HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 TETRA TECH AGMNT 12-5-05 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: Finance Director ~ l! City Manager MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2005 TO: WilLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTIWATER SERVICES DIVISION SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO.1 TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TETRA TECH, INC. FOR RAWLINGS RESERVOIR REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PROJECT (CIP NO. 6136) SUMMARY Approval of Amendment No.1 to Consultant Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. is for additional engineering services for the Rawlings Reservoir Repair and Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136). A preliminary design investigation along with geotechnical studies coordinated by Tetra Tech, Inc., has revealed several significant unforeseen project site conditions that will necessitate additional engineering design work. The services will include modification of previous reservoir design alternatives, engineering for a retaining wall investigation/design (including consultation with a specialist for temporary vertical wall shoring/design/ construction), designing a drain line, and preparation of legal descriptions and exhibits. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the change order in the amount of $166,519 for the first amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement between Tetra Tech, Inc. and the City for additional engineering design services for the Rawlings Reservoir Repair and Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136) and authorize the City Manager and the Director of Public Works to execute the amended Consultant Services Agreement on behalf of the City, subject to City Attorney approval. FISCAL IMPACT The City's Capital Improvement Program Budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 provides $1,058,515 for this project (CIP No. 6136). The total cost for the proposed additional engineering services is $166,519. The proposed adjustment will increase the existing contract amount of $277,000 to $443,519. BACKGROUND The City originally entered into a Consultant Services Agreement on November 15, 2004 with Tetra Tech, Inc. for engineering design and geotechnical services for the replacement of the Rawlings Reservoir. In March 2005, the City received from Tetra Tech preliminary demolition plans for the existing reservoir, a preliminary memorandum outlining alternative reservoir concepts, and a geotechnical report. An existing retaining wall on the north side of the project site was found to be monolithically part of the existing reservoir wall footing. This finding warranted the inclusion of a new retaining wall to buttress the existing wall. This activity would affect the phasing and timing of the demolition contract. Tetra Tech also advised the City of the need for a new drain line on Foothill Boulevard to carry drain flow and potential overflow from the new reservoirs to the County storm drain system. Approval of Amendment No.1 to Consultant Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. for Rawlings Reservoir Repair and Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136) December 5, 2005 Page 2 In May 2005, Tetra Tech issued a memorandum summarizing their cost estimates for the new retaining wall. Additionally, it was recommended that the City consider further shoring to address the retaining wall issue along the northerly project boundary. Tetra Tech also informed the City about the presence of a geologic shear zone which affected the reservoir foundation design. This finding changed the scope and direction of the overall project design strategy. In July 2005, Tetra Tech and the City met to discuss design alternatives for the proposed reservoirs. Based on Tetra Tech's analysis, the City opted to reduce the proposed sizing of the two new replacement reservoirs from 3.5 million gallon (MG) to 3.0 MG. In August 2005, Tetra Tech prepared a proposal at the City's request which identified the following tasks required to complete the project design: Property vacation documentation Drain line design Design modification/smaller tanks Initial shoring investigation analysis Additional shoring investigation and design $ 8,000 $ 24,000 $ 23,675 $ 10,844 $100.000 Total: $166,519 The Rawlings Reservoir Repair and Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136) is a critical link in ensuring the City's operational and emergency water storage requirements. The proposed contract amendment will allow the project engineering design to be completed in a timely manner. G~.