HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 MCAS ZC 05-001 06-06-05 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager ~ JI1 Finance Director ~ MEETING DATE: JUNE 6,2005 TO: WilLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SUBJECT: SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1299: ZONE CHANGE 05-001: MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SUMMARY: Zone Change 05-001 is a City-initiated amendment to the MCAS-Tustin Specific Plan to facilitate the application and implementation of some of the requirements contained in the Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Have second reading by title only and adoption of Ordinance No. 1299 (roll call vote). FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: On May 16, 2005, the City Council had first reading by title only and introduction of the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1299 - An ordinance of the City of Tustin, adopting Zone Change (MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment) 05-001 to amend Sections 3.2, 3.2.2,3.2.3,3.9.2; footnotes to Tables 3-1 and 3-2 and the definitions section of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan relating to density calculation, development unit definition, and transfer of units. \ /1/$J1A' X t1vIJA/ Maria R. Huizar, Chief Deputy City Clerk ATTACHMENT: Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 1299 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING ZONE CHANGE (MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT) 05-001 TO AMEND SECTIONS 3.2; 3.2.2; 3.2.3; 3.9.2; FOOTNOTES TO TABLES 3-1 AND 3-2 AND THE DEFINITIONS SECTION OF THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATING TO DENSITY CALCULATION, DEVELOPMENT UNIT DEFINITION, AND TRANSFER OF UNITS The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. FINDINGS The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That City staff has identified proposed amendments to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan as Zone Change (MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment) 05-001 to amend Sections 3.2; 3.2.2; 3.2.3, 3.9.2, footnotes to Tables 3-1 and 3-2 and the Definitions section (Chapter 6, Appendix D) of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan as identified in Exhibit A attached hereto. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on April 25, 2005, and continued to May 9, 2005, by the Planning Commission. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Zone Change (MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment) 05-001. C. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on May 16, 2005, by the City Council. D. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Tustin General Plan. The Land Use Element includes the City's goals and policies for the long- term growth, development, and revitalization of Tustin, including the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area. The Tustin Land Use Element identifies ten goals, which include the following: 1. 2. Achieve balanced development. Ensure that compatible and complementary development occurs Revitalize older commercial, industrial, and residential development. Improve city-wide urban design. Promote economic expansion and diversification. 3. 4. 5. 6. Coordinate development with provision of adequate public facilities and services. Ensure that the development character of East Tustin is compatible with the surrounding man-made and natural environment. Strengthen the development character and mixture of uses in the Old Town/First Street area. Promote an integrated business park character for the Pacific Center East area. Implement a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin which maximizes the appeal of the site as a mixed-use, master-planned development. 7. 8. 9. 