HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 86-092,i 6 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 27 RESOLUTION NO. 86-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER AND ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES AS PROVIDED BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE The City Council' of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' Pursuant to Tustin Code Section 4217, the City Council hereby establishes as the fee schedule for animal shelter and animal control services the schedule set forth in Attachment "A", which is' attached hereto and incorporated herein as though fully set forth.- PASSED. AND ADOPTED at a regular'meeting of the City Council on the 4th day of Auqust, 1986. 4th _. ITONALD J~ALTARELLI, Mayor Proposed Fee Schedule 'for Antmal Shelter and Antmal Control Servtces i A. Oef~.n~.tions- ! 1. A large antmal ts any antmal wetghtng 300 pounds or more. .. Attachment A 2. A medium animal is any animal weighing greater than 50 pounds, but less than 300 pounds. 3. A do~ or cat is any animal defined as such in Ordinance No. 2836. 4. An animal is as defined-in Ordinance No. 2836. · 5. A contract city is any municipality that has enteredl into a contract with t~he County Of Orange for enforcement of Animal Control and Animal Shelter Services, or for either of such services. - o 6. Actual cost is the actual expense incurred by the County of Orange, i'ncludi"n'g,' but not limited to, salaries, employee benefits, overhead supplies, animal food, medication, contract services. 7. A kennel means any property where four (4) or more dogs, or four (4) or more cats, over the age of four (4) months, are kept or maintained for any purpose except veterinary clinics and hospitals, and except property for which an animal permit has been issued pursuant to Section 4-1-76 of the Codified Ordinances or the County of Orange. 8. A pet shop means any person or facility engaged in the sale or trade of live animals on a commercial basis. 9. A gr.ooming parlor means any premises where animals are groomed, brushed, Clipped or bathed on a commercial, bases. 10. An animal rental establishment means a place or facility where animals other tha'6 dogS'," Cats"',' or' eqbines are kept or maintained for hire. 11. A permanent animal exhibition means any proPerty where animals are exposed for public viewi'ng,"'for e'nte'rtainment, instruction or advertisement, including animal acts, on a regular basis, excluding activities conducted primarily for the instruction or entertainment of persons for which no charge, fee or donation is collected or solicited. 12. A commercial stable means any property where equines are sheltered or fed on , a commercial basis. 13. A circus means a carnival, tent show or show tn the open air, or in a hall or bui 1 ding not .speci fi cally constructed for theatrical purposes, wherei n animals are exposed for public viewing for entertainment, instruction or advertisement. 14. A rodeo means any activity or show in which equines or bovines are exposed fo~'public viewing for entertainment, instruction or advertisement, excluding a permanent animal exhibition, excluding activities conducted primarily for the instruction or entertainment of persons for which no charge, fee or donati on i s col 1 ected or sol ici ted. , Community Development Department · m m m . ' m ' ' . II ' [ I ....... m [ .......... ' [ . . .i i. · iI Proposed Fee Schedule Animal Shelter and Animal Control ServiCes Page 2 · · · 15. Impounded means ha ving been. recetved into the custody of the Health Officer of Orange County or his deputy. ' 16. A .t.e.m. porary animal exhibition means any activity or property used for the public viewing of a~nimals fOrl entertainment, instruction or advertisement, including animal acts of less than a regular basis, excluding activities conducted primarily, for the instruction or entertainment of persons for which no charge, fee or donation is collected or solicited. B ® .For. Animals. Impounde.d at the Shel~er. 1. Impound Fees- Mi. ni....mum ae be Large animal (horse, cow, etc. ) actual cost or . Medium ani ma 1 (pi g, sheep, etc. ) actual cost or .................................. Dog, cat, or other small animal ................. $ 4O. O0 3o.oO 25.00 (Except that animals that are impounded more than once within a twelve (12) month peri od will be charge.d abo've fees plus fifty percent (50%) of pti or impounding cha.rges. ) C!.ty...Shelter S,ervice F. ee' · a. Charged to contract cities for animals not redeemed by owners ........... - .................. b. ' Each adult animal .... c. Each litter (including the adult female, if present) ..................................... $ 13.00 5.00 5.00 0 PlaCement Fees' Cat ............................................. Other animal subject to placement 13.00 8.00 Market Value ® Daily Care and Feed' (start with first day, SU'ndays and hOlidaYs included except no charge if redeemed same day, i.e., day of impound) ae Large animal (horse, cow, e.tc.) .................. Medium animal (pig, sheep, etc. ) ................ Dog or cat ................ m ..................... Other small animal ...... ' .......... · .............. $ 7.50 5.00 4.50 Actual Cost Community Development Department .i · .i .i · . .i i. P~oposed Fee Schedule Anima~ Shelte~ and Animal Cont~ol Services ~"Page 3 5. Veter.i,nary Servt..ce_s' .-. ale Vaccination agatnst rabtes ...................... Relattve Value Unjt (for Medfcal Services) ...... Other procedures (X-rays,. shots, lab) Medfcal or surgtcal care, per treatment, performed by prtvate veterfnarian, flat rate ........................................... No:e' The Director may charge the owner or custodian for' veterinary care rendered to Impounded antma~s and such charges shall constitute a 1ten on said antmal s. He/she may approve from County funds to practicing veterinarians rendering treatment to Impounded antma~ So Ce Individual Animal Licenses' · 11 , il , , Note 1. A good license can be sold only for the period covered by a val i d rabies vacci nation certificate acceptable to the California 'Department of Health .{CA. Admin. Code. 21606.4). Note 2. The relduced fe~ for a neutered animal will be allowed only upon.presentation of a certificate of spaying, castration, or of the dog's i nabil ity to reproduce signed by a licensed · veterinarian. Note ~. Any person who fails to purchase or renew a license wi thin .fifteen (1~) days after it has. become due or expired shall be deemed delinquent and may be required to pay a late fee of five dollars ($~.00) in addition to the prescri bed fee. Note 4. Once purchased, there will be no refund of license fees unless it is demonstrated that, at the time the license became effective, the animal was not subject to licensing. New Licenses- Dog license, six (6) months ......................... Dog license, twelve (12) months.. ............ , ....... Renewal Li censes- , ® Dog license, si'x (6) months ......................... Dog 1 icense, twelve (12) months .... Neutered $ 4.00 8.00 3. O0 5.00 $ 5.00 7.00/RVU At cost 20.00 Other $ 8.00 15o00 6.00 10.00 Corn munity Development Department · ... .. · ~ , .. .. .. · , . .. Proposed Fee Schedule Animal Shelter and Animal Control Services Page 4 Other- ® 0 3. 4. ® Cat license (optional) for the period of valid rabies vaccination Reissue of lost dog license or cat license tag ...... Transfer of dog license or cat license Dog license, approved guide dog'. .................... License for privately owned wild, exotic, dangerous, or nondomestic animal, each ......................... Orange County residents who 'are 65 years of age or older may at 50~'of the regular fee obtain one dog 1 i cense or one cat regi stration. De Animal Fa~.c.i' 1 i t) Licenses' Note- A nonrefundable application fee of $25.00 shall b~ charged for processing an application for any of the following facility licenses. The appl i cati on fee shal 1 be credi ted to the license fee if the license ts issued. 1. Kennel, per year ® 4-9 .animals . . ......... 10-29 animal s ................................... 30-59 animal s .................. . .......... · ...... , 60 or more animals..' ......... m ........... m ....... .. Pet shop, per year ............ m ...................... 3. Grooming parlor, per year ........................... ® Animal rental establ i shment, per year ................ o Permanent animal exhibition {including public, aquarium, zoo domestic and wild animal park, and animal act) per year ................................ 6. Commercial stable, per year 1-9 horses ...................................... 10-29 horses .................................... 30-59 horses ............... · ..................... 60 or more horses ............................... · 7. Circus, per day 8. Rodeo, per day 2.00 2.00 2jO0 Free 4.00 2.00 2.00 Free 25.00 $ 70.00 :o .oo 140.00 185.00 80.00 45.00 155.00 150.00 70.00 105.00 140.00 1185.00 185.00 360.00 Community Devolopment Department .i o 'i .i Proposed Fee Schedule Animal Shelter and An1 ma1 Control Servf ces '"Page 5 9. Animal Exhibition (temporary) Fi rst day ........................................... Addi tional day ...................................... Not to exceed, per year ............................. 10. Penalty fee ......................................... Any owner, operator, or person who fatls to , purchase or renew an Antmal Facility Lt6ense within thirty (30) days after tt has become due or expired shall be deemed delinquent and may be requtred to pay a late fee of 25~ of the ltcense in addition to the prescribed fee. £. Dead Antmal Pickup Dog and cat, owner release .... ' ........................ F. Animal Quarantine m, 'Quarantine services on owner' s premises ................ 45.00 25.00 190.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 Community Development Department STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) § CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN,.City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify .that the whole number of the member's of the .City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 86-.92 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting"of' the City Council-held on the 4th day of Au. gust, 1986, by the f ol 1 owing vote' AYES · NOES · ABSENT- COUNC I LPERSONS · COUNCILPERSONS' COUNC ILPERSONS' Edgar, Hoesterey, Kelly, Saltarelli None Kennedy MARY E. WY~, City ClOi.~ rk~ City of Tu~tin, California