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DocuSign Envelope ID: 79268796-7620-44CD-A6D2-5682707D1ADA S51% AGENDA R MEETING DATE: JUNE 7, 2022 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Agenda Item Reviewed: DS City Manager nB Finance Director N/A SUBJECT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT SUMMARY: This agenda report transmits the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for the fourth quarter of 2021. The average noise level measured at Tustin's monitoring station (NMS 10N), located at Columbus Tustin Middle School on Beneta Way (Figure 1), remained consistent with prior quarters. Average daily noise levels during the third quarter continued to remain well below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 decibels (dB) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) for residential uses. Residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. Figure 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7926879B-7B20-44CD-A6D2-5682707D1ADA JWA Noise Report June 7, 2022 Page 2 CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: Staff's analysis and report of the quarterly JWA Noise Abatement Report falls under Goal D of the Strategic Plan pertaining to strong community and regional relationships. The City of Tustin strives to work collaboratively with agencies both within and outside Tustin on issues of mutual interest and concern, and in this instance, on matters of airport traffic and noise. DISCUSSION: Following the conclusion of each calendar quarter, JWA staff prepares a Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report and posts the report on their website. Attached is the quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2021, which includes the months of October through December 2021. The JWA Noise Abatement Report includes measured noise levels and an analysis of noise complaints. Measured Noise Levels Aircraft noise is most noticeable during airplane takeoffs and landings, primarily due to engine noise. Although engines produce a significant amount of aircraft noise, many other factors may influence the perception of noise including: proximity; weather — in bad weather, engine noise is reflected off of the atmosphere making jets appear louder than on clear days; routes — non-scheduled operations which could include military or private aircraft and may be louder than commercial aircraft; emergencies; and, weight — a heavier load may affect an aircraft's rate of ascent. In addition, higher aircraft noise level measurements may have been noted during recent reporting periods, as the air -travel throughout the region has begun to increase to pre -pandemic levels. During the fourth quarter of 2021, the average CNEL at Tustin's monitoring station on Beneta Way was 57.4 dB while the average from the previous quarter was 57.1 dB. The average noise levels remained well below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB CNEL for residential uses. Figure 2 (below) provides a visualization of Tustin's CNEL levels for each month during the fourth quarter of 2021. v v J J W Z V 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Daily Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) in Tustin: October - December 2021 1 3 5 7 9 1113 15 17 19 2123 25 27 29 31 Date October November* December Noise Impact Area Level (65 dB) Figure 2 * In November, Tustin's Noise Monitoring Station did not gather noise data on thirteen (13) days during the month, due to a malfunction with the microphone meter. DocuSign Envelope ID: 79268796-7620-44CD-A6D2-5682707D1ADA JWA Noise Report June 7, 2022 Page 3 Noise Complaints The role of the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Access & Noise Office (ANO) is to enforce the operational and noise restrictions set forth in the 1985 Settlement Agreement, Phase 2 Commercial Airline Access Plan & Regulation (Access Plan) and General Aviation Noise Ordinance (GANG). The ANO receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local citizens and other sources. During the fourth quarter of 2021, there was one (1) Tustin area concerns submitted. To provide an understanding of the trend in Tustin area complaints throughout the years, a chart displaying the number of noise complaints in the past three (3) years is displayed in Figure 3 (below). 