HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 AUTHORIZATION AND AWARD COUNTY AGREEMENT DocuSign Envelope ID:53528AA4-873E-43F8-9D29-F1 0077AO281 0 8 • Agenda Item DS AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: �DS City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: JANUARY 19, 2021 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 21-04 FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER A PURCHASE ORDER WITH THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CONTRACTORS FOR A JOINT PROJECT WITH COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR ROADWAY MAINTENANCE WITHIN SHARED BOUNDARY AREAS, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION OF $525,000 FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED RESERVES OF THE GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND 200) SUMMARY Staff is requesting authorization to enter into purchase order agreements with the Orange County Public Works (OCPW) contractors, for Phase I and II of the Annual Maintenance of street rehabilitation located at the shared boundaries of the County of Orange and the City of Tustin. OCPW is taking the lead for the project and the joint work is aligned and coordinated with the annual maintenance plans for both jurisdictions. The jurisdictions will work together to provide a cohesive rehabilitation project for the residents within the shared boundary areas. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council; 1) Adopt Resolution No. 21-04 authorizing the use of Ordinance No. 1438, Section 1625 exceptions to purchasing procedure, Part C. The City will piggy-back on the County of Orange Cooperative Purchasing Program to more efficiently acquire construction services for reimbursement of the City's proportionately shared work on the County of Orange Public Work's Annual Major Maintenance Project titled East Tustin Remedial Repairs consistent with the County's Job Order Contract (JOC) Master Agreement for Pavement Maintenance. The County anticipates awarding workorders to RJ Noble Company and All American Asphalt for the construction work, 2) Approve a supplemental appropriation of$525,000 from the unappropriated reserves of the General Fund Capital Projects Fund (Fund 200) for expenditures associated with Phase II (CIP 70020), and 3) Authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds in the amount of $250,000 for Phase I (CIP 70019) has been included in the budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. This report requests funding in the amount of $525,000 for DocuSign Envelope ID:53528AA4-873E-43F8-9D29-F1 0077AO281 0 Authorization Entering for Purchase Order Agreement tith the County of Orange Contractors January 19, 2021 Page 2 Phase II (CIP 70020) from the unappropriated reserves of the General Fund Capital Projects Fund (Fund 200), which has sufficient fund balances reserves to fund the supplemental appropriation. This project is included as part of the City's ongoing Maintenance of Effort (MOE) obligation to maintain eligibility for Renewed Measure M (Measure M2) funding. Funding is provided through a combination of General Fund (Fund 200) and Measure M2 Fair Share (Fund 139). The table below summarizes the project funding. Phase 1 (CIP 00Phase - 70020) General Fund-CIP (Fund 200) $ 165,000 $ 525,000 Measure M2 Fair Share (Fund 139) $ 85,000 $ - TOTAL $ 250,000 $ 525,000 Estimate expenses for both phases include a 20% contingency. The final amount reimbursed will be based on actual quantities and costs for this work. CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN Rehabilitation of roadways and repair of sidewalks contribute to the fulfillment of the City's Strategic Plan Goal B: Public Safety and Protection of Assets. Specifically, the project implements Strategy #5, which among other items, is to ensure continuous maintenance and improvement of public facilities. Second is implementation of Goal D, Strategy #2 by working collaboratively with agencies to address issues of mutual interest and concern. DISCUSSION On an annual basis, Public Works completes the maintenance and rehabilitation of city streets to fulfill Maintenance of Effort obligations as required by Measure M2. The County of Orange Public Works (OCPW) is taking the lead in the efforts of an annual major maintenance project for street rehabilitation in the areas of the shared boundaries. OCPW utilizes their standard purchasing process through a Job Order Contract (JOC) for pavement maintenance to procure contractors for this standard maintenance work. The JOC process is a competitively bid, fixed price multi- year construction