HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1 B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F1 3046CABF Agenda Item 7 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: os m5W City Manager Finance Director N/A MEETING DATE: AUGUST 3, 2021 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT SUMMARY: This agenda report transmits the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 . The average noise level measured at Tustin's monitoring station (NMS 1 ON), located at Columbus Tustin Middle School on Beneta Way (Figure 1), remained fairly consistent with prior quarters during the fourth and first quarter reporting periods. Average noise levels during the fourth and first quarter continued to remain well below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) for residential uses. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. A r Figure 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1 B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F1 3046CABF JWA Noise Report August 3, 2021 Page 2 CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: Staff's analysis and report of the quarterly JWA Noise Abatement Report falls under Goal D of the Strategic Plan pertaining to strong community and regional relationships. The City of Tustin strives to work collaboratively with agencies both within and outside Tustin on issues of mutual interest and concern, and in this instance, on matters of airport traffic and noise. DISCUSSION: Following the conclusion of each calendar quarter, JWA staff prepares a Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report and posts a copy of the report on their website. Attached are the quarterly reports for the fourth quarter of 2020, and the first quarter of 2021 , which includes the months of October through December and January through March. An overview of the information contained within the JWA Noise Abatement Report includes measured noise levels and an analysis of noise complaints. Measured Noise Levels Aircraft noise is most noticeable during airplane takeoffs and landings, primarily due to engine noise. Although engines produce a significant amount of aircraft noise, many other factors may influence the perception of noise including: proximity; weather — in bad weather, engine noise is reflected off of the atmosphere making jets appear louder than on clear days; routes — non-scheduled operations which could include military or private aircraft and may be louder than commercial aircraft; emergencies; and, weight—a heavier load may affect an aircraft's rate of ascent. In addition, lower aircraft noise level measurements may have been noted during this reporting period, as the region continued to maintain a lower rate of travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the fourth quarter of 2020, and the first quarter of 2021 , the average CNEL at Tustin's monitoring station on Beneta Way was 52.1 dB and 53.7 dB while the averages from the previous two quarters were 49.8 dB and 52.2 dB. Figure 2 (below) provides a visualization of Tustin's CNEL levels for each month during the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 . Daily Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) Daily Community Noise Equivalent Levels in Tustin- October through December 2020 (CNEL) in Tustin -January through March 2021 so so October January 60 @ 60 40 — November 40 February LL, LU 20 December 20 March 0 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 Noise Impact Area 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 Noise Impact Area Level (65 dB) Level (65 dB) Date Date Figure 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1 B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F1 3046CABF JWA Noise Report August 3, 2021 Page 3 Noise Complaints The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local citizens and other sources. During the fourth 2020 and first quarters of 2021 , there were twenty-eight (28) and forty-eight (48) Tustin area concerns submitted, respectively. Each of the concerns were submitted by through a recently established external noise reporting system, wherein residents may sign up to receive access to an app which contains a button that they may press each time they hear aircraft noise. The use of the mobile app/reporting button is the reason for the increase in noise concerns submitted during recent quarters. The mobile app/reporting system is operated independently from JWA, and does not require their follow-up or assistance to manage the complaints; however, JWA staff does track the data received from the system. Countywide, there has been significant increase in the number of noise complaints received by the Noise Office during recent reporting periods, which are also a result of the new reporting method that is available to residents. It has been discovered that a small number of residents utilized this service, through submitting complaints on a daily basis, as well as consistently throughout the day. To provide an understanding of the trend in Tustin area complaints throughout the years, a chart displaying the number of noise complaints for the past five (5) years is displayed below (Figure 3). Noise Complaints - Tustin 60 - 50 a 40 E 30 v c 20 10 E0 Z (o (o (o (o '� '� '� '� oo 'b 'b oo � c q) O O O O ti O,' O,' Q'l <', 61� Q'l <', O, <', <', 65' <', <', 65' O� (Z�l Off' Off' Off' O'' Off' a\ _15\��ti ��ti ��ti ��ti ��ti t�ti ti�ti 10ti 1�ti t�ti 11\" 1�ti �\ti Nati 1�1 ��ti ��ti �Xti ti9ti o- o a o- o- a o- o- a o- o- a a o- a Quarter/Year Figure 3 CONCLUSION: Since noise issues are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor operations at JWA. The public are additionally welcome to participate in JWA's Quarterly meetings held by the Access and Noise Office. The next quarterly meeting will be held on September 28, 2021 , at 2:00 p.m. in the Eddie Martin Administration Building located at 3160 Airway Avenue in Costa Mesa. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JWA Noise Report August 3, 2021 Page 4 19A9EDocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: j'ViX7DE5ECDAA4E3 KV't' N't-na J( 0In,iQQJc�w�... ED45DA2623854A5... Adrianne DiLeva Justina L. Willkom Management Analyst II Community Development Director Attachments: John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for October 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020 John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for January 1, 2021, through March 31, 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF ATTACHMENT John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (Fourth Quarter) January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2021 (First Quarter) DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitte Barry A. Rondinella, A.A.E./C.A.E. Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 INTRODUCTION This is the 192nd Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324 '/2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-10N: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 1 1 FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP asm saura _ mg a T.r t. nr m IP NNiq IIT �T ll➢ _ d �ENES,NNr aY sr R✓ a F SANTA ANA " ��` — ii ..