HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 97-45 1 RESOLUTION NO. 97-45 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION 3 AS ADEQUATE FOR THE LEASE AND SUBLEASE OF BUILDING 29, MCAS TUSTIN, INCLUDING REQUIRED FINDINGS 4 PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. 5 The City Council of the City of Tustfn does hereby resolve as 6 follows: 7 I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: 8 A. The request to approve a Lease and Sublease for Building 29, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), 9 Tustin-is considered a "project" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act. 10 B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this 11 project and has been distributed for public review. 12 II. A Final Negative-Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA and state guidelines. The City 13 Council, having final approval authority over the Lease and Sublease of Building 29, MCAS Tustin, has received 14 and considered the information contained in the Negative Declaration, prior to approving the proposed project, and 15 found -that it adequately discussed the environmental effects of the proposed project. On .the basis of the 16 initial study and comments received during the public review process, the City Council has found that ~he 17 proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment. However, there will not be a significant 18 effect in this case because mitigation measures identified in the Negative Declaration and Initial Study 19 (Exhibit A) have been incorporated into the project which mitigate any potential significant environmental effects 20 to a point where clearly no significant effect would occur and are adopted as findings and conditions of City 21 Council Resolution No. 97-45. 22 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City 23 Council held on the 16 day of June, 1997. 24 2 5 , 26 ay~~orY/M. THOMAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3105 INITIAL STUDY A. BACKGROUND LEASE AND SUBLEASE OF FACILITIES AND PROPERTY FOR BUILDING 29 (BLIMP) Pro.~ectTitle: HANGAR), MARINE CORPS AiR STATION, TUSTIN Lead AgenCy: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Lead Agency Contact Person: DANA OGDON Phone: (714) 573-3116 Project Location: BUILDING 29 (BLIP HANGAR), MCAS TUSTIN, CALIFOkNIA Pr~ectSponso~'sNameand Address: CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAy TUSTIN, CA 92780 General Plan Designation: PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL, MILITARY Zoning Designation: PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL Project Description: THE PROJECT WOULD AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE OF BUILDING 29 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS AND CITY OF TUSTIN AND A SUBLEASE OF THE PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF TUSTIN FOR.PURPOSES WHICH ARE DESCRIBED WITHIN THE 'APPROVED REUSE PLAN FOR MCAS TUSTIN. Surrounding Uses: North MILITARY East MILITARY South MILITARY West MILITARY Other public agencies whose approval is required: [] Orange Count), Fire Authority [] City oflrvine [] Orange County Health Care Agency [] City of Santa Ana [] South Coas[ Air Quality Management [] Orange County EMA District- [] Other STATE OFFICE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION B. ENVIRONMENTAL IcAC'I'OI~S I'OTICNTIAI,I,y AItltECTEI) The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at !east one impact that is a "Potenti'ally Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. [] Land Use and Planning [] Hazards IZD Population and Housing [] Noise [] Geologica/Problems [] Public Services [] Water " []. Utilities and. Service Systems [] Air Quality "" [] Aesthetics [] Transportation &Circulation [] ' Cultural Resources [] Biological Resources [] Recreation [] Energy and 2Nfineral Resources [] Mandat6ry Findings of Sigriticance C. DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: [] I find that_ the proiDosed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the' envi;onment, and a NEGATIVE DECLAKA_TION will be prepared. ' [] I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effeci il this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheets have been added to the project. A. NEGAI'dVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ' [] I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the enviromment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ' [] [ find that the proposed project MAy have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at Ieast one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier docttment pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has' been addressed by mitigati/~n measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached she/s, if the. effect is a "Potentiall½ Significant Impact" or "Potentially