HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 FIVE YEAR PERMANENT HOUSING ALLOCATION PLANDocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D 1�Y O AGENDA REPORT ►s� Agenda Item 8 Reviewed: City Manager D5W Finance Director �a MEETING DATE: MAY 19, 2020 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER & HOUSING AUTHORITY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: TUSTIN HOUSING AUTHORITY SUBJECT: FIVE-YEAR PERMANENT LOCAL HOUSING ALLOCATION PLAN SUMMARY In accordance with the 2017 Building Homes and Jobs Act, Senate Bill 2 (SB2), the City is seeking authorization to submit a Five -Year Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Application to the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Tustin Housing Authority Commissioners take the following action: • Approve the Five -Year Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Plan. It is recommended the City Council take the following actions: • Adopt City Council Resolution 20-28, adopting the Five -Year PLHA Plan; and • Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute the PLHA Program Application, the PLHA Standard Agreement and any subsequent amendments or modifications related to the Program or the PLHA grant. FISCAL IMPACT In the first year of the PLHA Plan, the City will receive $385,545. The allocation will partially fund the Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter and will be a 5 -year resource for homeless services funding. It is estimated the City will receive $2,313,270 during the five- year time period. a DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D Agenda Report May 19, 2020 Page 2 CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN The five-year PLHA Plan contributes to Goal A of the City's Strategic Plan, enhancing the vibrancy and quality of life in all neighborhoods and areas of the community. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION In 2017, Governor Brown signed the Building Homes and Jobs Act (SB2), which established a $75 recording fee on real estate documents in order to provide a funding source for affordable housing in California. Since the number of real estate transactions recorded in each county will vary from year to year, the revenues collected will fluctuate but S132 provides a permanent source of funding for local governments to implement plans that increase the affordable housing stock in the following manners: • Increase the supply of housing for households at or below 60% of area median income • Increase assistance to affordable owner -occupied workforce housing • Assist persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness • Facilitate housing affordability, particularly for lower- and moderate -income households • Promote projects and programs to meet the local government's unmet share of regional housing needs allocation In submitting the PLHA Program Application, the City must meet all of the following threshold requirements for participation in the formula allocation - 1 . llocation: 1. The PLHA Plan must be approved and adopted by Resolution. 2. The City's Housing Element must be in substantial compliance with state Housing Element Law. 3. The City submitted the General Plan's Annual Progress Report to HCD by April 1, 2020. 4. PLHA funds distributed through a selection process to a program operator did not have any conflicts and was accessible. The Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter opened March 2019 and the City's PLHA allocation will partially fund the shelter's operation and contribute towards the City's efforts in assisting persons who are experiencing homelessness. As of this time, staff have identified all funding received during the five-year PLHA Plan will be expended on operating the homeless shelter. While the City has the flexibility to move up to ten percent (10%) of the funding allocation each year to other affordable housing activities, changes in funding distribution greater than 10% require an amendment to the five-year PLHA Plan. PLHA program guidelines do not allow more than five percent of the allocation to be expended on administration. 103 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D Agenda Report May 19, 2020 Page 3 In establishing the Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter, the City Council declared a shelter emergency. Under the urgency of a declared shelter emergency and a Federal court order to open a shelter within 120 days, the City asked two (2) nonprofits with experience operating shelters to submit proposals. One nonprofit declined and the City chose Temporary Shelter Inc, a secular affiliate of the Orange County Rescue Mission, to operate the shelter. The City has been notified that HCD has temporarily accepted the City's selection process under the condition the City conducts a procurement process for selecting a shelter operator when the current TSI agreement expires in March 2021. The PLHA Plan provides the following information: (A) The manner in which allocated funds will be used for eligible activities. (B) A description of the way the City will prioritize investments that increase the supply of housing for households with incomes at or below 60 percent of Area Median Income. Programs serving the homeless meet the requirement. (C) A description of how the Plan is consistent with the programs set forth in the City's Housing Element. (D) A description of how allocated funds will be used for the proposed Activity. (E) A description of major steps/actions and a proposed schedule for the implementation and completion of the Activity. Per HCD requirements, a public notice was published in the Irvine World News on April 30, 2020, informing the public of the five-year PLHA Plan. On May 1, 