~ Director of Public Works/City Engineer ~ . . Attachments: Amendment No.1 Proposal for Additional Services, Exhibit "A", TDS: FJA: VS: cog: Amendment No.1 Rawlings Reservoir.doc. AMENDMENT NO.1 to CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT between THE CITY OF TUSTIN and TETRA TECH INC. for PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN/PROJECT REPORT/FINAL DESIGN, LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS, AND SHORING INVESTIGATION AND DESIGN The City of Tustin (herein "CITY") and Tetra Tech Inc., (herein "CONSULTANT") entered into an Agreement on November 15, 2004 (herein "Agreement") for engineering Services for the Rawlings Reservoir Repair and Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136, herein "Project"). Effective , CITY and CONSULTANT wish to enter into this Amendment No.1 as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE CITY has directed CONSULTANT to prepare legal descriptions and exhibits for property vacation and annexation, design a drain line, provide additional engineering design as needed to modify the design concept for the two (2) 3.5 million gallon (MG) reservoirs to two (2) 3.0 MG reservoirs, provide engineering services for a retaining wall investigation and design, including consulting with a specialist for the temporary vertical wall shoring/design/construction work at the Rawlings Reservoir site. SECTION 2. SCOPE OF CONSULTANT'S SERVICES CONSULTANT agrees to furnish to CITY those services, which have been included within the CONSULTANT's proposal, dated August 19, 2005, and included herein as Exhibit "A". SECTION 3. TIME FOR COMPLETION CONSULTANT agrees to endeavor to complete the proposed additional services by July 30, 2006. SECTION 4. COMPENSATION Compensation for the proposed services shall not exceed $166,519.00 as set forth in Exhibit "A" and progress payments will be made as set forth in Section 4 of the original agreement. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No.1 to be executed the date first above written. By: By: By: William A. Huston, City Manager City of Tustin Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Tustin Steve Tedesco, Division Senior Vice President Tetra Tech Inc. 1'11;1 TETRA TECH, INC. August 19, 2005 Mr. Tim Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Reference: Proposal for the Additional Services for the Rawlings Reservoir Project Dear Mr. Serlet As you laJow, there have been several changes identified in the Rawlings Reservoir Project, for tasks that are beyond the original scope of services in our Consultant Services Agreement. Over the last four montha, we have provided for your review and consideration four proposed change orders. Due to the identification of some significant site geology issues, it was agreed that we should address those geotechnical concerns before deciding how to proceed with the proposed change orders. As we indicated to you, we have been able to quantify the geotechnical issues and are recommending that the project proceed forward. Accordingly, we are also requesting your consideration for the four change orders, which we have combined herein for your review. They are described as follows: Proposal for the PreparaJion of Legal Descriptions and Exhibits for Property Vacation and Annexation at the Rawlings Reservoir Site As described in our memorandum to you titled "Rawlings Reservoir Property Line and Foothill Boulevard Right-of-Way," dated December 16, 2004, it has become evident from our document research for the project that there are ownership questions concerning the land between Foothill Boulevard and the City-owned Rawlings site. The City requested a proposal from Tetra Tech to assist the City in addressing these issues. Tetra Tech proposes to provide the following Scope of Work: 1. Have a title report prepared for this site identifying all ownership rights and encumbrances. 2. Prepare legal descriptions and exhibits for property vacation. We are assuming that two reviews of the legal descriptions and exhibits will be required, one by the City and one by the County. 16241 Laguna Canyon Road. Suite 200, Irvine. CA 92618 TeI949.727.7099 Fax 949.727.7097 www.tetratech.com 1'1:] TETRA TECH, INC. Mr. Tim Serlet August 19, 2005 Page 2 3. Prepare legal descriptions and exhibits for annexation into the City of Tustin. We are assuming that two reviews of the legal descriptions and exhibits will be required, one by the City and one by the County. 4. Meet with the City to review the ownership of the identified areas in question. We are assuming that all processing of the legal descriptions and exhibits and preparation of legal documents for ownership transfer (vacation) and annexation will be perfoIIl1ed by the City. The proposed fee for the Scope of Work as described would be $8,000, as detailed in the attached staff-hour and fee table. Proposal for the Design of a Drain Line for the Rawlings Reservoir Project As you laJow, there is no storm drain pipeline in Foothill Boulevard in the vicinity of the Rawlings Reservoir Project. The proposed drain line will provide a means to carry water from the overflow pipelines, from the drain pipelines and from the underdrain pipelines from the planned new Rawlings Reservoirs to County Flood Control facilities in Foothill Boulevard for discharge. The need for this pipeline was not determined until after the design of the reservoir project was initiated and was not part of that work scope. Our preliminary investigation has identified County Flood Control facilities approximately 850 feet easterly of the reservoir site, near Newport Avenue, and approximately 2800 feet westerly of the site, near Hewes Avenue. While it would appear that the 850-foot pipeline is the better choice, there is minimal fall available from the base of the reservoirs to the storm drain. Thus, pumps might be required to lift the flow for discharge. The alternative is a 2800-foot pipeline, for which considerably more fall is available. We propose to investigate both alternatives and present our findings and recommendations to the City in a technical memorandum for consideration, as further described below. Tetra Tech proposes to provide the following Scope of Work for the design of the drain line: 1. Collect and review existing street and utility plans for the pipeline alignment alternatives. 