HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 05-014
JULY 5,2005
BREA, CA 92821
That the Zoning Administrator adopt Zoning Administrator Action No. 05-11 approving
Conditional Use Permit 05-014.
The proposed medical use is located within a 14,690 square foot retail development
located at 137 W. 1 st Street that was approved by the Planning Commission on January
12, 2004 (Resolution No. 3905 adopting Design Review 03-016). The project site was
approved as a retail center and included 73 parking spaces. All required parking was
provided based on a 1/200 parking ratio for retail uses. Condition 5.2 of Resolution 3905
was included to allow restaurant and medical office uses only upon approval of the
Community Development and Public Works Department with review and submittal of a
parking demand analysis. The project is currently under construction.
Zoning Administrator Report
CUP 05-014
Page 2
Site Design
The project site is a rectangular shaped lot 1 .174 acres in area, 280 feet deep with a 181
foot frontage on First Street. The site contains three separate single-story buildings that
are currently under construction: an 8,638 square foot building situated perpendicular to
First Street with storefronts facing the parking area, a 2,550 square foot building located
approximately 150 feet from First Street, and a 3,456 square foot building with a ten (10)
foot setback from First Street. The proposed medical use is located at the rear building.
Access to the site is provided from First Street. The site is bounded by residential uses to
the north, northeast, and northwest and commercial uses to the east, west, and south.
Since, the retail center is located in the Commercial as Primary land use designation of the
FSSP, the site was designed with retail frontage along the street. The proposed medical
use is incidental to the retail center and is proposed at the rear building which fronts the
parking lot.
The site includes seventy-three (73) parking spaces to accommodate a variety of retail
and service uses. Twenty-two (22) of the parking spaces or a maximum of thirty (30)
percent of the spaces are compact stalls in accordance with Section III(E)(2) of FSSP. The
compact stalls are mainly at the rear of the site where they would be mostly used for
employee parking. Pursuant to Condition 5.1 of Resolution 3905, seventy-three (73)
parking spaces is the minimum allowable parking for the retail center. According to FSSP,
the ratio for medical use is six (6) parking spaces for every 1000 square feet. This would
require eight (8) parking spaces for the proposed medical use bringing the necessary
minimum of parking spaces for the center to seventy-six (76). Since no excess parking
spaces were provided, the applicant was requested to submit a parking demand analysis
in accordance with Condition 5.2 of Resolution 3905.
A Shared Parking Demand Analysis was prepared by Kunzman Associates. Upon review
by the City of Tustin Engineering Division the analysis methodology was deemed generally
acceptable, and it was concluded that the project would not result in significant parking
The Parking Study Concluded That:
. A maximum parking demand of 75 parking spaces will occur on December
weekdays, and a maximum parking demand of 70 parking spaces will occur on
December weekends .
. All months except for December have a maximum parking demand of 61 or fewer
parking spaces on weekdays, and a maximum parking demand of 55 parking
spaces on weekend days.
Zoning Administrator Report
CUP 05-014
Page 3
. Except a few days around the December holiday season, adequate parking
spaces would be provided. The maximum deficiency in parking spaces is
expected to be a two space deficiency for up to two hours for a few days around
the December holiday season.
. The medical office has peak parking demands from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon on
weekdays and from 11 :00 AM to 1 :00 PM on weekends. The specialty retail has
peak parking demands from 1 :00 PM to 2:00 PM on weekdays and from 2:00 PM
to 4:00 PM on weekends.
A decision to approve this request may be supported by the following findings:
. The addition of medical office space will not impact the primary use of the retail
center, and the retail frontage on First Street in that the dental office will be located
at Suite B-2 in Building B facing the parking lot. As conditioned, no additional
medical or office uses along First Street frontage would be permitted.
. As submitted, the existing parking spaces can accommodate the parking demand
for the center with the exception of a few days during the month of December. It is
traditionally recognized that minor parking deficiencies occur for short periods of
time during the December holiday season. No substantial conflict will exist in the
peak hours of parking demand for the uses within the center.
. The peak parking demands for medical office and specialty retail uses are non-
coincidental which would allow opportunities for shared parking.
. As conditioned, if a parking problem arises in the future, the applicant shall be
required to provide immediate interim and permanent mitigation measures to be
reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and the
Public Works Department.
Minoo Ashabi
Associate Planner
A - Location Map
B - Site Plan
C - Submitted Shared Parking Analysis
D - Zoning Administrator Action No. 05-11
S:\Cdd\ZAREPORT\2005\CUP 05-014.doc
Attachment A
Location Map
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Attachment B
Site Plan
Figure 1
Site Pion
Lockwood Park Place
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1st Street
Kunzman Associates
Attachment C
Submitted Shared Parking Analysis
May 26, 2005
Mr. John Coelho
Forum Capital, LLC
One Point Drive, Ste. 330
Brea, CA 92821
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Dear Mr. Coelho:
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The firm of Kunzman Associates is pleased to provide this shared parking demand
analysis of the proposed Heritage Plaza project. The project site is located north of 1 st
Street between C Street and EI Camino Real in the City of Tustin. The City of Tustin
has requested that a shared parking study be provided.
This report summarizes our methodology, analysis and findings. We trust that the
findings, which are summarized in the front of the report, will be of immediate as well as
continuing value to you and the City of Tustin in evaluating the project.
Although this is a technical report, every effort has been made to write the report clearly
and concisely. To assist the reader with those terms unique to transportation
engineering, a glossary of terms is provided in Appendix A.
The proposed development includes 13,420.3 square feet of specialty retail area
and 1,224 square feet of medical office area. A total of 73 parking spaces are
Based on the City of Tustin parking code, a total of 76 parking spaces are
Because the peak parking demands for the various land uses are non-
coincidental, there is opportunity for shared parking to occur.
1111 TOWN & COUNTRY ROAD, SUITE 34 . ORANGE, CA 92868-4667
TELEPHONE: (714) 973-8383. FACSIMILE: (714) 973-8821
4. Based on calculations in this report, a maximum parking demand of 75 parking
spaces will occur on December weekdays, and a maximum parking demand of
70 parking spaces will occur on December weekend days.
5. Based on calculations in this report, all months except for December have a
maximum parking demand of 61 or less parking spaces on weekdays, and a
maximum parking demand of 55 parking spaces on weekend days.
6. Therefore, excepting a few days around Christmas, there is adequate parking
spaces provided. The maximum deficiency in parking spaces is expected to be a
two space deficiency for up to two hours in a day for a few days around
7. It is traditionally recognized that minor parking deficiencies do occur for short
periods of time at Christmas.
8. One commonly used design value is to accommodate the 20th highest hour of the
year demand. This parking meets the design criteria.
The proposed development includes 13,420.3 square feet of specialty retail area and
1,224 square feet of medical office area. A total of 73 parking spaces are provided.
Figure 1 illustrates the project site plan.
The City of Tustin parking code requirements are included in Appendix B. Based on the
City parking code, a total of 76 parking spaces will be required if all land uses
simultaneously generated their maximum parking demands.
The City parking code requires one parking space for every 200 square feet of floor
area for the specialty retail area. This would require a total of 68 parking spaces per the
retail land use.
The City parking code requires six parking space for every 1,000 square feet of floor
area for the medical office area. This would require a total of 8 parking spaces per the
medical land use.
Kunzman Associates has used the procedures developed by the Urban Land Institute
(ULI) from its Shared Parkina (1983) publication. A summary of the ULI study is
included in Appendix C. The ULI shared parking analysis evaluates the types of uses,
parking rates, monthly variations of parking demand by land use, differences between
weekday and weekend parking demand, and the hourly distribution of peak parking
demand for each type of land use. The ULI procedures were utilized in this study to
evaluate peak parking demand that would occur for the Heritage Plaza project.
