HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 PC REPORT SPICER HOUSE 165 SOUTH A STREET DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 AGENDA REPORT ITEM #3 MEETING DATE: AUGUST 25, 2020 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION AS HISTORIC & CULTURAL RESOURCES ADVISORS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TUSTIN HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION SPICER HOUSE— 165 SOUTH A STREET RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 165 South A Street to the City's Historic Register Plaque Program and select "Spicer House - C1915" as the most appropriate historical name and date of construction of the property. t mow. 165 South A Street DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 165 South A Street August 25, 2020 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Owners of historic homes or commercial buildings in Tustin are eligible to participate in the City's plaque designation program, called the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program. The purpose of the voluntary program is to recognize Tustin's historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties, and promote community pride. The plaques display the construction date of the building, up to two (2) lines of text, and the words "Tustin Historic Register." The bronze plaques may be mounted on the residence or set on metal stakes. The program guidelines require nominations to be provided to the Tustin Preservation Conservancy (TPC) and the Tustin Area Historical Society (TANS) to identify the proper name and date of construction. For residences, the historical property name has recognized the most prominent owner or occupant of the residence or, when no prominent owner or occupant can be identified, naming the building after the owner/occupant with the longest tenure in the building is an option. This criterion distinguishes the residence from other residences in Old Town Tustin or when the surname could be associated with more than one (1) prominent resident. Plaque on display at the Tustin Garage Building on EI Camino Pursuant to the procedures approved by the City Real/6th Street Council on November 6, 2007, the nomination form was forwarded to the presidents of the TPC and TAHS on June 4, 2014 (Attachment A). The two (2) groups were requested to collaborate and/or review the nomination, research the history of the property, and to note the most appropriate historical name and date of construction. The TPC and TAHS have reviewed and agreed with this recommendation for the name and year for this historical plaque. According to the City of Tustin 1990 Historic Resources Survey, Edmond L. Kiser, a well-known builder in Tustin who lived at 175 South A Street, purchased the property at 165 South A Street in late 1920 from Pearl Kelley. Kiser later sold the property to retired rancher, Haymond Nixon, who owned the home until 1934, when George and Nora Spicer rented and eventually purchased the home. The Spicer House is an appropriate name for 165 South A Street based on the longest tenure in the California bungalow home. In addition, the 2003 Historic Resources Survey already identifies the property's historic name as "Spicer House" for the same reason. Records obtained from the Orange County Archives indicate that George H. and Nora E. Spicer rented the house for a few years prior to purchasing the property on DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 165 South A Street August 25, 2020 Page 3 November 30, 1934. The Spicers resided in the home until at least 1964, where they celebrated Mr. Spicer's eighty-second (82) birthday and their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Spicer lived in Tustin for 57 years beginning in 1906. She served on the first ever jury trial held in the Tustin City Police Court in 1938. Mr. Spicer was listed in the 1916 Directory as a farmer, and in subsequent directories as a teamster. According to City Council Resolution 170 (April 1946 — Attachment B), Mr. Spicer was employed by the City of Tustin as a trash collector and earned a monthly salary of $135.00. Following George's death, Nora Spicer transferred the property to their daughter, Ida M. Gruwell, who resided in the home until 1968. As the property remained with the family for at least thirty-four years, the Spicer family represents the longest tenure of the property. 165 South A Street The current property owners, Darrel and Lynda Cook, are nominating the property at 165 South A Street for addition to the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program. The nomination is being brought forward to recognize the building as a significant example of the California Bungalow architectural style in the City of Tustin and was reportedly constructed in 1915. The property is located within the Cultural Resources District and is identified in the City's 1990 and 2003 Historic Resources Surveys (Attachment C). This structure has B rating in the City's 1990 Historical Survey and a 5D1 rating in the 2003 Historical Resources Survey. The 5D1 rating indicates that the structure is a contributor to a fully documented district that is designated or eligible for designation as a local historic district, overlay zone, or preservation area under an existing ordinance or procedure. According to the 2003 survey, this building is significant as an example of the California Bungalow architectural style which was prolific in the early 1920s in the City of Tustin. It also gains significance because it is part of a row of six (6) early Tustin homes. The 2003 survey identifies the character defining features of this residential building including, but are not limited to, the following: • Front facing gabled roof, centered with a louvered vent • Narrow, clapboard siding • Recessed porch capped with a clapboard-clad arch at the top, and clapboard- clad square column on the north with a curved portion of siding on the south side • Wide double-hung window overlooks the porch • Moulding tops with lentel at each window • Gable wing extending from the south facade, near the back • 15-light front door probably installed in the 1920s The property is significant