NOVEMBER 16, 2021
Agenda Item 11
Reviewed: os
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City Manager
Finance Director N/A
The following report provides a summary of projects and activities from the Community
Development and Public Works Departments to the Tustin City Council. The report
focuses on the status of projects that the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or
staff approved; major improvement projects; Certificates of Appropriateness; Code
Enforcement activities; and, other items of interest.
That the City Council receive and file this item.
No fiscal impact.
This summary of projects report contributes to Goal E of the Strategic Plan in
Organizational Excellence and Customer Service. It is staff's desire to keep the
community informed on the status of recent projects, which are progressing throughout
the City. Sharing this report to the Planning Commission, City Council, and through the
City's website, contributes toward both organizational excellence and customer service.
Below are updates, from the Community Development Department, related to planning
and building project updates throughout Tustin; recent Certificate of Appropriateness
documentation; and, updates related to Code Enforcement. Additionally, included are
public improvement project updates from the Public Works Department.
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Summary of Projects
November 16, 2021
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Planning Division Updates:
Planning Commission & City Council Reviews
• Stealth mono -eucalyptus at 14861 Franklin Avenue- On June 8, 2021, the Planning
Commission approved a stealth, wireless telecommunications facility consisting of a
sixty (60) foot high mono -eucalyptus with associated equipment. Plans have been
submitted into Building plan check and are currently under review.
• Aldi at 1091 Old Irvine Blvd: On June 22, 2021, the Planning Commission approved
a request to establish joint -use parking and remodel a vacant commercial building into
a multi -tenant commercial building, including exterior facade renovations and parking
lot improvements. Plans for tenant improvements are currently under review by staff.
Existing fagade of the building(top)
Proposed rendering (bottom)
• Sign Amendment for Mutual Propane Plaza at 1001 Edinger Avenue: On July 27,
2021, the Planning Commission approved a request to amend the Mutual Propane
Plaza Master Sign Plan to include changeable gas pricing copy, including a Sign Code
Exception (SCE) for static wayfinding text on the existing LED sign within Mutual
Propane Plaza.
• Zone Change for 1382 Bell Avenue: On August 3, 2021, the City Council adopted
Ordinance No. 1514, approving a change in the zoning designation of 1382 Bell
Avenue from Planned Community Industrial (PC -IND) to Planned Community
Industrial/Business (PC-IND/BUS). This follows the determination made by the
Planning Commission on April 13, 2021 that the lease of this site, for the Orange
County Sheriff -Coroner's Technology Division and Emergency Call Center, be
deemed in conformance with the General Plan. Plans are currently under review by
staff for building and site improvements.
• Subdivision of 15041-15121 Newport Avenue: On August 24, 2021, the Planning
Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 2021-115 for the subdivision of an
existing 1.76 -acre commercial parcel into two (2) separate lots for conveyance
purposes only. No new construction or demolition was proposed as part of this
request. The applicant has twenty-four (24) months from approval to submit a Final
Parcel Map and complete the subdivision process.
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Summary of Projects
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The Hill - Tustin at 13751 and 13841 Red Hill Avenue: On August 17, 2021, the City
Council approved the design review, vesting tentative tract map, density bonus, open
space concession, and park fee waiver for a new mixed-use project consisting of 137
residential units (including six (6) very -low income affordable residential units) and
7,000 square feet of retail commercial space with 227 parking spaces. On September
7, 2021, the City Council adopted the ordinance approving the development
agreement for the project.
Housing Element Update: On September 14, 2021, the Planning Commission
recommended approval to the City Council of the 2021-2029 update to the City's
Housing Element. The City Council unanimously approved the Final Draft 2021-2029
Housing Element on October 5, 2021. The Housing Element will now be reviewed by
the California Department of Housing and Community Development for compliance
with State law.
Zoning Administrator Reviews
ABC license upgrade for EI Camino Cafe at 195 EI Camino Real: On July 14, 2021,
the Zoning Administrator authorized the upgrade of an existing ABC license for EI
Camino Cafe from a Type 41 to Type 47 license, which would allow the sale of beer,
wine, and distilled spirits in conjunction with the restaurant.
• Temporary sales center trailer for The Landing at Tustin Legacy: On August 23,
2021, the Zoning Administrator approved a request to establish a temporary home
sales center for The Landing at Tustin Legacy development by Brookfield Residential.
