HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 LEGACY DDA - LETTER RCVD FOR RECORD 04-03-06 04/03~~006 11:4~. FAX !4fOOl SEI:)GWICK DETERT, ^~ORAN & ARNOLD~LP Facsimile Transmittal Sheet :3 pork P la1 I: ~ 7111 Floor Irvinej CDI" )Itlia 92614.a5AO te I~ 949 -as; .e.200 fax.: ~49 .652.8282 DA TE~ APRlL 3, 2006 TJ!\IE: J 2~32 PM N1JMllER 0 p PAGES: ~ (int hlding CQver pore) IF ANY PORTION OF THE. FOLLOVrTNG DOCWriEl\."'T 151LL.E:GIBLE OR MlSSlNG~ PLEASE CA L.L OLIft FAA CENTER AT (949) 852.8200 AS SOOK AS POSSIBLE, 1'0: ,~,..,~, jllllll, ~1~~f1~'.JI~t~;I\o ~!J:.11i:~'.I~ jll.,~I:I\'l-l.Jlflll(t~.: ,.-~j~ ;~;"";~~~:I'~' ~~:~~~1I" />-'\,~lJlt&t'~d~P"l"~ "f"I':~~"~~I:' . ':...k~~-:"l' n~ ,'iiUi(,1 ,!,,';;~I, :-i,' i!S'~'~ ,'. L de -.1 I ',~,.' ~ll v .~~ ~.:':' Sqmp t ,...' :j,~'\lf. . .';' ' ~ h0n~I~~ l \:, nf: !.: ~" 'f ' a~!l '~'~11Ifff~ ".1'\': - :I~. ~l ,~~r. ~,,:' iltI '. .:.Ij~~ '1~'hl ,.{l1! . ',,~ki'~' "l~il' ~I ,." ~Ld~~l" r. ,II II~I ~ ~\lllU~' "lJ-ti :. ,i1l .,.,r I!,~",', . ',,'"1'1, A11~ "IID!ltl 1'1'", :~d~ '. ..:-l.l _Do ug D lYert City of Tustin (714) 573-3010 (714) 838... 1602 City Co JiQcil Nt embers City of Tustin (714) 573.30~, 0 (714) 838-1602 FROM: }Jame: Geoffrey K. Willis Fax Back l\:umber: (949) & 52.. 8282 Office: Irvine Ow File No.: "30d. s- ,~~\ 9S Re: Tustin L:;gacy Disposition and Development Agrt::;tUellt (I'vlaster D~veloplnent Site) 06-01 MESS) (;E: Please: ~ ~~~ attached correspondence cftodayTs date. I PRIVIL.~GE AND CONFmENT IALlT'\J N OTIC [. ~ lThl: infon: la tlOn CDl1ainec In thi~ r;lcsimHt: mc~.sZ\.8e 15 nttom~ pnvileg~d !\m] :n-"fftlenfillt jnfonrl~\1j{lll lluc.ndcd on1) fQT th~ per50U or ynTrty 'I n nmed ahl fl~~ If yo u nre n.ot the in rc l'l.i:t c.d rtc j p; enL (C) r someone rospon sib I~ I a (j el ~ver ~ C" lh t' in rcndl;d fee ;plem) I 131e-a3c be; iII""T1;:i th ELl ElIl Y d iJ5cmlnu lcn Or c.o~yillg Qfthh: cDmmuni~tltion IS strictly proh.ibit~d. IfYO"L1 'hfl\'C rcc~j'i~d thi.!i c~~'j'\f.iun.icari():n in ~TTDr, pl~fl5e corif}! us by te lep bone n lmed lately at (949) 852 - ~ 2 0 0 and. rerum the ori g:j n ~l m~ ~~ge 10 l1 ~ ~J rue ad -d r-'.....;i ~ aO(] \I1~ via. d\e U. S. Po sts.l S t:rv t l:C- Tb:w; you. - .. New Yark. . La c. Ol"l . S en Frc tJ t iSCo 1& Z un t Ii . L[)~ A n~ ~ ie ~ . P ClPlS - ~ J SlIHI;J rk;, . 