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DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA � Agenda Item dos Reviewed: AGENDA REPORT City Manager °S Finance Director MEETING DATE: MAY 24, 2021 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER FROM: JASON AL-IMAM, FINANCE DIRECTOR/CITY TREASURER SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2021-2023 BIENNIAL BUDGET WORKSHOP SUMMARY: This report provides the City Council with the Proposed Biennial Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23. At the end of Fiscal Year 2022/23, General Fund Reserves are projected to remain at or above the City Council's minimum reserve policy. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a Budget Workshop on the Proposed Biennial Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023, which will be brought forward to the City Council for consideration of adoption on June 15, 2021 . CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation correlates to the City's strategic plan by implementing Goal C, strategy #3, develop and communicate a comprehensive set of financial policies and their purpose to strengthen financial policies. DISCUSSION: The Proposed Biennial Budget for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23 represents the spending plans for all funds of the City including the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Projects Funds, Internal Service Funds, and Enterprise Funds. DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Workshop Page 2 of 8 The table below provides a summary of proposed revenues and expenditures citywide for all funds. Summary of Proposed Biennial Budget - All Funds 2021/22 2022/23 Proposed Budget Proposed Budget Projected Beginning Reserves $ 142,810,585 105,876,595 Revenues & Transfers In 131,763,971 130,277,629 Non-Capital Expenditures & Transfers (134,584,012) (133,319,466) Capital Project Expenditures (34,113,949) (13,705,000) Projected Ending Reserves $ 105,876,595 89,129,758 General Fund The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the City. The Proposed Biennial Budget reflects an increase in General Fund Revenues of approximately $8 million over the next two years, whereas the Proposed Biennial Budget reflects an increase in General Fund Expenditures of approximately $5.3 million. (A) (B) (B) - (A) 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Increase/ Budget Proposed Budget Proposed Budget (Decrease) Sales Tax $26,428,690 27,259,800 28,384,500 1,955,810 Property Tax 22,205,016 22,589,594 23,226,583 1,021,567 Franchise Fees 1,532,800 1,576,000 1,576,000 43,200 Transient Occupancy Tax 700,000 1,627,500 1,920,400 1,220,400 Other Tax Revenue 943,750 1,294,000 1,324,000 380,250 Departmental Revenue 1,098,036 3,184,885 3,569,347 2,471,311 Use of Money & Property 1,714,940 2,089,841 2,166,073 451,133 Fines & Forfeitures 575,000 900,000 900,000 325,000 Transfers & Reimbursements 10,646,800 10,478,363 10,230,648 (416,152) Other Revenue 940,323 1,296,781 1,458,200 517,877 Total General Fund $66,785,355 72,296,764 74,755,751 7,970,396 Operating Revenues* *Excluding funds associated with the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act') and The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Workshop Page 3 of 8 The projected increases in General Fund revenues are primarily due to the following: Sales & Use Tax Revenue is the General Fund's largest source of revenue, which makes up approximately 38% of total General Fund revenues. Sales tax revenue is projected to increase 3% to 4% each year as the economy continues to reopen, largely attributable to strong growth projected for fuel and service stations, restaurants, and hotels. Property Tax Revenue is the General Fund's second largest source of revenue, which makes up approximately 31% of total General Fund revenues. Property tax revenue is projected to increase 2% to 3% each year due to projected increases in assessed valuations. Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue from the five hotels is projected to be 65% to 75% of normal levels for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23, respectively. This is a conservative estimate due to a possibility that the pandemic will continue to suppress revenues associated with tourism and travel. Departmental Revenue consists primarily of revenue generated by Parks and Recreation and Community Development. The departmental revenue is projected to be approximately $2.5 million higher. Building permit revenue and building plan check fees are projected to be approximately $1.3 million and $1.5 million higher for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23, respectively, based on anticipated development activity. In addition, recreational program revenues are projected to increase approximately $500,000 to $700,000 for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23, respectively, with the expectation that the State-mandated restrictions will continue to loosen. It is important to note that the projected revenues that are reflected in the biennial budget for user fees and charges (such as building permit fees, building plan check fees, and recreation class fees) are based on the fees that were established by the City Council in 2008. Therefore, the recommended fees and charges based on the 2021 User Fees and Charges Study (which will be discussed as a separate discussion item on May 24, 2021) are not reflected in the proposed biennial budget. Use of Money and Property consists of investment income and rental income, including rental fees associated with city facilities. The increase in revenue is primarily due to projected increases in rental income and facility rental fees. For example, facility rental fees are currently projected at approximately $40,000 for 2020/21, whereas the amounts projected for the next two fiscal years are $300,000 and $350,000, respectively. The projected amounts are based on an assessment of 75% to 90% of normal levels for facility rentals. Once again, it is important to note DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Workshop Page 4 of 8 that the projected revenues that are reflected in the biennial budget for user fees and charges (such as facility rental fees) are based on the fees that were established by the City Council in 2008. Therefore, the recommended fees and charges based on the 2021 User Fees and Charges Study (which will be discussed as a separate discussion item on May 24, 2021) are not reflected in the proposed biennial budget. OPERATINGGENERAL FUND (A) (B) (B) - (A) 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Increase/ Budget Proposed Budget Proposed Budget (Decrease) City Council $ 50,800 50,800 59,200 8,400 City Clerk 705,028 704,800 712,407 7,379 City Attorney 833,000 833,000 833,000 0 City Manager 768,625 784,800 784,800 16,175 Economic Development 1,450,891 1,531,844 1,346,848 (104,043) Finance 1,640,110 1,637,206 1,637,206 (2,904) Human Resources 1,075,904 1,041,956 1,124,656 48,752 Community Development 4,150,768 4,111,706 4,095,406 (55,362) Public Works 14,978,920 16,230,786 16,091,270 1,112,350 Police Services 27,089,138 27,998,740 28,023,404 934,266 Fire Services 9,309,400 9,768,000 10,020,000 710,600 Parks and Recreation 4,316,933 4,410,278 4,544,256 227,323 Non-Departmental 6,217,129 7,351,185 8,586,574 2,369,445 Total General Fund $72,586,646 76,455,101 77,859,027 5,272,381 Operating Expenditures* *Excluding costs associated with the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act') and The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) The projected increases in General Fund expenditures are primarily due to the following: Public Works costs reflect an increase in the proposed budget of $1.1 million, primarily related to an increase of$867,000 in landscape maintenance costs for new parks (such as Victory Park and Tustin Legacy Park), new medians, and new landscape areas. In addition, the proposed budget includes a request for additional funding associated with two new maintenance workers (total cost of approximately $150,000); one new maintenance worker proposed to be authorized in Fiscal Year 2021/22, and the other new maintenance worker proposed to be authorized in Fiscal Year 2022/23. DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Workshop Page 5 of 8 Police Services costs reflect an increase of$934,266, which is largely related to the funding of four new Police Officers (total cost of approximately $536,000) for a total of 73 Police Officers. Fire Services costs associated with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) are projected to increase approximately 5% in Fiscal Year 2021/22 based on estimated charges provided by OCFA. A 2.6% increase in fire services is estimated for Fiscal Year 2022/23. Non-Departmental costs are projected to increase in the amount of $2.4 million largely due to the projected amounts required to be paid to CalPERS for the "unfunded accrued liability" ("UAL"), which relates to past service attributable to active employees and inactive employees (retirees, transfers, etc.). The annual UAL cost paid by the General Fund is projected to increase $1 .9 million, from $3.6 million in 2020/21 to $5.5 million in 2022/23. It is important to note that costs associated with potential changes in compensation that may result from labor negotiations currently in progress are not reflected in the proposed biennial budget. American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was established on March 11 , 2021 , which includes $350 billion in aid for state and local governments. $19,380,784 has been allocated to the City of Tustin, which is expected to be disbursed in two tranches; the first tranche of approximately $9.69m was received by the City on May 19th, and the second tranche is expected to be paid twelve (12) months later. The deadline to expend funds is December 31, 2024. Generally, ARPA may be used to: • Respond to the public health emergency • Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency • Replace lost revenue related to the public health emergency • Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure On May 10, 2021 , the U.S. Department of Treasury issued a 151-page "Interim Final Rule", which sets forth detailed guidance on how these funds may be used. Staff plans to seek guidance from the City Council at a subsequent meeting on a formal spending plan once the Treasury Department's detailed guidance has been analyzed. DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Workshop Page 6 of 8 General Fund Reserves The General Fund Reserve Policy requires that the City will maintain a reserve of 15% to 20% of General Fund expenditures unless the City Council declares a financial emergency. Based upon preliminary review of the Treasury Department's guidance, at least $4.8 million of ARPA funds (25% of the City's allocation) are expected to be eligible to address revenue shortfalls and for the provision of government services. If $4.8 million in ARPA funds are used to finance government services in Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23, General Fund Reserves are projected to end Fiscal Year 2022/23 with approximately $16.5 million in General Fund Reserves (21% of General Fund Expenditures) due to the accumulation of other General Fund resources that would not need to be utilized for those government services that will now be financed by ARPA. However, if ARPA funding is not utilized to address revenue shortfalls, General Fund Reserves are projected to end Fiscal Year 2022/23 with approximately $11.7 million, which is equal to 15% of General Fund Expenditures (the City Council's minimum reserve level). Personnel Requests As previously stated, the Proposed Biennial Budget includes a request for funding associated with two new maintenance workers and four new police officers. The estimated cost associated with these new positions amounts to approximately $686,000. In addition, certain reclassifications have also been reflected in the Proposed Biennial Budget, which utilize existing budgeted amounts. Capital Improvement Program The Proposed Capital Improvement Program ("CIP") for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23 totals approximately $47.8 million, which includes $30.2 million in projects that were budgeted in 2020/21 and are requested to be carried over since these projects are currently in-process. The Proposed CIP for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23 includes the following new projects that are requested to be added: • Public Facilities Projects ($4,070,000) - Civic Center Alternate Power Source Improvements, Police Department Improvements, Stevens Square Parking Structure Improvements, etc. • Park Projects ($3,023,000) - Pine Tree Park Improvements and other park projects. • Traffic Projects ($470,000) - First Street Signal Synchronization and other traffic signal equipment upgrades and replacement DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Workshop Page 7 of 8 • Water Projects ($250,000)—Mardick Road Water Main Replacement (between Red Hill Avenue and Beverly Glenn Drive) and Water Main Replacement (Simon Ranch Road to Racquet Hill) • Roadway & Public Infrastructure Maintenance ($4,595,000) including annual street maintenance and Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation Improvements • Legacy Projects ($5,170,000)— South Hanger Rehabilitation and Neighborhood D- South Phase 2 Concurrently, staff is actively monitoring potential grant opportunities to fund eligible projects and programs. Pension Update The City's net pension liability was $71 million as of June 30, 2019, which is based on the most recent CalPERS actuarial valuation report issued in 2020. The City has also deposited funds into a separate irrevocable Section 115 Pension Trust, which provides for rate stabilization since Pension Trust assets can be used to offset unanticipated increases in CalPERS pension costs. The Pension Trust has a balance of approximately $7 million, which brings the City's net pension liability to $64 million (77% funded). In 2018 the City Council established a goal to pay off all pension debt within 15 years, which would require that the City make additional discretionary payments to CalPERS of approximately $2 million each year. Therefore, the Proposed Biennial Budget includes $2 million of additional discretionary payments in each of the next two fiscal years. If the City continues to make additional discretionary payments each year thereafter, the City projects all pension debt will be paid off by 2032. However, it is important to note that the City's net pension liability is based on a 7% discount rate, which means that the funded status of pensions is dependent on CalPERS earning 7% on investments over the long-term. Budget In Brief The Proposed Biennial Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23 is a 257-page document that provides a comprehensive funding plan for the next two fiscal years. Upon budget adoption, a "Budget In Brief' will be prepared to provide an overview of the City's budget information in a user-friendly and manageable format for the public to read, which builds on the City's commitment to fiscal stewardship and transparency. The format for this document will be similar to the FY 2019-2020 Fiscal Overview prepared last fall. DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Workshop Page 8 of 8 DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: gin at_v".. FlS� 8D C 3AFOCB4AE.. D 60B4DF4C4E1... Jason - mam Sean Iran Finance Director/City Treasurer Deputy Finance Director—Admin. Svs. Attachments: Attachment No. 1: Proposed Biennial Budget Document, which includes • Proposed Biennial Budget for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23 • Summary of Proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23 • Capital Improvement Program (Project Detail Sheets) Attachment No. 2: FY 2019-2020 Fiscal Overview DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA TUSTIN TREES z 0 w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST PROPOSED BIENNIAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2021 -2023 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL LETITIA CLARK, MAYOR AUSTIN LUMBARD, MAYOR PRO TEM BARRY W. COOPER, COUNCIL MEMBER RYAN GALLAGHER, COUNCIL MEMBER REBECCA 66BECKIE99 GOMEZ, COUNCIL MEMBER .Z DAVID E. KENDIG, CITY ATTORNEY MANAGEMENT STAFF MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER NICOLE M. BERNARD, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER JUSTINA L. WILLKOM, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JASON G. AL-IMAM, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/CITY TREASURER CHRISTOPHER M. KOSTER, DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STUART A. GREENBERG, CHIEF OF POLICE DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CHAD W. CLANTON, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DERICK L. YASUDA, DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Contents CITY OF TUSTIN ORGANIZATIONAL CHART...................................................................................11 FINANCIALSUMMARY.............................................................................................................................13 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS BY FUND...................................................................................................14 REVENUESUMMARY...................................................................................................................................19 EXPENDITURESUMMARY...........................................................................................................................21 GENERAL FUND REVENUES........................................................................................................................23 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES .................................................................................................................25 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS..........................................................................................................27 TOTAL BUDGET REVENUES.................................................................................................................29 TOTAL BUDGET EXPENSES .................................................................................................................31 SALESTAX REVENUE.........................................................................................................................33 CLASSIFICATION PLAN-PERSONNEL BUDGETING......................................................................34 GENERALFUND REVENUE.....................................................................................................................41 REVENUESUMMARY...................................................................................................................................42 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES.........................................................................................................43 CITYCOUNCIL............................................................................................................................................44 DESCRIPTION:.........................................................................................................................................45 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................45 CITYMANAGER.........................................................................................................................................47 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART..........................................................................................................................48 DESCRIPTION:.........................................................................................................................................49 TASKS:........................................................................................................................................................49 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................49 ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................51 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART.................................................................................................................52 DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................................................................53 TASKS.........................................................................................................................................................53 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................53 (ii) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA SUCCESSORAGENCY...............................................................................................................................54 DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................................................................55 RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE(ROPS)......................................................................55 CITYCLERK................................................................................................................................................56 DESCRIPTION: .........................................................................................................................................57 TASKS:........................................................................................................................................................57 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................57 CITYATTORNEY........................................................................................................................................58 DESCRIPTION: .........................................................................................................................................59 TASKS:........................................................................................................................................................59 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................59 FINANCE .......................................................................................................................................................60 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART..........................................................................................................................61 DESCRIPTION: .........................................................................................................................................62 TASKS:........................................................................................................................................................62 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................62 HUMANRESOURCES.................................................................................................................................63 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART..........................................................................................................................64 DESCRIPTION: .........................................................................................................................................65 TASKS:........................................................................................................................................................65 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................66 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT...............................................................................................................67 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART..........................................................................................................................68 PLANNINGDIVISION....................................................................................................................................69 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................69 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................69 BUILDINGDIVISION.....................................................................................................................................70 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................70 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................71 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................72 PUBLICWORKS..........................................................................................................................................73 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART..........................................................................................................................74 ADMINISTRATION........................................................................................................................................75 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................75 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................75 (iii) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA ENGINEERING..............................................................................................................................................75 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................75 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................75 STREETS.......................................................................................................................................................76 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................76 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................76 LANDSCAPE..................................................................................................................................................76 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................76 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................76 WATERQUALITY.........................................................................................................................................77 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................77 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................77 VEHICLES.....................................................................................................................................................77 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................77 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................77 FACILITIES...................................................................................................................................................78 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................78 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................78 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................79 POLICE DEPARTMENT.............................................................................................................................81 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART..........................................................................................................................82 POLICEMANAGEMENT...............................................................................................................................83 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................83 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................83 2020 TRAFFIC UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ...........................................................................................83 CITY OPERATIONS COMMAND...................................................................................................................84 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................84 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................84 2020 TRAFFIC UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ...........................................................................................85 2021 TRAFFIC UNIT GOALS:..................................................................................................................85 2020 FLEET ACCOMPLISHMENTS:.........................................................................................................85 2021 FLEET GOALS: ...............................................................................................................................85 TASKS(COMMUNITY RELATIONS UNIT): ...........................................................................................86 2020 COMMUNITY RELATIONS ACCOMPLISHMENTS:..........................................................86 2021 COMMUNITY RELATIONS GOALS:......................................................................................86 TASKS(EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT): ...............................................................................................86 (zv) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA 2020 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS:....................................................86 2021 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GOALS: ...............................................................................87 TASKS(HOMELESS OUTREACH): ........................................................................................................87 2020 HOMELESS OUTREACH ACCOMPLISHMENTS:...............................................................87 2021 HOMELESS OUTREACH GOALS: ..........................................................................................87 TASKS(VOLUNTEER UNIT):.................................................................................................................87 2020 VOLUNTEER UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS:.........................................................................87 2021 VOLUNTEER UNIT GOALS:.....................................................................................................88 NORTHAREA PATROL................................................................................................................................88 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................88 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................88 2020 PATROL CITY WIDE ACCOMPLISHMENTS:......................................................................88 2021 PATROL CITY WIDE GOALS: .................................................................................................89 SOUTHAREA PATROL.................................................................................................................................89 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................89 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................89 2020 PATROL CITY WIDE ACCOMPLISHMENTS:......................................................................89 2021 PATROL CITY WIDE GOALS: .................................................................................................89 SPECIAL OPERATIONS.................................................................................................................................90 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................90 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................90 2020 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: .........................................91 2021 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT GOALS:.....................................................................91 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS.......................................................................................................................91 DESCRIPTION: ....................................................................................................................................91 TASKS:...................................................................................................................................................92 2020 PSD ACCOMPLISHMENTS: .....................................................................................................92 2021 PSD GOALS:.................................................................................................................................93 FIELDSUPPORT..........................................................................................................................................93 DESCRIPTION:.....................................................................................................................................93 TASKS(COMMUNICATIONS UNIT):.......................................................................................................94 2020 COMMUNICATIONS UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS:...........................................................94 2021 COMMUNICATION UNIT GOALS:...........................................................................................94 TASKS(PSO/CSI UNIT):........................................................................................................................95 2020 PSO/CSI UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS:...................................................................................95 2021 PSO/CSI UNIT GOALS: ..............................................................................................................95 (I) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA OPERATIONS SUPPORT................................................................................................................................95 DESCRIPTION:.....................................................................................................................................95 TASKS(PROPERTY&EVIDENCE):........................................................................................................96 2020 PROPERTY&EVIDENCE UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS:..................................................96 2021 PROPERTY&EVIDENCE UNIT GOALS:..............................................................................96 TASKS(RECORD UNIT): ........................................................................................................................96 2020 RECORDS UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..............................................................................96 2021 RECORDS UNIT GOALS:..........................................................................................................97 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY................................................................................................98 FIRE..............................................................................................................................................................101 DESCRIPTION:.......................................................................................................................................102 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY..............................................................................................102 PARKS AND RECREATION....................................................................................................................103 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART........................................................................................................................104 ADMIlVISTRATION......................................................................................................................................105 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................105 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................105 2021-2023 GOALS:..............................................................................................................................105 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..................................................................................................105 SPORTS.......................................................................................................................................................106 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................106 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................106 2021-2023 GOALS:..............................................................................................................................106 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..................................................................................................107 CLASSES/CULTURAL ARTS.......................................................................................................................107 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................107 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................107 2021-2023 GOALS:..............................................................................................................................108 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..................................................................................................108 VETERANS SPORTS PARK/THE ANNEX....................................................................................................109 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................109 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................109 2021-2023 GOALS:..............................................................................................................................109 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..................................................................................................110 TUSTIN FAMILY AND YOUTH CENTER.....................................................................................................110 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................110 (vz) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................110 2021-2023 GOALS:..............................................................................................................................110 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..................................................................................................III SUPPORTSERVICES...................................................................................................................................112 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................112 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................112 2021-2023 GOALS:..............................................................................................................................112 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..................................................................................................112 TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER................................................................................................................113 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................113 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................113 2021-2023 GOALS:..............................................................................................................................113 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ..................................................................................................114 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY..............................................................................................115 NON-DEPARTMENTAL............................................................................................................................117 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY..............................................................................................118 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS & COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICTS............................................119 DESCRIPTION: .......................................................................................................................................120 EXPENDITURE SUMMARIES.......................................................................................................................121 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS......................................................................................................................121 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT....................................................................................................121 TUSTIN LANDSCAPE LIGHTING DISTRICT & STREET LIGHTING...........................................123 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................124 LIGHTING LANDSCAPE DISTRICT........................................................................................................124 STREETLIGHTING................................................................................................................................124 WATER ENTERPRISE..............................................................................................................................125 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART........................................................................................................................126 BILLING......................................................................................................................................................127 