HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 PEPPERTREE PARK CIP 20085DocuSign Envelope ID: 8FE2CEC5-75AC-4D35-ABDF-5B8AE7290B26
• Agenda Item 4
City Manager -15W
Finance Director �a
Bids for the Peppertree Park Improvements Project (CIP No. 20085) have been received and a
construction contract is ready to be awarded to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder,
Landscape Support Services.
It is recommended that the City Council
1. Find the bid submitted by the apparent low bidder, Green Giant Landscape, Inc., to be
2. Award the construction contract to Landscape Support Services, the lowest
responsive/responsible bidder, in the amount of $1,220,762.65, and authorize the Mayor and
the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City.
Sufficient funds have been budgeted for this project in the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Capital
Improvement Program. The total estimated expenditure for the construction of this project is
$1,349,242.65. The project is funded through the Park Development Fund (Fund 131).
Project expenditures include:
• Construction Contract......................................................................$1,220,762.65
• Construction Management....................................................................... $99,000
• Architectural Support Quality Assurance/Quality Control .......................... $15,650
• Deputy Inspection and Materials Testing .................................................. $13,830
• Estimated Expenditures................................................................$1,349,242.65
The remaining budgetary appropriation will be set aside as project contingency for potential
unforeseen conditions that may arise necessary to complete the work within the approved project
scope and budget.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8FE2CEC5-75AC-4D35-ABDF-5B8AE7290B26
Award Contract for Peppertree Park Improvements, CIP 20085
July 21, 2020
Page 2
Peppertree Park Improvements Project contributes to the fulfillment of the City's Strategic Plan
Goal B: Public Safety and Protection of Assets. Specifically, the project implements Strategy
5, which among other items, is to ensure continuous maintenance and improvement of public
facilities to ensure Tustin is an attractive, safe and well-maintained community which people
feel pride.
The City Council adopted Resolution No. 20-31 approving the plans, specifications and
authorized/directed the City Clerk to advertise for bids on May 19, 2020.
The Peppertree Park Improvements Project at the corner of First and C Streets consists of
restroom renovations, new landscaping, irrigation, turf, senior center community garden,
playground equipment, rubberize playground surfacing, infield renovation and a series of
accessibility improvements in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Replacing the landscape, turf and irrigation will improve coverage, enhance growth and
efficiency, thereby, improving long term maintenance and operations. The ADA improvements
include those that pertain to the play equipment as well as the walking paths and seating/picnic
areas in and around the park.
The typical service life for an irrigation system is 25-30 years and Peppertree Park was built in
1972. Numerous individual projects have been completed over the years requiring multiple
modifications to the irrigation system to accommodate each project accordingly.
The new irrigation design accounts for the amenities within the park and corrects problems
associated with the construction of the projects mentioned above.
Formal bids were opened on June 25, 2020. Nineteen (19) bids were received and are
summarized as follows:
• Green Giant Landscape, Inc ................................
• Landscape Support Services ..............................
• Micon Construction, Inc ......................................
• Klassic Engineering and Construction, Inc...........
• C.S. Legacy Construction, Inc .............................
• Lehman Construction ..........................................
• Marina.................................................................
• Land Forms Landscape Construction, Inc...........
• Caliba, Inc...........................................................
• Three Peaks Corp ...............................................
• KASA Construction, Inc .......................................
• TL Veterans Construction, Inc .............................
• Horizons Construction Co. Int'I, Inc .....................
• Ohno Construction Company ..............................
• PUB Construction, Inc .........................................
• State Link Construction Inc ..................................
• Byrom -Davey, Inc ................................................
• Yakar...................................................................
• Los Angeles Engineering, Inc ..............................
.....................$ 1,171,978.60 (*)
......................... $ 1,220,762.65
......................... $ 1,227,134.08
......................... $ 1,316,064.68
......................... $ 1,318,745.68
.....................$ 1,327,273.40 (*)
......................... $ 1,330,000.00
......................... $ 1,332,104.00
......................$ 1,358,978.98(*)
......................... $ 1,361,654.42
......................... $ 1,373,773.36
......................... $ 1, 382, 300.00
......................... $ 1,435,466.91
......I .................. $ 1,448,286.84
......................... $ 1,495,199.60
......................$ 1,657,750.16(*)
......................... $ 1,698,098.42
......................$ 1,964,911.94(*)
......................$ 1,981,981.00(*)
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8FE2CEC5-75AC-4D35-ABDF-5B8AE7290B26
Award Contract for Peppertree Park Improvements, CIP 20085
July 21, 2020
Page 3
(*) Corrected total bid amount based upon multiplying the number of units by the unit price bid.
Landscape Support Services' Bid Protest
Landscape Support Services ("LSS") submitted a bid protest contending that Green Giant
Landscape, Inc.'s ("Green Giant") bid was non-responsive because Green Giant did not use the
correct bid forms and thus bid on items that had been deleted or modified. In support of the Bid
Protest, LSS contends that the Instructions to Bidders includes the following language:
The Instructions to Bidders provides that "Bids shall be submitted in writing on the Proposal forms
provided by the AGENCY ... The AGENCY will reject any proposal not meeting these
requirements.". Staff believes that LSS' bid protest has merit and recommends that the City
Council reject Green Giant's bid as nonresponsive and award the contract to the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder, LSS.