A computer program was used to analyze the shared parking for the proposed
development. The program is consistent with the procedures provided by ULI. The
following inputs were included within the shared parking computer program for each
land use:
Peak parking demand by land use.
Weekend vs. weekday adjustment factors.
Monthly adjustment factors to account for variations in parking demand over
the year.
Hourly distribution of parking demand based upon the ULI data.
The idea of a shared parking analysis is that if the various land uses have peak parking
demands at different points in time, or on different days of the week, then the number of
spaces required is not the sum of the parking requirements for each land use, but rather
less. If the peak demands for the various land uses are non-coincidental, then there is
an opportunity for sharing of parking. To determine the degree to which shared parking
can occur, the cumulative hourly parking demand of the land uses is calculated at all
points in time throughout the day for both weekdays and weekends. With the parking
demand known by hour and day, then the maximum peak parking demand during a
seven day week can be determined. The maximum expected parking demand during
the seven day week is then used as a basis for determining the number of parking
spaces needed.
The medical office has peak parking demands from 10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON on
weekdays and from 11 :00 AM to 1 :00 PM on weekends. The specialty retail has peak
parking demands from 1 :00 PM to 2:00 PM on weekdays and from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
on weekends. Because the peak demands for the various land uses are non-
coincidental, there is substantial opportunity for sharing of parking. To determine the
degree to which sharing of parking can occur, each month of the year was evaluated
and the peak parking demand for both weekdays and weekends was determined
utilizing data provide by ULI.
Table 1 shows the expected peak parking demand of the land uses for both weekdays
and weekends. Examination of Table 1 shows when the cumulative parking demand
peaks for all uses combined.
Based upon the shared parking analysis, it was found that the month of December
resulted in a peak parking demand of 75 parked vehicles out of 73 parking spaces on a
weekday and 70 parked vehicles out of 73 parking spaces on a weekend day for the
proposed land uses within the Heritage Plaza project (see Table 1). It should be noted
that the second highest month is November. In November the peak parking demand is
61 parked vehicles out of 73 parking spaces on a weekday and 55 parked vehicles out
of 73 parking spaces on a weekend day (see Table 1). The detailed computer
calculations for each month are included in Appendix D.
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It has been a pleasure to serve your needs on this project. Should you have any
questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call.
Q.,{ p¡JJ Á
Carl Ballard
Senior Associate
William Kunzman, P.E.
Professional Registration
Expiration Date 3-31-2006
# 3267
Table 1
Monthly Peak Parking Demand
Month Weekdays Weekends
January 51 45
February 51 45
March 55 49
April 55 49
May 55 49
June 58 52
July 58 52
August 58 52
September 58 52
October 58 52
November 61 55
December 75 70
Maximum 75 70
Figure 1
Site Pion
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Lockwood Park Place
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Kunzman Associates
Glossary of Transportation Terms
Average Daily Traffic
California Department of Transportation
Dwelling Unit
Intersection Capacity Utilization
Level of Service
Thousand Square Feet
Vehicle Miles Traveled
AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: The total volume during a year divided by
the number of days in a year. Usually only weekdays are included.
BANDWIDTH: The number of seconds of green time available for
through traffic in a signal progression.
BOTTLENECK: A constriction along a travelway that limits the amount
of traffic that can proceed downstream from its location.
CAPACITY: The maximum number of vehicles that can be reasonably
expected to pass over a given section of a lane or a roadway in a given
time period.
CHANNELIZATION: The separation or regulation of conflicting traffic
movements into definite paths of travel by the use of pavement
markings, raised islands, or other suitable means to facilitate the safe
and orderly movements of both vehicles and pedestrians.
CLEARANCE INTERVAL: Nearly same as yellow time. If there is an all
red interval after the end of a yellow, then that is also added into the
clearance interval.
CORDON: An imaginary line around an area across which vehicles,
persons, or other items are counted (in and out).
CYCLE LENGTH: The time period in seconds required for one complete
signal cycle.
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CUL-DE-SAC STREET: A local street open at one end only, and with
special provisions for turning around.
DAILY CAPACITY: The daily volume of traffic that will result in a volume
during the peak hour equal to the capacity of the roadway.
DELAY: The time consumed while traffic is impeded in its movement by
some element over which it has no control, usually expressed in seconds
per vehicle.
DEMAND RESPONSIVE SIGNAL: Same as traffic-actuated signal.
DENSITY: The number of vehicles occupying in a unit length of the
through traffic lanes of a roadway at any given instant. Usually
expressed in vehicles per mile.
DETECTOR: A device that responds to a physical stimulus and
transmits a resulting impulse to the signal controller.
DESIGN SPEED: A speed selected for purposes of design. Features of
a highway, such as curvature, superelevation, and sight distance (upon
which the safe operation of vehicles is dependent) are correlated to
design speed.
DIRECTIONAL SPLIT: The percent of traffic in the peak direction at any
point in time.
DIVERSION: The rerouting of peak hour traffic to avoid congestion.
FORCED FLOW: Opposite of free flow.
FREE FLOW: Volumes are well below capacity. Vehicles can maneuver
freely and travel is unimpeded by other traffic.
GAP: Time or distance between successive vehicles in a traffic stream,
rear bumper to front bumper.
HEADWAY: Time or distance spacing between successive vehicles in a
traffic stream, front bumper to front bumper.
INTERCONNECTED SIGNAL SYSTEM: A number of intersections that
are connected to achieve signal progression.
LEVEL OF SERVICE: A qualitative measure of a number of factors,
which include speed and travel time, traffic interruptions, freedom to
maneuver, safety, driving comfort and convenience, and operating costs.
LOOP DETECTOR: A vehicle detector consisting of a loop of wire
embedded in the roadway, energized by alternating current and
producing an output circuit closure when passed over by a vehicle.
MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE GAP: Smallest time headway between
successive vehicles in a traffic stream into which another vehicle is
willing and able to cross or merge.
MULTI-MODAL: More than one mode; such as automobile, bus transit,
rail rapid transit, and bicycle transportation modes.
OFFSET: The time interval in seconds between the beginning of green
at one intersection and the beginning of green at an adjacent
PLATOON: A closely grouped component of traffic that is composed of
several vehicles moving, or standing ready to move, with clear spaces
ahead and behind.
ORIGIN-DESTINATION SURVEY: A survey to determine the point of
origin and the point of destination for a given vehicle trip.
PASSENGER CAR EQUIVALENTS (PCE): One car is one Passenger
Car Equivalent. A truck is equal to 2 or 3 Passenger Car Equivalents in
that a truck requires longer to start, goes slower, and accelerates slower.
Loaded trucks have a higher Passenger Car Equivalent than empty
PEAK HOUR: The 60 consecutive minutes with the highest number of
PRETIMED SIGNAL: A type of traffic signal that directs traffic to stop
and go on a predetermined time schedule without regard to traffic
conditions. Also, fixed time signal.
PROGRESSION: A term used to describe the progressive movement of
traffic through several signalized intersections.
SCREEN-LINE: An imaginary line or physical feature across which all
trips are counted, normally to verify the validity of mathematical traffic
SIGNAL CYCLE: The time period in seconds required for one complete
sequence of signal indications.
SIGNAL PHASE: The part of the signal cycle allocated to one or more
traffic movements.
STARTING DELAY: The delay experienced in initiating the movement
of queued traffic from a stop to an average running speed through a
signalized intersection.
TRAFFIC-ACTUATED SIGNAL: A type of traffic signal that directs
traffic to stop and go in accordance with the demands of traffic, as
registered by the actuation of detectors.
TRIP: The movement of a person or vehicle from one location (origin) to
another (destination). For example, from home to store to home is two
trips, not one.
TRIP-END: One end of a trip at either the origin or destination; i.e. each
trip has two trip-ends. A trip-end occurs when a person, object, or
message is transferred to or from a vehicle.
