HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 DENY CLAIM WU 05-16-05 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 14 Reviewed: ~ City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: May 16, 2005 WilLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: RONALD A. NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CLAIM OF Alain Wu, CLAIM NO. 05-13 SUMMARY: After review by the Finance Director and the City's Claims Administrator, it is recommended the City Council deny the claim. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council deny Claim Number 05-13, Alain Wu, and direct Staff to send notice thereof to the Claimant. FISCAL IMPACT: None. DISCUSSION: An unknown vehicle hit a City fire hydrant on the street above the claimant's home and escaping water flooded his property. Investigation of the location of the damaged hydrant found that it was located on a private street in a protected area behind the curb. The City is not legally liable for neglig nt actions of third parties. It is Staff's recommendation that the claim be denied. ATTACHMENT: Copy of Claim No. 05-13 U :ICLAI M SICo"iderationOfCI aimAlai nW,. doc CLAIM AGAINSJ;liWE CITY OF TUSTIN (For Damages to ~ßersonal Property) Received Via: ~~~ 0 US Mail 0 Inter-Office Mail r.i1...'..'.."z"..", 0 Over the Counter " '. ,:.,~ ". , <:' Cli'Y p¡: T"'ïlf~ Time Stamp: ZO05 1.j,~R I 5 A 10: 5 I Claim No: PLEASE NOTE: A. Read entire claim before filing B. Be sure your claim is against the Citv of Tustin, not another public entity. C, Claims for death, injury to person or to personal property must be filed no later than 6 months after the occurrence (Government Code § 911.2). D. Claims for damages to real property must be filed no later than one year after the occurrence (Government Code § 911.2). E. if additional space is needed to provide your information, please attach sheets, identifying the paragraph(s) being answered. F. A claim must be presented, as prescribed by the Government Code of the State of California, by the claimant or a person acting on his/her behalf and shall provide the information shown below and must be signed by the claimant or a person on his behalf (Government Code § 910.2). G. This form is for the convenience of those desiring to present claims against the city. Claimant is advised to consult a private attorney if legal advice is desired, No employee of the City may give legal advice to any claimant relating to private claims. H, Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City of Tustin, City Clerk's Office, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. 1, Name and Post Office address of the Claimant. Name of Claim an!: A r o.ì}'t.. W LL _ . ----------..,---..-------------- 2, Post Office address to which the person presenting the claim desires notices to be sen!: Name of Addressee: Post Office Address: -- -~ _ -:? 5~a....~tI>"'~ - 3. The date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction from which the claim arises, ~ate_of()ccurr"-"~e JWv1---LC\ I 2-<JO:Ç . .,.....-. --TirYIe~f()"-CU~rence~n'12.~G{,In.,T -,=o"-ati()'2~LS=S:-L_.~ .çkt--4L'U/ -<>~Jhw.,-.c~-.----fI1:--7j).s=.------------ ,- --.. Circumstances giving rise to this claim' ~~.t~5;:jt~~ .. :t::;p£ry1LlV1+db~dl-~bo/"t.~-¡?J:14-d m-~I '-~d '--Þ--f k1<TY~k (p~:r General descrIption of the In e te ness, a Iga Ion, inJury, amage or oss Incurre so ar as you now now .