HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS_ITEM 3_IN FAVOR i,,,/„/..// , ,Il/, 11 , , /,,1111;A ,,, ,. iG. ,.:T/.. i.. . . % . . ./.,✓:. ,.,, /I/l„�.,xt , !/..:' ,..ei e,a:.( n,,,,. ex/,. .,..N, /�LW/Yy/ CATY OF IW LISTIN G 4 V REQUEST TO SPEAK t Providing the following infnirmafion is strictly voluntary, Only y ear name wfll appear in th offua:i�,,,tl Minutes of Viii MocAin . The other information may be used by staff to cntact yOLL P11 ,acornplete and SLki.amit th the City C Jerk Recording e u tai'y, J, AGENDA FEM Iqo PUBLIC INPUT' f IN FAVOR e OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? T DAY'S DATE .. . AM (ff applicable) Ck µ N-fC:yt IFS c:�RK�w,t” DRESS C"yNT�J N 'C OD HOMEIWORK PHONE NO-����W—E-MAIL ADDRESS, (please nnd'ic to one) we�rr�rr�nrwms„rvirame�umwariwaranma���ur�+��raw�r ,arrorer ,mt. �v �,nrm�raarwr�,m�.. +ate w�im�ria¢imp✓irmrmmmaimi,�ir�wrro�ua�mr�uxr ,�murmorrvwmm�:wrmdrn�rruv�ronmre/irtnr,a vr��rauamvr✓�✓�rvr�znrororcrr�,u>nrrrr�m;an�,r,�mu�o�,,,�,,c�mrv;�;p wr[ttrwwrr+%at;�r��r�+v� �I // 1„ . ///1 % 1// .,.,,,,/, r51/ ,/....wl1„, "//k 1. ” CITY ww Y F �v rf�re ��ST l4'.'u F.. ��II� ry�Ii{ REST TO SPEAK. F Providing the foflowi gi irfor°rriation isstrictly Vulfuruntary. Ony your. urarne will appear in the ffi flail i+,mutes of thJs Meeting. The other informatbri may Il,e Used by staff to contact you. Pasie compte and subnI0 this form to,the City(.lerk!RecrorrtOg Secretary'. ----_-------- .... AGENDA A ITEM N ..._BUC IN_PUT . I C�t t l 6 C� IN FAV0,j341N OR OPPOSITION' �....� TO C' tT"C" %" "C ODA `1 DATE, 1 > NAME � � � �� r ...,r �� t CS V t 6ON (f appficaWe) i 'CODE : ..._ ...W..� (ploase indicate one) reurw,untiwr�r, ,,aiwnm .m,w~,,;unrvr�udwnwrarunYrrowwprrm'�wvi,r,nwmwrvaev,.vmiiaram iummrammmmwnn msru�!u;"'a'mawBMiu 'w'Mmr �aAr, kaaY.romorobimnror/i„re�mr'�nrirrutommdrn/»v>7mno-^pn'rvixm;mu]pnrvrtrarmuti,�Prmn�r!cammewr�tuu, rmarmumynmrnrtron.nwvrrlmm�ul ,ror,'r Ymttmraria;nwarN. CITY OF YUSTIN f'^4„ REQUEST" ] SPEAK Providing the follIowing information cs strictly VOlwn ntary. Only your name MI appear in the offioi l minutes f III Meeting, The other Unforr'n tion may be used by staff to contact you , PUease clom l t °and SUbmit this form to the CosyClerk/Recording Secretary �.. ..... ......... .____.__....,. . ._ IN f°d''GVOR i ' ° OPPO I I O N FE-1)b MA l ER? .,U.. DA ''S DATE ....._. . p rm+ NAME d »F. _.ORGANIZATIO N _ f .ltl.,.,.t/!tll/',il YG ll.,7 Y„J,/.. ;:.n1YY>Zl IJ/Alli,.Y%i,.l,ll/.IYri//Il„?YuTiTY.✓Il➢'IlY1IX/,JY«0//JRnll;',.,.Y,"il➢ll Nr,/1Jl/?.IF/Y.