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DocuSign Envelope ID:50407E83-9FD8-476C-9D12-B7D4BEA8380E • AGENDA REPORT ITEM #2 MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 10, 2020 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION AS HISTORIC AND CULTURAL RESOURCES ADVISOR (HCRA) FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TUSTIN HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION KIDD HOUSE — 124 North B Street RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 124 North B Street to the City's Historic Register Plaque Program and select "Kidd House - 1940" as the most appropriate historical name and date of construction of the property. I _ 3 124 North B Street DocuSign Envelope ID:50407E83-9FD8-476C-9D12-B7D4BEA8380E 124 North B Street November 10, 2020 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Owners of historic homes or commercial buildings in Tustin are eligible to participate in the City's plaque designation program, called the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program. The purpose of the voluntary program is to recognize Tustin's historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties, and promote community pride. The plaques display the construction date of the building, up to two (2) lines of text, and the words "Tustin Historic Register." The bronze plaques may be mounted on the residence or set on metal stakes. The program guidelines require nominations to be provided to the Tustin Preservation Conservancy (TPC) and the Tustin Area Historical Society (TAHS) to identify the proper name and date of construction. For residences, the historical property name has recognized the most prominent owner or occupant of the residence or, when no prominent owner or occupant can be identified, naming the building after the owner/occupant with the longest tenure in the ;= building is an option. This criterion distinguishes the residence from other residences in Old Town Tustin or when the surname could be associated with more than one (1) prominent resident. Plaque on display at the Tustin Garage Building on EI Camino Real/6t" Street 124 North B Street The current property owners, Clay and Kristle Jorth, are nominating the property at 124 North B Street for addition to the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program. The nomination is being brought forward to recognize the building as a significant example of the Minimal Traditional architectural style in the City of Tustin and was constructed in 1940. In 2018, the City Council determined that the property, located in the Cultural Resources District, is a Qualified Historic Property for Mills Act purposes, even though it was not listed in the 1990 or 2003 Historic Resources Surveys. The City Council decision was based on a historical analysis, referred to as a Department of Parks and Recreation Primary Record (DPR523A) prepared by Cogstone Resource Management (Cogstone), a firm that specializes in historic resources. Based on the report prepared by Cogstone, the property has a rating of 3CS indicating that the property appears eligible for the California Register of Historical Resources as an individual property through survey evaluation. The Cogstone report identifies the character defining features of this residential building including, but not limited to, the following: DocuSign Envelope ID:50407E83-9FD8-476C-9D12-B7D4BEA8380E 124 North B Street November 10, 2020 Page 3 • Large one-over-one single hung window at center of porch wall (original); • Original front door; • Wood beam patio cover supported by one of the porches' support beams with a second beam fixed to a decorative stone wall; • Exposed rafters tapered off with corbel ends; • Mix of stucco and horizontal wood cladding fagade; • Chimney with bricked in "shelf' possibly used for grill space; • Round window on north elevation; • Low pitched roof; and, • Corner windows on the east wing. Cogstone investigated and documented the structure and found it eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources under the following criteria: Criterion Two (2) - Association with a historically important person at the local level: The home's original owner was Jerome C. Kidd, who served as a City Council Member, serving two terms as the Tustin Mayor from April, 1942 through 1948, acted as police and fire commissioner, and was a noted businessman in the city; and, Criterion Three (3) - Embodies distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction: The property portrays the characteristic features of Minimal Traditionalism style, which was prevalent in the nation from 1930-1950, and contributes to the mid-20th Century Era of growth in