2. Meet with County staff to discuss the requirements for connection to the flood control facilities near Newport Avenue and those near Hewes Avenue. 3. Prepare a draft technical memorandum presenting and comparing the drain line alternatives, westerly to Hewes Avenue and easterly to Newport Avenue. Provide cost estimates, with findings and recommendations. Submit five copies of the draft memorandum to the City for review. 4. Meet with City to review the technical memorandum. Incorporate changes and prepare fmal technical memorandum. Proceed with design of drain pipeline alternative as directed by City. I1\: I TETRA TECH,INC. Mr. Tim Serlet August 19, 2005 Page 3 5. Prepare topographic survey of the street aligument and a map at a scale of 1 "= 40 feet. The proposed survey would be performed by Coast Survey, the same sub-consultant that prepared the Rawlings site survey for us. . 6. Prepare Plan and Profile Sheets and Details Sheet for drain pipeline and for connection to draInage structure, including design calculations and details to meet County requirements. 7. Prepare technical specifications and cost estimate, and submit design plans and design calculations to County for review. It is assumed that plan check fee will be paid by City. 8. Incorporate design plans and specifications into the Rawlings Reservoir design package and contract documents for bidding. The work would be prepared by the same design team and within the same time schedule as for the other elements of the Project. The proposed fee for the Scope of Work as described would be $24,000, as detailed in the attached staff-hour and fee table. Proposal for Additional Engineering Effort to Change Design from 3.5 MG Tanks to 3.0 MG Tanks for Rawlings Reservoir Project In our July 21 meeting, we discussed the need for shoring the Rawlings Reservoir Project site during constrnction. Options were discussed to mitigate shoring and reduce its impact on adjoining developed and undeveloped property. The option that was selected by the City to reduce shoring and its impacts was to decrease the size of each of the two proposed tanks from 3.5 to 3.0 million gallons capacity. The magnitude of the shoring issues did not become evident until after completion of the secondary geotechnical investigation, which began after design of the new tanks was in process. The secondary geotechnical investigation of the site was initiated after the review of prior geotechnical reports indicated that there was a shear zone in the bedrock under the existing reservoir which could impact the design of the new tanks. When the secondary geotechnical investigation was started, work was stopped on the design of the new reservoirs. However, work had progressed on some of the desigu drawings to approximately the 50% completion level. Unfortunately, a significant portion of that design effort will need to be redone because of the reduction in size of the two reservoirs. Note that the revision work will only affect the drawings already in progress. The work and drawings impacted are noted in the proposed Scope of Work as follows: 1. Revise structural calculations 2. Revise the following plan sheets: a. Final Grading Plan b. Reservoir Cross-Sections (2 sheets) c. Domestic Water Yard Piping d. Drain, Sub-drain and Storm Drain Yard Piping Sheet I "It: I TETRA TECH,INC. Mr. Tim Serlet August 19, 2005 Page 4 e. Reservoir Foundation Plan f. Reservoir Wall Section 3. Prepare revisions to Construction Cost Estimate The proposed fee for the Scope of Work as described is $23,675, as detailed in the attached staff- hour and fee table. Proposal for Additional Services to Analyze Retaining Wall Requirements for Rawlings Reservoir Project As you laJow, Tetra Tech staff has worked to identify and evaluate the critical elements of the site geology and the need for retaining walls during construction of the two proposed Rawlings Reservoirs. In our meeting on July 21, we discussed the findings of the geotechnical investigation to date as well as retaining wall issues and options. At the conclusion of the meeting, Tetra Tech was asked to provide a proposal for engineeriIÌg services for the retaining wall investigation and design, including consulting with an engineer who specializes in temporary vertical wall shoring desigu and construction. As we discussed, this proposed work is not part of the original project scope, and thus would be additional services. Part of this additional work includes that which was recently completed to identify the issues and evaluate options. The Additional Work already completed includes: 1. Analyzed desigu of existing retaining wall. 2. Performed geotechnical investigation of wall backfill. 