HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 85-06810 11 12 12 16 17 18 2O 27. RESOLUTION NO. 85-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12345 The City Council of the city of Tustin does hereby resolve' I · 'The City Council finds and determines as follows' A® That Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 · was submitted to the City Council by Monica Florian on behalf of The Irvine Company for the purpose of creating a 27 lot (8 numbered, and 19 lettered) subdivision from a portion of lots 21, 22, 27, 28 of Block 44 of Irvine's subdivision as shown filed in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, California. Be That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said map. C · That an Environmental Impact Report has been conformance wi th the requirements of the Environmental Quality Act for the subject project, certified by the adoption of Resolution No. 2223. prepared in California and has been De The proposed subdivision is in conformance ordinances, policies and standards of the evidenced by the fol 1 owing fi ndings' with applicable city of Tustin, 1. That the proposed map is 'consistent with the Tustin Area General Plan. 2~ That a Development Plan wi th Planned Community Zoning regulations has been adopted for this project, and this map is in conformance with the Plan and regulations. · That the site is physically suitable for the type of development. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. · That an ordinance requiring parks i$ in conformance With Tustin Area General Plan. the dedication of land for the Recreation Element of the E · That pursuant to state law, Tustin Unified School District was forwarded Tentative Tract No. 12345 to seek the District's determination of school facility need based upon projected student popul ati on.- o 10 11 12 18 2O Resolution No. pa ge two 8-5-68 F® G® H · I ® J · The Tustin Unified School District requests conditioning of Tentative Tract No. 12345 causing the subdivider to provide said district with both interim classroom-facilities for the Tustin High School campus and payment of fees to refurbish the Utt Intermediate School prior to recordation of a final map or creation of a building parcel. That Tract No. 12345 may create conditions of overcrowding within the Tustin Unified School District attendance area, but such finding by the District Board of Trustees has not been "supported by clear and convincing evidence" in the District's Resolution No. 01-02-85 pursuant to Government Code Section 65971. Should documented evidence be submitted by the District supporting their fi ndings i n Resol uti on No. 01-02-85, specifically attributable to Tract No. 12345, the developer shall be responsible for mitigating overcrowding conditions by providing interim classrooms and related facilities pursuant to Government Code Section 65974 at such time development occurs. Until such time, the Tustin Unified School District should continue to examine available options as granted by state law and outlined in Final EIR 84-3. The applicant/developer {The Irvine Company) shall assist and work wi th the School District in evaluating these options, and submit a report to the Planning Commission within 30 days of approval of this tentative tract outl i ni ng leas i bl e mi ti ga ti on measures for documented overcrowding within the Tustin Unified School District attendance area. That under the School Facilities law, 65970 et. seq. developer fees are conditions of immediate overcrowding after all other reasonable methods of overcrowding have been evaluated and District which has not yet been done. Government Code Section limited to mi ti ga ting and can only be imposed mi ti gating condi ti ons of found infeasible by the That under the School Facilities law, residential projects can only be conditioned upon the payment of a specific fee amount reasonably related and limited to the need for schools caused by the project, and fees collected can only be used for temporary facilities {maximum of five years} whereas the District's request is not so limited. That approval and recordation of Tract No. 12345 is not the final discretionary approval for this project. Additional maps will be required prior to construction of single family detached and attached homes, and as a result adequate opportunities exist for the district to explore all reasonable methods and funding sources for mitigating the impacts of this project on the Di stri ct school system. 10 12 14 15 17 ]8 19 2O Resolution No. 85-68 page three II. The City Council hereby approves Tentative Tract Map subject to conditions outl i ned in Exhibit ,"A" and made a Resolution. No. 12345, part of this PASSED AND 15th day ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City of July 15, 1985. Council on the Attest' FRANK H. GR~INKE, ...... Mayor Mary '"E.--)~r~'n, ~ City Cle~J~ EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12345 Approval of Tentative Tract Map conditions. These conditions shall if not otherwise determined b~ C it7 No. 12345 is subject to the following be satisfied prior to final map recordation staff to be satisfied after map recordation' · Provision for landscape maintenance and ownership of Lots A through S, with the exception of Lot G, H, and 8, which will be maintained by the city, to be the responsibil i ty of the adjoi ni ng homeowners' associati OhS, if not included within a lighting/landscape maintenance district. The city shall be responsible for Lots G, H. and 8 only until the Browning Avenue overpass proposal is fi nali zed. ® Landscape maintenance responsibility for those areas within the public right-of-way between the curb and meandering sidewalks shall not become the responsibility of the' City, except Lots G and H. These areas shall be included within the maintenance of adjoining lots A through S, excepting Lots G and H, shall be for ultimate maintenance by a homeowners' association or lighting/landscape maintenance district. The city shall be responsible for Lots G and H only until the Browning Avenue overpass is finalized. 