Irvine Ranch
WAY rA 01 sTR Icy
December 7,2020
Jessica Aguilar, Associate Planner Via email: JAguilar(,latustinca.org
City of Tustin
Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin,CA 92780
Re: Notice of Intent —Myford Industrial Warehouse Project Mitigated Negative Declaration
Dear Ms. Aguilar:
Irvine Ranch Water District(IRWD) has received the Notice of Intent(NOI) for the Mitigated
Negative Declaration(MND)for the Myford Industrial Warehouse Project in the City of Tustin.
IRWD has reviewed the draft IS/MND and offers the following comments.
The proposed project site is located on Myford Road, near the northwest corner of Myford Road and
Walnut Avenue. The proposed project involves the demolition of an existing 91,794-square-foot(SF)
industrial building and adjacent parking lot and the construction of a new 220,331 SF industrial
building,relocated parking spaces and drive approaches, new landscaping,and 47 truck docks. The
proposed project will also include a Tentative Parcel Map, consisting of the merger of two adjacent
lots into one 9.9 acre-parcel and a Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan. The warehouse
distribution building is currently planned as a"speculative building",meaning that the future
tenant(s)or buyer(s)of the building are not currently known. Therefore, this IS/draft MND uses
approximate potential on-site employees, hours of operation and vehicular traffic generation based on
the project's proposed square footage and use as a warehouse distribution facility.
The draft IS/MND correctly identifies IRWD as the public agency whose approval is required for
authorization/consent for proposed improvements to provide a water supply connection and a sewer
connection to the new proposed project. IRWD can confirm that a"will serve" letter was sent to the
City of Tustin for the proposed project's domestic water, fire suppression water, and sewer services.
The draft IS/MND correctly identifies that the proposed project would be served with potable water
from IRWD.
IRWD has determined that the proposed project has not been analyzed as part of a Sub-Area Master
Plan (SAMP)Addendum. Prior to development plan submittal and approval, the project proponent
shall coordinate with IRWD to develop a technical memorandum or SAMP Addendum, identifying
all potential impacts to IRWD's potable,recycled,and sewer systems from the proposed project. For
SAMP questions or coordination, please contact Eric Akiyoshi, Engineering Manager—Planning&
GIS at(949)453-5552.
Irvk w Ranch Water District•15600 Sand Canyon Ave.,Irvine,CA 92618=Malling address:P.O.Box 57000,Irvine,CA 92519-7000•949-453-5300*www.kwd corn
Ms. Aguilar Letter
NOI/MND for Myford Industrial Warehouse Project
Page 2
IRWD appreciates the opportunity to review the draft I5/MND for the Myford Industrial Warehousc
Project. If you have any questions,please contact the undersigned or JoAnn Corey, Environmental
Compliance Analyst at(949)453-5326.
Fiona M. Sanchez
Director of Water Resources
cc: Eric Akiyoshi, IRWD
Jo Ann Corey,IRWD
Irvin*Ranch Water Dkstrkt-15600 Sand Canyon Ave.,Irvine,CA 92618•Mailing Address.C.O.Box 57000,Irvine,CA 92619-7000.949-453-5300•www.lrwd.com