HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 DRAFT 2021 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORMDocuSign Envelope ID: 95B688E9-C404-4AF4-AB82-F6ECBC9ACEB7
Agenda Item 10
Reviewed: DS
?tet 5W
City Manager
Finance Director
Adopt the 2021 Legislative Platform that incorporates input from City Departments, the
City Council, and the City's state advocacy consultant Townsend Public Affairs (TPA).
1. Adopt the 2021 Legislative Platform
2. Other actions at the pleasure of the City Council.
Not applicable.
In 2020, a Request for Proposals (RFP) to state advocacy and grant writing services was
solicited. One deliverable required of the selected consultant was to prepare a Legislative
Platform for review by the City each year.
TPA was selected as the City's state advocacy and grant writing consultant, and
submitted a draft Legislative Platform to staff earlier this year. Each City department was
given time to review and recommend modifications to the draft Legislative Platform.
As a reminder, the Legislative Platform is designed to do the following:
- Provide direction to the City's legislative delegation on priorities, projects and
principles of the City Council
- Allows staff and TPA to identify priority bills being discussed in Sacramento to create
a targeted outreach plan
- Allows staff and TPA to act quickly on priority issues being discussed in Sacramento
DocuSign Envelope ID: 95B688E9-C404-4AF4-AB82-F6ECBC9ACEB7
Agenda Report — Legislative Update
April 6, 2021
Page 2
The Legislative Platform includes guiding principles that give broad direction to staff and
- Preserve Local Control
- Promote Fiscal Stability
- Support Funding Opportunities
The Legislative Platform also includes more specific statements in various policy areas
such as:
- Local Governance
- Economic Development
- Land Use Planning and Housing
- Parks and Recreation
- Public Works
- Water Quality and Water Supply
- Human Resources and Risk Management
- Public Safety
Adoption of the Legislative Platform does not mean that staff and TPA will focus solely on
bills or issues that fall within the Legislative Platform, nor does it mean that TPA will not
continually seek the City's input or positions on specific legislation. Staff and TPA will
continue to keep the City Council apprised of legislation and proposals (whether
specifically addressed by the Legislative Platform or not), and TPA will continue to seek
input from the City as legislation of legislative proposals are discussed.
Staff anticipates bringing the Platform before the Council in January or February of each
year moving forward.
- Draft 2021 Legislative Platform
DocuSign Envelope ID: 95B688E9-C404-4AF4-AB82-F6ECBC9ACEB7
The Mayor and City Manager are authorized to submit advocacy letters on behalf of the City of
the proposed state or federal legislation clearly follows the City's adopted legislative platform.
The City of Tustin's 2021 Legislative Platform confirms the City Council's position on current
issues with the potential to directly or indirectly impact the City, thereby establishing guidelines to
actively pursue pending legislation through monitoring and communications activities. Below are
the Guiding Principles and Policy Statements that will allow City staff to address 2021 legislative
and regulatory issues in a timely manner, without precluding the consideration of additional
legislative and budget issues that may arise during the legislative session.
Preserve and protect the City's powers, duties and prerogatives to enact local legislation
and policy direction concerning local affairs and oppose legislation that preempts local
authority. Local agencies should preserve authority and accountability for land use
planning, revenues raised, and services provided.
Support measures that promote fiscal stability, predictability, financial independence, and
preserve the City's revenue base and maximum local control over local government
budgeting. Oppose measures that shift local funds to the County, State or Federal
Governments and/or make cities more dependent on the County, State or Federal
Governments for financial stability, such as unfunded mandates or mandated costs with
no guarantee of local reimbursement or offsetting benefits.
Support opportunities that allow the City to compete for its fair share of regional, state,
and federal funding. Support funding for programs including, but not limited to economic
development such as infrastructure investment and housing, transportation projects
including road resurfacing, bicycle and pedestrian safety, multi -modal transportation
systems and transit -oriented development, air quality, water quality and local water
reliability, parks and recreation, historic preservation, natural resources, hazard mitigation,
public safety, public health, and COVID-19 business and government recovery.
