HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM NO. 3 PUBLIC INPUT - ELENES FEB 5 Hurtado, Vera
From: noreply@g ran icusideas,colirn
Sent: Friday, February 5, 20 1 8:44 IPM
To: Hurtaclo, Vera; Dil-eva, Adrianne; Reekstin, Scotta SaIrnan, Mary; Dove, Elaine; E-Cornments
Subject: New eCornment for Planning Cornirnission Meeting
New eCornment for Planning Commission Meeting
Biryain Beines st,.,ibiniltted as inew e(...oinuneint,
fAeactin g- IPiannriinot Cll-)Riniu�ssioirr Ittlsmaafrinh
lterrr 3. CONDFTIONAL USE PERMiT 2020-0009 & DE113iGN REVE%(V 2020-0008
ower: oninient: HeHo Planning Con��iniissk)n and aH attendeles, As a CUrrient prqaerty owner near time
proposed Deveoprnent of the "Taco IRestaUrant, i woWd We to ask, a fevv quesfions as w 11 as
request a fev,, rinifigafloris before the restaLlrant os coristriicted, 1, Area Ihas !aeein
known fn r rodent infostafiion, ffll YOU be providiirg rnilit aflons for this condition'? II 'NOUd We to
request sorrie type of rnihgatroin before restaUrainl, Ibegins to oplerate'? 2, q woukJ ike to �lLe(',p.le,'A for
.ret tl"oe traslir blin/diurn;',)ster area a far a'vvay as possiUe from the resildent4 horne,,�a to rrlir'*rOzle
ary IlOLid nirJses irlon-Ong from talilinig OLA the trash and possHiArty art rodemits getfing to
ckose to the resildentW waH, 3, C.arr 'yo(,,u ensixe Illlagdt poHiiition is addirlessed foir the 3 prlopeiloes,
6rf,',,�rfly w,flaoent to the proposed VlLestatl,,urarrt? at Exisifing Nock waH height, adlacer-nt tl+':Ohe
propertrf,',,as rrearbyl, vert, Vovv, pAlevlvoiWd hike to reque.A to hicrease the height of the bri,,,* waH,
cay feet fc:wr privacy purposes? Constirucfloru of a corq-,opeteY
�l� inevIevaH shotflrl be considerir.-,ud
too:) since three waH is cracking and faHing apart in fl-'Js area, 5, 1 he VlLestarirantvvOi be oi-)erating
20rrs a day ',afth carS Ll§lrlg thf,',a drive fl'u-u aind i6ing cars thus r,,rniitting ploflu,dantr,. Ploflutant
erni�.�sion.z, been inn ked to lc',,ar6o"vasmAar dnsr,,,°ases sii.0 ch as astp-'nrna, l-ii'',v4 are ,
y°lo u i")i a n n i n!
tcr addirless ernissions and ensiurir-rrg fl-rat adjacent hiornes are not benlg susceptitfle t�o
lenlgth�y, e>(paOSUrrlLes to such poHutants? 16, fJorse poHufion fron-o thie vel-ntllcles, rLestau,xrant co,N61g
equipment, eveninglate rflght cur,�ton'rers, WH there be a Il lossibihby, to;a Ilruruska e adjacent hia.'orrre
ov,a-)ers %AJU"0 6.4 pane windlovv,s to mirnin')ize noise into 1-nornes? 7—Area has been SLAbUect to
iHeO diurnping, vanldahsrn, arid hornelessnes�,� encarnpririents, over tl-ne Vast seveulLai rm.n-lths, C"an
YOU ir.,,nsure your,nev,,, restaUrant has ,a secllUrrt' systenr, ade uate highting, and sec,arty c,at'neras
fi."e rrionitor tl-w area 24/17? Bryan
View and Analyze e oirnments
I 'I,"; ;d '/",v �'[I HJM 111121if
Unsulbscgbe lf,misou ,w im, vo ,