TRIP GENERATION RATE: The quality of trips produced and/or
attracted by a specific land use stated in terms of units such as per
dwelling, per acre, and per 1,000 square feet of floor space.
TRUCK: A vehicle having dual tires on one or more axles, or having
more than two axles.
UNBALANCED FLOW: Heavier traffic flow in one direction than the
other. On a daily basis, most facilities have balanced flow. During the
peak hours, flow is seldom balanced in an urban area.
VEHICLE MILES OF TRAVEL: A measure of the amount of usage of a
section of highway, obtained by multiplying the average daily traffic by
length of facility in miles.
City of Tustin
Parking Code Requirements
Any unused space resul ting from the docign of
the parking area shall be used for landscaping
All required landscaped areas shall be provided
with a permanent and adequate means of
irrigation and shall be adequately maintained.
Landscaping adjacent to drive entrance or aisle
ends shall not exceed 30~ in height, to preclude
restricting visibility.
Landscape and irrigation r;>lans, includi ng the
type and location of plant materials to be used,
. shall be subject to the approval of the
Community Development Director and should be in
conformance with the plant palette include in
the des ign gu idel ines portion of this SpeciE ie
Raised center islands may be designed with
al ternat ives of paved concrete and landscaped
Perimeter parking lot trees shall be planted in
planters of a sufficient width to provide 2 1/2
feet minimum clearance for vehicle overhang.
Off Street Parking Requirements
1. Hotel - one space for each two guest rooms
2. Retail Store - one space for each 200 square feet
of store floor area
3. Banks and Off ice Bu ildings - one space for each
250 square feet of floor area
4. Restaurants - one space for each three seats
5. Mad ica I-Dental Profess tonal uses - six parking
spaces per 1000 square feet of gross floor area
6. Seevice Commercial - one space for each 225
square feet of floor area
7. The Planning Commission shall determine the
amount of parking required for uses not listed
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Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Shared Parking Study
~I's study provides an in-depth analysis and a predictive
rze of the most important elements of mixed-use/multi - use
./7 ]pl nil mo71f
Barton-Aschman Associates, IDe.
In 1982-1983, C:U, with sþtcitllfundingfrom many
SOUTces, rngaged BaTton-.-\schman .-ls.sociaus. 1m:, lo un-
dt'Ttake a study of ÚIL shartd parking phrnommon. This ar-
uelt Summan:LS tllt: objtctit,ts.ftndingr. and Ttcommrnda-
tiOTU of the study. ..\ published Ttþort and a compult'T pro-
gram will be avail4blt lam- this fall. Richard J. Hockin!!;.
Vl.Ct þTt:sidmt, .vt:il S. Kmig. vict prtsiclrnt, rlnd john R.
WToblt:. associalt, a't:'Tt polltcl coordinalim for Barton-
.-\schman. which is hradquaTlt'Tt:d in £.!anston. Illinois.
Shared parking is defined as parking space that
can be used to serve two or more individual
land uses without conflict or encroachment,
The shared parking phenomenon has long been ob-
served in central business districts, suburban com-
munities. and other areas ....-here land uses are
combined. It is the result of two conditions:
. Variations in the peak accumulation of parked ve-
hicles due to time differences in the activity pat-
terns of adjacent or nearby land uses (by hour. bv
day. bv season). For example. a parking facility can
be used by office emplo~'ees during the day and
serve patrons of an adjacent theater at night,
. Relationships among land use acti...;ties that result
in people being attracted to two or more land uses
on a single auto trip to a given area or develop-
While the existence of shared parking is recog-
nized by developers and public officials. typical zon-
ing cod~s do not e:xplidtlv pro\;d~ for it. lns[~ad.
most zoning codes are expressed in tenns of peak
parking indices or ratios for major types of individu-
alland uses. While the peak ratios reflect the differ-
ences in parking demand generated by separate land
uses and under certain conditions, the... do not re-
f1ect the faCt that total or combined peak parking de-
mand can be significantly less than the sum of the
individual peak demand values.
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~ixed-use developmenu. such as Water Tower P'1ace in Chic3L~O.
hi~hli~ht the need to plan Cor shared parking",
Study Objective
E"en thou~h the shared parking phenomenon
communi\' occurs in a number of specific cases, Iinle
literature is ¡l\-ailable that formalh- documents the
c¡rcumstances of shared parking or pro\'ides g~id,~-
1in~s for quamif,'inq the extent I,)f shared parkm~
There is no accepted method for predicting and
quamif\'in~ shareà ?arkin~ opportunities under a
\,'ide range of possible conditions. Thus, research ob-
j~cti\'~ "'tre [0'
. identif\' the primaI"" independent '-ariables affel:t-
ing parking demand in ::ihared parkir.g situations
li.e.. for de,'elopmems itwolving t\,'O or more land
. identif\, the relati\'e effects and universalit\' of
those \':lriables: and
. de\elop a standard methodolog" for anah.zing
shared parking,
-...:..::":': - '
. - --
.P;lrking ò~mand can I~ ohse'yed at existing
l1uxe:d-use d~\dopm~l1ts. If such proi~c.:ts hõln~ th~ir
own par~in~ ~~lCilili~s. il is possible II; mum lhe: at:-
cumu!:mon ot p;,arkeù vehicle:; ilnd determin~ the
peak parking clem;,ancl. The: latter would repn::sem
an .IK~regate value for all of the hand uses in the de-
\"elopment, The issue: fur research. however, was
how this ag¡.,rreg'.1te value (ompilred tn the sum of the
peak parking de:manù fur thl!: individual land uses.
Th.u is. in order to stud\" shared parkin!{, it W.15 nee.:,
C:SS4U'~' to study. independently, the parking spac.:e de-
1I1.lI1d char.lcteristics of e~\Ch (t)luponem of a mixed.,
use: de\"elopment and to c:stim.uc: the effects on de-
m.md clue: to the c.:omhin;uin] of these uses.
Thus, the first St~p was 10 stud\" the parking space'
demand ~ener.ueù O\' siKnific;.¡nt inùi\'idualland use:s
in situations where unit pe;tk pm'king demand would
he: at m.lximum levels. T~'pic;(l freestanding subur-
h;," land uses produce maximum unit parking de-
11I;II1Ù prim;lril\' hcc.:;.¡use sufficient parkin~ space is
;l\"ailahle and tr.1nsit us~ is insignificant. By first
identif\'ing põlrking del11;md at such "uncol1srr.lin~d'-
freestanding ~in!{le land lISt::'i. lither dTens ,uc.:h as
tr.lI1sit use and cap(i\e 111.lrk~t l"ebtiol1ships L'tluld ht~
is. )1.Ile:ù.
The results nf the tirst step of the analysis est;Jb-
(ished parkin!{ SP¡¡cc: del1l;lI1d char.1c.:teristics at six
single land uses. detin~d in terms of peak unit de-
m;.¡nù, houri\' accumulatiun. ;¡nd se=asol1;.¡1 \'ariatiun.
Pe;'¡K unit dem;.¡nds t see Figure I) We=fe de\"elopc::d on
the basis of occupied land use units and negli!:Jrible
Figure 1
Representative Peak Parking Demand Factors
l'nit Weekday
Land l.' se
{ Hlil:t:'
¡{"'¡;liI 1< ..IIII,IJIII "q.ILI
R<:L;lÌl (> ritlll,lIlIlI ;q,ILI
( :inema
Guest Room
Restaur.l11t, Loun~e
Conference Rooms
C:un\'el1!tun ,-\rea
P:¡rklll!z '!)¡in's pcr 1.01111 'Iq,£(. (~L-\.
P,llkitll.! 'paL,,"s P,,"T 1.000 sq.ft. GL-\.
P:lrklll!.:: ~fJ.ll:t:'s pcr 1.001) sq,ft, GL-\.
P:lrkll1~ Spó.Lu:s pcr 1,001) sq.ft. GL-\.