10. These goals establish the framework for policies related to allocation of land use in the City, and the implementation policies reflect the direction and image the City seeks for the future. Proposed Zone Change 05-001 supports the General Plan goals and the policies established for the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area, including the following: 1. Goal 1. Provide for a well balanced land use pattern that accommodates existing and future needs for housing, commercial and industrial land, open space and community facilities and services while maintaining a healthy, diversified economy adequate to provide future City services. a. Policy 1.10 - Ensure that the distribution and intensity of land uses are consistent with the Land Use Plan and classification system. 2. Goal 13. The project will implement policies under the goals and policies for future development of MCAS Tustin Specific Plan including: a. Policy 13.2 - Encourage a development pattern that offers a connectedness between buildings and uses, and has a strong sense of place through architectural styles and creative landscape design. b. Policy 13.5 - Promote high quality architecture, landscaping, signage, open space design, circulation patterns, and landscape patterns distinct from surrounding areas Section 2. The City Council hereby adopts Zone Change (MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment) 05-001 ("Zone Change") to amend Sections 3.2; 3.2.2; 3.2.3; 3.9.2, footnotes to Tables 3-1 and 3-2 and the Definitions section (Chapter 6, Appendix D) of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, as identified in Exhibit A, attached. Ordinance No. 1299 Page 2 of 10 Section 3. SEVERABILITY All of the provisions of this ordinance shall be construed together to accomplish the purpose of the regulations. If any provision of this part is held by a court to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall apply only to the particular facts, or if a provision is declared to be invalid or unconstitutional as applied to all facts, all of the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall continue to be fully effective. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 6th day of June, 2005. LOU BONE Mayor PAMELA STOKER City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN ) )SS ) I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, California hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Ordinance introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin duly held on May 16, 2005, of which meeting all of the members of said City Council had due notice and at which a majority thereof were present; and was finally passed and adopted not less than five days thereafter on June 6, 2005, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk Ordinance No. 1299 Page 3 of 10 Chapter 3. Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations Specific Plan by defining appropriate locations for œrtain land uses IIld permitted development intensities. The Land Use Plan includes thirteen (13) separate.1and use designations as described in Section 2.2.1. Each parcel within the Specific Plan has been assigned a specific land use designation. Each designation has been assigned a Planning Area (PA) nmnber, as shown on Figure 3-1. The Planning Area is the smallest regulatOly unit for the application of development regulations: The development standards are customized for each Planning Area IIld grouped according to the neighborhood in which they belong. The Land Use Plio Statistical Analysis is organized in two ways. Table 3- I is the Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis organized by l8/\d use designation, and Table 3-2 is the Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis organized by neighborhood. The neighborhoods of the Plan are shown again for reference in Figure 3-2. Each statistical analysis contains the approximate acreages, square footage allocations and dweUing units pennitted in each Planning Area shown on the Land Use Plan. Each Planning