HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 Specific Plan Amendments ITEM #4 DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2006 TO: FROM: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS At the meeting of January 9,2006, staff provided an overview of a number of Specific Plan Amendments to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. The Amendments are based on a policy direction provided by the City Council at a workshop on November 1, 2004. The purpose of the workshop was to transmit the associated Specific Plan Amendment documents to the Planning Commissioners and to provide the Planning Commission with an adequate amount of time in which to review the proposed Amendments. At the workshop, staff indicated the item would be re-agendized to allow further questions from the Planning Commissioners. Please find attached revised text for the Specific Plan Amendment binders. Please remove the old pages and replace with the new pages as noted. ~) ~~~78~ Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachment PCREPORTS:2006:SPA MEMO Attached is revised text for the binders of the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendments. The pages to be changed out include the following: Chapter 2: Replacement of three (3) double sided pages due to addition of footnotQ~ related to densities in the Community Core. Pull out existing double- sided pages and replace with new pages. Chapter 3: Replacement of full chapter. Addition of the revised Trip Budget Table (Table 3-3) affected the pagination of the entire chapter. One exhibit was changed as well. Pull out existing Chapter 3 text and replace with new Chapter. Chapter 2 2. Plan Description 2.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The Plan Description establishes the intent of the Plan in terms of future land use, reuse of facilities, and new development. It provides an overall understanding and rationale for what is envisioned in the Plan area, the quality and character of the uses, and the level of services and infrastructure to be provided. The purpose of this Chapter is to lay the foundation for the development/reuse regulations and guidelines provided in Chapter 3. The major components of the Plan Description include: the land use plan, traffic circulation, urban design, housing, public conveyance uses, parks and recreation, and public facilities. The procedures and components of each of the above plans are outlined in this chapter. Some material in this Chapter is intended to be directive and shall be implemented according to language contained herein. Other material is conceptual and intended to guide and not restrict creative solutions. 2.2 LAND USE PLAN The Land Use Plan responds to the goals of the Plan stated in Chapter 1, by providing a healthy balance of market driven, private sector uses with a wide range of public-serving uses. The Land Use Plan also responds to the many issues identified during the planning process including pre-existing traffic congestion, soil contamination, and the local and regional need for additional open space/recreational opportunities. The Land Use Plan is shown on Figure 2-1 and a Land Use Plan Summary is provided on Table 2-1. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 2-1 Chapter 2 . Plan Description TABLE 2-1 LAND USE PLAN SUMMARY Gross 1 Land Use Desilmation Acrea2e RanKe of Dwellin2 Units RESIDENTIAL Low Density 181.3 1 - 7 dulacre Medium Density 125.1 8 - 15 dulacre Medium-High Density 29.4 16 - 25 dulacre TransitionallEmer£ency Housin£ 5.1 GolfVil1ageResidential Core -bew 245.848-á 1 - 7 dulacre, 8-15 du/acre, 16-25 du/acre ~..... ,1./.'" '; 11. ~ ~ 8 15 du/aere SUBTOTAL 586.7 3,710 Dwelling Units Max. 4446 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS CommerciallBusiness 164.8 ~ Commercial 55.3 ,-.. ,1./.' Residential Core ;< 29.3 ++-h+ ,-,va Villa£e Services 20.7 Community Core 310.6 16 - 25 dulacre2 ~ SUBTOTAL 580.7+J8...l 891 Dwellin2 Units Max. INSTITUTION AL/RECREATI 0 NAL IT Education Villa£e 128.93 Community Park 24.1 Urban Re£ional Park 84.5 SUBTOTAL 236.69 RIGHT-OF-WAY Arterial Roadways 173.4 #&4 Drainage (Flood/Stormdrains) 28.5 SUBTOTAL 201.9 ~ GRAND TOTAL 1606.2 4,601 Dwellin2 Units Max. Less Federal Property 16.7 Less Private Propertv 4.1 88 Dwelling Units Total MCAS Tustin 1,585.4 4,518 Dwelling Units Disposal Acrea!!e NOTES: 1. Gross acreage for each Planning Area is an estimated allocation measured from the edge of the adjacent arterial or secondary roadways, any public roadway shown on the Land Use Plan, and/or the boundary of the Planning Area. The amount ofland devoted to roadways is calculated under the Right-of-Way designation. Actual acreage will be refmed during the site plan and subdivision process. 2. .^.en~age figure includes 159.3 acres of golf eourse which is pari of the Golf Village (Planning l\rea 15). Subject to Sections 3.6.2.EA and G.2. /0--\ City of Tustin Page 2-2 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan B. Chapter 2 . Plan Description use designation. The intent is to: 1) proyide a ql:lality, recreation oriented resort like environment; 2) integrate recreation amenities with the visitor serving facilities; and 3) exhibit quality architeetural a:nd site design featl:lres commensurate v:ith a higher end golf oourse environment. Commercial Business Designations 1. Commercial Business: The Commercial Business land use designation provides for the development of a variety of uses including industrial, research and development, professional office, retail, and specialized employment and merchandizing uses to complement adjacent areas within and in the vicinity of the Plan area. The intent is to: 1) concentrate office, retail, research and development, and industrial uses in the Employment Center Neighborhood; 2) concentrate regionally oriented commercial uses in the Regionally-Oriented Commercial Neighborhood; and 3) achieve quality identification features for the Plan area along arterial highways and at key intersections. Uses such as public and private parks, open space, and institutional facilities compatible with and oriented towards the needs of future businesses and residents in the area may also be allowed. 2. Commercial: The Commercial designation provides for development of a variety of retail and service commercial uses with the intent of supporting and complementing uses within the Plan and surrounding development. The Commercial designation also provides for the accommodation of continued limited military uses in locations specified on the Land Use Plan. The intent is to: 1) provide regionally-oriented commercial uses; and 2) achieve quality identification features for the community along arterial highways and at key intersecti ons. 3. Residential Core CommercialColf Village: The Golf Village designation proyides for development of commercial retail and service aGes, a hotel and commercial recreatiœ1 facilities. The intent is to provide for resort like recreation and supporting commercial facilities 'Nithin the Golf Village. The Residential Core, comprised of Planning Area 15, provides neighborhood eommercial retail. service commercial. and office uses adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Speeialized commereial uses sueh as senior eongregate care is also permitted. The intent is to 1) offer eonvenient vehicle and pedestrian City of Tustin Page 2-9 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 2 . Plan Description c. accessibility through site design: and 2) to provide commercial uses that suPport the surrounding residential neighborhoods. 4. Village Services: The Village Services designation provides localized commercial retail and service uses to adjacent residential neighborhoods. The intent is to 1) offer convenient vehicle and pedestrian accessibility through site design; and 2) to contribute to quality entry and landmark identification features for the community. 5. Community Core: The Community Core designation provides for development of a mix of uses, with opportunities for both commercial business and residential uses either in separate or integrated projects. Residential densities of 16-25 dulacre are permitted subject to Sections 3.6.2.£.4 and G.2. Regulations will be designed to provide enough flexibility to accommodate a unique, large scale development complex with uses which may not clearly be identifiable until some time in the future. Uses such as quasi-public/institutional facilities which are determined to be compatible with and oriented towards the needs of other uses in this designation may also be permitted~ including public and private parks. open space, and related facilities. A 40 acre high school (if determined needed by the Tustin Unified School District) shall be accommodated in this land use designation. The intent is to: 1) establish maximum square footage and dwelling unit thresholds at this time and to provide criteria for future decision making rather than narrowly prescribing use limitations; 2) serve as an opportunity for creative use and design that will be likely to attract a major user to an outstanding strategic location within the Orange County market; and 3) fulfill the economic, employment and design objectives envisioned by the Plan, while ensuring land use and aesthetic compatibility with surrounding uses. Institutional/Recreational Designations 1. Learning Education Village: The Learning Education Village designation provides a specialized educational environment with an array of public-serving uses. It is the intent to: 1) maintain the walkable scale of existing base facilities and create a campus environment; 2) provide a mix of educational, training, and other public uses with small scale support convenience commercial uses conducive with the village complex; 3) create a synergy of uses and services which will support employment uses elsewhere in the community, City of Tustin Page 2-10 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 2 . Plan Description TABLE 2-2 NEIGHBORHOOD SUMMARY Gross 7! Land Use Acrea2e Ranee of Dwellinf( Units NEIGHBORHOOD A Education Villa£e/Elementary School 1 - 10 acres 128.G3 Community Park 24.1 Transitional/Emer£ency Housin£ 5.1 SUBTOTAL 157.~5 NEIGHBORHOOD B Low Density Residential 54.2 1 - 7 dulacre Medium Density Residential 51.7 8 - 15 dulacre Villa£e Services 20.7 SUBTOTAL 126.6 925 Dwelline Units Max. NEIGHBORHOOD C Urban Re£ional Park 84.5 SUBTOTAL 84.5 NEIGHBORHOOD D Community Core 3l0.6~ Medium-High Density Residential 16 - 25 dulacré Hi£h School 2 - 40 acres SUBTOTAL 310.6 891 Dwelling Units Max. ~ NEIGHBORHOOD E Commercial Business 117 .5U+:9 SUBTOTAL 117.5~ NEIGHBORHOOD F Commercial 55.3 Military - 16.7 Commercial Business 47.3 SUBTOTAL 102.6 NEIGHBORHOOD G GolfVi11ageResidential Core 275.14 Low Density Residential 3 -= l12.648á acres 1 - 7 du/acre Medium Density Residential 4 -= 5l.8~ acres 8 - 15 dulacre Medium-High Density Residential-8.3 acres 16 - 25 du/acre Hotel 10.0 aeres Commercial- ~29.3 acres Parks/Open Space - 63.1 acres Golf 159.3 acres Elementary School 4 - 10 acres Low Density Residential ~ 127.1 1 - 7 du/acre Medium-High Density Residential 29.4 16 - 25 dulacre SUBTOTAL 431.9~ 2,383 Dwelling Units Max. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 2-17 Chapter 2 . Plan Description Land Use TABLE 2-2 NEIGHBORHOOD SUMMARY Gross +!i. Acrea e NEIGHBORHOOD H Medium Density Resi ential to=-- Irvine Elementa School K-8 é=-- 20 acres SUBTOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY 87. Roadwa s Draina e Flood Control and Storm Drains SUBTOTAL GRAND TOTAL NOTES: 1. Neighborhood A includ s aø estimœted 10- acre allocation for an Elementary School. The precise acreage and leeatiea ','Iill be ., .1..,"- . . "",t """. ,I '",u . J ' r OJ' -0 ~:;' 73.4 8 - 15 dulacre 73.4 402 Dwellin Units Max. ~173.4 28.5 18&.9201.9 1606.2 4,601 Dwellin Units Max. deÐignation, 2. Neighborhood D includ :s an estimated 40- acre allocation for a High School. The preeise aereage and loeatiofl will be , , .1.. .. "". , ' , m 1, ' ,r' 'J °J'-O designation, 4¿. The Medium Density R sidential use in Neighborhood G includes a 5- acre allocation for a neighborhood park. The precise acreage and location wi I be detennined prior to final subdivision map approval. If the aereage varies, an adj1:iSfI'ReRt will be ~ .1,' ""', ','1.. . o,~ . " .0,NeighborhoodG also includes an estimat :d 10 acre allocation for an Elementary School. The precise a<Jreage aflG lecœtion will be àetermifled .,t ., T~ . ,,',,' ',. ...1.. ..,..." , ~, The Low De~~ity Resid ntiaÍ use i~JNeighborhood G incl~des a 5- acre allocation for a neighborhood park. The precise acreage and location wi I be detennined prior to final subdivision map approval. If tee acreage '¡aries, an aereage adjl:lÐtment ",. " , ' , ,,1..' -1. " , 1-' . ""'-' - "--",,, "" ">r" ',"', , ~"!1~t:, ;+~\'1.,: OJ ~ -/ éi. Neighborhood H includ s an estimated 20- acre allocation for a K-8 School. 111e precise acreage af1à lecœtion \,,'ill be , .1.. " 'J . ~, .,,' Neighborhood H also includes an 8-acre allocation for a neighborhood park site, If the acreage varies, the maximum number of dwelling units would remain the same, +Q. Gross acreage for each ~Ianning Area is an estimated allocation measured ITom the edge of the adjacent arterial or secondary roadway, any roadway shown on the Land Use Plan, and/or the boundary of the Planning Area. The amount of land devoted to roadways is calculated under the Right-of-Way designation. Actual acreage will be refined during the site plan and subdivision process. &1. Right-of-Way total incl des the Specific Plan roadways and existing flood control channels within the base boundary, 8, Sul,cct to Sections 3,6, ,E.4 and G2, c. Neighborhood C - Urban Regional Park: Neighborhood C is located near the center of the site, bordered by North Loop Road (extension of Valencia Avenue) on the north and Armstrong Avenue on the west. It is adjacent to Neighborhood Don the east and south. The Urban Regional Park will be a significant public amenity that will not only serve regional needs, but provide a buffer between the living environment and commercial and business areas. The neighborhood will serve a number of functions including open space conservation, recreation, community resource services, concession commercial supportive to the park, and historic preservation and/or display. City of Tustin Page 2-18 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 3. land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE Chapter 3 specifies the standards and regulations which will apply to new development, redevelopment and interim uses. Future review of concept plans, site plans, and subdivisions will assure that these standards are realized. Unless otherwise stated, provisions of this chapter apply to both new development and reuse of existing structures and facilities. Private developers and public agencies seeking to reuse facilities or develop new uses will be able to determine their development parameters and obligations by referring to this chapter. Understanding the rationale for the provisions of this chapter may also require reference to the Plan components described in Chapter 2. 3.2 LAND USE PLAN The Land Use Planning Area map (Figure 3-1) and accompanying Land Use Statistical Analysis will regulate land use and development within the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-1 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations This page intentionally left blank. /---~\ City of Tustin Page 3-2 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations Land Use Planning Areas CITY OF TUSTIN z ¡;; ~ PRIVATE PROPERTY OUTSIDE ~ 0 MCAS BOUNDARY <IN REUSE PLAN) I- a: ... :c TUSTIN COMMUTER ~ ~ RAIL STATION SITE ~ a: "- [ill] E3 E3 D - . IRVINE/TUSTIN/SANTA ANA BOUNDARY . SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY SCRRA/OCTA RAILWAY . PLANNING AREA NUMBER . MCAS TUSTIN BOUNDARY EDINGER AVE . ADDITIONAL ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AVE PA 3 AVE NOTES' 1. Roadway alignments are conc.ptuol, 2. DU. DwelNng Units 3, Raad8 shown indicate rood right of way. ~. Parks and School site locations are diagramatic ...Iy. Actual site locations will be approved at the time of subdivision maps :I< Within Ihe City of Irvine. the density wilhin Ihe Medium Density Residential designation wül nal exceed 12,5 dwelling unils per acre, BARRANCA PKWY ...J ...J Ï c ... a: il ~ ~ -, CITY OF IRVINE c III~ :c REVISED ~ No! To .... æ1HE PlANNING CENTER MCAS Tustin Speâfic Plan _=1"'__=- City _¡Tustin PigUl.. 3-J Chapter 3. Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations Specific Plan by defining appropriate locations for certain land uses and permitted development intensities. The Land Use Plan includes thirteen (13) separate land use designations as described in Section 2.2.1. Each parcel within the Specific Plan has been assigned a specific land use designation. Each designation has been assigned a Planning Area (PA) number, as shown on Figure 3-1. The Planning Area is the smallest regulatory unit for the application of development regulations. The development standards are customized for each Planning Area and grouped according to the neighborhood in which they belong. The Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis is organized in two ways. Table 3- I is the Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis organized by land use designation, and Table 3-2 is the Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis organized by neighborhood. The neighborhoods of the Plan are shown again for reference in Figure 3-2. Each statistical analysis contains the approximate acreages, square footage allocations and dwelling units permitted in each Planning Area shown on the Land Use Plan. Each Planning Area is assigned an amount of land devoted to existing buildings (where applicable), and includes an allocation of land available for new uses based on the density/intensity standards established in the Specific Plan. The maximum number of dwelling units and total square footage of non-residential development provided for in the Specific Plan are prescribed in the Statistical Analysis and further defined in the following regulations sections. Calculation of development potential is based on gross acreage figures for each Planning Area, which excludes land devoted to arterial roadways as identified in the Circulation Plan (Figure 2-5). The shaded area on the Land Use Planning Areas map (Figure 3 1) indicates where alternative ooncept\:1al roadway alignments for T\:1stin Ranoh Road and 'Hamer .ALvenue oo\:11d ooeW". The Land Use Plan Statistical :\nalysis assumes the most easterly alignment for Tustin Ranch Road and the most sotltherly alignment for Wamer .:\ venue. If either final alignment differs from these assumed oonoeptuallocations, the pro'.'isions of Section 3.2.5, below, shall apply. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-5 fA C 0 .- .. ca - ~ C) Q) ~ Q) fA ~ Q) £t: :¡:¡ c Q) E C- O - Q) > Q) C "C C ca Q) fA ::) "C C ca ...J . CV) '- ~ c.. CtJ ..c:: () : i ~~ f--- ~ fa> ~ : ~ H ~} I <þ ~ ~~. ~ : { 5 , ..; "11;,- ~ I~ I]. . I ~ I" ( . l- I ..; ~ I ~ ~ ' . " - ~ ~ ~ I } ¡¡ - ~ ~~ 5 ~ .. .. ..; ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ Q~ ~QQ ~Q ~~~ ~~ iii ii iii ii iii ii ~~~ ~~ ~~~ a~ < H" 1 ~ ¡¡ ~ ~ I~ ~ ¿ re r ~ c; . ~ . I..' ~ I: , . . I' , ,~ ,I¡, , , I í ~ Q ~ ~ - Q Q Q ~ I- ~ Q ~ I-- I..- ~ Q Ii- 1 J i 11 i II ~ >-- I..- ~ - - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ - - 1 ~ ~ Q ~ ~ i i i ~ ~ ~ I ~ -i ~ ~ ~ ~ <t -it <t e" .; ~ ~ c t;. " ","'".,,- ':' . c; ~ . , . 19' .19; - . Æ S § CþQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ ~ i IUUIU ~. Q!. Q ~ ¡.~.I~. 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Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-1 LAND USE PLAN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ORGANIZED BY LAND USE DESIGNATION ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Total Floor Existing Floor Potential Floor DU's Total DesignationIPlanning Area Gross 1 Net 2 F.A.R, 3 Area (Sq. Ft.) 4 Area (Sq, Ft.) 5 Area (Sq. Ft.) 6 Per Acre 7 DU'se RESIDENTIAL Low Density (1-7 do/at) Planning Area 4 54.2 43.4 N/A N/AI N/AI 71 304 Planning Area 21 - Tustin 127,1 115.0 N/A N/A N/AI 141 793 Medium Density (8-15 du/ac) Planning Area 5'. 51.7 41.4 N/A N/A N/A 15 621 Planning Area 22 9 73.4 61.0 N/A N/A N/A 15 402 Elementary School K-8 10 Neighborhood Park 10 Medium-Hieh Density 06-25 du/ac) Planning Area 20 .19 29.4 23,5 N/A N/A N/A 25 376 Transitional/Emer2ency Housin2 Planning Area 3 5.1 5.1 0.6 133,2941 85,215 48,0791 0 0 Residential Core PlåI1IlingArea 15 .I~ 112.6 104.3 N/A N/A N/A 7 533 Low Densitv (l.7dulac) Medium Density (845 dulac) 51.8 47.8 N/A N/A N/A 15 489 MediUJ11 High Uetisity(I 6-25 8.3 7.7 N/A N/A N/A 25 192 dulac) Elementary Schools 12 10 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Parks and Open Space 11 63.1 63.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Subtotal, Residential. Core;PA 15 245.8 232.9 SUBTOTAL 586.7 522.3 N/A 133.294 85215 48.079 N/A 3.710 COMMERCIAVBUSINESS Commercial/Business Planning Area 9-12 78,9 64.5 See .Standards 1,267,324 88,344 1;178,980 0 Parks and Open Space 38.6 38.6 Subtotal, Planning Area 9-12 117.5 103.1 Planning Area 16 31.0 27.9 0.4 486,130 206,640 279,490 0 Planning Area 17 16.3 16,3 0.4 284,011 63,289 220,722 0 City of Tustin Page 3-10 \ j MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-1 LAND USE PLAN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ORGANIZED BY LAND USE DESIGNATION ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Total Floor Existing Floor Potential Floor DU's Total Designation/Planning Area Gross 1 Net 2 F.A.R. 3 Area (Sq. Ft.) 4 Area (Sa. Ft.) 5 Area (Sq. Ft.) 6 Per Acre 7 DU,sB COMMERCIAVBUSINESS (CONTINUED) Commercial Planning Area 18 19 16,7 14.5 0,35 40,846 40,846 0 0 Planning Area 19 38.6 38.61 0.4 672,566 3,990 668,576 0 Residential Core Planning Area 15 29.3 26,81 See standards 466,637 8,106 458,531 N/A 0 Villal!e Services Planning Area 7 20,7 19.01 See standards 248,292 0 248,292 N/A 0 Community Core Planning Area 8 89.5 68.5 See standards 1,975,992 329,032 1,646,960 25 891 Park 56.3 563 Planning Area 13 77.5 59.3 See standards 2,132,417 0 2,132,417 25 Park 12.9 12.9 Planning Area 14 34.2 26.2 See standards 648,870 700 648,170 25 High School 14 40,0 40.0 N/A N/A Subtotal, Community Core 310.6 263.2 4,757,279 329,732 4,427,547 891 SUBTOTAL 580.7 509.4 N/A 8,223.085 740,947 7,482.138 N/A 891 INSTITUTIONALIRECREA TIONAL Education VilIal!:e Planning Area 1 14 128.3 108.4 03 1,412,651 822,556 590,095 0 0 Planning Area I-A International Education Village Elementary School 15 Planning Area I-B Law Enforcement Training Planning Area l-C Children's Care Shelter Planning Area I-D Child Care Center Planning Area l-E Child Care Center Planning Area l-F Educational Planning Area I-G Other MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-11 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations I I I I ,~ ,,~ TABLE 3-1 LAND USE PLAN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ORGANIZED BY LAND USE DESIGNATION ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Total Floor Existing Floor Potential Floor DU's Total Designation/Planning Area Gross 1 Net 2 F.A.R. 3 Area (Sq. Ft.) 4 Area (Sa. Ft.) 5 Area (Sq. Ft.) 6 Per Acre 7 DU,s8 Community Park Planning Area 2 24.1 24.1 0.1 17 40,531 40,531 0 0 0 Urban Rel!:ional Park Planning Area 6 I 84.51 84,51 0.161 574,992 496,068 78,924 0 0 INSTITUTIONAVRECREATIONAL (CONTINUED) Ril!:ht-of-Wav Arterial Roadways 173.4 173.4 0 0 0 0 0 Drainage (Flood Control, Storm 28.5 28.5 0 0 0 0 0 Drains) SUBTOTAL 438.8 418.9 N/A 2,028,174 1,359,155 669,019 0 0 TOTALS: 1 606.2 1,450.6 N/A 10.384.553 218531716 8.199236 0 4,601 Notes: 1. Gross acreage for each Planning Area is an estimated allocation measured ITom the edge of the adjacent future arterial and secondary roadway, any public roadway shown on the Land Use Plan, and/or the boundary of the Planning Area, The amount ofland devoted to roadways shown on the Land Use Plan is calculated under the Right-of-Way designation, Actual acreages will be refined during the site plan and subdivision process. Net acreage is an estimated allocation based on gross acreage reduced for internal circulation (local roads) within a Planning Area, Net acreage is estimated approximately for each Planning Area, based on pelTl1itted use, size of the Planning Area, and typical site planning considerations. Actual net acreages wilI be refined during the site plan and subdivision process, FJoor.Area Rati9{F,A,R)is thêgrøssfloor area of all buildÚ).gs )\IÍthín a PlilIlning Area divided by the netacreage of the Pla~ming Areå for purposesofthis Statistical Analysis, Ifaþ¡)licable,theF.A.R.. colurnnspecifies a floor area ratio derived from an assuIriedtnix.ofuses within a Planning Area Total Floor Area is the total square footage of non-residential development derived by multiplying the floor area ratio by the net acreage, if applicable. Existing Floor Area is the square footage of existing buildings by Planning Area, Potential Floor Area isthepotentialsquarefootageofnewdevelopfuent within each Planning Areå;, DO's per Acre reflects the maximum density per acre at which dwelling units may be calculated, Total DO'sistherrmxiII1um number of dwelling units alIocated to each Planning Area. Eventhough actual gross and net acreages may be refined during the site plan and subdivision process; the maximumnumberofdweltingunits in each PlanningAreashallnotexceed the number designated.onthe Statistical Analysis, except as specified.in Secti.on.J,2.3. P A22 (402units)are locatedwithili. the City of Irvine. . The pertnittêd density range inPA 22 shall not exceed..12,S dweltingunits per acre atthe l1igh end, PA22inyitl1in the Irvirte jurisrlictionallitnits,It includesa.20-acrealloeation for a K:-8 schooL The. precise acrê;lgeandl9Cationwill be detêt111ined when .the Navy's J{ecordof DeCision is issued. PA 22 also includes an 8-acre alIocation for a Neighborhood Park site: the precise acreage and location wilI bedetetmined prior to propert)' transfer. to the. City oflrvine,however, thëtotal alIowable dwelIing units in PA 22 will rettlainthesame. PA15 includes an allocation for park and open spaces. The prc;cise acreage and location will be detennined priorto fmal subdivision map approval, however,thetotalallowable dwelling units in PA l5wilIremain the salTle. PA 15 includes a.! O-acreallocation for anElettIéntarySchool. The prêCiseacreage and location will be detenniIled by the City If the actual acreage varies from 10 acreS, then all acreage adjustment will be made to. the parks and open space acreages l'heprecise acreage and location will be determined prior to final subdivision map approvaL P A 8inc1udes a 40-acrealloeation for a High SchooL l'heprc;ciseacreageandloeation.willbe determined ¡'y the City.; If the actual acreage variesffum 40 acres, then the acreage adjustmentwill be made to the CommunityCoredesignatiori, ltowever,tlJe total alloWable square feet of non-residentialdeyeIopment and maximum dwelling units in P A 8 willrernain the same. PA lis composed ()f numerous public conveyance useS as specified in Section 2,3 and2.4 of the Specific Plan. PA I-A includes a lO-acre allocation for an ElettIéntary School. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. II. 12. )3, 14, 15, City of Tustin Page 3-12 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Dc:tvelopmentJReuse Regulations TABLE 3-1 (CONTINUED) 16, The. actual amount of existing squarefootage is 2,183,956, However, adjustments to two Planning Areas have been. made. lnPA2, CoínmUnity Park, 40,531 existing square footage is expected 10M reused,ln PA S, Medium Density Residential, the 39,485 existing square footage is expected to be replaced by residential uses. The development intensity assigned to the CoínmUnity Park is ,I FAR; h\Jwever,theexisting40,53Isquarefeettnaybe reused. Planning Area IS is comprised of subplanning areas, which allocates development potential by land Use type. Thesubplanning areas are not site specifiè on the Land Use Plan in order t6 aIlow for flexibility in future master planning, lnPlanning Area20, there is 4.1 gross acresin private ownerShip (with 3.3 net acres estimatedfør development potential); Planning Area 18 is proposed to be retained in Federal oVYriership by the Atnly Reserve with 2.2 acres granted by easementto. the City ofTustin, after the Anny's acceptance of thel6.7 acres fTom the Navy, for BaITIlIica right'-Of-way (leaVing 14.5 net acres). The total gross acreage for non-federal disposal is 1,585.4 acres. 17. 18. 19. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-13 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations This page intentionally left blank. City of Tustin Page 3-14 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan --~ - ,....--... /' ': Chapter 3 . Land Use and DevelopmenVReuse Regulations Neighborhoods S~rm.?{8~T A ~ i ~ 0 ~ II:: "" :¡: ~ ~ :> II: ... EDINGER AVE WARNER AVE i!i ~ ~ en ~ ~ILlT ARY '" ~ i!i > i "" > > ~ < LEGEND - - - []] - - - - E3 E3 G . NEIGHBORHOOD A - EDUCATION VILLAGE . NEIGHBORHOOD B - VILLAGE HOUSING - NEIGHBORHOOD C - REGIONAL PARK . NEIGHBORHOOD D - COMMUNITY CORE . NEIGHBORHOOD E - EMPLOYIotENT CENTER . NEIGHBORHOOD F - REGIONH.L Y -ORIENTED COMMERCIH. DISTRICT . NEIGHBORHOOD G - RESIDENTIH. CORE . NEIGHBORHOOD H - IRVINE RESlDENT'H. - MCAS TUSTIN BOUNDARY . IRVINE/TUSTIN/SANTA ANA BOUNDARY . SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY THIS IS A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION Of A PlANNINGIENGINEERtNG CONCEPT, FiNAl DESIGN SOlUTIONS (lOCATION AND SIZING) WIll BE PROPOSED AND REVIEWED AS PART OF SU!SEQUENT APPROVALS NEEDED BY THE RESPECTM AGENCY WITH .JœISOCßON QD ~LÀNNING at) CENTER MCAS T"stin Specific Plan/RClfse Plan IIIDmI CityofTlIStin Figlm: 3-2 REVISED fn - c 0 .- +oil CO - ~ CÞ ~ CÞ fn ~ CÞ ~ ~ c CÞ E c. 0 - CÞ > CÞ C " c CO CÞ fn ::J " c CO ...J . (V) !o...... .s 0.. CO ..t:: () 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ Œ o~ o~ ~ ¡ ~~ 1--- 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 o~ o~ 0 ~ I ~ n ;.; 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0$ ~= ~ ¡ n I¡ I' ~] 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ i ~l ~ i In I ¡Ol"i i i ~"~ I~ I ~ il~ r ä" I~ ~"~ i i o~ I I ï : f :: ~ -- ~! ~ ~ JH~ i i ~"~ i"! I I ¡F ~ ~ .. .. -- ~ ~ i~~i ~i ~i ~ i ¡ 1-- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ :! i~ ~ à ~ ~ ~! ~~ ~~ i ~ I ¡ -I-- ! ~ ~~ ~ ~ :! i ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ -rç . I- rc I ~ I ~ , 19 ~ ~ ., ~ ~ c i ~ . I ~ " ~ : t ~ c è è I- " ~ . . I" - ~ , ,è' ~ : ~ . J., .. I. I ~ ~. , ' . ' 19 19 c e " . ¡ . : : 1::"'- :0:::.,.. I/) I ¡::(Y) "- Q) o~ ~a. Õ I:: ~ a.. Q) ~ Q) ~ t:: ~ a.. u !S u Q) c% :§ I/) ~ C/) t§ ::E tn r::: 0 .- .... CO - ::1 C) CI) a:: CI) tn ::1 CI) a:: ;:¡ r::: CI) E Q. 0 - CI) > CI) c " r::: CO CI) tn :J " r::: CO ...J . CV') ""- (]) ...... 0- ~ ..t:: () 0>0>0>0> O>O>~ 0>0>0>0> ~ ~ ~ 0> O>O>~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0>0>0>0> O>O>~ 0>0>0>0> ~ 0> 0> 0> 0>0>0> ~ ~ ¡ " n ~ ~ 0>0>0>0> O>O>~ 0>0>0>0> ~ ~ ~ 0> O>O>~ 0> 0> ~ U I! ~] ~ ti- :$ ~ ti- ~ ~ II:- nl~ i.i.. Iril~ i i I. a. i i i i I ~ Ii If I;.O>!. O>~I ¡.~.¡.!. i i i !. O>ii i i ! I.: ~ . ~ ~ ii ..,. nu Ui Ji.¡.i. ; i i I a. i i i i I I¡ I: ~ . , . I;¡ ~ ~ ~~~~ 11~ 11 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ¡ . ~ ~~~;;t ~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;ti~ ~ ~ i I: I ~ } ~~~;;t ~â~ *~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;ti~ ~ ~ ij ¡; 5 .. Ie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:l : ~ ~ ~ 1t 1t ' 1t t 1t~~ 1t a¡ ~ è C ~ ¡; a¡ ~ t ~ t 0 c: " , ~ " ,~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ :f' r ~ I ~ t . '. ~ = ~ ~llr': " . . . I' . . 1= ! ), 19, ! ) ~ I' , ."" , "" " ' .. ' .. .. ~ c:: .!!! a.: Q) !g Q) ~ c:: ~ Il.. ~ 'õ Q) ~ :§ CI) ~ CI) ð ~ .5; ..... Cl)CQ L~"'" ~ .- I,' ì ' ..... C") I i 0 Q) " " >. t» '. ðæ tn c::: 0 .- .... to - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CÞ! !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CÞ§ n ~ . ~ CÞ ~ ~ CÞi H ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ CÞ~ Ii:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ Ii:: ~ ~ ~~ ~~ I . ~¡ .,. ~ ~ ~~ ~I r ~ ~ ;; ~ ~ ;¡ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ¡ ; } ~ ~ ~ ~ iJ ~ ! ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ !! ~ , .. ~ I~ ~I:' I~ .; ~ ~ ~ ~ " ! ~ ~ t I ~ I! . c Ii II I ~ , I. lit 19, i , Q) ~ CI) tn ~ CI) ~ - .... C CI) E 0 - CI) > CI) C "'C C to CI) tn :J "'C C to ...J . C") I..... .æ C\J ...t:: () , . J ~ ,..¡¡ "" "¡:vf)~r!:'¡;d\~ ~~:t :ï :§~ II) I ~cY) ....Q) O~ ~a.. U c:: ~ a.: Q) ~ Q) ~ c:: a: u t<::: 'õ Q) ~ :§ II) ~ CI) ð ~ fn c: 0 .- ..... CO - ::::J C) Q) D:: Q) fn ::::J Q) D:: ~ c: Q) E Q. 0 - Q) > Q) C -a c: CO Q) fn ::J -a c: CO ...J . CV) ~ .sa 0- ca ..c: t) s::: ~ 0..: Q) ~ Q) Q:: s::: ~ 0..: ~ 'ù Q) c% :§ CI) ~ CI) ~ ~ . f :$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rj¡ ~ :§ Cl)O ~~ ....C"> 0 Q) ~~ 00..: ~ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-2 LAND USE PLAN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ORGANIZED BY NEIGHBORHOOD ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Existing Potential Total Floor Floor Area Floor Area DU's Total DesÍfmationIPlanning Area Gross 1 Net 2 F.A.R. 3 Area (Sq. Ft.) 4 (Sa, Ft.) 5 (Sq. Ft.) 6 Per Acre 7 DU's' NEIGHBORHOOD A Planning Area I 14 0,3 1,412,651 822,556 590,095 0 0 Planning Area I-A Educational Uses 66.5 50,2 Elementary School 15 10,0 10.0 Planning Area I-B 10,0 10.0 Law Enforcement Training or Education Planning Area I-C 4.0 4,0 Children's Care Shelter Planning Area I-D 2.4 2.4 Child Care Center Planning Area I-E 1.9 1.9 Education Plantling Area l~F 15.0 15.0 Educational PlantlingArea I-G 18.5 14.9 Other SUBTOTAL PLANNING AREA 1 128.3 108.4 N/A 1,412.651 822,556 590.095 0 0 Planning Area 2 24.1 24.1 0,117 40,531 40,531 0 0 0 Planninl!: Area 3 5.1 5.1 0,6 133,294 85,215 48,079 0 0 SUBTOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD A 157.5 137.6 N/A 1,586,476 948,302 638,174 0 0 NEIGHBORHOOD B Planning Area 4 54,2 43.4 N/A N/A N/A 7 304 Low Density (1-7 dulac) Planning Area 5 19 51.7 41.4 N/A N/A N/A 15 621 Medium Density (8-15 dulac) Planninl!: Area 7 20,7 19.0 See standards 248,292 0 248,292 0 SUBTOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD B 126.6 103.8 N/A 248,292 0 248;292 N/A 925 NEIGHBORHOOD C Planninl!: Area 6 84,5 84.51 0.161 574,9921 496,068 78,924 0 0 SUBTOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD C 84.5 84.5 N/AI 574,992 496,068 78,924 N/A 0 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-21 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-2 LAND USE PLAN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ORGANIZED BY NEIGHBORHOOD ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Existing Potential Total Floor Floor Area Floor Area DU's Total DesiJ!nationIPlanninJ! Area Gross 1 Net 2 F.A.R.3 Area (Sq. FL) 4 (Sq. FL) 5 (Sq. Ft.) 6 Per Acre 7 DU's' NEIGHBORHOOD D Planning Area 8 Mixed Use 89.5 685 See standards 1,975,992 329,032 1,646,960 25 891 Park 56.3 56.3 High Sehool13 40.0 40.0 Planning Area 13 77.6 59.3 See standards 2,132,417 0 2,132,417 25 Park 12.9 12.9 Plannin~ Area 14 34.3 26.2 See standards 648,870 700 648,170 25 SUBTOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD D 310.6 263.2 N/A 4,757,279 329,732 4,427,547 25 891 NEIGHBORHOOD E Planning Areas 9-12 78.9 645 Seè standards 1,267,324 88,344 1,178,980 0 Parks and OpenSpaee 38.6 38.6 SUBTOT ALFORNEIGHBORHOOD. E 117.5 103.1 See standards 1,267,324 88,344 1,178,980 0 NEIGHBORHOOD F Plannin~ Area 16 31.0 27.9 0.4 486,130 206,640 279,490 0 Planning Area 17 16.3 16.3 0.4 284,011 63,289 220,722 0 Planning Area 18 19 16.7 14.5 0.35 40,846 40,846 0 0 Planning Area 19 38,6 38,6 0.4 672,566 3,990 668,576 0 SUBTOTAL FOR NEIGHBORHOOD F 102.6 97.3 N/A 1,483,553 314,765 1,168,788 N/A 0 NEIGHBORHOOD G Planning Nca15u 112.6 104.3 N/A N/A N/A 7 533 Low Density (1- T duJac) Planning Area 15 51.8 47.8 N/A N/A N/A 15 489 Medîumi:>ensitY (8-í5dulae) Planning Neal 5 8.3 7.7 25 192 Medium~IIigh Density(16-25duJae) Plannin~Area 15Sehóols 12 10.0 10.0 0 Planning. Area 15 NonResidential 29.3 26;8 See standards 466,637 8,106 458,531 0 Planning Area 15 Parks & OpetiSpaee II 63.1 63.1 N/A N/A N/A 0 Planning Area 20 19 29.4 235 N/A N/A N/A 25 376 Medium-High Density (16-25 dulae) Planning Area 21 - Tustin 127.1 115.0 N/A N/A N/A 14 793 Low Density (1-7 dulae) SUBTOTAL FOR NEIGHBORHOOD G 431.6 398.2 N/A 466,637 8,106 458,531 N/A 2,383 City of Tustin Page 3-22 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-2 LAND USE PLAN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ORGANIZED BY NEIGHBORHOOD ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Existing Potential Total Floor Floor Area Floor Area DU's Total Desienation/PlanninJ! Area Gross 1 Net 2 F.A.R.3 Area (Sq. Ft.) 4 (Sa. Ft.) 5 (Sq. Ft.) 6 Per Acre 7 DU's' NEIGHBORHOOD H Planning Area 22 9 73.4 61.0 N/A N/A N/A IS 402 Medium Density (8-15 dulac) Elementary School K-8 10 Neighborhood Park 10 SUBTOTAL FOR NEIGHBORHOOD H 73.4 61.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 402 RIGHT-OF-WAY Roadways 173.4 173.4 N/A N/A N/A 0 0 Drainage (Flood Control, Storm Drains) 28.5 28.5 N/A N/A N/A 0 0 SUBTOTAL RIGHT OF WAY 201.9 201.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 TOTALS: 1,606.2 1,450.6 N/A 10,384,55~ 2,185,31716 8,199,236 N/A 4,601 Notes: \. Gross acreage for each Planning Area is an estimated allocation measured trom the edge of the adjacent future arterial and secondary roadway, any public roadway shown on the Land Use Plan, and/or the boundary of the Planning Area, The amount ofland devoted to roadways shown on the Land Use Plan is calculated under the Right-of-Way designation, Actual acreages will be refined during the site plan and subdivision process, Net acreage is an estimated allocation based on gross acreage reduced for internal circulation (local roads) within a Planning Area, Net acreage is estimated approximately for each Planning Area, based on pennitted use, size of the Planning Area, and typical site planning considerations, Actual net acreages will be refined during the site plan and subdivision process, FloorArea. Ratio (FAR.) is the gross floor area of all buildings within a Planning Area divided by the net acreage of the Planning Area. forputposes of this Statistical Analysis. If applicable, the FAR. colunm specifies a floor area ratio derived ftoman assumed mix of uses within a Planning Area Total Floor Area is the total square footage of non-residential development derived by multiplying the floor area ratio by the net acreage, if applicable, Existing Floor Area is the square footage of existing buildings by Planning Area, Potential Floor Area is the potential square footage of new development within each Planning Area.. DO's per Acre reflects the maximum density per acre at which dwelling units may be calculated, Total DO's is the maximum number of dwelling units allocated to each Planning Area. Even though actual gross and. net acreageS may be refined during the site plan and subdivision process, the maximum number of dwelling units in each Planning Area shall not exceed the number designated on the Statistical Analysis, except as specified in seCtion 3,2.3. PA 22 (402 units) are located within the CityofI1"VÏne.Thepèrmitteddensity rangeinPA 22.shall not exceed 12.5 dwelling units per acre at the high end. PA 22Îs withintbe Irvinejurisdictionallimits.Itincludes a 20-acre allocation for aK-8 school. The precise acreage and. location will be detenrtinedwhen the Navy's Record of becision is issued,PA 22 also includes an8-acre allocation for a Neighborhood Park site. The precise acreage and lOcation will be detennined prior to property transfer to the City of Irvine, however, the total allowable dwelling units in P A 22 will remain the same; P A 15 includes an allocation for. park and open spaces. The precise acreage and location will be determined prior to final subdivision map approval, however, the total allowable dwelling units in P A 15will remain the same. P A 15 includes a.1 O-acre allocation for an E1ementarySchool. The precise acreage and location will be detennined by the City If the actual acreage varies from 10 acres, then an acreage adjustment will be rriade to the parks and open space acreages The precise acreage and location will be deternûnedprior to finalsubdivisionmap approval. PA 8 includes a 40-acre allocation fora High School. The precise acreage and location will be detennined by the City.. If the actual acreage varies trom4() acres, then the acreage adjustment will be made to the Comrnunity Core designation, however, the total allowable square feet afnon-residential development and maximum dwelling units inPA8Will remain the same. PA lis composed of numerous public conveyance uses as specified in Section 2.3 and 2.4 of the Specific Plan. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-23 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations I I j ~ j TABLE 3-2 (CONTINUED) 15. 16. PA I.A includes a 10-acre allocation for an Elementary School. The actual amount ofexistirigsquare f()()tage is 2,183,956, However; adjustments to two Planning Areas have been made. In PA2, Com1I1unity Park, 40,531 existing square footage is expected to be reused. IrlPA5, Medium Density Residential, the 39,485 existing square footage is expected to be replaced by residential uses. The development intensity assigned to the Cornmunity Park is. ...1. FAR; however, the. existing 40,531 square feet may be reused. Planning Area 15is comprised ofsubplanningåreas,which allocatês development potential byJand use type. Thesubplanningareasarenot site specificon.the Land Use Plan in order to aUowfor flexibility in future master planning, In Planning Area 2O, there is 4. r gross acres in private ownership (with 3.3 net acres estimatedfordevelopmentpotentia\);PlanningAreaJ 8isproposed to be retained in. Federal ownership by the Army Reserve with nacres granted by easement to the City of Tustin, after the Army's acceptànce ófthe 16,7 acres ftOm the Navy, for Barranca righto.( f.way (leaving 14,5 net acres ),The. total gross acreage for non-federal disposal is 1,585.4 acres: 17, 18. 19. I 1- City of Tustin Page 3-24 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan \ ) ) Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.2.1 Land Use Boundaries Land use designation boundaries are generally as depicted on the Land Use Plan, Figure 2-1. The Planning Area boundaries are equivalent to the land use designation boundaries, and are shown in Figure 3-1. Adjustments in boundaries resulting from final road alignments or more precise surveys, or technical refinements will not require a Specific Plan Amendment. While precise boundaries and acreages will be determined when more definitive plans are submitted, the maximum development limits as shown in the Land Use Statistical Analysis (Table 3-1) shall apply, subject to transfer conditions between neighborhoods provided below in Sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4. 