SLtmificant ilnless Mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL 1MPACF REPORT is required, but it must anal)7_e only the effects that remain to be addresseck [] I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant .e. ffect in this' case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, 'and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that eh~ier EIR, .including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. [] I find that although the proposed project couId have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to. that earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed proj~'x:t. ~Z)~a,,,,~. ~ MAY 1, 1,997 Signature k.] Date DANA 0GDON SENIOR PLANNER Printed Name Title I). ICNVII~ONNIEN'I'AL INiI'ACTS: [3 Earlier analyses used: Potentially .%Tgni ficant. Available for re~ie~ at: City of Tustin Community l'otentiolly (h~less Development Departmenl SignScant Mitigation .Impact lncorporaled I. L~D USE & PLA~ING - Would the pm~sal: a) ~ict ~ gene~ p!~ d~g~on of~ng? ~ ~ b) ~i~ ~ appli~ble en~omen~ p~ or ~lid~ adopt~ by agenci~ ~ j~on ~er ~e proj~7 ~ ~ c) Be in~m~fible ~ e~ng l~d ~ in ~e ~7 ~ ~ d) ~ a~~.r~ or o~m~o~? ~ ~ e) D~mpt Or ~de ~e physi~ ~gement of ~ ~blishM ~~ (incl~ng a low-in~me or 2. POP~TION & ~OUS~G- WouM~epmposal:~ a) Cm~a~vely ex~ o~ci~ re~o~ or I~ ~p~a~on proj~o~7 ~ ~ b) Indu~ sub~ ~o~ in ~ ~ eider ~r~v or ' in~r~y (e.g., ~ough proj~ in u ~develo~ ~ or e-~e~ion of mjor i~~re)7 ~ ~ c) Displace e~g ho~in~, ~i~13' ~or~ble ho~g7 ~ ~ 3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEarS - ~uMthepm~salre~ltin or expose people to ~tenaal impac~ i~olVin~ a) Fa~t rupee9 b) 'Seis~c ~o~d s~g? O O c) Seis~c g0~d f~l~e, incluag tiquefa~on7 ~ ~ d) Seiche, ~, or vol~c ad7 e) ~dslides or mu~ox~7 ~ ~ O Erosio~ c~ges in to~p~, or ~ble ~il 0 ~ ~n~ao~ from ~x~o~ ~ng, or ~19 g) Subsidenceoflad7 ' ~ ~ h) Exp~ive soil9 ~ ~ i) u~que g~logic or physi~ f~mres7 a ~ 4. WATER - ltbuld the proposal re~It in: a) Changes in abso~tion rates, drai~ge patter, or the rate and amount ofsuffa~ mno~~~ b) Exposure of ~ople or pro~ay to water related ha~rds such as floodino9 c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface x~ter quality (e.g., !em~ralurc. dissolved oxTgen or turbidtry)7 d) Changes in the amountof surface ~atcr in any water U ~ ~ body7 e) Changcs in currents, or the course or direction of water .~)'3:ni~cant l~otcntiallfi Unless Le.sw than · S~n~cant A'titigation SignWcant tinpact h~corporated Dripact O Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additio~ or'x~dmx~als, or ~ough inter~pdon of ~ aq~er by ~ or ex~do~ or ~ough sub~n~ loss of gro~dmter r~e ~bili~? ~ ~ ~ g) ~ter~ ~r&~on or ~te of flow of~ound~ter7 ~ ~ ~ h) Impa~ to ground~t~ q~i~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ i) Sub~ r~u~on in ~e mo~t of~round~ter o~e~ a~lable for public ~ter ~ppli~? ~ ~ ~ 5. ~ QU~ITY - WouMthepm~sal: .. a) ~olate ~y ~r q~ ~d 0r ~n~bute to ~ e~g or proj~ ~r q~i~ ~ola~on7 ' ~ " ~ ~ b) E~ ~i~ve r~tom to ~um~7 ~ ~ ~ c) ~ter ~ movement. mo~e, or tem~e, or ~e ~y clge ~ elirote7 ~ ~ ~ ~ d) Cr~te ~j~onable ~on7 ~ ~ ~ 6. T~SPO RTATIO N & C~CULAT[ON - [{~uldth~ proposal re~It in: a) [ncr~M ve~cle ~ps or ~c ~nge~on7 ~ ~ ~ b) ~7~r~ to ~e~, from d~ f~ (e.g;, s~ ~es or ~gero~ inte~o~) or in~mpa~ble ~ (e.g., f~ ~pmen07 . ~ ~ ~ . c) [~d~e emergen~ a~s or a~s to n~y ~7 ~ ~ ~ d) /~cient p~g ~, o~te or offsite9 ~ ~ e) ' ' U ~7~r~ or b~em for ~~ or biq,cli~7 ' U ~ D O ~ic~ x~ adoptM ~lici~ ~p~g ~te~ve ~~on (e.g. b~ ~ou~, bi~,cle ~c~)7 ~ ~ ~ g) ~1, waterroe or ~ ~c impa~7 U ~ ~ 7. BIOLOG[C~ ~SO~RCES - WouMthepmposalre~lt in impac~ to: · a) En~ger~ ~ten~ or rare ~i~ or fieir hbimu (inclu~ng but not li~tM to plan~, risk i~, animals. and bird7 U D ~ b) Lo~lly designated s~i~ (e.'g., heritage trees)7 ~ ~ ~ c) ~113' designated natural communities (e.g., oak forest, coastal habitat, et~.)? ~ ~ ~ . d) Wetland habitat (e.g., mars~ ~pa~an, and vernal p~l)? U ~ ~ e) Wildlife. disper~l or migration condors? ~ ~ ~ 8. ENERGY & M[NE~&L RESOURCES - lt~uldthe p~oposal: a) Conflict with adopt~ energy con~n,ation plans7 ~ ~ ~ b) Use nonrcncwhblc r~ources in a ~steful and inefficient manner9 c) Result in the loss of ax~ilability ofa knox~t mineral resource that would ~ of future vahe to the region7 ~ ~ ~ 4 . l~o~c,n~ially Unlc,.~:v Le.~:v ~han · Yigni~cant A4iligalion SignScan{ hnpac{ h~corporated hnpact No Impact IIA~S - I~ouM the proposal involve: a) A risk ofa~iden~ ~lo~on or reI~ of~do~ ~b~ (inclu~g, but not li~t~ to, oil, che~s, or mffia~on)? .. b) Po~ible intefferen~ ~ emergen~ r~ pI~ or c) ~e ~6on of ~y h~ ~d or~ten~ h~ ~d? d) E~e of ~ple to e~g m~ of ~ten~fl h~ e) Incr~ ~e ~d in ~ ~mble ~s, or ~? I0. NO ~ E - Would t~e ~mposal re~lt in: a) rncr~ ~ e~g no~ l~els? b) E~e of ~ple to ~ere no~e l~els? i1. PUBLIC S ER~CES - I(~uM the pm~sal h~e an effict upon, or ~lt in a need for n~ or alte~d govemment seaices in any of the fillowing ~e~: a) Fire prot~on? b) Poli~ prot~on?. c) Sch ? ':-:." d) ~nte~ of public h~i~, inclu~ng r~? ~) O~er gove~ent ~? 