3~ Control data shall be tract boulndar7 with improvements' established to adequately delineate the southerly respect to right-of-way needs for the following Santa Ana freeway, widening. Jamboree Road interchange. Collector distributor roads connection. for future Eastern Corridor/I-5 The typical section (G-G) on the map indicates a distance of 230 + feet from freeway centerline to tract boundary. The scaled distances ~n the plan view section of the map reflects a range of 175 + ft. to 215 + ft. The preliminary freeway geometrics delinete a need for-a scaled distance of 175 + feet maximum for the proposed freeway widening and a northbound on-ramp for the Jamboree Road interchange. These needs shall be clarified at the earliest feasible recordation. This clarification will also be determination of the Laguna Road alignment/location. date prior to map needed for the Dedication of adequate right-of-way shall be provided on Lots 3 and 4 to accommodate the greatest extent of right-of-way requirements for the Jamboree Road/Interstate 5 interchange as determined by the City Engineer. Building Permits will not be issued for any structure on Lot 4 and the southern portion of Lot 3 as determined by the Community Development Director and City Engineer-, until such time the ultimate right-of-way needs have been determined. Any decrease in area for Lots 3 and 4 from that shown on the tentative map will result in an equalivalent decrease in the number of dwelling units. Community Development Department ~ m ) m ..... I .... m ~ k ' ~=" i mi .... I_ I i Ill ~ .~ I i._.'l I' Conditions of Approval Ten~a%ive Tr~c~ No. 12345 pa ge two 5~ ® e 10. Preparation and submittal fol 1 owing i nformati on' of a final grading plan delineating the a® ce 0 Final street elevations at key locations. Final pad/finish floor elevations and key elevations for all site grading. All final pad elevations to be a minimum of 1.0 ft. above the base flood elevation as defined by FEMA. Location and elevations of all flood protection berms related to Tract No. 12345. All flood hazard areas of record. Preparation of a sedimentation and · construction work related to Tract No. erosion control plan for all 12345. Provi sion for mai ntenance associated landscaping homeowners' association, the city of Tustin, wi th the final map.. and ownership of the flood protection berms and to be the responsibility of the adjoining lighting/landscape maintenance district and/or said determination to be made prior to recording Provision for irrevocable easements for the required protection berms in.favor of the adjoining Association Tustin, with said determination to be made prior to map. term of all flood and/or the city of recording the final Annexation of land lighting district to said system. within this provi de for development into an on-goi ng mai ntenance appropriate street and energy cost of Preparation of plans for and construction of full improvements for all streets within the boundary of said tract map. These improvements shall include the widening of the easterly half of Browning Avenue, the southerly half of Bryan Avenue to its ultimate alignment and all required transitions, and Streets A and B. Improvements will include, but not be limited to, the following as determined by the City Engineer' a~ g. h. i. j. k. Curb and gutter/cross gutters Sidewalk Drive aprons Street paving Street signing and striping Landscapi-ng/faci 1 i ti es Sanitary sewer servi ce faci 1 i ti es Domestic water servi ce faci 1 i ti es Recl aimed water servi ce fa ci 1 i ti es Gas, electric, telephone, cable t.v. facilities Traffic signal facilities - Laguna Rd./Jamboree Rd. - 25% of cost Bryan Ave. /Jamboree Rd. - 66 2/3 % cost BrTan Ave./Browning Ave.- 50% of cost Browning Ave./Laguna Rd.- 33 1/3%of cost Community Development Department Condi tions of Approval Tentative Tract 12345 page three 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Existing perimeter streets, Browning Avenue and Bryan iAvenue, slurry seal coated the full pavement width from curb face to prior to restripi ng the widened street improvement. shall be curb face Preparation of plans for and construction of all sanitary sewer f~cilities as required by the City Engineer. These facilities shall include .a gravity fl ow system pursuant to standards of the Irvine Ranch Water Di stri ct. Dedication of all required street and flood defined by the City Engineer. Placement of all above ground roadway street lights and fire hydrants behind are constructed adjacen~ to the curb. control right-of-way as appurtenances such as signing, the sidewalk when said sidewalks Preparation of plans for and construction of a domestic water system to the standards of the Irvine Ranch Water District/City of Tustin Water Service, whichever is applicable at the time of plan preparation. Any required reclaimed water systems shall be constructed to the required standards of the Irvine Ranch Water District. Preparation of a hydrology and hydraulic study of the tributary area impacting the proposed development. Preparation of plans for and constructi.on of all storm drain facilities as required by the' City Engineer and Caltrans. when applicable and pertaining to their' facilities. Cash/surety deposit, if deemed necessary by the City reconstruction of Street "B" at locations, adjacent protection berming to return roadway interim profiles when berms are no longer required for flood protection Engineer, for the to temporary flood to long term grades purposes. Dedication of all vehicular access rights to Jamboree Road, Bryan Avenue and Browning Avenue except at designated street openings. Dedication of all vehicular access rights to Laguna Road, except at approved driveway openings, as designated on the final development site plan subject to the City Engineer' s approval. Reservation as determined by the for future Interstate 5 Santa Ana City Engineer of adequate freeway widening. ri ght-of-way Relocation of the sub-grade fuel line facility within this tract to satisfaction of the City Engineer and the San Diego Pipeline Company. 