HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE TO CHAIR MELLO QUESTIONS 8-9-22 Hurtado, Vera From: Willkom, Justina Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 5:45 PM To: Willkom, Justina Cc: Huitron, Irma; Michael S. Daudt; Hurtado, Vera Subject: Response to Commissioner Mello's questions - AUGUST 9TH PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Attachments: Annual Report-Housing Authority_2020-2021_FINAL.pdf, RDA 2 LOCAL HSG PREF-AFF HSG 11-06-07.pdf Hello Commissioners, Please see the following responses to Commissioner Mello's questions on Item Number 3: Comments & Questions for staff: ■ Under section 9131 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS, Subsection (g) Equity Sharing, the city participates in equity appreciation of affordable units. Please explain how this works and what part of the GP or other policy document supports this policy or is this part of the State mandate? Also, what is the city's participation percentage of the equity sharing? Answer: Per Government Code 65915 et seq. : The City's proportionate share of appreciation (equity) shall be equal to the ratio of the City's initial subsidy to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale. The City shall recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation (equity), which shall then be used within five (5) years for any of the purposes described in subdivision (e) of Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code that promote homeownership (i.e. for the purposes of increasing, improving, and preserving the community's supply of low- and moderate-income housing available at affordable housing cost). The proposed Ordinance also is consistent with the Tustin General Plan: • Housing Element Goal 1: Provision of an adequate supply of housing to meet the need for a variety of housing types and the diverse socio-economic needs of all community residents commensurate with the City's identified housing needs in the RHNA allocation • Policy 1.3: Regulatory Incentives—Support the use of regulatory incentives, such as density bonuses and deferment of impact fees, to offset the costs of affordable housing while ensuring that potential impacts are addressed ■ Under 9142 Housing Incentive Agreement, Section (c ) Agreement Contents, Subsection (8), A provision, consistent with the City Council Policy, establishing preference for the purchase or rental of the target units by Tustin residents or individuals employed within the City of Tustin. What is the current City Council Policy on this issue and is this change being driven by the State's mandate or CC policy? Answer: i On November 6, 2007, the City adopted a Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy for participants in the City's affordable housing programs where certain factors, including but not limited to the following may apply (1) the unit has been developed as part of a Disposition and Development Agreement's Affordable Housing Obligation (2) the City or Agency has assisted in gap financing for those development projects where affordable housing units are provided (3) the City or Agency facilitated the projects access directly or indirectly to tax-exempt financing for the project and (4) the City has provided a density bonus for the project (See attached staff report). The Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy is a priority system where applicants who are currently employed in or currently residing in the city of Tustin would have a priority over an applicant who does not currently reside or is not employed in the City of Tustin. In order to qualify for the local preference, the applicants must have at least six months of employment or residency in Tustin. The applicant will be required to complete a Certification of Eligibility- Local Workforce Housing Policy Form and provide the required supporting documentation. The establishment of this Policy assists the City in providing balanced housing opportunities to very-low to moderate- income families who live and work in Tustin. The City policy adopted in 2007 is not being changed in the draft ordinance. • What is the role and participation level of the Housing Authority in Tustin? Number of HH managed and frequency of management? How are the costs for operating that program covered? Answer: In 2012, the Tustin Housing Authority("Housing Authority') assumed all housing assets and functions previously performed by the former Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. In addition, the Housing Authority oversees the Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter, transitional housing and new affordable housing projects developed after 2012. The Housing Authority annually monitors 468 affordable rental units and 279 affordable ownership units. Costs for operating the program are covered by the Low and Moderate Income Asset Fund. (Attached is last year's Housing Authority Annual Report) • When reviewing the Resource Documents on the Tustin Housing Authority website I noticed the most recent affordable housing ownership opportunities were constructed in 2005-2007, with the latest in 2010. On the rental side it appears projects came to fruition in 2012 & 2015. What city housing policies have changed in the last 7 years that would impact those numbers and what change is there in this Ordinance that would reverse that trend? Answer: The Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program ("Housing Incentive Program") is the only new housing policy adopted in the last seven (7)years.The Housing Incentive Program utilizes Density Bonus Law to benefit housing developers and encourage affordable housing in the Downtown Commercial Core Plan and Red Hill Specific Plan areas. The changes to the Ordinance provide additional support towards the development of housing and affordable housing. Please let me know if you should have any additional questions. Thank you, Justina 2 Justina Willkom Community Development Director 300 Centennial Way,Tustin,CA 92780 -3113 ilj—�Sfni� J 7lko ('3stngla rg I to tinca. JWillkom(o.tustinca.ora � tustinca.ora STAY CONNECTED WITH US: �+.