HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 PC AGENDA 10-26-21 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBER & VIDEO CONFERENCE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 26, 2021 NOTICE REGARDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION To watch the meeting, the public may observe the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or via the City's Granicus service at ittps://www.tustinca.org/282/Meetings-Agendas or on the local Cox Channel 851 . To participate and/or comment on one or more items, do the following: 1. PARTICIPATING DURING A MEETING Community members who wish to address the Planning Commission during a public meeting may attend the meeting in person or join through Zoom. By joining the meeting through Zoom, you will be able to speak but your video will not be enabled. Please see further instructions below. HOW TO CONNECT TO THE ZOOM WEB CONFERENCE BY COMPUTER OR SMART DEVICE Community members may provide live public comments via Zoom during Planning Commission meetings. To join the meeting, click here and use the passcode below. You can also join via the Zoom app on your smartphone or tablet, or in a web browser at https://zoom.us/loin, by entering the Meeting ID and Passcode below. Meeting ID: 876 4902 8867 Passcode: 303951 Please provide your name in the Zoom application to allow the Planning Commission Secretary to identify you when it is your time to speak. We suggest installing and testing the Zoom software on your device prior to the commencement of the meeting. HOW TO CONNECT TO THE ZOOM WEB CONFERENCE BY TELEPHONE To join the Zoom web conference from any phone (landline or wireless), dial 669-900-6833. When prompted, use the below Meeting ID and Passcode. Meeting ID: 876 4902 8867 Passcode: 303951 Agenda—Planning Commission October 26, 2021 —Page 1 of 4 The Planning Commission Secretary will identify you by the last 4 digits of your phone number when it is your time to speak. When requested by the Planning Commission Secretary, call-in users can unmute and mute their phones by pressing *6. Call-in users can "raise their hand" by pressing *9 but may not "lower their hand" once raised. 2. PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENTS THROUGH THE E-COMMENT SYSTEM 1 . Proceed to the SpeakUp comment system: A. To submit an e-comment on an upcoming meeting agenda, go to https://tustin.qranicusideas.com/meetings?scope=upcoming and select the agenda item. B. Follow the links to type and submit your comment(s) on one or more items: 1. The items may be on the agenda or not on the agenda. 2. Your comments will be forwarded electronically and immediately to the members of the Planning Commission. 3. Comments related to a particular agenda item will only be considered prior to the close of public comments on that item. 4. Comments on matters that are not on the agenda may be submitted only until the "Public Comment" portion of the agenda is concluded. For Individuals with Disabilities: The City is dedicated to ensuring accessibility to the meetings for those individuals with disabilities, so the City has established a process to request a reasonable modification or accommodation consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you would like to request a modification or accommodation due to a disability, please call(714) 573-3106 as soon as is feasible, and identify the need and the requested modification or accommodation. The City's ADA Coordinator or her designee will receive the request and communicate in response to the request. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. INVOCATION: Father Bao Thai, St. Cecilia Church ROLL CALL: Commissioners Chu, Higuchi, Kozak, Mason, Mello Agenda—Planning Commission October 26, 2021 —Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC INPUT: At this time, any member of the public may address the Planning Commission on matters which are not listed on this evening's agenda, provided the matter is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. Persons wishing to speak regarding Consent Calendar matters should file a "Request to Speak" form with the Planning Commission. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — OCTOBER 12, 2021 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the October 12, 2021 Planning Commission meeting, as provided. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM: 2. CODE AMENDMENT 2021-0001 (ORDINANCE NO. 1517)— ACCESSORY AND JUNIOR DWELLING UNITS (ADUs and JADUs) SUMMARY: Proposed Zoning Code Amendment to Chapter 2 of Article 9 of the Tustin City Code (TCC), revising the City's regulations pertaining to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling units (JADU) in compliance with 2019 Senate Bill (SB) 13 and Assembly Bills (AB)68, and 881 (collectively"ADU State Law"). The proposed amendments would update regulations permitting the development of ADUs and JADUs in conjunction with any residential development in all zones that allow single- family and multiple-family dwellings. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: The proposed code amendment is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, Sections 15060(c)(2) in that the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) in that the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378 because it has no potential for resulting in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Additionally, pursuant to Section 21080.17 of the California Public Resources Code, CEQA does apply to the adoption of an ordinance by a city to implement the provisions of Government Code Section 65852.150 et seq. Agenda—Planning Commission October 26, 2021 —Page 3 of 4 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4441, recommending that the Tustin City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1517, amending Chapter 2 of Article 9 of the TCC related to ADUs and JADUs in compliance with State Law. Presented by: Elaine Dove, Senior Planner REGULAR BUSINESS: None. STAFF CONCERNS: Justina L. Willkom, Community Development Director COMMISSION CONCERNS: ADJOURNMENT: The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Agenda—Planning Commission October 26, 2021 —Page 4 of 4