HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 AIRPORT NOISE QUARTERLY REPORT 05-15-06 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MAY 15, 2006 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORTS SUMMARY: This report transmits two John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports for the third and fourth quarters of 2005. The average noise level measured at monitoring station NMS 10N, located at Columbus Tustin Middle School, remained relatively the same during the third and fourth quarters. Average noise levels during both quarters remained below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent level (CNEl) for residential uses. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT No Fiscal Impact DISCUSSION Following the conclusion of each calendar quarter, John Wayne Airport prepares a Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report and posts a copy of the report on their webpage. Attachment 1 contains the quarterly reports for the third and fourth quarters of 2005. A brief overview of the information contained within the attachment is as follows: Measured Noise levels . During the third quarter of 2005, the average CNEl at Remote Monitoring Station (NMS) 10N, located at Columbus Tustin Middle School was 56.9 dB. This is 0.3 dB lower than the previous four quarters. However, for comparison, the CNEl was 0.4 dB lower (56.5) during the third quarter of 2004. John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement May 15, 2006 Page 2 . During the fourth quarter of 2005, the average CNEL was 57.0 dB. This is 0.3 dB lower than the previous four quarters. For comparison, the CNEL was 0.4 dB higher (57.4) during the fourth quarter of 2004. . All measured noise levels are below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB CNEL for residential areas. Noise Complaints . During the third quarter of 2005, there were four (4) Tustin area complaints compared with seven (7) complaints for the same period during 2004. . During the fourth quarter of 2005, there were no Tustin area complaints compared with one (1) complaint for the same period during 2004. . The number of complaints decreased during the third and fourth quarters compared to the same periods in 2004. Since noise issues are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor operations at John Wayne Airport unless otherwise directed by the City Council. Edmelynne Villanueva Assistant Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachments: John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports for July 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005 and October 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005. S:\CddlCCREPOR1\JW A report to council S-1S-06.doc ATTACHMENTS John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports for July 1, 2005 through September 30,2005 and October 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: July 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChapter 6: Division of Aeronautics Noise Standards Submitted by: Alan L. Murphy Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 131 st Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChapter 6: Division of Aeronautics Noise Standards). Effective January I, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-IS: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20152 S.W. Birch St., Santa Ana NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324 Y, Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-ION:17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (October 1, 2004 - September 30, 2005). The Figure 2 information was developed by Mestre-Greve Associates, Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". -1- Fi re 1 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP o Scale In miles JW AdlviSlonPro ject/ GOII tS.CommRelotionl obnomosLdgn -2- Figure 2 o Noise Monitors 65 dB CNEL Contour D Single Family Residential D Multi-Family Residential + JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT 65 dB CNEL Impact Area October 2004 . September 2005 Mestre Greve Associates STATISTICS: Incompatible Land Use: 14.4 Acres or .023 square miles Number of Dwellings: 101 Number of People: 252.5 (based on 2.5 people per dwelling unit) -3- AIRCRAFI' TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table I and Figure 3 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & II. TABLE I LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS July. Seotember 2005 Period Air Carriers GAJet(1) Total Average Daily Jet Proo Ooerations 12' Jet Ooerations Julv 8,499 365 2,808 30,480 365 Auoust 8,610 369 2,873 32,634 370 Seotember 8,094 349 2,747 30,316 361 Third Quarter 25,203 1,083 8,428 93,430 366 Tweive Months 99,212 4,176 28,461 349,840 350 1 % 1/04 . 09/30/05 FIGURE 3 QUARTERLY AIRPORT TRAFFIC SUMMARY (Landing and Takeoff Operations) Jet Carrier 25.203 --I I I July - September 2005 Military 36 Prop Carrier 11,083 GAJet + GA Other 8,428 58.680 o 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50,000 60.000 70.000 Number of Operations NOTE: (I) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JW A noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EOUIV ALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. For the twelve month period ending September 30, 2005,101 dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights were in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within the 65 dB CNEL contour); this represents a decrease of four units .4. 11130/05 in the number of dwelling units in the "Noise Impacted Area" from the previous twelve month period ending June 30, 2005. The State has approved several remedies of aircraft noise levels for noise sensitive property in the "Noise Impact Area"; homes can be acoustically insulated, purchased by the County, or rezoned for "other non-noise sensitive uses. n As part of the County's Santa Ana Heights Land Use Compatibility Program, approximately 77 general agriculture (A-I) properties with residential land uses on Orchard, Acacia and Birch Streets were rezoned for Business Park Use in October, 1986. Each property was individually sold and subsequently converted to compatible land use. Between 1986 and 1993, 124 residences have been purchased or othelWise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance Program, Acoustical Insulation Program or Housing Relocation Program. In September 1993, the FAA approved a grant to fund a voluntary Accelerated Acoustical Insulation Program (AAIP) in Santa Ana Heights. (The current AAIP has been renamed "Santa Ana Heights Acoustical Insulation Program" with the acronym "SAH AlP".) During the third quarter of2005, an additional 13 residences have been made compatible through the County's SAH AlP. A total of 486 residences in Santa Ana Heights have been purchased or othelWise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance Program, Housing Relocation Program, Acoustical Insulation Program or SAH AlP. TELEPHONE COMPLAINT CALLS (Julv 1. 