HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 86-29'.i i. . 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 23 ~5 26 R£SOLUTION NO. 86-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AM£NDMENDMENT 86-1a, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT AND DIAGRAM OF THE TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY (I-5) T0 THE SOUTH: EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE UNINCORPORATED COMMUNITIES OF LEMON HEIGHTS AND COWAN HEIGHTS TO THE WEST: UNINCORPORATED LAND TO THE NORTH: AND UNINCORPORATED AREA WITHIN THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE LINE (MYFORD ROAD) FOR THE CITY OF IRVINE TO THE EAST: ENCOMPASSING APPROXIMATELY 1,740 ACRES COMMONLY KNOWN AS EAST TUSTIN (EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO) The City Council of the city of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- I. The City Council finds and determines as follows' A. That Section 65358 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That a joint application was filed by the city of Tustin, and Monica Florian on behalf of The Irvine Company requesting amendment to the Tustin Area General Plan. C. That in accordance with Section 65358 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public hearing before the City Council was duly called, noticed and held for the purpose of amending the Land Use Element 'text and diagram concerning the property identified on the attached Exhibit A. Special ly, the fol 1 owl ng changes wi 11 be made' 1. Exhibit A will be incorporated in the Tustin Area General Plan diagram as the land use plan for the East Tustin area. 2. The following text will be added to the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. Under General Concerns and Considerations, letter C. East Tustin Area. mm il i The land use element currently provide~ for a use designation known as Planned Community. The P.C. use is a method to assure the compatibility of land uses with the character of surrounding developments and provide for a vehicle to ensure precise development plans are reviewed .. and approved prior to development. One of the purposes of the land use element is to provide for flexibility and integration of land use for transitional properties by classification as Planned Community. ,i i. i. i. -. 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18i 2O 21 22 23 o.24 25 26 27 28 Resolutt on No. page two 86-29 It is the intent in the East Tusttn area to utilize Planned Community as a land use tool tn general and speclftc plannlng. The majortty of the area ts dtvtded tnto three Planned Community designations- P.C. Residential; P.C. Commercial; and P.C. Mi~ed Use. The Planned Community Residential area is recommended to have a density range from two dwelling units per gross 'acre to 25 dwelling, units per gross acre. It is anticipated that the subject area will support a total residential dwelling unit count of 7,950 units for the approximate 1,173 acres of land dedicated to residential uses. At the city of Tustin's current population rate per unit {1980 census) of 2.43 person/unit, the population density of the East Tustin area may be approximately 19,440 people, a 47.63 percent increase over the 1985 population of 40,815. Portions of the East Tusttn area located in hillside areas and will mai ntain a maximun density not to exceed two dwell lng uni ts per gross acre, in keeping with the goals of the Open Space and. Conservation element. Hillside areas are generally defined as having a slope greater than an average 10 percent grade, and the approximate acreage meeting this criteria, is 440 acres. The approximate number of dwelling units should be in the range of 880. . The proposal for areas of East Tustin which are on level terrain and adjacent to existing res .i denti al area is to maintain single family residential detached with a character of development compatible with existing development. This is constructed to not mean lot size, but does mean an overall density less than standard R-1 residential density, which is 6.0 dwelling units to the acre. The range ts between 4 to 6 gross dwelling units per acre, and 5.0 gross dwelling units per acre is recommended. The approximate acreage of these areas is 1166 acres, with a unit generati on of approximately 830 uni ts. Outside of these requirements, remaining areas devoted to residential may have residential densities ranging from two dwelling units per gross acre to 25 dwelling units per gross acre. The terrain for these areas is level, and the land carrying capacity could conceivably support the maximum density proposed. It is the goal of the land use and housing element to promote a variety of housing types, including single family residential, and owner occupied housing. Unlike the single family classification, the term single family residential is construed to mean the definition Shown in the Housing Element, which shows single family as either detached, duplex, or townhouse units. These units can be achieved at density ranges between 6 to 12 dwelling units per gross acre, or an average of "-i i. i. .i ._ i. i. _ i- "i iI lO I1 14 16 2.3 o.24 2.5 Resolution No. 86-29 page three 9.0 dwelltng untts per gross acre. To attempt a balance between providing for a valt'tety of housing types, including multiple family, and owner-occupied single family units: an average of '11.0 dwelling units per acre is employed. The gross acreage figure of approximately 567 acres will produce approximately 6,237 units for this area. While residential unit limitations are imposed, the location, designation and density range of residential' units will be determined at such time that the area undergoes specific planning. The location of planned community residential areas are consistent with the goals of the land use element and internally consistent with other elements of the general plan. To ensure that density ranges are internally consistent, specific planning will allow these densities to be studied