HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeslie Cox (Community Choice) From: noreolvCabaran icusideas.com
To: Yasuda.Erica;Woodward.Carrie;City Clerk; E-Comments
Subject: New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City Council/Closed Session at 5:00 pm/Regular Meeting at 6:30 pm
Date: Tuesday,November 16,20216:27:24 AM
New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City
Council/ Closed Session at 5:00 pm/Regular
Meeting at 6:30 pm
Leslie Cox submitted a new eComment.
Meeting: Regular Meeting of the City Council/Closed Session at 5:00 pm/Regular Meeting at
6:30 pm
Item: PUBLIC INPUT—At this time, any member of the public may address the Council on
matters which are not on this evening's agenda, provided the matter is within the subject matter
jurisdiction of the City Council.
eComment: RE: Community Choice Energy Hello, Council Members, I am Leslie Cox, therapist,
small business owner and homeowner in Tustin Thank you for your support of clean energy in
Orange County. I support Community Choice Energy because: 1. 1 want competitive rates. 2. 1
want our city to work toward 100% carbon-free and renewable energy. 3. 1 want the revenues I
pay for electricity to come back to my community. BENEFITS OF CCE: 1. Local control 2. CCEs
have a proven record of offering more renewable energy than their utility counterparts. 3. The
program is revenue-based. NO NEW TAXES ARE USED! The money that normally goes to
utility investors, would come back to the city to the tune of millions of dollars per year for
additional energy programs. 4. CCEs are public entities that allow for more public participation.
5. CCEs have a proven record of offering energy at competitive rates. Southern CA Edison has
been dominant (only) source of electricity for 130 years. The cost for SCE is going up and up
and consumers have no choice in the market. There is NO FREE MARKET CHOICE with SCE.
Thank you. Leslie Cox, LCSW, EAC
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