Local Governance
Oppose State or Federal efforts to "borrow" local revenues and encourage the State to
find other methods of balancing its budget.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 95B688E9-C404-4AF4-AB82-F6ECBC9ACEB7
2. Support local government action, rather than the imposition of state, federal or regional
mandates upon local governments, as well as federal mandates placed on the state.
3. Support maximum flexibility for local government in contracting and contract negotiations.
4. Support legislation that facilitates the flexibility of local governments to share resources to
increase efficiencies and decrease costs.
5. Support legislation that preserves the ability of local governments to determine the
appropriate type of election and representation for their jurisdiction.
6. Oppose and monitor efforts to increase City contribution cost to CalPERS.
7. Support funding for local governments for COVID-19 related expenses, as well as lost
8. Oppose any effort to eliminate or limit the traditional tax -exemption for municipal bonds.
Economic Development
9. Support international, statewide, regional, and local efforts to attract, retain, and provide
resources for current and future commercial and industrial businesses.
10. Support policies and programs that encourage working with other cities, counties and
government agencies to jointly leverage resources and assets to create and strengthen
economic clusters within the region.
11. Support economic development initiatives that preserve and enhance a positive business
climate and maintain and grow the business tax base.
12. Support policies and initiatives that will facilitate development of City owned property,
including, but not limited to, Tustin Legacy and Pacific Center East.
Land Use Planning and Housing
13. Oppose legislation, proposals, or regulations that impose regional, state, or federal growth
development or land use planning standards within the City without the City's direct input.
14. Oppose legislation, proposals, or regulations that penalize local governments for
noncompliance with their housing element or regional housing needs assessment
15. Support efforts to provide flexibility to local governments as well as resources for local
governments to allow them to submit compliant housing elements.
16. Support housing measures that promote the development and enhancement of safe and
affordable housing and accessible housing within the City for all economic segments of
the population, while still retaining local control.
17. Monitor local, state, and federal actions related to medical and recreational marijuana
regulatory changes.
18. Support local control over the licensure and regulation of alcoholism or drug abuse
recovery or treatment facilities as well as mental health and wellness facilities.
19. Oppose legislation that would erode local control over City owned property, including but
not limited to, Tustin Legacy and Pacific Center East.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 95B688E9-C404-4AF4-AB82-F6ECBC9ACEB7
20. Support proposals that provide funding or tools to preserve historic neighborhoods and
21. Support all efforts to create efficiencies within CEQA and support efforts to limit delays in
the local planning and development process.
22. Support measures and reforms which streamline the CEQA process for the development
of housing and mixed-use infill projects that support transit.
Parks and Recreation
23. Oppose efforts that erode funding and/or negatively impact vital regional and community
services that provide Californians access to parks, open space, bike lanes and bike ways,
after school programming, senior services and facilities that promote physical activity,
protect natural resources
24. Support efforts that strengthen policies to fund parks, open space acquisitions, bike lanes,
and active transportation opportunities.
25. Promote local agency control over policies that recognize the benefits of parks and
recreation facilities.
26. Support efforts to increase funding, accessibility, and programs for seniors.
27. Support efforts to provide funding for the rehabilitation, development and capital
improvements for local park improvements to enhance the active and passive recreational
28. Support the enactment of policies and encourage funding opportunities to assist agencies
in meeting sustainability objectives including energy and water efficiencies, active
transportation enhancements, connectivity and mobility improvements, and carbon
sequestration through natural landscape management and protection
29. Oppose legislation that has a negative impact on the administration of park and recreation
services and resource management including the sale of park lands and open space,
relaxations of park dedication fee requirements and the imposition of regulatory or
statutory requirements that provide no added protections or benefit to California's
recreational consumer.
