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DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 • Agenda Item 8 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: os City Manager 5w Finance Director MEETING DATE: JUNE 1, 2021 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: APPROVE GRANT OF EASEMENT TO THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY OVER PORTIONS OF LOTS 1 - 3, 5 — 10, 12 AND 13 OF TR 18197 SERVING NEIGHBORHOOD D SOUTH AT TUSTIN LEGACY SUMMARY: Ongoing construction of the Brookfield Development in Neighborhood D South at Tustin Legacy necessitates the provision of easements for gas service to the development. Underground gas facilities are to be subsequently provided. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the grant of easement to Southern California Gas ("Gas") as shown on the attached easement document exhibits for the purposes of installation and maintenance of the systems as outlined in the attached easement documents; and authorize the City Manager to approve any future modifications to the proposed grants of easement which may be necessary to meet the intent of providing said services to the Brookfield project. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the proposed grant of easement. CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: This agreement contributes to the fulfillment of two goals in the City's Strategic Plan. First is contribution to the fulfillment of the City's Strategic Plan Goal A: Economic and Neighborhood Development; specifically the project implementation of Strategy #1 which, among other items, is to develop critical phases of Tustin Legacy. Secondly, the project addresses Goal D, Strategy #2, by working collaboratively with agencies to address issues of mutual interest and concern. DISCUSSION/BACKGROUND: The proposed grant of easement to Gas for systems installation and future maintenance is a standard utility practice and beneficial to the development of the Brookfield project. Both Michael Baker International as the design engineer and Brookfield Homes have approved the easement. A copy of the proposed easement document is attached for information, and the location of the easements are describep and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" of the document. ou Vs . Stack, P.E. Dir c r f Public Works/City Engineer Attachment: 1.Grant of Easement Document for Southern California Gas Company—N-D South DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 Recording Requested by and when recorded mail to: Southern California Gas Company 8101 Rosemead Blvd.,ML SC722K Pico Rivera, California 90660-5100 Attn.: Land&Right of Way DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX$CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT(OIL AND CTAS Leak LEASE)AND CONSIDERATION&VALUE IS LESS THAN$100.R&T 11911. Survey Area: OC 682-2X APN: 430-271-80,81,82,84& 430-371- Computed on full value of property conveyed 3 9,41,42,44,45,46,48,51,55 CPD#• 30163076 & 30163077 Computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale DISTRIBUTION R.W. 269983 Southern California Gas Company GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, CITY OF TUSTIN, a California Municipal Corporation, ("Grantor"), hereby grants to Southern California Gas Company, a California corporation, its successors and assigns ("Grantee"): A (10.00) foot in width permanent non-exclusive easement ("Easement") to excavate for, lay, construct, reconstruct, relocate, reconfigure, use, inspect, maintain, operate, repair, replace, patrol, change the size of, add to, or remove from time to time, as Grantee deems necessary, one or more pipelines and conduits, together with devices for metering, measuring, regulating, cathodic protection, communications and other appurtenances (all hereinafter referred to as the "Facilities") for the transportation and distribution of natural gas and communications as Grantee deems necessary, convenient or beneficial over, under, through, along, and for all other purposes connected therewith, and together with the reasonable right of ingress and egress to and from the Easement to access the Facilities and the right to use Grantor's abutting property during construction and maintenance of the Facilities, the strip of land located in