2005 - September 30, 2005) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local citizens and all other sources. During the period July 1,2005 through September 30, 2005, the office received 251 complaints from citizens. This is a 10.6% increase from the 227 complaints received last quarter. It is a 22.5% decrease fmm the 324 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the quarterly telephone calls and complaints from local communities. FIGURE 4 HISTOGRAM BY COMMUNITY 60 50 47 40 30 25 20 14 15 14 16 12 10 0 ~o ,s.1'f> ~~ ~I'f> ~ro ::,.,v~ ~0 ~~ 0' 0c} ~(;:- is' ~~ g'li $'Cj e;. ~0 ig03 ~ eJ..o ~~ <Q(Q'li <<o~ "-..::,c; ~0'lj 0'''' ~" ~<:' Q ~q, ~:~ <v'li- 0<:::- " ~'b- ~0 ~ ".p(:- #<<0~'ltC,o~1fj ~~ ri"ttf ,:io'< (Q1'f> 0'1> &-0 (,0 01f ,,'if ~0 ~ (l ~ rjSrB ~~I'f>. ~~ v~~ "l!...ft~ ~'1> -?:-w -<..: ~0Cj e;;1f ~I'f> "'~ '" 0'" Community -5- TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 10104 through 9105 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Oct 2004 68.3 67.3 66.8 59.7 60.9 61.2 58.2 68.7 53.3 58.0 # Davs 28 28 30 26 26 25 26 28 8 25 Nov 2004 67.6 67.4 66.4 61.4 59.9 61.0 57.9 68.1 52.0 56.8 # Davs 21 24 28 27 27 20 20 26 13 25 Dec 2004 67.7 66.5 66.1 58.9 59.3 60.2 56.7 68.4 52.6 57.2 # Davs 25 24 29 25 27 22 22 21 7 21 Q-4 2004 67.9 67.1 66.5 60.2 60.1 60.8 57.7 68.4 52.6 57.4 # Days 74 76 87 78 80 67 68 75 28 71 Jan 2005 68.2 66.9 66.1 59.4 60.1 60.5 57.5 68.6 52.3 58.1 # Days 24 30 27 17 13 21 18 25 8 15 Feb 2005 68.1 67.5 66.6 60.0 59.7 60.6 57.3 68.7 51.8 57.5 # Davs 24 24 26 17 5 13 19 21 10 16 Mar 2005 67.7 68.2 66.2 59.9 59.8 61.4 58.0 68.7 52.3 57.7 # Davs 28 18 27 26 20 12 14 27 2 26 Q-1 2005 68.0 67.4 66.3 59.8 59.9 60.8 57.6 68.7 52.1 57.7 # Days 76 72 80 60 38 46 51 73 20 57 Apr2005 67.6 67.2 66.0 61.2 59.7 61.3 58.8 68.6 49.2 57.2 # Days 29 20 29 7 23 17 17 30 12 27 May 2005 67.7 67.3 66.1 59.9 61.3 62.1 57.8 68.5 #NIA 57.3 # Days 29 21 29 13 4 11 25 30 0 22 Jun 2005 67.9 67.0 66.3 59.9 60.7 61.1 58.1 68.9 #NIA 57.9 # Davs 29 30 29 18 8 25 20 26 0 21 Q-2 2005 67.7 67.2 66.1 60.2 60.1 61.4 58.2 68.7 49.2 57.5 # Days 87 71 87 38 35 53 62 86 12 70 Jul2005 68.0 66.6 66.5 59.2 58.5 60.8 57.6 69.0 #NIA 57.3 # Days 27 29 30 29 29 29 23 30 0 28 Aug 2005 68.7 66.6 66.1 58.8 58.4 60.3 58.3 69.0 50.7 56.7 # Davs 28 30 30 30 30 26 4 30 15 30 Sep 2005 67.8 66.3 65.5 58.5 58.3 60.1 59.3 68.8 48.8 56.8 # Days 27 29 27 26 28 25 12 29 18 27 Q.3 2005 68.2 66.5 66.1 58.9 58.4 60.4 58.2 68.9 49.8 56.9 # Davs 82 88 87 85 87 80 39 89 33 85 Q-4 2004 Tru Q-1r005 Total 67.9 67.0 66.3 59.7 59.5 60.8 57.9 68.7 51.3 57.3 # Days 319 307 341 261 240 246 220 323 93 283 Q-3 2004 Tru Q-1r005 (~rViOUS 4 Quarters) Total 68.0 67.2 66.3 59.8 60.1 60.8 57.8 68.5 51.6 57.2 # Days 325 298 344 260 225 242 242 322 86 284 Change from Previous 4 Quarters I 0.01 -0.11 -0.1 -0.1 -0.6 0.0 0.1 0.1 -0.3 0.1 -6- TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION July 2005 Date NMS Site 18 2S 38 4S 5S 68 78 8N 9N 10N 1 68.2 66.9 67.9 59.4 60.8 61.6 56.7 69.8 #N/A 58.2 2 67.2 66.3 68.2 58.9 59.1 60.5 #N/A 68.0 #N/A 56.3 3 65.6 64.4 63.8 56.8 56.7 57.8 #N/A 67.6 #N/A 57.5 4 66.4 66.2 64.5 #N/A 57.7 #N/A #N/A 68.3 #N/A #N/A 5 68.4 67.4 66.8 61.6 59.4 60.7 57.2 69.5 #N/A 57.7 6 67.7 66.5 66.2 59.3 58.4 61.3 58.5 68.7 #N/A 57.3 7 67.7 66.9 65.9 59.5 58.2 60.5 56.1 69.1 #N/A 57.8 8 67.6 66.4 66.2 59.9 58.5 59.8 56.4 69.1 #N/A 58.7 9 66.8 65.6 65.2 59.0 #N/A 60.3 57.3 67.8 #N/A 56.6 10 67.2 66.1 66.5 59.1 58.9 60.5 59.5 69.4 #N/A 57.6 11 67.8 67.2 66.2 59.0 58.8 60.5 56.2 68.8 #N/A 56.7 12 67.4 65.9 66.1 58.4 58.5 59.7 56.5 69.1 #N/A 58.8 13 #N/A #N/A 68.2 59.6 61.3 61.6 59.5 68.6 #N/A 56.6 14 68.1 66.6 66.4 58.5 58.2 60.5 56.0 69.2 #N/A 57.8 15 68.6 67.0 66.6 59.5 57.8 60.7 59.1 70.0 #N/A 59.0 16 66.7 65.3 65.5 57.5 55.7 58.2 54.4 67.9 #N/A 55.3 17 68.8 66.7 65.9 58.0 58.2 61.0 56.7 69.0 #N/A 57.1 18 67.8 67.0 66.2 58.0 58.0 61.6 57.6 69.2 #N/A 57.7 19 68.1 66.5 66.6 59.5 58.4 61.3 57.0 69.2 #N/A 57.7 20 #N/A 67.1 67.2 60.4 58.2 61.8 56.9 69.1 #N/A 55.9 21 #N/A 67.5 67.2 58.7 58.1 60.8 58.2 68.5 #N/A 56.5 22 68.8 67.8 67.6 60.7 58.7 61.9 59.1 69.1 #N/A 56.8 23 67.5 66.0 66.1 59.4 57.6 60.9 #N/A 67.6 #N/A 57.4 24 67.4 66.2 66.1 59.2 57.9 60.2 #N/A 69.3 #N/A 56.0 25 67.2 66.8 66.2 58.8 57.8 60.0 #N/A 67.8 #N/A 58.3 26 67.8 66.7 66.3 59.7 59.2 60.5 57.0 69.7 #N/A 57.5 27 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 28 69.6 67.4 66.9 59.5 59.0 61.3 58.3 71.9 #N/A #N/A 29 69.9 67.3 66.7 59.5 58.9 62.4 57.3 68.9 #N/A 55.8 30 68.5 65.8 65.2 57.8 57.3 60.4 58.2 67.5 #N/A 54.4 31 69.5 66.8 66.5 59.0 58.3 62.1 #N/A 69.2 #N/A 57.4 Davs 27 29 30 29 29 29 23 30 28 En.Ava 68.0 66.6 66.5 59.2 58.5 60.8 57.6 69.0 57.3 #N/A indicates insufficient data. -7- TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION August 2005 Date NMS Site 18 2S 38 48 58 68 78 8N 9N 10N 1 69.4 66.6 66.2 58.3 57.8 61.9 55.6 69.3 #N/A 56.8 2 68.0 66.2 65.4 57.7 56.9 59.1 #N/A 69.0 #N/A 57.2 3 68.2 66.9 66.5 59.9 59.0 62.7 #N/A 69.1 #N/A 57.6 4 68.0 66.6 66.4 58.9 61.9 60.6 #N/A 69.5 51.9 56.3 5 68.6 67.4 66.7 59.2 59.0 60.5 #N/A 69.3 #N/A 59.1 6 66.0 66.0 64.9 57.5 57.0 58.8 #N/A 66.8 52.8 54.5 7 68.1 66.6 66.1 58.2 58.1 59.9 58.7 69.2 47.4 57.3 8 67.9 67.3 66.7 59.2 60.5 60.8 #N/A 69.2 50.1 55.5 9 69.8 66.8 66.5 59.3 58.7 60.4 #N/A 69.3 53.3 56.5 10 68.3 67.2 67.2 59.8 59.3 61.8 #N/A 69.4 50.8 56.2 11 68.7 67.4 66.8 59.5 59.0 61.2 59.5 69.8 #N/A 57.1 12 68.4 67.0 66.7 59.5 58.4 60.8 #N/A 69.6 53.3 58.4 13 66.9 65.8 65.4 58.3 57.9 59.2 #N/A 67.6 43.2 56.6 14 67.8 66.5 66.0 59.4 58.3 60.3 #N/A 69.4 49.9 58.1 15 68.0 67.0 66.6 59.3 58.7 60.4 #N/A 69.6 #N/A 58.3 16 #N/A 66.7 66.1 59.1 58.6 60.0 #N/A 69.5 #N/A 57.2 17 67.9 67.3 66.7 58.8 58.1 60.5 #N/A 69.0 #N/A 56.3 18 68.0 67.1 66.6 59.2 58.9 60.9 #N/A 69.7 #N/A 56.5 19 68.4 67.6 66.9 60.9 59.2 60.8 #N/A 69.7 #N/A 57.7 20 66.4 66.0 65.6 57.6 57.5 58.7 #N/A 67.1 49.0 54.8 21 67.0 66.1 65.5 57.2 57.6 58.9 #N/A 69.2 #N/A 55.2 22 #N/A 66.7 66.3 57.7 57.6 59.1 #N/A 68.9 50.6 55.8 23 69.4 66.8 66.4 59.0 57.7 59.4 #N/A 69.6 53.2 57.1 24 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 44.6 #N/A 25 76.0 67.4 66.5 57.4 57.7 60.1 #N/A 67.9 #N/A 54.9 26 68.6 67.1 66.1 58.5 58.0 60.1 #N/A 69.3 #N/A 56.3 27 66.0 63.9 63.6 56.3 56.1 57.1 #N/A 66.6 #N/A 53.9 28 67.6 66.1 65.4 58.0 