A II N II 0 010 a a mil 0.07 p, p 0.07 1 1 oar II n I Ulu A 1 mN 11 I I N 0 A Pm A I mW A' W a' 0 p 1 I' np A p mil I A n Y II N 1 AIA II a IN 0.00 1 p 0.00 1 n 0.00 0 A A' 1m A 0.10a 1 A Im .0.10 p• g 0.100p 1 N A am On y j ole N 110 A am we 11j• N 0.19 p 1 I' lm N pm A 1 A A Nil NORTWSOUIH CRITICAL SUMS. Jul �• a. ..s' , s Nm Am ata � I OAS� 1 0.13 I aao pn EASTAVEST CRITICAL SUMS._—_ kY 0-20 _— I 0.20 -- I am I am mA CLEARANCE' 1 Inl � OAS I 0.05 I OAS -- — I 0.03 mA e am ICI1 VALUE • ma O.q • I 0.47 I owl • e I am 111----- — --- Bin Los. pm A I A I .A I A — In IPJ.A ICIFXUWVj m PROJECT: CRT OITuelhfl Denim Reel RedaulRotlol INTERVAL' AM PEAK HOUR . INTERSECTION: a Ceatm Reel & Min SkW bd*o Cmdid" Hill Hill II INA II 010 N I AU A A E700NG p 1 EX *OTMR 1 p E)L+OTHER N —AIR Hill MOVEMENT IAA EXIST N. PROP ON MOSTNO p PROPOSEDIN EXISTNO I OTHER 1 PROJECT ANI EMTM 1 1 *OTHER N A 4PROJECT Hill 'NII LANES p LANES AIA CAPACITY 11 CAPACITY 110 VOLUME 11 VOLUME A VOULIM, pip WC A N Vic p N V/C p j V� �.. u to NII AN NA—N—NW NL NR ON O AIA — A on AW 0 NA I 601 — N --L p ill NI Ami II N ASN IIIA I.NAI IRP NT Na - in 0 1111 17001 a ran 1341 1 M. 0.11 A • N A 0.11 p • A I A Om 1 • N p 1' flN IRq NR LIN IN n NII 11760 N 010 411 1 NI 0.02 II A a02 p p a.OZ A II 1 pill I LIN LIN sL UIO 0, A O ILII � 01 on 121 A pA I' 1 I' a A• p sr NN in ON 17001 on - 1351 1 IpI Om 1 1 Om A H Om 1 1 1 Hill 1• Nil Ilia SR Ilia in o NR 1700 A oil 241 1 NN MCI 1 1 0.01 fl ' R 0.01 1. A Ilia EL 1111 Ill 0 RIN 11700, 0 0 AA , to 1 1 - IRI - 0.02 0 • q Om p • 1 0.02 p p U VIII N • pill IIN ET All IN 01111 171111 0 pal 9001 1 AN Ort 0 1 M22 1 _ 1 0x1 p p Ilia ER NN 011 O NN 01 O NN SO N I AA I tl fl 1 A ANTI Ilia RM 1 A O NA I70a 1 0 pill SO 1 1 INN Om 1 1 0.03 1 1 oa11 l A N 1 N IIIA wr NA 11 A O NN 1700 1 011N ]67 1 1 AA O.z4 i p 0.N A • 1 024 • IN[ 1 ' ANI IIN WR Ilia ON O NI ON O AA 471 1 B A N I HN NORTwsourH 'raSMa - 0.11S ata 1 0.11 1 .e. 0.11I ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECRB IAIn i n -w - oaS Ilia FASTIWEST CRITICAL 8UM8. am I. 0." I 0.2 II Ilia - NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND - IN -- 1 0.00 pill E a EASTBOUND. W . WESTSOUND CLEARANCE- 1q 0.06 1 0.05 I OAS -_ NII L= LEFT, T- THROUGH. R -RIGHT NA - •v• •v. 1 0.06 gill N.S. - NOT SICNALUMID IGl VALUE. _ a44 I 0.42 ( 0.4 a .®a.0, I 0.06 1pl LOS.- LEVEL OF SERVICE. - _ _ — m • OENOTEI CRITICAL MOVEMENTS - LOS • IA A I . -A A — _ _ I _ -- No A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: Cly of TudhtEl C Wdw Red RKbodlroAm INTERVAL' FM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION: B Canino Red 8 Mon Shod FENIYq Condlll l INTI 11111 II Ilia 1 IN INI MOVEMENT INTI EXST A PROP IIIA E.)USTM I PROPOSED IN MINI 11111 LANES A LANES 1111 CAPACITY I CAPACITY JIM IIIA ate-- NAIL—A—Nlt 1 pill N — NI IAN NL 1101 on VIII Oil ON INI INT NN 1 0 III iToo 1 o NII ILIO NR III II VIII 17001 0111 In SL IIID ON VIII ON 011111 In ST INq I 0 NN -1701f 1 01N IO SR 1011 1 A UN 17M A o IN INTI EL 010 III IIID 1700P on INI ET ON I 1 0 17051 on fill ER ON ON 0111 of o Ip IIID WL III I I pN 17001 0 tlN IIII WT III 1' p IIII 17001 a IN 1110 WR IIN on t0 op 00 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR 6 Main I N - NORTHBOUND. S - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTSOUND L - LEFT. T- TNROLKIH, R - RINNT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENOTES CRITI.AI. MOVEMENTS N CD N O N co 0 O (D = to Z Cr O 00 01 A NII DWTM OTHER 1 pill I N EXISTM N p EX+OTHER ry O EI.+OTRFR p 1110 N p PROJEG7 Nq EXISTING p p +OTHER p I +PROJECT q I -PROJECT A 11111 VOLUME p- VOLUME I VOLUME NA Vic p p VIC N N We A A yr w p Ilia A A pill Awn 0—I -AAP 1.e0111 1001 1 041 M A II NN A 1•. NAIL 2o3 I t IN a.1A p • p aIe p • 1 o.te II ' A 1 IN 921 1 pip 0.m 1 p 0.05 II I o p 05 p A IIID 321 1 Nn 1' .1 II' p A N II pill .1841 N NIA ata 1 p ata p ry 0.13 II t II' VIII 231 1 INI 0.01 1 1 0.01 p p 0.01 p A q fllll 401 I IN 0.02 p p 0J02 p p 0.02 11 N 1' OIA 212 0 I 0I 0.22 p• p ORP tl• II 0.22 A ry A NN 04 A 1 n N 1 A A 1 II 1 nN 071 p NI 0.1m p• tl 0.04 U' N 0.04 p• q 1 NII 3501 N NA 0.23 p p 023 1 1 0.23 II N 1• Np 411 1 IIA A 1 N- - U_ 1 N Nn NORIWSOUTH CRITICAL SCAN 1 III 0.23 I a1s . I 0.18 I 0.00 IN INA EASTANEST CRITICAL BUMS - Hill am I _ 026. I 020 I 0.00 qA CLEARANCE- NN --- 0.05 i --- a05 I ' --- OAS I- 0A5 --Np IN IOU VALUE- tlN 0.54 • e I . OAR - I CAN q I 0.05 s .NN LOB -A I A _ I A I A -- m iqq =12-77-74=15 CNy dTWInB Cain RNI fNdwMlwBon AM PEAK HOUR B Cadno RW 8 NwvpoA Awn» E1dWq Co dubs 11111 hill II JIM 11111 MOVEMENT IIID EXIST 11 PROP IIIII A No EXISTING p PROPOSED 1111 N - EXISTING Y OTHER N - Y PROJECT Mn JIM A EXISTING A 1 EXIBTNO q p +OTHER 1 p FX+OTHFR A 0 +PROJECT H A EX+OTHER Y I91 +PROJECT IIIII IIIII LANES II LAMES 0111 CAPACITY I CAPACITY IN VOLUME VOLLW A A VOLULIF AM VA Y A VIC III Vicy II p NMI IAII — NHI'�—A®NM N ANI 1 1 AAI tlmp IIIA 1 victN_r n= ISI Y AIA NIA HL NM IR 0 rill p CIO tat 1 I IAA 0.16 A• p 0603 q 0.08 p• p 110 NT Yin A O MN 3700 17001 o n 310 N p AR ata A N 1' 0113 . p q 0611 1 p A. PIN MR I NR AIN t 1 010 17W A I O AM x74 A A NM 013 p A. ata N A OAS 1 NIIN nip SL IMI 1 n a Mp 1700 N o M r4 Y q / IMI 0.04 1 A 0.04 1 tl 0.04 M p i SII HIll ST NM 3 A 0 Jim 51001 on 12501 A 011 0.x3 Y • N 01x3 tl • p � 01x3 p • q • IIIII SR IIIII ON 0 gin ON 0 M 261 1 1 A IM IIIII EL IHII t 1 011111 Imo 1 Olin 171 1 M 0101 p l O.ot I IAN IIIII ET INN I 1 0 NIH 1700 I o INP 110 1 IIA OAS I ' I OAS I ' A PAS N • II I MN IIIII ER BIN 1 1 0 MA 17001 0 qM 236 II A WI 0.14 I 1 0614 1 Y 0.14 N 1 I Rill p IMI WL lull Y OMA 17001 oil" 1421 1 NM 001 p • p Om A • A O.oe IINI IIIH wr M 21 0 HAI 3100 1 o M tar 1 1 IIA OA7 p- Y 0.07 I 1 0.07 j• g 1• JIM WR mn ON 0 PAI 0 R. O INN 371 1 M A N A A 1 IM — — — - — — - — YM • •• tl Y MIA NORrHISONrrH CRITICAL sIa46. • 0. I ®... . 0:16 1 a.�..eMA ICU SPREADSHEET FIE NAME ECR a IMv4n 1 _ — .0.35. I 0.00 IIIII EASTANEBT CRRICAL SIrAS 0.13 1 0.13 I 0.11 N - NORTHBOLIN0, 6 - SOUTHBOUND _im 1 0.00 M E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND - CLEARANCE. 0.06 1 0.03 i L a LEFT. T - THROUGH. R. RIGHT � . s s � 1M N.S.. NOT SIGNNJUEO ICU VALUE- - M 0.53 I 053 1 0.63 . _ NM LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE . -- I 0.05 NM ' DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENIM LOS. M A I A A -- � -- A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS. PROJECT: Gly Of TuNYI45 C@WW Rad R9tltlMCa0011 INTERVAL: PM PEAK "OUR INTERSECTION: - 13 Crain Red 8 Nawpwl Av ExWYq CddNdr pill IIIII N IAg 1111 MOVEMENT gill EXIST I PROP nm Hill IIA LANES n LANES H1H Will--.pmn—Ilm pill 1111 NL mil t q AAI Ing NT mil 2 A am INn NR mil I H nm AN SL 1111 I A nil IIAI ST ANI 3 N Nip IIAI SR Hill 0 A AIN Inn FL Ant 1 II Ain ON ET ET AIA t N 411 INTI ER lull 11 am AIR WL lull I N Hill IBI WT mil s 1 /m INH WR Im 01 _ m1 1 pill EXISTING A PROPOSED IN CAPACITY 'A CAPACITY 110 4 luN 17W 1 o lug 34001 o No 1700 A 0 on 17M A 0 mil st A 01111 01 0 mil 17001 o Nil 17001 0111 17001 01111 1700 A 9110 3400 A 0 111 o1 0170 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR 8 Nwrpu I . N = NORTHBOUND. S . GOUTHBOLINTJ E - EASTBOUND. W . WESTBOUND L. LEFT, T - THROUGH. R. RIGHT N.S. • NOT SIGNALIZED LOS• LEVE. OF SERVICE DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS x CD 0 0 mm CD 0 0 CD =) c0 Z 4 O O C3 T A 0) N --` I OTHER A PROJECT VOLUME A VOLUME A VOL.IIME A A A Nil 12933 A / 1459 n 1 n Nm vMGw NMP A IIIA ROOM Y 558, 11 1®mn 11 ISDN n 3541 A � A •am i A 1221_ A NORTWSOUT" CRITICAL SUMS. EASTANEST CRITICAL SUMS . CLEARANCE• ICU VALUE.. LAS• lull NIA 0 EXISTING p A EXISTING p A +OTHER N 1 EXL+OTHER N I +EJECT p n EXCwTHER q 170 q +PROJECT Nil Vic A 1 we A p Vic p 1 n Nm vMGw NMP A IIIA N Hill 1 1 0.35 A 1 •� A °A o.n A 1 >. qmA 1®mn IIIII 0.09 n • 1 0.36 N' o.n.1 1 0.39 1 II H A •am Hill' 0.09 A 1 0.09 A A. 0.09 p 1 Nm A AIH NIII aae A ' A 0.09 1 ` A 0.00 A ' II M Am Hill a19 A A 0.19 A A 0.t91 II II ' nm IIIA ILII I 0.03 I .1 A N 0.03 M A A N 0.03 A n II N � ` am att 1 • p 0.11 A' 1 o.tt 1 • A II IIAI N Ilm no oat 1 A 021 M A ost q p MIN 9.09 p a p a09 A• I 0.08 1• A A Am mil 0.11 1 A I.1t A A 0.11 I N A• Nm MA •� l e l A� 1 A A 0 No NO OAN I 0.44-99 I 0.44 e 1 0.00 0.19--I 0.18— Am us I 0.05 I a0s I 0.00 jo Ai am-- aNM _. I 0.611I gm — em IN NO B I A e -- — -- all r. r. INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: CRY of Tae" C"w Red Redeellm6m. - - INTERVAL: AAA PEAK HOUR - . WTERSECTKMt NswpMAw iMein SWAP Ie6p CaidRms IIIII I NIA 1 N1y N INN 1 " - A lull MOVEMENT NII EXIST N PROP AIN ExurNO 1 PRO008E0 tlM EIRBTINO N OTHER p PROJECt NAI I IN LANES I LANES MN CAPAaTY I CAPACITY IM VOLUME I VWW A VOIAIME ANI ®-® mA N • NM V- MN tl I �- Ila NL IIA I y 0 NIA 1700 y ON 140l - I IIA NT - IIIN 2 N 0 NN 31001 0 MN 5191 1 INN NR IIIA o R o AM ON 0 NM 1031 I lull SL IIIII 1 N 0 MA imp 0 INN 231 1" toll ST IRR - 211 0 IMI 34W I 0 M 12021 1 IIIII SR IIIII 111 0111 1700 N 0 MA to I I IIIII EL AIR 10 0110 Imo 1 01N 701 1. IIIc ET IIII 21 on 34M 1 OMI 1001 1 lull - ER lull 111 0 IRI 17001 ON 2101 1. MR WL MR f N - o MA - 17001 DISK - 1701 1 NIII WT m 21 0 MI 3401 o INN 3001 1 NM WR IM i A O MR 1700 I O MI 221 1 003 I OAS - M1 IM .i•• NORTFISOUTH CRITICAL SUMS - KW SPREADSHEET PRE WME Newport a Mdn N - NORTHBOUND, S • SOUTA60U1D - E • EASTBOUND. W • WESTBOUND, L = LEFT, T • THROUGH, R • RIGHT KS. • NOT SIBNN.CZED LOS • LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENDTES ORITCAL MOVEMENTS EASTAMEST CRITICAL SUMS CLEARANCE • ICU VALUE. LOS • IM I A OoBTMB y I IX+OTHER y A DL*0TH R p tlM M MWTM p I •OTHER p 1 +PROJECT p. I .PROJECT I . MI IMI VAC 1 I VIC A . II Vic y 1 VC—WW I MN IN 1-9 Nal J� pN MN 0.08 I • I am I • 1 0.18 II • 1 1 • IIN MI 021 1 I 0.21 I A oat I N I AM pp p p A N 1 HIM 0.01 0.01 A 1 oAt 11 I IIIII MN 0JB I • A ILS p. p 0.35 MI OM1 p 0.07 A R 0.07 N 1• m IMI 0.04 1 1 0.04 1 p 0.04 I p 1ON MI OAS 1' N CLOS I' I D.00 y• q N NM IVA 0.13 Ip 0.13 1• p 0.13 1 M a/1 • I alt all R - A pq I I NM ILII I 1 IL11 A I 0.11 1 1 1• uM IN oJ„ I i 0.01 I I 0.71 I .I 1 lull.v. MN 0a3 I Q. au I .... 0.43 I OAA `•MIH 1M MI -- ate - I --- ate - I . --- 0.16 I BAD --MN IM IM 0A6 I 003 I OAS I OAS M1 IM .i•• sas ai• vN11 Mr OJN I OJIa I 0.84 I O.N6 Ipl MI B I B e --NAI � •v. I .v•ave.vs.a• I A .sv INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTLMATION ANALYSIS ;rl CD N O N O Io Z Io O 0 0 A m Ut � PROJECT: Cey of TU3w •8 Cee4ro Rmd Redr.IS 0,n INTERVAL: PM PEAK FK)ilfi - INTERSECTMN: Newppt Arno d Mob sk" P N CarxWw / IIIR Hill mY 4 Rill- MovFI.ENr ilm EJ86T I PROF VIII - E783TNG I PROPOSED Nill EXISTING 1 OTHER " R PROJECT ql 1 E MTV10 R N --- II ' - R ExwTHQi II '� - 1 ocwTrER N Nlo HIS 110 LANES 1 LANES hill CAPACITY 1 CAPACITY IN VOLUME p VOL.INIl6. 1 VOI.wE Ilo VA: 1 •EXISTINKIOTHER 1 1 4�y'� N Inn Hill Ilhi ��-_- IN—ARIR NL mR t N pill ,7001 0 zIt 1 1 • Nlo p N 1—A VA; •— A N p N CT m 1 q A�INN nim NT IR 21 pin 34001 on toes 1 1 � ax A • 1 -0.tx p p o.fz 1 IN Rill NR Rin ON Inn all 0 loo 1451 1 YII 1 1 8.30 N • _ R 8JM 1. 1 1 AIA IIA ST mil 2 l 1 B JIM Sion 1 o I11 pm ,u�41 � �' � � 1 • N 0.04 q '. R 0.04 1 • 1 1 Hill mq OR 1101 t 1 loll thio 1 0 lop les 1 1 1 827 A N 027 1 1 N p. hill mN EL VIII t 1 loll 17001 GIN 1321 p IAN HAS 1 • A o.to N 0 0.10 N 1 1 IRI MR MR ET loll 21 ER log 34001 o No W71 p III OAS I 1 OAS A • R eDe p • N 0 ` INN Hill loll pm , WL pin in 1 / tIO N oo.•atee OASI III log IRII wr hip z II ON mY 1700 A 34001 o loY 0 M , 30, 1 1 o 1 _A N q N 1 A N 8A7 N 1 1 N0 Npl IMI WR RIR IN _ No 17W 1 01m 2d 1 A - A 0 0 an am 1 • I Om II • A 0.00 N • 1 p 11 IN phi N ! 1 OAZ , e N A I Nip ICU SPREADSHEET PILE NAME H.wponal4� NORTW8OUIHCRITICAI.& 8. Iql a4o GAO m I 0.40 lot -- ► 0.80 hip N. NORTH60ULC. 8 • SOUO180INO - FASTNYE87 CRITICAL SIII�. NII. . 0.17 ' I _ _ . 0.17 1 0.47 •— Rm E • EASTBOUND, W • WEST000ND CLEARANCE• im __ _ _ 1 0.00 Rip L•LEFT, T=Ttpi0l10tA R=R1014T loll SAS 1 QO6 I 8.86_-- --11R K.S. - NOT SIGNAL® ICU VALM • Ill�•er�. Nlo . '. . A2GA2 • m 1 0.88 • �•� • e Rill hill LOS • LEVEL OF SERVICE • OF1107ES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS a 0.82 -- I - OA2 I S e'er Rin LOS m1 8 1. _ _ B _ _ _ I B - — hill �.v..ve .... I A INA ;rl CD N O N O Io Z Io O 0 0 A m Ut � INTERSECTION CAPAGRYUTLIZATIONANALYSIS PROJECT: ply d Tuv&G Cw*p Reel Red.wBo,lon INTERVAL: AM PEAK HUN IKIERSECTION: Plumed Ave B Mob Sasel EWia ConMm Nil NII IIID I IN p All MOVEMENT pill EXIST l PROP 0 EXISTING PROPOSEDDOST A NO A OTHER IN III A DUSTING 1 p DOSTNO A q.OTHER 'p p EX40THER N p OL+OT}ER --_ pp NAI AIN LANES N LANES IN CAPACRY. 