HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT ALLOCATION PRESENTATION - 11.19.19REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT ALLOCATION City Council - November 19, 2019 Background State law requires cities and counties to plan for housing needs. Sites and zoning must be identified in General Plan Housing Element. Each jurisdiction receives a RHNA allocation. Next RHNA planning period is October 2021 to October 2029. SCAG develops the RHNA methodology for the SCAG region. HCD makes the final RHNA determination. HCD Regional Determination HCD issued RHNA Regional Determination of 1,344,740 total units. Previous Regional Determination was 409,060 – 438,030 units. SCAG Regional Council filed an objection. Per SCAG, Regional Determination should be between 821,000 and 924,000 housing units. HCD # does not reflect SCAG’s growth forecast, data input, or analysis. HCD responded by lowering the Regional Determination slightly to 1,341,827 units. RHNA Methodology Three methodology options were released for public review. SCAG received input and released a different methodology recommended by SCAG staff. The SCAG RHNA Subcommittee and SCAG CEHD Committee approved the methodology recommended by SCAG staff. The SCAG Regional Council voted 43-19 to approve a modified RHNA methodology that was introduced by City of Riverside representative Mayor Rusty Bailey through a substitute motion. All Orange County SCAG Representatives voted in opposition to the substitute motion. RHNA Methodology – RC Approved An estimated RHNA number of 9,493 units was disseminated previously based on the Riverside substitute motion. This higher number is no longer accurate. Approved draft RHNA allocation for Tustin is now 6,853 units. Methodology includes projected housing need and existing housing need components. Social equity adjustment is applied to each jurisdiction’s draft RHNA allocation. RHNA Methodology Changes Initial Methodology Option 1 SCAG Staff Recommended Methodology – 10/7/19 Miscalculated Riverside Substitute Motion Methodology – 11/4/19 Riverside Substitute Motion Methodology – 11/7/19 3,569 4,820 9,493 6,853 Approved by Regional Council RHNA Methodology – Projected Need The projected housing need component is equal to the local household growth input for the 2021-2029 RHNA planning period, with adjustments made for vacancy need and replacement housing need. RHNA Methodology – Existing Need The existing housing need component is based on accessibility to jobs and population within current and planned High Quality Transit Areas (HQTAs). Under the substitute motion, household growth was removed from the calculation. RHNA Methodology – Residual If projected and existing need in a particular jurisdiction is larger than 2020-2045 projected household growth in an “extremely disadvantaged community” this “residual” existing need is redistributed within the same county to communities that are not extremely disadvantaged. Five Orange County cities are classified as extremely disadvantaged (Anaheim, La Habra, Orange, Santa Ana, and Stanton). The redistribution is based on transit accessibility and jobs accessibility. 2,295 units of the 6,853 units in the draft RHNA allocation for Tustin is due to this redistribution. RHNA Methodology – Social Equity A minimum 150 percent social equity adjustment, plus an additional percentage of up to thirty (30) percent is added in areas with significant populations that are defined as very low or very high resource areas, to determine the distribution to the four (4) income categories for each jurisdiction. For Tustin, the total adjustment is 150 percent (no added adjustment). RHNA Methodology – Total Allocation Total Units 6,853 Very Low 1,743 Low 1,057 Moderate 1,144 Above Moderate 2,909 Implications – Insufficient Progress Adequate sites must be identified in the General Plan Housing Element and zoned to accommodate the RHNA allocation. Every jurisdiction is subject to the provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 35. SB 35 requires cities and counties to streamline the review and approval of certain affordable housing projects through a ministerial process which does not allow public hearings. Only design review or public oversight is allowed. When a jurisdiction has made insufficient progress toward its lower income RHNA allocation, the jurisdiction is subject to SB 35 streamlining for proposed developments with at least 50% affordability. Tustin is currently subject to SB 35 streamlining for proposed developments with at least 50% affordability. Next Steps HCD has sixty (60) days from November 7, 2019, to review and make comments on SCAG’s draft RHNA Allocation Methodology. The SCAG Regional Council will vote to adopt a final RHNA Allocation Methodology in early Spring of 2020. The City of Tustin would be able to appeal the draft RHNA allocation based on certain limited factors, but there is no appeal process for the RHNA methodology. Recommendation That the City Council authorize the Mayor to send a letter to HCD objecting to the City’s disproportionate RHNA allocation and receive and file the report.