HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 86-3210 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 1.9 ~0 21 23 25 27 2~ ii .i i, ii RESOLUTION NO. 86-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION, BY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL, SECTIONS 1.0 AND 2.0 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 8). TUSTIN The Ci'ty Council of the city-of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' Ie The City lCOUn¢tl finds and determines as follows' Ae That a joint application was filed by the city of Tustin, and Monica Fl orian on behalf of the I rvine Company for the purposes of adopting a comprehensive land use plan for the property indicated in Exhibit A attached hereto, commonly known as East Tusti n. C · That a comprehensive land use study property was commissioned and completed. covering the subject That as a prepared i n California attached. result of the land use study, a Specific Plan was accordance with Sections 65450 through 65457 of the Government Code. The plan is detailed in Exhibit B De That a public hearing before Specific Plan was duly called, the Ctty Counctl to consider the nott ced and held. That pursuant to the California Environmental .Quality Act Final EIR 85-2 has been prepared, certified and considered which adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the proposed project, its significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect for the proposed project. The City Council, having final approval authority over this project has reviewed and considered the information contained in Final EIR 85-2 prior to approval of this project. Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project which mitigate or avoid certain of the significant environmental effects thereof. Pursuant to Sections 15091 and 15092 of the State CEQA Guidelines all significant environmental effects and corresponding mitigation measures together with the requisite findings and facts related thereto have been comprehensively set forth in Attachment A to Resolution 86-28 which is incorporated herein by this reference. Conditions have been adopted as part of this project or will be incorporated at the appropriate level That establishment and implementation of the plan as submitted, of development review which incorporate all of the mitigation measures identified in the EIR. The benefits of the project have been balanced and considered against unavoidable environmental risks and against alternatives identified in the final environmental and those benefits are found to be overriding, all in Attachment A to Resolution 86-28, which is herein by this reference. its possible the project impact report as set forth incorporated i. 10 ]2 ]3 16 ]? .]9 2O 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 Resolution No..86-32 Page two F® Ge He ,i · That establishment and implementation of the plan as submitted, under the circumstances of this case, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons' residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the fol lowing findings: 1. The proposed residential and commercial development is consistent with the Tustin Area General Plan as adopted. 2. Reasonable alternatives to the plan and their implications have been considered. The .scope and depth of the level of detail speci fi city of land authorizes. plan analysts are commensurate with contained tn the plan and the use enti tl ement i ts adop ti on The various components of the plan as well as its entirety are sensitive to the environmental policy limpacts of the proposed development. the plan tn and publ t c · Appropriate mitigation measures are incorporated in the plan to ensure that concerns identified at this level of planning are resolved as part of the more detailed site plan review which must be completed before private development may proceed. Administration of the plan ts thoroughly the city's development processing system. Integrated tnto All subjects required in a specific plan by the California Government Code and applicable city ordinances are appropriately and.adequately covered. 1 Adequate time and opportunities have been afforded interested organizations and members of the public to comment on or propose changes to the plan if they so desired. e ge That the establishment, maintenance, and operationI of the plan as submitted will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the city of Tustin, and should be approved. That Sections 1.0 and 2.0 of the East Tustin Specific Plan as prepared {Exhibit B) are intended to be informational in nature, to provide conformance with specific plan regulations, yet also establish policy guidelines by which the project area should be developed. As such Sections 1.0 and 2.0 should be adopted by Resolution Ofm . the City Council, subject to the recommended changes encl ose~--'--as ...... ~..t_a.c~,mo,,t "A" "~ ' ' *-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'~-* ..t.*..~..::..: ........ · 10 11 17 2O Resolution No. 86-32 page three I. That the Planning .Commission approved Resolution No. 2297, recommending the adoption of Section 1.0 and 2.0 of the East Tustin Specific Plan by resolution by the City Council. .. II. The Ctty Counctl hereby adopts Sections 1.0 and 2'.0 of the East Tustin Specific Plan as presented in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and adopted as a policy document, subject to the changes enclosed as Attached "A". PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular ~eting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 17th day of March . , 1986. Attest-. MARY E.