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03 CUP 2021-0030_DR 2021-0016 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING
.93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(0&A%---."'$$'$ (i- AGENDA REPORT ITEM 93 J44 MEETING DATE: MAY 24, 2022 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0030 & DESIGN REVIEW 2021-0016 APPLICANT/ HAMID R. MIR, M.D PROPERTY OWNER: NALSH, LLC 220 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, #11-282 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: 17631 SEVENTEENTH STREET GENERAL PLAN: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS (PC-CB) ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY- COMMERCIAL (PC-COM) DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL: THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). REQUEST: A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A NEW DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN 11,323 SQUARE FOOT, TWO-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING (AND DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING RESTAURANT) LOCATED AT 17631 SEVENTEENTH STREET. _ e p .93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(o&A%---."'$$'$ PC Report May 24, 2022 CUP 2021-0030/DR 2021-0016 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4450 approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2021-0030, to authorize construction of a new development plan and Design Review (DR) 2021-0016, for building design and site layout for a new medical office building located at 17631 Seventeenth Street within the Planned Community — Commercial (PC-COM) District. APPROVAL AUTHORITY: Conditional Use Permit- Pursuant to Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9244e, a conditional use permit is required for a new development plan that includes general or professional office uses and is subject to the approval by the Planning Commission. Prior to approving a conditional use permit, the Planning Commission shall make finding that the development or construction of a building designated for professional or general office use would be more compatible with surrounding uses in the areas than retail commercial uses on the subject property. Design Review - TCC Section 9272 authorizes the Community Development Director to consider the DR application; however, since the proposal includes a CUP that requires the Planning Commission approval, DR 2021-0016 is being forwarded to the Planning Commission for concurrent consideration of the building design and site layout. BACKGROUND: Site and Surrounding Properties The 0.77-acre project site is located at 17631 Seventeenth Street and is bounded by Treehaven Drive and Seventeenth Street. The subject property is currently developed with a 5,300 square foot restaurant building, which was previously occupied by Tang's Asian Buffet but has been vacant since January 2021. The zone for the property, PC-COM District, was originally established in 1971 by Ordinance 499. The current development plan for the existing restaurant building was approved in 1972 by Resolution No. 1307. The proposed CUP request would replace the previously approved development plan for the site. The property will maintain vehicular access from both Treehaven Drive and Seventeenth Street. Surrounding uses include: North - multiple-family residential West—offices (Treehaven Drive) East - single-family residential South —commercial center (Seventeenth Street) DISCUSSION: Project Description The applicant proposes to demolish the existing restaurant building to construct the proposed 11,323 square foot, two-story medical office building. The proposed building exhibits a contemporary architectural style and uses wooden and metallic facade enhancements with a neutral, stucco exterior. New paving and landscaping will be introduced throughout the site, providing over fifteen (15) percent site coverage with .93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(o&A%---."'$$'$ PC Report May 24, 2022 CUP 2021-0030/DR 2021-0016 Page 3 landscaping. The parking for the use will be satisfied with sixty-one (61) on-site parking spaces. The site will continue to be served by the existing driveway along Treehaven Drive which will be upgraded to meet current accessibility requirements at its existing location. The driveway along Seventeenth Street will be removed and replaced by a new driveway and will be shifted towards the southeast corner of the property. Project G . Site r 77 Figure 1 Aerial View(Existing Restaurant) Conditional Use Permit— Development Plan The purpose of the Planned Community District (TCC Section 9244) is to allow diversification of the relationships of various buildings, structures and open spaces in planned building groups while ensuring substantial compliance with the district regulations and the provisions of TCC Section 9244. The amenities and compatibilities of PC Districts are to be ensured through the adoption of a Development Plan and/or the approval of CUPs. Planning Commission approval of a CUP is required for the development of professional or general offices within a PC District. TCC 9244e requires the Planning Commission to make a finding that the construction of professional office uses (i.e. medical office uses), in the PC-COM District would be more compatible with surrounding uses in the area than retail commercial uses. The applicant proposes to operate the medical office daily between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The proposed hours are consistent with the hours of operation of other professional office businesses in the vicinity, and are outside of the quiet hours for residential areas which begin at 10:00 p.m. Staff believes the proposed professional office development plan for the proposed medical building would be more compatible with the surrounding residential uses than retail .93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(o&A%---."'$$'$ PC Report May 24, 2022 CUP 2021-0030/DR 2021-0016 Page 4 commercial development, due to its operation nature. The proposed offices would provide outpatient medical services daily between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., which are consistent with the "quiet hours" described in the City's Noise Ordinance which requires lower noise levels between 10.00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. when in close proximity to residential properties. In contrast, commercial uses such as restaurants typically have peak activity levels later into the evening and generate comparatively more noise as patrons leave the establishment, and the opportunity for alcohol service is common for non-office uses which can cause compatibility concerns when in close proximity to residential uses. In addition, the proposed project is similar to the medical office building across Treehaven Drive. Design Review The site layout features a new, two-story, medical office building (34'-6" high) with vehicular access from both Treehaven Drive and Seventeenth Street (Figure 2). A total of sixty-one (61) parking spaces are proposed, including three (3) accessible parking spaces located near the main entrance of the building. A new trash enclosure will be constructed at the northeast corner of the site and a new electrical transformer will be installed on the southeast corner of the site along Seventeenth Street, screened from public view by landscaping. IIL,I L I I I i 1 ,I I , L.y yL _ ISI CEI I I A ,J Q' Q -. n-I I D p Q 77631 171h STREET I ti t I IP I Figure 2 — Proposed Site Plan The proposed building facades would consist of painted stucco walls with prominent amounts of glazing, accented with wooden and metallic design elements throughout all facades to provide a consistent four-sided architecture scheme. The wooden panels include .93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(o&A%---."'$$'$ PC Report May 24, 2022 CUP 2021-0030/DR 2021-0016 Page 5 three-quarter (3/) inch reveals which articulate the facade and provide visual interest. Windows will be enhanced with aluminum metal paneling, colored metallic silver. This same aluminum material will be used to create a covered entry at the building's main entrance on the north elevation. Walls will be painted a pale gray color and enhanced with dark brown wooden Resysta panels, which form wooden columns on the south and north elevations and condensed "impact walls" on the east and west elevations. Rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened by virtue of its location in the center of the roof as well as a parapet wall. Metal Paneling Light Gray and Trim Stucco Finish w Metal y Canopy Resysta Wooden Figure 3A: Rendering - North Elevation (Main Entry Visible) Resysta Wooden Panel "Impact Wall" .�M ® ONE ■ Figure 313: Rendering -East Elevation (Facing Parking Lot) .93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(o&A%---."'$$I$ PC Report May 24, 2022 CUP 2021-0030/DR 2021-0016 Page 6 Resysta Wooden Panel "Impact I a i I (; sl t'I , +L ' • WYY..4rrti Figure 3C: Rendering West Elevation (View from Treehaven Drive) New landscaping is proposed at the project frontages along Seventeenth Street and Treehaven Drive, surrounding the building, and along the perimeter of the site, providing over fifteen (15) percent site coverage with landscaping. Landscaping will be planted and maintained such that there are no impacts to traffic visibility within visual clearance areas at the street intersection and at both of the site's driveways. The proposed landscaping palette includes colorful flowering and foliage plant material combing trees, shrubs and groundcover, to enhance and, along the perimeter of its interior property lines, screen the project site. SHRUHS&GROUNUCOVERS _ 0 jog* 4'�. * � 4 4,'7 3P . .0 !J ;Siy T`. PRBJiIJ`MARIMA OR- L1Ja-031.1^'^ARJ.T0GR': '.CPHOSTEIIO?I CONFE-3i p'q, MARINA^TRAIY9ERRY T4EE 9RI96AME@OK 0 �� F,�NF,aT�I 0����,� Figure 4: Proposed Plant Palette (Trees, Shrubs and Groundcover) Landscaping and irrigation will be further reviewed and required to comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance at the time of plan check review, though the proposed landscaping plan has an Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU) within the limits of the Maximum Allowed Water Allowance (MAWA) for the site. .93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(o&A%---."'$$'$ PC Report May 24, 2022 CUP 2021-0030/DR 2021-0016 Page 7 Parking and Circulation A total of sixty-one (61) parking spaces are proposed, including three (3) accessible parking spaces located near the main entrance of the building. The parking provided meets current parking requirements. Pursuant to TCC Section 9263g, required parking is calculated for the proposed 11,323 square foot medical office building at a required ratio of one (1) parking space per 250 square feet for the first 4,000 square feet of gross floor area, and six (6) parking spaces per 1,000 square feet for the remaining 7,323 square feet of gross floor area. Where applicable, parking stalls will have a two (2) foot overhang into landscape planters to provide the minimum nineteen (19)foot stall depth requirement. Per Condition of Approval No. 4.3, these overhang areas will be planted with hardy, low- growing landscaping. The vehicular access along Treehaven Drive will be maintained at its current location and upgraded to meet ADA standards. Lighting The project includes the installation of new light fixtures throughout the site, including up- lighting for the main (western) building facade facing the intersection, four (4) foot tall bollard-type lighting along the proposed walking paths, and twenty (20)foot tall light poles along the northern and eastern property lines for site lighting. Given the site's proximity to residential uses to the north and east, the twenty (20)foot tall light poles will be outfitted with glare shields to minimize light impacts to neighboring properties. The residences to the north are approximately fifty (50) feet away from light poles on the subject property and are further shielded by their private garages. Residences to the east and northeast are approximately thirty (30) feet away from light poles on the subject property and are buffered by a twenty-five (25) foot-wide Orange County Flood Control District easement that runs between them and the subject property. As proposed, illumination levels from the shielded light poles quickly fall to zero (0) within the limits of this easement area. Signage In conformance with the TCC, a Master Sign Plan will be submitted to the Community Development Director for review and approval as indicated in Condition of Approval No. 3.4. Environmental Review This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of CEQA for infill development projects. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings provided, staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt Resolution 4450 approving CUP 2021-0030 and DR 2021-0016 to adopt a new development plan for the PC-COM District at 17631 Seventeenth Street, which includes the demolition of an existing restaurant building to construct an 11,323 square foot, two- story medical office building. .93;2658A/8<479:4A1.'A,#'&($+-A(')&A$!+$A+(0&A%---."'$$'$ PC Report May 24, 2022 CUP 2021-0030/DR 2021-0016 Page 8 Jftr—DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: 5 `V2E�SAA/E58 �bw SAA/E58 nw 047F.. for Jorge Maldonado for Justina L. Willkom Assistant Planner Community Development Director Signed by: [mD.c. x Wrbt& 2ESAE588F82047F... for Irma Huitron Assistant Community Development Director- Planning Attachments: A. Location Map B. Land Use Application Fact Sheet C. Submitted Plans D. Resolution No. 4450 ATTACHMENT A LOCATION MAP Location Radius Map 17631 Seventeenth Street APN: 395-301-07 CUP 2021-0030, DR 2021-0016 r 1 I I 1000 ft. 500 ft. 300 ft. s. I .T.S. 1 'h t 300 ft,500 ft, and 1000 ft Radius ATTACHMENT B LAND USE APPLICATION FACT SHEET LAND USE APPLICATION FACT SHEET 1. LAND USE APPLICATION NUMBER(S): CUP 2021-0030 AND DR 2021-0016 2. LOCATION: SEVENTEENTH STREET AT TREEHAVEN DRIVE 3. ADDRESS: 17631 SEVENTEENTH STREET 4. APN(S): 395-301-07 5. PREVIOUS APPLICATION RELATING TO THIS PROPERTY: PZ 70-124 (ORD. NO. 499) PREZONE TO PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL; UP-72-400 (PC RESOLUTION NO. 1307) FOR RESTAURANT DEVELOPMENT 6. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL EAST: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SOUTH: COMMERCIAL CENTER (ACROSS SEVENTEENTH STREET) WEST: OFFICES (ACROSS TREEHAVEN DRIVE) 7. SURROUNDING ZONING DESIGNATION: NORTH: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) SOUTH: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (PC-COM) WEST: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (PC-COM) 8. SURROUNDING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: NORTH: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) EAST: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R1) SOUTH: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (PC-COM) WEST: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (PC-COM) 9. SITE LAND USE: A. EXISTING: COMMERCIAL (RESTAURANT) B. PROPOSED: COMMERCIAL (MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING) C. GENERAL PLAN: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS (PC-CB) GP: SAME D. ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (PC-COM) ZONING: SAME DEVELOPMENT FACTS: 10. LOT AREA: 0.77 ACRES. 11. BUILDING AREA: 11,323 SF (33% OF TOTAL SITE) 12. PARKING: REQUIRED: 61 PARKING SPACES MINIMUM PROPOSED: 61 PARKING SPACES 12. TENANT DEMOLISH THE EXISTING RESTAURANT BUILDING TO CONSTRUCT THE IMPROVEMENTS: PROPOSED 11,323 SQUARE FOOT, TWO-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING. 13. BUILDING HEIGHT: MAX ALLOWED: 35 FEET (HEIGHT MAXIMUM NOT ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 499; MAXIMUM HEIGHT IN Cl AND C2 ZONE IS 35 FEET) PROPOSED: TWO-STORY BUILDING: 34 FEET 6 INCHES (TOP OF PARAPET) 14. PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING: PROPOSED: 3,203 SF (15%) 15: SIGNAGE: MASTER SIGN PLAN WILL BE REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ATTACHMENT C SUBMITTED PLANS Y SHEET INDEX PROJECT DATA Q � a 0 E APPLICABLE CODES: W w (n � ARCHITECTURAL 2019 California Administrative Code (CAC) v CC ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Part 1, Title 24, California Code of Regulations (CCR) W Q 2 2019 California Building Code (CBC) o E C: A-0.0 COVER SHEET Part 2, Title 24, CCR oQ O Based on the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) 0 s in Ic ice i in eA-1.1 SITE PLAN U A-2.0 FLOOR PLANS 2019 California Electrical Code (CEC) Part 3, Title 24, CCR o C/) A-2.2 ROOF PLAN Based on the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) o 0 A-4.