ø.(.vZtvt'~ ~...IMMÁ.~ ,4.') YØ1:F'Wt-S ~~' iÐWM'¿A.~ ~p( .Er¡~~~~~l>'è~~~" 4, Page1of4 5. The name or names of the public employee or employees causing the injury, damage, or loss, if known. Jil4. --.----- ----- ---_._---~------,------ - ----------- 6, If amount claimed totals less than $10,000: Provide the amount claimed if it totals less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) as of the date of your claim, including the estimated amount of any related potential future injury, damage, or loss, insofar as it may be known as of the date of your ciaim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.) Amount Claimed and basis for computation: -----gt..8/ì')= ( ~?- -- -C~.~~Ll---~-._~--- --------- .-- If amount claimed exceeds $10,000: If the amount claimed exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000), do not provide a dollar amount in the claim, However, your claim must indicate whether it would be a limited civil case. A limited civil case is one where the recovery sought, exclusive of attorney fees, interest and court costs, does not exceed $25,000. An unlimited civil case is one in which the recovery sought is more than $25,000, (See CCP § 86,) D Limited Civil Case 0 Unlimited Civil Case You are required to provide the information requested above in order to comply with Government Code §910. Additionally, in order to conduct a timely investigation and possible resolution of your claim, the Cit of Tustin re uests that ou answer the followin uestions, 7. Name, address and telephone number of any witnesses to the occurrence or transaction from which the claim arises: ~-:..~~~~:5Æi:e~~-::;~=~Ju;¡; :; ~¡:;--~ L3_~~==- =~~- ----- ~------------ ........ ----~------------------ 8, If the claim involves medical treatment for a claimed injury, please provide the name, address and telephone number of any doctors or hospitals providing treatment: -- ----- _~LIA.-___- ------------.----- -------------------------.------ m---- ----. -- ------.----------------- g, If applicable, please altach any medical bii/s or reports or similar documents supporting your claim, If the claim relates to an automobiie accident: (j (Á Claimant(s) Auto Ins. Co,: Address: Telephone: ------- ----------- -- ---~----~-----------,----- Insurance Policy No.: Insurance Broker/Agent: Address: Telephone: -_..-------------------------~---- - .._---------------------,---- --------- ----~---~-- Ciaimant's Veh. Lic, No.. ------------------ - -- Claimant's Drivers Lie. No,: Vehicle MakelYear: - --------------,---- ---------- Expiration: --,-- -- ---_.._------,------------,-------- ._-~_.__.------- Page2of4 If applicable, please attach any repair bills, estimates or similar documents supporting your claim, READ CAREFULLY For all accident claims, place on following diagram name of streets, including North, East, South, and West: indicate place of accident by "X" and by showing house numbers or distances to street corners, If City/Agency Vehicle was involved, designate by letter "A" location of CitylAgency Vehicle when you first saw it, and by "B" location of yourself or your vehicle when you first saw City/Agency Vehicle: iocation of City/Agency vehicle at time of accident by "A-1" and location of yourself or your vehicle at the time of the accident by "B-1" and the point of impact by "X," NOTE: If diagrams below do not fit the situation, attach hereto a proper diagram signed by claimant. -4(/ I~ ~ SIDEWALK CURB ~ CURB---.. 