Parkllllt Òp;ILes per seal
P.lrkinl{ 'piIC!:S per dwelling unit I
P:1rkin~ òpm:e!l per room
P:¡rkin~ spaces per 1,000 sq,£1. GL-\
P;¡rkin\t <¡paces per se-.1t;!
PJrklll\t spa<:t:'s pcr 1,01)0 sq,ft. GL-\.:I
10 , no
I Pt"r /l1IC' .lUll! "" 1IC'd ~r olQdhtl!.: U 1111.
~¡:.ln/lrr1ll1p to 100 fJe:rrt"rH ..IlIll} u", Ir"'IIII1.. ,'0 ~C'nC'nl aU11I u~ \':lIul:.'.
l >e:d b\ 1I'>I1l(uC',r~: ¡he: 'll\ <'II r,II.., I Ì1u" ,III:' "pper huU(Js thai arl:.' \'t"T'\' r.1T't"I\' ;ILhì('\'c:"Il.
.......~ ---.- ""---,-r" ','
Figure 2
Hourly Parking Accumulation Curves
for Individual Land-uses
- ,
~ .
...----..... ,
.. -
&- -
I I-
- ,.
, ,
. ,
. '
. ,---
.' >#
. .. " .. .
. . t
. ..
----- .....
~ ..
""'- ..:..'
- .-/ \J'
, '.
; ..
: I-:'~::::;=_"
¡ ,.
. .
. ..
Shand parkin! may occur ÍD suburban deYeJopmenu if walkiar
discances U'e Dot far and land IIIHS U'e (uDcúonaUy related.
transit use. thus representing the maximum parking
accumulation occurring on a given day, Hourly al:-
cumulation curves (developed from hourly counts at
freestanding developments) for each individuallcmd
use (see figure 2) indicate the variation in parking
accumulation throughout a given day. Seasonal \~ari-
ation in parking demand at each land use (see Figure
3) was developed from management data supplied
bv de'-elopers and in-house historical data. The peak
parking demands calculated from the: parking de..
mand factors in Figure 1 correspond to 100 percc~nt
of peak parking accumulation for each land use indi-
cated on the hourly cun-es in Figure ~ and the
monthly data in Figure 3.
Bv combining the results foT'single land uses with
sur\"e\" data for mi."c:d-us(~ developmentS, it was pos-
sible to document the effects of shared parking on
total parking space rec¡uilrements. This was shown in
terms of the reduced number of parking spacc:s
needed to serve peak activitv periods.
The SUI"\'e..' data also disclosed the pOtential for
multiple "Ie,,'els of reduction" in parking space b¡¡;sed
on the different impacts of time and inter-land use
Figure 3
Representative Monthly Variations as Percent of Peak Month
Hotel Hotd
Rooms Rooms Hotel HCMe)
:Month Office Retzil RestaU1'2Dt Cinema Residenåal Weekday SatUrday Conference Con\'entÏOD
January 100% 65% 80% 90% 100% 9O~ 65% 100% 20%
February 100 65 7.5 70 100 90 70 100 40
~ arch 100 70 90 50 100 95 80 100 80
April 100 iO 90 70 100 95 85 100 80
Ma~ 100 70 95 70 100 95 ~5 .100 .1.00
June 100 is 100 100 100 100 90 100 100
July 100 75 100 100 100 if 100 100 100 50
Augwt 100 7.5 85 70 100 100 100 100 50
September 100 75 80 80 100 95 90 100 70
October 100 is 80 iO 100 95 90 100 70
November 100 80 80 50 100 85 80 100 40
December 100 100 90 50 100 85 65 100 20
4 September ¡Ui Iï;1',ï& ~
relaticnships. Depending on the panicular land uses
involved and other site-spet:ific characteristics. park.-
ing space reductions resulted from one or more of
the effects of (I) hourly. daily, and seasonal offsets
in parking accumulation patterns of individual land
uses and (2) rdationships among land use activities
that resulted in people using more than one land use
on a single auto trip, i.e.e captive market effects. The
captive market effect on parking demand at a partic-
ular mixed-use development ....-as dependent upon
specific market conditions. The rdnge of possible
market conditions was reflected in the daGl obtained
from surVey 4uestionnaires, Aggreg:ue results of em-
plovee surveys indicated that the percentage of all
employees who were also patrons at a particular de-
velopment rdnged from 0 to ~5 percent. However,
on the average, there was a significant increase in
empiovee patrons in central business district (CBD)
developments relative to non-CBD developments
and in combined-use developments relative to single-
use devdopmenu. These results are summarized in
Figure -I.
Csing the single-use analvsis resultS, Figure 5, for
example. illustrates the impact of time offsets in
parking demand when 4:00,000 square feet (GL-\ oc-
cupied) of office space and 1.2 million square feet
(GLA occupied) of retail space are combined. On
weekdays, retail parking demand is lower than Satur-
day. but competes with office parking demand. The
opportunitv for shared parking results from having
to provide the pe:J.k weekend retail parking demand
for the de...elopment as a whole and when the office
parking demand is at itS lowest.
In order to demonstrate the potential magnitude
of shared parking effectS. the parking demand find.
ings for individual land uses were used to estimate
demand for mixed-use developments. These resultS
were compared to the aCtual peak parking accumula-
tion counts to identif..- the difference. This test in-
volved three steps as [01l0w5:
. Compute gross peak parking demand.
. Compute shared parking demand.
. Compare results to actual parking demand.
Figure 4
Captive Market Effects-Percent of
Employees Who Are Also Patrons In
Same Or Nearby Development
CBD bnge Non.cBD RaDge
Site Site
All Sites
'19% .'
Figure 5
Office/Retail Parking AccumulatioIls
(400,000 sq. ft. office and 1,200,0010
sq. ft. retail)
;- ... ... ¿,-
, ....~
I .-'.-. 0II',u
I ," .'. --.....-.
/!."." e_- e..,..,
~." .'.
.,' "'e~...,
. ...
7 . . 'I " '2 1 2 2 -
. ,
. . 7
T- 00' "'Y -"UKDAY
c -
I i 7 . . 'I " --
,.".-.,--~"."....,........ .
, . ,
'Trr..rïfin fu7fiTTiì /Spnrpm ~r .-J3
Figure 6 summ¡¡rizes the results of the test, An im-
port;J.nt qualific;llinn to the: resuits is that the ob-
sef'.ed parking count (Column 4) does not
necessarily represent a "design value.' for the devel-
opment. It is not known if each project was oper.u-
ing at maximum levels of trip generation or if
business volumes were significantlv lower for the
project due to the slow econom v o'r other factors.
Specifically. it is known that those projectS exhibiting
an unusuallv low actual accumulation were being af-
fected by site factors. Projects 10, 11. 13. 16, and 17
were experiencing lower occupancy at hotel compo-
nents. This is significant since the \ëilues in Column
3 were computed assuming 100 percent occupancy,
Further. some projects were surveyed assuming that
all parking demand was being served by on-site facil-
ities. Pr~jects 13 and 15, howe'..er, may reflect a dif-
ferent situation. since there is a substantial ;J.mount
of "other" parking space available. For Project 13. it
is known that such parking is used significantly by
With the above qualifications in mind, Figure 6 in-
. ~he parking demand estimated by adding the indi-
..,dual peaks produced n~sults that were consis-
tently high.
. Estimating shared parking demand using time dif-
ferentials will, if properly construCted. be more re-
liable than estimating gross parking demand,
. When conservative values are used for peak park-
ing and hourly factors. estimated shared parking
demand will be higher than actual parking ac-
cumulation. In addition. there often times are
other relationships. such as captive market effe(:tS.
which lower aggregate parkin~ demand.