~YNN, ~I,~RK FRANK GREINKE, MAYOR .i Attachment "A" . EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS AS REQUESTED BY TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL · 2~ 3~ e · ® Be Page 1-6, Second "bullet" under Seismic Safety. Change retardant to fire resistant roofing, as defined by Underwriter's Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois. fi re the Page 2-16, Change "stucco or woodensiding" to read earthtone stucco and/or w°odensiding." "off-whi te or Page 2-16, Letter B Change to read "Fire resistant roofing materials must be used on structures occurring within the Hillside District." "Class A minimum as rated by the Underwriter' s Laboratory, Chi cago, I 11 i noi s." Page 2-19, Add to second "bullet" whichI begins "Include only ..." "fire resistant plant materials, Where feasible." Page 2-43, Add' to 'Letter C, "The Planning Commission should prepare a plan stipulating and regulating the hours when sports lights can be used." · That no sector plansj tentative tract maps, or building permits be issued in the East Tustin Specific Plan area until a Development Agreement for said area is considered and adopted .by the city of Tustin. That Racque~ Hill Drive shall be for the East Tustin Specific Plan. deleted from the Land Use Map Council hereby authorizes staff to correct typographic errors and clarifications in the Specific Plan text. Staff shall not be authorized to alter any policy, regulation or use as a result of these' corrections. Add 2.14.4 A. ddtt.i, onal..Implementa..tio, n.Policies.and..Measures. Potenti a 1 fi nanci ng mechanisms to fund major publ i c infrastructure improvements in East Tustin were examined in the Report entitled "Financing Concept for the East Tustin Specific Plan Area", prepared by Anges Mc Donald & Associates and Stanley R. Hoffman & Associates, dated May, 1985. That Report is incorporated herein by this reference. Further studies will be requi red to determi ne whi ch fi nanct ng mechanisms are appropriate. The City is currently studying the feasibility of o · -...Commurlityl DeveloPment Department i. .i · · ,i ii i, ii i, Resolution 86-32 Attachment "A" Page two establishing an assessment district in a portion of East Tustin that would fund certain major public improvements, (circulation and flood control) that must be in place before final approval of initial development under the Specific Plan. It is intended that the -fi nancial and construction of infrasl~ructure improvements required by the Specific Plan will precede development approvals. Additions to Sector 8 policies, Section 2.14.3 of the East Tustin Specific Plan. E® The distance between the edge of the western right-of-way of the "Future Road" and the closest point of the foundation of the closest residence of Pavillion/Saltair shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet plus or minus 100 feet measured on a horizontal plane. The noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west of the SpeCific Plan area shall be further mitigated by a continuous noise barrier consisting of a combination of berm, soundwall, and residences adjacent to the Future Road. This requirement for a continuous nois'e barrier applies along the western side of the Future Road adjacent to the medium density residential development in Sector 8 and the low density development in between. The noise barrier in this area shall be high enough to prevent a direct line-of-sight from the residences along-Saltalr and Pavillion to vehicles traveling along the Future Road behind such noise barrier. In addition, in designing and orienting the residences in the two medium-density residential areas in Sector 8 and the low-density development in between, the developer shall, to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with other sound planning practices, construct multi-story structures which further mitigate the noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west of the Specific Plan. A design goal impact of 55 or less CNEL for the existing residences at the foundation is hereby established. At such time that further noise analysis is done in this area (at the Tentative Tract stage), this analysis will model the projected CNEL level at these existing residences to confirm that the noise of level of 55 CNEL will be met. F® · Residential development that adjoins the existing homes of the Speci'fic Plan boundary and includes the first row of residential lots will be limited to a single story structure with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. In all remaining areas of Sector 8, the regulations and standards of the low density and medium density designation will apply. i. · i. .i .. i.i. .i .. .i .. Resolution 86-32 Attachment "A" Page three 11. The use of cluster development 3.6.C of the Spectftc Plan wt denstty designation tn sector .. as descrlbed tn Section not be permitted for Within the low density designation, the maximum allowable dwelling units per gross acre has been defined as 5.0. Within Sector 8, this standard will be limited to 4.0 dwelling units per gross acre maxium, in lieu of the 5.0 standard. Additionally, no units may be transferred into Sector 8 for low density, which is shown in Table 2.4 and the East Tustin Statistical Analysis in Section 3.0 as 349 units. There is no limitation on transferring dwelling units out of Sector 8 into another sector, in accordance with Specific Plan requirements. Letter G of Sector 8 and letter D of Sector 9 policies. It is the explicit intent of the East Tusttn Plan that La Colina Road in the Specific Plan area connect to the existing La Colina Road and to the major arterial known as "Future Road." It is anticipated that this road will not exceed a four lane residential street, and should be incrementally improved, beginning wi th a two lane road. The roadway should not exceed a total right-of-way of 80 feet, and the first two lanes should be built at the edge of the right-of-way, with a raised landscaped median making up the rest of the potential right-of-way. The precise alignment of La Colina Road will be determined at the Tentative Tract stage. The City and County will prepare a joint study, examining the impacts and mitigation measures of the connection, and recommending specific measures to deter through traffic. The Ctty Counctl hereby authorizes staff Tusttn Specific Plan in the following areas' to amend the East A® Sector 8, as shown in section 2.14.3, beginning on page 2.39, will be modified to include radium density dwelling units within the Sector as shown on the land use map. Be The East Tusttn land use map will medtum denstty In Sector 8, which acres adjacent to "Future Road," Exhi bi t "C." be modified to include includes aproximately 26 as shown in enclosed i, ' i' Resolution 86-32 Attachment "A" Page four C. Table 2.4 shall be ~dtfied to include twenty-six (26) acres .of ~dium density in Sector 8, with a total allowable unit count of 233 units. The ~dium density residential in Sector 7 shall be equally reduced to the acreage and unit count added to Sector 8. iI · , . :..'. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN ) )§ ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 86-32 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17.th day of March_...___~, 1986, by the fol 1 owing vote' AYES · NOES · ABSENT' COUNCILPERSONS' COUNCILPERSONS' COUNC ILPERSONS' Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Saltarelli Kennedy None MARY E. ~~N, ~it~ Clerk City of tin California