15 m 10 CL E 5 0 U 0 0 N .0 E 3 Z 13 1 Noise Complaints - Tustin 1 1 0 1 0 1 Q4/2019 Q1/2020 Q2/2020 Q3/2020 Q4/2020 Q1/2021 Q2/2021 Q3/2021 Q4/2021 Quarter/Year Figure 3 CONCLUSION: Since noise issues are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor operations at JWA. The public is additionally welcome to participate in JWA's Quarterly meetings held by the Access and Noise Office. The next quarterly meeting will be held on June 28, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. in the Eddie Martin Administration Building located at 3160 Airway Avenue in Costa Mesa. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. DocuSigned by: E Adrianne DiLeva Management Analyst II DocuSigned by: 311-4� ot. O Fn4mA2R9�R'AA5 Justina L. Willkom Community Development Director Attachment: John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 79268796-7620-44CD-A6D2-5682707D1ADA ATTACHMENT John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 (Fourth Quarter) DocuSign Envelope ID: 79268796-7620-44CD-A6D2-5682707D1ADA JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUN IT NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPOK I Fug tFiu pu, iced: uctu6w. 1, zuzi tft awh D-ccm3ur s -j, 2u21 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD 5TA i E uF UACIFuRNIA CaliTurnin Gtidu c;r Rzuuletions Arport Noise Staniaaras Title 21: Public Workb Division of Aernaativs (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Eloise Standmou Submitted by: C Ricit Francis Interim Airport Director John Wayne Airport. Orange county INTRODUCTION This is the 196th Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS -1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS -2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS -3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS -4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS -5S: 324'/2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS -6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS -7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS -8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS -9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS -10N: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP f F_9VEY III I.Y 5�NTu Iu IIS --mak _ �- SANTA ANA - CEO E _ PV j r T�USTIN � J [p� JOHN 'WAYNE AIR COSTA MESA y nA-; } ` ORANGE COUNTY 17Q IRVINE 0 1 2 3 4 5 Seale In miles m FIGURE 2 2021 FOURTH QUARTER urrrn Residential Prescriptive Avigallon Ea --m.- -it ftisinass Park Zoning} Residential Ne M Hospital multi -Family Ramdential Llse School Compatible USE Highway Public Use (Noise Sonstive) Malor Roads Public Use Minor; Local Rands Recreational ? Open Space Nater f SbE a M .(River I ORANGE CO ......... 8.2 N X� .NUS 3 Statistics: Incompatible Land Use: 0.0015 Sq- Mi. Number of Dwelling Units: 3 Papulation: 7.5 (Based on 2.5 PeooelDwalfiog Unit) atlar u, A RUT Location Airport Property (Approx-J, 21121 I'Durlh Quarlar 65 dB CNE( Contour Runways f Taxiways Incompatible Single Family Residential Airpod Buildings Incompatible Muilb-Family Rafwderitial -- 0 1 -OCO 2,0W Fm JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT O ORANGE COUNTY 2D21 Fourth Quarter 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Contour AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS October - December 2021 Period Air Carriers Jet Prop GA Jet (1) Total Operations (2) Average Daily Jet Operations October 7,865 0 4,607 26,160 402 November 7,748 0 4,169 24,643 397 December 7,678 0 4,070 22,410 379 Fourth Quarter 23,291 0 12,846 73,213 393 Twelve Months 101/01/21 - 12/31/21 79,622 0 46,799 311,684 346 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by VWX entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate there were no aircraft related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. Three dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints from local citizens and all other sources. During the October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, the Office received 139,590 complaints from local citizens. This is a 121.1% increase from the 63,128 complaints received last quarter. It is a 786.8% increase from the 15,740 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the quarterly complaints from local communities. 