due to its residential architecture and the citrus industry. It's period of significance is 1900-1945. DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 165 South A Street August 25, 2020 Page 4 Based on the naming criteria designated by the Planning Commission, staff recommends the Planning Commission, in their capacity as Historic and Cultural Resources Advisors, approve the plaque designation with the name "Spicer House — Circa 1915", due to the longest tenure of the property. The building date with "Circa" indicates that the exact date of construction is not determined, but does appear to have been constructed in 1915 based on the City's 1990 and 2003 Historic Resources Surveys. fiNvi- 'lam 08/13/20 20 p �► 08/13/20 20 Elaine Dove, AICP, RLA Justina L. Willkom Senior Planner Acting Community Development Director Attachments: Attachment A: Nomination Form for 165 South A Street Attachment B: City Council Resolution 170 Attachment C: 1990 and 2003 Historic Resources Survey Excerpts Attachment D: Property Photograph DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 ATTACHMENT A NOMINATION FORM FOR 165 SOUTH A STREET COmmunity Development Department•300 Cenlennial Way•Tustin,CA 92780 Phone- 714,S73.3140 r.--.n_ Tustin Historic Register Plaque Designation Program Nomination Form Ok V I Thank you for nominating a property to the City's plaque designation program. The purpose of the plaque designation program is to recognize Tustins historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties, and promote community pride,Ali properties listed in the Tustin Historic Resources Survey are eligible for nomination to the program, Owners of properties that are selected by the City's Planning Commission for the program are not obligated to purchase and/or di5ploy the plaque. Porticipotion is completely voluntary. The_Plonning Commission will consider the nomination in approximotely six weeks. Nominated Historic Property Historic Property Address Historic Structure Name(if any) Property Owner(if known) L)Av�lli/- E L__ DA C Specify your reasons for the nomination (e.g.age of structure, architectural details, place in Tustin's history,for- mer resident(s)were significant to Tustin's history, etc. I q Yv)a r)C - LI 04 e-1 (AD 0 aU 00 tett- Ci (-,-1 'a cuc j e- k�� ri tete�pGt Your�ame" I ,,V f'-) Your Residence or Business Address )0 Tj Telephone Number -7 1 E-mail Address (--(:3) Signature Date Office Use Only Case No. Date Received Received By Listing In Historical Survey Histeric Designation 11 Local Elstate El Natbnal []None Location []Within District El Outside District DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 ATTACHMENT B CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 170 DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 388 RESOLUTION NO. 170 A RESOLUTION EMPLOYING GARBAGE AND TRASH COLLECTORS FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN. c_ On moti f Councilman c ,seconded by nd duly carried, th Councilman !�' e following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED that the following named individuals be employed by the City of Tustin, California, and that they receive a salary therefor the sum set opposite their names: NAMES POSITION MONTHLY SALARY 0. C. Phillips Garbage and Trash Collector George H. Spicer Garbage and Trash Collector BE IT FURTHER RESLOVED that each of said individuals is employed only during the pleasure of the City Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regularly adjourned meeting thereof held on the day of April, 1946. i%j MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487IR 38aJ QQ{] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Orange, ss City of Tustin.le- ) CHAS. E. MORRIS, City Clerk, and ex—officio Clerk of the City Council, of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by a majority of the said City council at a regularimeeting thereof held on the day of April, 1946, by the following vote, to—wit: AYES: Councilman: ' 'e NOES: Councilman: � yL��� _ ABSENT: CO7NCI LMAN: i I City Clerk of the City of Tustin, California. DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 ATTACHMENT C 1990 AND 2003 HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY EXCERPTS DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 Pr FY OY ".i U a tTI N HISTORICAL SURVEY DATE: 1915 STYLE! CAL.IFOR I,\BUNGALOW SOURCE: RATIV,; E { w AI TERArIONS, F RIS'fORICAL DISTRICT. _. YFS CQJkUVIENT: DESCRIPTION: Narrow clapboard siding covers the exterior of this modified Craftsman Bungaiow, The roof feaurms a !rant-facing gahlcd roof, centered with a lauvered vent. The,recessed porch is capped with a graceful ciapboard•clad arch at the tufa, with it clapboard-glad square column on the north side and a curved portion of siding on the south side. A six-light window, topped with u double transom, occupies the space beside the porch and docs not appear to be original. A wide dcat,bla-hung wirdrrw ovmloaks the porch. Molding tops the lintel of each window. this 15-light front door was probably installed in the 1920's. A gabled wing extends from the south f:aca4e. nom the baart,- A gable-roofed single garage at the arras matches the hoose. Some alurninurn windows have bccn added at the sides and rear of the home. STGNIFIC'ANCEo FranL Robinson, who owned dic property from 1313 to 19A, is not iistcJ as residing at dds address in the 1916 Direcuny, Thu prtmpdrty was owned by Pearl 1, Kcilcy from 1418 to 1924, 6%,Jwn it was sold to boulder Edmond L. liiscr, who lived ut 175 South t Sireet. Kiser was elected to fusdri's first cit}' council in 1977 and w7vrd until 1942. George and Nora Spicer owrud ant! lived in the house from 1934 to 1964. IIc was listed in the 1916 Dir=tory as a farmer, and in dUbsegUent directories as a learnStcr. 1']na house gains taddett 4igniricance became it is part of to raw of 6 cwiy Tustin horses. DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 165 A STREET (S) µ See following pages for property information DocuSign Envelope ID:56C65E98-6506-4934-BE9A-AB3B5C257487 leak DFThe Re'stis��:�� -O'%TPAENT OZ- PARY 5 AND F;E' r Eti-:;:•:�'r -- _ EUI-DING. 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