HomeMy WebLinkAboutIRENE MARTINEZ, MEALS ON WHEELS (ITEM 7) From: noreolvCabaran icusideas.corn
To: City Clerk;Yasuda.Erica;Woodward.Carrie; E-Comments
Subject: New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City Council/Closed Session at 5:30 pm/Regular Meeting at 7:00 pm
Date: Monday,April 18,2022 5:17:47 PM
New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City
Council/ Closed Session at 5:30 pm/Regular
Meeting at 7:00 pm
Irene Martinez submitted a new eComment.
Meeting: Regular Meeting of the City Council/Closed Session at 5:30 pm/Regular Meeting at
7:00 pm
FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2022-23 The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as
amended, established the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to return
federal funds to local communities for the purpose of developing viable urban communities by
providing decent housing, creating suitable living environments, and by expanding economic
opportunities, specifically for low and moderate-income persons. To participate in the CDBG
program, the City is required to prepare a Consolidated Plan that identifies needs for affordable
and supportive housing, community development, public services, and economic opportunities.
The Consolidated Plan is required every five years, and was most recently adopted by the City
Council on April 21, 2020. Annually, the City is also required to prepare a one-year Action Plan
that implements the goals and objectives contained in the Consolidated Plan. The proposed
2022-23 Action Plan set forth in Resolution No. 22-13 (Attachment A) fulfills this annual
requirement. On March 1, 2022, the Tustin City Council held a public hearing for the 2022-23
Action Plan preparation process. The purpose of the hearing was to inform interested citizens
about the CDBG program, obtain citizens' views on CDBG priorities, and receive a report on the
performance of the current public service CDBG fund recipients (also known as non-profit
subrecipients). During this meeting, the City Council recommended continued funding to all
existing non-profit subrecipients.
eComment: Hello City of Tustin Council, On behalf of Meals on Wheels Orange County, I would
like to extend our thanks to the City of Tustin's support of our Lunch Cafe/Grab & Go and Home
Delivered Meals Programs. Meals on Wheels OC has provided nutritional support to seniors in
the community for many years and we look forward to continuing our partnership. I would also
like to voice my support for continuing the 3-year CDBG application cycle. As a longstanding
partner, the 3-year CDBG application cycle allows the organization to focus our attention towards
high quality services. Our programs have remained in great standing through annual monitoring
and quarterly report submission outlining the level of services. Also, Meals on Wheels OC was
able to harness our time towards modifying our programs to follow safety guidelines for seniors
through the pandemic. MOW OC anticipates the nutritional services to seniors in our
communities will continue to grow and be essential moving forward as seniors are the fastest
growing demographic in the Orange County. Continuing the 3-year CDBG application will allow
our agency, and others alike, to focus our time and attention on the much needed services. We
appreciate your support and considering in this matter.
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