%/1 /,.i./E,,.,.).Y;)/YIl T✓.T✓l.v,,,,.1;/ ,/.,.Z/l/I w/C.;:.I[>l l(/Yi..11:;,. /NP .ni%,t' 1 Y 2L Md.,..Ml c2dnWdrl L 66'ry fd.l Mk/d,l/IP/ FI Id."rvLf .... „»,.. w., .., Xaa Ni.MN"W UY JwI/Y Yf fl/Jy i If�lr�f, , 11 r CITY OF TuSTIN f REQUEST O SPEAK / Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. ««✓'^ Yrs AGENDA ITEM NO. D? PUBLIC INPUT . IN FAVORC - OR OPPOSITION TO ATTER' TODAY'S DATE— _ M., NAME �,;� 9��- � ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/VVORKADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEANORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS , (please indicate one) W, G,,,�X,B'r�i„accCY/1➢>xnl'{'Y''aAW,�u'IAyIYJ,E'dYd4Mm&�I9AEFv'"" MrvtlINRNV'61T'dM.n'9PGD&n1x'rylE9LTIP$I�mJI�A'Cappp,�l'A1�R.A91Y ryJl' r'�Rh'xW�G�RA:TN@�'�"Y/IfiS1A�a'"i'++,TSIYmmZm.ffiQYNT IIYRJWY b.R"✓ini6' �fiANAN .Y/(R IR SAD rn/X.RTYAFM'YAOLtiIIPIk'UPLDEYM JidRfdlXl'fhtlMGPt>PIYMd�"f�P1Yw';Y,11�14YY2N�kA�,Gkd'Ml,�+f�'S"1GlNdAd� 4Mvl�i+�ld'h4f«I'%NnArMt /"�'IYI1////nlllFlluime.GUJIIYI,J I?lEi1YNk.LIllWtIP/// IdIdYErG,.lGll✓l!!lllYldWl//llJlYdJ.V,ll.lYlL/ ////1. 11/ Y / ./..q UIU/J/IFIIIIJ/4/Ili.IlYl///4 111//b Kiri 3 I/Y///YD/dal/Y 1 //. I 11 //rllfl//Y/,d/r/rl,/l/i/ril/T ,t11,//i/:,.�//„//ii/ 1 Iry i%ie/x/4Y /I/r/,l/fil Jr- 09' ' CITY OF � , TIS REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the fcaHowing information is tricdy volunt ny, niy your cn n ic, lU aR`�h.a'�rar ill, the LoffucW MinUt s olf this,Meeting, The other information may be used by staff to contact you, Rease complete and submit this forrn,.n to the CIty,UerklRecording Seciretary. r AGENDA ITEM NO, FJ PURUG INPUT El IN FAVOR,, '�)R OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE-3 Ll NAME ORGANIZATION (if appficable) r r � FI IME t 'h ONE NO� I■1111� :-MAIL ADDRESS IN6!ld r M '..' rcdW YWW'�fWC'kI1�WtlIlU1�91Mi.VPBY'�O'M UqF'J,'W'Y»w �'I@W'ivwAkU'WNY�WIWI?Mv9Yl4 :lWNY1hWri 4l Po WYO riftlP,N IYII;W U mCl,.MM'M'ry A Y,m;&!r/ Y?,:,l I.'nN 1G"r tl//iUrW+W"JN..,� ..,.........7w ..W..................... .....,W....... .,,.,...m..,rr,,.,»�w....,.:..w....«. w..wr� w«.w�� »�..�.�.,.,�wn....,�.. ,.,.,„, „�,.».�.,.,... fl7'YJ XI.... .,w..w,.,,. �...... .....�, ..Me........ .....W...� .,,..ems,.......,...�..,.,.....,....... ..,.,....a.. CITY OF TI REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by stuff to contact you. Please complete and submit this farm to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary, AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR❑ OR OP C) ITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ` ORGANIZATION 10 (if applicable) HOME/VVORKADDRESS vp'CITY/ZIP CODE OMEPVVORK PHONE NO, E-MAIL ADDRESS ' + (please indicate cane) J1 �, ::