HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes 8-22-05 ITEM #1 7:04 p.m. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 22, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Given PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pontious absent ROLL CALL Staff present Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director Jason Retterer, Deputy City Attorney Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director Doug Anderson, Senior Project Manager-Transportation Terry Lutz, Principal Engineer Chad Ortlieb, Associate Planner Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary Nonè PUBLIC CONCERNS CONSENT CALENDAR Approved 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - AUGUST 8, 2005, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. It was moved by Floyd, seconded by Menard, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued to 2. September 12, 2005 LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE 05-019 REQUESTING TO CARE FOR UP TO FOURTEEN (14) CHILDREN IN THE RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 15712 SOUTH MYRTLE AVENUE. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission continue the public hearing until the September 12, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. Nielsen Stated that anyone who wished to address the Commission on this item and would be unable to attend September 12th should come to the lectern. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 1 Jim McLaughlin 15751 Pacific Avenue Chester Maharaj, 15622 Califomia Street Continued to a date uncertain -- .7:10 p.m. Ortlieb Director . Stated his property backs up to the property for the proposed day care; he does not object to the number of children, he is concerned about the additional traffic; there is only one entrance/exit to the 85 homes in the area. Indicated there are about five streets in this area with the one entrance in and out making it difficult both in the morning and the evening to enter or leave the tract; and, submitted a list of 20 names of people protesting this project. It was moved by Floyd, seconded by Menard, to continue this item to the September 12, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried 4-0. 3. CONTINUED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04-008, DESIGN REVIEW 04-008, AND SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 05-001 REQUESTING TO CONVERT AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO A COMMERCIAL PRESCHOOL FOR UP TO 49 CHILDREN WITH FIVE (5) INSTRUCTORS AT 1792 SAN JUAN STREET. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (R4) ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 3979 finding that the Negative Declaration for Conditional Use Permit 04-008, Design Review 04-008, and Sign Code Exception 05-001 is adequate for the project; and, 2. Adopt Resolution No. 3980 approving Conditional Use Permit 04-008, Design Review 04-008, and Sign Code Exception 05-001. The Public Hearing opened. Presented the staff report. Noted that staff provided a modified traffic study at the dais; an earlier version of this document was erroneously attached to the report; the conclusions were generally the same. . Added that correspondence was received from Carla Ryhal before the meeting; staff had not had time to review this letter; however, other correspondence was received from Ms. Ryhal regarding the Negative Declaration that staff provided to fulfill the requirements of "'- Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 2 the California Environmental Quality Act to which responses were provided; the comments received this evening relate generally to the issues analyzed by staff; Planning and Public Works staff and the City Attorney's representative were available to answer any questions the Planning Commission might have in this regard. Floyd Asked if the California Department of Social Services has to ensure the preschool meets the square footage per child requirement with the projected 49 children at this site. Ortlieb Answered the facility would need to be licensed through the Department of Social Services; when the application was originally received, it was for a much larger number of children; the applicant proposed a reduction in the number of students; the applicant may be able to provide the reason for the proposed number of children; the approval at this location in 1995 was for approximately 49 children. Menard Asked how the square footage is calculated for these facilities, gross area or useable area. Ortlieb Indicated that staff's calculations were based on the gross area. Nielsen Asked the City Attorney if there are State legal parameters as there are for home day care situations. Retterer Stated the day care facilities are licensed by the State and include extensive regulations. Nielsen Asked if the regulations have anything to do with local government. Retterer Responded in the negative. Nielsen Asked when the traffic study was done. Anderson Answered that the traffic study was done in June 2005 and was modified on August 8, 2005, to correct some of the assumptions made regarding the roadway being a residential collector to a local street; the counts from the proposed use were applied to the December 9, 2004, traffic counts to ensure counts were taken during the school year. Nielsen Asked how the preschool classes break down during the day and what students will be there at what time of day. Ortlieb Stated staff does not have that information. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 3 Lee Ortlieb Floyd Ortlieb Lee Ortlieb Lee Ortlieh- Donna Sutton, representing the applicant Menard Asked if the applicant provided a graphic of the proposed signage design. Answered in the negative, adding there was one for the monument sign that was later modified to an on-wall sign which would be subject to the Director's authority. Asked where the monument sign would be on the new facility. Indicated it was proposed behind the front gate of the property, pointing out the location on the PowerPoint slide and noting the cabana structure is in the front yard. Asked if the chain link fence in the photograph is a driveway onto the property. Responded in the affirmative. Asked if that driveway would be developed with concrete. Answered that the driveway is too close for Public Works standards; the existing driveway will be moved 15 or 20 feet to the right with landscaping in the front and the rest paving. Restated the basic contents of the application; and, indicated the applicants purchased the property with the understanding that they would be able to reapply for the day care use approved in 1995; no negative declaration was completed for the project at that time; the neighborhood remains much the same as it was at the time of the 1995 application; the present school at the corner a half block from San Juan and Red Hill is licensed for 72 children but that number will be reduced to 49 for the San Juan location; the traffic flow will be staggered due to different start times for the children; the parents will have a five-minute drop-off time; the first drop-off will be at 9:00 a.m. with pick-up between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m.; there will be ten parking spaces available; the number of children being picked up will be reduced by 80 percent; there will be no curbside parking; the children will be dropped off in the driveway where there will be an entry and an exit; Montessori is recognized as one of the best schools in today's educational world; there is no other Montessori school in Tustin; there are only sixteen preschools to accommodate the growing population of the City; the owners have purchased a home on Farmington; their wish is to run an excellent school causing no problems for their neighbors; the school will operate on the same schedule as the two public schools on San Juan. '" Asked for clarification regarding the school mentioned a half block away. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 4 Ms. Sutton Nielsen Ms. Sutton Nielsen Ms. Sutton Nielsen Ms. Sutton Nielsen Daniel Scinto, 250 N. Golden Circle #211, Santa Ana Amos Chapa, 13731 Farmington, Tustin Answered there are two public schools but no private or preschools in that area. Asked if there is any plan for carpooling among the parents of the preschoolers. Indicated that is not known at this time. Asked for clarification regarding logistics of drop-off and pick-up procedures, entering the drive towards the parking lot, and what type of queuing system may be established. Indicated it is still early in the project, but the applicant intends to work closely with the staff to ensure all the requirements are met. Asked what the queuing drop-off and pick-up is now. Indicated the. pick-up and drop-off for the school at the end of the block is on Browning Avenue; the one for the school on San Juan is --a tum-in. Invited other parties to speak and to limit their remarks to three minutes, choosing a spokesperson if there were several people with the same point of view. Stated he is the parent of a child who attended Ms. Weerkkody's school; this school is a very quiet environment, atypical of most preschools; the number of children per square foot is impressive; the Montessori method allows students develop at their own pace; he sent all his children to Montessori school; Ms. Weerkkody is an outstanding person; her school would be an asset to the neighborhood; this is an area of high density residential with approximately 100. people per acre or one person for every 43 square feet; the proposed school has 324 square feet per student; there is a church on one side, apartments on the other; the backyard borders the church parking lot on the east and south sides and the driveway of the apartments on the west side; this use will not disturb the neighbors; Ms. Weerkkody's school will be a good neighbor and an excellent use for this property. Stated he lives on the corner of Farmington and San Juan and was one of the individuals who promoted the submitted petition; since the school already exists somewhere down the block, it does not seem necessary to move it to this location; there are other areas of Tustin that would better benefit from a Montessori school; the hours of operation are not consistently stated in the report; traffic and the hours during which children will be dropped off are the major concems; illegal dropping off takes place at the school down the Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 5 Nielsen Ortlieb Heather Miner, 14762 Braebum Road, Tustin Peggy Millsap, -- 13711 Farmington Tustin street; there have already been incidents of near accidents due to the congestion. Asked staff the address the hours of operation. Stated that the applicant clarified there are two sessions for the school; the teaching instruction begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m.; there is a half-day session