1 CAPACITY N VOLUME 1 VOLUME VOLUME Y1 VICR VIC p+PROJECT 1 +PROJECT N IIID �•--� 1111®Ilam 1 - � n1 A ®� BIN �•.� p�1 1�1 C IMP Iffipyl 11111 NL qui o N 0 Nll ON o NAI - ON p MI A' 1 A' N R-11vFCw R Nilow HT IWI ON o alp ON o NW o 8 I R 1 II ' 1111 Hip NR AIA ON 01911 ON o lin oil N i NIN A 1 1 1 i n m 1111 Sc iNq ON o EI o f 0 Mil 001 1 IN A A IIIA IIIII ST Illq t I 0119 17W I SR 11111 OB o RA 111 0 ul 0 ON 74 q AN OJOS 1' II 0.00 l 0.06 I' A A l nil l' IIAI III EL IN IN o pill Wool NNN� o �A N 66 II N p qUl IAI I o.a p • 11 1 p 0.00 1 • 1 p 0.04 N • I 11 ET qlq - IN O pip 1Too N 001 2551 1 0 ate Ip 0.10 1 A 1. N , IW RIII IIUI Ea NIl o N a Ito 0 l 0 NR o p 1 IW A M 0.10 q M1 AI11 WL 11l on 0 Nil ON 0 m - ON I Ipl 1 II IW Alli 1111 WT IIIN 14 o NII 17oo N WR Ipl 1 11 on 1700 I a 110 o Iq toe I Sol . q qAM 021 1. 1 1' 0.24 I• IN n 1 to OAS I 1• 0.05 1 as' p 1 C MWAL am I OAS �.a.*..��.� IN KCl SPREADSHEET RENAME - Pmeped i Mdn Is -_ _ I _ am I Om 111 – N - NORTHBOUND. S - SOUTHBOLM EASTARESToRIT1CALSums.--- / ■ 0.71 I 011 I 020 I O.dl --RI E.TBOUND.W. WESTBOUND C�JVtA110E � 111 0.06 --; .. --� L - LEFT. T r THROUGH. R � RK9Hf . _ � .T...O.Os� . : OJXi 005� N.S. - NOT SIGNAUMD ICU VALUE .• OAt s I 0.11 e • . LOS -LEVEL OF SERVICE. ' : . _— I OAt I 066 'III DENOTES CRITICAL MWEMBWTS- LOS. A A _— e A . s a s sssssssss a v . stc®sa : ss . � s � A m fA O C_ O 7 Z O O T m INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTLIZATIM ANALYSIS PROJECT: CRY d TUBI -8 CWft Red Redrdlatlal - INTERVAL PM PEAK HOUR NTERSECTIM Pffloped AH 8 Mdn Sbw1 F�dnip CWKMIOr - - Hill VIII lull N IN A IIII MOVEMENT IN EMT I PROP pN E)WTRIO p PROPOSED NIA R BOSTNG. p 1 OTHER N PROJECT IE N1 1 ElaBTW p A ucISTY1G I N *DTNER A I OL+OTHM A N+PROJECT p eX.OTHER 1 NS VIII 1191 LANES II LANES JIM CAPACITY I CAPACITY AAI VOLUME N VOLLiE I VOLIY4E Ull VR', p q WC 1 B q Vic N +PROJECT A VIII Illll �� UIII�••�II�BII 1 . 1q 1 A .' IUA �.� N�1 q�•p 1 q 11°.11 v�vr 1 NU VIII NL UIII o I Inn - ON am - 01 I 10 1 •N 1 • U 1.N11 NT IIII on BN o N ON ON p INI A • HillVIII VIII IIB O N IIIA ON o IN ON p Al NR u .l 1 R 1• A n INN In SIL mill oil U1 ON DIM 041 A NII U 1 n 0 A IIII NII ST NIU 11 IN 17006 SR UIII ON Al ON o U1 0111 OR 52-1 I UN a00 R . A O.oY A • 1 1 0.w 1 • U q IRA II • INI IAA EL UIII IN AIR 17001 0111 go 1 1 A U1 Al - 1 OM N 1 1 OAS U II OAS I j • NII ET IIN IN W 17001 u IN R93 p 1 pN ost 1 • A 021 R • II 021 p • p _ p am UIII ER Nn oil nIN 01 O IIA 01 1 IAI A IIID UIII WIL lip OR IN ON 0111 o N i Al g p A. A .1 • 1 1 NU BIH WT 11111 1 1 UN 17001 0 N1 236 1 1 N1 . 0.H 1 1 0.14 N R om N N A IAB NII WR AN IN N 1700 I on Ib I- 1 n1 OAS 1 1 OAS 1 1 OAS j j 1 — . ----- — — 1N .�. e.®.... N INI NORT RYYCIRII QITICAL RMAB • . 0.0Y I DAY I Ow ICU ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAE Plolpeti 6. moan iI1N ( 0.00 1111 EAeTAYEBT � TICA' OtIAR3 • WIN 021 I 021 I 021 _ — AIU N • NORTHBOUND, S • SOUTHBOUND --_ --' I CLOD Hill E- EASTSOUND, W. WESTHOUID CIPARANCE. I1 0.06 I 0.06 - --- - — NU L • LEtT, T= THROUGH, R • RIGHT - y • s • I •�•a • OJ16 I 0.06. 111 N.S. • NOT SIGNALED tcuvALUE• 026 I •• • • a • ®• e IN LOS • LEVEL OF SERVICE _ — .025 — _ I 0.35 - ' DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS Los • pp( A _ A -- NA A IN INTERSECTION CAPACITY vrILaATIOH ANALYSE CAy d Tugn-FJ Can kw PA1 Re<iriuAOn AM PEAK HOUR Pfwpstt A"81RSWdF'N,C, IN, ExISTMA INI l 1 PROPOS® AN E%ISTMIO I OTHER 1on I PROJECT PROJECT: 1 E)aSTMq I N POSTING I 1 +OTHER 1 A ExwTHM tl l +PROJECT INTERVAL NI CAPACRY A IMERSECTIOft A VOLUME VOLUME A IIIII v 1 A: Ing g HUI 111H MOVEMENT All EXIST I PROP IIIII IOU A •PR'OJECT AIA LANES N LANES AN AN vtxuME AIN•--+g,ON Hill NL Illl 1 U OHIO HUl NT IIIII 11 OIOU UIU NR AUI 0 g 0 NII IIIU SL UIII a N 0 NII Hill ST gill 2+ 0 NII UIII SR All t 1 0 NI IIIII EL Nil t 11 0 Ng NU ET NII 29 0 ilii NII ER Bill ON 0 AN NII WL gill III a M NII WT Nl 21 0 Nl Nl WR IN t U 0 NII CAy d Tugn-FJ Can kw PA1 Re<iriuAOn AM PEAK HOUR Pfwpstt A"81RSWdF'N,C, IN, ExISTMA INI l 1 PROPOS® AN E%ISTMIO I OTHER 1on I PROJECT 51 1 E)aSTMq I N POSTING I 1 +OTHER 1 A ExwTHM tl l +PROJECT A Ex+OTHM 11 NI CAPACRY A CAPAcrry MR A VOLUME VOLUME A NA v 1 A: 1 vac A 0 1 vac A •PR'OJECT 1700 vtxuME _— . A .II 1-1 vrcw_Aw N sll 1 tTaO g o IIIA as U top U Ng 0m A' 1 0.02 p• p 0,02 1. 1 0.00 u BII AN A 0.00 0.10 1 1 1 1 0.10 1 A ata II l p IAgI 91 01111 tae A A Np 4ag A A N tl N A N A AN 17009 0 ON 02 A 1 IN LOS- Y A I - A A I A' oil IIN 1 0 ta4 N N IN OAS 1 OAS I 1 0.06 A• OAS p• A i aa0.�e j OAS 1 g IN 1 ° 41111 N ata A 1 0.ta A A tl p N IN 1 ata IN ittp p U 0 WN - o AA 441 an 1 A ' 1N 0.03ji 0.03a4W 1 0-03 tlA pA qItl iT001 .a a0 41s Ota AIgI •N IN ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAM gwpad a 1011 N - NORTHBOUND. S - BOUYHSOUND E. EASTBOUND. W . WESTUOUND L- LEFT. 7 s TFMLOIIOH. R- RKtNT U.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE DENOTES CRRBJIL MOVEMENTS (+) RLP11ESENTS LEFT AND LEFT I THROIM LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED NS om �ehs— NI �'—�Ar' ��—� ftORnYSO17Rtt]aT1CAL SUMP- aft I 0.11 _— EASTWEST CRTHCAL SUMS s am _— I 030 I 023 0.00 CLEAl1ANCE�--•—_—_ AN Pas ) 0.00 -- IN IN --+—ease s v s I am0.06 I NN ICU VALUE •rsvv IN 4ag vsm-v s s s . v ®s v uN _— I 0.30 _— I 030 I am IN LOS- / INI A I - A --- --IN 6 ssmsv . o s I a�sr A I A . v —w� . v o- • t r �,� F1. (+) REFRFSEMS LEFT AND LEFT ITHROWN LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED N41 A m w m c 0 m 0� o Z w0 0 CD �Y, A m N — 111 m PROJECT: Coy dTOeArE1 C@ff*w Real RltlB1eAICM9m A oasTiNe d +O� N Ex+OTHER I INTERVAL: PM PEAK HOUR ISTDMrc N � NI I A WERSECTIOR Pipped A" 6 lst Stmd E*" Cwxlkl o NAI IIIII ala A All - II In e a Ills MOVEMENT IAII EXIST 1 PROP sal EXOTNG 11 PROPOSED N EIOSTINO p OTHER I PROJECT Ilia JIM LANES A LANES AAI CAPAC7TV A CAPACITY aN VOLUME 1 VOLUME p VOLUME IIII III®I—lml q 0 1 1 IIIA NL IIN 1 n Np t7001 0 a all p 11111 NT ad 1 1 NIA 1700 1 oma 2451 p Idll NR IIIN Go III o If - a IIAI 701 p 1111 SL IIID OR NIII -O on O 1N- 1551 ,p Ilia ST Ilia 24 MII 34001 0 IG 1071 ON 11111 SR .IIIII I 1 1111 1700 A OHM toil A • NI 1110 EL JIM i 1 Np 17W 1 o qN 1931 p hill ET sill 21 Ili 34W n 0 AAI 727 1 1 IIIII ER IIN 0 a 1111 Oil 0 Hat 331 p IIN WL IIN 1 1 Ra 1700 0 an 20l 1 - ill WT IIN 21 Nn 3400 A on 573 1 Not wit NI i I _ IN 1700 1 0 No 7051 j _ I 0.05MR NORTWSOUTH gp7ICAL SUMS A SPREADSHEET FIE NAME RnDec1 &101 I A - -_ . I EAST7WEFT CRITICAL SUMS N - NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND. W - VVESTBOU D CLEARANCE - L - LEFT, T - THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S.-NOT SIGNALIZED ICU VALUE. / LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE - • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS LOS - - (+) REFRFSEMS LEFT AND LEFT ITHROWN LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED N41 A m w m c 0 m 0� o Z w0 0 CD �Y, A m N — 111 m A E A oasTiNe d +O� N Ex+OTHER I 1 EX.+OTHE R 1 No ISTDMrc N � NI I A 1 +PROJECT p NIA NAI q -1A 1 y�–� N Nq IM hos A 1 ass 1 qmA A O.Os d--�Alll A' NII a19 I' a 0.10 A' A 0.19 j • p MI m N• 11 A N A N q pp u am 1 A 0.09 A• A owe dN Onp • p 0 a5 A N 0.00 p p N ® on Y g o'er A ' 1 0.11 a • 1 N ' NN NI I n 1 012 q 1 A AN IN oat 1 A q N 9.01 A A 1 '0.01 ON In 0.17 1 ' 1 0.17 A • A 0.117 1 • A A • NI 0.12 A_1 ISN 0.17 1 N 1 IN 0.19 I �0.17 0.19 0.19 ' a -- --) l 0.00 NA 1N 0.25 I 0.79 ( om -- – I -- Nm o.Oo--IIiiA 1N 0.06 l CAS 006 I 0.05 JIM am OSI 0.St l s a i OS7 svia� i v No _ I 0.05MR No A I A I A - -_ I A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTLIZATION ANALYSIS CRY of Tm&fE1 Canino Real Rsdummntlon AM PEAK HOUR El Cwdro Red A td SYed YEAR 2020 Wmawt PROJECT II ON 11 j PROPOSED 0 YEAR 2020 11 u OTHER PROJECT PROJECT: 1 D061Vq N 1 E=TINGEXISTING 1 p.OTHER 1 1 vcwTHEJt N N -+PROJECT INTERVAL: Up CAPACITY N INTERSECTMNt LU VOLUME N VOLUME IW VIC p MMI u um NI MOVEMENT MMI EXIST N PROP em MMI 11PROJ6CT -Mm LAWS N LANES nm Ulm --®- 1700p 1119 -M—m1 s N Illn NL all t 1 01N Im NT 11N Oil 0 wo 1111 NR Ulm 1 1 0111 Ill SL Nm Oil o IN MMI ST 1111 01 011111 1111 SR 1111- Do 01111 IIII EL hill 1 II o UMI IIIA ET Ulu 2u o m1 IIII ER III I 1 o MIN 11111 WL IIIM 1 1 o mil MIM - WT VIII 2 1 0 NO ION WR MIII ON on CRY of Tm&fE1 Canino Real Rsdummntlon AM PEAK HOUR El Cwdro Red A td SYed YEAR 2020 Wmawt PROJECT II ON 11 j PROPOSED 0 YEAR 2020 11 u OTHER PROJECT mn NI 1 D061Vq N 1 E=TINGEXISTING 1 p.OTHER 1 1 vcwTHEJt N N -+PROJECT N PJL+oTHen -- p Up CAPACITY N CAPACITY -Nm VOLUMES N LU VOLUME N VOLUME Am VIC p p WC p N N Vic 11PROJ6CT rip 1700p N s N ®~ _ ill CLEARANCE • em p N v LMP _�� I PRO ON 0 ONO. ON N m all p�1 Moll I 0.11 Y 1 0111 I -j M.S. - NOT SIGNALOM N.am N• Nm 17001 o NI 741 1 n ml 0.0+ N N n oJx n 1 ooa 1 N ON OR o NII OR N on 1 R, p N U n N Ulm ON o ml oil 1 NII N• A 0• N N• N 1 Nm ON 0 M oil 1 NNI N• me 17001 34001 o mN o Nl ON sea I 1 N mA 0.00 p• p OAo N 1 0.110 e• 1 N n' mA Nm 1700 p o em 1401 N Nil 0.17 .1 OAS 1 0.17 1 GAASS n 0.117 p j 1 Nm 1700 e o IN 1101 n m 0 1 1 1 0.08 1 Nm O N ° N O N 1 OJT 0.x3 � 9 om N• p N 1 • me um ,-- • • N p iuln NORHYSOITIH CRITICAL $I1M6. 0.11 •• -min ICU SPREADSHEET FIE NAME ECR & 181 2010 Wo pq / 0.11 I 0.111 I BAD pm _ EASTAVESTCRITICAL&Uw- - _ — °- I O.2& � N - NORTHBOUND. S - SOUT1&iO11ND III-- I pZy I 0.00 ON E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND CLEARANCE • em 0A6 _ - _ - _ � - FA L -LEFT. T - THROUGH, R- RIGHT I -- - Moll I OAS l OAS M.S. - NOT SIGNALOM ICU VALUE- mn 0.38 e • ®• •. LOS -LEVEL OF SERVICE - _- I IL3S I 0.30 I 0.05 Nm • DENOTES CRrnCAL MOVEMEWM _ LOS- 0 A _- - -am I A I A'-'— ' A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT-. CIy d Tu5*M EI CaTto Reel RKWftDodon ' INTERVAL PM PEN( HOUR . HTERSECTION: EI CWMM Reil S 1M 86MM YEAR 2020 W WwI PROJECT IAN 11111 DIN A INp MOVEMENT ION. EXIST N PROP IN I EXISTING A PROPOSED IOW IN N YEAR 2070 p OTHER A I PROJECT IRR RIR N ExmTW N 'I EXIBTOIG R I+OTHER 1 EX.+OTHER R 0 - - N t - I - JIM Alp 101 LAWS A LANES RIR CAPACITY I CAPACITY NA VOLUMES 1 VOLUME N VOLUME DIA WC 1 1 1 VACII I + p 1 PRWE T MR all 1p1�1�NA A W1 1 A NII ImA 1 ImA VIC vM-w_Idp R NII IOU NL IMI 11 Nil NT 17001 o nil 3191 1 1p a10 R • 1 0.19 p • p ImI n • 1=Ip ' ION ION DR RIR ON ON OR N NI A A I .OLIO R R AIN 11111 NR IAM in RII SL 1700 I owl - 1611 1 NI - a10 0.10 N R 1 n 0.10 R A n II IAN IIIII IIIA O N pn o 1 o qp o p A 1111 M 1 1 nil -IIIN ST III1 ON NN oil " 0 1N ON N Nil 1• 1 II • A N Ills OR IIID o R. Rl1 o A 0 pan ON N NII . N N n u I• ON IIIA EL 11111 in NII Imo A o am o 1 1 m 0.00 q R 1 0.00 1 A p a00 g MR Illy ET IIIII 21 1p 7100 1 001 S52 1 A ® 0.25 1 ". 1 0.26 N ' 1 p 1 Nil IIIA ER IMI I p n 1700 0 N 0.13 0.29 N' A iiiWTl WT la2 a Min� 5 a 0MR 75 11 YA a • iNoI 07 Rp aIa ANI WR AIN an NN DO o ANI 01 1 IN 0-23 0-23 R p A IY AIN 1 A R 1 Rom ICU SPREADSHEET FIE (LAME ECR A IM 2020 VWO pq NORCRITICAL80UTH CRITICAL SAHIB • AIN AN— 0.10 --- I 0.19 _-- I 0.10. I OJII ...n EA3TIWFJGT CRITICAL BlNA6- 0.75 0.75 --- --am N . NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND - -- _ i 0.76 I aoo NI E s EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND CRF.ARAHCE 0.06 - I 0'00 -- - _ L = LEFT. T - THROUGH. R s RIGHT - . I OAS I GAS NII N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED�. yIy,UE. 0.60 1 0.00 a a =No ` LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE _- I OmI OAS In • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS LOS. A .I A A _----NA -No ! A 1N .s®• a a N N 01 0 OI O O Z N O 00 � Ut A 01 Ut � . . N - NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND, W - WESTBOUND L - LEFT, T -THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALWED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTAYEST CRITICAL SUMS CLEARANCE - ICU VALUE - LOS - AIA Y PROJECT: WWTM q' City or7uaen-EI Cw*m Reel RsdommoNon N EX+OTHER N— NO NNI EXIBTWG INTERVAL• O+PROJECT A AM PEAK HOUR II m u� - Vicu q INTERSECTION: "®N EI Camino Real B MOM Sha 'YEAR 2020 WBIaA PROJECT - IIIp IINI 0 IIIA A AN 1 p IIM MOVEMENT INA EXIST N PROP Illy EXISTING A PROPOSED Nil[ YEAR 2020 1 OTHER 1 PROJECT JIM • NII 11 Rio JIM LANES N LANES JIM CAPACITY N CAPACITY 0 VOLUMES 1 VOLUME q VOLUME JIM -- IIIII-1-01" 1 N in 1 N ®� IIIII NL JIM 00 0 Rig 01 o NIP SOA A Bill NT Np in 011111 17001 0 NW 1641 1 IIIII NR pin 1 p 0 pill 1700 1 0 IOU 541 p MR SL nip on 00111 0 1 o IMI 151 - N NIII ST INN 1 II o pill 1700 1 OWN 1611 N JIM SR IIIII 1 11 0 Kill 17001 0 ppl 291 0 IOu EL RIK Ill O pill 17001 0 ON 961 N IIIII ET Ina 1 II 0 NO 17001 0 NN . 