2020, the Plan was made available for public review on the City of Tustin Economic Development Department's home page. The public was invited to comment on the Plan during the ten (10) day review period between May 1, 2020 and May 12, 2020. Any public comments recived will be presented to the City Council at the time of the meeting. Staff recommends PLHA Plan and the City Manager to requirements. (,%,Mfap�v dos tr Christopher Koster the Tustin Housing Authority Commissioners approve the five-year City Council adopt City Council Resolution 20-28 and authorize the execute all necessary PLHA Program Application document Jerry Craig Director of Economic Development Deputy Director of Business Tustin Housing Authority Services & Housing Tustin Housing Authority Attachment: City Council Resolution 20-28 Permanent Local Housing Allocation (SB2) Application 104 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D RESOLUTION NO. 20-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE FIVE-YEAR PERMANENT LOCAL HOUSING APPLICATION PLAN THE CITY OF TUSTIN HEREBY CONSENTS TO, ADOPTS AND RATIFIES THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: A. WHEREAS, the State of California (the "State"), Department of Housing and Community Development ("Department") is authorized to provide up to $195 million under the SB 2 Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Formula Component from the Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund for assistance to Cities and Counties (as described in Health and Safety Code section 50470 et seq. (Chapter 364, Statutes of 2017 (SB 2))); B. WHEREAS, the Department issued a Notice of Funding Availability ("NOFA") dated February 26, 2020, under the Permanent Local Housing Allocation ("PLHA") Program; C. WHEREAS, the City of Tustin is an eligible Local government applying for the program to administer one or more eligible activities, or a Local or Regional Housing Trust Fund to whom an eligible Local government delegated its PLHA formula allocation; D. WHEREAS the Department may approve funding allocations for PLHA Program, subject to the terms and conditions of the Guidelines, NOFA, Program requirements, the Standard Agreement and other contracts between the Department and PLHA grant recipients; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT 1. If the City of Tustin receives a grant of PLHA funds from the Department pursuant to the above referenced PLHA NOFA, it represents and certifies that it will use all such funds in a manner consistent and in compliance with all applicable state and federal statutes, rules, regulations, and laws, including without limitation all rules and laws regarding the PLHA Program, as well as any and all contracts the City of Tustin may have with the Department. 2. The City of Tustin is hereby authorized and directed to receive a PLHA grant, in an amount not to exceed the five-year estimate of the PLHA formula allocations, as stated in Appendix C of the current NOFA, $2,313,270, in accordance with all applicable rules and laws. 3. The City of Tustin hereby agrees to use the PLHA funds for eligible activities as approved by the Department and in accordance with all Program requirements, Guidelines, other rules and laws, as well as in a manner consistent and in compliance with the Standard Agreement and other contracts between the Applicant and the Department. 105 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D 4. The City of Tustin certifies that it will allocate its PLHA funds to another entity. Pursuant to Guidelines Section 302(c)(3), "entity" means a housing developer or program operator, but does not mean an administering Local government to whom a Local government may delegate its PLHA allocation. 5. The City of Tustin certifies that its selection process of the subgrantee was accessible to the public and avoided any conflicts of interest. 6. Pursuant to the City of Tustin's certification in this resolution, the PLHA funds will be expended only for eligible Activities and consistent with all program requirements. 7. The City of Tustin shall be subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Standard Agreement, the PLHA Program Guidelines and any other applicable SB 2 Guidelines published by the Department. 8. Matthew S. West, City of Tustin City Manager, or his designee is authorized to execute the PLHA Program Application, the PLHA Standard Agreement and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto, aswell as any other documents which are related to the Program or the PLHA grant awarded to Applicant, as the Department may deem appropriate. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City Tustin at a regular meeting on the 19th day of May, 2020. DR. ALLAN BERNSTEIN MAYOR ATTEST: ERICA N. YASUDA CITY CLERK Resolution 20-28 Page 2 of 3 106 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) ERICA N. YASUDA, City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 20-28 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 19th day of May, 20207 by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: ERICA N. YASUDA, CITY CLERK Resolution 20-28 Page 3 of 3 107 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D Local Government Formula Allocation Rev. 2126120 Eligible Applicant Type: Entitlement Local Government Recipient of PLHA Formula Allocation: ITustin Approximate PLHA Formula Allocation Amount: 385,545 JAIlowable Local Admin (5%): $19,277 Instructions: If the Local Government Recipient of the PLHA Formula Allocation delegated its PLHA formula allocation to a Local Housing Trust Fund or to another Local Government, the Applicant (for which information is required below) is the Local Housing Trust Fund or administering Local Government. The