between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.; the drop-off period would be prior to 9:00 a.m.; the school offers an extended care service from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Stated she is the parent of a child at the present Montessori school and is in the extended day care; her child is dropped off anywhere between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m., sometimes 9:30; in the evening she is picked up between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.; the extended care allows her the freedom that her schedule requires; the most cars she has seen at the busiest drop-off time (9:00 a.m.) has been five. Indicated that, while she is in favor of education, traffic is a major problem; the apartment tenants park on Farmington, in the fire lanes, on the comer; she works a graveyard shift and sometimes cannot get onto her street because of the congestion; it takes her 20 minutes to get down San Juan to her house when she comes home from work; the parking situation at the proposed site is not clear regarding how cars will enter and exit the driveway; sports and special events create additional congestion; several children have nearly been hit; she has lived near a kindergarten playground for years; while the noise disrupts her sleep, she enjoys hearing the children at play; she is in favor of the Montessori school but wants to know more about the traffic and the parking; perhaps more signage and/or speed bumps would help alleviate the problem. Shirley O'Connor, , Stated her child has attended the Montessori school for over a year; 13691 Carroll Way, when she drops off her child, she never sees more than five cars at Tustin the current location. Mildred Holt, 13712 Farmington, Tustin Indicated she has lived at her present location for 36 years; when the apartments were built, the residents were promised two parking spaces for every apartment and that parking on the street would not be a problem; that has not been the case; the two existing schools add to the parking/traffic congestion; the Montessori's present location provides plenty of parking; changing the zoning in her neighborhood to accommodate more automobiles on a two-lane with an excessive amount of traffic seems unnecessary; the letter from her attomey was late because the staff report was not received until Saturday, not leaving much time for a response. (~ \ Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 6 Barbara Hawkins, 1741 Andrews Street, Tustin Mark Tzeng, 3540 Wilshire #1208, Los Angeles Richard Stevens, 13701 Farmington, Tustin 7:52 p.m. Nielsen Stated that she has lived in this neighborhood for more than 24 years; there is an ongoing traffic problem; the traffic on Farmington should have been taken into account; the number of students at Veeh should have been considered because the school population is growing; Uti School can drop their students off in the parking lot but often pull over at San Juan and allow the children to run across . the street and go through the field, or they come down the other way, stop at the curb, and drop their children off for Utt School; a child on a bicycle ran into her car as she was trying to get onto San Juan; the pictures in the PowerPoint presentation did not present an accurate depiction of the parking along San Juan. Stated he works with the Weerkkodys; thanked the residents for coming out to become more informed; there is a drop-off that allows for ten cars to enter, make a U-tum, and exit to drop off their children; the current owners of the Montessori school are willing to work with the residents and the City to provide some sort of regulatory drop-off timeframe; the City is required to regulate the traffic and the parking. Stated that the people dropping of their children at the Montessori school today has nothing to do with what it will be in the future since the current location and parking in the shopping center requires. no traffic on San Juan; in a letter to Mr. Ortlieb, Mr. Stevens stated his concem regarding the possibility of a child being hit due to people making U-tums; law enforcement does not enforce U-tums in this area; the traffic is unbelievable; getting out on Farmington Road to San Juan between 7:15 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. can take 15 minutes when school is in session. The Public Hearing closed. Indicated that he travels San Juan three times a week during rush hour; disagreed with staff concerning the findings regarding the increase in traffic-specifically, the nine percent daily increase as not being significant; on this roadway when school is in session, illegal U-tums take place in the middle of the street; two public schools on the street are about two blocks from each other and have a total of about 1,600 students; in addition to both of those schools where children are constantly being dropped off, there are high-density apartments and homes on Farmington whose residents are trying to get to work; there is also heavy pedestrian and bicycle traffic; taking traffic counts in December does not take into consideration the Tustin Eastern Little League with heavy practices occurring there on a regular basis in the springtime; from a traffic perspective, he would not like to see the situation exacerbated; the parking is out of control on Farmington, particularly when school is in session; he agrees that Montessori Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 7 has an excellent reputation and provides