the City of Tustin in the County of Orange, California, described in Exhibit"A" and depicted in Exhibit"B" attached hereto, and made a part of this agreement. Grantor, for its heirs, successors and assigns, agrees that, except as provided below,no change of grade of the Easement shall be made, that it shall not be inundated, that it shall be kept free of trees, deep-rooted shrubs, buildings and structures of all kinds (except for Grantee's Facilities), that nothing shall be done to impair Grantee's vehicular access to or along the Easement,and that nothing shall be done that unreasonably interferes with Grantee's use of the Easement. Grantee shall have the right, but not the duty, to trim or remove trees, brush, roots or material from the Easement whenever Grantee deems it necessary. Said right shall not relieve Grantor of the duty as owner to trim or remove trees,brush or material to prevent danger or hazard to property or persons. Distribution Easement Form 1390 Reviewed by Legal Dept.Michelle Meghrouni 3/5/13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 R.W. 269983 Grantor reserves the right to (1) use any surface or subsurface areas, provided such use does not unreasonably or substantially interfere with Grantee's use of the Easement; (2)improve the Easement area surface with landscaping (except trees and deep-rooted shrubs), paved driveways, parking surfaces, sidewalks, curbs and gutters; provided, however, that before making any such improvements involving a change of grade, Grantor and its heirs, successors and assigns, shall notify the Grantee in advance and comply with underground service alert notification requirements pursuant to Government Code Sections 4216 and following. This Easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of successors, heirs, and assigns of Grantor and Grantee. DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 R.W. 269983 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,these presents are hereby signed this day of , 20_ GRANTOR: CITY OF TUSTIN, a California Municipal Corporation Signature Signature Name Name Title Title ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA } }ss COUNTY OF } On , 20 before me, , a Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ties), and that by his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) Signature Commission 9: Commission Expiration: DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 1 EXHIBIT "A" 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3 4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY EASEMENTS 5 6 Those certain parcels of land situated in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, 7 being portions of Lots 1 through 3, 5 through 10, 12 and 13 of Tract No. 18197 as shown on a 8 map thereof filed in Book 990, Pages 25 through 33 of Miscellaneous Maps in the Office of the 9 County Recorder of Said Orange County described as follows: 10 11 PARCEL 1 12 13 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 14 15 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Flight Way with the centerline of Compass 16 Avenue as shown on said Tract No. 18197; 17 thence along said centerline of said Flight Way North 73000'00" West 204.65 feet to a point 18 hereinafter referred to as POINT "A"; 19 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way North 73000'00" West 27.52 feet to a point 20 hereinafter referred to as POINT "B"; 21 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way North 73000'00" West 278.31 feet to the 22 intersection of said centerline of Flight Way and the centerline of Veterans Way as shown on said 23 Tract No. 18197; 24 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way North 73000'00" West 9.00 feet to a point 25 hereinafter referred to as POINT "C"; 26 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way North 73000'00" West 249.34 feet to a point 27 hereinafter referred to as POINT "D"; 28 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way North 73000'00" West 102.33 feet to the 29 beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 800.00 feet; 30 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way and along said curve northwesterly 37.71 31 feet through a central angle of 02042'02" to the intersection of said centerline of Flight Way and 32 the