HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 CSI VEHICLE SURPLUS 11-7-05
Agenda Item ~
Reviewed: If
City Manager
Finance Director
Through a state CLEEP technology grant, the Police Department obtained a 2002 Ford
E-450 box truck to be used as a Crime Scene Investigation vehicle. This vehicle has
proven ineffective and oversized for its intended use. The Police Department has
received an offer from North Las Vegas Police Department to purchase the vehicle.
Accordingly, the police department is requesting that Council declare the vehicle surplus
and allow the sale of the vehicle to North Las Vegas; and with funds obtained from the
sale, allow the Police Department to purchase two (2) smaller alternate vehicles to
replace it. The replacement vehicles will be specifically marked and designated for CSI
and civilian report writer's use in the field, thereby reducing the use of marked patrol
units by civilian personnel.
1. Council declare surplus the 2002 Ford E-450 box truck, identified as Police
Department Unit #3440 and approve the sale of said vehicle to North Las Vegas
Police Department in the amount of $67,500.
2. Council approve use of the funds obtained from the sale of the CSI Vehicle for
the purchase of two (2) replacement vehicles for the Police Department.
None, the sale of the larger box truck will net sufficient funds to purchase and outfit two
smaller mini-van or SUV type vehicles. Any remaining funds following the purchase and
conversion of the minivans will be returned to the General Fund.
In 2002, prior to the formation of the Police Department's Crime Scene Investigation
Unit, the department received funding through a state CLEEP technology grant to
purchase a crime scene investigation vehicle. Said grant monies were only available for
a limited amount of time, and with no field CSI experience, a decision was made to
purchase the most complete vehicle that funds would allow. Now, three years following
the vehicle purchase and formation of the crime scene investigation unit, it has become
obvious that the vehicle is less than optimal in meeting our needs.
The box truck is quite large and very tall. Its size restricts access to many crime scenes
and we have experienced several situations where the truck had to be repeatedly
moved to avoid blocking streets and/or impeding traffic. Its height restricts its ability to
maneuver through tighter spaces, i.e. alleys, apartment complexes with garage
overhangs, etc. Its massive size was designed to allow forensic staff to process
evidence in a mobile laboratory situation. In actual use, we have never found the need
to process evidence in the field, making its size unnecessary for effectiveness in Tustin.
Additionally, due to the size of the truck, we are unable to store the vehicle at the Police
Department. Attempts were made to clear parking in the front parking lot of the PD,
however, due to the size of the vehicle and the fact that it overhangs normal parking
spaces, it was hit and damaged on three occasions while parked at City Hall.
Subsequently, the vehicle was moved to City Yard for storage. This off site parking
proves to be inefficient, as staff must expend time retrieving and loading the vehicle
before they can respond to a crime scene; and must return the vehicle and equipment
before they can begin evidence processing at the station. Situations often arise
whereby the vehicle is needed after City Yard operating hours, further slowing the task
of retrieving the vehicle.
Now that the crime scene investigation staff has become a more seasoned unit and
logged extensive hours in the field at varying crime scenes, they feel that a smaller SUV
or minivan type of vehicle with more flexibility and maneuverability would better serve
their needs. Smaller vehicles specifically designed to house CSI equipment and
supplies could be stored in the Police Department parking structure making them readily
available to staff. Because of the secured underground parking, equipment will be
stored in the vehicles, removing the need to load the vehicles before each use.
The intent is for the new vans to double as units for the civilian field report writers when
not in use by CSI staff. This use designates specific vehicles for civilian field personnel
who are currently sharing marked patrol units with police officers. This not only frees up
the marked patrol units for sworn personnel, but also addresses the dilemma of
differentiating between sworn and civilian personnel in the field.
Once the decision was made to explore the options to replace the box truck, research
was conducted into the CLEEP grant regulations to determine if there were restrictions
to the sale of the vehicle. Following contact with several state CLEEP representatives,
we were assured that there exist no restrictions on our ability to sell or otherwise
dispose of the vehicle.
We then contacted the original vehicle supplier, Mattman, Inc., for a formal estimate on
the value of the vehicle. Mattman estimated the current market value of the vehicle,
inclusive of existing cabinetry and radio equipment, at between $70,000 and $80,000.
