HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-ATTACHMENT D (OTHER AGENCIES COMMENTS)ATTACHMENT D OTHER AGENCIES COMMENTS Reponses to Comments Tentative Tract Map 19103 The following are responses to comments received from other agencies. Comments and responses are organized by numbers added next to each comment by each Agency. For example, response to comment by South Orange County Community College District is identified as SOCCCD 1. Actual letters are attached to this response to comments. 1. SOCCCD 1: No comments. 2. SCAQMD 1: Mitigation measures have been adopted by the Tustin City Council in the FEIS/EIR for the development of Tustin Legacy. These measures would be included as conditions of approval for the project. The City will keep the information provided for future reference. 3. IRV 1:, Staff provided all requested information. No additional comments. 4. IRV 2: Comment noted. 5. SCE 1: Comment noted. 6. CALTRANS 1: Proposed project complies with the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan. The City however, will keep the information provided for future reference. Beier, Samantha From: Medhanie Ephrem <mephrem@socccd.edu> Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 6:53 PM To: Beier, Samantha Cc: Sandi Sembiazza Subject: RE: TUSTIN - TTM 19103 (Brookfield Residential) Hello Samantha, I wanted to confirm and let you know that SOCCCD does not have any comments for the Tentative Tract Map 19103. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Medhanie Medhanie Ephrem Director of ATEP Development South Orange County Community College District 28000 Marguerite Parkway I Mission Viejo I CA 192692 949 582-4531 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and any documents, files, or previous e-mail messages attached to it constitute an electronic communication within the scope of the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, 18 USCA 2510. This communication may contain non-public, confidential, or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient (s), The unlawful interception, use, or disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited under 18 USCA 2511 and any applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e- mail mephrem@socccd.edu or by telephone at (949) 582-4531 and delete all copies of this communication, including attachments, without reading them or saving them to disk. Thank you. From: Beier, Samantha <SBeier@tustinca.org> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 11:36 AM To: Medhanie Ephrem <mephrem@socccd.edu> Subject: TUSTIN - TTM 19103 (Brookfield Residential) Good morning, Per your request, a digital copy of TTM 19103 has been attached for your review. Please see attached Tentative Tract Map 19103, a proposed subdivision by Brookfield Residential to subdivide 25.4 acres of vacant land to facilitate the development of a 400 -unit residential condominium development, including 117 detached homes, 129 townhomes, and 154 stacked flats and townhomes. The project site is located within Planning Area 8, 13, and 14 of the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan in the City of Tustin (see attached map). Per Section 66455.7 of the Subdivision Map Act, please review the attached map and submit comments to Samantha Beier, at the Community Development Department, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780, no later than fifteen (15) days from the receipt of this letter. If I do not receive any comments by September 6, 2019, 1 will presume your agency has no comments on the proposed subdivision. Samantha D. Beier, AICP I Associate Planner South Coast }f 10 ir Quality Mnaement District _ 21865 Copley 'Drive, Diamond far, CA 917654178 ' (909) 396-2000 : www,agrnd.gov SENT VIA USPS AND E-MAIL; sbeiera,tustinca.org Samantha .Beier, ATOP, Associate Planner City of Tustin, Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780. RECEI1/E SEP 09 2019 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY: September 3, 2019 Site Plan Consultation for. the Tentative Tract Map 191031 South Coast Air Quality Management: District (South Coast AQMD) staff appreciates the opportunity to comment on the above-mentioned project. South Coast AQMD staff's comments are recommendations regarding the analysis of potential air ,quality impacts from the Proposed Project that should be included in the CEQA document. Please forward a copy of the CEQA document directly to South Coast AQMD at the address in our letterhead. In