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................127 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................127 ADMINISTRATION......................................................................................................................................127 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................127 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................127 DISTRIBUTION............................................................................................................................................127 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................127 (vii) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................127 MAIN STREET WATER FACILITY.............................................................................................................128 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................128 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................128 17TH STREET DESALTER............................................................................................................................128 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................128 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................128 IMPORTEDWATER....................................................................................................................................129 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................129 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................129 GROUNDWATER.........................................................................................................................................129 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................129 TASKS:.................................................................................................................................................129 EXPENDITURESUMMARY.........................................................................................................................130 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS...................................................................................................................132 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS.......................................................................................133 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................133 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................133 CABLEPEG FEES......................................................................................................................................133 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................133 EXPENDITURESUMMARY....................................................................................................................133 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FUND..............................................................134 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................134 EXPENDITURESUMMARY..............................................................................................................134 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND........................................................................................................................134 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................134 EXPENDITURESUMMARY....................................................................................................................135 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND...........................................................................................135 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................135 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................135 MEASUREM2 FUNDS.................................................................................................................................136 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................136 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................136 GASTAX FUND..........................................................................................................................................136 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................136 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................136 (viii) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA PARK ACQUISITION&DEVELOPMENT FUND..........................................................................................137 DESCRIPTION: ..................................................................................................................................137 EXPENDITURESUMMARY.....................................................................................................................137 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS.......................................................................................................................138 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................138 BACKBONE&LAND HELD FOR RESALE FUNDS......................................................................................139 EXPENDITURESUMMARY.....................................................................................................................139 ROAD MAINTENANCE&REHAB FUNDS...................................................................................................140 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................140 SOLIDWASTE FUNDS................................................................................................................................140 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................140 SPECIAL EVENTS FUNDS...........................................................................................................................141 EXPENDITURESUMMARY..............................................................................................................141 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY............................................................................................................142 DESCRIPTION: .......................................................................................................................................143 TASKS:......................................................................................................................................................143 EXPENDITURESUMMARY..........................................................................................................................143 HOUSINGAUTHORITY...........................................................................................................................144 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................145 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM...............................................................................................146 EXPENDITURESUMMARY..........................................................................................................................147 PARSOPEB TRUST...................................................................................................................................148 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................149 (ix) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA (x) DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FISCAL YEAR 2021-2023 CITIZENS OF TUSTIN MAYOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COORDINATION AND CITY MANAGER COOPERATION POLICE HUMAN PRIVATE RESOURCES UTILITIES Cable T.V. Electricity Natural Gas Telephone [PUBLIC WORKS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICES Fire COMMUNITY CITY ATTORNEY Refuse DEVELOPMENT Animal Control SPECIAL PARKS& DISTRICTS RECREATION CITY CLERK Lig ting Sewers Flood Control Re-Assessment ECONOMIC District 95-1 DEVELOPMENT CFD s PAGE I I DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA FINANCIAL SUMMARY Tus IN TREES 0 V LL H L _ W-4 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS BY FUND DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusT n 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET City of Tustin FY 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Year End Projected Fund Balance for ALL FUNDS Projected 20/21 20/21 20/21 20/21 Projected Ending Projected Projected Projected Projected Ending Balance Balance One-Time Transfer In/ One-Time Fund Description 06/30/20 Cash Revenues Expenditures Transfer Out 06/30/21 100 General Fund-Unrestricted $22,928,498 $9,482,388 $60,377,174 $73,785,815 $0 $19,002,245 100- General Fund-PARS Pension Trust $6,182,499 $0 $737,501 $0 $0 $6,920,000 101 General Fund-Emergency Fund $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 186 Oblg Reimb Frm Successor Agncy $1,448 $0 $0 $0 $1,448 $0 187 Backbone Fee Fund $10,225,970 $187,552 $682,707 $3,140,935 $0 $7,955,294 189 Land Held for Resale $39,074,205 $4,000,000 $3,604,784 $4,029,607 $6,199,854 $36,449,528 200 Capital Projects Fund-CIP $2,748,978 $0 $3,119,876 $2,887,351 $0 $2,981,503 120 CDBG ($2,441) $0 $1,947,748 $1,945,307 $0 $0 129 Cable PEG Fees Fund $504,212 $0 $150,000 $79,073 $0 $575,139 130 Gas Tax $5,291,405 $0 $1,913,200 $2,547,548 $0 $4,657,057 131 Park Development $3,247,837 $0 $533,279 $1,699,454 $55,743 $2,025,919 132 Park Development Tustin Legacy $0 $55,743 ($111) $55,632 $0 $0 133 SCAQMD $548,854 $0 $96,400 $500,000 $0 $145,254 134 Asset Forfeiture $53,739 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,739 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture $131,971 $0 $117 $0 $0 $132,088 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement $203,211 $0 $176,000 $136,900 $0 $242,311 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture $12,209 $0 $9 $0 $0 $12,218 139 Measure M2 $6,971,726 $0 $1,896,900 $2,387,301 $40,000 $6,441,325 140 Road Maint&Rehab Alloc $2,601,976 $0 $1,454,197 $934,272 $0 $3,121,901 141 Tustin LLD ($148,706) $888,308 $669,000 $1,293,000 $0 $115,602 142 Tustin SL $2,432,029 $0 $1,160,000 $481,720 $500,000 $2,610,309 171 Solid Waste Fund $113,396 $0 $220,000 $217,131 $0 $116,265 180 Special Events $302,557 $0 $86,793 $74,825 $15,500 $299,025 181 Workers Compensation $1,288,579 $0 $1,084,300 $1,337,058 $0 $1,035,821 182 Liability $1,242,996 $1,101,000 $0 $1,195,661 $0 $1,148,335 183 Unemployment $40,596 $0 $0 ($19,000) $0 $59,596 184 Equipment Replacement Fund $2,827,691 $0 $836,306 $772,360 $0 $2,891,637 185 Information Technology $3,360,007 $517,700 $2,893,357 $3,854,245 $0 $2,916,819 300 Water Enterprise $10,108,393 $0 $18,678,016 $18,630,006 $1,782,128 $8,374,275 301 Water Capital Fund $2,786,807 $1,782,128 $50,000 $3,317,935 $0 $1,301,000 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund $2,027,490 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,027,490 305 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund $6,397 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,397 306 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund $8,067,591 $0 $20,000 $7,991,454 $0 $96,137 431 Assessment Dist.95-1 Construction $1,142,556 $0 $0 $0 $772,706 $369,850 433 CFD 04-1 $1,144,003 $0 $729,000 $705,106 $0 $1,167,897 434 CFD 06-1 Construction $2,868,195 $0 $3,000 $2,682,810 $0 $188,385 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Service $6,225,798 $0 $3,720,000 $3,464,722 $0 $6,481,076 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service $1,776,248 $0 $952,000 $950,140 $0 $1,778,108 441 CFD 14-01 Debt Service $3,478,006 $0 $1,467,893 $1,516,760 $0 $3,429,139 442 Special Tax B $34,140 $0 $4,513,300 $0 $4,547,440 $0 443 CFD 14-01 Construction $8,848,696 $0 $0 $388,380 $4,000,000 $4,460,316 570 Successor Agency(Trust Fund) $2,504,969 $0 $4,161,077 $2,285,852 $0 $4,380,194 571 PARS OPEB Trust $2,166,915 $0 $261,283 $0 $0 $2,428,198 575 Tustin Housing Authority $2,171,286 $0 $774,474 $1,457,002 $100,000 $1,388,758 577 Inclusionary Housing Fee $2,024,434 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,024,434 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $170,657,787 $18,014,819 $118,969,580 $146,816,782 $18,014,819 $142,810,585 100- The PARS Pension Trust is a section 115 Trust,this restricted cash is being presented separate from the General Fund fund balance. PAGE 15 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET City of Tustin FY 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Year End Projected Fund Balance for ALL FUNDS Projected 21/22 21/22 21/22 21/22 Projected Ending Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Ending Balance Balance One-Time Transfer In/ One-Time Fund Description 06/30/21 Cash Revenues Expenditures Transfer Out 06/30/22 100 General Fund-Unrestricted $19,002,245 $9,278,363 $63,018,401 $76,455,101 $0 $14,843,907 100' General Fund-PARS Pension Trust $6,920,000 $0 $420,000 $0 $0 $7,340,000 101 General Fund-Emergency Fund $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 186 Oblg Reimb Frm Successor Agncy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 187 Backbone Fee Fund $7,955,294 $0 $55,000 $2,252,247 $0 $5,758,047 189 Land Held for Resale $36,449,528 $0 $270,000 $11,792,734 $6,167,544 $18,759,250 200 Capital Projects Fund-CIP $2,981,503 $0 $2,850,000 $3,095,000 $0 $2,736,503 120 CDBG $0 $0 $3,053,345 $3,053,345 $0 $0 129 Cable PEG Fees Fund $575,139 $0 $150,000 $79,073 $0 $646,065 130 Gas Tax $4,657,057 $0 $2,032,800 $1,982,802 $0 $4,707,055 131 Park Development $2,025,919 $0 $357,000 $1,518,412 $0 $864,507 132 Park Development Tustin Legacy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 133 SCAQMD $145,254 $0 $96,400 $0 $0 $241,654 134 Asset Forfeiture $53,739 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,739 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture $132,088 $0 $0 $0 $0 $132,088 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement $242,311 $0 $176,000 $142,300 $0 $276,011 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture $12,218 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,218 139 Measure M2 $6,441,325 $0 $1,696,900 $2,263,740 $40,000 $5,834,485 140 Road Maint&Rehab Alloc $3,121,901 $0 $1,590,300 $1,254,254 $0 $3,457,947 141 Tustin LLD $115,602 $166,000 $1,250,000 $1,238,000 $0 $293,602 142 Tustin SL $2,610,309 $0 $1,175,000 $472,700 $0 $3,312,609 171 Solid Waste Fund $116,265 $0 $220,000 $224,000 $0 $112,265 180 Special Events $299,025 $0 $404,000 $317,153 $0 $385,872 181 Workers Compensation $1,035,821 $0 $1,084,300 $1,372,586 $0 $747,535 182 Liability $1,148,335 $1,101,000 $0 $1,290,820 $0 $958,515 183 Unemployment $59,596 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $34,596 184 Equipment Replacement Fund $2,891,637 $125,000 $833,700 $2,059,764 $0 $1,790,573 185 Information Technology $2,916,819 $270,000 $2,892,500 $4,001,238 $0 $2,078,081 300 Water Enterprise $8,374,275 $0 $19,896,351 $19,975,522 $1,625,000 $6,670,104 301 Water Capital Fund $1,301,000 $1,500,000 $0 $5,126,140 $0 ($2,325,140) 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund $2,027,490 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,027,490 305 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund $6,397 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,397 306 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund $96,137 $0 $3,763,800 $3,586,358 $0 $273,579 431 Assessment Dist.95-1 Construction $369,850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $369,850 433 CFD 04-1 $1,167,897 $0 $729,000 $710,306 $0 $1,186,591 434 CFD 06-1 Construction $188,385 $0 $3,000 $132,208 $0 $59,177 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Service $6,481,076 $0 $3,720,000 $3,501,800 $0 $6,699,276 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service $1,778,108 $0 $960,000 $951,800 $0 $1,786,308 441 CFD 14-01 Debt Service $3,429,139 $0 $1,485,900 $1,527,500 $0 $3,387,539 442 Special Tax B $0 $0 $4,607,819 $0 $4,607,819 $0 443 CFD 14-01 Construction $4,460,316 $0 $0 $4,377,150 $0 $83,166 570 Successor Agency(Trust Fund) $4,380,194 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,380,194 571 PARS OPEB Trust $2,428,198 $0 $145,692 $0 $0 $2,573,890 575 Tustin Housing Authority $1,388,758 $0 $386,400 $1,478,544 $0 $296,614 577 lInclusionary Housing Fee $2,024,434 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,024,434 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $142,810,585 $12,440,363 $119,323,608 $156,257,598 $12,440,363 $105,876,595 100' The PARS Pension Trust is a section 115 Trust,this restricted cash is being presented separate from the General Fund fund balance. PAGE 16 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusT n 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET City of Tustin FY 2021-2023 Biennial Budget Year End Projected Fund Balance for ALL FUNDS Projected 22/23 22/23 22/23 22/23 Projected Ending Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Ending Balance Balance One-Time Transfer In/ One-Time Fund Description 06/30/22 Cash Revenues Expenditures Transfer Out 06/30/23 100 General Fund-Unrestricted $14,843,907 $9,030,648 $65,725,103 $77,859,027 $0 $11,740,631 100- General Fund-PARS Pension Trust $7,340,000 $0 $440,000 $0 $0 $7,780,000 101 General Fund-Emergency Fund $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 186 Oblg Reimb Frm Successor Agncy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 187 Backbone Fee Fund $5,758,047 $54,600 $55,000 $5,577,047 $0 $290,600 189 Land Held for Resale $18,759,250 $0 $110,000 $5,888,700 $5,876,674 $7,103,876 200 Capital Projects Fund-CIP $2,736,503 $0 $2,495,000 $3,500,000 $0 $1,731,503 120 CDBG $0 $0 $313,345 $313,345 $0 $0 129 Cable PEG Fees Fund $646,065 $0 $150,000 $79,073 $0 $716,992 130 Gas Tax $4,707,055 $0 $2,032,800 $1,632,802 $0 $5,107,054 131 Park Development $864,507 $0 $375,000 $1,035,000 $0 $204,507 132 Park Development Tustin Legacy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 133 SCAQMD $241,654 $0 $96,400 $0 $0 $338,054 134 Asset Forfeiture $53,739 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,739 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture $132,088 $0 $0 $0 $0 $132,088 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement $276,011 $0 $176,000 $142,300 $0 $309,711 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture $12,218 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,218 139 Measure M2 $5,834,485 $0 $1,696,900 $1,070,000 $40,000 $6,421,385 140 Road Maint&Rehab Alloc $3,457,947 $0 $1,590,300 $1,072,400 $0 $3,975,847 141 Tustin LLD $293,602 $0 $1,270,000 $1,270,000 $0 $293,602 142 Tustin SL $3,312,609 $0 $1,175,000 $485,700 $0 $4,001,909 171 Solid Waste Fund $112,265 $0 $220,000 $224,000 $0 $108,265 180 Special Events $385,872 $0 $404,000 $317,153 $0 $472,719 181 Workers Compensation $747,535 $0 $1,084,300 $1,409,655 $0 $422,180 182 Liability $958,515 $1,101,000 $0 $1,489,100 $0 $570,415 183 Unemployment $34,596 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $9,596 184 Equipment Replacement Fund $1,790,573 $0 $833,700 $533,856 $0 $2,090,417 185 Information Technology $2,078,081 $245,000 $2,892,500 $3,921,238 $0 $1,294,343 300 Water Enterprise $6,670,104 $0 $21,314,734 $18,561,700 $1,500,000 $7,923,138 301 Water Capital Fund ($2,325,140) $1,500,000 $1,575,140 $750,000 $0 $0 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund $2,027,490 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,027,490 305 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund $6,397 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,397 306 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund $273,579 $0 $0 $0 $0 $273,579 431 Assessment Dist.95-1 Construction $369,850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $369,850 433 CFD 04-1 $1,186,591 $0 $729,000 $704,906 $0 $1,210,685 434 CFD 06-1 Construction $59,177 $0 $0 $0 $0 $59,177 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Service $6,699,276 $0 $3,720,000 $3,571,000 $0 $6,848,276 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service $1,786,308 $0 $960,000 $1,047,300 $0 $1,699,008 441 CFD 14-01 Debt Service $3,387,539 $0 $1,485,900 $1,556,900 $0 $3,316,539 442 Special Tax B $0 $0 $4,700,000 $0 $4,700,000 $0 443 CFD 14-01 Construction $83,166 $0 $0 $2,150 $0 $81,016 570 Successor Agency(Trust Fund) $4,380,194 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,380,194 571 PARS OPEB Trust $2,573,890 $0 $154,433 $0 $0 $2,728,323 575 Tustin Housing Authority $296,614 $185,426 $386,400 $868,440 $0 $0 577 linclusionary Housing Fee $2,024,434 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,024,434 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $105,876,595 1 $12,116,674 $118,160,955 $134,907,792 $12,116,674 $89,129,758 100- The PARS Pension Trust is a section 115 Trust,this restricted cash is being presented separate from the General Fund fund balance. PAGE 17 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET r { PAGE 18 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY Revenue Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 21123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed 100 General Fund 69,270,737 69,823,974 69,859,562 72,296,764 74,755,751 General Governmental Rev 65,477,563 67,808,938 67,844,526 67,516,579 69,541,104 Community Development 1,713,509 826,036 826,036 2,423,885 2,591,347 Public Works 186,290 135,000 135,000 140,300 140,300 Police Services 1,042,129 735,000 735,000 1,140,000 1,140,000 Fire Services 13,202 7,000 7,000 15,000 15,000 Parks and Recreation 838,043 312,000 312,000 1,061,000 1,328,000 100 General Fund-Unrestricted 69,270,737 69,823,974 69,859,562 72,296,764 74,755,751 100"General Fund-PARS Pension Trust 0 0 737,501 420,000 440,000 101 Emergency Fund 0 0 0 0 0 186 Oblg Reimb Frm Successor Agncy 38,327 0 0 0 0 187 Backbone Fee Fund 782,121 55,000 870,259 55,000 109,600 189 Land Held for Resale 2,503,671 179,000 7,604,784 270,000 110,000 200 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 3,674,108 2,887,647 3,119,876 2,850,000 2,495,000 120 CDBG 421,732 1,945,307 1,947,748 3,053,345 313,345 129 Cable PEG Fees 148,567 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 130 Gas Tax 1,909,845 1,951,900 1,913,200 2,032,800 2,032,800 131 Park Development 1,310,420 244,900 533,279 357,000 375,000 132 Park Development Tustin Legacy 354,176 0 55,632 0 0 133 SCAQMD 119,175 96,400 96,400 96,400 96,400 134 Asset Forfeiture 10,031 0 0 0 0 135 RNSPAsset Forfeiture 96,325 0 117 0 0 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement 229,472 176,000 176,000 176,000 176,000 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture 398 0 9 0 0 139 Measure M2 1,915,003 1,696,900 1,896,900 1,696,900 1,696,900 140 Road Maint&Rehab Alloc 1,331,209 1,398,500 1,454,197 1,590,300 1,590,300 141 Tustin LLD 1,156,772 1,220,000 1,557,308 1,416,000 1,270,000 142 Tustin SL 1,218,852 1,160,000 1,160,000 1,175,000 1,175,000 171 Solid Waste 226,565 217,500 220,000 220,000 220,000 180 Special Events 195,236 404,000 86,793 404,000 404,000 181 Workers Compensation 1,204,127 1,084,300 1,084,300 1,084,300 1,084,300 182 Liability 1,101,000 1,101,000 1,101,000 1,101,000 1,101,000 183 Unemployment 50,999 0 0 0 0 184 Equipment Replacement Fund 948,049 834,100 836,306 958,700 833,700 185 Information Technology 3,424,974 3,410,200 3,411,057 3,162,500 3,137,500 PAGE 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY Revenue Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 21123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed 300 Water Enterprise 16,859,389 17,549,600 18,678,016 19,896,351 21,314,734 301 Water Capital Fund 1,210,376 1,550,000 1,832,128 1,500,000 3,075,140 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund 27,490 0 0 0 0 305 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund 6,142 0 0 0 0 306 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund 310,676 0 20,000 3,763,800 0 430 Assessment Dist.95.1 0 0 0 0 0 431 Assessment Dist.95.1 Construction 0 0 0 0 0 433 CFD 04.1 721,428 1,353,455 729,000 729,000 729,000 434 CFD 06.1 Construction 85,185 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 435 CFD 06.1 Debt Service 3,580,429 5,146,964 3,720,000 3,720,000 3,720,000 436 CFD 07.1 Debt Service 957,721 1,129,647 952,000 960,000 960,000 441 CFD 14.1 Debt Service 1,533,477 1,467,893 1,467,893 1,485,900 1,485,900 442 Special Tax B 3,491,145 4,154,000 4,513,300 4,607,819 4,700,000 443 CFD 14.1 Construction 168,264 0 0 0 0 570 Successor Agency(Trust Fund) 4,231,450 0 4,161,077 0 0 571 PARS OPEB Trust 597,655 0 261,283 145,692 154,433 575 Tustin Housing Authority 116,432 301,120 774,474 386,400 571,826 577 Inlusionary Housing Fee 962,798 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 129,217,056 122,692,306 136,984,399 131,763,971 130,277,629 PAGE 20 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusT n 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed 100 General Fund Cii Council 27,576 50,800 50,800 50,800 59,200 Cii Clerk 616,569 705,028 700,963 704,800 712,407 Cii Attorney 698,431 833,000 833,000 833,000 833,000 City Manager 657,827 768,625 766,457 784,800 784,800 Economic Development 1,142,661 3,363,520 3,132,956 1,531,844 1,346,848 Finance 1,521,894 1,640,110 1,608,453 1,637,206 1,637,206 Human Resources 1,030,838 1,075,904 1,050,042 1,041,956 1,124,656 Community Development 3,941,117 4,150,768 4,044,828 4,111,706 4,095,406 Public Works 15,420,750 14,978,920 14,978,920 16,230,786 16,091,270 Police Services 27,493,539 27,089,139 26,647,619 27,998,741 28,023,405 Fire Services 8,676,428 9,309,400 9,309,400 9,768,000 10,020,000 Parks and Recreation 3,959,516 4,316,933 3,481,163 4,410,278 4,544,256 Non-Departrnental,Other 5,745,227 7,337,122 7,181,215 7,351,185 8,586,573 100 General Fund-Unrestricted 70,932,372 75,619,268 73,785,815 76,455,101 77,859,027 100'* General Fund-PARS Pension Trust 0 0 0 0 0 101 Emergency Fund 0 0 0 0 0 186 Oblg Reimb Frm Successor Agncy 2,044,283 0 1,448 0 0 187 Backbone Fee Fund 16,120,772 8,819,254 3,140,935 2,252,247 5,577,047 189 Land Held for Resale 14,500,037 21,066,393 10,229,461 17,960,278 11,765,374 200 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 7,697,291 2,887,647 2,887,351 3,095,000 3,500,000 120 CDBG 421,732 1,945,307 1,945,307 3,053,345 313,345 129 Cable PEG Fees 87,220 79,073 79,073 79,073 79,073 130 Gas Tax 1,687,752 4,590,189 2,547,548 1,982,802 1,632,802 131 Park Development 2,236,112 2,286,164 1,755,197 1,518,412 1,035,000 132 Park Develop.Tustin Legacy 714,639 242,650 55,632 0 0 133 SCAQMD 204 500,000 500,000 0 0 134 Asset Forfeiture 25 0 0 0 0 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture 109,791 0 0 0 0 136 Supplemntal Law Enforcement 145,499 136,900 136,900 142,300 142,300 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture 5 0 0 0 0 138 Measure M 53 0 0 0 0 139 Measure M2 584,147 1,998,197 2,427,301 2,303,740 1,110,000 140 Road Maint&Rehab Alloc 428,950 804,083 934,272 1,254,254 1,072,400 141 Tustin LLD 1,225,099 1,229,000 1,293,000 1,238,000 1,270,000 142 Tustin SL 830,616 1,068,200 981,720 472,700 485,700 171 Solid Waste 183,551 218,500 217,131 224,000 224,000 180 Special Events 262,111 383,553 90,325 317,153 317,153 181 Workers Compensation 2,072,935 1,148,299 1,337,058 1,372,586 1,409,655 182 Liability 1,281,549 1,254,418 1,195,661 1,290,820 1,489,100 183 Unemployment 4,920 25,000 (19,000) 25,000 25,000 184 Equipment Replacement Fund 1,168,149 849,910 772,360 2,059,764 533,856 185 Information Technology 2,241,394 3,904,338 3,854,245 4,001,238 3,921,238 PAGE 21 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed 300 Water Enterprise 15,268,357 18,219,449 20,412,134 21,600,522 20,061,700 301 Water Capital Fund 425,625 643,511 3,317,935 5,126,140 750,000 302 Water Emergency Fund 0 0 0 0 0 305 2011 Water Rev Bond Fund 120 0 0 0 0 306 2013 Water Rev Bond Fund 6,188 0 7,991,454 3,586,358 0 431 Assess Dist.95-1 Construction 484,155 551,000 772,706 0 0 433 CFD 04-1 713,496 1,345,319 705,106 710,306 704,906 434 CFD 06-1 Construction 125,070 2,616,540 2,682,810 132,208 0 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Service 3,363,350 5,340,913 3,464,722 3,501,800 3,571,000 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service 925,918 1,122,725 950,140 951,800 1,047,300 441 CFD 14-1 1,489,915 1,443,175 1,516,760 1,527,500 1,556,900 442 Special Tax B 3,486,418 4,154,000 4,547,440 4,607,819 4,700,000 443 CFD 14-1 Construction 1,580,820 1,892,150 4,388,380 4,377,150 2,150 444 CFD 18-1 276,127 0 0 0 0 561 2010 MCAS TABS 1,306,831 920,490 90,420 0 0 570 Successor Agency(Trust Fund) 2,316,869 0 2,285,852 0 0 571 PARS OPEB Trust 11,194 0 0 0 0 575 Tustin Housing Authority 1,293,917 2,263,947 1,557,002 1,478,544 868,440 577 Inclusionary Housing 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 160,481,503 171,569,563 164,831,601 168,697,961 147,024,466 PAGE 22 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusTin 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUES FY 2021 -22 General Fund Revenues Use of Property Admin Fee&All Other Fines and Forfeitures $1,881,841 Sources $922,000 3% $1,928,981 1% 3% Various Taxes Franchise Fees Transient Occupancy Tax 1,D33,494 $1,627,500 $1,576,000 Interest Income 2% 2/ 2% $208,000 <1% Licenses/Permits/Fee $3,184,685 4% Sales Tax $27,259,800 Transfers In from 38% Other Funds $9,278,363 Property Tax 13% $11,703,700 16% Residual Property Tax $1,672,600 2% Revenue from Other Recreation Fees Property Tax In Lieu of Agencies $761,000 VLF $225,000 1% $9,033,800 <1% 13% PAGE 23 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUES FY 2022-23 General Fund Revenues Use of Property Admin Fee&All Other Franchise Fees $1,958,073 Sources $1,576,000 3% $2,090,400 Fines and Forfeitures 2% Transient Occupancy Tax 3% $922,000 $1,920,400 Various Taxes 1% 3% $1,034,083 Interest Income 1% $208,000 <1% Licenses/Permits/Fee $3,382,147 5% Transfers In from Sales Taxi Other Funds $28,384,500 $9,030,648 38% 12% Property Tax $12,036,500 16% N§k.w q1w Residual Property Tax $1,706,100 2% Revenue from Other Property Tax In Lieu of Agencies Recreation Fees VLF $225,000 $978,000 $9,303,900 <1% 1% 13% PAGE 24 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusTin 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENSES FY 2021 -22 General Fund Expenses Parks and Recreation Non-Departmental, $4,410,278 Other 6% $7,351,184 10% City Council $50,800 City Clerk <1% $704,800 1% City Attorney Fire Services $833,000 $9,768,000 1% 13% City Manager L $784,800 1% Economic Development Police Services r $1,531,844 $27,998,741 Finance 2% 37% $1,637,206 2% Public Works $16,230,786 21% Human Resources $1,041,956 Community 1% Development $4,111,706 5% PAGE 25 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENSES FY 2022-23 General Fund Expenses Parks and Recreation Non-Departmental, $4,544,256 Other 6% $8,586,573 11% City Clerk $712,407 City Council 1% $59,200 City Attorney $833,000 1% Fire Services City Manager $10,020,000 $784,800 13% 1% Economic Development $1,346,848 Finance 2% Police Services - - --- __ $1,637,206 $28,023,405 ----- 2% 36% Public Works Human Resources $16,091,270 $1,124,656 21% Community 1% Development $4,095,406 5% PAGE 26 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusT n 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FY 2021 -22 Capital Improvement Program Water Facilities Flood Control $8,212,498 Facilities 24/0 $150,000 O% Park Facilities $2,358,412 7% Public Facilities $2,589,743 8% Tustin Legacy $15,007,702 44% Traffic Control Facilities $554,000 2% Transportation Facilities $5,241,594 15% $34J 13�949 PAGE 27 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA i Y 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusTin 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TOTAL BUDGET REVENUES FY 2021 -22 Total Budget Revenues InternaiService Funds Park Funds $6,306,500 5� $357,000 Special Districts Funds Measure"M"Funds 0% $2,591,000 $1,696,900 2% <1% General Fund- PARS Pension Trust PARS OPEB Trust $420,000 $145,692 <1% 0% All Other Sources $1,757,800 Water Enterprise Funds 2% $25,160,151 19% CDBG Funds $3,053,345 2% General Fund- Unrestricted $72,296,764 55% Community Facilities Districts Funds $13,505,719 9% 00 Capital Improvement Fund $2,850,000 Gas Tax Fund 2% $3,623,100 3% $131 J63�971 PAGE 29 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TOTAL BUDGET REVENUES FY 2022-23 Total Budget Revenues Measure"M"Funds Park Funds Internal Service Funds $1,696,900 $375,000 $6,156,500 <1% 0% 5% General Fund- PARS Pension Trust Special Districts Funds $440,000 $2,445,000 <1% 2% PARS OPEB Trust $154,433 0% All Other Sources Water Enterprise Funds $1,837,826 $24,389,874 2% 19% CDBG Funds $313,345 <1% General Fund Community Facilities $74,755,751 Districts Funds 57% $11,594,900 9% 00 Capital Improvement Fund $2,495,000 Gas Tax Fund 2% $3,623,100 N%wft--=4w000 3% $130�277�629 PAGE 30 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TOTAL BUDGET EXPENSES FY 2021 -22 Total Budget Expenses CDBG Funds $3,053,345 2% Special Districts Funds $1,710,700 1% Community Facilitie! Districts Funds Park Funds All Other Sources $1,518,412 $22,453,595 $15,808,583 � Water Enterprise Fun 10% 1% $30,313,020 13% 18% Measure"M" Funds _ Capital Improveme $2,303,740 Fund 1% _ $3,095,000 2% Internal Service Funds a j $8,749,409 f 5% General Fund $7fi,455,1D1 Gas Tax Funs 45% $3,237,056 2% $ • • • • • • PAGE 31 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TOTAL BUDGET EXPENSES FY 2022-23 Total Budget Expenses Special Districts Funds CDBG Funds $1,755,700 $313,345 1%_ 0% Park Funds Community Facilities $1,035,000 Districts Funds [1% $11,582,256 8% Water Enterpris II Other Sources easure"M" Funds. Capital Improvement $1,110,000 Funds $18,973,387 1% $20,811,700 o Fund 13/ � $3,500,000 14% 2% ternal Service Funds $7,378,849 - 5% —4 Gas Tax Fund $2,705,202 -- 2% 'i General Fund $77,859,027 53% $ 4 • • PAGE 32 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusTin 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SALES TAX REVENUE Sales Tax $29 - 12.0% c 0 - $28 I 10.0% 8.0 $27 6.0% $26 4.0% $25 2.0% 0.0% $24 -2.0% $23 I -4.0% $22 20-21 21-22 22-23 -6.0% 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 Projected Proposed Proposed Sales Tax $24,185,617 $24,765,631 $24,575,479 $26,267,684 $25,146,077 $26,428,960 $27,259,800 $28,384,500 -4--Sales Tax %Change 10.2% 2.4% -0.8% 6.9% -4.3% 5.1% 3.1% 4.1% --W-%Change PAGE 33 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET CLASSIFICATION PLAN - PERSONNEL BUDGETING 20-21 20-21 20-21 21-22 21-22 22-23 22-23 CURRENT YTD VACAN- PROPOSED NEW PROPOSED NEW POSITION CONTROL REPORT BUDGET ACT CIES BUDGET REQ BUDGET REQ City Clerk Administrative Assistant 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst 1/11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 LEGISLATION TOTAL 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 ADMINISTRATION City Manager's Office City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Economic Development Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Director of Econ.Dev. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Director of Economic Development 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Development&Housing Manager 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 - 1.00 Management Analyst 1/11 2.00 0.00 (2,00) 1.00 (1.00) 1.00 Management Assistant 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 7.00 6.00 (1.00) 7.00 7.00 Finance Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Director of Finance 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Director of Finance/City Treasurer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst 1/11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Assistant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Accounting Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 rZ 1.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 Information Technology Information Technology Specialist 3.00 3.00 3.00 - 3.00 Senior Information Tech Specialist 2.00 1.00 (1.00) 1.00 (1.00)rZ 1.00 5.00 4.00 (1.00) 4.00 (1.00) 4.00 FINANCE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 15.00 14.00 (1.00) 15.00 15.00 Human Resources Administrative Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Director of Human Resources 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst 1/11 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Management Assistant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL 32.25 30.25 (2.00) 32.25 32.25 PAGE 34 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN q1 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 20-21 20-21 20-21 21-22 21-22 22-23 22-23 CURRENT YTD VACAN- PROPOSED NEW PROPOSED NEW POSITION CONTROL REPORT BUDGET ACT CIES BUDGET REQ BUDGET REQ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Assistant Director of CD-Planning 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 - 1.00 Assistant Planner 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ,3 1.00 Associate Planner 1.31 1.00 (0.31) 1.00 (0.31)3 1.00 Director of Community Development 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Planner 2.00 1.00 (1.00) 1.00 (1.00)x° 1.00 Management Analyst 1/11 1.00 0.50 (0.50) 0.50 (0.50)5 0.50 Senior Planner 2.75 3.00 0.25 3.00 0.25 r5 3.00 10.06 9.50 (0.56) 9.50 (0.56) 9.50 Building Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Director of CD-Building 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 - 2.00 Building Permit Technician 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 �5 3.00 Deputy Building Official 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 r' 1.00 Principal Plan Check Engineer 1.00 1.00 0.00 (1.00)x7 0.00 Senior Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 1.00 9.00 Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Officer 1.50 1.50 0.50 (1.00)x$ 0.50 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 �$ 1.00 1.50 1.50 - 1.50 - 1.50 CDBG Management Analyst 1/11 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 5 0.50 Associate Planner 0.69 0.00 (0.69) 0.00 tu.ua/ 5 0.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner 0.25 0.00 (0.25) 0.00 (0.25)5 0.00 1.94 1.50 (0.44) 1.50 (0.44) 1.50 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL 21.50 20.50 (1.00) 21.50 0.00 21.50 PUBLIC WORKS PW Administration Deputy Director of PW-Engineering 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Director of PW/City Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 0.00 (1.00) 1.00 1.00 Public Works Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 (1.00) 4.00 4.00 Engineering Assistant Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Principal Engineer 2.00 1.00 (1.00) 2.00 2.00 Public Works Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Assistant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Public Works Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Public Works Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 9.00 (1.00) 10.00 10.00 PAGE 35 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 20-21 20-21 20-21 21-22 21-22 22-23 22-23 CURRENT YTD VACAN- PROPOSED NEW PROPOSED NEW POSITION CONTROL REPORT BUDGET ACT CIES BUDGET REQ BUDGET REQ Streets Management Assistant 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Equipment Operator 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Field Services Manager 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Maintenance Leadworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Supervisor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Maintenance Worker/Sr.Maint.Worker 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 8.50 7.50 (1.00) 8.50 8.50 Landscape Management Assistant 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Field Services Manager 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Maintenance Leadworker 3.00 2.00 (1.00) 3.00 3.00 Maintenance Supervisor 3.00 3.00 3.00 - 3.00 Maintenance Worker/Sr.Maint.Worker 13.00 12.00 (1.00) 14.00 1.00 ° 15.00 1.00 ° 19.50 17.50 (2.00) 20.50 1.00 21.50 1.00 Water Quality Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Vehicles Management Assistant 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Equipment Mechanic 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Field Services Manager 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 Facilities Management Assistant 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Field Services Manager 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Electrician 1.00 0.00 (1.0u) 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Leadworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Supervisor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Maintenance Worker/Sr.Maint.Worker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 (1.00) 5.00 - 5.00 - PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL 52.50 46.50 (6.00) 53.50 1.00 54.50 1.00 POLICE Police Department Management Division Police Civilian Commander 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 - Deputy Police Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 0.00 (1.00) 1.00 1.00 Management Assistant 1.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (1.00) 10 0.00 Police Captain 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 (1.00) 5.00 City Operations Police Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Sergeant 2.00 2.00 2.00 - 2.00 Police Officer 12 10.00 8.00 13.00 3.00 " 13.00 Police Services Officer 1/11/III 3.00 3.00 3.00 - 3.