3.2.2 Maximum Dwelling Units The maximum number of dwelling units in each Planning Area may not exceed the numbers as specified on the Land Use Statistical Analysis. The calculation of residential density, as stated in dwelling units per acre, shall be based on gross acres for each project unless otherwise noted in specific planning area development standards. Gross acres is defined as total acres less tfte.-arterial roadways as identified on the Circulation Plan (Figure 2 5). 3.2.3 Transfer of Dwelling Unit Allocations If a Planning Area is developed with less than the maximum number of units allowed, then the "unused" residential development potential may be transferred to another Planning Area which supports residential uses. In no case shall transfers of units result in: A. The maximum number of dwelling units in a Planning Area exceeding prescribed Planning Area maximums by more than 10 percent without a Specific Plan Amendment, as shown on the Land Use Statistical Analysis (Table 3-1), unless the following criteria are met, subject to a written finding by the Director of Community Development: 1. Such transfers shall not increase the total units allowable in the overall Specific Plan; 2. Transfers shall be consistent with the uses and development standards of the receiving Planning Area; B. Significant alteration of the basic character of development in the gaining or losing Planning Area. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-25 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.2.4 Non-Residential Land UselTrip Budget The non-residential land use/trip budget tracking system is a mechanism for managing the forecasted vehicular trips generated by the land use mix in the Specific Plan. The purpose of the tracking system is to ensure that development can be accommodated within the planned roadway capacity of the on-site and off-site roadway systems. The basis for the trip budget is the specification of a mix of non-residential uses for each neighborhood. The budget establishes a baseline capacity of average daily trips (ADT) for each neighborhood. Using assumed traffic generation rates, the number of trips that would be generated at buildout of the Plan was estimated. This mix has been further allocated to Planning Areas only for ease of administration. However, the trip budget by neighborhood shall control the amount and intensity of non-residential uses by neighborhood. In order to manage the availability of roadway capacity, a Trip Budget Tracking System is established as part of this Specific Plan to monitor and report on the traffic implications of each development project which involves non-residential uses. The system entails establishment of a maximum limit on the number of ADT's generated from non-residential uses within the Specific Plan and for each neighborhood. That limit is shown in Table 3-3, Trip Budget, which summarizes the square footage of non-residential uses allocated to each neighborhood by Planning Area, and the associated ADT. Residential uses are shown for information only, but are not part of the Trip Budget. This information is derived from the Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin. TABLE 3 3 PLAI"lNING AREA TRIP BUDGET"" Planning ResidentiaL PSl'!cs N8n ResidenÂsl Ares N8. AssuMed Lsltd Use AM8Ultt z4JJ:h AM8Ultt AJJ+s.- 2 NEIGHBORHOOD .\ GeFleraJ. Cammereial 27,120 sf ~ + U:l1. 1,385,531 sf M+9 1 T.' ~ ~ 2A-+ae ill ,; " ~ 94+ . T- 1,412 '51 sf ,T- t-t-.m NEIGHBORHOOD B 4 IT T\D It .., ..1..1- ,\ ~ ~ ~ I~..,....n fO ", _\ ~ 9;%& =I- Geaera1 Cemmereia1 315,592 sf .t4;m In OfT,' .t4;m City of Tustin Page 3-26 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3 3 PLANNING AREA TRIP BUDGET" Plannint; I R esi Ii eft tial4' II l'k-s Ns" Resiliatial Area .'V8. Assltllted Land Yse Allt8ltnt AJ):H¡ Allt8unt ~2 .....~, 31S,S91 sf """.' ~ NEIGHBORHOOD C é ~ ~ Geaeral Cammereial 57,50Q sf ~ r< 11. n.. .....~, S7 SOO sf ...,.~. ~ ÞŒIGHBORHOOD D ,ITT....n E1£ ...... ., &9-HlI2 ~ Offiee Park 1,815,3{j0 sf ~ % Indl:lstrial Park 1 ,{j33 ,&3Q sf ~ .r 181,549 sf ~ ""',' ~ C'. ..... 3 (í30,730 sf In....' ,.I, ...... ~ NEIGHBORHOOD E Geaeral Cammereial 11 Q,999 sf ¥éé 9- 47,579 sf ~ n. n "'.' ~ Offiee Park 174,579 sf ¥H .w 157,11Q sf ~ Geaeral Cammereial 17, 4 {jQ sf ~ I.... ."' .J ~ Geaeral Cammereial {j&,39Q sf ~ -I-l- Offiee Park {j15,5Q5 sf ~ InàHstriai Park (j83,899 sf ~ I.... .. ..... ..., ,"'. .J ~ Geaeral Cammereial 12,& 1Q sf ~ ~ Geaeral Offiee 115,2{j9sf ~ I.... """',' ~ Geaeral Cammereial 34,24Q sf ~ -lJ Geaeral Offiee 13{j,959 sf -l-;U+ T ' 513,575 sf ~ .... """.' ~ Geaeral Cammereial 42,349 sf ~ -l-4 Geaeral Offiee 338,729 sf ~ 4{j5,759 sf ~ .... . -I¥4+ T~"nl 3,535,130 sf ., ... M;W) Nli:IGHBORHOOD F Geaeral Cemmereial 72,93Q sf 4;m M Geaeral Offiee 97,250 sf +;,m- 315,95Qsf ~ ... 1£"" 9-;4+4 +7- 2&4,010 sf ~ ... ~. ~ , , 40,859 sf ~ -l-& ." ~ r<. 672,570 sf U;U+ -l-9- ,. . "".' U;U+ .,. 1 483,S(í0 sf ~ MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-27 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3 3 PLAI\r.JI\'lNG AREA TRIP BCIDGET" PlalfRing I A1'H No. Assumed Ls,.d Use }ŒIGHBORHOOD G . n.n " ..., -'- =- 'InD to 1<: --In/nn\ Reside1ttisl/P-a,,!cs AmouRt AJJ.+s No,. Resitle1ttisl AmouRt AJ)h..2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GeRenH CaHlHlereial Hetel GelfCa\:ll'Ge ,... 11:, . - ....-::::::0 ~ ~ +,m. ~ 62,730 sf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 23,000 sf ~ ~ ~ . ~- +++ +W é;8Q4 ~ u .~ . ~ 8S,7JO sf ~m_' ~ }!EIGHBORHOOD II ~ hInD to ,<: --I-:~ ~ I I 4) 400 D- ~~ ~-' " sp SElliare Peet AC f,eres DU D'"..elliag lJRits RM Hetel Reaffis 2 ADTs fer l&IId lIse tyj'Ies derived wem tAe Piaal BFlyireaffiefltallmpaet SlIIteffiefltlBa°riraaffißl!tallmpaet Repeft fer I.L . --. - L 'n^^" "'~--= ,,- TABLE 3-31 PLANNING AREA TRIP BUDGET Planllinf!. ResidentiallParks Noll-Residentit1l Area No. LalU! Use Cafe!!(}", Ullits Amount AnTs Amount ADTs NEIGHBORHOOD A Elementary/Middle School STLJ 550 561 LearnilH! Center TSF 1.293,86 7.920 1 Nei<Thborhood Commercial TSF 27,12 3,033 Tustin Facility SG 6.220 PA 1 Trin Budpet Total 1.320,98 17.734 2 Sports Park ACRE 24,] 1.297 3 Transitional Hollsina ROOM 192 941 Nei!>hborhood A Souare Footape Total TSF 1 320.98 Nei!!'hborhood A Trio Budpct Total 17734 NEIGHBORHOOD B LDR (1-7 DU/Acre) DU 145 1.388 :! MDR (8-15 DU/Acre) DLJ 120 960 Senior Housine: Attached DLJ 72 250 MDR (8-15 DU/Acre) DU 132 1,056 2. MHDR (16-25 DU/Acre) DU 438 2,903 Senior hollsino Attached DU 170 590 Community Commercial TSF 103.46 7.052 1 General OtTice TSF 144,84 1.922 PA 7 Trio Budlret Total 248-3 8.974 Neiphborhood B SQuare Footapc Total TSF 248.3 Nei!!hborhood B Trin Budpet Total 8,974 City of Tustin Page 3-28 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan /---', Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-31 PLANNING AREA TRIP BUDGET Planninf! Residential/Parks Non-Residential Area No. Land Use Cate(!O11' Units Amount ADTs Amount ADTs NEIGHBORHOOD C Community Commercial TSF 57,5 3.920 Q Reoional Park ACRE 84,5 423 P A 6 Trip ßudl!et Total 3.920 Neipllborhood C SQuare Footaoc Total TSF 57.5 Nei!!hborhood C Trio Bud!!ct Total :i,920 NEIGHBORHOOD D Hioh School STLI 1.850 3,312 Nei>!hborhood Commercial TSF 65,69 7.345 General Office TSF 207 2.747 ~ Office Park TSF 1,383,8 11.280 Industria] Park TSF 319,51 3.803 Park ACRE 10,3 52 Sports Park ACRE 46 2.475 PA 8 Trio Bud!!ct Total 1.976 28.487 MHDR (l6-25 DU! Acre) DU 891 5.907 Hotel (380 TSF) ROOM 500 Neiohborhood Commercial TSF 9.76 Community Commercial TSF 117.1 13 General Office TSF 1.512 Park /\CRE 12,9 65 Health Club TSF 30 988 High-Turnover Restaurant TSF 12 1.526 PA 13 TI'io Budeet Total 2.060,86 35.769 Community Commercial TSF 11.11 757 General Omce TSF 136.9 1.818 14 Office Park TSF 547 5.645 Theatre (25 TSF) SEAT 1.000 1.250 H Ürh- Turnover Restaurant TSF 6 763 P A 14 Trio Budeet Total 726,() \ 10.233 NeÌ!Jhborhood D SQuare .Footape Total TSF 4,762.87 Nciehborhood D Trio Budeet Total 74,489 NEIGHBORHOOD E Industrial Park TSF 44,61 714 9- Park ACRE 1.1 6 So0l1s Park ACRE 6,] 328 PA 9 Trio Budeet Total 44,6] 714 General Office TSF ]56,82 2.081 Industrial Park TSF 124.41 1.569 lQ Park ACRE 1.4 7 Snorts Park ACRE 4,3 231 P..\. 10 Trio Budect Total 28 1.23 3.650 Nei>!hborhood Commercial TSF 18,13 2.028 General Omce TSF 371,89 4.935 11 OffIce Park TSF 278,78 2.663 Industrial Park TSF 138,52 2.002 Park ACRE PA II Trio BudO'et Total 807.32 11.628 ] 2 Office Park TSF 134,17 UQl PA 12 Trio .Bud!!ct Total 134,17 1.281 NeiO'hborhood E SouareFootape Total TSF 1,267.33 Neiehborhood E Trio Budect Total 17.:].73 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-29 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-3 l PLANNING AREA TRIP BUDGET Plol1llinf! ResidentiallParks Non-Residential Area No. Laml Use Cotello,, .' Units Amount ADTs Amount ADTs NEIGHBORHOOD F 16 Shonnill\! Center TSF 448 13.772 PA 16 Triu Budect Total 448 13.772 11 Shonnillp Center TSF 47 1.445 PA 17 Triu Bud!Jct Total 47 1.445 li Militarv ¡Office) TSF 40.85 542 PA 18 Trio Bud!!et Total 40.85 542 Shonnino Center TSF 435,6 \3.391 435,6 \3.391 19 Multinlex Theater 170 TSF) SEAT 3.500 (dOO PA 19 Trin Blld!!et Total TSF 505.6 19,691 Nei!!hborhood F SQuare Footaee Total TSF 1.041.45 Nci!!hborhood F Trio Bud!!ct Total 35.450 NEIGHBORHOOD G LDR (1-7 DU/Acre) DU 533 5,102 MDR (8-15 DU/Acre) DU 489 3,912 MHDR IJ6-25 DU/Acre) DU 192 1.273 Elementarv/Middle School STU 1.200 1.224 Neighborhood Commercial TSF 26.68 2,983 15 Community Commercial TSF 130,68 8,908 General Office TSF 150.28 1,994 Park ACRE 49 249 Senior COllllretUlte TSF 158,99 970 Snorls Park ACRE 14,1 758 PA 15 Trin BuMet Total 466,63 14.855 20 MHDR (16-25 DU/Acre) DU 376 2.493 21 LDR (1-7 DU/Acre) DU IS9 1.809 MDR (S-15 DUiAcre) DLI 465 3.720 Nei!Jhborhood G SQuare Foota!Je Total TSF 466.63 Neiehborhood G Trio Budect Total 14,855 NEIGHBORHOOD H LDR (1-7 DU/Acre) DU 166 1.589 22 MDR (S-15 DU/Acre) DLI 243 1,944 Elementary/Middle School STU 650 663 Nei!!hborhood H SQuare .Foota!!e Total TSF 0 Nei!!hborhood H Trio Bud!!et Total 0 1 Residential and park uses are shown for informational plilvoses onI v and are not Dart of the non-residential trip budget. All Planning Areas are shown to account for the total ADT associated with developing the Specific Plan, but the trip budget applies only to non- residential uses. They are highlighted in Table 3-3. The Community Development Department and Public Works Department shall maintain a current Trip Budget Tracking form depicting the maximum square footage of non-residential development in each neighborhood. The form shall specify the assumed square footage of commercial, office, institutional and other non-residential uses which have City of Tustin Page 3-30 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations been assigned to each neighborhood. In addition, the form shall specify the amount of square footage approved for development with the equivalent ADTs assigned to a development, and amount of ADT's available for remaining development or available for transfer to another neighborhood. The information shall be further allocated to each Planning Area based on Table 3-3 for administration purposes only. The essential requirement is to document ADT status as it is impacted by each development project so that sufficient roadway capacity remains to accommodate later projects. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-31 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations The following information will provide additional clarification for purposes of implementing the Trip Budget Tracking System. . Calculation of ADTs on Parcels: The calculation of ADTs assigned to a parcel will occur upon approval of a site plan, or design approval for new development, or submittal of an application for building permits, whichever occurs first. Refinements to calculations can be made at the building permit stage where square footage changes are proposed to a development. . Calculation of ADTs for Multiple Use Developments: In a development containing more than one use, ADTs shall be calculated by multiplying the total square footage for each use by the respective trip generation rates and adding the ADTs for each land use on a parcel to derive the total ADTs for a project. . Deviations from the Trip Budget Land Use Mix: A proposed development may deviate from the land use mix shown in the trip budget as long as it can be demonstrated that sufficient ADT capacity exists to serve the project and the remainder of the neighborhood. Consistent with authorized uses within each neighborhood, exchanges of square footages between approved land uses in the Non-Residential Land Use/Trip Budget may be approved subject to review and approval of the total trip generation for a neighborhood by the Public Works and Community Development Departments. //~ Proposed projects will be analyzed in terms of: 1) consistency with the base case mix of uses (Table 3-3) specified for the Planning Area(s); 2) the proportion of the neighborhood trip budget projected to be consumed by the project; and 3) the ability to ensure availability of ADT capacity for subsequent projects within a neighborhood. Adjustments to the amount, intensity, or mix of uses may occur if consistent with the Specific Plan and if desired by the City, as long as sufficient trips remain to accommodate remaining development potential in a neighborhood on parcels where development proposals have not been submitted. . Trip Budget Transfers between Neighborhoods: Where available ADT's from the trip budget remain for an undeveloped parcel(s) within a neighborhood, the transfer of the ADTs to another neighborhood shall not occur without the authorization of the landowner(s) of the developed or undeveloped parcels within the contributing neighborhood agreeing to the transfer. This approval City of Tustin Page 3-32 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations shall be in the form of an agreement to run with the land and subject to review and approval of the City Attorney prior to approval of the transfer. All transfers of available ADTs shall be documented in the Trip Budget Tracking System. . Establishment of Trip Generation Rates: Trip generation rates for estimating the number of vehicle trips that will be generated for land uses in the Specific Plan are included in the MCAS EISIEIR Traffic Study. Since traffic generation rates may vary over time, those used in the Traffic Report may be updated periodically subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission. The methodology for calculating site trips in the MCAS EISIEIR Traffic Study shall be used for update purposes. 3.2.5 (Section Deleted) Tustin Ranch Road and '.^Jarner k~enue Alignment Area Resolution The shaded area designated on the Laad Use Planning ,,\Teas map (Figure 3 1) defines the land area within which the alignments of Tustin Raneh Road and 'Varner }..'¡enue may '.'ary in ultimate location. The Land Use Plan Statistical Summary assumes the most easterly location for Tustin Ranch Road and the most southerly loeation for '}lamer }..'¡ælle, as it apfJlies to PlamTing ,,\Teas 8, 13, 15 and 16. To the extent that this assumption does not hold, Planning ,,\rea g w,ould be reoooed in area and Planning Areas 13, 15, and 16 '.vould gain acreage, as applicable. It is intended that the general geographical relationships between the Planning ,,\reas and these hvo arterial highways would remain constant irrespeeti'le of bOlmdary shifts within the shaded area. It is further intended that adjustments in Planning ,,\Tea boundaries within the shaded area shall not increase the maximum dwelling unit count permitted by the Specific Plan or increase the total nrnnber of trips within the Trip Budget. The basis for reconciling area changes beh'¡een Planning ,,\reas 8 and 15 shall be dwelling units. As Planning .\rea 15 increases in aereage, dwelling units shall be increased at a factor of 15 dwelling units/acre. The :m:lIRber of 1:H1.1tS thus added '.vill be reduced in equal number from the potential d'lIelling units ia Planniag .\rea 8. The basis for reconciling area changes behveen Planning .\rea 8 and Planning ,,\reas 13 and 16 shall be vehicle trips reflected in the Trip Budget. As Planning .\Teas 13 and 16 inerease in acreage, trip budgets f{)f each shall increase at a ratio behveen the aereage gained and the number of trips for the assumed mix ofases within the original Planning ,,\rea. The MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-33 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations number of trips tlæs gained shall be reduced in equal number from the potential trips assigned by the Trip Budget to Planning ¡\rea 8. 3.3 NEIGHBORHOOD A 3.3.1 Introduction Neighborhood A is composed of Planning Areas 1,2, and 3, as shown on the Statistical Analysis (Table 3-2) and on the Land Use Planning Areas map (Figure 3-1). The LeamingEducation Village (PAl) is an educational environment consisting of a broad mix of public-serving uses. The LearningEducation Village is comprised of subplanning areas I-A through I-E-G as shown on Figure 3-1. The Village is already well defined by virtue of having been the community support and administrative core of MCAS Tustin. It is expected that many of the existing buildings in the LearningEducation Village will provide reuse opportunities for educational purposes. Included within PA I-A is a 10-acre elementary school site proposed for the northwesterly comer along Red Hill Avenue. The LeamingEducation Village may also accommodate 10 acres of a Law Enforcement Training Center or use of the site by the South Orange County Community College District (PAl-B), and a 4-acre Children's Intermediate Care Shelter (P A I-C). The LeamingEducation Village may also include a child care facility (PA I-D), an educational use operated by the Rancho Santiago Community College District, and a City-owned site) proposed for reuse. In addition, a more detailed description of these and other public-benefit uses is contained in Section 2.3 and 2.4 of the Plan. The Community Park (P A 2) is located within the existing military recreational fields and facilities. It will contain sports fields and other community-level recreational opportunities to serve residents of the Specific Plan as well as residents to the north. The TransitionaV Emergency Housing site (P A 3) would anticipate reuse of two existing barracks (Building Numbers 553 and 554) and accompanying parking areas for an emergency homeless shelter or transitional housing for homeless persons. The regulations and guidelines have been developed in response to issues raised at both the Neighborhood and Planning Area levels. The issues involve preserving the village character through new development and the reuse of courtyards, common greens, and pedestrian paths; screening and landscape design along roadways; creation of view corridors to the northern blimp hangar (if retained); and trail linkages to adjacent neighborhoods. City of Tustin Page 3-34 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan -~~ -- Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 1 AREA Planning Areas 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-D, and--1-E, 1-F and 1-G-(LearningEducation Village) The purpose and intent of the LeamingEducation Village designation is as described in Section 2.2.1, Land Use Designations. 3.3.2 A. B. C. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs, or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. . Children's intermediate care shelter (only in PA 1-C as shown in Figure 3-1) Churches or other religious institutions Law enforcement training facility (only in PA 1-B as shown in Figure 3-1) Nursery school or child care center P Public school, community college, educational campus or P other educationally oriented uses P . c P . . . . Private school C Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Guard houses, gates and other security facility structures Industrial/commercial business incubators (start-ups) Laboratories and office facilities used for basic and applied research, testing and consulting Maintenance facilities, structures, outdoor storage Medical/dental clinics Post office Support commercial, office, retail service uses . . . . . . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land use designation of this Planning Area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. City of Tustin Page 3-35 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations D. PLANNING 1 AREA Site Development Standards 1. Minimum lot area - no minimum requirement 2. Maximum building height - 100 feet (six stories) 3. Maximum floor area ratio - .30 FAR, except for PA 1-B and PA I-C which shall be.35 FAR Minimum building setbacks! a) Red Hill Avenue - 40 feet b) North Loop Road - 25 feet c) Warner Avenue - 20 feet d) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet e) Lansdowne Drive (private) - 15 feet f) Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks! a) Red Hill Avenue - 30 feet b) North Loop Road - 30 feet c) Warner Avenue - 20 feet d) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, roads and service areas, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin's Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines as detailed in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner A venue and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 10. A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Valencia and Red Hill Avenues, and Warner and Red Hill Avenues (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 4. 5. 6. c) 7. 8. 9. Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future rights-of-way. Non-conforming buildings and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where existing buildings are not in future rights-of-way. /'--'\ City of Tustin Page 3-36 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 1 AREA E. 11. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 12. 13. Special Development or Reuse Requirements 1. A concept plan approval shall be required for individual subplanning areas I-A, I-B, l-C, I-D, and I-E prior to reuse or new development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of facilities or property on a parcel, or prior to any new development on a parcel, other than by the City of Tustin, those parties receiving or leasing property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) within the LeamingEducation Village shall be required to enter into an Agreement with the Local Redevelopment Authority. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of each of the agencies and the City or LRA for each site; 2) identify the scope and schedule for short-range improvements and long-range development plans for property; 3) establish a process that provides for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify roadway dedications, capital/infrastructure improvements, and environmental impact report mitigation that will be required for use and/or development of the agency receiving property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the Agreement. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Utility metering modifications and/or provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving property in the LearntRgEducation Village, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and/or new development. Said agreement shall identify required capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigations. Access to subplanning area I-D shall be secured from recorded easements on adjacent private streets within the LearningEducatiol1 Village (planning Area I-A). The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 1 is 98 percent LearningEducation Village and 2 percent Commercial, which will be administered by the Non-Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. City of Tustin Page 3-37 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 2. ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. Development or Reuse Guidelines I. Existing buildings, open space areas, and other site improvements shall be aesthetically upgraded where needed through architectural and landscape improvements. Such improvements are intended to appear consistent in quality with other college campuses in the County, and may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Upgraded facade treatments, including the use of plaster, brick, stone, and/or other approved materials b) Upgraded window types and treatments c) Upgraded entries, including doorways, covered walkways, decorative paving Upgraded roofing materials Updated color scheme for buildings Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site, including parking areas and common open space areas g) Improved landscape design along building perimeters and entries h) Addition of pedestrian amenities including benches, shade trees, trash receptacles, drinking fountains, and lighting Addition of bicycle facilities including bike racks Creation of LeamingEducation Village entryways through signage and landscape design k) Creation of signage program for building identification and directional signs Enhanced lighting scheme for building entrances, common areas, paths, and parking areas A safe, convenient, pedestrian access shall be provided across North Loop Road (extension of Valencia Avenue) within the LeamingEducation Village. d) e) f) .. . . F. /~ i) j) I) I/~ City of Tustin Page 3-38 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 1 AREA 3. The formal siting pattern of buildings shall be continued in the design and siting of infill development. ¡' t/~~ -)t"5r.............. .s~ rø. p#,."v~. " ~_r~1C5 ~ r"~"'¿ ~, P~ÇÆr-'74Ñ'V7 4. Buildings shall be clustered to create plazas, focal areas, and activity areas. Utilize the "Village Green" and other courtyards in the siting and orientation of buildings to provide focal areas and enhance pedestrian activity. Existing groves and linear stands of trees (i.e., California Peppers, sycamores, jacarandas) shall be taken into consideration when site planning for new development and roadways. If it is not possible to preserve these existing groves or stands of trees, a landscaping definition along public roads and within the Planning Area shall be created. ' Perimeter parking around buildings designed as smaller parking "rooms" shall be provided where feasible to facilitate pedestrian access and retain existing campus style building configuration. Demolition of structures shall be considered or undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the land use intended for this Planning Area. 5. 6. 7. 8. A summary of the key design guidelines for the LearningEducation Village is provided in Figure 3-3, located at the end of Section 3.3. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-39 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.3.3 PLANNING 2 AREA A. B. c. D. Planning Area 2 - Community Park Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. . Ballfields, courts, playgrounds and other recreation P facilities . Civic, cultural and community center buildings P . Nature center with live animals C . Private recreational facilities P . Public park P . Sports field lighting where lighting is designed to confine P direct rays and glare to the premises Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Maintenance facilities and structures, enclosed and screened outdoor storage Support commercial concessions . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of land use designation of this Planning Area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Site Development Standards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Minimum lot area - no minimum requirements Maximum building height - 35 feet Minimum building setback - none Maximum floor area ratio - .10 FAR Landscape Setbacks2 a) North Loop Road - 30 feet Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, In the case of the Community Park, park area can be located in the setback area. City of Tustin Page 3-40 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 2 AREA E. F. 6. Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. An internal pedestrian/multi-use trail through the park shall be developed and coordinated with access to the elementary school site to west and residential development to the east. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). If this setback conflicts with existing ballfields that the City wishes to retain, then a reduced or modified community intersection treatment may be provided subject to the determination of the City. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Special Development or Reuse Requirements I. Existing structures shall be brought into conformance with the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Development or Reuse Guidelines I. Demolition of structures shall be considered or undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the land use intent of this Planning Area. A view corridor into the park at the intersection of Armstrong Avenue and North Loop Road (extension of Valencia) shall be maintained. In conjunction with Master Plan improvements in excess of $1 million dollars in valuation, a screening wall shall be provided along the northern boundary of park where none exists in accordance with the General Regulations Section 3.11. A summary of the key design guidelines for the Community Park is provided in Figure 3-3, located at the end of Section 3.3. 2. 3. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-41 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.3.4 PLANNING 3 AREA A. B. C. D. Planning Area 3 - Transitional/Emergency Housing Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. . Congregate care facility Government facility Medical/dental clinic School, public or private community college/educational campus Single room occupancy hotel (192 unit maximum) Transitional/Emergency housing (192 bed maximum) P p . P C C C . . . . Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Administrative offices Caretaker's quarters Assembly/multi-purpose buildings Kitchen! dining Maintenance/storage facilities and structures Medical/dental clinics . . . . . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land use designation of this Planning Area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Site Development Standards 1. Minimum lot area - none 2. Maximum building height - 35 feet 3. Maximum floor area ratio - .60 FAR 4. Minimum building setbacks3 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back ofthe curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Non-confonning landscape setbacks will be pennitted to remain i~1 '. ) City of Tustin Page 3-42 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 5. Red Hill Avenue - 40 feet Interior side yards - 5 feet Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Private streets - 10 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between ptincipal and accessorv structures-5 feet Landscape setbacks3 a) Red Hill Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines c) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 8. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 9. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Special Development or Reuse Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning Area 3 prior to reuse or new development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of facilities or property on a parcel, or prior to any new development on a parcel, any party receiving or leasing property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) shall be required to enter into an Agreement with the LRA. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of the agency receiving property and the City or LRA for the site; 2) identify the scope and schedule for the short-range improvements and long-range development plans for the property; 3) establish a process that provides for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigation that will be required of the agency receiving or leasing property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the Agreement. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City, State of California a) b) c) d) e) t) PLANNING 3 AREA 6. 7. E. 2. 3. to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-43 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 3 AREA 4. Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Utility metering modifications and/or provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving property in the Learn:ingEducation Village, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and/or new development. Said agreement shall identify required capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigations. Access to Planning Area 3 shall be secured from recorded easements on adjacent private streets within the LøarningEducation Village (Planning Area 1). Transitional/emergency housing shall not be used in calculating the total number of units permitted to be in rental tenure in the Specific Plan. Development or Reuse Guidelines 1. Existing buildings, open space areas, and other site improvements shall be aesthetically upgraded through architectural and landscape improvements, prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits. Such improvements may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Upgraded window types and treatments (i.e., trim) b) Upgraded entries, including doorways, covered walkways, decorative paving c) Upgraded roofing materials and roof overhangs d) Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site, including parking areas and common open space areas Improved landscape design along building perimeters and entries Addition of pedestrian amenities including paths, benches, shade trees, trash receptacles, drinking fountains, and lighting g) Addition of bicycle facilities including bike racks h) Creation of signage program for building identification and directional signs Enhanced lighting scheme for building entrances, common areas, paths, and parking areas The existing concrete wall along Red Hill Avenue shall be replaced or aesthetically improved to be decorative, durable, and to blend with the landscape design along Red Hill Avenue. A summary of the key design guidelines for the TransitionalÆmergency Housing site is provided in Figure 3-3, located at the end of Section 3.3. 5. 6. F. e) f) i) 2. (.--~\ City of Tustin Page 3-44 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan .. . I PA4 --=-\I PA 1-A li ElEMENTARY ' SCHOOL I . I ,....,.';,t -- PA2 COMMUNITY PARK PAS .... .... """ - I .1. 10 accom. moda1e e)åSting street. t- Ireeslf ,.ealbIt ----- ,. See Figure 2-20 porIal intersection 1I'eIIIIIHII1t _1I1 \lre,2-16 arch1IeCluralllJ1d landScape upgrades to Improw appearance ReCÌhll Ave. edge condition See Figure 2~a porUII ~m ~ -1igI,I~ 2-16 \ Gad ---:r-"--.....,.. '\ -----.-------------...'" \ -: ^' . PA 31 ,.' . , I --+ TRANsmONALI \ 1..D ", ; I '. \EMERGENCY HouSiNG .....~. I ~" \ "," ... .... PA 1-A ;"'" / ,,/ EDUCATION 0"'" i . VILLAGE f 111--- I. '. 1-B ,/JfJ ¡,, I ' I . ! : I J , I r-- i.... I I, ...--=-'-' 11 - G I ,......: \ : I . , I I ';" ~-1 i 1-F I I i ( f . '--. I ! ! I --._____L___----I.- ----- PA 10 ...- opportunlUø8lnto communhy and urban regional pørk PA6 prOllldeinÞlmld pedeslrilln IITeil system and øoc:ouragll cunnec1Ions Ie adjacent IJ!IIV'>~ U1d 8CIIvI1y eenI8rs In the ...c:inity PAS 'Arm8tIOnO Awnuo ~ See Fillure 2-23. seeondaIy commll'1ly ~ trNIm8III See Figure 2-23 ~ NOTTO SCMJ! Chapter3 . Land Use and DevelopmenllReuse Regulations Neighborhood A ~ - ..... . I .( I æ~ MCÆS T'"'i. Sp,dfi' PlanIRII"" PIP. CI~~ City of7ù..fi. fip/«]-] BEVISÐI Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations This page intentionally left blank. City of Tustin Page 3-46 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.4 NEIGHBORHOOD B 3.4.1 Introduction Neighborhood B is composed of Planning Areas 4, 5, and 7, as shown on the Statistical Analysis, Table 3.2. The Low Density Residential use (P A 4) containsed 274 ø-xisting attached dwelling units, known as Tustin Villas '.yhiei:1 may be rehabilitated or new 1:HlÍts may be reconstructed. The City has identified some of the corrections necessary to meet building and safety code requirements. However, the existing units lacked the architectural and landscaping details generally found in private market housing. The following regulations and guidelines address the improve- ments that will be required prior to reuse or any for new construction. Planning Area 5 containsed nine small buildings located in the southwest comer of the Planning Area. These buildings, along with the associated parking areas, will need to be demolished in order to accommodate the medium density residential uses designated for this area. Planning Area 7 contains two of the blimp hangar mooring circles as well as undeveloped land area. The following regulations and guidelines have been developed in response to issues at both the Neighborhood and Planning Area levels. The issues involve the need for upgrading the housing area to market-rate standards; infill development considerations for new housing; visually integrating uses through landscape design; and trail linkages to adjacent neighborhoods. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-47 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 4 AREA 3.4.2 A. Planning Area 4 - Low Density Residential Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. B. Community care facilities for six or fewer persons Condominiums and cooperatives Family care home, foster home or group home, for six or fewer persons . Large family day care for seven to twelve children on single family detached lots in accordance with the Tustin City Code Multiple-family dwelling units (apartments) in accordance with tenure provisions in Section 3.4.2.G Residential care facility for elderly, for six or fewer persons Single-family attached dwelling units and duplexes Single-family detached dwelling units Single-family detached carriage way units Small family day care for less than seven children on single family detached lots Accessory Uses and Structures . . . . . . . . . . P P P P C P P P P P /-~""'. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: c. . Carports Garages Home occupations subject to provisions of the City Code Patio covers/trellises Swimming pools, spas, jacuzzis Tennis courts, basketball courts and other multi-purpose courts, recreation and community buildings Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. . . . . . Unlisted Uses City of Tustin Page 3-48 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations D. Site Development Standards - Single Family Detached 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 50 percent of lot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. Minimum building setbacks4 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Local public street - 10 feet c) Private street or private drive - 5 feet d) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards Rear yard - I 0 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks4 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 10. Fences and Walls a) Compliance with General Regulations Section 3.11. b) A masonry block wall shall be maintained and/or constructed along the western perimeter of the Planning Area in accordance with the General Development Regulations. 11. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 12. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 13. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 6. ..~ . . e) f) g) 7. 8. c) 9. Landscape setbacks are measured from the back ofthe curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, Non- confonning landscape and building setbacks will be pennitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-49 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations ..~ . . E. Site Development Standards - Sine:le Family Detached Carriage Way Units Definition: A type of single family detached product that is located on a minimum thirty-six (36) foot wide paved street with a ten (10) foot parkway on both sides of the paved portions of the street with a garage that is located to the rear of the residence and takes access from a rear two-way alley that is a minimum of twenty-four (24) feet wide. 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 50 percent of lot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. Minimum building setbacks4 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Local public street - 10 feet c) Private street or private drive - 5 feet (front yard) d) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards e) Rear yard - 3 feet for garage and 7 feet for living areas including living areas above garage f) Distance between aecessory structures - 5 feet g) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet h) Building to building setback - 30 feet minimum, applicable to units fronting a pase%pen space Landscape setbacks4 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 10. Fences and Walls a) Compliance with General Regulations Section 3.11. b) A masonry block wall shall be maintained and/or constructed along the western perimeter of the Planning 6. 7. 8. c) 9. City of Tustin Page 3-50 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan -- ---,- -- Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 4 AREA F. Area in accordance with the General Development Regulations. 11. Homes that side-on to a local road shall incorporate architectural enhancements on the side and front view of the unit, as seen from the local road. 12. End units - a minimum back up space of three (3) feet in addition to the width of the drive approach. 13.. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 14. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 15. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable to Single Family Detached) Site Development Standards - Single Family Attached 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area per family unit - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - no minimum 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 100 percent less required setbacks and open space areas Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Private outdoor open space - minimum private outdoor open space shall be increased to 400 square feet for existing units. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage: a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) I Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 900 square feet Minimum building setbacksS a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Local public street - 10 feet c) Private street or private drive - 5 feet d) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards e) Rear yard - 10 feet f) Distance between accessory stmctures - 5 feet 6. 7. 8. 9. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. Non-confonning landscape and building setbacks will be pennitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-51 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations G. g) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet 10. Landscape setbacks6 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet II. Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 12. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 13. Fences and Walls a) Compliance with General Regulations Section 3.11. b) A masonry block wall shall be maintained and/or constructed along the western perimeter of the Planning Area in accordance with the General Development Regulations. 14. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 15. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 16. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Site Development Standards - Condominiums and Multiple Family Dwellings 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum development site - 8 acres (minimum legal lot size) 3. Maximum building height - 40 feet 4. Maximum lot coverage - 65 percent, less the required building and landscape setbacks Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Private outdoor open space - minimum private outdoor open space shall be increased to 400 square feet for existing units. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage a) Bachelor - 450 square feet c) PLANNING 4 AREA 5. 6. 7. 6 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way, r--' , \ City of Tustin Page 3-52 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ;. ,11 II ,.. - , l' Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 9. b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) I Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 850 square feet Minimum building setbacks 7 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Local public street - 10 feet c) Private street or private drive - 5 feet d) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards Rear yard - 10 feet Distance between accessorv structures - 5 feet g) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks 7 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet 10. Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan II. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adj acent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 12. Fences and Walls a) Compliance with General Regulations Section 3.11. b) A masonry block wall shall be maintained and/or constructed along the western perimeter of the Planning Area in accordance with the General Development Regulations. 13. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 14. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 15. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Special Development or Reuse Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning Area 4 prior to reuse or development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). e) 1) PLANNING 4 AREA 8. b) c) H. Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. Non- confonning landscape and building setbacks will be pennitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-53 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 4 AREA 2. 3. Development unit - Planning Area 4 shall be developed or redeveloped as a single development unit. Affordability - The following minimum affordable housing production objectives are intended to reflect the intention ofthe City to create a redevelopment project area (Community Redevelopment Law, section 33000) and as needed to meet Regional Housing Allocation needs as identified in the Housing Element of the General Plan through the provision of housing for households at very low, low, and moderate incomes levels. Specific housing requirements for redevelopment and Housing Element compliance will be established at the time of development project approval to ensure uniformity with the Housing Element of the General Plan and other applicable provisions of California Law and to achieve the following: a) At least 15% of units for initial occupancy by very low income to moderate income households for redevelopment, with 6% (or 40%) of units affordable to very low income households. b) At least 38 additional units for occupancy by low income households. c) At least IS additional units for occupancy by moderate income households. d) Restricted affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the project and shall be compatible with the design and use of market rate units in appearance, use of materials, and finished quality. Restricted units shall be affordable for at least the minimum period of time required by state law, or longer if required by a construction or mortgage financing assistance program. Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, a developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Tustin or its Redevelopment Agency, and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: 1) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count 2) Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices 3) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes The City of Tustin reserves the right to negotiate transfer of a developer's obligation pursuant to this section off- site as a credit for affordable units which cannot be reasonably feasible to provide on-site which shall be at e) f) City of Tustin Page 3-54 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~ ---- --iT -- /\ -_/ /~ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 4 AREA I. the City's sole and absolute discretion. To ensure comparable equivalent value of an off-site option or exchange for not providing on-site affordable units, a financial affordability gap analysis will be conducted by the City, at developer's cost, to compare the value of the off-site option and the affordability gap cost of providing on-site affordable housing. Tenure - Reuse/development in Planning Area 4 shall be preferably ownership tenure, Development of apartments is a discretionary action requiring approval of a conditional use permit. Consideration of a conditional use permit should include the City's preference for ownership tenure, and in any event, no more than 25 percent of the total number of units permitted within the City of Tustin portion of the Specific Plan may be approved for apartments. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Utility metering modifications and/or provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving property in the P A 4 prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and/or new development Said agreement shall identify required capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigations. Development or Reuse Guidelines 1. Existing housing units shall be aesthetically upgraded through architectural and landscape improvements to appear consistent in quality with private market housing in the surrounding neighborhoods of Tustin and Irvine. Such improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits. The improvements may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Upgraded facade treatments, including use of plaster or stucco, wood siding, brick, stone, and other approved materials b) Upgraded window types and treatments (i.e. trim) c) Upgraded roofing materials and extension of roof overhangs d) Updated color scheme for buildings and walls e) Enhancement of private patios and balconies 4. 5. 6. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-55 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations f) . h) i) j) k) I) Upgraded appearance of unit entrances, including doorways, walkways, decorative 'paving g) Improved landscape design of front yards and common areas Consistent landscape treatment along local roads Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site Decorative treatment of all exposed site walls Upgraded driveways Decorative paving and other hardscape amenities for pedestrian paths in common areas m) Improvements to common recreational areas including provision of shelters, lighting, and refurbishing of facilities n) Creation of project entryways through signage and landscape design 0) Upgraded and consistent signage, including project identification, addressing, and directional signs p) Enhanced lighting scheme for units, common areas, paths, and parking areas q) Application of defensible space techniques m landscaping and lighting The existing boundary wall along Edinger Avenue shall be aesthetically improved with stucco or other facade treatment, color, and a decorative wall cap, as shown in the example below. /\ 2. ß"",vT - r/uJe, ~ $#",lIð':) Al.ØN6 1;.JI'f1./. #)( T'ND III"'/../.. " ,~,::!P68Þ'¡IV~ -,--- 3. In the event that infill development shall occur, the following guidelines shall apply: a) Consistency with scale massing, and setbacks of existing structures. b) Compliance with re-use guidelines that pertain to the surrounding structures. ".---,\ City of Tustin Page 3-56 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~-~~T <rT -----~~--- -- --~ --- ,-r----~ - - Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 4 AREA Compliance with appropriate landscape and parking standards. 4. Demolition of structures may be as required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: I) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the land use intent of this Planning Area. A summary of the key design guidelines for the Low Density Residential Planning Area is provided in Figure 3-4. c) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-57 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .. . . 3.4.3 Planning Area 5 - Medium Density Residential A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. . Churches and other religious institutions C . Community care facilities for six or fewer persons P . Condominiums and cooperatives P . Convalescent hospital C . Family care home, foster home or group home, for six or P fewer persons . Large family day care for seven to twelve children on P single family detached lots in accordance with the Tustin City Code . Multiple-family dwelling units (apartments) in C accordance with tenure provisions in Section 3.4.3.H . Patio homes P . Private school C . Public or private preschools C . Fire Station P . Public/private utility building facility C . Residential care facility for elderly, for six or fewer P persons . Single-family attached dwelling units and duplexes P . Single-family detached dwelling units P . Single-family detached Carriage Way units P . Small-family day care for less than seven children on P single-family detached lots B. Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Carports Garages Home occupations subject to provisions of the City Code Patio covers/trellises Swimming pools, spas, jacuzzis Tennis courts, basketball courts and other multi-purpose courts, recreation and community buildings . . . . . ,---"",,\ City of Tustin Page 3-58 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~ ~--S - -- - --- - - = ---- - Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations c. Unlisted Uses PLANNING 5 AREA Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. D. Site Development Standards - Single Family Detached 1. Maximum dwelling units - 15 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 50 percent of lot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. Minimum building setbacks8 a) North Loop Road - 25 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet c) Local public street - 10 feet d) Private street or private drive - 5 feet e) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards Rear yard - 10 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks8 a) North Loop Road - 30 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 10. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary 6. f) g) h) 7. 8. b) 9. Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-59 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .. . . E. 11. community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Edinger Avenue and West Connector (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 12. 13. 14. Site Development Standards - Simde Family Detached Carriage Way Units Definition: A type of single family detached product that is located on a minimum thirty-six (36) foot wide paved street with a ten (10) foot parkway on both sides of the paved portions of the street with a garage that is located to the rear of the residence and takes access from a rear two-way alley that is a minimum of twenty-four (24) feet wide. I. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 50 percent oflot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. 6. Minimum building setbacks4 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Local public street - 10 feet c) Private street or private drive - 5 feet (front yard) d) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards e) Rear yard - 3 feet for garage and 7 feet for living areas including living areas above garage :f) Distanc.e between ac.cessory structures - 5 feet g) Distance between principal and accessory struc.tures - 5 feet h) Building to building setback - 30 feet minimum, . applicable to units fronting a pase%pen space 7. Landscape setbacks4 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines ~, 8. City of Tustin Page 3-60 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 5 AREA F. c) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 1 O. Fences and Walls a) Compliance with General Regulations Section 3.11. b) A masonry block wall shall be maintained and/or constructed along the western perimeter of the Planning Area in accordance with the General Development Regulations. 11. Homes that side-on to a local road shall incorporate architectural enhancements on the side and front view of the unit, as seen from the local road. 12. End units - a minimum back up space of three (3) feet in addition to the width of the drive approach. 13. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 14. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 15. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable to Single Family Detached) Site Development Standards - Single Family Attached 1. Maximum dwelling units - 15 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area per family unit - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - no minimum 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 100 percent less required setbacks and open space areas Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage: a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) 1 Bedroom with den- 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 900 square feet 9. 6. 7. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-61 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 10. Minimum building setbacks9 a) North Loop Road - 25 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet c) Local public street - 10 feet d) Private street or private drive - 5 feet e) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards Rear yard - I 0 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks1O a) North Loop Road - 30 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Edinger Avenue and West Connector (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) t) g) 11) 8. .. . . 9. b) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Building setbacks are measured nom future right-of-way. Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way, 10 Landscape setbacks are measured nom the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. (~ City of Tustin Page 3-62 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations G. .. . . Site Development Standards - Condominiums and Multiple Family Dwellings I. Maximum dwelling units - 15 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - none, refer to Section 3.4.3.GI. 3. Maximum building height - 40 feet 4. Maximum lot coverage - 65 percent, less the required building and landscape setbacks Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) I Bedroom - 550 square feet c) I Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 850 square feet Minimum building setbacks 11 a) North Loop Road - 25 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet c) Local public street - 10 feet d) Private street or private drive - 5 feet e) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards Rear yard - 10 feet Distance between accessory stmctures - 5 feet Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks 11 a) North Loop Road - 30 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 5. 6. 7. f) g) h) 8. 9. b) II Landscape setbacks are measured trom the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured trom future right-of-way, Non- conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-63 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 5 AREA , H. 10. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Edinger Avenue and West Connector (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Site Development Standards - Patio Homes I. Maximum dwelling units - 15 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - none, refer to Subsection below 3. Building site requirements - patio home subdivisions shall be designated as a development unit on a tentative map. Maximum building height - 35 feet Maximum lot coverage - 100 percent, less required building and landscape setbacks Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. A minimum of 150 square feet may be for private use if located on ground level and open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage - 900 square feet Maximum number of four bedroom units - 30 percent Minimum building setbacks12 a) North Loop Road - 25 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet c) Local public or private street - The minimum building setback shall be 10 feet from a public or private street. An attached. or detached garage may be setback a minimum of 5 feet from a public or private street. If 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12 Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be pennitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. /--,,\ City of Tustin Page 3-64 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 5 AREA d) living areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply provided that no more than 75 percent of the units along the street frontage have living space over a garage with less than a 10 foot setback. All units located along both sides of a street segment shall be included when calculating the above 75 percent determination, regardless of whether they front, side, or rear load on that section of a street. A garage shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 feet from the right-of-way line. Garages setback 9 feet or less shall be equipped with an automatic garage opener. Private drives and courts - The minimum building setback shall be 7 feet in a private court or on a private drive not located within a court. An attached or detached garage may be setback a minimum of 3 feet provided that no more than 50 percent of the length of the building frontage over the total length of the drive or court is setback less than 7 feet. In calculating the total length of the drive or court and the length of building frontage, the length of building and street frontage on both sides ofthe drive or court shall be used. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setback shall apply. The minimum 3 foot garage setback shall be increased where necessary to accommodate required sidewalks. A garage shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 feet from the right-of- way line. Garages setback 9 feet or less shall be equipped with an automatic garage opener. A minimum distance of 40 feet shall be maintained between ground floor living areas on units across from each other in a court, on a drive, or on a shared driveway. Minimum distance between buildings - The minimum horizontal distance between adjacent buildings shall be 10 feet. The minimum distance between buildings may be reduced to 6 feet for no more than a maximum length of 25 feet of a building elevation, provided that there are no windows on one elevation for that portion of the building elevation with less than a 10 foot setback. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply. Tract boundary - The minimum building setback from any tract boundary shall be 10 feet. If the tract boundary is adjacent to a park or other permanent open space, the minimum building setback shall be 5 feet. Distance between accessory stmctures - 5 feet e) f) g) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-65 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations I. h) Distance between principal and accessory stmctures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks13 a) North Loop - 30 feet b) West Connector - 20 feet II. Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 12. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adj acent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 13. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 14. A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Edinger Avenue and West Connector (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). IS. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 16. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 17. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Special Development Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning Area 5 prior to development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). 10. PLANNING 5 AREA 2. Affordability - The following minimum affordable housing production objectives are intended to reflect the intention ofthe City to create a redevelopment project area (Community Redevelopment Law, section 33000) and as needed to meet Regional Housing Allocation needs as identified in the Housing Element of the General Plan through the provisions of housing for households at very low, low and moderate income levels. Specific housing requirements for redevelopment and Housing Element compliance will be established at the time of 13 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. /---'\ City of Tustin Page 3-66 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 5 AREA development project approval to ensure uniformity with the Housing Element of the General Plan and other applicable provisions of California Law and to achieve the following: a) At least 15% of units for initial occupancy by very low income to moderate income households for redevelopment, with 6% (or 40%) of units affordable to very low income households. b) At least 38 additional units for occupancy by low income households. c) 3. At least 16 additional units for occupancy by moderate income households. d) Restricted affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the project and shall be compatible with the design and use of market rate units in appearance, use of materials, and finished quality. Restricted units shall be affordable for at least the minimum period of time required by state law, or longer if required by a construction or mortgage financing assistance program. e) Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, a developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Tustin or its Redevelopment Agency, and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: 1) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count 2) Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices 3) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes The City of Tustin reserves the right to negotiate transfer of a developer's obligation pursuant to this section off- site as a credit for affordable units which cannot be reasonably feasible to provide on-site which shall be at the City's sole and absolute discretion. To ensure comparable equivalent value of an off-site option or exchange for not providing on-site affordable units, a financial affordability gap analysis will be conducted by the City, at developer's cost, to compare the value of the off-site option and the affordability gap cost of providing on-site affordable housing. Tenure - Development in Planning Area 5 of apartments is a discretionary action requiring approval of a conditional use permit. In considering a conditional use permit, no more than f) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-67 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 5 AREA 4. 25 percent of the total number of units permitted within the Tustin portion of the Specific Plan area may be approved for apartments. Condominiums and multiple family development may contain numerous lots, but shall be designated as a development unit on a tentative map. The minimum size for a development unit shall be 10 acres. Development Guidelines 1. Buildings should be staggered along North Loop Road to provide variety along the streetscape. The use of sound walls should be minimized through building site location. 2. J. 3. Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the land use intent of this Planning Area. A summary of the key design guidelines for the Medium Density Residential Planning Area is provided in Figure 3-4. City of Tustin Page 3-68 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 7 AREA 3.4.4 A. Planning Area 7 - Village Services Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. Off-site Alcoholic beverage sales establishments, subjøet G;e to criteria in City Codøin accordance with Section 3.14 Antique shop Apparel stores Appliance and hardware stores Art gallery Automobile parts and supplies (no installations) Bakeries, retail only Billiard hall Books, gifts, and stationary stores Bowling alley Coffee house/cafes Commercial recreation facilities Con-lenience stores (in aeeordaflee with the Tustin City Geàej Delicatessen! cafeteria Drug store, pharmacy Florist General retail stores Hobby shop Home improvement stores Household goods and services Jewelry stores Office supplies and equipment Pet stores, supplies, and grooming Photography studio, laboratory Shoe stores Sporting goods Supermarket, grocery stores Variety store Service commercial uses, including incidental retail sales: Automobile service station (in accordance with the Tustin C City Code) Banks and financial institutions without drive-thru windows Barber, beauty shops 1. Retail commercial uses: P P P P P P C P C P C G P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-69 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Bulk recycling vending (in accordance with the Tustin C . City Code) . Car wash C . Coin-operated self-service laundromats PC . Commercial recreation facilities C . Dry cleaners (oommereialstorefront) Gr Dry cleaners (plant on premises) C . Emergency care facility p . Health club Gr . Large collection recycling facility C . Locksmith P . Mortuaries C . Movie theaters C . On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments including C bars, taverns, cocktail lounges (when not an integral part of a restaurant), in accordance with Section 3.14 . Print shop P . Restaurants, family, specialty, and fast-food without P drive-thru . Restaurants, with drive-thru C . Reverse vending recycling machines (in accordance with P the Tustin City Code) . Small animal hospitals or clinics C . Tailor shop P . Telephone answering service P . Travel agency P . Utility building/facility C 3. Offices: . General offices for: advertising agency, economic P consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency . Professional offices for: architect, accountant, attorney, P chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions 4. Public/Institutional uses: . Churches and other religious institutions C . Nursery school or child care center C . Other government/utility facility C . School, private or public C City of Tustin Page 3-70 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3. Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations, .. . . B. c. D. E. Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site. Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Prohibited Uses Ack1lt emørtainmønt businesses Sexually oriented businesses . Site Development Standards 1. Minimum let-site size - 10,000 square feet. Minimum building footprint size shall be 10,000 square feet and 1,000 square feet for freestanding retail commercial. Maximum building height - ~ífeet Maximum floor area ratio - .35 FAR for retail commercial uses, .35 FAR for service commercial uses, .5 FAR for office uses, and .25 FAR for public institutional uses Minimum building setbacks14 a) Edinger Avenue - 20 feet b) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet c) North Loop Road - 25 feet d) West Connector - 20 feet e) Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks1s a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet b) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet c) North Loop Road - 30 feet d) West Connector - 20 feet Landscaping 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 14 15 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. Non- conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. Landscape setbacks are measured from the back ofthe curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-71 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 7 AREA F. G. 7. Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Tustin Ranch Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Edinger Avenue and West Connector (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable} Alcoholic Beverage sales (refer to Section 3.14 as applicable) a) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Special Development Requirements I. Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning Area 7 prior to development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan. The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 7 is 80 pereeffi Coram.øreial and 20 percent Pub lie/Institutional, which will be administered by the Non-Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. The baseline mix does not preclude development of listed permitted or conditional uses. Development Guidelines 1. The architectural facade treatment on buildings shall be consistently applied on all sides. The Planning Area should include development of a pedestrian-oriented commercial center. The inclusion of courtyards and/or plazas within the commercial center are encouraged. Any development should ensure a strong relationship between the main commercial center and any freestanding buildings, with consideration given to pedestrian access and relationships between uses. 2. 2. 3. ,/~ City of Tustin Page 3-72 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan - - - ~ ~--~ ' " Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .. . . 5. A viewscape into the site shall be provided at the intersection of North Loop Road and West Connector to provide views to the main buildings. Pedestrian access into the site in the vicinity of this intersection shall also be provided. In the event that the Tustin Ranch Road interchange is developed prior to development of the subject site, additional landscaping enhancements adjacent to the intersection ramps shall be included in any development plan for Planning Area 7. 4. A summary of the key design guidelines for the Village Services Planning Area is provided in Figure 3-4. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-73 aeslhellc !mprCMlflleflt to existing WIlli J i PA4 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EdInger Ave. edge condlllon see figure 2-31a arcl1l18c1ural ancIlandacape upgrades- to exlsUng housing to appear consistent wIII1 private market housing JH'I*d existing - 8I8nd of ...' " fMaible , ì / t I I I I I . t ... I ,.-.-.-.-' I, . , /-.~ PA 5 I ., ./ MEDIUM DENSITY I ,"""._'; \.."" RESIDENTIAL ...._..1 , /' .." " " ,,' ~ ! I - , - : I PA7 I VlUAGE SERVICES , II .- , I ~ ------ -------- PA8 Cluster bUildings along North Loop Road to ptoVi<1s variety In -ape PA2 PA6 EJ NOT TO SCALE Chapter 3 . Land Use and DevelopmentIReuse Regulations Neighborhood B ISILMu -- -- . I æ~ MCAS 7inIin Sþfdji( P/onIR"", Pldn ~=JI City tfTUJlin Figwy 3-4 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.5 NEIGHBORHOOD C 3.5.1 Introduction .'. , , Neighborhood C is comprised of a single Planning Area, P A 6, which is designated as Urban Regional Park (Table 3-2). The Urban Regional Park will be owned and operated by the County of Orange. Use of the park will include auxiliary buildings (#'s 173, 253) for Orange County law enforcement training. Building #161 will be used as a children, youth and family resource center. The intent of the following regulations and guidelines for the regional park is to achieve continuity with the Specific Plan in terms of landscaping, trail systems, and other aspects of park design. The regional park is a significant cultural and recreational amenity within the Plan that must be both physically and visually accessible to the public. 3.5.2 Planning Area 6 - Urban Regional Park A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. . Animal shelter C . Arboretums and horticultural gardens P . Children, Youth and Family Resource Center (building P #161) . Commercial recreation facilities C . Live performance facility/amphitheater C . Museum, cultural center, interpretive center, and/or other P educational and cultural facility . Nature center with live animals C . Picnic areas P . Recreation facilities P . Regional law enforcement training classrooms (restricted P to building #'s 173, 253 only) . Park P . Regional Archaeological Curation Center P . Retail or service commercial uses, other than C concessionaire commercial uses . Riding and hiking trails and staging areas P . Sports lighting where exterior lighting is designed to P confine direct rays and glare to premises . Theatres C MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-75 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations B. PLANNING 6 , AREA c. D. Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Concession commercial, gift shops (sundries, souvenirs, books, collectibles, apparel) Guard houses, gates and other security facilities structures Maintenance facilities and structures Restaurant, cafeteria, food court . . . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Site Development Standards 1. Minimum lot size - 80 acres 2. Maximum building height - 40 feet; no building height limit shall apply to Hangar #1 Maximum floor area ratio - .16 FAR for Urban Regional Park uses including retail and commercial uses, and .25 FAR for the Regional Law Enforcement Training Classrooms Minimum building setbacks16 a) North Loop Road - 25 feet b) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet Landscape setbacks16 a) North Loop Road - 30 feet b) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. An internal pedestrian/multi-use trail through the park shall be developed and coordinated with pedestrian and bicycle trail 3. 4. 5. 6. b) 7. 16 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. Non- conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. //--'\ , ' City of Tustin Page 3-76 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 6 AREA E. 8. systems of adjacent Planning Areas, and with city-wide bicycle trails where applicable. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). Development of an animal shelter shall be subject to the following criteria: a) Location shall be 500 feet from any residential use or residentially zoned property b) Visual screening of outdoor storage and service areas shall be provided c) Noise control of animal containment areas shall be provided d) Architectural design of buildings shall be provided e) Odor control shall be provided pursuant to General Development Regulations, Section 3.11 Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 9. 10. 11. 12. Special Development or Reuse Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for P A 6 prior to reuse or development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of buildings or property on a parcel, or prior to any new development on a parcel within this Planning Area, other than by the City of Tustin, any agencies receiving property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) shall be required to enter into an Agreement with the City of Tustin. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of an agency and the City; 2) identify the scope and schedule for short-range improvements and of any long-range development plans for the property; 3) establish a process that provides for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify roadway dedication and capital infrastructure improvements that will be required for use and/or development, and Environmental Impact Report mitigation required by the agency receiving property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the Agreement. A Memorandum of Agreement has been entered into between the State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Department of Navy, County of Orange 2. 3. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-77 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 6 AREA F. and City of Tustin. The Memorandum of Agreement dictates the process to be followed in determining any future reuse or demolition plans for the historic blimp hangar. See the Final EISIEIR for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin for a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement and specifics regarding the future reuse or demolition of the blimp hangar. Any new structural additions to Planning Area 6 shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Tustin. An interpretive center shall be provided in the Urban Regional Park as part of the project's implementation. The interpretive center may be located in either an existing building or as part of a new development. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement discussed in Section E.3 above, the center shall address the history of the blimp hangar and its associated facilities, and MCAS Tustin as a whole. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The State Historical Building Code, as locally adopted, may be applied where applicable within the Planning Area. Utility metering modifications and/or provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving property in the Urban Regional Park, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and/or new development. Said agreement shall identify required capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigations. Development or Reuse Guidelines 1. If the blimp hangar is retained as part of the Urban Regional Park site, any new development within the Planning Area should not obstruct the visual dominance of the blimp hangar, particularly from adjacent roadways. 4. 5. 6. 7. ,/~, I --~""'" City of Tustin Page 3-78 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~ ."..-....- --------- - ---------,..- --.--......--- Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 6 AREA The concept below is shown as only one possible alternative concept for the regional park site. BO ~ Animal SI'Ietter ~ Cultural Resoun:e Center ~ HÎ$tOtIC Blimp Hanger ~ Blime OøerallOns ~ Family Resource Center ~ Pallt Helldquanel$ & OtIice ~ Ball Fields . RecnJ8IJOI'I ~ Hartl COUt'IS . RecreatIOn ~ PasSIVe Pallt . Rec:reatlon ~ Gn>uo EvenlS ~ HistDncal exhibit Cemer ~ . Partang MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-79 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 6 AREA Demolition of structures shall be considered or undertaken under the following conditions: I) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, 4) to properly implement the land use intent of this Planning Area, and 5) where all requirements of subsection E.3 above have been met. A summary of the key design guidelines for the Urban Regional Park is provided in Figure 3-5. 2. ,'-~\ /\ City of Tustin Page 3-80 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ',1fT ~_. -, - ~ ~.. -- '~--.-- '" " " _øcondmy community Intersection treatment see ilgure2'18 PA2 North Loop Road. t;lree!$çapê see figure 2.23 PA5 PA 1 \ , , , I lfl III . I I I i / ¡ / i I J 'I 1- ,- - --... -- .......,-.,..,.-...-. ".., . . ~ . PA6 URBAN REGIONAL PARK. Armstrong Ave. "I$~, see figure 1.23 ¡"""""-"""-- I i i ¡ t ",",," '."'. at. ...p. Odestrlan 1 trail T ayslemartd coordinate with I adJlicenl""fghbbfhood Iralls ; JIiId clly'.w1del!1eyclO f~.ma i PA8 ~ NOTTO SCALE . Chapter 3 . Land Use and DevelopmenllReuse Regulations Neighborhood C ~ _A.. -...... W......A.. -..... . I æ1HE PlJINNNC; CENTER MCAS 1it,Ûn Sþ«ifir PI.n!R.Mt p,,", .:I,:IlIi:~ City'¡111JJ;n Fif.1l"3-5 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.6 NEIGHBORHOOD D 3.6.1 Introduction Neighborhood D is comprised of a single three Planning Area§, P A 8,Jl, and 14, which areis designated Community Core. The Commooity Core is expected to be developed in the final phases of the Specific Plan's bl:1ildout due to eiwironmen-tal clean up timing, market absorption factors, and high demolition costs associated "lith airfield operations. This area contains the existing base 11:lfPNays and staging areas, the southern blimp hangar, and other facilities supporting airfield ofJerations. The regulations and guidelines provide flexibility for a range of uses including mixed-use development projects, or a unique large-scale project(s) that would complete the Specific Plan area. 3.6.2 PLANNING 8 AREA A. Planning Area! 8.13. and 14 - Community Core Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. 1. Service commercial uses including incidental retail sales: Banks and financial institutions withom drive tlh-u windmvs Barber, beauty shops Commercial Recreation Conference/ convention facilities Coin-operated self-service laundromats Dry cleaners (commercial) Emergency care facility Extended Stay Hotels I ï Health club Hotel18 Indoor perfol111ance facilities Live performance facilities/Outdoor amphitheater or performance facilities Locksmith Movie theaters On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishment including bars, tavel1ls, cocktail lounges (when not an integral part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P P C P P C P C P p C C P :e C 17 Permitted in Planning Area 8 only. No! a permitted use in Planning Areas 13 and 14. I~ A minimum of 500 hotel rooms. con!ained within mul1iple facilities. sh¡ill be located within I'lri ghborhQod 12-, City of Tustin Page 3-82 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA . of a restaurant), in accordance with Section 3.14. Print shop Restaurants, family, specialty, and fast-food without drive-thru Reyerse ~¡ønding recycling machines (in accordance with the City Code) Surgicare centers Telephone answering service Theater, including live performance Travel agency P P p £ P £ P £ £ p .e P P £ P P P P P . . . . . . 