7íI $/ PARKWAY in nF- SIDEWALK Warning: Presentation of a faise claim is a felony (Penal Code §72). Pursuant to CCP §1038, the City/Agency may seek to recover all costs of defense in the event an action is filed which is later determined not to have been brought in good faith and with reasonable cause, Signature: ~~~ Date 2-/2.ljvr Page30f4 Attachment 1 Property: Amount claimed: $ 9,951.02 Basis of computation: 1, ServiceMaster - Emergency rescue call for water extraction, clean up, drying with the placement of fans and de-humidifier for one bedroom, bathroom, Laundry room, Garage and Recreation room, - $1,078,10, 2. Robert's Construction - Follow up cleaning, carpet replacement, shampoo, replace base board, new shoe storage unit and new face board of stairway post. - $3,749.92. 3, Hunter's pool service - Swimming pool cleaning and change filters, - $603,00 4. Mora Landscape - Clean up wash all surrounding outdoors yard and re-Iandscape front yard. Fill the washed out slope and re-planting. - $4,050.00. 5. Steve Pennington - Painting one bedroom - $380,00, Total expenses - $9,951.02 Disaster Restoration Services Corporate Office in: Rancho Cucamonga 8758 HeUman Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (800) 343-9443 (909) 980-9443 (909) 980-1963 Fax February 24, 2005 Alain Wu Invoice#: 13982 Amount Due: $1,078.10 Dear Mr. Wu: This letter represents our demand for payment. If this balance is not paid within 10 days from the date of this letter, then your account will be forwarded to a COLLECTIONS AGENCY and a lien will also be placed on the above-mentioned property. Furthermore, you will also be liable for accumulated interest and collection costs. Please note that we do accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. In order to avoid any adverse implications to your credit standing, please contact me immediately at (800) 343-9443, Sincerely, '---' \/ <""--t~J ' y v~r9 Kay Vanderpool Accounting Department ServiceMaster 8758 HeUman A venue Rancho Cucammga, CA 91730 (909) 980-9443 (909) 980-1963 Fax TJ,N, 33-0175861 Claim Number Policy Number .. Type of Loss. Deductible UNKNOWN ????????? water loss $ 0.00 Insured: Alain Wu Horre: ( Property: Claim Rep,: Danny McCurdy Business: ( Business: Estimator: Danny McCurdy Business: ( Business: OJrnpany: SelViceMaster Business: (800) 343-9443 Business: 8758 HeUman Ave Rancho Cucammga, CA 91730 Date of Loss: 01118105 Date Inspected: 01119/05 Date Received: 01119/05 Date Entered: 01/28/05 Price List: CABD2B4B Restoration/SelVice/Remodel with SelVice C1larges Broken Out Estimate: WU-A-4A Here is the E'm:rgency SelVices estimate ptease feel free to call if you need further assistance, $eroiç~a.'. fll!:.',}l ServiceMaster t!~ 8758 Hellman A venue Rancho OJcammga, CA 91730 (909) 980-9443 (909) 980-1963 Fax T.I,N.33-017586] ~. "~"-:::,,""//.."> ii..... "-'... Room: BED LxWxH 13'0" x 11'6" x 8'0" 392.00 SF Walls 541.50 SFWalls&Ceiling 16,6] SYFlooring 104,00 SF Long Wall 49,00 IF Ceil, PerÜreter 149.50 SF Ceiling ]49.50 SF Floor 49,00 IF Floor PeriIreter 92.00 SF Short Wall DESCRIPTION .' . QNTYREiVlOVE REPLACE' . ,TOTAL Waterex!raction from floor Lift ca!]>et for drying ReJrove Tear out wet ca!]