30. Support access opportunities for all Californians to physical activity, proper nutrition, and
healthy lifestyle options through the promotion of active transportation, complete street
implementation, healthy foods, youth and senior programming and maximizing the usage
of green space in urban/suburban and rural settings for personal enjoyment
Public Works
31. Support increased State and Federal funding of transportation improvements with regional
or sub -regional benefits for all modes of transportation.
32. Support protection of dedicated transportation -related tax revenues and enhance the
ability of local agencies to finance local transportation programs and facilities.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 95B688E9-C404-4AF4-AB82-F6ECBC9ACEB7
33. Support legislation that allows State agencies and local governments to continue to retain
full authority to reject projects or to condition project approvals and impose mitigation
34. Support efforts to facilitate public private partnerships to complete development projects.
35. Oppose efforts to remove City representation on regional boards that oversee water,
drainage and/or sewage.
Water Quality and Water Supply
36. Support and monitor legislation that increases the availability of, and funding for, water
conservation, water reuse technologies, water recycling, local water storage and other
water supply technologies such as the Groundwater Replenishment System project.
37. Support the enhancement of a reliable and sustainable water supply for California as well
as measures that improve water quality in the region.
38. Monitor the development of a State framework for long term water conservation measures.
39. Support policy development, funding and research for water conservation, addressing
urban runoff and beach closures and required programs associated with OC NPDES
40. Oppose efforts to limit the City's ability to recover payment for services provided.
41. Support efforts to address long term water resiliency and affordability without
implementing a statewide water tax.
42. Support a separate state and federal funding program to implement stormwater
infrastructure and programs that will achieve/protect water quality.
Human Resources and Risk Management
43. Oppose measures that reduce local control over employee/labor relations issues or
mandate new or enhanced local government employee benefits.
44. Support optional pension reform measures designed to control or decrease employer
liability or increase transparency in reporting without imposing undo hardships or
administrative burdens on local government and without reducing local control.
45. Oppose redundant or unnecessary proposals that require excessive human resources
burdens without sufficient reimbursement.
46. Oppose measures further expanding statutory workers' compensation benefits, including
those expanding the scope of presumptive injuries.
47. Oppose measures increasing timeframes for filing liability claims.
48. Oppose legislation that makes police officers personally responsible for liability claims.
49. Support legislation reforming the tort system for public entities in California, particularly
with respect to restricting liability related to joint and several liability as well as inverse
DocuSign Envelope ID: 95B688E9-C404-4AF4-AB82-F6ECBC9ACEB7
50. Support efforts to provide local funding for agency compliance in standards and hiring
51. Support efforts to provide funding for training and advancement of City employees.
Public Safety
52. Support measures that encourage community safety and well-being including those which
support state and federal reimbursement of homeland security related expenses.
53. Oppose legislation that places burdensome restrictions on law enforcement and limits their
ability to protect public safety
54. Oppose legislative attempts at early release of incarcerated prisoners and measures that
would further de -criminalize non-violent offenses.
55. Support funding for local mitigation related to Proposition 47 (Reduced Penalties for Some
Crimes Initiative, 2014) and Proposition 57 (Parole for Non Violent Criminals and Juvenile
Court Trial Requirements, 2016).
56. Support initiatives involving county, state, and federal governments to reduce and prevent
homelessness in Orange County.
57. Support measures that provide funding and local resources for wildfire fire prevention,
suppression, and mitigation.
58. Support local control over adult entertainment facilities, alcohol establishments and
properties where illegal drugs are sold.
59. Support local control for the regulation of cultivation, storage, manufacture, transport and
use of medicinal and recreational marijuana and monitor legislative and administration
activity to create a regulatory structure for medical and adult use.
60. Support legislation increasing resources and local authority for abatement of public
vandalism, especially graffiti.
61. Support regional and state proposals to increase funding for locally operated homeless
62. Oppose efforts to limit the City's ability to enforce its own parking rules and regulations.
63. Support efforts to increase funding to address quality of life topics such as homelessness,
drug abuse, mental health and outreach to local middle and high schools.
64. Support efforts that retain local control over the hiring and retention of police officers that
serve the community.