December 10, 2019
T+1 888 826 5814
Jerry Craig, Deputy Director of Business Services & Housing T+1 714 508 4100
City Of Tustin Iinfo@ 508 4110
Economic Develo ment Irvine
250 commerce
300 Centennial Wa Suite
y Irvine,,CA 92602
Tustin, CA 92780 Bay Area
1350 Treat Boulevard
Suite 380
Walnut Creek,CA 94597
At,�jacent Central Valley
g� �',I 7265 N.First Street
Bll;,'ll<cards Gr,.diciangce Suite 101
Fresno,CA 93720
Inland Empire
650 E.Hospitality Lane
Dear Mr. Craig: Suite 125
San Bernardino,CA 92408
Sacramento Valley
2204 Plaza Drive
FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) is pleased to submit this Response to Comments letter for the Suite 210
Rocklin,CA 95765
proposed City of Tustin Freeway Adjacent Digital Display Billboards Ordinance (project). Utah
2901 Bluegrass Boulevard
Suite 200-62
To date, the following letter has been received with regard to the proposed project: Lehi,UT 84043
2 Corporate Drive
Suite Letter No. 1: Letter from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Shelton,CT 06484
District 12, dated December 2, 2019. Newyork
10M o nument Street
Depost,NY 13754
56 Broome Corporate Parkway
Although a lead agency is not required to provide written responses to comments on Conklin,NY 13748
negative declarations or mitigated negative declarations under the California Environmental CANADA
Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Tustin has evaluated the comments received on the project UNITED KINGDOM
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and has elected to provide responses
to comments, as well as refinements to the Draft IS/MND. None of the comments received
resulted in the need to recirculate the MND orto prepare an Environmental Impact Report FRANCE
This letter includes a list of the comments and responses to comments on the Draft IS/MND, PHILIPPINES
and it identifies any refinements and clarifications to the Draft IS/MND. A copy of the CHINA
comment letter received regarding the Draft IS/MND is included in Attachment A.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 714.508.4100 x1026. SINGAPORE
Cecilia So, Project Manager
FirstCarbon Solutions
250 Commerce, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92602
Enc: Attachment A: Letter from Caltrans
North America ) Europe ( Africa ! Australia I Asia www.firstcarbonsolutions.com
FI RSTICAR O N espoa n to .
The comment letter received during the review period for the Draft IS/MND is included in Attachment A.
Individual comments within the comment letter have been reprinted below and numbered so that they
can be cross-referenced with each response. Each numbered comment is followed by the corresponding
Author Code
California Department of Transportation, District 12.....................................................................CALTRANS
Comment CALTRANS-1
Any changes to the City of Tustin Municipal Code related to outdoor advertising adjacent to the National
Highway System must adhere to the provisions of the California Outdoor Advertising Act (Bus. & Prof.
Code 5200 et seq.) as it is intended to be the minimum standard of outdoor advertising control.
Response to CAU R�Np S- .
The proposed code amendments to Article 9, Chapter 4, Sections 9402 and 9404 of the Tustin City Code
of Ordinances expressly require any digital display to comply with the California Outdoor Advertising Act.
Please refer to proposed Section V of the Tustin City Code of Ordinances, which would add new Section
9404b(7)(a)(9) and (a)(11) to the Tustin City Code.
Message Center Displays as defined in Bus. & Prof. Code Section 5216.4 are displays that can change
copy once every four seconds to two minutes; in addition, Message Center displays must be placed at
least 1,000 feet apart on the same side of the highway as stated in Bus. Prof. Code Section 5405(d)(1).
Please refer to Response to CALTRANS-1.
Displays that operate as a Message Center Display must also adhere to the size restrictions outlined in
Bus. & Prof. Code Section 5408(a) and may not display any red or blinking lights or display any copy that
has flashing lights or full motion animation as prohibited in Bus. & Prof. Code Section 5403.
response to CACI RAN -:
Please refer to Response to CALTRANS-1.
North America I Europe ( Africa I Ausur,! �' i www.firstcarbonsolutions.com
. Comments kr
Comment CALTRANS-4
Display brilliance may not exceed the standards outlined in Vehicle Code Section 21466.5. Any Message
Center Display advertising off-premise commercial copy must obtain a permit from the Office of Outdoor
Advertising (ODA) prior to placement.
Response to CALTRANSAI.
Please refer to Response to CALTRANS-1.Additionally, the proposed code amendments expressly require
digital display brightness to comply with California Vehicle Code Section 21466.5. Please refer to Section
V of the Tustin City Code of Ordinances, which would add new Section 9404b(7)(a)(7)to the Tustin City
Any project work proposed in the vicinity of the State Right-of-Way(ROW) would require an
encroachment permit and all environmental concerns must be adequately addressed. If the
environmental documentation for the project does not meet Caltrans's requirements for work done
within State ROW, additional documentation would be required before approval of the encroachment
permit. Please coordinate with Caltrans to meet requirements for any work within or near State ROW.