>et pad and bag for disposal Apply anti-microbial agent ReJrove Tear out trim/base and bag for disposal Air Jrover (per day) - No Jronitaring 0.00 0,41 21.32 0,00 0.27 14,04 0.27 0,00 14,04 52.00 SF 0,00 0.19 9,88 13,00 IF 0.50 0,00 6,50 3,ooEA 0,00 26,50 79.50 52,00 SF 52.00 SF 52.00 SF R"UI1Tolal:',:BED.,.,..",,',.,..., ..." .",......,145,28 LindtcmSubtotals: WlJ-A-4A " ." " , ,937.69 Floor Cleaning Technician Cleal1in Retrediatian Technician Total Ad' sttrents for Base Service Cha os: 63.42 76,56 139,98 I Grand Total Areas: .".'"" ...., ..'..' ,.,' 1,576,00 SF Walls 686,75 SF Floor 432,00 SF Long Wall 686.75 SF Ceiling 76.31 SYFiooring 356,00 SF Short Wall 2,262.75 SF Walls & Ceiling 197,00 IF Floor PeriIreter 197.00 IF Ceil, PeriIreter 0.00 Floor Area 0.00 Exterior Wall Area 0.00 Totai Area 0,00 Exterior PeriJreter of Walls 0,00 InteriorWati Area 0,00 Surface Area 0,00 Total Ridge Length 0,00 Number of Squares 0.00 Totai Hip Length 0.00 Total PeriIreter Length 0,00 Area of Face ] WU-A-4A 0112812005 Page: 4 $~~ SelViceMaster 8758 Hellman A venue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 980-9443 (909) 980-1963 Fax T.I.N,33-0175861 Summary fur water loss Une ItemTotal Total Adjustrrents for Base Service Charges Material Sales Tax Subtotal 7,75['1'10 5,60 937,69 139.98 0.43 1,078.10 Grand Total' . . ... .. .,. ],078.]0 Danny McCurdy WU-A4A 01/2812005 Page: 5 Sert!~, ServiceMaster ",." . 8758 HeUnnn A venue Rancho Cucaroonga, CA 91730 (909) 980-9443 (909) 980-1963 Fax T.I,N,33-0175861 Recap by Room Estlmate: WU-A-4A SERVICE U\ing Room Laundry Room BArn BED Sub(otal of Areas Base Senice Charaes 268,92 97,74 144,15 281.60 145,28 937,69 139,98 24,95% 9,07% 1338% 26,13% 13,48% 87,01% 12 99% Total " ", - ,.' ".' ,n ,'" ',' ""..' "', 1,077.67>100.0'0% WU-A-4A 01/28/2005 Page: 6 ServiceMaster 8758 Hellman A venue Rancho Cueamonga, CA 91730 (909) 980-9443 (909) 980-t963 Fax T.l.N,33-0175861 Rl'Cap By Category O&p Items Total Dollars % GENERAL DEMOLITION 84,86 7.87% WATER EXTRACTION & REMEDIATION 852.83 79.10% Subtotal 937.69 86,98% Base Service Charges 139.98 12,98% Material Sales Tax IâJ 7.750% 0.43 0,04% O&p Items Subtotal 1 078.10 100,00% , . WU-A-4A 01/2812005 Page: 7 FROM: ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION INC PHONE NO, : ({oberls c.:ollstruct;()n 11779 (:ardi¡¡¡\1 Circle Cardell Gr'ove. CA 928ú4 OZIO'¡¡Z()()S L"imatc: Insuréd: Property: 7<;.i'v1417-7X'1 AllilltWII Claim NlIlJlbL'I': Policy Number: Typeo!'l.o,,: Deduçtibk: Pricc Liöl: HolJle' Date of Loss: Date 1nspected: Summary for Water Damage Line Item Total Material Sales Tax 779,09 (~' 7.750% x :à' 10.0% x (Ii 10,0% x 3,] 24,94 3,124,94 Replacemeot Cost Value Overhead Profit Replacement Cost V.i,," (Iocluding U"", bead ami PI'orit) Less DedLlctibk Net Payment ,---- Brodmann. Man Ft=b, 03 2005 06: 27PM P2 75-M417-n'l Water I)amage $IJ.()O CAOG5F4DI Restoration/Service/Remodel with Service Charges ßroken Out 1/1912005 ]/26/2005 3,064,56 60.38 3,124,94 312.49 312.49 ---- 3,749.92 (0,00) $3,749,92 ALL AMOUNTS PAY ABLE ARE SUB.TECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND LIMITS OF YOUR POLICY. "'" ' ~~" c~""""'" "" """,,',, R."m, "'rylF"", "',00 ".'" mo CI,," 0""""., "",.,"" ---- "oomT."", """IF"", Ro"m, '.mll,R"",, mD "W.o, """"'00. '00" 'Fe..,w"" ""C"<'T'ON '------ ..--....-- """, c..", ,.. """"""""""","""."""M', 'CI.."."",""",".~"""ry C.."",M..,.",..,oo."