57.5 #N/A #N/A 68.4 #N/A 54.9 29 67.4 65.9 65.4 57.9 57.3 #N/A #N/A 68.4 46.9 56.4 30 67.2 65.4 64.9 58.4 57.8 #N/A #N/A 69.2 50.3 58.6 31 67.3 65.6 64.7 60.1 57.3 #N/A 58.7 68.8 #N/A 56.3 Davs 28 30 30 30 30 26 4 30 15 30 En.Ava 68.7 66.6 66.1 58.8 58.4 60.3 58.3 69.0 50.7 56.7 #N/A indicates insufficient data. -8- TABLE 5 DAlLY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION September 2005 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 68.5 66.5 66.4 59.8 58.8 60.9 #N/A 69.2 #N/A 57.6 2 68.9 67.4 66.5 58.8 58.5 60.2 #N/A 69.1 #N/A 58.1 3 65.8 64.3 63.0 55.3 53.9 56.1 64.6 66.2 #N/A 53.1 4 65.3 64.1 63.7 55.9 58.2 58.2 #N/A 67.7 #N/A 55.0 5 68.0 66.3 65.7 57.9 56.4 58.6 #N/A 69.6 #N/A 54.2 6 68.0 66.9 65.5 58.1 57.7 58.9 #N/A 68.8 #N/A 54.9 7 67.4 66.5 65.2 58.0 57.1 58.4 57.9 69.8 #N/A 55.3 8 68.0 66.2 65.6 59.3 58.5 61.4 #N/A 68.8 #N/A 56.2 9 68.3 67.0 66.2 59.6 59.5 60.8 #N/A 69.2 #N/A 57.3 10 65.6 64.3 63.4 57.0 57.7 57.9 #N/A 67.2 43.8 54.8 11 67.1 65.6 64.7 58.8 57.6 60.4 59.6 69.0 47.7 57.1 12 67.2 65.6 65.0 58.6 57.8 60.3 57.4 68.8 50.8 56.6 13 67.2 65.7 65.0 58.7 57.6 60.0 59.7 68.9 50.0 57.9 14 69.5 #N/A #N/A 58.9 #N/A 60.1 #N/A #N/A 51.5 #N/A 15 68.5 67.4 67.3 59.7 60.2 60.4 #N/A 71.3 50.1 58.9 16 68.5 66.6 66.1 59.6 59.0 62.5 59.7 69.9 45.6 58.1 17 66.3 65.1 64.5 #N/A 57.2 58.6 58.4 66.8 45.6 54.8 18 67.8 66.3 65.8 #N/A 58.8 #N/A 58.5 69.0 #N/A 55.7 19 69.0 67.8 66.9 #N/A 61.6 #N/A #N/A 69.0 53.2 #N/A 20 68.9 67.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 68.7 #N/A #N/A 21 68.0 66.5 66.1 59.2 59.1 #N/A #N/A 68.2 46.4 55.9 22 67.7 66.8 65.7 58.5 58.9 59.9 #N/A 69.3 44.9 57.7 23 #N/A 66.9 66.5 59.2 58.7 60.6 58.4 69.8 44.5 58.6 24 #N/A 64.7 63.8 57.6 58.4 62.2 #N/A 66.8 43.3 58.3 25 #N/A 66.4 66.1 59.4 58.6 61.4 #N/A 68.2 48.0 55.5 26 67.6 67.1 65.9 57.9 57.4 59.4 57.5 68.7 49.0 58.6 27 67.3 66.4 64.8 57.6 57.5 59.9 55.0 68.4 47.7 57.4 28 66.8 66.5 #N/A 56.9 56.5 #N/A #N/A 65.2 #N/A 52.5 29 67.4 66.0 65.2 57.3 56.4 59.5 55.5 69.2 50.5 56.0 30 68.1 66.0 65.6 59.9 57.6 61.0 #N/A 68.8 50.4 58.8 Davs 27 29 27 26 28 25 12 29 18 27 En.Ava 67.8 66.3 65.5 58.5 58.3 60.1 59.3 68.8 48.8 56.8 #N/A indicates insufficient data. -9- TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A July - September 2005 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 95.6 ib::;; 85.7 if.; if.:8 85.5 93.8 ~ AlaSKa AIr '67374 967 Average Count 1863 1898 (923 (902 (928 1898 (933 111 (9 19 67377 116 Average 92.1 91.0 88.4 80.9 83.2 83.3 84.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (114 (113 1115 1112 1116 1110 1114 10 10 10 67378 63 Average 94.5 92.9 91.2 84.1 85.2 86.0 83.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (62) (62) (63) (62) (63) (59) (63) (0) (0) (0) Aloha 67377 456 Average 96.5 94.8 93.0 86.1 85.4 87.7 84.5 89.3 I#N/A #N/A Count (420) (420) (444) (431) (450) (419) (423) (2) (0) (0) America West A320 509 Average 93.5 92.1 91.1 85.3 83.5 84.7 82.5 86.6 77.3 77.6 Count (463 (472) 1492 1480 1485\ 1486 1427 (3 11 (2 67373 335 Average 95.2 93.6 91.7 85.1 84.6 86.6 83.7 91.3 84.1 80.4 Count (310 1305 1326 1317 1323 (316 1325 11 11 (1 6757 150 Average 94.8 94.6 92.0 85.2 84.3 85.2 85.1 88.1 78.2 #N/A Count (137) (146) (148) (146) (143) (139) (135) (1) (1) (0) American 67378 872 Average 99.0 96.5 96.2 88.3 86.8 88.7 86.3 90.3 79.2 79.0 Count (786 1802 (842 (827 (847 1814 1837 17 13 (3) 6757 332 Average 95.5 94.3 92.7 86.2 85.8 87.5 84.4 89.4 76.5 77.7 Count (303 (311 1321 (315 (320 (309 (326 (2 (1 (2 MD8D 181 Average 100.8 100.1 99.4 92.1 92.4 93.6 91.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (168) (163) (177) (174) (180) (171) (175) (0) (0) (0) Continental 67373 264 Average 96.0 94.J 94.7 8t.9 87.2 89.3 05.4 95.0 80.1 82.1 Count (202 (198\ (211 (208 (215) (198 (210 (42 (15) (23) 67377 433 Average 96.0 94.3 93.5 85.9 85.2 87.2 83.4 95.2 80.0 81.4 Count (364) (382) (391) (388) (390) (382) (388) (26) (3) (7) 67378 3 Average 96.8 94.8 93.8 85.7 85.1 86.1 83.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (0) (0) (0) Delta 67373 179 Average 96.1 94.3 94.9 86.7 86.6 88.0 84.3 93.4 #N/A 79.6 Count (158 (160\ (173 (169 (174\ (166 (172 (3 (0\ (1 67378 18 Average 94.6 92.5 89.7 83.3 82.6 85.9 81.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (16) (16) (17 (17) (17) (17) (16) (0) (0) (0) 6757 460 Average 96.1 94.7 94.4 86.7 86.2 86.9 83.4 92.5 78.6 84.3 Count (409 (419\ (433 (427 (435\ (421 (421 (16 (2\ (6 MD90 233 Average 91.2 90.3 90.4 82.6 82.8 84.9 82.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (219) (224) (226) (220) (223) (219) (222) (0) (0) (0) FedEx A300 1 Average 94.5 93.4 93.4 86.5 85.6 #N/A 83.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1\ (1) (1) (1) (0 (1) (0) (0\ (0 a310 60 Average 99.5 98.0 97.4 91.2 90.4 92.2 88.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (56) (57) (59) (57) (60) (61) (58) (0) (0) (0) Frontier Airlines A318 138 Average 90.2 90.7 91.5 80.0 83.6 85.L 80.0 86.J 81.9 #N/A Count (128) (127) (135) (135) (136) (129) (131) (1) (1) (0) A319 136 Average 93.1 91.3 91.6 85.5 83.7 84.7 80.1 90.1 78.7 79.0 Count (121) (128) (132) (124) (132) (128) (114) (1) (1) (1) Mesa Airlines CRJ9 174 Average 92.0 90.6 92.8 84.7 83.1 86.2 79.8 89.6 #N/A #N/A Count (160) (164) (165) (160) (166) (160) (128) (1) (0) (0) Northwest A32D 359 Average 95.4 93.7 94.0 86.8 85.2 85.8 83.8 92.7 78.3 80.7 Count (319) (329) (339) (333) (338) (327) (329) (12) (1) (3) Southwest 67377 383 Average 90.5 89.7 86.1 80.9 80.4 81.4 79.7 90.5 #N/A #N/A Count (348) (364) (372) (343) (362) (362) (309) (2) (0) (0) United A320 518 Average 91.4 90.5 90.7 84.8 83.6 85.3 83.5 85.5 #N/A #N/A Count (485\ (500 (508 (496\ (509 (486 (495) (1 (0 (0 6757 534 Average 93.6 92.3 91.3 84.1 84.1 85.5 83.6 88.9 81.3 77.4 Count (475) (489) (512) (500) (502) (502) (515) (7) (4) (2) UPS 6757 57 Average 94.2 93.0 91.5 84.8 84.9 86.6 82.7 #N/A #N/A 76.3 Count (53) (54) (55) (53) (54) (53) (54) (0) (0) (1) -10- TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E July - September 2005 Carrier AC Type # Deps ~~~ ", L~ 78 ~N I UN ~Iaska Air 67377 3461Average ~l.~ ~u." 88. 80.5 o~.~ 0(1) '''(~ Count (316) (320) (340) (315) (339) (324) (331) (1) Aloha 67377 54 Average 91.2 89.9 87.1 81.9 81.4 82.6 80.0, #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (54) (53) (53) (54) (54) (54) (47) (0) (0) (0) America West A320 153 Average 90.9 90.0 89.2 83.8 82.0 82.5 79.9 84.4 #N/A #N/A Count (140) (144) (148) (138) (129) (132) (79) (2) (0) (0) Southwest 67377 2437 Average 91.2 90.3 86.8 81.2 80.8 81.6 80.8 89.7 80.2 85.8 Count (2223) (2273) (2359) (2226) (2278) (2280) (2011) (16) (5) (2) United 6757 154 Average 90.0 89.2 88.0 82.4 81.9 83.0 81.5 86.6 #N/A 75.8 Count (140) (143) (148) (135) (139) (145) (143) (2) (0) (1) -11- TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter July - September 2005 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1::; I ~::; ~::; 4::; I b::; 0::; I::; bN ~N lUN American ~agle c14U 1 1 ol:SIAverage bO.OI bb.O bb.O I~.