__. NCFgRNE6. A o fV J C:AL N IT r. .... � LERIN A 9V .E« TUSTIN �I WARNER AV NAflN P ,(�✓ �F' H R TF O P YEA AV P _ mP.CgRTHUF y M Ng6uEPA, IMFLA— A, / hY+IN JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT, ORANGE COUNT COSTA MESAY ll ��CJ VR$01�� ST Sr sI _ IRVINE 1 ST e v NEWPORT BEACH N a D 2 3 a 5 Scale In miles DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 1 1 FIGURE 2 Ae i Residential Use © Hospital � L1uIti-Family Residenlial Use School 1/1 Compatible Use Highway - Public Use(Noise Sensitive) Major Roads Public Use — Minor Local Roads Recreational�Dpen Space 73 V&tar1 Stream 1 River ORAYGE CO r# J T<31 g Z � f d � �•� �'� rIS3 � � � I � l t• � x NW-4 - v s Statistics: Incompatible Land Use:0.0005 Sq.Mi. --- Number of Dwelling Units:3 i Population:7-5(Based on 25 PeopWDwelfing Chit) • RMT Location '' Airport Property(a ap—) JOHN WAY N E AIRPORT Q 2020 Fourth Quarter 65 dB CNEL Contour Runways!Ta>aways ORANGE COUNTY Incompatible Single Family Residential Airport Buildings Incompatible Mulo-Farnily Residential 2020 Fourth Quarter 65 d B CDmmun4 Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)Contour 0 1,010 2,OW Feet DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS October - December 2020 Period Air Carriers GA Jet(1) Total Average Daily Jet Prop Operations(2) Jet Operations October 3,844 0 3,259 22,905 229 November 4,201 0 2,747 19,088 232 December 4,301 0 2,640 18,061 224 Fourth Quarter 12,346 0 8,646 60,054 228 Twelve Months 51,6200 31,218 238,340 226 101/01/20- 12/31/20 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by"#N/A" entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate there were no aircraft related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. Three dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (October 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints from local citizens and all other sources. During October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020, the Office received 15,740 complaints from local citizens. This is a 43.4% decrease from the 27,792 complaints received last quarter. It is a 60.9% decrease from the 40,212 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the quarterly complaints from local communities. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1 B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F1 3046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 FIGURE 3 HISTOGRAM BY COMMUNITY Submissions-Heatmar. NL)rro i + f Norwalk IF — 3ellflower Carona 91 Lakewood Futterton Anaheim Cyps ess 247 Beeks Place ignal Hill Beach Orange _ Temes Seal Bea- Santa Ana 5iluetada F1Untington y PortokiHills each ° - Lake Forest Newportl '. Y - _ - MissionViejD C7 Lad-Era Ranch `kLagu i uel - Thrck Cana Point 1755 San Clemente Leaflet I OpenStreetMap contributors Top Locations 8k 4k Newport Beach Anaheim Costa Mesa Laguna Beach Orange Laguna Niguel Corona Del Mar Other Huntington Aliso Viejo Beach Note: • Newport Beach — 7,449 submissions from 52 different points of contact. • Anaheim — 2,562 submissions from 17 different points of contact. • Costa Mesa — 1 ,530 submissions from 15 different points of contact. • Laguna Beach — 1 ,421 submissions from 4 different points of contact. • Orange — 1 ,213 submissions from 6 different points of contact. • Laguna Niguel — 781 submissions from 4 different points of contact. • Corona Del Mar— 470 submissions from 2 different points of contact. • Other— 304 submissions from 77 different points of contact. • Huntington Beach — 198 submissions from 14 different points of contact. • Aliso Viejo — 72 submissions from 3 different points of contact. 0 76% of submissions were from a complaint subscription service. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 01/01/20 through 12/31/20 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Jan 2020 67.7 66.6 66.5 59.7 59.5 60.6 57.1 67.5 42.8 56.6 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 30 30 31 Feb 2020 67.1 66.2 66.5 59.3 58.7 60.6 56.0 67.1 42.9 55.4 # Days 29 29 29 27 29 29 29 29 28 29 Mar 2020 65.3 64.7 64.2 58.6 58.0 58.7 55.4 66.6 44.2 55.5 # Days 1 31 31 311 31 31 311 31 31 271 31 Q-12020 66.8 65.9 65.8 59.2 58.8 60.1 56.2 67.1 43.3 55.9 # Days 91 91 91 89 91 91 90 90 85 91 Apr 2020 59.2 58.6 57.7 52.7 51.6 52.0 49.1 60.7 44.9 49.5 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 May 2020 60.0 59.5 58.9 52.9 51.5 52.4 49.1 61.0 42.4 48.8 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 311 31 31 251 31 Jun 2020 62.1 61.6 61.1 54.4 53.2 54.7 50.8 62.8 41.4 50.8 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 26 30 Q-2 2020 60.6 60.1 59.5 53.4 52.2 53.2 49.7 61.6 43.1 49.8 # Days 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 76 91 Ju12020 63.3 63.0 62.1 55.8 54.7 56.0 51.4 64.2 40.4 52.2 # Days 1 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 25 31 Aug 2020 63.7 63.3 62.6 55.7 54.8 56.3 52.1 64.5 42.2 52.5 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 22 31 Sep 2020 63.7 63.3 62.8 55.1 54.2 55.6 51.2 64.0 39.4 51.9 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 30 Q-3 2020 63.6 63.2 62.5 55.5 54.6 56.0 51.6 64.2 40.7 52.2 # Days 92 92 92 92 92 921 92 92 74 92 Oct 2020 63.7 63.1 63.1 55.5 54.7 56.3 52.5 64.2 43.7 52.6 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 21 31 Nov 2020 63.5 63.3 62.5 56.1 55.2 56.1 52.6 64.3 41.1 52.0 # Days 30 30 28 30 30 30 30 30 23 30 Dec 2020 62.9 62.6 62.4 55.7 54.4 56.4 51.9 63.4 43.0 51.5 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 29 27 31 Q-4 2020 1 63.4 63.0 62.7 55.8 54.8 56.3 52.3 64.0 42.7 52.1 # Days 92 92 90 92 92 92 91 90 71 92 Q-1 2020 thru Q-4 2020 Total 64.1 63.5 63.2 56.5 55.8 57.1 53.2 64.7 42.6 53.1 # Days 1 366 366 364 364 366 366 364 363 306 366 Q-4 2019 thru Q-3 2020 (Previous 4 Quarters) Total 65.5 64.7 64.4 57.6 57.1 58.4 54.4 65.8 42.8 54.5 # Days 1 366 366 366 363 366 366 365 365 311 366 Change from Previous 4 Quarters -1.4 -1.2 -1.2 -1.1 -1.3 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 -0.2 -1.4 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report October 2020 - December 2020 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION October 2020 Date NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON 1 64.3 63.3 63.1 54.6 53.7 54.7 52.0 63.6 29.4 51.2 2 63.8 62.5 62.6 54.4 53.5 55.2 51.1 63.9 *#N/A 51.6 3 62.2 61.0 61.3 53.3 52.6 54.0 50.2 63.2 42.6 52.0 4 63.1 62.5 62.4 54.2 53.2 54.7 51.2 63.7 38.2 52.4 5 63.6 63.1 62.5 54.5 53.8 55.5 51.8 63.7 *#N/ 52.4 6 62.4 62.4 61.6 53.8 53.5 54.2 50.4 63.7 *#N/A 51.8 7 63.3 62.7 62.6 55.6 54.6 56.2 52.2 64.3 39.1 52.8 8 65.2 64.7 64.6 57.9 56.6 58.3 54.8 65.0 38.8 53.9 9 64.8 64.3 64.1 57.3 56.5 57.7 54.2 65.1 42.7 54.4 10 62.8 62.1 61.9 55.9 54.8 55.6 52.1 63.1 29.0 52.9 11 64.1 63.5 63.3 56.2 55.5 56.6 53.0 65.1 39.3 53.6 12 64.6 63.8 63.8 55.9 55.1 56.2 51.7 64.2 *#N/A 53.1 13 62.8 62.7 62.2 53.8 53.6 54.8 51.1 62.6 30.5 50.7 14 63.2 62.7 62.1 54.6 53.2 54.5 50.6 64.3 43.1 51.6 15 64.1 63.3 63.4 55.0 54.0 55.8 51.9 66.0 39.3 53.0 16 64.4 63.8 64.1 55.4 55.6 55.8 52.0 64.7 43.8 52.4 17 62.8 62.5 62.2 54.8 53.5 55.1 51.1 64.2 49.7 52.6 18 64.2 63.7 64.8 55.3 56.1 57.0 53.8 65.4 36.5 54.8 19 65.0 64.3 65.4 57.6 56.5 59.1 55.0 65.3 49.1 53.4 20 64.3 63.6 64.3 57.2 56.2 58.1 53.4 63.8 43.2 52.9 21 64.4 63.5 63.6 56.7 55.3 56.6 52.2 64.5 38.4 53.1 22 64.9 64.6 64.0 57.6 55.9 57.8 54.3 65.0 49.6 54.2 23 65.1 64.3 64.3 57.5 56.4 58.1 54.9 65.7 46.4 55.2 24 63.8 63.1 63.3 56.4 55.5 57.0 53.5 63.9 43.2 53.5 25 63.7 64.1 62.9 56.1 56.2 56.9 53.7 65.5 *#N/A 54.4 26 51.3 48.6 62.6 40.2 30.4 57.6 #N/A 55.7 32.6 41.9 27 58.1 58.2 59.5 48.1 48.1 53.8 45.1 62.7 #N/A 48.8 28 63.9 63.6 63.3 56.0 55.5 56.5 53.1 63.8 #N/A 51.1 29 63.8 63.3 62.6 55.8 54.5 55.8 51.9 64.0 #N/A 51.5 30 64.3 64.3 63.1 55.9 55.0 55.8 51.6 63.8 #N/A 50.7 31 61.9 60.7 61.0 53.5 53.5 54.4 50.6 62.4 #N/A 49.1 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 21 31 En.Avg 63.7 63.11 63.1 55.5 54.7 56.3 52.5 64.21 43.7 52.6 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION November 2020 Date NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON 1 62.6 62.0 61.3 53.8 53.1 54.0 50.9 64.4 #N/A 51.6 2 63.7 63.0 62.9 56.0 55.3 56.0 51.8 64.0 #N/A 52.2 3 63.0 62.6 *#N/A 55.6 54.3 55.4 52.6 63.6 #N/A 51.9 4 63.6 63.5 #N/A 55.1 55.1 56.0 52.5 64.0 #N/A 50.7 5 63.7 63.0 63.1 55.5 53.6 55.1 51.3 63.5 #N/ 49.8 6 63.8 63.1 62.7 56.9 55.0 56.9 52.5 65.4 42.5 53.8 7 62.0 62.6 60.8 55.0 55.8 54.7 53.1 63.4 37.7 51.5 8 63.0 63.9 62.1 55.2 57.5 56.7 54.8 66.0 42.0 54.7 9 63.8 64.0 62.6 