against the goals and objectives of the other elements. To ensure that the entire subject area is considered, one specific plan for the entire area will be prepared. The land use dtagram will serve as the base to location of residential units and the entire project not exceed approximately 7,950 dwelling units. specific plan, and the general plan, will be used consistency findings in the East Tustin area. de termi ne area wi 11 Both the i n future Planned Community Commercial will support all retail commercial uses with support office uses and covers an approximate acreage of 40 acres. Planned Community Mixed Use can support retail commercial uses or office/research and development uses and covers an approximate acreage of 120 acres. The recreational use shown on the diagram is designated as exclusively for a golf course and covers an approximate acreage of 150 'acres. Public and Institutional uses cover proposed locations, as well as conceptual intermediate sites. The approximate acreage for these uses 90 acres. community park and high school is estimated at The flooding potential for the city of Tusttn is shown in the Open Space and Conservation Element as Exhibit II-C. That exhibit is hereby incorporated into the Land Use Element by reference. Section V, letter J on page 9 is designate for potential single easterly of Browning Avenue. hereby amended to read' To family development, an area lO 1] ]2 ]7 ]8 ]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2O 27 i, i_ Resol ut1 on No. page four' 86-29 De Ee That pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Final EIR 85-2 has. been' prepared, certified and considered which adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the proposed project, its significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect for the proposed project. The City Council, having final approval authority over this project has reviewed and considered the information contained in Final EIR 85-2 prior to approval of this project. Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project which mitigate or avoid certain of the significant environmental effects thereof. Pursuant to Sections 15091 and 15092 of the State CEQA Guidelines all significant environmental effects and corresponding mitigation measures together with the requisi.te findings and facts related thereto have been comprehensively set forth in Attachment A to Resolution 86-28 which is incorporated herein by this reference. Conditions have been adopted as part of this project or will be incorporated at the appropriate level of development review which incorporate all of the' mitigation measures identified in the EIR. The benefits of the project have been balanced and considered aga.inst unavoidable environmental risks and against alternatives identified in the final environmental and those benefits are found to be overriding, all in Attachment A to Resolution 86-28, which is herein by this reference. its possible the project impact report as set forth incorporated That General Plan Amendment 86-1a would be in the public i6terest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners based upon the following' 1) That the requirement of specific planning insures internal consistency with other general plan elements. 2) That the use of the Planned Community designation will provide flexibility while ensuring compatibility with adjacent residential areas. 3.) The land use dtagram will provide for sufficient school and park sites in accordance with the city of Tustin ordinances and Tustin Unified School District requirements. 4) The plan shows commercial the future population and areas. locations to provide ext sttng surroundtng support to residential 10 ]1 ]2 ]5 ]6 l? 18 19 2O 22 23 25 26 27 2.,8 ResolutJon No. 86-29 page fi ve 5) The plan ~]11 expand the employment opportunities w]thJn the ctty of Tus~Jn by providing for office/research and development uses In the M~xed Use area. .. F. That the Planntng Commission approved Reso]u~Jon No. 2294, recommendJng to the City Council tha~ GPA 86-1a be adopted. II. The C]l:y Council does hereby adopt Genera] P]an Amendmen~ 86-1a, amendtng the land use e]ement text and dJagram of the Tus~Jn Area Genera] Plan for proper~Jes ~JthJn the Eas~ Tus~In SpecJfJc P]an Project area ]dent]fJed on £xh]b]t "A" at~ached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tusttn City Council, held on the 17th day of March , 1986. Attest' FRANK GR£INKE, MAYOR MARY £. ~NN, CITY~L£RK o. ., , ;o .. , :' .,. ~,'.~, /z".~_...,? .: .. ..,, ,, ., .:, . .... . .... · ,'..'. ,::~,. ~:.-.. , .' ,~: ,.., ~;.-, .~'.'~:,:.:;:: . . ,._::.~..:.:: .~.~-... ...... ,...,..., .,,,,. ':.,-,: - ," "' , "-"~':"'.'.' ..':".,'i..: .... .,....,-'.,,~ . ' . ~.......,.? ~..'.:.~:.,:::,:....: ~. ~,~:,.,,.:,. ~. ,.,~,' ..,,"... ,,', ..,...'. .:-, .~- :'"': -' .",,:: ,' LEa, mO'..:,:.' ! .. :':~.:.:..:.,. !, ::..,. :~, ...,'~., ;' ..... '. ' ', 2 :'". ..: .../ "::..':'-'2" ::"'~" '.. I ' '"~ ""i '",,,' .:.:, ~......?.,.. · :.., , ~.,~'. · . ,' ~..:'.~'~,..',.:,~:':!i,..:-...:.~'~.:...: . ... ..... '".- ' ..... , ... '~ '"'" k : . '[:. "' '.' ". · ' ..... .'" ..' ' ,-/ I . ! '.,~. ' ~' , ~.. , ,~ - i~-·,' .' , ~, · , ! ~. ~'.'. · · .~ i . . ,,' ~ · / .,,::. .. ,,.. ,x.'.,~ ,,,;..x..:.., ..,/ · .......,... / .... ~; '. ' ' ~i 'V ~'.:".-~."'.." I~' · ' "'.'. ' ~ / ' '/~ , ' ',' ; ' '[", '""~'" "- ~ '. '., ' ' ': ' ,..,,~.,.:/, .:) · .., ~: ~ \...,.~.'.,:'. .. :.. ,;...., .~',...-. . 'o , ,. ~.,,.. -. "\..""'PUBLIC AND, INSTITt,~TIONAL ,' LAND USE DIAGRAM Tustin Area General Plan EXHIBIT A El)AW STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE . ) § CITY OF TUSTIN o. ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 86-29 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17th day of March 1986 by the following vote- - · · AYES · COUNCILPERSONS- Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Saltarelli NOES · COUNCILPERSONS.' Kennedy ABSENT. COUNC ILPERSONS. None MARY E. ~NN', ~ Cl'erk City of ~F~Istin, California