addition, please .send with the CEQA document all appendices or technical documents related to the air quality, health risk, and greenhouse gas analyses and electronic versions of all air quality modeling and health risk assessment .files'. These include emission calculation spreadsheets and modeling input and output files not PDF files). Without all files and supporting documentation, South Coast AQMD staff will be unable to complete a review. of the air quality analyses in a timely manner. Any delays in providing all supporting documentation will require additional time for review beyond the end of the comment; period. Air Quality Analysis South Coast AQMD adopted its California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Air Quality Handbook in 1993 to assist other public agencies with the preparation of air quality analyses. South Coast AQMD staff recommends that the Lead Agency use this Handbookas guidance when preparing its air quality analyses. Copies of the Handbook are available from South Coast AQMD's Subscription Services Department by calling (909) 396-3720. More recent guidance. developed since this Handbook was published is also available on South Coast :AQMD's website here: hq://www.Mmd.gov/home/regulations/ceoair- quality-analysis-handbook/cega-air-quality-handbook-(1993). South Coast AQMD staff also recommends that the Lead Agency use the CalEEMod land use emissions software. This software has recently been updated to incorporate up-to-date state and locally approved emission factors and methodologies for estimating pollutant emissions from typical land use development. CalEEMod is the only software model maintained by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) and replaces the now outdated URBEMIS. This model is available free of charge at: www.cateemod.com, South Coast AQMD has also developed both regional and localized significance thresholds. South Coast AQMD staff requests that the Lead Agency quantify criteria pollutant emissions and compare the results to the recommended regional. significance thresholds found here: http://www.ggmd.gov/docs/default- source/cega/handbook/scagmd-air-quality-significance-thresholds.pdf. In addition to analyzing regional ' The Proposed Project consists of subdivision of 25.4 acres for future development of 400 residential units. 2 Pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15174, the information contained in an EIR shall include summarized technical data, maps, plot plans, diagrams, and similar relevant information sufficient to permit_ full assessment of significant environmental impacts by reviewing agencies and members of the public. Placement of highly technical and specialized analysis and data in the body of an EIR should be avoided through inclusion of supporting information and analyses as appendices to the main body of the EIR. Appendices to the EIR may be prepared in volumes separate from the basic EIR document, but shall be readily available for public examination and shall be submitted to all clearinghouses which assist in public review. Samantha Beier -2- September 3, 2019 air quality impacts, South Coast AQMD staff recommends calculating localized air quality impacts and comparing the results to localized significance thresholds (LSTs). LSTs can be used in addition to the recommended regional significance thresholds as a second indication of air quality impacts when preparing a CEQA document. Therefore, when preparing the air quality analysis for the Proposed Project, it is recommended that the Lead Agency perform a localized analysis by either using the LSTs developed by South Coast AQMD or performing dispersion modeling as necessary. Guidance for performing a localized air quality analysis can be found at: http://www agmd gov/home/regulations/cega/air-quality- analysis-handbook/localized-si anificance-thresholds. The Lead Agency should identify any potential adverse air quality impacts that could occur from all phases of the Proposed Project and all air pollutant sources related to the Proposed Project. Air quality impacts from both construction (including demolition, if any) and operations should be calculated. Construction -related air quality impacts typically include, but are not limited to, emissions from the use of heavy-duty equipment from grading, earth-loading/unloading, paving, architectural coatings, off-road mobile sources (e.g., heavy-duty construction equipment) and on -road mobile sources (e.g., construction