HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEC 01 COMM VACANCIES 03-06-06
The City Council will conduct interviews and cast ballots to appoint two (2) members to the
Planning Commission; two (2) members to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and
two (2) members to the Audit Committee due to term expirations. All terms will
commence on May 1, 2006 and expire on March 1, 2008.
Conduct interviews and appoint members to the various commission/committee
There is no fiscal impact.
On February 21, 2006, the City Council set the date of March 6 to conduct interviews to
fill several commission vacancies.
The following candidates have submitted their applications and are seeking
appointment to one of the vacancies:
Planning Commission - two (2) vacancies, for terms expiring March 1, 2008.
Incumbent Brett Floyd is eligible for reappointment and has submitted an
Page 2
application for your review and consideration. All other applicants meet the
qualification of being registered voters in the City:
Brett Floyd
Kim Leason
Charles "Chuck: Puckett
Jason Bryce Rush
Application Received
Parks and Recreation - two (2) vacancies, for terms expiring March 1, 2008.
Incumbents Adrian Morton and Hank Nunez are eligible for reappointment and
have submitted an application for your review and consideration. All other
applicants meet the qualification of being registered voters in the City:
Adrian Morton
Henry (Hank) Nunez
Jason Bryce Rush
Bryan Glassman
Kim Leason
Sue Gorman
Application Received
Audit Committee - Two (2) vacancies, for terms expiring March 1, 2008. Of the
five member committee, four (4) are required to be registered voters in the City
and one (1) a registered voter within the Tustin Water Corporation area. These
vacancies are to fill the City rep positions. Applicants are incumbents seeking re-
R. Lawrence Friend
Gregory Moore
Application Received
The final step in the selection process will be selection of members to the various
Maria R. Huizar
Chief Deputy City Clerk
¡Dab JAN I I P 12: 12
NOTE: Thl. application I. a public document and may be ,elea.ed to Intere.ted partie..
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Planning Commissison
Name: Brett A. Floyd
Home phone: (714) 730-6915 Work phone: (714) 801-8045
Street address: 12433 Sebastian Place City: Tustin Zip Code: 92782
1. Reason you wish to serve on Commission/Committee:
To continue on with my service that I have already started with the commission.
2. Please list your background and experience you feel qualifies you for the position:
I have been on the committee for the last 3 years.
As a business owner within the City of Tustin, I feel that I have a unique perspective to add to the
3. Please list professional organizations on which you have served:
Tustin Area Council of Fine Arts (TACFA)
Volunteer witht the Tustin Police Department
ROP Advisory Board of Orange County
Second Chance Foundation
4. Please list anv orofessionailicenses (current or Dastl:
Department of Real Estate Broker's License
Public Notaty
Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, explain. 0 Yes 1.:.1 No
5. Ëëfucatlon: Circle highest grade completed: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17+
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
List all Colleges, Business,
or Trade Schools Dates Attended: LicenselDegree Obtained:
victor valley \.-ommunllY \.-ollege a H""'-"""" a
Please complete Page 2
6. What type s of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently
hold with another public agency.
Chamber of Commerce
Tustin Area Council of Fine Arts
7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for t e City 0 ustin or a business t at
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain: DYes G No
8. Do you or your spouse 0 bus ness with evelopers or wor for a business t at prov des
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: [J Yes I!I No
9. Have you ever been convicted (inc uding p eadlng "no contest") 0 an offense other than
receiving a traffic citation? DYes EI No
This Includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed alte,
A yes answer is not an automatic disqualification to appointment; items a'e considered only as It relates to the
position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s),
place(s~, date(s) and penalty (Ies).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my
application, ref al of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
Signature: Date: 01/11/2006
This apPII:~tlon must be c( pleted in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for
ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return application and
resume to:
City of Tustin
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92180
Thank you for your Interest in serving our community!
NQŒ: Thil appl- 10 a ""bile -- and may be..- to 1- pa-
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Planning Commission
Name: Kim Leason
Home phone: (714) 544-3535
Work phone: (714) 850-5665
Street address: 14582 Deerfield Ave.
City: Tustin
Zip Code: 92780
enns (current or D8St :
Have you ever had a profusaionailicenae auapeneled or revoked? If yea, explain.
Dates Attended:
LlcenseÐegree Obtained:
you currently
Current Chaimnan of Tustin Pride. Previously served as Area 7 Leader, Vice Chaimnan and Treasurer.
This Includes any convlctlona which have been expunged from the record or hIve been dismissed after
A y.. anower Is not an automatic disqualification to appointment; I18ml a.. conoldo..d only as It ..Iatae to the
position for which you a.. applying. If yea, plaalO attach a _n explanation. II appllcabla, Include 0-11),
place(a), detaIl) and penalty (Iaa).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
underetand that any misrep ntatlon or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refu of appo ent, and/or dlsml88al from appointment with the City.
/- 2-3-0h
This application Ult be complel8d In full and your ...ume Indicating current and prior employment for
tan (101 yea.. must aloo be attached for your application to be consldenod. Plea.. retum application and
resume to:
City of Tustin
OffIce of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your Interest In serving our communltyl
Kim Leason
14582 Deerfield
Tustin, California 92780
I am seeking a position on the Park and Recreation or Planning Commission.
Statement of ln~rest
Tustin is a great place to live and evolving into one of Orange Counties most vibrant,
dynamic, cities. Through well planned growth, improvements to public parks and
facilities, the city is offering even more reasons to live and do business in Tustin.
I want to continue to contribute to this fine city.
Since 2002 I have been active in the Tustin Meadows Homeowner Association and
Tustin Pride. Currently I serve on the Tustin Meadows Board of Directors as Civic
Liaison. My involvement with Tustin Pride has included positions of increasing
responsibility which include: Area Leader, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and currently serve
as Chairman.
Participation in the annual Chili Cook-Off, Tiller Days, and Angel's in Tustin,
Landscape and Holiday Awards have afforded me the opportunity to meet many
homeowners face to face. I have learned what matters to them and gained insight into
their wants and needs.
1993 Graduate of California State University, Fullerton
Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration
28 year employee of the Automobile Club of Southern California.
I have been married for 20 years to my wife Lori. I enjoy golf, water skiing, gounnet
cooking, public service and walking my 2 dogs in the park.
