HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 01-081Internet 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 01-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING NOTICE OF ITS INTENTION TO ENFORCE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS FOR CABLE TELEVISION OPERATIONS WITHIN THE CITY. WHEREAS, United States Federal Communications Commission Regulations codified at Section 76.309 of Title 47, Part 76, Subpart H, of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (the "Regulations") establish minimum customer service standards for Cable Television Operators ("FCC Customer Service Standards' or "Standards"); and WHEREAS, the Regulations authorize the City to enforce the Standards, provided the City provides cable operators ninety (90) days written notice of its intent to enforce the Standards; and WHEREAS, the City Council expects cable operators to comply with the Standards and improve customer service; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, finds, determines and orders as follows: SECTION 1. Cable Television Operators doing business within the City are hereby provided with notice of the City Coundl's intention to enforce .the FCC Customer Service Standards promulgated by the United States Federal Communications Commission for Cable Television Operators at 47 Code Federal Regulations § 76.309, and any subsequent amendments thereto. The FCC Standards shall be enforced by the City commencing on the ninety-first (91 st) day of the date that notice of the adoption of this Resolution is placed in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the business address on file with the City, of each Cable Television Operator within the City..The FCC Standards are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. The customer Service standards established under Title 7, Chapter 4, of the Tustin City Code pertaining to Cable Television Systems,, and those standards agreed to by the City and Cable Television Operators within the existing Cable Television franchises shall remain effective and binding ucpon Cable Television Operators within the City to the extent that they supplement or exceed the. FCC Standards. Internet PASSED AI~D ADOI=TED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin on the 6th day of August, 2001. ATTEST: 6 · c AMELA STOKER ITY CLERK 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -2- Internet' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 '20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A -4- 'IUL-31-2O01 (TUE) 14:23 § 76.307 47 CFR Ch. I (10-1-0(} Edition) honor ruquu-~as made b'y mull but may not, addre.qsed h¥ the standards sec do so If it chooses, torch in paraL~raph (c) of' chis ,~ec:lon. lc) Efl'e~ive July 1, 19~, a cable op- fSecs. 2, 3, 4. :~. 301.3u~l. 3u7. 3,11. al,l, .'liS. 317, orator shall be subject to the roi lowing 411 SLaL.. a.~ mnertded, 1084. 11]1~. II~L II}1t11, customer service stander'ds: 1Dill, ll)liZ, ICllla, IIIH¢. 10~1S, UllitL ItllO: (47 II.S.C. IS~ 153, l~, IS5, 3al, 3~. 3n7, 3n8. 309, 315. 31~] {J) Cable syst;cm o£fLcu hour~ and ' telephone avatlRb il Icy-- [39 FR ~.gtlllL ^11~, 14. 