3. Revised calculations based on geotechnical data and reanalyzed wall. 4. Met with drilling contractors to determine feasibility of constructing new wall in space between existing reservoir and existing retaining wall. 5. Prepared engineer's estimate of probable construction costs for new caisson wall. 6. Prepared two design memorandums regarding analysis of wall. The cost for the shoring investigation already completed is $10,844. Concerning the purpose and intent of this Additional Work, our goal is to do the necessary work up front during the design phase, in order to mitigate the risk of slope movement during the construction phase. We believe that this is prudent to protect the City. Our experience has been that, even with the constrnction contract documents structured to place the risk on the construction contractor, if there is slope movement and losses, the affected party will sue the contractor, the City, the engineer and any others remotely associated with the project. In our effort to address this issue, we had meetings with Butier Engineering, a construction engineering firm that specializes in temporary vertical wall shoring desigu and construction. Based 111: I TE'TRA TECH, INC. Mr. Tim Serlet August 19, 2005 Page 5 on those meetings and our experience on other reservoir projects, our recommendations are described following. We propose to perform additional geotechnical investigations and to prepare preliminary desigu of shoring. The geotechnical work is necessary to confirm the soil conditions on the west, north and east sides of the project, where shoring will be more extensive. That geotechnical information will be used for shoring design. Thereafter, the geotechnical information and the shoring desigu information will be incorporated into the construction contract documents for bidders. With this information at hand, it is anticipated that the bidders will be able to submit bids with greater certainty of the conditions. With greater certainty and understanding, bidders foresee less risk and are able to submit more competitive bids. The proposed scope of Additional Work is summarized as follows: 1. Perform geotechnical investigation including soil borings on the west, north and east sides of the site, laboratory soil testing and report preparation. Retain the services of Butier Engineering as a subconsultant to provide consulting services during design, bidding and construction phases concerning shoring issues Retain the services of a shoring wall designer to prepare preliminary shoring wall design plans and specifications for shoring. Note that different shoring designs will be required for each side of the site, due to the differing conditions. Provide additional Tetra Tech services to manage and coordinate the above. Prepare draft design memorandum summarizing alternatives and recommendations for shoring and review with City. Incorporate City's review comments and prepare final design memorandum. Incorporate design criteria/requirements into the contract plans and specifications based on the alternative selected by the City. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Due to time constraints, we do not have firm fee estimates for each of the above tasks. However, based on discussions with Butier Engineering and our understanding of the work required, we propose the following fee estimates for the above task: Geotechnical Investigation Butier Engineering, subconsultant Shoring desiguer as subconsultant Tetra Tech consulting services $40,000 to 10,000 25,000 to 5.000 to $80,000 to $50,000 10,000 30,000 10000 $100,000 Total Given the fact that we do not have firm proposals for the above, we recommend that the City budget $100,000 for this work. As is noted above, we firmly believe that this investment up ftont will be beneficial to the City, by mitigating risk, by reducing potential for time delays and by producing contract documents with information that can result in more competitive bids. 1"1\ I TETRA TECH, INC. Mr. Tim Serle! August 19,2005 Page 6 Summary The proposed change order items described above are summarized as follows: Property vacation documentation Drain line desigu Design change for smaller tanks Shoring investigation completed Proposed shoring investigation and desigu Total $ 8,000 24,000 23,675 10,844 100.000 $166,519 We are available to meet with you to discuss these proposed change order items in greater detail. Please call if you have any questions or want to schedule a meeting. ;ze~ Tom Epperson, P.E. Divisional Vice President ~ Project Manager TLE/SRC:cg J :\03291 \OO30\Le_~.OO6src.doc( 1 00) Attachment cnv OF TUSTIN PmpDsed Change °'.0' to< RawlIngs ReservDI, Pn> act Staff-Hour Fee EsUmo" To"" >1 51 I I I , u,~.1 '6,995 $918 $52 $90ö1 $270 $0,570 $R 840 $929 $50 $979 $1024 $1,024 $971 $50 $1,021 lit ï -W- $7.1:~ SO 24 24 $7.146 4 0 0 22 $1,"> i2.3R2 2 2 1 5 $520 $200 $720 tšI-- 36 0 $0 $100 $100 40 33 5 111 U4.970 $9022 $24 000 26 50 2 02 $9.206 $9 .. 4 16 0 29 $3017 $3,017 4 4 16 2$ S2529 $2,529 2 4 0 15 $1 S47 SI,547 2 4 0 15 S1,547 $1,547 0 0 0 24 $1.592 92 4 0 0 20 $1,052 $1,052 4 4 9 $1105 SIlOS 54 9R 56 > 219 "'3675 SO 5>3675 16 51.940 S1940 i SI65 $5,000 $5,165 4 0 14 S1,670 $1670 2 5 $765 S" $R13 -Ž-T 2 2 S270 $270 4 2 0 S906 ".. 10 10 16 2 45 5 57% $ 5 041 5 10,1144 8 0 4 >. 40