HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 DONATION G.W.C. 09-04-01AGENDA REPORT NO. 5 09-04-01 MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 380-60 TO: FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER POLICE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: DONATION TO GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE SUMMARY Donate one of our old and "to-be-replaced" police patrol cars to the Golden West College Police Academy. The academy recruits will use the car for training purposes. RECOMMENDATION Approve donation of one old police patrol vehicle, Unit #3407, VIN #1G1BLBZP8TR152348 and associated equipment to Golden West College. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated loss of approximately $3,500.00 from the Vehicle Lease Fund. BACKROUND Golden West College is one of two academies in Orange County that trains future law enforcement officers'. Part of their training involves the use of a police patrol car to be used in practicing routine and high-risk vehicle stops. With academy classes ran~ing from 20 to 50 students, reliable training equipment, including patrol cars, is vital. Golden West recently informed us that they now have only two very old units in which to accomplish this critical training. One car is a 1986 and the other is a 1988. Both are in dire need of replacement. We are replacing five of our older vehicles in this 2001-2002 fiscal year. One of the five is being converted to use as a unit for our Community Resource Officers. We propose a second unit be donated to the Golden West College for use in the Basic Police Recruit Academy. STEVE FOSTER Chief of Police SF:FS:et Attachment: Request Letter and Form Golden West Street, p.O. ~x 2748, Huntington Beach Kenneth D. Yglesias, Ed.D., President ,.. August 17, 2001 Captain Frank semelsberger Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA, 92780 Dear Captain Semelsbetget, I spoke with Jo Ann Oho about the possibility of your agency donating an old police unit to the Crim...inal Justice Training Center a! Golden West College and I can't express to you enough, ..: ......... · ................... '.-, .... ...... ........ -". ...... ' ...... '.." ...... As you know, police units are critical tools for teaching patrol procedures and field-problem solving to recruits, who more than likely, have never been inside a patrol unit before. We are proud of this acactemy'$ ability to provide recruits with the highest caliber police training , available end we truly want them to be successful in their law enforcement careers in agencies such as yours, We currently have only three (3) marked black and white units for police academy training, one of which recently caught fire and is no longer useable. The other units ar~ so old (1986 and 1988) that perhaps we should turn around and donate them to some type of police museum. If you ere in a position to assist the academy by donating a 1997 or newer Ford or Chevrolet, please let me know. Donations are made through the Golden West College Foundation using the form I have enclosed. As far as the police equipment on the unit is concerned, you can leave anything on it tibet you are able to spa~e, If you have to remove equipment to transfer to one,of your own.units, I completelY understand. 'We have old light bars and control panels we can have installed if necessary. If you have any other questions, feel free to call me at my work: California Department of Justice, Orange BNE at (714) 558-4272 or you can page me at (714) 214-1062. You can also call Jo Ann OhO at (7'14) 895-8374. '.¢jl:ii'~;t :{.'li:' IIP,.';~;~,[,[;!,,,'),i' '~:..:"j ll~' ",];'~11::;' [ iI '~''''" ':i ".i.'-:~: t: ".i:.:: ~; ;.:.~' :'"~J~lJ?i'iI' [~J~":;,',~'J'~[¥.;'~l~::lli"'4'~'~.jll~'I//t'i'l~t'('s:{::}!;~'':'~''; ;:;']' ' .'il. !'~:" ' ' ..... ;, i'~[;?. I'':'~.IIi '~. ""' ''''::1']' .[: ''[~ ':'~;: :lllll ........ I ': ......... ' I I I I Thank you for considering this request, Respectfully, Chris M. Taylor -'- ~ Recruit Training Officer Criminal Justice Training Center William M. vega, Ed.D., C;hancelmr · Board ot Trustees Paul O. Berger Georgo E. Brown Waiter G. How,31cl Jer~y Palter.~on Armando PI, Oorlnilar T. Klrkpalrtck. stucJer~t trustee ~UL~.-1'?-2001 1:3:55 .:. Donation Approval (Non-Monetary Materials) P~rp_c_edure FOr AcCeOtance Of_Dp__n_alfon (Please Nole:. Oonalions may N0~' be accepte0 ~Jr~tit th~s form is totsIly coml~leterj. Initiator wilt r;~cei,/e completed cody from Foundation olfice.) $1el~ 1 --- Review the 0roposed donalion with the managing supervisor ot your area, Step 2 -- Identify the estimated current market value, obtain the signature ot the donor and o! tt~e supervisor, an0 torward to the Vice I~resid,=.nt ol AdmiAiatrative Services. Step 3 -- Vice President of AdministraUve Servi¢;es rewews the don3tion and forwards a recommendation to the College Presidenl. Step 4 .- At, er approval by the Preaident. ollidat notilicalion of acceptance will be Sent by the Golden West College Foundation. TO BE COMPLETED BY FACULTY MEMBER __ Name ol donor: .................................................................................. }! organizalion, identiht contact person Addr~.,;$: ................................................................... Phono: ................... A Oe$cri~e ~on~M~n: .......................... ...... B C D E Name ct sial! meml~er who will be in receipl of donation: .................. Date .............. $$~.~_ ~ :~-__ .... _,. TO BE COMPLETED BY DONOR ~--~ r- J.u__ ___ ~ -- = .... _ .... In order Ihat we may confirm value received, please speci[y your eslir~ated cu~venl market or salvage value of the item(s) D~te: ................................................ E,timSt~ w'~ue: .......................................................................... $t~n~lure o! d~nor: ........ ............................................. : ........... N~m~/p~one o! ~pprsi, er' . ...... Appraised value: }if over The formal acceptance of your gill iS made by the Golden West College Foundation. You may anlicipale receiving dalton at, the o~ial record for your files. {Acceptance of gift by Golden West C~lege does not imply agreement as to established value.') --- - = ........ ,1,~ i .......... T0 BE COMPLIED BY MANAGING SUPERVISOR OF THE DIVISION OR PROGRAM TO RECEIVE DONATION ................... ~: i ~ recommend: ........ Accep~anco ........... ~ejecUon ot donaUon Oi~natur~ o~ ~u~emi,of: ............................................... O,t~' ... G~mment,: .......................................................................................... ............. ~ . . ConSiderations: (1) Can materials by appropriately used in instruction program'.> (2) Do the mi[tedats commi! the instilulion to an expenditure of tun(is? [3) Do we have appropriate facilities to house the donation? TO lie COMPLETED ElY VICE PRESIDENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -- i ii1 I r~commend; Acceptance Rejection of 0onation Comments:., Date: .. TO BE COMPLETED BY PRESIDENT Date'-- .......... TDTRL P. 03