~I I~.U bl.~ bl.l bb.~ bl.b Ib.4 Count (1063) (1089) (1129) (881) (698) (1090) (112) (9) (2) (1) Atlantic Southeast CL60 82 Average 91.2 89.6 88.6 80.8 78.9 82.2 79.6 85.6 #N/A 74.3 Count (74) (76) (77) (62) (41) (75) (66) (1) (0) (1) SkyWest CL60 92 Average 85.4 83.5 87.7 78.3 82.3 814 80.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (86 (90 (91 (32 (16 (89 (5 (0 (0 (Q CRJ7 182 Average 88.6 87.4 87.4 80.1 78.8 82.2 79.2 876 #N/A #N/A Count (161 (167 (175 (131 (99 (166 (138 (2 (0 (0 E120 545 Average 81.8 81.9 82.0 78.9 81.6 78.7 79.8 81.4 #N/A #N/A Count (485) (508) (527) (53) (217) (459) (44) (3) (0) (0) MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation Juiy - September 2005 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site enera vlatlon at verage Count (3084) (3142) (3266) (1816) (1358) (2799) (1046) (47) (8) (4) -12- Carrier AC Type Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Alaska Air AS B7374 3,269 4,343 4,850 7,961 4,997 B7377 6,906 7,196 7,089 4,286 3,586 B7378 3,3~ 128 ,Aloha AQ I B7377 1,378 2,182 L,91u 2,IlUSI America West AW A319 263 631 2,883 1,201 1,526 A320 2,062 1,888 2,955 3,390 2,515 B7373 10,572 7,931 3,184 2,559 2,102 B757 339 208 26 2 534 American AA B7378 7,778 6,200 4,663 9,226 5,199 B757 6,415 7,670 7,612 691 1,334 MD80 3,178 2,606 1,048 2,820 2,108 MD90 1,254 Continental CO B7373 2 2 B7375 1,350 1,744 1,640 1,303 1,233 B7377 3,741 3,050 3,378 3,689 2,645 B7378 2 4 8 B757 4 Delta DL B7373 1,016 1,015 B7378 397 878 87 111 B757 2,034 2,105 2,503 4,077 2,908 MD90 4039 3,610 2,597 1,524 1,198 FedEx FM A300 6 10 26 20 4 A310 490 496 476 481 372 Frontier Airlines F9 A318 2 70 863 A319 10 379 1,022 747 B7373 214 1,046 2 Mesa Airlines YV CL60 1,208 2,266 456 CRJ9 2,375 1,123 I Midwest YX B717 302 1,210 238 Northwest NW A319 503 854 2,790 2,814 2,105 A320 2,130 2,003 57 38 22 Southwest WN B7373 1,847 1,827 252 176 B7375 8,873 8,744 8,231 1,358 2 B7377 1,330 6,209 10,498 19,745 16,450 TWA TW B757 1,479 MD80 8 Jt-'~ 5X B757 496 452 4411 4(L 352 US Airways US A319 1,077 1,456 895 A320 2 4 A321 2 B757 348 United UA A319 1,569 2,364 2,211 1,556 1,500 A320 2,028 2,183 2,403 3,173 1,780 B7373 779 70 10 9 B7375 38 103 8 B757 7,181 6,045 6,492 6,498 3,943 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY -13- 35.000 30,000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 o TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 A300 6 10 26 20 4 A310 490 496 476 481 372 A318 2 70 863 A319 3,412 5,335 9,158 6,593 5,878 A320 6,222 6,074 5,419 6,601 4,317 A321 2 B717 302 1,210 238 B7373 13,198 9,830 3,660 4,808 3,119 B7374 3,269 4,343 4,850 7,961 4,997 B7375 10,261 10,591 9,879 2,661 1,235 B7377 13,355 18,637 23,875 31,119 25,484 B7378 7,780 6,597 5,545 9,313 5,446 B757 18,292 16,480 17,085 11.740 9,071 CL60 1,208 2,266 456 CRJ9 2,375 1,123 MD80 3,186 2,606 1,048 2,820 2,108 MD90 5,293 3,610 2,597 1,524 1,198 FIGURE 5 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ .;' .;>.;>.;>.;>.;> 0/ 0/"'0/"'0/"'0/"' By Year A'l> ,;I <> ,q, \:) -" ",' ""_ ,,'13 ,<-' Q'<J QUS' o/<Q(j(j~~ -14- 1m 2001 Im2002 i02003 lJ2004 m 2005 TABLE 11 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Alaska Air AS 67374 4.477 5.942 6.644 10.866 9.154 67377 9.466 9.866 9.710 5.863 6.571 f378 0.234 IAlona AU 17377 1.BBB I 2.llllll 3.9B4 4.645 5.143 America West AW A319 0.362 0.863 3.937 1.634 2.799 A320 2.822 2.578 4.047 4.634 4.604 67373 14.477 10.877 4.373 3.495 3.850 6757 0.466 0.285 0.036 0.003 0.978 American AA 67378 10.652 8.493 6.386 12.609 9.527 6757 8.789 10.507 1 0.430 0.945 2.440 MD80 4.353 3.575 1.433 3.852 3.864 MD90 1.723 Continental CO 67373 0.003 0.003 87375 1.852 2.386 2.247 1.781 2.260 87377 5.126 4.178 4.627 5.038 4.842 87378 0.003 0.005 0.015 6757 0.005 Delta DL 67373 1.385 1.861 67378 0.542 1.200 0.120 0.205 8757 2.786 2.882 3.425 5.571 5.326 MD90 5.523 4.937 3.562 2.082 2.194 FedEx FM A300 0.008 0.014 0.036 0.027 0.007 A310 0.671 0.679 0.652 0.656 0.678 Frontier Airlines F9 A318 0.003 0.096 1.582 A319 0.014 0.518 1.393 1.366 67373 0.293 1.432 0.004 Mesa Airlines YV CL60 1.655 3.104 0.623 CRJ9 3.238 2.059 Midwest YX 6717 U.414 1.otlL U,4.5O Northwest NW A319 0.690 1.173 3.822 3.844 3.857 A320 2.918 2.742 0.079 0.052 0.040 Southwest WN 67373 2.523 2.512 0.345 0.240 67375 12.153 11.981 11.279 1.855 0.004 67377 1.827 8.493 14.378 26.975 30.128 TWA TW 6757 2.027 ~D80 0.011 u...~ 5X 757 0.679 0.6rn 0.614 0.645 0.645 US Airways US A319 1.474 1.997 1.227 A320 0.003 0.005 A321 0.003 6757 0.477 United UA A319 2.159 3.277 3.038 2.126 2.758 A320 2.770 2.978 3.279 4.331 3.249 67373 1.066 0.096 0.014 0.011 67375 0.052 0.140 0.011 6757 9.844 8.288 8.896 8.891 7.220 -15- NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Date: September 15,2005 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Eddie Martin Building AGENDA ITEMS AND ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Airnort Statistics David Chan provided a summary of the Airport Statistics citing information published in the JW A Airport Statistics Report for August 2005. 2. Additional tonic discussion and/or comments and lIuestions Comments: Richard Cox, Emerald Bay Consultant Richard Cox stated that he is aware that Boeing is currently researching to determine if Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) procedure can be done at John Wayne Airport. He also mentioned that this procedure is being performed at LAX. Comments: Eric Freed, John Wayne Airport Eric Freed commented that a meeting was held at John Wayne Airport (JW A) recently to discuss the possibility of establishing CDA procedure at John Wayne and Long Beach Airports. Attendees included researcher from Georgia Tech University and representatives from Boeing, the airlines and consultant companies. All parties attended the meeting are interested in establishing the CDA procedure. However, no representative from the FAA attended the meeting. He also mentioned that CDA procedure does offer benefits such as cost-saving on fuel and possible noise reduction. Comments: Richard Cox, Emerald Bay Consultant Richard Cox stated that he continues to work with the FAA TRACON facility to have aircraft fly at a higher altitude when departing to the south. He also said that he received a letter back from the FAA in response to a letter he sent to request flight pattern to be