centerline of Helber Way as shown on said Tract No. 18197, a radial line of said curve said 33 point bear North 19042'02" East; 34 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way and said curve northwesterly 22.48 feet 35 through a central angle of 01 036'36" to a point hereinafter referred to as POINT "E", a radial line 36 of said curve from said point bears North 21018'38" East; 37 thence continuing along said centerline of Flight Way and said curve northwesterly 121.13 feet 38 through a central angle of 08040'32"; 39 thence leaving said centerline of Flight Way radially from said curve North 29059'10" East 38.29 40 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of said Flight Way and the TRUE POINT OF 41 BEGINNING; 42 thence North 31019'35" East 5.01 feet. 43 44 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 45 southwesterly in said northeasterly right-of-way line of Flight Way. 46 Page 1 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 Southern California Gas Company Easements Exhibit "A" 47 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 48 49 PARCEL 2 50 51 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 52 53 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "E"; 54 thence radially from said centerline of Flight Way South 21018'38" West 55.31 feet to the 55 southwesterly right-of-way line of said Flight Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 56 thence South 19042'02" West 5.00 feet. 57 58 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 59 northeasterly in said southwesterly right-of-way line of Flight Way. 60 61 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 62 63 PARCEL 3 64 65 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 66 67 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "D", 68 thence at right angles from said centerline of Flight Way North 17000'00" East 28.00 feet to the 69 northeasterly right-of-way line of said Flight Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 70 thence continuing North 17000'00" East 5.00 feet 71 72 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 73 southwesterly in said northeasterly right-of-way line of Flight Way. 74 75 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 76 77 PARCEL 4 78 79 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 80 81 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "C", 82 thence at right angles from said centerline of Flight Way South 17000'00" West 39.00 feet to the 83 southwesterly right-of-way line of said Flight Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 84 thence continuing South 17000'00" West 5.00 feet. 85 86 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 87 northeasterly in said southwesterly right-of-way line of Flight Way. 88 89 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 90 Page 2 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 Southern California Gas Company Easements Exhibit "A" 91 PARCEL 5 92 93 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 94 95 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "B", 96 thence at right angles from said centerline of Flight Way South 17000'00" West 28.00 feet to the 97 southwesterly right-of-way line of said Flight Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 98 thence continuing South 17000'00" West 9.68 feet. 99 100 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 101 northeasterly in said southwesterly right-of-way line of Flight Way. 102 103 CONTAINING: 97 S.F. more or less. 104 105 PARCEL 6 106 107 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 108 109 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "A", 110 thence at right angles from said centerline of Flight Way North 17000'00" East 28.00 feet to the 111 northeasterly right-of-way line of said Flight Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 112 thence continuing North 17000'00" East 5.00 feet. 113 114 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 115 southwesterly in said northeasterly right-of-way line of Flight Way. 116 117 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 118 119 PARCEL 7 120 121 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 122 123 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Swaim Way with the centerline of Compass 124 Avenue as shown