966 p t 1 IIIII ER MR Oil OAR on o IN 1020 O JIM WL - MR in 0 TNI 17W 1 010 041 - p Kill WT pN 10 0 ON - 1700 N 0 TIN MS 1 p IIIA WR IIIII ON 0 NI ON 0 pN 671 N IN ANI ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR 8 Main 2010 w/o poJ - NORHYSOUTH CRITICAL SUITS • . N - NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND, W - WESTBOUND L - LEFT, T -THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALWED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTAYEST CRITICAL SUMS CLEARANCE - ICU VALUE - LOS - AIA Y N WWTM q' 1 EX -OTHER — N EX+OTHER N— NO NNI EXIBTWG +OTHER II O+PROJECT A N+PRDeECT II m u� vIC u n Vicu q -- "�— i—�u "®N fall>e IN I I R U NI m N 0.166p• A • NII 11 Rio Mil oa'ae,u• . o09�,,� N 1 p IAO It 0.12 A p A 1, 0.12 1 N A 0.12loll ION N 0.02 1 A 0.02 t A 0.02 N 1 NII pOz 1' A 0,02N' A 0.02 N BI Bp 0.26 1 II 0.26 A 1 029 p- 1 m 0.04 N A 0.a N A 0.04 p j Kill 0.90 ; 0.90 I • 0.90 • pp A NAI N • MSN A 1 III �I �i-�•�••�� 1ON IAA 0.11 0.16 NII --_ --- I 006 ON NA OS2 -- 1 11.92 _— 092 I moo -- NO nae I OAS I o ae I 0.05 — — WRIK -e- • e IN IN ANI aIB _ — 069 ! OJ19 - I 0.03 NO ON A I A I A -- A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT. INTERVAL MTERSECTK*t Hill lull I UN IUII MOVEMENT III EXIST R PROP M IIII A OTHER I PROJECT MITI LANES I LANES AMI IND 1 E)USTRTo A 1 . OTHER Mm®I—III N EK.+OT}IER - — R — Inn IN NL IMI 01 Nn III NT lull 1I ai In NR IIHI 1 a IIIII III SL III 01 Alp INTI ST MII i I IIII HILI SR RA 11 IIIA Hill EL IRI II HII Hill ET IRI 1I Ulu UN ER III ON IIIA Rn WL MI I 1 IIIII lull WT NIR i p III IRI WR IRI ON _ Illy Cary Of TUOKWO Ca•iv Reel RecleeWFaOm PM PEAK HOUR a C.ni» Rol 8 Mdn BM.e, YEAR 2D20 WMIpe PROJECT N. RII 1 DOSTl10 1 PROPOSED IIN YEAR 20M 1 A OTHER I PROJECT NII IR I EIOSTM6 1 1 E)USTRTo A 1 . OTHER .R L7CaOTHER p N EK.+OT}IER - — R — Inn CAPACITY 1 CAPACITY NR VOLUMES 1 VOLUME I voLwE ' v� 1 1 +PROJECT R II •PROJECT --- H ON 0.00 I a Wa 1-8 �� 1" 1—ft Vic N 11 Wo-W_w,P N NN w 010 1631 1 lullR / II*sA ®R-�Rp1 _-- ' __ 1701)1 Doo 1 01N 0111 321111 1271 1 a m o.2e 1• p 320 Y' A o 2e N U• lI ION 01 Oul �1 a m m 1)m 1 1. 1 (LOT I 1 N ooT p 1 U NII NII 17001 on 2481 1 111 D.17 p. 0.117 p N' N 1 IIN HI MSN 1 AN 0 1N ooz 11 NN 0N m Np jI N••inmo ,Too i _ 1 u 0o � 1)moii44" NN 1 A 1)X m al6 aw Doo N 0 DIN a 434 N a IN 0.05 A' n 0.00 A• Naos A• p 1Nil 1)1 Bal 80 1 N IN C28 1 1 o.2n N 1 om N• 1 1 1 1 N N ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR i MOM 2011) Wb Pq N. NORTHBOUND, S. 80UFHI 0DUNO E - EASTBOUND. W . WESTHOUND L • LEFT, T • THROUG.K R • RANT NS.. NOT SIGNALIZED LOS • LEVEL OF SERVICE ' DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS • e e mn I' NORTHIBOUTN CRITICAL BUMS . AR 0.!S I om ' ® a al --- o'er I 0.00 NN EASiIWFST CRITICAL 8UM8. / nN oa3 _— --- -- NA w I --- oat I oat 0.00 CLEARANCE. - W oJle _-- ' __ -- NUI I �� ' —' 1)00 I ®' 1)00 1 OAS NR EU VALUE • 2 •� • . e MR .0.72 -- 1 .0.817 I 0.86 1 . 0.06 IIY LOS. Com _— I A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSS City d Tus*rE! C dw Real RedmodemOm 14n aq PROJECT: A COSTING a p +OTHER II a EX+OTHER p 1 •PROJECT' p 8 Cor" Red 8 Naw9cd Avenge YEAR 2020 WNW PROJEC INTERVAL• . Bq VAI A INTERSECTIO!: CAPACITY p IIIII i IIIA 1 MR 11111 MOVEMENT INN E)XT p PROP NII IIIII 3400 A INN LANES A LANES NIR IIIII — Nm— p ®11111 inn HL am 1 p _ 0 1411 Mal NT INN 2 a a Mal Nall MR Ilia 10 Ow Rol SL pill IN 0 ANI lull ST bill 30 0 0 INTI SR pill Oil 0 me oil a INN .10 a -14N no Er pin 1 11 0 me Wil ER pill t N on Nan WL pin I II 0 Iglu Rol WT Nap 211 o IAA N WR pm 0 1 00 City d Tus*rE! C dw Real RedmodemOm 14n aq AM PEM HOUR A COSTING a p +OTHER II a EX+OTHER p 1 •PROJECT' p 8 Cor" Red 8 Naw9cd Avenge YEAR 2020 WNW PROJEC A WxUJE Bq VAI A EXISTING p PROPOSED 0 YEAR 2020 p OTHER CAPACITY p CAPACITY NM VOLUMES p VOLUME i eA 1 WOO 0 11} 1 3400 A o am 6161 1700 II ON 1001 17M II 0 plu 1591 51001 0 IAA 000 II 011 0111n 101 1 A 0 A NI 700 NI NIDA 19 p p am 0 A 0.12 � • 1700 - INN114 0 A 34001 0 all 1821 01 Dam wp ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMECR 8 Newpmt 2021a WA/ PM N - NORTHBOUND. 8 - SOUTHBOUND E • EASTBOUND, W'. WESTBOUND L•LEFT. T=THROUGH. R-IBGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNA JZED LOS. LEMS- Or Sf3TVICE 'DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS N p PROJECT . 14n aq 1 WOST*4 p A COSTING a p +OTHER II a EX+OTHER p 1 •PROJECT' p I E 40TFER A lu p ♦PROJECT A WxUJE Bq VAI A p VIC p p V/C A A waw W II AI p NI 1 am a.m p• p 0.07 N' A 0.07 A' A 1 15 1 b a» 1 t A t R am __ _ NAI om u A NI Atl OAS ( ote p • j ' ae M ' A 0.12 � • A N . 11 1 Nap 1 p p p 0 ANI A� 14 N � • •• all apaiiii ' n aiiHI 1 N A W Ap Dasa ' a Das t A 0.29 _� A ■ oosA II 0.00 1 ' A 0.08 R • p e S A AIN 0.08 N 1 N 0.08 I N 0.08 p p INA 1 A v I e A t i NOR HISOUTH CREIWAL SUMS pM 025 s• s � • a 0 1 OaD ( 0.28 I 0.00 p EAST/WEBT CRIfIGV.NLI11A6 • p(p 0.10 — p ( 0.10 I 0.70 I - Om 0 __ _ CLEARANCE. Atl OAS ( _ OAS .__ _ _ —A (� 0A5 I QW ICU VALINE • 0 ANI — GAO � • •• a ' n 1 0.40 0.10 I 0.06 0 Rol __ _ _� LOS .v .vsvvavvssv••vw .v. L;u�73�•i1 �;L.L�7T�iG [4i-�rJyi'•7:Il:n�<1 PROJECT' . CRY of Tudin61 Cw" Red RKbmr xft INTERVAL: PM PEAK ROUT - CATERSECUOW 19 Cwn VW Rwel 5 Nswpon Ar YEAR 7020 WOMA PROJECT IIIII YIA 1 Mil A Ulu 1 t MY A N OUSTING A A FX+OTHER p p EX -OTHER p III IIIA MOVEMENT IM DOST 1 PROP MI FXa4TWG p PROPOSED IM YEAR 2= Y OTHER p PROJECT N F=TWG 1 1 +OTHER p p +PROJECT Il 1 +PROJECT p M INTI @p LANES p LANES Mil CAPACITY 1 CAPACITY IN VOLUMES p VOLUME 1 VOLUTE Will VIC j�p » 1 1 p 1 V/C w I P I. III NIII 9111 — 91II�®N- om NL OM in ANI p 77001 MI o NM A 417l A �� p NIN oil 0.25 A' 1 0.25 j p 025 l a j _ NIII N IIIII 2H IN 0400 p 0 Illi ' 1173 1 A m 025 p II - 0.W 1 A 0.35 1111 NR MII IIININ 17oo 1 0 9M. 40 1 Mil 0. p II o.0z p p aaz p p 1 ill NIII IN sl NIII II NN 00 p 1Kill o AI w1 Y A Ail o.06ae Y N 0.00 p q oAe SR 3 Y YIN 5100 1 � 0111111 9161 tl W 0.10 p • q � 0.10 1 • 1 0.19 p • p � • 11 toil SR Ilia IIIII ON NB ON 0 N 5009 BI, p p A. N 1 p NIII EL INTI + p MINI ET - +700 p o pill eo y p 19Y O.a N. • 1 0.04 1 . Y 0.04 p • p 1 B p ' MR UM IN Ilia +700 II 0 pM 2371 1 NO 0.14 N M p91 ER pM 10 IIN 170011 O NM 4141 1 111 021 p p 024 p A 024 p p p1A WL Ulm + Y INN tion p o NM too 1 N No 0.05 N A a05 1 1 0.05 p p - p pi INN WT NIII 2 p NM WR 3400 1 0111 sea 1 1 4 . 020 1 • 1 020 1 • 1 028 p • p Y • ill NJ Mil ON NM ON 0 ON 7521 N A A Y Y Y . NORTWBOUiR CRITRSV. NUMB-� � -M�p 0.44 1 0.44 I 0.44 ICU SPREADSHEET FNA: NAMECR B Aowm 20TO vWb prq -- I OAU Y FABiNYEST CRITICAL SlNltl- 0.90 0.30 1 0.30 N - NORTHBOUND S - SOUTFISOUND R _— _ _ — _ I OAO E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUA CLEARANCE. all M 0.055 1 0 .05 1 5 L - LEFT. T - THROUGH,- RIOHT R ` w. w i OAS M N.S. - NOT SIGNN.QED ICU VALUE- AM 0.79 0.76 _— 1 . es O.TY LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE - ! _ -- l OAS M 'DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEIABlfS - Los • 111 C I C .e+-�A.e.III m N O -0j C 0] O 01D O Z 07 O 00 — T A a) Ut � WERSECTION CAPACRY LMMTION ANALYSIS PROJECT: 0117 of TuIrm Cw "Red Recomemicaewn INIERVAL: AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION: Newpal Av i Mein SMI YEAR 210 WMM* PROJECT NII IIII 1 BI A Hill MOVEMENT 111 EMT A PROP IBI E)USTI N3 I NII II AN LANES A LANES NA CAPACITY. II 1110 n Ex+oT1NER II AN 11 *PROJECT AN�II� m A m ' 1 IBI NL - NI 111 o IN 17001 MR NT NII 21 0 IN -3100 N LIN NR dN on 0110 on IIIN SL INN t I o In I?W I nip ST INN 211 0 NI 340011 1111 SR INN 1 A OWN 1700 I IN EL LIN t 1 0 AN 1700 1 IIIA ET LIN 21 o LIN 3400 I IIII ER IIIA 1 N 011111 1700 I IIII WL- IIII - 11 011111 17001 IIIA WT NA 21 OHIO 34W I NA WR NI 1 1 0 NN 1700 N LIN II PROPOSED N YEAR2 0 I CAPACITY MR. VOLUMES 1 mA n Ex+oT1NER II AN 11 *PROJECT 0 m A 0 nB 3401 0M 301 d vlaw w I AIN I BA 0 IN 1010 0 IIII 1301 o.ta 1 1 I' N—Jim 0 o 1401 IIil 10001 a oat 0 IN 3001 ON 101 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMHewporl S Mdn 22 w!o pro! N - NORTHBOUND, 8. SOUTN6pUND E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND L = LEFT. T. THROUON, R. RIGHT N.S.. NOT SKPI1AL D LOS . LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS II HER II IIA BII A R90STINO I d E70STM fl 1:OTHER I fl DL*OTHER 1 d *PROJECT U n Ex+oT1NER II AN 11 *PROJECT VOL N I VOLUME NN ®+ vIo 1 1 v� 1 We • N d vlaw w I AIN I BA II BIA IN 0.13 ASI ata 0-1 o.ta 1 1 I' N—Jim N N AM 0.11 I 1 0.11 A N oat .0.10 ! Nd fl BA IN NNNI I 9.021 d N 0.ozU I II A aoz 1 A 1 -- I INN mi- 0.30• j• A � A 1 II NNNAiI II ' Id A n o.00 A d 0.011 11 In 0.00 IN IN 0.02 1 7 1 0.02 1 O -OT• N 302 6 0-07 1 '. tl II 11 ' NAI 1 III OAS 1 U 0.06 A 1 0.00 ---- I! NB 1 I 0.00A• 0 aii 1• 1 0.00 j j I� 11111 A NNNN Nd 0.01 1 I 0.01 j 1 001 10 � _• Him q NORTWSOUTH CRITICAL SUMS • AN ou � •...s.ee •�! � N I --- au _— I 343 I 0 o.ao BA EASTNWEST CRITICAL SUMS- .0.10 ! O.te -- —^ -- I ale O,pp CLEARANCISAN 300 1 uaS 1 ' 0.00 I 0.00 ICU VALUE . &64 ' . I e OM +�••� •• AAI IN ---- -- O.B4 I OAS— A11 LOS= B I B — 0 10 I A ���asa INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION AHALYSIS Fv C e) O ! Q / 0 CD A m Cn ! PROJECT: Cny of Tuedn•E7 Cano10 PAW RedWldon' INTERVAL PM PEAK HOUR 94TERSECTXW Neepnt Aveele 9 Me1n S9ee1 YEAR 2020 WIN PROJECT Illn 1119 Ilnl N IIIN d Nq MOVEMENT 1UI EXIST A PROP 1110 EXI9TWG I PROPOSED MN A YEAR 2020 1 OTHER AFA N PROJECT 1N1 N EIOSTHO N A D06TWO I 1 +OTHER I EX+OTHER I I EX+OTHER II INN 1110 N0 LANES N LANES IIID CAPACITY I CAPACITY MA VOLUMES I VOLUME N VOLUME NI VIC 1 q 1 A •PROJE� n N UTA Ulu 114-0—III4 1 � MII 1 N 1111 - NmA ®Amtl A Y VAI 1 7C W W _ 11 IIID N� Rol 19 Rol 17991 on 451 .p 0.03 A-�Y IImNN Illd Hof NT' MII 21 IIIA 34001 NR 1111 ON Off on 10901 N Np o�.33i y q• A 0.03 q 1 d' UTA UIN on 1591 p - NI 1 1A• IINI AIM sL NM 1 N AIM 1700 1 ST 110 21 IIIN 3400 N o IN 0 W 701 7801 N NI 0.04 1 • 1 oJN p ' 0.04 N o 04 II p U 1 IIIN 1111 SR IMI 1 N VIII 1700 p 0 MA 12D 1 1 1 NM MA 0.23 1 0.07 1 p N 0.24 - p 9 t• VIII 1141 EL 1 d IIIA 170D 1 o MIO ee p A NM. 0.04 A • 0.04 8 , 0 0W II • A N %1% LIN Jlawim ET LIN 2 N IMI 34001 o N11 4901 A M1 ' 0.14 q A LL • nnl IIIN ER VIII 1 N Ip9 17001 o NMI 321 1 NA 0.02 N 1 om R 0 002 gill LIN 0111 WL Ind 1 U IIID 1700 1 WT UIN z N am 34001 o MU o M0 oo 1 6291 p MI aas A A 0.13 1 R p 0.06m p 1 N NN VIII IAM WR NN 1 N IOM 1700 N o MIO 101 p 1 NI • 0-1410.13 -0.o 1 ' A 0.15p • 1 A IIUI p • pill 1 1 = Q-�I�N aot 0.011 1 N VIII ICU SPREADSHEET FILE KWWW ppt 31Mn 2020 wM3 prof NORTWOUTH CRITICAL SUMS - m OA1 - I 0.41 _ I DAI = I 0.00 Non N. NORTHBOUND. S -SOUTHBOUND - EASTIWEST CRITICAL SUMS. MN 0.19 I _ 0.19 I 0.19 1 --NM OAO 911 E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOIIID - 0.FARANCE _ W qM _-_ OJ6 _- - - -- NIO L-LEFT.T=THROLOKR=RIGHT NM I s Q OJI6 I 0.05 I 0.05 M1 N.S. - NOT 8K*L& WEDICU VALUE = 0.86 = I - !- i - Q06 sssQs . s . , s nu LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE - - • IN -- - -- I. 0.95 I 0.06 1M DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS • LOg. INN B I B _ -- _ - .A -- "in Q f tl • .QQ�Q- ! I qW . Q sOQ = Y i Q.tlOI i .S Fv C e) O ! Q / 0 CD A m Cn ! INITERSECTION CAPACITY.UIIRATIDN ANALYSIS PROJECT: Cel of TW*i-8 CmM Reel Reim INTERVAL AM PEAK HOUR • NTERSECTION: Pmeped Am i Moln SYeM YEAR 7020 WNWA PROJECT - Ilia NIII II UNI U NM 1 tl Iw - II tl EXISTING 1 N EX40T7IER N p OL40THER I MIN IIIA MOVEMENT 1111 EAST II PROP I11 E%ISTM 1 PROPOSED 01 YEAR 2020 1 OTHER 1 PROJECT IN EXISTNO p p .OTHER 1 1 +PROJECT N II +PROJECT N Nm IIIII Nal LANES p LANES INN. CAPACITY p CAPACITY nN VOLUMES p VOLUME A VOLUME 1IU VA; II 1 VTC ®.. 190 VAS A�11 WN olliR Nom I � IN' t A 1A q�U p—.p 1 u n 11 MR NL wU Oil o NIA o q 0 171 01 A NW I• A 0 N n1101 NT Kill 01 0 RN ON on. O p 1 Im N 1 N N 1' 1U INN NR INN 01 o Him O N 0111 a Q II mN 1 1. A N I p1 INN SL BN ON 011111 ON 0 N1 771 p n1 1 q A 1 II AIA IIII sr 111 10 011111 170p A O All ON I In 0.10 U• 1 min -1. 1 - 0.10 1• 1 pI -hill • MR IIIII SR IIIb ON o INN ON o Am 930 U Iw I I I- II 1 A IIIA EL Ilia 11 - 0 pm 17001 0 NIII 871 1 IN 0.05 p • 1 0.05 K • a 0.05 N •. II I p1 I • w1 [III ET Ilia in OWN 17001 0 Kill 3231 A INN 0.10 n N 0-19 1 1 0.19 q_ 1 tl INN ER gin Oil o NIN 01 0 Iw ON A NII 0 A N A- mA InK WL NII ON 0 Kia ON o ON ON N 1111111 I N' Mil1 Ina WT .Inn in 0 wA � 17001 _ 0 1A . 4001 1 mI 031 1 • 1 Oso U ' 1 U.• Oso . N • nN IIIII WR Intl 1 N 4 Im 17001 O Iw oil 1 Ill 0.05 ;1 1 0.05 1 A 0.05 1 1 1 1go 1 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMEmeped i Moh 2020 eeTO pmI NORTTV8OUTH CRITICAL SUMS.