changed. Basically, the response from the FAA is that they are not going to shift noise from one location to another. As a result, Mr. Cox stated that he has contacted Senator Barbara Boxer's office to request assistance in asking the FAA to reroute aircraft. Furthermore, Mr. Cox mentioned that the FAA is starting the Airspace Redesign Project at Orange County area and it will take approximately three to five years to complete. A public -16- meeting will be held to obtain opinions from residents. The meeting will be notified via ads in the Federal Registry. Questions: Jeanne Price, Lido Island/resident Jeanne Price asked why the advertising of the public meeting only listed on the Federal Registry. She also asked how do residents find out if they don't read the Federal Registry. In addition, she inquired will John Wayne Airport notify the residents regarding the FAA meeting. Richard Cox responded that it is a regular practice of the FAA to advertise public meeting notification in the Federal Registry. Eric Freed responded that since the meeting is being hosted by another agency (FAA), John Wayne Airport will not be notifying the public regarding this meeting. Ms. Price also inquired, with current rate of growth in passengers, how does the airport control the number of passengers to be in compliance with the Access Plan, which consists of an annual cap of approximately 10 million passengers. Eric Freed responded that the number of passengers is being monitored on monthly basis with a comprehensive computer system. If the passenger levels were trending to exceed the cap, the airport has the ability to withdraw passenger allocation from the airlines. Questions: Marlena McDermott, Emerald Bay Community Assoc./resident Marlena Mcdermott asked who else can we turn to for assistance in reducing noise levels around the community. She also asked does it help to call and file a noise complaint. Richard Cox responded that the JW A AccessINoise Office staff documents each complaint that is received through telephone calls. A report is generated every quarter to show the number of complaints from different cities or communities. Afterward, an FAA representative may review it to determine if there is still an noise issue over certain communities. As a result, noise complaints serve as a tool to notify the stakeholders that there is still a noise issue in certain areas. 3. Tentative date for the Next Noise Abatement Committee Meetinl! The date for the next quarterly Noise Abatement Committee meeting will be announced by letter approximately two weeks before the meeting. -17- NAC Roster September 15, 2005 Irma Ortega David Chan Bonnie Frisch Eric Freed Jim Sugden ORGANIZATION Emerald Bay Community Assoc./resident Emerald Bay Community Assoc./consultant Lido Island/resident John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport NAME Marlena McDermott Richard Cox Jeanne Price -18- NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: October 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChapter 6: Division of Aeronautics Noise Standards Submitted by: Alan L. Murphy Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 132nd Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChapter 6: Division of Aeronautics Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20152 S.W. Birch Sl., Santa Ana NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324 Yo, Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-ION: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2005). The Figure 2 information was developed by Mestre-Greve Associates, Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". -1- Fi re 1 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP II " i; /' j , , o Scale In miles JW AdlVISlonPro JecI/Govl&CommRelotlon/ obnomosLdgn -2- Figure 2 o Noise Monitors 65 dB CNEL Contour D Single Family Residential D Multi-Family Residential STATISTICS: -+ Incompatible land Use: 8.3 Acres or .013 square miles ' Number of Dwellings: 77 Number of People: 192.5 (based on 2.5 people per dwelling unit) JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT 65 dB CNEL Impact Area January 2005 - December 2005 Mestre Greve Associates -3- AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 and Figure 3 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. Period Air Carriers GAJet(1) Total Average Daily Jet PrOD Ooerations (2' Jet Ooerations October 8,353 359 3,434 29,349 380 November 8,139 336 2,961 28,486 370 December 8,199 350 2,615 25,774 349 Fourth Quarter 24,691 1,045 9,010 83,609 366 Twelve Months 98,673 4,190 31,534 349,936 357 01/01/05 - 12/31/05 TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS October - December 2005 FIGURE 3 QUARTERLY AIRPORT TRAFFIC SUMMARY (Landing and Takeoff Operations) October - December 2005 '"-E Military 20 Prop Carrier 1,045 i GA Jet 1 GA Other o 24,691 9,010 10,000 20,000 30.000 48.847 I 40,000 50,000 60,000 Number of Operations NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JW A noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EOUIV ALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENELl values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. For the twelve month period ending December 31, 2005, 98 dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights were in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within the 65 dB CNEL contour); this represents a decrease of 3 units in the number of dwelling units in the "Noise Impacted Area" from the previous twelve month period ending September 30, 2005. -4- The State has approved several remedies of aircraft noise levels for noise sensitive property in the "Noise Impact Area": homes can be acoustically insulated, purchased by the County, or rezoned for "other non-noise sensitive uses." As part of the County's Santa Ana Heights Land Use Compatibility Program, approximately 77 general agriculture (A-I) properties with residential land uses on Orchard, Acacia and Birch Streets were rezoned for Business Park Use in October, 1986. Each property was individually sold and subsequently converted to compatible land use. Between 1986 and 1993, 124 residences have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance Program, Acoustical Insulation Program or Housing Relocation Program. In September 1993, the FAA approved a grant to fund a voluntary Accelerated Acoustical Insulation Program (AAIP) in Santa Ana Heights. (The current AAIP has been renamed "Santa Ana Heights Acoustical Insulation Program" with the acronym "SAH AlP".) During the fourth quarter of2005, no additional residences have been made compatible through the County's SAH AlP. A total of 486 residences in Santa Ana Heights have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance Program, Housing Relocation Program, Acoustical Insulation Program or SAH AlP. TELEPHONE COMPLAINT CALLS (October 1. 