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Fleet Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 18.00 16.00 21.00 3.00 21.00 PAGE 36 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN q1 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 20-21 20-21 20-21 21-22 21-22 22-23 22-23 CURRENT YTD VACAN- PROPOSED NEW PROPOSED NEW POSITION CONTROL REPORT BUDGET ACT CIES BUDGET REQ BUDGET REQ North Area Patrol Police Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 12 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 Police Sergeant 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 South Area Patrol Police Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 12 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Police Sergeant 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 Special Operations Police Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 12 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 Police Records Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Sergeant 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Police Services Officer 1/11/III 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 Professional Standards Police Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 12 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Records Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Sergeant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Services Officer 1/11/111 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Field Support Police Communications Officer 1/11 10.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 Police Communications Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Services Officer 1/11/111 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Police Support Services Supervisor 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Support Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 22.00 21.00 22.00 22.00 Operations Support Police Records Specialist 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 Police Records Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Support Services Supervisor 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Support Services Manager 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 Property and Evidence Specialist 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 - 2.00 Management Analyst 1/11 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10 1.00 Management Assistant 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 - 1.00 16.00 17.00 1.00 17.00 1.00 17.00 POLICE TOTAL 149.00 145.00 (4.00) 152.00 3.00 152.00 POLICE GRANT FUND Crime Analyst(SLESF) 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PARKS&RECREATION P&RAdministration Director of Parks&Recreation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Director of Parks&Rec 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 13 0.00 Recreation Superintendent 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 13 1.00 Sr.Management Assistant 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 14 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 0.00 (1.00)r14 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 PAGE 37 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 20-21 20-21 20-21 21-22 21-22 22-23 22-23 CURRENT YTD VACAN- PROPOSED NEW PROPOSED NEW POSITION CONTROL REPORT BUDGET ACT CIES BUDGET REQ BUDGET REQ Sports Q Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Recreation Coordinator 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 15 2.00 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Recreation Program Specialist 1.00 1.00 0.00 (1.00)"15 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Classes/Cultural Arts Recreation Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Veterans Sports Park/Annex Recreation Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Programs Recreation Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Transportation Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 P&R Support Services Recreation Facilities Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Tustin Youth Center Recreation Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PARKS&RECREATION TOTAL 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 WATER ENTERPRISE Water Billing Accounting Specialist 2.50 2.00 (0.50) 2.50 2.50 Senior Accounting Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Meter Reader 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 7.50 7.00 (0.50) 7.50 7.50 Water Adm in istration Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Associate Engineer 1.00 0.00 (1.00) 1.00 1.00 Principal Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Treatment Supervisor 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 4.25 3.25 (1.00) 4.25 4.25 Water Operations Maintenance Worker/Sr.Maint.Worker 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Water Maint.&Const.Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Distribution Leadworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Distribution Operator 1/11 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 Water Equipment Operator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Water Treatment Operator 11 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Water Treatment Supervisor 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 Main Street Plant Water Distribution Operator 1/11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Water Treatment Operator 1 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Water Treatment Supervisor 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 PAGE 38 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusnN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 20-21 20-21 20-21 21-22 21-22 22-23 22-23 CURRENT YTD VACAN- PROPOSED NEW PROPOSED NEW POSITION CONTROL REPORT BUDGET ACT CIES BUDGET REQ BUDGET REQ 17th St Desaltd? Water Distribution Operator 1/11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Water Treatment Operator 11 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Water Treatment Supervisor 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Imported Water Water Distribution Operator 1/11 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Water Treatment Operator 11 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Water Treatment Supervisor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Groundwater Water Distribution Operator 1/11 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 Water Treatment Operator 11 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Water Treatment Supervisor 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 WATER TOTAL 29.00 27.50 (1.50) 29.00 - 29.00 TOTAL CITY 306.75 292.25 (14.50) 310.75 4.00 311.75 1.00 1 One Senior Management Analyst position was converted into the position of Economic Development& Housing Manager. In addition,one Management Analyst II position was converted into the position of Senior Management Analyst.The net effect results in the addition of an Economic Development& Housing Manager and the reduction of a Management Analyst ll. 2 One Senior Information Tech Specialist position was converted into the position of Senior Management Analyst. 3 One Associate Planner position was converted into the position of Assistant Planner. 4 Remove Principal Planner position that is no longer needed. 5 Associate Planner&Senior Planner position was moved from CDBG to Planning Division. Management Analyst I position was moved from Planning Division to CDBG. 6 Added new position funded with a corresponding reduction in consulting services. 7 Principal Plan Check Engineer position was converted into the position of Deputy Building Official. 8 One Code Enforcement Officer position was converted into the position of Senior Code Enforcement Officer. 9 Added new Maintenance Worker position. 100ne Management Assistant position was converted into the position of Management Analyst I. "Added new Police Officer positions. 121ncludes classifications in the Career Officer Program(Senior Officer I,Senior Officer ll,and Master Officer). 13Deputy Director of Parks&Rec position was converted into the position of Recreation Superintendent. 14Executive Assistant position was converted into the position of Senior Management Assistant. 15Recreation Program Specialist position was converted into the position of Recreation Coordinator. PAGE 39 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA ■ DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA GENERAL FUND REVENUE TUSTIN TREL-5 � � 1 r 1 J H w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY Revenue Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 21123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed 100 General Fund Property Tax in Lieu of VLF 8,375,803 8,827,800 8,827,800 9,033,800 9,303,900 Property Taxes 10,911,309 11,578,300 11,578,300 11,703,700 12,036,500 Residual Property Taxes 1,605,910 1,620,000 1,620,000 1,672,600 1,706,100 In Lieu-Prop Tax 28,747 28,916 28,916 29,494 30,083 AB 1290 Pass Thru 141,568 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Special Tax B 0 0 0 0 0 Franchise Fees 1,582,395 1,532,800 1,532,800 1,576,000 1,576,000 Sales Tax Backfill 0 0 0 0 0 Sales and Use Tax 25,146,077 26,428,690 26,428,690 27,259,800 28,384,500 Sales Tax- Public Safety - Prop 172 341,441 315,000 315,000 350,000 350,000 Transient Occupancy Tax 1,593,532 700,000 700,000 1,627,500 1,920,400 Business License Fees 438,632 279,500 279,500 440,000 470,000 Real Property Transfer Tax 536,992 341,250 341,250 500,000 500,000 New Construction Tax 47,685 8,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 Planning Plan Check Fees 251,880 142,356 142,356 408,664 436,574 Building Permits&Plan Checks 1,353,025 561,780 561,780 1,893,321 2,032,873 Fees and Other Permits 393,899 360,900 360,900 442,700 442,700 Fines and Forfeitures 848,027 591,000 591,000 922,000 922,000 Interest Income 1,140,296 240,000 240,000 208,000 208,000 Use of property 1,861,108 1,474,940 1,474,940 1,881,841 1,958,073 POST Reimbursement 34,747 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Revenue from Other Agencies 137,384 133,161 133,161 130,000 130,000 State Grants 42,428 173,200 173,200 30,000 30,000 Federal Grants 826,132 3,088,619 3,088,619 50,000 50,000 Sports Fees 177,528 116,000 116,000 274,000 315,000 Class Fees 272,458 100,000 100,000 265,000 350,000 Other Recreation Fees 108,502 56,000 56,000 222,000 313,000 Transfer In 8,993,601 9,446,800 9,482,388 9,278,363 9,030,648 Reimbursement from Other Funds 1,223,376 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 All Other Sources 856,256 313,962 313,962 728,981 890,400 General Fund Total 69,270,737 69,823,974 69,859,562 72,296,764 74,755,751 PAGE 42 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES TUSTIN TREL-5 � � 1 r 1 J H w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY COUNCIL TuSTIN T1ZEE5 z I { o V w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: The City Council provides policy direction with regard to City services. Through its review and approval of the City's annual operating and capital improvement budgets, the City Council determines the types and levels of City services. The City Council authorizes changes in the Municipal Code through adoption of ordinances. Policy direction is given by the City Council to the Planning Commission,the Community Services Commission Audit Commission, Public Art Committee, and Building Board of Appeals. The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors of the Tustin Public Financing Authority and of the Successor Agency. Members of the City Council represent the City on various agencies such as the Orange County Fire Authority, Transportation Corridor Agencies, Orange County Sanitation District, Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District, Southern California Association of Governments, Orange County Council of Governments, Orange County Library Board, Emergency Medical Care Committee, Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency, Water Advisory Committee of Orange County, and Newport Bay Watershed Executive Committee. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed City Council Personnel 0 0 0 0 8,400 Operations 27,576 50,800 50,800 50,800 50,800 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 27,576 50,800 50,800 50,800 59,200 PAGE 45 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA • DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY MANAGER TUSTIN TREES z z J H W-1 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusrlN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET CITY MANAGER 'S OFFICE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CITY MANAGER {i] EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR ASSISTANT {1} {1} I CITY CLERK POLICE CHIEF ASSISTANT SR_ CITY MANAGER MANAGEMENT {1} {1} {1} ANALYST {i] MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR OF DIRECTOR OF ANALYST IRI PUBLIC WORKS/ FINANCEICITY f1] CITY ENGINEER TREASURER f1) {1] ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR OF DIRECTOR OF ASSISTANT COMMUNITY ECONOMIC {2.5} DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF 7RECREA�TION R OF HUMAN & RESOURCES {1} PAGE 48 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: Under policy direction of the City Council,the City Manager's Office is responsible for planning, organizing and evaluating City services and providing management direction to all City departments through the department directors. It also ensures that the types and levels of City services are consistent with City Council policy and the proposed budget. TASKS: 1. Keep the City Council constantly apprised as to the status of City programs and activities; 2. Respond to, and resolve, citizen complaints concerning City services; 3. Provide staff support, when required, to members of the City Council serving on regional agencies; 4. Serve on special regional committees such as the Orange County Fire Authority Technical Advisory Committee, Orange County Library Task Force, and 800 MHz Communications System Governance Committee; 5. Submit to the City Council the Fiscal Year 2021-23 operating and seven-year capital improvement budgets; 6. Provide management oversight of economic development and housing programs; 7. Serve as the Director of the Local Reuse Authority for the former MCAS Tustin; 8. Serve as the Master Developer for City properties at Tustin Legacy; 9. Manage the City's public communications program. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed City Manager Personnel 604,755 701,225 699,057 717,400 717,400 Operations 53,072 67,400 67,400 67,400 67,400 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 657,827 768,625 766,457 784,800 784,800 PAGE 49 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA • r L. DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT US IN ', ►OA G . r w H i STORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC . '' DEVELOPMENT {1} EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT {1] DEPUTY DIRECTOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT {1} i ECONOMIC DEV& SR. MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT HOUSING MANAGER ANALYST ANALYST1111 ASSISTANT {1} {1} {1} {1} PAGE 52 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN q1 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION The Economic Development Department provides leadership as the Master Developer of Tustin Legacy, assists businesses and property owners, manages City real estate, facilitates workforce housing, and oversees Successor Agency activities. TASKS 1. Master Developer of Tustin Legacy a. Land use planning and project identification Concept plans Feasibility analysis b. Implement Disposition Strategy Negotiations Project monitoring 2. Assist Business and Property Owners a. Facilitate relationship with Tustin Chamber of Commerce b. Host business workshops c. Provide business resources on City website d. Assist property owners through: Retail recruitment Development review Relationship building 3. Manage City Real Estate a. Manage short- and long-term uses of City-owned property Tustin Legacy Pacific Center East Old Town 4. Facilitate Workforce Housing a. Manage 279 affordable ownership units b. Oversee 468 affordable rental units c. Create/facilitate opportunities for new workforce, senior and homeless housing units d. Coordinate housing policy GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19/20 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Economic Development Division Personnel 815,943 1,052,766 878,118 1,061,800 1,061,700 Operations 326,719 2,310,754 2,254,838 470,044 285,148 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,142,661 3,363,520 3,132,956 1,531,844 1,346,848 1)FY20/21 includes$1,912,629 in CARES original budget money and$1,917,233 in projected budget money PaGE 53 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA SUCCESSOR AGENCY Tus I N Z;Fz LW HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION The Successor Agency to the former Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency(RDA)was formed on February 1,2012 as the RDA was dissolved by AB X1 26. The Successor Agency is tasked with winding down the former RDA. The Successor Agency can only pay enforceable obligations that are on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) that have been approved by the State Department of Finance (DoF). The ROPS needs to be approved by the Oversight Board and DoF annually. The dissolution act included a provision for administrative costs associated with the winding down of the former redevelopment agency and, as such, a transfer to$250,000 was included in the budget to offset some General Fund costs. Approved ROPS can be found on the Successor Agency Website at www.tustinca.org RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS) The Successor Agency received a letter dated September 4, 2018 from the State Department of Finance on the Last and Final Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule. The total approved obligation is associated with the use of reserve balances in the SuccessorAgency Fund. The following table shows the reconciliation of the ROPS approval: ROPS Reconciliation Total RPTTF Request: $ 3,912,825 Total DOF Denials: $ 0 Administrative Allowance: $ 23,376 Total RPTTF Amount Approved: $ 3,936,201 Amount Reclassified to Other Funds/Reserve Balance: $ 0 Other Adjustments: $ 0 Total RPTTF Distributed to Successor Agency: $ 3,936,201 PAGE 55 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY CLERK TUSTIN I T,tE-LS Z U � H w H i STORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qV 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: The City Clerk's Office facilitates the legislative policy-making process; records and validates the proceedings of the City Council, and provides for timely and thorough access to public records. It administers the activities pertaining to City Council legislation, processes Council-approved agenda items, manages public records, and disseminates information concerning Council actions both to City staff and the public and conducts municipal elections. TASKS: 1. Coordinate the preparation and distribution of official City Council agendas; 2. Maintain a centralized records management system or contracts/agreements, deeds, resolutions, ordinances, and other City documents; 3. Process public records requests; 4. Conduct municipal elections in accordance with the Tustin City Code, the Elections Code, and the Political Reform Act of 1974; 5. Serve as filing officer for Campaign Disclosure and conflict of interest statements required by the Fair Political Practices Commission; 6. Coordinate legislative updates in the Tustin City Code; 7. Administer the recruitment process for the City's Planning Commission, the Community Services Commission, Audit Commission, Building Board of Appeals, and Public Art Committee; 8. Implement the City's Citizen Academy program; 9. Process legal documents, including: liability claims, subpoenas, summons, appeals, and petitions; 10. Prepare and coordinate ceremonial recognitions such as presentations during the City Council meeting, proclamations and certificates of recognition; 11. Publish legal notices; 12. Provide citywide phone reception services; 13. Provide citywide duplication, scanning services and mail delivery; 14. Maintain subscription and distribution of City Council and Planning Commission agendas and minutes; 15. Receive bids and RFPs for city projects and conduct bid openings respectively; 16. Manage the citywide public shredding program; 17. Serve as the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator ensuring that persons with disabilities can fully participate in and benefit from the public services offered by the City; 18. Manage the electronic document imaging system (Laserfiche). GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19/20 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed City Clerk Personnel 500,926 531,928 527,863 534,200 541,807 Operations 101,947 168,100 168,100 168,100 168,100 Capital 13,696 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 616,569 705,028 700,963 704,800 712,407 PAGE 57 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY ATTORNEY TUSTIN TREES V LW Q� H w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qV 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: The City Attorney's office provides legal advice and services pertaining to City affairs to the City Council, City Manager and other City officials. TASKS: 1. Attend City Council, Redevelopment Agency, Planning Commission and Audit Commission meetings for the purpose of providing legal advice; 2. Review and prepare ordinances, resolutions, franchises, agreements, contracts and other documents; 3. Provide legal advice to City departments; 4. Represent the City in court proceedings; 5. Review and monitor general liability claims processed by the City's claims administrator. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed City Attorney Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 698,431 833,000 833,000 833,000 833,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 698,431 833,000 833,000 833,000 833,000 PAGE 59 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA FINANCE TUSTIN TREES 0 U w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusnN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FINANCE DEPARTMENT' S ORGANIZATIONAL CHART .- DIRECTOR OF FINANCE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT {1) ' I DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE—ADMIN SVCS FINANCE—FINANCIAL SVCS [1} {1] MANAGEMENT SENIOR ANALYST III I I.T. SPECIALIST SENIOR ACCOUNTANT {1} {2} {1] SENIOR MANAGEMENT I.T. SPECIALIST ACCOUNTANT ASSISTANT {3} {1} {1) SENIOR f CODE ACCOUNTING ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENTASSISTANT SPECIALIST OFFICER {2} ACCOUNTING SENIORACCOUNTNG SPECIALIST SPECIALIST {2.5} {1} WATER METER READER {2} PAGE 61 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN TV 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: The Finance Division provides treasury services, financial services, accounts payable, purchasing, customer service, cashiering, and accounting support for the City, the Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, the Water Utility and the City's Special Assessment Districts. It is responsible for recording the financial activities of the City in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards of the Government Accounting Standards Board. TASKS: 1. Deposit, monitor and record all revenues of the City. 2. Responsible for the City's cash management. 3. Maintain the General Ledger and all financial records; 4. Ensure proper internal controls are in place throughout the City Departments. 5. Serve as the City Treasurer and invest and manage the City's funds. 6. Provide management support for Water Utility billing. 7. Prepare the quarterly investment reports. 8. Complete the State Controller's Annual Report of Operations, Annual Street Report and other reports as required. 9. Monitor the City's Fixed Asset Accounting System. 10. Administer the payroll, accounts receivable and accounts payable functions. 11. Prepare the annual Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. 12. Represent the City and provide information for various City, County, State and federal audits. 13. Assist in the formation and administration of special assessment districts created to finance public infrastructure at the Tustin Legacy project. 14. Prepare the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to the City. 15. Manage debt service and issue bonds when appropriate. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Finance Personnel 1,226,988 1,312,810 1,296,253 1,305,906 1,305,906 Operations 294,906 324,300 309,200 328,300 328,300 Capital 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,521,894 1,640,110 1,608,453 1,637,206 1,637,206 PAGE 62 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA HUMAN RESOURCES TuSTI N TREES z 0 w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATIONAL CHART DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES SR. MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST ANALYSTIfII ASSISTANT ASSISTANT (.75) (2) (4.5) PAGE 64 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: The Human Resources Department is responsible for providing centralized human resources and risk management services for all of the City's departments and employees. Human Resources strives to partner with other City departments to attract, retain, and develop a high-performance workforce; provide professional guidance and exceptional customer service in all employment and risk management matters; promote principles of fairness and merit; and limit and mitigate the City's exposure to liability. TASKS: 1. Collaborate with managers and employees to provide support, services and solutions that ensure a positive and productive work environment; 2. Conduct valid and defensible recruitment and selection processes to fill vacancies in all City departments; 3. Serve as the City's chief labor negotiator and meet and confer with the represented employee organizations regarding wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment and interpret and apply provisions of labor agreements and Personnel Rules; 4. Maintain the City's classification and compensation plan and review/recommend position classification and salary levels for all City positions; 5. Administer employee benefit programs, including medical, retirement, and COBRA benefits; 6. Process all employee personnel actions, including promotions, transfers, and compensation and benefit adjustments; 7. Review and update policies, procedures and internal controls to ensure compliance with legal requirements and effectiveness with organizational operations; 8. Facilitate and implement employee training programs for professional development and legal compliance; 9. Oversee performance and misconduct issues with employees including handling grievances, conducting administrative investigations and managing disciplinary processes and appeals; 10. Administer family and medical leaves of absence and oversee the interactive process and reasonable accommodation requests for individuals with disabilities; 11. Manage the workers' compensation program with the City's third party administrator by overseeing work- related injuries and illnesses, return to work assignments, and industrial disability retirements; 12. Serve as the program administrator for the City's safety program including compliance with OSHA regulations; 13. Direct the general liability and risk management programs with the City's third party administrator through the City's participation in the California Insurance Pool Authority (CIPA) 14. Coordinate with operational departments to meet program requirements of various intergovernmental agencies including the Department of Transportation (DOT) program, Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Pull Notice program, Department of Justice(DOJ) Live Scan program and the Injury and Illness Prevention program (IIPP); 15. Monitor and ensure compliance with state and federal laws related to public sector labor and employment issues; 16. Maintain employee personnel and medical records. PAGE 65 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Human Resources Personnel 713,382 722,829 738,417 731,631 731,831 Operations 309,648 353,075 311,625 305,325 392,825 Capital 7,807 0 0 5,000 0 1,030,838 1,075,904 1,050,042 1,041,956 1,124,656 PAGE 66 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TuSTIN TREES Z , cop W-4 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE PLANNING FIRE MARSHAL HEALTH SERVICES ASSISTANT COMMISSION 111 ASST.DIRECTOR OF CONTRACT/ ASST.DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY --- DESIGNATED BUILDINGCOMMUNITYCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT —111I 111 T PRINCIPAL PLAN CHECK ENG --- MANAGEMENT PRINCIPAL PLANNER 111 ANALYST II L � 111 i i SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 1 CITY CLERK PLANNER SENIOR SERVICES 131 SPECIALIST I (Part-Time) ASSOCIATE PLANNER BUILDING 111 INSPECTOR --------- Izl :j I ASSISTANT PLANNER � 111 GRADING � i INSPECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE 1.51 INTERN CODE (3) ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (2.50) BUILDING PERMIT TECHNICIAN (2) ADMINIST RATNE ASSISTANT 111 ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN 111 PAGE 68 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PLANNING DIVISION DESCRIPTION: The Planning Division includes current and advance planning/special project functions. The Current Planning Section reviews proposed development to ensure conformance with City zoning and development standards; processes discretionary entitlements; performs plan checks; and answers planning and business license related land use inquiries and requests. The Advance Planning/Special Projects Section is responsible for managing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) activities and overseeing and coordinating demographics, regional activities, historic preservation, General Plan and Code amendments, environmental studies, business license zoning clearances and business permits, and special projects. Current and Advance Planning staff provide support to the City Council and Planning Commission. TASKS: 1. Implement the Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan to encourage economic development and coordinated improvements. 2. Implement the Red Hill Avenue Specific Plan to encourage development within the Redhill corridor and explore potential mixed uses while protecting existing commercial corridor. 3. Commence, if prioritized and budgeted, with the preparation of a Specific Plan Amendment for the Pacific Center East Specific Plan by updating the vision concept and transportation system to accommodate potential development within the area. 4. Process discretionary entitlements, including design reviews, conditional use permits, variances, subdivisions, minor adjustments, etc. 5. Perform plan checks for new development, tenant improvements, and other building projects. 6. Process temporary use permits, large gathering use permits, temporary sign permits, and film permits. 7. Continue primary responsibility for planning and development monitoring tasks associated with the Tustin Legacy project. 8. Provide staff support for the administration of activities associated with the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program including public service and public facility and improvement projects and with an annual allocation of$804,893. 9. Continue to provide staff support for the administration of activities associated with the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)-CV Program to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) which has an allocation of$1,220,716. 10. Monitor regional planning and development activities, particularly for community impacts associated with development projects occurring in the neighboring communities of Santa Ana, Orange and Irvine. 11. Continue the City's current program for monitoring aircraft noise associated with flights to and from John Wayne Airport. 12. Review proposed State and federal legislation for potential impacts to Tustin and prepare position papers and correspondences on pending legislation. 13. Review Business License related land use inquiries and requests and provide Zoning Code and other information to new/existing businesses. PAGE 69 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 14. Assist the Public Works Department in preparing environmental documents for major capital improvement projects. 15. Complete the comprehensive revisions to the City's General Plan with consultant assistance and schedule Planning Commission and City Council workshops, budget permitting. 16. Maintain current demographic information and provide updated information to the public. Work with the Center for Demographic Research, State Department of Finance, and Southern California Association of Governments on updating demographic projections. 17. Administer and oversee the City's Cultural Resources District. Develop and implement a Cultural Resources District annual work program for the Planning Commission. Process Mills Act program contracts and administer the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program. 18. Complete an update to the City's Historical Resources Survey Report and develop Historic Context Statement. 19. Complete an update to the City of Tustin's Housing Element including public outreach, workshops, and public hearings. 20. Continue to implement goals associated with the Old Town Parking Study and Old Town Parking Exception. 21. Continue to implement updates and improvements to the Department's web page. 22. Continue to implement efficiency improvements to the department's processes, procedures, etc. 23. Complete Code Updates related to accessory dwelling units,density bonus, large family day care to remain in compliance with State law. 24. Evaluate potential code updates that will facilitate and streamline the entitlement review process. 25. Continue to provide trainings and workshops to the Planning Commission (and also Historic Cultural Resources Advisor Committee to the City Council). 26. Develop the framework for a Citywide Business Assistance Program to continue to fine-tune inter- departmental coordination for development projects and facilitate coordination with the Business community. Continue to provide a one-stop planning and community development counter to maintain quality of service throughout the City by providing services via phone, email, and public counter. BUILDING DIVISION DESCRIPTION: The mission of the Building Division is to ensure the safe and lawful use of buildings and properties by enforcing the California Building Standards Code and the Tustin Zoning Code. We are committed to improving our performance and developing procedures that are streamlined, understandable and transparent. We facilitate development within the community with integrity, efficiency and professionalism. The Division is committed to becoming a premier municipal building organization, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all Tustin residents and businesses and making our city safer by reducing the risk associated with fire, and natural hazards such as earthquakes and flooding.The Building Division performs these tasks through implementation and enforcement of State and local Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Historical Building, Green Building, and Energy Codes, also known as the California Building Standards Code. The Building Division is comprised of three service sections: Plan Check/Permitting, Building Inspection, and Code Enforcement. Plan Check/Permitting and Building Inspection Services ensure that all construction proposals R4GE 70 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET are completed in compliance with the California Building Standards Code. Code Enforcement staff members work with Planners, Building Inspectors, various State agencies, and other City staff to ensure that Tustin properties are well maintained and that national water and air quality requirements are met. TASKS: 1. Prepare and advertise a Request for Proposals and execute five-year contracts with consultants to continue contract plan check and support activities. 2. Prepare and adopt California Building Standards Codes with amendments (three-year cycle). 3. Administer and enforce the California Building Standards Codes. 4. Continue to implement new permit tracking software. 5. Continue to work with developers, allocate resources and coordinate with other agencies and departments to ensure continued progress at the Tustin Legacy. 6. Provide plan check and inspection services for all new construction, additions, and alterations to buildings. Continue to provide expedited plan check services when needed; complete all 1st submittal plan check services within ten (10) working days and subsequent plan check submittals within five (5) working days. 7. Continue to support a Permit-by-Appointment program for relatively routine construction projects prepared by licensed design professionals such as residential remodels and additions (envisioned as a one-stop permit process). 8. Continue to utilize inspection staff in the role of "project coordinator" to guide homeowners through the construction project submittal and permitting process (an ombudsman approach that humanizes and simplifies the plan check and inspection correction process for persons unfamiliar with the City's construction application, plan check and inspection requirements). 9. Outreach and raise awareness and preparedness for natural disasters such as wildfires and earthquakes to maintain a safe living environment and community. Work with the State Fire Marshall and Orange County Fire Authority representatives to prepare and adopt the anticipated Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps. 10. Update the City's Building Codes as needed. 11. Update the City's grading and private street design standards to be compatible with the current practice while maintaining quality standards. 12. Continue to update the Building Division pages on the City website to provide the public and contractors with Building Code information, Bulletins/Policies, useful links, and City handouts to ensure a uniform understanding and application of City Code requirements. 13. Continue to update the Building Division's Procedure Manual and develop comprehensive internal operational policies. 14. Continue to support OCFA and Tustin Police emergency response needs related to evaluating structural safety following structure fires and vehicle accidents involving structures. 15. Continue an excellent standard of plan check and inspection to maintain code compliance and safety, while also preventing disruptions during construction. 16. Monitor and recommend measures to ensure the City's compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Air Quality Management Plan. PAGE 71 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET E , 17. Administer the City's graffiti-removal program and actively participate in the City's Neighborhood Improvement Program. 18. Continue to implement courteous and business-friendly property maintenance, and zoning code enforcement, issuing administrative citations when necessary, and perform water quality inspections at all active construction sites, and existing commercial and industrial sites. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Community Development Planning Personnel 1,711,841 1,548,582 1,455,728 1,774,436 1,774,536 Operations 228,134 342,350 342,350 310,800 290,800 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,939,975 1,890,932 1,798,078 2,085,236 2,065,336 Building Personnel 618,793 999,692 971,102 984,200 984,300 Operations 1,030,742 1,024,000 1,024,000 794,070 797,570 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,649,535 2,023,692 1,995,102 1,778,270 1,781,870 Code Enforcement Personnel 259,026 139,194 154,698 154,600 154,600 Operations 92,581 96,950 96,950 93,600 93,600 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 351,607 236,144 251,648 248,200 248,200 Community Development Personnel 2,589,660 2,687,468 2,581,528 2,913,236 2,913,436 Operations 1,351,457 1,463,300 1,463,300 1,198,470 1,181,970 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 Comm. Development Total 3,941,117 4,150,768 4,044,828 4,111,706 4,095,406 PAGE 72 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA PUBLIC WORKS TUSTIN TREES ,r U H W-9 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS ORGANIZATIONAL CHART City of Tustin Public Works Department DirectorlCity Engineer (1) Executive Assis[arR (1) Deputy PWDirector— sr.Management Deputy PW Director— analyst Operations Assistant PW Director Engineering tnunonmemai Vacant U F Vacant U F Public Works Manager Principal Engineer (1) (1) Field Services Manager Public Works Manager I1) (1) Management Assis n Pub Works Ins rector/ PrtncipelEngincer Sr.SrPublic Works Prtnclpal Engincer �1� Inspector �1� Associate Engineer- Water En[erynse Associetne Engincer (�) Pergs& Lentlscepe Vac MOF senior Management Ci[y Arborist Landcape Contacts Facet aualtlings8 Assistant (1) Supervisor Supavis r supervis r strcets Supervisor /�/ Assistant Engineer ar (1) o (1) o (1) (1) Assis[an[Engineer (1) Playground Sa-ft Buildings Engincedng lntan lad .rn ad- E meet Equipmen[Mec M1anic (2J Leedvu) Leetl rka Leatlworker (�) Leetlworker Leetl�vorker Equipment senior Maintenance Opaa[or WOMedMaintenance s ani r sen r senior C3) Wodcer MairRenance Worker/ MairRenance Worker/ Maintenance Worker/ Maintenance Worker Maintenance Worker Maintenance Worker (2) (3) (T) (3) Senior Maintenan Workebce MairRenanc Electrician Worker i�� PT Maintenance Aitle (3 5) (4) PAGE 74 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qV 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION: The Administration Division coordinates and provides direction to all Public Works Divisions and Water Services operations. This Division provides research and analysis of current and proposed legislation, Public Works projects, programs and services to ensure benefit, safety and convenience to the community and general public. TASKS: 1. Perform interagency coordination and administer County, State and Federally funded projects and programs. 2. Provide oversight and management of the Public Works and Water Capital Improvement and Operations Budgets. 3. Manage the City's Solid Waste Program. 4. Administer contract agreements for various City Services. 5. Manage City records including all record plans with respect to Public Works and Engineering. 6. Administer the Tustin Landscape and Lighting District. ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: The Engineering Division designs and prepares plans for the City's Capital Improvement Program; prepares public works conditions of approval for entitlements; plan checks subdivision plans and maps; inspects all projects within the public right-of-way; maintains records to promote the general safety and well-being of the community; and coordinates all inter/intra community related regional traffic matters pertinent to pedestrian and vehicular safety. TASKS: 1. Prepare plans, cost estimates, reports and provides oversight for the construction of Capital Improvement Projects. 2. Conduct plan checks on subdivision/parcel maps and perform construction inspection involving public improvements. 3. Conduct City-wide traffic studies. 4. Maintain maps, records and reports for all public improvements. 5. Provide public assistance in response to engineering and traffic related concerns and complaints. 6. Perform contract administration and provide technical assistance to other City departments and outside agencies. PAGE 75 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 7. Administer contracts for pavement management system, signal maintenance, pavement repair and pavement striping. 8. Provide technical engineering support to the Tustin Legacy development program. STREETS DESCRIPTION: The Streets Division ensures that public rights-of-way are properly maintained. This is accomplished by installing proper signage and striping, and by maintaining all streets, sidewalks, bike trails, storm drains and catch basins within the public right-of-way. TASKS: 1. Support and monitor street sweeping program. 2. Administer streets and alley repair contract. 3. Perform litter control in the public rights-of-way. 4. Performs traffic sign maintenance and striping/marking program as directed by the Engineering Division, Traffic Section. 5. Performs sidewalk maintenance and grinding as needed. 6. Provide support for special events. LANDSCAPE DESCRIPTION: The Landscape Division maintains all City parks and playground equipment; all landscaped median and parkway areas; and all trees located in the public right-of-way to enhance the aesthetic image of the community, promote the general environmental quality of the community, and ensure the safety of all citizens and the general public. TASKS: 1. Maintains the turf in the parks. 2. Operate and maintain parks landscape irrigation systems. 3. Maintain foliage through chemical application, removing and/or replacing as required. 4. Perform graffiti removal and manage the weed abatement program in the parks and public rights-of- way. 5. Conduct regular inspection, maintenance, and repair of park grounds and play equipment, structures, lights, and picnic facilities. 6. Administer the citywide tree trimming and landscape maintenance contracts. PAGE 76 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET WATER QUALITY DESCRIPTION: The Water Quality Division provides coordinates and oversight for the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program and ensures compliance with all State and Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements. The Division also coordinates the City's participation in regional water quality efforts related to the Upper Newport Bay and San Diego Creek. TASKS: 1. Ensure City compliance with the NPDES and MS4 permits. 2. Assess the environmental issues associated with all development activities and provides regulatory framework to ensure that standards set are implemented. 3. Provide technical assistance to other City departments and outside agencies. 4. Maintain a complete inventory of storm water facilities and perform annual inspections. 5. Develop and implement public programs to inform and involve the public in controlling urban runoff. 6. Provide public assistance for storm water related concerns and complaints. 7. Coordinate maintenance of all publicly owned storm drains, catch basins and surface drainage facilities, in accordance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System guidelines. VEHICLES DESCRIPTION: The Vehicle Maintenance Division provides general repair and preventative maintenance for all City vehicles and other mechanical equipment, as well as maintaining the Vehicle Lease Fund. In addition, the Division provides maintenance and permit compliance for the City Fueling Island and the Underground Storage Tanks (UST). TASKS: 1. Perform repairs on vehicles and other mechanical equipment. 2. Administer a preventative maintenance program for vehicles and other mechanical equipment. 3. Provide fuel and maintain fueling facilities for the City and the Tustin Unified School District. 4. Conduct licensing/inspection of vehicles as required by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. 5. Administer the licensing and permits for City generators, fuel island, underground storage tank and other equipment. 6. Administer the forklift certification program. 7. Administers the Vehicle/Equipment Lease Fund. PAGE 77 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FACILITIES DESCRIPTION: The Facilities Division is responsible for building maintenance and repair. Staff carries out maintenance activities to preserve the value of facilities and equipment. They provide a safe and comfortable environment in City buildings, such as the Civic Center, police station, and recreation centers. TASKS: 1. Provide information on facility maintenance problems and cyclical replacement items, and coordinate correction through the budgetary process; 2. Monitor progress on facilities maintenance projects and cyclical maintenance through site visits and service request; 3. Perform regular maintenance and building repairs for all public facilities including structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and painting; 4. Administer maintenance contracts including, but not limited to janitorial, building security, elevators, pest control and HVAC. PAGE 78 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusT n 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Public Works Administration Personnel 609,153 370,918 322,252 399,400 399,400 Operations 689,309 685,400 651,900 689,400 689,400 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,298,463 1,056,318 974,152 1,088,800 1,088,800 Engineering 0 Personnel 1,030,856 1,284,018 1,289,309 1,274,000 1,274,100 Operations 23,039 154,000 54,000 154,000 154,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,053,895 1,438,018 1,343,309 1,428,000 1,428,100 Streets 0 Personnel 687,789 577,535 553,292 612,100 612,000 Operations 97,527 130,300 130,300 129,800 129,800 Capital 3,044,650 2,887,647 2,566,138 2,850,000 2,495,000 3,829,966 3,595,482 3,249,730 3,591,900 3,236,800 Landscape Personnel 1,706,202 1,891,027 1,645,008 1,971,286 2,046,370 Operations 3,675,098 3,201,257 3,554,471 3,763,000 3,861,400 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 5,381,300 5,092,284 5,199,479 5,734,286 5,907,770 Water Quality Personnel 170,890 177,584 175,098 175,100 175,100 Operations 282,892 380,000 350,500 385,500 385,500 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 453,782 557,584 525,598 560,600 560,600 Fleet Maintenance Personnel 498,367 522,534 514,171 526,700 526,700 Operations 514,889 498,500 494,500 515,200 515,200 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,013,256 1,021,034 1,008,671 1,041,900 1,041,900 PAGE 79 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Building Facilities Personnel 413,665 413,449 430,134 428,000 428,000 Operations 1,976,424 1,804,751 2,247,848 2,357,300 2,399,300 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 2,390,088 2,218,200 2,677,982 2,785,300 2,827,300 Emergency Services Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Personnel 5,116,921 5,237,065 4,929,263 5,386,586 5,461,670 Operations 7,259,179 6,854,208 7,483,519 7,994,200 8,134,600 Capital 3,044,650 2,887,647 2,566,138 2,850,000 2,495,000 Public Works Total 15,420,750 14,978,920 14,978,920 16,230,786 16,091,270 PAGE 80 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA POLICE DEPARTMENT TUSTIN TREES z o F w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART � CHIEF OF POLICE (1) IXE[UT VE ASSISTANT 111 17, CAPTAIN [NILWN COMMANDER (1) (I) NORTHAREA SOUTH AREA CITY SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL OPERATIONS PATROL PATROL OPERATIONS OPERATIONS STANDARDS FIELD SUPPORT SUPPORT POUCESUPPORT PCIUCESUPPORT LIEUTENANTS LIEUTENANTS LIEUTENANTS LIEUTENANTS LIEUTENANTS SERVICES SERVICES (I) (I) (I) (I) (1) MANAGER (�) MANAGER (I) SERGEANTS SERGEANTS SERGEANTS SERGEANTS SERGEANTS (5) (6) (2) (4) (I) POLICESUPPORT PCIUCESUPPORT ICE SERVICES SERVICES POICESSUPPORT POLICESPERVIS SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR SERVICESSUPERVISOR OFFKERSUPERVISOR OFFICERS OFFICERS OFFICERS OFFICERS OFFICERS (I8) (20) (10) (21) (I) MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT POLICE SERVICES PROPERLY&EVIMN[E LEAD OFFICERS (1) SPECWLIST (2) (a) (2) Poua POLICE SERVICE SERVICE POLICE SERVICE OFFICERS OFFICERS OFFICERS POLICE RECORDS LEAD (8) (3) (3) (2) MANAGEMENT FFI ANALYST D ILac1Ex 111 SENIOR POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SPEC LIST SPECWLIST ANALYST POLICERECORDS 11) (3) (3) SPECIAL ST (a) POLICE FLEET COORDINATOR CRIME ANALYST (1) (2) PAGE 82 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusnN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET POLICE MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION: Police Management directs the day to day operations of the Police Department. Its primary responsibility is to ensure the Department's overall mission is achieved, and the department is well prepared for the future. Police Management provides leadership and management direction to all Police Department functions. Staff also responds to citizen contacts and represents the Police Department within the City, County and State. Additionally, Police Management is responsible for the oversight of the CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) process. TASKS: 1. Provide administrative leadership to the entire Department; 2. Provide budget direction and control; 3. Review and implement new programs to enhance effectiveness of the Department; 4. Ensure free flow of internal and external information; 5. Participate in citywide team management concepts; 6. Provide direction and analysis to staff projects; 7. Coordinate with other local,state, and federal law enforcement agencies; 8. Coordinate Police Department activities with other City Departments; 9. Anticipate future needs and plan activities accordingly; 10. Provide oversight of day-to-day activities and ensure employees are able to work in a safe and productive environment; 11. Provide Department wide training and coordination of the CALEA re-accreditation process; 12. Serve as the leadership and clearing house of the CALEA accreditation team; 13. Compile and maintain the CALEA accreditation files consisting of 460 law enforcement standards organized into 38 chapters and; 14. Develop and coordinate inspections and reports mandated by CALEA on a recurring basis to provide the management team with valuable information for the fiscal and physical management of the Police Department. 2020 TRAFFIC UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Provided oversight of continued service and operations during the COVID-19 pandemic; PAGE 83 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2. Ensured for the safety and well-being of personnel; 3. Provided command, control, and logistical support for personnel during widespread protests. CITY OPERATIONS COMMAND DESCRIPTION: The City Operations Command consists of police personnel assigned to specialty assignment units and collateral duties which impact all areas within the City of Tustin borders. City Operations encompasses two primary units; the Traffic Unit and the Community Resources Unit. In addition to the primary units, City Operations also oversees the SWAT team,the Special Response Team(SRT),fleet operations,the canine program, and scheduling for the entire department. Its personnel are dedicated to supplement the Patrol Division in a variety of capacities such as the Traffic Unit, K-9 Unit, and SRT/SWAT. City Operations Command is currently positioned with one Lieutenant, two Sergeants, seven Officers, three Police service dogs, four Parking Control Officers, one Fleet Coordinator, three Police Services Officers, and one Emergency Manager. The Traffic Unit is responsible for traffic enforcement within the Tustin city limits. The Traffic Unit includes one Sergeant, five Motor Officers, one Police Services Officer, and four part-time Parking Control Officers. The Traffic Unit also conducts follow-up investigation for serious or fatal traffic collisions. The Traffic Unit submits grant applications and monitors all reporting requirements on funded grants. They also conduct quarterly DUI checkpoints throughout the city and review and approve all traffic collision reports. The Fleet Coordinator is also an integral part of the Traffic Unit. The Police Fleet Coordinator plans, organizes, and executes the purchase, repair, and maintenance of all police department vehicles and all technological, mechanical, and defensive equipment contained within police department vehicles, and used by police officers and support staff. The Community Resources Unit is responsible for working hand-in-hand with the community to help with crime reduction through education programs, and is responsible for handling quality-of-life issues throughout the City. In addition to those functions, the Community Resources Unit also coordinates the department's response to all of the City's special events such as,Tustin Tiller Days, Fourth of July Fireworks show,Tustin Street Fair, Chili Cook- Off and Hanger Half Marathon. The Community Resources Unit is comprised of a Police Sergeant, a Homeless Liaison Officer, a Community Impact Officer, and two Police Services Officers. The SWAT Team's primary role is to solve potentially dangerous incidents through experience, training, and the use of highly specialized tools and equipment. The SWAT team is a joint team with the Irvine Police Department. The SRT Team compliments the SWAT Team by providing specialized immediate tactical response to serious situations beyond the capacity of our Patrol Division. TASKS: Traffic Unit/Fleet/SWAT/SRT/Canine 1. Respond to all criminal,service and traffic calls for service; 2. Investigate,write police reports, follow-up, and apprehend violators as appropriate; 3. Work with parole and probation officers to monitor the activities of those individuals on parole or PAGE 84 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET probation who reside in Tustin; 4. Provide crime and traffic accident suppression through specific crime analysis,special enforcement, and proactive problem solving; 5. Conduct educational and other crime/traffic accident prevention presentations; 6. Coordinate community special event plans; 7. Continue the implementation of the overall Departmental Mission, Vision and Values in order to resolve community problems; reduce citizen fear of crime; and increase citizen satisfaction with service provided by local government; 8. Performs Police Fleet Coordination to maintain fleet to optimal efficiency. 2020 Traffic Unit Accomplishments: 1. Easily re-deployed as a Rapid Response Team for the majority of 2020; 2. Active traffic enforcement was suspended for the majority of 2020 to reduce public interaction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 Traffic Unit Goals: 1. Reduce injury traffic collisions through enforcement and education; 2. Improve the quality of monthly training; 3. Staff the vacant motor officer positions; 4. Establish a motor officer to be a certified trainer; 5. Re-establish the OTS operations to include DUI Checkpoints. 2020 Fleet Accomplishments: 1. Acquired several new patrol vehicles; 2. Established a new system that allows patrol vehicles to be assigned to officers rather than a pool system. This has dramatically improved the overall quality of the patrol fleet. 2021 Fleet Goals: 1. Purchase and convert new vehicles based on the needs of the department; 2. Repair and maintain all department vehicles to ensure personnel safety. PAGE 85 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TASKS (Community Relations Unit): 1. Manage numerous community outreach programs such as Neighborhood Watch,Town Hall meetings, Block Captains meetings, Nixle internet crime prevention and notification program, DEA Take Back Day, Read Across America, and Tustin Tiller Days; 2. Mange school related programs such as project"Think About It", Officer Friendly presentations, station tours, and Walk to School program; 3. Arrange public safety presentations regarding identity theft, personal safety, and holiday safety; 4. Organize public relations programs such as Open House, Santa Sleigh, Santa Cop, Foothill Regional Hospital special needs donation program, and National Night Out. 2020 COMMUNITY RELATIONS ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Created virtual platforms for community dialog due to COVID-19 in-person restrictions; 2. Completed the organization of the Community Resources area in the basement at City Hall. 2021 COMMUNITY RELATIONS GOALS: 1. Continue the buildout of the Annex; 2. Publish the first virtual Open House; 3. Increase community participation in the Neighborhood Watch Program; 4. Re-establish and improve the Volunteer Program. TASKS (Emergency Management): 1. Coordinate emergency planning and training; 2. Recruit and Management of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT); 3. Establish and maintain inter-agency coordination with local, state, and federal emergency response agencies; 4. Maintain the City's Emergency Operations Center(EOC) in a maximum state of readiness, which allows the EOC to be operational within one hour. 2020 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Continued with organization, planning, and workability of the new EOC; 2. Participated in the planning for new EOC located at the re-located Public Works facility; PAGE 86 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 3. Recruitment and fulfillment of the vacant Emergency Manager position. 2021 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GOALS: 1. Re-establish and dramatically increase the CERT Program; 2. Complete the City's new Emergency Operation Center; 3. Participate on OCHCA Point of Dispensing exercise; 4. Create a three-year NIMS/SIMS/ICS training program for police department and city personnel; 5. Review and update all Emergency Plans. TASKS (Homeless Outreach): 1. Provide outreach and resources to homeless individuals who have a connection to the City of Tustin; 2. Partner with private entities, local and county government agencies to assist the homeless with finding long- term shelter and/or services; 3. Advocate for the homeless. 2020 HOMELESS OUTREACH ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Partnered with Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter and assisted with providing resources to the homeless population during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 HOMELESS OUTREACH GOALS: 1. Provide resources and shelter to homeless population in Tustin; 2. Staff the Community Impact Officer position to compliment the Homeless Liaison Officer. TASKS (Volunteer Unit): 1. Provide personnel support for different assignments throughout the department; 2. Assist with field work such as vacation patrol checks and special events crowd control. 2020 VOLUNTEER UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. To ensure all volunteers' health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, the department suspended all volunteer activities for the majority of the year; PAGE 87 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2. Coordinators communicated with all volunteers on a routine basis and offered resources,as well as, updates of department activities. 2021 VOLUNTEER UNIT GOALS: 1. Continue to use Citizen Academy and CERT programs as recruitment pools for the Volunteer Unit; 2. Expand the use of Volunteer members at community events; 3. Recognize the achievements of current Volunteers at Volunteer Appreciation dinner. NORTH AREA PATROL DESCRIPTION: The North Area Command consists of the area in the City north of the 1-5 freeway. North Area Command is responsible for all reactive and proactive police problem solving in the north end of the City, including responding to citizen calls for service 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year. North Area command is currently staffed by one Lieutenant, five Sergeants, and 18 Patrol Officers and includes two Detention Officers. TASKS: 1. Respond to all criminal, service and traffic calls for service; 2. Investigate, write police reports, follow-up, and apprehend violators as appropriate; 3. Work with parole and probation officers in monitoring the activities of those individuals on parole or probation who reside in Tustin; 4. Provide crime and traffic accident suppression through specific crime analysis, special enforcement, and proactive problem solving; 5. Conduct educational and other crime/traffic accident prevention presentations; 6. Coordinate community special event plans; 7. Continue the implementation of the overall Departmental Mission, Vision and Values in order to resolve community problems, reduce citizen fear of crime, and increase citizen satisfaction with service provided by local government. 2020 PATROL CITY WIDE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Kept all employees safe and minimized potential exposure to COVID-19 while still providing services to the community; 2. Safely navigated through civil unrest activities and multiple fires within the City. PAGE 88 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2021 PATROL CITY WIDE GOALS: 1. Protect the Community 2. Engage the Community 3. Improve Internal Operations SOUTH AREA PATROL DESCRIPTION: South Area Command is responsible for all reactive and proactive police problem solving in the south end of the City, including responding to citizen calls for service 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year. South Area command is currently staffed by one Lieutenant, six Sergeants and 19 Patrol Officers. TASKS: 1. Respond to all criminal, service and traffic calls for service; 2. Investigate, write police reports, follow-up, and apprehend violators as appropriate; 3. Work with parole and probation officers in monitoring the activities of those individuals on parole or probation who reside in Tustin; 4. Provide crime and traffic accident suppression through specific crime analysis, special enforcement, and proactive problem solving; 5. Conduct educational and other crime/traffic prevention presentations; 6. Coordinate community special event plans; 7. Continue the implementation of the overall Departmental Mission, Vision and Values in order to resolve community problems; reduce citizen fear of crime; and increase citizen satisfaction with service provided by local government. 2020 PATROL CITY WIDE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Kept all employees safe and minimized potential exposure to COVID-19 while still providing services to the community; 2. Safely navigated through civil unrest activities and multiple fires within the City. 2021 PATROL CITY WIDE GOALS: 1. Protect the Community 2. Engage the Community PAGE 89 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 3. Improve Internal Operations SPECIAL OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION: The Special Operations Division includes the Criminal Investigations Unit and the GRADE Unit, which are responsible for the investigation and disposition of a wide variety of crimes and suspicious activities within the City of Tustin. The Criminal Investigations Unit includes the Major Crimes Team and Property Crimes Team.These two teams are responsible for comprehensive follow-up investigations on the majority of crimes reported to the Tustin Police Department. Detectives assigned to these teams are on-call around the clock to respond to crime scenes throughout the City. The Criminal Investigations Unit detectives are supported by civilian investigators, a court liaison, a Police Records Specialist, and a Crime Analyst. The investigators assigned to the unit are trained to handle criminal investigations in the same manner as a sworn police detective. The court liaison is a Police Services Officer who serves as a crucial link in daily communications with the Orange County District Attorney's Office,working to achieve the successful filing of charges in criminal complaints. The Crime Analyst uses state of the art technology and systems to not only document crime trends throughout the City, but predict the potential location of future crimes. The Crime Analyst also works as liaison with other municipal, state, and federal police agencies to maintain up-to-date information on relevant criminal activity in other jurisdictions. The Criminal Investigations Unit also includes a full-time School Resource Officer, assigned as a liaison to the Tustin Unified School District, and detectives assigned to specialized regional task forces. Some of these task forces include Orange County Auto Theft Task Force, the Regional Narcotics Suppression Program, the Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center, and the Joint Terrorism Task Force. The GRADE Unit (Gang Reduction and Directed Enforcement) is responsible for the investigation of gang activity. Gang Detectives and associated GRADE Officers further serve as an educational and proactive enforcement detail to combat and suppress gang activity within the community. GRADE Detectives are assigned a caseload of gang crimes and all crimes requiring follow-up from GRADE Officer arrests and/or investigations. The GRADE Unit is also responsible for conducting high visibility and strategic policing in high crime or emerging crime areas identified through the CTAPS (Crime Traffic and Policing Strategies) policing model. The GRADE Unit supplements patrol officers without the responsibility of handling calls for service. This allows GRADE Officers to focus on community concerns and see problems through to the end. GRADE Officers are also available to supplement the Special Operations Division with the apprehension and surveillance of suspects. The Tustin Police Department often receives reports of criminal activity related to narcotics and vice activity. Due to the nature of these types of crimes, the need for a specialty unit to have the ability to function in an undercover capacity exists. Detectives assigned to the GRADE Unit are responsible for the investigation of narcotics and vice related crimes. TASKS: 1. Follow-up on all cases with workable leads; 2. Investigate incidents dealing with vice, narcotics, and white-collar crimes; PAGE 90 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN A, 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 3. Follow-up on unsolved homicide cases, and "cold"DNA hits in sexual assault, burglary and vehicle theft cases; 4.Respond to community needs concerning juveniles, including using juvenile diversion programs and maintaining a School Resource Officer program; 5. Coordinate community special event plans; 6. Provide personnel to the Orange County Regional Narcotics Suppression Program(RNSP),the Orange County Auto Theft Task Force (OCATT); 7. Provide personnel to the Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center(OCIAC), and the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). 2020 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. The Unit Investigated 847 cases in 2020; 2. Maintained the integrity and efficiency of the unit by implementing a staggered schedule throughout the COVID- 19 Pandemic; 3. The Unit initiated 31 arrests; 4. The Unit served 41 search/arrest warrants. 2021 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT GOALS: 1. Attend briefings weekly to improve communication; 2. Strive to attain and maintain an average case clearance rate of 20%; 3. Improve efficiency by continuing to seek out and deploy new investigative technology and systems; 4. Continue to improve and implement the Crime Analyst's predictive policing model deployed near the end of 2020; 5. Make arrests in 10% of cleared cases (approx. 80 arrests per year); 6. Send all CIU detectives and investigators to the ICI Core two-week investigations course. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS DESCRIPTION: The Professional Standards Division operates under the Community Policing Bureau. Personnel assigned to the Professional Standards Division (PSD) include the following: one Police Lieutenant, one Police Sergeant, one Police Officer, one Police Services Officers, one Police Records Specialist,three Master Reserve Officers. The Professional Standards Division is responsible for the recruitment and hiring of police department personnel. Additionally,the PSD is home to the department's Press Information Officerwho works with various media outlets regarding the release of relevant information. The PSD is also responsible for conducting and tracking complaints of employee misconduct, as well as, oversight of the department's information technology. PAGE 91 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TASKS: Personnel & Training Unit 1. Recruit and hire all departmental employees; 2. Manage internal affairs files, background files, and training files; 3. Manage the employee performance evaluation system; 4. Represent the agency as custodian of records for all Pitchess Motion court appearances; 5. Manage the Cadet Program; 6. Manage the Explorer Program; 7. Investigate all serious complaints of misconduct or uses of force as determined by command staff; 8. Prepare yearly administrative statistical reports and state cost recovery reports; 9. Coordinate and track all formal training; 10. Author and track all internally generated training documents; 11. Ensure P.O.S.T. compliance with mandated training requirements; 12. Manage the Power DMS computer data system; 13. Coordinate new employee departmental orientations; 14. Manage citizen academy program; 15. Serve as liaison with P.O.S.T. police training academies; 16. Recruitment and hiring of all departmental employees; 17. Manage internal affairs files, background files, and training. Information Technology 1. Facilitate and address department's current and future Information Technology needs; 2. Research, selection and implementation of new CAD/RMS system; 3. Responsible for departmental scheduling oversight. 2020 PSD ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Kept all employees safe and minimized potential exposure to COVID-19 while still providing services to the community; PAGE 92 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2. Safely navigated through civil unrest activities and multiple fires within the City. 2021 PSD GOALS: Personnel & Training Unit 1. Fill vacancies in all open positions throughout the year; 2. Complete applicant background investigations within a timely manner; 3. Ensure all employees are compliant with P.O.S.T. training requirements; 4. Incorporate recruitments in Facebook and other social media outlets; 5. Ensure IA notification letters are sent out within set deadlines. Public Information Officer: 1. Update the PIO press contact list on a quarterly basis; 2. Coordinate for Lieutenant and Sergeant to attend PIO Training; 3. Effectively utilize Social Media outlets with information regarding Press releases and other community issues. Information Technology: 1. Ensure the department's information technology needs are addressed in a timely manner; 2. Research feasibility of adding an on-site IT PD tech to address department needs and improve efficiency; 3. Implement the Mark43 CAD/RMS solution. FIELD SUPPORT DESCRIPTION: The Field Support Division is comprised of two units: Police Service Officers/Crime Scene Investigations and Communications.These units provide support services necessary to daily Police Department operations. Often the first interaction the public has with the Tustin Police Department is the experience with the Communication Unit. The Communications Unit maintains a "how can we help" mentality and takes pride in providing a professional and positive experience, in what may be the worst day the person has ever experienced. The Unit's primary goal is to keep the public and members of the department safe. This is accomplished by properly questioning callers and providing resources, striving for perfection in radio traffic, telecommunications work, and commitment to continued training and improvement of job skills. PAGE 93 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 0___ Police Services Officers perform a wide variety of duties that play an important role in the day-to-day operations of the police department. Police Services Officers assigned to Field Operations take police reports in the field and at the front counter of the Police Department. The efforts of the Police Services Officers enable patrol officers to remain available for emergencies and implementation of crime suppression strategies in the field. Field Operations personnel also staff the Crime Scene Investigations Unit where they specialize in crime scene mapping and photography, forensic evidence collection, and perseveration of evidence for laboratory analysis. TASKS (Communications Unit): 1. Responsible for receiving and relaying all calls for service to field personnel, including all 9-1-1 calls; 2. Monitoring police radio 24/7 in support of patrol operations. 2020 COMMUNICATIONS UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. In 2020 the Communications Unit received 99,159 calls. 21,192 of those calls were 911 calls. The Communications Unit answered 99.53% of those calls within 15 seconds, well above the standard set by the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) of answering 90% of 911 calls within 15 seconds; 2. A Communications Training Officer was promoted to Communications Lead.A Communications Officer was hired and is currently in training.With respect to personnel, 11 of 12 Communications Officer positions are filled; 3. All full-time and part-time Communications Officers completed their 24 hours of POST mandated continuing education; 4. The Communications Unit remained staffed and fully functional during the COVID-19 pandemic; 5. Community Engagement activities were cut drastically due to the pandemic; however,the Communications Unit participated in the Turkey Giveaway, Santa Cop and Santa Sleigh. 2021 COMMUNICATION UNIT GOALS: 1. Recruit,train and become fully staffed in the Communications Center; 2. Redesign the Communications Training Manual to reflect the implementation of Mark43 CAD; 3. Continue to surpass the state requirement of answering 90% of all 911 calls within 15 seconds; 3. Build,train, and implement Mark43 CAD; 4. Complete the Emergency Operations Dispatch Center at the City Yard; 5. Continue to develop and mentor both Leads and Communications Officers; 6. Ensure all Communications Officers begin their 24 hours of continuing education for the new two-year cycle; 7. Continue to build morale through teambuilding activities and holding employees accountable. PAGE 94 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusnN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TASKS (PSO/CSI Unit): 1. Responsible for writing approximately 45% of all non-arrest reports taken by Police Department personnel; 2. Conducts all mid-level Crime Scene Investigation functions; 3. Assists field patrol units with a variety of functions including traffic control and parking violations. 2020 PSO/CSI UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Completed all front counter and CSI office renovations including a new workstation for the MROs who were assigned to the front desk for security purposes; 2. PSOs were brought up to date on their Field Evidence Technician certification; 3. Set up new IT infrastructure to enable the PSOs to work from different areas of the Tustin Civic Center as the station was being disinfected, and to make social distancing possible, during the pandemic; 4. Successfully modified our operations to ensure we continued to provide excellent support and the vast majority of police services during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. We continued to take police reports, process vehicle releases, register sex and arson offenders, and assist citizens with a wide variety of requests while providing the safest environment possible; 5. Maintained availability for major incidents, such as protests, and crime scene investigations while adhering to COVID-19 PPE requirements and distancing guidelines. 2021 PSO/CSI UNIT GOALS: 1. Send more experienced PSOs who are interested in training new employees to the Field Training Officer course for certification; 2. Provide department wide training to patrol officers related to CSI and traffic collision investigation techniques; 3. Explore the possibility of employing part-time PSOs and Cadets to staff the front counter for the purpose of increasing full-time field support. OPERATIONS SUPPORT DESCRIPTION: The Operations Support Division is comprised of two units: Records and Property and Evidence. Each of these units functions independently, providing functional services necessary to daily Police Department operations. The Property and Evidence Unit is a vital part of the Police Department, and is an essential piece of the criminal justice system. The staff is highly trained to maintain control and keep the chain of custody for all evidence items which are booked into the department.All laws and procedures are followed to ensure that the evidence maintains its integrity when presented in court. PAGE 95 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET The Records Unit consists of 14 staff members who work around the clock to perform police-related records management duties. Staff members strive to meet the Tustin Police Department's needs in a timely and efficient manner by providing support to both sworn and civilian personnel, as well as,the citizens of Tustin. TASKS (Property & Evidence): Property and Evidence Unit 1. Currently maintains and controls approximately 55,000 items of property and evidence. 2020 PROPERTY & EVIDENCE UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Replaced ballistic vests nearing expiration dates; 2. Purchased tactical vests for all field personnel; 3. Reorganized lower parking garage and created additional working space for the Fleet Coordinator; 4. Completed project to install temperature-controlled equipment in the upper and lower areas of the unit. 2021 PROPERTY & EVIDENCE UNIT GOALS: 1. Complete audit of the Property& Evidence Unit; 2. Remodel the unit's bike cage area to properly address areas addressed in the department's audit results; 3. Remodel the property booking area to properly address areas addressed in the department's audit results; 4. Implement a consistent property booking training guide for field personnel. TASKS (Record Unit): Records Unit 1. Process and maintain Police Department files; 2. Process reports and citations to be forwarded to the District Attorney's Office and Court for prosecution; 3. Respond to requests for police reports. 2020 RECORDS UNIT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Processed 7,443 reports; PAGE 96 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2. Completed 2,498 court packages; 3. Processed 525 citations; 4. Handled 4,113 records requests. 2021 RECORDS UNIT GOALS: 1. Update Records Unit training manual; 2. Continue career training and development of Records Unit staff; 3. Complete implementation of new records management system, and transition to National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) statistical reporting system; 4. Implement new records management system. PAGE 97 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Police Administration Personnel 1,184,875 1,034,821 1,239,770 1,191,700 1,191,800 Operations 3,168,723 2,154,678 2,109,404 2,139,060 2,139,060 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 4,353,598 3,189,499 3,349,174 3,330,760 3,330,860 City Operations Personnel 3,185,928 4,273,221 3,714,236 4,423,375 4,445,939 Operations 538,520 596,264 642,987 802,054 802,054 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 3,724,448 4,869,485 4,357,223 5,225,429 5,247,993 North Area Division Personnel 4,454,992 4,254,339 4,250,466 4,362,500 4,362,400 Operations 105,153 45,934 51,469 52,434 52,434 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 4,560,144 4,300,273 4,301,935 4,414,934 4,414,834 South Area Division Personnel 4,477,950 4,244,615 4,204,139 4,413,633 4,413,633 Operations 87,029 45,834 50,730 48,334 48,334 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 4,564,979 4,290,449 4,254,869 4,461,967 4,461,967 Special Operations Division Personnel 3,042,900 3,007,202 3,105,617 3,247,500 3,247,500 Operations 134,441 184,285 160,285 172,785 179,785 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 3,177,341 3,191,487 3,265,902 3,420,285 3,427,285 Professional Standards Division Personnel 2,141,749 1,782,942 1,756,938 1,772,800 1,772,800 Operations 519,174 517,218 556,477 474,718 474,718 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 2,660,923 2,300,160 2,313,415 2,247,518 2,247,518 PAGE 98 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Field Support Services Personnel 2,472,116 2,680,571 2,586,859 2,704,800 2,704,900 Operations 244,896 406,425 406,425 257,025 257,025 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 2,717,012 3,086,996 2,993,284 2,961,825 2,961,925 Operations Support Services Personnel 1,511,895 1,666,714 1,580,911 1,670,900 1,670,900 Operations 223,199 194,075 230,905 265,122 260,122 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,735,093 1,860,789 1,811,816 1,936,022 1,931,022 Police Personnel 22,472,404 22,944,425 22,438,937 23,787,208 23,809,872 Operations 5,021,135 4,144,714 4,208,682 4,211,533 4,213,533 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 Police Total 27,493,539 27,089,139 26,647,619 27,998,741 28,023,405 PAGE 99 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA ■ DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA FIRE TUSTIN TREES ' r a U F w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: The City contracts with the Orange County Fire Authority for fire suppression, prevention, inspection, public education, and paramedic services. The Fire Authority serves twenty-three cities and the County of Orange through a Joint Powers Agreement. One member of the Tustin City Council serves on the Board of Directors of the Fire Authority. In fiscal year 2007-08 the City Council authorized an extension of the contract with the Fire Authority for an additional twenty years. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Fire Service Contract Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 8,676,428 9,309,400 9,309,400 9,768,000 10,020,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Service Contract Total 8,676,428 9,309,400 9,309,400 9,768,000 10,020,000 PAGE 102 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA PARKS AND RECREATION Tus IN TREES 0 V H L _ W-4 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION ORGANIZATIONAL CHART - DIRECTOR OF PARKS& cemmnnity Se rice C...i..i. 0 RECREATION (1) Capital Project Management EXECUTIVE A551 STANT {1) RECREATION Pu61ic Art CommNtee SUPERINTENDENT ftl Veterans Rpons Park Program Assatams Coordinator {3) {1} {Part-timel SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR Senior Advisory�. HUMAN SERVICES Senior Center RECREATION SERVICES Board (�) Fnnd ( y COLUM6USTUSTIN CLASSESICULTURAL ARTS RLC.PROGRAM MPCC COORDINATOR TRAN RDIKATO REC FACILITIES LEAD TASC COORDINATOR TF`!C COORDINATOR COORDINATOR COORDINATOR SPECIAEJST COORDINATOR � III It) (tl Itf {1) iYecant) 12} Asst AEtogram ts Rereptionist Prog s enADMINISTRATNE PROGRAMASST RUC LEADER II Rec FadXties Asst 1�) ASSISTANT TSP {t) {12) Part-Time Part-Time Part-Time (2) (2) Parttime Part-Time Part-Time Prog Ass[ Rec Leaders {3) Recrea[io OFFICE Part-Time Part Time Leadersn ASSISTANT Part-Time {3} R Leaders Part-Time Part Time PAGE 104 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION: The Administrative Services Division provides coordination to manage the planning, acquisition, and rehabilitation of park and recreation facilities and provides administration services and leadership to department operations. TASKS: 1. Coordinate and implement a one-year strategic plan for the Community Services Commission and Public Art Committee; 2. Provide management and oversight of Capital Improvement Program; 3. Provide budgetary control and fiscal responsibility; 4. Maintain accurate position control document; 5. Provide staff support to City Council, Community Services Commission, Public Art Committee, and related committees; 6. Facilitate communication and collaboration with community organizations and resident groups through multiple avenues, including social media; 7. Provide annual department goals and objectives; 8. Ensure consistency with Department Vision, Mission Statement and Values; 9. Investigate and secure grant funding. 2021-2023 GOALS: 1. Remove and replace the playground and shade sails and construct an awning of the cafe seating area at Tustin Sports Park; 2. Design and construct courtyard improvements at the Tustin Family and Youth Center; 3. Collaborate with Public Works to renovate Pine Tree Park; 4. Install shade structures at Laurel Glen and Camino Real Parks; 5. Develop a strategic plan for the Public Art Committee; 6. Secure donors for the Creative Signals Public Art program. 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Developed a strategic plan for the Community Services Commission and formulated a Seven-Year Capital Improvement Priority List; 2. Installed a picnic shelter and (2) bleacher shade structures at Columbus Tustin Park; 3. Collaborated with Public Works to renovate Peppertree Park; R4GE 105 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 4. Completed murals at Laurel Glen Park, Peppertree Park, and the Tustin Civic Center; 5. Finalized the painting of planter boxes to beautify the streets of Old Town Tustin; 6. Successfully opened Veterans Sports Park and The Annex at Tustin Legacy; 7. Oversaw the implementation of all applicable State, County, and CDC guidelines for City programs and facilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. SPORTS DESCRIPTION: The Sports Services Section provides active recreation programs through the utilization of sports, fitness, and instructional classes that provide all ages the opportunity for supervised, active recreation programs. In addition, this division is responsible for coordination of the after-school program, Little Folks pre-school, and summer day camps at Columbus Tustin Recreation Center. TASKS: 1. Coordinate and implement special events to include a safe and free Egg Hunt, Halloween Howl, Fourth of July, and Tustin Tiller Days Festival and Parade; 2. Coordinate the Tustin Youth Track Meet; 3. Provide organized and value based Adult Sports Leagues and Tournaments to include softball, volleyball, and basketball; 4. Provide safe and wholesome summer day camp experiences for local children; 5. Provide fun and affordable youth sports camps throughout the year; 6. Implement safe and enriching after-school activities for local area youth at the Columbus Tustin Recreation Center; 7. Provide community service and leadership opportunities to high school teenagers through Tustin Teens in Action and Counselors in Training programs; 8. Provide non-profit youth organizations with access to City facilities, including the gymnasium and sports fields. 2021-2023 GOALS: 1. Research and develop new programming for Adult Sports program to include a non-traditional softball league and an adult volleyball league; 2. Resume the Adult Sports program to an average of 50-60 teams per season; 3. Keep annual special events viable by adapting, changing, adding elements each year; 4. Administer and implement an Adult Sports Participant Survey to measure satisfaction and elicit suggestions for improvement; 5. Ensure the equitable distribution of the City's sports fields to local youth sports organizations per PaGE106 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qV 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Department's Field Allocation Policy; 6. Increase the cost of summer camps by 10% to meet expenditures by FY 2022-2023; 7. Secure a total of$40,000 in sponsorship support (money/in-kind) from the local business community; 8. Expand the Tustin Teens in Action program to incorporate seminars on teen subjects (e.g. how to apply for a job, how to apply for college, finances, and how to prepare for interviews). 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Increased participation in the after-school program by 25% by expanding the program to Estock Elementary School, marketing, and making improvements to the existing program; 2. Ensured the equitable distribution of the City's sports fields to local youth sports organizations per the Department's Field Allocation Policy and reinforced a fee policy that charges these organizations for their field use; 3. Secured over$30,000 in sponsorship support (money/in-kind) from the local business community; 4. Advanced the Tustin Youth Track Meet to utilizing a timing company for efficiency and accuracy; 5. Increased Tustin Teens in Action's participation by 5% and involvement in 2019 community outreach programs; 6. Conducted a modified Summer Day Camp program following all CDC. State, and County COVID-19 related guidelines; 7. Hosted two food box giveaway drive through events in collaboration with the Heritage Council of Orange County and the Tustin Community Foundation at Columbus Tustin Park. CLASSES/CULTURAL ARTS DESCRIPTION: The Contract Class Section promotes and coordinates recreational classes for community adults and youth. The section is responsible for program publicity, including the production of the Tustin Today quarterly brochure, procurement of instructors and classroom space, and implementation of class registration procedures. TASKS: 1. Provide a diverse selection of valuable contract classes for children, adults and seniors; 2. Produce and publish the quarterly Tustin Today activity guide; 3. Maintain an accessible and customer friendly registration system to include on-line, phone-in, and walk-in options; 4. Manage and evaluate contract class instructors to assure quality programs; PAGE107 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET IN 5. Ensure community awareness of department classes, programs, and special events throughout the year with new and innovative marketing techniques; 6. Coordinate and implement the annual Tustin Tiller Days Parade; 7. Coordinate and implement the annual Summer Movies in the Park; 8. Manage the Tustin Community Center at the Market Place events and facility reservations. 2021-2023 GOALS: 1. Research and develop tennis classes and clinics for special needs families; 2. Research and develop new Special Interest classes for adults and youth; 3. Increase summer camp offerings from dance and youth sports contract instructors utilizing The Annex at Tustin Legacy and Veterans Sports Park; 4. Grow tennis and youth sports revenues by 5% through marketing campaigns and added class offerings in the Tustin Today Activity Guide; 5. Transition events hosted at the Tustin Community Center at The Market Place from adult focused to family Focused; 6. Continue with Tustin Tiller Days `Play It Forward'campaign increasing local merchant involvement and foot traffic with event and business promotion through social medal partnerships and City web pages; 7. Increase special event sponsorships from local merchants through in-person meetings promoting social media Share for Share and giveaway campaigns with merchant features on Instagram, Facebook, and City web pages; 8. Increase Parks and Recreation website and social media engagement with entertaining and original quarterly eblasts utilizing the CivicRec registration software. 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Increased revenue generated from contract classes by over 10%through increased patron and contract instructor communication and cooperation; 2. Oversaw Tustin Tiller Days Parade with over 100 entries in 2019; 3. Developed and implemented the Tustin Tiller Days 2020 `Play it Forward' marketing campaign increasing event awareness and participating with Old Town Tustin merchants and local business and health agencies; 4. Developed and implemented a successful 2020 summer Movies at the Hangar series in place of Movies in the Park, abiding by CDC, State, and County COVID-19 related guidelines; 5. Achieved a successful transition of the Reading Readiness Program from the Tustin Library (closed due to COVID-19)to the Annex at Tustin Legacy with sustained enrollment due to modified curriculum to transition to childcare; 6. Effective social media campaigns growing Instagram following by over 500%; PAGE108 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 7. Established tennis clinics for special needs youth; 8. Increased contract instructor roster by over 10% including dance, technology, crime investigation, karate, and fitness for new moms. VETERANS SPORTS PARK/THE ANNEX DESCRIPTION: The Veterans Sports Park/The Annex Section provides active recreation programs through the utilization of sports,fitness,and instructional activities that provide all ages the opportunity for supervised, active, recreation programs at Veterans Sports Park and The Annex at Tustin Legacy facility. In addition, this division is responsible for coordination of the classes, camps, and programs at The Annex. TASKS: 1. Develop programs and policies to ensure the safe use of Veterans Sports Park and The Annex at Tustin Legacy; 2. Coordinate and implement special events to include a safe and free Memorial Day Remembrance Event and Veterans Day Celebration; 3. Provide organized and value based Adult Pickleball Sports Leagues and Tournaments; 4. Provide safe and wholesome summer day camp programming for local children; 5. Implement safe and enriching after school K-6 and drop-in programming for local area youth at The Annex; 6. Provide non-profit youth organizations with access to City facilities and fields. 2021-2023 GOALS: 1. Create Adult Pickleball Leagues and Tournaments that generate revenue for the City; 2. Research and develop activities,groups, and programs to promote a positive culture at the Veterans Sports Park Skate Park; 3. Create quarterly community events at Veterans Sports Park that residents of the Tustin Legacy area can walk to, such as food truck events or community picnics; 4. Further expand the childcare and youth programs at the community center at The Annex at Tustin Legacy; 5. Create and develop an impactful online presence for The Annex at Tustin Legacy and Veterans Sports Park; 6. Create and develop volunteer programs and opportunities for both youth and adults at The Annex at Tustin Legacy. PAGE 109 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Safely opened Veterans Sports Park and The Annex at Tustin Legacy under COVID-19 guidelines and developed operations and policies for all major amenity areas; 2. Created and implemented childcare program at The Annex at Tustin Legacy; 3. Managed very high participant levels at the skate park and pickleball courts to ensure equity and public safety; 4. Produced a virtual Park Dedication and Veterans Day Celebration in 2020. TUSTIN FAMILY AND YOUTH CENTER DESCRIPTION: This section is responsible for the operation and programming of the Tustin Family and Youth Center. The primary mission of this section is to provide a wide array of recreational activities and human services for families and youth of the southwest area of Tustin. These activities and services are presented in collaboration with a variety of regional and local service organizations and agencies. TASKS: 1. Provide educational, recreational,social, and human services programs and services for southwest Tustin area children 4-17 years of age and their families; 2. Conduct a free After-School Program/Homework Club during the school year; 3. Provide a Summer Drop-In Recreation program at two sites for area youth; 4. Coordinate the Kids Corner Recreation Preschool Program; 5. Collaborate with local non-profits to distribute free food to area residents; 6. Coordinate volunteer opportunities for seniors, adults, youth, and service club members; 7. Organize and present the annual Cinco de Mayo event for neighborhood residents; 8. Organize and present the Holiday Basket Program to the community. 2021-2023 GOALS: 1. Continue to engage young adults in the area through Teen Nights, sports competitions, and personal enrichment instruction; 2. Conduct an evening fitness class for adults; 3. Partner with local health organizations to offer health and wellness seminars for children, teens, and adults; 4. Continue to expand intergenerational opportunities with the Tustin Area Senior Center Lunch Program and neighborhood senior apartments; 5. Continue to maintain a top score on all of the Safe Food, Good Handling Guidelines from Second Harvest Food Bank; PAGE110 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 6. Conduct Mandated Reporting trainings for staff; 7. Conduct quarterly staff meetings to ensure that the Tustin Family and Youth Center is providing a fun and safe environment that includes appropriate interactions and education assistance for area families; 8. Offer a spring break or summer excursion for teens; 9. Provide awareness of the Senior Center personal enrichment and recreational programs available to seniors in southwest Tustin; 10.Increase the number of students in the Teens in Action Program through mentorship opportunities and educational classes. 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Implemented additional weekend hours for the "Super Saturday" program to engage local youth participants (age 4-17) in health recreational activities; 2. Expanded the Food Distribution Program by offering a Park-it-Market grocery truck program and weekly distribution of groceries to the Chatham Village Apartment complex; 3. Registered participants to utilize the Senior Center's transportation program for exercise classes; 4. Offered four parenting classes through the OC Health Department; 5. Received a scholarship to the 2019 OC Fair which provided free transportation, admission tickets, and spending money for 70 children; 6. Expanded the Cinco de Mayo event by moving it to Thorman Elementary which allowed for additional vendors, entertainment, and activities; 7. In partnership with Dental Care for Children, free dental services were offered to over 70 children and 30 adults; 8. Conducted the Kids Corner Preschool Program for twenty-five (25) 4-year old children to ensure their Kindergarten readiness; 9. Coordinated field trips for the Tustin Family and Youth Center participants to visit the children in the Tustin Medical Hospital once a week during the summer; 10.Built a partnership with Heideman Elementary School to relocate the summer program to that site thus allowing for programming in two different underserved areas of town; 11.Collaborated with the Columbus Tustin Recreation Center to unite the Teens in Action programs from each facility to work together at special events; 12.Provided inter-generational opportunities for TFYC youth participants to interact with seniors at the Tustin Area Senior Center through the monthly Saturday hiking program and special events; 13.Distributed over 3,000 food boxes to community members; 14.Provided 250 families with gifts and food for the whole family through the Holiday Gift Basket Program. PAGE 111 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUPPORT SERVICES DESCRIPTION: The Support Services Section is responsible for providing logistical support for City special events and meetings at City Hall/Civic Center, Columbus Tustin Recreation Center, Tustin Area Senior Center (TASC), Tustin Family and Youth Center (TFYC), The Annex, Tustin Library, City parks, and community centers. In addition, this division performs custodial duties in providing a clean, safe environment for city employees and the general public. TASKS: 1. Responsible for the care and light maintenance of the Civic Center, recreation facilities, Senior Center, Tustin Library Meeting Rooms, and community centers; 2. Provide support to the Parks and Recreation Services Department for contract classes and special events by performing set-up and tear down of a wide variety of equipment; 3. Provide support and supervision of facility rentals; 4. Provide support for over 20 city-wide special events; 5. Provide support on a daily basis for all facilities with special dedication to the Tustin Family and Youth Center, Columbus Tustin Recreation Center(CTRC), and the Tustin Area Senior Center. 2021-2023 GOALS: 1. Ensure that City facilities are kept clean and organized by utilizing the facility checklist as a guide; 2. Ensure that outdoor equipment is kept dry as mandated by the OC Vector Control; 3. Continue to purge closets and storage rooms at facilities as requested by the site Coordinators; 4. Continue to project a professional image by providing quality customer service for both internal and external reservations; 5. Provide adequate part-time staff coverage at all city events, meetings, rentals, daily operations, etc.; 6. Continue to provide COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting of city facilities as recommended by CDC and OC Health Care Agency guidelines; 7. Establish professional standards and/or values for part-time Recreation Facilities Assistants; 8. Provide support and light maintenance of the Senior Center Garden. 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Continued to provide support to over 3,000 recreational classes and facility rentals; 2. Maintained off-site storage organized and items within two units; 3. Thoroughly cleaned and purged TASC kitchen closets and sheds; PAGE112 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN A, 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 4. Offered learning opportunities by allowing part-time staff to train with using tools and equipment at special events; 5. Provided additional part-time support for cleaning and set-ups at the newly opened facility, The Annex; 6. Provided support and new ideas for operating drive-through and walk-up food programs at TASC and TFYC; 7. Maintained City facilities cleaned and disinfected as recommended by COVID-19 CDC and OC Health Care Agency guidelines. TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER DESCRIPTION: The Senior Services Section is responsible for the operation and programming of the Tustin Area Senior Center. The primary mission of this section is to provide a wide variety of recreational, educational, social, and human services to seniors in the Tustin area. These activities are accomplished in collaboration with a variety of regional and local service organizations. TASKS: 1. Provide recreation, education, social, and human services designed to assist center participants with activities for daily living, such as transportation and housing assistance, nutrition, physical and mental well- being, and life enriching interests; 2. Provide staff leadership and direction to the Senior Advisory Board, which includes the Senior Advisory Board Ways and Means Committee through fundraising activities and planning; 3. Provide staff support and manage all bookkeeping for the non-profit Tustin Area Senior Center Fund, Inc.; 4. Manage the Senior Center Gift Shop; 5. Manage over 130 volunteers for the following areas at the Center: Front Desk, Bingo Committee, Food Distribution, Congregate Meal Program, special events, Senior Advisory Board, Instructors, Art Gallery, Gift Shop, Quilting, and Tax Aid; 6. Coordinate City-wide Parks and Recreation special events such as Street Fair and Chili Cook-Off, Casino Night, Concerts in the Park, Tree Lighting, and Broadway in the Park. 2021-2023 GOALS: 1. Continue to grow the senior transportation program to include transportation for seniors and disabled Veterans; 2. Offer classes which target baby boomers and/or working seniors; 3. Continue to provide more diverse seminars covering an array of topics affecting seniors to include mental well-being and technology tips; 4. Increase revenue by 5% through various new and improved programs such as contract classes, excursions, and events for senior participants; PAGE 113 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 5. Provide additional online courses for seniors; 6. Increase awareness of resources to adult children of seniors; 7. Identify guidelines for the Volunteer Program; 8. Establish guidelines for the Senior Center Garden. 2019-2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Expanded transportation program to seniors residing on the outskirts of Tustin bordering Santa Ana and southwest Tustin; 2. Developed clear and prominent roles for Senior Advisory Board members; 3. Offered more diverse lectures and seminars pertaining to those 50 and older; 4. Increased participation in several fitness classes due to participation from southwest Tustin residents; 5. Hosted an annual meeting of the Orange County Senior Center Directors to discuss best practices and current issues faced by senior participants; 6. Through donations from the TASC Fund, Inc. and the Community Services Commission, continued to ensure no participants were turned away from obtaining lunch through the Meals on Wheels Congregate Meal Program; 7. Created new and innovative ways of handling food programs during the COVID-19 pandemic; 8. Managed funding of$127,500 through the Federal CARES Act, which included identifying and reaching out to seniors in need and dispersing grocery store and restaurant gift cards to over 300 seniors in the Tustin area; 9. Offered training on use of Zoom application in order to facilitate online classes for seniors; 10. Facilitated over ten Zoom programs for seniors including fitness classes, lectures, and virtual Bingo; 11. Instituted social calls for seniors who are homebound due to the COVID-19 pandemic. PAGE114 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusT n 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Parks& Recreation Administration Personnel 377,977 455,610 438,436 468,158 468,058 Operations 714,190 597,900 569,765 605,450 611,950 Capital 709 850 850 850 850 1,092,876 1,054,360 1,009,051 1,074,458 1,080,858 Sports Personnel 638,014 743,580 611,952 744,405 762,403 Operations 176,545 330,300 110,000 306,900 319,900 Capital 1,939 6,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 816,498 1,079,880 727,952 1,055,305 1,086,303 Classes/Cultural Services Personnel 332,655 376,114 326,670 353,600 353,600 Operations 468,979 435,129 277,150 376,700 432,200 Capital 16,236 19,000 17,000 19,500 19,500 817,870 830,243 620,820 749,800 805,300 Classes/Cultural Services Personnel 0 0 0 98,020 118,600 Operations 0 0 0 65,200 64,700 Capital 0 0 0 2,500 2,000 0 0 0 165,720 185,300 Senior Citizens Personnel 433,470 464,389 438,234 472,600 482,700 Operations 58,267 102,700 45,000 103,700 105,200 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 491,737 567,089 483,234 576,300 587,900 Support Services Personnel 331,275 358,089 268,908 356,795 356,895 Operations 12,667 7,750 7,750 7,000 7,000 Capital 1,153 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 345,095 367,839 278,658 365,795 366,395 PAGE 11 S DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Tustin Youth Center Personnel 367,856 378,072 333,697 383,400 393,400 Operations 26,411 38,050 26,350 37,500 36,800 Capital 1,173 1,400 1,400 2,000 2,000 395,439 417,522 361,447 422,900 432,200 Parks&Rec Personnel 2,481,247 2,775,854 2,417,898 2,876,978 2,935,656 Operations 1,457,059 1,511,829 1,036,015 1,502,450 1,577,750 Capital 21,209 29,250 27,250 30,850 30,850 Parks&Rec Total 3,959,516 4,316,933 3,481,163 4,410,278 4,544,256 PAGE116 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA NON-DEPARTMENTAL TUSTIN TREES z U F W.4 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19/20 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Non-Departmental Personnel 4,095,206 4,732,629 4,555,363 5,514,535 6,757,823 Operations 1,650,021 2,604,493 2,625,852 1,836,650 1,828,750 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 5,745,227 7,337,122 7,181,215 7,351,185 8,586,573 2) FY20/21 includes$1,119,993 in CARES original budget money and$1,121,385 in projected budget money PAGE 118 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS & COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICTS TuSTIN TP-EES z D � U , j H w H I STORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: Assessment District (AD) 95-1 —This fund records the deposit of monies held to pay the debt service requirements of the assessment district. Assessment District (AD) 95-2—This fund records the deposit of monies held to pay the debt service requirements of the assessment district. Community Facilities District (CFD) 04-01 — This fund records the deposit of monies held to pay the debt service requirements of the community facilities district. Community Facilities District (CFD) 06-01 — This fund records the deposit of monies held to pay the debt service requirements of the community facilities district. Community Facilities District (CFD) 07-01 — This fund records the deposit of monies held to pay the debt service requirements of the community facilities district. Community Facilities District (CFD) 13-01 — This fund records the deposit of monies held to pay the debt service requirements of the community facilities district. Community Facilities District (CFD) 14-01 — This fund records the deposit of monies held to pay the debt service requirements of the community facilities district. Special Tax B - This fund records the deposit of monies collected in any Fiscal Year to pay for certain costs as required to meet the needs of the community facilities district in that Fiscal Year. PAGE 120 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARIES ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Assess. District 95-1 Construction Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 484,155 551,000 772,706 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 431 District 95-1 Const. Total 484,155 551,000 772,706 0 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed CFD 04-1 Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 713,496 1,345,319 705,106 710,306 704,906 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 433 CFD 04-1 Total 713,496 1,345,319 705,106 710,306 704,906 CFD 06-1 Construction Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 125,070 6,540 4,810 6,540 0 Capital 0 2,610,000 2,678,000 125,668 0 434 CFD 06-1 Construction Total 125,070 2,616,540 2,682,810 132,208 0 PAGE 121 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed CFD 06-1 Debt Svs Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 3,363,350 5,340,913 3,464,722 3,501,800 3,571,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Svs Total 3,363,350 5,340,913 3,464,722 3,501,800 3,571,000 CFD 07-1 Debt Svs Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 925,918 1,122,725 950,140 951,800 1,047,300 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Svs Total 925,918 1,122,725 950,140 951,800 1,047,300 CFD 14-01 Debt Service Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 1,489,915 1,443,175 1,516,760 1,527,500 1,556,900 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 441 CFD 14-01 Debt Service Total 1,489,915 1,443,175 1,516,760 1,527,500 1,556,900 Special Tax B Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 3,486,418 4,154,000 4,547,440 4,607,819 4,700,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 442 Special Tax B Total 3,486,418 4,154,000 4,547,440 4,607,819 4,700,000 CFD 14-01 Construction Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 2,150 4,038,380 2,150 2,150 Capital 1,580,820 1,890,000 350,000 4,375,000 0 443 CFD 14-01 Construction 1,580,820 1,892,150 4,388,380 4,377,150 2,150 PAGE I22 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA TUSTIN LANDSCAPE LIGHTING DISTRICT & STREET LIGHTING TuSTIN TREES z IV U � LW C4 Z) Lw HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusTin 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY LIGHTING LANDSCAPE DISTRICT Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Tustin LLD, Special District Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 1,225,099 1,229,000 1,293,000 1,238,000 1,270,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 141 Tustin LLD Total 1,225,099 1,229,000 1,293,000 1,238,000 1,270,000 STREET LIGHTING Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Tustin SL Personnel 0 107,700 107,700 107,700 107,700 Operations 830,616 960,500 874,020 365,000 378,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 142 Tustin SL Total 830,616 1,068,200 981,720 472,700 485,700 PAGE 124 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA WATER ENTERPRISE TuSTIN TREES Z J V w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET WATER ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART PUBLIC WORKS — DIRECTOR DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR {1 ) PRINCIPAL WATER SERVICES ENGINEER MANAGER i ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ASSOCIATE {i) ENGINEER - ——--— (7) WATER MAINTI WATER CONST TREATMENT SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR WATER DISTR. WATER LEADWORKER TREATMENT {i) OPERATOR Illi (4) WATER EQUIP. OPERATOR (2) WATER DIST. OPERATOR 1111 {i) WATER DIST. OPERATOR 1111 (7) MAINTENANCE WORKER {0.5) PAGE 126 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qV 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET BILLING DESCRIPTION: The City of Tustin's Water Enterprise services approximately 14,100 customers. The Finance Department is responsible for Water Billing. Administrative functions of the Water Utility include customer service inquiries, rate analysis, meter reading, customer billings, cash management, financial analysis, and liaison to field operations in construction of major capital improvements, infrastructure and ongoing operational maintenance. TASKS: 1. Read customer meters; 2. Prepare customer invoices from automated meter reading equipment; 3. Perform cash applications and accounts receivable; 4. Respond to customer service orders; 5. Prepare and monitor work orders for field operations concerning meter repair, leaks, turn-on and turn- offs; 6. Prepare water management reports; 7. Implement and promote a water conservation program. ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION: The Administration Division coordinates and provides direction to all Water Services operations. This Division provides customer service, administrative support, research and analysis of current and proposed legislation to ensure benefit, safety and convenience to the community and general public. TASKS: 1. Ensure compliance with all health and safety standards for water quality. 2. Coordinate the design and construction of water capital improvement program projects. 3. Provide responsive customer service. DISTRIBUTION DESCRIPTION: Install, maintain, repair and upgrade the water distribution system, along with monitoring water quality and providing customer service. TASKS: 1. Ensure compliance with all health and safety standards for water quality. R4GE 127 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2. Operate and maintain the water distribution system. 3. Coordinate the design and construction of water capital improvement program projects. 4. Perform preventive maintenance to minimize water loss and service interruptions to City water customers. 5. Provide responsive customer service. 6. Review City, developer and outside agency project plans for compliance with Water Division standards. 7. Conduct staff safety training and Department of Health Services certification programs. MAIN STREET WATER FACILITY DESCRIPTION: The Main Street Water Facility, consists of two groundwater production wells, reverse osmosis and ion exchange treatment plants, a water storage reservoir and booster pump station. The two treatment plants remove nitrate-contaminates from the groundwater produced at this facility. The water is treated and blended to produce drinking water that complies with all State and Federal Safe Drinking Water standards. TASKS: 1. Ensure compliance with all health and safety standards for water quality. 2. Maximize water production to reduce dependence on imported water supplies. 3. Ensure compliance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board [RWQCB] National Pollution Discharge Elimination System [NPDES] permit requirements. 17TH STREET DESALTER DESCRIPTION: This reverse osmosis water treatment facility is a cooperative venture between the City of Tustin, the Orange County Water District[OCWD], and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California [MWD]. This facility removes nitrates and high concentrations of dissolved solids from the groundwater produced at this facility. The water is treated and blended to comply with State and Federal drinking water standards. TASKS: 1. Ensure compliance with all health and safety standards for water quality. 2. Maximize water production to reduce dependence on imported water supplies. 3. Ensure compliance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board [RWQCB] National Pollution Discharge Elimination System [NPDES] permit requirements. PAGE 128 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusTin 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET IMPORTED WATER DESCRIPTION: This division is responsible for the purchase of wholesale supplemental water supplies from the East Orange County Water District via its partner agencies the Municipal Water District of Orange County and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. TASKS: 1. Maximize local water production to reduce dependence on imported water supplies. 2. Utilize cost-effective purchased imported water supplies to ensure adequate retail supplies. GROUNDWATER DESCRIPTION: Produce and supply domestic water to all City of Tustin Water Services customers, and comply with safe drinking water standards mandated by State and Federal regulations. TASKS: 1. Produce competitively priced, high quality water meeting all health and safety standards for water quality. 2. Operate water production facilities utilizing the most cost-effective methods and practices that public safety and water demand requirements allow. 3. Perform maintenance to minimize service interruptions and the loss of groundwater production and imported water supplies. 4. Coordinate the design and construction of capital improvement program projects. 5. Coordinate operation of water facilities with contractors during construction activities. 6. Monitor the water resource planning and management programs of the City's wholesale suppliers(Orange County Water District, the Municipal Water District of Orange County, and East Orange County Water District), and evaluate their fiscal impacts upon the City's service area. PAGE 129 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Water, Service Billing Personnel 813,087 1,020,700 955,560 1,145,600 1,146,400 Operations 1,575,702 3,397,300 3,431,128 3,397,300 3,398,600 Capital 18,806 50,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 2,407,594 4,468,000 4,406,688 4,592,900 4,595,000 Water,Administration Personnel 759,447 787,100 967,883 845,700 848,000 Operations 2,664,433 2,420,579 3,478,893 3,238,890 3,240,300 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 3,423,880 3,207,679 4,446,776 4,084,590 4,088,300 Water Distribution Personnel 1,104,956 1,276,300 1,184,290 1,276,300 1,275,000 Operations 235,169 150,200 241,700 379,900 258,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,340,125 1,426,500 1,425,990 1,656,200 1,533,000 Main Street Facilities Personnel 82,316 173,100 154,262 173,100 173,000 Operations 98,019 92,800 81,300 62,500 612,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 180,335 265,900 235,562 235,600 785,000 17th Street Desalter Personnel 330,863 243,300 222,656 243,300 244,000 Operations 1,922,231 1,913,100 2,300,362 2,536,300 2,535,400 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 2,253,094 2,156,400 2,523,018 2,779,600 2,779,400 Imported Water Personnel 110,022 104,800 99,152 106,300 106,000 Operations 1,019,869 1,120,000 3,603,400 6,383,500 1,240,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 1,129,891 1,224,800 3,702,552 6,489,800 1,346,000 PAGE 130 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TusTin 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Water Production Personnel 276,839 232,400 238,777 257,400 257,000 Operations 4,256,598 5,237,770 3,432,770 1,504,432 4,678,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 4,533,437 5,470,170 3,671,547 1,761,832 4,935,000 Water Utility Fund Total Personnel 3,477,530 3,837,700 3,822,581 4,047,700 4,049,400 Operations 11,772,021 14,331,749 16,569,553 17,502,822 15,962,300 Capital 18,806 50,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 300 Water Utility Fund Total 15,268,357 18,219,449 20,412,134 21,600,522 20,061,700 Water Capital Fund Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 425,625 643,511 740,287 500,000 500,000 Capital 0 0 2,577,648 4,626,140 250,000 301 Water Capital Fund Total 425,625 643,511 3,317,935 5,126,140 750,000 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 120 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 305 2011 Water Bond Fund Total 120 0 0 0 0 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 6,188 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 7,991,454 3,586,358 0 306 2013 Water Bond Fund Total 6,188 0 7,991,454 3,586,358 0 PAGE 131 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Tus IN TREES Z O V w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS DESCRIPTION: The federal Housing and Community Act of 1974, as amended, created the Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) program to return federal funds to local communities for the purpose of developing viable urban communities by providing adequate housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, specifically for low and moderate income persons. Grants are awarded to communities to implement a wide range of community development activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed CDBG Total Personnel 150,514 260,900 260,900 168,000 1683000 Operations 2163380 136843407 136843407 139253345 1453345 Capital 543838 0 0 9603000 0 120 CDBG Total 4213732 139453307 139453307 330533345 3133345 CABLE PEG FEES DESCRIPTION: This Fund is used to account for Public, Educational, and Government (PEG) fees collected from cable providers (Cox and Time Warner) in the City. The funds in this Fund is restricted to PEG-TV related equipment expenditures. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Cable PEG Fees Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 873220 793073 793073 793073 793073 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 129 Cable PEG Fees Total 873220 793073 79,073 793073 793073 PAGE 133 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FUND DESCRIPTION: This fund is used to account for funds received from South Coast Air Quality Management District to be used for reducing pollution. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed SCAQMD, Non-Departmental Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 204 500,000 466,690 0 0 Capital 0 0 33,310 0 0 133 SCAQMD Total 204 500,000 500,000 0 0 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND DESCRIPTION: This fund is used to account for monies received from the Federal government that are used for special law enforcement purchases. PAGE 134 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN q1 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Asset Forfeit, Non-Dept. Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 25 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 134 Asset Forfeit Total 25 0 0 0 0 RNSP Asset Forfeit, Non-Dept. Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 109,791 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 135 RNSP Asset Forfeit Total 109,791 0 0 0 0 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND DESCRIPTION: This law was established under Government Code Section 30061 enacted by AB3229, Chapter 134, of the 1996 Statues and is appropriation from the State Budget for the "Citizen Option for Public Safety Program." These funds can only be used for police front line municipal activities that provide police services to the City in prevention of drug abuse, crime prevention, and community awareness programs. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Suppl Law Enforcement, CIP Personnel 139,490 136,900 136,900 1423300 1423300 Operations 78 0 0 0 0 Capital 53932 0 0 0 0 136 Suppl Law Total 1453499 1363900 1363900 1423300 1423300 PAGE 135 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET MEASURE M2 FUNDS DESCRIPTION: This fund is used to account for monies received from the County for street projects. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Measure M2 Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 119,241 40,000 351,401 403000 403000 Capital 4643906 139583197 230753900 232633740 130703000 139 Measure M2 Total 5843147 139983197 234273301 233033740 131103000 GAS TAX FUND DESCRIPTION: This fund accounts for revenues and expenditures apportioned under the Street and Highways code of the State of California. Expenditures may be made for any street-related purposed allowable under the Code. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Gas Tax Total Personnel 128,372 264,300 329,300 266,700 266,700 Operations 1,452,949 1,376,149 1,543,248 1,166,102 1,166,102 Capital 106,430 2,949,740 675,000 550,000 200,000 130 Gas Tax Total 1,687,752 4,590,189 2,547,548 1,982,802 1,632,802 PAGE136 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PARK ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT FUND DESCRIPTION: This fund is used to account for fees received from developers to develop the City's park system. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Park Dev, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 427,419 22,164 110,549 0 0 Capital 1,808,693 2,264,000 1,644,648 1,518,412 1,035,000 131 Park Dev Total 2,236,112 2,286,164 1,755,197 1,518,412 1,035,000 Park Dev Tustin Legacy, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 59 0 0 0 0 Capital 714,580 242,650 55,632 0 0 132 Park Dev Tustin Legacy Total 714,639 242,650 55,632 0 0 PAGE 137 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Workers Comp, Self Insurance Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 2,072,935 1,143,299 1,332,058 1,367,586 1,404,655 Capital 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 181 Workers Comp Total 2,072,935 1,148,299 1,337,058 1,372,586 1,409,655 Liability, Self Insurance Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 1,281,549 1,254,418 1,195,661 1,290,820 1,489,100 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 182 Liability Total 1,281,549 1,254,418 1,195,661 1,290,820 1,489,100 Unemployment, Self Insurance Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 4,920 25,000 (19,000) 25,000 25,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 183 Unemployment 4,920 25,000 (19,000) 25,000 25,000 Equipment Replacement Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 3,966 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Capital 1,164,182 848,410 770,860 2,058,264 532,356 184 Equip. Replacement Total 1,168,149 849,910 772,360 2,059,764 533,856 PAGE 138 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN q1 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET BACKBONE & LAND HELD FOR RESALE FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Obig Reimb Frm SuccessorAgncy Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 2,044,283 0 1,448 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 186 Obig Reimb Frm Successor 2,044,283 0 1,448 0 0 Backbone Fee Fund Personnel 0 0 0 56,100 55,900 Operations 318,470 21,147 21,147 21,147 21,147 Capital 15,802,302 8,798,107 3,119,788 2,175,000 5,500,000 187 Backbone Fee Fund Total 16,120,772 8,819,254 3,140,935 2,252,247 5,577,047 Land Held for Resale Personnel 3,300,000 3,300,000 0 1,841,900 1,841,900 Operations 5,340,019 8,000,552 7,249,461 7,836,344 8,823,474 Capital 5,860,019 9,765,841 2,980,000 8,282,034 1,100,000 189 Land Held for Resale Total 14,500,037 21,066,393 10,229,461 17,960,278 11,765,374 PAGE 139 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET ROAD MAINTENANCE & REHAB FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Road Maint& Rehab Personnel 0 0 0 22,400 22,400 Operations 4,458 0 173418 0 0 Capital 4243492 8043083 916,854 132313854 130503000 140 Tustin LLD Total 4283950 8043083 9343272 132543254 130723400 SOLID WASTE FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Solid Waste Personnel 124,297 138,500 137,131 144,000 144,000 Operations 59,255 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 171 Solid Waste Total 183,551 218,500 217,131 224,000 224,000 PAGE 140 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SPECIAL EVENTS FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Special Events - Tustin Street Fair Personnel 0 5,000 2,500 5,000 5,000 Operations 38,562 148,153 76,325 117,153 117,153 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 38,562 153,153 78,825 122,153 122,153 Special Events - Tustin Tiller Days Personnel 0 8,500 0 8,500 8,500 Operations 195,914 166,400 6,500 131,000 131,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 195,914 174,900 6,500 139,500 139,500 Special Events - Other Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 27,635 55,500 5,000 55,500 55,500 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 27,635 55,500 5,000 55,500 55,500 Special Events Total Personnel 0 13,500 2,500 13,500 13,500 Operations 262,111 370,053 87,825 303,653 303,653 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 180 Special Events Total 262,111 383,553 90,325 317,153 317,153 PAGE 141 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (INTERNAL SERVICE FUND TUSTIN TREES Z O V H L � W-4 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DESCRIPTION: The Information Technology Division provides research, planning, development, support and evaluation of Citywide technology systems, including data, voice, telephone systems, radio, and technology infrastructure. It provides maintenance for current hardware/software platforms in use by the City, update and application support. TASKS: 1. Manage all hardware and software utilized by the City; 2. Administer annual lease/maintenance agreements for hardware and software; 3. Provide programming support for systems as needed; 4. Evaluate the effectiveness of out-sourced computer services; 5. Maintain, support and upgrade servers, workstations, peripheral computer equipment, software, phones, audiovisual equipment on a Citywide basis; 6. Develop and implement software solutions to enhance operational efficiency. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19/20 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Information Technology Personnel 455,058 842,400 771,300 8593300 8593300 Operations 130213575 139503746 139713752 230303746 139503746 Capital 7643761 131113193 131113193 131113193 131113193 185 Info.Technology Total 232413394 339043338 338543245 430013238 339213238 PAGE 143 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA HOUSING AUTHORITY Tus IN TREES U �r F a W-4 HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Tustin Housing Authority Personnel 404,321 351,900 353,597 3683600 3683600 Operations 8893596 139123047 132033405 131093944 4993840 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 575 Tustin Housing Authority Tot 132933917 232633947 135573002 134783544 8683440 PAGE 145 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TuSTIN TREES i J o � U w HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN q1 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed CIP, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 53,865 0 213 0 0 Capital 7,643,426 2,887,647 2,887,138 3,095,000 3,500,000 200 Cl P Total 7,697,291 2,887,647 2,887,351 3,095,000 3,500,000 Note: The complete Capital Improvement Program is a separate document. The seven-year Capital Improvement Program document identified future projects and cost estimates that allow staff to properly plan for future capital improvements throughout the City. PAGE 147 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA PARS OPEB TRUST TuSTIN TREES z o ' U H a w H[STD RY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN TuSTIN qf 2021-23 FY OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Expenditure Summary 19120 20121 20121 21122 22123 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed PARS OPEB Trust Fund Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 11,194 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 571 MCAS 2010 TABs Total 11,194 0 0 0 0 PAGE 149 DocuSign Envelope ID'.7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00.EAAFBEF4B9DA SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCALYEARS 2021/22 AND M2/23 ass/u rru/aa rru/23 F0 Sas e.plaremem tee r.wleopnal urns ma Sas ra unesale rapnal $95k GrtymeH$zssM rvew $ass 5ss 5assom $ssmam prurem.nn $sskrariywey$s.3M rvex Ss.tiaiv me$o $s,3aaaa3 r� lndm,l, ` �n $ss $o $ss0000 reo ronin Iramal avwTn center cw am rvew $uo m 5 em m roelrwue ra<ame: im �d—saw,ra3�a�uss,saspM�� �a�a�a�a�a�a�a�uc n $Rkramw llkrva $saayu $s3iom $saap3a $s3som wtmn 53sosm 50 53sosm SsigM rvew $saaoaao $e $moom $aaaam TBD � $ukar=' mP 17TEnn S—n—al NlwSass 50 Sass $smaao $mgem $saaam $moom reocentennial rarklm m�ememz rvew Sssoom 5 5 p rural rah Prymz 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o sp�isfi o 0 0 0 0 0 r $seoem $seoem $ssoom $ssoom $ao $o nceaMl ssnznrdn�isstim vm�ert $aa01Co3 50 $z—aooddm TFD rim prem sgnal zvrenmm:aTmn rmalrraOw'rry.mz rvew aa. 6uu�b�b �ssepw�b�b�b �b�b�b�b�o $u sso�pw�o �b r sma3 c. Tee nam,Dain lmrrouermnn cznvwer $ssoom So $ss0.em MelL1we v0iemz sseNSe 5auo 0 0 0 o ssopm o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $meeom sows ward MkF ly 6emlasment-$iniangzr�ne NNew $o Ssumo $mmo mssa simun game RE,E,.,r,Burner Pump--and P,pEl,nE rnsalwaer0utnhuton r�yyemz mover $133r3se So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o So $3,3313sB o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o asopm rmalwe,s a• wn Teo uzewell@eenm dl Sl rzrtwxer $adrs,sao $o $a6a6,lae $aa9,am rural water P_azilMoglnmz $z.3ssM�„vu.e./53sk rvew $zpas,sm $a 0 0 0 Smeea 0 0 0 0 5iampm aezg,sm aagpm o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ce aoxr2NMOO mp50 $sbsop$d $gsopao $�+Gpm $mma7d—NEwvERE�al—dn $samara $mma $$$aam $maam $mOpm $mOpm $maam $maam n5®sasa $a 5®sRu reewa&our eceis rrerwa+ $mopoo $0 $mopoo TBD H re"re'sz 5rms,-am 5a 5rmAam $35opao . $3saam alnuTms 5m, $�o $mmo $moom $moom Teo olarm.n lmpru rem.ne rcw $aoomo mp$u Saa rural rvwimenanza r $asmpm pyo o ssopm o ;ssv,am s,1,1 o $atm em spm'. pm o 0 0 o mopm o gsopm spmpm o o spmpm o �n rv�„vvEIall— Ng Ana tomo waren Bova $mo $euro $m0000 $ssm000 $m0000 5�e 50 5seasam Ilfdd� $aagM pri nzeySNkrvav 50.s0.2, $d 82,01Smmo 53a5z® 5a3asem rvel�hu un lrvuneahhunel $3 aFTeo xeip�m*mi o$aue lnTranrumure Pnaea rvew �e5o $moem $engem DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Year 2021-2022 TUSTIN TREES V TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL ? MAYOR BUILDING OUR FUTURE LETITIA CLARK HONORING OUR FAST MAYOR PRO TEM AUSTIN LUMBARD COUNCIL MEMBERS BARRY W. COOPER RYAN GALLAGHER REBECCA "BECKIE" GOMEZ DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2021/2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS Projects Completed in FY 2020/2021 i Citywide Capital Improvement Program Summaries • City Funded Maintenance of Effort(MOE)Expenditures Required by Measure M/Renewed Measure M(M2) 1 • Total Expenditure by Project Category 2 • Summary of Expenditures by Fund 3 • Summary of Funding Sources 4 Flood Control Facilities Surnrnary 5 • Citywide Installation of Catch Basin BMPs(50036) 7 • Citywide Storm Drain Catch Basin Improvements(50043) 8 • San Juan Street Storm Drain from Falmouth Drive to 600'E/O Red Hill Avenue 9 • Tustin Village Way Drainage Improvements(N/O McFadden) 10 • Yorba Street Storm Drain from W Street to Laurie Lane 11 • Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain between Holt Avenue and SR-55(Phase 1) 12 • Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain between Holt Avenue and SR-55(Phase II) 13 Park Facilities Surnrnary 14 • Columbus Tustin Park Sports Field and Picnic Shelter Renovation(20080) 16 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA • Peppertree Park Restroom and Playground Renovation(20085) 17 • Annual Major Park Maintenance(20054) 18 • Tustin Sports Park Playground Renovation(20086) 19 • Lauel Glen and Camino Real Park Shade Structures 20 • Pine Tree Park Picnic Shelter Replacement(20087) 21 • Tustin Sports Park Turf Renovation 22 • Centennial Park Renovation 23 • Pioneer Road Park Playground Renovations 24 • Tustin Sports Park Diamonds 1&3 Renovation(20062) 25 • Southwest Park Site Acquisition 26 Public Facilities Surnmary 27 • Parking Lot Resurfacing at 15171 Del Amo Avenue 29 • Emergency Operation Center and City Yard(10067) 30 • Tustin Legacy Annex Renovation 31 • Annual Major Building Maintenance(10032) 32 • Tustin Family and Youth Center Courtyard Improvements 33 • Police Department Facility Improvements 34 • Civic Center Alternate Power Source Improvements(10069) 35 • Stevens Square Parking Structure Improvements 36 • Tustin Area Senior Center Expansion 37 • Tustin Family and Youth Center Expansion(2006 1) 38 Traffic Control Facilities Sununary 39 • Parkcenter Lane and Bryan Avenue Traffic Signal Project(40091) 41 • Lansdowne Road and Valencia Avenue Traffic Signal Project(40090) 42 • Edinger Avenue/Irvine Center Drive Traffic Signal Synchronization Project(40088) 43 • Tustin Ranch Road/Von Karman Avenue Traffic Signal Synchronization Project(40089) 44 • Newport Avenue/Schools First Traffic Signal(40092) 45 • Seventeenth Street Signal Synchronization Project(40086) 46 • Red Hill Avenue Signal Synchronization 47 • First Street Signal Synchronization 48 • Traffic Signal Controller Equipment Upgrades and Replacements(40080) 49 • Main Street Improvements(40087) 50 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Transportation Facilities Maintenance Proiects Summary 51 • Pioneer Road Sidewalk Improvements(70253) 54 • Annual Roadway and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program(MOE)(70019) 55 • Annual Roadway and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program(MOE)(70020) 56 • Annual Roadway and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program(MOE)(70021) 57 • Newport Avenue Rehabilitation between I-5 Freeway and Sycamore Avenue(70244) 58 • Newport Avenue Rehabilitation between Sycamore Avenue and I-5 Freeway(70245) 59 • Del Amo Avenue and Newport Avenue Improvements(70249) 60 • Red Hill Median Improvements 61 • Old Town Improvements 62 • Citywide Pedestrian Oriented Accessibility Improvement Program(70236) 63 • Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation between San Juan Street and First Street(70220) 64 • Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation between Walnut Avenue and I-5 Freeway 65 • Jamboree Road Pavement Rehabilitation between Barranca Parkway and OCTA/SCRRA 66 Transportation Facilities Capacitv Enhancement Proiects Sunimary 67 • Westbound El Camino Real at Tustin Ranch Road Improvement Project(70239) 69 • Newport Avenue Extension N/O Edinger Avenue—Phase B(7013 1) 70 • Valencia Avenue Widening between Newport Avenue and Red Hill Avenue 71 • Jamboree Road Widening between Tustin Ranch Road and North City Limit 72 • Red Hill Avenue Widening between Melvin Way and 200 feet southerly(70196) 73 Tustin Leeacy Facilities Summary 74 • Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy(20043) 77 • Peters Canyon Channel Improvements(50040) 78 • Neighborhood D South Backbone Infrastructure Construction-Phase 1(70246) 79 • Neighborhood D South Non-Backbone Infrastructure Construction-Phase 1(70250) 80 • Tustin Legacy Linear Park between Armstrong Avenue and Tustin Ranch Road(20083) 81 • Alley Grove(20084) 82 • Neighborhood D South Infrastructure Construction-Phase 2 83 • Tustin Ranch Road Pedestrian Bridge(70243) 84 • South Hangar Renovation—Phase 1(10076) 85 • Armstrong Avenue Pedestrian Bridge(New) 86 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA • Warner Avenue Pedestrian Bridge(New) 87 Water Division Capital Improvement Program Summaries and Proiect Descriptions Water Distribution Summary 88 • Mardick Road Water Main Replacement between Red Hill Avenue and Beverly Glen Drive(60160) 89 • Water Main Replacement—Simon Ranch Road to Racquet Hill via Tustin Hills Racquet Club Parking Lot(60171) 90 • Browning Avenue Water Main Replacement between Beverly Glen and La Colina(60172) 91 Water Storage Surnrnary 92 • Simon Ranch Reservoir,Booster Pump Station and Pipeline Replacement Project(60114) 93 • John Lyttle Reservoir Tank Evaluation,Site Improvements and Safety Upgrades(60148) 94 • Foothill Reservoir Phase 2 Improvements 95 • Newport Avenue Reservoir Repairs(60149) 96 Water Production Summary 97 • Conjunctive Use Well at Beneta Well Site 98 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2021/2022 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN FY 2020/2021 FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES • Citywide Installation of Catch Basin BMPs(50036) PARK FACILITIES Columbus Tustin Park Field&Picnic Shelter Removation(20080) Peppertree Park Improvements(20085) PUBLIC FACILITIES • Parking Lot Resurfacing 15171 Del Amo • Emergency Operations Center and City Yard Tustin Legacy Annex Renovations(10083) Annual Major Building Maintenance(10032) o Civic Center Trellis Replacement o Roof Repair at the Tustin Family&Youth Center o Electrical Upgrades for Vehcile Charging TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITIES • Parkcenter Lane/Bryan Avenue Traffic Signal(40091) • Lansdowne Road/Valencia Avenue Traffic Signal(40090) Edinger Avenue/Irvine Center Drive Signal Synchronization(40088) Tustin Ranch Road/Von Karman Avenue Signal Synchronization(40089) DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA • Newport Avenue/Schools First Signal Project(40092) TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES MAINTENANCE • Pioneer Road Sidewalk Improvements Annual Pavement Maintenance and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program(70019) TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT Westbound El Camino Real at Tustin Ranch Road Improvement Project(70239) TUSTIN LEGACY FACILITIES Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy(20043) • Peters Canyon Channel Improvements(50040) WATER DISTRIBUTION None. WATER STORAGE None. WATER PRODUCTION • None. DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA McityOLATUStir City Funded Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Expenditures Required by Measure M / Renewed Measure M (M2) FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 Actual Current Projected Proposed CIP Project No. Project Description Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget 70018 Annual Roadway and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program $ 1,602,105 70019 Annual Roadway and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program $ 164,581 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,698,000 70020 Annual Roadway and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program $ 1,700,000 TOTAL MOE EXPENDITURES $ 1,766,685 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,698,000 $ 1,700,000 MOE Benchmark Requirement $ 1,455,691 $ 1,697,045 $ 1,697,045 $ 1,697,045 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA City of Tustin Total Expenditure by Project Category FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned Flood Control Facilities Summary $ 150,000 $ - $ 225,000 $ 300,000 $ 3,900,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 8,175,000 Park Facilities Summary $ 2,358,412 $ 1,035,000 $ 2,850,000 $ - $ 700,000 $ - $ 6,943,412 Public Facilities Summary $ 2,589,743 $ 1,600,000 $ 50,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 850,000 $ $ 11,089,743 Traffic Control Facilities Summary $ 554,000 $ 160,000 $ 3,730,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 4,764,000 Transportation Facilities Maintenance Summary $ 5,241,594 $ 4,060,000 $ 2,200,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 400,000 $ 13,601,594 Transportation Facilities Capacity Enhancement $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500,000 $ 58,900,000 $ 60,400,000 Tustin Legacy Facilities Summary $ 15,007,702 $ 6,600,000 $ 5,400,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 11,000,000 $ 17,000,000 $ 65,007,702 Water Distribution Summary $ - $ 250,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 2,300,000 $ - $ - $ 4,350,000 Water Storage Summary $ 3,337,358 $ - $ 165,000 $ 930,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 4,532,358 Water Production Summary $ 4,875,140 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 4,875,140 TOTAL $ 34,113,949 $ 13,705,000 $ 16,420,000 $ 19,890,000 $ 19,710,000 $ 79,900,000 $ 183,738,949 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Expenditures by Fund Funding FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Fund Source Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned 0 OF $ - $ $ 7,895,000 $ 300,000 $ 5,850,000 $ 61,100,000 $ 75,145,000 120 CDBG $ 960,000 $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 960,000 130 GT $ 550,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 1,750,000 131 PD $ 1,518,412 $ 1,035,000 $ 800,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,100,000 $ - $ 4,953,412 132 PDL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 133 AB2766 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 139 Measure M2 $ 2,263,740 $ 1,070,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 3,813,740 140 Senate Bill 1 $ 1,231,854 $ 1,050,000 $ - $ - $ 1,300,000 $ $ 3,581,854 184 Equip Repl $ 1,324,743 $ - $ $ $ - $ $ 1,324,743 187 MCAS FEE $ 2,175,000 $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ 11,000,000 $ 17,000,000 $ 35,675,000 189 MCAS Land $ 8,282,034 $ 1,100,000 $ 5,400,000 $ 10,000,000 $ - $ - $ 24,782,034 200 GF-CIP $ 3,095,000 $ 3,500,000 $ - $ 5,500,000 $ - $ 1,400,000 $ 13,495,000 301 WCF $ 4,626,140 $ 250,000 $ 1,965,000 $ 3,230,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ 10,171,140 306 2013 WBF $ 3,586,358 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 3,586,358 434 CFD 06-1 $ 125,668 $ $ $ $ $ $ 125,668 443 CFD 14-1 $ 4,375,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,375,000 TOTAL $ 34,113,949 $ 13,705,000 $ 16,420,000 $ 19,890,000 $ 19,710,000 $ 79,900,000 $ 183,738,949 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA ILCity of Tustin Summary of Funding Sources Funding FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Fund Source Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned 0 OF $ - $ $ 7,895,000 $ 300,000 $ 5,850,000 $ 61,100,000 $ 75,145,000 120 CDBGy22 $ 960,000 $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 960,000 130 GT $ 550,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 1,750,000 131 PD $ 1,294,633 $ 1,035,000 $ 800,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,100,000 $ - $ 4,729,633 131 PD-Grant $ 223,779 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 223,779 132 PDL $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - 133 AB2766 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 139 M2-C $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - 139 M2-FS $ 2,263,740 $ 1,070,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 3,813,740 140 SB 1 $ 1,231,854 $ 1,050,000 $ - $ - $ 1,300,000 $ $ 3,581,854 184 Equip Repl $ 1,324,743 $ - $ $ $ - $ $ 1,324,743 187 MCAS FEE $ 2,175,000 $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ 11,000,000 $ 17,000,000 $ 35,675,000 189 MCAS Land $ 8,282,034 $ 1,100,000 $ 5,400,000 $ 10,000,000 $ - $ - $ 24,782,034 200 DEV $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 1,400,000 $ 1,400,000 200 GF-CIP $ 3,045,000 $ 3,500,000 $ $ 5,500,000 $ $ - $ 12,045,000 200 IRWD Reimb $ 50,000 $ - $ $ - $ $ $ 50,000 301 WCF $ 3,051,000 $ 250,000 $ 1,965,000 $ 3,230,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 8,596,000 301 SARCCUP $ 1,575,140 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 1,575,140 306 2013 WBF $ 3,586,358 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,586,358 434 CFD 06-1 $ 125,668 $ $ $ $ $ $ 125,668 443 CFD 14-1 $ 4,375,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,375,000 TOTAL $ 34,113,949 $ 13,705,000 $ 16,420,000 $ 19,890,000 $ 19,710,000 $ 79,900,000 $ 183,738,949 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Flood Control Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 50036 Citywide Installation of Catch Basin BMPs Fund 139 M2-FS Fund 139 M2-C Project Total COMPLETE 50043 Citywide Storm Drain Catch Basin Improvements Fund 139 M2-FS $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Project Total $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 TBA San Juan Street Storm Drain Fund 000 OF $ - $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Project Total $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 TBA Tustin Village Way Storm Drain Fund 000 OF $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Project Total $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 TBA Yorba Street Storm Drain Fund 000 OF $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Project Total $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 TBA Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain Phase 1 Fund 000 OF $ $ $ - $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ $ 3,900,000 Project Total $ $ $ - $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ $ 3,900,000 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Mcityof ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Flood Control Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. TBA Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain Phase 2 Fund 000 OF $ $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 3,900,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 3,900,000 Flood Control Facilities Total $ 150,000 $ $ 225,000 $ 300,000 $ 3,900,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 8,175,000 Total Uncertain Funding - 225,000 300,000 3,900,000 3,600,000 8,025,000 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it apital of Tement ustin Programy Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Flood Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 50036 PROJECT NAME Citywide Installation of Catch Basin BMPs TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 987,055 PROJECT MANAGER Alex Waite LOCATION Various DESCRIPTION Installation of catch basin filters and/or automated retractable catch basin screens at various locations throughout the community to remove trash and debris from storm water to comply with water quality mandates. MAP PHOTO Various Locations Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 319,033 $ $ 319,033 139 M2-C $ 668,022 $ $ 668,022 TOTAL $ 987,055 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 987,055 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 987,055 $ $ 987,055 TOTAL $ 987,055 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 987,055 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure"M2"-Competitive 139 M2-C Measure"M2"-Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4139DA or it apital of Tustin y mprovement Program Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Flood Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 50043 PROJECT NAME Citywide Storm Drain Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 220,000 PROJECT MANAGER Alex Waite LOCATION Various DESCRIPTION Reconstruction of storm water infrastructure at various locations throughout the community to bring structures up to current City standards. MAP PHOTO Various Locations Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 70,000 $ 150,000 $ 220,000 TOTAL $ 70,000 $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 220,000 Expenditure Design $ $ Right-of-Way $ $ Construction $ 70,000 $ 150,000 $ 220,000 TOTAL $ 70,000 $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 220,000 Funding Sources 139 M2-C Measure"M2"-Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4139DA or it apital of Tustin y mprovement Program Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Flood Control Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME San Juan Street Storm Drain TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 75,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Falmouth Drive to 600'E/O Red Hill Avent DESCRIPTION Develop plans to alleviate drainage concerns in the area. Project includes preliminary design studies and hydrology and hydraulics analysis to determine scope of improvements. This represents the first phase of a possible future construction project. MAP PHOTO PROJEC lT LOCA-nON `[agy� . R. RIE vFH ELEMENT7 ARY SUIOOL M C.E,utt IMIEAMEWATE SCXOOL Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ 75,000 $ 75,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Expenditure Design $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ TOTAL $ $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4139DA or it apital of Tustin y mprovement Program Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Flood Control Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Tustin Village Way Storm Drain TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 75,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION North of McFadden DESCRIPTION Develop plans to alleviate drainage concerns in the area. Project includes preliminary design studies and hydrology and hydraulics analysis to determine scope of improvements. This represents the first phase of a possible future construction project. MAP PHOTO 1 l . PROJECT LOCATION J t I MCFAQOBV AVBJUE f I I I Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ 75,000 $ 75,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Expenditure Design $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ TOTAL $ $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA or y mpro"ement it ostin Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Flood Control Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Yorba Street Storm Drain TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 75,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION 17th Street to Laurie Lane DESCRIPTION Develop plans to alleviate drainage concerns in the area. Project includes preliminary design studies and hydrology and hydraulics analysis to determine scope of improvements. This represents the first phase of a possible future construction project. MAP PHOTO --- - # PROJECT LOCATION I << ee mw ear Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ 75,000 $ 75,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Expenditure Design $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ TOTAL $ $ $ $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 75,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 11 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA IVIf roement Program Capita V Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Flood Control Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain-Phase 1 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 3,900,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Holt Avenue to Prospect Avenue DESCRIPTION New storm drain,catch basins and junction structures within Irvine Boulevard beginning at Holt Avenue and ending at Prospect Avenue. MAP PHOTO I i 1 �. V x. i � 1 � i B PHASE 1 i �� Y m*,e eae��no rs�aou�erao L.....................'.. PHASE I E k } q IN6l911RI � � AR91IB� � I / Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 3,900,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ $ 3,900,000 Expenditure Design $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 3,600,000 $ 3,600,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ $ 3,900,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 12 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-131300-EAAFBEF4139DA it apital of Tustin y mprovement Program Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Flood Control Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain-Phase 2 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 3,900,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Prospect Avenue to SR-55 DESCRIPTION New storm drain,catch basins and junction structures within Irvine Boulevard beginning at Prospect Avenue and ending at SR-55 Freeway. MAP PHOTO I i 1 �. V x. i � 1 � i B PHASE 1 i �� Y m*,e eae��no rs�aou�erao L.....................'.. PHASE I E k } q IN6l911RI � � AR91IB� � I / Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 3,900,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 3,900,000 Expenditure Design $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 3,600,000 $ 3,600,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 3,600,000 $ 3,900,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 13 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Park Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 20080 Columbus Tustin Park Field&Picnic Shelter Renovation Fund 131 PD Project Total COMPLETE 20085 Peppertree Park Improvements Fund 131 PD Project Total COMPLETE 20054 Annual Major Park Maintenance Fund 131 PD $ 142,912 $ 135,000 $ $ $ $ $ 277,912 Fund 120 CDBGy16 $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ - Project Total $ 142,912 $ 135,000 $ $ $ $ $ 277,912 20086 Tustin Sports Park Playground Renovation Fund 131 PD $ 126,721 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 126,721 Fund 131 PD-Grant $ 223,779 $ $ $ $ $ $ 223,779 Project Total $ 350,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ 350,500 TBA Laurel Glen and Camino Real Park Shade Structures Fund 131 PD $ 215,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 215,000 Project Total $ 215,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 215,000 20087 Pine Tree Park Improvements Fund 131 PD $ 440,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 440,000 Fund 120 CDBGy22 $ 960,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 960,000 Project Total $ 1,400,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,400,000 14 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Mcityof ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Park Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. TBA Tustin Sports Park Turf Renovation Fund 131 PD $ 100,000 $ 900,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 Project Total $ 100,000 $ 900,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 TBA Centennial Park Improvements Fund 131 PD $ 150,000 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Fund 000 OF $ - $ $ 2,100,000 $ $ $ $ 2,100,000 Project Total $ 150,000 $ $ 2,100,000 $ $ $ $ 2,250,000 TBA Pioneer Road Park Playground Renovation Fund 131 PD $ - $ $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ 350,000 Project Total $ $ $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ 350,000 20062 Tustin Sports Park Diamonds 1&3 Renovation Fund 131 PD $ $ $ 400,000 $ $ $ $ 400,000 Project Total $ $ $ 400,000 $ $ $ $ 400,000 TBA Southwest Park Site Acquisition Fund 131 PD $ $ $ - $ $ 700,000 $ $ 700,000 Project Total $ $ $ - $ $ 700,000 $ $ 700,000 Park Facilities Total $ 2,358,412 $ 1,035,000 $ 2,850,000 $ $ 700,000 $ $ 6,943,412 Total Uncertain Funding - - 2,100,000 - 2,100,000 15 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. 20080 PROJECT NAME CT Park Field&Picnic Shelter Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 267,139 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION Columbus Tustin Park DESCRIPTION Construct a picnis shelter and shade for bleachers on Field#2. MAP PHOTO 9J3 Li WESTBURY LN. ,COLUMBUS TiJSTIN MIDDLE SCHOOL -.ego MILLER DR. COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARK IRVINE BOULEVARD ---- F-1nanr.ir��ernnn� - , 4 Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 267,139 $ $ 267,139 TOTAL $ 267,139 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 267,139 Expenditure Design $ $ Right-of-Way $ $ Construction $ 267,139 $ $ 267,139 TOTAL $ 267,139 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 267,139 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 16 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. 20085 PROJECT NAME Peppertree Park Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,450,000 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Peppertree Park DESCRIPTION Project includes public restroom renovations,replacement of irrigation,landscaping,turf,playground equipment with rubberize playground surfacing, and infield renovations. Improvements have been design to include a series of accessibility improvements and the addition of a senior center community garden. MAP PHOTO Pei qz 4 �, R - W ti PROJECT LOCATION •rl� SEC�Np 57. 5C N Q ADMIN. U THIRD Si- - T�. TT on nn FT-7- Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 1,450,000 $ 1,450,000 TOTAL $ 1,450,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,450,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,450,000 $ 1,450,000 TOTAL $ 1,450,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,450,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 17 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. 20054 PROJECTNAME Annual Major Park Maintenance TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 3,115,138 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Various DESCRIPTION 21/22 Various Parks-Drinking Fountains $25,000 22/23 Various Parks-Drinking Fountains $25,000 21/22 Various Parks- Court Resurfacing $25,000 22/23 Various Parks- Court Resurfacing $25,000 21/22 Various Parks- Structure repairs $60,000 22/23 Various Parks- Structure repairs $60,000 21/22 Ball Field Repairs at Various Parks $25,000 22/23 Ball Field Repairs at Various Parks $25,000 MAP PHOTO • Various Locations Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 2,837,226 $ 142,912 $ 135,000 $ 3,115,138 TOTAL $ 2,837,226 $ 142,912 $ 135,000 $ $ $ $ $ 3,115,138 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 2,837,226 $ 142,912 $ 135,000 $ $ 3,115,138 TOTAL $ 2,837,226 $ 142,912 $ 135,000 $ $ $ $ $ 3,115,138 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 18 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. 20086 PROJECT NAME Tustin Sports Park Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 355,000 PROJECT MANAGER Marilyn Buescher LOCATION Tustin Sports Park DESCRIPTION Replace the existing playground equipment, surfacing and shade structure fabric at Tustin Sports Park. Project to be partially funded by the Prop 68 Per Capita Grant administered by the California Department of Parks and Recreation Office of Grants and Local Services. MAP PHOTO \ TusrIN SPORTS \• " RANCH PPARK �.• ►' :� i Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ $ 126,721 $ 126,721 131 PD-Grant $ 4,500 $ 223,779 $ 228,279 TOTAL $ 4,500 $ 350,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ 355,000 Expenditure Design $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 350,500 $ 350,500 TOTAL $ 4,500 $ 350,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ 355,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund 131 PD Park Development Fund Grant * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Shade Structures TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 215,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION Laurel Glen and Camino Real Parks DESCRIPTION Installation of shade structures at Laurel Glen and Camino Real Parks. MAP PHOTO Various Locations Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 215,000 $ 215,000 TOTAL $ $ 215,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 215,000 Expenditure Design $ $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 215,000 $ 215,000 TOTAL $ $ 215,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 215,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 20 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. 20087 PROJECT NAME Pine Tree Park Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,438,000 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Pine Tree Park DESCRIPTION Improvements to the irrigation and turf, and replacement of the picnic shelter at Pine Tree Park. Reconfiguration of volleyball court MAP PHOTO FF J� _ Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 38,000 $ 440,000 $ 478,000 120 CDBGy22 $ 960,000 $ 960,000 TOTAL $ 38,000 $ 1,400,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,438,000 Expenditure Design $ 38,000 $ 12,000 $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,388,000 $ 1,388,000 TOTAL $ 38,000 $ 1,400,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,438,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund 120 CDBGy22 Community Development Block Grant-Year 21/22 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 21 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Sports Park Turf Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,000,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION Tustin Sports Park DESCRIPTION Replacement of irrigation and turf and improve drainage for the multi-purpose field area, soccer fields#1 and#2 at Tustin Sports Park. MAP PHOTO ,�y ,`` �1J _' 0. H 'o?:h" •`,,.', �.. !16 \ _` TUSTIN SPORTS v \ " RANCH PPA RK _ •L32\,�:;•���- rL�f'i� �`;� /ppb /,, Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 100,000 $ 900,000 $ 1,000,000 TOTAL $ $ 100,000 $ 900,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 Expenditure Design $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ $ 900,000 $ 900,000 TOTAL $ $ 100,000 $ 900,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 22 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Centennial Park Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,250,000 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Centennial Park DESCRIPTION Project includes replacement of irrigation,landscaping, and turf and drainage improvements. Remove and replace the existing 2 -5 playground to include playground equipment, surfacing, and shade structure. MAP PHOTO ' x , e �4 Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 150,000 $ 150,000 000 OF $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ $ 2,100,000 $ $ $ $ 2,250,000 Expenditure Design $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ $ 2,100,000 $ $ $ $ 2,250,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund 000 OF Unfunded * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 23 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Pioneer Road Park Playground Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 350,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION Pioneer Road Park DESCRIPTION Replace the existing playground equipment and surfacing at Pioneer Road Park. MAP PHOTO D M aw PIONEER ARK � - T Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 350,000 $ 350,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ 350,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 350,000 $ 350,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ 350,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 24 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. 