Thank you for your consideration
CïíY Ci' ïUSTltJ
IG~lb F::C I 5 :~.:: ~: I 8
NOTE: This application Is 0 public document and may be rel...ed to Interested portlu.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve:
P L 3-YI ...",,; í
~M ss/C'"
Name: C/lA~U5 E. ò'cl1vcl::." ¡J""kerr
C&:LL P ""e : ny- 35t.- e III
Home phone: 71'{- 5Y«-13'f2-- Work phone: ~C
Zip Code: 12.780
Have you ever hod a profeasionailicanae suspended or revoked? If ye.. explain.
Dates Attended:
LicenseDegree Obtained:
f'l'f'¡'s v
Page 1 of 2
9'<!. ¡/ IC'"
7. Do you or your spouse do usiness with or work
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain:
ustin or a business that
8. 0 you or your spouse 0 bus ness w t developers or wor or a usiness that provides
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: 0 Yes ~ No
ense other than
This Includes sny convictions which have been expunged f,om the record or have been dismissed afte,
A yes answer Is not an automatic disqualification to appointment; Items ore conslde,ed only as It reletes to the
position for which you are applying. If yes, plea.. attach a written explanation. If applicable, Include offense(s),
place(s), date(s) and penalty (Ies).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refus of ap!Õln~t, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
Signature: u.~..., Date: .;z.~~6
This application must be completed In full and your resume IndicAting ~""'Ant And prior employment for
¿he past ten (10) years must also ba attached for your application to be considered. Please return
application and resume to:
City ofTustln
Office ofthe City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your interest in serving your communltyl
Pege2 of 2
I retired November I, 2000 after spending 32 years with Hunt-Wesson Foods,
Fullerton, California.
I began employment with Hunt-Wesson (part of ConAgra Foods) in Denver,
Colorado in 1968. I moved with my family to Tustin in 1975 to become District Sales
Manager of the Los Angeles District (Foodservice Division).
In 1992 I left the Los Angeles District job to become Senior Chain Accounts
Manager and then became Director of National Accounts in 1994. I held that post until I
retired on November 1, 2000. Therefore, the last ten years have been spent with Hunt-
Wesson Foods (5) and a happy retirement (5).
I am now able to spend all of the time necessary to serve as a Tustin Planning
Charles E. Puckett
APPLICATION FOR SERVIC~'" c:-- -;-[,;:)11:1
COMMISSION/COMMI~~~:-- Ii .~ '2 5i
NOTE: This "ppllca"on is. public document and may bo ,ele..ed to Into,..tod parties.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Planning Commission
Home phone: 714 838 0417 Work phone: 7149062403
Street address: 17832 LUCERO WAY City: Tustin Zip Code: 92780
1. Reason you wish to serve on Commission/Committee:
I 'ecently moved to e "new' house and could have moved anywhe'e in O,ange County. However. I chose to
remain in Tustin, where I have resided for 91/2 years. The City has done quite well in providing an
attractive quality of life and it is my desire to be a part of a process to further enhance our quality of life so
we can become the community of envy, not just Irvine or the beach communities.
2. Please list your background and experience you feel qualifies you for the position:
My p,ofessional experience. for the mast part, has been in a politics and policy capacity th,oughout my
professional life. I believe I possess a wonderful and diverse background that would serve the C~y well
beceuse I have already experienced dealing with CEOA end the planning process at my current employer.
As a forme, Tustin Meadows ,esident, pa,ks a,e also vital to au' quality of life.
3. Please list professional organizations on which you have served:
Boys Club of Santa Ana, Castle of D'eams annual event; Past Chai" Legislative Committee. Costa Mesa
Chamber of Commerce. Past Chair, Education Committee. Newport Beach Cham be, of Comme,ce,
Member. Orange County Taxpayers Association: Committee co-chair, Centennial Heritage Museum annual
fund,aising dinne, event: P,event Child Abuse-Orange County (Raise Foundation), others, see 'esume.
4. Please list anv orofessionailicenses (current or past):
Solid Waste Association of North America. recycling systems cou,se, Summer 2001;
Cal South Soccer Association, level E coaching license.
Have you ever had a prolenionailicense suspended or ,evoked? II yes, explain. 0 Yes EI No
5. Education: Circle highest grade completed: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17+
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
List all colleges, Business,
or Trade Schools Dates Attended: License'oegree Obtained:
""""""O"""""" '.'H.n."U'"'.'~' ~a. ~nllosopny; tI:s. ~ol. :SOl. a
oc...""", .""'^,, ~oow., ~".rn~_~M N.'~~-'
Please complete Page 2
6. What type(s) of civIc activities are you involved In? Please list any positions you currently
hold with another public agency.
Membe" Tustin Unified School District Measu,e G citizen's ove,sight committee;
P,esident. Scranton Club of Southern California, University of Sc,anton:
Donate annually to the Tustin Public Schools Foundation.
7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin or a business that
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain: 0 Yes rn No
8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: I!I Yes I:J No
I handle regulatory affairs for Madison Materials, a large volume transfer station based in Santa Ana that
provides recycling services fo' develope,s and construction companies. Ware Disposal, where I am the
Legislative Di,ecto" p,ovides solid waste services to developers and construction companies.
9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than
receiving a traffic citation? DYes EI No
This Includes any convictions which have been expunged I,om the reco,d or have been dismissed afte,
A yes answer Is not an automatic disqualification to appointment: Items are considered only as It relates to the
position 10' which you are applying. II yes, please attach a wrItten explanation. If applicable, includa offanse(s),
place(s), dete(s) and penally (Ies).
I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my
application, refusal of appointment, and/or disr:nlssal from appointment with the City.
Date: 02/16/2006
This appllc on must ba completed in full and your resume Indicating cur'ent and prlo, employment 10'
ten (10) ye rs must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please 'etum application and
,esume to:
City of Tustin
Office ofthe City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your Interest In serving our community!
17832 Lucero Way
Tustin, California 92780-2641
To obtain a challenging and rewarding position utilizing my knowledge of
government and politics in a corporate advocacy, policy advancement and public
relations setting.
May 1996--Master of Arts, Political Science (American Government)
MA. THESIS TOPIC: California's Proposition 4 (The Gann Appropriations
Limit): Its Effects Within the California Political Process and its Relative Success
or Failure as a Spending Constraint.
UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Scranton, Pennsylvania
May I 993--Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
Concentrations in Philosophy and Political Science
Dean's List three (3) semesters
. Microsoft Office software package.
. SPSS-x and SAS statistical packages.
. February 1999-present-Leglslative DIrector, Ware DIsposal, Inc., and
Regulatory Affairs Manager, Madison Materials, Newport Beach (mailing) Santa
Ana (physical), California.
. Track and analyze solid waste and recycling legislation and regulations for the
company, encompassing over two bwulred pieces of legislation and five major
CIWMB regulation packages 1999-present.
. Authored responses to Request for Proposals (RFP) for integrated solid waste
management services for the Cities of Tustin, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert,
Mission Viejo, Riverside (residential), Lake Forest, Rancho Santa Margarita and
Laguna Woods. Also authored the response to the RFP ÍÌ'Om the City of San
Diego to design, construct and operate a construction and demolition facility.
. Serve as Director of Municipal Marketing to obtain exclusive solid waste
franchises. Succeeded in securing the City of Laguna Woods' exclusive franchise
on 20 April 2005 for a five-year tenn with the option for an additional five-year
term. This aspect included final contract negotiations with the City leading to the
ftanchise agreement between the parties.
. Authored the Large Volume Transfer/Processing Report for the Company's
recycling facility, Madison Materials (CIWMB SWIS No. 30-AB-0386), a solid
waste facility permitted by the CIWMB 21 September 2004. Was the co-lead
project manager during the construction of Madison in CY 2002.
. Applied for and secured $177,000 and $235,000, respectively, in South Coast Air
Quality Management District (AQMD) Carl Moyer program grant funding for the
purchase of alternative fuel vehicles and a private alternative fuel station to be
located in the City of Santa Ana.
. Co-lead negotiator for the Company in labor negotiations with Teamster Local
396. Successfully closed the contract in October 2001 and will again be the co-
lead negotiator for the 2006 and beyond contract.
. Lead management representative in grievance and arbitration resolution with
Teamster Local Union 396.
. Prepare monthly and quarterly reporting to all jurisdictions for AB 939 and
franchise fee compliance.
. Prepare the company's biannual annual Fair Political Practices Commission Form
461 (major donor reporting form), prepare the company's political contribution
matrix on an annual basis and distributed contributions to political candidates.
. Served as Legislative Committee Chairperson for the Costa Mesa Chamber of
Commerce, Education Committee Chairperson for the Newport Harbor Chamber
of Commerce and as a board member ofOCTax.
. Committee Member and/or co-chair for fundraisinglawareness events, including
the Boys' Club of Santa Ana Castle of Dreams, Discovery Museum of Orange
County Eco-Art and Prevent Child Abuse-Orange County Sounds of Hope.
. Revise and update the Company's employee handbook. Recommended and
implemented the Company's paid-time-off (PTO) and 401(1<:) policies for all
employees commencing in CY 2001.
. Prepared all of Company public education documents, survey materials and media
releases. Write speeches for Company officers.
. Company spokesman to various media outlets and to various govenunental
jurisdictions/agencies, including as a panelist before the Construction Materials
Recovery Association's Southern €alifornia chapter's Fall 2003 luncheon.
. Completed the Municipal Recycling Systems Course offered by the Solid Waste
Association of North America (SW ANA) July 2001.
. May 1997-December 1998-Leglslative Aide, Assemblyman Jim Morrissey (69th
DIstrict) and Jim Morrissey for Assembly (campaign), Santa Ana and Sacramento,
. Provided legislative analysis for members of the Assemblyman's district staff.
. Provided detailed analysis of the Assemblyman's voting record on a number of
key issues for the campaign.
. Represented the Assemblyman as a community service liaison, including various
Chambers of Commerce (Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove) and the Orange
COWlty Business CoWlcil.
. Prepared numerous "Rule of 200" mailers for district constituents.
. Prepared correspondence for the Assemblyman and handled constituent casework.
. Represented the Assemblyman at a Cora FoWldation post-primary election forum,
JWle 1998, in Los Angeles and at other similar forums.
. Assisted with numerous campaign activities, including yard sign solicitation and
distribution, absentee ballot solicitation, precinct walking and get-out-the-vote
. January 1997-May 1997-Market Research Analyst, Robert P Gonzales, OD,
Santa Ana, California.
. Statistical researcher and analyst of Company data, including reorganizing the
database, recalibrating it for marketing purposes and developing targeted mail to
maintain and attract client base. As a result of that effort, the practice
successfully recovered a lost fifteen (15) percent of its previous patient base
(patients not seen in over a two (2) year period) where they then scheduled an
office visit during calendar 1997. This system has been maintained to this day.
. June 1995-January 111117, Chief Retail Executive, Royal Radiator Repair, Inc.,
Huntington Park, California.
. Marketing coordinator and lead retail executive to market and secure buyers for
the patented Royal Radiator Mobile Lift. This effort led to the sale of fifteen (15)
mobile lifts and the development ofa database for the Company's future
expansion efforts.
. January 1119S-February l!195-Polltlcal AnalystlWriter, Comedy Central
Television Network, Los Angeles, California.
. August 1994-November 1994-Medla CoordinatorNolunteer Coordinator, Pete
Wilson for Governor 1994, Southern-California Office, Glendale California.
. June 1994-August 1994-Laborer, Refrigeration DIvisIon, Amana Refrigeration,
Inc., Amana, Iowa.
. January 11l94-July 1994-WalterlMaltre'd, Winifred's CaterlnglXavler's
Restaurant, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
"A Comparison of Legislative Redistricting in California and Pennsylvania Following the
2000 Census," by Jason Bryce Rush, Dr William J Parente and Edrene Wright, presented
before the annual Pennsylvania Political Science Association conference 6-7 April 2002.
Member, Tustin Unified School District Citizen's Oversight Committee (Measure G).
The committee oversees the District's expending of $ 108,000,000 for facility upgrades
and renovations. Recently secured reappointment in June 2005 for an additional two-
year tenD.
President, Scranton Club of Southern California, University of Scranton Alumni Society,
November 2003-present.
Chainnan, Tustin Meadows (largest unified neighborhood in City of Tustin) 4th of July
celebration, CY 2003 and 2004.