Tustin. The Kidd House Pursuant to the procedures approved by the City Council on November 6, 2007, the nomination form was forwarded to the presidents of the TPC and TAHS on September 15, 2020 (Attachment A). The two (2) groups were requested to collaborate and/or review the nomination, research the history of the property, and to note the most appropriate historical name and date of construction. The Kidd House was selected to be an appropriate name for 124 North B Street based on its association with an important person in Tustin's history. The TPC and TAHS have reviewed and agreed with this recommendation for the name and year for this historical plaque. DocuSign Envelope ID:50407E83-9FD8-476C-9D12-B7D4BEA8380E 124 North B Street November 10, 2020 Page 4 Accordingly, based on the naming criteria designated by the Planning Commission, staff recommends the Planning Commission, in their capacity as Historic and Cultural Resources Advisors, approve the plaque designation with the name "Kidd House — 1940". DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: E{aunt, Vev<t, � � C . OU&04W Q Jc 04W 15DF594829AC4A9... ED45DA2623B54A5... Elaine Dove, AICP, RLA Justina L. Willkom Senior Planner Community Development Director Attachments: Attachment A: Nomination Form for 124 North B Street Attachment B: Department of Parks and Recreation 523A form Attachment C: Property Photographs ATTACHMENT A 124N. B PLAQUE NOMINATION FORM TU5 T I N Community Development Department • 300 Centennial Way •Tustin,CA 92780 Phone • 714.573.3140 TRFEti L Tustin Historic Register Plaque Designation Program Nomination Form f l u n>cv BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST Thank you for nominating a property to the City's plaque designation program. The purpose of the plaque designation program is to recognize Tustin's historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties, and promote community pride.All properties listed in the Tustin Historic Resources Survey are eligible for nomination to the program. Owners of properties that are selected by the City's Planning Commission for the program are not obligated to purchase and/or display the plaque. Participation is completely voluntary. The Planning Commission will consider the nomination in approximately six weeks. Nominated Historic Property Historic Property Address 124 N B Street Historic Structure Name (if any) Kidd House (assumed name) Property Owner(if known) Kristle & Clay Jorth Specify your reasons for the nomination (e.g. age of structure, architectural details, place in Tustin's history,for- mer resident (s) were significant to Tustin's history, etc.) Home was built by Jerome C. Kidd who served as city councel member, police and fire commissioner and two terms as Mayor of Tustin. The property embodies distintive characteristic features of minimal traditionalism, as well as contributes to the mid-20th century era of growth in Tustin, a style that was most prevalent in the nation from 1930-1950. The property is a valueable example of use of indigenouse materials or crafsmanship.This Property is also part of the Mills Act. Your Name Kristle Jorth Your Residence or Business Address 124 N B Street, Tustin CA Telephone Number 9495842261 E-mail Address kristief@icloud.com September 10, 2020 Signature Date Office Use Only Case No. Date Received Received By Listing in Historical Survey Historic Designation ❑ Local ❑State ❑ National ❑None Location ❑Within District ❑Outside District ATTACHMENT B DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 523A FORM State of California[]rhe Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# PRIMARY RECORD Trinomial NRHP Status Code: 3CS Other Listings Review Code Reviewer Date Page 1 of 15 *Resource Name or#: 124 North B Street(APN:401-523-18) Pl.Other Identifier: *P2. Location: — Not for Publication ❑ Unrestricted *a. County Orange County *b. USGS 7.5' Quad Date T _;R _ _ I of_ I of Sec _, B.M. c. Address 124 North B Street City Tustin Zip 92780 d. UTM: Zone _, mE/ mN e. Other Locational Data: *P3a. Description: 124 N.B St.was built in 1940 by then Tustin mayor Jerome C. Kidd,and served as his personal residence for many years.This small single-story minimal traditional home is built in a square shape with a wing at the front(east elevation) extending east. 124 N. B St.'s construction consists of minimal traditional identifying features such as the low to intermediate-pitched roof, double-hung 1/1 windows, minimal added architectural detail, corner windows (east wing)with corner supports,detached garage,and a round window.The roof over the main body of the house and east wing are covered in composite shingles. The exterior of the north and east elevation are clad in horizontal wood boards while the south and west elevation are mostly covered in stucco with some horizontal wood board cladding. The home's concrete foundation elevates the building approximately 6 inches above ground.The front porch is raised on a concrete slab,painted red,and covered by a moderate roof overhang supported by simple wood beams.The front door is set between the junction of the east wing's south elevation and the east elevation of the building's main body.