12. U~S & SER~CE SYSTEMS - WouMthe pm~sal re~lt in a need for n~, ~ste~ or ~pgHe& or ~bstanHal alterations to the following uHHties: 0 O b) Co~do~ ~'~e~? c) ~ or re~on~ x~ter ~ent or ~s~budon d) Sewer or septic m~? e) Store u~ter d~inage? O Solid waste dis~l? g) ~1 or regional water supplies? 13.' A ESTH ET~CS - H~uld the proposal: a) ~cct a scenic vista or s~nic high~y? b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? c) Cream light or glare? Potentially Si~;nificont l'ol~"ntially Unless- Les, v than ,S~ni~cant Mitigation Significant _ hnpact hTcorporaled Impact No hnpact 14. CULTIJR.t~kL RESOURCES - 14/ouldthe proposal: a) Disturb PaleontologicaI_resources? [] CD [] [] b) Disturb archaeological resources? [] [] [] [] c) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic .cultural values? [] [] [] [] d) Ristrict eisting religions or sacred nsci within the potential impact area? [] [] [] [] I5, RECREATION - g/ouMthe proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? [] [] [] [] b) Affect existing recreational oppommities? [] 123 [] . [] 16. MANDATORy FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining, levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangdred plant or animal.or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? [] [] [] [] b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of I0ng-term, environmental goals? [] [] E] [] C) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but curnulatively considerable? CCumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects). [] [] [] IX] d) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effect. on human kings, either directly or indirectly? [] [] [53 [] E. EVALUATION, OF ENVIRON/VIENTAL IMPACTS Please refer to Attachment A for an evaluation of the environmental impacts identified in Section D above. INITSTUD.pM5 370-2A 6 ATTACHMENT A EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 1. LEASE OF FACILITIES AND PROPERTY FOR BUILDING 29 (BLIMP HANGAR), MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, TUSTIN BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (GOVERNMENT). 2. SUBLEASE OF THE PROPERTY AND FACILITIES BY THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO VARIOUS PARTIES. SUMMARY Early leasing of property at a Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) installation to a Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) is permitted by federal law, will spur rapid economic recovery and job creation, and can reduce the Military Department's caretaker costs before the ultimate disposal of the installation property. The United States Marine Corps has now vacated Building 29 (Blimp Hangar) at MCAS Tustin and they are permitted to lease these facilities to the LRA. An interim lease (Prime Lease) has been prepared for execution between the City of Tustin and the federal government (Government) which would permit use of the property and facilities for filming, filming production, storage and office space; and the City of Tustin intends to sublease the premises leased from the Government' to various parties for purposes which are described in the Prime Lease and authorized by theReuse Plan for MCAS Tustin. The Mirine Corps has prepared federal environmental documents required under the National Environmental Policy ACt (NEPA) to support a lease of the facilities and property..However, it has been determined that the execution of a lease is also defined as a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15378(a)(3). Pursuant to CEQA, an Initial Study has been prepared which shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore a Negative Declaration has subsequently been prepared and will be considered and adopted prior to City of Tustin City Council action on this item. The Following information is prepared to summarize the justification for finding that there was no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. BACKGROUND MCAS Tustin is approximately 1600 acres in size, is located in south Tustin and is bordered by the cities of Santa Ana to the west and Irvine to the south and east. The project site encompasses a 298,200 square foot Lighter-than-Air Blimp Hangar and accessory buildings and facilities located within a south- central portion of the MCAS, Tustin. The blimp hangar site has historically been used by the military since the construction of the building in 1942. Since 1952, the blimp hangar site has been utilized as a aircrat~ hangar supporting Marine helicopter squadrons assigned to MCAS Tustin. The building was vacated by the Marines approximately one year ago when squadrons assigned to the hangar migrated away from the