Home sales activities are expected to begin in the first quarter of 2022 and continue
through the end of Spring 2025.
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• Adult Daycare at 14471 Chambers Road: On September 7, 2021, the Zoning
Administrator approved the establishment of an adult daycare business in the Irvine
Industrial Complex planned community. No new construction was proposed as part of
this request.
• ABC license for ImprovCity at 138 W. Main Street: On September 16, 2021, the
Zoning Administrator authorized a Type 40 (beer only) license for ImprovCity, an
improvisation performance and instructional studio in Old Town Tustin. This ABC
license type allows the sale of beer only for on or off-site consumption, while still
allowing minors to be on the premises.
• ABC license for Nosh House at 678 EI Camino Real: On September 30, 2021, the
Zoning Administrator authorized a Type 41 ABC license for Nosh House which would
allow the on-site sales and consumption of beer and wine in conjunction with the
Historic Preservation Projects
• Historical Resources Survey Update: The City's Historic Resources Survey was
updated since its last update occurred in 2003. Staff and consultants have prepared
Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) forms which are primary records of each
identified historic resource which can be used by property owners to nominate their
properties to the California or National Register of Historic Places. Staff will use the
DPR forms to inform and guide the review of potential alterations of historic buildings.
On August 10, 2021, the Planning Commission adopted the 2021 Historic Resources
Survey Update Report with authorization for the Community Development Director to
make minor modifications to the final survey report. Staff presented the survey results
to the City Council on October 19, 2021 and the updated survey was posted on the
Community Development Department's website under Historic Preservation.
• Historic Resources Survey— GIS Mapping: Staff and consultants have incorporated
the historic survey findings into the City's Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The
GIS system will allow staff to quickly identify historic resources within the City. This
GIS system is not publicly accessible, although all of the historic resource information
referenced (such as individual properties' historic survey results) are available on the
Community Development Department's website under Historic Preservation.
• Mills Act Applications: The Mills Act program is a statewide economic incentive
program (implemented by local governments) for the restoration and preservation of
qualified historic buildings by property owners. A total of four (4) applications have
been received in 2021 and are under review. The eligible applicants will have their
Mills Act contract considered by the City Council at a December 2021 meeting.
• Certificates of Appropriateness: A Certificate of Appropriateness is a no -fee permit
that applies to structures within the Cultural Resources District (CRD), or a designated
cultural resource outside of the District. A Certificate of Appropriateness is necessary
prior to, or concurrent with, a building permit for all permitted structures in the Cultural
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Summary of Projects
November 16, 2021
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Resources District. A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to: Alteration of
the exterior features of a building or site within a designated CRD, or alteration of a
Designated Cultural Resource, or construction of improvements within a designated
CRD requiring a City building permit; and demolition or removal of any Designated
Cultural Resource or of any improvements in a CRD. A Certificate of Appropriateness
is issued by the Community Development Director in conjunction with Design Review
or plan check. All nine (9) of the certificates issued since the last summary report are
for residential properties and include work such as re -roofs, new garage construction,
and remodels as described in the table below.
185 Pacific Street
Re -roof
445 W. 2nd Street
Construct 1,074 SF garage
3CS, 3S, 5113
340 W. 2nd Street
Sliding door
525 W. Main Street
Install EV charger
315 Pasadena Avenue
Interior remodel, new
windows and doors at rear
of home
ELE panel upgrade
315 S. C Street
3CS, 513
305 S. C Street
ELE panel upgrade
3CS, 3S, 5113
144 S. A Street
Solar PV
185 Pacific Street
Solar PV
Rating System for Certificates of Appropriateness:
1S Individual property listed in the National Register (NR) by the Keeper. Listed in the California Register (CR).
2S2 Individual property determined eligible for the NR by a consensus through Section 106 process. Listed in the CR.
3S Appears eligible for the NR as an individual property through survey evaluation.
3CS Appears eligible for the CR as an individual property through survey evaluation.
5S1 Individual property that is listed or designated locally.
5S3 Appears to be individually eligible for local listing/designation through survey evaluation.
5D1 Contributor to a district that is listed or designated locally.
5B Locally significant both individually (listed, eligible, or appears eligible) and as a contributor to a district that is locally listed,
designated, determined eligible or appears eligible through survey evaluation.
6L Determined ineligible for local listing or designation through local government review process, may warrant special
consideration in local planning.