Registered lobbyist with the County of San Diego and the City of San Diego.
10Gb JAN II A 9: 32
NOTE: ThI8 appllcotlan Ie a pubic _umont and mil)' be ..,_ta 1- ~
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Parks and Recreation Commission
Name: Adrian Morton
Home phone: 714-835-5717
Work phone: eel 714-856-0364
Street address: 78 Consuela 51.
City: Tustin
Zip Code: 92780
1. Reason you wIs to serve on Commlsslonl ommlttee:
To try to make a Difference as much as I can 10' Tustin.And take part inl programs which helps
all people especially Seniors and chlld,en to encou'ge them that Tustin is a great city.
.sEE A1rA&J.IED P,If ,e s
Have you ever had a profesaionalllc:enae au .panded or revoked? If yes, explain.
10 11
0 0 0
List all olleges, Business,
or Trade Schools
I nave anenoeo several colleges I
Dates Attended:
LlcenseÐegree Obtained:
personal gain OnlY
Pie... complete Page 2
- I -
Please list any pas 0115 you currently
8. Do you or your spouse do us ness w evelopers or work or a business that provides
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: [] Yes EI No
ave you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contesf I
receiving a traffic citation? [] Yes EI No
an 0 ense other than
T1'Ils Includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or haVe been dismissed altar
A yes answar 18 not an automatic disqualIfIcatIon to appoln_nt; Items a.. considered only as II ..lal88 to the
position for which you a.. applying. If yee, pleaae attach a written explanation. If applicable, Include offen..(s),
place(s), data{a) and penalty (lea).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
Slgnature~ ~
This application must be completed In full and your resume Indicating current anq prior employment for
tan (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please! return application and
resume to:
City of Tustin
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your Interest In serving our community!
- 2."'"
1. The Tustin Pride Committee: 7 year member
I am a former Chairman of The Tustin Pride Committee. Chairman of the City wide
Christmas tree recycling committee, Chainnan of the Pumpkin Pride Awards, Involvement
with Tustin Pride California Connection Day, Children Poster and Essay Judge, Chainnan
Holiday Lighting Awards and City Wide Landscape Awards Judge.
Take Part in Tustin Arbor Days. Also take part in Tustin Pride Committees (ANGELS in
TUSTIN) where we refurbish homes for people who can't afford to keep up there homes.
2. The Tustin Area Senior Center. 4 year member
I am a fonner Senior Advisory Board Member now member Emeritus, Member of the ways
and means committee [raising money for our new Senior Computer Center], Volunteer for
the Feedback Foundation, Casino Night, Karaoke Night, Senior Picnic and our Crafts
Fair.Member of the office on Ageing.
3. Tustin Fine Arts Council: 4 year member
Member. Help where I am needed.
4. Broadway in the Park Committee: 4 year member
Member. Set up the stage, sell tickets and help with advertisement.
5. Library Committee:
6. Street FAIR AND Chili Cook Off Committee:7 year member
Member, Chili Judge, help with the set up and advertisement.
7. Tustin Tiller Days Committee: 7 year member
Member, Help setup, works in infonnation booth and advertisement.
8. Restoration Advisory Board: 7 year member
Attend meetings and help and advice on the toxic clean-up of the Tustin Marine Base.
9. Parks and Recreation Commissioner: 7 years
Now on my 3"\ 6 year tenn. Take part in Spring Egg Hunt, Track and Field Meet, Pancake
Breakfast, Cinch De Mayo Carnival,4th of July Activities, Kids Snow Day and the Tustin
Christmas Tree Lighting.
I also attended the 2005 California Parks & Recreation Conference.
Attending classes on Commissioner Relations with the public and classes on Grants and
fundraising for senior projects.
Helping seniors to be aware of the benefits they have.
10. Former chairman of the Orange County Veterans Day Parade Committee.
Help and visit Veterans who are disabled. I attend various Veterans ceremonies to honor
the United States of America.
11. On the Executive Board of Directors of the Tustin American Legion Post #227.Now I
am 1 5t Vice Commander. Now we are involved with
Sending much needed items to our service men and women overseas and
Supplying our two High Schools with scholarships (CALLED BOYS STATE) this year one
more High School will be added (Beckman). Also do volunteer work for the Veterans
Homeless shelter. Also member of the Legion Color Guard.
12.1 am now an active member of the Tustin Chamber of Commerce. I attend meetings and
mixers to make me aware of what's going on in the great city of Tustin.
13.1 am also an active member of the Santa Ana Elks Lodge.
14.1 have been nominated 5 times for Tustin Man of the Year.
- '1-
.:., ,'I]¡' ïLIST\;'
I~: P ~:: I'
NOTE, Thl. .ppllcation I.. public docum.nt .nd m.y be rele....dto Inlo..eled partie..
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: 1?
Home phone:
Street address:
Have you eve, had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, explain.
Dates Attended:
LlcenseÐegree Obtained:
Page 1 012
. at type s 0 c VIC act v t es are yo vo ved in? Please list an} ~sitions you current y
hold with another public agency. /r'Þ; ~ d K..e. u; LI1JMJI/!(Ç)((JýJ Cc(q
f)f- -(û~1í n I /1IIeìW'.J€1i- -r. fA. . 5 I Þ Vo C4+¡OV1f{ I T-r::W¿«:-fa
c:!-DMl'.A.ì-lfe..(? 1/l-ßbIO~q ( ~It-t 1S'S'rOv1f1-v- ÆY5C> VIce ~ .
CJPtw+t~>1S '-:f'ocrl-hdf !-4.N"Ofre. Ce-.1.{tlAuV/(~ ll-lC{¡~~
H-ewt.s ¡..aeY()H~ dub, Þ¡-IZ.- þru/11-eV:5 C4?C(I-"t'..!-Ie.s
7. 0 you or your spouse 0 usiness with or wo or ustm or usiness t at
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain: No
8. 0 you or your spouse 0 usiness with developers or wo .or a
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain:
nse other than
This Includes any convlctlona which haya bean axpungad from the ,eco,d or have been dismissed afte,
A yea ana..., la not an automatic disqualIfIcation to appointment; Items are considered only aa It relates to the
position for which you are applying. If yea, plea.. attach a written explanation. If applicable, Include offenaeja),
placa(a), date(al and panally (lea).