1 Mn,s Ch1coQCI . DalJo~ 0:1352026""'1 04/03./2006 1~:48 FAX rm OO~ SEDG~ ,riCK DET~R.Tf ^~ORAN l ,lRNOlDt.LP 3 ~2rk Fiaz~1 17tJl Fie Jr Irvine~ Carjforni~ 926 A .8S40 let 919, ~52.S200 Fa : 9~ 9,852- B282 W\iVW,SOmil-oom Apr 13~ 2006 VM ~ACS/~11LE ONLl' DOL g Davert Ma~(lr Cit) of Tustin 300 Centel1l1ial Way "[us i~[}~ CA 92780 City Council ~~[embers City of Tustin 300 Centennial '\Vay Tustin, CA 9:2780 Re~ Tustin Legacy Disposition and DeveJopment Agreeme~t (l\taster Development Site) 06~Ol Our File N04: 3025-126193 Def l Mayor and City Council Members: On },~half of Tustin Unified School District ClTUSD rJ)~ I am ~1riting to you regarding the Tus i[1 Legacy Disposition and Developlnent Agreentent (!\1asrer Developlnenl Site) 06-01 efT' l~:tin Legacy DD~4..~') which is on ca1t:.ndar before the 'Tustin City Council tonight. ,^~hile TV' :J) is delighted to see that Tustin Legacy and the City are IIloving fOT\vard with the next pha ~(: of developrnell.t ofMCAS..l~ustin property, TUSD is concerned about the fluHling reql jreTneots for TUSD schools under the Tuslrn Legacy DDA. Un~ ei Section 8.12 of the Tustin Legacy DDA, the Communit)f Facilities District CTCFD'~) fin;: ilcing for TUSD frODl Tustin Legacy tS Bet at 0.150/0. TUS~J has two concerns about the 0.1: ~.'U CFD financing rate for Tustin Legacy. First~ the rate of 0.150/0 1:5 inconsistent with the O.211~/O CFD rate reached in an agreement bet\v~cn TUSD and !\,jl~ffett fvfeado\~lS Partners, LL( ~, \iv-ilIiam Lyon I-Iomes~ me-=, Ora ..-\s.toria~ LLC~ MW Housing Partners~ III} LP, and Tus :in Villas Partners~ LLC (collectively hereafter tlMoffett Meadows et a1. !l), If a CfD: rate of ( .15 % is re qUJred for Tustin Le gacy ~ then Mo ffeU Meadow~, et al. will be required b..l sho l~q.er a dispropo11ionate share of the financing for c1~velopj[]lel1t of TUSD sc.hool facilities on -: b.e MCAS- Tustin property, Sccond~ the 0.15% CFD rate for Tustin Le gacy does not llSl re the adequate financing necessary for the TUSD school fac.ilities on th~ MCi\.S- Tustin pro Jerty. In order to provide tbe school facilities envisioned by tbe City a rate ofO_20o/G is req- jred. OCt? j :t.cn 7v 1 N.~ Yn'l"k U:I Icon sa 1l r fa nds-co Z!~rjdl lO:l A.n~t:j<::s P~..i~ t..I(L~Jt'aI ik 11 Ora n~e r,DU IHy ~jCirga D.alla.!=. I 04/03/2000 11~49 FAX [4l OOJ DOll ~ Davert, Mayor City (~ouncil Members City of Tustin Re: T"ustin Legacy Dispositjon and Development Agreement (Ma ~1er Development Site) 06--,Ol -A,pr! 3, 2006 Pagl 2 TU~ Ij urges the Tustin City COWlcil to amend condition 8,12 of the Tustin Legacy DDA to state 1 hat the financing of schoal fa,cilities does not .exceed a rale of 0.20"/0. This mnendrn ent "\\111 ulsure equal funding requirements for all developers and adequate school fucilities are avai ~,ble for CLlrrent and future residents of the. City of Tustin. Reg ~]'ds: ~ ;. K. illis ~ ~l(./ Sedi ;vvick, Dctc~ Moran & Arnold LLP GK'; ibes cc: Brock V./agner Peter C. Gorman, Ed. D. OCJ3: ,,)'l7vl