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2019 California Mechanical Code (CMC) U 17631 17th Street Tustin CA 92780 A-4.1 COLORED ELEVATIONS Part 4, Title 24, CCR w Based on the 2018 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) o 2019 California Plumbing Code (CPC) _ Part 5, Title 24, CCR o M ELECTRICAL Based on the 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) m N E-1.0 ELECTRICAL GENERAL INFO 2019 California Energy Code (CEC) Part 6, Title 24, CCR w O E-1.1 TITLE 24 CALCULATIONS 2019 California Historical Building Code (CHBC) Q — y E-1.2 LIGHT FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS Part 8, Title 24, CCR O L E-2.0 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN o > O Cn 2019 California Fire Code (CFC) N E-2.1 SITE PHOTOMETRICS Part 9, Title 24, CCR < CC WCC _ - - - Based on the 2018 International Fire Code (IFC) m O U 'v CIVIL 2019 California Existing Building Code (CEBC) O 1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY — — Ch - Part 10, Title 24, CCR ca — a cn - - - -- - -- - - 2 PRECISE GRADING PLAN W-- — U 2 CUBased on the 2018 International Building Code C/) 2019 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) W Q - - - - - - - - - - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE W - - S U � - - - Part 11 Title 24 R m N - CC C N =3 - co - - - - . L2.1 PLANTINGIMAGES Part 12 Title 24CCR co ca L11 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 2019 California Referenced Standards Code CRSC N U) _3 z O z - - GS ILDIN B HELL DATA: co - U W ProfessionalS tam p W PRESENT USE OFPROPERTY- RESTAURANT - U : MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING G coPR POSED USE OF PROPERTY i O w ZONE- PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Uz o PRFI U+' UARr RFPQRT Ch ca v Title Com ,nY BUILDING TYPEII_ B (S PRINKLERED ) LLi NO,: UO'6UfiSF.98l-QC1-„59YQJZ'3_ _1L4GLQIwU L� STORIES: 2-STORY w OCCUPANCY , B (MEDICAL OFFICES) EXHIBIT "A" co BUILDING AREA: co _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION -1st FLOOR 5,661 s.f. THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, IN THE COUNTY of -2nd FLOOR 5,661 s.f. ORANGE,STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: GROSS BUILDING AREA: 11,323 s.f. (TOTAL) o PARCEL 1: CONSULTANT - SITE AREA: 0.79 ACRES (34,412.40 s.f.) THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH ONE OF LOT 15 IN BLOCK"B" OF THE A. B. CHAPMAN TRACT, IN FAR: 35.8% o - - THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A5 SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED z IN BOOK 102, PAGE 15 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SCOPE OF WORK: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SEVENTEENTH STREET AS SAID STREET Q HIM _ -_ _ IS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF TRACT 4587, RECORDED IN BOOK 290, PAGES 10 AND 11 of 2-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING SHELL & CORE ONLY. TENANT IMPROVEMENTS TO BE w MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, WITH THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF -_ --_ _-_ THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID TRACT 45$7 AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 88° �1' za" vuEST, SUBMITTED UNDER A SEPRATE PERMIT ALONG THE SAID NORTH LINE OF SEVENTEENTH STREET, 127.20 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF GROVESITE DRIVE, A PRIVATE STREET, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT 4587, SAID POINT BEING o ALL CONDITIONS FROM THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO BE MET PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCES. z THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 17 a _- FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF$2° 18 12",AN ARC DISTANCE OF 24.41 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 188 FEET, A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 81° 07' 32" WEST; THENCE14 a NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7° 43' 4", AN ARC DISTANCE OF J ' T1 = _- = - _ _ _ 25.36 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE WITH A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 88 FEET A - RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 88° 51' 20" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG z SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44° 09' 00", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 67,81 FEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID TANGENT CURVE, NORTH 45° 17' 40" WEST 40.01 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 32 FEET. THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG PROJECT TEAM SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44' 09' 00". AN ARC DISTANCE OF 24.66 FEET; THENCE J LEAVING SAID TANGENT CURVE NORTH 1° 08' 40" WEST, ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF GROVESITE u) DRIVE, 42.77 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID TRACT 4587; THENCE NORTH 88° 51' 20" EAST,ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 211,20 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 0° 03' w 50" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID EAST LINE, 195.09 FEET TO THE POINT OWNER OF BEGINNING. o Nalsh, LLC PARCEL 2: 220 Newport Center Dr., #11-282 Newport Beach, CA 92660 A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT AND ROADWAY FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THAT CERTAIN z PARCEL OF LAND, WHICH IS SHOWN AS GROVESITE DRIVE, A PRIVATE STREET, ON THE MAP OFrM Contact: Hamid R. Mir, M.D. Q TRACT 4587, RECORDED IN BOOK 299, PAGES 10 AND 11 MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ■ L.L. ORANGE COUNTY. P. 310.486.1748 co E: hmspine@gmail.com O AUJ APN: 395-301-07 ARCHITECT 0 ■� MSA z 23192 Alcalde Drive, Suite G In Laguna Hills, CA 92653 w M w W LU Contact: Michael Schafer u P. 949.584.5426 �..� E. mschafer@msa-corp.net 0 V . � m 00 PROJECT SITE I 0 O � y ` P w- ,:, , {t w_ , Bti � L5i�11«<yt at; � ` �fmm�rr' tfi�rti N) 0 ■ 7TH DEFERRED SUBMITTALS coz Q ' e DOCUMENTS FOR DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE REGISTERED W { -4,� ' DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE WHO SHALL REVIEW THEM AND � i I . J ' FORWARD THEM TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITH A NOTATION INDICATING THAT THE co }' rn .. . Cn , .,�. DEFERRED SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND BEEN FOUND TO BE INrM GENERAL CONFORMANCE TO THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL t - ITEMS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THE DESIGN & SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN z ■� O APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. }i ~ ,.. co r co 1. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM (DESIGN-BUILD) z M 2. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (DESIGN-BUILD) '�`� � 3. BUILDING SIGNAGE (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) � � � t L� o PLAN ISSUE DATES as f - d A4 Q Rev. Date Description 1 1% a ' �.° & ##.##.2021 Planning Submittal D t Z Boundaries and Overlays � � SP 1 T� tr L¢;:�r:v ���r",r, � R#- tingle Family Fte ,Ci ,11it _ �. C7 -Retei: ,r7m2rCi l L u5tin C.--y Limits R2,-Etu lex Residential ®SP 3- la,lirrr:ii�:�r a k.x,i ..:: P C2-C°r:t! I C.cI inn -_ E _ Cuauri�l Kf-sour;.e Diswo R3-Mini le �8mi Residential ■ T i..;i, D FY apmrr r.r.: l .yen rel Parking Overlay C}vena r r ■ P 6-Fir; 4Yrren w 0 Y f� 8,vu ban Rssideoltial PC COM F'I:'rnod ;rn 7,:i-i1X C'I';'-U`7Itl � it z OC1111g _ SP 8 -East Tustin o PC rz,E,3 �iannect ::n r7unity Residential PM-F'lai.ne c1 liui.i tri,, ?. -•r- - z FLA-Residentral Ag riculture ■ �sP 9-Yorba Street PD- `il3rJ !la,'v� N11::i1t M-Ihduglr'� pa,..+x ..._ - � 7 5P 11 -Pacific Cehter East E4 Residential Estate Y ` w MHP Mc, L Ho,w Park ■ PC IND- P Erni i Cc�,�rimuloy lrldust6al -r - � FII -hrUfess.;r;.:, PI - SP f2-Doruntown Comr eFoiai Gare o PCPI- PIS,tisc.il PLINK and InStltutlolvAi MSP 131-Red Hill Avenue � � F ° AGENCY APPROVAL VICINITY MAP z John e Ittllen z a � w Lln,ie Ln m Sreedie Ciean undaL„ a II = =1= 7 =1= T =1= T 7 r 7 =1= T =1= T =1= OExpress Car Wash W 1 1 Leprie Ln �- oW 'L = � �cau.ie Ln Lduli9l,n ,.auric Ln a l cv ¢ O - - " w eel t5 z 0-r—Dr rngian Lr Fi CgrP;y.,d D< U j/ _ = PROJECT SITE 4 a can II �° m m PLAN CHECK NO. I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ ILaguna Hilts Nursery41i _ a x C' edhyd Ase �LcrnaVist > II — — ,i, andsnnati= Elementar o — — { Childtime of Santa Ana z PA/ PM M KS r J I r Marshalls 8 HomeGoods a ' I I I� ❑I I I e I I � � II 1PSis,'� Trinity United. a — — - 3 Presbyteaian 0 17631 T7thSt, Drawn By JC Tustin,CA 92780 C!'a_&A M- 711 arl � z I I _. :. - • — El '.hm 17(h St 1701 St 1 4h St Project No.: 2142 IIXpress Jr ent Care El Tc'tn R 9 9 17 CVS z n J _ _ s fes Less �� ac.an Grili 'f` a =nderle CeniEr tala>+sian Bistra `,ai Chaiyr�Tustin r, 9IncINMLS1173 U) COVER SHEET B — - Prime naice Fur 1 ! X�/ = J US F s er Va„denberg Ln z0 1 t n I/ander,herg Ln Vandeabe;�4 `m 0 x 0 IT— R'he,ada Wap E W '}• Via Liddn Via Linda a © K 0 d a � a _ / ' Via Cahna riexia Way co �T/ Via Came � fi 3 In z In A tb tb Wera..crron A- T re o DESIGN CONCEPT IMAGES 11 di y1e41,n rdn Ave 0 wA- 000 Y 0 (M a) iCn z PARKING TABULATIONS: w _� a) a) cu CITY OF TUSTIN MEDICAL USE PARKING 220 w 220 i � Cu Q N 2 1 PER 250 SF FOR INITIAL 4,000 SF A-1.16 PER 1,000 SF OVER 4,000 SF o p TOTAL ALLOWABLE 11,500 SF Q N N 88°51'20" E 211.20' --- --------- Q o N 11,323 GROSS SF MEDICAL BUILDING o OZ w 4 PER 1,000 X 4 16 0 6 PER 1,000 X 7.500 45 o co _ I I TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED 61 m CD TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 61 J N r I I = 0 18 '-0" w Uo C: z KEY NOTES � °' L 201 I Q L Cu Cu 202 PRE-CAST CONCRETE VEHICLE WHEEL STOPS. o N U .0 70 207 TRANSFORMER (REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS). 208 NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TIE TO EXISTING SIDEWALK. = ca ( ) w 215 E 10' RIGHT OF WAYQ ca . z _ --------- w E q — Q O) a) 51 = N 36 '-1" Q co � � U) ,O 27'-0" 14'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0" 90'-0" Z N (n J 0 Professional Stamp 0 U) 11 - _ 1 0 W o � Z 21 35 ► w o _ 24'-0" A-1.1 9'-4" U) w� co 5 Q a . CO 0 w l� w wiz h I = F.O.C. o \ — — — — — — — — I J CONSULTANT \ N 0000 z 51 _ TCO 12'-0 1/2' TRASH 4Yds s \ T-0" 52'-0" I w co PARKING STRIPING Z o -. �Q - - - -, - -. _ ;•_ I 208 � � J F co _ 72'-6 1/2" I n RECYCLE Q 4 Yds co 00 w �� 'o A-1.1 Z � 0 4 '001o LO 010 U \ M co O \ 11 o C ZCl) /� _ ; ; ► 0 \ \ i FOOD Q MAIN + SCRAPS U, \ ENTRY I I a 2 yds Z \ \ I r \ 1I � ■� w LL o� I REAR STAIR ENTRY M ui - \ o I o • o q Z ■� \ I 0 5'-8„ Q w bo 0 CII z \ oo I I 6 N w \ I 4_0 \ \ I I PARKING STRIPING A-1.1 O � F.O.C. Q \ i ELECTRICAL ROOM ENTRY I r , \ \ 2'_0„ 17' " 24'-0" 17'-0" ' -0 24-0 17-0 12-0" > \ Enclosure 2 Trash 4� U 1/4" = 1'-0" z �� z 0�0 LL O N a c w i ► � Q METAL DECK PAINT METAL FRAMErn 0 V COVER BEYOND &GATES TO MATCH BUILDING STUCCO Q = r I COLOR ■ •— rZr, I ,•: ,•. ,•: ,•: ,•: ,•: ,•: ,•: ,•: 6'-5"10 F_ I I = N 61 150 I � � 1 Q LM o 0 11 0 �..+ t co co co rM I co N_ 207 1 II o coTOM� I I o r M oL Enclosure West Elevation -- TOM I T 1/4" = 1'-0" z - ULTIMATE RIGHT OF WAY ULTIMATE RIGHT OF WAYPLAN ISSUE DATES — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ Rev. Date Description ~L2o PAINT CMU TO o ��R >>6�7- MATCH BUILDING Q 0 - 2g 'gyp. - - - - , - - - -• - - • - • - - -" "- STUCCO COLOR Z g7 Q PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE N 88°51' 0" E 127.20' - w z w Z o w w 215 0 q AGENCY APPROVAL 10 o co Z Q z 0 U) CD 0 Enclosure East Elevation o 1/4 - 1 -01 = 17th Street 0 z U Z Q PLAN CHECK NO. 0 PA/ PM MKS I I o w Drawn By: JC I I Q Site Plan Renovation J Project No.: 2142 �) 1 - o 1" = 10'-0" II SITE PLAN NORTH II I ILTIT U w a D Z Q Q Z_ 6 Enclosure South Elevation 5 Enclosure North Elevation -011 COA� 101 Y PARTITION LEGEND: Q �' � 0 a � E (E) PARTITION TO BE DEMOLISHED _� 1 w — (n CU NEW ACOUSTICAL / NON-RATED PARTITION (4" STUD U.N.O.) 0 v ca g Q N NEW 1-HOUR RATED FIRE PARTITION (4" STUD U.N.O.) 0E O 0 NOTE: z � U N v -CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 0 O z -DIMENSIONS: WALL DIMENSIONS ARE FACE OF FINISHED FACE TO FINISHED FACE Q U UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WINDOW/ DOOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER LINE OF 0 WINDOW/ DOOR WHERE SHOWN. M o U') m -WHERE DIMENSION IS PRECEEDED BY A (±) SYMBOL, THIS REPRESENTS/ALLOWS A m N "FLOAT" IN LAYING OUT THE WORK. CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT IN0 WRITING, PRIOR TO FRAMING, IF DIMENSION EXCEED ±2" FOR DIRECTION ON HOW TO w U U CU PROCEED. z w E— a L U \ 0 Cn zL W WW Q CU (a a) U 'v 0 < Ch Q CU — C/) (/) Q W E m N C: d) N : U) co (C KEY NOTES z N (n J 0 0 Professional Stamp 0 W U O W O W U Z W 0 W U W d W Y Q H Q _ U) Z coQ 0 W W _ H Z O w CONSULTANT m Q co Z O coz W 0 W 0 W Q U co m 1 2 3T52-n 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q U) 0 Q W Q U 52'-0" Q 1 0 5'-0" 5'-0" 32'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 10'-0" 16'-0" 16'-0" 10'-0" z w w � o W 5'-0" 5-0" 5'-0" 5-0" Jco A-4.o A-4.o c W 4 4 1 0 11 o o 0 0 W co (D r o ■� T co W I I I I 10 I I I I 1' LL C? bo w N N Oz ■- w C7 N N w W co M w U) O O O O Q I I I 2E 00 I o I I I I I o o ■� r r U OO z N�- ------ ---- ----- ----- U U i B i F y i B co W a Lobb S it#2 r- 206 SF L — 102 1 U _ 22 J — I W .� ■ �+ ====�1 ---- ~ A-4.0 1 u ---- ---- u ---- z i I I 1i I I ---- ---- 2 A-4.o i I II ---- 2 I �I Elevator ____ Elevator ___=J; 110 ---- 110 ====7I1== == a o I 59 SF I ———— ---- o I 59 SF I =====4 L=--== L r . . JIII----- I n I ---- ---- I n I 9�j2 ---- co 2nd Floor 2nd Floor J _ _ ———— JUL o ---- ____ 0 4 oile Lobb I Shell 0 3 Elev. E ui I Shell Ili z ■ +��+ A-6.0 211 1� 200 201 _ A-6.0 111 101 II olll o }� III III I 3 406 SF I 4614 SF I 53 SF I 4528 SF ---------- Q TOM �B.3 IElec. Room — 0 103 10 i I I I 93 SF 0 FM 0 co --- � � -- � � — J o PLAN ISSUE DATES C.3 p Rev. ate Description IIII �lJI= �lJI=1��L =__ ##.##.2021 Planning Submittal Stair . ILII Stair# z I IIII 112 IIS I w I 112 I ILII 310 S �I I IIIIIIIII 310 _ co0 w 0 I I I I I I I I I I z w r r _ 0 _ N N AGENCY APPROVAL 0 0 0 0 o z in in in in � m 0 0 = in 11-4o Q 0 5'-0" 5-0" 3 5'-0" 5-0" 1 5'-0" 5-0" 3 1 5'-0" 5-0" 1coz z Q E PLAN CHECK NO. A-4.0 A-4.0 a Q PA/ PM MKS W a Drawn By: MA ARCH z Q W Q Project No.: 2142 co0 z Q 2 2nd Floor Plan 1 1st Floor Plan co FLOOR PLANS 1/811U U W 1 1-011 —011 d co 0 Z Q co C7 Z_ Q 0 W wA-2_ Y Cn ROOFING GENERAL NOTES: < � L °' a) Q •� =3O U a) w 0 U L E CU a) MANUFACTURE: FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY. LLC w 0- U) � MODEL: GENFLEX EZ TPO MEMBRANE (ICC ESR-2831) 0 U }' CU O L C U 1) ALL ROOFING TO COMPY WITH CBC CHAPTER 15. 10E c:Q O 2) COPING FLASHING TO BE A MINIMUM OF 24GA CORROSION RESISTANT METAL (PAINTED z U TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL). co > 0 a) cn Z Q C: 3) ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE ROOFING SUBSTRATE SHALL BE SEALED w/AN 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B (B.3 (C.3 C D EXTERIOR RATED SILICONE CONSTRUCTION SEALANT. Q () 4) PROVIDE CRICKETS AS NEEDED TO FACILITATE DRAINAGE TOWARDS ROOF DRAINS. 10 _ m M \\ KEY NOTES W (U z U E Level 3 F1 n � Level 3 \ , \ 211 ROOF HATCH. o > O cn 29'-0 "\ \ v 29'-0" \\ 212 ROOF DRAIN. Q WW 0 � \ 213 HVAC PACKAGE APPROX. 4' x 5'. m O U 'V \ - 214 SLIP SYSTEM ROOFTOP MOUNTED HEAT PUMP UNITS APPROX. 3' x 3'. c/j O Level 2 Level 2 \ _ = Cn \ cu 15'-0" �J 15'-0" \\ co Q Cnn \ W N cu E \ m rn a) =3 4-0 o jC6 � Level 1 Level 1 N (n J 0" 0" 20'-0" 70-o" Professional Stamp 0 0 W Q U O w O w 3 Line of Sight Section E/W 1 Line of Sight Section N/S w 1/16" = 1'-0" 1/16" = 1'-0" W a W Y Q H Q _ U) 0 Z coQ D W W _ H Z O w CONSULTANT m Q co Z O coz W 0 W 0 W U O m 1 2 6 Q U) 0 Q W Q U U Q H co I I I Z - w w - _ 0 W U co w Cn _ H Z w H z o W co 212 Q r w LL UJ 0 0 Z ■� Q SLOPE 1/4"/FOOT MIN. W w U) QQ U 0 ■� U U O 213 214co 2E 00 0 O F - I 212 � N U c a W - w 0 w .- ■�co �+ Q � � W z Q0 —1 L -1 co U) }+ L � U) SLOPE 1/4"/FOOT MIN. ■� z ti F —1o U Q TOM co _ J > r M 211 o i Z O ~ a r z W 0 PLAN ISSUE DATES Q Rev. Date Description a 0 a a Q 0 z Q w I ° IT C W 0 z W 212 0 I I I w W 0 SLOPE 1/4"/FOOT MIN. 0 AGENCY APPROVAL z coQ z 0 W 212 I I I Q 0 Q I I I z co PLAN CHECK NO. 0 0 PA/ PM MKS Q W a 0 w Drawn By: Author z Q W Q Project No.: 2142 0 z Q z ROOF PLAN 0 Q 2 Roof Plan 1/8" = 1'-0" 0 z Q z Q 0 W w A�202 Y EXTERIOR ELEVATION LEGEND: Q � � o 0 a 6 2 1 w U L E GLAZING ca 4 _� a) cu c N Vitro Architectural Glass, color: Pacifica U �, CU Level 5 STOREFRONT AND SUNSHADES o Q C 34-6 Clear Anodized Aluminum: Arcadia #11 Clear AC-2 N O _ _ -_ _ -- _ - - _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ __ o 0- - - - - - - U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ; - - 0 - - - - - , - - z P RTLAND EMENT PLA TER Y TEM PAINTED O C S S S - - � - - - - - - N - - Level 4 L _ - - r - - - - - - - - - - - 4--0 Dunn Edwards Paintco N - - 30 6 cn - - - - - - --- - - - -- olor: Dro lets DEW381 z C - - p 0- - - - - - - - _ - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - z O - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ - - --_ - - - - - - - .-- - - _ - - - - - - - - - W - - - - - - - - - - W - - - - U - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - W METAL WALL PANEL o AEP Painted Metal Panels M Color: Silver Metallic m (C) � O _r_1=1= —= - . W U Level 2 I1 WALL PANEL w S 15' 00" Resysta Composite Panels 0 N p '� Color: Burma C08 z 'L `•'~ a) W p ca ca O U 'c.) o � 7t �_ FU _ cn _U EXTERIOR GENERAL NOTES: wU) Q 1. - _-"-- - _ - - - - 11_ --- - -- - - - _ r y _ - -- _ - - - - - -_- -_ - - _, - - _ m N CU E - - -- - --- - - -- -- - ' _ _ _ , _ _ --- __ -ALL EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION TO COMPY WITH CBC CHAPTER 14. Q o N IL - - - co - - - - - _- _ : _ _- - � � � _ - - -_ - : o M5ca � - - - - - -ALL FLASHINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 24GA CORROSION RESISTANT METAL. co N (n J � z O co -ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE EXTERIOR SUBSTRATE SHALL BE SEALED w/AN 2E Professional Stamp 0 EXTERIOR RATED SILICONE CONSTRUCTION SEALANT @ SUBSTRATE PRIOR TO 4 North Elevation 1/8" - 1'-0" INSTALLATION OF WEATHER RESISTANT MEMBRANES. co W O - PROVIDE MOIST STOP FLASHING AROUND ALL EXTERIOR WINDOWS, DOORS, & OTHER z OPENINGS/PENETRATIONS. o 2i U A B C D - EXTERIOR STUCCO SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC SECTION 2512. PROVIDE SEPARATE INSPECTIONS AT PHASES OF EXTERIOR PLASTER AS FOLLOWS- SCRATCH COAT, BROWN COAT AND COLOR COAT. PROVIDE 60-MINUTE GRADE 'D' BUILDING PAPER AND LAP A co MINIMUM OF 50% FOR EXTERIOR STUCCO. z 0 W co W z 34'-6" `� KEY NOTES M CONSULTANT ( ( ( - - , - w - -.. - - - - - - - - ; - - z - - - ,_ - - o - - Level 4 - - - - - - - ' - z - - - - -. ,_ W , - - ; 30 6 - - - - 11 -11 - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W - - _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W - - ;- - - - - , - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - 0 -- -.- - - z -- - _- - - - - '- , - - - - -- = - 1-11 - -- - . - w - . - - - - - _ - - - - = Level 0 I-11 -_ -,- - _ _ _- - - _-- 15'-0" - z -- _ - -- - W _ - - W -- _ - _ - --' ' - _ - - , W " ,:_, '' ' - 11 - "_ ' , 1 -111 11 ' , - 1 ill -,_� -1, - _" W ''"',_"'i " ,-, -1 I 1, - (D - - . _0 ' - ''. - I I 11 '_ '. - I , _�'' I �� _ - - - ii ii — - - , - - - - _ . _ - = U) - - X -- -- , , _ - - - - ; - 01= o - 1,- - z 1� W U) r z Q M W ■� 1 West Elevation w 1/8" = 1'-0" UJ Ma W ■� W 1 2 6 c W co W 00CO (: _ Level 0 EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII V 34'-6" " 4� _ -- _- -- -_;. _ - -- - - - _- - - -- -- _ - --- -- - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - 4m 0�0 - - --- - ' , _- _ - - - - - - z - ti - ' O - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Level- - - - N - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - -I - - 30 6 U11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - W - - - -- , - - - - - - - - - - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- _ - - - - - - - - W a - - - - . - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - - _ - - -_ - . - -- - _ - - v W ._ ■� � siW z 0 U n Q 4111110 Level w 2 15'-0" Q 0 L o rM a ■ �i ;5 O U O U TOM M 2E (D O L L_-1--�L ��L_1Ea'___.L___1'___.L ���-�L��-�����IL_11 I%- = O TMO Q L� O z W PLAN ISSUE DATES U ti Rev. Date Description n South Elevation ##.