2. Retail commercial uses: . General retail stores Grocery store Outdoor newsstand Office supplies and equipment Off-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments, in accordance with Section 3.14 Photography studio, laboratorv Print/reprographics shop . . . . . . 3. Offices: . Corporate headquarters/offices General offices for: advertising agency, economic consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency Medical clinics Medical officeslhealthcare centers Professional offices for: architect, accountant, attorney, chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions . . . . ~. Industrial uses: . Advertising and publishing businesses P . Automobile research, design, and development P . Blue printing, reproduction and copying services, P photocopies, bookbinding, photoengraving and printing . Commercial library P . Communications businesses P . Communications equipment center P . Consumer electronics design P . Data storage, retrieval, send-receive operations P MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-83 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA . Electronic equipment testing and repair service Experimental/prototype assembly and testing facilities Hardware design uses Industrial/commercial incubator (flexible) buildings Instructional/vocational school Light industrial uses, general (including manufacturing, and assembly, and distribution) Mail order businesses Motion picture and recording studios Office furniture, equipment and sales Pharmaceutical products manufacturing Manufaeturing/ distribution Research and development facilities (including laboratories, biotechnology, product development, and manufacturing) Science laboratories Simulation development uses Small animal hospitals or clinics Software design uses Technology exchange/transfer services Warehousing and storage p P C P P P P P P P P P p P C P P C P P P P G£ P P P P PC £ C PC C City of Tustin Page 3-84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-.5. Residential uses: . Family care home, foster home or group home, for six or fewer persons Large family day cæ-e for se>¡en to hvelve children on single family detaehed lots in aecordanee with the Tustin City Code Small family day cæ-e on single family detaehed lots Condominiums and cooperatives Multiple family dwellings (apartments) in accordance with tenure provisions in Section 3.6.2.J Patio homes Single family attached dwelling units and duplexes Single family detached dwelling ooits . . . . . . . ~6. Public/Institutional uses: . Art and cultural facilities Churches and other religious institutions Community and recreational facilities Congregate care, convalescent. and assisted living facilj ties Hospital,§..health management organization Nursery school or child care center . . . . . MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Open space, public and private Parks, playgrounds and accessory uses School, public School, private Utility building/facility PLANNING 8 AREA . . . 7. Mixed Uses . Residential and commercial retail. service commercial. public/institutional. and/or office uses (jncluding live/work) Commercial retail and service commercial. public/institutional, and/or office uses . B. Accessory Uses and Structures p f P C £ f f Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: c. . Accessory distlibution related to a primary use . Carports . Caretaker's residence . Enclosed, screened, outdoor storage . Garages . Home occupations subject to provisions of the City Code . Maintenance facilities and structures . Outdoor dining, subject to City of Tustin guidelines . Patio covers/trellises . Retail commercial businesses . Reverse vending recycling machines (in accordance with the City Code) . Small family day care for eight or fewer children . Swimming pools, spas, jacuzzis . Tennis courts, basketball courts and other multi-purpose courts, recreation and community buildings . Vendor carts or commercial kiosks (outside of street right-of-way) Unlisted Uses P p f £ f P f f f f p f P f c Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-85 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. D. Prohibited Uses . ¡\dult Entertainment Uses Sexually-oriented businesses 2. Site Development Standards - Non-rèsidential Uses/Mixed Use 1. Minimum let-site size - 1 aere 20,000 square feetior non reside111:ial uses. Minimum building footprint size shall be 10,000 square feet and 1.000 square feet for freestanding retail commercial. Maximum building height -= 00fie150 feet unless the building meets the criteria for exceptions to the height limits as set forth below: a) Exceptions to Height Limits. Exceptions to height limits may be permitted up to 180 feet if approved by the Community Development Director. Approval. conditional approval or denial of an exception request will be based on an applicant's demonstration that the implementation of the proposed exception will meet the following cliteria and/or findings which shall be used to evaluate the exception request: 0 The design of the proposed development is distinctively architecturally superior. Architecturally superior features may include, but are not limited to features such as the building being detailed in such a way as to reinforce pedestrian scale by articulating the separate floor levels and by increasing the level of detail of the first floor: layering in the building structure of architectural elements and details designed to add interest and reduce the apparent mass of the building: roof elements of the stmcture are designed as an integral component of the form of the building, its mass, and tàçade with building fonn enhanced where possible by offsetting roof plans, eave heights and rooflines: the mass and scale of buildings respect the visual and physical relationship to adjacent buildings: and, provides an opportunity for variation and articulation in the scale and form of structures within a Planning Area. E. 0 The proposed exceptions are design solutions that implement the intent ofthe Specific Plan, the objectives of the Community Core District and the adopted Design Guidelines. City of Tustin Page 3-86 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA 0 Granting of an exception will have a beneficial impact and does not adversely affect development. Maximum floor area ratio .5 for the Planning AfeaNeighborhood D as a wholeL2, however, the maximum on an individual parcel may exceed .5 FAR as long as the total floor area allocated to PA-&Neighborhood D (as specified in the Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis, Table 3-1) is not exceeded. Maximum dwelling units _.- 25 dwel1ing units per acre for Neighborhood D as a whole2o, however the maximum on an individual parcel may exceed 25 dwelling units per acre as long as the total dwelling units al1ocated to Neighborhood D (as specified in the Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis, Table 3-1) is not exceeded, subject to Concept Plan approval. 4-.5. Maximum site coverage - 100 percent less required setbacks and open space areas ~6. Minimum building setbacks21 a) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet b) North Loop Road - 25 feet c) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet d) South Loop Road - none e) Barranca Parkway - 30 feet ~ Warner Avenue - 20 feet g) Local public streets - none 11) Private streets or drives - none i) Minimum distance between buildings - none ~Adjacent to open space or public/institutional use - -W feetnone 6-.7. Landscape setbacks1? a) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet b) North Loop Road - W-25 feet c) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet d) South Loop Road - none e) Local public streets - none 1) Plivate streets or drives - none ~ Warner Avenue - 20 feet ~8. Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines 3. 4. 1'i Including Lmblic rights-or-way and casements. parks. high school site. etc, Including public rights-or-way and easements. parks. high school site. etc. Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future rights-of-way. Non-conforming building and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where buildings are not in future right-of-way. 20 21 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-87 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. &-.9. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trail where applicable. 9..^.. eorner triangular shaped setBaek of a minim1:lffi of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the ClH"B lines at North Loop Road and Tustin Ranch Road shall be proyided for a primary community entry treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 10. (Section Deleted)}'.. comer triangular shaped setback of 60 feet, measlH"ed from the intersection of the curb lines at V.r amer AvelRle and }..rmstrong f..venue shall be pro'lÍded f{)r a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 11. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable)~ Alcoholic beverage sales (refer to Section 3.14 as applicable) 12. 13. 14. F. (Section Deleted)Site DevelepmeBt StaBdards Detaeked I.Maximum dwelling llftits 7 dwelling units per acre 2.Minimwn lot area 3,000 square feet 3.Minimwn lot width 35 feet 1.Maximum Building heigh-t 35 feet 5.Maximum lot co'¡erage 50 pereent of lot area. Coyered areas shall inell:1de all areas ooder roof except trellis areas, roof o';erhangs, and covered porches oats ide the exterior wall. 6.Minimum Building setbacks~ a)Tustin Raneh Road 30 feet b)North Loop Road 25 feet c) Armstrong Ayenue 20 feet d}'.Vamer Ayooue 20 feet e )Local public street 10 feet f)Private street or drive 5 feet g) Interior side yard 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides h)Rear yard 10 feet 7.Landscape setBacks.¡..& a) Tustin Ranch Road 30 feet b )North Loop Road 30 feet SiBgle Family 22 Building setbacks are measured fÌ'om the future right-of-way, Landscape setbacks are measured ITom the back of curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk and planting area. City of Tustin Page 3-88 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA c)}JTI}strong Avenue 20 f-eot d)\Vamer ,'\'¡eræe 20 f~et 8.Landscaping a) Compliance viÏth the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Gaidelines b )Compliance with the Landscape Design G\tidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 9.Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall pro'¡ide connections '.vithin the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to eitY'.vide bieycle trails where applieable. The facilities shall incorporate '¡istas into the golf eO1:H"se where possible and provide for COG'Iooioot bicyele and pedestrian aeeess from the Planning Area to the Tustin Commuter Rail Station. 10.A comer triangular shaped setback of 80 feet, meas1:H"ed from the intersection of the eurb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and North Loop Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 f.or landscape guidelines). ll.,^,. comer triangHlar shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the 01:H"b liFlos at 'Varner ¡","venue and Armstrong Ayenue shall be provided for a secondary community interseetioB. treatment (seo Section 2.17 f.or landscape guidelines). 12.0ther General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 13.Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 14.0ff street parkiFlg (refer to Section 3.13 as applieable) G-.(Section Deleted)8ite DevelapmeBt 8taBdards 8iBgle Family }..ttaehed 1.Maximum dwelliFlg 1ffiits 15 dwelling units per acre 2.Mimmum lot area per family l:Hút 3,000 square feet 3.Minimum lot width no minimum 4.Maximum buildiFlg height 35 feet 5.Maximum lot coverage 100 percent less required setbacks and 01300 space areas 6.Commofl open space 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Pri'late attached ground leyel patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available f.or open space credit include all stmetmes, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. 7.Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, exduding the garage: a)Bachelor 450 square feet b)1 Bedroom 550 square feet ~1 Bedroom with den 700 square feet MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-89 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA d)2 Bedrooms 750 square feet e)2 Bedrooms or more '.vith den 900 square feet g.Minimum building setbacks~ a)Tustin Ranch Road 30 feet b )North Loop Road 25 feet c):\rmstrong :\yen-ue 20 feet d}Wamer i\.yenue 20 feet e )Local public street 10 feet f)Private street or drive 5 feet g) Interior side yard 3 feet mlmmum with aggregate requirement of 10 f.øet for both sides h)Rear yard 10 feet 9.Landscape setbaeks.\-9 a)Tustin Ranch Road 30 feet b)North Loop Road 30 feet c).AJmstrong i\.yetlue 20 foot d)Wamer }..yØfæe 20 feet 10.Landscaping a)Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b )Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan ll.Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjaeent Planning :\reas, and to eity:lÍde bicyele trails where applicable. The facilities shall incorporate yistas into the golf course where possible and proyide for conyement bicycle and pedestrian access from the Planning Area to the Tustin Commuter Rail Station. 12.:\ comer triangular shaped setback of gO feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and North Loop Road shall be pro';ided for a primary comml:lnity intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 f.or landscape guidelines). 13.}.. comer triangular shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the CUi'b lines at 'Hamer :\yenue and :\rm.strong i\.'¡enue shall be proyidod f.or a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines) . 11. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 15'signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 16.0ff street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 23 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. /r-"ì ) City of Tustin Page 3-90 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA HoG.Site Development Standards - Condominiums and Multiple Family Dwellings 1. Maximum dwelling units - 25 dwelling units per acre for Neighborhood D as a whole, however, the maximum on an individual parcel mav exceed 25 dwelling units per acre as long as the total dwelling units allocated to Neighborhood D (as specified in the Land Use Plan Statistical Analysis, Table 3-1 ) is not exceeded. Minimum lot area - none, refer to Section 3.6.2.J below Maximum building height - 60 fee( for horizontal mixed use de'lelopment, 45 feet or 3 stories for multiple family de'lelopmønts that are not part of a horizontal mÍJeed lise deyelopmønt. 4.Maximum lot coverage 65 percent, less the required building and landscape setbacks CommOR open Open space - 4GG-150 square feet per dwelling unit.:. located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. .'\Teas not a'¡ailable for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. &5. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) I Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 850 square feet +-'6. Minimum building setbacks24 a) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet b) North Loop Road - 25 feet c) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet d) Warner Avenue - 20 feet e) Local public street - 10 feet f) Private street or drive - 5 feet gt_Interior side yard 3 feet mlmmllm with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides ltlgLRear yard - 10 feet 11) Distances between accessory structures - 5 feet i) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet 2. 3. 4. 24 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future rights-of-way. Non-conforming building and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where buildings are not in future right-of-way. City of Tustin Page 3-91 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA Landscape setbacks2o a) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet b) North Loop Road - 30 feet c) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet d) Warner Avenue - 20 feet 9-.8. Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan W-.9. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. -l-l-.10. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Tustin Ranch Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). -1+.11. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner Avenue and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). ß 12. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) -14-.13. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) ~14. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 1-.". (Section Deleted) Site Development Standards Patio Homes I.Maximum dwelling units 15 dwelling units per acre 2.Mimml:1rn.lot area none, ref-er to Section below 3.Building site requirements patio home subdivisions shall be designated as a developmoot 1:1ffit on a tentatiye map. 4.Maximam building height 35 feet 5.Maximum lot eoverage 100 percent, less required building and landscape setbaeks 6.Common open spaee 400 square feet per dwelling unit loeated within common, designated recreational areas. ...^.. minimum of 150 square feet may be for private use if located on ground leyel and open on three sides. Areas not available for OpOO space credit include all structui"es, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. 7.Minimum gross floor area per dvfelling unit, excluding the garage 900 square feet 8.Maximum number of foaf beœ-oom units 30 pereent /--~ " \ 7. City of Tustin Page 3-92 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 9-.1. Minimum building setbaeksU a)Tastin Raneh Road 30 feet b )North Loop Road 25 feet c):\rmstrong Avenue 20 feet d)Wamer Avenue 20 feet e )Local public or private street The mlmmum building setbaek shall be 10 feet from a public or private street. ,,^.n attached or detached garage may be setbaek a minimum of 5 feet from a pablic or pri'/ate street. If living areas are pro'lÍded above garages, garage setbacks shaH apply pro'lÍded that no more than 75 percent of the units along the street frontage have living spaee over a garage vlÍth less than a 10 foot setback. .^JIlH'lits located along both sides of a street segment shaH be included when calculatiFlg the above 75 percent determination, regardless of whether they front, side, or rear load on that section of a street. ,,\ garage shall not be setback behveeFl 9 feet and 19 feet from the right of '.vay line. Garages setback 9 feet or less shall be equipped '.vith an automatie garage opener. f)Private drives and courts The minimwn building setback shall be 7 feet in a private court or on a private drive not located within a eourt. .^.n attached or detached garage may be setbaek a minimum of 3 feet provided that no more than 50 percent of the length of the building frontage o'/er the total løngth of the drive or court is setback less than 7 f.øet. In calculating the totalløngth of the drive or court and the length of building frontage, the length ofbuildiFlg and street frontage on both sides of the drive or court shall be used. If li'/ing areas are provided above garages, garage setback shall apply. The miFlimum 3 f{)ot garage setbaek shall be inereased where necessary to aeeommodate required sidewalks. ,,^.. garage shall not be setback behveøn 9 feet and 19 feet from the right of way line. Garages setbaek 9 feet or less shall be equipped vlÍth an automatie garage opener. .^.. minimum distance of 40 feet shall be maintained between ground floor living areas on 1:lflits across from each other in a court, on a drive, or on a shared driveway. g) Minimum distance between buildings The minimum horizontal distanee behveen adjacent buildings shall be 10 feet. The minimum distance between buildings may be reduced to 6 feet for no more than a maximum length PLANNING 8 AREA 2S Building setbacks are measured from future rights-of-way, Non-conforming building and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where buildings are not in future right-of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-93 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA of 25 feet of a building eley/ation, provided that there are no ':¡indows on one elevation for that portion of the building eleyation with less than a 10 foot setback. If liying areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply. h) Tract boUildary The minimum building setback from any tract boundary shall be 10 feet. If the tract boundary is adj acent to a park or other permanent open space, the minimum building setback shall be 5 feet. 1 O.Landscape setbacks~ a)Tustin Ranch Road 30 feet b)North Loop Road 30 feet c).Armstrong "^..yenue 20 feet d)\Varner ¡'..venue 20 feet 11.Landseaping a)Complianee '-'nth the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b )Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 12.Bicyde and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bieycle trails where applicable. 13.A comer triangular shaped setback of gO feet, measUi"ed from the intersection of the CUi"b lines at North Loop Road and Tustin Rand'! Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Seetion 2.17 f{)r landscape guidelines ). 14."\ comer triangular shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb liFles at 'Varner "^..venue and Armstrong A'/eooe shall be pro';ided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 15. Other General Deyelopment Regt:1lations (ref~r to Section 3.11 as applicable) 16.8ignage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) +7-.2. Off street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 1-.1. Special Development or Reuse Requirements I. Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning Area 8.1 13, and 14 prior to development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). 26 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Non-confonning building and landscape setbacks will be pennitted to remain where buildings are not in future right-of-way. City of Tustin Page 3-94 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan -- ,-- - Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA 2. Horizontally mixed-use projects shall refer to Site Development Standards applicable to the use( s). Vertically mixed-use projects shall refer to the Site Development Standards for Non-residential Uses. Vertically mixed projects shall be s1:lbjeot to a Conditional Use Permit if a residential use(s) is part of the project. The baseline mix of uses for each Planning Area g is 45 percent Office (ofwhioh 20% is Corporate Office), 50 percent Industrial, and 5 percent Commercial, which will be administered by the Non-Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. Up to 891 residential/dwelling units are also permitted within Neighborhood D. A minimum of 500 hotel rooms shal1 be developed in P A 13 and 14. The 500 rooms may be located in one single development, or in two developments provided that each project shal1 have a minimum 0[250 rooms. Affordability - In the event dwelling units are proposed, the following minimum affordable housing production objectives are intended to reflect the intention of the City to create a redevelopment project area (Community Redevelopment Law, section 33000) and as needed to meet Regional Housing Allocation needs as identified in the Housing Element of the General Plan through the provisions of housing for households at very low, low and moderate income levels. Specific housing requirements for redevelopment and Housing Element compliance on a residential housing project will be established at the time of development project approval to ensure conformity with the Housing Element of the General Plan and other applicable provisions of California Law and to achieve the following: a) The number of affordable housing units in Plannim: Area &Neighborhood D shall be 196. of which 53 must be at the very low income level. 52 at the low income level and 91 at the moderate income level. If future amendments to the plan occur atAt least 15% of additional units for initial occupancy by very low income to moderate income households for redevelopment, with 6% (or 40%) of units affordable to very low income households~ shall be provided. b )At least 21 additional units for occupancy by low income households. ~¡\t least 41 additional lIDits for occupancy by moderate income households. ~Restricted affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed and located and mav be accornplished in 3. 4. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-95 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA 5. attached projects only. The affordable units dispersed throughout the projeet and shall be compatible with the design and use of market rate units in appearance, use of materials, and finished quality. Restricted units shall be affordable for at least the minimum period of time required by state law, or longer if required by a construction or mortgage financing assistance program. ~Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, a developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Tustin or its Redevelopment Agency, and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: I) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count 2) Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices 3) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes !kL The City of Tustin reserves the right to negotiate transfer of a developer's obligation pursuant to this section off- site as a credit for affordable units which cannot be reasonably feasible to provide on-site which shall be at the City's sole and absolute discretion. To ensure comparable equivalent value of an off-site option or exchange for not providing on-site affordable units, a financial affordability gap analysis will be conducted by the City, at developer's cost, to compare the value of the off-site option and the affordability gap cost of providing on-site affordable housing. Tenure --= Development in Planning Area 8Neighborhood D of apartments is limited to a total of 123. Each rental project to be built shall consist of no greater than 60% of the units at the very low income level and low income leyels (,---with a maximum of 40% of the units at the very low income level and 20% at the low income level), 20% at the moderate income level and 20°1<) at a market rate level. .^JlY development in Planning Area 8 of apartments is a discretionary action requiring approval of a conditional use permit. No more than 25 percent of the total number of units pennitted within the Tustin portion of the Specific Plan area may be approved for apartments. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The State Historical 6. City of Tustin Page 3-96 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan - - ------~--_. n_n_~ u- ---~ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA 7. Building Code, as locally adopted, may be applied where applicable in the Planning Area. Utility metering modifications and provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving property in the Community Core, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and new development, except for interim use. A Memorandum of Agreement has been entered into between the State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Department of Navy, County of Orange and City of Tustin. The Memorandum of Agreement dictates the process to be followed in determining any future reuse or demolition plans for the historic blimp hangar. See the Final EIS/EIR for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS, Tustin for a a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement and specifics regarding the future reuse of demolition of the blimp hangar. Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of buildings or property on a parcel, or prior to any new development on a parcel within the Planning Area, any agencies receiving property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) shall be required to enter into an Agreement with the City of Tustin. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of an agency and the City and LRA; 2) identify the scope and schedule for short-range or long-range development plans for the property; 3) establish a process for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify roadway dedication or capitaVinfrastructure improvements that will be required for use and/or development, and Environmental Impact Report mitigation required by the agency receiving property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the Agreement. (Section Deleted) If the final alignment f.or Tustin Ranch Road differs from the asswned aligrtffJ:ent as deseribed in Section 3.2, adjustments in acreage and development potential for Planning Area 8Neighborhood D and Planning Area 15 (Golf VillageResidætial Core) shall be calculated in accordance 'Nith the provisions of Section 3.2.5. "\Vhile the respective Planning Area boundaries may shift slightly, Tustin Ranch Road will remain the eommon boundary benveen Planning ,,\rea 8Neighborhood D and Planning Area 15. If the final alignment for \Vamer .^.. venue differs from the assumed alignment, as described in Section 3.2, adjustments in acreage and development potential f{)r Planning Area 8 and Planning ,,\reas 13 and 16 shall be calculated in accordance with the pro'lÍsions of Section 3.2.5. "\Vhile the respective planning area boundaries 8. 9. 10. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-97 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 8 AREA may shift slightly, \Vamer .^.. veooe will remain the common boW'ldary between Planning Area g and Plannicng ,,\Teas 13 and 16. K.J. Development or Reuse Guidelines I. View windows into the Planning Area from Warner Avenue and Tustin Ranch Road should be incorporated into the site planning for individual projects. Creative site planning is encouraged for this site due to its prominent location within the Specific Plan. Careful consideration of building site location, attention to views, relationships to surrounding uses and open spaces all need to be incorporated into site plans. Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and, 4) to properly implement the land use intent of this Planning Area, and where all requirements of subsection J. 8 above have been met. A summary of the key design guidelines for the Community Core is provided in Figure 3-6. 2. 3. City of Tustin Page 3-98 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan - 8CHOOI- \_-p!fI!!ory """l1l1I\' -_on! _tIg1ø2-18 PAS PA 15 PA 1 _comll- --... ... ftg... a-II ....- ...,. ..od st,-... _".,,'-20 Chapter 3 ._Land Use and DevelopmentIReuse Regulations Neighborhood D ~ --.... -'... ~ MOTTO S<:ALE æ~ J I . I .:I~.II=JI Gï/y.¡lImi" Fig... 3-6 MCAS TN";" SJ>tdft< PIan/Ru", PIa" RmSED Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.7 NEIGHBORHOOD E 3.7.1 Introduction Neighborhood E is comprised of Planning Areas 9, 10, II, and 12, 13, and +4, as shown on the Statistical Analysis (Table 3-2). Future uses within this neighborhood will primarily involve the development of new structures and facilities. The regulations and guidelines encourage a high quality business park development, where building orientation/site design, parking areas, pedestrianlbicycle paths, and access points are well coordinated between Planning Areas and relate well to adjacent uses. The regulations also address the need for a coordinated internal circulation system within the neighborhood. PLANNING 9 AREA 3.7.2 {Section DeletedlPlanning Area 9 Commercial Business }...Permitted aDd CoDditioDally Permitted Uses PLANNING 10 AREA The following uses shall be pennittød by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. PLANNING 11 AREA PLANNING 12 AREA 1. Offices: . Corporate headquarters General offices f{)r: adyertising agency, economic consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency Heliport Medical clinics Medical officeslhealthoare centers Prof<Jssional offices for: architeet, aecol:Hltant, attorney, chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions //.~, p p G p p p G p p P G City of Tustin Page 3-100 . . . . . 2.Retail commercial uses: . .^..lcoholio beyerage sales establishments, in accordance '.vith the Tustin City Code Bakeries, retail only Books, gifts, and stationary stores Coffee houses/cafes Convenience stores, in accordance '¡¡ith the Tustin City Geàe . . . . MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Deli eatess enleaf eteria Florist General retail stores Jewelry stores Office supplies and equipment Photography studio, laboratory . . PLANNING 9 AREA . . . PLANNING 10 AREA 3.8erviee commercial uses, including ineidental retail sales: . .^..utomobile service station, in accordanee with the Tustin G City Code Banks afld finaneia,1 institutions 'liith drive th.-u vlindow Banks and financial institutions 'llithoa-t drive thru window Barber, beauty shops Car wash CoiFl operated self service lalilldromats Dry eleaners (commereial) Emergency care faeility Hotel/Motel Locksmith Print shop Restaurants, family, spøeialty, and fast food without drive thru Restaurants, with drive thru groan animal hospitals or elinics Tailor shop Telephofle ans'wering service Travel ageflcy PLANNING 11 , AREA . . . PLANNING 12 AREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.Public/Instimtional Uses: . Churches and other religious instit1:ltions Nursery school or emld care eenter . 5.Industrial uses: . Ad'lertising and publishing businesses Blue printing, reproduetiofl and copying services, photocopies, bookbinding, photoengra'lÏng and printing Commercial library Communications businesses Industriallcommercial incooator (flexible) buildings Instructional/vocational school Research and de';elopment facilities (including laboratories, prod1:1et development, and manufacturing) Science laboratories . . . . . . . p p p p p p G p P G p G p p p p p G G p p p G G p p p p p p p p MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-101 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA PLANNING 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA PLANNING 12 AREA . SiIlffilation development uses Software design uses Teclmology exchélflge/transfer service Utility buildin~faci1ity p p P G . . . Bu'\eeessøry Uses aDd Struetures .^..ccessory uses and structures are permitted when eustomarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Enclosed, screened outdoor storage Maintenanee facilities and structures . C.UBlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Deyelopment Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the lélfld designation of this planning area and the Speeific Plan. Decisions of the Direetor are appealable to the Planning Commission. D.Prøltibited Uses 0 Adult entertainment businesses ,'-----"', E.Site DeveløpmeBt StaBdards I.Minimum lot size 10,000 square feet 2.Maximum building height 35 feet 3.Maximum floor area ratio .35 FAR 1.Minimum building setbacks~ a)Red Hill ¡\'fenlie 40 feet b)'Namer Ay¡enue 20 feet c )Local public street 10 feet d)Private streets and driy;es 10 feet e )Minimum distance between buildi:ags 10 feot 5 .Landscape setbacks~ a)Red Hill i\.'fenuo 30 feet b)'Namer ,,\veooe 20 f.eet 6.Landscaping a)Compliance v,'ith the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines 27 LaBdssa¡3e setbasks are measHred Ham the bask ofthe 6HrÈ! aBd are a sambiflatiaR afparkway, sidewalk, Iißd plaBtiRg areas. BuildiRg se~baelcs are measHTed fram futHTe rights ef way. ÞìaR seRfarming ÐuilEiiRgs aR€:! landssa 3e setèaeks will be per:mitteà ta remaiR w~ere eJdstiRg È!uilEiings are flat if! future rigRts af way. ./~ City of Tustin Page 3-102 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan . <, 11 .._..~_. ----.....-. - - -----.,.-- Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA PLANNING 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA PLANNING 12 AREA b )Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 oftms Specific Plan. 7.Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide coooeetioRs vlithin the Planning Area, to adjaeent Plæming Areas, and to cit)"lIide bicycle trail ""here applicable. 8.A portal interseetioR treatmmt shall be pro',Tided at Warner Avenue and Red Hill }~'¡ØftUe (see SectioR 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 9.0ther General Development Regulations (refer to Seetion 3.11 as applicable) IO.Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applieable) II.Off street pæ-king (refer to Seetion 3.13 as applicable) F.Speeial Development Requirements 1.Coneøpt plafl approval shall be required for Planning Area 9 prior to Flew development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plaftt-. 2.The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 9 is 70 percent Commercial and 30 percent Industrial, 'lihicfl will be administered by the Non Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to Øflsure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed proj ect. 3.;\ny existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended, State of California Title 24 }"ccess Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the l\møricans with Disabilities ¡\ct (i\DA). C.Develapment or Reuse Cuidelines I.Buildings shaH be located to relate to Red Hill ¿^~venue with pæ-king either in front or behind the building. Provisiofls for common vehiculæ- access points and shared parking shall be encomaged afld eoordinated with any development plans within Planning ;\rea 9 and the adjacent Planning l'.rea 10. ~ 1. DemolitioR of structmes may be required by Tustin to be undertaken uader the following conditions: I) 'Nhere information determines the need f.or demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appeæ-ance of the Planning l\rea, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improyøments, and 4) to properly implement the land use intent of this Planning Area. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-103 Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.7.3 JSection Deleted) Planning Area 1 9 Commercial Business PLANNING 9 AREA :\.Permitted aDd C9DditioDaUy Permitted Uses The follo\ving uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" OCOŒS or by conditional use v¡here the symbol "C" occurs. PLANNING 10 AREA I.Offices: PLANNING 11 AREA . Corporate headquarters General offices f{)r: ad':ertising agency, economic consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, persoooel agency, management oonsHltant, collection agency Heliport Medical clinics Medica:! offices/healthcare centers Prof~ssiona:l offices f{)r: architect, accountant, attorney, chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions . PLANNING 12 AREA . . . . 2.Retail commercial uses: . Coffee houses/cafe Delicatessen! cafeteria Office supplies and eqHipment Photography studio, laboratory . . . 3.8ervice commercial uses, including incidental retail sales: . Live perfonnance facility, night club Priyate clubs, lodge halls, union halls Recreational equipment sales Restaurant, family, specialty and fast food without drive tflm Restaurant, fast food with drive thru Banks and financial institutions Dry cleaners (commercial) Emergency care facility Hotel/motel On site alcoholic beyerage sales establishment including bars, ta'¡erns, cocktail lounges ('.vhen not an integral part of a restaurant) Print or reproduction shop Telephone ans"vering services . . . . . . . . . . . p p G p p p p p p p G p p p G p P G G G p p /--'" City of Tustin Page 3-104 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~ --- ~ .. J Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations DTravel ageneies 4.Commercial recreation uses: PLANNING 9 AREA . Bowling a:lleys P Driying ranges P Family Entertainment Centers P "For Fee" sports such as batting cages, tennis club, model P airplane flying, etc. Health Clubs Ice Skating Rinks/in line or rol1er hockey Miniature golf course Movie theaters Private/non profit cultural facilities such as art galleries, music halls, museums Sports related research facility. Track facilities Training eenters Video arcade Virtual Reality facilities . . PLANNING 10 AREA . . . PLANNING 11 AREA . . . PLANNING 12 AREA . . . . . 5.Public/Institutional uses: . Nursery school or ehild care center Churches and other religious institutions . 6.Industrial uses: . }"dvertising and publishing businesses Blue printing, reproduction and copying services, photocopies, bookbinding, photoengraving and printing Commereiallibrary Co1'l.'lffi1Hlications businesses Industria:1(commereial incubator (flmdble) buildings Instruetionallvoeational school Research and de'/elopment faeilities (including laboratories, product de'/elopment, and manufacturing) Science laboratories Simulation deye1opment uses Software design uses Technology exchange/transf« service Utility buildinê/facility . . . . . . . . . . . P P P P P P P P P P P G G P P P P P P P P P P P G MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-105 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA PLANNING 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA PLANNING 12 AREA ß..t..eeesseFy Uses aDd Struetures Acoessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a pennitted use on the same site and would include: . Ene1osed, screened outdoor storage Maintenanoe facilities and structlHes . c.UDlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community De>/elopment Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the pu-rpose of the land designation of this planning æ-ea and the Specific Plan. Deeisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. D.ProhilJited Uses 0 }..dult entertainment businesses E.Site DevelepmeDt StaDdards I.Mininmmlot size 10,000 squæ-e feet 2.Maximum building height 50 feet 3.Maximum floor area ratio .35 FAR 1.Minimum building setbaoks~ a)\Vamer ,\venue 20 f-eet b)}..rmstrong }..venue 20 feet c )Local public streets 10 feet d) Private streets and drives 10 feet e )Minimum distance between buildings 10 feet 5.Landsoape setbaoks;!4 a}Wamer Avenue 20 feet b),^..rmstrong Avenue 20 feet 6.Landscaping a)Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b )Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 ofthis Specific Plan. 7.Bioycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjaeent Planning ,,\Teas, and to citY-lIide bicye1e trail where applieable. (~\ ;¡g Landseape setbaeks are measæ-ed tram the bask afthe eæ-b aJld are a eaæÐißatiaß efparkw-ay, side'::alk, and plaRtißg areas. BuildiRg setbaeks are measured Ham furore rights ef way. //""""\ City of Tustin Page 3-106 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ;;, "' 11 , '" , 'ir "' Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . PLANNING , 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA . 8...\ comer triangular shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the imersection of the curb lines at '.Varner A~..ØftUe and ..\rmstrong Avenue shall be pro~lÍded for a secondary community entry treatmem (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 9.0ther General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applioable) 10.Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 11.0ff street pm-king (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) F.Speeial Development Requirements 1.Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning i\rea 10 prior to new development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plæ1}-. C.DevelopmeBt CuideliBes 1.Provision f{)r common ~¡ehiculm- access points and shm-ed parking should be encouraged and coordinated with any development plans in Planning }\rea 10 and with adjacent Planning ,\reas 9 and 11. 2.Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken ooder the following conditions: 1) where infonnation determines the need f{)f demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appem-anoe of the Planning ..\rea, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improyements, and 4) to properly implemem the permanent land use intent ofthis Planning ,\rea. ,^~ summary of the key design guidelines f{)f Planning ,\rea 10 is proyided in Figure 3 7. ' City of Tustin Page 3-107 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.7.4 PLANNING 9 AREA Planning Areas 9.10.11 and 12 - Commercial Business Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses A. The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. PLANNING 10 AREA 1. Offices: PLANNING 11 AREA . Corporate headquarters General offices for: advertising agency, economic consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency HeliportHelipad Medical clinics Medical offices/healthcare centers Emergency care facility Professional offices for: architect, accountant, attorney, chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions . PLANNING 12 AREA . . . . . 2. Retail commercial uses: . Off-site Alcoholic beverage sales establishments, in accordance with Section 3.14. Coffee houses/cafe Delicatessen! cafeteria General retail stores, including retail bakeries, books, gifts, stationery, florists, jewelry stores Office supplies and equipment Photography studio, laboratory . . . . . 3. Service commercial uses, including incidental retail sales: . Automobile service station, in accordance with the Tustin City Code Banks and financial institutions with drive-thm window Banks and financial institutions without drive-thm window Car Wash Dry cleaners (commerciaIStorefront) Dry cleaners (plant on site) Emergenoy care facility General Service Col11l11ercialuses, including barber, . . .' . . . P P C P P C P p P P p P P c c P c P C G p /--'\ City of Tustin Page 3-108 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan --~ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA beauty shops, tailor shops, locksmith, print shops, telephone answering service, travel agencies . Hotelfæetel G;e . Extended Stay Hotels C . On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishment including C bars, taverns, cocktail lounges (when not an integral part of a restaurant), in aecordance with Section 3.14. . Private clubs, lodge halls, union halls C . Print or reproduction shop P . Restaurant with drive thm C . Restaurants, family, specialty and fast food without drive P thru . Small animal hospitals or clinics C . Surgicare centers ;e . Telephone answering services P . Travel agencies P 4. Public/Institutional uses: . Churches and other religious institutions C . Nursery school or child care center C 5. Industrial uses: . Advertising and publishing businesses P . Blue printing, reproduction and copying services, P photocopies, bookbinding, photoengraving and printing . Commercial library P . Communications businesses P . Industrial/commercial incubator (flexible) buildings P . InstructionaVvoc~ionalschool P . Light industrial manufacturing/assemblv with accessory £ dishibution . Research and development facilities (including P laboratories, product development, and manufacturing) . Science laboratories P . Simulation development uses P . Software design uses P . Technology exchange/transfer service P . Utility building/facility C 6. Recreation Bowling alleys ;e . Family Entertainment Centers £ . Sports facilities such as batting cages, tennis club, etc. ;e PLANNING 10 AREA . . MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-109 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA PLANNING 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA PLANNING 12 AREA B. c. D. . Health Clubs Ice Skating Rinks/in-line or roller hockey Parks, public or private Plivate/non-profit cultural facilities such as ali galleries, music halls, museums Sports related research facility Track facilities Training centers Video arcade p .e f P . .e .e .e .e . . . Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: Caretaker residence Enclosed, screened outdoor storage Maintenance facilities and structures . . . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable. to the Planning Commission. , Development or Reuse Regulations I. Minimum let-Site size - 20,000 square feet Minimum building footprint size shall be 1 O,DDD square feet and I.ODD square feet for freestanding retail comll1ercia1. Maximum building height -= flefle- 70 feet with the exception of freestanding retail commercial which shall be 45 feet. Maximum floor area ratio - none, Development within Neighborhood E. inclusive of Planning Areas 9, 10. 11 and 12" may not exceed the total floor areas specified in Table 3-1" subject to conformance with the project trip budget a11ocation for the neighborhood ';' Minimum building setbacks29 2. 3. 4. 29 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. Non- confonning landscape and building setbacks will be pennitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way, /---:-" City of Tustin Page 3-110 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan , If .~ , I I' " Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA PLANNING 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA PLANNING 12 AREA E. a) Red Hill Avenue - 40 feet b) Barranca Parkway - 30 feet c) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet d) Warner Avenue -- 20 feet ~Local public streets - 10 feet ~Private streets or drives - 10 feet ~Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks25 a) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet b) Red Hill Avenue - 30 feet c) Barranca Parkway - 30 feet d) Warner A venue - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trail where applicable. A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Warner Avenue and Red Hill Avenue: and Red Hill Avenue and Barranca Parkway (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A corner tIiangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner Avenue and Arrnstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary communitv entry treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines ). 9-.10. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) +G-.l1. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) H-.12. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 13. Alcoholic beverage sales (refer to Section 3.14 as applicable) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Special Development Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning Areas 9, .uL 11, and 12 prior to new development (refer to Section 4.2.1 ofthis Specific Plan). The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 11 is 5 pereent Commercial, 45 percent fudustrial, and 50 percent office. The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 12 is 10 percent Commercial and 90 perceFlt Office. The baseline mix of uses in each Planning Area will be administered by the Non- Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in 2. City of Tustin Page 3-111 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA PLANNING 10 AREA , PLANNING 11 AREA PLANNING 12 AREA F. Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. A Class I bikeway shall be provided along the so1:l-thørn boundary of the property, \vithin the landscape søtbaekBarranca Parkway. See Section 2.6 for bikeways plan and design standards. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Utility metering modifications and provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement with the City of Tustin in the Planning Areas 9, 10, 11 or 12, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and new development, except for interim use. Said agreement shall identify required capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigations. Refer to Section 3.11.24 for dedication requirements for Irvine Ranch Water District well sites and the Barranca Channel. Development or Reuse Guidelines I. The placement and design of plazas or other open space areas should take advantage of the view opportunities to Saddleback Mountain and significant on-site features, particularly from the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Barranca Parkway. Commercial uses permitted in Plar.ning ;\rea 11 are intended to provide support services to the office and industrial uses and are not intended to encourage auto-oriented, strip commercial development along Red Hill Avenue or Barranca Parkway. Provisions for common vehicular access points and shared parking should' be encouraged and coordinated with any development plans within Planning Area II and ~Neighborhood E. Coordination with adjacent development plans in Planning Areas 9 and 10 should also be encouraged. The existing buildings and surrounding site area in Planning' Area 12 shall be aesthetically upgraded through architectural and landscape improvements, if proposed for reuse. Such improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits, except permits for interim uses. Such improvements may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Upgraded window types and treatments (i.e., trim) b) Upgraded entries, including doorways, covered walkways, decorative paving c) Upgraded roofing materials and roof overhangs 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. City of Tustin Page 3-112 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan _O_-----T-r- , J Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 5. d) Screening of roof mounted equipment e) Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site, including. parking areas and common open space areas Improved landscape design along building perimeters and entries g) Addition of pedestrian amenities including paths, benches, shade trees, trash receptacles, drinking fountains, and lighting h) Addition of bicycle facilities including bike racks i) Creation of signage program for building identification and directional signs Enhanced lighting scheme for building entrances, common areas, paths, and parking areas k) Removal or remodeling of monumentation Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the permanent land use intent of this Planning Area. A summary of the key design guidelines for Planning Areas 2.J.Q....11 and 12 is provided in Figure 3-7. f) PLANNING 9 AREA PLANNING 10 AREA .. . . .. . . j) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-113 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA 3.7.5 (Section Deleted) Planning Areas 13 an~ 14 Commercial Business },..Permitted aDd CoDditieBally Permitted Uses PLANNING 10 AREA The following uses shaH be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. PLANNING 11 AREA 1. Industrial uses: . Ad','ertising and publishing businesses BIMeprinting, reprod1:1ction and copying services photocopies, bookbinding, photoengraving and printing Commercial library Comm1:HlÎoations businesses Communieations eq-1:1ipment center Data storage, retri~"'al, send receive operations Eleetronio equipment testing and repair service Experimental/prototype assembly and testing facilities Industrial/commercial incMbator (flexible) buildings Light industria:! uses, general (including manufacturing, assembly, and distribution) Mail order basinesses ~ianufactMring,heaYy Mini warehouse/storage Motion picture and recording studios Phannaceutioal products manufacmr.ng/ distribution Research and development facilities (including laboratories, product development and manufacturing) Science laboratories Siffi1:1lation development Small animal hospitals or clinics Software design uses Teohnology exchange/transfer services Utility bMilding/facility 'tV arehousing, storage and distribution . PLANNING 12 AREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p p p p p p p p p p P G G p p p p P G P P G P ,~ " \ ) City of Tustin Page 3-114 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .'. . . PLANNING 10 AREA i PLANNING 11 AREA .. . . 2. Offices: p p p p G G P G p p p p p p p P G p G G G G G G . General offices for: advertising ageney, eeonomie consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public l:1tilities, personael agency, management consultant, eollection agency Medieal climes . Medical offices/healthca:re eønters Professional offices f{)r: arcmtect, accountaftt, attorney, ehiropraetor, eontractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, afld other similar professions . . . 3. Retail eom:mereialuses: . }Jcoholic beverage sales establishments, in aecordanee with the Tustin City Code :\l:1tomobile parts and supplies, in accordance with the Tustin City Code Bl:1ilding supply Convenience stores, in accordance with the Tustin City Geàe Home improyement Office sl:1pplies and equipment Photography smdio, laboratory Plant Nursery Print/reprographics shop . . . . . . . . 4. Serviee commercial uses: . Automobile service statioß, in accordance with the Tustin G City Code Banks and financial institutions Delicatessen! eafetøria Emergency ca:re facility Large collection recycling faeility Restaurant, family, specialty, and fast food without dri'¡e tflm Restaurants with drive thru Vehicle repair . . . . . . . 5. Public/Institutional uses: . Churches and religious institutions Commlillity facilities Nursery school or child care center School, pri';a:te . . . MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-115 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA B.:\eeessary Uses aDd Struetures PLANNING 10 AREA Accessory uses and structures æ-e permitted when customarily associated vlÍth and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site, and 'NOl:lld include: . Cæ-etaker residenee Ene1osed, screened outdoor storage Maintenance facilities afld structures . PLANNING 11 AREA . c.UBlisted Uses PLANNING 12 AREA Those uses not speeifioally listed æ-e subject to a determination by the Commooity Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditionall:lse permit or prolribited eonsistent vlÍth the purpose of the land designation of this plæming æ-ea and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director æ-e appealable to the Planning Commission. D.Site DevelapmeBt StaBdards I.Minimum bl:lilding site 20,000 square feet 2.Maximum building height limit 50 feet 3.Maximum floor æ-ea ratio .5 F,,'\R f.or offiee, .35 FAR for commercial uses, and .4 FAR f.or industriall:lses 4 .Minimum building setbaeksW a) Tustin Ranch Road 30 feet b)\Vamer Avenue 20 feet c )Sou-tb Loop Road 20 feet d).^..rm.strong Avenue 20 feet e)Bauanea Pæ-kway 30 feet f)Local pub lie streets 10 feet g)Priyate streets or drives 10 f.eet h)Minimum distance behyeen buildings 10 feet 5.Landscape setbaeks;U; a)Tustin Raneh Road 30 feet b)\Vamer ,,^~Yenue 20 feet c )South Loop Road 20 feet d)Armstrong ,,^~YØfH:le 20 feet ø)Barranca Pæ-lGvay 30 feet 6.Landscaping a)Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines 30 LaJldseape setèaeks are æeasHred fraæ the bask aft-he eHr'a aJld are a eameiRatieR afparkwGY, sidewalk, and plantiRg areas. BHildiRg set-'aaeks are æeasHred fraæ fHtl:lre right af way, N 8R eaRfemHRg landseRpe aad bl:lildiRg setbaeks vAil be permitteà t6 reæaiR ta aeeammaàate eKistiRg walls ar èl:lildiRgs Rat iR fl:lmre right af way. /~, City of Tustin Page 3-116 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 12 AREA b )Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specifie Plan. 7.Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall proyide connections within the Planning Area, to adjaeent Planning Areas, and to city'..yide bicycle trail where applicable. 8.,^~ comer triangular shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and South Loop Road shall be proyided for a primary community entry treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 9.,\ eorner triangular shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of curb lines at Warner .\yenue and Annstrong f~ venue shall be pro'lÌded for a secondary eommunity entry treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 1 O.f~ portal iFltersection treatment shall be provided at Tustin Rane-h Road and Barnmea Parkway (see Section 2.17 for landseape guidelines). 11.0ther General Development Regulations (ref.er to Section 3.11 as applicable) 12.Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 13.0ff street parking (ref.er to Section 3.13 as applicable) E.Speeial DeyelopmeBt Req1liremeBts I.Concept plan approval shall be required f.or Plamri1'lg :\reas 13 and 14 prior to ne>lI development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). 2.The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 13 is 5 percent Commereial, 20 percent Office, and 75 percent Industrial. The baseliße mix of uses for Plamring ,\rea 11 is 7 percent Commercial, 10 percent Office, and 53 percent Industrial. The baseliFle mix of uses in both Planning ,\reas '.vill be administered by the Non Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedlHe specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is a'¡ailable to serve the proposed project. 3.f~ Class I bikeway shall be pro'lÍded along the southern boUfldary of Planning ,\rea 11, within the landscape setback. See Section 2.6 for bikeways plan and design staRdards. 4.Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into coßf.ormance with applicable pro'/Ísions of the Uniform Building Code as amended, State of California Title 24 ,\ccess Compliance (handicapped pro'¡isions), and requirements of the .^.mericans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 5.Utility meteriFlg modifieations and/or pro'lisioFl of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings aRdlor new development. Said agreement shall identify .'. . . PLANNING 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-117 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 9 AREA required capital/infrastructure impro';ements en'lironmental impact report mitigations. 6.Ref-er to Section 3.11.24 for dedication requirements f{)r Irline Ranch "1 ater District wells and the Ba:rranca Chaooel. 7.If the final alignment for \Vamer .^.. venue differs from the assumed alignmeat as described in Section 3.2, adjustments in acreage and development potential for Planning .^.rea 13 and Plan..-Hng Area 8 (Community Core) shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.2.5. ')[hile the respective Planning Area boundaries may shift slightly, ""amer .^..veooe Vlill remain the common boW1dary between Plam1:Ïng Area 13 and Planning Area &. F.DevelopmeBt Of Reuse CuideliBes I.Pro'/Ísions for common ';øhioular access points and shared parking should be encouraged and coordinated with any development plans within PlamJ.ing i\reas 13 and 14. Coordination with adjacent de'/elopment plans in Planning "\reas 10, 11 and 12 should also be encouraged. 2.Demolition of structlHes may be required by Tustin to be undertaken ooder the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvemems, and 4) to properly implement the permanent land use intent of tms Planning ,,\rea. and PLANNING 10 AREA PLANNING 11 AREA . A summary of the key design guidelines for Planning Areas 13 and 14 is provided in Figüre 3 6. ~, City of Tustin Page 3-118 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~~ Chapter 3 . Land Use and DevelopmentIReuse Regulations Neighborhood E commercial uses not to be designed In a .strip c:ommerclar project PA 1 secondary community Intersection treatment see figure 2-18 KnMm -- .w. -..- RedhillAve. edge condition see figure 2-30b in I PA 9-12 COMMERCIAL BUSINESS . ] portal interuction treatment see figure 2-16 "----"\ plaza opportunity to offer .J..:.t I views to Saddlebacl< Peak I end onooSlte features -- -- B8IT81Ca PIl/1!.Way - Barranca Parkway edge condition See figure 2-328 or 2-32b Armstrong Ave. StrHtscape see figure 2-2.4 ~ NOT TO SCALI! æ=~ MCAS rusti. sJ>«ifi< PIa.IRwSt PIP. .: laaftl Cityo/rustill Fig"" ]-7 BEIISEII Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.8 NEIGHBORHOOD F 3.8.1 Introduction Neighborhood F is comprised of Planning Areas 16, 17, 18, and 19, as shown on the Statistical Analysis (Table 3-2). The neighborhood is intended to be a regionally-oriented commercial district and industrial district involving both new development and potential reuse of existing buildings and hangars. This area contains airfield operation facilities, aircraft maintenance uses, an Anny Reserve Center, and a large vacant parcel at the comer of Barranca Parkway and Jamboree Road. The development regulations have been developed in response to issues at both the Neighborhood and Planning Area levels. 3.8.2 Planning Areas 16 and 17 - Commercial Business PLANNING 16 AREA A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. PLANNING 17 AREA 1. Industrial and light manufacturing uses: . Advertising and publishing businesses P . Blue printing, reproduction and copying services, P photocopies, bookbinding, photoengraving and printing . Chemical laboratories P . Commercial library P . Communications businesses P . Communications equipment center P . Data storage, retrieval, send-receive operations P . Electronic equipment testing and repair service P . Experimental/prototype assembly and testing facilities P . Industrial/commercial incubator (flexible) buildings P . Instructional/vocational school P . Light industrial uses, general (including manufacturing, P assembly, and distribution) . Mail order businesses P . Mini-warehouse C . Motion picture and recording studios P . Office furniture, equipment and sales P . Pharmaceutical products manufacturing/distribution P . Precision machine shop C . Research and development facilities (including P City of Tustin Page 3-120 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 16 AREA laboratories, product development, and manufacturing) . Science laboratories P . Simulation development uses P . Software design uses P . Technology exchange/transfer service P . Utility buildings and facilities C . Warehouse and sales outlet P 2. Offices: . General offices for: advertising agency, economic P consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency . Medical clinics P . Medical officeslhealthcare centers P . Professional offices for: architect, accountant, attorney, P chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions 3. Retail commercial uses: . Building material yards, secured C . Building supply P . Delicatessen! cafeteria P . Department store P . Home improvement store p . Nursery P . Office supplies and equipment P . Wholesale stores and storage within a building P . Other retail commercial uses identified as permitted in P Section 3.8.3 4. Service commercial uses, including incidental retail sales: . Banks and financial institutions p . Emergency care facility P . Outdoor storage, secured C . Photography studio, laboratory P . Print/reprographics shop P . Recreational vehicle and boat storage C . Restaurant, family, specialty, and fast food without drive P thru . Telephone answering services P . Other service commercial uses either conditionally CIP permitted or permitted in Section 3.8.3 PLANNING 17 AREA MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-121 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations B. PLANNING 16 AREA PLANNING 17 AREA c. D. E. Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Enclosed, screened outdoor storage Maintenance facilities and structures . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Prohibited Uses . Adult entertainment uses Sexually oriented businesses Site Development Standards I. Minimum building site - 20,000 square feet 2. Maximum building height - 50 feet 3. Maximum floor area ratio - .50 FAR for office, .4 FAR for commercial uses, .4 FAR for industrial uses Minimum building setbacks3! a) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet b) Warner Avenue - 20 feet c) South Loop Road - 20 feet from edge of right-of-way d) Local public road - 10 feet e) Private street or drive - 10 feet f) Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks32 a) Warner Avenue - 20 feet b) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet c) South Loop Road - 20 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. 4. 5. 6. 31 Building setbacks are measured trom future right-of-way, Non-conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way, 32 Landscape setbacks are measured trom the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Non-confonning landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. City of Tustin Page 3-122 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .'. . . PLANNING 17 AREA F. 7. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trail where applicable. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and South Loop Road shall be provided for a primary community entry treatment within Planning Areas 16 and 17 (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of curb lines at Warner Avenue and South Loop shall be provided for a secondary community entry treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) c) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Special Development or Reuse Requirements I. Concept plan approval shall be required in Planning Areas 16 and 17 prior to new development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). The baseline mix of uses in each Planning Area will be administered by the Non-Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Utility metering modifications and/or provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreementbetween the City of Tustin and those parties receiving property in the Planning Areas 16 or 17, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and/or new development. Said agreement shall identify required capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigations. If the final alignment for Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue differs from the assumed alignments as described in Section 3.2, adjustments in acreage and development potential for Planning Area 16 and Planning Area 8 (Community Core) 2. 3. 4. 5. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-123 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 2. shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.2.5. While the respective Planning Area boundaries may shift slightly, Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue will remain the common boundary between Planning Area 16 and Planning Area 8. Development or Reuse Guidelines I. Existing buildings and surrounding site areas in Planning Areas 16 and 17 shall be aesthetically upgraded through architectural and landscape improvements, if proposed for reuse. Such improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits, except for interim use. Such improvements may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Upgraded facade treatments, including the use of plaster, brick, stone, and/or other approved materials b) Upgraded window types and treatments (i.e., trim) c) Upgraded entries, including doorways, covered walkways, decorative paving Upgraded roofing materials and roof overhangs Screening of roof mounted equipment Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site, including parking areas and common open space areas g) Improved landscape design along building perimeters and entries h) Addition of pedestrian amenities including paths, benches, shade trees, trash receptacles, drinking fountains, and lighting Addition of bicycle facilities including bike racks Creation of signage program for building identification and directional signs k) Enhanced lighting scheme for building entrances, common areas, paths, and parking areas Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the permanent land use intent of this Planning Area. d) e) f) PLANNING 16 AREA PLANNING 17 AREA G. i) j) City of Tustin Page 3-124 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3. Provision for common vehicular access points and shared parking should be encouraged and coordinated with any development plans within Planning Area 16. Within Planning Area 17, this coordination should also occur with adjacent Planning Area 19. . PLANNING 17 AREA A summary of the key design guidelines for Planning Areas 16 and 17 is provided in Figure 3-8. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-125 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 18 AREA 3.8.3 Planning Area 18 - Commercial A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. 1. Retail commercial uses: . Antique shop P . Apparel stores P . Appliance and hardware stores P . Books, gifts, and stationary stores P . Drug store, pharmacy P . Florist P . General retail stores P . Hobby shop P . Home improvement stores P . Household goods and services P . Jewelry stores P . Off-site alcoholic beverage sales r . Office supplies and equipment P . Pet stores, supplies, and grooming P . Photography studio, laboratory P . Shoe stores P . Sporting goods P . Variety store P 2. Service commercial uses including incidental retail sales: . On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments including C bars, taverns, cocktail lounges (when not an integral part of a restaurant) . Car wash C . Coffee house/cafes P . Delicatessen! cafeteria P . Dry cleaners (commercial) C . Health club C . Locksmith P . Print/repro graphic shop P . Restaurants, family, specialty, and fast-food without P drive-thru . Restaurants, with drive-thru C . Reverse vending recycling machines, in accordance with P the Tustin City Code . Tailor shop p ,~ , ( , City of Tustin Page 3-126 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Travel agency P . 3. Public/Institutional uses: . Government facilities - Army Reserve Center P 4. Office uses: . General offices for: advertising agency, economic consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency . Professional offices for: architect, accountant, attorney, chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions Accessory Uses and Structures c C B. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Enclosed, screened outdoor storage Maintenance facilities and structures . c. Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. D. Prohibited Uses . l\dult entertaimnønt uses Sexuallv OIiented businesses E. Site Development Standards 1. Minimum building site - 20,000 square feet 2. Maximum building height limit - 50 feet 3. Maximum floor area ratio - .35 FAR for commercial uses, .5 FAR for office uses, .35 for Army Reserve Center uses Minimum building setbacks33 4. 33 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, Non- confonning landscape and building setbacks will be pennitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-127 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 18 AREA F. G. a) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet b) Barranca Parkway - 30 feet c) Private street or drive - 10 feet d) Local public street - 10 feet e) Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks29 a) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet b) Barranca Parkway - 30 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines . b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trail where applicable. A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Tustin Ranch Road and Barranca Parkway (Refer to Section 3.11 as applicable). Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 10. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 11. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 12. Alcoholic beverage sales (refer to Section 1.14 as applicable) Special Development Requirements I. Concept plan approval shall be required for Planning Area 18 prior to new development (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). A Class I bikeway shall be provided along the southern boundary of property within the landscape setback. See Section 2.6 for bikeways plan and design standards. Utility metering modifications and provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving or leasing property in P A 18 prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and new development, except for interim uses. Refer to Section 3.11.24 for dedication requirements for the Barranca Channel. Development or Reuse Guidelines 1. Existing buildings and surrounding site area in Planning Area 18 should be aesthetically integrated with the Specific Plan area through architectural and landscape improvements, if proposed for reuse. Such improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits, except for 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2. 3. 4. City of Tustin Page 3-128 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 2. interim use. Such improvements may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Upgraded window types and treatments (i.e., trim) b) Upgraded entries, including doorways, covered walkways, decorative paving Upgraded roofing materials and roof overhangs Screening of roof mounted equipment Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site, including parking areas and common open space areas Improved landscape design along building perimeters and entries g) Upgraded signage h) Enhanced lighting scheme for building entrances, common areas, paths, and parking areas Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: I) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the permanent land use intent of this Planning Area. A summary of key design guidelines for Planning Area 18 is provided in Figure 3-8. . c) d) e) . f) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-129 Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 19 AREA 3.8.4 Planning Area 19 - Commercial A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. 1. Retail commercial uses: . Antique shop P . Apparel stores P . Appliance and hardware stores P . Art gallery P . Bakeries, retail only P . Books, gifts, and stationary stores P . Building supply P . Department stores P . Drug store, pharmacy P . Florist P . General retail stores P . Hobby shop P . Home improvement stores P . Household goods and services P . Jewelry stores P . Nursery P . Office supplies and equipment P . Off-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments, subject E to the criteria in Section 3.14 . Pet stores, supplies, and grooming P . Photography studio, laboratory P . Retail businesses P . Shoe stores P . Specialty stores P . Sporting goods P . Supermarket, grocery stores P . Variety store P . Warehouse and sales outlet P . Wholesale stores and storage within a building P 2. Service commercial uses, including incidental retail sales: . Automobile accessories and service P . Automobile service station, in accordance with the Tustin C City Code . Banks and financial institutions without drive-thru P windows ~, : \ - ) City of Tustin Page 3-130 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 19 AREA . Barber, beauty shops P . Car wash C . Coin-operated self-service laundromats P . Commercial recreation facilities C . Coffee house/cafes P . Delicatessen! cafeteria P . Dry cleaners (commercial) C . Emergency care facility P . Health club C . Locksmith P . Movie theaters C . On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments including C bars, taverns, cocktail lounges (when not an integral part of a restaurant), subject to the criteria in Section 3.14 . Print/repro graphic shop P . Restaurants, family, specialty and fast-food without P drive-thru . Restaurants, with drive-thru C . Reverse vending recycling machines, in accordance with P the Tustin City Code . Tailor shop P . Theatres P . Telephone answering service P . Travel agency P 3. Public/Institutional uses: . Professional, instructional, motivational, vocational C and/or seminar schools 4. Office uses: . General offices for: advertising agency, economic C consultant, insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency . Professional offices for: architect, accountant, attorney, C chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions B. Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-131 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 19 AREA c. D. E. . Enclosed, screened outdoor storage Maintenance facilities and structures . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Prohibited Uses . }~dult entørtaimnent uses Sexually oriented businesses Site Development Standards 1. Minimum building site - 20,000 square feet 2. Maximum building height limit - 50 feet 3. Maximum floor area ratio - .40 FAR for commercial uses, .5 FAR for office uses Minimum building setbacks34 a) Jamboree - 30 feet b) Barranca Parkway - 30 feet c) South Loop Road - 10 feet d) Local public road - 10 feet e) Private street or drive - 10 feet f) Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks3o a) Jamboree - 30 feet b) Barranca Parkway - 30 feet c) South Loop Road - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Jamboree Road and Barranca Parkway (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 4. 5. 6. b) 7. 8. 34 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. Non- conforming landscape and building setbacks will be permitted to remain to accommodate existing walls or buildings not in future right-of-way. City of Tustin Page 3-132 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING , 19 AREA F. G. 9. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Alcoholic beverage sales (refer to Section 3.14 as applicable) 10. 11. 12. Special Development Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required prior to development of Planning Area 19 (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). The baseline mix of uses will be administered by the Non- Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. A Class I bikeway shall be provided along the southern boundary of property within the landscape setback. See Section 2.6 for bikeways plan and design standards. Refer to Section 3.11.24 for dedication requirements for Irvine Ranch Water District wells. Development or Reuse Guidelines 2. 3. 4. 1. The placement and design of plazas or other open space areas should consider view opportunities into the project area and to other Specific Plan features, particularly from the intersection of Barranca Parkway and Jamboree Road. Provisions for common vehicular access points and shared parking should be encouraged and coordinated with any development plans within the Planning Area and with adjacent Planning Area 17 where practicable. , Refer to Section 3.8.2 G.1 and 3.8.2 G.2 for additional requirements related to any reuse or demolition of structures which shall also be applicable to Planning Area 19. 2. 3. A summary of the key design guidelines for Planning Area 19 is provided in Figure 3-8. City of Tustin Page 3-133 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and DevelopmentIReuse RegulaUons Neighborhood F ~ dalgn ot porJdng ...as and acœa poInt$ to consider .....,moIiYe conneçtions b.~en planning or.... ......... -... PAS 88COndmy community """'""'Ion IJ88Im.1II OM IIguro Z-1 B -- . I ¡ I PA 13 - end I8nd$C«pe upgl'ades to "'1Ung facmtiea primary communty intersecUon _'111 -1g...2.1B - Loop Road IInI8tsœpe _lIgu.e2..23 PA 19 COMMERCIAL PA 14 PA 18 COMMERCIAL (MILITARY) I!... opporlunlly to oft.. -- Into olio -.. .. . J.. .. I~ NOTlO 8CAlI! - - - EIIIm81ca PaI1cway - l Bon8l1C8 PIIrIcway ocIg& "'-n - fig... 2-na or ~2b æ~ MCAS V",ie Specific Plde/R"", P"," CJ~.II=) Cï/yifT,,¡¡i. Figrn.3-8 -', ) ""-------/ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.9 NEIGHBORHOOD G 3.9.1 Introduction PLANNING 15 AREA Neighborhood G includes the existing military housing east of Jamboree Road and north of \VarÐ:er .^..-¡ØfH:le and a new planned residential development which incorporates a golf comse, hotel site, and school. park, open space, and related commercial uses. The neighborhood also includes a vaeant parcel adj acent to the future J amboreelEastern Transportation Corridor interchange, designated Medium-High Density (P A 20). The existing area which previously included military housing is defined as a single Planning Area (P A 21), designated as Low Density residential. The southern portion of Planning Area 21 Hr-was originally located within the City of Irvine but has been annexed into the City of Tustin and includes 150 dwellÍ1'lg \:1nits. The Golf VillageResidential Core designation (PAIS) is comprised of low density residential, medium density residential, medium high density residential. a hotel oompIØJ(, -.lLcommercial site, ~ senior convalescent care site, and golf eourseopen space. The medium high density residential in PA 15 will be generally located in close proximity to Edinger Avenue and the Tustin Metrolink Station. An Elementary elementary School school site has been generally located in the Golf VillagePlanning Area 15, east of North Loop Road and adjacent to the TustinJIrvine border, as shown on the Land Use Plan. In addition, two neighborhood parks and a recreation center are to be incorporated into the development, as generally shown on the Land Use Plan. The Statistical .^.nalysis (Table 3 2) identifies subplanning areas 15 /\. tmough 15 E for the Golf Village, wmeh allocates development potential by land use type. The subplanning areas are not site specific or shown on Figure 3-1 in order to allow for flexibility in future master planning. Residential, gelf courseopen space, park, school, and commercial sites will be identified with concept plan approval. Planning Areas 15-A, 15-B, 15-C, 15-D, and 15-E (Golf Village Residential Core) The Development or Reuse Regulations for Planning Area IS are defined for each land use category allowed, as shown on the Statistical Analysis (Table 3-2). The Planning Area-wide development requirements are identified below. 