57.0 56.2 56.6 53.6 64.4 42.7 52.2 10 63.3 63.0 62.7 55.6 55.4 55.8 52.2 63.5 38.2 50.7 11 63.5 63.8 62.6 56.4 55.4 55.9 52.7 64.2 34.1 51.4 12 64.7 64.7 63.4 57.2 56.5 56.0 53.6 64.1 33.9 52.2 13 63.9 64.1 63.4 57.6 56.6 57.2 54.2 65.2 42.5 53.5 14 62.6 62.6 61.7 55.8 55.3 55.8 52.2 62.4 41.0 50.5 15 63.1 62.6 62.3 54.2 53.4 54.9 50.5 63.5 39.5 49.8 16 63.1 62.3 61.6 55.0 53.4 54.6 50.7 62.8 *#N/A 49.3 17 62.9 62.6 61.4 55.5 53.3 54.7 50.8 63.9 44.9 51.3 18 63.7 63.8 62.9 56.3 56.0 56.7 52.9 64.4 37.7 52.2 19 64.9 64.6 64.0 57.4 56.9 57.6 54.5 64.6 32.1 53.5 20 64.5 64.4 63.4 57.4 56.3 57.2 53.0 64.6 36.6 53.1 21 64.1 63.6 63.2 56.6 55.5 57.0 53.0 64.4 31.0 51.2 22 63.8 63.5 62.8 57.0 55.5 56.6 52.8 64.9 37.9 53.4 23 64.5 63.8 62.9 58.0 55.8 57.3 54.5 65.8 42.9 53.7 24 65.2 64.9 64.1 58.1 57.1 57.2 55.4 66.0 42.9 54.5 25 64.6 64.5 63.8 58.4 57.6 57.9 54.6 66.0 42.9 54.3 26 60.0 59.8 61.2 53.1 52.0 56.5 49.5 58.5 *#N/A 44.3 27 55.3 55.6 58.6 45.7 45.7 54.1 40.6 60.8 44.4 44.0 28 61.4 60.8 60.3 53.4 52.6 53.2 49.1 62.8 43.3 48.9 29 63.6 63.3 62.4 54.7 53.9 55.1 50.9 65.3 34.2 50.8 30 64.0 63.7 62.3 55.6 54.1 55.1 50.7 64.6 43.8 52.0 Days 30 30 28 30 30 30 30 30 23 30 En.Avg 63.5 63.3 62.5 56.1 55.2 56.1 52.61 64.3 41.1 52.0 #N/A indicates insufficient data. #N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report October 2020 - December 2020 TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION December 2020 Date NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON 1 63.4 62.9 62.0 55.3 53.7 53.4 51.1 63.7 28.2 50.6 2 62.5 62.0 60.4 54.7 52.6 52.8 50.3 61.6 40.2 47.3 3 58.5 57.7 58.9 49.6 47.5 54.1 45.8 61.2 38.5 40.0 4 61.1 60.8 59.7 51.2 50.7 50.7 45.5 61.8 *#N/A 45.4 5 60.3 60.0 58.5 51.9 49.6 50.2 45.3 61.0 40.9 45.8 6 62.0 61.7 60.0 52.9 51.1 50.5 46.5 64.0 40.3 50.0 7 62.2 61.5 62.2 55.0 52.4 56.2 49.5 61.8 42.2 48.2 8 57.8 57.1 58.2 49.4 47.3 52.1 43.2 61.0 43.4 39.5 9 61.9 62.4 61.0 54.9 54.2 54.4 50.6 63.4 32.9 52.0 10 63.2 62.9 62.2 57.3 55.6 56.9 53.5 64.2 40.1 54.3 11 64.1 63.8 62.3 57.4 55.9 57.0 53.8 64.3 41.9 54.4 12 61.9 61.8 61.4 55.9 54.8 56.2 52.0 62.0 *#N/A 52.2 13 61.7 61.9 61.0 55.0 53.9 54.6 51.0 64.0 47.3 52.4 14 63.6 63.3 62.1 56.9 55.9 56.6 53.7 64.1 42.2 53.5 15 59.4 58.3 63.2 51.2 50.5 59.2 48.1 59.9 43.7 38.5 16 63.0 63.2 62.0 55.7 54.8 55.6 51.9 63.2 45.7 52.2 17 64.3 64.3 64.0 57.7 57.3 58.4 55.1 64.7 44.7 54.2 18 64.6 64.7 64.1 57.4 56.6 57.7 54.5 63.9 42.9 52.0 19 63.0 62.6 62.3 55.1 54.6 55.6 52.3 63.3 44.2 50.6 20 63.1 62.8 62.1 54.3 53.1 54.5 50.7 63.7 42.0 49.1 21 63.1 62.4 60.7 54.7 53.4 54.5 50.4 64.3 39.4 50.1 22 64.6 64.0 63.6 57.8 55.4 56.7 52.4 65.2 44.5 54.1 23 65.4 64.5 65.9 57.1 55.2 59.6 52.6 61.9 41.1 45.3 24 60.1 59.5 60.5 51.8 50.8 54.5 47.5 61.3 *#N/A 47.2 25 60.8 60.5 59.5 54.3 53.0 53.5 50.8 61.5 41.0 50.4 26 64.2 64.0 63.7 57.4 56.3 57.2 53.7 65.3 38.4 54.2 27 64.9 64.5 63.9 58.7 56.7 57.9 55.3 66.6 46.9 56.8 28 65.6 64.8 64.8 58.8 57.9 59.1 55.7 65.4 *#N/A 54.9 29 62.2 60.9 65.9 55.2 54.6 61.4 51.6 61.0 46.8 43.5 30 63.7 63.4 62.4 55.0 54.7 55.8 51.6 #N/A 42.3 51.9 31 63.5 62.9 62.3 56.6 55.6 56.1 53.1 #N/A 44.6 51.1 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 29 27 31 En.Avg 62.9 62.61 62.4 55.7 54.4 56.4 51.9 63.41 43.0 51.5 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF NoiseJOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report October 2020 - December 2020 TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A October - December 2020 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Alaska Air A320 296 Average 94.5 94.2 92.9 86.4 84.3 85.3 82.9 85.3 #N/A #N/A Count (275) (269) (274) (274) (274) (260) (264) (16) (0) (0) B737 2 Average 93.4 93.1 93.3 86.7 87.1 88.2 84.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (0) (0) (0) B738 10 Average 95.3 94.6 93.6 88.0 87.4 88.4 84.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (9) (10) (0) (0) (0) American A21N 1 Average 88.8 88.2 87.2 78.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) A320 159 Average 94.1 93.7 93.1 86.2 84.7 84.7 81.1 84.7 #N/A #N/A Count (144) (141) (143) (142) (144) (143) (124) (8) (0) (0) A321 77 Average 97.7 97.5 96.2 88.3 86.3 86.1 82.4 89.0 #N/A #N/A Count (71) (69) (71) (71) (72) (68) (67) (3) (0) (0) B738 577 Average 97.5 96.9 95.9 89.8 89.1 89.6 85.9 90.4 84.5 82.4 Count (540) (518) (533) (532) (540) (502) (527) (28) (6) (3) Delta A220 133 Average 85.8 86.4 84.5 80.0 78.6 79.4 78.7 80.9 #N/A #N/A Count (125) (124) (119) (86) (36) (54) (2) (4) (0) (0) A319 134 Average 94.5 94.1 93.6 87.2 86.1 86.2 81.7 86.2 80.6 78.3 Count (126) (124) (125) (121) (125) (116) (118) (6) (1) (1) A320 1 Average 96.2 94.8 95.2 88.5 86.6 87.8 83.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) B752 147 Average 95.1 95.1 93.9 87.5 86.2 86.2 82.1 87.4 79.0 #N/A Count (137) (134) (137) (130) (139) (127) (134) (5) (1) (0) FedEx A306 64 Average 97.3 97.1 94.5 88.3 87.8 89.3 85.8 93.7 78.9 80.3 Count (58) (58) (53) (59) (59) (59) (58) (5) (1) (1) Frontier Airlines A20N 94 Average 87.3 87.6 86.5 80.9 79.9 81.3 79.8 82.6 #N/A #N/A Count (91) (87) (89) (63) (33) (53) (12) (2) (0) (0) A320 49 Average 94.4 94.3 92.3 86.1 84.8 85.9 84.2 87.1 #N/A #N/A Count (44) (42) (44) (44) (43) (41) (39) (3) (0) (0) Horizon Air E175 395 Average 91.4 91.1 89.2 84.5 83.8 85.5 82.8 88.6 #N/A #N/A Count (364) (353) (361) (354) (361) (353) (347) (24) (0) (0) Southwest B737 507 Average 90.3 90.5 88.3 83.5 83.3 83.9 81.7 86.8 82.3 #N/A Count (480) (466) (475) (471) (473) (448) (441) (24) (1) (0) B738 1148 Average 90.9 91.0 88.3 83.2 83.3 84.0 82.0 88.1 78.4 77.6 Count (1050) (1011) (1025) (1031) (1055) (1008) (1018) (75) (1) (1) Spirit A20N 90 Average 87.0 87.1 86.5 81.7 80.4 81.3 78.6 80.5 #N/A #N/A Count (82) (82) (84) (76) (48) (66) (15) (4) (0) (0) A320 9 Average 88.9 89.4 87.3 82.0 81.1 81.2 79.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (9) (8) (9) (9) (5) (7) (1) (0) (0) (0) United A320 128 Average 94.0 93.6 92.5 86.0 84.4 85.3 81.5 87.9 #N/A #N/A Count (120) (118) (118) (118) (118) (109) (105) (5) (0) (0) B737 87 Average 94.6 93.7 94.4 89.3 89.5 89.4 85.1 91.1 #N/A #N/A Count (82) (80) (81) (79) (81) (79) (81) (5) (0) (0) B738 323 Average 97.5 96.4 97.1 89.8 89.4 89.8 86.8 90.2 81.6 79.9 Count (294) (286) (299) (299) (303) (272) (296) (14) (2) (2) UPS A306 9 Average 98.0 97.8 97.9 90.9 89.3 89.7 85.8 95.2 79.3 #N/A Count (8) (8) (7) (8) (8) (8) (8) (1) (1) (0) B752 46 Average 1 94.9 94.8 94.0 86.4 85.6 86.7 82.0 87.3 #N/A #N/A Count (43) (43) (39) (42) (43) (43) (43) (3) (0) (0) 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF NoiseJOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report October 2020 - December 2020 TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E October - December 2020 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Delta A220 61 Average 86.0 86.8 84.3 80.3 79.0 79.7 #N/A 78.1 #N/A 79.6 Count (54) (51) (53) (37) (19) (16) (0) (1) (0) (1) Horizon Air E175 90 Average 89.3 89.6 87.8 84.1 83.1 84.2 82.3 87.5 #N/A #N/A Count (84) (82) (83) (78) (84) (81) (79) (4) (0) (0) SkyWest Coml. E175 416 Average 88.7 89.1 87.7 84.0 82.9 83.8 81.8 85.9 #N/A #N/A Count (389) (364) (380) (376) (377) (371) (351) (22) (0) (0) Southwest B737 354 Average 89.5 89.9 87.8 83.3 82.8 83.5 81.4 88.2 #N/A #N/A Count (332) (328) (322) (328) (333) (319) (317) (19) (0) (0) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter October - December 2020 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Delux Public E135 283 Average 85.5 85.5 86.4 80.0 79.1 80.1 79.0 83.8 #N/A #N/A Charters Count (267) (263) (262) (199) (74) (170) (3) (13) (0) (0) E145 78 Average 85.7 85.8 86.5 79.6 78.3 79.9 #N/A 83.4 #N/A #N/A Count (70) (71) (69) (46) (17) (38) (0) (2) (0) (0) SkyWest CRJ7 60 Average 86.6 87.3 86.1 80.6 80.7 80.8 79.9 87.0 #N/A #N/A Count (54) (56) (54) (17) (38) (47) (33) (4) (0) (0) E175 341Average 89.5 89.7 