1974. ~:~ amcad~ a: 40 ~ Thg.cab!e operator wtL~ ra,'dn:a~ a I"R ~sI1~1..hmc iz. 19'/5; 4z 1~ 19349. Atw, 13, local, Lo].l-£ru~ or co[]~c~ cull ~'e~ephone 1977; 51 FR 25~51, July 2Z. 10811; 5G FR Apr, 2{), 1Ogl~ ~7 FR 11001, Apr. l, 1~92:51 F'R acr~s line wl~lcl~ will be available to 79~3. Feb. 11, 109!t; ~O FR 6710.t. Dec~ 2tl. Iaea) tis subscr:bcrs 2~ hours ,~ day. ~ovon da3r~ a week. § ?0.30? S~scom ln~pectloo- UL} Trained company representatives Tl~e op,cracot o1" a cable Eulc~tston will be aYullublc [o rc~pond [o cas- system -shall make the ay.stem, Ir,~pub- tomer telephone tnclutrles during nor- 1[c t~spectlo~ file (Ir ~quh'ed by mai business hours. ,~76.305). and its records or ~ubscrtbers (B) After normu! bustne,~,~ hours, the available for Lnsl)ecclon upon toques: access linc may bo. answered by by any ~uchorlzed representative of the Ice or an automated response syscom. Commission ac any reasonable hour. [42 FR 10340. Apr. 13, 10771 Sept. 5, 2000. S16.3~7 w~ ,'emote. eff~Uvt O~. ~. 2~00. a ~6.009 Custom~ uu~ico ob~L~ti~ (al a ~ble [canch~e au~o~cy may un,oreo ~c e~omur se~ico s~ndur~ including an answorLng m:~chine. qulrles received after normal bcc~tne,~ hours must be responde~ to by a ~atnt~ ~mpany r,presen~lve on the n~ busb3ess day, ~ Undc~ notm~ operating condi- ~om. ~lephone a~wer time by a :~r repr~taclve, lncludlnR waic t~, s~l not exceed thirty DO) sec- on&q when the connection Is made. set forth tn paragraph (c) et' this sec- the ca1] needs to be trat3srerl'ed, t,j'alls- :Ion against cable operator. ~ ~r~- ~ t~c s~l hOC excoo~ thirty ~0) chino auc~rtty m~: provt~ ~ted se~ds. Th~se s~sndards shall be mac ~ble operators ninety (90) days writ- no le~s th~ ~ne~y (90) l~cenc ten notice o~ ~ intent to enforce the ~lme under normal opera:inB con~l- standards. ~o~ measured on a qua~erly basis. (b) Nochhlg In ~1~ rule ~ould ~ (itO The operator will hOC be required ~c~cd co prcw~c or pro~bl~ ~ acquh~ equipment or perrorm sar- (l} A frenzying authority and a veys co me. ute compliance with :he cable operator from agrcetn& to ~- rele~u u~w~ing ~ndur~ ~ove comer sm~tce requlremenLm :~ ex- unl~m an historical record of com. coed the m~durd~ sec lbr~ ~ p~u- pl~ indioa~s a clear failure co corn- graph (c) or' this so. Ion: ply. (~) A fl'anchlslng au:l~ori~ from e~> (iv} Under normal operating condl- forclnR, :hrough the encl of ~u f~- uo~ ~e ~Comer will ~ceivc u ~L~e term. pr~~cing c~com~ ~- Sig~l I~S than Cl~r~ (3} percent of the Ice requlremenr, e chRc exceed the s~nd- ards sec forLh In ps. graph [c) ~ a{~ Iv) C~:omcT s~lce center .and bill section and are contained in current rraJ~chlse agreements: (31 Any State or airy franchising au. ~oric~ from cnucLin~ or onfo~lg ~y consumer protection law. co the ~t t~Ot sp~l/1 tally preempted herein: or C4) The ea~bli~menc or en~rcem~t or any Scare or municipal ]aw or re~- lacl~ concerl~ng c~comer se~J~ that Imp~es customer se~tce requim- m~r~ chat exceed, or address ma~em payment loc.solons will he open ac le.~sr. durh,g normal business lmours and will be conveniently located. [2) l~lsc,qlLqclo~ls, outages and service call~ Under not'mai opera:h3g condi- tions, each of the following £our stand- ards will bp. me'c no less than ninety rive {95) percen: of the time measured on a quarterly basLs; 0) Standard lnsr. allacions will be per~ I~ormed within .seven (7) bustness days 610 ,.TUL-31-200 95Z P. 02 JUL-31-1OOI(TUE) 14:24 Federal Communications Commission § 76.309 al'Let un order hus buun placed. "St~md- ard" Installations are ~hose ~hat located up co 12~ fe~ from the existing distribution Ct I) E~c]udtng conditions beyond ~he c~rol of ~e operator, the ~bJe oper- ator will be~n worktnR on inmrmp~o~" promp~y end in no event l~er ~han ~4 hours a~ interrul)~lon becom~ known. Thu ruble opera, or m~[ begin accio~ [o o~her semite problems ~he ne~ btlsl- n~s dey a~er notification of ~{e leu problem. (iii) Th, "appoln~en~ ~nd0w" e]- ~enmacives for