- M1 N1 0.10 - — I =.s.' 0.10 - d 1 _— 0.10 I IN OAO 11 EASTIWEAT CRRICFI. SUM 0.b I 0.20 I _— 0.20 -' 0 N-NORTHBOl1ND.8-SOVT}N30WiO - --_ -- I 0.00 E -EASTBOUND. W-WESTSOM CLEARANCE - DAI 0.05 --- -- L - LEFT. T. T1*tOUGH. R - RIGHT - s e ! ... I OAS I OAS N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED ICU VALUE= m0.M I OA4 - a ' LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE _ _ -- I _ OA4 I OA5 W • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS Los. Is A I A _ — _ _ — INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION A14ALYSS 00 cn A QI Ln — INN PROJECT: COY at Tueanfl CemfnO ROY Rednttl®Ym I FJ09TIq I INTERVAL. PM PEAK HOUR II EX+OTHER II NIA III EXISTING 1 INTERSECTK tt f MPW Ave 8 Mein Sl YEAR 2020 Wlou1 PROJECT p -+PROJECT H IIII III a 1111 I am B R IMI MOVEMENT 1111 EXISTp PROP 1111 EASTING I PROPOSED NY YEAR 2020 p OTHER p PROJECT UNI III LANES 1 LANES IIIA CAPACITY 1. CAPACITY 0 VOLUMES I VOLUME p VOLUME lint III -111111 N MR I p IIIII NL URI 0 1 1111 ON 01N of p 1141 NT Ila 01 IIIII on 0 III 01 NA INA NR HUI o A 1411 OR 0 am ON IIIII SL NII 0 1 1111 ON 0 NN 109 1 1111 ST IIII 1 N IIII 1700 I o Nal 01 .1 INN SR Ills OI IIII an 901 eel I Ilia EL IIIA 1 N IIIA 1700 I on 1321 IIII ET IIIA 1 A IIRI 17001 0 MN 4331 A Ilia ER HAI ON IIIA 01 ON ON p IIII WL Nn Go Ilia 01 0 NN 01 I Ills WT III t I IIII 17001 0 ME 2901 N III — WR NN I I NII — — - -- 17001 - 0 1321 _ 1 o ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAIAEioeped 6.MeOi 2020 Wo pori NORT108OUT71 CRITICAL SURAS - n N II NII Kul K EASTANEST CRITICAL SUMS- H- NORTHBOUND, S-SOUTHBOVNO R ' I II NA ` NI NAS E - EASTBOUND, W - WFSTSOUND - CLEARANCE - . II 000 n LI!LEFT. T -THROUGH. R-RKMTT - NN 0.10 1 Q -masa ato - I N.S. - NOT SDNNJ2ED ICU VALUE -_ –_ – LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE I 0.01) INN NN • 0040TES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS 1 Los. 00 cn A QI Ln — INN I I FJ09TIq I I EXOTHER Il II EX+OTHER II NIA III EXISTING 1 II +OTHER n p -+PROJECT H II +PROJECT A NIA IRI VIC Y n VIC p A Vic 1 II WSW–Rw p YIY U-1-1 - Y-1 >"..� pap IN 1' I I• N N A Y II n II N• 101NA NA I pill Nn n II AllIi p 0.10 • 0.10 i• N 0.10.I• 1 no]on 11 I IAIIY 1 IIIINW Ono 0.09 1 ' 1 0.08 • p p 1 IllaN 0.25 I II 029 A 11 A Ilia am n 1 Y II II I m1 Y' o n N II NII Kul K my an p • R ail I • I II NA ` NI NAS 0.00: 111 -+a 1 II 000 n p II RIII 1 IIII NN 0.10 1 Q -masa ato - I ato Na –_ – _ _ I 0.01) INN NN 025 1 023 om -- – -- YII i _-- --- 0.01) NII ■ 045 1 Ono-- �•�!�•'! – -- S MR NI ago-� °�° oMo NI –_ 1 oao Nil NN A I A I A-- -- Na • O - a �YiY - -- f A L Y mu INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: COY W Tm*1 El Cw1ft RW Redo platin INTERVAL: AM PEAK HOUR lITERSECTIOR PiAw i 101 Sh" YEAR 2@0 WMM11 PROJECT IIIII OTTauERAE 1 PROJvowAECTE IIIN I AID IIIA MOVEMENT IAp EMT p PROP IIID IIID vp IIII LANES p LAWS IAA IIID ]fill—I- p MINI IIIII NL IIIN 1 n 0 1111 IIIII NT IIID 1 If 0 DIII 11111 NR IIIA Oil 0 oil 11111 . SL Ilia Oil 0 No (111 ST IDD 2+ 0 IN IIII SR pill I D 0 m pill EL Hill / N O 111 pill ET Din 211 0119 Pill ER Pill Oil 0INN 11111 V& IIII 1 II 0 01 Hill WT MII 211 010 0111 WR oil 11 0 g EXISTING CAPACITY 1 N 1700 p IT00 1 ON ON 3400 p Im 1 17001 34001 011 1700 p 340011 17001 IIID PROPOSED INR CAPACITY pill Om on 0 AN 004 OM 0 ON 0 pry 0 AIN 01111 0111 ago 0 No ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAAIrOepsa S tq 2020 W/o pml N = NORTHBOUND. 8 - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND L - LEFT. T- THROUGH. R - RIGHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE (+) REPRESENTS LEFT AND LEFT / THROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED" - YvEaARuMEs 1020 1p OTTauERAE 1 PROJvowAECTE pill dpip q EXISTNIG A EXISTINGN i +OT1ERR N ExMTHER N JPROJECT p- II EX.+OTHE4 A No p +PROJECT vp Vic 1 p p vlcm MP 11 0 II on � 1 42-9 U N IIA AAI 0.02 A • ( 0.02 A • A 0.02 1 • p 1-.•10 • Ito A Y Mn 0.12 p p 0.11 I p 0.01 II BI A NII 3011 1 MII A A p p 1 19411 16T d 1 N of pip 0.12 • • 1 Iil • 1e1 p 1 IIIA 0.w 1 01w2 1 1 o.0e 1 p 9A A go o 1e 1 • ( 0.10 A ' 11 0.10 lea 1 n D 1 ate A 11 one 301 1 ( 1 m d 003( 1 1 A 0.031 1 1 N am p A 1 1 Iltl n 641 j. AM 1• 1 OAS Y' A 0.16 1' A AI II ' 111 1301 A IN 0.0e d 1 0.06as 1. 1 A n NORTHPSOUTH CRITICAL SUMS- ■ A Ont I 0.14 = I 0.14—RD __ __ I 0190 111 EASTNVEST CRITICAL SUMS- d am 0.26 016 -- on __ n CLEARANCE No am I - 0.03 I 0.05 I am N ICU VALUE- pn OAS I 0.43 I OAS I OAS LOS- A A I A INTERSECTION CAPACITY U'R¢ATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: CNyd T>BMHCWWWRWRe I IN' 00n INTERVAL: PM PEAK HOUR MTERSECTIOW.. PIORPed AVS i 141 Sk" YEAR 2020 WMqul PROJECT Din n uW NAI L"A- ENT am SWT N PROP pW DUSTING N 111 IN Ill LANES N LANES NW CAPACITY I fill '-- WA—A-..;—III A• OTHER N 0111 961 I INN RL IMI In WI 1+001 IIIA NT IWI , 1 AW 170D 1 IIIN NR IWI ON INN ON IIW SL IN. 01 IIW 0 1 IIW ST m 2+ 1 I. .1' N file SR IIW 1 1 KIP 17W I IIII - EL IW I 1 IWI 1700 I IWI ET WA 2 q Iilll - 34W I INN ER IIW 01 ION ON IIII WL NII I N WII 17001 IIAI WT -IIW 21 M 34001 TAI WR w- 11 m ,7001 kW n IN PROPOSED Wq YEAR 2020 1 OTHER y PROJECT CAPACITY IN VOLUMES I VOLUME y VOLUME EXISTM A A• OTHER N 0111 961 q Olin 204 1 A O Alll 331 - p 01W 2251 1 0 M 13s1 p 1•••I 1�1 0 WA 2301 j 0 AW 51121 1 0 MR 380 1 0 M 241 1 0M We 1 ON 2441 1 ICU SPREADSHEET FLE NAMIfteped S IN 2020 w/o prcj N - HORTFBOUPD, S - SOUTHOOIIND E-1JSTSOUND, W - VVFSTHOIMD L - LEFT T • THROUGH, R • RIGHT N.S.-NOT SKINALIZF.D . LOS • LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS (+) REPRESENTS LEFT AND LEFT I THROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED NS X CD fA M O 01 � Z (n O O p � N A0) Ln HORTHISOU HCRITICAL sums EASTAVEST CRITICAL SUMS CLEARANCE• . ICH VAUIE - LOS • IIIA 1 1 DOBTMKR 1 N EX+OTH R p N D(.+OTHER I Me NW EXISTM A A• OTHER N A +PROJECT p p +PROJECT 1 NAI TNI VFG A N VIC 1. 1 . vc tl A INw A IIIA IIA 1•••I 1�1 A BYUS 1sWN 1' 10 tl DAIS A N V' IWI Adl 0,22 1 0-v o32 I fiW A 1 I. .1' N A 1 am NW 1. 1 1 NAI IN 0.11 om I 1' NW AW 0.07 I tl 0.07. 1 1 OA7 p p N 111 0.151' N o.ts J. N 0.15 p• p N• n AIN 0.27 A A uy A A 0.27 p 1 RUN 1 A p n A A W dIA m 0.01 0.01 0.01 NW 0.211' 1 0.21 p' N alt N• p TNI' lilt au I 1 au A 1 0.14 1 1 A NW • v a vs�a • s . •mem a • 032_— 022 ( 032 ( .. MR OAO WA -- ON o38 - 0.38 I AW 0.00 _— am IIA AW 0.05 OM 0.05— I aas -- NW pill 111 0.63 ( .OS 0.1113 j OAS WN AW -- - -- - WN -- WA •• s�.v..... A MW �� . e e PROJECT: City of TwUn-8 CW t0 Rai RKMNF BM INTERNAL' AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTIO!: 8 Comhw Red 6 1d S1Yr1 YEAR 2010 With PROJECT lull Hill I— Ilul U pill 1 A lu1 N A POSTM N p OCAOTHFR I IN PX•OTNER p pp MR MOVEMENT lull MOST a PROP Ido E=TNB A PROPOSED NIM YEAR PL'm p OTHER p PROJECT NTA EKISTNO p q .OTHER p II +PROJECT 11. PROD q PROJECT• A AOI MR IAO LANES I LANES JIM CAPACITY I CAPACITY IIIN VOLUMES A VOLUME 1. VOLUME IN V7C p p V/C v� 11 1 IMP AIR NII[—U®NN A W� 1 N AIR 1'-I NSW M�'U ®� p AIA VIN NL IAII 1 p o mi 17004 0 IAU - 1701 1 Oto ; 0.f0 • 0.10 1 , I A m pW A• Him NT Hill O N 0 MR ON o luA ON U A A pill Ilp NR Hill. 11 011111 17001 0 PAI 701 W M asp p - 0.04 a- 1 N Moa 1 N A A AIN IIIA tY Iglu 01 0 IAII 0 W 0 Ulu o p 1 MA n t II II A IIIN IAII sr Alp 0 n 0 gin 01 0 Win o I I pill' II ' 1 1• q 1 A 1 Nil Hill SR pill Oil 0 NII o p 0 No on I NIA II A 1 1 U• I p VIII EL Hill III O NIA17W 1 - 0 = - on N pin 0110 A ' 1 oA0 p 1 W lint VIII ET JIM 2 H o 1111 3400 p o M 5n W 1 AN 0.17 p A al? II U 0• N p 1 11111 Hill ER pill - in 0 Np 1700 1 0 mi 1251 A - NAI 0.00 W N D.Od 1 p aa0 a .N A NIA RIII WL 11111 t N 0 IMI tTDo q 0 IBI 1071 1 NI 0.00 1 p 0.00 q p 0.00 0 No Np WT 1111121 0 W ado 1 - 0 NU AI 1 I NM aa9 p • p OM It • N 023 t' L N • W dill WR AIN ON on on o lingo ON p ANI N 1 1 I N 1 . - - — -- - - - IN a -10 • v • -�• 1 AIN ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR a td 207D WPFDJ NORTH 03OUD1 CRITICAL - SUMS - N�pl Rio -- I _ 0.10 _ —. l s 0.10 I 0.00 e Mil IIY FAS7YWE3T CRITICAL BUMS • 029 D29 am " N - NORTHBOUND. S - SOUTHBOUND Him I OA0 W E- EASTBOUND.OI -WESTBOUND ' CLEARANCE - - NAI 0.05 l a05 I oA6 - l- LEFT, T-THH90UOFI,R- RIGHT JIM-_ - — •ref OAS -NMI Los ICU VALUE - O.7A l 0.34 I • �.1 -NOT oPLCEEDSERVICE 4106 .' DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS LOS. a A I ..A � A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: GlyoTTu6nFJ CamYq Red Re I Ilka0pl i INTERVAL PM PEAK HOUR . INTERSECTION: a Canea Rod 8 Id Sheet YEW 2020 WYh PROJECT . YIII Inn II INTI HillMOVEMENT PINJIM p PROPLANES OR N NII EXISCAPACfM R PROPOSED M N YEAR 2020 1 OTHER A I PROJECT M M N EDOS7'IIG N ---~ -- A E%ISTMj A tl •oTFFJi ! tl - II EK.OTHBt II •PROJECT N II IIW I�e A M VOLUMES 1 VOLUME 1 VOLUME M WC p p VIC' . 1 A VIC I •PROJETMCTT VIII-- woI ii—PI0 VIII NL III A M A' A M e..� 11.7-1 +�+j I'°"1 11 n v/cW_W '� pr<I N Inl IIII NIR JIM NT M 011 M 17900 on 0 M o M gal 1 ON 1 - M ai0A a,e l• A ais q• A s p• MI IIII 1141 NR Nin 111 MR 'Mn 1700 1 0 MN Ua A 1- N M M 0.00 A U a0wi A II u R IIIA IIRI SL VIII 0 1 of 0 mu O p A M 1 N A II aa0 II j YW Hill. ST IINI ON IIII OR 0 MI 01 N NIII A it 11111 SR Jim OR NIII 01 0 BI ON A M A• A 1• i A R A, IM (IIII EL Jim I N RR ET 2 1700 I 0 M 0 1 - A - PIN -0.00 N 1 O. a9 I 1 1 0.00 N R AIN IIIN Hill N Rln 7400 p 0 m A Iom A N IMI ER Hill III pill 1700 0 2m q . 0.12 p p a. 1• pN 029 o. A A R• M Hill WL Illn I A Nnl WT 17001 0 lin t1e p- A MN 0.m N• A ami I' I 0.0T A• p 21 MnI WWA 0 i o 7760 R R " A A 0.23 N M IIRI IA1 O A I A 1 IN 1 A A II A• MR — ----- — — Ink A N !rr.rrr®,r1 11111 NORI}118O GiIfICX SUM •. - PIN 415 1 0.1& M ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR S Id 2020 �/Pq M I 0.15 O:oO- INN N - NORTHBOUND. S - SOUTNOOUNO EASTNVMCwUCAL SUMS. 036 I _ 1 _—I 0.76 a _ I 0.00 III E c EASTBOUND, W . WESTROUNO - - CLEAMNCE. M 0.05 I O.OB •' - M L c LEFT. T c THROUGR R c RJGHT M I p,06 I 0.06 NNI N.S. NOT SIGNALIZED IGl VALUE. r . 036 I . r c i I a r c ®c.r 035 LOS c LEVEL OF SERVICE - I 0.06 Ilu • DENOTES CWTICAL MOVEMENTS LOS.- M--- I A �f _ --RHI I A I A IN . r .Z1 N N -00 M C_ co W O Z V O 00 - T A m M � NTERSECTN)N CAPACITY Uf1IIATION ANALYSIS A PROJECT: city of Tuwar Ee Cortin Rad Redomftivon L: INTERVAAM PEAK HOUR - - INTERSECTIOM EI CW&W Real s Mdn SYaa1 YEAR 20ID With PROJECT NII NII MR A Nil MOVEMENT IN EXIST II PROP IN EXISTING - 1 - IN - II 1 PROPOSED PIN YEAR 2020 q 1 OTHER 1 PROJECT INN IN 1 OOSTA1o1 p A E)OSTMp q .OWER q ry EJL+OTHER U A +PROJECT II A EX*Or*n 1 +PROIEI T N Inn NII III LANES p LANES 0I WACITY A CAPACITY I1 VOLUMES A . VOLUME N YOL.UIE IN Vic A A VAC A II VAO 1 p V/GW_wv y Np p NN IN -- pnl®II.®INN NL IIAI OR 0 INN N — on 1111 0 NIA p TJ 1 1 N IN NI I.p 1-1 ya•A pin A�01N Inn NT INN 1 1 o NIq NR t 0 1700 1 0114 +a A So - A NN 0.t! -2 • • 1 N • - y A' INN 1 INTI IIIn III 1 NN 17W N o AN 1 A n 0m 0.14 A q 0.01 N A Inn nlll SL INN o 1 0 AIN 01 01111 is 0 II' NI 0 ' A A ' i B ' y INTI ST 1110 1 p 01I 77001 0 Nil 1051 q IN 0e1 1 1 0.11 p A om 1 1 1 pill ' Illy SR 111 111 011111 EL EL t 0 17001 0 M 291 1 INN 0.02 1 y 0-02III6 p p 0.02 1 1 1 1 pill Hill Nil Nil ET 17001. 0111 35 N A. No ooz 1 • • 1 on 0 .0p 1 • 11111 Nil t 1 0 II 1700 A 111 011111 2801 q INN 027 1 1 0 7 p N NII Inn ER NUI 0 q O IIP O 1 .17001 ON a 1 A Iq 1 A II . IN 101 WL NIII + 1 0 110 o N1 all q ■ 0.01 N A 0.07 1 1 0J04 1 A IN nri R UN o 1 a Im tmo 1 0 1 � °'° 0.So • 010 1 • 1 N4 • NM PIN 571_ 1 1 _ I NI • a IN ICU SPREADSHEET FILE K ME ECR 8 Mort 2071 wlpof lIDRTM18O<JTM BUYS • - 0.17 - I 0.1! -- I 0.11 1 GAS - EAsrrvNPbTCRRICALSUMS. O.r2 0.12 I 0.ffi -- III N-NORTNATOUN0,6•.SOlTf16OlAVD MN _- � - 1 0.00 E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND CLEARANCE •- OJb Om DAN - - NI L+ LEFT. T. THROUGH, R - RIGHT u a! i 5� N.S. • NOT SNAL1D Ii I U VALUE • O31 I 0.51 I a! oat .