88.1 84.3 83.2 84.3 82.3 87.6 #N/A #N/A Count (318) (302) (308) (310) (314) (309) (309) (12) (0) (0) TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation October - December 2020 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON General Aviation Jet 4117 Average 88.0 87.4 89.1 82.7 82.3 83.9 82.1 84.8 81.4 79.4 Count (3732) (3622) (3614) (2023) (1551) (2165) (8 96) (124) (5) (2) DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier AC pe Year 2016 2017 • • • • Alaska Air AS A319 64 244 314 A320 262 3,403 1,733 B734 76 24 B737 3,258 1,233 384 160 14 B738 4,439 6,420 8,260 5,247 767 American AA A21 N 1 2 2 A319 178 332 722 432 474 A320 868 266 78 634 488 A321 563 56 4 214 571 B738 10,538 11,556 11,457 10,972 5,201 B752 74 41 4 36 Compass CP E170 152 78 E175 1,669 2,726 3,188 3,150 656 Delta DL A220 851 1,954 A319 3,444 2,053 1,979 1,987 828 A320 1 160 94 121 11 8 B712 3,267 3,379 2,495 B737 146 188 8 24 B738 40 18 40 2 B739 2 B752 2,128 2,137 2,8891 2,889 1,065 MD90 2 FedEx FM A306 510 506 508 510 512 Frontier Airlines F9 A20N* 600 900 550 A319 646 356 190 100 2 A320 740 628 6541 428 392 A321 2 A32N* 12 438 Horizon Air QX DI-18D 1,156 1,456 728 12 E175 339 2,716 4,257 2,986 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 1,899 1,440 61 2 E175 3,554 4,761 6,960 7,686 3,535 Southwest WN B38M 2 14 10 B737 41,806 35,971 32,380 29,360 14,268 B738 1,144 58 64 134 3,780 Spirit NK A20N* 180 A320 19 United UA A319 1,999 1,470 999 1,216 590 A320 2,670 3,957 3,927 3,151 1,227 B737 5,246 4,044 2,987 2,816 999 B738 1,252 3,302 5,154 5,627 2,645 B752 2 4 UPS 5X A306 52 45 22 12 18 B752 370 369 394 404 404 WestJet WS B736 32 30 10 58 34 B737 6421 6441 666 618 126 Total 91,279 1 90,250 1 91,875 90,074 46,370 .In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft Year 2016 2017 • • • • A20N* 600 900 730 A21N 2 2 A220 851 1,954 A306 562 551 530 522 530 A319 6,267 4,211 3,954 3,979 2,208 A320 4,438 4,945 4,933 7,627 3,867 A321 565 56 4 214 571 A32N* 12 438 B38M 2 14 10 B712 3,267 3,379 2,495 B734 76 24 B736 32 30 10 58 34 B737 50,952 42,038 36,605 32,962 15,431 B738 17,373 21,376 24,953 22,020 12,395 B739 2 B752 2,572 2,512 3,291 31329 1,469 CRJ9 1,899 1,440 6 2 DI-18D 1,156 1,456 728 12 E170 152 78 E175 5,223 7,826 12,864 15,093 7,177 MD90 2 Total 91,279 90,250 91,875 1 90,074 46,370 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 TABLE 11 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier AC pe Year 2016 2017 • • • • Alaska Air AS A319 .088 .334 .432 A320 .359 4.660 2.363 B734 .104 .033 B737 4.451 1.693 .526 .219 .022 B738 6.066 8.789 11.315 7.189 1.046 American AA A21 N .003 .003 A319 .243 .455 .989 .592 .648 A320 1.186 .364 .107 .868 .664 A321 .770 .077 .005 .293 .779 B738 14.402 15.827 15.696 15.030 7.107 B752 .101 .005 .005 .049 Compass CP E170 .208 .107 E175 2.279 3.734 4.367 4.315 .896 Delta DL A220 1.164 2.667 A319 4.705 2.811 2.712 2.723 1.131 A320 .219 .129 .016 .014 .014 B712 4.471 4.627 3.419 B737 .200 .258 .011 .033 B738 .055 .025 .055 .003 B739 .003 B752 2.910 2.926 3.959 3.956 1.454 MD90 .003 FedEx FM A306 .697 .693 .696 .699 .699 Frontier Airlines F9 A20N* .822 1.233 .751 A319 .883 .488 .260 .137 .003 A320 1.011 .860 .896 .586 .536 A321 .003 A32N* .016 .600 Horizon Air QX DI-18D 1.579 1.995 .997 .016 E175 .466 3.721 5.830 4.079 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 2.593 1.975 .008 .003 E175 4.855 6.523 9.534 10.529 4.833 Southwest WN B38M .003 .019 .014 B737 57.104 49.274 44.351 40.216 19.497 B738 1.563 .079 .088 .184 5.161 Spirit NK A20N* .246 A320 .025 United UA A319 2.730 2.014 1.373 1.666 .806 A320 3.648 5.422 5.375 4.315 1.675 B737 7.169 5.534 4.093 3.855 1.366 B738 1.710 4.526 7.058 7.712 3.612 B752 .003 .005 UPS 5X A306 .071 .060 .030 .016 .025 B752 .505 .507 .540 .553 .552 WestJet WS B736 .044 .041 .014 .079 .046 B737 .877 .882 .912 .847 .172 Total 124.699 123.6221 125.852 1123.384 63.347 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1 B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F1 3046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 TABLE 12 AIRCRAFT Glossary AC Type Make ..- A220 Airbus 220 A20N Airbus 320-200 Neo A306 Airbus 300-600 A319 Airbus 319 A320 Airbus 320 A32N Airbus 320-200 Neo A21 N Airbus 321 Neo B38M Boeing 737-800 Max B712 Boeing 717-200 B734 Boeing 737-400 B736 Boeing 737-600 B737 Boeing 737-700 B738 Boeing 737-800 B739 Boeing 737-900 B752 Boeing 757-200 CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700 CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900 DH8D Bombardier Dash 8 E135 Embraer 135 E145 Embraer 145 E170 Embraer 170 E175 Embraer 175 MD90 McDonnell Douglas 90 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: December 16, 2020 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Executive Conference Room/Teleconference ITEMS DISCUSSED Nikolas Gaskins informed attendees that upcoming quarterly meetings will take place virtually due to the pandemic, and the platform used will be determined at a later date. Mr. Gaskins stated that due to the current workload involving pandemic impact analysis, JSX litigation, and new entrant air carrier preparations, the Access and Noise Office (ANO) response time for requests may be delayed. Mr. Gaskins provided a summary of October 2020 JWA airport statistics. Through October, there was a 60-65% decrease in passenger volume compared to the same period last year. He also mentioned that there had been an increase in general aviation operations, and a decrease in commercial carrier operations. Mr. Gaskins noted that there is currently no international service due to the Canadian travel restrictions in place. Mr. Gaskins stated that the capacity allocations for Plan Year 2021 were approved by the Board of Supervisors on November 3, 2020. He also mentioned that new entrant air carrier, Spirit Airlines, began service November 17, 2020. To summarize new entrant allocations for Plan Year 2021, Mr. Gaskins stated that Air Canada, Allegiant Air, and Sun Country Airlines will begin service in early to mid-2021. Mr. Gaskins then went on to discuss that the Airport had already received numerous capacity returns for Plan Year 2021, and that to date, 1.3 million seats had been returned for Q1. He also mentioned that the Airport was waiving cumulative return time penalties for Q1, but enforcing minimum use requirements. He stated the Airport is evaluating the situation to determine if that waiver would be extended through Q2. Mr. Gaskins provided an overview of ANO duties; which include enforcing the Settlement Agreement, Access Plan, and General Aviation Noise Ordinance. Mr. Gaskins also mentioned that the ANO is working with the City of Newport Beach to identify the most efficient manner to streamline requests from the community. Dr. Jim Mosher was concerned with the modest reduction in the Q1 2020 contours. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that the modest reduction was due to the contour including 2019 CNEL values. Mr. Gaskins stated that the impacts of COVID-19 and its effect on the contour would become more DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 apparent in the Q3 and/or Q4 2020 contours. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that Justin Cook of HMMH will provide further detailed information to the Airport at a later date. Dr. Mosher asked if there is a deadline for return seats/capacity requests. Mr. Gaskins informed him that the notification requirements for returns was modified from 45 days to 30 days. Concerns regarding the accuracy of the Airport's public flight tracking system (VOLANS) was discussed. Dr. Mosher commented that VOLANS measures noise levels and shows aircraft location at a particular moment. Dr. Mosher also confirmed that noise readings match the reports. Dr. Mosher shared he had verified with a camera at NMS 3 and near Newport Dunes, and photographs prove VOLANS flight tracks are extremely accurate. Dr. Mosher asked if the ANO had a better understanding on the accuracy of velocity in VOLANS. Mr. Gaskins explained that VOLANS data is not inaccurate. He stated that the noise data is one second Leq noise metrics. Mr. Gaskins also noted that VOLANS data, which is considered raw data, is available within 60 minutes. Therefore, some initial inaccuracies in the flight track data may appear but are corrected within hours. Dennis Bress asked to have access to accurate and reliable data in order to communicate with air carriers to fly a certain procedure. Mr. Gaskins informed he will discuss this request to provide access to data for Mr. Bress with the Airport Director and Deputy Airport Director of Public Affairs. Alan Gunther asked about history of VOLANS (selection and cost). Mr. Guenther was interested in knowing if there was anything better than VOLANS. Mr. Gaskins informed Mr. Guenther that VOLANS fit the Airport's needs at the time of selection of a system and vendor. Mr. Gaskins stated that VOLANS is not a tool to measure speed, but instead an application that allows the general public to have an general sense of aircraft activity in the vicinity of their residence. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that JWA plans to move to WebTrak in summer 2021,which is a component of ANOMS and Viewpoint. Julie Johnson asked how FAA monitors FAR rules and regulations. What does the FAA use to know if airlines are in compliance? Mr. Gaskins will research and provide information at a later date. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 21 1 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER December 16, 2020 NAME ORGANIZATION Alan Gunther Member, Newport Beach Aviation Committee Dennis Bress Resident— Newport Beach Jack Stranberg Member, Newport Beach Aviation Committee Jim Mosher Resident— Newport Beach Julie Johnson Resident— Newport Beach Anthony Cangey John Wayne Airport Beatrice Siercke John Wayne Airport Cristina Magana John Wayne Airport Nikolas Gaskins John Wayne Airport DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE C • Quarterly Report October 2020 December 1 1 ANe — — rahu'yf Pl "' Residential Llse © Hospital e� ` � I '\, Milti-Family Residschoolal Use school � C aur w Compatible Use Higlnuay aL I rnmgsr ' Public Use(Noise Sensitive) — Major Roads 7 $ N Public Use — Minor;Local Roads l :-,,I G�r.Tave - IA j — � A41gn Aril ^. Recreational 1 Open Space F r I I • ) /' — Warr!Stream 1 River J - k.?4611flm PIk FF4Ya:o Yftte.'f+e AL op r EcavLj. ta:.flse,a r Cc+'n�r - W \�1LY�ta�q�'ti�,... AnlCIn HIM •��, ` � ` ZaG+ ,n irar-rae-0p `--- /f 4! f ti B _mTT 29 r f _ G —17 i rte,.• �' C �I�61pY0A• $-r 7 _ ��"r:�s Or Q � �`•"_''� .9` �yf f� � y°'�m- 55 �Y�nrtit Lf V f 5 g• c i N1,18 2 :4• I . j— $ € NMS 4 1 –�- ,SII. r ,, NEWPORT BEAC10 WAS 5 a A ;1 s AL • RMT Location '' Airport Property(A*Fo r-) JOHN WAY N E A I R P O R T Q 20Z Annual CNELCDntours(saM dB) Runways i Taxiways ORANGE COUNTY ' �. Airport Buildings 2420 Annual Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)Corrtaurs 0 3,000 6,000 Feel 1+= DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1. Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0005 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 3 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 7.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: B737-800 —4,115 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 60,054 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 12,346 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 47,599 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 109 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2021 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitted 4 Barry A. Rondinella, A.A.E./C.A.E. Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 — March 2021 INTRODUCTION This is the 193rd Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324 '/2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-10N: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF ORANGEJOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program Report January 20211 FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP _ GPFPF4 t _ ilg5rt / N� SgNiq RV AY ]TI 44 / y IT SANTAI ANA I� 9 f , MGF—E' qV .11 1 c ' T ory i fgl EF y qV �,q C 4V TUSTIN E Fa YAG�fR Ay q AV i u a is o"a _ rEa - � SIINfLOYFR qy 'p /Gl - - � 90 �ry•� 4 — 1fi F ✓ 1 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT CCOSTA MESA ORANGE COUNTY YP �a - � ' - -- YI'S�N� IT `uNlv'R6 \ i sLG-A I�_ �a � � N IID ' d NEWPORT BEACH N F,ire 0 1 2 3 4 5 Scale In miles DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF ORANGEJOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program Report January 20211 FIGURE 2 Residential Ulse t:l Hospdal Mulh•ramilyResdentialLlse Schod Compahhle Use I-Yghway •� t - Public Use(Noise Sensitive) Major Roads Public Use — Minor ILocal Roads Reaaattonal I Open Space 73 x Warr I Stream I Rver r ORANGE CO r NMS 1 ■ •�r� � r : OSP h � ♦ ��� y` ,'NMS.2 -.'AMS 3 ` 41. � r NN3 Statistics: y, Incompatible Land Use:0.0003 Sq,Mi. Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Population:2.5 Baser!on 2.5 PerplelDweGrrrg Unrt) �ga�Bar o, A RMT Location Airport%ilperty(ix-) JOHN WAY N E AIRPORT Q 2D21 First Quarter M dB CNEL Conlour Runvways I Taxiways ORANGE COUNT Y Incompatible Single remily Resderrbal �- Airport Buildings Jf Incompatible Multi•Fanily Residential 2021 First Quarter 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)Contour 0 11000 2000 Feel DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 — March 2021 AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS January - March 2021 Period Air Carriers GA Jet(1) Total Average Daily Jet Prop Operations (2) Jet Operations January 4,492 0 2,575 18,267 228 February 3,933 0 2,856 21,873 242 March 5,633 0 3,639 25,021 299 First Quarter 14,058 0 9,070 65,161 256 Twelve Months 45,2830 32,461 244,384 213 104/01/20 -03/31/21 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by"#N/A" entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate there were no aircraft related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. One dwelling unit in Santa Ana Heights remains in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (January 1, 2021 - March 31, 2021) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints from local citizens and all other sources. During the January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2021, the Office received 23,149 complaints from local citizens. This is a 47.1% increase from the 15,740 complaints received last quarter. It is a 36.2% decrease from the 36,258 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the quarterly complaints from local communities. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1 B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F1 3046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NoiseProgram ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 — March 2021 FIGURE 3 HISTOGRAM BY COMMUNITY Submissions-Fleatmar Ncirc❑ + Norwalk — e4flower Fullerton 91 Corona Lakewood Anaheim Cypr[r55 Seeks Place gnal Hill Beach Orange 2b 1 Tennesc Santa Ana Silrersd� Q Ht igton —_ach :_,Ike Forel Nerlpor; M1551 or)Viejo Ladera Ranch �nwia Niguel 74 JY i;,ina Point r Mal 366o San Clemente Lr-flet I OpenStreettlap contritMors Top Locations 20k 101, Newport Beach Anaheim Costa Mesa Laguna Beach Carona Del Laguna Niguel Other Orange Aliso Viejo Hunli- Mar Bead Note: • Newport Beach — 13,754 submissions from 38 different points of contact. • Anaheim — 4,087 submissions from 14 different points of contact. • Costa Mesa — 2,171 submissions from 9 different points of contact. • Laguna Beach — 1 ,524 submissions from 2 different points of contact. • Corona Del Mar— 965 submissions from 6 different points of contact. • Laguna Niguel — 834 submissions from 3 different points of contact. • Other— 352 submissions from 30 different points of contact. • Orange — 145 submissions from 1 point of contact. • Aliso Viejo — 132 submissions from 3 different points of contact. • Huntington Beach — 150 submissions from 7 different points of contact. 