6Z Found ineligible for NR, CR or Local designation through survey evaluation.
7R Identified in Reconnaissance Level Survey; Not evaluation (requires evaluation).
Non-contributing Buildings: Buildings that are located in the Cultural Resources District but do not fall under any of the above
Projects Under Review
• Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance Update: A draft ordinance is being
prepared to bring the City's Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) regulations into
compliance with State law. The draft ordinance was presented to the Planning
Commission on October 26, 2021 and it was recommended for approval to the
City Council. Staff expects to present the updated ADU ordinance to the City
Council on November 16, 2021.
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• Outdoor Dining and Services Survey: A survey is being prepared to better
understand the experiences and preferences of Tustin residents, business
owners, and patrons as they relate to the temporary outdoor dining and service
spaces allowed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once collected, these
survey results will help determine the future of such temporary spaces as staff
drafts an ordinance fitting the community's needs.
• CUP 2021-0012/DR 2021-0010/SUB 2021-0003: A request to remodel the former
Alta -Dena Dairy at 1062 Irvine Boulevard to a retail coffee shop with a drive-thru
lane (Starbucks), and formally subdivide the existing two (2) lots. This project was
considered by the Planning Commission on November 9, 2021.
• CUP 2021-0013: A request to expand a restaurant to provide banquet -type
services, serve alcohol, and establish joint -use parking at 13931 Carroll Way.
• CUP 2021-0016/UD 2021-0002: A request to make a Use Determination and
establish a religious education use at 2681 Walnut Ave, a property in the "PC -
IND" (Planned Community — Industrial) Zone (Irvine Industrial Complex -Tustin
Planned Community). This project is scheduled to be heard by the Zoning
Administrator on November 18, 2021.
• CUP 2021-0019/0020: A request to authorize a Type 47 ABC license and live
entertainment for a new restaurant at 14401 Newport Avenue.
• CUP 2021-0024: A request to upgrade an existing ABC license from Type 20 to
Type 21 (off-site sales of beer, wine, and distilled spirits) at 610 W. First St (7 -
Eleven). This project was considered by the Zoning Administrator on November
4, 2021.
• CUP 2021-0025: A request to construct a restaurant with a drive-thru lane (Rally's
Burgers) at 14982 Prospect Avenue.
• CUP 2021-0026: A request to permanently retain and relocate a modular
structure to provide MRI services for Foothill Regional Medical Center at 14662
Newport Avenue.
• CUP 2021-0027/DR 2021-0014: A request to construct a residential development
at 14192 Yorba Street consisting of three (3) detached units and two (2), four (4) -
car detached garages. The property contains an existing historic resource, which
will be retained on-site.
• CUP 2021-0028: A request to allow a non-exempt professional to provide
accessory massage services in conjunction with a chiropractic practice at 14081
Yorba Street, Unit 105. This project is scheduled to be heard by the Zoning
Administrator on November 18, 2021.
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Summary of Projects
November 16, 2021
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Building Division Updates
Major Development Projects
The Landing — A residential community by Brookfield Residential (Tustin Ranch
Road/Warner Avenue): Grading work is currently in progress for a new residential
community. The community is proposed to include 400 residential units, including
open space, park areas, and community amenities. The neighborhoods will be
comprised of 117 detached homes, 129 triplex townhomes, and 154 stacked flats and
townhomes. Construction plans are currently in plan check.
n of water treatment facilities
anding's new neighborhoods
................. ..........................:
Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Tustin at 15120 Kensington Park
Drive: Construction of a new acute care facility continues to progress within The
Village at Tustin Legacy Shopping Center. The new medical facility will include a
65,000 square foot hospital, with sixty-five (65) private patient rooms, a therapy gym,
on-site pharmacy services, and various rehabilitation rooms. Construction is
anticipated to be complete during 2021.
SchoolsFirst Credit Union at 15332 Newport Avenue: During 2019, the City
Council approved a new three (3) -story 180,000 square foot facility, including a 5,000
square foot branch building for SchoolsFirst Credit Union. Construction is now
complete on this project.
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Summary of Projects
November 16, 2021
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Graffiti: The chart below displays the number of graffiti incidents from the prior three (3)
calendar years, through the year-to-date. So far, this year's incident numbers seem to
be tracking those from 2020, which saw a higher volume of graffiti incidents compared
to 2018 and 2019.