installation in compliance with the BRAG determination to close MCAS Tustin by July 1999. Early leasing of property at a Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAG) installation to a Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) is permitted by federal law, will spur rapid economic recovery and job creation, and can reduce the Military Department's caretaker costs before the ultimate disposal of Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 2 the installation property. The "proposed project" evaluated below is the lease of facilities and property for Building 29 between the federal government and the City of Tustin and the sublease of the facilities and proper~y by the City 0f Tustin to various parties. Neither the military nor the City of .Tustin has made or intends to make a commitment to any future use or conveyance of title to the property to any party upon the property's disposal. 1. LAND USE & PLANNING Items a through e - "No Impact": The subject property will 'continue tO be owned and maintained by the Marine Corps. In compliance with existing BRAC law, the community may work cooperatively to' lease surplus buildings and facilities for interim (temporary) uses to generate revenue to offset operations and maintenance costs associated with the upkeep of those buildings. The City's intent is to sublease the buildings and facilities associated with Building 29 for on a short term basis until closure or until the property can be disposed of by the military. Pursuant to BRAC law, uses permitted for interim lease must be approved by the Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) designated by the Department of Defense (DoD). As prescribed by federal law and Department of Defense policy, future use of the property will be consistent with the approved Reuse Plan for MCAS Tustin. Because the property is held in ownership by the federal government, and the lease and sublease of the property for interim uses must be approved by the military, all land uses occurring at the site as a result of this lease or sublease would continue to be related to the overall military use of the property. Consequently, the use of the property would still be considered consistent with the existing General Plan and Zoning designated for the property (Public/Institutional, Military). In addition, the proposed project would not be in conflict with applicable environmental plans or' policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project; neither would it be incompatible with existing land uses in the Vicinity; nor would it affect agricultural resources or operations; nor would the project disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community. Sources: MCAS Tustin Master Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan, October 1996 Field observations Department of Defense Base Reuse Implementation Manual MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None required. Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental hnpacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 3 2. POPULATION & HOUSING Items a through c - "No Impact": The proposed project is on a site developed as a military installation. The proposed lease and Sublease would not result in any direct increase in population in that no additional dwelling units would be created. This small scale project would be designed to meet the needs of military to generate revenue to offset operations and maintenance costs associated with a closing military installation. Because of the short-term nature of the project, it is anticipated that the project would not induce substantial growth in the area either directly or indirectly; nor would it cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections; nor would it displace existing housing, especially affordable housing. Sources: MCAS Tustin Master Plan MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan; October 1996 Field observations Department of Defense Base Reuse Implementation Manual City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. '3. GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS- Items a through i - "No Impact": The subject site is developed with a blimp hangar which will remain on the existing site. The site is relatively. flat and has previously been graded by the military. It is not anticipated that any grading activities would occur as a result of this project. Permanent, new structures would not be permitted without additional environmental . consideration and mitigation as required. The proposed would not result in nor expose people to potential impacts involving fault rupture, seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, including liquefaction; seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard; landslides or mudflows; erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading, or