20062 PROJECT NAME Sports Park Field Diamonds 1 &3 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 400,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION Tustin Sports Park DESCRIPTION Renovation of softball diamonds#1 and#3 at Tustin Sports Park. MAP PHOTO \ _` Tus rix SPORTS v RANCH PPARK •L32\,1J :;•���- rL�f'i� �`;� /ppb /,, Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ $ 400,000 $ 400,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 400,000 $ $ $ $ 400,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ $ 350,000 $ 350,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 400,000 $ $ $ $ 400,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 25 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Southwest Park Site Acquisition TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 700,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION TBD DESCRIPTION The Community Services Commission is interested in acquiring any available acreage as parkland to serve the residents of southwest Tustin. MAP PHOTO TBD Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ $ 700,000 $ 700,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 700,000 $ $ 700,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ $ 700,000 $ 700,000 Construction $ $ TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 700,000 $ $ 700,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 26 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Public Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 10084 Parking Lot Resurfacing 15171 Del Amo Fund 200 GF-CIP Project Total COMPLETE 10067 Emergency Operations Center and City Yard Fund 200 GF-CIP Fund 301 WCF Fund 189 MCAS Land Project Total COMPLETE 10083 Tustin Legacy Annex Renovations Fund 200 GF-CIP Fund 131 PDL Fund 132 PDL Project Total COMPLETE 10032 Annual Major Building Maintenance Fund 200 GF-CIP $ 795,000 $ 1,550,000 $ $ $ $ $ 2,345,000 Fund 133 A132766 $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ - Project Total $ 795,000 $ 1,550,000 $ $ $ $ $ 2,345,000 TBA Tustin Family&Youth Center Courtyard Fund 131 PD $ 120,000 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 120,000 Project Total $ 120,000 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 120,000 27 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Mcityof ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Public Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. TBA Police Department Facility Improvements Fund 200 GF-CIP $ 200,000 $ 50,000 $ $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ 5,750,000 Project Total $ 200,000 $ 50,000 $ $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ 5,750,000 10069 Civic Center Alternate Power Source Fund 184 Equip Repl $ 1,324,743 $ - $ $ - $ $ $ 1,324,743 Project Total $ 1,324,743 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,324,743 TBD Stevens Square Parking Structure Improvements Fund 200 GF-CIP $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Project Total $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 TBA Tustin Area Senior Center Expansion Fund 131 PD $ - $ $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ 550,000 Project Total $ $ $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ 550,000 20061 Tustin Family&Youth Center Expansion Fund 000 OF $ $ $ - $ - $ 450,000 $ $ 450,000 Fund 131 PD $ $ $ $ $ 400,000 $ $ 400,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ 850,000 $ $ 850,000 Public Facilities Total $ 2,589,743 $ 1,600,000 $ 50,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 850,000 $ $ 11,089,743 Total Uncertain Funding - - - - 450,000 450,000 28 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it apital of Tement ustin Programy Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. 10084 PROJECT NAME Parking Lot Resurfacing TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 150,000 PROJECT MANAGER Joann Wu LOCATION 15171 Del Amo Avenue DESCRIPTION Resurfacing of the parking lot at 15171 Del Amo. The City leases this warehouse space and the parking lot is in need of maintenance. MAP PHOTO OCATION Al Ch1 9LF?� tic�9 Q87 Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 150,000 $ $ 150,000 TOTAL $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 150,000 $ 150,000 TOTAL $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 29 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. 10067 PROJECT NAME Emergency Operations Center and City Yarc TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 16,363,305 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION 1472 Service Road DESCRIPTION Master plan of Corporate Yard property and facilities. Design and construct new building on existing site to accommodate an Emergency Operations Center. MAP PHOTO P q 'ROJECT LOCATION Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 2,283,148 $ 2,283,148 301 WCF $ 6,837,055 $ 6,837,055 189 MCAS Land $ 7,243,102 $ 7,243,102 TOTAL $16,363,305 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,363,305 Expenditure Design $ 2,110,625 $ 2,110,625 Right-of-Way $ Construction $14,252,680 $ 14,252,680 TOTAL $16,363,305 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,363,305 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program 301 WCF Water Capital Fund 189 MCAS Land Land Sale Proceeds Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 30 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4139DA or it apital of Tustin y mprovement Program Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. 10083 PROJECT NAME Tustin Legacy Annex Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 185,111 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Lansdowne Road DESCRIPTION Design and construction for the reuse of the former South Orange County Community College District ATEP facility. MAP PHOTO J� or�L PROJECT LOCATION O P� � o Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 80,480 $ $ 80,480 131 PD $ 20,148 $ $ 20,148 132 PDL $ 84,484 $ $ 84,484 TOTAL $ 185,111 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 185,111 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 185,111 $ $ 185,111 TOTAL $ 185,111 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 185,111 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program 131 PDL Park Development 132 PDL Park Development Legacy * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 31 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. 10032 PROJECT NAME Annual Major Building Maintenance TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 8,261,759 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Various DESCRIPTION 21/22 Civic Center Security Upgrades(partial carryover) $95,000 21/22 Civic Center HVAC Controls and VAVs $450,000 21/22 CT Gym HVAC Replacement $250,000 22/23 Civic Center Tile Roofs, Gutters and Downspouts $500,000 22/23 Civic Center Parking Garage Deck Coating $700,000 22/23 CT Gym Operable Wall Replacement $350,000 MAP PHOTO • Various Locations Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 5,471,674 $ 795,000 $ 1,550,000 $ 7,816,674 301 WCF $ 165,708 $ $ 165,708 134 Asset $ 246,067 $ $ 246,067 133 AB2766 $ 33,310 $ $ 33,310 TOTAL $ 5,916,759 $ 795,000 $ 1,550,000 $ $ $ $ $ 8,261,759 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 5,916,759 $ 795,000 $ 1,550,000 $ 8,261,759 TOTAL $ 5,916,759 $ 795,000 $ 1,550,000 $ $ $ $ $ 8,261,759 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program 301 WCF Water Capital Fund 134 Asset Asset Forfeiture Fund 133 AB2766 AB2766 Motor Vehicle Funds * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 32 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Tustin Family& Youth Center Courtyard TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 132,000 PROJECT MANAGER Marilyn Buescher LOCATION Tustin Family& Youth Center DESCRIPTION Convert the north end of the TFYC parking lot to a programmable courtyard space to accommodate the growth of the programs at the facility. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCAT 'YEN r�N Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 12,000 $ 120,000 $ 132,000 TOTAL $ 12,000 $ 120,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 132,000 Expenditure Design $ 12,000 $ 12,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 120,000 $ 120,000 TOTAL $ 12,000 $ 120,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 132,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 33 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Police Department Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 6,250,000 PROJECT MANAGER Thao Nguyen/Jason Churchill LOCATION 300 Centennial Way DESCRIPTION Design,preparation of plans and specifications,bid,and construction of long-term and short-term improvements. Conduct space study/needs assessment for the Police Department. Improving the evidence booking room is an immediate need and scheduled for FY21-22. Short term improvements include: remodel men's and women's locker rooms to better accommodate growing staff needs,remodel and improve report writing room for greater comfort and efficiency for officers,remodel sally port area to improve process of booking suspects,add storage equipment,and provide necessary supplies for officers.Long term improvements to be determined in the space study/needs assessment. MAP PHOTO a SECOND ST. F1 I I JN WD LIB Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 200,000 $ 50,000 $ 5,500,000 $ 5,750,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 TOTAL $ $ 200,000 $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ 6,250,000 Expenditure Design $ 150,000 $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 700,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,550,000 TOTAL $ $ 200,000 $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ 6,250,000 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 34 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. 10069 PROJECT NAME Civic Center Alternate Power Source TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,529,880 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION 300 Centennial Way DESCRIPTION To install a 500kW/625kVa or equivalent,emergency standby diesel driven generator complete with fuel capacity for 24 hour run time. The installation shall include electrical construction that reflects the addition of the generator, all associated underground feeders and electrical distribution equipment. The new generator will be moved from its present location to the a new exterior sound attenuated enclosure located at the rear of City Hall adjacent to the parking structure. The old generator location will be upgraded with new switch uear for the new uenerntnr MAP PHOTO PD � • Q URD sr. La BUD TTY-77 Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 184 Equip Repl $ 205,157 $ 1,324,743 $ 1,529,900 TOTAL $ 205,157 $ 1,324,743 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,529,900 Expenditure Design $ 205,157 $ 24,723 $ 229,880 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 TOTAL $ 205,157 $ 1,324,723 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,529,880 Funding Sources 184 Equip Repl Equipment Replacement Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 35 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4139DA or it apital of Tustin y mprovement Program Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. TBD PROJECT NAME Stevens Square Parking Structure Improve TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 150,000 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION 445 S. C Street DESCRIPTION Improvement to the Steven's Square Parking Structure. City is 40%owner of this facility. MAP PHOTO LLJ 12,J y f MAIN STREET U-1 w 4 PROJECT ��0 .�..;: "' V' LOCATION �'' m U I ISIXTH STREET Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 150,000 $ 150,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 150,000 $ 150,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 36 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Tustin Area Senior Center Expansion TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 550,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION Tustin Family& Youth Center DESCRIPTION Expand the senior center to include additional indoor programmable space(i.e. classsrooms and fitness center)as identified in the Senior Center Needs Assessment(2017). MAP PHOTO SECOND ST. IV) Hi,UG THIRD ST IV E. MAIN STREET F_WF1 Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 550,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ 550,000 Expenditure Design $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ $ Construction $ $ 500,000 $ 500,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ 550,000 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 37 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Tustin Family& Youth Center Expansion TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 850,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton LOCATION Tustin Family& Youth Center DESCRIPTION Acquisition of additional property for the Tustin Family& Youth Center. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCAT 'A Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ $ 450,000 $ 450,000 131 PD $ 400,000 $ 400,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 850,000 $ $ 850,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ $ 850,000 $ 850,000 Construction $ $ TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 850,000 $ $ 850,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding 131 PD Park Development Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 38 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Traffic Control Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 40091 Parkcenter Lane/Bryan Avenue Traffic Signal Fund 139 M2-FS Fund 140 SB 1 Project Total COMPLETE 40090 Lansdowne Road/Valencia Avenue Traffic Signal Fund 200 DEV Fund 140 SB 1 Project Total COMPLETE Edinger Avenue/Irvine Center Drive Signal 40088 Synchronization Fund 139 M2-FS Project Total COMPLETE 40089 Tustin Ranch Road/Von Karman Avenue Signal Synchronization Fund 139 M2-FS Project Total COMPLETE 40092 Newport Avenue/Schools First Signal Project Fund 130 GT Project Total COMPLETE 39 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Traffic Control Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 40086 Seventeenth Street Signal Synchronization Fund 139 M2-FS $ 4,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,000 Project Total $ 4,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,000 40093 Red Hill Avenue Signal Synchronization Fund 139 M2-FS $ 240,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 240,000 Project Total $ 240,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 240,000 TBA First Street Signal Synchronization Fund 139 M2-FS $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Project Total $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 40080 Traffic Signal Equipment Fund 139 M2-FS $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 800,000 Project Total $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 800,000 40087 Main Street Improvements Fund 139 M2-FS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - Fund 0 OF $ $ $ 3,570,000 $ $ $ $ 3,570,000 Project Total $ $ $ 3,570,000 $ $ $ $ 3,570,000 Traffic Control Facilities Total $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 3,730,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 4,370,000 Total Uncertain Funding - - 3,570,000 - - 3,570,000 40 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40091 PROJECT NAME Traffic Signal Installation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 488,694 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Parkcenter Lane and Bryan Avenue DESCRIPTION Installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Parkcenter Lane and Bryan Avenue which meet traffic signal warrants. MAP PHOTO ti F PROJECT 6 LOCATION AM Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 19,088 $ $ 19,088 140 SB 1 $ 469,606 $ $ 469,606 TOTAL $ 488,694 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 488,694 Expenditure Design $ 14,188 $ 14,188 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 474,506 $ $ 474,506 TOTAL $ 488,694 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 488,694 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share 140 SB 1 Senate Bill 1 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 41 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40090 PROJECT NAME Traffic Signal Installation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 431,915 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Lansdowne Road and Valencia Avenue DESCRIPTION Installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Lansdowne Road and Valencia Avenue which meet traffic signal warrants. MAP PHOTO r 6-0= PROJECT =A7 Lq C /y Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 14,139 $ $ 14,139 200 DEV $ 103,000 $ $ 103,000 140 SB 1 $ 314,776 $ $ 314,776 TOTAL $ 431,915 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 431,915 Expenditure Design $ 14,137 $ 14,137 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 417,778 $ $ 417,778 TOTAL $ 431,915 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 431,915 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share 200 DEV Developer Contribution 140 SB 1 Senate Bill 1 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 42 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40088 PROJECT NAME Signal Synchronization TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 143,290 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Edinger Avenue/Irvine Center Drive DESCRIPTION This project was developed in collaboration with the City of Irvine . Project was approved by OCTA Board in April 2016 under the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program(Project P). The goal of Project P is to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion and delay on arterial roadways. Provide studies,install new signal equipment and implement new timing to synchronize signals on Edinger Avenue/Irvine Center Drive between Newport Avenue in Tustin and Protocol Street in Irvine. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATION Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 143,290 $ $ 143,290 TOTAL $ 143,290 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 143,290 Expenditure Design $ 23,290 $ $ 23,290 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 120,000 $ $ 120,000 TOTAL $ 143,290 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 143,290 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 43 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40089 PROJECT NAME Signal Synchronization TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 114,301 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Tustin Ranch Road/Von Karman Avenue DESCRIPTION This project was developed in collaboration with the City of Irvine . Project was approved by OCTA Board in April 2016 under the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program(Project P). The goal of Project P is to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion and delay on arterial roadways. Provide studies,install new signal equipment and implement new timing to synchronize signals on Tustin Ranch Road/VonKarman Avenue between Pioneer Road in Tustin and Campus Drive in Irvine. MAP PHOTO 1 14 LOCATION Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 114,301 $ $ 114,301 TOTAL $ 114,301 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 114,301 Expenditure Design $ 58,997 $ $ 58,997 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 55,304 $ $ 55,304 TOTAL $ 114,301 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 114,301 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 44 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40092 PROJECT NAME Traffic Signal Installation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 350,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Newport Avenue/Schools First DESCRIPTION Installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Newport Avenue and the Schools First campus. MAP PHOTO fin'q �FtiG � DPROJECT _ _ — �� LOCATION Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 130 GT $ 350,000 $ $ 350,000 TOTAL $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 350,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 350,000 $ $ 350,000 TOTAL $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 350,000 Funding Sources 130 GT Gas Tax * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 45 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40086 PROJECT NAME Signal Synchronization TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 43,847 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Seventeenth Street DESCRIPTION This project was developed in collaboration with the OCTA as lead agency and the County of Orange and Cities of Santa Ana, Garden Grove,Westminster and Seal Beach in competition for Measure M2 Fair Share funds under the OCTA Traffic Signal Synchronization Project(Project P). Provide design and implementation of traffic signal coordination along Seventeenth Street,including installation of traffic signal controllers and fiber optic interconnect. MAP PHOTO _R � 81 n U 7R t V• a MEDEORD AV. o & , M CJ Y UMETREE r Qi�4 W p w � .. .........:::::::: ?:- ; :-::.; ... ... .. Li X JECT ATIaNI I DTE � VANDEN9ERG � 1Si• ARBO�LTAOA, �•��••J }# N �A LIN00 FIESTA I.1: Aae� Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 39,847 $ 4,000 $ 43,847 TOTAL $ 39,847 $ 4,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 43,847 Expenditure Design $ 10,038 $ $ 10,038 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 29,810 $ 4,000 $ 33,810 TOTAL $ 39,847 $ 4,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 43,847 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 46 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40093 PROJECT NAME Signal Synchronization TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 255,000 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Red Hill Avenue DESCRIPTION Project submitted to OCTA under the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program(Project P). The goal of Project P is to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion and delay on arterial roadways. Provide studies,install new signal equipment and implement new timing to synchronize signals on Red Hill Avenue. MAP PHOTO Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 15,000 $ 240,000 $ 255,000 TOTAL $ 15,000 $ 240,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 255,000 Expenditure Design $ 15,000 $ 35,000 $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ $ Construction $ 205,000 $ 205,000 TOTAL $ 15,000 $ 240,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 255,000 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 47 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Signal Synchronization TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 150,000 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION First Street DESCRIPTION This project was developed in collaboration with the Cities of Huntington Beach,Westminster,and Santa Ana and the County of Orange with OCTA leading due to the many jurisdictions involved. Project was approved by OCTA Board in April 2021 under the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program(Project P). The goal of Project P is to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion and delay on arterial roadways. Project involves providing studies,installing new signal equipment including improved communications via fiber optic cable and imnlementinu new timinu to svnchroni7e siunnls on First Street between Tustin Avenue and Newnnrt Avenue in Tustin MAP PHOTO HE VAR AW FI T r 11 i � � I � f.11 yr oC yII I , se•;.wo sr i I W E TM T__1 ®rIF hk iiiJf7LC� ,� .�r W 44AIN SCREE- - j Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 150,000 $ 150,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Expenditure Design $ $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 150,000 $ 150,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 48 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40080 PROJECT NAME Traffic Signal Equipment TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,694,023 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Citywide DESCRIPTION Upgrades or replacement of aging traffic signal equipment at various locations throughout the city. MAP PHOTO Citywide �� Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 796,260 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 1,596,260 138 Measure M $ 97,763 $ 97,763 TOTAL $ 894,023 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 1,694,023 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 894,023 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 1,694,023 TOTAL $ 894,023 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ $ 1,694,023 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share 138 Measure M Measure M * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 49 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic Control Facilities PROJECT NO. 40087 PROJECT NAME Main Street Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 3,957,089 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson LOCATION Main Street and El Camino Real DESCRIPTION Public improvements on Main Street between Newport Avenue and Prospect Avenue including installation of raised landscaped medians, narrowing of curb-to-curb street width,traffic striping with addition of buffered Class II bike lanes and sharrows, enhanced parkway landscaping,widening of sidewalks,reconstruction of library driveway to align with Tustin Plaza driveway,installation of street furniture, and installation of a gateway arch sign spanning the street. In-pavement lighted crosswalks to be installed at intersections of Main St. and C St.,Prospect Ave., and library driveway. Improvements on El Camino Real include construction of"parklets" and outdoor seating at varinnc lnratinnc MAP PHOTO LJLC ti 4+w 4 EC NO ST. C/l z w \Q _ J V C " OLW P D Ld THIRH �T. WD LIB M IN J E. MAIN STREET —PROJECT F ci N LOCATION o'PARKLET' 9y ? SIXTH ST. Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 188,393 $ $ 188,393 133 AB2766 $ 198,000 $ $ 198,000 100 GF $ 696 $ $ 696 000 OF $ $ 3,570,000 $ 3,570,000 TOTAL $ 387,089 $ $ $ 3,570,000 $ $ $ $ 3,957,089 Expenditure Design $ 384,726 $ $ 70,000 $ 454,726 Right-of-Way $ $ Construction $ 2,363 $ $ 3,500,000 $ 3,502,363 TOTAL $ 387,089 $ $ $ 3,570,000 $ $ $ $ 3,957,089 Funding Sources 100 GF General Fund 133 AB2466 CA Motor Vehicle Subvention Program 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share 120 CDBGy17 Community Development Block Grant FY16/17 139 M2-C Measure M2 Competitive 120 CDBGy18 Community Development Block Grant FY17/18 000 OF Uncertain Funding 120 CDBGy19 Community Development Block Grant FY 18/19 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 50 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Transportation Facilities Maintenance FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 70253 Pioneer Road Sidewalk Improvements Fund 130 GT Project Total COMPLETE 70019 Annual Pavement Maintenance and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program(MOE) Fund 139 M2-FS Fund 130 GT Fund 200 GF-CIP Project Total COMPLETE 70020 Annual Pavement Maintenance and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program(MOE) Fund 139 M2-FS $ 660,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 660,000 Fund 130 GT $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - Fund 200 GF-CIP $ 1,700,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,700,000 Project Total $ 2,360,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,360,000 70021 Annual Pavement Maintenance and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program(MOE) Fund 139 M2-FS $ - $ 910,000 $ $ $ $ $ 910,000 Fund 130 GT $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ - Fund 200 GF-CIP $ $ 900,000 $ $ $ $ $ 900,000 Project Total $ $ 1,810,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,810,000 51 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Transportation Facilities Maintenance FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 70244 Newport Avenue Rehabilitation between I-5 Freeway and Holt Avenue Fund 140 SB 1 $ 631,854 $ $ $ $ $ $ 631,854 Project Total $ 631,854 $ $ $ $ $ $ 631,854 70245 Newport Avenue Rehabilitation between I-5 Freeway and Sycamore Avenue Fund 140 SB 1 $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 Project Total $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 70249 Del Amo Avenue and Newport Avenue Fund 139 M2-FS $ 899,740 $ $ $ $ $ $ 899,740 Project Total $ 899,740 $ $ $ $ $ $ 899,740 70252 Red Hill Median Improvements Fund 130 GT $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 350,000 Project Total $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 350,000 TBA Old Town Improvements Fund 200 GF-CIP $ 200,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 200,000 Fund 000 OF $ - $ $ 2,000,000 $ $ $ $ 2,000,000 Project Total $ 200,000 $ $ 2,000,000 $ $ $ $ 2,200,000 52 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Transportation Facilities Maintenance FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 70236 Citywide Pedestrian Oriented Accessibility Improvement Program Fund 200 GF-CIP $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Fund 130 GT $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 1,400,000 Project Total $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 1,400,000 70220 Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation Between San Juan Street and First Street Fund 140 SB 1 $ 50,000 $ 550,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 600,000 Fund 200 GF-CIP $ - $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 Project Total $ 50,000 $ 1,050,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,100,000 TBA Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation between Walnut Avenue and I-5 Freeway Fund 140 SB 1 $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ 550,000 Fund 200 GF-CIP $ - $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 Project Total $ 50,000 $ 1,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,050,000 TBA Jamboree Road Rehabilitation between Barranca Parkway and OCTA/SCRRA Fund 140 SB 1 $ - $ - $ $ $ 1,300,000 $ $ 1,300,000 Project Total $ - $ - $ $ $ 1,300,000 $ $ 1,300,000 Transportation Facilities Maintenance Total $ 5,241,594 $ 4,060,000 $ 2,200,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 400,000 $ 13,601,594 Total Uncertain Funding - - 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 53 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70253 PROJECT NAME Pioneer Road Sidewalk Expansion TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 25,000 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Pioneer Middle School DESCRIPTION Installation of expanded sidewalk on Pioneer Road between Pioneer Middle School and Pioneer Way. MAP PHOTO l knk PIONEER MIDDLE � SC'HOOT w z _ 0 a TUgTIN RANCH ROAD � AM Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 130 GT $ 25,000 $ 25,000 TOTAL $ 25,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 25,000 $ 25,000 TOTAL $ 25,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25,000 Funding Sources 130 GT Gas Tax * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 54 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70019 PROJECT NAME Annual Pavement Maintenance 19/20 MOE TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,495,476 PROJECT MANAGER Joann Wu LOCATION Pavement-Zone 1 Sidewalk- Citywide DESCRIPTION The City is divided into seven pavement maintenance zones. Every year street rehabilitation occurs in one zone. Through a rolling seven year cycle,this program maintains the integrity of City streets. The City maintains a Pavement Management System(PMS) for all MPAH roadways every two years and all non-MPAH roadways every six years. Funding for construction of this project is as follows: Pavement Rehabilitation($1,600,000 -GF-CIP), City-wide Street Striping and Markings Program($255,000-M2 Fair Share),City-wide Sidewalk Repair Program($200,000 -M2 Fair Share), Street and Alley Repair Program($60,000-M2 Fair Share), City's portion of County rplhahilitntinn of chgrarl rnarlc 0'10()000_(Tac Tnv) and hrirlap rlpplr mnintpnnnpp npr anneal Ctntp rppnmmpnrintinnc 075()nen _TVT7 Fair MAP PHOTO N 1 Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 621,367 $ $ 621,367 130 GT $ 11,528 $ $ 11,528 200 GF-CIP $ 1,862,581 $ $ 1,862,581 TOTAL $ 2,495,476 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,495,476 Expenditure Design $ 11,528 $ 11,528 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 2,483,948 $ $ 2,483,948 TOTAL $ 2,495,476 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,495,476 Fundine Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share 130 GT Gas Tax Fund 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Projects * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 55 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70020 PROJECT NAME Annual Pavement Maintenance 20/21 MOE TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,610,000 PROJECT MANAGER Joann Wu LOCATION Pavement-Zone 2 Sidewalk-Citywide DESCRIPTION The City is divided into seven pavement maintenance zones. Every year street rehabilitation occurs in one zone. Through a rolling seven year cycle, this program maintains the integrity of City streets. The City maintains a Pavement Management System(PMS) for all MPAH roadways every two years and all non-MPAH roadways every six years. Funding for construction of this project is as follows: Pavement Rehabilitation and County Shared Roads ($1,700,000-GF-CIP and$150,000-M2 Fair Share),City-wide Street Striping and Markings Program($255,000-M2 Fair Share),City-wide Sidewalk Repair Program($250,000-M2 Fair Share),Street and Alley Repair Program($60,000-M2 Fair Share),and bridge deck maintenance per annual State recommendations($195,000-M2 Fair Share). MAP PHOTO ❑ � O Wil❑ ` E T� 7 T o� C Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ 250,000 $ 660,000 $ 910,000 130 GT $ $ 200 GF-CIP $ $ 1,700,000 $ 1,700,000 TOTAL $ 250,000 $ 2,360,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,610,000 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 250,000 $ 2,360,000 $ 2,610,000 TOTAL $ 250,000 $ 2,360,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,610,000 Fundine Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share 130 GT Gas Tax Fund 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Projects * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 56 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA 09MEOMM"F Capital ImprovementProgram • Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70021 PROJECT NAME Annual Pavement Maintenance 21/22 MOE TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,810,000 PROJECT MANAGER Joann Wu LOCATION Pavement-Zone 3 Sidewalk-Citywide DESCRIPTION The City is divided into seven pavement maintenance zones. Every year street rehabilitation occurs in one zone. Through a rolling seven year cycle,this program maintains the integrity of City streets.The City maintains a Pavement Management System(PMS) for all MPAH roadways every two years and all non-MPAH roadways every six years. Funding for construction of this project is as follows: Pavement Rehabilitation($1,700,000-GF-CIP),City- wide Street Striping and Markings Program($255,000-M2 Fair Share),City-wide Sidewalk Repair Program($200,000-M2 Fair Share),Street and Alley Repair Program($60,000-M2 Fair Share),City's portion of County rehabilitation of shared roads($200,000-M2 Fair Share),and bridge deck maintenance per annual State recommendations($195,000-M2 Fair Share). MAP PHOTO 0D n ®Cil Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 139 M2-FS $ $ 910,000 $ 910,000 130 GT $ $ - 200 GF-CIP $ $ 900,000 $ 900,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 1,810,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,810,000 Expenditure Design $ - Right-of-Way $ - Construction $ $ 1,810,000 $ 1,810,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 1,810,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,810,000 Funding Sources 139 M2-FS Measure M2 Fair Share 130 GT Gas Tax Fund 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Projects * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 57 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70244 PROJECT NAME Newport Avenue Rehabilitation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,200,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson LOCATION I-5 Freeway to Holt Avenue DESCRIPTION Removal and deep lift repairs of asphalt concrete pavement failure areas,repair of sidewalk and curb& gutter,ramp reconstruction,cold plane,construction of asphalt concrete resurfacing,traffic loops, and traffic striping. MAP PHOTO L_L__i o❑ .S PROJECT -- LOCATION P rel$9AT9 a.. Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 140 SB 1 $ 568,146 $ 631,854 $ 1,200,000 TOTAL $ 568,146 $ 631,854 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,200,000 Expenditure Design $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 468,146 $ 631,854 $ 1,100,000 TOTAL $ 568,146 $ 631,854 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,200,000 Funding Sources 140 SB 1 Senate Bill 1 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 58 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70245 PROJECT NAME Newport Avenue Rehabilitation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 900,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson LOCATION I-5 Freeway to Sycamore Avenue DESCRIPTION Removal and deep lift repairs of asphalt concrete pavement failure areas,repair of sidewalk and curb& gutter,ramp reconstruction,cold plane,construction of asphalt concrete resurfacing,traffic loops, and traffic striping. MAP PHOTO I PROJECT . LOCATION I �Ti Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 140 SB1 $ 400,000 $ 500,000 $ 900,000 TOTAL $ 400,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 900,000 Expenditure Design $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 Right-of-Way $ $ Construction $ 300,000 $ 500,000 $ 800,000 TOTAL $ 400,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 900,000 Funding Sources 140 SB 1 Senate Bill 1 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 59 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70249 PROJECT NAME Del Amo/Newport Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,900,216 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION SR55 On Ramp and Edinger Avenue DESCRIPTION Roadway and median improvements completed near Schools First campus. City to reimburse Schools First. MAP PHOTO tUff y�F ti y P P � PROJECT � LOCATION P G9�F Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 130 GT $ 476 $ $ 476 139 M2-FS $ 1,000,000 $ 899,740 $ 1,899,740 TOTAL $ 1,000,476 $ 899,740 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,900,216 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,000,476 $ 899,740 $ 1,900,216 TOTAL $ 1,000,476 $ 899,740 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,900,216 Funding Sources 130 GT Gas Tax 139 M2-FS Measure M2-Fair Share * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 60 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70252 PROJECT NAME Red Hill Median Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 400,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson LOCATION At Bryan Avenue DESCRIPTION Reconstruction of medians on Red Hill and Bryan Avenues to lengthen turn pockets and replace turf that can no longer be irrigated with potable water. MAP PHOTO LOCAMN u P - _ Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 130 GT $ 50,000 $ 350,000 $ 400,000 TOTAL $ 50,000 $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 400,000 Expenditure Design $ 50,000 $ $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 350,000 $ 350,000 TOTAL $ 50,000 $ 350,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 400,000 Funding Sources 130 GT Gas Tax * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 61 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Old Town Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,200,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION El Camino Real/Main Street DESCRIPTION Utilizing the Downtown Community Core Specific Plan as a guide,design and construct enhancements to improve outdoor connectivity, mobility,walkability,traffic calming and way finding within the public right-of-way,with emphasis on safety and circulation. MAP PHOTO Various Locations Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 200,000 $ 200,000 000 OF $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 TOTAL $ $ 200,000 $ $ 2,000,000 $ $ $ $ 2,200,000 Expenditure Design $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 TOTAL $ $ 200,000 $ $ 2,000,000 $ $ $ $ 2,200,000 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program 000 OF Unfunded * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 62 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70236 PROJECT NAME Citywide Pedestrian ADA Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,495,325 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Citywide DESCRIPTION Reconstruction of pedestrian infrastructure and installation of equipment to make pedestrian travel through the city more accessible to person's with disabilities in the community. MAP PHOTO Various Locations Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 GF-CIP $ 845,325 $ 845,325 130 GT $ 250,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 1,650,000 TOTAL $ 1,095,325 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 2,495,325 Expenditure Design $ Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,095,325 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 2,495,325 TOTAL $ 1,095,325 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 2,495,325 Funding Sources 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Projects 130 GT Gas Tax * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 63 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. 