Figure 6
Results of Test Cases
1 % 3 " 5 6 7
Percent of Pen:mt
Estimated Estimated Overestimation SaWig'ol
Single. Use Typical Shared ObserYed Sharedl Gross
Gross Zonmg Parlåug AauaJ Cross Pulång Pc:aJt
Peak Code! Peak Peak Peak Peak to
Accumulation Requirement Accumulation Accumu1atioD to to Shared
Mixed-Use Project Type (spaces) (spaees) (spaces) (spaces) Actual Actual Peak
1. OmceiReWl 5.7,{9 5.858 5,229 3.370 3% -6% 9%
2. OfficeIRegjl 2.936 3.744 2.788 2..352 25 19 6
3. OfficeiReWl 772 900 617 633 22 -3 25
-i. OmceIRet4Ïl 2.814 3,048 2.291 2.392 9 -12 21
5. OfficcIRet4Ïl 162 196 134 134 5 0 3
6. OfficelEnteruinment 1.458 1.879 1.326 1.163 C)' H 11
i. OfficelEnte!UÌnment 812 1.016 714 4&4 75 5-1 21
8. OfficelE.nte!UÌnment 1.724 2.112 1.501 614 181 144 37
9, OmcclHotel 1.145 1,399 1.006 882 30 14 16
10. OmceiHoteli
Enteruinment 1.627 1.933 1.323 725 124 82 42
11. Office!Hotell
Enteruinment 1.2:36 1,452 990 525 135 89 46
12. OmcelHotell
Entert3Ïnment 784 862 659 809 -3 -19
13, OfficcIReta.ilIHoteli
EnteI"CÙnmcnt 8,316 9,610 4,242 2.287 264 85 179
14. OmcelRet2ÜI
Enteruinment 869 1.094 734 600 45 26 19
15. OfficciRetailI
Entertainment 5,099 5.157 3.755 2.869 78 31 47
16. OfficefHotell
Entert3Ìnment 2.388 3.188 2.183 1.498 73 46 27
17. OmcefHotel 1.125 1.346 743 394 89 q. 64
_:J (IIFor this alc:u1aúon. the foUowing code standards were used: Office '"' 4.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet ofGL-\; retail - 4.0 or 5..0
spaces per 1.000 feetofGLA (funCtion of size); restaurant '"' 20.0 spaces per 1,000 square fectofGL~; residential '"' 1,0 spaco p:r
dweUing unit: hOlel '"' 1.0 spaces per room. with confe~ce rooms at 0.3 spaces per seaL
C%IUsíng resulu from Column 3,
~ ~ , "\"r"'r"r-rr" " ,-,...,......,
Recommended Shared Parking Method
Hasc:ù UPOII sunc:y tindin~s. a methodology w;~:\
den:lopc::dto ;<Ic:termine p.lrkin~ oe::mand unde::r
11lIxed-use de\'t:loprnent conditions. This l11e::t hodol-
o~~" is universal in its applic.:atiul1 .lIld flexihle:: enough
to lIH.:orpor..tte adjustmc:m factors as nc:cess.lr\" to suit
specific policies, prn~r.lIns. ;Jnd market conditions. It
- in\"()lv~s .four hélsic.: Steps that ma\' be applied. with
.Ippropnate bad..~rollnd infumtatÏon. tn an ~xistin~
IIr proposed prc~ject. Figure ï illustrclu:s th~ uq.r.lI1i-
~lt1on and fluw of \\"Ur\.;..
- rhe four basic steps are:
Step 1: II/itial Pm¡rrr Rr......ir-.l'-involn:s the si£ing and
funl:tion.d rdatÎol1ship of pruje::("t 1.1I1d uses oase::d
upon m.lrke:t n:se.ln.:h. site lIlI1str.1Ïnts. elL
Step 2: Pnli, Pflrkl/l!( Fa("//I,. .-1(lill.\tlll,."t"\-in\'uIH~S the
sde::ction of ;Ippropriate peak p.lrkil1~ accumulation
féH.:tors fol" e::at:h I.llld use::, and the:: .(ljustl11t:m of eat.:h
f.lctor tn rdlet:t site-spet:itic f.u;tors sm"h a:; transit
\.Ise:: ¡md (,:aptive rn;lrkets.
Step 3: 1I/lllrly ..l¡rrt/lllllifl/ 11111 .~tItI/Y_\i",-il1\-oh es (he
hourh, d;1Ïlv. and ,>casoll;¡ c:.,til1l.uion of p;lrkill~ .K-
rlll1\ldation for e.Kh t:ompnllCIH bud use:"
Step 4: S/¡lIrl"¡ P"rki",!!: E'/I/lIfI/I",,-ill\ohc:' the
houri\". d&lil\'. ;1I1t! :o.cas(\;d e:-lil11.uiollllf p;lrkill~ .1(--
rlltnulatiun for the:: c:mire proicn.
Thc l1u:thod Gill U:iC fano.... ;llId rc::l;lIilJlIships clc-
,.doped h\' this n:sC:&ll"rh IIr ¡npm from "rhc:r ;1\1.11\..
'>e:s. The: laner could indude: tiara to lI1odifv unit
parkin~ f.lcwrs IIr IIthe::r lhar.ll"terisril:s aJ1(i 111.II.ket
;1\1alvses. The method is deo;i~ne:d [0 he: '\C<uC:lIli;IJ. -
hut it c.m ~ used in an iter.1ti,c: bshiClI1 to te:::oit the
-- il11paG of alte:rnati,.c: dc' c:lopl1lC:l1t pl.llls. ,I:-.;ump-
(iOIlS, IIr polit:íes.
Figure 7
Shared Parlång Method
.... .
Implementing Shared Parking
A numher of fat.:wrs must he considered in orde-:-
to insure efficient de:si~n. ope:r.ltioll. and m.Ul.lgc-
m~nt of sh.tre:d p;.arking f.lcilitie:s. TI,e: re:seart:h .llso
examined these facturs in det.1Ì1 .md identified
guidelines fur implementin~ share:d parking as fol-
. Euch parking Space should ~ usable hv all
parkers. i.e.. no restrictions. "
. The facility will have si~nifk.lI1[ inbound and nut-
bound tr.J.ffic flmv at one o1J" more periods of the
day. Ther~for~. the: de::si~n of the: ;ICCesS and cÍr-
culëuion s\"stem must ¡¡t.:commodate hi-direl"tiunal
movement without significant ("(mt1it:t. Als". the
drculation concept should he e:as\' lU use and un-
derstand in order to minimize wnfusion ¡¡nd inef-
ficient driving man~u\-ers.
. The facilitv would tend w oper.lle 2-1 hours. se\'en
davs pe:r week. Thus. s&tfe da\" and ni!-tht npcr.ltion
would be a signifiCll1t Chélr.lcteristic.
. Bec-cluse of the: multiple: land uses thm would he
served. in\"oh-in~ a '"ariet\. of t\'Pes of p&lrkers (e.~..
husines5, dail~" versus infre:tlut:m. shoppers. \"isi-
tors. recreational. ett.:.). (he:: hKilit\- \\-ill be more
sensitive: to dfecti\"e sl~nill~. m~lrkin~s. and other
communication s\"stems.
. Thuu~ht needs ú> he ~i\-en (() enforceme::nt of
parking for on-site ,-isits. sÎnt:e:: the facilit\" \\"i1I he:
more sensitive to enuO<:hmct1t ILc:.. less tvpit..llly
\-.J.C"..tnt space).
. A str..tte~" for the use of the f;¡dlit\" needs to he: de-
veloped in order tU ~uide p;¡rkers to the most op-
timum space. The str.1te~\" would wl1sider:
a. Achie,"in~ maximum separ.llion of those
parkers who tend to compete for spacc:. i,e..
bein!ot present at the s;,ul1e time:: le.~.. shoppcrs
and cinema patrons .mè'ndin~ nt.ltineesl.
b. At:hie\"in" minimum walkil1~ distance co tho~
land uses havin~ capti,.e m.lrket reladonships.
c. At:hie\"ing minimum se::par.uion of those parker<..;
nOt competin" for spac.:e.