2005 - December 31. 2005) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local citizens and all other sources. During the period October 1,2005 through December 31, 2005, the Office received 119 complaints from citizens. This is a 54.9% decrease from the 264 complaints received last quarter. It is a 29.6% decrease from the 169 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 4 shows the distribution ofthe quarterly telephone calls and complaints from local conununities. FIGURE 4 HISTOGRAM BY COMMUNITY ?A 10 5 o ~~~,#.,~~#~##~~####~~,~# (l,'~ f;:-~~ <:)w '!<..'tt~ ?J0v v:-0~<vtt>J9 ~~o ~<o0 ~ ,,'O<!;- rb<o'lJ 0<<.0 ~o~ o'~:-V f:.<o0 ?:-cP 0 tp -?-tJ} "*,1> ~0q #~~~~~ ,~ #S~~~ ~~ ~~~ q,f'(j 01> 0',0 cP cp.:j. <.:; ~~ ,~y/'f)C$ v ~0.:j. ~'lt 1J.l # # ~ Community -5- TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 1/05 through 12/05 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Jan 2005 68.2 66.9 66.1 59.4 60.1 60.5 57.5 68.6 52.3 58.1 # Davs 24 30 27 17 13 21 18 25 8 15 Feb 2005 68.1 67.5 66.6 60.0 59.7 60.6 57.3 68.7 51.8 57.5 # Davs 24 24 26 17 5 13 19 21 10 16 Mar 2005 67.7 68.2 66.2 59.9 59.8 61.4 58.0 68.7 52.3 57.7 # Davs 28 18 27 26 20 12 14 27 2 26 Q-1 2005 68.0 67.4 66.3 59.8 59.9 60.8 57.6 68.7 52.1 57.7 # Days 76 72 80 60 38 46 51 73 20 57 Apr2005 67.6 67.2 66.0 61.2 59.7 61.3 58.8 68.6 49.2 57.2 # Davs 29 20 29 7 23 17 17 30 12 27 May 2005 67.7 67.3 66.1 59.9 61.3 62.1 57.8 68.5 #N/A 57.3 # Davs 29 21 29 13 4 11 25 30 0 22 Jun 2005 67.9 67.0 66.3 59.9 60.7 61.1 58.1 68.9 #N/A 57.9 # Davs 29 30 29 18 8 25 20 26 0 21 Q-2 2005 67.7 67.2 66.1 60.2 60.1 61.4 58.2 68.7 49.2 57.5 # Days 87 71 87 38 35 53 62 86 12 70 Jul2005 68.0 66.6 66.5 59.2 58.5 60.8 57.6 69.0 #N/A 57.3 # Davs 27 29 30 29 29 29 23 30 0 28 Aug 2005 68.7 66.6 66.1 58.8 58.4 60.3 58.3 69.0 50.7 56.7 # Davs 28 30 30 30 30 26 4 30 15 30 Sep 2005 67.8 66.3 65.5 58.5 58.3 60.1 59.3 68.8 48.8 56.8 # Days 27 29 27 26 28 25 12 29 18 27 Q-3 2005 68.2 66.5 66.1 58.9 58.4 60.4 58.2 68.9 49.8 56.9 # Days 82 88 87 85 87 80 39 89 33 85 Oct 2005 67.7 66.3 65.9 58.6 58.2 60.5 58.2 68.6 47.9 57.0 # Davs 30 31 31 28 29 22 17 27 18 28 Noy 2005 67.5 66.1 65.5 58.1 58.4 60.0 57.0 68.2 49.4 56.9 # Davs 30 30 30 28 28 29 23 30 30 30 Dee 2005 67.4 66.2 65.3 58.3 58.1 59.6 57.6 68.4 50.1 57.2 # Davs 31 31 30 31 31 31 17 31 28 28 Q-4 2005 67.5 66.2 65.6 58.3 58.2 60.0 57.6 68.4 49.4 57.0 # Days 91 92 91 87 88 82 57 88 76 86 Q-1 2005 Tru Q1(005 Total 67.8 66.8 66.0 59.1 58.9 60.6 57.9 68.7 49.9 57.3 # Days 336 323 345 270 248 261 209 336 141 298 Q-4 2004 lrru Q-:(005 (~rViOUS 4 Quarters) Total 67.9 67.0 66.3 59.7 59.5 60.8 57.9 68.7 51.3 57.3 # Days 319 307 341 261 240 246 220 323 93 283 Change from Previous 4 ~uarters 1 -0.11 -0.2 -0.2 -0.5 -0.6 -0.2 0.0 0.0 -1.3 -0.1 -6- TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION October 2005 Date NM8 8ite 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 8N 9N 10N 1 65.9 63.4 63.4 #N/A 55.8 59.9 57.2 66.8 44.1 55.0 2 67.8 66.8 65.7 #N/A 58.1 59.5 58.6 69.3 40.5 58.1 3 67.9 66.2 64.9 59.7 59.3 59.4 57.2 68.2 48.9 57.9 4 67.6 66.9 65.3 58.2 57.3 59.6 58.0 67.7 50.3 57.0 5 61.6 62.0 67.3 53.1 51.9 62.8 #N/A 63.5 51.7 51.9 6 68.0 67.1 65.3 56.3 56.8 #N/A #N/A 67.5 #N/A 54.3 7 68.6 66.4 65.7 58.9 58.2 59.1 59.0 69.4 49.1 57.6 8 66.0 64.0 63.7 58.2 57.0 58.9 #N/A 67.2 41.9 55.1 9 67.9 66.3 65.9 59.1 58.6 61.5 #N/A 68.9 50.3 55.7 10 68.0 66.5 65.9 58.6 58.3 61.5 #N/A 68.6 49.4 55.8 11 67.5 66.4 66.3 58.5 59.2 61.1 #N/A 68.3 48.5 57.9 12 67.9 66.6 65.7 58.6 58.6 59.9 58.0 69.0 47.8 56.8 13 68.6 67.6 67.2 61.4 57.3 62.1 #N/A 70.4 #N/A #N/A 14 68.5 66.9 65.8 57.6 #N/A 59.6 #N/A #N/A 47.3 55.0 15 66.2 64.4 63.8 57.4 58.3 58.7 59.7 #N/A 42.4 56.1 16 #N/A 68.3 68.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 17 68.8 67.4 66.8 59.7 59.0 61.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 18 68.3 66.9 66.3 59.5 59.4 60.7 57.3 70.2 #N/A 57.9 19 68.3 67.2 66.2 59.5 58.8 #N/A 58.4 69.5 #N/A 58.0 20 68.4 66.7 66.9 59.0 60.8 62.6 58.3 69.8 #N/A 58.2 21 68.9 67.3 66.9 58.2 57.3 58.0 58.1 69.7 #N/A 58.7 22 66.7 65.3 65.0 57.6 57.7 #N/A #N/A 67.1 #N/A 55.0 23 68.2 66.5 66.3 58.8 59.3 #N/A #N/A 68.9 #N/A 58.0 24 68.1 66.4 66.0 59.0 58.8 #N/A #N/A 69.3 #N/A 59.1 25 67.6 66.4 65.6 59.0 58.5 #N/A 59.5 68.2 #N/A 57.8 26 67.7 66.4 65.5 58.9 58.1 #N/A 56.4 68.8 43.8 58.7 27 68.1 66.3 66.2 59.3 58.8 #N/A 59.7 69.3 47.3 59.3 28 69.0 67.7 66.6 59.9 59.1 60.9 59.9 70.5 50.3 58.0 29 65.4 64.2 62.9 56.8 57.6 57.3 #N/A 65.7 44.6 53.8 30 67.9 66.8 65.6 58.0 58.2 60.2 56.9 67.9 45.1 55.7 31 63.6 62.7 67.2 55.3 53.3 62.2 53.0 64.9 #N/A 51.5 Davs 30 31 31 28 29 22 17 27 18 28 En.Avq 67.7 66.3 65.9 58.6 58.2 60.5 58.2 68.6 47.9 57.0 #N/A indicates insufficient data. -7- TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION November 2005 Date NM8 8ite 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 8N 9N 10N 1 66.8 65.5 63.7 56.9 59.4 59.7 56.3 68.0 47.3 56.0 2 67.2 66.4 64.7 59.6 57.5 58.3 #N/A 69.2 46.1 57.7 3 68.3 67.6 65.8 59.7 #N/A 60.7 59.0 69.5 48.6 59.3 4 68.6 67.0 66.0 59.8 59.0 60.3 57.3 69.3 51.7 59.0 5 66.0 64.5 63.6 57.2 #N/A 57.7 57.3 66.3 39.1 55.1 6 67.9 66.5 66.2 59.3 60.0 61.1 #N/A 69.2 43.2 58.4 7 67.9 66.2 65.4 58.9 57.8 59.5 55.1 69.3 45.6 59.1 8 67.4 65.4 64.6 58.9 58.7 58.9 55.4 69.1 47.6 59.0 9 67.7 65.7 65.3 60.1 57.9 60.2 #N/A 69.4 44.6 58.7 10 68.8 67.1 66.5 60.1 59.6 60.8 57.0 69.3 52.1 58.5 11 68.9 67.3 66.5 59.6 61.5 60.9 58.5 69.0 48.5 58.2 12 66.2 65.6 64.0 #N/A 57.7 58.7 59.4 66.4 48.2 55.3 13 68.7 67.2 66.5 #N/A 61.0 60.7 57.6 69.0 53.0 56.6 14 67.9 66.5 66.0 59.6 59.1 59.9 57.9 68.8 49.2 58.0 15 67.3 65.5 69.0 55.2 57.9 65.6 53.3 64.6 51.7 54.5 16 66.9 65.8 64.2 56.4 56.7 58.2 54.0 68.7 50.7 55.5 17 67.3 65.8 67.6 56.5 57.2 #N/A 57.1 66.7 50.9 55.1 18 66.5 65.0 64.9 55.8 57.2 59.4 53.2 67.2 49.7 52.8 19 66.2 64.3 63.8 54.5 57.1 55.7 #N/A 64.8 52.8 51.2 20 67.3 66.0 64.1 56.8 57.5 57.1 #N/A 67.4 48.2 53.5 21 67.2 65.9 64.8 57.0 58.3 60.5 58.8 67.1 52.2 55.6 22 68.1 66.5 65.6 58.2 58.1 59.1 55.4 68.7 49.3 56.9 23 69.0 67.5 66.6 58.8 58.5 60.1 56.8 69.3 48.7 57.8 24 65.4 63.8 62.6 55.8 55.4 58.1 53.2 65.2 48.8 53.3 25 66.2 64.6 63.2 58.0 56.5 58.8 56.4 68.5 38.8 58.1 26 65.7 64.4 65.9 56.2 56.3 61.7 59.9 64.8 43.9 53.2 27 65.6 64.7 65.2 54.6 54.5 59.0 #N/A 67.6 51.9 51.5 28 67.7 66.7 65.5 57.9 57.4 58.4 54.9 68.2 50.9 54.8 29 67.9 66.6 65.6 59.1 60.0 59.3 #N/A 68.5 47.1 59.0 30 67.5 66.5 65.3 58.6 58.6 59.9 57.7 