� LOS • LEVEL OF SERVICE Iva. OJ16 AI •DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS Los NIN A A A AIN IN A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS MII AAI I Inn pull MOVEMENT All EMT 1 PROP flM 1111 . II PRO.ECi Intl LANES I LAWS 111 Am N EXISTING) 1 p t OTHER mu•�=n�Au p EX+OTHER I AR VOLUMES I NM NL pup on M1 Inn NT 1M III Mn 11111 NR all 1 a AIM MII SL MII o l MN MII ST lull. 1 1 Inn MII SR . lull I N IMI MII EL phi 1 A INN MII ET Hill 1 N ]III Dill ER MII o p IIIA Mill WL pun 1I MI RIK WT pip 11 INN NIU WR IIII 08 1 CMF d TdhB Cl Rd RKWurcOm PM PEAK HONK 8 C.m►n RON 6 NM SYad YEAR 2020 WIh PROJECT ExISTING N CAPACITY 1 oh +7 N +7go R 01 17000 +100 1 17001 17001 0 1911 +Mao p 01 Ill PROPOSED Ulu CAPACITY IgA po oN 0 IAA 0a OMR 01M o pM o IMI 0 in* 0 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR S Mdn 2020 %Vr4 N! NORTHBOUND, S s SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W ! WESTBOUND L! LEFT, T! THROUGK R! MOW N.S.! NOT SIGNALIZED LOS C LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS O p — N A oX M YEAR 2920 1 OTHER . II PRO.ECi IMI 1 Ex sTHo 1 N EXISTING) 1 p t OTHER 1 EC+OTHER g p EX+OTHER I AR VOLUMES I VOLUME - p VOLUME W VK: 1 I II we p •PROJECT II 1 +PROJECT 1 AIR 1 .ems RSA q 1 1l..p VIC * 1 R ®® Imp view IMP 1 Mill aa.aa 1511 NESAI flmAA 218 1' + 1 1 111 0.22 A ` 1' 0.22 1 • i 022 1 A 1 • Mn 1 A 111 om 1• ao7 1 1 om 1 I n ml 225 1 d IIIA; Ilp�l 1 1' 1 mill 1 1 1 j 1 1' an 49fl 1 oa+mS M A 0.02 1 a.te A 0.02 A g N pA M1 om 0211• I o27 A•111* l 1• 1 111 1 p 1 A 1 0.27 N Ip 4341 1 In A• 0 om 1' N A o.os 1• 1 I Ap fl 111 601 A 025 Ar p 1 1 1. om g q fl. u NIIRTHISOUTH CRRKX SUMS v IIA 0.29 ! a � 2 A l fl IN 0-22 OAD oil FASTAVEST CRITICAL SUMS! IN - 0]2 I 0.321 w a�-----�---1A 1 0.0111p CLEARANCE All oJ76—lip I I.OB ICU VALUE - I Ons I ans +R Up 0.68 1 O.W LOS AAI 9 _— I A A — lull a semva s s! aaeaa! s e i A Ag �!�la. deo loa IIIA INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS . 1 EX+OTHER I p EJI.WTHFR R NY PROJECT.- CRY Of TUS11,03 Con" Rad ReddmoMmtlon EXISTN0 y 1 +OTHER II INTERVAL' AAA PEAK HOUR i +PROJECT. 1 NN pN VIC A INTERSECTION: EI Cemho Red& impo1l Avam9 YEAR 2020 WBh PROJECT vD IIIII IIIII N A01 1 UN 1 p Bill MOVEMENT IIIII EXIST p PROP ON E70STM I PROPOSED NN YEAR 2020 A OTHER 1 PROJECT NIN INTI LANES N LANES 1111 CAPACITY N CAPACITY NN VOLUMES 1 VOLUME 1. VOLUME Hill IAM—,N---.NN1 I —in U 1 1 loll NL lug 7 N 0 N1 17W 1 0 NJ 1100 1 NM NT DIB 20 o NII -31001 o AIN 5201 1 NNI NR INN 11 011111 17N 1 o NO 1801 II - MR SL INN 11 0 INN 1700 tl o NII 1701 0 ANI ST 11111 31 o INN 51001 o NN 0001 1 ANI OR NUI 01 0 INN of 0 IIN 101 1 loll EL • ANI 1 1 0 NIA 17001 o NIA 201 1 - INN ET MR 1 1 00111 17001 0 RII 1901 p fIIII ER AIN t y 01141 17001 0 RII 100 N A NIN WL NN I 1 011111 1700 1 o Apo 110 1 II NN WT on - 21 . 01011 34001 0 ply _ 1101 1 NM WR INl 01 o IOU ON o IN 701 1 I ICU SPREADSHEET FIEF NAI EECR 8 4spu12020 Wpb NORTMOUTH CRITICAL $UMS . _— EAST/WW CRITICAL SUMS - LlSAS.. N - NORTHBOUND, 8 - SOUTHBOUND OAI I SAS I OAS NI E - EASTSOLND, W - WESTBOUND _ 0.19 - _ I alp CLEARANCE •- L - LIFT. T= THROUGH. R - RIGHT 1 DAG I N- N.S. - NOT BIGNALIZED - I A ICU VALUE. . LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE I 'DENOTES CRrrlCAL MOVEMENTS - LOB. '. IIIA tl N EXISTING N 1 EX+OTHER I p EJI.WTHFR R NY NA EXISTN0 y 1 +OTHER II 1 'PROJECT A i +PROJECT. 1 NN pN VIC A y VIGA 1 II vD 1 Vn.W_I� II AAI IIA NI A"N Om A 1 — 1-1 0.05 1 1 A—U 1—AMY IAq 0.15 1' 1 ats l' A Om 1 0.13 ll' II 0.111 B q 0.11 1 A 0.11 11 U 1 Bill111 q0.11(LI8 y• A M A m ate 1 oto j• Ilj 11 N 11 A p In Tal • IAN O.11 1 ' N cm A ' q 0.11 p • In N IN IAN NA 0 20 N 0-05 1 0.Ze A A 0.20 II N 1 IN II 1 0.08 q' N 0.05 1 • N 1 AN NN pW OAB 1 1 OAS p A O -W N p 1. A 1 1 tl N O.26 1 025 UY IIN _—_ _— 1 0, m I Om NN MR 0.19 I.. ate __ 0.19 I _— _— on LlSAS.. OAI I SAS I OAS NI NN _ 0.19 - _ I alp _ 0. •- 1 DAG I N- I A 1 A I A p INTERSECTION CAPACITY UT1.nTION AILLLYSIB 1=_ M=7 INTI NIII II INN INTI MOVEMENT ANI EXIST A PROP JUN VIII tl bTHER A PROJECT NIA LAMS q LANES AM INTI — Big -11® INN NIII NL INN f A NIN Ain NT Nil 21 IIIA loll NR NIII I A IIIA INN SL NIII 11 Hill PIN ST NIII 311 IN loll SR NIII on IIIA INTI EL HIII I H IIAI IRI ET NIN I H INA INTI ER qIN 111 Ion NAI WL NIN 111 INN INN WT NIN 211 IAN 191 WR Itln on _ IN CRY NTu&lrws COW" PAW RedorNl dm PM PEAK "OUR 0 Crain Rae1 i HSr Avers YEAR 2020 Wlah PROJECT II MIN 1 OOSTM II PR�EO Ain YEAR 2020 Y tl bTHER A PROJECT NAI 111 N WST1 ING A EXISTING q A +OTTA3T q EX -OTHER 1 q DUOTNER A - CAPACITY II C"ACIT?' AIH VOLUMES U VOLUME - H VOLUME qll VIC N V� A A *PRO.IECT 1 1 VTC A +PRo.IECT I lull - H Ain B H 111 A �.1 aj A A we w NAPA HIII WOO A ' 3100 N - ON o WI 300 A talo H A A IN 0.23 q• q o2b � e � A Y' 0.23 • U H o Pill 1 • AIN 11700 N o PaA ora N AIA AM 0.35 1 0.02 N � 0.36 n - A o.3s p A A HIII lirwSIOD SIOD 0 Pan 100 U ow M AAI 0.05 N A 0.05 A A 0.0026 A A N RN N 0100 60 A N ilq ata A A 0.f0 q' A o.t0 A' n It • mu ITW 1 o AIH 230MH 1 I IN M14 A • A aii A • I 0.a A • II A . mp 17W q o NIN 400 1 1 NIII- 1 1 1 024 A II au A II n If AIN f70o 1 aroo q. 0 AAI 011" 100 1 ago A 0.08 1• 1 am Y 0.24 1 A am q N A II NIN A 01 0 0 3201 1 1 AM IBIt 026 H• A O.We q• q Alt N• IAN - - --� - - IN t ` b A i e 1 A 1 1 IN • NDR"YBOUTH CRITICAL SIMSNAI 0.42 I OA2 � ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMEECR a Newport 2020 •QPM N 1 0.42 1 _ a00 WN N -NORTHBOUND. 8 -SOUTHBOUND EASTAVEST CRITICAL SUMS- IN 0.30 I _ _ 0.30 I _— - 0.30 aj E - EASTBOUND, W - WESTBOUND aEARANCE` 111 _- - a05 -- I BAD -- YH L-LEFT'T- 200 Tf00H'R=RIGHT I 005 . ora H.S. - NOT SKiNIALLow ICU VALUE -aTT N .b!b .e..� R„i Aq = LOS -LEVEL OF SERVICE ERV a77 Iam 0.77 I ODS • DENOTES CRRTCµ MOVEMENTS LOIS. -- C --- -- AI --N1 I C I C A N N � O 01 C co OD N D N Z O INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: Cal of Tmfir 113 Cwkw Rad RedualkRim INTERVAL AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTIO k Newpwi Aw 6 Mdn S1nM YEAR 2020 WINK PROJECT Diu IIAI 11 Am 1 Ulm MOVEMEW mil DOST I PROP ]III- EXISTING I All A n PROPOSED ml YEAR2020 n OTHER n PROJECT ilm mp LANES 1 LANES pA CAPACITY q CAPACITY pm VOLUMES I VOLUME I VOLUME IIIA — Kul----I—Pan — 1 "I 1 1 till NL iml I N 01111 170011. 0 IN 2401 1 IIII NT IN. 21 D 1101 3400 n 0 Nil 3400 1 all NR Ulm ON . Onto Oil 0 mp NO 1 1 11111 SL Ulm 1 p call 17001 0 mil 301 a IIIII ST IIIII 2 1 O NDI 34001 0 mil 10101 u IIIII SR III 1 N 01111 17001 0 I 1301 1 Ilia EL 111 1 I Olin 17W A 0 pA 409 1 11111 ET IIII -2 N Olin 34001 0110 2+01 1 pill ER 1111 1 u o Iiia 17001 0181 1401 p Im WL IIIA 1 q O m11 17001 0 mil ISO I p nip WT pill 21 000 34a 1 0 IN 3001 1 all WR Ilm I N 0011 nap 0 Am 101 p n' Dm Ohl 0.07 p + p ��� CRITICAL SlAAB 047 q • ICU SPREADSHEET FLE NAMENswpal & Mob 2020 W/pq II 111 Am 0.00 A p 0.00 N1 - - OMA EASTNIEST CRITICAL SLIMa 11 m1 N . NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND O.w n• p 0.01 1' . 0.09 N• E. EASTBOUND. W . WESTSOUID I ]IN NA CLEARANCE. a 0.11 1 L . LEFT. T. THROUGH. R . RIGHT 0.11 it p I Nm Am D of p N.S. - NOT SMIALIZED o of ISA ICU VALUE i A ml LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE 0.44 I 0.44 I q 044 I 000 o DA Am mq • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS 1 --- 0.11 LOS. '-- ata Bnl A 1 owTxlG p 1 1xwTIIER p p EX -OTHER A pal IM EGISTWG p p +OTHER . n p +PROJECT I N +PROJECT N Nm Illmm VIC A=1 Mac ;=e11 p p vr—i IMP I DIN I® N till 0.11 1 - 1 0.14 1 a Nil Nil 0.11 p 1 0.11 p 0.11 A 9 N UW Ulm p II A II 1 A 1 IN mA 0.021 1 0.021 p 0.02 mA 0.30 p• 1 0.30 II ' 1 0.30 p A y• Nil All 0.w p 1 O.w II 1 MOB 1 I I mIU Nm O -a p 1 042 u 1 0.02 4 n n' Dm Ohl 0.07 p + p O.o7 A ' 1 047 q • II II 111 Am 0.00 A p 0.00 N1 OMA N 11 m1 mn O.w n• p 0.01 1' I 0.09 N• N I ]IN NA 0.11 A a 0.11 1 1 0.11 it p I Nm Am D of p p o of ISA CAI p i A ml Ipq a 0.44 I 0.44 I q 044 I 000 o DA Am mq 0.1e 1 --- 0.11 I '-- ata I oa — 111 Fill ON--- — --- ml Om �. 0 .03 1 --- aos I oos --IIA HILA pm IIIA . v • ass. I .• •� OAS • I . e OJ16 I OJIS v Nm NA AA -- - -- - -- - -- AAI v A IN • • v ! ay.v�• . v INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS NH PROJECT: COy ofTuWY EI Cwrft R" RedewNwtlm tl EXwTHER i p EX•OTIER 1 IIIN WTERVAL• PM PEAK HOUR ' A +OTHER A A +PROJECT 1 1 *PROJECT LMR INTERSECTION: NW4W At i MEai SbW YEAR mD With PROJECT V� N 1 IIIII IIIII I NA I hill r p PIN MOVEMENT NIA OUST I PROP III ExWnNG i PROPOSED IM YEAR2020 I OTHER A PROJECT AIA INN LANES I LARDS IN CAPACITY I CAPACITY YN VOLUMES N VOLUME p VOLUME NIII INS1�III 1 0.04 1 • n a NA p I NII NL IN 1 A NIN 17001 0 NH. gal N OAM A' INTI NT 11111 21 AAI 34M1 0 NII +0001 p IAII NR INN Oil NN0 N -i700101X11 0 AN tee II N Ina SL pill + N all M n 1N 7011 n NII ST 11A 2 A NII 3NOO p 0 MITI 7801 8 NII SR NN + A 1111 +7001 0 HN 1201 p IIII EL NII 1 II In woo 1 0 NA 801 A Alli ET IIII 211 In 3100 1 0 IIN 4901 1 Hill ER MITI 1 II IN 17001 0 qN 401 I IIII WL NIA III IM +7001 0 hill NO I - q NIII WT MIN 2 A In 31ao 1 0 NI 5301 - p HN WR NN Ill _ IN +7001 01N .10I 1 --Ntl - NORTHISOUTH CRITICAL BUMS ICU SPREADSHEET FILE HAAIENr�o�l.8 RNeNI 1D20 a" EASTAIMT CRITICAL SUMS ' N = NORTHBOUND, S a SOUTF60lND - E=EASTBOUND. W i WESTBOUND _ CLEARANCE. L- LEFT, T N THROUGH, GH, R i RIGHT N.S. i NOT SIGNALIZED ICUI VN UE a LOS a LEVEL OF SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS LIS a NH N ING A EXISTN tl EXwTHER i p EX•OTIER 1 IIIN NII E)OSSTHO 1 A +OTHER A A +PROJECT 1 1 *PROJECT LMR NIA °n N V� N 1 n Vic N r vJCW ar p IAII N�•A OAS A N N�1 OAS A A .� Amp '� 0-00 1 p I—Jim 0'37 1 AOX 1• N 0.37 i• I N' AIA A NIN 111 0.04 p' p 0.04 A' n 1 0.04 1 • N p H 1111 II ANI 0 In am. tl 0.07 A 0.23 1 A 0-2a 1 p • INN NN N OAM A' n Cor1 p 0.04 N' n N oA7 1 0.04 1'. p 1 A • NIN AN 0.14 1 N au N n 0.14 1 p q Nltl NN 0.02 A q 0.02 1 N oez 1 M n 1N pN NH 0.a5.1 CIS p• A 0.08 1 1 0.15 1 A .p OAS 1 CIO I, p q II AN ' NI 0.01 1 1 (Lot N A 0.01 1 p q N1 I I N1 0.41 J 0.41 MINppm.�..�.e.�..ae�iii i Ill IN -- - - -- I - 0.41 ( 000 .� 0.10 I 0.1E I --- CIO - COO NII -_ _— UNI NN UNI OAS I OA6I COO I OAS pip OAS i e a iee�a OAS -- I r i amm.ae 0.65 I OAS a as pN AN M Q I B I B --- --Ntl I A NN INTERSECTION CAPACITY UILQATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: - C1ydTua&rE1Cw"Reel Retleee1%.1, INTERVA' AM PEAK HOUR NTERSECTION: Pgwd Aw A Mdm SY.eI YEAR 7070 WNh PROJECT gill -N0 tl Rr A 0tl 1 A 111 A A EIOSTNG 1 U EX40THM II Ex,40THER p rR MR MOVEMENT Irl "EXIST N PROP qr EMTING 1 PROPOSED Nnl YEAR mw 1 OTHER N PROJECT 111 EXWM 1 'VAC N +drM N A +PROJECT I 1 *PROJECT Y mi INTI LANES N LANES R0 CAPACITY I CAFAMTY N VOLUMES I VOLUME I VOLUME IIA N U. vx 1 A VIC N N VIC-W w II 101 Hill mo—o—nm IN Ntll — I Y an til ASA - 1®N ' AiNAI MR lull NL qr ON. 0 a ON on ON 1 IN Irl NT lull o q Goal oil 0 r1 01. 1 an A A A A A• A - _1RI NRIIIA 0 q 0 tlln 0 q 0 wj on N rl 1 M A A 001 SL NIN Oil 0 Rio Oil 0 r1 u N A am A A 1 1 r. - q r UNo RI IIIN ST IIIN 1 U one tTOO 1 O.rI ON 1 rU 0.10 1 • A 0.10 N • N A 0.10 A r , rq ull SR IIID O N 0 MR 0 q 0 No go N N an N INN Rr EL MR 1 U o Ir tTao II 0 an Na10 A qr Om N 1 0.05 N' A 0.05 R • Y A •. IRA MR ET IRR I tl 0 MR - 17001 on 3231 p Ur a10 N 1 at0 A N Jill ER lull 0 p 0 IN 0.1 0111- 01 1 r1 A 1 tl A 11 AIA RIA WL Hill O N 0 an 01 can. ON 1 IN N 1 1 n ION WT Ur / R go 17001 0 MR AIN 1 N an 0.24 q • 1 021 A • A 024 A • A - r NII IIIII WR 1111 I 1 0 no 1700 N 0 an 00I 1 INNaa5 p N OAS 0 A 000 II' Rr NORTH50UTH CAITCAL SHHS- - ON 0-10 I 0.10 I 0.10 s ICU SPREADSHEET FILE.HAh*PMGPfd& Mob 202D WpIOI - -- I SAO an EASTAVEST CRITICAL SUMS. 0.29T I 021 I 024 . N • NORTHBOUND. S . SOUH�iXR"1) In _-- I Om INN E - EASTBOUND. W - YYESTBOUNO CLEARANCE. an 0.05_-_ 10 T-THROUGK R•RT RWIT ._ •_ 5 N.S. • NOT SK+'NALI7ED ICII VAIAIE % an 0.M I OA4 I •_ O ' _qr LOS= LEVEL OF SERVICE _ - - I 9.05 r1 • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS LOt • E A I A. I -- A - + -Ar I A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS_ ICU SPREADSHEET FLE NIIAeftepect 6 Mdn 2020 wool N . NORTHBOUND, 5 - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND L - LEFT. T • THROUGH, R - RIIiHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF. SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS X N N N C_ a] O N N Z U1 O 00 — Y, A m 'j, --• PROJECT VOLUME NORTHMOUTHI CRINCAL SUMS . EASTIWEST CRITrAL SUMS.- qLEAPANCE IOU VALUE • . LOS a IMI A PROJECT: City 01-TUBWI-IO Cddno Rad RadYdHcatlOn p EIL+OTHER H N EX.+OTMR l Nil INTERVAL• PM PEAK HOUR II OTHER p A ♦PROJECT p IATERSECTION: PmaPeG Am A, Mdn SOea1 YEAR 1020 WNh PROJECT NIU INA U AAI A 11N 1 N IIAI MOVEMENT Nil EXIST a PROP ANI EXISTW0 I Pte® Illp YEAR 2020.1 OTHER I 11111 I A JIM LANES 11 LANES MR CAPACITY N CAPACITY III VOLUMES I VOLUME 1 IIID __ A • Hill—, 11—juN II ' UUI p N MU NL ME oil ON .01 0 1111 0 p A IIIII NT HIp on IMI ON 0 pill 0 1 A 11111 NR INN oil 1111 . of 09111 Oil I IIIII SL INN Oil IN Oil 011111 1101 1 IIIII ST IIIA 1 II all 1700 A 0 AIR O IIIII OR Hill 0 0 AIA ON_ N oM N I 11111 EL IIIII I if file 17001 0 Mn 1171 A UIU ET UUI I U Hill 17001 Open 433 A A Hill ER tll0 Oil - IMI ON 0 AM - ON 11 IIIII WL ME Oil pill ON on ON p pill WT Hill 1 A 1111 17001 0 MA 1001 N Rill WR pM 1 A MII 1700 A Q 105 1 1 ICU SPREADSHEET FLE NIIAeftepect 6 Mdn 2020 wool N . NORTHBOUND, 5 - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND L - LEFT. T • THROUGH, R - RIIiHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF. SERVICE • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS X N N N C_ a] O N N Z U1 O 00 — Y, A m 'j, --• PROJECT VOLUME NORTHMOUTHI CRINCAL SUMS . EASTIWEST CRITrAL SUMS.