I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any mi &entation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my
applicatio tusal of appoint ndfor dismissal from appointment with the City.
6 I WO¡'
Thla application must be completed In full a d your resume Indicating current and prior employment for
tha past ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to ba considered. Please return
application and resume to:
City ofTustin
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your Interest in serving your community!
Page 2 of2
C:í'i c;é iU3lT!
NOTE: This oppll...lon Is a public d~~nt and may be ,...a..d to Int.'e.ted pa""a.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Parks and Recreation Commission
Home phone: 7148380417 Work phone: 7149062403
Street address: 17832 LUCERO WAY City: Tustin Zip Code: 92780
1. Reason you wish to serve on Commission/Committee:
I recently moved to a "new' house and could have moved anywhere in Orange County. Howeve" I chase to
remain in Tustin, whe'e I have resided for 9 1/2 years. The City has done quite well in providing an
attractive quality of life and it is my desire to be a part of a process to further enhance au' quality of life so
we can became the community of envy, not just Irvine or the beech communities.
2. Please list your background and experience you feel qualifies you for the position:
My professional experience. for the mast part, has been in a politics and policy capacity th,oughout my
professional life. I believe I possess a wonderful and diverse background that would serve the City well
because I have already experienced dealing with CEOA and the planning p,ocess at my current employer.
As a fo,me, Tustin Meadows ,esident, parks are also vital to our quality of life.
3. Please list professional organizations on which you have served:
Bays Club of Santa Ana, Castle of Dreams annual event; Past Chair, Legislative Committee, Costa Mesa
Chamber of Commerce, Past Chair, Education Committee, Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce,
Membe" Orange County Taxpayers Association; Committee co-chai" Centennial Heritage Museum annual
fund'aising dinner event; Prevent Child Abuse-Orange County (Raise Foundetion). others. see resume.
4. Please list anv crofesslonallicenseslcurrent or cast!:
Solid Waste Association of North America, recycling systems course, Summer 2001:
Cal South Soccer Association, level E coaching license.
Have you eve' had a p,ofe..lonal license su spended 0' ,evoked? If ye.. explain. 0 Yes EJ No
5. Education: Circle highest grade completed: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17+
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ø
List all (;olleges, Business,
or Trade Schools Dates Attended: License.Ðegree Obtained:
""".""°"""""00 ,."..n'.O"'H""'~ ,a. >-,nllosopny; ~::>, >-'01. ::>Cl. .
""""""" ."""An ',"OOWN". ~,-",'-""'" .Á'.'.~
Please complete Pago 2
6. What type(s) of civIC activities are you Involved In? Please list any positions you currently
hold with another public agency.
Member. Tustin Unified SChOOl District Measu,e G cltizen's oversight committee;
P,esident, Scranton Club of Southern California, University of Scranton;
Donate annually to the Tustin Public Schools Foundation.
7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin or a business that
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain: DYes rn No
8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: EI Yes [J No
I handle regulatory affai,s for Madison Materials. a large volume t,ansfe, station based in Santa Ana that
provides recycling services for developers and construction companies. Ware Disposal. where I am the
Legislative Director, provides solid waste services to developers and construction companies.
9. Have you ever been convicted (Including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than
receiving a traffic citation? DYes G No
This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dlsmlssod afto,
A yos answo, Is not an automatic disqualIfIcation to appolntmont; Items a,o consldo,od only as It !'Glaws to tho
position for whiCh you a,o applying. If yos, plo..o attach a w,ltton explanation. If appllcablo, Include offense(s).
placo(s), date(s) and penalty (I..).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
Date: 02/16/2006
This appllcatlo ust be comploted In full and you, ,esume Indicating current and p,lor employment for
ten (10) yea ust also be attached for you, application to be considered. Pleas.. ,..turn application and
,..sume to:
City of Tustin
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your interest In serving our community!
17832 Lucero Way
Tustin, Calüornia 92780-2641
To obtain a challenging and rewarding position utilizing my knowledge of
government and politics in a corporate advocacy, policy advancement and public
relations setting.
May I 996--Master of Arts, Political Science (American Government)
MA. THESIS TOPIC: California's Proposition 4 (The Garm Appropriations
Limit): Its Effects Within the California Political Process and its Relative Success
or Failure as a Spending Constraint.
UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Scranton, Pennsylvania
May I 993--Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
Concentrations in Philosophy and Political Science
Dean's List three (3) semesters
. Microsoft Office software package.
. SPSS-x and SAS statistical packages.
. February 1999-present-Legislative Director, Ware Disposal, Inc., and
Regulatory Affairs Manager, Madison Materials, Newport Beach (mailing) Santa
Ana (physical), California.
. Track and analyze solid waste and recycling legislation and regulations for the
company, encompassing over two hundred pieces oflegislation and five major
CIWMB regulation packages 1999-present.
. Authored responses to Request for Proposals (RFP) for integrated solid waste
management services for the Cities of Tustin, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert,
Mission Viejo, Riverside (residential), Lake Forest, Rancho Santa Margarita and
Laguna Woods. Also authored the response to the RFP ftom the City of San
Diego to design, construct and operate a construction and demolition facility.
. Serve as Director of Municipal Marketing to obtain exclusive solid waste
ftanchises. Succeeded in securing the City of Laguna Woods' exclusive ftanchise
on 20 April 2005 for a five-year term with the option for an additional five-year
term. This aspect included final contract negotiations with the City leading to the
franchise agreement between the parties.
. Authored the Large Volume TransferlProcessing Report for the Company's
recycling facility, Madison Materials (CIWMB SWIS No. 30-AB-0386), a sa1id
waste facilitypennitted by the CIWMB 21 September 2004. Was the co-lead
project manager during the construction of Madison in CY 2002.
. Applied for and secured $177,000 and $235,000, respectively, in South Coast Air
Quality Management District (AQMD) Carl Moyer program grant funding for the
purchase of alternative fuel vehicles and a private alternative fuel station to be
located in the City of Santa Ana.
. Co-lead negotiator for the Company in labor negotiations with Teamster Local
396. Successfully closed the contract in October 2001 and will again be the co-
lead negotiator for the 2006 and beyond contract.
. Lead management representative in grievance and arbitration resolution with
Teamster Local Union 396.