contract based on established or published unit prices that enables OCPW to deliver a large number of repairs, maintenance and minor construction projects under a single, indefinite-quantity, competitively bid contract. The unit prices are used to price construction tasks associated with the scope of work. These are often referred to as construction catalogs or automated cost databases. Staff has reviewed the terms and conditions and unit pricing in the master agreement contract between OCPW and their JOC contractors and they are consistent with the City's standards. The City will piggy-back on the County's established purchasing process and master agreement to realize administrative efficiencies and cost savings of the joint use of contractors. The project will be constructed in 2 phases with 2 different contractors. The first phase is estimated to start in Spring 2021 and will focus on localized street repairs and concrete repair work. The second phase is anticipated for Summer of 2021 and will focus on slurry and street rehabilitation work. The project is located on streets with shared boundaries with the County of Orange: Wass Street, Irvine Boulevard, Red Hill Avenue, Melvin Way, Woodland Drive, Riverford Road, Nixon Circle, Browning Avenue and Bryan Avenue. The County's portion under Phase I is estimated to be approximately $600,000 with the City's portion estimated at $250,000 (CIP 70019). Phase II is under preliminary design with the County's portion is estimated to be approximately $1.5M and the City's share and is estimated at $525,000 (CIP 70020). C.Users syasuda AppData':Local.Microsolt Windows INetCachelContent.OullooKCFESQSPO'rAuthonzalion and Award-County JOC joint project 011321(002).docx DocuSign Envelope ID:53528AA4-873E-43F8-9D29-F1 0077AO281 0 Authorization Entering for Purchase Order Agreement tith the County of Orange Contractors January 19, 2021 Page 3 DocuSigned by: �b+S S. S f a& 23402CC40E413468... Douglas S. Stack, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Attach ment(s): 1. Resolution No. 21-04 2. Location Map C`Users`,eyasudaAppDala`,Local`,Microsot Windows\INetCache\ContentCutlook\CFESQBPC\Authonzation and Award-County JCC joint project 011321(002).docx DocuSign Envelope ID:53528AA4-873E-43F8-9D29-F1 0077AO281 0 RESOLUTION NO. 21-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS WHEREAS, the City has need to purchase various material, supplies and equipment in order to conduct the operations of the City; and WHEREAS, Section 1625.B.2.IV of the Tustin Municipal Code requires Public Works Contracts be procured in conformity with the Public Contracts Code; WHEREAS, the Public Contracts Code requires Public Agencies to procure contracts through a standardized competitive bidding process; WHEREAS, the County of Orange has conducted a competitive bidding process for roadway maintenance services and will be performing such services on roadways shared with the City of Tustin; and WHEREAS, the City may utilize the County of Orange Job Order Contract (JOC) process as a basis for a cooperative purchasing agreement, also known as a piggyback agreement, with RJ Noble Company and All American Asphalt for roadway repair and maintenance services for reimbursement of the City's proportionately shared work under the County of Orange's project titled East Tustin Remedial Repairs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby authorize the use of a cooperative purchasing agreement in the form of purchase order and contract, for and on behalf of the City of Tustin and that Mr. Matthew S. West, City Manager, is hereby directed to sign and deliver all necessary requests and other documents in connection therewith and for and on behalf of the City of Tustin. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 19th day of January, 2021 . LETITIA CLARK, Mayor ATTEST: Erica N. Yasuda, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID:53528AA4-873E-43F8-9D29-F1 0077AO281 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Erica N. Yasuda, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 21-04 was duly and regularly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of January, 2021 by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES; COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT Erica N, Yasuda, City Clerk -� �'I,L ---- --- ----- -------------- -� — — -, i s i it / y' r o w �� o xi� ai �---------- � 1EF �E - - �►� - ' e_— LVNw k .-- IINNINI 1111 le LEGEND x '' � \� �MICROSURFAgNO pc ee RAP SLURRY - -- � �� T �- EAST TUSTIN SERVICE AREA LOCATION MAP �'I —LEI '° (PAVEMENT TREATMENTS FOR CITY OF TUSTIN)U'°"TE-"17202`