on said Tract No. 18197; 125 thence along said centerline of Swaim Way North 73000'00" West 203.61 feet to a point 126 hereinafter referred to as POINT "F"; 127 thence continuing along said centerline of Swaim Way North 73000'00" West 21.47 feet; 128 thence at right angles from said centerline of Swaim Way South 17000'00" West 28.00 feet to the 129 southwesterly right-of-way line of said Swaim Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 130 thence continuing South 17000'00" West 5.00 feet. 131 132 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 133 northeasterly in said southwesterly right-of-way line of Swaim Way. 134 Page 3 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 Southern California Gas Company Easements Exhibit "A" 135 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 136 137 PARCEL 8 138 139 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 140 141 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "F", 142 thence at right angles from said centerline of Swaim Way North 17000'00" East 28.00 feet to the 143 northeasterly right-of-way line of said Swaim Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 144 thence continuing North 17000'00" East 8.50 feet. 145 146 The Sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 147 southwesterly in said northeasterly right-of-way line of Swaim Way. 148 149 CONTAINING: 85 S.F. more or less. 150 151 PARCEL 9 152 153 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 154 155 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Swaim Way with the centerline of Helber 156 Way as shown on said Tract No. 18197; 157 thence along said centerline of Swaim Way South 73000'00" East 105.38 feet; 158 thence at right angles from said centerline of Swaim Way North 17000'00" East 28.00 feet to the 159 northeasterly right-of-way line of said Swaim Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 160 thence continuing North 17000'00" East 5.00 feet. 161 162 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 163 southwesterly in said northeasterly right-of-way line of Swaim Way. 164 165 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 166 167 PARCEL 10 168 169 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 170 171 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Peebler Way with the centerline of 172 Compass Avenue as shown on said Tract No. 18197; 173 thence along said centerline of Peebler Way North 73000'00" West 203.61 feet to a point 174 hereinafter referred to as POINT "G"; 175 thence continuing along said centerline of Peebler Way North 73000'00" West 20.47 feet; 176 thence at right angles from said centerline of Peebler Way South 17000'00" West 28.00 feet to 177 the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Peebler Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 178 thence continuing South 17000'00" West 5.00 feet. Page 4 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 Southern California Gas Company Easements Exhibit "A" 179 180 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 181 northeasterly in said southwesterly right-of-way line of Peebler Way. 182 183 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 184 185 PARCEL 11 186 187 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 188 189 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "G", 190 thence at right angles from said centerline of Peebler Way North 17000'00" East 28.00 feet to the 191 northeasterly right-of-way line of said Peebler Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 192 thence continuing North 17000'00" East 8.42 feet. 193 194 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 195 southwesterly in said northeasterly right-of-way line of Peebler Way. 196 197 CONTAINING: 84 S.F. more or less. 198 199 PARCEL 12 200 201 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 202 203 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Helber Way with the centerline of Peebler 204 Way as shown on said Tract No. 18197; 205 thence along said centerline of Helber Way North 17000'00" East 103.00 feet; 206 thence at right angles from said centerline of Helber Way South 73000'00" East 30.00 feet to the 207 southeasterly right-of-way line of said Helber Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 208 thence continuing South 