HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 85-07610 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 the C~ty Follows' I · RESOLUTION NO. 85-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) 85-1, AND AMENDMENTS, AS A FINAL EIR. Council the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as The City Council finds and determines as follows' Ae That an Environmental Impac% Report would be required due to potential effects identified in an initial questionnaire done for the proposed amendment to %he South/Central Redevelopment Area. B · That a Draft Environmental Impact project has been prepared by 'Phillips city of Tustin. Report for the proposed Brandt Reddick, for the C · That distribution of the Draft EIR was made to and private agencies with a solicitation evaluation. i nteres ted publ i c of comments and That a public hearing was duly called, noticed Draft EIR. and held on the E® That incorporated within the Draft EIR are public, commissions, staff and other agencies° comments of the F · That the Draft EIR and amendments were prepared in with the California Environmental Quality Act, State and the policies of the city of Tustin. comp 1 i ance gui de 1 i nes G · That the subject Draft EIR has been represent their independent evaluations reviewed by staff, and and analysis. He That the Draft EIR and amendments have been reviewed and considered, and that mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project that eliminate or substantially lessened the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in Draft EIR and amendments; and it is determined that any remaining significant effects on the environment found to be unavoidable are hereby found to be acceptable by the inclusion of a statement of overriding considerations. This statement and all environmental effects and mitigating measures are listed in the attached document, Exhibit I"A" Mi tigation measures are specified as conditions contained 'in this resolution. I0 11 14 16 I? 18 19 20 Resolution No. 85-76 Pa ge Two II. The City Council of the city of Tustin does hereby Certify that the Draft EIR and amendments are a final EIR 85-1 for the amendment to the South/Central Redevelopment Area and that EIR 85-1 is adequate and complete in compliance with the California Environmental Qual i ty Act. PASSED AND held on the ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City 15 th day of July , 1985. Counci 1 FRANK H~ GREINKE ....... Mayor MARY WYN~ ,~ - City Cle EXHI BIT A Environmental Impact Findings As Required by. CEQA and the City of Tustin South/Central Redevelopment Project Amendment EIR 85-1 July 9, 1985 Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and in accordance with the City of Tustin guidelines, as amended, this document presents the findings and a brief explanation of the rationale for' each finding required for approval of the proposed project. EIR 85-1 evaluates the potential environmental impacts of adding 138 acres to the South/Central Redevelopment Project Area. Future potential projects within the amendment area are referred to as subsequent projects in the findings and other potential projects near the area are referred to as related projects in the findings. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby find that '~hanges Or al"'l~eratio'n~ 'hav'e bee6' requi'Fed 'in'~ 'or" incorpora~'~d into, th~' project wh'iCh aVOid'~or S~ub'st'ant~a'llj~'mitigate ~he si'gn"i- ficant adverse imPa~t~"identified ~n'the fi'n'al"'EIR"aS"spe~'~fiCally i~emi zed"bel 0 W mmj m m m ............. iA, Transp.or.t.a.tig. n/C. ircu.lat..i.on ImPacts® Future land use scenarios for related projects within the amendment area may generate traffic volumes of 21,520-55,150 VPD at buildout, which contributes to increased volumes on area arterials. Findings. The City of Tustin proposes to implement future rela- ted circulation improvements, described in the city transportation improvement program. Related circula- tion improvements proposed within the amendment area include improvement to Del Amo and/or construction of a new secondary arterial parallel to Del Arno. Other related improvements proposed