4 - FIGURE 3 REPORTED NOISE EVENTS BY COMMUNITY Submissions - Heatmap p Uowney + Norwatk Ip — Bellflower Fullerton Lakewood n Cypress Anaheim' Signal Hill g Beach Seal Eeach Notes: Orange r , Santa Ana Hur,,:ngton Irvine norr IaHals Beach Lake Forest Norco 91 Corona Seeks dace Ten) SI I, YL rar"o 40 V Newp©r: ` N Misal on VJejo Ladera Ranch Laguna Niguel S Th In y S;rn r'Ir, rnPnYr, Leaflet I GpenSlree§Map contributors • Anaheim — 103,627 submissions from 29 different points of contact. • Newport Beach — 30,537 submissions from 40 different points of contact. • Costa Mesa — 1,898 submissions from 15 different points of contact. • Laguna Niguel — 1,393 submissions from 4 different points of contact. • Laguna Beach — 974 submissions from 2 different points of contact. • Other — 404 submissions from 47 different points of contact. • Huntington Beach — 283 submissions from 6 different points of contact. • Santa Ana — 206 submissions from 4 different points of contact. • Aliso Viejo — 155 submissions from 1 point of contact. • Dana Point — 113 submissions from 2 different points of contact. 0 7% of submissions were from a complaint subscription service. TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 01/01/21 through 12/31/21 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site is 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 1ON Jan 2021 62.6 62.3 62.0 55.7 54.7 56.3 52.3 63.4 42.2 52.2 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 24 15 31 Feb 2021 62.9 60.0 62.3 55.9 55.1 56.4 51.9 63.3 42.3 52.5 # Days 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 22 27 Mar 2021 64.8 61.7 63.7 57.8 57.1 57.9 54.4 65.8 43.5 55.4 # Days 311 31 31 311 31 31 311 31 23 31 Q-12021 63.6 61.5 62.7 56.6 55.8 56.9 53.1 64.4 42.8 53.7 # Days 90 90 90 90 90 90 89 83 60 89 Apr 2021 65.7 62.2 64.5 58.4 57.4 58.0 54.5 66.0 41.1 55.7 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 May 2021 66.2 62.7 65.1 59.0 57.7 58.8 54.8 66.7 41.7 56.3 # Days 31 31 31 311 31 31 31 31 27 31 Jun 2021 67.1 63.6 66.0 59.3 58.4 59.7 55.3 67.5 44.6 57.2 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 301 30 30 22 30 Q-2 2021 66.4 62.9 65.2 58.9 57.9 58.9 54.9 66.8 42.6 56.4 # Days 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 74 91 Ju12021 67.9 64.4 67.0 60.0 59.1 60.3 55.5 67.9 39.4 57.2 # Days 31 31 31 311 31 31 31 31 24 31 Aug 2021 67.7 66.1 66.7 59.8 58.9 60.1 55.5 67.7 38.4 57.1 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 23 31 Sep 2021 67.8 66.8 66.8 59.8 59.2 60.1 55.8 67.5 41.9 57.0 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 23 30 Q-3 2021 67.8 65.9 66.8 59.9 59.1 60.1 55.6 67.7 40.1 57.1 # Days 92 92 92 921 92 92 92 92 70 92 Oct 2021 67.7 66.5 67.0 59.9 59.4 60.4 56.8 67.7 42.3 57.1 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 25 31 Nov 2021 67.3 66.0 66.9 59.1 58.6 60.4 55.9 67.1 41.8 56.8 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 21 17 Dec 2021 67.9 66.2 66.8 60.2 59.8 60.5 57.3 67.9 43.1 57.9 # Days 31 31 31 311 31 31 311 31 28 31 Q-4 2021 67.7 66.2 66.9 59.8 59.3 60.4 56.7 67.6 42.5 57.4 # Days 92 92 92 92 92 92 91 91 74 79 Q-1 2021 thru Q-4 2021 Total 66.7 64.6 65.7 59.0 58.2 59.3 55.3 66.8 42.1 56.4 # Days 365 365 365 365 365 365 363 357 278 351 Q-4 2020 thru Q-3 2021 (Previous 4 Quarters) Total 65.7 63.6 64.8 58.1 57.2 58.3 54.2 66.0 42.2 55.3 # Days 365 365 363 365 365 365 363 356 275 364 Change from Previous 4 Quarters 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.8 -0.1 1.1 6 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION October 2021 Date j NMS Site Amw� 1 67.9 66.3 66.3 58.9 57.9 58.6 54.6 67.8 40.9 56.5 2 65.6 64.6 64.3 56.5 55.9 56.8 53.4 65.4 39.2 53.3 3 67.9 66.9 66.8 58.3 58.0 58.8 55.5 67.6 37.4 56.1 4 68.4 66.6 67.3 60.4 59.6 59.9 56.9 67.7 46.0 57.3 5 67.41 66.4 66.4 60.21 59.6 60.3 57.0 67.3 42.5 57.0 6 67.9 67.1 67.3 60.6 60.4 61.1 58.0 67.5 44.5 57.3 7 68.6 67.3 67.8 