PLHA award will be made to the Applicant (upon meeting threshold requirements) and the Applicant is responsible for meeting all program requirements throughout the term of the Standard Agreement. The 302(c)(4) Plan template worksheet requires first choosing one or more ofthe Eligible Activities listed below. If "Yes" is clicked, the 302(c)(4) Plan worksheet opens a series of questions about what precise activities are planned. Some specific activities, such as providing downpayment assistance to lower-income households for acquisition of an affordable home, could be included under either Activity 2 or 9. Please only choose one ofthose Activities; don't list the down payment assistance under both Activities. If the PLHA funds are used for the same Activity but for different Area Median Income (AMI) level, select the same Activity twice (or more times) and the different AMI level the Activity will serve. Please enter the percentage of funds allocated to the Activity in only the first Activity listing to avoid double counting the funding allocation. Eligible Applicants §300 §300(a) Eligible Applicants for the entitlement formula component described in Section §100(b)(1) are limited to the metropolitan cities and urban counties allocated a grantforthe federal fiscal year2017 pursuantto the federal CDBG formula specified in 42 USC, Section §5306. Applicant ICity of Tustin Address 1300 Centennial Way City: ITustin I State: ICA Zi 92780 1 County: Orange §300(d) Is Applicant delegated by another Local government to administer on its behalf its formula allocation of program funds? No §300(d) If Applicant answered "Yes" above, has the Applicant attached the legally binding agreement required by §300 (c) and (d)? N/A File Name: App1 Resolution PLHA webpage for Resolution Document Attached and on USB? Yes File Name: App1 Signature Block Signature Block - upload in Microsoft Word Document Attached and on USB? Yes File Name: App1 TIN Taxpayer Identification Number Document Attached and on USB? Yes File Name: Applicant Agreement Legally binding agreement between Delegating and Administering Local Attached and on USB? N/A Governments Eligible Activities, §301 §301(a) Eligible activities are limited to the following: Included? §301 (a)(1) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of multifamily, residential live -work, rental housing that is affordable to Extremely low -,Very low-, Low-, or Moderate -income households, including necessary operating subsidies - ubsidies.§301(a)(2)Thepredevelopment,development,acquisition,rehabilitation, YES §301 (a)(2) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation,and preservation ofaffordable rental and ownership housing, including Accessory Dwelling YES Units (ADUs), that meets the needs of a growing workforce earning up to 120 percent of AMI, or 150 percent of AMI in high-cost areas. ADUs shall be available for occupancy for a term of no less than 30 days. §301(a)(3) Matching portions of funds placed into Local or Regional Housing Trust Funds. YES §301(a)(4) Matching portions of funds available through the Low- and Moderate -Income Housing Asset Fund pursuant to subdivision (d) of HSC Section 34176. YES §301(a)(5) Capitalized Reserves for services connected to the preservation and creation of new permanent supportive housing. YES §301(a)(6) Assisting persons who are experiencing or At -risk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, providing rapid re -housing, rental assistance, YES supportive/case management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shelters, and the new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional housing. §301(a)(7) Accessibility modifications in Lower-income Owner -occupied housing. YES §301(a)(8) Efforts to acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed or vacant homes and apartments. YES §301(a)(9) Homeownership opportunities, including, but not limited to, down payment assistance. YES §301(a)(10) Fiscal incentives made by a county to a city within the county to incentivize approval of one or more affordable housing Projects, or matching funds invested by a county in an affordable housing development Project in a city within the county, provided that the city has made an equal or greater investment in the YES Project. The county fiscal incentives shall be in the form ofa grant or low-interest loan to an affordable housing Project. Matching funds investments by both the county and the city also shall be a grant or low-interest deferred loan to the affordable housing Project. Threshold Requirements, §302 §302(a) Housing Element compliance: Applicant or Delegating Local Government's Housing Element was adopted by the Local Government's governing body bythe application deadline and subsequently determined to be in substantial compliance with state Housing Element Law pursuant to Government Code Section 65585. Yes §302(b)ApplicantorDelegatingLoralGovernmenthassubmittedthecurrentorprioryearsAnnualProgressReporttotheDepartmentofHousingandCommunity Yes Development pursuantto Govememnt Code Section 65400. §302(c)(2)Applicant certifies that submission of the application was authorized by the governing board of the Applicant- Yes §302(c)(3) Applicant certifies that, if the Local Government proposes allocation of funds for any activity to another entity, the Local government's selection process had no Yes conflicts of interest and was accesible to the public. §302(c)(4) Does the application include a Plan in accordance with §302(c)(4)? Yes §302(c)(4)(D) Applicant certifies that the Plan was authorized and adopted by resolution bythe Local Government and that the public had an adequate opportunity to Yes review and comment on its content §302(c)(5) Applicant certifies that