##.2021 Planning Submittal 1/8" — 1'-0" 5/8" TALL ALUMINUM o CHANNEL PAINTED BLACK 5/a" TALL ALUMINUM HAT CHANNEL W PAINTED BLACK. VISIBLE THROUGH 3/4" SPACE w 1 /4 BLACK PLASTIC HIDDEN CLIPS BETWEEN PLANKS o D u ATTACHED TO PLANKS FROM = REAR AND TO ALUMINUM z CHANNEL FROM FRONT. I O 3/4 VISIBLE THROUGH 3/4" SPACE �� 1 1/2 W ( ( , 0 BETWEEN PLANKS 2 fi/1fi W o o / O Level 5 5 1 /2 k_ U 5 1 2 3/4 Q AGENCY APPROVAL 34'-6" - , - - - - - - _ - - - - - ° — o - z - - - - LINE OF WALL - - - - - z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o 0 - - - - - - _ - - - - - -- - - - - -- 0 - , - - - - - - - - 5 1 2 W - -- _ - - - / - - - - - Level co - - - - - - - - -- - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �� W 3 4 - - / - - 30 6 - - -- - - - -_ - ' - - - - - - D -, - - - ° - - -- - - - - - RESYSTA — — — — — - - o - - — - - - - - - - - - -- _- - _- - - -- '- - - -_ - -- PLANKS - - - - - - - - - - - 3 4 0 - o 0 - - - - 3 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W 1. - ' x 5 /' /' 4' 2 / 5 1 2 - - - - - - . 5 WIDE _ -- - /2>> - - - - - - - _ - _ -- - o ° - - - - -. - 0 �� PLAN CHECK NO. _ - _ _ _; - _ 5 1 /2 5 1/2 -," = _ _ - _ _,, �=E7 � _ - - -- _-_ - _ -_ . _, r_ _ — BLACK PLASTIC - - - - - - - - - , I _= . Level2 HIDDEN CLIPS ° - _ _ - -- - _ _ - - - _ - 15'-0" 3/4 D z PA/ PM MKS -- _- - --- _ - , _ -- - _- - _-_ - -- 0 1. _ -_ _ , __ - _ -__-- - ---- - --- -- - - _- _ 3 1 /2 - _ -- - - - -- - -_ - - - - - - -- - Drawn By: Author - - _ - - -- -- , - - _ - - - _ - _ -- 1 5/8 - -- - - - - - -- -- , - w _- _ __ _ - _ _ _ _ _ Project No.: 2142 - - - -- _1 I � � - - - _- - - - U) -- - ;- -- \ - _. - -- __'_'-_'_'_'_1 o I I- __:__ ;___ _ __ __' -;-_ _ ___ _ __ _ L�� _- _ _- _ EXTERIOR - z = - --- === - - L�]L�] - = H UDEN CEP DETA E H UDEN CEP DETA E Q ELEVATIONS SECT ON EEEVAT ON M z Q z n East Elevation 1/8" - 1'-0" RESYSTA PLANK PANEL W A�400 6 1 1/2" = 1'-0" w r. w � � r r r , r a � w w r r. ■ w r w r / • ■ � r r 4 w �a A.! L .i ^+_ - + A1" . 1p, + ,. _.. ._ •« r, r "..:�' ----. -_- - -. i'I7F' rr�eiall w • `"�R. M' 07 h� -40 r ,. ..I �w . ."• Z ., .q. may' w�. :�",. � „. .,� � w v �. •-i^ � r. m:.. _ �i r r^w . r .• .. , : . �•`. """^ "� � � ,.. -:a _' ,. • _- � _, � , •: -_ -� ^:-.". •' ! „7^'"wµ• ? - , e.�,. ,`�,•. ,�,� ,r �6. t ' ''� .. � .. ., .. -. �..+.,.. � � �-�r.r.:. .. ..^.,•v ,�. � _.. �1.. w„. + yx�� , -- ,. .. ..-•.-w ._ may,� .w4+� r ;'�M M:' " s w .r• s. "' -.....r a+n •.� +. rl'F' , : + -„ wH:., Nn ,.^'k^.,.- �W'• ' *, �%J-• M.. « ,.:, yy,�a . �'' !;.,,,w* ;: .:: aAe` �.^a. � 1. +P�'� .,�'_ f � �ir. .,� •. . 'sy,,... wr''F, L. WHO� ami: • y..'M F ;« .. 9..••. �ya� �r. ¢u,,ypy � w� � "' ..•....� -w.r.r..prxw . � ,..°. ,. a -" ,'• '4 .,.. ,,... . v, ita,, .,,,. - ,. .. _ '�.. .P •u�°,e )` mow„ I d� r r . A�, h*yL. , fir ;4} -d�, .^: , P 1J, ,. 4a.-. i ,..,. ...v --:5 � � .1: =Yrw: , ., r „. - ,. - -,. .� r a w r w �e • w 44 MF "MON= Ill I � , a • gg "M! w �j x • ..+•' .,." MIM ., '"f"� r �r i a .+, � Y y X37 ,N M AFS .t� .ti yra„ � , .+ `� _•" °y; r rte• r,,,,• + ,.!' .• +,�` 'd4 :;.r°.,, '•�«n- ..,.. ,. ,,. i "DC7 " v.. a p:. * � . .: w «,, x.. ,. ,.. .'41* '� .. . a • i 7 M N. 4 Nd � " #+` • , +:"a�i'Iw r�...+.'.��,:.'i►t,: �•'a:,....a;;.l.,,.-a_:. :ar`•�` ..r-v�~rC•"+e� , � --- � R'" •�"� r `t ._� � _ _ ^_ .. . ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS LIST AND SPECIFICATIONS p U CD (a � a C) U C0 C : ABREVIATIONS Y Q Z 4S/DP 4" SQUARE BY 2 1/8" DEEP BOX GENERAL MATERIALS RECESSED FIXTURE IN ACCESSIBLE CEILING. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. Q O ADA AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT 1. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND PARTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE v A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR 1. THE FOLLOWING NOTES REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RECESSED EMERGENCY FIXTURE IN ACCESSIBLE CEILING. REFER TO LIGHTING CD =3 A.F.G. ABOVE FINISH GRADE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SAME MANUFACTURE FOR EACH CLASS OR GROUP OF MATERIALS. FIXTURE SCHEDULE. 0 > ch AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE CO INCLUDING POWER AND CONTROLS FOR HVAC PLUMBING C) � AMP A AMPERE 2. ALL MATERIALS PARTS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE NEW UNLESS SURFACE MOUNTED FIXTURE AND OUTLET BOX. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE o O A.I.C. AMPERES INTERRUPTING CAPACITY (SYMMETRICAL) ARCHITECTURAL EQUIPMENT, OWNER PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND ALL SCHEDULE. a U COMMUNICATION, DATA AND SIGNAL SYSTEMS. OTHERWISE NOTED. AF/AT AMP FRAME, AMP TRIP Z AS/AF AMP SWITCH, AMP FUSE SURFACE MOUNTED EMERGENCY FIXTURE AND OUTLET BOX. REFER TO LIGHTING CIRC.,CKT. CIRCUIT 2. THESE NOTES DO NOT REPLACE THE SPECIFICATIONS. IF A CONFLICT 3. EXISTING MATERIALS, PARTS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE RE-USED D FIXTURE SCHEDULE. z co CB CIRCUIT BREAKERIS FOUND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER BEFORE SHALL BE CLEANED AND REPAIRED. REPLACE ALL MISSING AND o LO C CONDUIT BROKEN PARTS AS REQUIRED. RECESSED FIXTURE IN HARD LID CEILING AND OUTLET BOX. REFER TO LIGHTING PROCEEDING WITH WORKwCNI C.O. CONDUIT ONLY, COMPLETE WITH PULLSTRING . D FIXTURE SCHEDULE. p CONN CONNECTED o U CPT CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER 3. THE DRAWINGS, DIAGRAMS AND SYMBOLS ILLUSTRATED ON THESE SERVICES RECESSED EMERGENCY FIXTURE IN HARD LID CEILING AND OUTLET BOX. REFER ca U CLCB CURRENT LIMITING CIRCUIT BREAKER DRAWINGS REFLECTS THE INTENT OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND D TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. o L O .� CLF CURRENT LIMITING FUSE ARE SHOWN DIAGRAMATICALLY. 1. VERIFY ALL UTILITY COMPANY INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR m > o Cn CT CURRENT TRANSFORMER CONDUIT RUNS, DIRECT BURIAL CABLE RUNS, CONDUIT ENCASEMENT, O RECESSED DOWNLIGHTING FIXTURE. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. L DIA DIAMETER 4. VERIFY ALL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS WITH THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PULL BOX AND TRANSFORMER PADS, JOINT UTILITY TRENCHES AND L) 6 E.C. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 0 RECESSED DOWNLIGHIING EMERGENCY FIXTURE. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE 0 CD EMS ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM COMPANIES (POWER, CABLE TELEVISION AND TELEPHONE) PRIOR TO EQUIPMENT GROUNDING. SCHEDULE. w _� 0 EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION BIDS. _� = Cl) ENT ELECTRICAL NON-METALLIC TUBING 2. NOTIFY EACH PROJECT UTILITY COMPANY TO VERIFY SPECIFIC 4) RECESSED WALL WASHING LIGHTING FIXTURE. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. z U 2 CU EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER PROJECT REQUIREMENT AND POINTS OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS PRIOR U) Q ca E-O-L END-OF-LINE CIRCUIT TERMINATOR. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE COMPLETE SET OF ❑ SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHTING FIXTURE. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. m CV C EF EXHAUST FAN CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION BIDS. TO SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION BIDS. 00 CD = E/G EQUIPMENT GROUND (GREEN) ■ SURFACE MOUNTED EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIXTURE. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE � CU E EXISTING EQUIPMENT 6. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL SCHEDULE. N 0J EP EXPLOSION PROOF CONDUIT, WIRING, CONTROL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO w FT or ' FEET INSURE ALL SYSTEMS ARE COMPLETE AND OPERABLE. ,0 WALL MOUNTED LIGHTING FIXTURE AND OUTLET BOX. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE m Professional Stamp FA FIRE ALARM SCHEDULE AND PLANS FOR MOUNTING HEIGHT. FLA FULL LOAD AMPS GFCI GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A COMPLETE SET OF i--0 STRIP LIGHTING FIXTURE AND OUTLET BOX. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. zESS100000 1 GRD GROUND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, SPECIFICATIONS, SHOP DRAWINGS, v, HOA HAND-OFF-AUTOADDENDUM'S AND CHANGE ORDERS ON THE JOB SITE. �--�� STRIP LIGHTING EMERGENCY FIXTURE AND OUTLET BOX. REFER TO LIGHTING HVAC HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. o H.,W.,D.,L. HEIGHT, WIDTH, DEPTH, LENGTH U HID HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE 8. MAINTAIN AND UPDATE DAILY A COMPLETE SET OF AS-BUILT TRACK LIGHTING FIXTURE AND OUTLET BOX. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. No. E13453 HP HORSEPOWER ELECTRICAL DOCUMENTS. PROVIDE ALL COMPONENTS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE OM9/30/22 HPS HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM o IN. or " INCHES ® EXIT SIGN AND OUTLET BOX, CEILING MOUNTED, SHADING INDICATES DIRECTION AND I/G ISOLATED GROUND 9. NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER NUMBER OF FACES, ARROWS AS REQUIRED. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE4E. JBOX JUNCTION BOX SHOULD A CONFLICT EXIST BETWEEN THESE DRAWINGS AND THE or �►,! K DEGREE KELVIN ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. REQUESTS FOR DIRECTION SHALL BE MADE FO EXIT SIGN AND OUTLET BOX, WALL MOUNTED, SHADING INDICATES DIRECTION AND KVA KILOVOLT AMPERES IN WRITING. NUMBER OF FACES, ARROWS AS REQUIRED. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. KW KILOWATT CONSULTANT LCL LONG CONTINUOUS LOAD ALL LOW-LEVEL EXIT SIGN AND OUTLET BOX, WALL MOUNTED. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE 10. COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF THE ELECTRICAL WORK WITH SCHEDULE. L.F. LINEAR FEET LTG, ALL PROJECT TRADES. z LTS LIGHTING SURFACE MOUNTED EMERGENCY LIGHTING UNIT WITH 90 MIN. EMERGENCY BATTERY o LPS LOW PRESSURE SODIUM PACK. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. w MAX. MAXIMUM 11. PROVIDE A WARRANTEE FOR THE ELECTRICAL WORK INCLUDING MCB MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) POLE MOUNTED LIGHTING FIXTURE. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. 0 Z MIN. MINIMUM YEAR AFTER ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT BY THE OWNER. NO MLO MAIN LUGS ONLY Q POST MOUNTED OR BOLLARD LIGHTING FIXTURE. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE MV MERCURY VAPOR ADDITIONAL COST FOR LABOR OR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS, MATERIALS SCHEDULE. engineering consultants MH METAL HALIDE AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INCURRED BY THE OWNER. 2420 Lakemont Ave ISuite 3201Orlando,FL 32814 MCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER T 407.67icateo www.rtmassociates.com com F�gWALL MOUNTED DIMMER AT +48" A.F.F. (MAX). SEE SWITCHES FOR SUBSCRIPTS. Certificate of Authorization#31254 MCM THOUSAND CIRCULAR MILS 12. RETURN OPERATING MANUALS, COPIES OF SHOP DRAWINGS, o MCP MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR BROCHURES AND EQUIPMENT WARRANTIES TO THE OWNER AT THEO� OCCUPANCY SENSOR WITH SWITCHPACK AND OUTLET BOX, 1-WAY DIRECTIONAL AS M MANUFACTURER SHOWN, SURFACE MOUNTED. o MTD MOUNTED COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. Z MW MICROWAVEOCCUPANCY SENSOR WITH SWITCHPACK AND OUTLET BOX, 2-WAY DIREC11ONAL AS w NEC NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 13. PROVIDE A TYPED WRITTEN LIST OF A LAMP TYPES, WATTAGE'S SHOWN, SURFACE MOUNTED. NC NORMALLY CLOSED NO AND BEAM SPREADS TO THE OWNER AT THE COMPLETION OF THE NORMALLY OPENED NF NON-FUSED PROJECT. � OCCUPANCY SENSOR, WALL MOUNTED AT +48" A.F.F. MAXIMUM. NIC NOT IN CONTRACT INDICATES FINAL CONNECTION TO A LIGHTING FIXTURE, NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AS w NL NIGHT LIGHT 14. AS-BUILT DRAWING COMMENTS SHALL BE TRANSFERRED TO A REQUIRED. w NO. or # NUMBERA-1 3 5 GFCI OWNER FURNISHED, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED. CLEAN SET OF DOCUMENTS AT THE END OF THE PROJECT AND ' ' HOME RUN TO PANEL. LETTER DESIGNATES PANEL, NUMBERS INDICATE CIRCUITS. P POLE RETURNED TO THE ARCHITECT AT THE END OF THE PROJECT. HASH MARKS INDICATE NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT RUN, #12 AWG MINIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PC PHOTOCELL PRIMAY OVER 600 VOLTS 15. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE BRACED OR ANCHORED TO PH. or kp PHASE RESIST A HORIZONTAL FORCE ACTING IN ANY DIRECTION USING THE PROVIIJE FURNISH, INSTALL AND CONNECT. M PT POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 0 PA PUBLIC ADDRESS A-1+3+5 HOME RUN TO PANEL. LETTER DESIGNATES PANEL, NUMBERS INDICATE CIRCUITS, ■ REC, RECEPTRECEPTACLE FIXED EQUIPMENT ON GRADE: 20 PERCENT OF OPERATING WEIGHT. oil 199 "+" INDICATES SEPARATE #10 NEUTRAL THROUGHOUT BRANCH CIRCUIT. REFREFRIGERATOR FIXED EQUIPMENT ON STRUCTURE 30 PERCENT OF OPERATING WEIGHT. HASH MARK " " INDICATES AN ISOLATED GROUND CONDUCTOR. RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL SECONDARY 600 VOLTS AND LESS FOR FLEXIBLY MOUNTED EQUIPMENT USE 4 TIMES ABOVE VALUES. CONCEALED BRANCH CIRCUIT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. _ ■� SQ. SQUARE FLUSH MOUNTED ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD OR LOAD CENTER. REFER LL TC TIMECLOCK SIMULTANEOUS VERTICAL FORCE, USE ONE-THIRD TIMES HORIZONTAL TO PANEL SCHEDULE. - - - - CONDUIT RUN CONCEALED BELOW GRADE, 3/4"C MINIMUM WITH CODE SIZEDbi TEL/DATA TELEPHONE AND DATA FORCE. WHERE ANCHORAGE DETAILS ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE EQUIPMENT GROUND. M TV TELEVISION DRAWINGS, THE FIELD INSTALLATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE mmmSURFACE MOUNTED ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD OR LOAD CENTER. REFER w W TYP TYPICAL APPROVAL OF THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, AND THE D.S.A. FIELD TO PANEL SCHEDULE. - TANDEM WIRING CONNECTION. REFER TO TANDEM WIRING DETAIL. U.O.N. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ENGINEER, IF APPLICABLE. V VOLTS DISTRIBUTION SWITCHBOARD. REFER TO SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM. CONDUIT STUB OUT, CAP, MARK AND RECORD. w VA VOLT AMPERES CONDUIT CONTINUATION. WP WEATHERPROOF �T TRANSFORMER, REFER TO SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM. _ W WIRE REGULATIONS, CODES AND PERMITS INDICATES FLEXIBLE CONNECTION TO EQUIPMENT. NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS ■ gy FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH, HP RATED WITH FUSES PER EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER AS REQUIRED. � O 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR ALL PERMITS AND FEES UNLESS AND WEATHERPROOF AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE FINAL CONNECTION TO UNIT EQUIPMENT. OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR GENERAL LIGHTING FIXTURE CALL OUT, "3" INDICATES FIXTURE TYPE (REFER TO LIGHTING 0�0 ❑� NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH, HP RATED AND WEATHERPROOF AS REQUIRED. (D2 FIXTURE SCHEDULE), NUMBER ADJACENT INDICATES QUANTITIES (NUMBER IS SHOWN O N CONDITIONS. PROVIDE FINAL CONNECTION TO UNIT EQUIPMENT FOR BRANCH CIRCUIT PURPOSES ONLY, NOT FOR MATERIAL TAKE-OFF). z O QM UTILITY COMPANY METER. PROVIDE CTs AND PTs AS REQUIRED REFER 2. THE COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED IN "A" PANEL CALLOUT, "A" INDICATES PANELBOARD OR EQUIPMENT DESIGNATION. V TO SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM. ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED VERSIONS OF THE NATIONAL oo�� ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC), CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE CEC , UNIFORM aJ CIRCUIT BREAKER AC MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CALLOUT, "AC" INDICATES UNIT TYPE AND "2" ( ) ( ) b AC INDICATES UNIT NUMBER. REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT o ■ ._ BUILDING CODE (UBC), CITY ORDINANCES AND UNIFORM FIRE CODE. FUSIBLE SWITCH LOCATION AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. z N a 3. NOTHING ON THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS IS TO BE GROUND CONNECTION, SIZE AS INDICATED OR AS REQUIRED. Q INTERPRETED AS PERMITTING WORK NOT CONFORMING WITH ANY CODE, .. REGULATION OR ORDINANCE. © PULLBOX, SIZED PER N.E.C. OR AS NOTED. O PLAN NOTE REFERENCE, REFER TO NOTES ON SHEET, OR AS DIRECTED. z o SINGLE POLE SWITCHES, WALL MOUNTED AT +48" A.F.F. UBSCRIPTS AT SYMBOL a,b (MAX).( )• AQ REVISION REFERENCE. SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBSTITUTIONS INDICATE THE FOLLOWING: w +� 2 - DOUBLE POLE D - DIMMING 3 - THREE WAY OS - OCCUPANCY SENSOR Y WYE CONFIGURATION DELTA CONFIGURATION 1. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED AFTER THE K - KEY OPERATED M - MOTOR STARTING ■� ♦..r PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE BID AS SPECIFIED. QS - seeTOUCH QS BUTTON P - WIRELESS PICO KEYPAD 1 GROUND a, b, c, ETC. - DESIGNATES SWITCH LEG 2. SUBSTITUTIONS WILL ONLY BE CONSIDERED DURING THE SHOP SEE SHEET E4.1 FOR LIGHTING CONTROL DETAILS Ho CARD READER OUTLET WALL MOUNTED AT +42" A.F.F. (MINIMUM), STUB A 3/4"C.O. r DRAWING PROCESS IF SUBMITTAL INCLUDES UNIT PRICES FOR SPECIFIED ® OCCUPANCY SENSOR. SEE SHEET E4.1 FOR LIGHTING CONTROL DETAILS UP 6" ABOVE THE ACCESSIBLE CEILING AND PROVIDE A BUSHING. AND EACH ALTERNATE PRODUCT. o 0 3. SUBSTITUTION PRODUCTS SHALL BE EQUAL TO THE PERFORMANCE, 0PLAN ISSUE DATES QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP OF THE SPECIFIED PRODUCT. WORKING w SAMPLES MAY BE REQUIRED. o 11.08.2021 Planning 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO INSURE THAT PRODUCT o Submittal PRICING RECEIVED FROM THE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTOR COMPLIES WITH THE PROJECT CONDITIONS. U H _ 5. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS; GENERAL ELECTRICAL MATERIALS, CONDUIT AND WIRE, SWITCHGEAR, PANELS AND TRANSFORMERS, LIGHTING FIXTURES, LAMP TYPE AND MANUFACTURE, CONTROL EQUIPMENT, FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS, AND o SPECIAL SYSTEMS NOTED ON DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS. w 6. VERIFY THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT WITH THE UTILITY COMPANY PRIOR TO SUBMITTING ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT. Q AGENCY APPROVAL 7. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND MATERIALS SHALL BE RELEASED o TO INSURE THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE IS NOT JEOPARDIZED DUE TO LATE DELIVERIES. ELECTRICAL SHEET INDEX z E1.0 Electrical General Information w 8. MAIN SWITCHBOARD SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE E1.1 Title 24 Calculations SERVING UTILITY COMPANY FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO RELEASING E1.2 Lighting Fixture Specifications E2.o Electrical Site Plan BUILDING DEPARTMENT GENERAL NOTES: EQUIPMENT FOR DELIVERY. METERING FACILITIES AND UNDERGROUND PULL SECTIONS SHALL MEET THE LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY E2.1 site Photometrics 1. ALL WORK TO COMPLY WITH 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. REQUIREMENTS. 2. COMPLY WITH CITY OF LOCAL AMENDMENTS TO 2019 C.E.C. 3. USE RIGID METAL CONDUIT IN ALL AREAS EXPOSED TO WEATHER. PLAN CHECK NO. 4. USE GROUND WIRE INSIDE ALL FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT. 5. METAL CONDUIT SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED IN CONTACT WITH EARTH. 6. ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE U.L. LISTED OR EQUIVALENT. PA / PM MKS ELECTRICAL SCOPE OF WORK z • Installation of site lighting in parking area of shell building. Drawn By: ME w Z a Project No.: 2142 Q Q ACCEPTANCE TESTING REQUIREMENTSw ELECTRICAL Q 0 PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH GENERAL INFO THE CALCTP-AT (ACCEPTANCE TESTER) TO ALIGN ALL TESTING AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL (LIGHTING AND ANY OTHER) EQUIPMENT AND CONTROLS. PROVIDE z WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE OWNER PRIOR TO AND UPON COMPLETION OF THIS MEETING. E � l Q ■ STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0 C C:Outdoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting � v v NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION C NCU E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-EC:C CU Project Name: 17th Street MOB Report Page: (Page 1 of 8) Project Name: 17th Street MOB Report Page: (Page 2 of 8) Project Name: 17th Street MOB Report Page: (Page 3 of 8) (�) 0 CU Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 Q C: Z a) o E c: A. GENERAL INFORMATION O 2 C. COMPLIANCE RESULTS F. OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE w U 01 Project Location (city) Tustin Z 04 Total Illuminated Hardscape Area (ft2) 19630 Results in this table are automatically calculated from data input and calculations in Tables F through 1. Note:If any cell on this table says "COMPLIES with Exceptional Conditions"refer For new or altered lighting systems demonstrating compliance with 140.7 all new luminaires being installed and any existing luminaires remaining or being moved within the spaces N L 02 Climate Zone 8to Table D. Exceptional Conditions for guidance or see applicable Table referenced below. covered by the permit application are included in the Table below. For altered lighting systems using the Existing Power method per§141.0(b)2L only new luminaires being installed and w N 4-0 03 Outdoor Lighting Zone per Title 24 Part 1 10.114 or as designated by Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): replacement luminaires being installed as part of the project scope are included(ie, existing luminaires remaining or existing luminaires being moved are not included). C) O Calculations of Total Allowed Lighting Power(Watts) 140.7 or§141.0(b)2L Compliance Results o ❑ LZ-0: Very Low- Undeveloped Parkland ❑ LZ-2: Moderate- Rural Areas ❑ LZ-4: High - Must be reviewed by CA Energy Commission for Approval 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Designed Wattage: o V ❑ LZ-1: Low- Developed Parkland ® LZ-3: Moderately High- Urban Areas 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 General Existing Z Per Sales Per Specific Hardscape Ornamental Power _ Cutoff Req. > Field + Application + Frontage + + Area OR - Total Allowed ? Total Actual How is B. PROJECT SCOPE Allowance §140.7(d)2 Allowance 07 must be>=08 Name or Item Watts per Total number Luminaire Excluded per 6,200 initial Inspector0 00 §140.7(d)2 §140.7(d)2 §140.7(d)2 (Watts) (Watts) Complete Luminaire Description 1 2 Wattage 2 3 Design Watts o Lf) y p f pp g p g prescriptive p §140.7(d)1 (See Table L) §141.0(b)2L Tag luminaire luminaires Status 140.7 a lumen output This table includes outdoor lightings stems that are within the scope o the permit application and are demonstrating compliance using the rescr/ tive path outlined in 14 7 or (See Table J) (See Table K) (See Table M) determined w Cfl §141.0(b)2L for alterations. (See Table I) (See Table N) 130.2 b 4 Pass Fail N E M Project Consists of: 1,078.8 + --- + --- + --- + 108 OR --- = 1,186.8 >_ 943 COMPLIES NA:< 6200 0 U My J Type B3 9W LED ❑ Linear 9 Mfr. Spec 8 New ❑ 72 ❑ ❑ 10 CU 01 02 Cutoff Compliance(See Table G for Details) N/A lumens (j Controls Compliance(See Table H for Details) COMPLIES N 00 0 L ® New Lighting System Must Comply with Allowances from 140.7 Type SL1 109W LED El Linear 109 Mfr. Spec 7 New El763 umensEI ❑ m O to L - ❑ Altered Lighting System Is your alteration increasing the connected lighting load (Watts)? Yes No = +0 03 04 05 D. EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS Type UP 54W LED ❑ Linear 54 Mfr.Spec 2 New ❑ 108 NA:< 6200 ❑ ❑ (� (a This table is auto filled with uneditable comments because of selections made or data entered in tables throughout the form. lumens Z N V •O of Existing Luminaires Being Altered' Sum Total of Luminaires Being Added or Altered Calculation Method Total Design Watts: 943 2 LO El < 10% El >= 10%and <50% El >=50% * NOTES:Selections with a * require a note in the space below explaining how compliance is achieved. o E.ADDITIONAL REMARKS -2 _ Cl) Please proceed to Table F. Outdoor Lighting Fixture Schedule to define the project's luminaires. EX:Luminaire is lighting a statue;EXCEPTION 2 to§130.2(b) w Q Cl) This table includes remarks made by the permit applicant to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 1 N (� 1 o f g g ( f g g p f FOOTNOTES:Authority Having Jurisdiction may ask for Luminaire cut sheets to confirm wattage used for compliance per 130.0 c cu E FOOTNOTES:%o Existing Luminaires Being Altered= Sum Total o Luminaires Being Added or Altered Existing Luminaires within the Scope o the Permit Application)x 100. 2 o 0)For linear luminaires, wattage should be indicated as W/If instead of Watts/luminaire. Total linear feet should be indicated in column 05 instead of number of luminaires. w 3 Select"New"for new luminaires in a new outdoor lighting project,or for added luminaires in an alteration.Select"Altered"for replacement luminaires in an alteration.Select"Existing to Remain" ¢ Cr) :3 CU for existing luminaires within the project scope that are not being altered and are remaining.Select"Existing Reinstalled"for existing luminaires which are being removed and reinstalled as part of N CO J the project scope. w 4 Compliance with mandatory cutoff requirements is required for luminaires with initial lumen output>=6,200 unless exempted by§130.2(b) m Professional Stamp Q G. CUTOFF REQUIREMENTS (BUG) This section does not apply to this project. sms/ 0 Q U w No, E 13 0 w EV 09/30/22 �F w Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft Y f� CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 or oL Schema Version: rev 20200601 Schema Version: rev 20200601 Schema Version: rev 20200601 CONSULTANT 0 Z 0 0 w w m Q Z 0 Z w engineering consultants 2420 Lakemont Ave I Suite 320 1 Orlando,FL 32814 T:407.678.2055:www.rtmassociates.com U Certificate of Authorization#31254 m STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA o Outdoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION o CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-E - Project Name: 17th Street MOB Report Page: (Page 4 of 8) Project Name: 17th Street MOB Report Page: (Page 5 of 8) Project Name: 17th Street MOBReport Page: (Page 6 of 8) Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 0 w H. OUTDOOR LIGHTING CONTROLS I. LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE (per 140.7 ) M. LIGHTING ALLOWANCE: PER SPECIFIC AREA = This table demonstrates compliance with controls requirements for all new or altered luminaires installed as part of the permit application. For alteration projects, luminaires which are This table includes areas using allowance calculations per 140.7. General Hardscape 01 This table includes areas using the wattage allowance per specific area from Table 140.7-B. More than one specific area allowance may be taken in a single project, if applicable. � U) existing to remain (ie untouched)and luminaires which are removed and reinstalled(wiring only)do not need to be included in this table even if they are within the spaces covered by Allowance is per Table 140.7-A while "Use it or lose it"Allowances are per Table 140.7-B. However, multiple specific area allowances may not be taken for the exact same area on the site. J ® General Use It or lose It Allowance (select all that apply) (select all that apply) 00 the permit application. Indicate which allowances are being used to expand sections for user input. Luminaires Hardscape ❑ Per ® Per Specific 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 w When an option having a *is selected, the notes section of this table must be completed. The lighting controls section of the Compliance Summary Table on the first page will show that qualify for one of the "Use it or lose it"allowances shall not qualify for another"Use ❑ Sales Frontage El Ornamental Allowance Application Area CALCULATED ALLOWANCE(Watts) DESIGN WATTS Z "DOES NOT COMPLY"if the notes are left blank. it or lose it"allowance. Table K Table L Additional Table I (below) Table J Table M Specific Area Type per Table Allowed Extra Luminaire Mandatory Controls Area Description Specific Area Watts per #of Allowance x Calculated General Hardscape Lighting Power Allowance per Table 140.7-A(LZ 0, 1 &4) 140.7-B Density Allowance Name or Design Watts o 01 02 03 04 05 (ftz)' Z Luminaire Luminaires (Watts) o This section does not apply to this project. (W/ft ) (Watts) Item Tag w ■ Shut-Off Auto-Schedule Motion Sensor Field Inspector Calculated General Hardscape Lighting Power Allowance per Table 140.7-A(LZ 2 &3) Building Facade BuildingFacade 11319 0.17 1924.23 Type UP 54 2 108 108 Area Description 130.2 c 1 §130.2(c)2 §130.2(c)302 03 04 05 06 07 08 9 10 0 Pass Fail Area Wattage Allowance(AWA) Area Wattage Allowance(AWA) Total Design Watts for this Area: 108 w ■ *NOTES:Controls with a *require a note in the space below explaining how compliance is achieved. Linear Total General Total Allowance(Watts)All Areas 108 LL EX:Not permitted b health&safety to be turned o EXCEPTION 1 to 130.2 Area Description Surface Type Illuminated Allowed Area Allowance Perimeter Allowed AWA+ LWA p Y f Y off; § (c1 1 0 ( z) ( / 2) ) g ( ) y( / ) Allowance FOOTNOTES:See Table 140.7-B for rules for calculating the specific areas(ft2 for these additional lighting allowances. Area ft DensityW ft (Watts) Len th If Densit W If Watts (Watts) o (Watts) 2 For luminaires indicated in Table F as linear, wattage in column 07 is W/If instead of Watts/luminaire. Total linear feet should be indicated in column 08 instead of number of luminaires. Parking Lot Asphalt 19431 0.03 485.775 793 0.4 198.25 684.025 w Sidewalks Concrete 199 0.03 5.97 97 0.4 38.8 44.77 N. EXISTING CONDITIONS POWER ALLOWANCE (alterations only) o Initial Wattage Allowance for Entire Site(Watts): 350 This section does not apply to this project. w Total General Hardscape Allowance(Watts): 1078.795 O. DECLARATION OF REQUIRED CERTIFICATES OF INSTALLATION J. LIGHTING ALLOWANCE: PER APPLICATION Selections have been made based on information provided in this document. If any selection have been changed by permit applicant an explanation should be included in Table E. _ `� Additional Remarks. These documents must be provided to the building inspector during construction and can be found online at 44= 0 This section does not apply to this project. https://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2019standards/2019 compliance documents/Nonresidential Documents/NRCl/ g Field Inspector Z O K. LIGHTING ALLOWANCE: SALES FRONTAGE Yes No Form/Title N Pass Fail This section does not apply to this project. NRCI-LTO-01-E- Must be submitted for all buildings ❑ ❑ U L. LIGHTING ALLOWANCE: ORNAMENTAL NRCI-LTO-02-E- Must be submitted for a lighting control system, or for an Energy Management Control System (EMCS),to be ❑ ❑ w IU recognized for compliance. This section does not apply to this project. w ♦..r Z H d U U Q w H H w Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft Z ♦"� CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 L Schema Version: rev 20200601 Schema Version: rev 20200601 Schema Version: rev 20200601 w ''A-0^^ Q U O O ■- O U H Z O U M STATE OF CALIFORNIAL STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0 Outdoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION NRCC-LTO-E CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION PLAN ISSUE DATES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTO-E 0 Project Name: 17th Street MOB Report Page: (Page 7 of 8) Project Name: 17th Street MOB Report Page: (Page 8 of 8) Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 11.08.2021 Planning Project Address: 17631 17th Street Date Prepared: 11/17/2021 Submittal 0 a Q P. DECLARATION OF REQUIRED CERTIFICATES OF ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT w Selections have been made based on information provided in this document. If any selection have been changed by permit applicant, an explanation should be included in Table E. I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Additional Remarks. These documents must be provided to the building inspector during construction and must be completed through an Acceptance Test Technician Certification Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: Provider(ATTCP). For more information visit:http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/attcp/providers.html Karissa Shaner - 0 Yes No Form/Title Field Inspector Company: Signature Date: Pass Fail RTM Engineering Consultants, LLC 11/17/2021 0 U NRCA-LTO-02-A- Must be submitted for all outdoor lighting controls except for alterations where controls are added to<=20El ❑ Address: CEA/HERS Certification Identification(if applicable): luminaires. 2420 Lakemont Avet Suite 320 w City/State/Zip: Phone: Orlando FL 32814 407.907.6403 0 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT AGENCY APPROVAL Q I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: t 0 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance(responsible designer) z 3. The energy features and performance specifications,materials,components,and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24,Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents,worksheets,calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building,and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable o inspections.I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. w Responsible Designer Name: Responsible Designer Signature: Randall V. Moss 0 Z Company: Date Signed: Z RTM Engineering Consultants 2021-11-17 PLAN CHECK NO. Address: License: o 2420 Lakemont Ave E13453 City/State/Zip: Phone: o PA / P M MKS Orlando FL 32814 Z a Drawn By: ME Z Q Project No.: 2142 Q z w P . Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: Registration Provider: Energysoft CALCULATIONS U CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Nonresidential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.003 Report Generated:2021-11-17 12:12:19 Schema Version: rev 20200601 Schema Version: rev 20200601 Z E � l Q 0 w w ■ 4-0 N C: RSX1LED Number • ' ' ' • • • D _ • To see complete photometric reports or download.ies files for this product,visit Lithonia Lighting's RSX Area homepage. - • - � . C:AN es � V NOTES Isofootcandle plots for the RSX1 LED P4 40K.Distances are in units of mounting height(20'). Lumen Output � Q Area Luminaire Notes - - CU Accessories 1 Any Type 5 distribution,is not available with WBA. 11 Twistlock photocell ordered and shipped as a separate line item from LEGEND 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 a 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown,within the tolerances allowed by Lighting - � Ordered and shipped separately. 2 Ml driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V(50/60 Hz). Acuity Brands Controls.See accessories.Shorting Cap included. 4 Facts.Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not shown here. Y 3 HVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 347-480V(50/60 Hz). Dimming leads capped for future use. ■ 0.1 fc 4 _ 4 4 L 4-a CID RSXIHS RSX1 Houseside shield(includes 1 shield) 4 XVOLT driver not available with P1 or P2.XVOLT driver operates on " option9 3 3 _ 3 ''� 3 _ i C 5 ine voltage from 277V-480V 0.5 fc I I A ,„.. n , ype P 45 from honzontal aim er ANSI C136.10 2010. 1 �t r HrriM RSX1HSAFRRU RSX1 House side shleldforAFR rotatedo t¢s Ondudeslshleld) Fusin 9 (50/60 Hz).XVOLT not available with P I ^`NIG E n s A- S L 1 S L 1 • 1 RSXIEGS(FINISH)U External tares hield(specify finish) ar g(SF or DF)and not available with PE or PEX. 13 Twoormore of the followingoptions cannot bee combined nod d dud ng ■ z z z z '( '" ' ystem Distribution. I1 i 1 I11 l 111 1 ' ¢ VJ EaiENOEv C US r.. Z R X1E V(FINISH) External Il visor �' finish) 5 Singlefise SF: grlres12n 277Ve 14 MustbeEorderedwithPIRHN. 1.Ofe t t _ / _ . ,. W 347.Double fuse D - , 7Type S GF S U Exter a are fu Iso secres 208V 2r,.c 3,.ti t ' 1 ' o ( ) Peadaptor P P (specify 6 Maximun tilt is 9,'ax,c ho•Imntal. 15 Requires MVOLT or HVOLT. 0 _ t r I Q RSXRPA(FINISH)U RSX Universal round ole ada for late(s eci finish) r be ordered with NLTAIR2.For additional information on PIRHN - --�-- 0�- -- -.I o t-- --- - -- o��- -. -. _.