fill; subsidence of land; expansive soils, or unique geologic or physical features. Sources: Field Observations City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Master Plan MCAS TuStin Reuse PlanjSpecific Plan, October 1996 MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 4 4. WATER Items a through i - "No Impact": The subject site was previously graded and developed as a military air station and is not located near any standing or moving bodies of water. As a result, the amount Of surface water and direction of water movement will not change. In addition, the surface areas of'the project will continue to drain into the base's existing storm drain system and will not substantially contribute to the drainage' flow. The proposed project. would not result in changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff; exposure of people or property to water' related hazards such as flooding; discharge into surface waters or other alteration of Surface water quality; changes in the amount of surface. water in any water body; or changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements; change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability; alter direction or rate of flow of groundwater; impacts to groundwater quality; or result in a. substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies. Source: Field .Observations City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Master Plan MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan, October 1996 MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 5. AIR QUALITY Items a, c and d - "No Impacts": The proposed project is a lease and sublease for interim (temporary) use of a blimli hangar. at closing MCAS Tustin. The project would not result in a violation of any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation. Neither would it alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate. Item b - "Less than Significant Impact": The proposed project permits the sublease of the property for use in support of the making of motion pictures. Consequently, it is possible that the production of movies and television films could .result in the use of pyrotechnics which would result in the creation of smoke or vapors which could be considered as "objectionable odors." All such activities, if they occur, would 'be monitored and regulated through permits required by the Marine Corps, Orange County Fire Authority and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Conditions of approval will be required for any project Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page. 5 requiring construction activities described above so as to minimize construction activity dust generated as part Of this project. Sourues: Field Observations City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Master Plan MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan, October 1996 MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitorin.~ Required: 1. Obtain prior SCAQMD approval for any activity which could result in objectionable odors. 2. Obtain O.C. Fire Authority approval prior to igniting any materials at the leased site. 6. TRANSPORTATION & CIRCULATION Items a through g - "No Impact": The proposed project would occur at a fully operational Air Station. However, Marine .Corps activities at the base have dramatically been reduced as helicopter squadrons and troops have begun migrating off-base. At the time of the original announcement of closure in 1991, the base supported approximately 4,000 ~ervicemen and over 300 civilian employees. Since that time, approximately 9 squadrons of the original 12 have relocated off-base. The Blimp Hangar is now vacant. Interim use of the buildings and facilities would not cause an increase in vehicle trips or traffic congestion above that experienced when the base had a full complement of Marines. There will continue to be adequate emergency access and parking on-site. There will be no rail, waterbome or air traffic impacts caused by the proposed project. In addition, the proposed project would' not result in hazards to safety from design features or incompatible uses; insufficient parking capacity onsite or offsite; hazards or pedestrians or bicyclists; conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation. Sources: Field Observations City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Master Plan MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan, October 1996 MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Miti~:ation/Monitorin~; Required: None Required. Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 6 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Items i through e -"No Impact": The lease sit~ is located within an urban area and ~s developed with a Marine Corps (helicopter) Air Station. The lease site is fully developed with a blimp hangar and is not a habitat for any endangered, rare or threatened species of plant or animal life. There would be-no 'negative impa~:t on any wildlife dispersal or migration Corridors; wetland. habitat; nor locally designated natural communities or locall~> designated species (e.g., heritage trees)~ The proposed project would not likely introduce landscaping nor modify previously unaltered or ungraded areas of the site. Source: Field. Observations Proposed Site Plan . City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report MitigatioMVlonitorin~ Required: None Required. 8. ENERGY & MINERAL'RESOURCES Items a through c - "No Impact": The 'proposed project will not conflict with any adopted energy conservation plans; use nonrenewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner; nor will it result in the loss of availability of known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region. Sources: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 9. HAZARDS Items a through e - "No Impact": The proposed interim use of the blimp hangar would not create conditions that' negatively affect human health. All toxic contamination caused by the use of the building as a helicopter hangar will be cleaned from the structure prior to occupancy. While there will continue to be a plume of contaminants contained within the groundwater below the blimp hangar site, none of those contaminants can directly effect occupants of the site unless excavation' of soil were to occur which would expose persons to the contaminated groundwater. Since the lease and sublease does not allow such activities to occur, the proposed project would not involve a release of significant hazardous substances or a risk of accidental Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 7 e. xplosion; interfere with any emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan, create any health hazard or potential health liazard, expose people to existing sources of potential health hazards, or increase the fire hazard in areas with flammable brush, grass or trees. Sources: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 10. NOISE Items a through b - "No Impact": The proposed project replaces Marine helicopter operations with interim uses such as motion picture production. and would not generate increases in existing noise levels experienced at the base when in full operation by the Marine Corps. In addition, because the noise generated by Marine helicopters continues to occur outside of and away from the blimp hangar, it is expected that distance and the blimp's building materials will continue to prevent exposing people to severe noise levels. No activity associated with the project will expose people to severe noise levels Sources: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 11. PUBLIC SERVICES Items a through d - "No 'Impact": It is not expected that the proposed project would create significant demands for additional fire' or police protection, nor increased service requirements on schools, or maintenance of public facilities as long as services are continued to be provided by the military. Costs for such services will be paid for by the tenant of the' sublease. Because the sublease replaces a previous Marine occupancy of the blimp hangar site, the demand for public services generated by the tenant would be less than that required by the military during their previous tenancy at the site. Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 8 Item e - "Less than Significant Impact": The execution of a lease between the government, the City and a sub-lessee could require staff support by City staff. All direct and indirect costs associated with the provision of this support would be offset directly by rent collected as stipulated within the rent provisions of the lease. Sources: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 12. UTILITIES & SERVICE SYSTEMS Items a through g - "No impact": The project site is located within an existing blimp hangar 'and has been previously served with all necessary utilities including power, natural gas, telecommunications, sanitary sewer, storm drain, solid waste, and' water which may-be required for the project. The proposed project would not require the need for additional utilities to serve the site. However, the sublease and lease ageements require the tenant to 'install utility metering devices prior to occupancy so that actual costs associated with the interim use of the blimp hangar can be accurately identified and offset. In addition, the proposed project would not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to utilities such as power or natural gas; communications systems; local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities; sewer or septic tanks; storm water drainage; solid waste disposal; and local or regional water supplies. Sources: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR · MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 13. AESTHETICS Items a through b - "No Impact": The proposed project is not located on a scenic highway nor will it affect a scenic vista. Other than parking and some general staging activities (preparation), it is anticipated that nearly all activities associated with the proposed project will occur inside of the blimp hangar. The blimp hangar will continue to be highly visible from any of their existing public vantage points. Consequently, the proposed project would not have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect. Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 9 Item c - "Less than Significant Impact": Historically, the Marine Corps has utilized the blimp hangar at night and therefore has used the building's existing lighting system to illuminate these activities. The execution of a lease could result in some additional lighting of outside parking and staging areas or within the hangar itself. Because of the Significant distance between the blimp hangar and other uses (both .military and civilian), the possible creation of additional light and glare would be a less than significant impact. Sources: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES Items a. b and d - "No Impact": The proposed project utilizes an existing blimp hangar. Consequently, the grounds surrounding the site have previously been disturbed since the time of its original construction in 1942. Also, it is anticipated that all lease activities will be to utilize the building and grounds in an :'as-is" i:ondition and construction of permanent structures will not be permitted. The State Office of Historic Preservation has determined that no paleontological or archaeological resoumes exist at MCAS Tustin. Consequently, the proposal will not disturb paleontological or archaeological resources. In addition, because no religious or sacred uses currently exist within the potenti/~l impact area, no restriction on these activities would be incurred through the implementation of the proposed project. Item c - "Less than Significant Impact": The blimp hangar structure itself is currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places. As such, activities which occur within the structure must currently be reviewed and approved by the State Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) through a Section 106 (National Preservation Act) consultation process only. Because the proposed project clearly poses no significant impact to the resource, formal processing of the Section 106 process is not required. The subject pr6perty is not located within the City's Cultural Resources Overlay District. The OHP has been consulted by the Marine Corps and is expected to concur that with the Marine Corps NEPA determination that no significant environmental impact would occur as a result .of the proposed project. Source: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report National Preservation Act (Section 106) Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. Attachment A - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Lease and Sublease of Facilities and Property for Building 29, MCAS Tustin Page 10 15. RECREATION Items a and b - "No Impact": Since this project is an interim use of an existing blimp hangar, the requirement for nearby neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities' would not increase above that demand caused by the base when it was fully complimented. In addition, the proposed project will not affect existing recreational opportunities in the - community. Sources: Field Observations Proposed Site Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Items-a through d "No Impact": The project does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. In addition, the proposed project does not have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals. Also, the proposed project does not have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable. Neither does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. Source: MCAS Tustin Master Plan City of Tustin General Plan/General' Plan EIR MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan, October 1996 Field observations Department of Defense Base Reuse Implementation Manual MCAS Tustin Environmental Setting Report Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required. DOAmcasleas.cnv City of Tustin RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF TUSTIN ) RESOLUTION NO. 97-45 Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of June, 1997, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Thomas, Saltarelli, Doyle, Potts, Worley COUNCILMEMBER NOES: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: None PameT~ Sto~r, ~j~y-~lerk