the Plan submitted is for a term of five years. Local Governments agree to inform the Department of changes made to the Plan in each Yes succeedina vear ofthe term ofthe Plan. §302(c)(6) Applicant certifies that itwill ensure compliance with §302(c)(6) iffunds are used for the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation offor-sale housing projects Yes or units within for -sale housing projects. §302(c)(7) Applicant certifies that itwill ensure that the PLHA assistance is in the form of a low-interest, deferred loan to the Sponsor ofthe Project, iffunds are used for Yes the development ofan Affordable Rental Housing Development. The loan shall be evidenced through a Promissory Note secured by a Deed of Trust. §302(c)(8) Has Applicant attached a program income reuse plan describing how repaid loans will be reused for eligible activities specified in Section 301? Yes Administration Applicant a rees to adhere to 500, Accounting Records. Yes Applicant agrees to adhere to §501, Audits/Monitoring of PLHA Files. Yes Applicant agrees to adhere to §502, Cancellation(Termination. Yes Applicant agrees to adhere to §503, Reporting. Yes Certifications On behalf of the entity identified below, I certify that: The information, statements and attachments included in this application are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct and I possess the legal authority to submit this application on behalf ofthe entity identified in the signature block. Matthew S. West City Manager Authorized Representative Printed Name Title Signature Date Entity name I City of Tustin Phone Number: 714-573-3121 Entity Address 300 Centennial WayCity Tustin State CA Zip 92780 Vlocation Application 108 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D §302(c)(4) Plan Rev. 2126/20 §302(c)(4)(A) Describe the manner in which allocated funds will be used for eligible activities. In March 2019, the City of Tustin in partnership with Temporary Shelter, Inc (TSI) opened the Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter, a 57 -bed, low barrier emergency shelter. 100% of Tustin's Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) will partially fund TSI's operation of the shelter. The City will use other funding sources to fully fund the shelter's operation. In establishing the Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter, the City Council declared a shelter emergency. Under the urgency of a declared shelter emergency and a Federal court order to open a shelter within 120 days, the City asked two (2) nonprofits with experience operating shelters to submit proposals. One nonprofit declined and the City chose Temporary Shelter Inc, a secular affiliate of the Orange County Rescue Mission, to operate the shelter. The City has been notified that HCD has temporarily accepted the City's selection process underthe condition the City conducts a procurement process for selecting a shelter operatorwhen the current TSI agreement expires in March 2021. §302(c)(4)(B) Provide a description of the waythe Local government will prioritize investments that increase the supply of housing for households with incomes at or below 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI). PLHA funding will only be allocated to homless services and, as such, serving the homeless meets the requirement to prioritize investments that increase the supply of housing for households with incomes at or below60 % AMI. §302(c)(4)(C) Provide a description of how the Plan is consistent with the programs set forth in the Local Government's Housing Element. Goal 1 of the City of Tustin's Housing Element is to provide housing for low- and very -low income families throughout the community. The City's plan to use 100% of PLHA funds toward housing the homeless meets Goal 1 and its associated policies addressing housing accommodations and the homeless. Activities Detail (Activities Detail (Must Make a Selection on Formula Allocation Application worksheet under Eligible Activities, §301)) §301(a)(1) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of multifamily, residential live -work, rental housing that is affordable to extremely low -,very low-, low-, or moderate -income households, including necessary Operating subsidies. §301(a)(2) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of Affordable rental and ownership housing, including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), that meets the needs of a growing workforce earning up to 120 percent of AMI, or 150 percent of AMI in high-cost areas. ADUs shall be available for occupancy for a term of no less than 30 days. §301(a)(3) Matching portions of funds placed into Local or Regional Housing Trust Funds. §301(a)(4) Matching portions of funds available through the Low- and Moderate -Income Housing Asset Fund pursuant to subdivision (d) of HSC Section 34176. §301(a)(5) Capitalized Reserves for Services connected to the preservation and creation of new permanent supportive housing. §301(a)(6) Assisting persons who are experiencing or At risk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, providing rapid rehousing, rental assistance, supportive/case management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shelters, and the new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional housing. §302(c)(4)(E)(i) Provide a description of how allocated funds will be used for the proposed Activity. The Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter is a safe, clean and dignified low barrier emergency shelter. The shelter is built on a human scale not an industrial scale, with semi- private living spaces, integrated health care, 24 -Hour/ seven -day -a -week intake & orientation, and 24 -Hour Access to Orange County Behavioral Health staff. The shelter serves as a first -step opportunity with a focus on moving guests forward towards self-sufficiency and healing by providing strategic pathways and interventions that lead to ending their homelessness. 