____ _._.._.. R2 6,482 1 0 1 126 7,121 1 0 1 139 7,121 1 0 1 139 f• 1 7 It m be ordered as a aces_-e 16 Must ..._. - , , i i a Q „ RSXWBA(FINISH)U RSXWBAwallbracket(s(specify finish) visit er 1 1 R3 6,459 1 0 2 127 7,096 1 0 2 139 7,096 1 0 2 139 1- Buy American Introduction RSXSCB(FINISH)U RSX Surface conduit box(specifyfinish,for use with WBA,WBA not included) 9 Not available incombin tionv,u:=etherfrhtse"sin•antro' p 17 Must be ordered with fixture for facto pre-drilling. - _ -- U options factory P 9 Z DLL127F 1.5JU Photocell-SSLtwist-lock(120 277V)'a (following options cannot be comnine&PE,PEX,PER7,FAO,DMG, 18 Requires luminaire to be specified will PER7 option.Ordered and -z - a .z R35 6,631 1 0 1 129 7,286 1 0 2 142. 7,286 1 0 2 142 Q • PIRHN). shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. L a a 3 3 R4 6,543 1 0 2 128 7,189 1 0 2 141 7,189 1 0 2 141 0 > }r The new RSX LED Area family delivers maximum DLL347F1.s000U Photocell-SSLtwist-lock(347u) 10 Requires .3 1 - U DLL48OF1.5CULJU Photocell - - - - R4S 6,313 1 0 1 124 6,936 1 0 1 136 6,936 1 0 1 136 w Q value b providingsignificant energysavings, Rz R3 R4 Rs P1 51w x y g g � g DSHORTSBKU Shorting cap � - - � RS 6,631 3 0 2 130 7,286 3 0 2 r143 7,286 3 0 2 143 ~ � � life and outstanding photometric performance at an RSS 6,807 3 0 1 133 7,479 3 0 1 147 7,479 3 0 1 147 - rO, Specifications affordable price.The RSX1 delivers 7,000 to 17,000 - • 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 AFR 6,473 1 0 1 127 7,112 1 0 1 139 7,112 1 0 1 139 a C) EPA +-- lumens allowing it to replace 70W to 40OW HID - x y� 3 3 3 AFRR90 6,535 2 0 2 127 7,179 2 0 2 140 7,179 2 0 2 140 Z - AFRL90 6,562 2 0 1 128 7,210 2 0 2 140 7,210 2 0 2 140 xr--ter _ 0 21.8°(55.4 cm) The RSX features an integral universal mounting °i 1 R2 8,991 2 0 1 123 9,878 2 0 1 135 9,878 2 0 1 135 W 0.57 ft (0.05 m ) z 2 ( )' 2 0• � �� all � 1 i t� � R3 8,959 2 0 2 124 9,843 2 0 2 137 9,843 2 0 2 137 0 1 ft @0 luminaires. r 2 Length (SPA mount) g g o o -- o R35 9,198 2 0 2 126 10,106 2 0 2 139 10,106 2 0 2 139 z mechanism that allows the luminaire to be mounted 2 2 R4 9,077 2 0 2 126 9,972 2 0 2 139 9,972 2 0 2 139 N On most existing drill hole patterns.This "no-drill" 3 a 1 R45 8,757 1 0 2 122 9,622 2 0 2 134 9,622 2 0 2 134 � O SOIUtIOn provides significant labor savings.An P2 72W RS 9,198 4 0 2 128 10,106 4 0 2 140 10,106 4 0 2 140 ~o CU (� Width: 13.3"(33.8 cm) �I 3.0"(7.6 cm)Main Body H p g g - - - - --I a 3 ---- R55 9,443 3 0 1 131 10,374 3 0 1 144 10,374 3 0 1 144 Height: 41 AFRL90 a AFRR90 g 7.2"(18.4 cm)Arm easy-access door on the bottom Of mounting arm -- AFR --- � AFR 8,979 z 0 1 125 9,865 2 0 1 137 9,866 2 0 1 131 Weight: House Side Shield External Glare Shield External 360 Full Visor AFRR90 9,064 3 0 2 124 9,959 3 0 2 137 9,959 3 0 2 137 m Q s. 22.0 lbs(10.0 kg) allows for wiring without opening the electrical (SPA mount): AFRL90 9,102 3 0 2 125 10,001 3 0 2 137 10,001 3 0 2 137 J L 0 compartment. A mast arm adaptor, adjustable R2 12,808 2 0 1 117 14,072 2 0 2 129 14,072 2 0 2 129 ¢ - CID integral slipfitter and other mounting configurations • ` R3 12,763 2 0 2 117 14,023 2 0 2 129 14,023 2 0 2 129 (�, R3S 13,104 2 0 2 120 14,397 2 0 Z 132 14,397 2 0 2 132 A,V v O are available. Accessories including bullhorns,cross arms and other adpaters are available under the accessories tab at Lithonia's Outdoor Poles and Arms product page. R4 12,930 2 0 2 119 14,206 2 0 2 130 14,206 2 0 2 130 a Click here to visit Accessories. U) Cl) R4S 12,475 2 0 2 114 13,707 2 0 2 126 13,707 2 0 2 126 Round Tenon Mount- Pole Top Slipfitters P3 109W R5 13,104 4 0 2 120 14,397 4 0 2 132 14,397 4 0 2 132 s (,� CID • • - • • - • EXAMPLE: RSX1 LED P4 40K R3 MVOLT SPA DDBXDTenon 0.9. Single 2 at 1155 13,4sz 3 o z 123 14,779 3 0 2 136 14,779 3 0 2 136 z - AFR 12,791 2 0 1 117 14,053 2 0 2 129 14,053 2 0 2 129 HANDHOLE ORIENTATION - N (D CU E 85111 LO 2-3/e" RPA,AARP A53-5190 AS3-5280 AS3-5290 AS3-5320 Asa 5390 Asa-saga AFRR90 12,913 3 0 3 118 14,187 3 0 3 130 14,187 3 0 3 130 0 Q I 2-7/8" RPA,AARP AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 AFRL90 12,967 3 0 2 118 14,247 3 0 3 130 14,247 3 0 3 130 = �--• '• ' ' ' I , , Mounting --------- 4" RPA,AARP AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 R2 14,943 2 0 2 112 16,417 2 0 2 123 16,417 2 ] 0 2 123 '- ' A3 14,890 2 0 3 112 16,360 2 0 3 123 16,360 2 0 3 123 o N r^ J Type 30K 3000K R2 tur ; Mul q p g p ° pole for 2,3,4at900) D 1 B Drill/Side Location by Configuration Type R35 15,287 2 0 2 115 16,796 z 0 z 126 16,796 2 0 2 126 vJ RSX1 LED P 40K 4000K R3 Type]glide VOLT (3407V-48OV))2 RPA Round pole mounting(3.2 min,d�.RND pole for22,3,4 at 90',3.0"min.dia.RND pole R4 15,085 2 0 3 113 16,574 2 0 3 125 16,574 2 0 3 125 P3 50K 5000K R35 Type Short XVOLT (277V48OV)" for1at90,2at180°,3at120°) P4 133W 1145 14,554 2 0 2 109 15,991 2 0 2 120 15,991 2 0 2 120 I m Professional Stamp Q 4 R4 T A',ilide uses specific voltage for MA Mastarm adaptor(fits 2 3/8"OD horizontal tenon) - RSS 3 D 2 1 8 2 4 0 2 130 2 4 D 2 130 Type ( P 9 a 1 R5 15,287 4 0 2 115 16,796 4 0 2 126 16,796 4 0 2 126 H. s; .r t p l 15,69 17,24 17,24 0 R4S Type,l Short options as noted) IS Adjustable slipfitter(fits 2-3/8"OD tenon)6 A Head Location Side B Side B&D Side B&0 Round Pole Only Side B,C&D Side A,B,C&D AFR 14,923 2 0 2 112 16,395 2 0 Z 123 16,395 2 0 2 123 ¢ �� R5 Type 1 tiVide 1 120 3 277 5 WBA Wall bracket' Handhole #8 Drill Nomenclature DM19AS DM28A5 DM29AS DM32AS DM39AS DM49AS AFRR90 15,065 3 0 3 113 16,551 3 0 3 124 16,551 3 0 3 124 Z R55 Type Short' 208' 3475 WBASC Wall bracket withsurface conduitbox Lumen Ambient Temperature Electrical Load AFRL90 15,128 3 0 3 114 16,621 3 0 3 125 16,621 3 0 3 125 CO V �. - r AFR Automotive Front ,- 2403 4805 AASP Adjustable tilt arm square pole mountin g6 (LAT) Multipliers RSX POLE DRILLING RSX1 - Luminaire EPA s AFRR90 vp Frr It to,'d AARP Adjustable tilt arm round pole mounting 6 Use these factors to determine relative lumen cutput for o 6 Template#8 To of Pole "Includes luminaire and integral mounting arm. Other tenons,arms,brackets or other accessories are not included in this EPA data. average ambient temperatures from 0-50`C(32-122'F). Performance Package S stem Watts W 120V 208V 240V 277V 7 J �JtOi ri Rig Ir,olalea AAWB Adjustable tilt armwithwallbracket �,"�., ,•i, A - y (-) - 34V 480V . .a P1 51 W 0.42 0.25 0.21 0.19 0.14 0.11 AFRL90 AutonotiveFront�.odd AAWSC Adjustable tilt arm wall bracket and surface conduit box' entAmbientr W NO �� � Left Rotated 0.563" • - Pz 7zw 0.60 0.35 0.30 0.26 0.21 0.15 0 ounting- • 0°C 32°F 1.05 P3 109W 0.91 0.52 0.45 0.39 0.31 0.23 LuEq, 09/30/22 - P4 --- 133W 1.11 0.64 0.55 0.48 0.38 0.27 w D.400" TYP7-- Tilt 5°C 41°F 1.04 _. o - - SPA-Square Pole Adaptor 0.57 1.03 1.05 1.52 1.36 2.03 1.31 1.7 2.26 10°c 50°F 1.03 w f� ra RPA-Round Pole Adaptor 0° 0.62 1.08 1.15 1.62 1.46 2.13 1.36 1.8 2.36 1S°C 59°F 1.02 ar '` ' RX .a^3m• ..n,1. .. '..,�.. .aom .:win t .,,', a - - Ll MA-MastArm Adaptor 0.49 0.95 0.89 1.36 1.2 1.87 1.23 1.54 2.1 21 68°F 1.01 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance ( ` Shipped Installed Shipped Installed DDBXD Dark Bronze 25°C 77°F 1.00 HS House-side shield' *Standalone and Networked Sensors/Controls(factorydefauItsettings,seetablepage9) DBLXD Black RSX STANDARDARM&ADJUSTABLEARM 0° 0.57 1.03 1.05 1.52 1.36 2.03 1.31 1.7 2.26 301 86°F 0.99 50,000 75,000 100,000 a9 1314,11 10° 0.68 1.34 1.33 2 1.74 2.64 1.35 2.03 2.71 35°C 95°F 0.98 "'"' "if] T.�. �' >0.97 >0.95 >0.92 PE Photocontrol,button style' NLTAIR2 nLightAIRgeneration2 DNAXD Natural Aluminum - Z 20° 0.87 1.71 1.73 2.56 2.26 3.42 1.75 2.62 3.49 40°c 11 0.97 CONSULTANT PEX Photocontrol external threaded,adjustable 910 PIRHN Networked,Bi-Level motion/ambient sensor(far use with NLT?IF2)",'S'6 DWHXD White + Values calculated according to IESNA TM-21-11 methodology and valid up to 40°c. 30° 1.24 2.19 2.3 3.21 2.87 _ 4.36 2.49 3.73 4.97 45°C 113°F 0.96 0 PER7 Seven-wire twist-lock receptacle only(no controls)a"' BAA Buy American)Act Compliant DDBTXD Textured Dark Bronze 40° 1.81 2.68 2.98 3.85 3.68 5.30 3.62 5.43 7.24 50°c 122°F 095 w CE34 Conduit entry 3/4"NPT(O 2) DBLBXD Textured Black 2.65"' IS-IntegralSlipfitter Y tY AASP/AARP-Adjustable 450 2.11 2.92 3.44 4.2 4.08 S.77 4.22 6.33 8.44 SF Single fuse(120,277,347)5 *Note:PIRHN with nLight Air can be used as a standalone or networked solution.Sensor coverage DNATXD Textured Natural Aluminum Arm Square/Round Pole 50° 2.31 3.17 3.72 4.52 4.44 6.26 4.62 6.94 9.25 0 DF Double fuse(208,240,480)5 pattern is affected when luminaire is tilted. DWHGXD Textured White s.zs' 60° 2.71 3.66 4.38 5.21 5.15 724 1 5.43 8.14 10.86 w SPD20KV 20KVSurge pack(IOKVstandard) 70° 2.78 3.98 4.54 5.67 5.47 7.91 5.52 8.27 11.03 913 Shipped Separately 800 2.76 4.18 4.62 5.97 5.76 8.31 5.51 8.27 11.03 z FAO Field adjustable output o i EGS External 90° 2.73 4.25 4.64 6.11 5.91 8.47 5.45 8.18 10.97 Z DMG 0-10Vdimmingextendoutbackofhousingforexternal W control(control ordered separate)a'13 EGFV External glare full visor(360'around lightawrture)' engineering consultants BS Bird spikes" W 2420 Lakemont Ave I Suite 320 1 Orlando,FL 32814 ---FF Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Lithonia RSX1 Area LED ¢ T:407.678.2055:www.rtmassociates.com • v- Lithonia RSX1 Area LED1-800-705-SERV _ _ _ . _ _ U Certificate of Authorization#31254 L/j yfO /1f°�Q One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:1-800-705-SERV(7378) www.acuitybrands.com L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone: (7378) • www.acultvbranc1s.cCM Rev.05/04/21 L/THON/A One Lithonia Way Conyers,Georgia 30012 Phone:1 800 705 SERV(7378) www.acuitybrands.com Rev.05/04/21 L/THON/A One Lithonia Way Conyers,Georgia 30012 Phone:1 800 705-SERV(7378) www.acuitybrands.cona Rev. r L 21 Rev.Page I 021 0 2018-2021 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. '• ©2018-2021 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. '• ©2018-2021 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. / / m ®2018-2021 Acuity Bands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 9 _� L/GHT/NG Y 9 9• 9 Page 2 of 9 L1GHT/N� Y 9 9• 9 Page 3 of 9 7HT/N� Y 9 9• 9 Page 4 of 9 O COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Z a z w U ¢ O Z w x o w w U V) H w H O Z Cata rn og TFX1 LED u� ®LUCATIAN'" 70 21M Numlber • • • • . • To see complete photometric reports or downloadLu warranty r� [ es files for this product,visit Lithonia Lighting's. • •• B3 Floodlights LISTED LL Notes Accessories including bullhorns,cross arms and other adapters Distances are in units of mounting height(25'). are available under the accessories tab at Lithonia's Outdoor LEGEND 0 Lumen Maintenance Lumens - CRI/CCT Table Poles and Arms product page.Click here to visit Accessories. Luminaires tilted at 45° •. r r • r, r •. .- r Delivered . #` Type 0.1 fc 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 w Ambient Theoretical rI eUP ■ r w 2 fc Temperature Maintenance rrr 7 • 1 565 67 2700 90 TFX1 -Luminaire EPA 00.5 fc 6 25°C 581 68 3000 80 "w *Includes luminaire and integral mounting arm. 5 40°C >94% >60,000 365,000 T2 8.5 g g 1.0 fc 632 74 3500 80 BO-UI-GO Introduction Other tenons,arms,brackets or other accessories 4 50"C (Lateral Throw) 618 73 4000 80 � are not included in this EPA data. 3 - nRn� _ - � 6.5 184 28 TSAM Sas-s9snm The TFX1 LED flood luminaire is a cost-effective, z L u m i e re Current Draw 588 69 2700 90 1 ¢ - energy-efficient, long-life solution for replacing 0 Line Voltage Current ModelDraw T4 8.5 Eos 71 3000 80 metal halide or HPS floodlights. Delivering 7,300 0° 0.29 -1 1_ g g O _ _ 1120150/1657 77 B U GO t 303 B1 LED81 0.068A 3500 80 0 v 10° 0.34 -2 a EON 303-61 -LEDB1 (Forward Throw) 643 76 4000 80 lumens,the TFX1 can replace up to 175W metal 20° 0.34 -3 S 00 ~ 6.s Iso Zs TSAM Sas-s9snm halide while saving 74°/ in energy costs. Reliable -4 U O Max Load Rating g gy 30° 0.42 Bollard 571 67 2700 90 Z N • IP66 construction and excellent LED lumen -5 ¢ O -Voltage ... •. 587 69 3000 80 _v. 40° 0.45 -b -------- ---- -------- - � TSx 8.5 50° 0.47 PC1 120V,50/60Hz 638 75 3500 80 130-U1-Go maintenance will ensure a long service life; avoiding -7 Z _ 1000VA,8.3A (Extra Wide Flood) TFX1 with Knuckle Mount TFX1 with Yoke Mount 600 0.48 PC2 208-277V,50/1 624 73 4000 80 the multiple lam changes of the metal halide P p g 700 0.50 V RIU or RFL 120V,50/60Hz 1800VA,15A 6.5 161 25 TSAM 595-595nm 80° 0.50 luminaires the replace. W Typical Application Y P a rl r f� yZw NOTES:1 When the LCF option is selected use a lumen multiplier of.85 900 0.50 w rn .� Hospitality•Commerical Landscape•Outdoor Area/Site• Residential The TFX1 is available with 1/2" threaded knuckle •Architectural Options and yoke mounting options. 0 •- Receptacle Options(120V Only) W, ♦"� RIU-Receptacle In-Use RFL-Receptacle Flip Lid Z • - 1 • 1 a Product Certification _ ^♦ H �� Interactive Menu • • - J � - � Lumen Ambient Temperature Electrical Load (Amperage) Z � • Order Information page2 �L C �L US oNs ([1-�1 3„ 1, (LAT) Multipliers r r: r Lumen Input Efficacy LISTED LISTED • Product Specifications page TFX1 LED r o [76mm] 25mm •• •' '` •• • '` Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from Input Current 54W 0.45 0.26 0.23 0.19 =n L 0-50°C(32-122°F). P • Lumen Maintenance page Product Features Dark Knuckle TFX1 LED 40K MVOLTTHK DDBXD *2552M5 193047670173 (Amperes) w • Product Warranty Bronze Yoke TFX1 LED 40K MVOLTYK DDBXD *255216 193047670180 ' ' ' _ 4000K 0°C 32°F 1.05 Projected Lumen Maintenance we location Knuckle TFX1 LED 40K MVOLT THK DWHXD *255217 193047670197 J White 5°C 41°F 1.04 Data references the extrapolated performance projections in a 25°C A- MVOLT Yoke TFX1 LED 40K Ivi YK DWHXD *2552MA 193047670227 10°C 50°F 1.03 ambient,based on 6,000 hours of LED testing(tested per IESNA LM-80-08 Rugged UV-resistant polycarbonate clear cover Cover is contructed of a durable,die-cast zinc-al- 7,300 54W 135 and projected per IESNA TM-21-11). 1 and gray boil protects GFCI without cracking to and is painted to match fixture.Cover is only (120V-277V) Knuckle TFX1 LED 50K MVOLT THK DDBXD *2581 FF 193048041514 15°C 59°F 1.02 U Tn In P irnfl ict, Fp ttl r� 9 Y y P 9 Y P y Dark __ - To calculate LLF,use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the ¢ or breaking and is non-corrosive.Note:Cover is weatherproof without the cord plugged in and the Bronze * 21 68°F 1.01 desired number of operating hours below.For other lumen maintenance o 16' 16' Yoke TFX1 LED 50K MVOLT YK DDBXD 2581 XT 193048045901 values,contact facto U • Full Cut Off D ow n I i g ht, 12", 24', 36" or 42" height weatherproof with the cord plugged in and the cover closed.The receptacle will need to beat- _ _ - 25°C 77°F 1.00 factory. [406mm] 406mm 5000K receptacle is not required to be attended while in tended while in use.The receptacle incorporates Knuckle TFX1 LED 50K MVOLT THK DWHXD *2581Y2 193048045987 31 86°F 0.99 ••- 50,000 75,000 100,000 M • 2700K, 3000K or 3500 or 4000K Color Temperature and Amber(585-595nm) use.The receptacle incorporates a specification a specification grade,120V,15A tamper proof White /A • Type II,Type IV or Type V Optics with clear glass sealed lens grade,120V,15Atamper proof and weather and weather resistant duplex GFCI.Available on Yoke TFX1 LED 50KMVOLTYKDWHXD *2581Y5 193048046007 35°C 95°F 0.98 >0.91 >0.88 >0.84 z L �1/ resistant duplex GFCI.Available on 24",36"and 24",36"and 42"hieghts. 41 104°F 0.97 ¢ Values calculated according to IESNA TM-21-11 methodology and valid up to 40°C. Q • Patented AccuLED Optil System 42"hieghts. 45°C 113°F 0.96 o 4- r • Universal Input LED Driver Included (120-277V, 50/60 Hz) 50°C 122°F 0.95 0 • ELV or 0-10 Dimming PLAN ISSUE DATES Photocontrol Edge w PC1(120V)or PC2(277V) o 4.1" U [104mm] • • • ¢ 11.08.2021 Planning r� mensions �� ® FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS a Submittal L 5.7 J Weight:5lbs(2.3kg) I [145mm] Photocontrol cover is precision machined from INTENDED USE LISTINGS a 1.4" J 2.6" corrosion-resistant 6061-T6 aluminum and is The TFX1 LED floodlight is designed to provide a cost effective,energy-efficient solution for the UL Certified to meet U.S.and Canadian standards.Suitable for wet locations.IP66 Rated. [66mm] secured to bollard head with tamper resistant C)Premium qualified product.Please check the DLC Qualified 9-3/8"[24cm] 3-1/4"[8.5cm] 3-1/4 [8.5cm] one-for-one replacement of existing metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting.The TFX1 is DesignLights Consortwm"(DL [34m m] p 9-3/8"[24cm] 0 stainless steel hardware.The photocontrol Edge Glow ideal for replacing up to 150W HID luminaires in parking lots,signage,yards,and other floodlighting Products List at s.org/QPLto confirm. 42' \ \ applications.TFX luminaires deliver a uniform,wide flood light distribution. WARRANTY [1087mm] 0.4' option is available in dedicated 120V or �i [10mm]� 208 277V.When specifying a photocontrol When specifying with the EDGE option,the diffused glass CONSTRUCTION 5-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at: w option make sure to designate the appropriate becomes thicker adding a visible line of light around the The TFX1 LED floodlight features a die-cast aluminum main body with optimal thermal and-conuitions Lu voltage within the catalog logic. edge accentuating the luminaries'aesthetics and styling. management that both enhances LED efficacy and extends component life.The light engines and Note:Actual erformance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application.36" 9 9 Y 9 housing are IP66 rated,and sealed against moisture or environmental contaminants. P Y pP 7-1/4"[19cm] 7-114"[19cm] o [914mm] _, All values are design or typical values,measured under laboratory conditions at 25°C. Z ELECTRICAL Specifications subject to change without notice. 