61.1 60.4 61.3 58.1 68.9 *#N/A 58.3 8 68.5 67.5 67.5 61.0 61.0 61.7 58.6 69.0 43.2 58.8 9 67.0 65.9 66.2 59.6 59.3 59.9 56.6 66.5 33.5 55.7 10 68.3 67.5 67.6 59.8 59.9 60.6 57.1 68.6 39.1 57.5 11 67.2 65.3 68.4 59.5 59.2 63.9 56.2 65.7 33.2 55.0 12 64.9 63.9 64.8 55.8 56.3 59.2 53.4 67.1 42.3 56.0 13 67.5 66.6 67.0 59.3 58.7 59.1 55.7 #N/A 37.3 55.6 14 68.1 66.9 67.6 60.0 59.4 60.3 56.8 69.3 36.2 56.5 15 67.2 65.3 66.5 59.0 57.9 59.6 55.8 66.7 ,#N/A 53.2 16 65.8 64.6 64.9 56.8 56.2 56.8 53.2 64.4 -#N/Al 52.1 17 68.0 67.0 67.2 60.2 59.7 60.5 57.1 68.6 36.4 58.4 18 68.1 67.0 66.9 60.8 60.5 61.1 58.2 66.7 40.1 58.5 19 67.4 66.0 66.6 60.5 59.7 60.5 57.2 68.0 43.4 57.6 20 67.6 66.7 66.7 60.1 59.8 60.4 57.1 67.1 38.1 57.0 21 68.5 67.4 67.9 60.8 60.0 61.1 57.4 68.2 35.4 58.3 22 68.3 67.1 67.5 59.9 59.9 60.6 56.5 68.5 30.5 58.4 23 67.2 65.6 66.3 59.8 58.7 60.0 56.5 67.1 43.9 57.1 24 69.1 68.0 68.5 61.2 61.0 62.3 58.8 68.8 *#N/A 58.8 25 69.0 67.5 67.8 61.3 61.0 61.7 58.1 68.8 37.9 59.2 26 67.9 66.5 67.0 60.6 60.2 60.6 57.6 67.3 42.9 57.6 27 67.2 66.3 66.6 59.4 59.3 60.2 56.5 66.9 48.7 56.1 28 67.6 66.2 67.3 59.7 59.3 60.0 56.9 67.2 48.7 56.1 29 68.0 66.9 67.2 60.0 59.4 60.3 56.6 68.2 *#N/A 58.2 30 67.1 65.6 65.9 59.0 57.7 58.9 55.1 66.5 35.0 56.0 31 68.0 66.8 67.0 60.6 60.0 60.9 57.4 68.2 ,#N/A 58.4 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 25 31 En. Avg 67.7 66.51 67.0 59.9 59.41 60.4 56.8 67.7 42.3 57.1 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION November 2021 Date is 2S 3S 4S NMS Site 5S 6 8N 9N 1ON 1 68.7 67.3 67.8 60.9 60.9 61.6 58.3 68.0 46.8 58.0 2 67.2 66.1 66.3 59.3 58.9 59.7 56.3 67.2 *#N/A 56.7 3 67.6 66.6 67.0 59.9 59.7 60.6 55.7 67.7 41.8 58.1 4 67.7 66.4 66.8 59.4 59.0 60.2 56.1 68.2 *#N/A 57.7 5 67.51 66.1 66.8 59.01 58.7 60.0 55.91 68.7 37.2 57.1 6 66.8 65.5 65.8 58.7 58.1 59.4 55.2 66.3 38.1 55.9 7 68.8 67.0 67.7 61.0 60.3 61.3 57.7 69.0 43.7 58.9 8 68.7 66.9 67.6 61.5 60.2 61.4 57.4 68.1 39.6 58.1 9 67.2 65.8 66.3 59.1 59.4 59.6 56.1 66.7 *#N/A 56.4 10 68.4 67.2 67.8 60.2 59.9 60.8 57.1 67.5 40.2 56.9 11 64.5 62.8 67.3 55.3 55.3 62.6 52.3 65.4 42.3 51.7 12 65.5 64.8 65.5 56.0 55.6 59.8 53.1 65.9 44.7 53.7 13 66.5 64.9 65.2 58.0 57.0 58.2 54.9 64.7 32.0 53.1 14 68.3 67.2 67.2 58.8 58.5 59.7 56.1 67.7 44.7 #N/A 15 68.1 66.3 66.9 59.5 59.0 60.0 56.3 67.7 *#N/A #N/A, 16 67.8 66.2 66.7 60.4 59.0 60.0 56.4 67.4 41.7 #N/A 17 68.0 66.3 67.2 60.5 59.6 60.8 56.9 67.5 41.7 #N/A 18 68.8 67.4 68.0 61.1 60.6 61.5 57.7 68.1 *#N/A 58.6 19 69.0 67.7 68.3 61.3 60.5 61.6 57.7 68.7 35.1 57.5 20 67.8 66.5 67.2 59.7 59.3 60.2 56.7 67.6 45.6 56.2 21 57.8 54.8 67.3 42.1 50.0 64.0 35.3 63.1 44.5 #N/A 22 65.7 65.0 65.0 57.0 56.8 58.4 54.1 66.3 *#N/A #N/A 23 68.6 67.0 67.0 60.9 59.2 60.4 57.0 68.5 36.4 54.1 24 67.1 65.9 69.0 59.5 58.8 62.6 56.2 64.0 41.1 #N/A, 25 51.0 43.9 62.8 28.0 28.2 58.4 #N/A 58.6 33.4 #N/A 26 61.5 61.6 62.7 51.6 51.3 56.7 47.4 64.3 *#N/A #N/A 27 67.2 65.9 65.9 58.0 57.1 57.7 53.7 66.4 30.9 #N/A 28 68.1 66.9 67.3 58.8 58.2 59.0 54.7 67.5 37.7 #N/A 29 68.4 66.8 67.4 59.1 58.7 59.4 55.4 67.9 *#N/A #N/A 30 67.7 66.3 67.0 59.2 58.9 59.8 56.21 67.5 *#N/A #N/A Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 21 17 En. Avg 67.3 66.0 66.9 59.11 58.6 60.4 55.9[_67.1 41.8 56.8 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION December 2021 Date is 2S 3S 4S NMS Site 5S 6S 9N 1ON 1 66.8 65.7 66.0 58.2 57.7 58.6 54.6 64.4 36.7 55.4 2 67.9 66.6 67.1 59.9 59.2 60.2 56.2 68.3 38.4 57.3 3 68.7 67.5 68.0 61.0 61.0 61.7 58.1 68.3 *#N/A 58.8 4 66.5 65.4 65.6 58.5 58.6 59.5 55.3 66.2 40.8 56.0 5 68.41 66.9 67.5 59.91 59.7 60.6 56.71 68.3 40.3 57.7 6 67.9 66.0 66.9 60.3 59.0 60.3 55.9 67.8 43.3 58.1 7 67.7 65.8 66.7 60.5 59.5 60.9 57.5 67.6 41.2 57.7 8 67.5 66.1 66.8 59.8 60.0 60.7 57.3 67.5 38.9 57.5 9 68.2 67.1 67.2 60.5 61.3 61.5 58.5 67.8 41.2 58.8 10 68.6 66.7 67.4 61.2 60.4 61.5 58.5 67.4 40.2 57.1 11 65.7 63.7 65.1 57.7 57.7 58.2 54.1 65.2 35.1 53.9 12 68.2 66.8 66.7 60.2 59.8 60.7 57.3 67.9 44.0 58.0 13 67.8 65.3 66.9 61.0 59.8 60.8 57.7 67.5 32.6 58.5 14 66.8 65.6 65.5 59.4 60.6 59.9 57.3 67.5 34.9 58.7 15 67.8 66.3 67.0 59.8 60.1 60.4 57.5 67.5 44.4 57.9 16 69.2 67.1 68.4 61.4 61.2 62.2 58.6 