worker vehicle trips, material transport trips). Operation -related air quality impacts may include, but are not limited to, emissions from stationary sources (e.g,, boilers), area sources (e.g., solvents and coatings), and vehicular trips (e.g., on- and off-road tailpipe emissions and entrained dust). Air quality impacts from indirect sources, such as sources that generate or attract vehicular trips, should be included in the analysis. In the event that the Proposed Project generates or attracts vehicular trips, especially heavy-duty diesel - fueled vehicles, it is recommended that the Lead Agency perform a mobile source health risk assessment. Guidance for performing a mobile source health risk assessment ("Health Risk Assessment Guidance for Analyzing Cancer Risk from Mobile Source Diesel Idling Emissions for CEQA Air Quality Analysis") can be found at: http://www ggmd Dov/home/repulations/cega/air-quality-analysis-handbook/mobile-source- toxics-analysis. An analysis of all toxic air contaminant impacts due to the use of equipment potentially generating such air pollutants should also be included. In addition, guidance on siting incompatible land uses (such as placing homes near freeways) can be found in the California Air Resources Board's Air Quality and Land Use Handbook.- A Community Health Perspective, which can be found at the following internet address: ft://www.arb.ca.gov/ch/handbopk.pdf. CARB's Land Use Handbook is a general reference guide for evaluating and reducing air pollution impacts associated with new'projects that go through the land use decision-making process. Guidance' on strategies to reduce air pollution exposure near high-volume roadways can be found at: hitps://www.arb,ca.gov/ch/rd technical advisory final.PDF. Mitigation Measures In the event that the Proposed Project generates significant adverse air quality impacts, CEQA requires that all feasible mitigation measures that go beyond what is required by law be utilized during project construction and operation to minimize these impacts. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.4(a)(1)(D), any impacts resulting from mitigation measures must also be discussed. Several resources are available to assist the Lead Agency with identifying possible mitigation measures for the Proposed Project, including: • Chapter 11 "Mitigating the Impact of a Project" of South Coast AQMD's CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 3 In April 2017, CARB published a technical advisory, Strategies to Reduce Air Pollution Exposure Near High -Volume Roadways: Technical Advisory, to supplement CARB's Air Quality and Land Use Handbook: A Community Health Perspective, This technical advisory is intended to provide information on strategies to reduce exposures to traffic emissions near high-volume roadways to assist land use planning and decision-making in order to protect public health and promote equity and environmental justice. Accessed at: https•//www.arb.ca.gov/ch/landuse.htm. Samantha Beier -3- September 3, 2019 • South Coast AQMD's CEQA web pages at: http://www.agmd.gov/home/regulations/cega/air- quality analysis-handbook/mitigation-measures-and-control-efficiencies. • South Coast AQMD's Rule 403 — Fugitive Dust, and the Implementation Handbook for controlling construction -related emissions. • California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA)'s Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures available here: http://www.cal2coa.or /�wp-content/Liploads/2010/11/CAPCOA-Ouantification-Report-9-14- Final.pdf. • Other measures to reduce air quality impacts from land use projects can be found in South Coast AQMD's Guidance Document for Addressing Air Quality Issues in General Plans and Local Planning: http://www.agmd.gov/docs/default-source/plannin air-quality-guidance/complete- guidan.ce-document.pdf. Alternatives In the event that the Proposed Project generates significant adverse air quality impacts, CEQA requires the consideration and discussion of alternatives to the project orits location which are capable of avoiding or substantially lessening any of the significant effects of the project. The discussion of a reasonable range of potentially feasible alternatives, including a "no project" alternative, is intended to foster informed decision-making and public participation. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(d), the CEQA document shall include sufficient information about each alternative to allow meaningful evaluation, analysis, and comparison with the Proposed Project. Permits In the event that the Proposed Project requires a permit from South Coast AQMD, South Coast AQMD should be identified as a Responsible Agency for the Proposed Project in the CEQA document. For more information on permits, please visit South Coast AQMD's webpage at: http://www.agmd.gov/home/permits. If there are permitting questions, they can be directed to Engineering and Permitting Staff at (909) 396-3385. Data Sources South Coast AQMD rules and relevant air quality reports and data are available by calling South Coast AQMD's Public Information Center at (909) 396-2039. Much of the information available through the Public Information Center is also available via South Coast AQMD's webpage (http://www.agmd.gov). South Coast AQMD staff is available to work with the Lead Agency to ensure that project air quality and health risk impacts are accurately evaluated and mitigated where feasible. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me, at lsunAagmd.gov. Sincerely, ze#o ,Sins Lijin Sun, J.D. Program Supervisor, CEQA IGR Planning, Rule Development & Area Sources LS ORC190827-03 Control Number Community Development 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, CA 92606-5208 September 24, 2019 Ms. Samantha Beier Associate Planner 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 cityofirvine.org �0 Subject. Tentative Tract Map 19103 In the City of Tustin for the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Dear Ms. Beier; Staff is in receipt of Tentative Tract Map 19103 in the City of Tustin. The tentative tract map will subdivide 25.4 acres of vacant land to facilitate the development of a 400 -unit residential condominium project, including 117 detached homes, 129 townhomes, and 154 stacked flats and townhomes. The future project site will be located within Planning Area 8, 13, and 14 of the Tustin Legacy Specific Pan. Staff has completed its review and enclosed the following comments. If you have any questions, please contact me at jequinaaa.cityofirvine.org or 949-724-6364. Sincerely, Justin Equina Associate Planner Enclosure: City of Irvine Comments ec: Kerwin Lau, Manager of Planning Services Marika Poynter, Principal Planner Lisa Thai, Supervising Transportation Analyst CITY OF IRVINE COMMENTS General Comments 1. Staff would like to coordinate with the City of Tustin to ensure the Irvine Transportation Analysis Model (ITAM) accurately reflects the land use assumptions for the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan. For any questions, please contact Lisa Thai, Supervising Transportation Analyst, at 949-724-7360 or at Ithai(cD-cityofirvine.org. Page 1 2. Complete the legal description information on the title page. Department Douglas S. Stack, P.E. Director October 7, 2019 Lisa Thai City of Irvine 1 Civic Center Plaza Irvine, CA 92606 of Pubic Works Subject: Tustin Legacy Neighborhood D South Intersection Sizing Study — Response to Irvine Comments Dear Ms. Thai: Thank you for providing comments on the Tustin Legacy Neighborhood South Intersection Sizing Study. We prepared the attached matrix to respond to your comments in a letter dated October 2, 2019. Should you have questions on our responses or need further information on the traffic model, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 573-3172 or ksaldivar@tustinca.org. Sincerely, Krys Saldivar Public Works Manager-Traffic/Transportation Copy: Ken Nishikawa, Deputy Director of Public Works/Engineering Justina Willkom, Assistant Director of Community Development/Planning Scott Reekstin, Principal Planner Samantha Beier, Associate Planner SATransportation Engineed ng\Studies\Tustin Legacy\Neigh D South\Report\Comments\RTC Irvine.doc 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 • P: (714) 573-3150 9 T: (714) 734.8991 0 WWW,tustinca.org U O v m C H N c E E U E O CL L 7 O L O) .m Z U N O) J c in 7 i D v c m C C w c O 0 0 a V> C N F- J U a> a a a> n a E o E O U) (n a U U 4> 4> a N 3 o N 0) y -0 N c C M w -0 O C❑ N o c N O N a O N != 7 U) C V N .0 y o 2 c p H N p N O N a p> a p N" i 0 C co C O O O > (p a O E E .S m c a 3 Q a N > t y o o f y c c a O > cc ayi c c O O O c O 0- U 0 cZ c oUL cu 40 'C 00 a ' a U)0 oN 0 m Z> cp y a> �O z 'p •CD N N 07 _d Q � j coo o N N U U '� > a> a _W a0 0 j ca a> a 'E c d L N N p 3 L o cp z 3 0 J O C _C N N N C c j 0 O •C O LO N 'O V n U a C R> 3 aLL p E . 