- qLEAPANCE IOU VALUE • . LOS a IMI A II EXISTING I— p EIL+OTHER H N EX.+OTMR l Nil INF7f VTTM A. II OTHER p A ♦PROJECT p n +PROJECT N NIq VIC A A Vic A VIG&W IMP A wo nM I A m A e, fill A • A II ' A fl • II A • ANI AM q 1 A' II II U N 0111 A11 n N II U 11 n N UNI IMI N p N N A A 1. nM e11 Oto p • 1 ata. l ' I 1X10 p e A • IIII AN AA N, A I A n MN INK OLOT A 1 0.07 p II 0.07 A 1 A• MA 0.25 N ; 025 A• 0 2S II ' A I AM B Nrl All A' A II' U A q 11 III MN an p N 0.17 N A 0.17 p q U IM AM OLDS A A 0.06 A A Om 1 p A 111 AM A11 0.10 a I e 0.10 I e 0,10 I 0.00 • a lip a NM oss — I ". 020 I 025 I Om lip AM IIA -- aol 1 -- - 0.0N — I _— oos _ I 0J15 -- UII ell Mtll •v.+vvv.. v. .o. aMl 0.40 I OA0 I OAD I 0.06 NII O — A I -- A I — A- vvevw•.a•v��.... •v!w.eHE INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL' INTERSECTION: IN INR I ANI INN MOVEMENT ANI EXIST II PROP IBI IBI NIN JAI LANES I LANES BI NII BY BA�N>®NB 1 EMTOM3 p N EX+OTHER p NIP NL IIB I P 0 NB 1111 NT IIIII I N 011111 NIN NR IIW OR 0 Inn Inn SL Inn ON 01111 [IIII ST IIIII 2+ ON NIII Hill SR Hill I N 0 pin EL pill I p 0 NB pill ET pill 2H 0 Aul 111 ER pili ON 0 Hill 113 WL pill 111 0 Bp BII WT NIII 21 0I N BII INR BA I p a pB Cpy d Tusks E] CeNM Reel Re0WUMC@BM AM TEAK HOUR Ramped An A lel SbW YEAR 1020 W h PROJECT A NIN N 1 BY 1 1 EMTOM3 p N EX+OTHER p N E7C40THER II IN 0057TN0 I PROPOSED IN YEAR 2020 p OTHER I PROJECT IN EXISTING I Y + OTHER I N +PROJECT 11 A +PROJECT Y BN CAPACITY I CAPACITY PIN VOLUMES I VOLUME I VOLUME N VA; 1 A VA: A p VIC A N view A IRI N 1B fl Y Bq n—N NmA -IMP N—n n—Rp 17001 0 IPI 431 1 1B 0.03 1 N 0-03 Y' N OJT3 N• I N' NN 1700 t O Bn 1681 I BN 0.12 N p 0.12 N 1 0.12 A I --- ON 0 BII 38 q II MB t N A N A N p AA ON 0 NB IOs I Y INN A I A 1 N N NMI 0 IIA 1831 fl NIA 0.12 A ' N 0.12 p • 1 0.12 N • q II • BII 17001 0 n 161 1 u m 0.08 1 p 0.00 I N OOB p I N NII 17001 0 n Isa A 1 NII Min p• 1 0.10 I' I 0.10 p - u Y' AN 31001 0 pB W21 1 AB ate I 1 0.16 1 Y 0.16 II A A No 01 ON - 31 N 1 ■ 11 1 1 Y II N qp 17001 o Pip 541 1 IN am 1 1 0.03 I p 0.03 In 34001 on sat I q ® 0.18 1 1 0.18 1• 1 0.18 BI 17001 — on — 131 N — N — NB AB OAB 1 1 0.06 N fl oJID P 1 A W ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME Pmeped a lot 2020 WpraI N i NORTHBOUND. S - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTSOUND. W - VVESTBOUND L i LEFT. T i THROUGH. R- RIGHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE. • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS -- -: ed . ea- -PIS• ens: NORTHISOUTH CRITICAL SUMS. pB X0.15 r I 0.13 I — 0.16 I 0.00 BI EASTAVEOT CRITICAL SUMS- -y Oz J I 0.29 I 0.m CLEARANCE - BA OAS I 0:06 0.06 I 0.06 � AAI VALUE- BA O.N I OAO ` e p _ I 0.48 I 0.06 BN --- --- --- LOS BI A I A I A - I A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTUM710N ANALYSIS ICU SPREADSHEET FILE RAMS Pimped O id 2020ft" N - NORTHEOUNO, S - SOUTHBOUND . E. EASTBOUND, W - VVESTBOUND L - LEFT, T -THROUGH. R - RIGHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALUM LOS a LEVEL Or SERVICE . • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS (+) REPRESENTS LEFT AND LffT ITHROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED WS t10RT1ISOUM CIUUGL SUM EASTMIEDT CRITICAL SIMM CLEARANCE K21 VALUE - LOS - ILII A y PROJECT: COY 01 TtNUWB Cemtm Red RedveMmAan A Ex+OTt1ER II P-EX•OTHER 1 NA INTERVAL PM PEAK HHOIAT 1 +OTHER U U QCT U 11 +PROJECT 1 IN INTERSEGTtON: Vic 1 1 Pexpect Ave &.118t Shed YEAR 2020 WII1 PROJECT Hui - Vic 1 MN II NII N NN N t NN MOVEMENT 1110 EXIST N PROP NN EXISTING 1 PROPOSED 101 YEAR 7020 1. OTHER I NPI N INN LANES N LANES 11 CAPACITY N CAPACITY 0 VOLUMES I VOLUME 1 IIID — oil -1-0P p 023 1• N1 N A Kill NL Ilia I N 1101 1700 I ON - log N 1 mill NT 111 t 1 IN 1700 N O NN 2991 N Pill NR NII Oil am OR 011 $51 1 NII SL- pill ON a10 ON 0 UN 2111 1 N INT - ST AIU 2+ lnl 34001 - 0 IN tat 1 N MR SR Nall 1 P IN 17001 ON Ila 1 1 R1 EL NII 1 II KIN 17001 0 mu 235 1 1. ON ET MA 2 P am 34W 1 ON . 5521 U Ilia ER NII ON 1111 ON 0 IINI a I - 1 IIIN WL NN I I NN 17001 011 241 N am WT NO 21 NIN 3100 I O IN = I I Ilia WR IN I N IN 1700 1 O N 2511 1 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE RAMS Pimped O id 2020ft" N - NORTHEOUNO, S - SOUTHBOUND . E. EASTBOUND, W - VVESTBOUND L - LEFT, T -THROUGH. R - RIGHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALUM LOS a LEVEL Or SERVICE . • DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS (+) REPRESENTS LEFT AND LffT ITHROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED WS t10RT1ISOUM CIUUGL SUM EASTMIEDT CRITICAL SIMM CLEARANCE K21 VALUE - LOS - ILII A y 11 Dosiwo 1 A Ex+OTt1ER II P-EX•OTHER 1 NA N EXISTM B 1 +OTHER U U QCT U 11 +PROJECT 1 IN NI Vic 1 1 VIC. 1 N Vic 1 U yn-v w 1 pN AN 1.1 Imp U.1 I --I1 IN OAS 1 N OAS 1 1 OAS I 1 INN m M23 p• p 023 1• 1 Oma 1• 1 1 IM 101 A p N 1 I A A pill uN 1' N 1' N I• u A 1l NN 0.11 1 1 0.11 1 1 0.11 fl tl A' 1011 All 0.07 11 1 0.07 I 1 0.07 U I N in NN 0.14 N • 1 OA4 1 • p 0.14 p" II 1 ' IAN IN O -V 1 I OX N A. 02T A A I NA N1 I 1 N N 11 N I NA 111 0.01 1 1 "1 U U 0.01 / 11 n 111 AN 0621 1 • 1 021 1 ' 1 021 N • N u • NN MR MIS p 1 0.15 1 1 0.15 1 p 1 oil W 023 I 0.23 1 023 I 0.00 AN a ------- --- --L35 L35 I 0.73 1 nae . 1 0.00 VIII E---- --- --- -— aN IN 0.05 I OAS 1 0.05 1 0A am 111 `--- 'a. - _. - -.111 ■ OAS 1 0.63 1 0.53 1 OAS a --'- _— — _oil s M B i B A APP'ENDtX C TRAFFIC COUNTS Traffic Data Services, Inc. , TABULAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS HIS STREET: EL CAMINO 'REAL E/W STREET: 1ST CITY: TUSTIN , - ST DATE: 11/01/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY, FILENAME: 1100201A - . - u --. nn _--_n -. -. -.. - n_-" --- --n- n_--" .._n -- - - unn- -- n. "-"0 .un 15 Min Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Period Beginning NL NT HR SL ST SR ELET ER - Wl WT - WR . TOTAL . - --lÃÑis ~--- ___n- - - _n. i' --- --- -- n__n .---- -.- '2-~ -- ~.~ - - -- --- 2------ .n_--- 6 :00 AM fSAM 30 AM: 45 AM 7:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM ,45 AM 8:.00 AM 15 AM 30AM 45 AM 9:00 AM' 1'5 AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 23 26 38 40 33 28 31 23 6 12 14 16 12 15 11 HI 88 21 7 85 230 111 29 12 93 283 13& 30 15 158 391 122 24 25 182 . 409 110 27 28 168 378 99 24 20 130 316 95 24, 20 148 329 119 30 32 107 330 -- _n..' .---'- _n- _n____n_-- -- _n.nn--_-_' .-.------ --. .-- ... ------. --_un AM Peak HI'" Begins, at 730 VOLUMES. 139 COMMENTS: 0 57 0 ' 0 0 0 467 105 1494 88 638 0 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 129 of 145 ------- -~---,-----~- Traffi~ Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY. OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS NIS STREET: EL CAMINO REAL E/W STREET: 1ST , ' , ,ST DATE: 11/01/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY CITY:, TUSTIN FILENAME: llOO201P - - - - - - - -.,.- - - - -. ---- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -n - -- -- - - - - - - -- 15 JIlin Northbound Southbound Eastbound WestBound Period 8eg11111ing ,NL NT NR SL S1 SR EL ET' ER WL WT ' WR TOTAl -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- -_h - - - - --,- ------- LANES: 2 1 2 2:00 PM 15 PM 3ÐPM 45 PM 3:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 4:00 'PM 55' 15 PM 46 30 PM' 48- 45 PM 57 5:00 Plot 41 15 PM 56 3'0 PM 60 45 PM 63 6:00 PM 'IS PM 30 PM 45 PM 30 . 29 24 42 28 25 27 32 177 '27 146 38 1'6& 29 185 30 .197 37 203 63 191 40 ,150 43 28 95 15 103 26 101 29 137 25 166 '26 168 . 15 165 21 H8 412 377 393 480 494 541 , 504 457 ' -- ----- - --- -- - - --_on --- -- - - -- __00 - -- --- _h - -- _nnn__----_----- n__nn- -.- PM Peak Hr Begins at 1645 VOLUMES- 214 COMMENTS: 0 122 .0 0 782 170 0 0 95' 636 0 2019 Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR.SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS NIS STREET: EL CAMINO' REAL E/W STREET: MAIN 'ST DATE: 11/01/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY - n- -- -- u _nn_- "------ uu_n__,- __--__n.n - _nn- n_------------,-- u- p---- 15 Mln 'Northbound Southbound' Eastbound Westbound' ~~ . ' "Beginning NL, NT NR SL ST. SR Q. ET ER Wl WI WR TO'TAL - -_u - -- __n----- -- -- "----- --- ---- _nn__nn____-- -n n- --_-un':- -- --n ---- LANES: 6:00' AM ,15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 7:00 AM , 15 AM 30 AM '45 AM 8:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM. 45 AM 9:0'0' AM"' 15..AM 3ÐAM 45 AM 10':0'0, AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM CITY: TUSTIN FILENAME: 1l00202A 0 0 1 0 0 15 15 8 . 1 23 0 5 42 15 8 '35 10 177 13 22 12 1 33 4 10 67 24 8 67 11 272 19 44 7 1 32 5 6 84 19 iz 81 11 .321 13 31 15 5' 39 7 10 80 16 15 125 13 369 15 37 7 5 32 8 3 69 21 15 94 12 318 14 31 6 1 33 2 3 '51 29 8 65 12 255 14- 48 12 9 24 3 , 5 31 15 8 64 21 254 19' 40 16: 7, 46 3 7 45 19 10 62 9 283, - - u - - -- __--__n____--_- -- - u un_- -- --- -- _n n -- _n____n_n_- u- --- - --- n_- AM Peak Hr Begins at 715 VOLUMES. 60 13441 12 136 24 29 30'0 80 50 367 47 H80 COMMENTS: Resolution No. 05-61 Page 131 of 145 Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS NIS STREE1': EL CAMINO REAL EfW STREET: MAIN ST DATE: 11/01/09 DAY: WEDNESaAY CITY: TUSTIN FILENAME: 1l0020ZP 00 -- ---- _n---"----_n- - - - -"- __----n- _nn_Un- --_nnn_-.- n_--n- - --_-on 15 Hin 'Northbound' Southbound EastDound Westbound Period Beginning 'NL, NT NR, SL, ST SR EL ET ER WL lIT WR TOTAl -- - un------ - _n _nn- -- --- - ----- - -- ------ - - ---- - nn - - - n -------- -- __h -_n LANES: 0 0 0 0 2 :00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 3 :00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 4 :00 PM 30 48 24 9. 39. 5 17 65 24 12 80 9 362 15 PM 29 .55 19 7 49 6 13 48 22 20 93, 8 S69 30 PM 22 55 29- 9 41 2 8.' 67 21 13 82 7 347 41) PM 28 67 33 10 37 6 16 80. 18 23 107 10 435 5 :00 ,PM 25 44 21 7 49 7 6 54 22 14 83 12 ,344 15 PM 24' 37 13 9 44 1 II 78 28 14 78 13 3~O 30 PM 32 55 25 6 54 9 7 7D 26 16 88 6 394 45 PM 34 66 16 9 ' 46 9 15 65 23 20 92 17 412 6:00 PM 15 PM 30" PM' 45 PM - - -- -" - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- n- - - - - 00__- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- PM Peak Hr Begins at 1645 , VOLUMES - 109 2D3 92 32 184 23 40 282 94 67 356 41 1'523 COMMENTS: Traffic Data Services. Inc. TABUI,ARSUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMEN!S H/S STREET: PROSPECT E/W STREET: 1ST CITY: TUSTIN AVE ' , S1 DATE: 11/01/00 . DAY: WEDNESDAY . FILENAM.E: ¡H 0203A - - - - - -. - - - - ~ - - - - - -- n - -. - - - - - - .,- - ~ -- ~ - -- - ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - u_- 15 Hin Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound , Period Beginning NL NT NR .5L 5T SR EL ET ER WL WT IiR ToTAL --LÃÑËS~ --. -- - - - ~ -i - - ~ - õ - OJ: 5 - - Õ: 5 -- - - ---- - -- - -2 - - - - Õ - - u i -. - -- 2" - - -Õ - - - - - --- 6:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45-AM 7:00 At! , 15 AM 30 AM 45 MI 8:00.AM 15 AM 30 ',AM 45 AM , 9':00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 5 19 6 27 35 17 21 75 5 3 77 9 299 7 32 10 38 34 18 32. 98 12 10 99, 26 416 8 56 5 26 42 30 54 92 6 8 128 32 487 10 26 5 48 36 41 20 106 0 5 134 27 458 10 24 12 50 46 .43 28 115 7 21 164 22, 542 1 20 16 34 28 23: 19 89 5 8 129 28 400 6 31 1-2 45 40 24 13 111 6 6 124 Z5 443 4 28. 7 35 27 20 23 113 9 19 106 28 419 -- - ----.-- --- - --- ---- -----------_u --_uu-- _n -- - -------- n __n n_n - ------- AM Peak Hr Begins at 715 - VOLUMES - 35 138 COMMENTS: 32 162 158 .132 134 411 44 525 107 1903 25 Resolution No, 05-61 Page 133 of 145 Traffic Data Servtces, Inc. TABUlAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS HIS STREET: PROSPECT AVE' . DATE; 11/01/00 E/W STREET: 1ST , .. S1 DAY: IrIEDNÉSDAY CI1Y: TUSTIN FILENAME: llOO203P - - ïš - M j ~ - -- - - Ñ~rt¡;b~~~d - - -- - S~~tLb~~~d -" - - - E;;t~~~d - - -. - - W;;tb~~~d--'-- - -- - -- Period Be9111'111ng' NL NT NR Sl ST SR .EL, ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL' - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - ----- - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - -- LANES: 0 1.5 0.5 l' 1 2 0 2 0 2 :0'0 PM 15 PM 3D PM 45 PM 3:0'0 PM 15 PM 30 PM , 45 ,PM 4:0'0 PM 11 52 27 39 24 23 40' 142. 