(continued on page 3) *P3b. Resource Attributes: HP2. Single famil�:propertv.HP4.Ancillary Building-Garage *P4. Resources Present: OBuilding ❑Structure❑Object❑Site❑District Element of District ❑Other(Isolates,etc.) P5b. Description of Photo: Front P5a. (east elevation) of home from street. s View facing west. P6. Date Constructed/Age and Source: 0 Historic ❑Prehistoric Both 1940;Per Orange County Assessor *P7. Owner and Address: Clay and Kristle Jorth _ 124 North B Street Tustin CA. 92780 *P8. Recorded by: Shannon Lopez Cogstone Resource Management Inc. 1518 W.Taft Ave. Orange.CA. 92865 ° *P9. Date Recorded: October 11 2018 *P10. Survey Type: Exterior pedestrian survey PIL Report Citation: *Attachments: _NONE ❑Location Map❑x Continuation Sheet ❑x Building, Structure,and Object Record ❑Archaeological Record ❑District Record F-LinearFeature Record F-Milling Station Record ❑Rock Art Record ❑Artifact Record —Photograph Record ❑Other(List): DPR 523A(9/2013) *Required information State of California[]rhe Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD *Resource Name or# 124 N.B Street(APN:401-523-18) *NRNP Status Code 3CS Tustin Code B Page 2 of 15 Bl. Historic Name:Jerome C.Kidd House B2. Common Name: 124 N.B Street B3. Original Use: Single-family_property B4. Present Use: Single-family propeM *135. Architectural Style: Minimal Traditional *B6. Construction History: Per building permits from the Orange County Assessor's Office,this home was constructed in 1940 by Jerome C.Kidd(see pages 14-15). An extension at the rear of the home(west elevation)was completed in October of 1996 by then owner Cindy Qin.In 2007,an addition was added to the detached garage which extends south.These modern improvements have no impact on the view of the house from the street which continues to be period appropriate. *137. Moved? ❑x No F]Yes —Unknown Date: Original Location: *BS. Related Features:Detached Garage. B9a. Architect: Not Known b.Builder: S.J.Babcock *B10. Significance: Theme Suburban Development of Tustin Area Tustin,CA. Period of Significance 1940-1950 Property Type Single family property Applicable Criteria CRHR 2 and 3 See historic context on pages 3-4 of this document. 124 N.B Street is not associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or regional history or the cultural heritage of California or the United States and is therefore not recommended for listing under Criterion 1.The home's original owner,Jerome C.Kidd served as a city councilman,police and fire commissioner,as well two terms as the mayor of Tustin.Mr.Kidd was also a noted businessman within the city.Due to Mr.Kidd's contributions and service to the City of Tustin it is recommended that this home be deemed eligible for listing under Criterion 2 as associated with a historically important person at a local level. 124 N.B Street is a fine example of mid-20th Century Minimal Traditional architecture,a style which was most prevalent in the nation from 1930s-1950. 124 N.B Street is recommended as eligible for listing under Criterion 3 as it portrays the characteristics features of minimal traditionalism as well as contributes to the mid-200h Century Era of growth in Tustin. 124 N.B Street is not recommended as eligible for listing under Criterion 4 as it is not likely to yield information important to the prehistory or history of the local area,California,or the nation.(See Continuation Sheet). 11. Additional Resource Attributes: *1312. References: • Courtesy of Orange County Assessor's Office.Notice of Completion: 23817.Page 282. 1940. • 2018-19 Secured Assessment Roll.Property Characteristics Report:Parcel No.401-523-18. Courtesy of the Orange County Assessor's Office.Received September 12,2018. • McAlester,Virginia Savage.A Field Guide to American Houses: The definitive Guide to Identifying and Understanding America's ti Domestic Architecture.Alfred A.Knopf:New York.2015 Edition.Pgs.xv,xvii,586-595. (See Continuation Sheet,page 4) B 13. Remarks: *1314. Evaluator: Shannon Lopez *Date of Evaluation: October 11.2018 (This space reserved for official comments.) 