21. Removal of the abandoned railroad right-of-way boundary. the easement wi thin the tract - Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract 12345 page four 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Payment of all required Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees that may be required as a result of 'the interim connection to the District 7 facilities, at the time initial building permits are issued. Prior to the recordation of a final map for any portion of, or all of the land delineated in Tentative Tract No. 12345, the subdivider shall enter into an agreement wi th the cit7 of Tustin for participation in a fee program (if adopted by the Tustin City Council) for implementation of the Eastern/Foothill Transportation Corridor. Said agreement shall provide that' a. The fee shall not exceed that amount as established by the nine participating agencies within the area of benefit. b. Subdivider or Builder obligations toI pay fee would only after the city establishes a fee progrmm but not prior to of bui 1 ding permi ts. commence issuance c. Subdivider or Builder obligations to pay fee woul'd cease program were not established within three years of the building permits or recordation of final tract map. if the fee issuance of As detailed in the Final Environmental Impact Report No. 84-3, an earth berm topped with a masonry wall shall be constructed along the Interstate 5 freeway right-of-way of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 7 where directly exposed to the freeway as determined by city staff. The final cross section design, height and construction materials shall be determined by an acoustical engineer Subject to city Planning Commission approval prior to construction of the buffer or issuance of any building permit on these lots. Pursuant to City Code, the new development tax shall be paid prior to recordation of future builder subdivision maps on any individual Lot or at bull ding permit issuance where 'a future subdivi sion map is not required. Tract No. 12345 may. create conditions of overcrowding within the Tustin Unified School District attendance area, but such finding by the District Board of Trustees has not been "supported by clear and convincing evidence" in the District's Resolution No. 01-02-85 pursuant to"Government Code Section 65971. Should documented evidence be submitted by the District supporting their findings in Resolution No. 01-02-85, specifically attributable to Tract No. 12345, the developer shall be responsible for mi ti ga ting overcrowding conditions by providing interim Community Development Department ........ . ..... i_ i _ i LI. f Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract 12345 page fi ve classrooms and related facilities pursuant to Government Code Section 65974 at such time development occurs. Until such time, the Tustin Unified School District should continue to examine available options as granted by state law and outlined in Final EIR 84-3. The applicant/developer (The Irvine Company) shall assist and work with the School District in evaluating these options, and submit a report to the Planning Commission within 30 days of approval of this tentative tract outlining feasible mitigation measures for documented overcrowding within the Tustin Unified School District attendance area, which is attributable to Phase I development 27. Pursuant to the city's Parkland Dedication Ordinance, this tract shall provide for the dedication of 8.8 acres of land and/or improvements for park purposes. The proposed 4.25 acre park site shall be dedicated to the city with the remaining 4.75 acre obligation satisfied through land dedication elsewhere in the East Tustin Specific Plan area or offer of dedication secured by separate agreement between the city and The I rvine Company and/or an offer of dedication of land and improvements for private recreational facilities within the tract. The distribution of the total amount of acreage for this tract will follow l~he proportions established in the city's Recreation Element between public community and pti vate/publ i c nei ghborhood faci 1 i ti es. The 4.25 acre park site in compliance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance shall be rough graded free of obvious rock of construction by-product material with the following public improvements provided to the satisfaction of the City' Engineer and Director of Community Services' a~ Full street improvements along Laguna Road and Street B including but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting and signing. 28. be Public utility laterals of a sufficient size including water, electricity, sewer, storm drain, natural gas and telephone communication shall be installed to the park site property line. Development density shall be 'regulated by the adopted Planned Community Zoning Regulations for Phase I Residential/East Tustin. The density calculations provided on the subdivision map are for informational purposes only and are superceded by the zone regulations. 29. All applicable mitigation measures detailed in Final incorporated as conditions of approval for Tract No. tracts recorded within this project boundary. EIR 84-3 are hereby 12345 and subsequent 30. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a storm drain phasing plan that addresses interim flood protection in the Browning Avenue area shall be prepared by the' Irvine Company and reviewed and approved by the City Engi neet. Community Development Department I ii:! Iii ' i i~ ;iii · ~ -:~..l. ' ¢( .... , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) § CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 85-68 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting ~Of the City Council held on the 15th day of July, 1985, by the following vote: AYES : COUNCILPERSONS: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy NOES : COUNCILPERSONS: Greinke, Saltarelli ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: None MARY E' WYN~ City Clerk City of Tust-fn, California