67.7 45.7 58.5 17 67.2 64.5 67.5 57.9 58.3 61.0 54.3 64.7 41.0 52.6 18 66.9 65.3 66.1 58.3 57.6 58.0 54.3 66.9 37.3 54.9 19 67.9 66.4 66.7 60.1 59.1 59.8 56.1 68.3 46.5 57.8 20 68.5 67.1 67.6 60.3 59.4 59.8 55.3 67.7 *#N/A 56.9 21 67.9 66.2 67.0 59.8 58.6 59.2 55.9 67.0 44.4 56.9 22 68.1 66.8 67.2 59.9 59.5 59.9 56.4 67.6 40.6 56.6 23 68.6 66.2 66.8 61.4 60.1 60.7 58.9 70.2 48.3 61.0 24 67.0 65.9 65.6 59.6 59.9 59.8 57.5 67.4 30.8 57.6 25 66.0 64.1 64.6 58.6 58.4 58.6 56.1 67.3 46.2 57.8 26 68.0 66.4 67.1 60.8 60.6 61.0 58.7 68.8 *#N/A 58.9 27 68.1 67.0 67.3 61.0 61.5 61.5 59.4 69.1 39.9 59.0 28 67.9 66.4 67.0 60.6 60.8 61.2 58.8 69.2 42.2 59.3 29 69.1 66.5 67.5 62.2 60.6 61.4 59.6 70.1 42.5 60.7 30 69.1 66.4 67.0 61.5 60.2 61.1 58.9 69.5 48.8 59.2 31 67.3 65.6 66.0 59.7 59.8 59.8 57.4 67.3 45.6 57.4 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 En. Avg 67.9 66.2 66.8 60.2 59.81 60.51 57.31 67.91 43.1 57.9 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A October - December 2021 Carrier AC .- Deps NMS Site Alaska A320 279 Average 95.8 94.5 95.1 88.0 86.4 87.4 85.1 89.8 #N/A 80.3 Count (261) (246) (260) (255) (256) (255) (253) (16) (0) (1) B737 6 Average 95.3 94.0 94.2 89.0 88.3 89.3 84.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (0) (0) (0) B738 423 Average 98.0 96.3 95.7 89.2 89.2 89.9 86.9 91.8 89.1 80.3 Count (392) (370) (396) (394) (394) (393) (393) (19) (2) (6) Allegiant A319 150 Average 93.1 91.6 92.3 86.8 85.4 86.3 81.8 87.6 #N/A #N/A Count (140) (134) (140) (133) (139) (139) (128) (7) (0) (0) A320 108 Average 94.5 93.2 92.6 87.0 86.1 86.9 82.7 88.2 #N/A #N/A Count (100) (99) (100) (97) (97) (98) (98) (5) (0) (0) American A21 N 5 Average 91.2 89.1 90.5 83.2 81.2 82.7 79.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (3) (0) (0) (0) A319 3 Average 93.3 92.9 92.6 86.3 86.2 85.7 81.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (3) (2) (0) (0) (0) A320 147 Average 94.9 94.0 93.9 86.2 85.3 85.3 81.6 86.9 #N/A #N/A Count (137) (133) (135) (133) (134) (130) (124) (9) (0) (0) A321 124 Average 99.1 97.8 98.6 90.6 88.8 88.4 84.7 95.0 86.2 #N/A Count (114) (110) (113) (110) (115) (115) (112) (6) (3) (0) B38M 2 Average 92.9 91.1 92.1 85.4 84.2 86.1 82.7 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (0) (0) (0) B738 1192 Average 98.6 97.2 97.4 89.9 89.6 90.2 87.3 92.8 88.1 81.9 Count (1067) (1018) (1090) (1075) (1099) (1068) (1046) (71) (12) (17) Delta A220 556 Average 88.3 87.8 87.7 80.3 79.6 80.3 78.2 81.9 #N/A #N/A Count (524) (504) (522) (439) (335) (383) (25) (21) (0) (0) A319 186 Average 95.8 94.5 95.4 88.9 87.6 87.7 83.4 93.1 85.7 81.9 Count (152) (146) (152) (144) (148) (148) (150) (23) (16) (4) A320 1 Average 95.3 93.3 94.5 87.9 87.3 87.6 84.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) 8738 5 Average 97.4 95.9 97.0 89.0 87.4 87.5 84.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (0) (0) (0) B752 233 Average 96.1 95.0 95.8 88.4 87.6 87.8 83.9 92.3 85.9 80.9 Count (200) (193) (204) (200) (205) (197) (193) (24) (11) (4) FedEx A306 63 Average 96.5 95.5 94.4 88.4 88.2 89.2 85.8 87.8 #N/A 78.6 Count (59) (59) (58) (60) (61) (61) (61) (1) (0) (1) Frontier A20N 206 Average 87.7 87.0 87.2 81.2 79.8 81.7 78.8 81.5 #N/A #N/A Count (200) (192) (199) (160) (130) (148) (49) (5) (0) (0) A320 62 Average 94.4 93.3 92.2 86.0 85.0 86.3 84.1 88.6 #N/A #N/A Count (56) (52) (55) (55) (56) (56) (56) (5) (0) (0) Horizon E175 271 Average 93.4 92.0 90.7 84.8 84.9 86.7 83.6 88.7 #N/A #N/A Count (254) (247) (254) (251) (255) (254) (250) (15) (0) (0) Southwest B38M 55 Average 89.2 88.0 87.5 80.6 81.1 82.879.7 86.3 #N/A #N/A Count (48) (49) (51) (39) (48) (48) (34) (2) (0) (0) B737 1356 Average 93.4 92.3 91.1 85.5 85.7 86.4 84.1 90.1 79.1 79.1 Count (1234) (1195) (1246) (1237) (1250) (1234) (1201) (81) (2) (4) B738 326 Average 93.6 92.7 90.7 84.7 85.2 85.9 83.7 90.3 #N/A #N/A Count (317) (309) (319) (314) (318) (312) (314) (5) (0) (0) Spirit A20N 280 Average 88.2 87.5 87.7 82.0 81.1 82.4 79.6 82.8 #N/A #N/A Count (266) (260) (264) (251) (235) (258) (153) (12) (0) (0) A319 125 Average 91.6 91.2 90.0 84.5 83.7 84.5 80.6 84.3 #N/A #N/A Count (118) (119) (122) (117) (119) (120) (98) (2) (0) (0) A320 