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L cu p CFni C p N = a a) L6 70 y =O 0 N O w � al N e in = L7 = CL ~ _ o -c m w CO w c c cr a) (n .N C a) CO C Z '4) C a) CO R -� C Q) 3� J== c 0 U5Ez :3 O cc a c'� E O N a d c'� == E EO O� 0 co 'O a__ U U a== U U o p N CD o E —cn E y 0— Lu ca E o c0) W— m E r)VI�U� w z N c c «. Q. Z LU cu LL m � c •O V fn 0 U- m 7 c '7 a LL CO E c aTi in N J C N rY a) E a) .� a a) LL E a) .S E cD .� II Lv rn a) E U iv 0 a) E v c ;° m a = a) E v c i Lu CU a 0U1�S000 ._ o O O O a' acne=UOUa .0 o O O C6 O a' -� o O� O 5 D-.a�� 2 -- HC3 t—UJB=000 w October 2, 2019 TO: SCOTT REEKSTIN, PRINCIPAL PLANNER FROM: LISA THAI, SUPERVISING TRANSPORTATION ANALYST SUBJECT: FIRST SCREENCHECK TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT REVIEW OF THE TUSTIN LEGACY NEIGHBORHOOD D SOUTH INTERSECTION SIZING STUDY DATED SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 (Interagency Review) Project Background. The City of Tustin prepared a study to size the intersections located in Neighborhood D South in the Tustin Legacy. The study shows different land use intensities from the current plan. Land Use Unit Current Plan Proposed Single Family Housing DU 0 117 Multi -Family Housing DU 1829 2026 Hotel RM 550 120 Community Commercial KSF 20.4 10 Office KSF 420 Al4 Continuing Care -Senior Housing UNIT 0 521 Park AC 0 6 Park - Legacy Park/Triangle Park; DU = Dwelling Units; RM = Rooms; KSF = Thousands of Square Feet; Unit = Bed; AC = Acres COMMENT 1 City of Irvine staff would like to coordinate with City of Tustin on the land use and network assumptions for the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan to ensure that ITAM accurately reflects these assumptions. COMMENT 2 Page 1: Please define "buildout horizon." Is it referring to the buildout of the neighborhood or the buildout of the City? COMMENT 3 The study discussed the use of ITAM to estimate traffic volume data for major intersections along the boundary of Neighborhood South. When compared to ITAM forecast, the buildout volumes of the following intersections are significantly different: • #5 Armstrong/Warner — SBT, EBT, and WBT • #6 Armstrong/St A —SBL and all WB • #7 Tustin Ranch/Park — NBT, SBT, SBR, EBL, EBT, EBR, and WBT • #15 Legacy/Warner — all NB, SBT, EBT, and WBT • #150 Tustin Ranch/Barranca - NBT, SBR, and WBT Please confirm these differences. COMMENT 4 The following intersections have different lane geometry from ITAM • #6 Armstrong A/ST A — NBR, SBR, EBL, EBR, and WBR • #15 Legacy/Warner — all NB, SBT, SBR, EBR, WBL, and WBR Please confirm the lane geometry. COMMENT 5 Table 2: Please identify the source of the trip rates and include the land use codes on the table. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the tract map. If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 7360 LISA THAI Supervising Transportation Analyst c: Sun -Sun Murillo, Project Development Administrator Tustin Legacy Neighborhood D South Intersection Sizing sc.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON" An EUISON INTERNATIONAL7 Company September 25, 2019 City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Attention: Samantha Beier Subject: TTM 19103 Please be advised that the division of the property shown on Tentative Tract Map No. 19103 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easements and/or facilities held by Southern California Edison Company within the boundaries of said map. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights, title and interest in and to said easement(s), nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement(s) or a waiver of costs for relocation of any affected facilities. In the event that the development requires relocation of facilities, on the subject property, which facilities exist by right of easement or otherwise, the owner/developer will be requested to bear the cost of such relocation and provide Edison with suitable replacement rights. Such costs and replacement rights are required prior to the performance of the relocation. If you have any questions, or need additional information in connection with the subject subdivision, please contact me at (909) 274-1078. Jeff Clark Title and Valuation Real Properties cc: DEPARTMENT C 1F TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 12 ! 