HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 CONSULTANT SVCS AGMT SOLID WASTE 07-17-06AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JULY 17, 2006 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF A CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ECONOMICS, INC. TO PREPARE NEW SOLID WASTE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY The City's Solid Waste Franchise Agreement with Federal Disposal Service expires on September 30, 2007 and revised contract documents must be prepared for solicitation of bids this fall. Staff is requesting the City Council approve a Consultant Services Agreement with EcoNomics, Inc for $85,790 to prepare all necessary contract documents. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve a Consultant Services Agreement with EcoNomics, Inc. in the amount of $85,780 to prepare new solid waste contract specifications. FISCAL IMPACT Adequate funds are available in for this project in the FY 06/07 Public Works Department Operating Budget Account No. 01-401-6010. BACKGROUND The City's Franchise Agreement with Federal Disposal Service expires on September 30, 2007. The current solid waste program must be significantly revised in order to comply with current and future state solid waste diversion requirements. In addition, staff desires to provide additional services to residents and businesses. These services may include a recyclables buyback center and collection of universal or hazardous wastes. In order to award the new contract in sufficient time for a potentially new contractor to obtain the necessary equipment and staffing, the contract should be awarded no less than six months prior to the beginning of the new contract. The proposed scope of work with this consultant provides for the development of baseline data, an extensive review of existing programs and preparation of all documents needed to solicit bids or proposals. The bid/proposal process will also include at least two City Councilor hauler workshops. Staff anticipates that the new contract would be ready for solicitation of bids or proposals in November or December with a subsequent award in February. Approval of a Consultant Services Agreement with EcoNomics, Inc. to Prepare New Solid Waste Contract Specifications July 17, 2006 Page 2 Staff is currently utilizing EcoNomics, Inc. to assist with the S8-1066 Time Extension Process and a Solid Waste Diversion Study for the City. The information in the Diversion Study will be utilized in the preparation of the new solid waste contract documents. Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer Joe Meyers Public Works Department Administrative Services Manager Attachment: Scope of Work TOS. JM: ccg: Approval of CSA EcoNomics new solid waste contract specs. doc SCOPE OF WORK TO PREPARE A BIDfREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AND MANAGE THER PROCUREMENT PROCESS Task 1 Compile baseline data (Volumes, # of carts, routes, drivers, customers) Assist City staff in reviewing data obtained during the administration of the current contract for use in the Bid documents. Sources of information such as diversion, service and tonnage reports will be utilized, as well as on-site observations of existing programs and services. All information will be compiled and utilized in the preparation of the background information section of the bid document. Task 2 Review existing franchise agreement The existing franchise agreement will be reviewed for needed modifications. In addition, a review of the existing franchise will be done to determine what provisions of the current franchise (such as reporting, customer service, and additional general duties of contractor) are desirable and that the City wishes to have the new franchise maintain and continue into the new contract period. Task 3 Provide recommendations for program and contract modifications EcoNomics will work with City staff and the City Attorney to update any areas needed to obtain clarity on program performance requirements and easier contract compliance. A list of over forty desired changes and an additional listing of diversion program needs has been identified. These changes, and others identified during the proposal process, will be incorporated into the text of the bid documents. Task 4 Respond to Internal City Review of Process EcoNomics will work with staff to address any questions that may arise within the City on the best process to use or the best methodes) to obtain a successful outcome of the procurement process. Task 5 Participate in 2 Hauler Workshops, 1 City Council Workshop and 1 City Council Meeting Two Pre-Proposal Hauler Workshops will be held for the BidIRFP process. EcoNomics will review the observations and questions received from participants in the first Workshop and assist the City in evaluating the hauler's comments with respect to the content of the BidIRFP documents A second Hauler Workshop will be held to obtain additional feedback from potential bidders and to clarify any questions that the hauler's might have regarding the process. Page 1 EcoNomics will assist staff in preparing materials for a briefing session to be presented at one City Council Workshop. The briefing documents will provide the Council with information on the goals of the process in regards to diversion requirements by the CIWMB, collection standards, and an overview of the types of diversion programs the City is likely to receive in response to the BidlRFP. In addition, EcoNomics will work with staff to provide the Council with an understanding of the BidlRFP protocols to assure an orderly selection process. At the conclusion of the selection process, EcoNomics will assist City staff in presenting the final contract with the selected vendor(s) to the City Council for approval Task 6 Answer bidders inquires. Maintain Question and Answer Log As questions are received by the City from proposers, EcoNomics will prepare responses in consultation with City staff. A Q&A Log will be maintained at the City office that contains all questions received about the RFP and the City's responses. Copies of the Q&A Log will also be issued with each Addendum to the BidIRFP. Task 7 Issue amendments to bid EcoNomics will prepare written responses to the proposers and will prepare one or two Addenda to the RFP to respond to questions from proposers. The draft responses and Addenda will be reviewed with City staff. EcoNomics will incorporate staffs comments in the documents and provide final versions for issuance by the City. Task 8 Analyze bids and provide findings and recommendations (Assumes 2) EcoNomics will assist the City in reviewing the bids received. The use of standardized bid forms will facilitate comparison of all proposals on an "apples to apples" basis. References and the financial standing of each proposer will be reviewed and researched. A matrix or similar summary of each proposal will be prepared for review by the City. EcoNomics will attend meetings with City staff to develop a short list of bidders. If needed, a list of questions will be sent to each proposer to request additional information andlor to clarify the proposal. EcoNomics will attend interviews with each proposer and the City. EcoNomics will attend meetings with City staff to select a vendor(s) for final revIew. Task 9 Follow-up on bid specifications w/2 lowest respondents EcoNomics will assist the City with negotiating the final contract with the selected vendor(s). EcoNomics will assist the City in completion of a final contract with the selected vendor(s) for presentation to the City Council Task 10 Provide support to staff through Contact award Page 2 It is expected that during the procurement process various issues and conditions will present themselves that will need discussion and strategic input. EcoNomics will provide support to staff as these issues arise and will endeavor to maintain an orderly and productive procurement. Any additional research on bidders or their qualifications or their standing, either operationally or financially, will be done under this task. 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