~'-""""" --.. Room"""','.m","'"m Roo",,"""""""" """'W.II, """"""" on; ",-,..,w." ""<^"T'ON CI..,,",,-,""""""'" 'S,M"'"," ¡¡"",.".""""".."",, '00. ""'" ."""" '.,w", ,""',""",.',,.. D"'N"" --- ¡¡~:~'" --~~ "00" D"'" ""'Sf ,."", ----- '::;::~~::;;,:, '",00 """"w"" It~ c,w" "',.. """..,"0" ~.~ ~::: ~,';,:~::~ ,"Co".,,""""" "'" on 0." ".'" "'M ,.", on" "" c,w" """"""',,"'" moo "w,",&C.""" ".OJ CC"""""'rn".. "" ","'" ""m"" ---"-~~':'.':..., CHITeOST ,'"'."" ---- --- ""'"~""""",.,,.k D"'",..",." "",-, "'" ..,",....,,",.,~,""'" . S"i.,rmi.' "i,'"" '" ",' "".. a""-",.,,. ",'" """,w"""""""""'.""""" "'" '..mT""', ,,"..~,..'" D"C",,","-' ",.. "'m""', "'"',"'" a.."".""".."""", ",' """."."..'.m,..... -'---.. "omT..,,"""""'" R"',",C"",",,,oo CO"""" - """"ry ""'" ,c" ,..., -"- """."", Q"ON"n - -'-'-- .0""" 00."," ,".°'" sow' "", ""'A :m ¡:;::~,~" Qi"NTOT> ".,," " """i.' ",," ..-- -- - -.... -- ,." '.n O" ,~ ".,," """ ,,'" "00 ",. '" ---- "--'-- ",W," .'... ".,.. "'," "" "." ..---- -- "" '" "" "" ,-- -- -- ."", FROM: ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION INC ~II;II' W" Room: ¡¡",Iro"m 422.67 SI.' W"lh 17).81 SF 1.'lo() ' ii2.00 SFI",ngW,dl DESCRIPTION , "..-----,..-..-".... Remove Carpet Detach & Resel Baseboal'd - 2 1/-1" Paint bosoboard .. two CO"1S Replace Carpet R&R (arpet pac! ,.._-----,....... Room Totals: Bedroom Room: Garage 8ùO,(i'¡ 51 '",,:;, 616,00 SF Fioor 224,00 SF Long Wall DESCRIPTION .-----'---------.. . R&RCabinetry. ,11°" .,torage RcpJ_c, Remove and repineo stair pOI. . Cloan"stair tread, Hnd 11'1", . Prelw'I'Anc1'col ¡";werw,II,-mll"""" . Paint wall. ono.o,;,,' , Seall'f poi,,! cabinctl'v - inside nllrl 0"1 , PrimE!: & paint ;tail,: post , C,leari conCl'e!e sial) .._-.-------_. Room 'I'otols: Gal'age .' . ¡"JneItómSubtat.ls: 75-M417-789 75.M417.789 PHONE NO, : Feb. 03 2005 06: 28PM P4 Hoh('rrs (""stnlct;"1J 11:'0,:':'00< I"W,H 14'0" x 12'3" , 8'0" i7:U.' SF Ceiling "1':;1 51' Flnoril1g 9'),:n SF Shol' W"II 5')6.50 SI willis & Uiling 52.S3 1.1' 1 loa!' Pel'Ìmetòl' 52.83 1..1' ('<:11. Porln'e!e!' QIJANTII \ LI,." CUSJ I(CV , ,.....------------,-....--. . . ...-----------.., 173,8.1 SF J 4.00 LF 52,g3 LI' 194,69 SF 173.81 SF 36,50 11.41 4i,74 0.2i 1.53 0,79 2,97 0.58 578.24 iOO,82 ---,--_._---------------' . -------,------..-------.....--- 778.72 LxWxH ;¡8'O" x 22'0" x S'O" .,;c,.Cii SF Ceiling 68.44 51' Fiooriog 176.00 SF Shorl Wail 1,416.GO SFVi;¡.II>&C<;¡;JI~ 100.00 LF 1"1.001' Pel'imetßf 100.00 Li' C~iI, Pe!'ime!er QUANTITY IINIT COST RCY ...---------..--- ----- -------- -- ----... 3,50 J,F 9;1,68 ;117.89 1.00 EA 109,00 109.00 4.00 HR 28,00 112,00 80,00 SF 0.30 24.00 176,00 SF 032 56)2 3.50 LV 22.71 79A9 1.00 EA :9.64 i9,64 616,00 SF 0.48 295,68 --------,- ------- -----.. - - ---- -----..- 1,024.02 ...._,- ,-------..--- --------....,--..------.---.- --..-- - ---- ---------,. .------- -.. -----.-----.-- ------ 2,493.56 Page: 4 FROM: ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION INC ,\11"" W" Adj IIsrments ror BII.'" S,"'v;ç" Ch""g'" Came'f"cr - Finish, Triml('"hinci Cleaning Technician Fioar Cleaning 1'<chniciun Flooring In~tailer Painter Total Adjustment< for Base Service ('In"'!,,..\: ------- lAne Item Tot. Is: 75-M417-789 -. . -- --..._..- , -- ___m_____--- ' Grand Total Areas: ",709.33 SF Walls i.504.38 SF Floor 749,33 SF Long Wali 0.00 Flool' Area 0,00 Exterior Wall ^"e" 0,00 Surface Area 0,00 Total Ridge I,englh 75-M4 i 7-789 PHONE NO. : Robt'rt, ('oll,ll""ctloll Feb, 03 2005 06:28PM P5 ...