0 46% of submissions were from a complaint subscription service. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 2 LONGTERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 04/01/20 through 03/31/21 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Apr 2020 59.2 58.6 57.7 52.7 51.6 52.0 49.1 60.7 44.9 49.5 #Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 May 2020 60.0 59.5 58.9 52.9 51.5 52.4 49.1 61.0 42.4 48.8 #Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 25 31 Jun 2020 62.1 61.6 61.1 54.4 53.2 54.7 50.8 62.8 41.4 50.8 #Days 1 30 30 301 30 30 301 30 30 261 30 Q-2 2020 60.6 60.1 59.5 53.4 52.2 53.2 49.7 61.6 43.1 49.8 #Days 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 76 91 Ju12020 63.3 63.0 62.1 55.8 54.7 56.0 51.4 64.2 40.4 52.2 #Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 25 31 Aug 2020 63.7 63.3 62.6 55.7 54.8 56.3 52.1 64.5 42.2 52.5 #Days 31 31 31 31 31 311 31 31 221 31 Sep 2020 63.7 63.3 62.8 55.1 54.2 55.6 51.2 64.0 39.4 51.9 #Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 30 Q-3 2020 63.6 63.2 62.5 55.5 54.6 56.0 51.6 64.2 40.7 52.2 #Days 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 74 92 Oct 2020 63.7 63.1 63.1 55.5 54.7 56.3 52.5 64.2 43.7 52.6 #Days 1 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 21 31 Nov 2020 63.5 63.3 62.5 56.1 55.2 56.1 52.6 64.3 41.1 52.0 #Days 30 30 28 30 30 30 30 30 23 30 Dec 2020 62.9 62.6 62.4 55.7 54.4 56.4 51.9 63.4 43.0 51.5 #Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 29 27 31 Q-4 2020 63.4 63.0 62.7 55.8 54.8 56.3 52.3 64.0 42.7 52.1 #Days 92 92 90 92 92 92 91 90 71 92 Jan 2021 62.6 62.3 62.0 55.7 54.7 56.3 52.3 63.4 42.2 52.2 #Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 24 15 31 Feb 2021 62.9 60.0 62.3 55.9 55.1 56.4 51.9 63.3 42.3 52.5 #Days 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 221 27 Mar 2021 64.8 61.7 63.7 57.8 57.1 57.9 54.4 65.8 43.5 55.4 #Days 1 311 31 311 31 31 311 31 31 23 31 Q-12021 1 63.6 61.562.7 56.6 55.8 56.9 53.1 64.4 42.8 53.7 #Days 90 90 90 90 90 90 89 83 60 89 Q-2 2020 thru Q-1 2021 Total 62.9 62.1 62.0 55.5 54.5 55.8 51.8 63.7 42.4 52.1 #Days 1 365 365 363 365 365 365 363 356 281 364 Q-1 2020 thru Q-4 2020(Previous 4 Quarters) Total 64.1 63.5 63.2 56.5 55.8 57.1 53.2 64.7 42.6 53.1 #Days 1 366 366 364 364 366 366 364 363 306 366 Change from Previous 4 Quarters -1.2 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -1.3 -1.3 -1.4 -1.0 -0.2 -1.0 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION January 2021 Date NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON 1 52.9 51.7 58.9 44.2 44.8 54.9 40.8 #N/A 32.2 50.4 2 64.2 63.6 63.0 57.6 56.0 56.7 53.5 #N/A 38.4 53.8 3 65.0 64.7 64.3 58.4 57.9 58.3 55.3 #N/A 39.4 55.2 4 63.9 63.9 63.0 56.7 56.7 57.2 54.1 #N/A 48.8 54.3 5 64.0 63.3 62.7 56.5 55.9 56.8 52.9 #N/A 38.7 52.3 6 63.1 63.0 61.8 55.9 55.3 55.3 51.7 65.8 44.3 52.7 7 63.6 63.4 62.2 56.0 54.6 55.6 51.4 #N/A *#N/A 52.6 8 62.8 62.9 62.0 55.7 54.9 55.4 51.5 66.7 *#N/A 53.1 9 62.1 61.5 61.2 55.0 53.7 54.8 51.0 #N/A *#N/A 47.5 10 61.7 61.6 60.4 53.7 53.4 53.9 50.5 63.5 *#N/A 51.4 11 62.3 62.1 61.3 55.7 54.2 55.1 51.4 62.7 *#N/A 50.1 12 62.0 61.5 61.3 55.2 53.9 55.1 51.8 62.4 *#N/A 50.5 13 62.6 62.4 61.2 55.2 53.6 54.4 50.5 61.5 *#N/A 49.6 14 63.3 62.8 63.2 55.3 53.4 56.9 51.2 60.5 *#N/A 48.1 15 60.5 60.4 60.6 51.3 49.7 55.1 46.7 62.2 *#N/A 48.9 16 60.6 60.1 59.5 53.5 50.9 53.1 48.6 60.3 *#N/A 46.5 17 61.0 60.8 59.6 53.2 51.6 52.6 49.1 62.6 *#N/A 49.5 18 63.0 62.5 61.9 56.0 54.4 55.8 52.9 64.2 *#N/A 52.7 19 55.0 52.0 63.9 44.1 46.5 60.4 42.2 60.1 *#N/A 40.6 20 54.2 52.2 63.2 40.0 46.3 59.6 *#N/A 59.3 *#N/A 40.4 21 63.7 63.6 62.4 57.2 56.0 56.9 53.4 63.7 41.6 53.4 22 63.2 63.3 62.7 57.3 56.0 57.0 54.0 64.9 34.5 54.9 23 61.8 61.5 61.1 56.3 54.8 55.3 52.2 62.4 34.5 52.3 24 63.4 63.5 62.3 57.0 56.4 56.7 54.4 65.5 *#N/A 54.8 25 62.9 63.5 61.8 55.1 56.9 56.3 51.3 63.3 42.2 53.4 26 62.2 61.9 61.0 56.4 55.1 55.2 52.9 62.9 45.9 52.6 27 63.4 62.8 62.2 57.1 55.2 56.2 53.7 63.6 38.0 52.7 28 63.4 62.5 62.0 57.5 55.5 56.6 54.0 64.3 *#N/A 54.2 29 64.1 63.9 63.0 57.6 57.1 57.5 55.3 63.91 42.7 54.1 30 62.1 61.8 60.9 55.9 54.9 54.6 52.4 61.5 39.9 51.6 31 63.1 62.9 62.3 56.1 54.9 55.8 52.5 64.7 40.1 53.1 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 24 15 31 En.Avg 62.6 62.3 62.0 55.7 54.7 56.3 52.3 1 63.4 42.2 52.2 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION February 2021 Date NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON 1 63.2 63.0 62.1 56.5 55.4 55.9 52.3 63.1 37.2 52.6 2 62.5 62.3 61.0 55.5 55.4 55.7 52.8 62.5 47.4 52.3 3 62.3 62.3 61.3 55.9 55.3 55.9 52.0 63.4 40.2 53.1 4 63.7 60.4 62.7 57.6 56.2 57.1 53.5 64.1 *#N/A 54.0 5 63.7 60.5 62.5 56.2 56.2 56.4 52.2 63.7 45.8 53.2 6 61.9 58.6 60.8 55.0 53.0 54.0 49.4 62.0 28.2 50.1 7 61.8 58.7 60.5 54.4 53.8 54.4 50.4 64.1 *#N/A 52.8 8 63.9 60.5 62.9 57.4 55.9 57.1 53.2 64.1 32.8 54.0 9 63.3 59.9 62.1 57.3 55.8 56.8 52.4 62.5 43.0 53.2 10 63.8 60.8 63.1 57.3 56.9 56.3 53.6 63.1 35.8 53.8 11 65.3 62.0 64.4 58.3 57.6 58.8 55.3 65.2 *#N/A 55.2 12 64.6 61.8 63.8 57.6 57.4 57.9 54.1 64.6 32.1 53.8 13 63.0 59.3 62.4 56.3 55.4 56.1 52.3 62.2 41.5 51.8 14 62.5 59.2 61.4 55.7 54.5 54.6 51.3 62.6 33.5 51.5 15 64.7 61.0 63.6 57.9 57.0 57.7 54.2 65.6 *#N/A 55.0 16 63.8 60.7 63.1 56.6 56.4 57.4 53.5 64.2 *#N/A 53.9 17 62.9 59.3 62.7 56.1 55.0 55.8 51.9 63.6 43.1 52.1 18 59.7 57.2 60.2 51.6 53.8 55.4 49.3 63.0 39.8 49.4 19 63.6 60.1 62.4 56.5 55.1 56.1 51.7 64.3 30.9 53.1 20 61.7 58.8 60.9 54.9 53.2 54.9 50.1 61.9 42.6 49.6 21 55.2 46.8 64.3 42.5 46.0 59.9 41.0 59.9 32.8 *#N/A 22 62.9 59.4 61.9 54.8 53.9 55.0 50.2 61.8 40.4 49.5 23 62.5 59.3 61.4 54.3 53.6 53.9 50.2 61.6 47.4 51.1 24 63.8 60.3 63.3 57.2 55.2 56.6 52.2 62.9 44.6 52.7 25 60.4 57.0 61.1 51.9 51.2 56.2 46.1 62.4 39.9 48.3 26 63.7 60.3 62.0 55.3 54.2 54.7 49.7 63.8 42.8 52.7 27 62.2 58.8 61.4 55.8 54.7 55.7 52.0 62.4 46.3 51.6 28 58.9 55.0 60.6 49.8 49.8 56.1 45.5 62.5 *#N/A 43.8 Days 28 281 28 28 281 28 28 281 22 27 En.Avg 62.9 60.01 62.3 55.9 55.11 56.4 51.9 63.31 42.3 52.5 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION March 2021 Date NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON 1 61.8 58.2 60.1 52.7 51.5 52.8 46.7 62.4 32.1 48.2 2 61.0 57.7 59.8 52.7 50.6 52.4 47.8 62.4 *#N/A 50.9 3 63.9 60.3 62.7 57.6 55.6 56.6 53.2 64.2 46.4 54.4 4 65.4 62.5 64.7 58.4 57.9 59.1 54.6 65.4 48.0 54.6 5 65.2 62.1 63.8 57.2 56.9 57.2 53.1 64.0 38.1 54.6 6 62.2 58.7 61.1 56.3 55.2 55.2 51.5 63.4 38.5 53.2 7 64.6 61.0 63.5 58.4 57.0 58.1 54.3 65.9 47.9 55.8 8 64.5 61.3 63.5 58.3 57.3 57.8 54.2 65.0 36.8 55.1 9 63.1 61.4 62.4 57.0 57.1 56.9 54.2 65.2 49.7 55.5 10 63.9 61.4 62.9 57.3 56.9 57.1 53.9 65.5 *#N/A 56.2 11 65.4 62.2 64.4 59.1 58.4 58.9 56.2 67.2 39.3 56.8 12 65.3 62.4 64.1 58.8 58.3 58.7 55.8 67.2 40.3 56.9 13 63.1 60.2 61.5 56.9 55.8 56.5 53.4 64.8 *#N/A 55.2 14 65.2 61.7 63.6 58.3 57.6 58.2 54.9 67.9 38.7 57.3 15 65.1 62.6 63.6 57.8 58.3 58.4 55.8 67.6 43.4 57.0 16 64.5 61.4 63.4 58.2 57.3 57.4 55.4 65.1 34.7 54.9 17 65.3 62.2 64.3 58.5 57.7 58.6 55.5 65.7 39.6 55.5 18 66.6 63.5 65.5 59.7 59.2 60.2 55.7 66.7 40.4 56.6 19 66.1 63.1 65.0 58.3 58.6 59.5 55.9 67.0 29.5 56.6 20 64.6 61.4 63.5 57.8 57.2 57.6 54.4 65.2 *#N/A 55.1 21 66.1 62.9 64.8 58.7 58.0 58.7 55.5 67.4 47.9 57.1 22 65.6 62.1 64.4 58.9 57.5 58.7 55.2 66.2 46.5 56.0 23 65.1 62.5 64.0 57.9 58.2 58.6 55.3 65.5 31.9 55.6 24 63.9 61.4 63.1 55.3 55.9 57.7 52.8 65.3 *#N/A 53.5 25 65.8 62.8 64.2 59.5 58.5 59.3 56.9 67.7 *#N/A 57.5 26 66.6 63.4 65.9 59.7 58.6 60.1 56.2 66.0 36.8 56.4 27 64.3 60.9 63.1 56.2 55.8 56.0 53.0 63.8 *#N/A 53.8 28 65.2 62.2 64.1 56.0 56.2 56.9 53.3 66.2 *#N/A 54.5 29 65.7 61.5 64.2 58.4 57.1 58.0 54.3 67.0 44.9 56.7 30 65.2 61.6 64.0 58.6 57.3 58.6 55.1 65.9 41.0 55.2 31 62.6 58.6 62.6 53.4 52.0 55.5 47.9 63.6 33.7 47.8 Daysl 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 23 31 En.Avgj 64.81 61.7 63.71 57.81 57.1 57.9 54.41 65.81 43.5 55.4 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A January - March 2021 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Alaska Air A320 524 Average 93.9 91.9 91.8 86.2 84.5 85.4 82.7 86.9 #N/A #N/A Count (488) (469) (484) (479) (476) (483) (469) (23) (0) (0) B738 12 Average 95.5 93.1 94.2 87.9 88.2 88.7 85.