3.9.2 A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-135 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 15 AREA 1. Residential uses: . Condominiums and cooperatives P . Multiple-family dwelling units (apartments) in Gr accordance with tenure provisions in Section 3.9.2';¡1 below . Patio home G . Single-family attached dwelling units and duplexes P . Single-family detached dwelling units P 2. Public/Institutional uses: . Churches and other religious institutions C . Community care facilities for six or fewer persons P . Convalescent hospital C . Family care home, foster home or group home, for six or P fewer persons . Large family day care f{)r seven to twelYe children on P single family detached lots in accordance '.vith the Tustin City Code . Private school C . Pl:lblic or private prreschools C . Public school r . Public/private utility building facility C /'----\ . Residential care facility for elderly, for six or fewer P persons Residential care facilitv for elderlv, for six or greater C persons, including skilled nursing, congregate care, and assisting living facilities . Small family day care f{)r less than se'¡en children on P single family detached lots 3. Retail commercial uses: . Apparel stores P . Off-site Alcoholic beverage sales establishments, subject r to criteria in Section 3.14. . Bakeries, retail P . Books, gifts, and stationary stores P . Florists P . General retail, including apparel stores, antiques, r appliance and hardware, jewelry, books, drug store, gifts, stationery, florists, office supply . Restaurants, family, specialty, and fast food without P drive-thru City of Tustin Page 3-136 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3. Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Restaurants, take oat, withffiH drive-thru Supel1llarkets, grocery stores Specialty stores PLANNING 15 AREA . . 4. Service commercial uses, including incidental retail sales: . Automobile service stations, in accordance with City code . Automobile sales. rental or leasing . Banks and financial institutions !-. Car vyash . General service commercial uses, including barber, Beauty salons, tailor, locksmith, pIint shops, shoe stores travel agencies, dry cleaners (storefront), telephone answering serviceBeauty salons . Commercial recreation facilities . Health clubs . Hotel, 250 room minimmn, including typical accessory uses, such as bat not Hmited to: restaUi"ants, oonf.erence and convention rooms, apparel and SURcky shops, and reereation fooilities . On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments including bars, taverns, cocktail lounges (when not an integral part of a restaurant), subject to the clitelia in Section 3.14. . Small animal hospitals or c1inics Utility buildingltàcility Tra'¡el agencies . . 5. Commercial recreation Recreation uses: . Golf clubhouse, including restaUi"aflt, snack bar, and aneillary pro shop Golf COUi"se, including dri'lÏng range, golf school, caretakers quarters Tennis facility Public and private parks, open space, and community facilities Recreational facilities, public and private . . . . 6. Offices: . General offices for: advertising agency, economic consultant. insurance companies, escrow companies, interior decorator, real estate, public utilities, personnel agency, management consultant, collection agency PC £ p c c p g p c c P pç ç p p p p p p £ £ MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-137 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .. . . B. c. Medical offices Professional offices for: architect accountant, attorney, chiropractor, contractor, dentist, doctor, engineer, optometrist, land planner, and other similar professions Accessory Uses and Structures . £ £ . ~-, Accessory uses and struc.tures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Caretaker's residence Enclosed, screened outdoor storage Garages Home occupations subject to provisions of the City Code Large family day care for nine to 14 children on single family detached lots in accordance with the Tustin City Code Maintenance facilities and structures Patio covers/trellises Reverse vending machines in accordance with City code Small family day care for eight or fewer children Swimming pools, spas, jacuzzis Tennis courts, basketball courts and other multi-purpose courts, recreation and community buildings /------..., . . . . . . . . . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. D. E. Prohibited Uses . .^..dult entertainment Sexually oriented businesses H5eS Site Development Standards - Single Family Detached-Low Density Residential (LDR) 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - ~70 percent of lot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. City of Tustin Page 3-138 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan --- ----- ~ , Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 15 AREA 6. Minimum building setbacks35 a) Jamboree Road - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet d) North Loop Road - 30 feet e) Warner Avenue - 20 feet f) East Connector - 10 feet g) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet h) Local public street - 10 feet i) Private street or drive - 5 feet j) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides Rear yard - 10 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between principal and accessorv structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks31 a) Jamboree Road - none b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet, except portion of Planning Area adjacent to channel - no landscape setback required c) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet d) North Loop Road - 20 feet e) Warner Avenue - 20 feet f) East Connector - 20 feet g) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. The facilities shall incorporate yistas into the golf col:H'seopen space where possible and provide for convenient bicycle and pedestrian access from the Planning Area to the Commuter Rail Station. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and North Loop Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). k) 1) m) 7. 8. 9. 10. 35 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future rights-of-way, City of Tustin Page 3-139 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations F. II. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner A venue and South Loop Road shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 12. A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at East Connector and Edinger Avenue (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable). 13. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable). 14. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable). 15. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable). Site Development Standards - Single Family Detacbed (Carriaee \Vav Units)-Medium Density Residential-(MDR)Attaeketi I. Maximum dwelling units - 15 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area per family unit size - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - no minimum35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - +00-70 percent less required setbacks and open space areas Common open space 100 sq1:1an~ feet per d'.velling lillÌt located '.vithin common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available f{)f open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lets-. 7.Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, e~(Cluding the garage: a)Bachelor 150 square feet b)1 Beckoom 550 square feet c) I Bedroom 'liith den 700 square feet d)2 Bedrooms 750 square feet e)2 Beckooms Of more with den 900 square feet &-.7. Minimum building setbacks36 a) Jamboree Road - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet d) North Loop Road - 30 feet e) Warner Avenue - 20 feet f) East Connector - 10 feet g) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet h) Local public street - 10 feet i) Private street or drive - 5 feet 6. PLANNING 15 AREA 36 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, City of Tustin Page 3-140 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan --~~~------ - Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations j) PLANNING 15 AREA Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides yards k) Rear yard - -W-.lJeet for garage and 7 feet for Jiving areas including living areas above garage Building to building setback - 30 feet minimum, applicable to units fronting a pase%pen space m) Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet n) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet 9--.8. Landscape setbacks32 a) Jamboree Road - none b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet, except portion of Planning Area adjacent to channel- no landscape setback required c) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet d) North Loop Road - 20 feet e) Warner Avenue - 20 feet f) East Connector - 20 feet g) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet -14-.9. Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscaDe, and roads, shall be landscaped. MhL Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines !tl£L Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan -l-l-.10. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. The facilities shall incorporate yistas into the golf coarse y¡here possible and provide for convenient bicycle and pedestrian access from the Planning Area to the Tustin Commuter Rail Station. ~ 11. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and North Loop Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). H-.12. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner Avenue and South Loop Road shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). -l4-.A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at East Connector and Edinger Avenue (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable). 1) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-141 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 15 AREA G. 13. Homes that side-on to a local road shall incorporate architectural enhancements on the side and front view of the unit, as seen from the local road. End units- a minimum backup space of three (3) feet in addition to the width of the drive approach. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 14. 15. 16. 17. Site Development Standards - Condominiums and Multiple Family Dwellings 1. Maximum dwelling units -= Medium Density Residential (MDR): 15 dwelling units per acre+$- Medium High Density Residen6al (MHDR): 25 dwelling units per acre Minimum lot area - none, refer to Section 3.9.2"}1. below Maximum building height - Medium Density Residential (MDR): 40 feet. Medium High Density Residentjal (MHDR): 45 feet Maximum lot coverage - 65 percent, less the required building and landscape setbacks Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) 1 Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 850 square feet Minimum building setback37 a) Jamboree Road - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet d) North Loop Road - 30 feet e) Warner Avenue - 20 feet f) East Connector - 10 feet 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 37 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, ,-------- ( " City of Tustin Page 3-142 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 15 AREA 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. g) h) i) j) k) 1) m) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet Local public street - 10 feet Private street or drive - 5 feet Interior side yard - 3 feet mlmmum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides Rear yard - 10 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between principal and accessorv structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks38 a) Jamboree Road - none b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet, except portion of Planning Area adjacent to channel - no landscape setback required Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet North Loop Road - 20 feet Warner Avenue - 20 feet East Connector - 20 feet Moffett Avenue - 20 feet c) d) e) f) g) Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. The facilities shall ineorporate vistas into the golf course where possible and provide for convenient bicycle and pedestrian access from the Planning Area to the Tustin Commuter Rail Station. A comer triangular-shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and North Loop Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A comer triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner A venue and South Loop Road shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 38 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-143 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . 13. A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at East Connector and Edinger Avenue (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable). 14. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 15. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 16. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) H.Site Development Standards Patio Hames 1.Maximum dv¡el1ing units 15 dY/elling units per acre 2.Minimum lot area none, refer to Section 3.9.2.J. below 3.BHilding site requirements patio home sHbdÍ'.'isions shall bc designated as a deyelopment unit on a tentative map. 1.Maximum building height 35 feet 5.Maximum lot coverage 100 percent, less required building and landscape setbacks 6.Common open space 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. .^1 minimum of 150 square feet may be f.or private use if located on ground level and open on three sides. Areas not available f.or open space credit include aU structures, streets, dri-¡eways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. 7.Minimum gross floor area per dv/elling unit, excluding the garage 900 square feet 8.Mædmum number of four bedroom units 30 percent 9.Minimum building setbacksJ9 a)Jamboree Road 30 f.eet b )Edinger Avenue 10 feet c) Tustin Ranch Road 30 feet d)N orth Loop Road 30 feet e}Warner ¿^1VenMe 20 feet f)East Connector 10 feet g)Moffett ¿^1 yenue 10 feet h)Local public or pri-¡ate street' The miniml:11TI building setback shall be 10 feet from a public or private street. An attached or detached garage may be setback a minimum of 5 feet from a public or private street. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply pro-¡ided that no more than 75 percent of the lHlits along the street frontage have living space over a garage with less than a 10 foot setback. Alll:H1its located along both sides of a street segment shall be included when calculating the above 75 percent determination, regardless of whether they front, side, or rear load on that "--~" 39 Building setbacks are measured for future right-of-way, City of Tustin Page 3-144 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 15 AREA seetion of a street. A garage shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 f-eet from the right of way line. Garages setbaek 9 feet or less shall be equipped '.'lith an automatic garage opooer. i)Private drives and co arts The minimum building setbaek shall be 7 feet in a private court or on a private dri'¡e not located within a coart. An attached or detached gai'age may be setback a minimum of 3 feet proyided that no more than 50 percent of the length of the bailding frontage over the total length of the drive or court is setback less than 7 feet. In calculating the totalloogtb of the drive or eourt and the length of building frontage, the length ofbwlding and street frontage on both sides of the drive or court shall be used. If Hying ai'eas ai'e proyided abo'¡e gai'ages, gai'age setback shall apply. The minimmn 3 foot gai'age setbaek shall be increased where necessary to aeeommodate reqwred sidewalks. A gai'age shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 feet from the right of way line. Gai'ages setback 9 feet or less shall be equipped with an automatic gai'age ofJener. A minimum distanee of 40 feet shall be maintained between ground floor living areas on units across from eaeh other in a court, on a drive, or on a shared driveway. j)Minimum distance betv¡een buildings The minimum horizontal distance ,between adjacent buildings shall be 10 f-eet. The minimum distance betv"leen buildings may be reooeed to 6 feet for no more than a maximmn length of 25 feet of a building elevation, provided that there are no windows on one ele':ation for that portion of the building elevation '.vith less than a 10 foot setback. If living ai'eas ai'e fJroyided aboye gai'ages, gai'age setbacks shall apply. k)Tract boundary The minimum building setback from any tract boundai'Y shall be 10 f.eet. If the tract bolHldary is adjacent to a pai'k or other permanoot open space, the minimum building setback shall be 5 feet. 10.Landscape setbacks4G a)Jamboree Road none b )Edinger .^..venue 30 feet, e-xcept portion of Planning :\rea adjacent to channel no landscape setback required c) Tustin Ranch Road 30 fêet d)North Loop Road 20 f.eet e) "Xl amer Avenue 20 feet 40 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right- of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-145 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . f)East Connector 20 feet g)Moffett .\ venue 20 feet II.Landscaping a)Complianoe with the City of Tustin Landsoape and Irrigation Guidelines b )Complianoe with the Landscape Desiga Guidelines in SectioB 2.17 of this Specific Plan 12.Bicyele and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning l\rea, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to city_vide bicycle trails where applieable. The facilities shall iBcorporate 'listas into the golf com-se 'Nhere possible and provide f.or cOll','enient bicycle and pedestrian access from the Planning Area to the TustiB Commuter Rail Station. 13..^~ comer triangular shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and North Loop Road shaH be provided for a primary community iFlterseetion treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 17 ..^~ comer triangular shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at 'Hamer .^~venue and South Loop Road shall be provided f.or a secondary community intersectioB treatment (see Section 2.17 f{)r landscape guidelines). 15 ..\ portal intersectioB treatment shall be provided at East Connector and Edinger Avenue (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable). 16.0ther General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 17.8igaage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 18.0ff street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) I-.H. Site Development Standards Cemmereial Non Residential Uses 1. Minimum lot size - 10,000 square feet. Minimum building footprint size shall be ] 0,000 square feet and 1,000 square feet for freestanding retail cOlmnercia1. MinimlHTI golf course facility size 120 acres Maximum building height - -lOO-45feet Maximum floor area ratio - .50 FAR for heteloffíce uses, .6 FAR for commercial Minimum building setbacks41 a) Jamboree Road - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet 2. 3. 4. 5. 41 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, City of Tustin Page 3-146 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 15 AREA 6. c) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet d) North Loop Road - 30 feet e) Warner Avenue - 20 feet f) East Connector - 10 feet g) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet h) Local public street - 10 feet i) Private street or drive - 5 feet j) Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks42 a) Jamboree Road - none b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet, except portion of Planning Area adjacent to channel- no landscape setback required c) Tustin Ranch Road - 30 feet d) North Loop Road - 20 feet e) Warner Avenue - 20 feet f) East Connector - 20 feet g) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. The facilities shall incorporate vistas into the golf courseopen space where possible and provide for convenient bicycle and pedestrian access from the Planning Area to the Tustin Commuter Rail Station. A comer-triangular shaped setback of 80 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Tustin Ranch Road and North Loop Road shall be provided for a primary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A comer-triangular shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner Avenue and South Loop Road shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at East Connector and Edinger Avenue (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable). 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 42 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-147 Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations J-.I. Special Development Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for development in Planning Area 15 (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of facilities or property on a parcel, or prior to any development on a parcel, any party receiving property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) shall be required to enter into an agreement with the LRA. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of the Agency receiving property and the City or LRA for the site; 2) identify the scope and schedule for short range improvements and long range development plans for the property; 3) establish a process for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify capital infrastructure improvements, roadway dedications, and environmental impact report mitigation that will be required of the Agency receiving or leasing property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the agreement. Development in Planning Area 15 shall be protected from a 100-year storm in a manner consistent with the Flood Plan Management Ordinance and as approved by the City of Tustin Building Official. Affordability - The following minimum affordable housing production objectives are intended to reflect the intention of the City to create a redevelopment project area (Community Redevelopment Law, section 33000) and as needed to meet Regional Housing Allocation needs as identified in the Housing Element of the General Plan through the provisions of housing for households at very low, low and moderate income levels. Specific housing requirements for redevelopment and Housing Element compliance may be established at the time of development approval to ensure conformity with the Housing Element of the General Plan and other applicable provisions of California Law and to achieve the following: a) The l1urnber of affordable housing units in Planning Area 15 shall be 257, of which 73 must be very low income, 42 low income, and 142 moderate income level. If future amendments to the plan occur At--at least 15% of additional units for initial occupancy by very low income .. . . 12. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Alcoholic Beverage sales (refer to Section 3.14 as applicable) 13. 14. 15. 2. 3. 4. /-----, City of Tustin Page 3-148 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 5. to moderate income households for redevelopment, with 6% (or 40%) of units affordable to very low income households shall be provided~ b) (Section Deleted).^..t least 75 additional 1:1Ðits for occupancy by moderate income households. c) Restricted affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed and located and may be accomplished in attached projects onlv. The affordable units dispersed throughout the project and shall be compatible with the design and use of market rate units in appearance, use of materials, and finished quality. Restricted units shall be affordable for at least the minimum period of time required by state law, or longer if required by a construction or mortgage financing assistance program. d) Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, a developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Tustin or its Redevelopment Agency, and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: 1) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count 2) Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices 3) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes The City of Tustin reserves the right to negotiate transfer of a developer's obligation pursuant to this section off- site as a credit for affordable units which cannot be reasonably feasible to provide on-site which shall be at the City's sole and absolute discretion. To ensure comparable equivalent value of an off-site option or exchange for not providing on-site affordable units, a financial affordability gap analysis will be conducted by the City, at developer's cost, to compare the value of the off-site option and the affordability gap cost of providing on-site affordable housing. Tenure - Development in Planning Area 15 of apartments is limited to a total of 192. Each rental project to be built shall consist of no greater than 60% of the units at the very low income level and low income level (with a maximum of 40% of the units at the very low income level), 20% at the moderate income level and 20% at the market rate level. is---a discretionary action requiring approyal of a conditional use permit. No more than 25 percent of the total oomber of 1:1Ðits permitted within the Tustin portion of the Specific Plan area may be approved for apartments. e) PLANNING 15 AREA MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-149 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations (Section Deleted) Prior to appro'/al of any subdivision map or site plan in Planning }üea 15, a precise boundary plan for the golf COlH"se shall be submitted by the deyeloper to the City of Tustin for re'lÍew and approyal. This plan shall precisely define the edges of the OOUi"se and sho'li frontages and visibility from Edinger ,,-\.venue, Tustin Ranoh Road, and North Loop Road. In addition, the plan shall identify a program for public use of the golf oou:rse, and conceptually identify/locate proposed buildings and facilities such as clubhouse, driying range, golf school, snook bar, and maintenance yards. (Section Deleted) Prior to issuance of building permits for golf COlHse facilities, the ultimate owner or operator of the golf course shall ønter into a recordable agreement with the City of Tustin that will specify that the OOlH"se: a) Vlill remain open to the public; b) Vlill melee ayailable a certain percentage of high demand tee times for public walk on use; and c) 'Hill establish a formula to guarantee the affordability of a round of golf to Tustin residents. Condominiums; and multiple family developments, and patio homes may contain numerous lots, but shall be designated as a Development Unit on a tentative map. The minimum size for a development unit shall be 5 _acres. Development Units which contain multiple products shall be comprehensively site planned. (Section Deleted)Hotel and commercial uses, not including the golf course, shall be located only in the yioinity of Edinger Avenue and Jamboree Road. 10. Refer to Section 3.11.24 for dedication requirements for the Santa Ana - Santa Fe Channel. II. If the final alignment for Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue differs from the assumed alignments as described in Section 3.2, adjustments in acreage and development potential for Planning Area 15 and Planning Area 8N ei ghborhood D (Community Core) shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.2.5. While the respective Planning Area boundaries may shift slightly, Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue will remain the common boundary between Planning Area 15 and Planning Area 8. KoJ. Development Guidelines 1. Shared parking opportunities shall be explored between the hotel and office and commercial uses. Golf course design shall provide view vándows from Edinger Avenue, Tustin Ranoh Road, and North Loop Road. .. . . 6. 7. 8. 9. 2. City of Tustin Page 3-150 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3. Golf eOl:1:TSeOpen Space design shall accommodate site drainage and wetland mitigation, as necessary. Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the permanent land use intent of this Planning Area. PLANNING 15 AREA 4. A summary of the key design guidelines for Planning Area 15 is provided in Figure 3-9. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-151 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . 3.9.3 A. Planning Area 20 - Medium-High Density Residential Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by Right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. B. c. D. E. 1. Residential uses: . Condominiums and cooperatives Patio homes Single family detached and attached dwelling units P C P . . 2. Public/Institutional uses: . Churches and other religious institutions Nursery school or child care center School, public School, private C C P C . . . 3. Commercial Retail and Service uses C Accessory Uses and Structures /'~'\ Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site. Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Prohibited Uses . Adult Entertainment Uses Sexually Oliented busÜlesses Site Development Standards - Single Family Detached 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet City of Tustin Page 3-152 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 9. Maximum lot coverage - 50 percent of lot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. Minimum building setbacks43 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 40 feet c) Local public street - 10 feet d) Private street or drive - 5 feet e) Interior side yard - 3 feet mlmmum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides Rear yard - 1 0 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between pIincipal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks39 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 10. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 11. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 12. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Site Development Standards - Single Family Attached 1. Maximum dwelling units - 15 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area per family unit - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - no minimum 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 100 percent less required setbacks and open space areas Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. f) g) h) 5. PLANNING 20 AREA 6. 7. 8. F. 6. 43 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-153 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 20 AREA G. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage: a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) 1 Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 900 square feet Minimum building setbacks44 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 40 feet c) Local public street - 10 feet d) Private street or drive - 5 feet e) Interior side yard - 3 feet mInImum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides Rear yard - 10 feet g) Distance between accessory stmctures - 5 feet h) Distance between principal and accessory stmctures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks4o a) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet 10. Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 11. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 12. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 13. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 14. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Site Development Standards - Condominiums and Multiple Family Dwellings I. Maximum dwelling units - 25 dwelling units per acre. 2. Minimum development site - 10 acres 3. Maximum building height - 45 feet or three stories, except building height within 300 feet of Harvard shall not exceed 35 feet or two stories Maximum lot coverage - 65 percent 7. 8. f) 9. 4. 44 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, City of Tustin Page 3-154 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 20 AREA H. Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) 1 Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 850 square feet Minimum building setbacks45 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 40 feet c) Local public street - 10 feet d) Private street or private drive - 5 feet e) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both sides f) Rear yard - 10 feet g) Building to building - 10 feet for 1 story; IS feet for 2 or more h) Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet i) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setback41 a) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 10. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 11. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 12. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 13. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Site Development Standards - Patio Homes 1. Maximum dwelling units - 15 dwelling units per acre 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 45 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-155 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 20 AREA 2. 3. Minimum lot area - none, refer to Section 3.9.3.J. below Building site requirements - patio home subdivisions shall be designated as a development unit on a tentative map. Maximum building height - 35 feet Maximum lot coverage - 100 percent, less required building and landscape setbacks Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. A minimum of 150 square feet may be for private use if located on ground level and open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage - 900 square feet Maximum number of four bedroom units - 30 percent Minimum building setbacks46 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 40 feet c) Local public or private street - The minimum building setback shall be 10 feet from a public or private street. An attached or detached garage may be setback a minimum of 5 feet from a public or private street. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply provided that no more than 75 percent of the units along the street frontage have living space over a garage with less than a 10 foot setback. All units located along both sides of a street segment shall be included when calculating the above 75 percent determination, regardless of whether they front, side, or rear load on that section of a street. A garage shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 feet from the right-of-way line. Garages setback 9 feet' or less shall be equipped with an automatic garage opener. d) Private drives and courts - The minimum building setback shall be 7 feet in a private court or on a private drive not located within a court. An attached or detached garage may be setback a minimum of 3 feet provided that no more than 50 percent of the length of the building frontage over the total length of the drive or court is setback less than 7 feet. In calculating the total length of the drive or court and the length of building frontage, the length of building and street frontage on both sides of the drive or court shall be used. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setback shall apply. The minimum 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ,~\ 46 Building setbacks are measured for future right-of-way, City of Tùstin Page 3-156 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 14. 15. 3 foot garage setback shall be increased where necessary to accommodate required sidewalks. A garage shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 feet from the right-of- way line. Garages setback 9 feet or less shall be equipped with an automatic garage opener. A minimum distance of 40 feet shall be maintained between ground floor living areas on units across from each other in a court, on a drive, or on a shared driveway. e) Minimum distance between buildings - The minimum horizontal distance between adjacent buildings shall be 10 feet. The minimum distance between buildings may be reduced to 6 feet for no more than a maximum length of 25 feet of a building elevation, provided that there are no windows on one elevation for that portion of the building elevation with less than a 10 foot setback. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply. Tract boundary - The minimum building setback from any tract boundary shall be 10 feet. If the tract boundary is adjacent to a park or other permanent open space, the minimum building setback shall be 5 feet. g) Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet h) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks47 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adj acent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) f) PLANNING 20 AREA 10. 11. 12. 13. I. Site Development Standards - Retail and Service Uses 1. MaXimum lot size - established by conditional use approval 47 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right- of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-157 Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 20 AREA J. Maximum building height - established by conditional use approval Maximum floor area ratio - .established by conditional use approval Minimum building setbacks48 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 40 feet c) Local public street - 10 feet d) Private street or private drive - 5 feet e) Minimum distance between buildings - 10 feet Landscape setbacks44 a) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 9. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 10. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Special Development Requirements I. Concept plan approval shall be required for development in Planning Area 20, pursuant to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan. The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 20 is 99 percent Residential and 1 percent Commercial, which will be administered by the Non-Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. Development in Planning Area 20 shall be protected from a 1O0-year storm in a manner consistent with the Flood Plain Management Ordinance and as approved by the City of Tustin Building Official. Affordability - The following minimum affordable housing production objectives are intended to reflect the intention of the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. 3. 4. 48 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. (/\ , i City of Tustin Page 3-158 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations K. City to create a redevelopment project area (Community Redevelopment Law, section 33000) and as needed to meet Regional Housing Allocation needs as identified in the Housing Element of the General Plan through the provisions of housing for households at very low, low and moderate income levels. Specific housing requirements may be established at the time of development approval to ensure conformity with the Housing Element of the General Plan and other applicable provisions of California Law and to achieve the following: a) At least 15% of units for initial occupancy by very low income to moderate income households for redevelopment, with 6% (or 40%) of units affordable to very low income households. b) At least 22 additional units for occupancy by moderate income households. c) Restricted affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the project and shall be compatible with the design and use of market rate units in appearance, use of materials, and finished quality. Restricted units shall be affordable for at least the minimum period of time required by state law, or longer if required by a construction or mortgage financing assistance program. d) Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, a developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Tustin or its Redevelopment Agency, and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: 1) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count 2) Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices 3) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes Tenure - Development in Planning Area 20 shall be intended for ownership sale and tenure. Development Guidelines I. Site planning should "stair step" building massing and density, with lower densities along Harvard stepping up in building massing and density as development occurs further into the site. Due to the site's close proximity to the railroad tracks, Edinger Avenue, and the Eastern Transportation Corridor, appropriate noise attenuation measures will need to be implemented. Any commercial uses should be oriented in the vicinity of Edinger, at the intersection of Edinger and Harvard. Careful 5. PLANNING 20 AREA 2. 3. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-159 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . planning and integration of any commercial use with adjacent uses will also be necessary in order to mitigate against any undesirable impacts to the residents. A summary of key the design guidelines for Planning Area 20 is provided in Figure 3-9. (/\ : : City of Tustin Page 3-160 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . 3.9.4 A. Planning Area 21 - Low Density Residential Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use where the symbol "C" occurs. B. 1. Residential uses: P C C P P P P P P P P P Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: . Condominiums and cooperatives Multiple-family dwelling units (apartments) in accordance with tenure provisions in Section Patio homes Single-family attached dwelling units and duplexes Single-family detached dwelling units Single family detached carriage way units Transitional housing (maximum of 12 units) . . . . . . 2. Public/Institutional uses: . Community care facilities for six or fewer persons Family care facility for elderly for six or fewer persons Large family day care for seven to twelve children on single family detached lots in accordance with the Tustin City Code Residential care facility for elderly, for six or fewer persons Small family day care for less than seven children on single family detached lots . . . . Accessory Uses and Structures . Carports Garages Home occupations subject to provisions of the Tustin City Code Patio covers/trellises Swimming pools, spas, jacuzzis Tennis courts, basketball courts and other multi-purpose courts, recreation and community buildings . . . . . MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-161 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations c. . Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land designation of this planning area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. Site Development Standards - (Reuse Plan Disposition Parcel 36 Only) 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7.0 dwelling units per gross acre average (150 units maximum) Minimum lot area - 2,400 square feet Minimum lot width - no minimum Maximum building height - 40 feet Minimum site landscaping - 30 percent. Minimum site landscaping shall apply to attached residential and may include sidewalks and paseolbikeway paths within the project area. Minimum building setbacks from 1,49 a) Harvard Avenue - 42 feet b) Warner Avenue - 42 feet c) Local Street (private or Public) - 10 feet minimum, 15 feet average Private Drives - 10 feet2 Interior side yard adj acent to residential use3 - 10 feet Interior side yard adjacent to non-residential use - 10 feet Interior rear yard adjacent to residential use3 - 10 feet Interior rear yard adjacent to non-residential use - 10 feet Southern California Edison Easement - 100 feet Building to building - 10 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between principaJ and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 ofthis Specific Plan D. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 1) c) 49 Non-conforming building and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where existing buildings and structures are not in future right-of-way. City of Tustin Page 3-162 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 21 AREA 8. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 9. 10. 11. Notes for Section 3.9.4.D: E. 1. Building setbacks are measured from the curb face corresponding to the ultimate right-of-way. The following garage and carport setbacks requirements shall apply: 3 foot minimum setback from the travelway. If a living area is provided above a garage, the living area shall be setback a minimum of 7 feet from the travelway. The travel way is the portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders, curb sections and auxiliary lanes. Ten (10) feet plus 2 feet for every 5 feet in height over 30 feet. 2. 3. Site Development Standards - (Reuse Plan Disposition Parcels 34 and 35) Single Family Detached I. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 50 percent of lot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. Minimum building setbacks5o a) Harvard Avenue - 42 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet d) Local public street - 10 feet e) Private street or private drive - 5 feet f) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards Rear yard - 10 feet Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet Distance between princimlJ and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks45 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet 6. g) 11) i) 7. 50 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Building setbacks are measured from future right- of-way. Non-conforming building and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where existing buildings and structures are not in future right-of-way. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-163 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations F. 8. Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines c) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 10. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 11. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 12. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Site Development Standards - (Reuse Plan Disposition Parcels 34 and 35) Single Family Detached - Carriage Way Units . 9. Definition: A type of single family detached product that is located on a minimum thirty-six (36) foot wide paved private street with a ten (10) foot parkway on both sides of the paved portions of the street with a garage that is located to the rear of the residence and takes access from a rear two-way alley that is a minimum of twenty- four (24) feet wide. 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot width - 35 feet 4. Maximum building height - 35 feet 5. Maximum lot coverage - 50 percent oflot area. Covered areas shall include all areas under roof except trellis areas, roof overhangs, and covered porches outside the exterior wall. 6. Minimum building setbacks5o a) Harvard Avenue - 42 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet d) Local public street - 10 feet e) Private street or private drive - 5 feet (front yard) f) Interior side yard - 3 feet minimum with aggregate requirement of 10 feet for both side yards g) Rear yard - 3 feet for garage and 7 feet for living areas including livin~ areas above garage 7. Landscape setbacks4 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet City of Tustin Page 3-164 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 9. Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 10. Guest parking - one hundred (100) percent of guest parking may be provided parallel to the travel way on a public or private street with a minimum paved width of thirty-six (36) feet. If there is no opportunity to provide guest parking in front of a home, then guest parking shall be provided within approximately 150 feet from the front door of the unit. 11. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 12. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 13. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable to Single Family Detached) Site Development Standards - (Reuse Plan Disposition Parcels 34 and 35) Single Family Attached 1. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area per family unit - 3,000 square feet 3. Minimum lot area per development project - 10 acres 4. Minimum lot width - no minimum 5. Maximum building height - 40 feet 6. Maximum lot coverage - 100 percent less required setbacks and open space areas Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Private outdoor open space - minimum private outdoor open space shall be increased to 400 square feet for existing units. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) 1 Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 900 square feet c) 8. PLANNING 21 AREA G. 7. 8. 9. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-165 Chapter 3 . Land Use and D~velopment/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 21 AREA 10. Minimum building setbacks51 a) Harvard Avenue - 42 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet d) Local public street - 10 feet e) Private street or private drive - 5 feet f) Interior side yard - 3 feet g) Rear yard - 10 feet h) Distances between principal structures - 10 feet i) Distances between accessory structures - 5 feet i) Distance between principal and accessory structures - 5 feet II. Landscape setbacks 46 a) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet 12. Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 13. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 14. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 15. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 16. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Site Development Standards - (Reuse Plan Disposition Parcels 34 and 35) Condominiums and Multiple Family Dwellings I. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum development unit per product type - 8 acres 3. Maximum building height - 40 feet 4. Maximum lot coverage - 65 percent, less the required building and landscape setbacks Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. Private attached ground level patios may be credited if open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all c) H. 5. 51 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Landscape setbacks may be reduced to accommodate existing walls or buildings. Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. City of Tustin Page 3-166 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan e,;- - i i /~, I , ',I Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 21 AREA 6. structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage a) Bachelor - 450 square feet b) 1 Bedroom - 550 square feet c) 1 Bedroom with den - 700 square feet d) 2 Bedrooms - 750 square feet e) 2 Bedrooms or more with den - 850 square feet Minimum building setbacks52 a) Harvard Avenue - 42 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet d) Local public street - 10 feet e) Private street or private drive - 5 feet f) Interior side yard - 3 feet g) Rear yard - 10 feet h) Distances between principal structures - 10 feet i) Distances between accessory structures - 5 feet i) Distance between plincipal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks53 a) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet b) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, and roads, shall be landscaped. Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 7. 8. 9. b) c) 10. 11. 12. 13. S2 Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way. Nonconforming building and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where existing buildings and structures are not in future right-of-way. S3 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back of the curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Landscape setbacks may be reduced to accommodate existing walls or buildings, Building setbacks are measured from future right-of-way, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-167 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations I. .. . . Site Development Standards - (Reuse Plan Disposition Parcels 34 and 35) Patio Homes I. Maximum dwelling units - 7 dwelling units per acre 2. Minimum lot area - none, refer to Section below 3. Building site requirements - patio home subdivisions shall be designated as a development unit on a tentative map. Maximum building height - 35 feet Maximum lot coverage - 100 percent, less required building and landscape setbacks Common open space - 400 square feet per dwelling unit located within common, designated recreational areas. A minimum of 150 square feet may be for private use if located on ground level and open on three sides. Areas not available for open space credit include all structures, streets, driveways, landscape setbacks, and parking lots. Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit, excluding the garage - 900 square feet Maximum number of four bedroom units - 30 percent Minimum building setbacks48 a) Harvard Avenue - 42 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 40 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 10 feet d) Local public or private street - The minimum building setback shall be 10 feet from a public or private street. An attached or detached garage may be setback a minimum of 5 feet from a public or private street. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply provided that no more than 75 percent of the units along the street frontage have living spacè over a garage with less than a 10 foot setback. All units located along both sides of a street segment shall be included when calculating the above 75 percent determination, regardless of whether they front, side, or rear load on that section of a street. A garage shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 feet from the right-of-way line. Garages setback 9 feet or less shall be equipped with an automatic garage opener. Private drives and courts - The minimum building setback shall be 7 feet in a private court or on a private drive not located within a court. An attached or detached garage may be setback a minimum of 3 feet provided that no more than 50 percent of the length of the building frontage over the total length of the drive or court is setback less than 7 feet. In calculating the total length of the drive or court and the length of building frontage, the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. e) ~- /' City of Tustin Page 3-168 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan 'c - T ~ .. ' . , , Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations f) length of building and street frontage on both sides of the drive or court shall be used. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setback shall apply. The minimum 3 foot garage setback shall be increased where necessary to accommodate required sidewalks. A garage shall not be setback between 9 feet and 19 feet from the right-of- way line. Garages setback 9 feet or less shall be equipped with an automatic garage opener. A minimum distance of 40 feet shall be maintained between ground floor living areas on units across from each other in a court, on a drive, or on a shared driveway. Minimum distance between buildings - The minimum horizontal distance between adjacent buildings shall be 10 feet. The minimum distance between buildings may be reduced to 6 feet for no more than a maximum length of 25 feet of a building elevation, provided that there are no windows on one elevation for that portion of the building elevation with less than a 10 foot setback. If living areas are provided above garages, garage setbacks shall apply. Tract boundary - The minimum building setback from any tract boundary shall be 10 feet. If the tract boundary is adj acent to a park or other permanent open space, the minimum building setback shall be 5 feet. h) Distance between accessory structures - 5 feet i) Distance between pl1ncipal and accessory structures - 5 feet Landscape setbacks54 a) Harvard Avenue - 30 feet b) Edinger Avenue - 30 feet c) Moffett Avenue - 20 feet Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. The facilities shall incorporate vistas into the golf course where possible and provide for convenient bicycle and pedestrian access from the Planning Area to the Tustin Commuter Rail Station. b) PLANNING 21 AREA g) 10. 11. 12. 54 Landscape setbacks are measured from the back ofthe curb and are a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting areas. Landscape setbacks may be reduced to accommodate existing waIls or buildings. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-169 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .. . . J. 13. Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 14. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 15. Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) Special Development or Reuse Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for development in Planning Area 21 (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of facilities or property on a parcel, or prior to any development on a parcel, any party receiving property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) shall be required to enter into an agreement with the LRA. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of the Agency receiving property and the City or LRA for the site; 2) identify the scope and schedule for short range improvements and long range development plans for the property; 3) establish a process for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify capital infrastructure improvements, roadway dedications, and environmental impact report mitigation that will be required of the Agency receiving or leasing property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the agreement. Affordability - the following minimum affordable housing production objectives are intended to reflect the intention of the City of Tustin to create a redevelopment project area (Community Redevelopment Law, section 33000) arid as needed to meet Regional Housing Allocation needs as identified in the Housing Element of the Tustin General Plan through the provision of housing for households at very low, low, and moderate incomes levels. Specific housing requirements will be established for specific sites at the time of development project approval to ensure uniformity with the Housing Element of the General Plan and other applicable provisions of California Law and to achieve the following: a) Disposition Parcel 36 only: Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, the developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Irvine to provide in Planning Area 22 the affordable housing units that would have been required on Disposition Parcel 36 pursuant to the City of Irvine Affordable Housing Implementation Procedure (Chapter 2-3 of the Irvine Zoning Code), and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: 2. 3. City of Tustin Page 3-170 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan , ,,!I 1 :r , , ~ I Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 21 AREA b) 1) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count 2) Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices 3) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes If the required affordable housing units are not provided in Planning Area 22, then the developer shall comply with general affordability requirements applicable to Disposition Parcels 34 and 35, and the following number of affordable units shall be provided: 1) At least 9 units for initial occupancy by very low income level households 2) At least 7 units for initial occupancy by low income level households 3) At least 7 units for occupancy by moderate income level households Reuse Plan Disposition Parcels 34 and 35: 1) At least 15% of units for initial occupancy by very low income to moderate income households for redevelopment with 6% (or 40%) of these units affordable to very low income households. Developer compliance with the Homeless Accommodation Plan described in Section 2.3.6 and 2.4 shall be required. 2) At least 10 additional units for initial occupancy by low income level households. 3) At least 20 additional units for initial occupancy by moderate income level households. 4) Restricted affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed throughout a project and shall be compatible with the design and use of market rate units in appearance, use of materials, and finished quality. Restricted units shall be affordable for at least the minimum period required by state law, or longer if required by a construction or mortgage financing assistance program. 5) Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, a developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Tustin, its Redevelopment Agency, and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: a) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count b) Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-171 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations .. . . K. c) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes 6) The City of Tustin reserves the right to negotiate transfer of a developer's obligation pursuant to this section off-site as a credit for affordable units which cannot be reasonably feasible to provide on-site which shall be at the City's sole and absolute discretion. To ensure comparable equivalent value of an off-site option or exchange for not providing on-site affordable units, a financial affordability gap analysis will be conducted by the City, at developer's cost, to compare the value of the off- site option and the affordability gap cost of providing on-site affordable housing. Tenure - Reuse/development of Planning Area 21 shall be encouraged to be ownership tenure. Development of apartments is a discretionary action requiring approval of a conditional use permit. Consideration of a conditional use permit should include the City's preference for ownership tenure, and in any event, no more than 25 percent of the total number of units permitted may be approved for apartments. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code, as amended by the City's of Tustin or Irvine (as applicable), State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ' Utility metering modifications and provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving property in Planning Area 21 prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and new development. Development or Reuse Guidelines I. Wall and Streetscape upgrades along Harvard Avenue should be designed to create greater compatibility with Village 38 theme walls and streetscape on the east side of Harvard Avenue. A combination of walls, landscaping, and berms may be utilized to achieve required noise standards in both Tustin and Irvine. Existing housing units shall be aesthetically upgraded through architectural and landscape improvements to appear consistent in quality with private market housing in the surrounding neighborhoods of Tustin and Irvine, in the event of reuse. Such improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits. The improvements may include, but are not limited to, the following: 4. 5. 6. 2. City of Tustin Page 3-172 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ... --~ :ot .,,!, ,'~ , \ , ~ , \ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3. a) Upgraded facade treatments, including use of plaster, wood siding, brick, stone, and other approved materials b) Upgraded window types and treatments (i.e., trim) c) Upgraded roofing materials and extension of roof overhangs d) Updated color scheme for buildings and walls e) Enlargement and enhancement of private patios and balconies Upgraded appearance of unit entrances, including doorways, walkways, decorative paving g) Improved landscape design of front yards and common areas Consistent landscape treatment along local roads Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site Decorative treatment of all exposed site walls Upgraded driveways Decorative paving and other hardscape amenities for pedestrian paths in common areas m) Improvements to common recreational areas including provision of shelters, lighting, and refurbishing of facilities n) Creation of project entryways through signage and landscape design 0) Upgraded and consistent signage, including project identification, addressing, and directional signs p) Enhance lighting scheme for units, common areas, paths, and parking areas q) Application of defensible space techniques In landscaping and lighting Demolition of structures may be required by Tustin to be undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the permanent land use intent of this Planning Area. A summary of the key design guidelines for Planning Area 21 is provided in Figure 3-9. f) PLANNING 21 AREA h) i) j) k) I) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-173 i I j j I I PA21 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL pñm"'Y comm""'v' ,- trooÞnent "'_2-18 PAS North 1..001> - - .... ftQura 2.23 ..--. o.n,.n AagIonoI T," ) ) loa ""- WIding ..-Ing end - cIentfty 8Iøng '-A....;'tIoIr~ 1nIo1h8- -.. ... poonrnng '" "" - ~........ ill I MoIfottAw. --- .oo fig- N' "~-..-y -I tInIOtscape 10 _Ith w-r compaIIbiIIy wIIh "'__oIH_-- Havard Avø. edge condition .... ft9"'" 2-33a or b """'lIeel...., and Iar>d.-. ""pro..moms 10 ",,!sting ""'¡o9 to appear consilient '" quality Wi1h pr- mtlrket -09 ~ NOT TO SCALE Chapter 3. land Use and DevelopmentIReuse Regulations Neighborhood G ~ ...... ... ..._Av. -...... . J 1 I æ=~ MCAS Tuni" Sþtciftc PIa"IRtllSr rId" Cl.aL~ Gïly.[TN.,'i" Figm.3-9 REVISED Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.10 NEIGHBORHOOD H 3.10.1 Introduction Neighborhood H is located entirely within the City of Irvine and is comprised of a single Planning Area, P A 22, as shown on the Statistical Analysis (Table 3-2). The Planning Area contains a total of 402 dwelling units on approximately 48.3 acres known as Marble Mountain Park. The area was developed in five phases from 1984 to 1990, and contains four- plex, six-plex, and eight-plex buildings. The condition of the units ranges from good to excellent as indicated in the MCAS Tustin Family and Bachelor Housing Report prepared by the City of Tustin in March 1994. The report identifies minor corrections necessary to meet building and safety code requirements. However, the units lack the architectural details and landscaping details generally found in private market housing. The remaining 28 acres are currently vacant and will contain a minimum 20 acre elementary school (ES-8) and an approximate eight (8) acre neighborhood park. The regulations for new development, should the existing housing be replaced by new residential units, is consistent with the City of Irvine's Medium Density Residential Zoning Category (Section V.E-329.2.5). Furthermore, the Planning Area will also be required to comply with applicable requirements of Irvine's Planning Area 38, Westpark II. PLANNING 22 AREA 3.10.2 Planning Area 22 A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses Permitted and conditionally permitted uses for Irvine Planning Area 38 Zoning shall be applicable (Section V.E. 838.2). B. Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses for Irvine Planning Area 38 Zoning shall be applicable (Section V.E. 838.2). c. Unlisted Uses Refer to applicable City of Irvine Zoning Code provisions. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-175 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations D. PLANNING 22 AREA E. Site Development Standards Applicable site development standards from Irvine Planning Area 38 Zoning shall apply (Section V.E. 838.2). However, the total number of dwelling units within the Planning Area shall not exceed 402 J units. Special Development or Reuse Requirements 1. Concept plan approval shall be required for development in Planning Area 22 (refer to Section 4.2.1 of this Specific Plan). Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of facilities or property on a parcel, or prior to any development on a parcel, any party receiving property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) shall be required to enter into an agreement with the LRA. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of the Agency receiving property and the City or LRA for the site; 2) identify the scope and schedule for short range improvements and long range development plans for the property; 3) establish a process for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify capital infrastructure improvements, roadway dedications, and environmental impact report mitigation that will be required of the Agency receiving or leasing property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the agreement. Affordability - the following minimum affordable housing production objectives are intended to implement the Housing Element of the Irvine General Plan through the provision of housing for households at very low, low, and moderate incomes levels. Specific housing requirements' will be established for specific sites at the time of development project approval to ensure that any reuse/development of Planning Area 22 achieves the following: a) At least 24 units for initial occupancy by very low income level households - within the very low category, at least 14 units shall be for transitionary housing b) At least 18 units for initial occupancy by low income level households At least 18 units for occupancy by moderate income level households d) Restricted affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the project and shall be compatible with the design and use of market rate units in appearance, use of materials, and finished quality. Restricted units shall be affordable for at least the 2. 3. c) ,--~ City of Tustin Page 3-176 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~.._--- --- --~ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations PLANNING 22 AREA F. minimum period required by state law or longer is required by a construction or mortgage financing assistance program. e) Prior to issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, a developer shall enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Tustin Redevelopment Agency and/or the City of Irvine, as applicable, and agree to deed restrictions on targeted affordable housing units that are binding on property upon sale or transfer. Said agreements shall address the following: I) Number of units by type, location, bedroom count Standards for qualifying income and maximum rents or sales prices g) Parties responsible for sales prices and incomes Tenure - Reuse/development of Planning Area 22 shall be encouraged to be ownership tenure. Development of apartments is a discretionary action requiring approval of a conditional use permit. Consideration of a conditional use permit should include the City's preference for ownership tenure, and in any event, no more than 25 percent of the total number of units permitted within the Irvine portion of the Specific Plan area may be approved for apartments. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with the Uniform Building Code, as locally amended, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). . Utility metering modifications and provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and Irvine as applicable, and those agencies receiving property in Planning Area 22, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and new development. Development or Reuse Guidelines f) 4. 5. 6. 1. Wall and streetscape upgrades along Harvard A venue should be designed to create greater compatibility with Village 38 theme walls and streetscape on the east side of Harvard Avenue. A combination of walls, landscaping, and berms may be utilized to achieve required noise standards in Irvine. Existing housing units shall be aesthetically upgraded through architectural and landscape improvements to appear consistent in quality with private market housing in the surrounding neighborhoods of Tustin and Irvine. Such improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits. The improvements may include, but are not limited to, the following: 2. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-177 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations h) i) j) k) I) a) Upgraded facade treatments, including use of plaster, wood siding, brick, stone, and other approved materials b) Upgraded window types and treatments (i.e., trim) c) Upgraded roofing materials and extension of roof overhangs d) Updated color scheme for buildings and walls e) Enlargement and enhancement of private patios and balconies Upgraded appearance of unit entrances, including doorways, walkways, decorative paving g) Improved landscape design of front yards and common areas Consistent landscape treatment along local roads Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site Decorative treatment of all exposed site walls Upgraded driveways Decorative paving and other hardscape amenities for pedestrian paths in common areas m) Improvements to common recreational areas including provision of shelters, lighting, and refurbishing of facilities n) Creation of project entryways through signage and landscape design 0) Upgraded and consistent signage, including project identification, addressing, and directional signs p) Enhance lighting scheme for units, common areas, paths, and parking areas q) Application of defensible space techniques In landscaping and lighting Demolition of structures shall be considered or undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the permanent land use intent of this Planning Area. f) PLANNING 22 AREA 3. A summary of the key design guidelines for Planning Area 22 is provided in Figure 3-10. /'-'\ City of Tustin Page 3-178 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ~ ------- I. . . Warner Ave. --.- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - .. Barranca P8lkway Bam.nça Parkway edge oondJ1lon ..... figure 2-32b II I 1 Ii 'I' :r I r- upgl1lde boundary ."ell/ sInIet8C8pe IC estllbllsh greeter compatibility with the _t aide of HaMIrd Ave. Harvafd Ave. edge çand U( n ... figure 2-338 ~ NOTTO SCALE Chap/at 3. Land Use and DevelopmenUReuse Regulations Neighborhood H ~ ...... ... -"'. -... - .... ¡ I Ii /. ¡r---- : . ----.,.. . ., .#J 111 .1 archItectural and landscape upg rades f :1. - f to .mUng housing to appear conSlst'l! . In quality with private market houalng - - : , PA 22 '" /'9.:' MEDIU. M DENSITY RESIDENTIALI,' £If r NEIGHBORHOOD PARK! ' ¡.: ELEMeNTARY SCHOOL . (J,- Iii, . -, Ii =-~ II /\- IJ . -. -.J !/~- ,. 11- . æ~ MCAS Tustin Sþt<ific PIa.IR"", Plan .:I~IIII:JI Cityo/Tustin Pig"", 3-10 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.11 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The following general regulations shall apply to new development and the reuse of existing structures and facilities, unless specific exceptions are described elsewhere in the Specific Plan. 3.11.1 Access Every structure or use shall have frontage upon a public street or permanent means of access to a public street by way of a public or private street or easement, or recorded reciprocal access agreement. See below for further circulation standards. 3.11.2 Antennae and Satellite Dish Standards All provisions of the Tustin City Code and Irvine City Code, as applicable, shall apply. 3.11.3 Encroachments Into Required Setbacks . The following are allowed to encroach no more than 4 feet into required setbacks subject to compliance with the Uniform Building Code: '----, . Architectural features . Eaves . Fireplaces . Mechanical equipment . Steps and staircases (open) . Covered patio trellis, or canopies, unenclosed on at least two sides, may encroach into the required side or rear yard setback provided they do not cover more than 50 percent of the private yard or open space area on a residential property and comply with the Uniform Building Code related to distance requirements between adj acent structures. . Location of swimming pools and/or a spa shall conform with applicable City regulations. City of Tustin Page 3-180 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.11.4 Enforcement of EIS/EIR Mitigation Measures Recent amendments to Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code, as applicable, shall apply. The amendments provide that measures to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment shall be fully enforceable through permit conditions, agreements, or other measures. The EISIEIR mitigation measures are contained in the EISÆIR for the project. 3.11.5 Fences and Walls All provisions of the Tustin and Irvine City Code, where applicable, shall apply to the construction of walls, fences, and hedges in the Specific Plan, with the exception that maximum established heights within the City of Tustin may be exceeded when higher walls are required as noise mitigation (acoustical barriers) based on City Noise Ordinance, subject to Community Development Department approval. Any planter, fence, or wall within the streetside setback may not exceed 3.5 feet in height. Fences and walls shall also be designed to not restrict vehicular sight distance and visibility at roadway intersections per City of Tustin and Irvine standards, as applicable. The use of barbed wire, electrified fence, or razor wire fence in conjunction with any fence, wall, roof, or hedge within any land use designation is prohibited, unless required by any law or regulation of the City of Tustin or Irvine, federal government, or agency thereof, as applicable. 3.11.6 Financing Program Prior to recordation of the first final map in a planning area, the subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City to participate in a financing program for required infrastructure. The agreement shall provide for granting of credit to the subdivider for a certificate of occupancy, improvements required, or a condition of approval on this project to the extent that the cost of such improvements may be included in any such financing pro gram. 3.11.7 Fumes, Odors, Vapors, Gases and Other Forms of Air Pollution If any use which produces orders, toxic gases, or noxious matter in such quantities as may be readily detectable at any point outside the property lines of the premises, and/or may become a public nuisance or hazard, the use shall be modified to prevent such emissions. Emissions shall be in compliance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District standards. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-181 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.11.8 Grading All earthwork shall be conducted in accordance with the City of Tustin Grading Ordinance and manual, and grading requirements within the City of Irvine. Grading permits shall consider consistency with the urban design concept. Compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations related to storm drain runoff from construction sites as implemented in the City of Tustin and Irvine shall be required. 3.11.9 Hazardous Materials To ensure that the use, handling, storage, and transportation of hazardous materials comply with the California Government Code and Health and Safety Code, all provisions of the Tustin and Irvine Hazardous Materials Codes and Fire Codes shall apply. 3.11.10 Height Determinations Building height shall be determined from the finished grade within five (5) feet of the structure to the highest point of the structure, excluding chimneys and vents. 3.11.11 Interim Use Provisions c~'" Interim uses shall be permitted in all Planning Areas subject to the requirements and evaluation criteria specified in Chapter 4, Section 4.2.6. In addition to the provisions in Section 4.2.6, the following list of potential Interim Uses shall be used as a guide for determining whether or not a proposed interim use shall be allowed. . Agricultural uses of the same or similar characteristics as practiced at the time of base closure determination, exclusively within Planning Areas 5, 7, 8, 11, 14 and 15. . Commercial uses . Driver's training, excluding speed events . Educational uses . Emergency staging and supply areas and related services . Equipment and vehicle storage, with proper screening . Facilities for special recreation and craft activities -.. City of Tustin Page 3-182 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Indoor/outdoor sales facilities providing for periodic events such as swap meets and auctions . Industrial uses other than permitted uses, conducted in an existing building . Long term site toxic clean-up facilities, equipment and operations . Nursery stocking, storage and wholesaling . Office uses . Other uses determined by the Community Development Director to be similar in character and impact to the categories specified in this Section and to the permitted and conditional uses identified for each Planning Area. Any use determination decisions in the City of Irvine shall comply with applicable provisions of the Irvine Zoning Code. . Special fund raising event facilities which support periodic or temporary events (e.g., education fairs, community fairs, custom! antique auto shows, etc.) 3.11.12 Landscaping/Screening . In all land use designations, all landscaping shall conform to the landscape guidelines contained in this Plan or, in the case of questions not covered in the Specific Plan, the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines or Irvine guidelines, as applicable. . All commonly owned property and landscape setback areas exclusive of structural improvements shall be landscaped and maintained in a weed free condition with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover. Landscaping shall be provided with automatic irrigation systems, in accordance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines or Irvine guidelines, as applicable. . An opaque screen consisting of one or a combination of berms, masonry walls and landscaping integrated into an aesthetic pattern shall be installed along site boundaries where residential uses abut arterial or secondary highways, with the aggregate height of berms and walls not to exceed six (6) feet, eight (8) inches, or higher as may be required and approved to mitigate noise impacts. Screening shall also be installed along commercial or commerciallbusiness site boundaries which immediately abut areas designated for residential uses. The type of appropriate screening will be determined during site plan review. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-183 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Screening shall be installed along all parking areas abutting streets. The screening shall be a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches. . Screening shall consist of one or any combination of the following components: . Walls, including retaining walls - a wall shall consist of concrete, stone, brick, tile or similar type of masonry material. . Berms - a berm shall be constructed of earthen materials and shall be landscaped according to an approved plan. . Evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs consistent with the landscape guidelines contained in the Specific Plan. . All property landscaping shall be properly maintained in a healthy, weed free condition. . Landscaping/screening at intersections shall be designed in such a manner as to not restrict vehicular sight distance in accordance with current City of Tustin and Irvine standards/guidelines, as applicable. 3.11.13 Lighting All lighting shall be designed and located to confine direct rays and glare to the boundaries of a parcel. No lighting shall blink, flash, or be of unusually high intensity or brightness. Security lighting sh~ll be provided as required by the Uniform Security Code. /-\ Maintenance and Completion of Open Space, Amenities, Landscaping, and Manufactured Slopes No lot or dwelling unit in a development shall be sold or a Certificate of Occupancy issued, unless a corporation, homeowner's association, assessment district or other approved entity has been legally formed with the right to assess all those properties which are jointly owned or benefited to operate and maintain all of the mutually available features of the development including, but not limited to, open space, amenities, landscaping or slope maintenance landscaping, private streets, and utilities. Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be developed and recorded for said development subject to the review and approval of the applicable City Attorney. The recorded CC&R's shall permit the enforcement by the applicable City, if required. No lot or dwelling unit shall be sold unless all approved and required open space, amenities, landscaping, or other improvements, or approved phases 3.11.14 ,,~, City of Tustin Page 3-184 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan ---~- -_..~~ , . "II ' Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations thereof, have been completed or completion is assured by a development agreement or financing guarantee method approved by the City of Tustin of City of Irvine, as applicable. 3.11.15 Mechanical Equipment Compressors, air conditioning units, vents, exhausts, or similar mechanical equipment located outside a building shall comply with the following: . All such equipment shall be screened from view from any abutting street, highway or adjacent use. Screening shall be an integral part of the overall architectural design of the project. The top of any screening shall be a minimum of six inches above the top of any mechanical equipment. . All mechanical equipment shall be maintained in a clean and proper condition to prevent breakdown that might release noxious or toxic materials or create excessive noise, and to avoid accumulation of litter, filth and materials which would be noxious or unsafe. 