----..-----"'" .....-------,---.... . ,..--______m ,.. --------..- ,...--------" .. -..,----..-..-- 1,504,38 SF Ceiling 1(>7.15 SY Fiooring 605.33 SF Short Wall 0.00 Total Area 0.00 Exterior Perimeter of Walis 0.00 Numbcr<>i'Sql!ares 0.00 Totaii'lip lengtlJ 02.0~ 2011.', A¡J,ju,rm('nt , "7,68 56.00 68,24 140.04 179.04' ..- "-",-.. ....-----'.... .- 571,00 -,,-,--..---,..---..- :\,064,56 0-00 .--......-.-,---,..-"..... . .._-"._-,----,.. 4,213.71 SFWalls&Ceiling: 338,67 LF Floor Perimeter 338,67 IF Ceil. P('rimeter 0,00 Inlcrior Wall Area O,()O Total Perimeter Length 0-00 Area 01' Fac"i 3,064.% Page: 5 FROM: ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION INC All"""" ü&p Items ----- ----"n-.. -- APPLIANCES CABINETRY CLEANING CONTENT MANIPULATION FLOOR COVERING - CARI'ET FINISH CARPENTRY /TRIMWORI< PAINTING STAIRS ..---,.---"'- Subtotal Base Service Cl1m.ges Moterial Sale, Tax Overhead Profit -_..--- O&P Items Subtotal ----- ---- Grand Total 15.M41}- 789 PHONE NO. : Feb. 03 2005 06: 29PM P6 i:¡ohcrls Construction 02'(].\l20(]< Trade Summary @ 7.750% 10,00% ]0,00% Total Oolla,'s ':I. 70.00 1.87% 371.59 9,91% 746,13 19,90% 36.14 0.96% 805.44 21.48% 73.44 1,96% 281.82 7.52% 109,()0 2.91% ..----"- ,.'-" 2,493.56 66.50% 571.00 15.23% 60.38 1.61% 312.49 8,33% 312.49 8.33% 3,749.92 100.00.;', 3,749.92 r¡ý ri~ Page: Ó HUNTER POOL SERVICE 804 S, KENMORE STREET ANAHEIM, CA, 92804 (714)321-9310 MRS. ING M. WU .ÐA~E:. LQCAiJ:'IQN, , '. 1/24/05 1152 RANCHHILL 1/25/05 . i&VlfJ!I!IS\ ':. FILTER CLEAN EXTRA CLEANING FILTER CLEAN EXTRA CLEANING FILTER CLEAN CLEAN-INCLUDED IN MONTHLY FEE FILTER CLEAN EXTRA CLEANING FILTER CLEAN EXTRA CLEANING FILTER CLEAN EXTRA CLEANING FILTER CLEAN EXTRA CLEANING 1/26/05 1/27/05 1/28/05 1/31/05 2/1/05 WATER CLARIFIER FILTER GRID 1J!~:PA~'1..,ll\J;E'. ' THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS 90-7172/143 ALAIN S. WU, TRUSTEE -----¡¡,-, ING M. WU, TRUSTEE 040012262131 / . 'T~~~~~~ I $~~ fmbank' r¡r:t,~~W€~IMsa BR#1<3 , ~. , M;~~N'p^,~rt).Q¿¡,.,i...y t- .UAIAA WM- ---- -i"~----~ -:1::¡222H?2L,1: OL,OO~22b2~HII' ~ s~ 1251 "~ 65.00 20,00 65.00 20.00 65.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 65.00 20,00 65.00 20.00 65,00 20,00 65.00 20.00 10,00 18.00 $ 603,00 Mora Landscape (949) 348-2382 Cell (714) 336-9248 Repair Estimate Bill To: Alain 1. Labor to repair slope damage caused by faulty water hydrant. Includes Re- fill, clean and remove mud from all concrete around the property, etc... $3000,00 2. Repair Estimate time (4-5 Days) Costs to replant slope and replace plant damages caused by faulty water hydrant. 10 Flats Ice Plant 2-15 Gallons Star Jasmine 3 -15 Gallons Lady Pink Rhaphiolepis 1-15 Gallons Camellia 3-5 Gallons Gardenia 4-5 Gallons Azalers 4-5 Gallons Rose Bushes Total cost of plants Labor to Replant Total Cost Estimate $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 $80.00 $36.00 $48,00 $36.00 $550.00 $500.00 $4050.00 I 919849 INVOICE SHIP TO ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP F.O.B, ORDERED PRICE $~ 5840 ~ CITY OF TUSTIN RECEIPT OF CLAIM Receipt of Claim/Summons and Complaint by the City Clerk's Office: Date: !v\M~ \5 2005 , Time: By: ~Personal Service Upon the Undersigned Regular Mail Certified/Registered Mail 'YY\ (1J\ ~1¿JLL,.-- City Clerk's Office