i~=alla~l~s, service culls, end o~er ~lhti~ activities will be either a s~Ilc rime or, maximum, a ~our-hour Um~ block dur- Ing normal busln~ hours. ~e oper- ator may sched~u servtcu ~iLs ~ng calmer l~laclon ac~vl~l~ ou~ido norm~ b~inusm hou~ ~or ehe convenience of ~me cus~om~.) (iv) An operator muy ncc ~nuel an appoin[men~ wi~h u cua=omer e.f~er close of busings on ~e business prior ~o d{e schedul~ (v) If u ~;t~lc operant represen~,~tve Is running ]~[e for ~n appoin~en[ with a customc~ and will ncc bc able keep ~he appointment ~s scheduled, =he cusmm~ will be concuc[ed, ~o up- poin~mun[ will be ruschuduled, ~s nec- essay, at a time whl~ Is convenient for Chu customer. (3) Communications be~een ~sb]e opuramys ~d cable sub~ibum-- (0 Refund~Refund chec~ will be ~suc~ promptly, buc no ka~cr ch~ ~hor~ (A] The c~tomer's nc~[ billing cycle Followin~ resolution of ~lme reque~ ~hir[y (30) dsys, whichever Is e~rl{er, or (B) Tim r~curn of [l~ uqulpm~c ~up- plt~ by ch~ cubl~ op~[ur if ~ic~ r. erl~ Inaced. (iff Credt~Credlcs for ~ice be L~uud no la,ur O~un ~u c~mmur'~ n~c billing cycle tbllowing ~he deter- (1) OuftniClo~-- ~) Norme~ bustne~ hou~~e term "nounal bu,lne~s hour" menns those hour~ dur~g whLch most ~m~ar nessm~ In the communl~ rare open ~erve ~$tome~. I~ ,il ¢~s~. "~or~l b~m=~ hours" m~c ~u~ soma evening hnurn at least one night; per week and/or some wucl~nd l~our--. (ii) NornJ~d vperatJrJ6, c~dy~~The term "normal open,InB conditions" mc~ Lhosc Su~tcc condicion~ which . are w}ch~n the control of the cable op. orator. ~o~o con~u~s w~ch ur~ act ~chin the' contel of the ~ble o~er- a~or Include, buc are no~ l{mlced ~o, natural disasters, civa i)~er ouCaR~s, celcph~ network ouc- a~s. and m~oru or unusual wenther conditions. ~ose conditions whirl] ~ oL'dinarlly wl~mln ~e c~crol of thc cnhle oporacor include, buc are ncc lis- iced to. s~ecJa] promotions, pay-pe~ view. cven~, ~cc in~~. ru~u~r pauk ur ~o~1 d~m~d p~rio~, and maln~~ce or up, rude of ~e ~blc (1{}) .~ervYce Jnr~rru~rion~The "se~ice interruption" mean~ the loss of pl~ure or ~und ~ ~e or mom cable ~mnn~. [SR l.'l~. 211t{g. Apr. lg. 1993. ~ ::,,,erldu(! ;,I; 81 b'R illtlTl. Ape. UO. lilt6:85 [:R g381!i. S,pL. /flllfl] Sep,'. 5. 2(100, 1}76.30D was amended by r~n,uv- IiiR parsRrsphs (~0](1) and C~(3)(1{) a~md b,¥ r~desJsrlaCi,I8 parasra[Ihn (c)(31(110 ,,~l Oct. 5. 2000. For ~c conv~i~cc of thc tho supermend t~ is a~ [o~h us § 7~{..~ll# Cu~Lumur Jurvlau ul~ligat[en#. (!) N~:ltlc;ILionn LO sub.~ct'lber.~-- (A) The cable operator ~hu{I provide wrta. areas ac the use of ln~:lon of merv~e. a~ lea~t ann~lly ~ a~ su~~rs, ~d a: any t~e upon requ~:: (I] Produ~ ~nd ~rvic~ neotech and cur~Lluu, ur .ubncrlpLluh tu pro~ammlJJR and ocher ~et'vlces: (4) lr~uc~ons an ~ to ~ ~ ~b~ o1~ the system: and. (Gl B~ng ~d ~mplRtnt p~coduros, in- cludlng :he addross and telophono numbot ~ the ~cal rtan~ authorl~'a ca~e o~Lce. ~) C~tomcra wLll bo nott~d o~ any chm38es tn racoa, pto~ammin~ aeries or ~hmme/~sAclone aa ~oon is poa~ble ~n writ- mE. ~o~ mtwc be ~lven ~ SUbs~r~eFa · 611 95Z P. 0:3 JUL-31-2001 (TUE) 14:25 P, 004/004 § 76.400 minimum of ~htr~'y (:10) days ~n adv;mce s;~ch c~k~r~g~ ~ ~he ~har~e Js within th~ con- rrn~ o~ :ho cable oporn~or. ~ addition. c~c operant ~lI na~ auha~tb~a th~ty (30) d&ya ~n advance a~ ~ny cl~nae.