. Prepare monthly and quarterly reporting to all jurisdictions for AB 939 and
franchise fee compliance.
. Prepare the company's biannual annual Fair Political Practices Commission Form
461 (major donor reporting fonn), prepare the company's political contribution
matrix on an annual basis and distributed contributions to political candidates.
. Served as Legislative Committee Chairperson for the Costa Mesa Chamber of
Commerce, Education Committee Chairperson for the Newport Harbor Chamber
of Commerce and as a board member of OCT ax .
. Committee Member and/or co-chair for fundraisinglawareness events, including
the Boys' Club of Santa Ana Castle of Dreams, Discovery Museum of Orange
County Eco-Art and Prevent Child Abuse-Orange County Sounds of Hope.
. Revise and update the Company's employee handbook. Recommended and
implemented the Company's paid-time-off (PTO) and 401(k) policies for all
employees commencing in CY 200l.
. Prepared all of Company public education documents, survey materials and media
releases. Write speeches for Company officers.
. Company spokesman to various media outlets and to various governmental
jurisdictions/agencies, including as a panelist before the Construction Materials
Recovery Association's Southern California chapter's Fall 2003 luncheon.
. Completed the Municipal Recycling Systems Course offered by the Solid Waste
Association of North America (SW ANA) July 2001.
. May 1997-December 1998-Legislative Aide, Assemblyman Jim Morrissey (69'h
District) and Jim Morrissey for Assembly (campaign), Santa Ana and Sacramento,
. Provided legislative analysis for members of the Assemblyman's district staff.
. Provided detailed analysis ofthe Assemblyman's voting record on a number of
key issues for the campaign.
. Represented the Assemblyman as a community service liaison, including various
Chambers of Commerce (Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove) and the Orange
County Business Council.
. Prepared numerous "Rule of 200" mailers for district constituents.
. Prepared coITespondence for the Assemblyman and handled constituent casework.
. Represented the Assemblyman at a Coro Foundation post-primary election forum,
June 1998, in Los Angeles and at other similar forums.
. Assisted with numerous campaign activities, including yard sign solicitation and
distribution, absentee ballot solicitation, precinct walking and get-out-the-vote
. January 1997-May I 997--Market Research Analyst, Robert P Gonzales, OD,
Santa Ana, California.
. Statistical researcher and analyst of Company data, including reorganizing the
database, recalibrating it for marketing purposes and developing targeted mail to
maintain and attract client base. As a result ofthat effort, the practice
successfully recovered a lost fifteen (15) percent of its previous patient base
(patients not seen in over a two (2) year period) where they then scheduled an
office visit during calendar 1997. This system has been maintained to this day.
. June 1995-January 1997, Chief Retail Executive, Royal Radiator Repair, Inc.,
Huntington Park, California.
. Marketing coordinator and lead retail executive to market and secure buyers for
the patented Royal Radiator Mobile Lift. This effort led to the sale of fifteen (15)
mobile lifts and the development of a database for the Company's future
expansion efforts.
. January 1995-February 1995--Political Analyst/Wrlter, Comedy Central
Television Network, Los Angeles, California.
. August 1994-November 1994-Medla CoordinatorNolunteer Coordinator, Pete
Wilson for Governor 1994, Southern California Office, Glendale California.
. June 1994-August 1994-Laborer, Refrigeration Division, Amana Refrigeration,
Inc., Arnana, Iowa.
. January 1994-July 1994-Waiter/Maitre'd, Winifred's CaterlnglXavier's
Restaurant, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
"A Comparison of Legislative Redistricting in California and Pennsylvania Following the
2000 Census," by Jason Bryce Rush, Dr William J Parente and Edrene Wright, presented
before the annual Pennsylvania Political Science Association conference 6-7 April 2002.
Member, Tustin Unified School District Ci6zen's Oversight Committee (Measure G).
The committee oversees the District's expending of$1 08,000,000 for facility upgrades
and renovations. Recently secured reappointment in June 2005 for an additional two-
year tenn.
President, Scranton Club of Southern California, University of Scranton Alumni Society,
November 2003-present.
Chainnan, Tustin Meadows (largest unified neighborhood in City of Tustin) 4th of July
celebration, CY 2003 and 2004.
Registered lobbyist with the County of San Diego and the City of San Diego.
JAN 1 8 2006
NOTE: This applicaUon Is a publiC document and may be ,.I....d to 'nte<estOd partl.S.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Parks and Recreation Commission
Name: Bryan Glassman
Home phone: 714-573-0447 Work phone: 909-612-2080
Street address: 1131 Packers Circle # 69 City: Tustin Zip Code: 92780
1. Reason you wish to serve on Commission/Committee:
I have lived in Tustin fo, about 28 years and am a homeowne' in the Cent,al Tustin Area. I have seen Tustin
grow throughout the years and I want to have input into the future development of our City Parks and other
recreation activilies. I am interested in making the best use of the limited resources that au' city and want to
give back to the community which has given so much to me in my lifetime.
2. Please list your background and experience you feel qualifies you for the position:
First, a Tustin citizen who has gone from the elementary to high schoois. i heve taken part in many local
activities from the going to the Concerts In the Park to Broadway in the Park. I have seen the Tustin Tiller
Days Celebration change from a small event with the Marines to the event that ~ has become today. I have
been fallowing local issues fa, many years and feel I can b,ing forth a ¡,esh p
3. Please list professional organizations on which you have served:
Society of Claims Law Associates - Member
4. Please list anv professional licenses (current or Dastl:
Senior Claims Law Associate Designation
Have you ever had a professional license su spended 0' ,evoked? If yes, explain. U Yes l:J No
5. Education: Circle highest grade completed: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17+
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LIst all Colleges, Business,
or Trade Schools Dates Attended: Llcense.oegree Obtained:
Attended: .
....,-~ ,_'n, M ~O,"lcal ~"enœ a
"~.,,""" .-".. ~.
Please complete Page 2
6, What type(s) of civic activities are you Involved in? Please list any positions you currently
hold with another public agency.