100% of PHLA will be allocated towards operation of the emergency shelter. Complete the table below for each proposed Activity to be funded with 2019-2023 PLHA allocations. If a single Activity will be assisting households at more than one level of Area Median Income, please list the Activity as many times as needed to capture all of the AMI levels that will be assisted, but only show the percentage of annual funding allocated to the Activity onetime (to avoid double counting). Funding Allocation Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Type of Activity for Persons E L L L L Experiencing or At Risk of E Homelessness E v) w u) w E ai w E ai w E ai w §302(c)(4)(E)(i) Percentage of Funds Allocated for the 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Proposed Activity §302(c)(4)(E)(ii) Area Median 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% TOTAL Income Level Served PLHA Page 1 302(c)(4) Plan 109 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D §302(c)(4)(E)(ii) Unmet share N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 of the RHNA at AMI Level §302(c)(4)(E)(ii) Projected 57 57 57 57 57 285 Number of Households Served §302(c)(4)(E)(iv) Period of Affordability for the Proposed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Activity (55 years required for rental housing projects) §302(c)(4)(E)(iii) A description of major steps/actions and a proposed schedule for the implementation and completion of the Activity. PLHA funds will be used to partially fund the continued operation of the Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter. As noted above, the shelter has been operational since March 2019 and the City will continue to provide homeless services during the five-year Permanent Local Housing Application period. 301(a)(7) Accessibility modifications in Lower-income Owner -occupied housing. §301(a)(8)Efforts to acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed or vacant homes and apartments. §301(a)(9) Homeownership opportunities, including, but not limited to, down payment assistance - ssistance.§301(a)(10) §301 (a)(1 0)Fiscal incentives made by a county to a city within the county to incentivize approval of one or more affordable housing Projects, or matching funds invested by a county in an affordable housing development Project in a city within the county, provided that the city has made an equal or greater investment in the Project. The county fiscal incentives shall be in the form of a grant or low-interest loan to an affordable housing Project. Matching funds investments by both the county and the city also shall be a grant or low-interest deferred loan to the affordable housing Project. §302(c)(4)(D) Evidence that the Plan was authorized and adopted by resolution by File Name: Plan Adoption the Local jurisdiction and that the public had an adequate opportunity to review and Attached and on USB? comment on its content. PLHA Page 2 302(c)(4) Plan 110 DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D PLHA Page 1 Legislative Contacts Legislative and Congressional Information I Rev. 2126120 Provide the Legislative and Congressional information for the applicant and each activity location, (if different than applicant location), included in this application. To locate or verify the Legislative and Congressional information, click on the respective links below and enter the applicant office location zip code, the activity location site zip code(s) (i. e. zip code(s) where activities are performed), and any additional activity location site(s), as applicable. California State Assembly California State Senate U.S. House of Re resentatives Applicant Office Location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member 68 Steven IChoi State Senate Member 37 John IMoorlach U.S. House of Representatives 45 Katie I Porter Activity Location 1 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 2 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 3 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 4 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 5 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 6 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 7 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 8 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 9 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 10 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 11 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 12 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 13 if different from applicant location PLHA Page 1 Legislative Contacts DocuSign Envelope ID: D10F3CFA-DA04-4C49-B181-OAA6143AEC8D PLHA Page 2 Legislative Contacts E District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 14 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 15 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 16 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 17 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 18 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 20 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 21 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 22 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 23 if different from applicant location District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 24 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 25 (if different from applicant location) District # First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives PLHA Page 2 Legislative Contacts E