HomeMy WebLinkAboutKen Higman From: noreolv(abaran icusideas.com
To: Yasuda, Erica;Woodward,Carrie;City Clerk
Subject: New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City Council
Date: Saturday,May 16,2020 8:43:56 AM
New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City
Guest User submitted a new eComment.
Meeting: Regular Meeting of the City Council
Item: PUBLIC INPUT—At this time, any member of the public may submit comments in writing to
address the Council on matters which are not on this evening's agenda, provided the matter is
within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council.
eComment: Recently saw that parks had reopened on a limited capacity, but track at Columbus
Park remains locked. Despite that, I have seen people using the track on at least 3 different
occasions over the past several weeks (before the recent relaxing of restrictions). When will the
track reopen to the public at large? Do the people seen using the track have special access? I
have obeyed the closure but would like to utilize the track as I'm sure others would as well.
Running on the streets poses more significant threats than the possibility of encountering
another person within 6 ft. I've had several close-calls with cars and cyclists recently- risks that
should be weighed with allowing the public to use the track again with the same distancing
guidelines as any other open public space. When will we be permitted to use the track again?
Ken Higman
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