a great program, but this site is not good for such a use; he cannot support the project. Floyd Asked Ms. Sutton to return to the lectem to answer questions regarding why this school is moving. Ms. Sutton Stated that it was her understanding that the property was purchased from an attorney and his wife who submitted the application in 1995 which was approved for the school use; the applicants wish to downsize from the present location in the shopping center at the corner of San Juan and Red Hill to the location presented in this evening's application; the rents in commercial areas are going up; they own the home where the school is intended and have purchased a home on Farmington where the applicant plans to reside. Floyd Noted that he knows how the Montessori schools operate; he drove San Juan today but; since school is not in session, there was no traffic; the Farmington parking situation needs to be enforced by the Police_Department and code enforcement; one of the things he often hears is that there are not enough preschools in the area; every time someone wants to open a preschool, residents resist the idea; after careful study, he supports the project as presented by staff. Lee Asked staff if the traffic is bad enough now that it warrants some sort of sign or signal. Anderson Indicated there is a three-way stop at San Juan and Tustin East Drive now; the interruption warrant could be adjusted and would need to be studied over a 4-8 hour period; Tustin Unified School District will be staggering the start and stop times this year to reduce the traffic congestion. Nielsen Restated there are drop-off times at 7:00 a.m. which staff pointed out on this project. Lee Suggested that the traffic situation needs to be studied for a longer period of time with emphasis on the traffic entering San Juan from Farmington the Commissioners to get a better idea before making a decision. Anderson Answered that if the Commission so directs, that can be done and should be done when school is in session. ~. Lee Indicated he wished the site plan were more complete, including a sign exhibit, before deferring to the Director; all of the weight of the sign's design should not fall on the Director; at this point, he would Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 8 request to continue the item in order to gather more information before making a final decision. Menard Noted that he is in favor of preschools and Montessori; good extended day care is hard to find; however, the site happens to be in the middle of a congested area; traveling down San Juan during the school year to drop off his son and looking for altemate routes to get down Browning to another school at Tustin Memorial, he discovered there is not an easy way to travel early in the morning; he cannot support the project, because the area is too congested; adding to that congestion would be a detriment to the health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding area. Lee Stated he would support continuance until studies can be done while school is in session. Nielsen Suggested that everything about the school is wonderful except the location because of the traffic; he understands the need for day care, but the safety of residents also needs to be considered; nine percent is a large rìùmber when one considers this is not a huge capacity day care; the numbers are getting uncomfortable regarding traffic and parking; if everyone followed the rules and did what they were supposed to do, things would be easier; when people are in a hurry in the moming, they do not always follow the regulations; the location simply does not work for this use. Lee Stated that if a study is done and the result is that there would not be an impact on Farmington and San Juan, he would be inclined to approve the project. Nielsen Asked Mr. Anderson when the existing study was done. Anderson Indicated the study covered a 24-hour period on Thursday, December 9, 2004. Nielsen Asked what period of time that occurred. Anderson Reiterated that the study was performed during a 24-hour period. Floyd Asked for clarification regarding the drop-off period. Nielsen Stated the primary objection is the drop-off from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. will be the same time as the other schools in the neighborhood. Floyd Suggested that a street that now accommodates approximately 1 ,600 students is not going to be impacted by adding 49 students at staggered drop-off times. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 9 Nielsen Referred to the nine percent increase and the fact that the area is already impacted; traffic is a severe issue; nine percent in a normal situation may not be much, but any increase will exacerbate an existing problem. Floyd Noted that the testimony suggested people are in favor of the school; he understands the dilemma faced by the residents, but 49 Montessori students are not going to cause an impact; day care was approved at this location in 1995. Nielsen Suggested that the public schools were not as large ten years ago; this is a tough situation and a tough decision, because it is a good project; however, this is an impacted area. Asked for a motion. It was moved by Lee, seconded by Floyd, to continue the item. The vote was split 2-2. Nielsen Asked for a motion to adopt Resolution Nos. 3979 and 3980. -- It was moved by Floyd, seconded by Menard, to adopt the above resolutions. Motion denied 3-1 . ( , Director Asked for clarification