~ In the o~er InrnrmaUa~ requh'ed b~ paraRraph (c)~U)(1)~) of tl~l~ ~eC~lOrL NoC- ;~ c~ble oper;~tor ~h~[I not he requtr~ to pm- vide ~nr nntlce of nny ~tc change c~t the ~ult of n rc~ulnto~ Faa. ~an~e ~ nny oflqcr f~. t~x. ~sos~ent, or charge ol' ~ny kind Impend by any Foderal agent. State, or franchiSE authority on the action bucwean tho op~tor ~d ~e sub- s~tber. (11) Dll~lng-- (A) ~1[~ will ~ cl~r, concise and under- ~lumd~ble. Olll~ must ~ fully ic~izod, with tteml~tWns tnchtdlng, but not .llmt:ed to. ~lc ~d premium se~t~ cha~ea and equipment cie'Rem B~L~ ~ilJ aJ~ c[~rly /Inea~ all actlvlf;~ durlnR thc billing period, tnclmltnu op~amfi charges. ~batos and ~- (O) In c~o o[ ~ btl~tng d~pu:e, the operator m~t respond :o a wrlEl~n plant [rom e ~becrtbe,' ~tthta ~O day~. Subpad l--Forms and Reports §?0.400 Operutar, mnil address, and oparatfforml statue ~gee. W~th~ 30 days f~lowtng a chan8e Cublu 'rel~slon S~tem Operator, or change of ~e operator's mail ad- dre~s, an~ur chunBe in ~he operational scat~ o~ a ca~e :elev~on sxs[um. OperuLor sh~l inform the Commission In writing ot' :ho follow,g, ~ appro- priate; (u) The logul name of the opera:or [md who~her ~he operator Ls an Indi- vidual, prl~te association, pa~'~emhlp or corporation. See ~76.5C~). I~ cbc ctac~ ~ a par~mr~htp. :hu legal ot the par~er respo~tble for comma- . nice:Ion5 with the Commlsson shall be supplied: (b) ~e :~sum~d namu (i~ unx) [or dotn~ business tn each .community: (c) The new mai: address. Including ~1) code, ~o whl~ all communlcaL~r~ are Co bo dir~cCed: (d) The nature o~ ~he opera:lonaI s~- Cas change (e,8., b~me operational ~ear) bnond~J, ~ce~i~ 49 subs~ibcr~, ~cuuded 499 sub~'~tburs, operutton ret- mina:ed tem~mrlly, opera:Ion ne:ed permanently): 47 CFR Ch. I (10-.1'-00 EdllJon) (e) The tmme~ and FCC identifiers (e.g., CAO001) of tlae system co~mu- n[~ ~ect~. N~: FCC ~yscein cos~J~u~lit~ IdealiZers are ~uUnely u~grmd upon ~trutton. Th~ ~mvo be~ ~t~od to t~l re~od :em communities b~ed on pr~leus Form 32~ p~'lor Co Mat'ch Ul. 1072. Ires hoc prcvhJU~ly inf(,rma~l(m in J letl ()f I:he Irlet~Clf~e~ CommuL Tilt(. N~a~nc. Community ~e (t.e,. tncor- Name. Op~ntor Assumed Nnmo lot Dotn~ ~Jnoss m the communJ~, Operator Addre~, end Year and Month ~tce w~ t~c provided by ~ physt~ a~tem. [42 ~ 20t34, Apr. Jg, Jg~. ~ amended at ~~ DA~ N~: At O~ FR 53615. Sap:, ~, 2000, S70.400 waa removed, e~ecclve OCL S, 2UOO. ~96.403 Cable tdev~lon aywtem The opor~r of ~~ opm'aclonal cable telev~ton s~cem t~: 20,000 or more subscribers ~l wi~ ~c Commb~ton a Form ~25 sollc- icln8 8eneral lntbrmecion a~d quen~ and s~gn~'d~:ttbuCton ~for- marion on a Ph~lcal System 7d~tl- ~t~clon Number ("PS:D")b~. ~c for~ sh~] be completed and returned ~ho du~ o~ rucetpc by the operator. 1~ to r~u~te Form 325 to be [~ed by ~ s~zbsarlh~, Subpad J~wne~ship ot Cable Systems ~ ~g.5~1 ~aa-o~arahlp. (a) No ~b~e television ~s:em eluding a~ parct~ under common con- :roi) s~Jl :a~y ~ signal of any tele- vision broadcast s~t. ton If sucl~ d~e~ m' indire~ly ow~, controls, or ~ un interest tn a ~1~ b~d~st s~:lon whose predl~ed G~'ade ~ c~out, com~u:~ tn accord- ante wi~ S73,084 of purl 73 of 612 JUL-31-2001 16: 19 95~. P. 04 City of Tustin RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RESOLUTION NO. 01-81 I, PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, . California, hereby certifies that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; and that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 01-81 was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6~ day of August, 2001, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Thomas, Bone, Doyle COUNCILMEMBER NOES' None COUNClLMEMBER ABSTAINED' None COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Worley, Kawashima amela Stoker, City Clerk ·