Area is assigned an amount of land devoted to existing buildings (where applicable), and includes an allocation of land available for new uses based on the dcnsityrmtensity standards established in the Specific Plan. The maximum number of dwelling units and total square footage of non-residential development provided for in the Specific Plan are prescnDed in the Statistical Analysis and further defined in the foUowing I regulations sections. Calc, uìationof development potential is based on Bet &!2!Lacrcage figures for each Planning Area, which excludes land devoted to arterial roadways as identified in the Circulation Plan (Figure 12-5) aøQ Ieee! ftJlldwayø (pulllie IIIUI )I'" ate) wlHeli - ell lulid te eeellr ..,¡¡ ÿa I-I!. no :"11 'M" The shaded area on the Land Use Planning Areas map (Figure 3-1) indicates where alternative conceptual roadway alignments for Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue could occur. The Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis assmnes the most ~Iy alignment for Tustin Ranch Road and the most southerly alignment for Warner Avenue. If either fina1 alignment differs ftom these assumed conceptual locations, the provisions of Section 3.2.5, below, shall apply. . MCAS Tu$/in Specific PlanIRlU$II Plan City of Tustin Page 3-5 ........ ...- .-_.... Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations DøIp-IIIP¡"""ÚII ;w. T- DU'o- 0 Õ 0 0 0 Õ TO oc .. ;N4 .. -= L ~ -:r...b~~: ..'::.-:='..::::=.=.~::':" .:.ø:.=r::..-.:wa:.;-vi.,. "';, !....~.~-~ =.:~*u:."::."::""'" -_. 2. N,,_io..___..._--_b__(IacoI_)witbio.PIoaoiotAlw.Not_io_l IpUIÎIIIIfaIJlJrcoda--"-_... .......... - .. orlbo ........ "- 0IIII fnriooIliIa"""" -- -'- - --- wiD be.-"",Ibo.. _0IIII --- 3. Floor Ana - ¡¡All) io .... _1Iao£.. orlll1oUildlap witbio. PIoaoiot Ana - by "" - -- 0(18 -. Ana'" - 0("" - AmIyoio. 'I'bo P AB.. oaIt.ima ........ .1Ioar...- - ..... .. 88I8I!8d ... vl- - .1'IamID8 AI-. 1110... of"""""" ioaIuotñooI, aIIIoe, or__1bot - - -, 8IIIÍpod to - .-...Ana.. _... Tabla 3-3. nø -- -..... boa - - to - ToOIIFIoor Ana (-IboOtp) - - coda -... ""'" Iho _1Iao£_...... _.......... - .. be dneIøpod . tp8CifioII...CbIpIIr s. R_.._Ip8OiIIoo--......, ......- - -- D!h peI"".,..ø¡. -- -, 1Ior_- 4. ToIII Floor Ana .....--....... of...._-..-,¡,,¡,.,¡ by.....Jtipl qlbo 0- -- by Ibo_--. S. BlÕllill8P1oorAnaio"_"""or......,.~by""""A1e8. 6. -- PIoør AIaa iotbo JI*âII ............. of- --..- -PJaoaioa AM, ....... tbo -- -. - to --. - ........ I 7. WlpeI'Aae_"--.örpel'_..---.-...,be.......... Thadoo8l\r_"'--Ioad_..........,.......... "'_2.2.L I. - DU'. II tbo - - of- dMIImp uaIIr, -. ...... -, peI'..........Ibo""""AIaa 9. I!xioIq¡IJU'I _1ho......,.1IIiIII8Iy &ai o ...... -..- coda -... AIaa Iho --........ (or -- .....) io - II< """1!IIiIIIaa Floor Ana """""- 10. TalllDU'Jr ..1b8--oCdwdI8Ic-- "--"""'" -"""'-_0IIII"'--,,"-""""'.""0IIII -- tbo....... _at --. _In 18:11"""" Ana - IBM ...- .... -......- ..."" -. AaIqIio. ... .. opeeiIiod ... Sectiaa 3.2,1. I. ThaW, p8' - fipno af7.0 .- the ........ -.ör af""",- - tho --. --. """"- by-1IoaoÌII& ¡} ~== ~ c:.j";~ ~af~~:::!;.~ on: :~..~ l:~ ~-:..::~ ~ ~~~ =:.=:::.t: PA 22 abo --.. ""'_Ibr.~ Pad;.. Iho ,,--I11III- willba --....... - _totbo City or........ -. tho.....-dwoIIbw .....InPA22wi1......,1bo..... 14. ~Ap~itl~-=..=...Ibr.~plltIÌlO.1bo¡ncioc_oad_wiDbe_prior,,__IIIIIpI l XUYllJ._."""'_Io""""'- IS. PA IS.B_.lo.-~IJr..EI"-8I 'ScIIooI. ThI¡ncioc_oad_willbe__IboNø¡'I_or_ioilluod.lftho__-_IO ...... -"_~wiIl"'_to1bo_Dnilydooi¡a8liaa,-.""-"'" _ilb -AIIIiJIio-...be....-. PA'IS.BaIoo_. S- ~ tbn acJabboù¡oad pIIt- Tho,,- -- - willba- .......1I0oI_...100 1IIIIp~ œ-, tbo - aIIowabIa choeIIiaa-1n PA JS.B will_" -- 16. PA8_.4IJ...._IIr'IIi¡ IScIIooI. 1bo......._oadloc8líoowillbe__tboNnY8_oCDoc:ioICIIIio-'lftllo___Ih841__1Io -- ~,,;o be..... to" CammuoiIy c... .......... -. tbo - - - JiooI 01......-. daftIapuai 0IIII -- dweIIia8 - iI PA a wII- the -. 