regarding the Commission's desire to deny the project; it would be appropriate for the Commission to direct staff to prepare a resolution of denial and to give staff direction regarding what needs to be included in the resolution of denial; the general focus seems to be traffic and on-street parking. Menard Stated he was also concerned about the square footage which was not addressed in detail earlier; the building square footage and the number of staff and students suggest a six-by-six-foot space per person; more information is needed regarding the State's requirements. Director Asked if that was the consensus of the majority of the Commissioners; if so, a motion and a second would be needed. Nielsen Suggested the major consensus involved concerns for the traffic- impacted area, the parking, and the safety of the residents; and, asked what the point of order was. Retterer Stated the Commissioners would need to make a motion directing staff to return with a resolution of denial. /' Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 10 It was moved by Menard, seconded by Nielsen, that the adoption of Resolution Nos. 3979 and 3980 be declined. The vote was split 2- 2. Nielsen Clarified that Commissioners Floyd and Lee were opposed to denying the resolutions. Lee Stated he was in favor of continuing the item until more information can be gathered regarding the traffic issues and State requirements referred to by Commissioner Menard. Nielsen Suggested that a motion be drafted to deny the existing resolutions and redirect staff. Lee Asked staff what the Commission's options might be. Retterer Stated there could be a motion to deny the project without prejudice, giving the applicant the opportunity to reapply. Indicated he did feel that would be appropriate. Lee Floyd Agreed with Commissioner Lee. Lee Asked staff if it would be possible to make another motion to continue. Director Stated her understanding there was not a motion on the floor; the Chair could call for another motion. Menard Moved that the item be continued until all the Planning Commissioners could be present. Nielsen Made a motion to direct staff to complete a more in-depth traffic study during times that the schools are in session and the sports campaigns are in session in order to address the concerns expressed at this meeting before the entire Commission. Floyd Seconded the motion. Director Indicated she was not sure what timeframe was being proposed for the continuance; staff spent a considerable amount of time and City's dollars preparing the environmental documentation; it might be appropriate for the applicant to prepare the traffic analysis and the City to review the analysis; perhaps the Commission should table the item to give staff time to perform the analysis and re- notice the item when it is appropriate, taking into consideration the traffic and other environmental-related issues. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 11 Floyd Nielsen Retterer Nielsen Adopted Resolution No. 3985 8:26 p.m. Ortlieb Floyd Ortlieb Lee Ortlieb 8:31 p.m. Nielsen Menard Asked that the study be done at various times to include the different activities. Asked for a motion to table Resolution Nos. 3979 and 3980. Stated the motion should be to continue the item to a date uncertain, pending further study of the traffic issues presented this evening. It was moved by Floyd to continue the item to a date uncertain, seconded by Menard. Motion carried 4-0. Thanked everyone for attending the meeting. 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 05-023 REQUESTING TO ESTABLISH A 2,200 SQUARE FOOT MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO IN A SECOND FLOOR SUITE AT 1631 EDINGER AVENUE, SUITE 201. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE INDUSTRIAL (M) ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3985 approving Conditional Use Permit 05-023. ( \ The Public Hearing opened. Presented the s~aff report. Asked if the applicant is moving from another location. Indicated he has no information in that regard. Asked if there are other proposed exercise facilities in that center. Answered in the negative The Public Hearing closed. Stated his support of the project. Indicated this type of use is typically not seen at the beginning of a center, but he had no objections and supported the project. It was moved by Lee, seconded by Menard, to adopt Resolution No. 3985. Motion carried 4-0. /~ Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 12 Adopted Resolution No. 3988 8:32 p.m. Ogdon 8:36 p.m. Adopted Resolution 6. Nos. 3989 and 3990 8:38 p.m. Ogdon Nielsen Reverend Judy DePrete 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 05-007 REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH A PALM READER/FORTUNETELLLlNG BUSINESS IN AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL STOREFRONT LOCATED AT 1036 IRVINE BOULEVARD. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE RETAIL COMMERCIAL (C-1) ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3988 approving Conditional Use Permit 05-007. The Public Hearing opened. Presented the staff report. The Public Hearing closed. It was moved by Floyd, seconded by Menard, to adopt Resolution No. 3988. Motion carried 4-0. - USE DETERMINATION 05-002 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 05-025 REQUESTING A USE DETERMINATION TO ESTABLISH A MEETING ROOM AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE IN THE "COMMERCIAL AS PRIMARY" DISTRICT OF THE FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN AND TO CONDITIONALLY PERMIT THE USE AT 624 EAST FIRST STREET. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 3989 approving Use Determination 05-002; and, 2. Adopt Resolution No. 3990 approving Conditional Use Permit 05-025. The Public Hearing opened. Presented the staff report. Invited the applicant to the lectern. Stated she was available for any questions. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 13 Floyd Reverend DePrete Nielsen Reverend DePrete Nielsen Reverend DePrete 8:46 p.m. Adopted Resolution No. 3991 8:48 p.m. ~ -- Asked Reverend DePrete to explain further what the connection is between this center and the Orange County Rescue Mission, Seeds of Light, etc. Stated the operation is an outreach organization; individuals come to the center who have a like awareness of spiritual purpose; funds are gathered from individuals who are interested in reaching out to the world in various ways to help others; the center only provides assistance to other non-profit corporations; the donations come to the center and are then passed on to the local community and some world-wide organizations. Asked if there are facilities other than the meeting room. Answered in the negative. Asked if the center would provide outreach as well as prayer and meditation. Answered in the affirmative. -- The Public Hearing closed. It was moved by Lee, seconded by Menard, to adopt Resolution Nos. 3989 and 3990. Motion carried 4-0. 7. CODE AMENDMENT 05-002 REQUESTING TO: . Change the name of the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee to "Historic Resource Committee." . Add the following language to Tustin City Code Section 9252(c)(5): "The Committee through regular meetings and with review of matters concerning the cultural resources and/or Cultural Resource District shall be available to the City Council and the Planning Commission for advice and counsel regarding the Cultural Resource District." RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3991 recommending that the City Council adopt Code Amendment No. 05-002 to amend Tustin City Code Sections 1561, 9252(C), 9252(g)(3); 9252(h)(2)(a), and 9297 relating to the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee. /~ The Public Hearing opened. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 14 Director Presented the staff report. Floyd Director Asked how many members sit on this Committee. Stated there are five members. Floyd. Asked if all were appointed by the City Council. Director Answered in the affirmative. Nielsen Asked if there are prohibitions against serving concurrently on this Committee and the Planning Commission. Menard Indicated he was required to resign before applying for the Planning Commission. Director Added there are some qualifications required to sit on this Committee. 8:52 p.m. The Public Hearing closed. Lee Asked why the Committee is requesting the name change. Floyd Stated the acronym has negative connotations. Director Noted there are other concems regarding the perception of what the Committee does; the Committee wants it to be clear that they are associated with the historic nature of older buildings in the Old Town area. Menard Indicated that people have applied for the Committee with ballet and art backgrounds, thinking that this Committee had a much broader scope than just the Overlay District; the general public is not aware of the Committee's function. Floyd Asked if the qualifications are laid out so that a ballet instructor would know he or she would not be qualified to sit on the Committee. Director Answered that the qualifications are stated but, when people want to get involved, there may be confusion; there are at-large positions on this Commission, but the role and function of the Committee is stated in the notice of openings. It was moved by Menard, seconded by Floyd, to adopt Resolution No. 3991. Motion carried 4-0. None REGULAR BUSINESS Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 15 STAFF CONCERNS 8. REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THE AUGUST 15, 2005, CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Director Explained to the Planning Commission the reasons for the adoption of Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 1300 regarding self-storage facilities/self-storage mini warehouses within the City; and, stated further updates will be provided for the Planning. Commission. . COMMISSION CONCERNS Lee No concerns. Thanked staff for their guidance and hard work. Menard Thanked staff for the amount of time and effort they put into the Montessori application. . Reminded everyone that this is the week for Broadway in the Park; and, asked everyone to support the Tustin Fine Arts Association by coming out to see "Fiddler on the Roof." ~ Floyd Thanked staff for their hard work. Stated that "Fiddler on the Roof' is expected to be the biggest, most successful, record-breaking production in the five-year period that Broadway in the Park has existed; and, thanked the City for supporting this worthy event. Nielsen Asked everyone to also support the volunteer fund raising booths that support Tustin High School and other good causes. Thanked staff for this evening's reports, especially the Montessori School project. ADJOURNMENT 9:01 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, September 12, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Minutes - Planning Commission 8-22-05 - Page 16 T