. The data collected in the sun"e\" \\"&lS suffit.;e:ntl\"
consistent tU indicate that a luamitalÍ\"e basis for
estimating shared parkin~ demand does r:~ist.
Since the shar~d parking- me::thodol()~'y e=mm;ll~S
pOtential parking- reluireme::ms for spel"ifit: mixed-
use or multiuse de'"e!opmel1ls. it 1.:;111 be used as
e'.idence for a zoning procedure &lnci as a de~.eI?p-
ment design tool. Cs~ in zoning procedures IS Sl¡{-
nificant because of the parkin~ smnd.mis currenth.
used in most urban aI"e".J.S. In man v cases. the
shared parking anal\"sis wiB indicate lower p&1rkmg
requirements. .
:r:r.-r..¡¡;¡r ::"'ïfi!Ii) /SetHember ",:~
_____m._____--------..-- _. - .--------.--..
-..--- ---.-----.-----..-.-.---.--- -.-----.------..-.--...-.---.---. --- _...
- . --- .- ...-----.----------- - - ---.--..
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R e print fmrirtm MIi!IIJ September 1983
Shared Parking Worksheets
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinQ Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
Peak ParkinQ 8 68 76
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 65%
Adjusted Peak ParkinQ 8 44
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11:00AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 00/0 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 8 13
9:00 AM 7 18 25
10:00 AM 8 30 38
11 :00 AM 8 38 46
12:00 NOON 7 43 50
1 :00 PM 7 44 51
2:00 PM 8 43 51
3:00 PM 7 42 49
4:00 PM 6 38 44
5:00 PM 4 35 39
6:00 PM 2 36 38
7:00 PM 1 39 40
8:00 PM 1 38 39
9:00 PM 0 27 27
10:00 PM 0 14 14
11 :00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 51
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Snecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkino 8 68 76
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 1 00% 65%
Adiusted Peak Parkina 8 44
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11:00AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 1 00%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical SDecialty Retail Total
600 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 8 13
9:00 AM 7 18 25
10:00 AM 8 30 38
11 :00 AM 8 38 46
12:00 NOON 7 43 50
1:00 PM 7 44 51
2:00 PM 8 43 51
3:00 PM 7 42 49
4:00 PM 6 38 44
5:00 PM 4 35 39
6:00 PM 2 36 38
7:00 PM 1 39 40
8:00 PM 1 38 39
9:00 PM 0 27 27
10:00 PM 0 14 14
11 :00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 51
~ -~-----------"----- ~ ~~ ".~._.~"-_._-----_._." ---"------~---'~-~'-'---'~------'-----'-'"-"-----~----_._.__.~--_.- ~---_.~-_..~".._-_...~ ~.
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinQ Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Soecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkino 8 68 76
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 70%
Adjusted Peak Parkina 8 48
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 1 00% 68%
11 :00 AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 20 27
10:00 AM 8 33 41
11:00AM 8 42 50
12:00 NOON 7 47 54
1:00 PM 7 48 55
2:00 PM 8 47 55
3:00 PM 7 46 53
4:00 PM 6 42 48
5:00 PM 4 38 42
6:00 PM 2 39 41
7:00 PM 1 43 44
8:00 PM 1 42 43
9:00 PM 0 29 29
10:00 PM 0 15 15
11:00PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 55
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinQ Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Soecialtv Retail Total
Peak ParkinQ 8 68 76
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 70%
Adiusted Peak ParkinQ 8 48
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11 :00 AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 20 27
10:00 AM 8 33 41
11:00AM 8 42 50
12:00 NOON 7 47 54
1 :00 PM 7 48 55
2:00 PM 8 47 55
3:00 PM 7 46 53
4:00 PM 6 42 48
5:00 PM 4 38 42
6:00 PM 2 39 41
7:00 PM 1 43 44
8:00 PM 1 42 43
9:00 PM 0 29 29
10:00 PM 0 15 15
11:00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 55
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Soocialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkina 8 68 76
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 70%
Adiusted Peak Parkina 8 48
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11:00AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 20 27
10:00 AM 8 33 41
11 :00 AM 8 42 50
12:00 NOON 7 47 54
1:00 PM 7 48 55
2:00 PM 8 47 55
3:00 PM 7 46 53
4:00 PM 6 42 48
5:00 PM 4 38 42
6:00 PM 2 39 41
7:00 PM 1 43 44
8:00 PM 1 42 43
9:00 PM 0 29 29
10:00 PM 0 15 15
11 :00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 55
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Heritage Plaza
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Snecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkino 8 68 76
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 75%
Adjusted Peak Parkina 8 51
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11 :00 AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of SDaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 21 28
10:00 AM 8 35 43
11:00AM 8 44 52
12:00 NOON 7 49 56
1 :00 PM 7 51 58
2:00 PM 8 49 57
3:00 PM 7 48 55
4:00 PM 6 44 50
5:00 PM 4 40 44
6:00 PM 2 42 44
7:00 PM 1 45 46
8:00 PM 1 44 45
9:00 PM 0 31 31
10:00 PM 0 16 16
11 :00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 58
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkinç¡ Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
Peak Parkinq 8 68 76
Monthly Adiustment Factor 1 00% 75%
Adjusted Peak Parkinç¡ 8 51
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11:00AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 21 28
10:00 AM 8 35 43
11 :00 AM 8 44 52
12:00 NOON 7 49 56
1 :00 PM 7 51 58
2:00 PM 8 49 57
3:00 PM 7 48 55
4:00 PM 6 44 50
5:00 PM 4 40 44
6:00 PM 2 42 44
7:00 PM 1 45 46
8:00 PM 1 44 45
9:00 PM 0 31 31
10:00 PM 0 16 16
11 :00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 58
...-..--.-........-...--..........-......... ....-....."""-"-'
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/lTE
Parkino Distribution
Time of the Day Medical SDecialtv Retail Total
Peak ParkinQ 8 68 76
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 75%
Adjusted Peak Parkino 8 51
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 1 00% 68%
11:00AM 1 00% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1 :00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 21 28
10:00 AM 8 35 43
11 :00 AM 8 44 52
12:00 NOON 7 49 56
1:00 PM 7 51 58
2:00 PM 8 49 57
3:00 PM 7 48 55
4:00 PM 6 44 50
5:00 PM 4 40 44
6:00 PM 2 42 44
7:00 PM 1 45 46
8:00 PM 1 44 45
9:00 PM 0 31 31
10:00 PM 0 16 16
11 :00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 58
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Soecialty Retail Total
Peak Parkina 8 68 76
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 75%
Adjusted Peak Parkina 8 51
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11 :00 AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 21 28
10:00 AM 8 35 43
11 :00 AM 8 44 52
12:00 NOON 7 49 56
1:00 PM 7 51 58
2:00 PM 8 49 57
3:00 PM 7 48 55
4:00 PM 6 44 50
5:00 PM 4 40 44
6:00 PM 2 42 44
7:00 PM 1 45 46
8:00 PM 1 44 45
9:00 PM 0 31 31
10:00 PM 0 16 16
11:00PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 58
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/lTE
Parkinç¡ Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Snecialtv Retail Total
Peak ParkinQ 8 68 76
Monthly Adiustment Factor 100% 75%
Adjusted Peak Parkino 8 51
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11:00AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1 :00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Snecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 9 14
9:00 AM 7 21 28
10:00 AM 8 35 43
11 :00 AM 8 44 52
12:00 NOON 7 49 56
1:00PM 7 51 58
2:00 PM 8 49 57
3:00 PM 7 48 55
4:00 PM 6 44 50
5:00 PM 4 40 44
6:00 PM 2 42 44
7:00 PM 1 45 46
8:00 PM 1 44 45
9:00 PM 0 31 31
10:00 PM 0 16 16
11:00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 58
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinG Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Specialtv Retail Total