68.8 46.6 58.3 Davs 30 30 30 28 28 29 23 30 30 30 En.AvQ 67.5 66.1 65.5 58.1 58.4 60.0 57.0 68.2 49.4 56.9 #N/A indicates insufficient data. -8- TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR ST AnON December 2005 Date NM8 8ite 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 8N 9N 10N 1 67.7 67.3 65.5 58.4 58.4 61.6 #N/A 69.1 37.5 59.0 2 68.1 66.7 65.8 59.1 58.9 60.1 59.6 69.6 37.6 58.6 3 65.4 63.9 62.7 56.3 55.8 56.9 #N/A 65.1 49.3 53.1 4 58.0 59.6 66.3 48.6 51.6 61.4 #N/A 61.2 42.8 45.2 5 66.4 65.3 63.7 56.7 54.9 57.3 57.0 67.2 46.4 54.9 6 66.5 65.3 63.9 57.6 55.8 58.1 58.8 67.8 52.3 56.3 7 67.1 65.8 64.9 58.1 58.5 58.5 #N/A 68.5 50.8 55.3 8 68.0 66.5 65.9 59.1 57.5 59.7 #N/A 68.6 51.9 56.4 9 66.4 65.1 65.8 56.6 55.5 59.4 56.4 68.1 52.4 56.8 10 64.6 63.6 62.1 55.4 56.5 56.6 #N/A 65.2 49.7 53.1 11 67.6 66.3 64.8 57.5 61.5 58.6 #N/A 68.4 52.8 56.7 12 67.3 65.9 64.7 58.6 58.6 58.9 58.4 69.4 49.2 59.0 13 67.2 66.6 65.3 58.7 57.7 59.4 55.7 68.7 47.8 58.3 14 67.4 66.6 64.2 59.2 58.2 59.7 55.8 68.9 50.8 59.0 15 69.5 67.0 #N/A 59.4 59.1 60.8 57.1 69.1 52.9 59.1 16 68.6 67.3 66.9 60.4 59.8 61.6 58.8 69.4 51.9 #N/A 17 67.0 65.3 64.7 59.0 57.7 59.3 58.7 67.5 51.2 57.0 18 67.6 66.5 64.9 58.5 58.0 59.3 58.4 68.4 53.0 56.9 19 68.0 66.9 66.4 58.1 57.9 60.5 55.9 67.8 #N/A 55.1 20 68.4 67.1 66.4 58.8 59.6 59.9 #N/A 68.3 52.9 56.0 21 68.5 67.3 66.1 58.9 58.6 59.8 57.3 68.6 49.8 56.4 22 68.3 66.8 65.9 58.4 58.9 59.9 #N/A 69.9 43.7 59.0 23 68.5 66.9 66.2 58.2 57.7 60.0 #N/A 66.9 #N/A 56.6 24 66.1 64.8 63.6 56.3 55.5 57.5 54.0 66.6 46.6 54.8 25 65.8 64.5 63.4 56.5 55.6 56.4 #N/A 68.6 47.3 58.2 26 68.6 67.1 66.1 59.2 58.8 60.2 58.3 69.8 46.6 #N/A 27 68.8 67.9 66.5 59.5 59.4 60.5 #N/A 69.0 48.7 57.7 28 67.6 66.6 66.0 58.4 58.6 60.1 #N/A 69.6 53.2 #N/A 29 67.8 66.7 65.3 59.0 58.4 60.0 58.9 69.3 45.4 58.2 30 68.2 66.9 66.0 59.6 59.7 60.6 #N/A 69.4 #N/A 58.8 31 65.9 64.8 63.4 58.5 58.6 59.1 56.9 67.7 50.2 59.0 Davs 31 31 30 31 31 31 17 31 28 28 En.Ava 67.4 66.2 65.3 58.3 58.1 59.6 57.6 68.4 50.1 57.2 #N/A indicates insufficient data. -9- Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 15 25 35 45 ," O~ f~ 8N 110N Alaska Air IB7374 1067 Average 95.5 93.9 92.7 85.3 00.0 Of. 84.9 93.2 .3 81.9 Count 1979 (962 1972 1926 (990 (913 (966' (65 (46 (49 B7377 67 Average 92.9 91.4 88.5 80.9 82.9 83.0 80.8 91.1 82.2 77.6 Count (80) (79) (79) (78) (81) (74) (81) (6) (1) (4) Aloha B7377 441 Average 96.1 93.9 92.2 85.6 85.2 67.0 84.1 91.4 81.2 80,8 Count (404) (387) (401) (383) (405) (374) (365) (31) (11) (14) America West A320 504 Average 92.7 91.4 90.6 85.3 1~3.8 85.0 81.4 87.5 79.3 80.9 Count 1466 f453 1462 1450 469 (440 (429' (25 (9 (7 87373 322 Average 95;~ 1;32 1;1~~ 1~5.5 1~4.6 86.1 62.8 90.2 80.2 79.5 Count 1293 288 294 279 294 (281 1289 (16 110 112 B757 110 Average 94.5 94.1 91.0 84.8 83.8 84.6 81.4 88.2 #N/A 77.6 Count (103) (101) (102) (97) (99) (92) (95) (6) (0) (2) American B7378 849 Average 96~~ 1;6.2 95~~ 1~6.3 1~66 88.3 84.8 90.9 80.1 81.1 Count 1775 752 (765 738 785 (719 (763 145 (27 134 B757 331 Average 95.1 1;3.5 91.7 1~5.5 1~58 86.6 84.0 88.7 81.4 78.6 Count 1296' 289 (302 287 304 (280 1299 116 18 17 MD60 198 Average 101.1 99.9 99.1 91.6 91.8 93.3 90.4 99.7 85.8 87.3 Count (176) (170) (182) (171) (180) (168) (171) (12) (12) (6) Continental B7373 272 Average 96.3 94.2 1;4.1 1~7.5 1~6.5 88.6 65.6 94.1 81.1 81.1 Count 1200 1197 205 192 206 (186 1198 146 139 133 B7377 437 Average 95.6 1;38 1;2.5 85.2 1~4.4 85.9 82.7 93.2 80.7 79.2 Count 1384 375 379 1364' 365 1357' 1379 137 119 116 B7378 2 Average 96.6 94.6 92.5 85.0 846 86.9 83.4 #NIA #N/A #NIA Count (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (0) (0) (0) Delta B7373 114 Average 95.9 93.8 93.3 66.0 85.9 86.7 63.5 92.0 80.4 80.7 Count (102 1101 1102 196 1102 (90 (103 (8 (3 (4 B7378 10 Average 94.1 92.4 69.3 63.9 82.9 84.4 81.4 89,6 60.3 78.2 Count 19 19 19 16 (8 (9' (9 (1 (1 (1 B757 477 Average 95.4 93.8 92.9 66~~ 85.6 86.0 83.9 89.7 79.5 78.8 Count 1434 (422 1436 1410 (439 (399' (435 (31 (17 (20 MD90 187 Average 91.7 90.3 90.0 82.5 83.0 84.4 81.9 88.8 #N/A 78.9 Count (173) (173) (170) (158) (165) (164) (155) (10) (0) (5) FedEx A310 63 Average 99.4 97.7 97.0 90.7 89.7 91.6 68.0 97.2 79.9 #N/A Count (59) (60) (60) (60) (61) (57) (60) (2) (1) (0) Frontier A316 125 Average 92.9 90.8 91.1 85.2 83.6 64.5 80.9 87.2 #NIA 80.2 Count 1113 1113 1113 1111 1115 (108 (101 (9 (Q (5 A319 144 Average 93.2 91.3 91.6 85.8 84.2 85.1 62.1 86.5 #N/A 77.2 Count (128) (129) (132) (119) (130) (119) (122) (10) (0) (4) Mesa CL60 1 Average 86.0 84.8 86.6 7~;~ 78.1 75.6 #NIA #NIA #N/A #N/A Count 11 11 11 (1 (1 (0 10 10 10 CRJ9 166 Average 92.2 90.7 93.0 64.5 83.3 86.1 82.7 89.0 #N/A #NIA Count (153) (151) (153) (145) (152) (141) (127) (11) (0) (0) Northwest A320 353 Average 95.5 93.5 93.5 86.7 85.2 85.7 83.0 91.4 78.6 81.0 Count (298) (296) (293) (282) (298) (276) (286) (43) (8) (8) Southwest B7373 1 Average 96.0 94.4 91.4 #~~ 86.3 86.7 83.5 #N/A #N/A #NIA Count 11 11 11 (1 (1 (1 (0 10 10 B7377 450 Average 90.7 89.8 86.0 80.6 80.3 81.1 79.0 88.9 79.1 76.9 Count (421) (416) (416) (362) (407) (393) (316) (24) (9) (5) United A320 280 Average 914 90~~ 1;0.2 847 1~33 84.9 83.6 85.8 #NIA 79.6 Count 1264 1259 261 1245 263 (245 (252 116 10 11 B7373 1 Average 96.4 94.3 92.8 83.1 84.9 85.5 82.4 #N/A #NIA #N/A Count 11 11 11 11 (1 (1 (1 (0 10 10 B757 677 Average 93.2 91.6 90.2 83.5 83.6 64.6 62.4 89.6 80.2 77.2 Count (629) (619) (623) (592) (627) (584) (619) (33) (10) (18) UPS B757 61 Average 95.3 94.0 91.9 84.7 84.2 85.8 82.3 89.0 #N/A #N/A Count (57) (56) (57) (56) (57) (53) (55) (3) (0) (0) TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A October - December 2005 -10- TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E October - December 2005 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1>:; L>:; ~>:; 4>:; ,>:; 0>:; -mil 9N lUN IAlasKa Air 'B7377 340lAverage 91.1 9U., OO.U oUJ o~" 82.9 ll1.7 09.L r9.L r9.~ Count (321) (312) (314) (303) (319) (299) (309) (17) (3) (10) Aloha B7377 1 Average 91.8 B9.7 87.8 80.0 79.4 81.0 774 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) America West A320 1B4 Average 90.3 89.8 89.1 84.3 82.7 83.3 814 85.6 80.2 75.4 Count (173) (170) (174) (159) (165) (157) (114) (10) (1) (2) Southwest 87377 2338 Average 91.8 90.4 86.6 81.3 80.9 81.6 79.1 89.4 80.2 78.7 Count (2164) (2132) (2156) (1993) (2113) (2010) (1782) (126) (43) (29) United A320 3 Average 90.0 88.8 89.2 84.8 82.2 83.8 81.