73000'00" East 5.00 feet. 209 210 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 211 northwesterly in said southeasterly right-of-way line of Helber Way. 212 213 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 214 215 PARCEL 13 216 217 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 218 219 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Veterans Way with the centerline of Airship 220 Avenue as shown on said Tract No. 18197; 221 thence along said centerline of Veterans Way South 17000'00" West 89.58 feet; Page 5 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 Southern California Gas Company Easements Exhibit "A" 222 thence at right angles from said centerline of Veterans Way North 73000'00" West 30.00 feet to 223 the northwesterly right-of-way line of said Veterans Way and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 224 thence continuing North 73000'00" West 5.00 feet. 225 226 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 227 southeasterly in said northwesterly right-of-way line of Veterans Way. 228 229 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 230 231 PARCEL 14 232 233 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 234 235 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Airship Avenue with the centerline of 236 Veterans Way as shown on said Tract No. 18197, said intersection being the beginning of a curve 237 concave southwesterly and having a radius of 2000.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said 238 point bears North 16005'03" East; 239 thence along said centerline of Airship Avenue and said curve southeasterly 31.97 feet through a 240 central angle of 00054'57"; 241 thence continuing along said centerline of Airship Avenue and tangent from said curve South 242 73000'00" East 273.86 feet; 243 thence at right angles from said centerline of Airship Avenue South 17000'00" West 28.00 feet to 244 the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Airship Avenue and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 245 thence continuing South 17000'00" West 5.00 feet. 246 247 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 248 northeasterly in said southwesterly right-of-way line of Airship Avenue. 249 250 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 251 252 PARCEL 15 253 254 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 255 256 COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Airship Avenue with the centerline of 257 Compass Avenue as shown on said Tract No. 18197; 258 thence along said centerline of Airship Avenue South 49019'53" East 148.04 feet to a point 259 hereinafter referred to as POINT "H"; 260 thence continuing along said centerline of Airship Avenue South 49019'53" East 2.00 feet; 261 thence at right angles from said centerline of Airship Avenue North 40040'07" East 28.00 feet to 262 the northeasterly right-of-way line of said Airship Avenue and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 263 thence continuing North 40040'07" East 15.00 feet. 264 Page 6 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 Southern California Gas Company Easements Exhibit "A" 265 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 266 southwesterly in said northeasterly right-of-way line of Airship Avenue. 267 268 CONTAINING: 150 S.F. more or less. 269 270 PARCEL 16 271 272 A strip of land 10.00 feet wide, the centerline of which is described as follows: 273 274 COMMENCING at the hereinabove described POINT "H", 275 thence at right angles from said centerline of Airship Avenue South 40040'07" West 28.00 feet to 276 the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Airship Avenue and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 277 thence continuing South 40040'07" West 5.00 feet. 278 279 The sidelines of said strip of land shall be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate 280 northeasterly in said southwesterly right-of-way line of Airship Avenue. 281 282 CONTAINING: 50 S.F. more or less. 283 284 285 SUBJECT TO all Covenants, Rights, Rights-of-Way and Easements of Record. 286 287 EXHIBIT "B" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. 