10-1/4"[26cm] rwn ® ® Light ergine(s)configurations consist of high-efficacy LEDs and LED lumen maintenance is 10"[25.Scm] zo L84/100,000 hours.4000K and 5000K color temperature(CCT)options with minimum CRI of 70. TFX LED luminaires use MVOLT(120-277A and ensure system power factor>90%and THD<20%. [610mm] Technical Notes All luminaires have 6kVsure protection. O ~ 9 P 3-1/2"[9cm1 3-3/4"[9.Scm] � Under side profile view ° 1. Adjustable mounting base-Cast aluminum mounting base is equipped with the patented Lumal-evel"leveling system that includes mounting base,70 shore neoprene INSTALLATION 12" base,stainless steel hardware and a slot to accommodate two inbound and outbound 3/4"conduits.It provides quick installation,easy adjustment,secure mounting and The 1/2"NPT threaded knuckle mount(THK)option can be mounted to conduit bodies or to 4" [305mm] protection from vibration. electrical boxes using the provided round mounting plate.The yoke mount(YK)option allows Power wire length o mounting to any solid surfaces and has a 30"SO cord.TFX lu Winches are suitable for aiming in 30"[80cm] O any orientation.TFX1 is rated for installation on ground.Can be tilted from 0°horizontal facing AGENCY APPROVAL downwards,up to 180°horizontal facing upwards. TECHNICAL DATA 3" L_ L_ 5" _J 50'C Maximum Temperature Rating TFX1 with Knuckle Mount TFX1 with Yoke Mount [76mm] [129mm] External Supply Wiring 90°C Minimum '. L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 Phone:1-800-705-SERV(7378) www.acuitybrands.com TFX1 LED fA TFX1 LED Z COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Rev.09/22/21 L/THON/A One Lithonia Way Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:1-800-705-SERV j7378) www.acuitybrands.com COOPER L/GHT/NG ©2019-2021 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Rev.09/22/21 0 g L/GHT/N6 ©2019-2021 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc. All-fights reserved. Page 2 of 2 PS526023EN page 1 Cooper Lighting Solutions ©2021 Cooper Lighting solutions Lu Lighting Solutions October 29.2021 6:08 FfF 1"c 0 E r oo r x e�nua All Rights Reserved. COOPER rErcui` '01 PS526023ENpage3 P. G 3 I-2� Specifications and dimensions Lighting Solutions w', n,rlcl-unc ro�� subject to change without notice. October 29,'L0216:09 PM O xLu Lu a O U PLAN CHECK NO. 0 PA / PM MKS z Lu Lu 0 Drawn By: ME a z Q Project No.: 2142 Q z ¢ LIGHT FIXTURE z SPECIFICATIONS U d V) Z ¢ ¢ W W E - l H ■ 4-0 0) N C: =3 O U N C a) a 0) C/5 � o L 4_0 CU Y z Q E I` 0 0 z O U Z Nw � L U \ n A w Q cn C: _ H O H O 0 U a U Z Oco O J Z L H Z E w N d7 U O (U CD_ U O L > O to N ^` V (a U U W cli O Z 0'^ V/ U CU U (a z w Q cuto N 88051'20" E 211.20' N C: N (/) J SL1 SL i SL1 w m Professional Stamp z V, 00 w �f� o 0 0 Z w No E 13453 20 w o w ' U tcTR Q _ W CD CONSULTANT Q J o w w36 w _ z a o 0 w z 0 z w engineering consultants 2420 Lakemont Ave I Suite 320 1 Orlando,FL 32814 E:1— w l� SL T.407.678.2055 Certificate of Athowww.rtmassociates.com Authorization#31254 21 35 z 0 001 w moo. 0 o Z .�Zr00b 0000�oop 0 0�;oo�op o�000�oo o^�o0 000 o=o°o0= 000 O=aCoQQO°_aCoJ�=o0°o0O-000QQO�--00QQ0°°0�°0=0000=00O°°°ooO--coc-o�eooOo�=000D°°ooO�_ooQQOpH,�000oOaa00o°o0°0oQQO'°�,�0o00°0'_ o`f', 19nDD00°oO00 °°o09°m000°o0°o '1 0000 '0000 O00C1i S LUMINARE SCHEDULE B3 B300 133 TYPE MANUFACTURER & PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE Z w S L 1 LITHONIA LIGHTING ROUND POLE MOUNTED SINGLE CONFIGURATION WIDE 72W MVOLT DISTRIBUTION LED LUMINAIRE WITH EXTERNAL GLARE o 'L SL1 .1 RSX1 LED P3 40K R4 SHIELD, 4000K, 12,930L s>> MVOLT RPA EGS PROVIDE 20' CONCRETE DIRECT BURIAL POLE ■� ,roll LITHONIA LIGHTING ROUN DISTRIBUTION LED MOUNTED ISINGLE 40 OK,GURATI L WIDE 72W MVOLT CD C SL1 . 1 Q RSX1 LED P3 40K R5 PROVIDE 20' CONCRETE DIRECT BURIAL POLE �� - MVOLT RPA o � EB B3 COOPER LIGHTING 84000LLOAKR, 6 319 WITH FORWARD THROW DISTRIBUTION, 9W MVOLT U B3 JOE& 303-B1-LEDB1-4000-UNV-T4 0 -DIMIO-CS Z M w W O,o LO LITHONIA LIGHTING FLOOD LIGHT LED WITH KNUCKLE MOUNT, 4000K, 7,300E 54W MVOLT CD 0) o U P TFX1 40K MVOLT THK �2F S .1 P . V 1CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SUBMITTAL OF ALL FIXTURES TO OWNER AND ARCHITECT. SUBMITTAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER, ARCHITECT AND CD ENGINEER PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY FIXTURES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LIGHTING VENDOR TO ENSURE OWNER & ARCHITECT HAVE SIGNED OFF ON J ■ CD SUBMITTALS. RTM ENGINEERING WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN INTENT OF FIXTURES NOT MEETING OWNER'S OR ARCHITECT'S EXPECTATIONS. _ z 2. ANY SUBSTITUTION OF FIXTURES WILL REQUIRE A FULL PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS TO BE PROVIDED FOR ALL SUBSTITUTED AREAS. LIGHTING CD � O VENDOR/DISTRIBUTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING AND EVALUATING DATA TO MATCH INTENDED FIXTURE PHOTOMETRIC RESULTS. SUBSTITUTED 00 FIXTURES WILL NOT BE APPROVED WITHOUT PHOTOMETRIC PROVIDED WITH SUBMITTAL. 3. SUBSTITUTION OF LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE PRESENTED FIFTEEN DAYS PRIOR TO BID. ANY ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING COST FOR RE-WORK OR EXTRA Q (V SUBMITTAL EVALUATION FOR SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE PAID FOR BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. CD B3I U C� v co w O O Dr w ' 1 w � V � UP N w a � w U F_ w O H � w O Z O n' Y/ O _ UP U cn _ p o ti O H BLLM z L DETAIL NOTES: o U ti � m o THIS DETAIL IS CONCEPTUAL PLAN ISSUE DATES -< ONLY WITH RESPECT TO DIRECT Z BURIAL CIVIL & STRUCTURAL SITE o m REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR TO CONSULT POLE 11.08.2021 Planning POLE TOP FITTER MANUFACTURER AND/OR CIVIL 0 Submittal ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR M FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS. w Ln U --- 61 --- ° BOND FIXTURE AND LIGHT FIXTURE ❑2 HANDHOLE FINAL HEIGHT TO BE J FITTER TO STRANDED 18" MINIMUM ABOVE FINISHED SL1 GROUND WIRE SUPPLIED GRADE ELEVATION, 48" MAXIMUM 00 ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 00 WITH POLE. CONCRETE POLE u ELEVATION. Z o' ❑2 S Efl POLE TOP FITTER SHALL BE AS 00 SPECIFIED BY THE LUMINAIRE _ `* MANUFACTURER AND SIZED FOR ° B3EB APPLICABLE POLE TENDON. BOND STRANDED GROUND WIRE AGENCY APPROVAL HANDHOLE, SUPPLIED WITH POLE TO GROUNDING ELECTRODE ULTIMATE RIGHT OF WAY ULTIMATE RIGHT OF WAY CONDUCTOR, MINIMUM #6 STRANDED CU. PROVIDE w `82° RACEWAYS AS REQ'D GROUNDING ELECTRODE ONE (5) m 7 , GRADE OR MORE GROUND RODS, MIN. $ 7,627, DIA. COPPER CLAD STEEL. 2gg60, GROUNDING ELECTRODE o 7 ELECTRICAL CONDUIT CONNECTOR CONNECTION w SITE SPECIFIC DIRECT INTERFACE EXOTHERMAL WELD OR EQUAL. PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE BURIAL SPECIFICATION(S) INSTALL RODS AS NEEDED TO N 88051'20" E 127.20' BY CIVIL ENGINEER OF ACHIEVE MEASURED GROUNDING -- RECORD. ROUND ROD RESISTANCE OF LESS THAN 25 Z / 1❑ OHMS. PLAN CHECK NO. o 0 PA / PM MKS z Q w Drawn By: ME SCALE CONCRETE LIGHT POLE - DIRECT BURRIAL 1 N.T.S Project No.: 2142 Q 0 z Q ELECTRICAL SITE z PLAN ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN 2 z Q 0 5' 10' 20' 30' Q 0 1" = 10'-0" E �200 4-0 0) N C: � , =3O U a) a) a) 0) ICU a) cu T ' 0 � U :+0:. 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T + + o • }_ + + + + + w nconsultants . .boa. . �a�� ° a o o°o �; €�°°°a:j . 2 . 7 3 . i 3 . 0 :l . 5 1� . i 2 . 4 2 . 9 3 . 4 1 . 3 0 . 2 0 . 0 + + + engineering 11 , o 0 o c+o 0 0 0 ,°°1°ei, ' ' T J 2420 Lakemont AveS Suite 320 Orlando,FL 32814 -------- --- ----------=aaa�=0�_a�=a�o a�=o---�-o--O--=°�°�=a�o= a�=a =o_=o°_�� :oo°oor. • ~I�°o°o0°o°oe 1 Certificate of Authorization#31254 T:407.678.205 :www.rtmassociates.com l00000r 1 0 z +� + BH : 4 B3 4 MH : 4 1 . 4 1 6 2 . 2 . 7 3 . 2 3 . 8 4 . 1 T • + + ti 1 . 2 0 2 0 . 0 W z w Q iso T 0,, + + + + + + + Ep 2 . 1 2 . 0 2 . 6 . 6 2 . 2 1 . 5 2 . 1 2 . 6 3 . 2 4 . 4 4 . 8 z rt0 w SL1 + + + w 1 . 4 0 . 3 0 . 1 MH 2 0 w B MH : 4 aE;3 3 . 9 1 . 4 1 . 9 2 . 6 3 . 4 5 . 4 6 . 4 T • 00A rn � w + + IN 1 . 6 2 . 9 2 . 7 1 . 2 1 . 8 2 . 5 3 . 3 5 . 7 7 , 2 L1 �' � 1 0 . 0 0 . 0 T T T • H : �I o � ■� T o z o o 2 . 8 1 . 2 1 . 7 2 . 2 2 . c + 1 . 4 0 . 4 0 . 1 w ■� w U ^` O 3 + T • + + + + T . 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PLAN ISSUE DATES w 00 U T B3 + + + 11.08.2021 Planning MH : 4 + +� SL1 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 Submittal 2 . 0 1 . 0 6 �. 2 .A 3 ,,l H : o T Q Q U w ULTIMATE RIGHT OF WAY ULTIMATE RIGHT OF WAY + + + + w _ 1 1 LL 4 � . 3 0 . 3 0 . 1-yo 5 . o z Rvv 7�i w 2g 00, T • Z T PROPERTY LINE 1 . 4 1 . 7 2 . 0 2 -AkOPERT3 LIGE + + L + - N 88051'20" E 127.20' 8 0 1 0 . 0 0 AGENCY APPROVAL + + + +� o 1 . 1 1 . 4 1 . 7 2 �. 2 z Q ------------ z 0 T . w m Q T ' LL 0 w w a Calculation Summary Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min PLAN CHECK NO. EXTERIOR Illuminance Fc 2 . 89 7 . 4 1 . 0 2 . 89 7 . 40 LIGHT TRESPASS Illuminance Fc 0 . 47 2 . 2 0 . 0 N.A. N .A. T PA / P M MKS Luminaire Schedule T w Symbol Qty Label Description Lum. Watts Lum. Lumens Manufacturer Tag Drawn By: ME 6 SL1 - RSX1 LED P3 40K R4 EGS RSX1 LED P3 40K R4 EGS 109 . 442 12083 Lithonia Lighting SL1 Q 2 UP - TEX1_LED_40K_Mvolt TFX1 LED 40K Mvolt 54 . 1 7205 Lithonia Lighting UP w Project No.: 2142 �] 1 SL1-1 - RSX1-LED-P3-40K-R5 RSX1 LED P3 40K R5 109 . 44 14394 Lithonia Lighting SL1 . 1 T . 8 B3 - 303-B1-LEDB1-4000-UNV-T2 303-B1-LEDB1-4000-UNV-T2-DIM10-CS-EDGE 8 . 3 661 COOPER LIGHTING SOLUTIONS - LD3 T • T ' z SITE SITE PHOTOMETRICS PHOTOMETRICS z *�Ar' Q 0 5' 10' 20' 30' z Q 0 1 to = 10'-011 w 201 `b' JACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 01�C� LO ' 00'h 00. /1.20' 00, 1, ,y1� WALL EXIST. P L �� L EXIST. EXIST. WALL `p°b' X N 88°51'20" E EX R/W ® ® ® ® I E > 1 TV TV TV TV OVE HANG ,�0,1��c, 01� Op1� —J\ F`' 1 g1 `L1 pal ,y1F h1 00. G 0 �00� �00`�' ��0• X00 �I &lb% Cj > EXIST. P/L w � FNCm 0 3 I I E ST. WALL a N X w <<' � 3�,� � ,�� o 000 � aao,�ti1 0°�, '110 !�� `���°�� ` ��°°'� .`G ` `� `� `� `� `� `� `' k N G o EXIST. TV LINE 0�1�mac' >o, � 01 Q G G N c�4b' Q 61 11 01 . L`o ' �G ��0• ��,�Q ��sol JQ�o�� � �� �� �� O'�1'�,JQ ,���' p1,JQ ��'�1,JQ �� Lo Ow ` 60 � L1p � �p1 0X'N CK OVERHANG- 4- VERHANG /P-P\ 5 G hl ti Q 0. �, W � k-\- Ch'O°' J > � o� LO EXIST. C&G L EXIST. R/W 5b. EXIST. N LINE I� ELECT. TV` G TV I J 1�" �j �G I x ,����. _ OWNER: 5 ~ NALSH LLC, CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 220 NEWPORT CENTER DR., #11-282 6 I W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 I CoQ ATrN: HAMID MIR p�1 X00 ,`t�°� t��. h1�G�. ® co EXISTING BUILDING �� ���� °�� ° °������e W APN: > 395-301-07 lb �, 60)1 I(F.F.=169. ` �`O `���� EXIST. P/L Z 6� A�V �°e ` W AREA: ���,� I� OVERALL SITE: 0.79 ACRES � a I EXIST. WALL �p0 00. ��1 �� A,� 01 G QED o0% 1v1 > EXIST. POWER POLE L E T. SC EDISON EASEMENT CO �G �,y� � ��ti�O,F� �� �,�1� `,gyp• L `� `'p, X01 L`p0 0�o,`�Q > Cb Lfi WIRE C) x x �� �� �•��111�Q ` 61 -0� � �6 O 11� L I I lbA `Ole EXIST. ELEC. EXIST. STREET EASEMENT A',o� \ �°�� EXISTfi�TV LINE 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - -�? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 CN lb- lb Off• �1F ,�G EXIST. SCE N L 1�G �G – – 5 Off• '� F EASEMENT h 1`��Q 0�1 F� I > EXIST. STREET EASEMENT – – ° - - - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lp A gyp, 0 l I �1 "I'll(I 6 �O ' 6�ti ��,F� `� R/W 1� 01 X01 ` 0°',� �,��, `G N 88051'20" E 1 -O p1 1L pY' '� 1F F 1• 'S F �o• T T EXIST. S/W T �p�.�0 � �0���, �p��1 N Lp E o � T\T \T G EXIST. TEL. 0IJ&� , JQ ` _01� O 1 Q ~�` c\'Q w 1� '� 1 G F� G W W ` o W� O ti 'til a EXISf� C&G1. W ` ,� W W G N p. 1 00 o a a W W ` ` 01'� p'1 �. ,�1 ��. �p 66 0'� ,\1� ,, "�' �g1 p.�. ,y �G > EXIST. WATER LINE ,�`° �p ,� p�` 6� ,y'`1 JQ Off• �`'� JQ ``'L �O ' U �„ p• .� J ,y� ,,, e O ` O Opl ` 0 X11 > ` �6ti T m �O `1\� _ T T T T T T T T T T T T �` �O T �p o = o O 00. p,� O N EXIST. TEL. LINEJ v ` F_L � `� ``�° ``p� w W W m Hm x W (n O w W W EXIST. DRIVEWAY TV W=31' 17th STREET 10 5 0 10 N 88°51'20"_E 1215.77' STREET C/L SCALE IN FEET 1 inch =10 ft. CIVIL ENGINEERS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY JOB NUMBER 2079-893-001 Q�OFESS/pH ALDEN & PLANNERS ��N �"��� LAND SURVEYORS DATE: 41112022 ANp SSOCIATES FOR DRAWN: D.I. No. 80426 CHECKED: M.P. * Exp. 3-31-23 a * 2552 WHITE ROAD,SUITE B,IRVINE,CA 92614 TUSTIN MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING SHEET (949)660-0110 FAX:660-0418 �iv�\_ 17631 17TH STREET o NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE �F CA` MARCOS F.PADILLA P.E.80426 DATE REVISIONS TUSTIN, CA 2 JACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY �1�G � EXIST. 0 o e o PL eo �I• �c, WALL ,��o°'�c, EXIST. P/L •��°'��, n 100�, 44�D EXIST. L EXIST. WALL �� BUILIDWG X N 88'51'20" E 1. 0 T E 0 1 VARIES EX R W ® ® - - - - - - 15.4'-18.2' VARIES 39.6'-42' )L -- 16, cn I a96 w 0011 F `G 0.3 % �G 0. % 1G `G <<' �o�GS �G 1 -U 00 p O,�p1 p0' �c� OVERHANG 01011�� OOa 00�0� OOp11F �� p� 1� \6 .,y0 010��I 8.0 \ h `� 01 �, F PROP. I EXIST. GROUND p �� 6� I BUILDING , , EXIST. CURB & GUTTER 2.0% apo. mop. app. 10� �po� . oo app. 100 I I 5 I ,��i ^ ° I 1' PROP. FULL DEPTH AC L168.68)TC I 9.0 T -I 168.21 FL F5,1 v ti� I I I PROP. AC OVERLAY 169.81)TC JOIN n I F� FF 169.60 I I I X68 169.38 S � F� F� �� h`�1 -��- __ u ° 168.26TC ; 1 11 F 1 OP. TRASH EN CLOSURE o,• '� - a O O 51 O O� I �p 10 J _ < 1 CF 168.18 F 9.0%`s 2.0%x. 169.71TC o� �p mop' 10°'' ppo 00°' X00' SAWCUT LINE I 10�' S :. o �1�Q I � �� 169.21FS I `p �` '` �� �` PROP. CURB & PROP. AC EXIST. AC EXIST. CURB GUTTER WITH 2' PAVEMENT PAVEMENT WITH 2 do ���� OVERHANG OVERHANG I �/ �<< CN CN �o Z EXIST. P/L SECTION A-A SAWCUT LINE 3 ---- - r > - 7.35. 4.00 C SAWCUT LINE F N N LO Cm m O O o O C u O v M 1 E ST. WALL 3 I z z iii O� 2. N o 0 _71) 1� �� OVERH X I "U " 169.20 FS 169.19 FS 169.20 FS 169.18 FS p Oo CO ,n 169.19 FS SAWCUT LINE OR rn �G `G 169.20 FS ___ _______ _____ 169.15 FS 169.10 FS �� 169.12 FS of of �1 �� - ----\0 �1 _ 169.05 FS % �1 1 �, `b1 Oa FI ^g1� m co 1 co co �� „� __--' p0' O �`�' 100 o,° �\O�' '`p �t,`cp�' OJ 11 -- � - -- X00�cb0 10,00, i. OVERLAY LIMITS F`' EXIST. I 8.47 6 �' 2.0% _ �-- -�1� I ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - r-_---. - _kl BUILDING 14.7' 4.5' 15 r/ I 1 CF 16OWWC o W W 1' PROP. FULL DEPTH AC 1 .80T,C _ I c. xC' (768 o W W W X16 FS W I ao ao EXIST. TV LINE I 1oa�ti PROP. EXIST. GROUND BUILDING 1 p I I o EXIST. CURB & GUTTER 168.88w I� -. U Q J J I i I 1 68.59 TC 0% po o , ° `L FSP W W n. y 1 p ; ° CA �1��'�, I PROP. AC OVERLAY 1 CF 168.13 FL 169.60TC 'v �' �' 69:10 FL °° off' ��. �� F Q OVERLAY LIMITS i I co � co t° �� �: •r - - - - I � - �p ``,- - - - - - --- I ca0 FF=169.60 I I ml W W W = ___- ••-R-' W W W W W W W 1.0% e� I \'-PROP. ACEXIST. AC W W W W o° 0%j Q 00- c `., - �+ � PROP. CURB & PAVEMENT OVERHANG o� 0 0 0 0 r 7:2% ao aO PROP. SIDEWALK v ^ �a0 ,�"CF,� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O:, GUTTER PAVEMENT W W W C�1 169:03F - 100 - Oo \!� � �� �. `� W W •Y W W W W W W W `'\ 1.6 � W W w _�� 'C / `1' W W W ` W •Y W W •Y W W W W W W W W W •Y - ` - I co � � I � '- sag •'i�•Y W W W _ �G W W W f1�0- , , 6 •O ..I�69�u ,•'��� W W W W •Y W W W W W W 41 W W * W * W w W ,�, * W * � C �rt,- W W W .y .y� ., SECTION B B 4- � O JC1 t9 �u' W •Y W W O W •y \R �� W - - W W DW R '�' `w'J^W W W W W •Y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ���• ��� ,�a1 W W W �'� W •V.'� W O - - - ,� W_w W W 'W'�(1 W W •Y W W W W W W W W W •Y W W W W Jyr _ - j ` N��• 6s �• O� W W •y\ W,\``''���` IN - �� ;\tlf W W * tI& W W W W W •Y W W W W •Y W W W W V9 W I+ n •Y � O I 4Gj \ Z.O%- V� "� `� �4 W W W W W W W W W •Y W •Y W .y PROP. SIDEWALK W �. oe ro W IK C 0 ho1�F` e saS1 F 1.0% 1 CD FCID �1 �W 2.0' ��,., O p OVERHANG I O W W W W W W 1 5 r\. - `n �'b /� W W W W W W �` i SAW�T O li EXIST. C&G �. / 169.43 0 168.68 EXIS`f. RjW �'o n FS ��, ° ° i ! EXIST. N LIN(/ 10 �`3 •Y W W W W W W 1WJ% - 710 44FS W W W W W W 1°' �, W rn '�`rG��i°' �1 169.51 1 8:6 fcL. 0 `° i 168.47 FS 1.0% I I�, J LO ° FS,GB •1 8.1 FL• i ; (168.23)FS' 6 1a F4 �j W W W W Iy II _ OWNER: �G W W W W W ��.GQ 00 I 1 I \, 1 Cb• 1� 1 I z .O�^^�`'�1�e tK NALSH LLC, CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 220 NEWPORT CENTER DR., #11-282 '�° 6996'0 �6996O 1 i i 116 Vic, W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 W W`L� W W 60��2. I CoQ 60� 169.60FF ATTN: HAMID MIR W W s ry 169.56FS 5.0' j 1615, TC I Vr W W W off• �. �. �. '� '` •16 .09'F I I !�•0� W W W W W _ I I �� W A P N■ ROPOSED BUILDING I - _` �.�� I � �` "�I � 395-301-07 rr rr i I 'b' I .I .-169.60 eF W I� EXIST. P/L Z IT I W AREA: a �,, W W W I 168.50 T • 1.0% I Q W W W W • 2 5 STEPS W �' 168.00'F ° I EXIST. WALL OVERALL SITE: 0.79 ACRES o Q 1� 169.60FF l5v 169.56 S 2.0% I PAVEMENT LEGEND: I PROPOSED A.C. PAVEMENT p� F� � D h1�G 1 1 ( EXIST. POWER POLE PROPOSED FULL DEPTH AC PAVEMENT W v. 0 � �1 � - 41 1 �F �' - I I EXIST. SC EDISON EASEMENT GRIND EXISTING AC AND OVERLAY AC TO JOIN EXISTING �e •Y� bQW W •Y` �Y' `Q ` �o� ` pe W ,y W •/ �O�j 14 I I W W PROPOSED LANDSCAPE CW •-.PROP. INLET WITH, �s 01p1� \ L� �1 CAPTURE BMP �689p/1 N W W W W W W W ���`- ���• ��� ''' 168.39 J 167.89FL I E WIRE OO W W W W W W O T4 i - \W W W W W W W X W W WW W I w \ p� pf6 TG P LEC. py P f W W W •V W Q� ��\^��� �e W W W W I s �2.0/ '�� ,�.;�fW �W W W •Y W � q.7, V C°A --.-____- -7- (11 JOIN 168.30 C Ib�� W W v W W Y�'// ` W ��r W W EXIST. ELEC.- 167.74 FL ° ��p EXIST. STREET EASEMENT .I C... W �•Y •Y ^sit J W W W W W �. 168:38TC I _ �o co W ,p0 \ W W Q W W W W W W W_wji ". 167.92FS EXIST. TV LINE- �I fe TK c1 1 W ��W W W W W •Y W W W W W W W •Y •Y •Y •Y W W W W •Y W W - W W W WO�C�W W •Y W� = W W W W W W W W -W W- W- W`(�� W �-J V\� ( �! - - - - - - - - - ��•` O�l W"O W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W �l W W W W - W W W - - - \ �• p PROP. TRENCH. DRAIN. EXIST. SC 1r �` �p RQP S c 1 92TC 167.88TC' �G� �'►. �O R�ROP.,, /k EXIST. aTR F EASEMENT W W I -EASEMENT W- W - - ��p�� - � - W- 4O`p - 6 CF FS 1 0°CEPS - - - - - - - - - JOIN 167.34 TC ' \ W W `G W W W� W W W W W W yr W W W W W W W �p 1 W W W W J` ��' W J o 167.44 FL $ �^�%; .> . F �` W W W ° jr, I �. �. �. F� 3NST. '//�."�"��\ �. �. �. �. SP,7 �. T. R W o p ° QQOO ` W W W W W /�•Y� W W W W I W W W ^•W� W W •Y W V• •S• ,a• ,y 1 V/•18 _ 167 11 p� / JOIN 'CF o �- N 88°51'20" 1? 16 .36 FL �p1 �g- o, F �o o �"� y1 --- r-- - c ---------------_ ------ EXIST. S/W ao �10 F� PROP. S/W _ � o EXIST. TEL. OHD. LINE_. U- o 0 0 1� p PROP. S.D. CONNECTION U �� \ Z W �� Lin UJ W� EXISlWC&G J ���� - - - `z -� - -- - '--- -- ' �o" �, G ..W W m �,eLLJ 1 o W-_, W ------------------ -- �o UJB �' O �� L) _j O. z o�'�� �� Uw �G C-) �� > �c z r`r` �w = \gyp a- �w �w �w w 1� w 0 in w r* 51 EXIST. WATER LINEV ? o o co _ p _... -o '�Lo .4- _j °O w ao w r`o m r� z w rn co �p rn N ao 0 6iiWCUT LINE a �' �' �' O F W oto - NcoN� V rlf� elf) � � Q 2 41 O OM _T-. w Z T r:to" T r`u� r`mr�ca ¢ N r.co r`m co co > . T vcow rico r; rich r.cD o T T } co O u- � co co co co co co m co co �� co co co co p = O co co co co co co b' 7 N cfl cC cD cC d ; cn EXIST. TEL. LINE) o _ � L w M w a o X p. W D N U U m U U U ¢ U U U C-) Z Ld N W o' Q 57< � w w 'So b � � 5 'So � 3 LLJm � m � 5 � x � LLJ P Z N O W P P o aX Wo xv P P `O U W O W Z O Q � EXIST. DRIVEWAY PROP. DRIVEWAY W=31' W=27' 17th STREET 10 5 0 10 N 88°51'20"_E 1215.77' STREET C/L SCALE IN FEET 1 inch =10 ft. CIVIL ENGINEERS PRECISE GRADING P LAN JOB NUMBER 2079-893-001 Q ,aMN/pH ALDEN & PLANNERS ��NANp�"��� LAND SURVEYORS DATE: 41112022 SSOCIATES FOR DRAWN: D.I. 11 No. 80426 CHECKED: M.P. * Exp. 3-31-23 a * 2552 WHITE ROAD,SUITE B,IRVINE,CA 92614 TUSTIN MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING SHEET (949)660-0110 FAX:660-0418 ��q�F �iv��-\�o���Q o NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE �F CA` MARCOS F.PADILLA P.E.80426 DATE 17631 17TH STREET REVISIONS TUSTIN, CA 2 CQ .