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (0) (0) (0) Allegiant A319 76 Average 91.5 87.8 90.7 86.1 84.4 85.1 80.5 85.5 #N/A #N/A Count (71) (70) (71) (71) (70) (69) (43) (4) (0) (0) A320 27 Average 93.1 89.8 91.7 86.9 85.9 86.4 82.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (26) (27) (26) (27) (27) (27) (24) (0) (0) (0) American A21 N 3 Average 88.0 86.3 86.9 81.1 80.8 80.8 77.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (3) (1) (0) (0) (0) A319 28 Average 92.4 90.4 90.8 85.4 84.6 84.7 80.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (28) (27) (28) (27) (27) (26) (21) (0) (0) (0) A320 116 Average 93.3 91.8 91.6 85.1 83.9 84.1 81.0 87.4 80.5 #N/A Count (104) (103) (104) (103) (101) (101) (74) (9) (1) (0) A321 121 Average 97.4 95.8 95.7 88.2 86.8 86.5 82.6 90.3 #N/A #N/A Count (107) (108) (106) (105) (108) (104) (104) (6) (0) (0) B738 578 Average 96.8 94.8 95.2 90.3 89.6 89.7 85.7 91.6 90.2 78.8 Count (523) (502) (523) (519) (519) (506) (523) (29) (1) (2) Delta A220 378 Average 86.5 85.5 84.91 80.5 79.3 79.6 79.8 80.1 #N/A #N/A Count (346) (333) (340) (268) (172) (178) (5) (11) (0) (0) A223 2 Average 86.6 87.7 84.7 80.4 79.5 78.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) (0) A319 82 Average 94.8 93.0 93.9 87.9 86.9 86.9 82.5 90.2 #N/A #N/A Count (77) (71) (78) (77) (76) (75) (70) (1) (0) (0) B752 141 Average 95.1 93.4 93.9 88.0 87.0 86.9 82.7 88.6 #N/A #N/A Count (131) (129) (130) (129) (131) (128) (126) (7) (0) (0) FedEx A306 60 Average 96.8 95.1 94.3 88.5 88.2 89.0 85.4 94.6 #N/A 83.2 Count (58) (58) (56) (57) (58) (58) (56) (2) (0) (2) Frontier Airlines A20N 84 Average 87.9 86.3 87.0 81.7 80.4 81.6 79.7 81.1 #N/A #N/A Count (81) (77) (79) (68) (45) (58) (14) (1) (0) (0) A319 18 Average 94.2 91.0 93.1 87.2 86.4 87.4 83.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (18) (18) (17) (17) (18) (18) (18) (0) (0) (0) A320 37 Average 93.9 91.9 91.9 86.1 85.1 86.4 84.1 87.7 #N/A #N/A Count (32) (32) (32) (33) (31) (31) (31) (3) (0) (0) Horizon Air E175 375 Average 91.0 89.3 89.3 85.3 84.6 85.8 83.4 89.4 #N/A #N/A Count (339) (328) (337) (335) (337) (322) (322) (22) (0) (0) Southwest B737 728 Average 90.3 88.8 88.5 84.0 83.8 84.3 82.5 89.8 81.1 76.7 Count (659) (641) (663) (657) (658) (643) (619) (41) (1) (1) B738 1043 Average 90.5 89.0 88.1 83.4 83.6 83.9 82.6 89.8 #N/A 83.0 Count (956) (921) (956) (941) (944) (930) (908) (52) (0) (2) Spirit A20N 144 Average 87.3 86.8 86.9 81.8 80.9 81.6 78.9 85.2 #N/A #N/A Count (131) (126) (131) (128) (101) (125) (43) (6) (0) (0) A320 38 Average 90.3 89.0 88.9 83.6 82.6 82.7 79.7 84.6 #N/A #N/A Count (37) (37) (37) (37) (34) (35) (17) (1) (0) (0) United A319 81 Average 93.2 90.0 92.2 86.3 85.0 85.6 81.4 86.7 #N/A #N/A Count (74) (71) (74) (75) (73) (73) (65) (4) (0) (0) A320 103 Average 93.9 92.7 92.3 85.9 84.9 85.2 81.7 89.6 #N/A #N/A Count (91) (89) (95) (94) (94) (89) (87) (4) (0) (0) B737 91 Average 94.2 91.3 94.1 90.1 89.9 89.9 85.3 91.3 #N/A 79.4 Count (88) (85) (88) (85) (86) (82) (86) (2) (0) (1) B738 238 Average 96.8 94.2 96.4 90.2 90.1 90.3 86.9 92.9 #N/A 79.2 Count (208) (205) (214) (213) (212) (193) (209) (11) (0) (2) UPS B752 49 Average 94.4 92.9 93.0 86.3 86.0 86.7 82.0 89.2 #N/A #N/A Count (47) (46) (47) (47) (47) (47) (43) (2) (0) (0) 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E January - March 2021 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON SkyWest Coml. E175 392 Average 89.3 88.0 88.6 84.8 84.1 84.7 82.8 87.6 #N/A #N/A Count (358) (343) (359) (351) (347) (345) (338) (19) (0) (0) Southwest B737 516 Average 89.0 88.0 87.4 83.2 83.0 83.3 81.9 88.7 #N/A #N/A Count (466) (442) (463) (452) (455) (441) (420) (41) (0) (0) B738 455 Average 90.8 88.2 88.6 83.9 84.3 84.7 83.2 88.0 #N/A #N/A Count 1 (441) (422) (426) (429) (435) (431) (422) (9) (0) (0) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter January - March 2021 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Delux Public E135 285 Average 85.1 83.9 86.0 80.0 78.9 80.0 80.0 82.9 #N/A #N/A Charters Count (265) (253) (262) (209) (82) (193) (3) (12) (0) (0) E145 69 Average 85.4 84.5 86.2 79.7 78.6 80.1 #N/A 80.1 #N/A #N/A Count (66) (66) (65) (45) (21) (44) (0) (2) (0) (0) SkyWest E175 90 Average 89.8 88.4 88.7 84.6 84.2 85.2 83.0 88.7 #N/A #N/A Count 1 (86) (83) (86) (84) (85) (84) (80) (2) (0) (0) TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation January - March 2021 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON General Aviation Jet 4319 Average 88.1 86.1 89.1 83.2 82.8 83.9 82.0 84.7 81.3 81.6 Count (3851) (3355) (3 773) (2294) (1807) (2409) (972) (177) (6) (4) DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier AC . Year - 2017 2018 2019 020 2021 Alaska Air AS A319 64 244 314 A320 262 3,403 1,733 1,049 B734 24 B737 1,233 384 160 14 B738 6,420 8,260 5,247 767 24 Alleqiant G4 A319 152 A320 54 American AA A21 N 2 2 6 A319 332 722 432 474 62 A320 266 78 634 488 226 A321 56 4 214 571 242 B738 11,556 11,457 10,972 5,201 1,155 B752 4 4 36 Compass CP E170 78 E175 2,726 3,188 3,150 656 Delta DL A220 8511 1,954 754 A223 4 A319 2,053 1,979 1,987 828 165 A320 94 12 11 8 B712 3,267 3,379 2,495 B737 146 1881 8 24 B738 40 18 401 2 B739 2 B752 2,137 2,889 2,889 1,065 283 MD90 2 FedEx FM A306 506 508 510 512 120 Frontier Airlines F9 A20N* 600 900 550 168 A319 356 190 1001 2 36 A320 628 654 428 392 74 A32N* 438 Horizon Air QX DI-18D 1,456 728 12 E175 339 2,716 4,257 2,986 754 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 1,440 6 2 E175 4,761 6,960 7,6861 3,535 784 Southwest WN B38M 2 14 10 B737 35,971 32,380 29,360 14,268 2,568 B738 58 64 134 3,780 3,000 Spirit NK A20N* 180 284 A320 19 79 United UA A319 1,470 999 1,216 5901 163 A320 3,957 3,927 3,151 1,227 207 B737 4,044 2,987 2,816 999 183 B738 3,302 5,154 5,627 2,645 475 B752 2 4 UPS 5X A306 45 22 12 18 B752 369 394 404 404 98 WestJet WS B736 30 10 58 34 B737 644 666 618 126 Total 90,250 91,875 90,074 46,370 13,169 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft M Year 2017 2018 2019 • • 2021 A20N* 600 900 730 452 A21N 2 2 6 A220 851 1,954 754 A223 4 A306 551 530 522 530 120 A319 4,211 3,954 3,979 2,208 578 A320 4,945 4,933 7,627 3,867 1,689 A321 56 4 214 571 242 A32N* 438 B38M 2 14 10 B712 1 3,267 3,379 2,495 B734 24 B736 30 10 58 34 B737 42,038 36,605 32,962 15,431 2,751 B738 21,376 24,953 22,020 12,395 4,654 B739 2 B752 2,512 3,291 3,329 1,469 381 CRJ9 1,440 6 2 DI-18D 1,456 728 12 E170 78 E175 7,826 12,864 15,0931 7,177 1,538 MD90 2 Total 90,250 91,875 90,074 46,370 13,169 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 - March 2021 TABLE 11 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier AC pe Year 2017 2018 2019 • • 2021 Alaska Air AS A319 .088 .334 .432 A320 .359 4.660 2.363 1.436 B734 .033 B737 1.693 .526 .219 .022 B738 8.789 11.315 7.189 1.046 .033 Allegiant G4 A319 .208 A320 .074 American AA A21 N .003 .003 .008 A319 .455 .989 .592 .648 .082 A320 .364 .107 .868 .664 .312 A321 .077 .005 .293 .779 .332 B738 15.827 15.696 15.030 7.107 1.584 B752 .005 .005 .049 Compass CP E170 .107 E175 3.734 4.367 4.315 .896 Delta DL A220 1.1641 2.667 1.036 A223 .005 A319 2.811 2.712 2.723 1.131 .225 A320 .129 .016 .014 .014 B712 