9 5 126 35 533 15 PM 16 42 29 47 25 21 38 165 5 6 133 29' 556 I 30 'PM 13 45 23 51 M 38 40' 175 6 5 129 46 596 45 PM 18 48 28 54 22 22 41 173 6 8 129 50' 599 5:0'0' PM 3D 79 .U 56 32 26 62 183 10' 4 146 54 695 15 PM 17 64 l~ 46 24 25 49' 194 B 4 148 49 642 30 'PM 22 54 15' 32 29 28 41 173 9 4 ISO' 53 ,610' 45 PM 17 ' 53 13 35 28 39 37 142 8 7 136 48 563 6:0'0' PM 15 PM 30' PM 45 PM - --- --- - - -- - --n- - -- ----- -- --- -- ------------------ - ----- - - --------- - _00_--__- PM Peak Hr Begins at 1645 VOLUMES. 87 245 70' '188 10'7 10'1 193 723 33 20' 573 20'6 2546 COMMENTS: Traffic Data Services; Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY ~F VEHICULAR, TURNING MOVEMENTS 'N/S STREET: PROSPECT AVE DATE: 11/01/00 u-- -,-- --- - -- -- _u _nn- n_- - - __on ------ _n--_n- - n- - - __nn_----- U n-un 15 Hin Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Period ~:~ ~ ~ ~~~- - - ~~ - -- ~ - - - ~ - - - ~~- - -~- -- ~~ - - - ~~- - - ~ - ~ -~~ - - -~ - - - ~- - - ~ -- - ~~~~ LANES: 0 0 0 6:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM , 7:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM ' 45 AM 8:00 AM 15 AM -aOAM 45 AM 9:00 ÀM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00. AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM E/W STREET: MAIN , ST D[1.Y: WEDNESDAY CITY: TUSTIN FILENAME': 1lO0204A 16 ' 14 18 12 17 21 23' - 16 8' 12 20 24 16 ' 14 10 , ' 10 . 15 , 30 35 12 , 1.0 11 10 13 34 50 65 79 75 . 46 49 48 51 9 81 7 74 17 '145 '22 109 17 81 24 79. 20' .71 33 133 194 229 294 244 197 191 191 , - - n - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - _n -- - - - - - - - - - - -.. - -- AM Peak Hr Begins at 730 VOLUMES - 0 0 0 68 0 74 68 265 0 0 409 80 964 COMMENTS: I Resolution No, 05-61 Page 135 of 145 HIS STREET: PROSPECT E/W STREET: MAIN CIl'Y:. TUSTIN . AVE. . ST DATE: 10/26/00 DA'Y: THURSDAY FIlENAME: llO0204P - - -_.-.-- -- - - ---- --- n- - - - - nU nn- n_-.-- - -.-- un_n n- - un___--_-- - - --n- 15 Min Period ~e9innin9 NL NT NR SL 5T SR .EL ET ER Ill. lIT WR TOTAL - - __u_n- n__-_nn -- - n- _.--.n-- u_n- -_u-___n__--_- - - - n___-- -n n_n'-- 'LANES: . 0 1 0 1. '1 0 2:00 PM , 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM '3 :00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 4:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 5:00 PM 15 PM ' 30 PIlI 45 PM 6:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM Tr:affic Data Services, Inc. TABUI:.AR SUfflARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS Northb~und Southbound Westbound Eastbound 15 11 13 77 29 27 172 16 19 17 81 14 27 174 . 17 . 18 '27 87 41 24. 214 19 14 30 ?6 50 30 239 31, 16 '28 90. 50 19 234 21 10 17 83 72 17 220 23 12 21 86 66 20 228 12 6 20 85 29 22 17.4 .... - - _n- -- _n- n__--- __n--- - -- n- n - _--n- - - _n- _n-- -- n - --- nn_n_. - _n_n- PM Peak Hr' , Begins at 1645 , VOLUMES - 0 COI+IENTS: 0 0 94 0 96 355 0 921 0 238 86 52 I I.' . .' Tnffic: DatI: Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF.. VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS N/S STREET: NEWPORT AVE DATE: 9/18/00 E¡'W,STREET: DAY': MONDAY MAIN ST CITY: TUSTIN. FILENAME: 0900703A ----- - - --.-- ---- - --- - n- -- - --- __n - __n n ~- --- - - - -,' - -- - --- - _n - - u - -~- - --. - - -- . 15 Min .Northbound" Southbound Eastbòunç! Westbound ' Period' Beginning, NL lIT NR SL 51 SR El ET ER ilL WT Ir/R, TOTAL -- -" - - - - - - - -- - - - --- ---- - - - -- - - - --- -- - --- ----- - - _n- ------ - _u - -- n - -- - - n _u- . LAHI;S: 2' 0 1 2 2 1 ,1 ' Z' 6:00 AM 15 AM ..30 AM 45 AM 7:00 AM 15' AM 30 AM 45 AM 8: 00 AM IS AM 30 AM- 45 AM 9:00 AM 15- AM' 30 AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 15' AM 30 AM 4'5 AM 14- 92 5 1 160 20 3 27 19 18 37 5 402 Z9 101 12, 3 179 19 22 25 Z7 35 53 5 510 31 208 1i1 5 328 Z3 25 41.52 54 84 B 920 36 144-. Zl 5' 320 33 ,23 37 63 57 105 6 850 ,44 161 . 15 7 336 33 12 54 69 43 114 5' 893 Z9 106 6 5 2'18 23 , 16 23 .34 Z5' 66 3 555 25 -114 11 7 254 30-. 28 26 47 23 59 Z 626 50' 148 9 16 261 . 4-1 20 39 36 27 79 6 732 . . - -- n n- - --- ----- u- n- - - - - --- -- n - --n - -- - __n ---- - ,,-- - - - - - - - - n_- - - ---- - --- AM Pe.ak HI" , Begins at 730 , VOLUMES. 140 619 103 23 1202 112 76 155 218 179 369 ZZ 3Z18 ..¡. C°M"!ENTS: Resolution No, 05-61 Page 137 of 145 -'--'--~ ----' , . Traffic Data Services, Inc,' TABULAR SUMMARY OF.' VEHICULAR lURNING MOVEMENTS HIS STREET: NEWPORT E/W.STRE£T: EL CAMINO CITY: TUSTIN AVE' . I REAL' DATE: 9/20/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY, FILENAME: 0900704A -- eo --- _u- - - -oo- oo - -- - - - - ---.--- -- - - - - 0- - - - - - oo _u - - - - - - - -- n- - ..-oo- --- -- --- 15 M111 Northbound Southbound Eastbound' Westbound Period B !ginnil1g NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL Iff IIR TOTAL -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - --- - - -- -. - n-- - - - - - -- - - - -- ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -'-- LANES: '1 2 0 12.5 0.5 1 1 1 2. II 6:00 AM' 15 AM ,30 AM 45 AM 7:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM .45'AM 8:00 AM . 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 9:00 AM, . 15 AM 30'AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 'lSAM ,30 AM 45 AM 35 97 46 13 189' 1 7 13 39 39 31 13 33 ]36 B3 29 253 B ,6 311 34 25 28 12 38 160 68 11 277 5 3 ]9 B3 40 59 10 42 173 56 8 391 11 4 13 62 ' 51 67 5 38 151 21 26 359 4 4 21 57 26 43 ]0 36 147 17. 1& 284 5 4 11 48 . 24 57 12 35. 144 -12 15264 3 4 10...., 47 22' 1.1 11 43 123 17 18 210 11 7 20 39 18 52 11 523 6" 773 B83 760 663 608 569 - - -- - - - __00 --. - - ----- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - n- - - - -- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - --- AM Peak: HI>, Begins at 715 VOLUMES - 151 620 228 COMMENTS: . 74 1280 28 B3 236 142 197 . 37 17 3093' ;. Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY O~ VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS HIS STREET: NEWPORT E/W STREET: EL: CAMINO CITY: TUSTIN AVE REAL. DATE: 9/11/00 DAY; MONDAY, . FILENAME: b900704'P - - --~--- ---- - --- -. - - -- n - - -- - n- - ------ - - - - n- - - --- - - - _n - - n- - -.. -n- - - _n,_'- 15 Min. Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Period Beginning, NI.: 'NT ,Hi . SL ST SR EL ET ER WL lIT WR TOTAL - -LÃÑEŠ; - --- - - -- -"2 - -- ïì - -:--1- 2:Š "Ó:š" -"1- - -- - - - - - --- - - n -- - 2- - -Õ- -- __m' 2:00 PM 15 PM . 30 PM 45 PM 3:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM '45 PM 4:00 PM . 15 p I\ 30. PM 'i5 PM 5:00 PM 15 Pit 30 PM 45 PM . 6:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 62 250 16 59 215 13 52 '241- 34 76 272 2B 73 321 35 '76 338 33 67 31!1 45 66 315 32 2.0 201 24 181 22 ..182 27 215 30 254 23 228 15 201 37 197 9 19 11 21 15 20 16 31 5 32 69 . 1429 56 6 3'5 72 11 27 51 14 41 103 15 44 73 14 52 99 12' 43 81 28' 47 ' 40 '15 55 40 , '19 43.' 29 31 70 33 2854 37 38 73 39 32 63 26 42 76 20 779 720 746 862 1005 1000 949- . 952 -- -- - - - -. - -. _n - -. -- ----.- -'- - - - ---- - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -.. -- - - - - -- --- PM Peak Hr Begins at ' 1700 . VOLUMES. 282 1293 145 105 880 COMMEN:fS: 82' 55 180 356 14/t 266 122 ,3906 ... Resolution No, 05-61 Page 139 of 145 TwrlC DATA SERVlcn, INC. , LDCATIOli cœE '00'2.02. -...........-..-...---..--.-... .., ... . , . .-....--.--.-....... lDCATlOIf'. El CAMINO REAl-aTII NEllPDiT/HAIN AVER.\G!D YDLIJIES fOl. MillAY 10/24/00 YO, \Æl NUIIAY 10/23/00 ------ All uuuuuuu.......- -.-----...... PM _,,'..u..,u_~. TIME 118 II TarA\. TIME III,' 18 TOTAL .........-..---- ...... ..j.. ....._~_._.._....---..._-..__._... 1hOG . 1Z:15 3 P 12,00 . 'Z,'5 P5 e4 18' 12,'5 . '2:30 ,7 12 12015 . 12:30 69 85 '54 12:30 . 1ZI45 8 14 12'30 . 12,45 64 76 140 12:45 - 1100 19 4 22 6 '41 12145. 1:00 76 304 711 317 146 621 1:00. 1 :15 2 I 1:00. ,,'5 16 72 158 1:'5. 1:38 2 3 1:15. ':30 92 61 153 1:30 - ,,45 I 2 1:30'. , ,.45 7D 74 '44 1:45. 2:00 10 2 7 4 '7 1:45. 2,00 78' 326 60 267 138 593 2:00. 2.15 4 2:00' 2:15 7Z 78 '50 2,'5 " 2,30 2 2:15. 2:3D 58 74 '32 '2:3D. 2:45 3 2:30'. 2:45 75 60 135 2,45' 3100 6 1 10 2:45. 3:00 T7 28Z 75 287 '52 569 3:00' 311S , 2 3,00. 3,15 71 ,$7 128 5,15 - 3130 ,2 3 3,'5. 3:30 67 63 '3D 3,30' 3,45 , 4 3,30. 3145 9a 7D '68 3:45' 4,CO D 4 7 2 11 3,45' 4,00 9Z 328 67 257 ,159 585 4100'. 4,'5 2 '3 5 4:00. 4,15 PI, 88 '82 4,15. 4130 D 5 5 4,15. 4:30 P5 7D '65 4,30, 4145 Z 8 1D 4,30. 4:45 114 78 '62 ' 4,45 - 5:00 4 8 8 24- 12 52 4,45, 5,CO ~ 370 73 309 170 679 5:00' 51'S 2 6 ì 5:00' 5:'5 96 'D1 197 51'5'. 5130 5 5- '0 5,15. 5:30 ..85 P5 UIO 5,3D. 5,45 4 2' ,25 5:30' 5:45 PI, 76 170 5:45. 6,CO '7, 28 10 42 27 7D 5,45 - 6,00 V4 369 PC 362 1114 731 6:DO - 6:'5 10 Z7 37 6100- 6,'5 69 97 '66 6:'5' 6:3D zo 26 46 6,15. 6,30 93 83 '76 6,30' 6145 20 28 48 6:38 - 6:45 114 64 '48 6,45, 7.CO 24 74 44 125 68 199 6,45. 7,00 56 302 68 312 124 614 7,00. 7:15 31 50 81 7:00. 7115 56 62 111 7,15. 7,3D 48 65 113 7,,5. r,30 51 47 ,os 7,30' 7145 75 II! 158 7:30 - 7:45 51 41 ,92 7:45 - 8:00 58 212 69 267 1zr 479 7,45. a:oo 33 198 34 1114 67 382 8:00 - ,a:1S 64 70 134 8:OC. 8.15 36 30 66 .,15 - 8,30 49 59 108 8:15' I:!Ð 28 22" 50 8:30 - 8145 54 50 104 8,30' a,45 33 32 65 1:45 - 9,DO 63 230 54 233 117 463 8,45. 9100 35 '32 Z4 1C1S 59 24D 9100 - 9:15 51 43 94 9,00. 9.15 25 3' 56 9:15 - 913D 58 54 112 9,,5. 9,30 38 ,22 6D 9:3D' 9145 50 39 89. 913D. 9,45 26 33 59 9:45 . 'O:OD 46 zos 52 188 98 393 9145 . ID,OO 28 117 26' 112 ~ 229 10:00 - 10:15 68' 56 124 10,00 . IDI15 20 '13 33 '0:15 - 10:30 52 54 106 1n:15 . 10:30 16 10 ,26 10:30 - 10:45 47 63 110 10:30 . ID,45 7 a '5 10:45 - ":00 46 213 54 227 'DO 440 10145 - 11100 10 53 6 37 16 9D "'00 - ":15 71 57 12a 11,00 - '1:15, '0 7 17 "'15 - '1:30 68 61 129 11:15 . 11130 7 6 13 11,30 - 111'5 70 aa 15B 11,30 . ",45 ID 7 17 11,45'12,00 70 ~79 762B2 146561 1',45.12:00 1340 2 ZZ '5 62 .... ...--... ............ ..-. ".-...... ...... ...."..... -.......-... -- -..... ...........-..- TOTALS 1,288 1,'28 2,7'6 2,821 2,574 5,395- ACT'S 4,109 4,002 B,'" ...".............."....-....."...."................................".".-..........".....-.....--.......... TWF,IC' OATA &ERVICE., INC; LCCATICII,IXI)E 10012.02; --.--.....-".""- -. ..oo -"*** -oo.--oo- ...--..... . .. ... . , .. .. ....... , ' LCCATlDIÌ -' EL CAMIllO REAL'&TN MAIN/1ST ST AVERAGE!) 'IÞI.!JIEI FOR, TUEIOAY TO/24/00 TO IlEDIESDAY IOns/DO "-""-".",~ Nt _oo._~......~ ~.._- ,.."u.... PM --.u,..",,"'- TuE, 118 n, TOTAL TIME ,III n TOTAl. - .----- --- -.-...--.....-..---. .-- 12:IXI' 12.,5 2 ,0 ,2 121DO . "2115 58 64 122 ¡ IZ:15 ' 1Z:50 5 2 '5 12115 - 12,50 7U 56 126 12130 ' IZ:45 4 5 9 "Z,30 - 12145 62 52 114 12:45' 1:00' " 4 1 6 22 12:45 - "00 '76 266 56 228 132 494, 1:DO' 1:15 2 5 1:00' 1:15 57 41 9a ,,15 - 1:30 0 1 ,,15' 1130 80 4D 120 1:30, 1:45 I 2 , 1,30' '1145 ø 49 112 1:45' 2:00 .'1 4 6' 2 10 1,45. 2:00 56 2SiI 4D 170 96 426 ,2:1XI- 2:15 2 0 2 21DO - Z115 " 44 110 2:15' 2:30 0 0 0 2,,5' 2:30 62 52 114 2:50 " 2145 0 ,0 0 2:30 - 2145- 54 52 106 2145 - 3:00 1 0 1 5 2145' 3:00 58 240 42 11'0 100 00 51DO' 5:15 I 3.00 - 5115 " 42 101 3:15 - 5,30 4 5,15. 3150 78 44 122 3:50. 5145 1 ,3150 - 3145 56 52 10a 5145, 4100 2 3145- ~ 4100 92 292 42 1eo '154 472 4:00' 4:15 0 1 4100. 4115 6D 51 111 4115, 4:50 2 7 4115' 4:30 7U 49 119 4;30' 4:45 2 '4 4,50 - 4145 64 58 122 4145, 5,00 2 ~ 4 16 4,45 - 5100 -92 216 54 212 146 491 5100' 5115 4, 8 5100 - 5115 1'0 62 152 5.,5. 5:50 2 4 5115 '. 5050 7U 83 153 51:50, 5:45 14 15 5,30' 5:45 74 ø 137 5145' 6100 14 3 25 10 37 5:45' 6100 110 314 44, 252' 174 566 6.00, 6:15 10 I 11 6100 - 6,15' 64 7U 154 6:15' 6130 14 1\ 25 6:15'. 61:50 62 59 121 6;30' 6:45 14 11 32 6,311, - 6145 76 49' 125 6145, 7:00 20 51 20 S7 40 115 6:45 - 7100 51 253 50 228 101, 481 7;00' 7115 24 54 51 7,00 - 7;15 ,42 42 810 7:15' 7:30 42 58 110 7:15' 7,30 32 22 56 7;30' 7:45 50 47 97 7130 - 7:45 ,47 23 70 7:45, a:oo 58 174 41 167 106 541 7:45,- 1:00 51 152 22 109 53 26' 1:00' a:15 48 40 II ':00' 8:15 27 23 50 8:15' a:30 46 52 9a IllS - a:3O 2S 18 48 8130, a:45 104 31 81 8:30 '. a,45 .. 24 18 42 8:45' 9:00 47 185 45 174 92 359 1:45' 9:00 26 102 17 76 43 178 9,00 - 9:15 46 54 110 9:00" 9,15 32 16 48 9115 ',9:30 38 56 94 9115. 9:30 54 14 48 9:30' 9145 50 24 74 9,30' 9:45 22 16 ,18 9;45 . 10:00 32 '66 36 ISO 68 316 9:45 - 10;00 20 108 12 58 32 166 10,00' 10:15 36 39 75 10,00 . 10:15 " ;2 25 10115 ,10130 104 211 72 lOllS . 10',30 P 2 11 10:30 - 10:45 53 45 91 10:30, -10145 10 3 15 10:45 ' 11:00 54 167 40 152 74 319 10:45 - 11:00 11 61, 4 21 15 62 ",00 ' ,,;,5 53 58 111 11:00 . ":'5 5 7 12 11:15 . 11:30 62 45 107 11:15 - ",30 5 6 '11 "h30-1':AS 42 46 88 ",30 - 1,,65 6 4 10 11:45 . 