At this time I am not Involved in any civic activities other than a volunteer for my church. In the past I was
involved in the Kiwanis Club while In high school and a volunteer o'ganlzation while attending Whittier
7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin or a business that
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain: 0 Yes I:J No
8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: [ Yes Ð No
9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest'" Of an offense other than
receiving a traffic citation? [j Yes EI No
This Includes any convictions which have been expunged ¡,om the record 0' have been dismissed alto,
A yes answer Is not an automatic disqualification to appointment; Items are conslde,od only as it relates to the
position for which you ane applying. W yes, pie... attach a w,itton explanation. W appllcsble,lnclude offonse(s).
placo(s), date(s) and penelly (Ies).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
Signature: ~ ~ Date: 1/¡7J~
This application must be completed In full and your resume Indicating current and p,lor employment fo,
ten (10) years must also be attached for you, application to be conslde,ed. Please return application and
'eSume to:
City of Tustin
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your interest in serving our community!
1131 Packers Circle, #69, Tustin, CA 92780 .714.287.5789. bryanglassman@dslextreme.com
Over seven years professional experience. Specialized expertise in business administration, customer service,
and communication. Solid educational foundation includes an MBA. Finely tuned analytical and logical
abilities combined with a creative approach to problem solving. Analytical and meticulous with processes,
friendly and easygoing with people.
Business Administration
Customer Service
Written & Oral Communication
Policies & Procedures
Insurance Claims
Government Agency Process
Business Administration
Designed and facilitated a training program for a new workflow process which was
implemented in the office. Duties consisted of creating a training manual, presentation and
hands-on tutoring.
Compiled a detailed report to management regarding specific goals and objectives and then
worked with supervisors on ways to increase numbers -to reach office goals. Numbers were
increased in the office by 3% for the third quarter of 2005 bringing the office within 4% of
goal with the highest numbers for the past five years.
Consolidated four widely used manuals into one easier-to-understand book. The new book
increased productivity and reduced costs.
Improved workflow funnel for the business unit establishing fast turnaround criteria and
increasing productivity and accuracy. This was done after evaluating daily business workflow
and reducing redundant actions where allowed by law.
Customer Service
Provided and administered a training program for six agencies in proper reporting practices.
This allows agencies to administer direct customer service to their policyholders and
establishes a direct link of goals and obj ectives for both the agency and service departments.
Partnered with six Exclusive agencies to provide a direct link between the service department
and agencies. Acted as conduit between the agents and the assigned adjuster to verify that any
potential issues were resolved before they became larger problems.
Spearheaded a revitalization of the recognition team increasing employee satisfaction and
customer service. The recognition and customer service team provides insight into issues
involving the company's goals and objectives and how they relate to employee goals and
Bryan T. G!assman
Page 2 of2
Designed California specific fonn letters for use throughout the office. Saved time for
employees and reduced the costs for company through less oversight and more consistent
Negotiated settlements with over 98% success rate with customers to resolve files leading the
department for the second straight quarter.
Led and promoted a fundraising drive for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita raising over $1,500 in
relief funds and supplies. The fundraising amount is the highest in the service region of nine
offices which was matched by the company dollar for dollar.
Allstate Insurance, Diamond Bar, CA
Senior Claim Service Adjuster
Claim Service Adjuster
Claims Trainee
200 I-Present
MBA, University of Phoenix
BA in Political Science, Minor in English, Whittier College
NO1E: 1b8 appl- 18 a pubic cIoc:uIMM and..., be _110 ,- pa-.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Parks and Recreation Commission
Name: Kim Leason
Home phone: (714) 544-3535
Work phone: (714) 850-5665
Street address: 14582 Deerfield Ave.
City: Tustin
Zip Code: 92780
Have you ever had a prof"elonailicen.. auapended or revoked? If ye.. explain.
9 10
0 0
Dates Attended:
LlcenseDegree Obtained:
"""" VHll' ",us..
Ple_<:omIIIaIe Page 2
Current Chairman of Tustin Pride. Previously served as A,ea 7 Lea_. Vice Chairman and Treasu,er.
Thl. Includes any conviction. which hav. been expunged from the record or have been dlsml.sed .fter
A yes anawar Is not an automatic disqualification to appointment; Itøm. a.. conald...d only a. It ....... to the
_ltIon for which you a.. applying. II yes, plea.. attach a wriII8n ."planatlon. lIappllc8ble, Include ofIens.(.),
c.(el, dame.1 and penalty (lea).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any mlsrep entation or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refus of appo ent, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
/- 2,3-ðh
This application uat ba completed In full and your reaume Indicating current and prior employment for
IItn (101 yea'" muat alao be attached for your application to be con.ldered. PI...e return application and
reoume to:
City of Tustin
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your Interest In serving our communltyl
Kim Leason
14582 Deerfield
Tustin, California 92780
1 am seeking a position on the Park and Recreation or Planning Commission.
Statement of Interest
Tustin is a great place to live and evolving into one of Orange Counties most vibrant,
dynamic, cities. Through well planned growth, improvements to public parks and
facilities, the city is offering even more reasons to live and do business in Tustin.
I want to continue to contribute to this fine city.
Since 2002 I have been active in the Tustin Meadows Homeowner Association and
Tustin Pride. Currently I serve on the Tustin Meadows Board of Directors as Civic
Liaison. My involvement with Tustin Pride has included positions ofincreasing
responsibility which include: Area Leader, Vice Chainnan, Treasurer, and currently serve
as Chainnan.
Participation in the annual Chili Cook-Off, Tiller Days, and Angel's in Tustin,
Landscape and Holiday A wards have afforded me the opportunity to meet many
homeowners face to face. I have learned what matters to them and gained insight into
their wants and needs.
1993 Graduate of California State University, Fullerton
Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration
28 year employee of the Automobile Club of Southern California.
~n manied for 20 years to my wife Lori. I enjoy golf, water skiing, gourmet
cooking, public service and walking my 2 dogs in the park.
1bank you for your consideration
C:'í': c:c T~STI:!
- ')1
'. I:: 2C"
NOTE: Tllil application II a public documant and may be...- to 1- parties.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Parks and Recreation Commission
Name: Sue Gorman
Home phone: 714.505.6630
Work phone: 714.505.0639
Street address: 11105 Matthews Drive
City: Tustin
Zip Code: 92782
I am interested in all areas of the Parks and Rec department. I have been involved in the community and
wor1<.ing closely with this department. My family uses the community parks and recreation programs and
facilities. I am interested and have been involved in the future developms.t of new parks.
Have you ever had a prolessionailicense suspended or revoked? If yes. .xplaln.