39 Average 92.4 91.7 90.1 84.5 83.4 84.2 81.0 82.3 #N/A #N/A Count (36) (33) (36) (36) (36) (36) (31) (3) (0) (0) Sun Country 8737 41 Average 95.2 93.7 95.1 89.2 89.2 89.4 85.2 89.5 #N/A #N/A Count (39) (38) (39) (39) (39) (39) (39) (2) (0) (0) B738 11 Average 96.4 94.5 96.4 90.1 89.6 90.2 86.8 93.5 #N/A #N/A Count (10) (9) (10) (10) (9) (9) (10) (1) (0) (0) United A319 122 Average 94.1 92.8 93.0 86.6 85.4 86.1 81.9 87.0 #N/A #N/A Count 1 (116) (108) (116) (110) (114) (113) (108) (6) (0) (0) A320 227 Average 94.9 94.0 93.8 86.4 85.5 85.9 82.5 88.6 84.3 79.8 Count (212) (205) (212) (202) (209) (205) (195) (11) (1) (1) B737 459 Average 96.9 94.8 96.8 90.5 90.2 90.7 86.9 93.2 88.3 81.6 Count (413) (391) (417) (415) (411) (410) (401) (34) (11) (4) B738 575 Average 98.4 96.6 97.8 90.2 89.8 90.2 87.4 92.4 89.6 81.2 Count (520) (490) (526) (519) (526) (506) (500) (38) (6) (7) B752 1 Average 93.7 93.4 93.1 85.4 84.9 85.3 80.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) UPS A306 9 Average 97.9 96.8 97.8 90.6 90.0 90.0 86.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (8) (0) (0) (0) B752 45 Average 95.0 94.0 94.0 86.8 86.5 87.6 83.4 86.2 #N/A #N/A Count (43) (42) (43) (42) (43) (43) (43) (2) (0) (0) WestJet B737 56 Average 94.9 93.4 94.5 89.0 89.1 90.2 85.1 90.0 #N/A #N/A Count 1 (51) (48) (52) (52) (52) (52) (50) (3) (0) (0) TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E October - December 2021 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site Delta A220 120 Average 88.2 87.9 87.7 80.5 79.5 80.2 77.0 80.6 #N/A #N/A Charters Count (111) (104) (114) (95) (69) (84) (2) (4) (0) (0) SkyWestComl. E175 426 Average 90.9 90.0 89.4 84.6 84.4 85.7 83.0 88.7 #N/A #N/A Count (397) (380) (397) (391) (396) (391) (380) (22) (0) (0) Southwest B38M 11 Average 88.7 88.0 87.0 81.5 80.9 82.6 80.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (11) (11) (11) (7) (10) (10) (5) (0) (0)l 0) 2321 Average 92.0 91.2 90.0 85.0 84.8 8,5.51 83.41 89.5 #N/A 78.7 B737 Count Count (2154) (2081) (2147) (2133) (2168) (2132) (2092) (124) (0) (2) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter October - December 2021 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site Delux Public E135 596 Average 85.4 85.0 86.3 79.5 78.8 80.0 77.6 82.3 #N/A #N/A Charters Count (560) (543) (561) (406) (188) (402) (9) (25) (0) (0) E145 87 Average 85.8 85.7 86.6 79.1 78.6 79.9 #N/A 82.9 #N/A #N/A Count (84) (79) (85) (53) (28) (64) (0) (2) (0) (0) SkyWest CRJ7 82 Average 87.2 86.4 86.4 79.8 80.8 81.4 80.3 88.6 #N/A #N/A Count (80) (77) (80) (46) (59) (77) (61) (2) (0) (0) 90.2 89.9 88.1 83.0 85.4 84.7 82.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A E175 1 Average Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) TABLE 8 -GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation October - December 2021 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier Air Canada AC AC .- A223 2017 2018 Year 2019 2020 2021 102 B38M 6 Alaska AS A319 64 244 314 A320 262 3,403 1,733 4,038 B734 24 B737 1,233 3841 160 14 24 B738 6,420 8,260 5,247 767 1,327 Allegiant G4 A319 1,076 A320 488 American AA A21 N 2 2 88 A319 1 332 722 4321 474 220 A320 266 78 634 488 783 A321 56 4 214 571 1,035 B38M 17 B738 11,556 11,457 10,972 5,201 8,144 B752 4 41 36 Compass CP E170 78 E175 2,726 3,188 3,150 656 Delta DL A220 851 1,954 4,036 A223 4 A319 2,053 1,979 1,987 828 952 A320 94 121 11 8 3 B712 3,267 3,379 2,495 B737 146 188 8 24 B738 40 18 40 2 12 B739 2 B752 2,137 2,889 2,889 1,065 1,423 MD90 2 FedEx FM A306 506 508 510 512 502 Frontier F9 A20N* 600 900 550 1,363 A319 356 190 100 2 88 A320 628 654 428 392 361 A32N* 438 Horizon QX DHBD 1,456 7281 12 E175 339 2,716 4,257 2,986 3,293 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 1,440 6 2 E175 4,761 6,960 7,686 3,535 3,711 Southwest WN B38M 2 14 10 683 B737 35,971 32,380 29,360 14,268 22,212 B738 58 641 134 3,780 7,738 Spirit NK A20N* 180 1,735 A319 250 A320 19 346 Sun Country SY B737 238 B738 24 United UA A319 1,470 9991 1,216 590 819 A320 3,957 3,927 3,151 1,227 1,020 B737 4,044 2,987 2,816 999 2,622 B738 3,302 5,154 5,627 2,645 2,946 B752 2 4 2 UPS 5X A306 45 22 12 18 18 B752 1 3691 