70220 PROJECT NAME Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,100,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION San Juan Street to First Street DESCRIPTION Removal and deep lift repairs of asphalt concrete pavement failure areas,repair of sidewalk and curb& gutter,ramp reconstruction,cold plane,construction of asphalt concrete resurfacing,traffic loops, and traffic striping. MAP PHOTO PROJECT — LOCATION ER o Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 140 SB 1 $ $ 50,000 $ 550,000 $ 600,000 200 GF-CIP $ 500,000 $ 500,000 TOTAL $ $ 50,000 $ 1,050,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,100,000 Expenditure Design $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 TOTAL $ $ 50,000 $ 1,050,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,100,000 Funding Sources 140 SB 1 Senate Bill 1 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 64 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA or it y pital of Tment ustiamn Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 150,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Walnut Avenue to I-5 Freeway DESCRIPTION Removal and deep lift repairs of asphalt concrete pavement failure areas,repair of sidewalk and curb&gutter,ramp reconstruction,cold plane,construction of asphalt concrete resurfacing,traffic loops, and traffic striping. MAP PHOTO PROJECT J y�F LOCATION `. Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 140 SB 1 $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 550,000 200 GF-CIP $ 500,000 $ 500,000 TOTAL $ $ 50,000 $ 1,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ 1,050,000 Expenditure Design $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 100,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL $ $ 50,000 $ 100,000 $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 Funding Sources 140 SB 1 Senate Bill 1 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement Program * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 65 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA y mpro"ement it ostin Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Maintenance PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Jamboree Road Rehabilitation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,300,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Barranca Parkway to OCTA/SORRA DESCRIPTION Removal and deep lift repairs of asphalt concrete pavement failure areas,cold plane,construction of asphalt concrete resurfacing,traffic loops, and traffic striping. MAP PHOTO TUSTIN LEC#ACY PROJECT LOGATI4N �- CITY IR\N Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 140 SB 1 $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,300,000 $ $ 1,300,000 Expenditure Design $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,300,000 $ $ 1,300,000 Funding Sources 140 SB1 Senate Bill 1 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 66 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Transportation Facilities Capacity Enhancements FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 70239 Westbound El Camino Real at Tustin Ranch Road Improvement Project Fund 200 DEV Project Total COMPLETE 70131 Newport Avenue Extension,N/o Edinger Avenue- Phase 11 Fund 000 OF $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 $ 50,000,000 $ 51,000,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 $ 50,000,000 $ 51,000,000 TBA Valencia Avenue Widening between Newport Avenue and Red Hill Avenue Fund 000 OF $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,500,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,500,000 TBA Jamboree Road Widening between Tustin Ranch Road and North City Limit Fund 000 OF $ $ $ $ $ - $ 1,400,000 $ 1,400,000 Fund 200 DEV $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,400,000 $ 1,400,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,800,000 $ 2,800,000 67 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Transportation Facilities Capacity Enhancements FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 70196 Red Hill Avenue Widening between Melvin Way and 200 feet southerly Fund 000 OF $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 Transportation Facilities Capacity Enhancement Total $ $ $ $ $ 1,500,000 $ 58,900,000 $ 60,400,000 Total Uncertain Funding 1,500,000 57,500,000 59,000,000 68 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Wapial provement ustinof rogram r Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Capacity PROJECT NO. 70239 PROJECT NAME El Camino Real/Tustin Ranch Improvement TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,315,591 PROJECT MANAGER Krys Saldivar LOCATION Westbound El Camino Real at Tustin Rancl DESCRIPTION Modification to add a second westbound left-turn lane and exclusive right-turn lane on El Camino Real at Tustin Ranch Road. Developer contribution by The Irvine Company as part of the mitigation for the Lower Peters Canyon Development in Irvine's Planning Area 4 bounded by I-5,Jamboree Road,OCFA HQ and SR-261. The Irvine Company to provide funds upon award of design contract. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCA-nON 000rj e�ygti t q All * ,+ /O c9�i�0 Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 200 DEV $ 2,315,591 $ $ 2,315,591 TOTAL $ 2,315,591 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,315,591 Expenditure Design $ 272,440 $ 272,440 Right-of-Way $ - Construction $ 2,043,151 $ 2,043,151 TOTAL $ 2,315,591 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,315,591 Funding Sources 200 DEV Developer Contribution * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 69 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Wapial provement ustinof rogram r Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Capacity PROJECT NO. 70131 PROJECT NAME Newport Avenue Extension-Phase II TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 55,700,493 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION North of Edinger Avenue DESCRIPTION Extension of Newport Avenue from current terminus to south of Edinger Avenue including constructing the railroad underpass and the widening of Newport Avenue from Tustin Grove Drive to Myrtle Avenue. Work also consists of realignment of flood control channel. The existing Newport Avenue will be widened from Tustin Grove Drive to Myrtle Avenue to include 3 lanes in each direction,raised medians,sidewalks on both sides and outside shoulders or bike lanes. Turn lanes will be provided on Newport at Tustin Grove Drive, Sycamore Avenue and Myrtle Avenue. Median and parkway landscape will be incorporated and new signalized intersections along TNTa\H-t Ayanna at P linear Ayanna Ttin(Trnva F)riv nnrl Qvommnra Ayanna Prni—t is nn hnlrl until nitarnntiv arnrrnac of fimrlinn MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATI �{ cvRwEE Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 120 CDBG $ 98,808 $ $ 98,808 138 M-T $ 219,892 $ $ 219,892 552 RDA-SC $ 4,354,774 $ 4,354,774 200 GF-CIP $ 2,019 $ 2,019 301 WCF $ 25,000 $ 25,000 000 OF $ 1,000,000 $ 50,000,000 $ 51,000,000 TOTAL $ 4,700,493 $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 $ 50,000,000 $ 55,700,493 Expenditure Design $ 2,536,585 $ 1,000,000 $ 3,536,585 Right-of-Way $ 2,163,908 $ 10,000,000 $ 12,163,908 Construction $ 40,000,000 $ 40,000,000 TOTAL $ 4,700,493 $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 $ 50,000,000 $ 55,700,493 Fundine Sources 120 CDBG Community Development Block Grant 200 GF-CIP) General Fund-Capital Improvement Projects 138 M-T Measure M Turnback 301 WCF Water Capital Fund 552 RDA-SC Redevelopment Agency-South Central 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 70 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Wapial provement ustinof rogram r Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Capacity PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Valencia Avenue Widening TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 5,500,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Between Newport and Red Hill Avenues DESCRIPTION Roadway widening and intersection improvements including acquisition of right-of-way to facilitate widening to augmented primary arterial status. Valencia Avenue was restriped to 4-lanes with the Newport Avenue/SR55 Ramp Reconfiguration Project(CIP No. 70130). This project will complete the widening on both the north and south side of Valencia Avenue and include a landscaped median and bicycle lanes. Project will include intersection improvements at Valencia/Red Hill to include northbound and southbound double left turn lanes and a separate southbound right turn lane. MAP PHOTO o o� PROJECT LOCA Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,500,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,500,000 Expenditure Design $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Right-of-Way $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Construction $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,500,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 71 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Wapial provement ustinof rogram r Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Capacity PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Jamboree Road Widening TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,800,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Between Tustin Ranch Road and City Limit DESCRIPTION Street widening to 6-lane major arterial standards. Developer contribution by The Irvine Company,as part of mitigation for Culver Drive deletion north of Portola Parkway for planning areas 1,2 and 7 in the City of Irvine in the amount of$1,400,000. The Irvine Company to provide funds upon award of design contract. MAP PHOTO �---r CANYON REGIONAL PARK i PROJECT LOCATION Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ $ 1,400,000 $ 1,400,000 200 DEV $ 1,400,000 $ 1,400,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,800,000 $ 2,800,000 Expenditure Design $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Right-of-Way $ - Construction $ 2,400,000 $ 2,400,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,800,000 $ 2,800,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding 200 DEV Developer Contribution * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 72 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Wapial provement ustinof rogram r Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Transportation Facilities Capacity PROJECT NO. 70196 PROJECT NAME Red Hill Avenue Widening TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,100,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBD LOCATION Between Melvin Way and 200 feet southerl, DESCRIPTION Street widening on the easterly side of Red Hill Avenue within City boundary. Work consists of road widening and drainage improvements. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATION RT Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 000 OF $ $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 Expenditure Design $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Right-of-Way $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Construction $ 800,000 $ 800,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 Funding Sources 000 OF Uncertain Funding * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 73 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Tustin Legacy Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 20043 Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy Fund 187 MCAS Fund 132 PDL Fund 200 GF-CIP Fund 443 CFD 14- Project Total COMPLETE 50040 Peters Canyon Channel Improvements Fund 187 MCAS Fee Fund 200 IRWD Reimb Project Total COMPLETE 70246 Neighborhood D South Backbone Infrastructure Construction-Phase 1 Fund 434 CFD 06-1 $ 125,668 $ $ $ $ $ $ 125,668 Fund 443 CFD 14-1 $ 4,375,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,375,000 Fund 200 IRWD Reimb $ 50,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 50,000 Project Total $ 4,550,668 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,550,668 70250 Neighborhood D South Non-Backbone Infrastructure Construction-Phase 1 Fund 189 MCAS Land $ 3,782,034 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,782,034 Project Total $ 3,782,034 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,782,034 74 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Mcityof ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Tustin Legacy Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 20083 Tustin Legacy Linear Park Between Armstrong Avenue and Warner Avenue Fund 187 MCAS Fee $ 500,000 $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ $ $ 6,000,000 Fund 189 MCAS Land $ - $ 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ 500,000 Project Total $ 500,000 $ 6,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ 6,500,000 20084 Alley Grove Fund 187 MCAS Fee $ 1,675,000 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 1,675,000 Project Total $ 1,675,000 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 1,675,000 TBA Neighborhood D South Infrastructure Construction- Phase 2 Fund 189 MCAS Land $ - $ 600,000 $ 5,400,000 $ $ $ $ 6,000,000 Project Total $ $ 600,000 $ 5,400,000 $ $ $ $ 6,000,000 70243 Tustin Ranch Road Pedestrian Bridge Fund 187 MCAS Fee $ $ - $ - $ $ 11,000,000 $ $ 11,000,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ 11,000,000 $ $ 11,000,000 10076 South Hangar Renovation-Phase 1 Fund 189 MCAS Land $ 4,500,000 $ $ $ 10,000,000 $ - $ $ 14,500,000 Project Total $ 4,500,000 $ $ $ 10,000,000 $ - $ $ 14,500,000 75 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Mcityof ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Tustin Legacy Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. TBA Armstrong Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Fund 187 MCAS Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 TBA Warner Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Fund 187 MCAS Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,000,000 $ 12,000,000 Project Total $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,000,000 $ 12,000,000 Tustin Legacy Facilities Total $ 15,007,702 $ 6,600,000 $ 5,400,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 11,000,000 $ 17,000,000 $ 65,007,702 Total Uncertain Funding - - - - - - - 76 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA IWIf roement Program Capita V Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 20043 PROJECT NAME Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 27,065,272 PROJECT MANAGER Benny Tenkean LOCATION Valencia Avenue and Severyns Road DESCRIPTION Development of a park master plan,implementation of security and property occupancy, and construction of improvements at the 31.5- acre existing community park at Tustin Legacy. Develop amenities at the park site that would include,but not be limited to sport fields, sports lighting, game courts,community room, skate plaza,veterans memorial,picnic areas,tot lots, and parking. This project is part of the Tustin Leaacv Backbone Infrastructure Proaram. MAP PHOTO y f { AVENUE i 'L Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 131 PD $ 143,235 $ $ 143,235 187 WAS Fee $ 9,154,992 $ $ 9,154,992 120 CDBGy2 $ 66,097 $ $ 66,097 132 PDL $ 5,665,687 $ $ 5,665,687 100 EDC $ 199,934 $ $ 199,934 434 CFD 06-1 $ 656,024 $ $ 656,024 561 MCAS TAB $ 8,409,886 $ $ 8,409,886 433 AD 04-1 $ 14,857 $ $ 14,857 200 GF-CIP $ 2,504,561 $ $ 2,504,561 443 CFD 14-1 $ 250,000 $ $ 250,000 TOTAL $27,065,272 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 27,065,272 Expenditure Design $ 727,890 $ 727,890 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 26,337,382 S S 26,337,382 TOTAL $ 27,065,272 S $ $ S - $ $ $ 27,065,272 Funding Sources 131 PD Park Development 100 EDC Economic Development 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fee 434 CFD 06-1 Community Facilities District 06-1 120 CDBGy2 Community Development Block Grant 561 MCAS TAB MCAS 2010 Tax Allocation Bond 132 PDL Park Development Legacy 433 AD 04-1 Assessment District 04-1 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 200 GF-CIP General Fund-Capital Improvement 77 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 50040 PROJECT NAME Peters Canyon Channel Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 16,889,981 PROJECT MANAGER Benny Tenkean LOCATION Edinger Avenue to Warner Avenue DESCRIPTION Design and construction of Peters Canyon Channel improvements from Edinger Avenue to Warner Avenue. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. MAP PHOTO 4 ROM r Jf VEArU r � Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 187 WAS Fee $14,568,448 $ $ 14,568,448 434 CFD 06-1 $ 231,210 $ $ 231,210 443 CFD 14-1 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 200 IRWD Reimb $ 144,033 $ $ 144,033 561 MCAS TAB $ 346,290 $ 346,290 TOTAL $16,889,981 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,889,981 Expenditure Design $ 577,027 $ 577,027 Right-of-Way $ Construction $16,312,954 $ 16,312,954 TOTAL $16,889,981 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,889,981 Funding Sources 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fees 561 MCAS TAB MCAS 2010 Tax Allocation Bond 434 CFD 06-1 Community Facilities District 06-1 200 IRWD Reimb IRWD Reimbursement 443 CFD 14-1 Community Facilities District 14-1 * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 78 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 70246 PROJECT NAME Neighborhood D South Phase 1 Backbone TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 7,737,189 PROJECT MANAGER Ken Nishikawa LOCATION Tustin Ranch ROad/WarnerBarranca/ArmSt DESCRIPTION Design and construction of backbone infrastruction in the area generally bounded by Tustin Ranch Road,Warner Avenue,Barranca Parkway, and Armstrong Avenue. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. MAP PHOTO 'Q LOCA O ,vRsna areuc LOCATION 9 , J 9 RANCH ` - �P9 �S�� RQRp y� Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 187 WAS Fee $ 324,853 $ $ 324,853 434 CFD 06-1 $ 2,761,668 $ 125,668 $ 2,887,336 443 CFD 14-1 $ 100,000 $ 4,375,000 $ 4,475,000 200 IRWD Reimb $ 50,000 $ 50,000 TOTAL $ 3,186,521 $ 4,550,668 $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,737,189 Expenditure Design $ 408,521 $ 408,521 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 2,778,000 $ 4,550,668 $ 7,328,668 TOTAL $ 3,186,521 $ 4,550,668 $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,737,189 Funding Sources 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fees 434 CFD 06-1 Community Facilities District 06-1 443 CFD 14-1 Community Facilities District 14-1 200 IRWD Reimb IRWD Reimbursement * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 79 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 70250 PROJECT NAME Neighborhood D South Phase 1 Non-Backb< TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 7,089,068 PROJECT MANAGER Ken Nishikawa LOCATION Tustin Ranch ROad/WarnerBarranca/ArmSt DESCRIPTION Design and construction of non-backbone infrastruction in the area generally bounded by Tustin Ranch Road,Warner Avenue,Barranca Parkway, and Armstrong Avenue. MAP PHOTO 'Q LOCA O ,vRsna areuc LOCATION 9 , J 9 RANCH ` - �P9 �S�� RQRp y� Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 189 WAS Land $ 3,307,034 $ 3,782,034 $ 7,089,068 TOTAL $ 3,307,034 $ 3,782,034 $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,089,068 Expenditure Design $ 707,034 $ 707,034 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 2,600,000 $ 3,782,034 $ 6,382,034 TOTAL $ 3,307,034 $ 3,782,034 $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,089,068 Funding Sources 189 MCAS Land Land Sale Proceeds * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 80 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 20083 PROJECT NAME Tustin Legacy Linear Park TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 6,555,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Armstrong to Warner DESCRIPTION Design and construction of Tustin Legacy Linear Park from Armstrong Avenue to Warner Avenue in Neighborhoor D South. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATION . w,µ q ^\\ qt TTS O �r� RA" i7ppp R Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 187 WAS Fee $ 55,000 $ 500,000 $ 5,500,000 $ 6,055,000 189 WAS Land 500000 $ 500,000 TOTAL $ 55,000 $ 500,000 $ 6,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ 6,555,000 Expenditure Design $ 55,000 $ 500,000 $ 555,000 Right-of-Way $ $ Construction $ $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 TOTAL $ 55,000 $ 500,000 $ 6,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ 6,555,000 Funding Sources 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fees 189 MCAS Land Land Sale Proceeds * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 81 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 20084 PROJECT NAME Alley Grove TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,775,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Neigborhood D South DESCRIPTION Design and construction of a plaza,Alley Grove,in Neighborhoor D South. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATION w � Tam O �r� �� RRrya Hp/0 R Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 187 WAS Fee $ 100,000 $ 1,675,000 $ 1,775,000 TOTAL $ 100,000 $ 1,675,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,775,000 Expenditure Design $ 100,000 $ 175,000 $ 275,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 TOTAL $ 100,000 $ 1,675,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,775,000 Funding Sources 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fee * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 82 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Neighborhood D South Phase 2 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 6,000,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Tustin Ranch ROad/WarnerBarranca/Armst] DESCRIPTION Design and construction of backbone infrastruction in the area generally bounded by Tustin Ranch Road,Warner Avenue,Barranca Parkway, and Armstrong Avenue. MAP PHOTO z �f� � k_ 'Q PROJECT uRSMm DMVE LOCATION r w 9 RANCH "�P,QAy NS�� RQRp ^9 Aq���r Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 189 WAS Land $ $ 600,000 $ 5,400,000 $ 6,000,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 600,000 $ 5,400,000 $ $ $ $ 6,000,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 600,000 $ 600,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 5,400,000 $ 5,400,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 600,000 $ 5,400,000 $ $ $ $ 6,000,000 Funding Sources 189 MCAS Land Land Sale Proceeds * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 83 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 70243 PROJECT NAME Pedestrian Bridge TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 12,599,545 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Tustin Ranch Road DESCRIPTION Design and construction of pedestrian bridges over Tustin Ranch Road. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. MAP PHOTO °Pl PROJECT � 9 'Poya LOCATION q�yG F 2 0 a QAC RANCH Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 187 WAS Fee $ 1,599,545 $ $ 11,000,000 $ 12,599,545 TOTAL $ 1,599,545 $ $ $ $ $ 11,000,000 $ $ 12,599,545 Expenditure Design $ 1,436,300 $ $ 1,436,300 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 163,244 $ 11,000,000 $ 11,163,244 TOTAL $ 1,599,545 $ $ $ $ $ 11,000,000 $ $ 12,599,545 Funding Sources 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fees * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 84 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. 10076 PROJECT NAME South Hangar Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 15,173,001 PROJECT MANAGER Economic Development LOCATION South Hangar DESCRIPTION Improvements to South Hangar to bring permanent power,lighting and electrical distribution throughout the building. Improvements will also make structural upgrades to the building that will be necessary for any future reuse options. Future improvements will upgrade the building occupancy levels to accommodate various types of uses. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATION ` , - RANCH Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 189 WAS Land $ 673,001 $ 4,500,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 15,173,001 TOTAL $ 673,001 $ 4,500,000 $ - $ $ 10,000,000 $ - $ $ 15,173,001 Expenditure Design $ 673,001 $ 673,001 Right-of-Way $ - Construction $ 4,500,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 14,500,000 TOTAL $ 673,001 $ 4,500,000 $ - $ $ 10,000,000 $ - $ $ 15,173,001 Funding Sources 189 MCAS Land MCAS Land Sale Proceeds * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 85 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Pedestrian Bridge TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 5,000,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Armstrong Avenue DESCRIPTION Design and construction of pedestrian bridge over Armstrong Avenue. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. MAP PHOTO AIRSHIP DRIVE PROJECT LOCATION er_ vtii 9G QCT AGF F/p Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 187 WAS Fee $ $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 800,000 $ 800,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 4,200,000 $ 4,200,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 Funding Sources 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fees * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 86 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Tustin Legacy Facilities PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Pedestrian Bridge TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 12,000,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Warner Avenue DESCRIPTION Design and construction of pedestrian bridge over Warner Avenue. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. MAP PHOTO AIRSHIP DRIVE AGF cD PP10 JECT o LOCATON Q o� Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 187 WAS Fee $ $ 12,000,000 $ 12,000,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,000,000 $ 12,000,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 11,000,000 $ 11,000,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,000,000 $ 12,000,000 Funding Sources 187 MCAS Fee MCAS Backbone Fees * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 87 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Cit of ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Water Distribution Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 60160 Mardick Road Water Main Replacement between Red Hill Avenue and Beverly Glen Drive Fund 301 WCF $ $ 200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ $ 1,700,000 Project Total $ $ 200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ $ 1,700,000 60171 Water Main Replacement-Simon Ranch Road to Racquet Hill via Tustin Hills Racquet Club Parking Lot Fund 301 WCF $ $ 50,000 $ $ 800,000 $ $ $ 850,000 Project Total $ $ 50,000 $ $ 800,000 $ $ $ 850,000 60172 Browning Avenue Water Main Replacement between Beverly Glen and La Colina Fund 301 WCF $ $ - $ 300,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ 1,800,000 Project Total $ $ - $ 300,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ 1,800,000 Water Distribution Facilities Total $ $ 250,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 2,300,000 $ $ $ 4,350,000 Total Uncertain Funding - - - - 88 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Distribution PROJECT NO. 60160 PROJECT NAME Mardick Road Main Replacement TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,700,000 PROJECT MANAGER To Be Determined LOCATION Red Hill Avenue to Beverly Glen Drive DESCRIPTION Replace deteriorated and undersized 8" cement lined steel pipe with 12" PVC line to improve fire flows. Requires approximately 700'of pipe bursting in steep,heavily wooded areas along property lines. Procure consultant design services and inspection services,bid and have 1500'of 12" pipeline(700'of pipe bursting and 800'of open cut)installed by contractor. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATION �a a P R C9 l Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 301 WCF $ $ 200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,700,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ $ 1,700,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ $ 1,700,000 Funding Sources 301 WCF Water Capital Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 89 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Distribution PROJECT NO. 60171 PROJECT NAME Water Main Replacement TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 850,000 PROJECT MANAGER To Be Determined LOCATION Simon Ranch Road to Racquet Hill DESCRIPTION Replace deteriorated and undersized 6" asbestos cement pipe with 12" ductile iron pipe within existing pipeline easements. Procure consultant design services and inspection services,bid and have 1200'of 10" pipeline installed by contractor. MAP PHOTO E V SRAON YTTLE " R "ST ES. STER RES. RES RES 4 W 2 mu[i ue v _ PROJECT LOCATION Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 301 WCF $ $ 50,000 $ 800,000 $ 850,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 50,000 $ $ 800,000 $ $ $ 850,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Right-of-Way $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Construction $ $ 800,000 $ 800,000 TOTAL $ $ $ 50,000 $ $ 800,000 $ $ $ 850,000 Funding Sources 301 WCF Water Capital Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 90 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Distribution PROJECT NO. 60172 PROJECT NAME Water Main Replacement TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,800,000 PROJECT MANAGER To Be Determined LOCATION Browning Ave-Beverly Glen to La Colina DESCRIPTION Install 16" ductile iron pipe transmission main to improve flow conditions to and from the Simon Reservoir. Procure consultant design services and inspection services,bid and have 2600'of ductile iron pipe installed by contractor. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATION Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 306 2013 WBF $ $ 300,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,800,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ 1,800,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 300,000 $ 1,500,000 $ $ $ 1,800,000 Funding Sources 306 2013 WBF 2013 Water Bond Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 91 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Mcityof ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Water Storage Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. 60114 Simon Ranch Reservoir,Booster Pump Station and Pipeline Replacement Project Fund 301 WCF $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - Fund 306 2013 WBF $ 3,337,358 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,337,358 Fund 305 2011 WBF $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - Project Total $ 3,337,358 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,337,358 60148 John Lyttle Reservoir Tank Evaluation,Site Improvements and Safety Upgrades Fund 301 WCF $ - $ $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ 600,000 Project Total $ $ $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ 600,000 TBA Foothill Reservoir Phase 2 Improvements Fund 301 WCF $ $ $ 65,000 $ 400,000 $ $ $ 465,000 Project Total $ $ $ 65,000 $ 400,000 $ $ $ 465,000 60149 Newport Avenue Reservoir Repairs Fund 301 WCF $ $ $ - $ 30,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 130,000 Project Total $ $ $ - $ 30,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 130,000 Water Storage Facilities Total $ 3,337,358 $ $ 165,000 $ 930,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 4,532,358 Total Uncertain Funding - - - - - 92 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Storage PROJECT NO. 60114 PROJECT NAME Simon Ranch Reservoir TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 18,487,818 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson LOCATION Browning Ave-Beverly Glen to La Colina DESCRIPTION Replace undersized 10" asbestos cement pipe with 16" ductile iron pipe to/from Simon Reservoir.Demolish and build a new reservoir and construct a new Booster Pump Station(BPS). Procure engineering services. Complete structural analysis,prepare preliminary design report. Prepare final design and procure construction contract. Complete CEQA due diligence.Procure consultant design and inspection services,bid and install approximately 1700 feet of 16" line by contractor. MAP PHOTO 4 - PROJECT LOCATION i Y 90ON RANCH RO'O TUSTIN HILLS RACaJET CLUB ift- c _ Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 301 WCF $ 3,190,608 $ $ 3,190,608 306 2013 WBF $11,306,561 $ 3,337,358 $ 14,643,919 305 2011 WBF $ 289,000 $ 289,000 300 Water Ops $ 364,292 $ 364,292 TOTAL $15,150,461 $ 3,337,358 $ $ $ $ $ $ 18,487,819 Expenditure Design $ 2,487,818 $ - $ 2,487,818 Right-of-Way $ Construction $12,662,642 $ 3,337,358 $ $ 16,000,000 TOTAL $15,150,460 $ 3,337,358 $ $ $ $ $ $ 18,487,818 Funding Sources 301 WCF Water Capital Fund 306 2013 WBF 2013 Water Bond Fund 305 2011 WBF 2011 Water Bond Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 93 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Storage PROJECT NO. 60148 PROJECT NAME John Lyttle Reservoir Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 600,950 PROJECT MANAGER To Be Determined LOCATION Foothill Boulevard DESCRIPTION Evaluate tank condition,provide improvements to meet safety standards,replace site access stairway, and construct roadway, grading, and drainage improvements. Procure design services, and construct improvements.Meet with neighboring property owner to discuss possible transfer/purchase of adjacent land. Complete CEQA due diligence. Tank is only storage facility for Zone 3 residents to meet fire flows and daily consumption demands. Tank cannot be taken out of service until new Simon Ranch Reservoir and Booster Pump Station is completed. Tank to be inspected by a qualified contractor to determine appropriate repairs,maintenance or improvements. MAP PHOTO PROJECT LOCATI N RESER�VOW sa CAL. WA MR cu Wmnr Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 301 WCF $ 950 $ $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ 600,950 TOTAL $ 950 $ $ $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ $ 600,950 Expenditure Design $ 950 $ $ 100,000 $ 100,950 Right-of-Way $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Construction $ $ 300,000 $ 300,000 TOTAL $ 950 $ $ $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ $ 600,950 Funding Sources 301 WCF Water Capital Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 94 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Storage PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Foothill Reservoir Phase 2 Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 465,000 PROJECT MANAGER To Be Determined LOCATION Hewes Avenue and Fowler Avenue DESCRIPTION Inspect column and footing conditions and make repairs as required. Procure design services and construct needed improvements. Complete CEQA due diligence(if necessary). MAP 1 PHOTO PAR MWLER AV. �tiJ SSE FUR J V. fP{RO JJEC[_�T�'.I R 'a itlRNYl000 V_ 8LJ7 _ 8 Y Li 1 o ROL15Y K01R. I1T Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 301 WCF $ $ 65,000 $ 400,000 $ 465,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 65,000 $ 400,000 $ - $ $ 465,000 Expenditure Design $ $ 65,000 $ 65,000 Right-of-Way $ - Construction $ $ 400,000 $ 400,000 TOTAL $ $ $ $ 65,000 $ 400,000 $ - $ $ 465,000 Funding Sources 301 WCF Water Capital Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 95 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it of DrovTustin y . . Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Storage PROJECT NO. 60149 PROJECT NAME Newport Reservoir Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 151,314 PROJECT MANAGER To Be Determined LOCATION Newport Avenue and Lemon Hill Drive DESCRIPTION Prepare plans and specifications to make recommended safety repairs and improvements to address site grading,reservoir access and on- site utilities. Procure engineering services to prepare plans and specifications. Procure construction contractor. Complete CEQA due diligence. MAP PHOTO P4 pioiEcT NENPORT LOCAMN RESIR KNoy rramrNcs I/V TURNOUT t RrI1fBJNGS RESERVOIR 4 60EOE A Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 301 WCF $ 21,314 $ $ 30,000 $ 100,000 $ 151,314 TOTAL $ 21,314 $ $ - $ $ 30,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 151,314 Expenditure Design $ 21,314 $ $ 30,000 $ 51,314 Right-of-Way $ - Construction $ $ 100,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL $ 21,314 $ $ - $ $ 30,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 151,314 Funding Sources 301 WCF Water Capital Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 96 DocuSign Envelope ID:7506BB89-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA Mcityof ustin Summary of Projects and Funding Sources Water Production Facilities FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total Request Project Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned &Planned No. TBA Conjunctive Use Well at Beneta Well Site Fund 301 WCF $ 3,051,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,051,000 Fund 301 SARCCUP $ 1,575,140 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,575,140 Fund 306 2013 WBF $ 249,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 249,000 Project Total $ 4,875,140 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,875,140 Water Production Facilities Total $ 4,875,140 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,875,140 Total Uncertain Funding - - 97 DocuSign Envelope ID:75066689-C2A9-4935-BB00-EAAFBEF4B9DA it y pital of Tment ustiamn Project Detail Sheet PROJECT CATEGORY Water Production PROJECT NO. TBA PROJECT NAME Conjunctive Use Well TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 5,175,140 PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Beneta Well Site DESCRIPTION Potential conjuctive use well at the exisitng Beneta Well site partially funded by a grant from the Santa Ana Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program. MAP PHOTO PROJECT M I LOCATION L, °" • wr. uicEno w+. I § ■ .M..cN+ �ac.rca av■rx rusrrx cxwv I ■ ■eI ■ roxu�us e ]USIM'I�L1 wes F v o ■ O fAf�151B��171811N s ■ �a Gi7CUM6U5 7U57M! uwr+ Wr. PARK ■ WNE � BOULEVARD i �l�-lt!fir Expenses To FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-28 Total 6/30/2021* Request Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Project Cost Funding Source 301 WCF $ 300,000 $ 3,051,000 $ 3,351,000 301 SARCCUP $ 1,575,140 $ 1,575,140 306 2013 WBF $ 249,000 $ 249,000 TOTAL $ 300,000 $ 4,875,140 $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,175,140 Expenditure Design $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 600,000 Right-of-Way $ Construction $ 4,575,140 $ 4,575,140 TOTAL $ 300,000 $ 4,875,140 $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,175,140 Funding Sources 301 WCF Water Construction Fund 301 SARCCUP Santa Ana Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program 306 2013 WBR 2013 Water Bond Fund * Estimate FY 20-21 year-end 98 �1 O� Earlier this year, General Fund revenues were projected to be lower due to COVID-19 State and County mandated business restrictions and stay-at-home orders. However, due to strong fiscal stewardship and robust economic activity: • General Fund Revenues came in $4.3 million better than projected. • Expenditures were under budget. • General Fund Reserves of$21.3 million exceeded City Council's minimum reserve policy. GENERAL As of June 30, General Fund Reserves FUND 29% RESERVES amounted to $21.3 million, which equates = 20% to 29% of General Fund expenditures and 17% .2 i a § exceeds the City Council's minimum reserve 2 LL N • Z E o policy of 20% and the Government Finance au a d m LL m Officers Association recommendation of 17%. t7 In U t7 1X • . 36% 67%generated from property rax 0 ($25.1M) 15% and sales tax. The balance is o00 ($10.2M) . _ generated from City services, 18% 67% 31% ($12.6M) reimbursements, and other exrevenues & transfers. GOVERNMENT SERVICES 22% 23% 4 PH® dministration ($15.8M) ($16AM) _r Economic Development 12% ($8.7M) 1© inance 43% _ •- ($30.1M) uman Resources •' Parks & Recreation �m m ommunity Development = M • 1 V $ The City of Tustin has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association for the past 33 years. This is the highest form of recognition for governmental accounting and financial reporting. Expenditure increases are largely related to: • $2.9 million increase in amounts required to be paid annually to CalPERS. The City has also Ii made additional annual discretionary payments of $3.3 million to paydown the City's pension liability with the goal of eliminating all pension debt by 2032. • Roadway improvements and maintenance for new medians, landscape areas and parks such as Victory Park and Tustin Legacy Park. General Fund expenditures are not expected to continue to grow at the same pace over the long-term.The City continues to evaluate and develop long-term strategies to achieve a more sustainable budget. y rrl I I5 . ♦ • - „ ® ® _ 6.15% 1% , TOP SALES TAX PRODUCERS (ALPHABETICAL ORDER) • Micro Center • Auto Nation Ford • Tustin Chrysler Jeep Dodge Target • Best Buy • TJ Maxx • Tustin Hyundai/Mazda ro • Costco • Tustin Acura • Tustin Lexus • Home Depot • Tustin Buick GMC • Tustin Toyota & Scion