288 289 ONpL LANA 0 SEN C S10 291 292 Q 293 05/17/2021 294 Steven C. Slocum, P.L.S. 9044 Date `fes No. 9044 International295 Michael Baker 296 5 Hutton Centre, Suite 500q1F OF C AOF 297 Santa Ana, California 92707 298 299 300 301 JN 172411 302 H:\pdata\172411\CADD\Mapping\Exhibits\Gas Ease ments\LEGAL\172411 SCGC EASEMENTS Legal.docm Page 7 of 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 LEGEND: (R1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT 0 N0, 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 ® INDICATES SHEET NUMBER 0 0 WAR �UF TriA(CT ND, -18-197 LOT LOT 14 L01 16 JOHN JOHNSON AVE. I OT 13 IOT A AIRSHIP AVE. PARCEL15 — o PARCEL 13 10 PARCEL 14 v 'f—O 0 -h I L O7 10 11 c� Q PARCEL 11 PARCEL 16 v N I PARCEL 12 — JPEEBLER WAY O Q — �' �� z PARCEL 10 . m 1 I r J � LOT 12 PARCEL 8 Lj C = O > Q C O SWAIN WAY m PARCEL 9 Cf) t� PARCEL 7 © Q LOT 11 0 LOT 8 1 a I 5 0 PARCEL 6 0 O4 FLIGHT WAY PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 O PARCEL 5 LOT 2 Q9 PARCEL3 PARCEL4 ]VIA, 990/25-33 ;`J e C11/1 q pgRK� SHEET 1 OF 11 SHEETS MichaelBaker EXHIBIT "Bn SHEET INDEX AND VICINITY MAP I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 H:\PDATA\172411\CADD\MAPPING\EXHIBITS\GAS EASEMENTS\172411 SCGC EASEMENTS CAD.DWG MAGGIO, ANTHONY 5/11/2021 1:23 pm DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 n v a 0LdI co w cN aL) w T R A 0 1 No, -18-197 CL m o 40' V �_ LD7 8 1o' Z PARCEL6 5 5 50 S.F. T.B.O.B. PARCEL 6 0_ I NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY ooI- LINE OF FLIGHT WAY. MSI 00OMIO -q- CN I�MIco II M POINT "B" Z N POINT "A" N76°34'32"W(RAD)Ld a �- 278.31' _ 27.52' _ I _ _ 204.65' ———— —\ C "' N73°00'00W 871.15'(R1) N I C/L FLIGHT WAY I' (PUBLIC STREET) P.O.C. PARCEL 1 CD 3 I CD O N O_ O Ln o.IN O.I I I� �'I T.P.O.B. PARCEL 5 SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FLIGHT WAY. Ln ,n L01 Lr) 00 N d PARCEL 5 c" J 97 S.F. 5' 5' CD LOT 2 M ]VIA, 990/26-33 1 SHEET 2 OF I I SHEETS LEGEND Michael Baker EXHIBIT "B" (R 1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT I NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 NTERNATIONAL ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 UP) r zw aCIL � m J O] LLI � r.RACT No, 18197 J U LJ7 5 DT 5 10' 60' 5' 5' 30' 30' PARCEL 3----I 50 S.F. T.B.O.B. w I o NORTHEASTERLY PCL 3RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 0 c)Io U - OF FLIGHT WAY. 00 00 00 z M CNCNi" C/L FLIGHT WAY N (PUBLIC STREET) w w _ 102.33' _ I _ 249.34' _ 9.00' _ 278.31' _ 4 � N73°00'00"W 871.15'(R1) I "' w POINT "D" w POINT "C" i �' N CDI 0 co 4I CN to T.B.O.B. PCL 4 0 SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE of o OF FLIGHT WAY. �I -1012 PARCEL 4 50 S.F. SHEET 3 OF I I SHEETS LEGEND Michael Baker (R1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT EXHIBIT "Bn NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 n I R A C 7 No, -188-19 7 I� 60' N 30' I o LJ7 3 i 30' 3 LJ7 5 W � 4'1 GO W 2 � U LO N19°42'02"E(RAD) C/L FLIGHT WAY C4 w \ (PUBLIC STREET) _ — L=121.13' \ r� 0=L=22.48' 40'32 _ L=37.71 _ _ F- LLJ II 01366 °42'02"(R1) w_ 3 " ' w =2042R=8L=289.20'(R1) 871.15'(R1) v=i' 00.00'U' POINT "E" N73°oo'oo"w W i U) ~' 00 !n I N �I UJI I SOUTHWESTERLY °I RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE col 3 OF FLIGHT WAY. I o N ZI T.B.O.B. PCL 2 I m o I N � LOT 2 PARCEL 2 50 S.F. 10' I J7 1 ]\il,]\il, 990/26-33 SHEET 4 OF I I SHEETS LEGEND Michael Baker n n (R1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT EXHIBIT B NO. 18197, M.M, 990/25-33 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 c> TRAG-7 No, -18-197 0 LJ7 3 10' s' PARCEL 1---- s' 50 S.F. NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FLIGHT WAY. T.P.O.B. PCL 1 / / / � Mo / N/ 2 M/ / o/ W/ O/ o / 2/ / c/PUB LIIC STREET GHT w 7\ d_ lY l 7.88' I l a20°42 4 80� -98 =1. 