� O i O U • .> 0 PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE L TREES - C: U) @ @ @ @jG0K@jTj@j@j@) D](01d I �' 61SIZE/ HT. X SPRD. WATER i _j@)L@j ]L@] 1-jo-1 QPX ,LO SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FORM X CAL. (MIN.) USE DESCRIPTION 12 Q N 3 27" DBH E p TIPUANA TIPU s O CT ARBUTUS X'MARINA' MARINA STRAWBERRY TREE s� U 0 (E ° E (E (E (E (E E A OR - - OR - 2 STD. 8'H X 5'W L FLOWERING TREE O ` ` ` ` ` ` LAURUS NOBLIS BAY LAUREL �L-+ � ROS OLE � � N LAN L.0. � 12O 3 PRO (D N.G. o 24" BOX 10'-12'H X U + LOPHOSTEMON CONFERTUS BRISBANE BOX M SCREENING TREE 12" DBH 10" DBH 11" DBH 8" DBH 13" DBH 10" DBH J STD. 4'-5'W CUPANIOPSIS CUPANIOPSIS CUPANIOPSIS CUPANIOPSIS CUPANIOPSIS CUPANIOPSIS ANACARDIOIDES ANACARDIOIDES ANACARDIOIDES ANACARDIOIDES ANACARDIOIDES ANACARDIOIDES CQ SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS T WAT E R O 1 9" DBH SYMBOL KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING USE DESCRIPTION U y CUPANIOPSIS ANACARDIOIDES SESORNAMENTAL O N GL SESLERIA GREENLEE GREENLEE MOOR GRASS 1 GAL. 24 O.C. M GRASS > •� CD .L N OLEO OLE PODOCARPUS GRACILIOR FERN PINE 15 GAL. 60" O.C. L SCREENING 0 U •(6 - _ L.O. MON SHRUB 0 - U 0 RDS ISO] ISO] ® ROS FLOWERING _ 3 PRO (E) PRO ROSMARINUS O. PROSTRATUS CREEPING ROSEMARY FLATS 36 O.C. VL GROUNDCOVER U - -,a M - _ / LAN 0 MUH MUHLENBERGIA E. 'EL TORO' BULL GRASS 5 GAL. 36" O.C. M ORNAMENTAL `� m (U E Q 20" DBH N.G. ET GRASS N TIPUANA TIPU O 11" DBH }' �G O ' - 0- ' CUPANIOPSIS LAN LANTANA'NEW GOLD' NEW GOLD LANTANA 1 GAL. 36" O.C. L FLOWERING (E) ANACARDIOIDES 11 NG GROUNDCOVER70 N w J ?> ® ® GD HES HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA RED YUCCA 1 GAL. 36" O.C. L FLOWERING D PAR SUCCULENT LANPROFESSIONAL STAMP N.G. OOOOO�'O OO O O O�O OOOOOO �OOOOO�'OOOO WATER USE KEY: i7S E VL = VERY LOW WATER USE, L = LOW WATER USE, M = MODERATE WATER USE, H = HIGH WATER USE. WATER USE STATED IS PER 'WATER USE ( ) O CLASSIFICATION OF LANDSCAPE SPECIES' (ALSO REFERRED TO AS WUCOLS IV) FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN. A A m ism T EXISTING PLANT SCHEDULE 18" DBH ( ) SES �� 12" DBH TIPUANA TIPU E GL (D CUPANIOPSIS TREES G) ANACARDIOIDES O SES SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME COMMENTS GL HES ; PAR CONSULTANT (D m a ROS TIPUANA TIPU TIPU TREE \ � 5'-10" PRO _ x ra \ � O " � -- OLE (1) 111 DBH BHOPSIS CUPANIOPSIS ANACARDIOIDES CARROTWOOD L.0. LANANACARDIOIDES � N.G. 8841 RESEARCH DR NOTE: THE LETTER (E) NEXT TO A TREE SYMBOL INDICATES AN EXISTING TREE TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. 8841 ES THE LETTER (R) INDICATES AN EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED FROM SITE. 00 (E) IRVINE - (A 92618 17631 17th STREET 949.387.1323 RIDGELA.COM OLE L.O. LEGEND LAN " CDN.G. 10" DBH O INTEGRAL COLOR VEHICULAR RATED CONCRETE CUPANIOPSIS ` ANACARDIOIDES Q© INTEGRAL COLOR PEDESTRIAN RATED CONCRETE J + (D © POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE SEAT WALL W I SES � I GL (E) � ~ Q Roy m O DETECTABLE WARNING PAVERS w PRO co w U I MH r - - - m 0 < C) ET OLE © BOLLARDS �^ Q IL.0. 20" DBH v! I CUPANIOPSIS Z • ANACARDIOIDES NATURAL GRAY CONCRETE PAVING z Z Q O I " T T @ � I v! LAN DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTING N I N.G. m CY) L.L . (E) ,� Q PAR m m 0 DECORATIVE COBBLE MAINTENANCE BAND WITH METAL EDGING. Z AL LAI - • N.G. PAR 0PLANTER POTS - LAN A J + NG LLI 1 VISUAL CLEARANCE TRIANGLES: LANDSCAPING WITHIN AREA CAN NOT + GROW TALLER THAN 24" TALL. Appendix A Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet Tv STATEMENT OF WATER CONSERVATION 5� Reference Evapotranspiration (ET.) 54.8 Project Type Non-Residential 0.45 z z Hydrozone# Plant Factor Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Landscape Area ETAF x Area Estimated Total It PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN UTILIZED ON 1 Planting (PF) Method b Efficiency (PF/IE) (Sq. Ft.) Water Use ROS ROS THIS PROJECT DIRECTED SPECIFICALLY AS CONSERVING WATER AND PLAN ISSUE DATES Description a (IE) ` (EfWU) d EXISTING PRO FUTURE 1 1 PRO IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM: REV. DATE DESCRIPTION RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT OF WAY Regular Landscape Areas 11-02-21 SD SET 1- Shrub Drip (LOW) 0.2 Drip 0.81 0.25 6593 1628 55310 0 IRRIGATION DESIGN UTILIZING DRIP IRRIGATION WITH 90% 2 - Shrub Drip (MOD) 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 2500 1235 41946 EFFICIENCY AND UP TO 40% REDUCTION IN WATER USAGE. 11-15-21 SD SET 3 -Tree Drip (MOD) 0.6 Drip 0.81 0.74 48 36 1208 17th STREET USE OF HYDROZONES WITH PLANTS GROUPED BASED UPON 02-10-22 SD SUBMITTAL 2 Totals 9141 2898 98463 AMOUNT OF WATER NEEDED TO SUSTAIN THEM. Special Landscape Areas o SLA-1 N/A 1 0 0 0 0 MULCH 3/4" - 1" SIZE UTILIZED IN THE LANDSCAPE; 3" DEPTH MIN. Totall 1 0 0 • SOIL AMENDMENTS UTILIZED TO IMPROVE WATER HOLDING ETWU Total Gallons d 98,463 Maximum Allowed Water Allowance (MAWA) Gallons e 139,759 PLANTING NOTE: CALCULATIONS CAPACITY OF SOIL. THE PARKING OVERHANG WILL BE PLANTED 0 AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM ADJUSTED SEASONALLY AND WITH a Hydrozone#/Planting Description e.g. b Irrigation Method `Irrigation Efficiency d ETWU(Annual Gallons WATERING HOURS BETWEEN 10:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M. 1.)Drip Low water use planting 1.)Overhead Spray 1.)0.73 for Spray Head Required)= WITH A LOW, HARDY GROUNDCOVER. THE TOTAL PARKING AREA: 17,868 SF. 2.)Spray Moderate water use planting 2.)Drip 2.)0.81 for Drip Eto x 0.62 x ETAF x Area PARKING LOT SCREENING SHRUB WI L L B E 0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGNED TO WATER DIFFERENT AREAS OF 3,)Tree Bubbler Moderate water use 3.)Rotary 3)0.73 Rotary Where 0.62 is a conversion factor PARKING LOT PLANTING AREA. 3,203 SF. (17.93 /o) THE LANDSCAPE BASED ON WATERING NEED. g 4)Rotor 4)0.73 Rotor to change acre-inches per acre S.)Bubbler S.)0.77 Bubbler per year to gallons per square MAINTAINED TO NOT ENCROACH INTO THE 0 RECOMMENDATIONS GIVEN FOR ANNUAL IRRIGATION SCHEDULE. bi PA/PM: RG e MAWA(Annual Gallons Allowed)=(Eto)(0.62)[(ETAF x LA)+((1-ETAF)x SLA)] foot per yearPARKING OVERHANG AREA. M Where 0.62 is a conversion factor to change acre-inches per acre per year to gallons per square • IRRIGATION ZONES SEPARATED BY PLANT MATERIAL TYPES. DRAWN BY: MCJ/RG foot per year,LA is the total regular landscape area in square feet,SLA is the total special landscape area in square feet,and ETAF is 0.5S for residential areas and 0.45 for non-residential • IRRIGATION ZONES SEPARATED BY EXPOSURE AND ORIENTATION. a reas. REVIEWED BY: JR ETAF Calculations UTILIZATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM MASTER VALVE. Regular Landscape Areas UTILIZATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM FLOW SENSOR. Total ETAF x Area 2898 Average ETAF for Regular Landscape MSA JOB NO.: 00-0000 Areas must be 0.55 or below for UTILIZATION OF RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICE CONNECTED TO IRRIGATION Total Area 9141 residential areas,and 0.45 or below • Average ETAF 0.32 for non-residential areas. CONTROLLER. • UTILIZATION OF (ET) BASED "SMART" IRRIGATION CONTROLLER WITH All Landscape Areas WATER BUDGETING FEATURE. Total ETAF x Area 2898 (B+D) Total Area 9141 (A+C) L 1 ■ Average ETAF 0.32 (B+D)_(A+C) 0 5 10 20 30 TREES ( L i 12 Q N t4 E Q 12 g 7 Vr• yu r. �r(�� �}T�■■``,,. r 111 O Lo co N ti j CD .' t Wow CN u, 1 r ■ 1r O y #� - 'M �v co vJ 'r A ' w O ARBUTUS MARINA / - OR - LAURUS NOBILIS 'SARATOGA' / LOPHOSTEMON CONFERTUS / PROFESSIONAL STAMP MARINA STRAWBERRY TREE SARATOGA LAURAL BRISBANE BOX A SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS CONSULTANT r - 0 , n. o. Y „ a a a 9 y y m ,F ,-„ �- r �, rrJ. �I� � _ � u"�1 v "�� .,.•�.� -.- .,�� mak.. 'SIM �,►. � ".�,. �: _ 1 8841 RESEARCH QR ° SUITE 700 IRVINE t r� , n f t f 6113 949.387.13 A � P *� RIQGELA.COM F' bin PPP e. . r r r r' r .r SESLERIA GREENLEE / PODOCARPUS GRACILIOR / ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS 'PROSTRATUS' / MUHLENBERGIA EMERSLEYI 'EL TORO' / LANTANA 'NEW GOLD' / GREENLEE MOOR GRASS FERN PINE CREEPING ROSEMARY 0 BULL GRASS NEW GOLD LANTANA Lu ....� ui F S,� �{ oo w CD P Z � z cy Z �' c0 s HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA / bi RED YUCCA 15 12 PLAN ISSUE DATES REV. DATE DESCRIPTION 11-02-21 SD SET 11-15-21 SD SET 02-10-22 SD SUBMITTAL 2 PA/PM: RG DRAWN BY: MCJ/RG REVIEWED BY: JR MSA JOB NO.: 00-0000 L201 ATTACHMENT D RESOLUTION NO. 4450 RESOLUTION NO. 4450 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0030 AND DESIGN REVIEW 2021-0016 AUTHORIZING A NEW DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR NEW 11,323 SQUARE FOOT, TWO-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING AT 17631 SEVENTEENTH STREET. The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2021- 0030 and Design Review (DR) 2021-0016 was filed by Hamid R. Mir/Nalsh, LLC, requesting approval of a new development plan for the Planned Community — Commercial (PC-COM) District located at 17631 Seventeenth Street including the demolition of an existing restaurant building to construct an 11,323 square foot, two-story medical office building. B. That the subject property is located within the PC-COM (Planned Community - Commercial) District and has a PCCB (Planned Community Commercial/Business) General Plan land use designation. C. Pursuant to Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9244e, a hearing before the Planning Commission is required for conditional use permits for new development plans for planned communities where the construction of professional offices is proposed. D. That the development of professional office uses at this location would be more compatible with surrounding uses than the development of retail commercial uses. E. Pursuant to TCC Section 9272, DR approval is required for the building design and site planning of new structures. The Community Development Director has deferred decision-making authority to the Planning Commission to be considered concurrently with the request for a CUP. F. That in determining whether to approve the CUP for the new development plan and the DR for building design and site planning, the Planning Commission must determine whether it can be found that the location, size, architectural features, and general appearance of the proposal will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, Exhibit A Resolution No. 4442 CUP 2021-0012; DR 2021-0010; SUB 2021-0003 Page 2 the occupancy thereof, or the community as a whole, and that the establishment of the proposed development plan will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin. In making such findings, the Planning Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. The 34'-6" height and bulk of the proposed project is consistent with office developments in commercial areas and is compatible with the surrounding uses. A two-story office building is located across the street from the subject property. The proposed site plan, sets the two-story building away from property lines and has landscaped and parking areas as additional buffers to adjacent parcels. 2. Setbacks and site planning. The residences to the north are approximately fifty (50)feet away from the subject property and the adjacent garages serve as a buffer. Residences to the east and northeast are approximately thirty (30) feet away from the subject property and are buffered by a twenty-five (25) foot-wide Orange County Flood Control District easement that runs between them and the subject property. 3. Exterior materials and colors. The proposed building facades would consist of painted stucco walls with prominent amounts of glazing, accented with wooden and metallic design elements throughout all facades to provide a consistent four-sided architecture scheme. The wooden panels include three-quarter(3/) inch reveals which articulate the facade and provide visual interest. Windows will be enhanced with aluminum metal paneling, colored metallic silver. This same aluminum material will be used to create a covered entry at the building's main entrance on the north elevation. Walls will be painted a pale gray color and enhanced with dark brown wooden Resysta panels which form wooden columns on the south and north elevations and condensed "impact walls" on the east and west elevations. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. The proposed building has a flat roof design and incorporates a roof parapet. Rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened by virtue of its location in the center of the roof as well as a parapet wall. 5. Size and spacing of windows, doors and other openings. The building incorporates prominent amounts of glazing, accented with wooden and metallic design elements throughout all facades to Exhibit A Resolution No. 4442 CUP 2021-0012; DR 2021-0010; SUB 2021-0003 Page 3 provide a consistent four-sided architecture scheme. The wooden panels include three-quarter (3/) inch reveals which articulate the facade and provide visual interest. Windows will be enhanced with aluminum metal paneling, colored metallic silver. 6. Landscaping and parking area design. New landscaping is proposed at the project frontages along Seventeenth Street and Treehaven Drive, surrounding the building, and along the perimeter of the site, providing over fifteen (15) percent site coverage with landscaping. The proposed landscaping palette includes colorful flowering and foliage plant material combing trees, shrubs and groundcover, to enhance and, along the perimeter of its interior property lines, screen the project site. Where applicable, parking stalls will have a two (2) foot overhang into landscape planters to provide the minimum nineteen (19) foot stall depth requirement. Per Condition 4.3, these overhang areas will be planted with hardy, low-growing landscaping. 7. Location, height and standards of exterior illumination. The project includes the installation of new light fixtures throughout the site, including up-lighting for the main (western) building facade facing the intersection, four (4) foot tall bollard-type lighting along the proposed walking paths, and twenty (20) foot tall light poles along the northern and eastern property lines for site lighting. Given the site's proximity to residential uses to the north and east, the twenty (20) foot tall light poles will be outfitted with glare shields to minimize light impacts to neighboring properties. The residences to the north are approximately fifty (50) feet away from light poles on the subject property and are further shielded by their private garages. Residences to the east and northeast are approximately thirty(30)feet away from light poles on the subject property and are buffered by a twenty-five (25) foot-wide Orange County Flood Control District easement that runs between them and the subject property. As proposed, illumination levels from the shielded light poles quickly fall to zero (0) within the limits of this easement area. 8. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. A new electrical transformerwill be installed on the southeast corner of the site along Seventeenth Street, screened from public view by landscaping. 9. Location and method of refuse storage. A new trash enclosure will be constructed at the northeast corner of the site. 10.Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to existing structures and possible future structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. The proposed Exhibit A Resolution No. 4442 CUP 2021-0012; DR 2021-0010; SUB 2021-0003 Page 4 development plan takes into consideration the ultimate right of way line along Seventeenth Street and the contemporary building design with wooden and stucco accents is compatible with the nearby areas. 11. Proposed signing. In conformance with the TCC, a Master Sign Plan will be submitted to the Community Development Director for review and approval as indicated in Condition of Approval No. 3.4. 12.The proposed project is consistent with the development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council. The project is consistent with the Design Review criteria outlined in TCC 9272. G. As proposed, the required number of parking spaces (61 spaces) for the operation of the medical office building is provided on-site. H. The proposed medical office building is located along the Seventeenth Street commercial corridor where a variety of retail and professional office businesses are located. The proposed hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM are consistent with characteristics of similar uses. I. The project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-element. J. The City's Police Department has reviewed the application and has no concerns. K. This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act). II. The Planning Commission hereby approves CUP-2021-0030 and DR 2021- 0016 authorizing a new development plan for the PC-COM District located at 17631 Seventeenth Street which includes the demolition of an existing restaurant building to construct an 11,323 square foot, two-story medical office building, subject to the conditions contained within Exhibit A attached hereto. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4442 CUP 2021-0012; DR 2021-0010; SUB 2021-0003 Page 5 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting on the 24th day of May, 2022. DAVID J. MELLO, JR. Chairperson JUSTINA L. WILLKOM Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Justina L. Willkom, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4450 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 24th day of May, 2022. PLANNING COMMISSIONER AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONER NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONER ABSTAINED: PLANNING COMMISSIONER ABSENT: JUSTINA L. WILLKOM Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 4450 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0030 DESIGN REVIEW 2021-0016 17631 SEVENTEENTH STREET GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped May 24, 2022, on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Community Development Director in accordance with this Exhibit. The Community Development Director may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan check if such modifications are consistent with provisions of the Tustin City Code (TCC). (1) 1.2 The approval of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2021-0030 and Design Review (DR) 2021-0016 shall become null and void unless permits for the proposed project are issued and substantial construction is underway within twelve (12) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be considered if a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. (1) 1.3 The conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.4 Approval of CUP 2021-0030 and DR 2021-0016 is contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk- Recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval' form. The forms shall be established by the Community Development Director and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. (1) 1.5 The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary code enforcement action, including attorney fees, subject to the applicable notice, hearing and appeal process, as established by the City Council by Ordinance. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTIONS CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 2 (1) 1.6 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to the issuance of an Administrative Citation pursuant to TCC Section 1162 (a). (1) 1.7 As a condition of approval of DR 2021-0016 and CUP 2021-0030, the applicant shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission or any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in the defense of any such action under this condition. (1) 1.8 All requirements of the City's Noise Ordinance shall be met at all times. ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN (***) 2.1 The project shall consist of one (1) 11,323 square foot, two-story professional (medical) office building with sixty-one (61) on-site parking spaces. (4) 2.2 Project materials shall substantially comply with those identified in the approved plans. Additional color and material samples may be requested by City staff at the time of plan check. Substitutions to the approved materials may occur subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. Enhancements to the architectural detailing may be required at the time of plan check based on the proposed materials. (4) 2.3 All parking spaces shall be maintained as shown on the approved plans. Any changes to the number, location, or size of parking spaces shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to implementation. (4) 2.4 No outdoor storage shall be permitted during grading or building stages except as approved by the Community Development Director. (1) 2.5 All construction activities and operation of the businesses on-site shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. (1) 2.6 All utility services serving the site shall be installed and maintained underground. CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 3 (***) 2.7 All on-site and off-site developer-required public infrastructure and utility systems shall be constructed prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. (4) 2.8 All mechanical and electrical fixtures and equipment shall be adequately and decoratively screened. The screen shall be included as an element of the overall design of the project and blend with architectural design of the building. Electrical transformers shall be located so as to minimize visual impacts and be screened by adequate landscaping or other effective screening devices (4) 2.9 A minimum 6' 8" decorative masonry wall separating the subject site from adjacent residential uses is required. Final design including materials and color is subject approval by the Community Development Director. (1) 2.10 A sign permit shall be applied for and obtained from the Community Development Department prior to constructing, erecting, altering, replacing, moving, or painting any sign, except for signs exempt from a permit according to the Tustin Sign Code. Permit applications shall be accompanied by information as required for a standard sign plan or master sign plan, pursuant to the Tustin Sign Code. (4) 2.11 Prior to the issuance of any sign permits, the applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department a Master Sign Plan for review and approval showing the proposed locations of signage for the building and site. (4) 2.12 Service doors and mechanical screens shall be painted the same color as the adjacent wall. (4) 2.13 All roof access shall be provided from the inside of the building. (4) 2.14 No exterior downspouts shall be permitted. All roof drainage shall utilize interior piping and may have exterior outlets into landscaped areas at the base of the building. Any roof scuppers shall be installed with a special lip device so that overflow drainage will not stain the walls. (4) 2.15 All exposed metal flashing or trim shall be painted to match the building. (4) 2.16 The parking lot lighting shall provide a minimum of one-foot candle of illumination within the parking lot area. (***) 2.17 The parking lot lights shall be installed in the locations shown on the approved plans and shall be equipped with glare shields to minimize light impacts to neighboring properties. CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 4 LANDSCAPE/HARDSCAPE (5) 3.1 Landscape plans shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and the City's Water Management Plan. (4) 3.2 The Community Development Department may request substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quantity of materials during plan check. (1) 3.3 All plant materials shall be installed in a healthy and vigorous condition typical to the species in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition, which includes, but is not limited to trimming, mowing, weeding, litter removal, fertilizing, regular watering, and replacement of diseased or dead plants. (4) 3.4 Root barriers shall be installed as needed in areas where trees are planted in close proximity to hardscape and/or structures. (4) 3.5 The two (2) foot vehicle overhang area within parking lot landscape planters shall be planted with hardy, low-growing landscaping to withstand and enable its use by vehicles. (1) 3.6 Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall install landscaping and irrigation in accordance with the approved landscape plans. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plans. Dead plants shall be replaced by the property owner with the same species type and size identified in the approved landscape plans. PLAN SUBMITTAL (1) 4.1 Applicant and owner are responsible for ensuring that information contained in construction drawings is consistent among architectural, structural, grading, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire, utility and public improvement plans as well as other construction drawings. (3) 4.2 All construction shall comply with 2019 California Building Code, California Mechanical Code, California Electrical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Green Code, California Energy Codes and City Ordinances, State and Federal laws, and other regulations as adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin. CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 5 WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS (5) 5.1 This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal, State, and Regional Water Quality Control Board rules and regulations. (1) 5.2 Prior to issuance of any permits, the applicant shall submit for approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments, a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). If the WQMP has been determined to be a Priority WQMP, it shall identify Low Impact Development (LID) principles and Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on-site to retain storm water and treat predictable pollutant run-off. The Priority WQMP shall identify: the implementation of BMPs, the assignment of long-term maintenance responsibilities (specifying the developer, parcel owner, maintenance association, lessees, etc.), and reference to the location(s) of structural BMPs. (1) 5.3 Prior to submittal of a WQMP, the applicant shall submit a deposit of $2,700.00 to the Public Works Department for the estimated cost of reviewing the WQMP. (1) 5.4 Prior to issuance of any permits, the applicant shall record a "Covenant and Agreement Regarding O & M Plan to Fund and Maintain Water Quality BMPs, Consent to Inspect, and Indemnification" with the County Clerk- Recorder. This document shall bind current and future owner(s) of the property regarding implementation and maintenance of the structural and non-structural BMPs as specified in the approved WQMP. WATER IMPROVEMENT (1) 6.1 Water improvements shall follow the latest City of Tustin Water Standards and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) guidelines. In case of a conflict, the City of Tustin Water Standards shall prevail. (1) 6.2 In accordance with the plans, a backflow prevention device may be required to protect the public water system from cross connections. A. If a Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) is required, an easement for public utility access purposes must be dedicated to the City of Tustin. The easement shall start from the public right-of-way up to the DCDA with a minimum distance of five (5) feet all around the DCDA to allow for unobstructed access, inspection, testing, and maintenance. B. If a building sprinkler system is required by the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), the applicant shall be required to provide a backflow prevention device at his or her expense to prevent cross contamination CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 6 with the public water system. C. If the applicant proposes to use an irrigation system, then a separate water meter shall be required. If this is the case, a Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly (RPPA) shall be required to prevent cross- connection with the public water system. (1) 6.3 The applicant is responsible for all costs related to the installation, upgrade, alteration, relocation or abandonment of all existing City of Tustin public water facilities affected by the proposed project. (1) 6.4 If applicant's project is within the East Orange County Water District (EOCWD) service area, then a release/approval from the EOCWD shall be obtained prior to receiving water service from the City of Tustin. The applicant shall submit a water permit application to EOCWD, and is responsible for all application, connection and other EOCWD fees. (1) 6.5 The adequacy of a proposed water system plan for a proposed development project, including the number, size and distribution of fire hydrants, must be reviewed by the OCFA. Plans meeting OCFA fire protection requirements must be stamped and approved by that agency. (1) 6.6 The proposed domestic water system plans must conform to all applicable regulations enforced by the Orange County Health Department. STREET IMPROVEMENT: (1) 7.1 Project shall be designed to accommodate future widening of Seventeenth Street to its ultimate width in conformance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan. (1) 7.2 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from and applicable fees paid to the Public Works Department. (4) 7.3 To allow private property facilities (such as monument signage and signs) within the dedication area for future right-of-way, prior to issuance of a sign permit, the applicant shall prepare and enter into a "future monument sign removal agreement" with the City that would guarantee removal of the sign at the property owner's expense at a time requested by the City. The applicant shall be responsible for City Attorney review fees and the cost of recording the agreement. The City of Tustin may require removal of the monument sign (at the property owner's expense) for various reasons, including but not limited to: accommodation of road widening/ parkway improvements, traffic operational issues, and environmental/engineering impacts. CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 7 (***) 7.4 Prior to issuance of an Encroachment Permit or Grading Permit, the applicant shall submit to the Public Works Department 24" x 36" reproducible street improvement plans, as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer, for approval. The plans shall clearly show existing and proposed surface and underground improvements, including construction and/or replacement of any missing or damaged public improvements adjacent to this development. Including, but not limited to: a. Remove and reconstruct driveway apron on Treehaven Drive to the most current Federal Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements and current City of Tustin Standards. b. Remove the existing driveway aprons and design and construct new curb & gutter and sidewalk at the old driveway apron location and along the project frontage on Seventeenth Street. c. Remove and reconstruct curb ramp at the northeast corner of Seventeenth Street and Treehaven Drive at its current location to meet current ADA requirements and current City of Tustin Standards. d. Relocation of existing catch basin with automatic retractable screen and connector pipe screen. (1) 7.5 Current ADA requirements shall be met at all driveways and sidewalks adjacent to the site. City of Tustin standards shall apply, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. (1) 7.6 Prior to issuance of an Encroachment Permit for construction within the public right-of-way, a 24" x 36" construction area traffic control plan, as prepared by a California Registered Traffic Engineer, or Civil Engineer experienced in this type of plan preparation, shall be prepared and submitted to the Public Works Department for approval. CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 8 (1) 8.1 SOLID WASTE RECYCLING CONDITIONS: The applicant/contractor is required to submit a WRRP to the Public Works Department. The WRRP must indicate how the applicant will comply with the City's requirement (City Code Section 4351, et al)to recycle at least sixty- five (65) percent of the project waste material or the amount required by the California Green Building Standards Code. A. The applicant will be required to submit a fifty-dollar ($50.00) application fee and a cash security deposit. Based on the review of the submitted Waste Management Plan, the cash security deposit will be determined by the Public Works Department in the following five (5) percent of the project's valuation as determined by the Building Official, rounded to the nearest thousand. The deposit amount will be collected in accordance with the Tustin City Code. B. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant shall submit the required security deposit in the form of cash, cashier's check, personal check, or money order made payable to the "City of Tustin". CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 9 (1) 8.2 Facility Solid Waste Collection and Recycling Plan. A. The applicant, property owner, and/or tenant(s) are required to participate in the City's recycling programs. B. Waste and Recycling collection facilities shall be equally and readily accessible by the property owner(s) or tenant(s). C. Waste and Recycling collection facilities must be placed in a location that can be easily and safely accessed by the solid waste hauler while utilizing either front loader or side loading equipment. D. Adequate collection capacity shall be provided to ensure that collection frequency shall not exceed four (4) times per week for commercial customers. E. All trash enclosures shall be designed with roof and be able to accommodate at least two (2) 4-yard bins, with at least one (1) bin reserved for recyclable materials. Space for a container for organics is also required as described in Section 19G below. F. Prior to the approval of a site plan or the issuance of a building permit, the Public Works Department shall review and approve the number of trash enclosures required to service the project site. G. All developments are required to provide space for the collection of organic materials. Organics are collected in 35-gallon and 65- gallon wheeled carts, and 2-yard bins. The size of the organics container will be dependent upon the use and size of the building. Organics can be collected six (6) days per week to minimize the space required for a container. MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS: (1) 9.1 Upon review of the final improvement plan, the applicant shall satisfy dedication and/or reservation requirements as applicable, including, but not limited to, dedication in Fee Title of all required street rights-of-way; dedication of all required flood control right-of-way easements; and dedication of vehicular access rights, sewer easements, and water easements defined and approved as to specific locations by the City Engineer (at no cost to the City) and/or other agencies. CUP 2021-0030 & DR 2021-0016 17631 Seventeenth Street May 24, 2022 Page 10 (1) 9.2 Prior to issuance of a Building Permit(s), payment of the most current Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fees (for the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA)) to the City of Tustin (through the Public Works Department) shall be required. The fee rate schedule automatically increase on July 1St of each year. (1) 9.3 Prior to issuance of a Building Permit(s), the applicant shall provide written approval of sanitary sewer service connections from EOCWD. (1) 9.4 Any damage done to existing public street improvements and/or utilities shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development. FEES (1) 10.1 Within forty-eight (48) hours of final approval of the project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a CASHIER'S CHECK payable to the County Clerk in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.