Peak ParkinG 8 68 76
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 80%
Adjusted Peak ParkinG 8 54
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11 :00 AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 4 6
8:00 AM 5 10 15
9:00 AM 7 23 30
10:00 AM 8 37 45
11:00AM 8 47 55
12:00 NOON 7 52 59
1 :00 PM 7 54 61
2:00 PM 8 52 60
3:00 PM 7 51 58
4:00 PM 6 47 53
5:00 PM 4 43 47
6:00 PM 2 44 46
7:00 PM 1 48 49
8:00 PM 1 47 48
9:00 PM 0 33 33
10:00 PM 0 17 17
11:00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 61
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinCi Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
Peak Parkino 8 68 76
Monthly Adjustment Factor 100% 100%
Adjusted Peak Parking 8 68
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11:00AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1:00PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 2 5 7
8:00 AM 5 12 17
9:00 AM 7 29 36
10:00 AM 8 46 54
11 :00 AM 8 59 67
12:00 NOON 7 66 73
1:00 PM 7 68 75
2:00 PM 8 66 74
3:00 PM 7 65 72
4:00 PM 6 59 65
5:00 PM 4 54 58
6:00 PM 2 56 58
7:00 PM 1 61 62
8:00 PM 1 59 60
9:00 PM 0 41 41
10:00 PM 0 22 22
11 :00 PM 0 9 9
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 75
---------------------------------------------------------------------------,---'-'--"-------'-" - ---------,--,-,--",,_...- -- "'-.".-- ,
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/lTE
ParkinQ Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
Peak ParkinQ 2 68 70
Monthly Adjustment Factor 100% 65%
Adjusted Peak Parking 2 44
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1 :00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 1 1
8:00 AM 1 4 5
9:00 AM 2 13 15
10:00 AM 2 20 22
11:00AM 2 32 34
12:00 NOON 2 37 39
1:00 PM 2 42 44
2:00 PM 1 44 45
3:00 PM 1 44 45
4:00 PM 1 40 41
5:00 PM 0 33 33
6:00 PM 0 29 29
7:00 PM 0 26 26
8:00 PM 0 24 24
9:00 PM 0 18 18
10:00 PM 0 17 17
11:00PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 45
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/lTE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Snecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkina 2 68 70
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 65%
Adjusted Peak Parkin( 2 44
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11 :00 AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1:00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 1 1
8:00 AM 1 4 5
9:00 AM 2 13 15
10:00 AM 2 20 22
11 :00 AM 2 32 34
12:00 NOON 2 37 39
1:00 PM 2 42 44
2:00 PM 1 44 45
3:00 PM 1 44 45
4:00 PM 1 40 41
5:00 PM 0 33 33
6:00 PM 0 29 29
7:00 PM 0 26 26
8:00 PM 0 24 24
9:00 PM 0 18 18
10:00 PM 0 17 17
11 :00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 45
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinQ Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Soecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkina 2 68 70
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 70%
Adiusted Peak Parkina 2 48
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1 :00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of SDaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 1 1
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 14 16
10:00 AM 2 22 24
11 :00 AM 2 35 37
12:00 NOON 2 41 43
1:00 PM 2 46 48
2:00 PM 1 48 49
3:00 PM 1 48 49
4:00 PM 1 43 44
5:00 PM 0 36 36
6:00 PM 0 31 31
7:00 PM 0 29 29
8:00 PM 0 26 26
9:00 PM 0 19 19
10:00 PM 0 18 18
11:00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 49
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinQ Distribution
Time of the Day Medical SDecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkina 2 68 70
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 70%
Adjusted Peak Parking 2 48
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1 :00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical SDecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 1 1
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 14 16
10:00 AM 2 22 24
11:00AM 2 35 37
12:00 NOON 2 41 43
1:00 PM 2 46 48
2:00 PM 1 48 49
3:00 PM 1 48 49
4:00 PM 1 43 44
5:00 PM 0 36 36
6:00 PM 0 31 31
7:00 PM 0 29 29
8:00 PM 0 26 26
9:00 PM 0 19 19
10:00 PM 0 18 18
11 :00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 49
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkinç Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
Peak ParkinQ 2 68 70
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 70%
Adjusted Peak Parkinç 2 48
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1:00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 1 1
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 14 16
10:00 AM 2 22 24
11:00AM 2 35 37
12:00 NOON 2 41 43
1:00PM 2 46 48
2:00 PM 1 48 49
3:00 PM 1 48 49
4:00 PM 1 43 44
5:00 PM 0 36 36
6:00 PM 0 31 31
7:00 PM 0 29 29
8:00 PM 0 26 26
9:00 PM 0 19 19
10:00 PM 0 18 18
11 :00 PM 0 6 6
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 49
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Heritage Plaza
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Snecialty Retail Total
Peak Parkina 2 68 70
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 75%
Adiusted Peak Parkina 2 51
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1:00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Scecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 2 2
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 15 17
10:00 AM 2 23 25
11:00AM 2 37 39
12:00 NOON 2 43 45
1:00PM 2 48 50
2:00 PM 1 51 52
3:00 PM 1 51 52
4:00 PM 1 46 47
5:00 PM 0 38 38
6:00 PM 0 33 33
7:00 PM 0 31 31
8:00 PM 0 28 28
9:00 PM 0 20 20
10:00 PM 0 19 19
11 :00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 52
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
ParkinQ Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Snecialty Retail Total
Peak Parkino 2 68 70
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 75%
Adjusted Peak ParkinQ 2 51
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1 :00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Snaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 2 2
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 15 17
10:00 AM 2 23 25
11:00AM 2 37 39
12:00 NOON 2 43 45
1:00 PM 2 48 50
2:00 PM 1 51 52
3:00 PM 1 51 52
4:00 PM 1 46 47
5:00 PM 0 38 38
6:00 PM 0 33 33
7:00 PM 0 31 31
8:00 PM 0 28 28
9:00 PM 0 20 20
10:00 PM 0 19 19
11:00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 52
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Soecialty Retail Total
Peak Parkina 2 68 70
Monthlv Adiustment Factor 100% 75%
Adjusted Peak Parkina 2 51
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11 :00 AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1 :00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 2 2
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 15 17
10:00 AM 2 23 25
11:00AM 2 37 39
12:00 NOON 2 43 45
1:00 PM 2 48 50
2:00 PM 1 51 52
3:00 PM 1 51 52
4:00 PM 1 46 47
5:00 PM 0 38 38
6:00 PM 0 33 33
7:00 PM 0 31 31
8:00 PM 0 28 28
9:00 PM 0 20 20
10:00 PM 0 19 19
11:00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 52
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Specialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkin a 2 68 70
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 75%
Adjusted Peak Parkina 2 51
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11 :00 AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1:00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 2 2
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 15 17
10:00 AM 2 23 25
11 :00 AM 2 37 39
12:00 NOON 2 43 45
1 :00 PM 2 48 50
2:00 PM 1 51 52
3:00 PM 1 51 52
4:00 PM 1 46 47
5:00 PM 0 38 38
6:00 PM 0 33 33
7:00 PM 0 31 31
8:00 PM 0 28 28
9:00 PM 0 20 20
10:00 PM 0 19 19
11 :00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 52
""~-,---,--,-------'.-_._-,--_..- '" ..__m__'_"'---"'-'-------""'--'-"'" .-.-...........-..