0 50 Fret 0 10 Meters l in= 100 t r l i i i l liiii i.I.200 DPR 523A(9/2013) *Required information State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 3 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN:401-523-18) P3a.Description Continued... A large square one-over-one single hung window is set at the center of the porch wall,left of the front door, facing east.Both the door and window are believed to be original to the home.Extending south from the front porch is a wood beam patio cover; it's supported by one of the porches' support beams and a second beam fixed to a decorative stone wall;the modern stone wall in front of the home is set in an"L"shape and topped by stone slabs. Access to the south elevation and garage is obstructed by a 5ft. (approx.)wood paneled fence with two stone square columns. Fixed to the south elevation is a wooden patio cover supported by four wood posts and horizontal beams;the exposed rafters tapper off with corbel ends.There are two doors at the east elevation;one at the eastern end is a wooden eleven panel door(nine panels glass above 2 panels wood)and at the west end are double glass sliding doors.Two stone steps provide access to each set of doors,respectively.Both doors are not original to the home. A wood framed one-over-one single hung window(original to the home)is set between both doors.At the western end of the south elevation is a concrete patio island built in a"U"shape; the northern half of the island is set against the exterior of the home's south elevation. Evidence of past extensions to the building can be seen at the western half of the south elevation via a thin vertical line indented in the stucco wall. The west elevation of the home is half stucco and half horizontal wood cladding.A rectangle,two-paned,sliding glass window is set in the southern,wood paneled half of the elevation.A set of wooden patio doors and a rectangular, two-paned,sliding glass window are found at the northern(stucco)half of the south elevation.At this half of the west elevation is a raised,wood planked patio with a wooden patio cover(similar to that on the south elevation).The posts of the patio cover are supported by knee braces Garage The exterior of the garage matches the color pallet and materials of the home. The extended garage is located at the rear of the home(west elevation).1t is rectangular in plan with a low pitched roof and is covered in composite shingles.The north elevation of the original section of the garage shows evidence that the roof the structure was once hipped; the end of the roof at the south elevation is gabled.Various roof vents can be seen protruding from the roof line. The exterior of the garage is clad in horizontal wood boards, identical to those on the home's exterior(with exception to small stucco section at the garage's west elevation). The east elevation has a large paneled garage door at its southern extension;an eleven paneled door(nine panels glass above 2 panels wood)is set in the center of the northern(original)portion of the garage.This door-is covered by a screen door and flanked on its right and left side by 12 paned sliding glass windows. A ten paned glass wood door is set at the garage's north elevation behind a screen door.A one-by-one rectangular sliding glass window can be seen to the west of this door.A single six-paneled wood door is found at the south elevation. The fenestration of the garage does not appear to be original. 1310. Significance Cont. The historic context of 124 N.B Street is Suburban Development of Tustin.The home's construction date(1940)takes place during a period of growth in the City of Tustin,beginning in the 1920s.The 1920's ushered in a new period of development in which Tustin built its own high school in 1922 which lead to establishment of a city police department and a fire department.As the Tustin landscape remained primarily agrarian until the post war period,when groves DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 4 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN:401-523-18) steadily gave way to homes, early historic aerials show 124 N. B St. as a contributor to the largest concentration of homes in Tustin at that time(per 1946 historic aerial). *NRHP Status Code 3CS:Appears eligible for CR as an individual property through survey evaluation. City of Tustin Mills Act Status Code: B:This category includes buildings which are not architecturally distinctive or historically significant enough to be considered for the National Register,but which maintain a local importance. References Cont... • Historic Aerial of 124 N.B Street. The Orange County Archives. Date 1955. • "The Tustin News(Tustin,California):Friday,December 5, 1952".Newspapers.com.Accessed Oct 11,2018. • Historic Aerials: 1946, 1952,and 1963.Historic Aerials.NETROnline. https://www.historicaerials.com/. • Holly Duke and Sherri Gust. Cultural Resource Assessment fbr the Tustin Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan, City of Tustin, Orange County, California.Prepared for City of Tustin.2017. Copy on file at Cogstone Resource Management Inc. Photos �y e s o. East elevation,east wing and part of the building's main body is visible.View facing west. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 5 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) f 3 North elevation.View Southwest. ,y North elevation; chimney with bricked in"shelf'(possibly used for a grill space).Round window(upper right) and basement/crawlspace vent(lower right).View southwest. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 6 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) c "i1 r Junction of main building's east elevation and south elevation of the east wing.Front door at center.View facing northwest. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 7 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) i ti t_ f !� J Embellished front door lock and handle. South elevation.Back patio cover. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 8 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) AIM IF South elevation patio cover.View facing west. Grill station.View facing west. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 9 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) " Aw }} WC r tcgo a M ry t LF West elevation.Rear extension and back patio(center and center left).View northeast. 41, ji .tew k e � �tA f a k +y West elevation.Rear porch and back fence(left).View facing east. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California ONatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 10 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) } n, t $m. t 31 T l i a$( East elevation of garage.Original section is to the right,extension is to the left.View southwest. ■i■ µ^TI'•iY� � ae . � o-f 1y North elevation of garage.View facing south. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 11 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) w � West elevation of garage.View facing north. South elevation of garage.View facing west. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 12 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) to t E � qd. "• i [°! i{r 1 I pi. "�tz ��ts r S �, 3,• , sr, ,? t � qq ad }�".s:E �� e E�•a1 EF�tI';< �!#t,#,s F x, *, c I �+ � .l cd:.1i�� IE1� t �# . � i•ttEkkk tr �t� � 11 # 1 ,f`a'I $ �`t?tr [r r r31 ..c' i."�} !t 91l^ f [ R.•.{ �% F td 1t p Y ,p I �t�'{ {}i � E 7. 1: .r A ll�. L 4{ aF i }7i. ','�� 1�• �� �.,�. '�^, C s RC C6 R'Xi��S �n�`�''f lkS >� aa[t4 �•M 9+ 1.r'hi d r« aR ir'°" s c +� f,• C# u � fiir sV t �'� 1y �, r r rt� �• �,J'�w "�,` b.�'"�'� , ;{i 111 ,:��� �, ��Yi��E����' ��'`� `� r�� � .mat r *�•r r '"�-Sa ��� � �@ �r$iIt ,a r +l aa� 1 , .XF f*•t �`.�,, 4�,a �` a [ 'Y ie t, 1 r �3ia � �'C�1° Tn.r1.' ryy?i•r� � —� - :� a t �y�,;� p �I tl .�. I '7' t..J f�" '1 I: ;��R", �`+��*d, a�1 •,�t } rS �' �I�h 5 Pi s a 4 �► t,� ` �Nial,t �t�iF• ,E R a ,., l•'�v� t w .:Tn t Y ! r F r if "'� •r8� { y,`�"� �ss.�11 l�� � � yt���' M ���'�, a.y � r;.. '`l i€ t �lrtla�� � icy �. x i t Y 1 ti. y, 4 ✓.�fl�r' ti rte" .r¢r 1! f ii�� ��j t A _ t• w �. all � �i,c� �: �,t� KE'zci�'l'�&�?•�'�t { E e�4aai.�� ~�cart ° a.Vi + �:a•u�rit �'FR•�'*�. s '�""°°°��� �, •r��'fi �` ih,�e¢p��` Ct !`fk�: 1� ,rFt {[ �, a � li qS�l{t{S prA �1 R $ �g Sl r 4 n.,� •` i CD�Ston 124 North B Street 0 400 300 feet [)n of lu.rin, 11 1 1 1 1 1 Y 1 t);[m,r t nlun ,('-4 0 75 150 Meters 1')46 t 5l).•0:\erial.Photogyaph © Single family property I a i i l a a a 1 A 1:4,600 1 in-800 ft This 1946 Historic Aerial shows 124 N.B Street as a contributor to the largest concentration of homes and other various buildings within Tustin at the time. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 13 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) � a 4 S 4 . Historic Aerial of 124 N.B Street.Courtesy of the Orange County Archives.1955. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 14 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN: 401-523-18) 282 23ais NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE I9 HEREBY GIVEN that HCOH M. HICKS whose address is 2018 South Sycamore Street, City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, state of California, as one of the owners in fee simple of the land herein described, caused a certain building and work of improvement to be made and donatrueted upon said land; that the contract with respect to same was made on the Pod day of July, 194-0, with HOME OWNERS CO:STTUCTION CORPORATION as contractor; that the Bald . building and work of improvement as a whole was completed on the 7th day of October, 1940; and ' that the land on which sold building and work of Improvement pan mads and constructed in in the City of Santa Ana, coanty of Orange, state.of California, and Is described as follorel Lot Five (5) in Block 04" of Tract No. 299, Country Club Gardens, in the city of Banta Ann, County of Orange, State of California, as par nap thereof recorded in Book 141 page 9 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Dated thin 9th lay of October, 1940. - Hugh M. Hicks (owner] ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Orange, )*6. Hugh M. Hicks, being duly sworn, oay_s That he is one of the ownere of the land described in the foregoing notice; that he hag read the ease, and knows the contents thereof, and that the fasts stated therein are true. Hugh M. Hicks (owner) Subscribed anesworn to before me this 9th day, of October, 1940. ((SEAL)) J. W. Brown Notary Public in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires Dec. 2nd, 1942. 23916 Recorded at Request of Owner, at 37 min. past 9 A.N., Oct. 9, 1940, in Book 1064, Page 282, Official Records of Orange County, California. Ruby McFarland, County Recorder. Elate Auer COMPARED Janet LeBar .. � � coo _ _ , 23917 NOTICE OF OOMPIF.TION NOTICE Is HEREBY CIYE9 that JEROME C. KIDD whose address is 124 North BB° Street, ' City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, as one of the owners in fee simple of the land herein described, caused a certain bu!,lding and work of Improvement to be made and C onatrueted upas said lard; that the Contract vith rampeet to same ''eas made on the let flay, of July, 1940 with S. J. BABCOCK as contractor; that the Amid building and work of improvement as a whole was completed on the 2nd day of October, 1940; and that the land on which said building and Nark of Smprovoment was made and constructed is in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, and is described as followe. Lot Pour (4) in Block"AB of Traot No. 338, "Tustin Home Tract", in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, as per map thereof recorded in Book 1z:, at page 51, of HiseelL.neou* Maps, reeorda of said Orange County. Dated this 9th day of October, 1940. Jerome C. Kidd (Owner) STATE OF CALIFORINIA, ) County of Orange, )as. Jerome C. Kidd, being duly sworn, sayet That he is one of the owner* of the land described In the foregoing notice; that he has read the some, and known the contents thereof, and that the facts stated therein are-tree. Jerome 0. Kidd (O,.ner) ' Subecribed and sworn to b,.;ore me thin 8th flay of October, 1940. ((SEAL)) J. W. Brown Notary Public In and for said Ccunty and State. My Commission Expires Dea. 2nd, 1942. 23917 Recorded at Reouest of Owner, at 3$min. past 9 A.M., Oct. 9, 1940, in Book 1064, Page 282, Official Records of Orange County, California. Ruby McFarland, County Recorder. Elgin Auer COMPARED Janet LeBar __ _ 000_ Notice of Completion:23817.Courtesy of the Orange County Assessor's Office. 1940. DPR 523L (Rev. l/1995)(Word 9/2013) State of California OVatural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Page 15 of 15 Property Name: 124 North B Street(APN:401-523-18) 2018-19 Secured Assessment Boal CI.AUDE PARRISH, OR.INGE COUNTY ASSESSOR Property Characteristics &mrt: Pw i of 1 All Informatinn A,�nI Ja1ILN1T'V 1st. 2()18 Parcel No. 401-523-18 Tax Rate Area: 13-000 Property Type; 5INCLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Owner/Mailing Address Owner. JORTH,CLAY,JORTH, KRISTLE City,State: TUSTIN,CA Address: 124 N 6 ST Zip: 92780 r i,_t `..xGG Roti ,.. 'Iiy$rw Lx�ilss3uw ai rala+i, ,rangy:a,i7.wrv"AtwdIdiv `lin.Nar 4f,p. Description vn,}„ttxy,,. -o, Assessed Value Exemptions Dates Land: 666,800 Exe Type: NUP;ts Land Baseyear: 2016 Improvement: 87,490 Improvement Base year: 2016 Personal Property: 0 Tax Lien Status: Other: 0 Gross: 754,290 Less Exemption: 0 Net: 754,290 Sale history Reference Number: R160139097 Additional Information Legal description: N TR 338 BLK A LOT 4 TR 338 LOT 4 BLK A ALL -INC POR ABAN ALLEY ADJ- Property Characteristics Parcel No: 401-523-18 Land Sq.Ft.: 6,900 Pool (Y/N): N Building Sq.Ft-1407 Garage Sq.Ft.: 938 Spa(Y/N): N # Bedrooms: 2 Carport Sq.Ft.: 0 Construction Year: 1940 Bathrooms: 2 #half Baths: 0 2018-19 Secured Assessment Roll.Property Characteristics Report:Parcel No.401-523-18. Courtesy of the Orange County Assessor's Office. Received September 12,2018. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) ATTACHMENT C PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS `S" T ��e � F'A✓'�fi 'ST � x L - 3F �I � 77 v fi r € �Z � r ° y ; 12■a TF vi LAW- �A!l „ ME i