12:00 51 215 104 '93 102 408 ,11:45 . 12:00 5 21 1 18 6 39 ..._.."....."""-"'_."'.""..._."."~....""!"*"'..."."."'.."'.*._"..-......................-..... TOTALS 1,010 944 1,954 2,331 ',742 4',073 ADT'S 3,341 2,686 6,027 . ......... .... .................. .-............... .... .....~.. ...... -..... ............ ..--....... ......... .......... ..... ....... Resolution No, 05-61 Page 141 of 145 -~-_._-- TRAFFIC OAT" SlAVIC", Ifc. ,LOCATICII 'CODE 10012.D95 A A A .. A.' .......---..-....-.......-.......... '.' .............-----.... LOCATICII. PROSPECT-an MAIN/1ST 51 AVERAGED VOLUMES FOR' THURSDAY ,,/9/00 TO fBIDAT 11/10/00 .--.---..... All ---...--......... -..--.......... PM ------ . TIM!' NI 51 TOTAl. TIME WJ 51 TOTAl. .... --.. -............, ....-..-. ......... ---...........--.-.- .......-.......... 12':00 . 12115 12,15 . 12,3V 12::50' 12145 12:45' 1:00 1:00' 1:15 1.15 - 1:30 1:30' 1:45 1:45. 2:00 2:00' 2i15 2.15 - 2130 2.30' 2:45 2:45 .' 3:00 3.00. 3.15 3:15, 3:30 3:30' 3145 3:45' 4,00 4,00 - 4:15 4:15' 4.30 4,30' 4:45 4.45. 5100 5:00 ~ 5/15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30' 5145 5:45. 6-000 6:00' 6,15 6,15. 6:30 6.30' 6:45 6,45 - 7:00 7,00, 7:15 7:15' 7,30 7130. 7:45 7:45 .' 8,00 aloo - a,I5 a:15 - 8:30, 8,30' 8:45 8:45 - 9,00 9,00' 9:15 9:15 - 9:30 9:30 - 9,45 9:45 - 10:00 10,00 - 10,15 10:15 - 10,30 '0:30 - 10,45 10:45 - I 1:00 2 3 0 , 0 , 6 2 0, 0 0 0 0 '2 I 0 0 3 2 3 I 2 I 3 5 . 8 26 26 27 49 58 40 174 6 7 65 116 126 0 0 2 , 0 0, 0 3 0 3 2 3 2 6 6 7 9 16 20 28 25 42 52 64 66 53 49 40 50 40 30 37 157 24 46 28 47 2 3 2 2 0 I 6 5 2 I 0, 0 2 a 0 6 4 6 3 'a 7 10 28 131 357 324 274 271 '2 12:00 . 12:15 . 12:15 . 12:30 12:30 . 12145 12:45 . ' 1:00 1:00. ,,15 ,,15' 1,30 ,,30' 1:45 1:45. 2:00 31 50 41 38 36 49 30 33 167 156 89 40 32 16 68 50 6D 56 52 50 31 44 234 '84 79 44 41 29 106 100 101 94 aa 99 76 77 401 340 34 25 23 34 31 31 29 19' 117 42 29 24 31 21 73 14 24 46 34 52 91 110 104 2.00' 2,'5 2,15 - 2.30 ,2:30 - 2145 2:45' 3:00 3,00' 3:15 3:15. 3:30 3,30 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:00 ,,- 4:00 - 4,15 " 4:15' 4:30 4:30' 4:45 4:45' 5',00 5.qo - 5:15 5:15' 5:30 5:30' 5145 5:45 - 6:00 55 6D , 45 54 54 56 49 62 214 221 39' 36 67 6D 202 52 40 47 41 41 52 49 t! 117 201 94' ,96 "2 114' 416 106 96 96 110 4011 100 109 104- 123 114 104 128 107 '36 453 183 298 100 711 72 74 6:00. 6115 6:15" 6:30 6:30. 6:45 , 6:45' 7:00 7:00 - 7:15 7:15 - 7:30 7:30' 7:45 7,45 - a:oo 8,00 - a:15 8:15' 8,30 8,30 - 8:45 a:45 - 9:00 9:00. 9:15 9115' 9:30 9,30 - 9:45 9,45 - 10:00 10100 . 10:15 10:15 . 10:30 10:30 - 10:45 10.45 - 11:00 52 57 55 71 23S 50 43 52 40 185 95 69 56 47 267 aa 71 59 56 145 66 75 52 711 64 61 76 67 58 34 25 23 268 140 37 33 31 24 121 50 40 32 46 20 19 16 29 168 84 26 22 , 19 22 8 11 8 13 8 7 8 9 I 7 4 4 2~ 18 13 24 12 8 8 16 10 12 8 II 8 13 4 4 18 19 16 20 9 20 8 a 73 4S ":00-1,,'525 40, 6S "'00-",,5 7 7 14 1',15-1':3029 34 63 ""5-11:30 0 3 3 1':30-1','S34 46 80 1I:30-1114S 4 2 6 11145 . 12.00 30 118 3a 158 611 276 11:45 - 12:00 3 14 ' 5 17 8 31 ............................--.................--........,..............................-.....""'."-'-"""""", TOTALS 749 964 1,713 1,592 1,530 3,122 AOT'S 2,541 2,494 4,835 ... .................... ....-........ ........-.......... ........... .... -........ ... ....... ........-. -. ..-... ..... T~FflC DATA SERVICES, llIe. ' ' LOCATIDII CCDE 10012.058 ......--....-......-'" ""'i'" ,.....,.i' ,... "'---"'.' ""i"'" ,...... .",....., ."'....- LOCATIDII. MAIN aT.m NEIoPORT/EL C.lHIIIO AVERAGED' VOL1.ICU FOR ~ THURSÐAY, unlDO TO ,FRIDAY 11/'0/00 *........--.....-- All --.--.- _....._..~.......- PM -....:....-....** TIME EI 18 TOTAL, TIll! . 9 \ . TOTAL -................ ------ _.......-.-- ..-. ----_.......*... 12:00 - 12115 3 2 5 12:00 . 12:'1' 102 '02 2D4 12115 . 12:38 3 1 4 12:15 - 12:30 98 \12 190 12:30 . 12:45 2 ,7 9 12:30 '12:45 102 91 193 12:45 - hOD 3 II 0 10' 3 21 12:4~' 1:00 106 4011 101 3116 207 79'4 1:00.- 1115 2 2 4 1:00' 1:15' 86 103 189 ",5 - 1:30 1 1 2 1:15' 1:30 89' 113 zæ 1:30 - h45" 3 1 4 1:30' 1,45 80 88 168 "45' 2100 2 2 4 4 14 1,45 - 2:00 72 , 327 17 391 159' 718. 2:00' 2:15 2 ., 0 2 2100 - 2115 V6 78 ',174 2rtS - 2:30 1 0 I 2,15. 2:30 66 \12. 158 Z:30. 2:45 1 0 1 21311 - 2:45 80 113 193 ZI45 - 3,00 3 7 0 0 3 '7 2145 .' 3',00 88 330 118 '401 206 731 3:00" 3,15 0 I 3:00 - 3:15 79 133 212 3:15' 3:30 I 1 3115. 3:30 91 107 198 ,3:30' 3145 ,3 3 3,30' 3145 85 111 1\16 3,45. 4,00 0 4 2, 1 6 3,45' 4100 88 343 136 487 Z24 830 4,00. 4115 1 2 3 4,00 - 4,1' 94 '" 24D 4:15' 4:30 2 3 5 4:15 - 4:30 9T ISO 247 4:30' 4,45 1 4 5 4:30. 4145 103 122 225 4.45.. 5100 6 10 3 12 9- 22 4:45' 5'100 1OS , 399_. 152 570 257 969 5,00' 5:15 6 4 '10, 5:00. 5115 106 150 256 5115 - 5:30 10 8 18 5,,5. 5,30 105 156 261 5;30. 5145 30 2 52 5,30' 5:~ 106 158 264 5,45" ,6:00 34 80 15 29 49 199 5:45' 6:00 1114 421 172 636 276 1057 6:00' 6:15 42 8 50 6:00 - 6115 66 140 206 6:15. 6:30 47 22 69 6:15 - 6:30 76 96 172 6,30' 6145 49 31 80 6:30. 6:45 63 97 160 6:45 - 7,00 r.z 180 108 109 90 289 6:45. 7100 50 255 lilt 413 130 668 7:00' 7115 108 108 V6 7100 - 7:15' 57 59 116 7:15' 7:30 64 66 130 7: 15 .' 7130 108 58 106 7,30' 7:45 90 108 198 7:311, 7:45 35 39 74 7:45 - a:oo '00 302 134 356 ~ 658 7:45' a:oo 50 190 40 1V6' 90 386 5100 - 8115 86 115' 201 8,00' a,lS 4Z 36 78 5115 - a:30 82 98 180 8:15 - 8:30 39 41 80 8:30' 8:45 59 81 140 8:.30' 8:45 29, 22 51 5:45 - 9:00 56 zæ '03 397 159 680 8:~5' 9:00 35 145 37' 136 72 281 9:00. 9,15 73 67 140, 9100 - 9115 2S 31 56 9:15 - 9:30 42 60 102 '9,15. 9130 24 Z3 47 9:30' 9:45 52 56 108 9:30. 9145 23 '19 42 9:45 . 10100 56 223 58 241 114 464 9145 - 10100 42 114 Z3 96 65 210 10100 . 10: 15 56 64 120 1hoo . lOllS 17 11 28 10:15 . 10:30 57 65 122 10:15 . 10:30 19 10 29 .10:30 - '0:45 53 54 107 10:30 . 10:45 5 11 '16 10145 . 11100 56 .222 92 275 1108 '497 10145 . 11:00 9 50 10 42 19 92 ":00 . ":15 71 65 136 11:00 . 11:'5 8 15 23 ,",5. 11:30 65 as 150 11115 - 11:30 3 9 '2 ":30 - 11:45 101 79 180 11:30 . 1"'5 0 8 8 11:.45 . 12:00 95 332 74 303 169 635 ":45 - 12:00 10 21 4 36 '4 51 ..-.....- ... ... -.... ........ -............... -. ..-..-.. ....-. ....... ... --.......... -..-........... .......- TOTALS 1,662 ',740 3,402 3,003 3,790 6,793 .\DT'S ' 4,665 5,530 10,195 ...- ....... ... ........... ........... ...-..... ..-...... ...... .-............ ............ - -*-_....- --- Resolution No, 05-61 Page 143 of 145 T...FFlC .ATA ""VIC1!I, INC. LOCATIIIII COÞE 10012.05 -..-..---.....--........,----........... ........--.. LOCATiON " MAIN ST-BTI/ EL CNUIIO/UILLINII AVERAGED VOLIJ!ES FOR ~ TUESDAY 11/141.00 TO uEÐYESDAT 11/15/00 _.~_....-- NI ......---........ --...-.......- PI! ...-...........",,' TIllE EI WI TOTAL TIME EI, WI lD'1AL ----............... ... ...-...........u.. .-.......... ....----.--.. 12:00 .' 12, IS 12,15 . 12,30 , 12,30 " 12:45 12:45' 1:110 1:00. 1.1S 1,IS' 1:30. 1.30' ,,'" 1:45' 2:00 2,00, 2:15 2:15' 2,30 2,30' 2.45 2:45' 3,00 3,00' 3,15 3:1S - 3:3D 3,30 - 3,45 3,45. 4:00 4.OU - 4:15 4.15. 413D 4:30' 4145 4,45' 5100 5:00 ;' 5,'S 5115', 5.30 5:30' 5:45 5.45. 6tOO 6:00' 6:'5 6:15 - 6:30 6:3D' 6.45 6:45 - 7,00 7:0D' 7:15 7,15 - 7:30 7:3D' 7,45 7:45' B:oo B:OO - B,'5' a,'5' B,30 B:3D' B,45 BI45 , 9,00 "00" 9,15 9,15 - 9:30 9,30' 9:45 9:45 . 10,00 1D,00 . lOllS 10:15 . ID:3O '0,30 ' 1DI45 10,45 . 1':00 I 2 4 D 3 2 'D , B 6 23 ,40 4' 52 60 64 74 ,U '62 '22 107 55 50 S1 45 43 44 49 50 55 4' " - 9 " I D 5 3 , 4 5 II 7 '3 5' 173 10 2 4 3 2 5 6 0 3 I 4 2 ,2 2 2 10 6 3 .14 13 23 I' 31 " 128 IP '3 '0 16 ~ '2:00 . '2,15 '2:15 - 12:3D 12:30 . 12,45 1t:45' 1:00 1:00. 1:15 ,,'5 - ,,30 1:30. 1:45 1:45. 2,00 2:00 - 2:15 2:'5 .' 2':30 2,3D. 2,45 2:45. 3:00 3:'OD. 3:15 3:15.' 3,30 3,30. 3.45 3,45 - 4:00 4:00. 4:15 4.15. 4,30 4.30. 4:45 4':4S- 5:00 5100 . '5:15 5,'5, 5:30 5:30. 5:45 5:45' 6100 6,åo - 6,'5 6,15 - 6:30 6.30. 6:45 '6.45. 7100 7,00. 7.'5 7:15' 7:30 7.30 " 7.45 7:45' 8.00 8.00. 8:15 ,.15. 8:30 8.30 - 8,4S 8:45 - 9:00 ,9:00' 9,15 9.15. 9:30 9:30. 9:45 9.45 - '0:00 10:00 - '0:'5 10:15 . 10:30 1D:3O . 1D:45 ID:45 . 11:0D 81 74 '74 62 54 63 " 76 99 82 99 108 124 90 106 '00 '20 128, 144 132 524 162 173' '15D 112 597 73 7Ð 7Ð 6' 274 62 38 28 22 ~, , 35 34 30 ,it1 12, 18 18 15 , ' 7 8 4 291 248 388' 420 138 ", 130 108 '176 I" 114 99 ,so 130 69 34 17 'n II 80 76 65 71 73 317 285 158 146 162 142 6Ò8 23 17 ~5 12 8 16 27. U 39, 74 '66 68 78 99 138 3113 'I 71 17 89 328 130 1211 126 149 '80 153 1~ 197 716 533 260 zzr 236 2'2 935 23' 273 274 240 '045 ~ 306 264 2", n1' '74 138 129 12D 561 217 484, 66 89 130 ,62 447 '40 215 292 214 274 167 14D ,U 931 7OT 136 137 130 ',2 5'5 "a' IDa 72 65 355 74 64 62 60 260 Sit 42 47 42 189 263 '67 112 90 75 51 4D 46 59 196 96 83 90 108 86 1D2 88 'I 317 367 521- 522 101 68 59 59. 217 6' 3' 25 23 16 95 444 1'1 194 36 47 47 43 ',,56 62 44 43 43 29 za 30 205 130 1':00-1"15 64 44 loa 11:oo'11:15'Ó 9 " 1"15'11:30' 66 48 114 '1:15"1:3D 1D 13 23 .\1,30-,,:4578 58 '36 11:30"1:45 6 5 " \1:45 . 12:00 a2 290 46'96' '28 486 11:45 . 12100 2 28 5 32 7 60 .... ....-...... ..... .................. -. ....... ."". -...... .......... ....... .................. ----...... TOTALS ',758 1,7'5 3,473 3, '53 31 30 29 24 110 16 18 15 12 3,323 6,476 MY'S 4,9" 5,038 9,949 ...... ..... ...... .......... .... ...... ............ ........ ... ""..... .... "". ........""...... .""..................... ........."" TRAfFIC OÞ.TA SERVICES, INC. LDCATlIII CIXIE' 10012.027 ~.~.......-_....-....__........_._.,... ..u... ...---.... ........ .._a............. .~. ,.. LOCATION - 1ST ST-BTN PROSPECT/TORIA AVERAGED mlllEs '01' IlEDNEIOAT 11/8JQO TO rlUSDAr 11/9/00 -..-........-.. All ---...........- .._--~ PM .................-.- TIME EI W. TOTAl., TIME II \/I TDTAI. --."_b.o" . . .. . .-......--.....-..........----......----. 12:00 - '2:15 4 6 10 12,00 . "," 252 16'5 415 ":15' 12,SO 5 10' 15 12,15 - 12130 230 1711 400' b:so. 12:45 12 7 IP 12:SD . 12145 ZIZ, 204 436 12,45' 1:00 7 28 9 32 I' 6G 12:'" hOD 224 938 218 7S5 W 1693 "00- "1" 6 6 12 1100. "1' 21D 1l1li 401 1115 ," ":30 4 7 11 "15' 1:30 176 206 382 ,,30 - 1'.45 4 5 '9 ,,30 - 1,45 142 195 337 1,45' 2,00 4 18 8 26 12 44 1:45. 2100 176 697 167' 766 343 146'5 ,t!,I!!1~, ,z~ S 4 7 ,2.!Q!I ~ _J!l~ 'I~O, 1m SiD., 2>15 - 2,30 4 3 7 2,15 - 2':30 "0 186 336 2:30 - 2,45 I 3 4 2:30 - 2145 158 I. 347 2:45 - 3.00 3 II 1 II 4 22 2,45 - 3,00' 144 6112 192 m 336 1339 3,00' 3:15 1 4 3,00 - 3,15 150 182' 332 3:15' 3:30 2 7 S,15' 3130 162 189 351 3:30" 3:45 3 8 3,3D - 3,45 162' 174 336 3:'" 4:00 21 I 7 9 28 3:'" hOD 173 647 178 m 351 13711 ,:co. 4,'5 8 ,7 IS 4:00 - 411' 164 204 366 4,15 - 4,30 4 6' 10. 4,15 - 4130 '92 202 394 4:30 - 4,45 6' 4 10 4,30 - 4", 176 2311 414 4145 - 5100 ZI " 9 26 37 n, _4,45 - 5100, 11'1 m 212 856-:-, 41D 1579 5:00 - 5,15 15 .9 24 5,00 - 5,15 236 254 490 5115 - 5:SO 18 12 30 5115 - 5130 248 'DO 478 , 5130 - 5,45 iT 16 U' 5,3"0 -, 5:45 216 228 444 5145 - 6100 48 lOll 21 58 69 166 5,45 - 6:00' ," 166 a66 194 ~ 36D 1772 61DO - 6,15 45 211 66 6100 - ',IS 148 211 359 6:15" 613D 67 35 1D2 6:15' ':30 152 190 342 6130 - 6:45 74 64 138 .-6,30 - ,,45 12D 15a 2711 6:45 - 7,00 104 293, 76 195 180 4l1li 6:'" 7:00 110 SSD 136 69!i 246 1225 7:110 - 7:15', 114 lID 217 7,00.- 7:15 '00 132 D2 7.15. 7:30 l1a 1011 226 7,15 - 7:30 "0 '02 212 7:30' 7:45 174 177 351 7:30' 7,45 '711 94 164 7:45 - a:oo 144 550 202 590 346 114D 7"" - 8:00 '76 356 78 406 154 762 8:00 - 8:15 1411 202 342 8:00 - a:15 60 iz 132 8:15 - 8,30 150 . 165 315 8115' a:30 74 62' 136 ':30 - a:45 15D 148 '298 8,SO' - 8,45 59 12 131 ':45 - 9:00 '" 586 11a 633 264 1219 a,45' 9:110 45 238 " Z62 101 soil. 9,00' 9115 134 145 279 9100'- 9:1S ' 32 '" " 9:15, - 9:30 126 '28 254 9:15' 9:30 31 53 B4 9:30' 9:45 126 127 .253 9,SO. 9i45 iT 48 75 . 9:45 "ID:OO 134 520 lID 5'0 244 103D 9:45 - lO:OD 36 I" 3D 175 66 321 10:00 " 10:15 13a '" zaz 1D:00 - 'D:15 30 35 65 10:15 - 10,3D 132 138 270 '0:15 - 1D:30 29 26 55 10:30 "10:45 116 128 244 1D~3D - 10:45 21 32 SS 10:45 " 11:00 144 530 126 536 2711 '066 10:45 . I1:OD 8 l1li 19 "2 21 2DD 11:00 . "..,5 148 148 296 11:00 . 'hIS IS ZO, 35 11:15 - 11:30 161 ," 307 11:15 - 11:30 11 20 31 11:30 "11:45 202 '58 '360 11:]0 . 11:45 12 17 29 11145 . 12:00 '" 707 '46 598' 342 1305 11:45 . 12:00 9 47 7 64 16 "1 ....._......................_..........~......-...._..................................-...............-.. TOUlS 3,~18 3,222 6,640 5,878 6,457 12,335 ACT'S 9,296 9,679 18,975 ...... ...... ..... -....... ... ................... .... ...~...... ....._.......~~.... ~-..............- .........-.. Resolution No. 05-61 Page 145 of 145 ,-- -,-'- - -,-----