From: Cynthia Guerra >
Sent: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 4:13 PM
To: Planning Commission
Cc: Cesar C
Subject: Letter on Item 2 on Tustin Planning Commission Agenda (3.9.2021)
Attachments: Ltr_Tustin 2020 Annual General Plan Report_3.9.2021.pdf
Please find the attached letter on behalf of the Kennedy Commission opposing the following item in today's Tustin
Planning Commission meeting agenda (3.9.2021):
•ITEM 2: 2020 Annual General Plan Report and Mitigation Monitoring Status Report for FEIS/EIR for WAS
Tustin Specific Plan
Please confirm receipt of this email and let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Cynthia Guerra
Cynthia Guerra
The Kennedy Commission
Community Organizer
March 9, 2021 0
17701 Cowan Ave.,Suite 200
Irvine,CA 92614
Chair and Planning Commission Members 949 250 0909
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
RE: 2020 Annual General Plan Report and Mitigation Monitoring Status Report for FEIS/EIR
for MCAS Tustin Specific Plan
Dear Chair Amy Mason and Planning Commission Members:
The Kennedy Commission (the Commission) is a broad based coalition of residents and
community organizations that advocates for the production of homes affordable for families
earning less than $20,000 annually in Orange County. Formed in 2001, the Commission has
been successful in partnering and working with Orange County jurisdictions to create effective
housing and land-use policies that has led to the new construction of homes affordable to lower
income working families.
As the Planning Commission reviews the City's 2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
for the 2014-2021 planning period, the Commission urges the City to take into account the
severe imbalance between housing production at the lower income levels and above moderate
income levels. The City must evaluate its current policies and programs to ensure they
facilitate the development of homes affordable to lower income households in the City
which they have failed to do thus far. For the 2014-2021 Housing Element planning period, the
City has a Regional Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA) 283 very low- and 195 low-income
households. To-date, the City has built 94, or 33%, of the 283 very low-income units and 74, or
38%, of the 195 low-income units.' However, for the above moderate-income units, the City
outperformed and exceeded the RHNA by constructing 1,240, or 236%, of the 525 above
moderate-income RHNA.2 While 56 above moderate units were added in 2020, no units were
added at the very low and low income levels. With a remaining RHNA need of 310 lower
income homes,it is important the City prioritize policies and programs that will produce
homes at the lower income levels, for example,by creating a mixed-income housing
The City has an urgent need to address housing production at the lower income levels given that
the City received higher RHNA allocations for the upcoming 2021-2029 Housing Element
planning period. SCAG anticipates the City's total RHNA allocation for the very low and low
income level for the upcoming cycle to be 1,722 and 1,045, respectively.3 That is a total of 2,767
lower income homes. In light of the City's inability to meet its lower income housing needs for
the current planning period, the City must focus on developing policies and programs that will
effectively produce affordable homes in the 2021-2029 Housing Element Planning Period. We
'City of Tustin's 2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report,March,9,2021.
2 City of Tustin's 2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report,March,9,2021.
s"SCAG 6"Cycle Draft RHNA Allocation Based on Final RHNA Methodology&Final Connect SOCAL,"September 3,2020.
hqs://scag ca.2ov/sites/main/files/file-attachments/staff-recommended-rhna-estimated-allocations-030520.pdy1602189445
WorkingIr systemic change resulting in the production of homesaffordable I OrangeCounty's households
Chair and Planning Commission Members
March 9, 2021
also understand the importance of Housing Elements in addressing racial equity in housing,
particularly with the new statutory requirements mandating the inclusion of programs that
affirmatively further fair housing in the new Housing Element planning period.4
Affordable homes are urgently needed for lower income residents given the increasing cost of
housing in Orange County. The County is consistently ranked among the top ten least affordable
metropolitan areas in the country.5 A resident must earn at least$42.62 per hour to afford a two-
bedroom apartment at a fair market rent.6 Based on this figure, the approximate annual income a
resident must have to afford housing in Orange County is $81,830.40. This income is completely
unrealistic for lower income families. According to the California Housing and Community
Development Department(HCD), the County's annual median income (AMI)for a family of
four at the extremely low income level is $38,450, $64,050 at the very low income level, and
$102,450 at the low income level.? The City needs to prioritize the production of housing for
lower income families for whom market-rate, or above moderate income, rental prices are
not affordable. The Commission would like to work with the City to make this a reality.
The Commission looks forward to partnering with the City to increase affordable home
opportunities for lower income households in the City. Please keep us informed of any updates
and meetings regarding strategies to increase affordable homes for lower income households in
the City. If you have any questions,please free to contact me at(949) 250-0909 or
Cesar Covarrubias
Executive Director
4 California Government Code§8899.50(Assembly Bill 686).
'Out of Reach 2020-The High Cost of Housing,National Low Income Housing Coalition,p.17,2021.
6 Out of Reach 2020-The High Cost of Housing,National Low Income Housing Coalition,p.17,2021.
7 California Department of Housing and Community Development"State Income Limits for 2020,"p.8,April 30,2020.
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