0 0
Dates Attended:
LlcenseÐegree Obtained:
tlA l;ommumcanons
Please complete Page 2
Tustin Area Council fo, Fine Arts. P'esident Nominee Assistance League of Tustin. Pete,s Canyon
Elementary Site Council Memba,. Peters Canyon Elementary PTO Committee Chair.
you or your spouse do business with developers or work or a business that proves
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: [] Ves EI No
This Includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record 0' have been dismissed after
A yes answer Is not an automatic disqualification to appolnbnent; It8me are considered only as It relates to the
poelilon for which you a.. applying. "yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, Include offenae(s).
place(sl. date(s and penalty (lea).
I certify that all stammen" made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
Signature: ~J\OQf.-.- Date: ;2- , 5 . 0 (¿,
This appllcatlo must be completed In full and your resume Indicating current and prior employment for
ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. Plene return application and
resume to:
City of Tustin
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 9Z18O
Thank you for your interest In serving our community!
Sue Gorman
11105 Matthews Drive
Tustin, CA 92782
H: 714.505.6630
0: 714.505.0639
Owner/Interior Designer Sue Gorman Interior Deslans, Tustin,
CA. December 2002 - Present.
Residential. full service interior design firm.
Vice President. Arnold Palmer Golf Management. Orlando, FL.
January 1999 - September 2002.
Directly responsible for Golf Course Operations at 35 Golf
Courses in 17 states including Municipal, public and private
facilities. Additionally responsible for all new Golf Course
openings and current facility renovations.
ConsuHant. JDA/ Arthur Software Group, Scottsdale, AZ. June
1998-January 1999.
Software implementation manager, retail software and
planning systems.
l~u~ FEe I 5 þ. g: Db
NOTE: This oppllcatlon II . public documlnt and may bl rel..sed to Inl8relted partIes.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve:
/htM Cc.-n~
Name: R. /"A-wÆE/¡lCG P¡2.IÐVIJ
Home Phone('1/tì [f1¿-5I>f3 WOrkPhone(7N) giJCI-?; Ø13
Street address: I'I~-;)I 4cAe'A-. iJl2. City: 'ÍÍtS'[7N Zip Code: 12-'190
1. Reason you w s to serve on Commissio omm ttee:
'7d t£" /A//()i.V€IJ WIT' '17Ic 1íl9T/~ ~lJfflA.JITy'
2. Please list your backgroun and experience you ee qualifies you for the position:
Wt!J!G'tJï jk.t/J¡r &mlfhl T'T'l3£ 1fJ&n15f:JL.
. Please list professional organlzat ons on which you have serve :
¡JA';¡r 1,ee"Jt'I)&V~ tðCI1t. {l1-/m7~, Ø>TITtltlZ tI¡:: #A71/46t:7/4øJr
At- tt/¿/'l/iH M'Ç
Have you eve. had a profe8810nalllc:ense suspended or revoked? If yes, explain.
5. Education:
License,oegree Obtained:
Page 1012
7. 0 you or your spouse do business with or wo
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain:
ustln~ a business that
0 you or your spouse do business W t eve opers or work for a business that proves
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: 0 Yes No
. ave )Ou ever been convicted nc u ng p e8f3rg 'no contest" 0 an 0
receiving a traffic citation? 0 Yes ~ No
This Includes eny convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dlsml..ed ello'
A yes answer Is not en automatic disqualification to appointment; Items are considered only as It relatea to the
position fo, which you are applying. If yes, please ettach a written explanation. If eppllceble, Include offense(s),
place(sl, date(s) and penally (Ies).
I certify that all statements made In this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result In disqualification of my
application, refusal 0 appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
'7 -!t(-O~
This application must be completed In full and your reSume Indicating current and prior employment for
the past ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return
application and resume to:
City of Tustin
Office ofthe City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your Interest In serving your communityl
Pege2 of 2
NOTE: This application Is a public document and may bo ralaaoad to Inta_tad portJes.
Commission/Committee on which you wish to serve: Audit Committee
Name: Gregory Moore
Home phone: 714-360-0536 Work phone: 714-456-3378
Street address: 13452 Falmouth Place City: Tustin Zip Code: 92780
1. Reason you wish to serve on Commission/Committee:
I have been a resident of Tustin for the past seventeen years and this would be a great oportunity to
continue to serve the city of Tustin within my professional abilities.
2. Please list your background and experience you feel qualifies you Tor me position:
I have served on the Audit Committee since March of 2001. I am currently serving as Chairman of the Audit
3. Please list professional organizations on WIlfCfi you have served:
4. Please list anv Drofessionailicenses (current or oast):
Certified Public Accountant
Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, explain. DYes !:J No
5. Education: Circle highest grade completed: 9 10 11 12 g 14 15 16 17+
0 0 0 0 0 0 <:) 0
List all colleges, Business,
or Trade Schools Dates Attended: Llcense.1Jegree Obtained:
Ca State Unive,slty. Hayward G,aduated BIB5 Bacl1elof Science
Please complete Page 2
..- ---- -...-. .-- .-.---- ---_._----- -. -------.-' .---.-.......-. ....-.."
.-"""'-'-'-.'-- ..-.. ..--_u.-----
7. 0 you or your spouse 0 uSlOess with or war
contracts with the City of Tustin? If yes, explain:
8. 0 you or your spouse 0 usiness with deve opers or wor or a business that proves
services for developers or vendors of developers? If yes, explain: eYes EI No
9. Have you ever been convict
receiving a traffic citation?
nc U 109 pleading "no contes
[] Yes E No
0 an offense other
This Includes any convictions which have boon expunged from the record or have been dlsmlased elte,
A yes answer Is not an automatic disqualIfIcation to appointment; Items are considered only as It relat.s to the
position for which you are applying. If yes, ploase attach a written explanation. If applicable, Include offense(s),
place(s), date(s) and penalty (Iesl.
I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my
application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City.
Signature:~~ ~-
This application must be completed In full and your resume Indicating current and prior employment for
ten (10) yaars must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return application and
resume to:
Date: ;?---J-j~t:
City ofTustln
Office of the City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Thank you for your Interest In serving our community!
---------.--.... .---..----.----.----------..---..-.-.....-...-..--".............---....__....-..-----.- -----.".---