HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC MINUTES 02-22-22 MINUTES VIDEO CONFERENCE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 2022 6:00 p.m. CALLED TO ORDER. Given. INVOCATION: Reverend Ken Suhr, Aldersgate Methodist Church All present ROLL CALL: Chair Mason Chair Pro Tem Kozak Commissioners Chu, Higuchi, Mello None. PUBLIC INPUT: The Consent CONSENT CALENDAR: Calendar was approved. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—JANUARY 25, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the January 25, 2022 Planning Commission meeting, as provided. 2. FINDINGS REQUIRED BY AB 361 FOR THE`CONTINUED USE OF TELECONFERENCE FOR MEETINGS In order for the Planning Commission to continue to have the option to meet via teleconference during the pandemic, AB 361 requires the Commission to make specific findings at least every thirty (30) days. RECOMMENDATION: Make the following findings by a majority vote of the Planning Commission: a. A state of emergency has been proclaimed by California's Governor due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and continues to be in effect; b. The Commission has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency; and c. State and local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. Motion: It was moved by Mello, seconded by Kozak, to approve the Consent Calendar, as provided. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes—Planning Commission February 22,2022—Page 1 of 4 None. PUBLIC HEARING. REGULAR BUSINESS: Received& 3. CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT filed. 2021 YEAR IN REVIEW The Community Development Department's 2021 Year in Review summarizes the CDD's activities throughout 2021 including discretionary permits processed and approved (i.e. CUPs, DRs, Subdivision Maps, etc.), major accomplishments for various functional areas within the Department, Code Enforcement activities, and Building Division activities. DiLeva Presentation given. Mello Mello addressed the questions he previously asked staff(via email). He made favorable comments regarding the new SchoolsFirst corporate office. Mello asked if there are any plans regarding the buildings on El Camino Real (between Red Hill Avenue and Browning Avenue), other than the House of Ruth project. He also asked if the City has seen an increase in Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) applications. Mello also asked for any updates on the Housing Element and what the timeline for approval is and if there is any concern with certification timing as well as access to State funds. Reekstin In response to Mello's questions, Reekstin stated that the City is seeing interest in owners' redeveloping properties along EI Camino Real (i.e. owner of Key Inn is interested in redeveloping their second motel site) in the future. He mentioned the House of Ruth being developed, closer to Browning Avenue. Reekstin stated that the owners of Red Hill Plaza are interested in redeveloping the site in accordance with the Red Hill Avenue Specific Plan (RHASP). The City is hopeful that the Hill property will spur more interest in redeveloping that site. He also discussed the Axiom Apartment Homes on Tustin East Drive being rehabilitated recently. The City has seen an increase in ADU applications (over 20 applications received in 2021 — which is the same number of applications received in 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined). The City is continuing to see more ADU applications in 2022 as well which was expected due to the new provisions of State law. Huitron Huitron added that the Housing Element was adopted by the Planning Commission and the City Council, in time for the October 15, 2021 deadline. However, subsequently received revisions from HCD in January 2022 and staff is currently preparing the revisions and will send to HCD in approximately one (1) week to HCD for final review. HCD has re-emphasized the bar has been raised for housing elements in this particular cycle, as compared to previous cycles. The City has been informed through legislation and through HCD that the City would be subject to rezoning the RHNA sites by October 15, 2022, as Minutes—Planning Commission February 22;2022—Page 2 of 4 Huitron opposed to having three (3) years, which is when the City initially anticipated. The City continues working with SCAG and legislators, to get the attention of HCD, to see if they can make a determination to provide the SCAG region an automatic six (6) month extension to meet the deadline, which the City continues to discuss and push for. i i Mason Mason asked, in terms of the Housing Element revisions, about the material in redistribution of the numbers by the community and if the numbers will be shared to the Commission before resubmittal to HCD. Huitron Per Huitron, the sites have not changed since the 'Housing Element was adopted by the Planning Commission and the City Council. The only significant change, with regard to sites is, the Village of Hope units did not qualify as units due to the congregate eating facilities. Those units were re-distributed across the Tustin Legacy area, but once HCD has made a determination of substantial compliance, City staff will bring the Housing Element back for final review. Mello Mello asked staff to elaborate on the Grant Programs;(the language referring to housing incentive plans for Tustin Southwest Neighborhoods and the identification for sites suitable for housing development). Huitron In response to Mello's last question, Huitron stated that the grant program was written in advance of staff starting the revised Housing Element. When the funds became available, staff, at that time, was not clear on what the housing sites inventory would look like and which areas would'be explored. Staff was trying to be proactive and identified the southwest neighborhood as a potential site, for meeting the RHNA sites. However, staff discovered they would need to conduct infrastructure studies, which were beyond the funding capabilities of the grant the City received and at the same time, staff realized there were other sites suited to meet the RHNA housing allocation. The City was able to meet the RHNA allocation through other sites and did nbt need to pursue the southwest neighborhood. The funds have been reallocated to fund the preparation of the Housing Element, which has taken more staff time than anticipated. Chu Chu thanked DiLeva for the Year in Review presentation. She was happy to hear the many jobs SchoolsFirst Credit Union will be creating. Chu was also pleased to see the decrease in graffiti incidents. Kozak Kozak thanked Planning staff for their outstanding work in 2021 and he is looking forward to continuing to work with staff on City projects in 2022. Mason Mason echoed her fellow Commissioners' comments. Motion: Received and filed. STAFF CONCERNS: Minutes—Planning Commission February 22,2022—Page 3 of 4 Wiflikom VVillkom informed the Commission that the next Planning Commission meeting may be in person, as long as CC 'ID numbers stay on the decline. Staff will notify the Commission ahead of time when a decision has been made. CCN' MI CONCERNS: Chu No concerns, Mellow No concerns, Higuchi Higuchi stated he toured the Brookfield property and he is looking forward to seeing new projects on the former MCAS. Kozak Kozak thanked staff for tonight's reports andl looking for ward' to 2022. Mason No concerns, 6:38 p.mi. ADJOURNMENT� The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2022. AMY MASON Chairperson JU&INA L. VMLLKOM Planning Commiission Secretary Minutes— Planning Commission February 22, 2022—Page 4 of 4