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (3' (3 (3 (3 13 (3 13 10 (0 (0 B757 252 Average 90.1 89.3 87.3 81.7 811 82.3 81.0 87.2 79.2 74.0 Count (225) (221) (220) (207) (2t2) (214) (214) (16) (10) (1) -11- TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter October - December 2005 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1~ 2~ j~ 4~ b~ T~ ~~ 1UN A..mencan cagle o:14U Tf51 Average Hb.f Hb.b HH.4 '~.f IH.9 ~ 78.5 84.~ .1 1.4 Count (1061) (1050) (1051) (860) (675) (996) (94) (67) (4) '(4) Atlantic Southeast CL60 53 Average 90.6 88.8 87.6 80.4 79.0 82.0 80.3 84.2 76.5 81.2 Count (47) (48) (46) (37) (33) (42) (44) (4) (2) (1) SkyWest CL60 119 Average 85.4 83.1 87.5 78.4 79.0 80.4 77.9 82.8 #N/A #N/A Count (108' (106 1108 (43 17 1101' 16' 18 (0 (0 CRJ7 173 Average 89.0 87.5 87.5 80.6 79.3 82.4 79.3 88.2 80.2 78.5 Count (162 1160 1157 (136 1114 1149 1137 (8 11 12 E120 524 Average 82.0 82.4 82.5 78.7 Bl.5 78.6 80.0 81.7 79.5 78.0 Count (473) (472) (474) (60) (259) (414) (43) (29) (7) (1) MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation October - December 2005 Carrier verage Count (3451) (3304) (3333) (1924) (1499) (2767) (1156) (223) (20) (32) AC Type NMS Site enera -12- Carrier AC Type Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Alaska Air AS 87374 3,269 4,343 4,850 7,961 7,130 87377 6,906 7,196 7,089 4,286 4,439 87378 128 Aloha Au 1;j7;177 1,37812,182 2,910 3,399 3,685 America West AW A319 263 631 2,883 1,201 2,364 A320 2,062 1,888 2,955 3,390 3,050 87373 10,572 7,931 3,184 2,559 2,746 8757 339 208 26 2 755 American AA 87378 7,778 6,200 4,663 9,226 6,896 8757 6,415 7,670 7,612 691 1,996 MD80 3,178 2,606 1,048 2,820 2,504 MD90 1,254 Continental CO 87373 2 2 87375 1,350 1,744 1,640 1,303 1,767 87377 3,741 3,050 3,378 3,689 3,529 87378 2 4 12 8757 4 Delta DL 87373 1,016 1,243 87378 397 878 87 131 8757 2,034 2,105 2,503 4,077 3,859 MD90 4,039 3,610 2,597 1,524 1,572 FedEx FM A300 6 10 26 20 4 A310 490 496 476 481 498 Frontier Airlines F9 A318 2 70 1,114 A319 10 379 1,022 1,034 87373 214 1,046 2 Mesa Airlines YV CL60 1,208 2,266 456 2 CRJ9 2,375 1,455 Midwest YX 1:l717 ;1U:< 1,:<1U 238 Northwest NW A319 503 854 2,790 2,814 2,793 A320 2,130 2,003 57 38 40 Southwest WN 87373 1,847 1,827 252 176 2 87375 8,873 8,744 8,231 1.358 2 87377 1,330 6,209 10,498 19,745 22,022 TWA TW 8757 1,479 ~80 8 UP;; 5X 757 4~o 452 448 472 476 US Airways US A319 1,077 1,456 895 A320 2 4 A321 2 8757 348 United UA A319 1,569 2,384 2,211 1,556 1,760 A320 2,028 2,183 2,403 3,173 2,086 87373 779 70 10 9 2 87375 38 103 8 8757 7,181 6,045 6,492 6,498 5,800 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY -13- TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 A300 6 10 26 20 4 A310 490 496 476 481 498 A318 2 70 1,114 A319 3,412 5,335 9,158 6,593 7,951 A320 6,222 6,074 5,419 6,601 5,176 A321 2 8717 302 1,210 238 87373 13,198 9,830 3,660 4,808 3,995 87374 3,269 4,343 4,850 7,961 7,130 87375 10,261 10,591 9,879 2,661 1,769 87377 13,355 18,637 23,875 31,119 33,675 87378 7,780 6,597 5,545 9,313 7,167 8757 18,292 16,480 17,085 11,740 12,886 Cl60 1,208 2,266 456 2 CRJ9 2,375 1,455 MD80 3,186 2,606 1,048 2,820 2,504 MD90 5,293 3,610 2,597 1,524 1,572 FIGURE 5 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY 40.000 35.000 30.000 25.000 20,000 15,000 10.000 5.000 o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .p> .p> .p> .p> .p> ,s:.,s:."',s:."',s:."',s:."',s:.'" ,s:. By Year ro(;:j f-> fb(;;j Q,() c," c,"" ~<:! ~<:! -14- 1112001 ' 1112002 , 1[J2003 1 [J2004 1 11200S 1 TABLE 11 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Alaska Air AS 87374 4.477 5.942 6.644 10.866 9.770 87377 9.466 9.866 9.710 5.863 6.085 87378 0.175 Alana AU D{~{{ 1.tltltll L.~tlb ;j.~tl4 4.645 5.058 America West AW A319 0.362 0.863 3.937 1.634 3.244 A320 2.822 2.578 4.047 4.634 4.178 87373 14.477 10.877 4.373 3.495 3.762 8757 0.466 0.285 0.036 0.003 1.033 American AA 87378 10.652 8.493 6.386 12.609 9.452 8757 8.789 10.507 10.430 0.945 2.734 MD80 4.353 3.575 1.433 3.852 3.433 MD90 1.723 Continental CO 87373 0.003 0.003 67375 1.852 2.386 2.247 1.781 2.436 87377 5.126 4.178 4.627 5.038 4.819 67378 0.003 0.005 0.016 8757 0.005 Delta DL 67373 1.385 1.704 87378 0.542 1.200 0.120 0.181 8757 2.786 2.882 3.425 5.571 5.290 MD90 5.523 4.937 3.562 2.082 2.153 FedEx FM A300 0.008 0.014 0.036 0.027 0.005 A310 0.671 0.679 0.652 0.656 0.679 Frontier Airlines F9 A318 0.003 0.096 1.526 A319 0.014 0.518 1.393 1.416 67373 0.293 1.432 0.003 Mesa Airlines YV CL60 1.655 3.104 0.623 0.003 CRJ9 3.238 1.995 Midwest YX t:l717 0.414 1.650 0.326 Northwest NW A319 0.690 1.173 3.822 3.844 3.827 A320 2.918 2.742 0.079 0.052 0.055 Southwest WN 87373 2.523 2.512 0.345 0.240 0.003 67375 12.153 11.981 11.279 1.855 0.003 87377 1.827 8.493 14.378 26.975 30.173 TWA TW 8757 2.027 MD80 0.011 UPS 5X 8757 0.679 0.619 0.614 0.645 0.652 US Airways US A319 1.474 1.997 1.227 A320 0.003 0.005 A321 0.003 8757 0.477 United UA A319 2.159 3.277 3.038 2.126 2.416 A320 2.770 2.978 3.279 4.331 2.852 67373 1.066 0.096 0.014 0.011 0.003 67375 0.052 0.140 0.011 6757 9.644 8.288 8.896 8.891 7.945 -15- NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Date: December 22, 2005 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Eddie Martin Building AGENDA ITEMS AND ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Airport Statistics The JW A Airport Statistics Report for November 2005 was distributed to attendees. 2. Additional topic discussions and/or comments and Questions Comments: Richard Cox, Emerald Bay Consultant Mr. Cox reported that he continues to monitor John Wayne Airport flight tracks. Mr. Cox also reported that he continues to work with the FAA SOCAL TRACON in minimizing some of the aircraft noise especially on weekend mornings over the Emerald Bay Community whenever possible. Mr. Cox said he is also working with Senator Boxer's office to change the FAA's position that they're not going to put into place any Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) until the National Airspace Redesign (NAR) of the Los Angeles (LAX) basin airspace. Question: Homer Bludau, Manager, City of Newport Beach Homer Bludau asked when will the PFC go into effect? Eric Freed responded that the $4.50 PFC would take effect in the summer of 2006. Tentative date for the next Noise Abatement Committee meeting will be March 16, 2006. -16- NAC ROSTER December 22, 2005 NAME ORGANIZATION Richard Cox Emerald Bay Community Assoc./Consultant Homer Bludau City of Newport Beach, Manager Eric Freed John Wayne Airport, Access & Noise Office, Mgr. Bonnie Frisch John Wayne Airport David Chan John Wayne Airport Jim Sugden John Wayne Airport Irma Ortega John Wayne Airport -17- !O<.'t , ~.' i- JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT 2005 ANNUAL 60, 65, 70, AND 75 CNEL NOISE CONTOURS + IOHN WAYNE \IRPORl Mestre Greve Associates