Mattman did however caution us that due to the specialized nature of the unit and
customizable options, there is no concrete method of determining a value other than
"what the market will bear." (See attached appraisaL)
Police department staff, in cooperation with the vehicle manufacturer, used every
means available to reach a limited market for this type of specialty vehicle. Regional
teletypes were issued, a sale flyer showcasing the vehicle was distributed and the
vehicle was featured at the two largest law enforcement trade shows in the country,
both on the east coast and the west coast. (See attached flyer.)
The Police Department has taken great care to insure that the vehicle has been
exposed in all possible venues in an attempt to advertise the sale, and assess what the
market would bear in price. Once this research was concluded, it was decided that a
reasonable asking price for the vehicle, and one that would be supported by the market,
was $70,000. Three agencies initially expressed interest in purchasing the vehicle at
that price range. Both Buena Park Police Department and Corona Police Department
were interested and made attempts to obtain funding so they could make an offer.
Ultimately, both agencies were unable to obtain funding and withdrew from the process.
The third agency, North Las Vegas Police Department, saw the vehicle when it was
displayed for sale at the CopsWest trade show in Ontario in early October. Following a
trip to our department by several members of their agency, they made a formal offer for
the vehicle of $67,500. Although this is lower than our asking price of $70,000, their
offer does not include the police radio installed in the truck. The mobile radio value is
nearly $5,000 and we will be able to reuse this equipment in another vehicle. The radio
value added to the offered price, ($72,500) nets the City more than the asking price.
With this in mind, the offer appears to be fair and reasonable. (See attached offer).
Attached to this report is the appraisal estimate from Mattman, Inc., the advertisement
flyer prepared for trade show display, and the written offer from North Las Vegas Police
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Chief of Police
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June 10,2005
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
To Whom It May Concern:
After our review of the City of Tustin CSI vehicle, it is our opinion that fair market value would be between $70,000 and
$80,000. This is based primarily on the specific buyer that would be required for this type of vehicle and the limited
number of such buyer.
Should you require any additional information, piease feel free to contact us at anytime.
Ted Carlson
Regional Sales Manager
760-746-9516 x223
For Sale - CSI Vehicle
. 2000 Ford E-450 Diesel Chassis
. Built by MA TTMAN
. Less than 2000 miles
. $80K as equipped
. CSI Equipment and Police Radio not included
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For complete information contact:
Master Officer R. Casiello, Fleet Operations Tustin PD
714573- 3212 office or 714 904-1873 cell
E-mail rcasiello@tustinca.org
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Council Members
William E. Robin!on
Stephanie S. Smith
Shari Buek
Robert L. EIi..on
City Monoger
Gregory E. R..e
Mich.el L. Monlandon
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Public Works Department, James A. Bell, P.E., Director
SO Eo.t Brook. Avenue' Nortb Lo. Voao" Nevad. 89030
Telephone; (702)633-1313 . Fox; (702)633-1909 -TDD: (800)326-6868
OctOber 19, 200S
Master Officer R. Casiello
Fleet Operations
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Dear Master Officer ClI$ieJIo:
Letter of Intent
In consideratiOn for the 2002 Mailman CSI van, reported vin nUJl1ber IFDWE45F32HA8134S, tho City of
North La! Vegas is offering a purchase price of $67,500 as per the sales flyer that was given OUt at Cops West in
Ontario, California, on October II and 12, 2ooS. Thia offer is contingent upon approval of the City nf North Las
Vegas Council.
We umlerstand Ihat the police radio is nOt included and all Tustin Police graphic! will be removed prior to delivery.
Aner reviewing the van and speaking directly with your sraff, we request that OUr radio shop remove the radio and
we will coverexpellse! to mail the radio back to your agency. Your staff advised that yourdeparanent would deliver
the van to North Los Vegas but the van needs to be delivered to Thunderworks in Santee, California for upgrades.
If you bave any questions, please contact Officer But. at 702/633-1714.
olIn Runiks
Acting Assistant Director of Pllblic Works
Transportation Service.
cc: Florence Buchanan, Police Department
Rick Trimble. Fleet Services
Dwight Rawlinson, Purchasing
Alfonso Noyola. Police Department