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Number of Graffiti Incidents - City of Tustin
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Public Works Department Updates
Public Improvements
■ 2018
■ 2019
■ 2020
■ 2021
• City-wide Permit Parking Program Update: The City of Tustin is currently
conducting a residential parking evaluation that will focus on improving the overall
parking experience of residents and their guests and address potential adjustments
to the Preferential Permit Parking Program for residential streets. The City has created
a webpage and hired Dixon Resources Unlimited to provide guidance on the subject
matter. Two (2) of the three (3) public workshops were held virtually on July 7 and
September 9, 2021. The workshop on July 7 introduced Dixon and their role as well
as unveiled a survey that was open through the month of July in order to gather
feedback from citizens on their current parking situation. The second workshop on
September 9 presented highlights of the survey results. The final Community
Workshop on Residential Parking was held on October 28, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via
• Simon Ranch Reservoir, Booster Pump Station and Pipeline Replacement
Project: The Simon Ranch Reservoir is located in North Tustin at the intersection of
Valhalla Drive and Outlook Lane within the unincorporated territory of Orange County.
The project consists of the replacement of the existing buried, gunite lined, earthen
reservoir with a new pre -stressed concrete tank, including a new booster pump station
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Summary of Projects
November 16, 2021
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to be integrated within the site, and a pipeline to feed the new pump station and
reservoir. Zone 3 pipeline replacements with new hydrants were also included to
enhance fire protection. Construction began in March 2020 and is expected to be
complete by the end of February 2022, pending final SCE power installation and
approval to energize. The project is primarily funded with 2013 Water Bond Funds.
;s of Simon Ranch
• Newport Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project: The Newport Avenue
Pavement Rehabilitation Project between Sycamore Avenue and Holt Avenue includes
construction of a new asphalt rubber hot mix (ARHM) overlay, replacement of damaged
curb & gutter and sidewalks, and reconstruction of curb ramps, to be in compliance
with current federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Construction
is anticipated to begin in Fall 2021 and be completed in Winter 2022. The project is
funded with State of California Senate Bill 1 (SB1) Local Streets and Roads Program
• Red Hill Avenue Median Improvements Project: The Red Hill Avenue Median
Improvements Project will remove dead median turf along Red Hill Avenue between
Lance Drive and First Street and replace it with drought tolerant plant material and
water efficient irrigation systems. Also included in the project are lengthening of the
left turn pockets at Bryan Avenue, removal of existing substandard height median curbs
and replacement with full height curbs, and installation of median pavers and
decorative hardscape. Construction is anticipated to begin in Fall 2021 and be
completed in Winter 2022.
• Tustin Legacy Neighborhood -D South Infrastructure Improvements Project: In
preparation for the Brookfield Home residential development, public infrastructure work
has started in the area bounded by Armstrong Avenue, Warner Avenue, Legacy Road,
and Barranca Parkway. This work includes the extensions of public roads including
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Summary of Projects
November 16, 2021
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Flight Way and Compass Avenue with a new signalized intersection with Tustin Ranch
Road. The project construction is anticipated to be complete by the first quarter of 2022.
• FY 2020-2021 Roadway Rehabilitation and Sidewalk Repair Project: The annual
roadway rehabilitation and sidewalk repair project is located in Zone 2 of the City's
Pavement Management Program. Zone 2 is generally bounded by Irvine Boulevard to
the north, Newport Avenue to the east, OCTA/SCRRA Railway to the south and the
Costa Mesa Freeway (SR -55) to the west. The work includes street rehabilitation and
annual sidewalk repair work which also focuses on removal and replacement of
damaged sidewalk at numerous locations. The project was completed at the end of
Summer 2021.
• Joint City of Tustin and County of Orange Street Repair— Phase 1: In ajoint project
between the City of Tustin and the County of Orange, street and concrete repair work
was completed on streets where shared boundaries occurred. The jurisdictions
worked together to provide a cohesive repair project for the residents within the shared
boundary areas. Localized street and sidewalk repair work occurred on Wass Street,
Melvin Way, Woodland Drive, Irvine Bouvard, Red Hill Avenue, Bryan and Browning
Avenue. Construction for Phase I was completed in June 2021.
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Jorge Maldonado Justina L. Willkom
Assistant Planner Community Development Director
DocuSigned by:
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Douglas S. Stack, P.E.
Director of Public Works/City Engineer