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Heritage Plaza
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Dav Medical Soecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkino 2 68 70
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 75%
Adiusted Peak Parking 2 51
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1 :00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 40% 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 20% 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 2 2
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 15 17
10:00 AM 2 23 25
11:00AM 2 37 39
12:00 NOON 2 43 45
1 :00 PM 2 48 50
2:00 PM 1 51 52
3:00 PM 1 51 52
4:00 PM 1 46 47
5:00 PM 0 38 38
6:00 PM 0 33 33
7:00 PM 0 31 31
8:00 PM 0 28 28
9:00 PM 0 20 20
10:00 PM 0 19 19
11:00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 52
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkina Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Soecialtv Retail Total
Peak Parkina 2 68 70
Monthlv Adjustment Factor 100% 80%
Adiusted Peak Parkina 2 54
6:00 AM 0% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 3%
8:00 AM 60% 10%
9:00 AM 80% 30%
10:00 AM 80% 45%
11:00AM 100% 73%
12:00 NOON 100% 85%
1 :00 PM 80% 95%
2:00 PM 60% 100%
3:00 PM 40% 100%
4:00 PM 400/0 90%
5:00 PM 20% 75%
6:00 PM 20% 65%
7:00 PM 200/0 60%
8:00 PM 20% 55%
9:00 PM 0% 40%
10:00 PM 0% 38%
11 :00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Soaces
Time of the Day Medical Soecialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 2 2
8:00 AM 1 5 6
9:00 AM 2 16 18
10:00 AM 2 24 26
11 :00 AM 2 39 41
12:00 NOON 2 46 48
1 :00 PM 2 51 53
2:00 PM 1 54 55
3:00 PM 1 54 55
4:00 PM 1 49 50
5:00 PM 0 41 41
6:00 PM 0 35 35
7:00 PM 0 32 32
8:00 PM 0 30 30
9:00 PM 0 22 22
10:00 PM 0 21 21
11 :00 PM 0 7 7
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 55
Project Name
Job Number
Month of the Year
Day of the Week
Parking Rates Used
Heritage Plaza
City of Tustin/ITE
Parkinq Distribution
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
Peak Parkinq 2 68 70
Monthly Adiustment Factor 100% 100%
Adjusted Peak Parkinq 2 68
6:00 AM 3% 0%
7:00 AM 20% 8%
8:00 AM 63% 18%
9:00 AM 93% 42%
10:00 AM 100% 68%
11 :00 AM 100% 87%
12:00 NOON 90% 97%
1 :00 PM 90% 100%
2:00 PM 97% 97%
3:00 PM 93% 95%
4:00 PM 77% 87%
5:00 PM 47% 79%
6:00 PM 23% 82%
7:00 PM 7% 89%
8:00 PM 7% 87%
9:00 PM 3% 61%
10:00 PM 3% 32%
11:00 PM 0% 13%
12:00 MID 0% 0%
Parkin Demand: Number of Spaces
Time of the Day Medical Specialty Retail Total
6:00 AM 0 0 0
7:00 AM 0 5 5
8:00 AM 1 12 13
9:00 AM 2 29 31
10:00 AM 2 46 48
11:00 AM 2 59 61
12:00 NOON 2 66 68
1:00PM 2 68 70
2:00 PM 2 66 68
3:00 PM 2 65 67
4:00 PM 2 59 61
5:00 PM 1 54 55
6:00 PM 0 56 56
7:00 PM 0 61 61
8:00 PM 0 59 59
9:00 PM 0 41 41
10:00 PM 0 22 22
11:00PM 0 9 9
12:00 MID 0 0 0
Maximum 70
Attachment 0
Zoning Administrator Action No. 05-011
The Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
The Zoning Administrator finds and determines as follows:
That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit 05-014 was filed by
Forum Capital LLC., requesting authorization to establish a 1,224 square
foot medial office within a retail center located at 137 W. First Street, Suite
The 14,644 square foot retail center was approved on January 12, 2004,
by the Planning Commission. The retail center includes 73 parking spaces
in accordance with the 1 per 200 parking ratio for retail uses as noted in
Section III.E of the First Street Specific Plan (FSSP). Condition 5.2 of
Resolution No. 3905 required approval of shared parking for establishing
restaurant and medical uses.
That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed
medical use will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to
the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons
residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use nor be a
detriment to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the
subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin as
evidenced by the following findings:
The addition of medical office space will not impact the primary use of
the retail center and the retail frontage on First Street in that the
dental office will be located at Suite B-2 in Building B facing the
parking lot. As conditioned, no additional medical or office uses
along First Street frontage would be permitted.
As submitted, the existing parking spaces can accommodate the
parking demand for the center with the exception of a few days during
the month of December. It is traditionally recognized that minor
parking deficiencies occur for short periods of time during Christmas
holidays. No substantial conflict will exist in the peak hours of parking
demand for the uses within the center.
The peak parking demands for medical office and specialty retail
uses are non-coincidental which would allow opportunities for shared
As conditioned, if a parking problem arises in the future, the applicant
shall be required to provide immediate interim and permanent
Zoning Administrator Action 05-011
Conditional Use Permit 05-014
Page 2
mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the Community
Development Department and the Public Works Department.
This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15301, Article 19,
Class 1 of Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations
(Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act).
That a public meeting was called, noticed, and held on said application on
July 5, 2005, by the Zoning Administrator.
The Zoning Administrator hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 05-014
authorizing the establishment of a 1,224 square foot medical use within the retail
center located at 137 W. First Street, Suite B-2, subject to the conditions
contained within Exhibit A attached hereto.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin at a regular
meeting held on the 5th day of July, 2005.
Dana Ogdon
Eloise Harris
I, ELOISE HARRIS, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of
the Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin, California; that Zoning Administrator Action
05-011 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Zoning Administrator,
held on the 5th day of July, 2005.
Eloise Harris
(1 )
(1 )
(1 )
(1 )
(1 )
The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans
for the project date stamped July 5, 2005, on file with the Community
Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the
Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit.
This approval shall become null and void unless the use is established
within twelve (12) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may
be granted if a written request is received by the Community Development
Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration.
All conditions in this Exhibit shall be complied with prior to issuance of
permits, or as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community
Development Department.
Approval of Conditional Use Permit 05-014 is contingent upon the property
owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a
notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and the property owner
signing and recording with the County Clerk-Recorder a notarized "Notice of
Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval" form. The forms
shall be established by the Director of Community Development, and
evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development
As a condition of approval of Conditional Use Permit 05-014, the applicant
shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any
claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its
officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge,
void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, or
any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The
City agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim or action filed
against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The
City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in defense of any
such action under this condition.
Zoning Administrator Action 05-011
Conditional Use Permit 05-014
Exhibit A
Page 2
(1 )
(1 )
Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to the payment of a
civil penalty of $100.00 for each violation, or such other amounts as the City
Council may establish by ordinance or resolution, and for each day the
violation exists, subject to the applicable notice, hearing, and appeal process
as established by the City Council ordinance.
The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary
code enforcement action, including attorney fees, subject to the applicable
notice, hearing, and appeal process as established by the City Council by
(***) 2,4
(1) 3,1
Any changes to the approved shared parking study shall be submitted to
the Public Works and Community Development Departments for review
and approval. The submitted parking study received May 26, 2005,
assumed 73 parking spaces were provide on site and determined that
number of spaces to be sufficient for the existing 14,644 retail center with
1 ,224 square foot of medical office use.
The retail frontage of the shopping shall be maintained as intended with
approval of the retail center. Medical uses shall remain as ancillary uses to
the retail center with no street frontage.
If in the future the City determines that a parking or circulation problem
exists on the site or in the vicinity as a result of the proposed project, the
Community Development Director may require the applicant to prepare a
parking demand analysis or traffic study and bear all associated costs. If the
study indicates that there is inadequate parking or a circulation problem, the
applicant shall be required to provide immediate interim and permanent
mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the Community
Development Department and the Public Works Department.
No assigned parking is permitted. All parking spaces shall be available to all
patrons of the retail center at all times,
Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the
applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a
cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of forty-
three dollars ($43.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate
environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48)
hour period that applicant has not delivered to the Community
Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations
for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination
under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be
significantly lengthened.
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