4.471 4.627 3.419 B737 .200 .258 .011 .033 B738 .055 .025 .055 .003 B739 .003 B752 2.926 3.959 3.956 1.454 .386 MD90 .003 FedEx FM A306 .693 .696 .699 .699 .164 Frontier Airlines F9 A20N* .822 1.233 .751 .230 A319 .488 .260 .137 .003 .049 A320 .860 .896 .586 .536 .101 A32N* .600 Horizon Air QX DI-18D 1.995 .997 .016 E175 .466 3.721 5.830 4.079 1.033 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 1.975 .008 .003 E175 6.523 9.534 10.529 4.833 1.074 Southwest WN B38M .003 .019 .014 B737 49.274 44.351 40.216 19.497 3.521 B738 .079 .088 .184 5.161 4.104 Spirit NK A20N* .246 .395 A320 .025 .104 United UA A319 2.014 1.373 1.666 .806 .222 A320 5.422 5.375 4.315 1.675 .285 B737 5.534 4.093 3.8551 1.366 .249 B738 4.526 7.058 7.712 3.612 .652 B752 .003 .005 UPS 5X A306 .060 .030 .016 .025 B752 .507 .540 .553 .552 .134 WestJet WS B736 .041 .014 .079 .046 B737 .882 .912 .847 .172 Total 123.622 125.852 1123.384 1 63.347 1 18.038 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1 B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F1 3046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 — March 2021 TABLE 12 AIRCRAFT Glossary AC Type Make Model/Series A20N Airbus 320-200 Neo A220 Airbus 220-100 A223 Airbus 220-300 A306 Airbus 300-600 A310 Airbus 310-200 A320 Airbus 320 A32N Airbus 320-200 Neo B38M Boeing 737-800 Max A321 Airbus 321 A21 N Airbus 321 Neo B712 Boeing 717-200 B733 Boeing 737-300 B734 Boeing 737-400 B736 Boeing 737-600 B737 Boeing 737-700 B738 Boeing 737-800 B739 Boeing 737-900 B752 Boeing 757-200 CRJ7 lCanadair Regional Jet 700 CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900 DH8D Bombardier Dash 8 E135 Embraer 135 E145 Embraer 145 E170 Embraer 170 E175 Embraer 175 MD90 jMcDonnell Douglas 190 DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 — March 2021 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: March 23, 2021 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Airport Commission Room/ Virtual Teleconference ITEMS DISCUSSED Nikolas Gaskins presented a brief review of the 2021 Plan Year allocations, with an updated total of the Covid-19 pandemic-related capacity returns for Q1 and Q2. Mr. Gaskins reiterated the Airport was waiving cumulative return time penalties for Q1 and Q2 but will be enforcing the minimum use requirements. As a result, JWA is currently projecting between 7.2 million and 7.3 million passengers for Plan Year 2021, down from 11.6 million projected passengers from the approved capacity allocation. Mr. Gaskins mentioned the 2022 Capacity Allocation process will begin in Aug/Sep 2021 and will go to the Board in November 2021. Mr. Gaskins also presented an update on the status of the new entrant carriers and new markets at JWA. He discussed that Allegiant Air began service with the Airbus 319 & 320 in February 2021 to seven markets (five new markets) four days a week. Mr. Gaskins added that Sun Country recently conducted a successful Boeing 737-700 qualification noise test in March 2021 and will begin service to DFW and MSP. He also mentioned that Air Canada would have to delay their inaugural service to YVR due to the Canadian pandemic travel restriction. Mr. Gaskins added that United Airlines announced daily service to Honolulu (HNL), and American Airlines announced daily service to New York, New York (JFK) with the Airbus A321T later this year. A summary of the JWA airport statistics for the month of January 2021 was provided by Beatrice Siercke. Through January, there was a 75% decrease in passenger volume compared to the same period last year. Ms. Siercke mentioned that there had been a decrease in general aviation operations, commercial operations, and there were no international operations due to the pandemic travel restrictions. Justin Cook, HMMH, presented an overview of the results of the FAA's Neighborhood Environmental Survey (NES). Mr. Cook discussed the motivation and goal of the survey, the methodology that was used, the primary results of the survey and comparisons to other studies, and what are the next steps. Newport Beach resident Dennis Bress expressed his concerns with the total number of general aviation departures that are not included in the quarterly report, thus making the report inaccurate. Mr. Bress requested that every flight be counted as a noise event regardless if the operation was "too quiet to pick up." Justin Cook of HMMH explained that every flight is run through the system to generate the 65 dB CNEL contour in the quarterly report and the challenge to lowering or eliminating the threshold settings within the system is that it would be difficult to separate community noise from aircraft noise events. Newport Beach Aviation Committee member Alex Gunther asked who, when, and why the VOLANS flight tracking system is being replaced at JWA. Nikolas Gaskins advised that VOLANS is being replaced with WebTrak which is supported by Envirosuite, the same vendor that supports ANOMS. Mr. Gaskins explained the reasoning for the change was the current VOLANS contract is ending, and WebTrak is an integrated software component of ANOMS and Viewpoint. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 — March 2021 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Mr. Gunther inquired if the fleet makeup of Sun Country was taken into consideration as a new entrant because although a representative from Sun Country stated the airline operates a "Modern Fleet' of aircraft, the average age of Sun Country's fleet is 16.2 years. Mr. Gunther expressed Sun Country's fleet is old, loud and polluting and was curious to why JWA would allow Sun Country to operate as a new entrant. Mr. Gaskins advised that JWA has to accept new entrants based on the new entrant wait list as prescribed in the Access Plan. Newport Beach resident Dr. Jim Mosher inquired if the Airport issues a "three strike ban" to the general aviation pilot, company, or tail number that violate the noise limits in accordance with the General Aviation Noise Ordinance (GANG). Mr. Gaskins advised the Airport database assigns the denial of use to the aircraft tail number. Dr. Mosher asked if the NES survey took into account the CNEL noise values for airports within California, and does the quarterly noise report take into account propeller aircraft types. Justin Cook of HMMH explained the contour model is based on the NMS results then adjusts by aircraft noise not covered by the NMS based on modeling tools. Dr. Mosher asked if Sun Country would have passed the Class E noise limits with the results of their Class A noise qualification test. Mr. Gaskins responded that Sun Country would not have passed the Class E noise test with the results. DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Noise Abatement Program ORANGE COUNTY Quarterly Report January 2021 — March 2021 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER March 23, 2021 NAME ORGANIZATION Alan Guenther Member, Newport Beach Aviation Committee Dennis Bress Resident— Newport Beach Jim Mosher Resident - Newport Beach Tara Finnigan Newport Beach Deputy City Manager Justin Cook HMMH Anthony Cangey John Wayne Airport Beatrice Siercke John Wayne Airport Cristina Magana John Wayne Airport Nikolas Gaskins John Wayne Airport Call-in Line—2 Unknown Call-in Line—3 Unknown Call-in Line—4 Unknown DocuSign Envelope ID: E8CAAF1B-5DC4-4FB1-B79D-E9F13046CABF SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1. Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0003 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 1 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 2.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: B737-800—4,654 (Arrivals+Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 65,161 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 14,058 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 50,986 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 117