include the widening of Red Hill Avenue and Edinger Street to full six-lane facilities near the amended area. These are related projects separate from the action of inclusion of the amendment site in the redevelopment project area. The extension of Newport Avenue to a grade-separation alternative and Valencia on/off ramp are potential which will al so improve area traffic Edinger Street via construction of a subsequent projects circulation. B. Air Duality Impacts' Short-term temporary impacts to struction will occur and an emi ssions will further degrade the amended area. air quality increase in local air during con- 1 ong-term qual i ty in ~ ~ m ,m mm':m ( m mm ~ ~ ~ m .' ' m m mmmm m. .. · ! · ,i .i Exhi bi t A Resolution No. G5-76 Page 2 · Findings' Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust Emis- sions) will assist in mi ti gating short-term construc- tion impacts. The long-term generation of air pollu- tants represents less than one percent of Source Recep- tor Area 17 emissions and is considered insignificant. However, future related development will comply with all SCAQMD rules and regulations. C. Acoustics . _ Impacts- Noise increases from the Avenue (depending upon the significant. future extension of Newport proposed alignment) may be Findings' Newport Avenue is a potential subsequent project and noise impacts cannot be precisely determined until further engineering studies and acoustical studies are completed. Acoustical analysis was completed for the alignments proposed for Newport 'Avenue Extension DEIR (Larry Seeman, 1973). Barriers~,and sound attenuation are potential mitigation measures. D. Land Use/Releva_n_t l.Planning Impacts- The selection of an subsequent project) resi dent i al and/or Edinger Street. alignment of Newport extension (a may result in. displacements of industrial land uses north of Findings. The extension of Newport Avenue is not required to implement the proposed project {i.e.. inclusion of amendment area within the South/Central Redevelopment Area); however, should specific alignments for Newport extension be proposed, and relocations or displace- ments occur, the redlevelopment agency will prepare a relocation plan to mi ti gate such effects. E. Hydrology Impacts' Increased surface runoff from the site will development. occur with Findings' All future development and circulation improvements for the site shall comply with city design standards for drainage improvements. ~T_he City Council of the city of, Tustin fur.the,.r finds that alt.hpugh _changes, 'a'ltera. t_.!"~ons~,-~ or' conditions have been inc6.rpo6ated into the proj~'t Which will Substantially 'm~l~'~'~ate 6r avoid s~gni-l~i'~ant 'e'ffec-t'S 'identif'i'~d in "the final, EI.R.~-'~¢~l~ai~i"~f the s'ignificant 'effe'c~' Ca?not be mi~i~)a£~d ' to ful 1~ . accep, t..a]6')e' "l'evel s. The remaining ~mpact~':i'dentified '1~1'6w _may continue to be of si~§.~"ifi'- cant adverse ~mp.a.C,~'~'~-.v~en when'all known 'feasible'-and identified mitigation measures ar.e..a_ppl~ed.' .............. Exhi bi t A Resol ut i on No. 8 5- ? 6 Page 3 · Ao Project implementation will result in the termination of on$ite agricultural production and the loss of 36 acres of "Farmland of Statewide Importance" as identified by the California State Department of Conservation. Findings. In and of itself, the loss of 36 acres of agricultural land is not significant. The cumulative impact of incremental losses of agricultural land throughout the county is considered significant. Be Future related development projects within the amended area may generate 21.520-55.000 VPD. based on the land use scen- arios evaluated. Traffic from the amended area may contribute toward increased traffic levels on Red Hill Avenue. Edinger Street. Newport Avenue {if the extension is constructed) and at the SR-55 and I-5 ramps. The cumulative traffic impacts {local and regional} upon these arterials is significant. Findings' Construction of related internal circulation improve- ments will provide substantial mitigation of project- related traffic impacts and implementation of the city's transportation improvements through subsequent improvements will provide substantial mitigation to Edinger Street and Red Hill Avenues. However. both streets are likely to remain congested, are impacted by regional through traffic, and subsequent improve- ments only partially mitigate the expected cumulative traffic impacts. Other proposed subsequent improvements to the SR-55 and I-5 freeways may also result in further mitigation of traffic impacts in the area. The Cit~y. Council of the city of Tustin does hereby find that cer- tain change~" or al~erai[ions ..