3941 4041 404 392 WestJet WS 8736 30 10 58 34 B737 644 666 618 126 1 112 Total 90,250 91,875 1 90,074 46,370 74,253 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft A20N* 2017 2018 600 900 2020 730 2021 3,098 A21 N 2 2 88 A220 851 1,954 4,036 A223 106 A306 551 530 522 530 520 A319 4,211 3,954 3,979 2,208 3,405 A320 4,945 4,933 7,627 3,867 7,039 A321 56 4 214 571 1,035 A32N* 438 B38M 2 14 10 706 B712 3,267 3,379 2,495 B734 24 B736 30 10 58 34 B737 42,038 36,605 32,962 15,431 25,208 B738 21,376 24,953 22,020 12,395 20,191 B739 2 B752 2,512 3,291 3,329 1,469 1,817 CRJ9 1,440 6 2 DHBD 1,456 728 12 E170 78 E175 7,826 12,864 15,093 7,177 7,004 MD90 2 Total 90,250 91,875 90,074 46,370 74,253 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. 14 - TABLE 11 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2019 2020 Air Canada AC A223 .140 B38M .008 Alaska AS A319 .088 .334 .432 A320 .359 4.660 2.363 5.534 B734 .033 B737 1.693 .526 .219 .022 .033 B738 8.789 11.315 7.189 1.046 1.816 Alleqiant G4 A319 1.474 A320 .668 American AA A21 N .003 .003 .121 A319 .455 .989 .592 .648 .296 A320 .364 .107 .868 .664 1.082 A321 .077 .005 .293 .779 1.414 B38M .022 B738 15.827 15.696 15.030 7.107 11.156 B752 .005 .005 .049 Compass CP E170 .107 E175 3.734 4.3671 4.315 .896 Delta DL A220 1.164 2.667 5.529 A223 .005 A319 2.811 2.712 2.723 1.131 1.304 A320 .129 .016 .014 .014 .003 B712 4.471 4.627 3.419 B737 .200 .258 .011 .033 B738 .055 .025 .055 .003 .016 8739 .003 B752 2.926 3.959 3.956 1.454 1.948 MD90 .003 FedEx FM A306 1 .693 .696 .699 .699 .688 Frontier F9 A20N* .822 1.233 .751 1.866 A319 .488 .260 .137 .003 .121 A320 .860 .896 .586 .536 .496 A32N* .600 Horizon QX DHBD 1.995 .997 .016 E175 1 .466 3.7211 5.830 4.079 4.512 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 1.975 .008 .003 E175 6.523 9.534 10.529 4.833 5.085 Southwest WN B38M .003 .019 .014 .937 B737 49.274 44.351 40.216 19.497 30.416 B738 .079 .088 .184 5.161 10.605 Spirit NK A20N* 1 1 .246 2.381 A319 .342 A320 .025 .471 Sun Country SY B737 .326 B738 .033 United UA A319 2.014 1.373 1.666 .806 1.123 A320 5.422 5.375 4.315 1.675 1.397 B737 5.534 4.093 3.855 1.3661 3.589 B738 4.526 7.058 7.712 3.612 4.036 B752 .003 .005 .003 UPS 5X A306 .060 .030 .016 .025 .025 IB752 1 .507 .540 .553 .552 .537 WestJet WS B736 .041 .014 .079 .046 IB737 .882 .912 .847 .172 .153 Total 123.622 125.852 123.384 63.347 101.712 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. TABLE 12 AIRCRAFT Glossary *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. 16 - AC .- A20N' Make Airbus Model/Series 320-200 Neo A220 Airbus 220-100 A223 Airbus 220-300 A306 Airbus 300-600 A319 Airbus 319 A320 Airbus 320 A32N" Airbus 320-200 Neo B38M Boeing 737-800 Max A321 Airbus 321 A21 N Airbus 321 Neo B712 Boeing 717-200 B734 Boeing 737-400 B736 Boeing 737-600 B737 Boeing 737-700 B738 Boeing 737-800 B739 Boeing 737-900 B752 Boeing 757-200 CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700 CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900 DH8D Bombardier Dash 8 E135 Embraer 135 E145 Embraer 145 E170 Embraer 170 E175 jEmbraer 1175 MD90 jMcDonnell Douglas 190 *In 2018, the code for the Airbus A320neo was changed from A32N to A20N. 16 - QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: December 21, 2022 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Airport Commission Room ITEMS DISCUSSED Nikolas Gaskins, Access and Noise Manager, provided an update regarding a system -wide technical issue with Envirosuite's (EVS) WebTrak public flight tracking system, involving all airport clients when displaying one -second Leq noise values. Mr. Gaskins stated that the technical issue has since been resolved. Newport Beach resident Dr. Jim Mosher asked questions about the flight matching presentation held at the Newport Beach Aviation Committee meeting the previous night. Dr. Mosher asked for a copy of the presentation. Mr. Gaskins stated a copy of the presentation will be sent. Dr. Mosher had questions regarding contaminated noise events in EVS's Airport Noise and Operations Management System (ANOMS). He asked whether EVS removes contaminated noise events from aircraft noise events, while keeping the aircraft noise events correlated to an aircraft operation. Mr. Gaskins informed Dr. Mosher that EVS has a system called ANEEMS, but the Airport, under Title 21, cannot utilize ANEEMS being this software system does not incorporate a set threshold for aircraft noise events. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that the Fly Friendly software, developed by BridgeNet International, will utilize some of the key ANEEMS features. Dr. Mosher suggested that the quarterly report have a graph to show the "number above" threshold. Mr. Gaskins informed him that the Airport has discussed including this information for future reports. Mr. Gaskins asked Dr. Mosher to submit an email with his suggestions for quarterly report data and tables that he felt would be helpful for the community. Mr. Gaskins asked Dr. Mosher about his comments submitted to the City of Newport Beach regarding aircraft speed. Mr. Gaskins advised him that the data being independently analyzed by two Newport Beach residents is representative of ground speed. Mr. Gaskins stated aircraft speed requirements are based on indicated airspeed, not ground. Mr. Gaskins stated that the Airport does not have control over aircraft speed, and that this authority falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Cassandra Linares, Access/Noise Specialist, provided an explanation of how aircraft speed is calculated. Mr. Gaskins informed Dr. Mosher that the Airport intends to provide a presentation addressing aircraft speed at a future quarterly meeting. Dr. Mosher asked about the complaint heat map in the quarterly report. He stated the scale does not explain what the heat map colors represent. Mr. Gaskins informed him that the Access and Noise Office (ANO) will research and identify a solution to this issue, but noted that the number of complaints by community are provided in the quarterly report in the notes sections beneath the heat map. Dr. Mosher had a question regarding aircraft gross takeoff weight which is submitted by the carriers to the ANO. Anthony Cangey, Access/Noise Specialist, informed him that it consists of aircraft weight, fuel, baggage, and the average of the passenger weight. Dr. Mosher asked about WebTrak historical playback, which provides 90 days for the Airport. He stated some airports show an entire year of historical data. Mr. Gaskins informed him that he would inquire about extending the historical playback period. QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER December 21, 2021 NAME ORGANIZATION Dr. Jim Mosher Resident - Newport Beach Anthony Cangey John Wayne Airport — Access and Noise Specialist Cassandra Linares John Wayne Airport — Access and Noise Specialist Cristina Magana John Wayne Airport — Access and Noise Specialist Nikolas Gaskins John Wayne Airport — Access and Noise Manager 7 rT= I P6,.LwjAr i NNIS 9 k. R sidenlial Use © Haspital �, Multi -Family Residential Use I School k '&rke7e: Si Compatible Use Highway k"�9 Pundit Use (Noise Sersitive) Meior Roads Ad Pubic Use Minor f Local Roads 0 a t Recraahonal OperkSpace i; .„ Water., &aam f River �r � � � � TUS'TIN I la"]2.3A 2 jsp CareAellr��Ati: c " $epgrsPjmAr e, v h,. GdTJ'AFE - C +, J��V R1•�.•.p E Ati.s.a �p ri Ids''A .6nr Lg.Ly nwxv� 3 5 y - _� Mon & Fd R14 ir11�On Arte •§'. A J co 5TA MESA fsJ IRVINE r µ 1. NNIS 3 60 i •� Nt11S 5,ti J �^S fhIEWPO]RTSEAiCF! acn.A A RMT Location Airport Property (Approx.I Q 2021 Annual CNEL Contours M,75 dB) Runways f Taxiways IZDe Airport Buildings JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT -' ORANGE COUNTY '� 2021 Annual Community Noise Equivalent Level {CNEL)'Contours DocuSign Envelope ID: 79268796-7620-44CD-A6D2-5682707D1ADA SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0015 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 3 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 7.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: B737-800 — 5,068 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 73,213 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 23,291 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 49,821 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 101