MEETING DATE: August 20, 2001
William Huston, Executive Director
Redevelopment Agency Staff
The Tustin City Council Library Committee is recommending an approach to proceeding
with the next phase of the Tustin Main Library Expansion Project.
It is recommended that the Agency:
1. Authorize staff to proceed with preliminary architectural and property appraisal
services related to a proposed Tustin Main Library Expansion Project; and
2. Appropriate $130,000 from unappropriated fund balance in' the Town Center
Project Area.
The Tustin City Council in recent years have identified future expansion of the Tustin
Library as a major priority with the Tustin City Council Library Committee taking the
lead on the proposed project. Towards this effort, the following work has been
1. A Library Needs Assessment and Facility Plan (DMG Consulting)
2. A review of library ballot measures undertaken in California
3. A survey of voters (Godbe Research) to determine voter receptiveness to a
library ballot measure
4. A Community Facility District analysis and alternative tax spread models (David
5. Coordination with the Orange County Public Library
As the project has progressed the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and
Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2000 (The Library Bond Act)
was adopted which makes available $350 million of State Bond funds for the
construction and renovation of California's public libraries on a competitive basis. The
Public Library Construction and Renovation Board (The Library Board)is currently in
the process of preparing rules, regulations and policies for implementation of the
Library Bond Act. Jurisdictions such as Tustin and/or a Library District may make an
application for state matching funds. Staff have monitored and participated in the rule
preparation process and we believe that specific criteria and procedures being
introduced into this process not originally envisioned by the Library Bond Act will make
the application process extremely expensive and very competitive.' It is currently
expected that them would be three rounds of funding with the State providing 65% in
matching funds to 35% local matching funds on eligible project costs (based on
maximum construction scale which is currently almost 50% less than current market
costs of library construction). Costs for land and architectural fees paid by an applicant
three years prior to an application submission may be credited toward the local
matching funds. State funds will be disbursed by the six-member Library Board.
Based on City Council Library Committee's consultation with the Orange County Public
Library, it is felt that a two-pronged approach to a proposed Tustin Library Project
would ensure success of the effort: pursuing both a Library Bond Act application as
well as exploring a further potential ballot measure approach concurrently.
The 1998 projected construction estimate of an expansion project was approximately
$12 million. Increases in construction costs since 1998, the uncertainty of a Bond Act
grant award, and the proposed limit on Library Bond Act grant awards necessitate that
a specific strategy be developed to ensure financing of any City matching obligation or
a full cost obligation in the event a Library Bond Act application is not approved.
Pursuing a Library Bond Act grant award and/or a library ballot measure, however, will
involve an outlay of Agency resources for basic preliminary architectural information
required either by the State as part of the Library Bond Act application or to help
educate and inform voters about the specifics of a proposed project in the event of a
ballot measure. While County Library District funds will not be available for architectural
services or for construction, the County Librarian has agreed to provide a preliminary
Building Program for the project within 4-6 weeks at an estimated cost of $18,000.
Additional costs necessary at this time are shown on Attachment A. Completion of
these cost items would ensure the City's preparation for a Library Bond Act application
submittal sometime before June, 2000 (the first cycle deadline currently projected
which is subject to change). Staff will also pursue future actions necessary to
determine whether Agency expenses could be recoverable (in the event of a future
ballot measure or an approved Library Bond Act application).
In the meantime, the Tustin City Council Library Committee would also explore the
willingness of the County to support inclusion of North Tustin in any ballot measure and
would return with a more detailed strategy and any additional recommendations for the
City undertaking a future ballot measure.
Christine Shingle~, Assistant City Manager
Attachment A
Assumptions: 30,000 sq. ft. building and services include Library consultant, Library
space planner, a full team of technical consultants and substantial community
participation in the design process.
Site tope/boundary survey
Phase I environmental
Geotechnical Report ' ' '
Conceptual de, sign
Construction cost estimate (independent)
Grants applimfion/assistance "
Estimated Cost TimĀ® to Complete
$3,500-5,000 2-:~ Weeks
$8.00b- 1'0,000 2-3 Weeks
$15,000-18,000 4 Weeks
...... $48,000-,~4,(~00 12-~ 4 Weeks '
$4,000-6,000 2 Weeks '
'$10,000-12,000 2 Weeks
Appraisal services
Contingency @ 5%