13' LEGEND: "' U.1 (R1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT V) NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 1 SHEET 5 OF 11 SHEETS Michael Baker EXHIBIT "Bn INTERNATIONAL ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 n r u o I 1.R G-T IN 0, 15197 72' I 40' W 32' DT 9 Of Qw 10' coCf) �I aU PARCEL 8------, _ pZD 85 S . Y U-) (� o 00 J � ZI NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ool T.P.O.B. PARCEL 8 OF SWAIM WAY. 6U�I o Co �MIo N Z i" C/L SWAIM WAY I (PUBLIC STREET) � 21 47' I � 203.61' U-) N73°00'00"W 509.40'(R1) POINT "F" P.O.C. PARCEL 7 I_ to co N oolc o N T.P.O.B. PARCEL 7 N I SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SWAIM WAY. LL J LO V L0 10 IJY 5 72' Q 40' 32' 1\/1,1\/1, 990/26-55 I SHEET 6 OF I I SHEETS LEGEND: Michael Baker EXHIBIT , - EXHIBIT n Bn (R1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 �� ��FOR 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 Santa Ana,CA 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS (949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 U, r O T'RA C 7 No, 15197 I a U) LOT 8 � w U-) 30' Wm Lo w 10' LoU 0 W m o PARCEL 9 _ 50 S.F. -j I Z U I NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY T.P.O.B. PARCEL 9 o) I LINE OF SWAIM WAY. of o o(D - plo , pr, co ZMI C/L SWAIM WAY (PUBLIC STREET) 105.38' N73°00'00"W 351.10'(R1) P.O.C. PARCEL 9 I 00 N I 30' J r 5 I JVJ,1\/J, 990/25-33 SHEET 7 OF I I SHEETS LEGEND Michael Baker EXHIBIT Bn �R 1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 INTERNATIONAL ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 LEGEND: A (R1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 a 0 72' T F-iAC- 1 r ND, -18-197 40' LU� 32' Z LU 'aw 05 a � PARCEL 11 p i 84 S.F. w V CO o J CD U NORTHEASTERLY I w T.P.O.B. PARCEL 11 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE o z OF PEEBLER WAY. 01C4 o of oo 00 NI CDP N z POINT "G" C/L PEEBLER WAY (PUBLIC STREET) 0,47 I 203.61' "' N73'00'00"W 509.40'(R1) I I 3 P.O.C. PARCEL 10 of oo CO I K)o T.P.O.B. " SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL 10 LINE OF PEEBLER WAY. I I PARCEL 10 72' 5' 5' 50 S.F. I J r J 40' 32' 10' I MLA 990/25-33 SHEET 8 OF I I SHEETS Michael Baker EXHIBIT "Bn INTERNATIONAL ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 C> T.P.O.B PARCEL 12 PARCEL 12 50 S.F. S73°00'00"E _ _ 35.00' ——— 30.00' 5.00' SOUTHEASTERLY TFiAC-T No, l8J97 RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF HELBER WAY. 60' 30' 30' LD7 7 I� Ld 0 0 M W O O p O a �I�M � O Z W w AJLAJL 99OY25-33 m � J U W J 2m J U 00 N C/L PEEBLER WAY — � (PUBLIC STREET) — — N73°00'00"W 351.10'(R1) "' P.O.C. PARCEL 12 00 N I 60' 30' 30' j SHEET 9 OF I I SHEETS EXHIBIT "Bn LEGENDS Michael Baker (R1) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LE�DESMAOH FOR NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS Santa Ana,CA(949)472-3505• MBAKERINRINTL.COM COMPANY EASEMENTS MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 56' 1frAG- 1 1\1J, 181J7 28' 28' a ' LJ7 A -- Z U F- m W v J U P.O.C. PARCEL 13 00 C4P.O.C. PARCEL 14 N16°05'03"E(RAD) C/L AIRSHIP AVENUE \ (PUBLIC STREET) L=31.97' f- - 10°14?598(R1) \ 0=00°54'57"(R1) N73°00'00"W 409.98'(R1) - - -co f- &--16'55'56" R=2000.00' L=591.04'(R1) 273.86' ��� "' I I T.P.O.B. PARCEL 14 0 o i o ��Ico o CN 0 CN SOUTHWESTERLY r, " o RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE �' I U' OF AIRSHIP AVENUE. coI I� M LO PARCEL 14co U-) 0 50 S.F. • o CO 0 10' 0 I� z NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE L J r 10 OF VETERANS WAY. 60' LOT f 30' 30' 1\11,1\/1, JJ0/25-33 I LN71'OO'00 ' ' "W PARCEL 13� B. PARCEL 13 SHEET 10 OF 11 SHEETS 50 S.F. MichaelBaker EXHIBIT "Bn LEGEND: INTERNATIONAL ETCH TOACCOMPANY A 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LECAL DEscPJPnON FOR (R1 INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT Santa Ana,CA 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 COMPANY EASEMENTS (949)472-3505• MBAKERINTL.COM MAY 11, 2021 172411 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 E2128A4-9002-4441-BADO-59ED70CC63B8 40, / c) a 107 3 / 2 �Z QJm IRA G I 1\10, -188-19 7 LOT 13 0i4 q��s rp�e�l yip 10. c STRF� NUF / PARCEL 15 S s' \ \ NORTHEASTERLY 150 S.F. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE o0 P.O.C. PARCEL 15 OF AIRSHIP AVENUE. N49 X19, T.P.O.B. PCL 15 , o- / X148 04 4 ) V POINT "H" i T.P.O.B. o o/ x.00, PCL 16 o ^�7 o0 � N PARCEL 16�- -� SOUTHWESTERLY 50 S.F. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE S' OF AIRSHIP AVENUE. / LOT 12S. 10, 1Ni1,M, 990/26-33 / SHEET I I OF I I SHEETS Michael Baker EXHIBIT "Bn LEGEND: INTERNATIONAL SKUCH MACCOMPANYA (R1 INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT 5 Hutton Centre Drive,Suite 500 LEGAL DESCPJ nON FOR NO. 18197, M.M. 990/25-33 Santa Ana,CA 92707 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY EASEMENTS (949)472-3505• MBAKERINTL.COM MAY 11, 2021 172411