17. PAl io"""""",,,af.........pa!>tic"""")'lOJOO_-.,...;&odÎD Sectiaa2.3 0IIII 2.4 oCtheSpoc;lk:PtIII. II. PA ~A_.lo-._Ibr..~ScIIooI. 1bo,......_oad_wilbe__tboNnY8--Do:ioiaD._lftba__-_ID ...... _.._~,,;oba"""""~ViUop--. .._-_lOotor""-""""",,,ilPA I.AwiIl.....tbo- CIty of Tus/in Page 3-8 MCAS TlÆfin Specific PlanIRøuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and DevelopmentlReu~Rltgulations 'RHOOD 0.-' ~IArø :GIIBORHOODI P......,._22 MedIum DcœiIy (I-U dúao) ~SchoolK"'" N~ PIdc ,. '.OF-WAY.- 73. ß IA NT. w;- ¡;r¡; 'NT. 2,115,J17. 3;ì ¡¡u¡ DniIIIF ~: - HlA 'AI. RIGHT 01' W A' -: I. an..... fiJroodl--Ana...- -- -....... or........., -- oad --........,. "'I' poYio.......,............. LoadU_PIoI\.-to ....-yoftbo........,....... Tho_orload -.. --.-...- .....PIon............ .........lti¡bHl-Way"""", -'- _will be.- "",..OiIO pia ---- 2. Nit_..._IIIocoIIoa_""""__"'--(IoCII-)_.-"'AnLNot_.-.............,lbtooobPladna-_.. -""<1- ... or... i'JInJÎIII- oad typicoloilo ........ -. - ......... will bo -....... de plio -- ..- . 3. PIaar Aialbr» f!.A.R.) ... ..... floor.. or 811-"""-.""'" Ana - by" ... - or... -- Ala fiIr - "'this - ADoIJ*. Tho F.A.R. - opo:i&o . floor.. - - -.._lIIixol- - .--Ana Tho..... of-- -'aØIoo, ...--....... bomloitiolly.-...,J.. -I'IoaoDosAna..-.. ToIJIo3-1. 1biIfIoor..._'" - - to""'" ToId- Ana(Jqoan 1boIop)'-" -.--.Ana Tho- fIoor..I8Iio......... p8IIouIar...- be~. opocifis<I in CIIopIw 3. fIaœ' ... - opooi Ioo -....-. iIIOoIÀIf ... ... - - -- DIh per - J IOC:iI\' -... dIIÍIity ... - - 4. ToIII- Ala . 1IJo 11*1 -- ..... vl...._.......-- by 1D1IIdpI¡1a¡" -... - by'" ... ..... s. &iotiøa Floor Ana. tbo - .... """'" -.....,. -.- 6. - FIoo< Ana . \be ......... -1boIop vl- --- - --- AnI, --"" -1boIop - .. ....... - -. I 7. IX7I per Aao - \be - ...... .... ..... ....-........ -1111¥ be -. no..., - Ibt oodI'- 1IIII-............1(>11d11a1 in - 2.2. I. I. -DV'a.....................oraew4walliap"""-",,,,"""'por_Iilr..-,- . 9. -..,1Xh - \be .....,. -,. ØoaåIy -.. ""'" ..- -...... - Tho""""""" (... ----> . .....- ... ill ... -.- AlaI........ 10. Told DIh. tbolllllllÍllNm -vllhoolüaa"'" -.. ooobP-...- -....... -.....",... -1111¥ bo -",,".pIIo 811__""""" -0(-"" aoib in -I'IoamIIr¡Ana -..........................-..... -AmIysiI,.....,.is.eoiIial.SecIioo 3:23. II. ThoDI1. .... - fi&we of1.D - ............ ..... or......... -.. --. IIouìia8be ....- ..,. -........ :¡ :~oz.^.2~:,".1.:. -:.-:~= ~~»::.. -:;=:o~~r:=~-:'=:== ~ ~::~~Ibr. ~ pIIk silo. Thopncioo- mlllICIIioIÌ will bo- priorlo..- _10" City allniao, -."'- -- -...- ill PA 22 wIII_"'-, 14. PA IS"\ iIcIuðoo. 5-acre _1iIr..........- pllkoito. Tho.......",,- mI- will bo_priorlo fIoaI_.............. --."'- -dwdUøø- . ..PAIS.,\wiI1nlll lÌDthe-. MCAS Tustin Specl6c PlanIRause Plan CItY Of TusUii Pøgø3-15 . Chapter 3. land Use and DevelopmentlReuse Regulations 3.2.1 Land Use Boundaries Land use designation boundaries are generally as depicted on the Land Use Plan, Figure 2-1. The Planning Area boundaries ~ equivalent to the land use designation boundaries, and are shown in Figure 3-1. Adjustments in boundaries resulûng ftom fmal road alignments or more precise surveys, or technical refinements will not require, a Specific Plan Amendment. While precise boundaries and acreages will be detennined when more definitive plans are submitteØ, the maximum development limits as shown in the Land Use S1atislical Analysis (Table 3-1) shall apply, subject to transfer conditions between' neighborhoods provided below in Sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4. . 