Competitive bidding rules require that bids must conform to specifications, and that if a bid does
not conform, it may not be accepted. (Konica Business Machines U.S.A., Inc. v. Regents of
University of California (1988) 206 Cal.App.3d 449, 453.) Public entities have discretion to waive
inconsequential deviations (irregularities) from public bid specifications. A deviation is
inconsequential if it neither gives the bidder an unfair competitive advantage nor otherwise
defeats the goal of preventing corruption in the public contracting process. (Ghilotti Construction
Co. v. City of Richmond (1996) 45 Cal.AppAth 897, 899)
A public entity may only waive an irregularity if the irregularity would not give the bidder an unfair
advantage by allowing the bidder to withdraw its bid without forfeiting its bid bond. (Valley Crest
Landscape, Inc. v. City Council (1996) 41 Cal.AppAth 1432, 1441-1442.) Public Contract Code
section 5103 provides that to be relieved of a bid, a bidder must establish 1) that the mistake
made the bid materially different than the bidder intended, and 2) that the mistake was made "in
filling out the bid and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the
work, or in reading the plans or specifications." Courts have held the only mistakes which can
release a bidder from its bid are typographical or arithmetical errors. (Menefee v. County of
Fresno (1985) 163 Cal.App.3d 1175, 1181.)
In assessing whether the City may waive Green Giant's use of incorrect bid forms, the City is to
consider whether Green Giant could have withdrawn its bid under section 5103. Staff believes
that Green Giant would likely be able to establish, if it sought to do so, that its use of incorrect bid
forms made its bid materially different than what Green Giant intended (i.e., that the City's zeroing
out the incorrect bid items materially reduced the intended bid amount). Staff also believes that
Green Giant would likely be able to establish that the mistake was made in filling out the bid rather
than due to an error in judgment. Green Giant did not misread the specifications or make an error
in judgment in bidding the project. Rather, Green Giant simply used incorrect forms, which
caused certain costs to be removed from its bid.
Because Green Giant would likely have been able to withdraw its bid under section 5103 due to
its use of incorrect forms and thus had an unfair competitive advantage, staff recommends that
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8FE2CEC5-75AC-4D35-ABDF-5B8AE7290B26
Award Contract for Peppertree Park Improvements, CIP 20085
July 21, 2020
Page 4
the City Council reject Green Giant's bid as nonresponsive and award the contract to the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder, LSS.
References, the State Contractor's State License Board and registration with the Department of
Industrial Relations for Landscape Support Services have been verified and found to be in good
Staff is recommending that the City Council award the construction contract for the Peppertree
Park Improvements Project (CIP No. 20085), to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder,
Landscape Support Services.
Do s . Stack, P. E.
D' ec of Public Works/City Engineer
Attachment: Bid Protest - LSS
\\tustinca.org\ch\PW\City Council Items\2020 Council Item s\07-21-2020\Award of PeppertreeWward of Peppertree Park CIP
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8FE2CEC5-75AC-4D35-ABDF-5B8AE7290B26
I 12610 Saticoy Street South l North Hollywood, CA 91605
• PH: 818.175.0680 1 FAX: 661.554.0109
June 291h, 2020
City of Tustin
Jason Churchill
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Re: Peppertree Park Project CIP 20085 Bid date 06/25/20 - bid protest
To whom it may concern:
After careful review of the apparent low bidders bid package and subsequent posted
bid tabulation, LSS hereby submits a formal bid protest to contest the low bid by
Green Giant Landscape Inc, and requests the bid by Green Giant Landscape be
rejected due to the following reasons:
Instruction to Bidders states: "NO BID SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNLESS
Landscape did not use the correct Bid Form (pages C-4, C-5, and C-6) with
their bid submission and must therefore be considered non-responsive.
Landscape Support Services should be found as the lowest responsive
and responsible bidder of record.
Green Giant Landscape Inc. used a superseded Bid Form (pages C-4, C-5,
and C-6) bidding on items and units of measure that are not current and
have been deleted or modified as part of Addendum #2. Even as Green
Giant acknowledge the addenda's it failed to review them and comply
with their content.
As an example, bid item 44 was changed from a unit price to a lump sum
price. The bid that was presented by Green Giant Landscape is for a $1.00
unit price, which can be extended but not converted after the fact to a
lump sum bid amount.
2. Bid form Proposal form section C-2. "In the case of discrepancies in the
amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8FE2CEC5-75AC-4D35-ABDF-5B8AE7290B26
amounts. The basis for determining the low bid shall be by correctly
multiplying the number of units by the unit price bid to calculate a total
amount for each contract item and obtaining a total bid by correctly adding
together all contract item total amounts. If a unit price is not legible or is
missing, the total amount for the contract item shall be divided by the
approximate quantity of units to arrive at the unit price bid. If both the unit
price and total amount for a contract item are left blank, then the entire bid
shall be rejected."
As per the City of Tustin's bid tabulation, bid items 7, 13, 22, 28, and 29
have been determined to have no unit price and no total amount. The
contractor cannot be held to perform on those items for a non -exiting bid
amount and those items cannot be adjusted to $0.00 on the bid tabulation
as Green Giant did not include these items on its bid form. Again, the bid
must be rejected on found non-responsive.
Although the agency reserves the rights to waive any informality or irregularity it
still needs to comply with public contracting code. The errors and omissions in
Green Giant's Bid are more than irregularities and based on the missing bid item
pricing the agency is unable to award a contract based on that bid.
Chris Sturm, COO