1750 EAST FOURTH BEET, SUITE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92,05 PHONE (657) 328 10 Mobv Conservation FAX (657) 328-651 ` a California Way of Life. TTY 711 vwww.dot.ca.aov Septemter 6, 2019 SamantBeier, AICP File: IGR/CEQA AssociaInnial Planner 12 -ORA -2017-01204 Commuy Development Department SR 55, PM 8.862; SR 261 300 Cen Way Tustin, G92780 Dear Ms.Beier: Thank ydi for including the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in the revie N of the Tentative Tract Map 19130 for the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan in the city of Tustin. The mission of Caltrans is to provide a safe, sustainable, and integratE d efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability. r TentativTract Map 19103 proposes a subdivision by Brookfield Residential to subdivid 25.4 acres of vacant land to facilitate the development of a 400 -unit residenti I condominium development, which includes: 117 detached homes, 129 tow omes, and 154 stacked flats and townhomes. The project site is located Ithin Planning Area 8, 13, and 14 of the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan. The projt includes the areas surrounding State Routes (SR) 55, and 261. SR 55 and SR 2 1 are overseen by Caltrans. Caltrans is the responsible agency and has the f Ilowinq comments: 1. PIE se ensure that the Project accommodates the proposed and existing bic ycle facilities documented in the City of Tustin's Tustin Legacy Specific Plc n (2017). According to the Bikeways and Trails Plan in the Specific Plan, there are existing Class 11 bicycle facilities on Tustin Ranch Road and Le acy Road. There is also an existing Class I facility on Park Avenue. A ditionally, there is a proposed Class II facility on Warner Avenue, as well as proposed Class I facility that runs diagonally through the "Tustin Le acy Park Overlay" zone. "P/nvW a " mah*N06. UdtvmW and efficient &msportatlon iysion to wwww" Cels economy &W NvabW City of T 'tin Septem r 6, 2019 Page 2 2. Phase consider adding appropriate safety elements for bicyclists and perdestrians in the Project area. These elements may include Complete Str ets facilities, as well as the development of continuous and consistent bi ycle and pedestrian networks. These improvements will encourage Igestion king and bicycling in the area. The measures will also reduce and improve regional connectivity and air quality. 3. PIE se ensure that there are safe Active Transportation connections to the fut ire high school for the Tustin Unified School District, as noted in the Tu tin Legacy Specific Plan. Safe connections to the high school will be nefit students who reside in the Project area. Safe connections will en curage students to access the school via walking and bicycling. 1. PIE ase submit a Traffic Impact Study (TIS)to Caltrans for review. Please inc lude in the TIS, traffic volume projections for the area and proposed IeN el of service type calculations for the proposed development area. AI in the TIS, please identify the ramps and ramp intersections on SR 55 sohat we may assess the impacts on Caltrans facilities and the need for al mitigation. Permits: • A project work proposed in the vicinity of the State right of way will re uire an encroachment permit, and all environmental concerns must b ,adequately addressed. Please coordinate with Caltrans in order to m et the requirements for any work within or near State Right -of -Way. A fe may apply. If the cost of work within the State right of way is below on Million Dollars, the Encroachment Permit process will be handled by ou 6 Permits Branch; otherwise the permit should be authorized through the Cc Itrans's Project Development Department. When applying for Encroachment Permit, please incorporate all Environmental D umentation, SWPPP/ WPCP, Hydraulic Calculations, R/W certification aall relevant design details including design exception approvals. For sp cific details for Encroachment Permits procedure, please refer to the C Itrans's Encroachment Permits Manual. The latest edition of the Manual 'Provide a .We, sustainable, m(evated and of dent banspatsdon system to enhance Cafilbn►ia's ecmxwny and kva6ifity' City of T ' tin Septem r 6, 2019 Page 2 is dlvailable on the web site; Please continue ntinue to keep us informed of this project and any future develop encs that could potentially impact State transportation facilities. If you _ have an questions, do not hesitate to contact Julie Lugaro at (657) 328-6368 or Sin FF—W��-4 Are, .0 VA Scott Sh 'Hey Branch 'hief, Regional-IGR-Transit Planning District 1 'Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and etTdwg ba+►s mtWon system to enhance Cakfomia's economy and kvaM'tity"