3.2.2 Maximum DwellIng Units The maximum nmnber.of dweDing mits in each Planning Area may not exceed the numbers as specified on the Land Use Statistical Analysis. The calculation of residential density, as stated in dwelling units per acre, shall be based on l181-ßma..acres for each project. ~acres is defined as ~ acres less fie ~roadways as identified on the Circulation PI8n (Figure 2-5) _d leMll'9adwøy¡¡ (bth ,IIIIIi8 aB4 prWat~ iIIIerøøI te tile PI8RRin¡ "~-.a. 3.2.3 Transfer of Dwelling Unit Allocations If a Planning Area is developed with less than the maximum number of units allowed, then the "unused" residential development potential may be transferred to another Planning Area which supports residential uses. In no case shall transfers of units result in: A The maximum number' of dwelling units in a Planning Area exceeding prescnõed Planning Area maximmns by more than 10 percent without a Specific Plan Amendment, as shown on the Land Use Statistical Analysis (Table 3-1). unless lhefullowine criteria are meL subject to a written findine bv the DIrector of CommunitY Develooment: 1. Such transliers shall not in=ase the total units aDowable in the oveiall Soecific Plan; 2. Transfers shaD be consistent with the uses and develoDmenl standards of the receivine PIannitw: Area; B. Significant, alteration of the basic character of development in the gaining or losing Planning Area. MCAS Tulttin Specific P¡anIRause Plan CiJy of Tulttin Page 3-17 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . S. Tenure - Development in Planning Area IS of apartments is a discretiOÍlllJ'y action requiring approval of a conditional use permit. No more than 2S percent of the total number of units permitted Within the Tustin portion of the Specific Plan area may be approved for apartments. 6. Prior to approval of any subdivision map or site plan in Planning Area 15, a precise boundary plan for the golf course shall be submitted by the developer to the City of Tustin for review and appro,val. This plan shall precisely define, the edges of th~ course and show f¡ontages IIld visibility from Edinger Avenue, Tustin Ranch Road, and NOIth Loop Road. In addition, the plan shall identify a program for public use of the golf course, and conceptua1ly identifyllocate proposed buildings and facilities such as clubhouse, driving range, golf school, snacIc bør,lIld maintenance yards. 7. Prior to issuance of building permits for golf course facilities, the ultimate owner or openItor of the golf counc shall enter into a recordable agreement with the City of Tustin that will specify that the cowse: a) Will remain open to the public; . b) Will malœ available a certain percentage of high demand tee times for public walk-on use; and c) Will ~Iish a fonnuJa to guarantee the affordahility of a round of golf to Tustin residents. 8. Condominiums, multiple family developments, and patio homes lilay cootain nUmerous lots, but shaD be designated as a .w..lepmlRt DeveloDment --J.l!!iLon a tentative map. The minimum size for a development unit shall be ~s.acres. Develooment Units which contain multiDle Droducts shall be COIIIDl'Chensivelv site Dianne!!. 9. Hotel and commercial uses, not including the golf course, shall be located only in the vicinity of Edinger Avenue and Jamboree Road. 10. Refer to Section 3.11.24 for dedication requírements for the Santa Ana - Santa Fe Channel. 11. If the fmal alignment for Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue differs from the assumed alignments as described in Section 3.2, adjustments in acreage and development potential for Planning Area 15 and Planning Area 8 (Community Core) shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.2.5. While the respective Planning Area boundaries may shift slightly, Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue will remain the common boWldary between Planning Area 15 and Planning Area 8. MCAS Tuslin Spøcific Plen/RIWSð Plan City of Tustin Page 3-135 Appendices D. DEFINmONS Words, PIu1tses 8/ld terms not specifically defmed herein shall be as defined in the Tustin City .CocIe. Acres. Gross. An estimated allocation of land area within a Planning Area, measured . from the edge of the adjacent arterial roadwa~s and/or the . boundary of the Planning Area (as shown on the Land Use Planning Areas map). Acres. Net. An