3.11.16 Noise Control Plans for noise attenuation of residential units located near arterial highways and railroad rights-of-way, which ensure that interior and exterior noise levels do not exceed state requirements and local City of Tustin and Irvine noise ordinances, as applicable, shall be submitted for review and approval prior to building permits being issued to accommodate reuse and/or subdivision approval for residential development, whichever occurs first. All uses shall be subject to provisions of the City of Tustin or City of Irvine noise ordinance, as applicable. 3.11.17 Outside Storage All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building, except for off-street parking, loading, approved temporary uses, any outdoor dining space specifically permitted in conjunction with eating establishments, and approved nursery accessory uses. Minor ancillary outdoor storage (service vehicle parking, materials storage, or limited equipment assembly associated with a permitted use) may be located outside a building in certain Planning Areas as an accessory use conditional use, provided that there is solid screening and there are no negative noise or aesthetic impacts on adjacent properties. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-185 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.11.18 Park Provisions Requirements and standards contained in the City of Tustin subdivision ordinance will be utilized in reviewing public or private park proposals per park in-lieu fee obligations. The area of the Specific Plan within the City of Irvine will be subject to the requirements and standards of the City of Irvine's Local Park Code. 3.11.19 Refuse Collection Areas All outdoor refuse collection facilities shall be screened visually from streets and highways. Collection areas shall be shielded from view in all directions, either within a building or within a solid masonry wall of sufficient height to conceal materials temporarily accumulated for collection. The enclosure shall be designed to complement the main building materials. Adequate facilities and containers shall be provided to accomplish refuse recycling and handling of toxic materials, including source-separated materials as may be required by city ordinance. Innovative designs of storage, handling and transfer equipment are encouraged to achieve maximum recycling levels. 3.11.20 Roof Mounted Solar Collector Panels /---'\ Roof mounted solar collector panels shall be flush surface mounted where possible and painted to match roof surface color. Where panels cannot effectively perform if flush mounted, justification in the form of efficiency calculations may be submitted to the City of Tustin or Irvine for consideration of alternative mounting configurations. 3.11.21 Streets and Highways . All streets and highways shall conform to street and highway standards detailed in this Specific Plan. However, existing local streets and roadways on the base that do not meet the standards detailed in this Specific Plan, may be permitted to remain as private streets, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. . Portions of any lot within any future right-of-way shown in this Specific Plan shall not be occupied by new structures, other than those encroachments normally permitted in rights-of-way. Such encroachments are defined in the General Regulations section. All other required setbacks, yards, and open spaces shall be calculated on the basis of established or future rights-of-way. Future right-of-way lines shall be considered to be lot lines for purposes of determining such setbacks, yards and open spaces. City of Tustin Page 3-186 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan -~.~ - -- - -------r---:r- '" Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Dedication of right-of-way shown in the Specific Plan shall be required as determined necessary by the City Engineer or as a condition of approval of any development. . Access points to individual development sites shall be subject to acceptance by the City Engineer. . Access onto major arterials, due to their regional significance coupled with high traffic volumes and speeds will of necessity warrant a higher degree of access restrictions than would be applied to lower level arterial roadways. . Installation of curbs, gutters, bikeways, sidewalks, street paving, street lighting, and street trees shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustin City Code. Installation shall be provided by a developer and/or costs shall be assigned to each development lot or parcel in accordance with a cost-benefit formula determined by the City Engineer, or otherwise determined as a result of a negotiated Development Agreement. . All street and highway design will be in accordance with the City of Tustin and City of Irvine design standards, where applicable; however, deviations consistent with the Specific Plan design character and intent may be proposed and approved during subsequent design or development review by the respective jurisdiction. . On-street parking shall be prohibited along all arterial and local collector streets within the Specific Plan area . Advanced Transportation Technology shall be accommodated to the extent practicable, and any applications shall be documented. 3.11.22 Temporary Uses Temporary uses shall be regulated pursuant to the Tustin City Code and Irvine City Code, as applicable. 3.11.23 Trellis Refer to applicable provisions of Subsection 3.11.3. 3.11.24 Utilities . All utility lines serving a new development, with the exception of interim uses, shall be placed underground by the developer in accordance with the city's policies for locating utilities underground. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-187 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations . Existing utility lines shall also be placed underground with development, where feasible and as required by the City of Tustin or Irvine, as applicable. . No structures shall be permitted to be developed over active pipelines, abandoned lines, or utility easements, except where approved by the City Engineer. . All utility line and connection costs to the backbone infrastructure/utility system (water supply, sanitary sewer facilities, reclaimed water supply, storm drainage and other utilities) needed to serve individual projects shall be the responsibility of the new user/owner, or as otherwise determined as a result of a negotiated development agreement or lease. . All water supply, sanitary sewer facilities, reclaimed water supply, storm drainage and other facilities shall be provided in accordance with adopted master plans of the respective service providers. Costs shall be assigned to each development lot or parcel in accordance with a cost-benefit formula established by the LRA, based on estimated engineering construction costs, or as otherwise determined as a result of a negotiated development agreement. . Dedication and delineation of five IRWD water well sites as described in Section 2.9 will be required along Barranca Parkway including any necessary maintenance, pipeline and access easements subject to approval of the LRA as to their location and design and IRWD abandonment and release of property and easement rights along Red Hill Avenue. It is anticipated that these well sites would impact Planning Areas 11, 12, 14 and 19 and shall be defined in conjunction with any new development within each of these Planning Areas. . An offer to dedicate 20 feet of additional right-of-way for the Barranca channel to OCFCD shall be made with said terms subject to approval of the LRA prior to any new development on parcels adjacent to the Barranca 'Channel in Planning Areas 11, 12, 14, and 18. . An offer to dedicate 25 feet of additional right-of-way for the Santa Ana channel to OCFCD shall be made with said terms subject to approval of the LRA prior to any new development on parcels adjacent to the channel in Planning Area IS. City of Tustin Page 3-188 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.12 SIGNAGE 3.11.25 Vibration No vibration associated with any use shall be permitted which is discernable beyond the boundary line of the property, unless the vibration does not negatively impact an adjacent property. This section establishes regulations and guidelines for project identification signage throughout the Specific Plan area. The intent is to achieve a visually coordinated and appealing signage system that provides identity to the site and promotes effective identification for the range of uses within the Specific Plan. Specific Plan area signage/monumentation will occur at key designated thematic intersections as shown in the Community Structure Plan (Figure 2-15). Signs identifying arrival to the City of Tustin may occur within the public right-of-way in locations shown on Figure 2-5. 3.12.1 General Provisions A. All signs in the City of Tustin shall conform to the provisions contained in the Tustin Sign Code, unless otherwise contained in this section. Whenever the regulations contained herein conflict with the regulations of the Tustin Sign Code, the Specific Plan regulations shall take precedence. Signs in the City of Irvine shall conform with the Irvine Sign Code. B. A sign permit shall be applied for and received from the Department of Community Development prior to constructing, erecting, altering, replacing, moving, or painting any sign, except for signs exempt from a permit according to the Sign Code. Permit applications shall be accompanied by information as required for a standard sign plan or master sign plan, pursuant to the Sign Code. c. A master sign plan is required for new development or reuse projects within the Specific Plan area involving multi-use sites and multi- tenant centers or buildings. A master sign plan is also required for the Golf Village Residential Core (P A 15). The purpose of a master sign plan is to encourage coordinated and quality sign design on sites where a large number of signs will occur. In addition, the master sign plan should include on-premises directional/information signs to facilitate smooth internal circulation. D. After approval of a master sign plan, no sign shall be constructed, erected, altered, replaced, moved, or painted unless the sign conforms to the master sign plan. The master sign plan shall MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-189 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations designate a person or firm as the primary liaison with the City for the purpose of requesting approval of the master sign plan and for submitting sign permit requests in conformance with the approved master plan. E. A master sign plan may establish more restrictive sign standards than those contained in the Tustin Sign Code. Conversely, a master sign plan may deviate from the standards upon submittal and approval of a Conditional Use Permit. 3.12.2 Review Criteria (City of Tustin) A. Signs shall be consistent throughout a project site by incorporation of common design elements including use of materials, letter style, colors (not more than three, excluding black and white per individual sign), illumination, sign type, and sign shape. Sign design and coloring are subject to the City's design review procedures. B. Signs shall be compatible with and complement the architectural design and colors of the buildings intended to be identified, through the use of materials, colors, sign layout, and sign placement. c. Signs shall be designed to direct/inform both pedestrians and motorists. D. Signs shall not be placed in a manner that will obstruct or inhibit sight distance or visibility for the motorist. E. Signs shall contain only that information which is necessary to identify the businesses or uses of the property on which the sign is located. Identification of product, trade and service information is permitted and considered supplemental provided it is subordinate to business identification. Supplemental signs shall be considered subordinate if no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total allowable sign area is used for this purpose. F. Signs shall not dominate the view of a site or building, nor obscure or eliminate the view of existing signs. G. New signs in existing developments shall be designed in accordance with the established master sign plan for the building or center where the sign is to be located. If no such plan exists, then new signs shall be designed to be harmonious with other existing signs on the property and/or the architectural theme and design features of the building(s). City of Tustin Page 3-190 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.13 H. Freestanding signs may be located in required setback areas provided that the following criteria are met: 1. The location is not within a required visual clearance area for traffic or other purposes as identified by the City Engineer; and 2. The location will not cause negative light and glare impacts on adjacent uses, if the sign is lighted. I. Master sign plans shall be reviewed for conformance with the following criteria, in addition to the criteria listed above: 1. Sign plan shall reflect a common theme through the use of materials, letter styles, colors, illumination, sign type, and sign shape. Sign plan shall be compatible with and reflect the special qualities of the architecture of the buildings on the site in both daytime and nighttime conditions. 2. OFF-STREET PARKING Off-street parking in the City of Tustin shall conform to the provisions of the Specific Plan or the Tustin City Code when not addressed in this section. Whenever the regulations contained herein conflict with the Tustin City Code, Specific Plan regulations shall take precedence. Off- street parking in the City of Irvine shall be governed by the Irvine Parking Ordinance. 3.13.1 General Regulations A. New Uses: Off-street parking shall be provided for any new building constructed and for any new use established; for any additional or enlargement of an existing building or use; and for any change in the occupancy of any building or the manner in which any use is conducted that would result in additional parking spaces being required. B.ExistiRg BuildiRgS BRd Uses: The existing number of assigned spaces (non gaest parking) per unit for the existing housing in Planning Areas 4 and 21 shall remain. }.l.dditional guest parking shall be required in accordance with the standards in Table 3 4 prior to issuance of use and occupancy permits. For any additions or enlargements of existing buildings in Planning ¡\Teas 4 and 21 that 'liouid increase the number of parking spaces required, the additional parking would be required only for the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-191 Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations proposed ehange and Hot f.or the previous existing use or building unless required as a condition of approval. (;,8. Joint Use of Parking Areas: Parking required by this section for any building or use shall not be considered as providing parking for any other building or use, except where a joint parking facility has been authorized by the Planning Commission. Parking facilities may be used jointly for uses with significantly different peak hours of operation. Requests for shared parking must meet the following requirements: 1. A parking study shall be submitted by the applicant demonstrating that no substantial conflict will exist in the peak hours of parking demand for the uses for which joint use is proposed. The methodology to be utilized in preparing the study shall be either the Urban Land Institute's shared parking study or methodologies promulgated by the Institute of Transportation Engineers CITE). 2. The number of parking stalls which may be credited against the requirements for the structures or uses involved shall not exceed the number of stalls reasonably anticipated to be available during differing hours of operation. 3. Parking spaces designated for joint use shall be located so that they will adequately serve the use for which they are intended. 4. A written and recorded agreement shall be drawn to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Director of Community Development and executed by all parties concerned assuring the continued availability of the number of stalls designated for joint use and availability of reciprocal access easements Doc. Transportation Demand Management Plans (TDM): Transportation management plans shall be prepared when and if required by the City's TDM Ordinance or by the Air Qu~lity Management District. Where required for all new or expanded projects, the trip reductionlTDM program and annual monitoring data shall be submitted to the City Traffic Engineer for review and compliance evaluation. Compliance and enforcement provisions of the City's TDM Ordinance shall apply. E-.D. Fraction of Parking Spaces: Where the application of the off-street parking requirements results in a fractional number of spaces ,e----\ City of Tustin Page 3-192 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations required, then the fraction shall be rounded to the next higher whole number. FeE. Location of Parking Spaces: All required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use to be served unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development Department. If required parking is approved off-site, the following requirements shall be met: 1. The off-site parking shall be located so that it will adequately serve the use for which it is intended. In making this determination, the following factors shall be considered: a) Proximity of the off-site parking facilities; b) Ease of pedestrian access to the off-site parking facilities; and c) The type of use the off-site parking facilities are intended to serve, i.e., off-site parking may not be appropriate for high turnover uses such as retail. 2. A written and recorded agreement shall be drawn to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Community Development Director and executed by all parties concerned assuring the continued reservation and availability of the off- site parking facilities for the use they are intended to serve. G-.F. Restricting the Use of Parking Spaces: All required parking spaces shall be made available permanently for vehicle parking for employees working at the premises for which parking is required, and customers and guests having lawful reason to be at the premises for which such parking is required. In the absence of prior approval from the Community Development Department, it is unlawful for any owner, lessee, tenant or any person having control of the operation of any premises for which parking is required to prevent, prohibit or restrict authorized persons from using parking. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-193 Chapter 3 . land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations II-.G.Gates: Gates which limit or control access to parking areas require special consideration, as their design can significantly impact the parking demand and usage and the vehicular circulation on a site. Gates shall be designed in accordance with City standards and guidelines, and shall require approval through the Design Review process. The applicant shall submit to the City a plan addressing the following issues: 1. Type and operation of the gate including location of visitor call box. 2. Adequacy of vehicle stacking area at gate including vehicle turn-around area. 3. Effect of gate on parking usage and distribution on-site. 4. Effect of gate on parking for surrounding or adjacent areas. 5. Effect of gate on street operations at the entrances to the gated street. I-.H. Disabled Access Parking: The number of parking spaces for the disabled shall be as required by the Uniform Building Code and state handicapped parking requirements. All parking spaces for the disabled shall be located as close as is practical to the entrance(s) to the use they are intended to serve, and oriented so that a user of the disabled parking space does not have to go past the rear of automotive parking spaces in order to reach the building's main entrance. ,r~ J-.I. Maintenance: All required off-street parking spaces shall be available permanently and marked and maintained permanently for such use. Off-street parking areas shall not be used for the sale, display or repair or motor vehicles or the storage of materials or other goods and services. Any repair or restriping of parking areas shall not change the configuration, size or location of parking spaces and landscaping unless approved by the Community Development Department. KoJ. Parking Stall Dimensions and Parking Lot Design: Parking space dimensions, compact car accommodations, and parking lot design shall be provided in accordance with the parking standards and guidelines on file in the City of Tustin or Irvine Community Development Department, as applicable. In summary, within the City of Tustin, each parking space shall be a rectangular area 9 feet by 20 feet. A 2 Y2 foot overhang area over low level landscaping shall be permitted. Parking accommodations for compact cars may be /~~ .. \ City of Tustin Page 3-194 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan - --------~ .., - - - , Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations provided with such designated spaces being not less than 8 feet by 17 feet. Up to 20% of the required parking spaces of the site may be designated for compact cars, upon the approval of the Community Development Director. bK. Parking Requirements: The requirement for any uses not listed in Sections 3.13.2, 3.13.3, and 3.13.4 shall be determined by the Community Development Director on the basis of the requirements for similar uses. 3.13.2 Residential Off-Street Parking Requirements Table 3-4 defines the off-street parking requirements for residential uses in the City of Tustin portion of the Specific Plan area. Refer to the Irvine Parking Ordinance for applicable standards within the City of Irvine. TABLE 3-4 RESIDENTIAL OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS (ALL REUSE PLAN DISPOSITION PARCELS EXCEPT PARCEL 36) Number of Number of Spaces Covered/Assigned Unassigned Housing Type Required Spaces per Unit Guest Spaces 1 Detached Single-Family 2.0 2 Garage .5 per unit Attached Single-Family Studio 1.0 I Garage .25 per unit I Bedroom 1.5 1 Garage .25 per unit 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage .25 per unit 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage .25 per unit 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Garage .25 per unit Condominium and Multiple- Family Units Studio 1.0 1 Garage or carport .25 per unit 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Garage or carport .25 per unit 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage or carport .25 per unit 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage or carport .25 per unit 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Garage or carport .25 per unit Patio Homes 2.0 2 Garage 0.5 per unit , 50 percent of the guest space required may be fulfilled with on-street parking. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-195 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-4 (CONTINUED) RESIDENTIAL OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS (REUSE PLAN DISPOSITION PARCEL 36 ONLY) Number of Number of Spaces Covered/Assigned Unassigned Housinll Tvpe Required SDaces Der Unit Guest Spaces Detached Single-Family I I Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage PubliclPrivate 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage Street frontage2 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage 4 or more Bedroom 3.0 2 Garage Attached Development, Ownership3 Studio 1.0 1 Covered .7 spaces/unit if 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Covered garages 2 or more Bedroom 2.0 1 Covered .4 spaces/unit if carports , Resident spaces may be tandem. 2 If on-street parking is not pennitted or is restricted on the unit's street frontage, then 1 visitor parking space shall be required for each affected unit. This visitor space shall be located not more than lOO feet from the unit's street frontage. This space cannot be tandem. 3 On-street parking may count toward fulfilling visitor parking requirements if on a private street. Tandem parking may not count toward fulfilling visitor Darking requirements. Commercial Shopping Center Off-Street Parking Requirements Table 3-5 defines the off-street parking requirements for the commercial centers in the Specific Plan. 3.13.3 TABLE 3-5 COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER OFF-STREET PARKING RE UIREMENTS City of Tustin Page 3-196 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan --- ---~ /~', (~'\ '" Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 3.13.4 A. Reduction in Parkina ReQuirements for Mixed Use Projects in a Portion of the Community Core Objectives, Shared parking is a desired City obiective in the mixed use portion of the Community Core, south of Warner Avenue within Planning Areas 13 and 14, As such, it will have a variety of benefits including but not limited to: . Creating community and a sense of place in the Community Core; Reducing costs of developing and maintaining surface and structured parking areas; . Attracting businesses to the area; Reducing the amount of surface parking would mean less impenneable surface which would result in more space for vegetation and other natural landscape features that would reduce stom1 water nmoffto stonn drains; . Increasing communication and coordination between individual businesses, among business districts and within larger districts. Bv necessity, the shared parking approach will bring people together to consider how they can meet mutual needs. B. Authorized Parkin!! Reduction. DUling the design review process, the Community Development Department shall conditionally approve a 20% reduction in parking for certain non-residential development within the mixed use portion of the Community Core within Planning Areas 13 and 14. subject to compliance with all assumptions contained in Subsection 3.13.4.C and the requirements contained in Subsection 3.13.4.D. The J)arking reduction shall be based on the parking demand analysis completed for anticipated development in this area as described in the Tustin Legacv Communitv Core Mixed Use Development - Phases I &: II Shared Parking Stud", dated November 2005 ("Community Core Shared Parking Study"). . . The parking reductions authorized under this Subsection 3.13.4 shall not limit nor preclude use of the shared parking provisions allowed under Subsection 3.13.1. C., Joint Use of Parking Areas. c. Assumptions I. Parking provided for residential units and residential guests will not be available for shared uses and shan be reserved for residents and guests only. Residential parking spaces shall not be included in any authorized parking reduction pursuant to this Subsection 3.13.4. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-197 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations D. 2. No reduction of parking shall be taken for patrons using multiple facÜities (i.e., captive ratio ). 3. The demand ratios for the weekday and weekend parking are based on recommendations and data collected by Urban Land Institute (ULl) and Shared Parking Guidelines prepared by ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers). Requirements. The Community Development Department sha]] onlv conditionally approve a 20% reduction in parking provided that the fo]]owing findings and/or conditions are met: 1. A determination of consistency with the general mix of land uses shall be made, based upon the anticipated development progralmning used in the Communitv Core Shared Parking Study, on file at the Community DeYelopment Department. 2. The minimum number of parking spaces against which the 20% parking reduction may be applied shall be detennined based on the number of parking spaces that would otherwise be required for each land use separately as identified in Section 3.13.5. 3. Shared parking spaces shall be so located so thev wiU adequately serve the uses for which they are intended. 4. If privately owned parking is to serve two or more separate propeJties, a written and recorded agreement between propclty owners approved bv the City Attomey and Community Development Department shall be executed between property owners or properties guaranteeing access to, use of, and management of designated spaces. 5. With a design review submittal. a shared parking plan sha]] be submitted including the following: a. A site plan of parking spaces included for shared parking and their proximity to land uses that they win serve; b. A signage plan that directs drivers to the most convenient parking areas for each particular use or group of uses c. A pedestrian circulation plan that shows connections and walkways between parking areas and land uses. d, A safety and security plan that addresses lighting and maintenance of the parking. 6. For any future changes in land uses that would increase the parking demand as identified in the Community Core Shared Parking Study where a 20% parking reduction has been taken, an applicant shall be required to provide an update of the parking documentation when requested. i'~\ City of Tustin Page 3-198 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan -- ---- ~- ~ Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 7. As requested bv the City, an applicant or parties to a parking reduction shall provide follow-up documentation such as parking occupancy counts within a defined time period (e.g. 2 years or sooner if a parking shortage issue is perceived) after project completion to validate shared parking results. Off-Street Parking Requirements for Non- Residential Uses (Located Independently) The off-street parking requirements for non-residential uses that are not located in the commercial shopping centers identified in Table 3-6 or in a mixed use setting as identified in Section 3.13.4, shall be subject to the following requirements: TABLE 3-6 NON-RESIDENTIAL OFF-STREET PARKING RE UIREMENTS Use T e Auditoriums, theaters, sports arenas, stadiums Auto Re air Auto Sales Auto Service Station Auto washing and cleaning establishments, exce t self-service Banks, commercial Barbersho s or beau arlors Bowling lanes and billiard halls 1 s ace/250 s uare feet of oss floor area 1 s ace/200 s uare feet 5 spaces/alley plus 2 for each billiard table plus required parking for other use on the site Churches, temples and other places of 1 space/3 fixed seats within the main auditorium or for every 35 assembly not specified elsewhere square feet of seating area within the main auditorium where there are no fixed seats; 18 lineal inches of bench shall be considered a fixed seat . Clubs, lod e halls, union head uarters 1 s ace175 s uare feet of oss floor area Convalescent and nursing homes, 1 space/4 beds homes for the aged, rest homes, children's homes, sanitariums, emergency shelter, group transitional housin Dance halls Day nurseries, including pre-schools and nurse schools D cleaners MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-199 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-6 NON-RESIDENTIAL OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Parking Spaces per Square Foot Use Tvpe of Gross Floor Area Gølf eOl:1fse a. Driving ranges 1 space/tee, plus the spaees required for additional uses on the site 3 spae6s/høle, phis requirements for aeeessory uses b. Piteh and putt miniature golf eourses 6 spaces/hole, plus the space re<:):uired fer additional uses Øfl the To ' site Handball/racquetball/tennis facility 1.5 spaces/court plus the spaces required for additional uses on the site Health clubs and spas 1 space /150 square feet of gross floor area. (For the purposes of this subsection, swimming pool area shall be counted as floor area) Hotel/motelíextended stay hotel 1 space/guest unit, plus 2 spaces for resident manager or owner, plus requirements for related commercial uses, plus 1 space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area for assembly or conference rooms. Laundromats 1 space/3 machines or 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is £Teater Libraries 1 space/300 square feet of £TOSS floor area Lumber yards, retail nurseries 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area for retail sales, plus 1 for each 1,000 square feet of open area devoted to display and stora£e Manufacturing, assembly 1 space/500 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than 2 spaces/3 employees. If there is more than 1 shift, the number of employees on the lar£est shift shall be used. Model home sales complex 3 spaces/model home plan, plus 1 for each salesperson Offices a. General and administrative 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area b. Medical clinics or offices; dental 6 spaces/1,000 square feet of gross floor area clinics or offices c. Professional, other than medical 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area or dental d. Veterinary hospitals and clinics 1 spacell80 square feet of £fOSS floor area Other li£ht industrial uses I space/500 square feet of gross floor area Public utility facilities including, but 1 space/every 2 employees in the largest shift, plus 1 for each such not limited to, electric, gas, water, use regardless of building space or number of employees telephone and telegraph facilities not having business offices on the property City of Tustin Page 3-200 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations TABLE 3-6 NON-RESIDENTIAL OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Parking Spaces per Square Foot Use Tvoe of Gross Floor Area Research and development 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area for all office use and 1 space/500 square feet of gross floor area for manufacture or assembly (but not less than 2 spaces/ 3 employees on maximum shift) Restaurants, including fast food 1 spacell 00 square feet, plus minimum 7 car stacking space for drive-thru Retail stores, general, except as 1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area otherwise specified herein Retail stores, furniture and appliances 1 space/500 square feet of gross floor area Savings and loan offices, other 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area financial institutions Schools a. Elementary and middle schools 2 spaces/classroom b. Colleges, universities and 1 space/every 3 students, plus 1 space/every 2 members of the institutions of higher learning, faculty and employees parochial and private c. Senior high schools, public, 1 space/every member of the faculty and each employee, plus 1 for parochial and private every 6 students regularly enrolled d. Trade schools, business colleges 1 space/every 3 student capacity of each classroom plus 1 for each and commercial schools faculty member or employee Service businesses, general, unless 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area otherwise specified herein Skating rinks, ice or roller 1 space/1 00 square feet of gross floor area, plus the spaces for additional uses Storage yards in connection with 6 spaces which shall be separated from the enclosed storage area contractor's business Supermarkets, grocery stores, 1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area convenience stores Swimming pools, commercial 1 space/500 square feet of gross enclosed area, plus the spaces required for additional uses on the site Warehouses, storage buildings or 1 space/1 ,000 square feet of gross floor area for the first 20,000 structures used exclusively for storage square feet. 1 space for each 2,000 square feet for the second purposes 20,000 square feet. 1 space for each 4,000 square feet in excess of 40,000 square feet, plus space for other uses. If there is more than one shift, the number of employees on the largest shift shall be used in determining parking requirements. Wholesale establishments and 1 spacell ,000 square feet of gross floor area, less that area devoted warehouses not used exclusively for to office or sales, plus 1 for each 250 square feet of sales area storage MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-201 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations Off-Street Loading Requirements All buildings containing commercial, office, research and development, or industrial type uses, shall contain a minimum number of loading spaces55 as shown in Table 3-7. Loading spaces shall have safe and adequate means of ingress and egress for trucks to and from a public street or alley. The size, location, and design treatment of loading spaces shall be subject to design review approval. TABLE 3-7 OFF-STREET LOADING REG UIREMENTS Number of Loading Spaces Total Square Footaf(e/Gross Floor Area Required Research and Development/Industrial Uses 5,000 to 19,999 square feet 20,000 to 39,999 square feet 1 40,000 to 79,999 square feet 2 80,000 square feet and over 3 4 plus 1 space for each additional 50,000 square feet Office Buildings Less than 50,000 square feet 1 50,000 to 100,000 square feet 2 100,000 square feet and over 3 Other Permitted Uses: 5,000 to 15,000 square feet 1 15,000 to 45,000 square feet 2 45,000 square feet and over 3 3.14 ALCOHOL BEVERAGE SALES 3.14.1 Introduction This section establishes regulations for alcoholic beverage sales establishments for the Specific Plan area. The intent is to establish standards for on-site and off-site alcohol beverage sales establishments to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare, and preserve and enhance the quality of the City relating to establishments sel1ing alcoholic beverages for on- and off-site consumption. Alcohol beverage sales Inay require a conditional use pennit. if so identified in the Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses standards of the Neighborhood/Planning Area in which the establishment is located. 55 An off-street space or berth used for the loading or unloading of commercial vehicles, City of Tustin Page 3-202 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulation~ 3.14.2 Standards A. All Alcoholic Bevera2:e Sales Establishments (On-Site and Off- Site). 1. Applicants shall obtain the appropriate license from the State Department of A1coholic Beverage Control for the type of alcoholic sales authorized for the site. A copv of the license shall be provided to the City. 2. Approved uses shall operate in accordance with all applicable State, County and Tustin City Codes. Where a Conditional Use Pelmit is required, any violations of the regulations of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control as they pertain to the subject location may result in the revocation of that Conditional Use Permit, as provided for in the Tustin City Code. 3. No loitering signs shall be placed near the entrance(s) on the outside of the premises or in other specified locations where alcoholic beverages are sold. 4. All litter shall be removed from the exterior areas around the premises including adjacent public sidewalk areas, and parking areas, no Jess frequentlv than once each dav that the business is open. 5. Business operations shall be conducted in a manner that does not create a public or private nuisance. Any such nuisance must be abated immediately upon notice by the City of Tustin. B. On-Site Alcohol Bevera2:e Sales Establishments. 1. With the exception of restaurants. on-site a1coholic beverage sales establishments within Planning Area 15 are subject to the following minimum distance requirements as measured from the closest exterior wall of the on-site establishment to the property line of anv of the following sensitive uses. On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments in all other planning areas in which thev are permitted or conditionally permitted are not subject to distance requirements. a) 300 feet from any residentiallv zoned or used property. b) 500 feet [TOm any other existing on-site sales establishment, except for a restaurant. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-203 Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations c) 300 feet from any church, place of worship, public or private schooL playground, clinic, hospital. or health care fàcility-. . 2. All alcohol shall be consumed on-site with the exception of the provisions stated in the Business and Professions Code Section 23396.5 and 23401 or when associated with an authroized off- site a1coholic beverage sales establishment. 3. Any cocktail lounge or bar area within a restaurant shall funcÜon as a food and beverage service bar. 4. OperaÜng hours of all outright pennitted on-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments shall be no later than 1 :30 a.m., unless an extension is approved bv the Director of Community Development. Operating hours of all conditionally permitted on- site alcoholic beverage sales establishments shall be determined by the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or Director of Community Development, as applicable. 5. The sale of alcoholic beverages within a restaurant establishment shall be liInited to the hours when food is available. Service of food menu items shall be available dming al1 business hours. c. Off-Site Alcohol ßevera2e Sales Establishments. I. Off-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments within Planning Areal 5 are subiect to the following minimum distanee requirements as measured from the closest exte1Íor wall of the off-site establishment to the prope11y line of any of the following sensitive uses. OfT-site a1coholic beverage sales establishments in all other planning areas in which they are permitted are not subiect to distance requirements: a) 100 feet 1)'om any residentially zoned or used property. b) 300 feet from any church, place of worship, public or private school. playground, clinic, hospital. or health care fàcility. 2. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on the premises of the licensed off-site alcoholic beverage sales establishment, with the exception of authorized Inicrobreweries/wine tasting establishments. 3. No display, sale or distribution of akoholic beverages shall be made from an ice tub, banel or similar container. City of Tustin Page 3-204 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan Chapter 3 . Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 4. For establishments selling alcoholic beverages and gasoline, no sig;ns advertising alcoholic beverages may be visible from the exterior of the building or on gasoline pumps or islands. 5. Display of alcoholic beverages for sale shall be located at least 25 feet from the location of any video arcade game, virtual reality or coin/token operated games. 6. Operating hours shall be no later than 12:00 a.m., unless an extension is approved by the Director of Community Development. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan City of Tustin Page 3-205