For specific details for Encroachment Permits procedure, please refer to the Caltrans's Encroachment
Permits Manual at:
Response to CALT RAMS-5
Comment noted. It is not anticipated that the project will involve any work within Caltrans right-of-way
or in close enough proximity that an Encroachment Permit would be required. However, the City will
comply with the Encroachment Permit requirements, if applicable.
North America ) Europe ( Africa I Australia I Asia www.firstcarbonsolutions.com
FIRST CAR [ Comments
._ _�
`;,-' L_l_!
The following is a revision to the Draft IS/MND for the City of Tustin Freeway Adjacent Digital Display
Billboards Ordinance. This revision is a minor modification to the document and does not change the
significance of any of the environmental issues or conclusions within the Draft IS/MND. The revision is
listed by page number. All additions to the text are underlined (underlined) and all deletions from the
text are stricken (stF+eken).
The following text has been revised to correct the phone number provided for Jerry Craig, Deputy
Director of Economic Development, on the title page of the Draft IS/MND.Jerry Craig's phone number is
listed correctly on Draft IS/MND page 18, Section 1.6, Intended Uses of this Document. Additionally, the
correct phone number was listed on the Notice of Intent to Adopt that was distributed on November 14,
2019, and is also on the City's website for current projects.
Prepared for:
City of Tustin
Economic Development
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Contact:Jerry Craig, Deputy Director of Economic Development
North America ) Europe I Africa ! Australia ( Asia www.firstcarbonsolutions.com
FI RSYCAR B O N Response to
CoreAKA,_n s
North America Europe ( Africa I Australia Asia www.firstcarbonsolutions.com
Page 1 of 2
SANTA ANA, CA 92705 Making Conservation
PHONE (657) 328-6267 a California Way of Life.
FAX (657) 328-6510
TTY 711
December 2, 2019
Mrs. Erica Yasuda File: IGR/CEQA
City of Tustin Planning Department SCH#: N/A
300 Centennial Way 12-ORA-2019-01269
Tustin, CA 92780 1-5. SR 55, SR 261
Dear Mrs. Yasuda,
Thank you for including the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in
the review of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the proposed
Freeway Adjacent Digital Display Billboards Ordinance. The mission of Caltrans is
to provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation systern to
enhance California's economy and livability.
The project will amend the Sign Regulations found in the Tustin City Code
relating to freeway adjacent digital display billboards. The project will be
implemented City-wide and may affect the following State Facilities: Interstate 5
(1-5) and State Routes 55 (SR 55) and SR 261 . Caltrans is a commenting agency
and has the following comments:
Outdoor Advertising:
1 . Any changes to the City of Tustin Municipal Code related to outdoor
advertising adjacent to the National Highway System must adhere to the 1
provisions of the California Outdoor Advertising Act (Bus. & Prof. Code
5200 et. seq.) as it is intended to be the minimum standard of outdoor
advertising control.
2. Message Center Displays as defined in Bus. & Prof. Code Section 5216.4
are displays that can change copy once every four seconds to two
minutes; in addition, Message Center displays must be placed at least 2
1000 feet apart on the same side of the highway as stated in Bus. & Prof.
Code Section 5405(d)(1).
3. Displays that operate as a Message Center Display must also adhere to
the size restrictions outlined in Bus. & Prof. Code Section 5408(a) and may 3
not display any red or blinking lights or display any copy that has flashing
"Provide a safe,sustainable.irttegrcmd and erfrciml dcrosNorinlion s�sleet
to enhance Colifornia's economy and fivabilio,
Page 2 of 2
City of Tustin
December 2, 2019
Page 2
lights or full motion animation as prohibited in Bus. & Prof. Code Section 3
5403. CONT
4. Display brilliance may not exceed the standards outlined in Vehicle Code
Section 21466.5, Any Message Center Display advertising off-premise 4
commercial copy must obtain a permit from the Office of Outdoor
Advertising (ODA) prior to placement.
5. For any questions please feel free to contact George Anzo, ODA Southern
Area Manager, at (213) 897-4208 or visit the ODA website at
6. Any project work proposed in the vicinity of the State Right-of-Way (ROW)
would require an encroachment permit and all environmental concerns
must be adequately addressed. If the environmental documentation for
the project does not meet Caltrans's requirements for work done within 5
State ROW, additional documentation would be required before
approval of the encroachment permit. Please coordinate with Caltrans to
meet requirements for any work within or near State ROW. For specific
details for Encroachment Permits procedure, please refer to the Caltrans's
Encroachment Permits Manual at:
hffp://www.dot.ca.,qov/h q/traffopldevelopsery/permits/
Please continue to keep us informed of this project and any future
developments that could potentially impact State transportation facilities. If you
have any questions or need to contact us, please do not hesitate to contact
Jude Miranda at (657) 328-6229 or Jude.Miranda@dot.ca.gov.
Sincerely, /
Branch Chief, Regional-IGR-Transit Planning
District 12
"Provide a safe.sustainable,integrated and efficient transportation$)sten(
to enhance California's econonrn and livabiliiy"