{eg., mi ~.,i gat.! on measures)' required in or 'i~n'c.or. Porated i..nt6 _t,.h,.e '~6oje.c.t are Withih '{'h6' res~D.9.6.si'bil ii:j/' and jurisdiction 'Of a public agency ot'}ier than the CitY of Tustin and can.~ o,r 'sfl.ofi. l.d... ,be adopted......bY the reS, pect.!~v~ ag..e, ncy.,~s i ten~iz.e'~ below- A~ California Regional Water Quality Control Board: If dewater- lng is necessary during future development and the discharge of the wastewater to receiving waters is proposed, a NPDES permit (Waste Discharge Requirements) must be obtained from the Board. The .Ci~ty Council of the city of Tustin hasI weighed the benefits of the Proposed_ProjeCl~" agai'nst-i'l~s ~-~i'~V~iO'abl'e-env'ironmental risks in de,terminin9 whether to approve ~d' 'Th.e..Cit~y counci ~' ,. iii.' ~, ',..~'.I~iii. iI. ( , '= .. ~m m' m' mm m m ~ mm] ~ 'm '~ m m~ m 'mm m ,m m ' m ]m m, ~ ~ mm '~mm j '.m , m . m mm m ~ ~ m~ ~ ...... ' ...... ~ ~m~] m~m .m' ~ ~m''.~m ~m~ m m~ m'mm '~ '~ mmm ~m ~ m m~m : ,~ m · , :mm m m ,m'm:'mm. , mm m .... m m m m{ mm m .. ~III · , ~ m ~ ~, .... m .m m m/mm ~mm '" .... mm mm~m ;m mi m ~ m m'm .... m 'm ' m m _ _ Mm ' m m - m . Exhibit A Resolution No. 85-76 Page 4 does hereby further fi nd,. dete?mine, and state,, pursuant to the provision~ of Secti'on~I5093 of the state CEqA G'uidelines, that 'the occurren~'e -of ti~e'Certai h "~i"g.~'i...f.i~a'nt" en'vi ronmental ..... ~ffe~i~s-"i den~il.- f'ie'd i'h t'ke' f~'~a'l Ei'~' and set forth'-i'n"' paragr.aPh-2-abbve,l_.have been ,e~al u.at~a' ,a9,~i~',hst ' tlYe."'fol ~'O'~i n.9' ov.e'6'rid i.n.g cons i d~erati ons'. A. The project wil'l result in the following substantial economic, social, and environmental benefits to the city of Tustin and surrounding areas' 1) Inclusion of the amendment area in the redevelopment pro- ject area w.ill aid in elimination of a blighted area which is currently underutilized. 2) The extension of public improvements into the amendment area will enable the area to.develop or redevelop. 3) The amended area is contiguous to the existing redevelop- ment area and the project represents a logical extension of the project area to contiguous properties. 4) As illustrated by Scenario 3, future projects may yield a positive annual fiscal surplus to the city's general fund. 5) The proposed amendment will eventually facilitate the pro- vision of needed improvements (through related and subse- quent projects) to the local circulation system to lhandle regional traffic. B · The following economic and social considerations make the project alternatives identified in the final EIR infeasible. 1) The "no-project" alternative (not adding the project area to the redevelopment area} is rejected because it fails to meet the objectives set forth for the project; particular- ly the objectives of facilitating development in a 'blighted area and providing related infrastructure improve- ments within the project area. 2) Land use development scenarios, created for analysis of comparative potential impacts, are not the project, as defined by CEQA, and are not specific proposals. None of the scenarios are rejected, on the basis of the environ- mental analysis. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) § CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 85-76 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted.at a regular meeting of'the City Council held on the 15~h day of ~l~ly, 1985, by the following vote: AYES · COUNCILPERSONS' Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES · COUNCILPERSONS' None ABSENT' COUNC ILPERSONS' None ~.~ _ ~Z.. ~ ~ .~_._ ..... MARY E. WY~N, City ~lerk City of Tu~-tin, Calffornia