HomeMy WebLinkAboutFamilies Forward From: noreolv(abaran icusideas.com
To: Yasuda, Erica;Woodward,Carrie;City Clerk
Subject: New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City Council and Special Meeting of the City Council
Date: Tuesday,April 21,2020 12:03:31 PM
New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City
Council and Special Meeting of the City Council
Guest User submitted a new eComment.
Meeting: Regular Meeting of the City Council and Special Meeting of the City Council
AND 2019-20 ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT The Housing and Community Development Act of
197 4, as amended, established the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to
return federal funds to local communities for the purpose of developing viable urban communities
by providing decent housing, suitable living environments, and by expanding economic
opportunities, specifically for low and moderate income persons. To participate in the CDBG
program, the City is required to prepare a Consolidated Plan that identifies needs for affordable
and supportive housing, community development, public services, and economic opportunities.
The Consolidated Plan is required every five years. Annually, the City is also required to prepare
a one-year Action Plan that implements the goals and objectives contained in the Consolidated
Plan. The documents set forth in Resolution No. 20-18 fulfill these requirements. On February
26, 2020, the Citizen Participation Committee held the first required public hearing to receive
public input and testimony, considered and provided staff with direction on the 2020-2025
Consolidated Plan Goals and Priority Needs; and, considered and provided a recommendation
to the City Council on allocations for public service funding requests for the Program Year 2020-
21 Action Plan. On April 2, 2020, the City of Tustin received a special allocation to its Community
Development Block grant funds (hereafter referred to as CDBG-CV) to be used to prevent,
prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19). This allocation was authorized by the
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)Act, enacted on March 27, 2020. An
amendment to the 2019-20 Action Plan is being proposed, which would allocate CD BG-CV
funds to new activity(ies ).
eComment: On behalf of Families Forward, thank you for the opportunity to receive vital funding
support through the City of Tustin's Community Development Block Grant program. We have
long partnered with the City of Tustin to serve the most vulnerable residents - families
experiencing and at risk of homelessness. This funding support is critical to our mission to serve
Tustin families in crisis. The reality is that today we are facing an unprecedented need in our
community. As our worlds have been turned upside down overnight, many families find
themselves unable to sustain their housing and in turn we have seen a dramatic increase in
request for housing and supportive services. Families Forward has continued to operate without
interruption since social distancing measures went into effect March 16, while nearly 50 food
pantries in Orange County closed their doors as a result of the pandemic. We now have a drive-
thru food pantry and within the first month we saw a 1,000% increase in demand. To put that in
perspective, last year we served 153 Tustin families with food services and over the last month
we have already served 210 Tustin families! The need is incredible and we are here to meet that
need. In the month of March we safely housed 20 Orange County families who were previously
navigating this crisis without a roof over their head and safe place to isolate. Through this
uncertainty there is more work to be done and we are committed to ensuring that every family
has a safe place to call home, now and always. Our staff are dedicated and our drive to provide
the most vulnerable in our community with the support they need has never been higher. Thank
you for your support. Together, we can provide a beacon of hope and stability for families in
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