HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 86-1392 5 9 )0 19 2O RESOLUTION #86-139 28 Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin approving the application for grant funds under the Community Parklands Act of 1986 for the Tustin ARea Senior Center/Peppertree Park renovation. WHEREAS~ the people o~ the State enacted the Community Parklands Act o¢ ?unds t o the St at e o ~ Ca 1 i ?om ia and subd iris ions ~or acqu i ring .and deve Iop ing public recreational and historical purposes Cali?ornia have which provides its political ?aci lit ies t¢°or and WHEREAS~ the State Department o¢ Parks and Recreation ham been de!egated the responmibilitw ?or the administration o? the program wi th in the State~ setting up necessary procedure~ governing application by local agencie~ under the program; and · WHEREAS ¢ said procedures estab 1 ished by the State Department o¢ Parks and Recreation require (he applicant to certiCy by Resolution the approval o¢ applications be¢ore submission o¢ aaid applications to the state;, and WHEREAS~ said application~ contain a~urancem.that applicant mu~t comply with; and the WHEREAS ~ the app 1 icant ag reemen t w i t h t he S.t a t e o ¢ development~ rehabilitation or agency w i 11 en t e r i n t o an Cai i ¢ornia ?or acquis i t ion., restorat ion o¢ the projects; NOW., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED that the City o¢ Tumtin hereby: the City Council o~' 1. App roves t he ¢ i 1 i ng Pa rk 1 ands Ac t o ¢ 1986 above project: o¢ an app I icat ion ¢or Commun i ty state grant assistance ¢or the · Certi¢ie5 that sa id agency understands the assurances and certi?ication in the application Corm; and Certi¢ies that said agency ham or wil I ha,is su¢¢icient Cunds to operate and maintain the project: and · Certi¢iem that said agencies will complete wi th in three year~ eros date o¢ appro'.~al by and the. project the State.; Resolution ~86-1~9 Page 2 2 Appointe the City Manager am agent o¢ the Csty o¢ Tumtin to conduct all negotiations~ execute and eubmit a I I document s ~ i nc Iud i ng but - no t I i m i t ed t o application~ agreements~ amendments~ pas, ment requests~ and so on~ which may De necessary, ~or the completion o~ the aforementioned p~oject. 10 ATTEST: 19 2O 21 23 2~ 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California~ does hereby certify that the .whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 86-139 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of 6he City Cx)uncil held on the 1st day of December, 1986, by the following ~te: AYES · (DUNCILPERSONS: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kelly, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES : COUNCILPERSONS: None ABSENT- CDUNCILPE~S · None City of. Tusk{n, Califok~ia .:. .. ,