estimated allocation of land area within a Planning Area, based on gross acreage reduced for internal circulation (local roads) within a Planning Area. Baseline Mix of Uses. An assumed mix of ron-residential uses for each neighborllOoeJ. which establish a baseline capacity of average daily trips for each neighborhood. BuildinK Setbacks. Building setback distances are measured ftom future rights-ofway. Non-conforming buìlding setbacks will be pennitted to remain to accommodate existing buildings not in future rights-o~way. Children's Intermediate Care Shelter. A 6O-bed emergency shelter for abused. neglected children. Conceot Plan. A type of plan required concurrent with submission of a new development proposal, reuse project, or subdivision used to document and insure that the necessary linkages are provided between the development project IIld the Planning ArealNeighborhood in which it is located, the integrity of the Specific Plan and purpose and ìnlent of each Neighborhood is maintained, 'and applicable considerations of City requirements are identified and satisfied. Develonment Unit. ConSists of all building sites, their private open space, common recreation and open space areas. and public and/or private streets serving the projec;t. A devoloDJDeDt milt mav contain multiole nroducts. at an avCI1lI!C densitv not to exceed maximmn densities for each IIDDlicable land use desilDlldion (I.e. low densitv. medium densltv. and medium hiRh densitY). . Dwel1in~ Units., ExistinI!:. The existing military family housing units within the MCAS Tustin boundary. 1 Dwellinl! Units ocr Acre. The maximum density per g[!!§§.øet acre at which dwelling units may be calculated. This ovemll density may not be exceeded even by a fraction. City of Tustin Page 6-36 MCAS Tustin Specfflc PtanIRausa Plan Appendices DweUina Units. Potential. The maxìmlDD number of new dwelling units, I b8sed on the ~ensity per MI-&!:!1JLacte for the Planning Area. DweIliDil Units. Total. The maximum number of existing and potential dwelling units allocated to each Planning Area (when: applicable). Floor Area Ratio (FAR.). The gross floor area of aU buildings within a Planning Area divided by the net acreage of the Planning Area. ExistinR Floor Area. The square footage of existing buildings within the MCAS Tustin boundary. Floor Area. Potential. The potential square footage of new development within each Planning Area, assuming the Square footage devoted to existing sbucture remains. Floor Area. Total. The tota1 square footage of non-residential development derived by multiplying the floor area ratio by the net acreage. Household Income LeveL Low. Fifty to eighty percent of the County median income level. Household Income LeveL Moderate. Eighty. to one-hundred twenty percent of the County median income level. Household Income LeveL V«v Low. Zero to fifty percent of the County median income level. Interim Use. The plllpOse for which a parcel of land or a sbucture is or may be intended, designed, arranged, constructed, erected, occupied, leased, maintained, alteted, moved anellor enlarged for a limited period of time in excess of six months and not to exceed 5 years from the date of the interim lease, in lieu of a permanent use in accordance with this Specific Plan. LandscaÐC Setbøcks. Landscape setback distances are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination ofparltway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Non-confonning landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing waDs not in future right.o~way. Law EnfOlCCment Trainin2 Facilitv. An educational facility including classroom training, office space, obstacle course, gym, locker and shower facilities, canine training, indoor pistol range, laser village IIld weapons storage to be located within the proposed Urban Regional Park site. MCAS Tustin SpecIIic PlanIReuse Plan CItyofTusIin Page 6-37 ...---.-....-..-.......- ..--- -----.