■���� •Download our app—Apple Store•Google Plav ` '" •Follow us—Facebook•Twitter •Join our newsletter 3 TUSTIN I'RLLS Z V F HISTORY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST TUSTIN HOUSING AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT FY 2020-2021 TUSTIN HOUSING AUTHORITY FY 2020 - 2021 ESTABLISHED The Tustin Housing Authority ("Housing Authority") was established on March 15, 2011 and the By-Laws were adopted on April 19, 2011 . On January 17, 2012, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 34176, the Housing Authority assumed all housing assets and functions previously performed by the former Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency ("Agency"). The assumption of assets and functions became effective February 1 , 2012. ANNUAL REPORT In accordance with Section 34328 of California Housing Authorities Law ("CHAL"), the Housing Authority is filing on the first day of October with the City Clerk and with the Department of Housing and Community Development ("HCD") a complete report of its activities for the preceding year. The report is broken out into two sections: 1) compliance information adequate for the City of Tustin ("City") and HCD to determine the requirements of Section 34312.3 have been met for any activity undertaken pursuant to that section; and 2) a breakdown of activities associated with the assumption of housing assets and functions from the former Agency. SECTION ONE shall also make either directly or through any national, regional, or state housing association or organization of which it may be a member, recommendations with reference to additional legislation or other action which it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of CHAL. SECTION ONE — COMPLIANCE WITH CHAL Pursuant to Section 34328.1 of CHAL, the annual report contains the following: 1 . Recommendations for needed legislation to carry on properly a program of housing and community development in this state. a. Currently, the Surplus Land Act (SLA) Legislation, Density Bonus Law, the Housing Element/Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) do not account for California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC)very low and low income units in the same manner. In most cases, TCAC very low and low income units are not considered very low and low income units under SLA and Density Bonus Law, especially in high-income counties like Orange County. It is possible TCAC very low income units "might" meet low income requirements for SLA and Density Bonus Law and low income units do not meet SLA and Density Bonus law requirements in Orange County. The Housing Element and RHNA do recognize TCAC very low and low income units as such and it is our recommendation SLA and Density Bonus Law should do the same. Developing affordable housing has many challenges and without consistent definitions for very low and low income units across all affordable housing legislative requirements and funding sources, the development of affordable housing becomes even more challenging. b. With the recent passage of Assembly Bill 1486 — amending the Surplus Land Act, military base properties are now subject to SLA legislation without regard for the large infrastructure investment needed to redevelop a former military base. TCAC has previously established categories in their proposal scoring system that awards bonus points for projects meeting the criteria within that category. The Tustin Housing Authority recommends TCAC create a former military base category, which awards bonus points in the scoring of an affordable housing project proposed on a former military base. 2. Data on terminations of tenancies of victims of domestic violence in housing authority units, and terminations of Section 8 vouchers of victims of domestic violence. a. The Housing Authority does not currently own or operate housing authority units or issue Section 8 vouchers. As a result, the authority does not have any data to report. 3. Pursuant to Section 34328, the annual report contains information adequate for the City and HCD to determine that the requirements of Section 34312.3 have been met for any activity undertaken pursuant to that section. a. The Housing Authority did not issue revenue bonds, make or undertake commitments, or purchase or undertake commitments associated with multifamily rental housing. 4. Any activities where the authority developed, rehabilitated, or financed housing projects or participated in the development, rehabilitation, or financing of housing projects, or purchased, sold, leased, owned, operated, or managed housing projects so assisted, are subject to all of the requirements of Section 34312.3. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 5. A reporting breakdown of occupancy by income levels and rents for housing projects assisted by the authority that demonstrate compliance. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 6. Any indebtedness incurred pursuant to a mortgage loan finance under the terms of Section 34312.3 that is subject to acceleration and the balance owing declared immediately due and payable upon any sale of an owner-occupied residence to a purchaser who does not meet the required qualifications for borrowers as established by the authority. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 7. Certification that the authority shall require the owners of housing projects assisted pursuant to Section 34312.3 to accept as tenants, on the same basis as all other prospective tenants, in the units reserved for very low income households, any very low income households who are recipients of federal certificates for rent subsidies pursuant to the existing program under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1437f), or its successor. The authority shall not permit selection criteria to be applied to Section 8 certificate holders that is any more burdensome than the criteria applied to all other prospective tenants. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 8. A determination that no resident in housing units assisted pursuant to Section 34312.3 was denied continued occupancy or ownership because, after admission, the resident's family income increased to exceed the eligibility level. However, the authority shall ensure that percentage requirements of this section shall continue to be met by providing the next available unit or units to persons of low income or by taking other actions to satisfy the percentage requirements of this section. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 9. A determination in whether the percentage requirements of subdivision (c) of Section 34312.3 have been achieved. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 10. Units required to be reserved for occupancy by subdivision (c) and financed with the proceeds of bonds issued on or after January 1 , 1986, shall remain occupied by, or made available to, those persons until the bonds are retired. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 11 . Determination that multifamily rental housing financed pursuant to Section 34312.3 is not subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of subdivision (C), and the requirements of subdivision (D), as a result of fulfilling all requirements. a. The Housing Authority does not have any activity to report. 12. It is the intent of the Legislature, and the Legislature declares, that housing authorities are the local entities with primary responsibility for providing housing for low income and very low income households within their jurisdictions. However, recognizing that housing projects only for low income households cannot be adequately assisted or developed with currently available funds, and that excess funds from housing projects assisted pursuant to this section can be utilized to further assist in the provision of housing for lower income households, it is the intent of the Legislature that the authorization of this section is to be used to enhance and supplement the traditional housing authority role of providing housing only for low income households. a. On February 1 , 2012, the Housing Authority assumed all housing assets and functions previously performed by the former Agency. SECTION TWO details the expanded role the Housing Authority has assumed. 13. The authority shall provide HCD funds as requested by the department to reimburse the department for the cost of processing the report required by this section. a. The Housing Authority has not participated in the construction or acquisition of housing projects as defined by CHAL and the lack of activity is reported in Section One accordingly. As a result, the Housing Authority is requesting relief from HCD's requirement that the authority reimburse the department. SECTION TWO — ASSUMPTION OF AGENCY ASSETS & FUNCTIONS Effective February 1 , 2012, the Housing Authority assumed the housing assets and functions of the former Agency. The assumption included three hundred five (305) covenant-restricted affordable housing ownership units, two (2) covenant-restricted senior affordable housing rental projects and two (2) loan-restricted affordable housing rental four-plexes. In FY 2012-2013, the homeowner of one (1) covenant-restricted ownership unit paid off their first-time homebuyer loan, thus removing the affordability restrictions. In FY 2015-2016, sixteen (16) affordable housing covenants expired in the Tustin Grove development. On June 7, 2016, the Housing Authority Commission authorized the sale of two (2) Authority-owned affordable homes at market rate. One (1) of the units was acquired in order to cure an affordable moderate income homeowner's default and the second was acquired during a Trustee's Sale. The two (2) units were listed for sale in FY 2015-2016, both units sold, at market rate in FY 2016-2017. In FY 2016-2017, five (5) affordable housing covenants expired in the Ambrose Lane development. During FY 2017-2018, two (2) Authority-owned affordable homes were acquired in a Trustee's Sale, one (1) sold in FY 2017-2018 and the other sold in FY 2018- 2019, as authorized by the Housing Authority Commission, at market rate. As of the reporting date, the Housing Authority is managing 279 covenant-restricted affordable housing units. The functions the Housing Authority assumed are detailed in the following FY 2020-2021 activities report: 1. The Housing Authority assisted five (5) existing homeowners sell their affordable housing units to income-eligible homeowners. Functions included the following: a. Provided existing homeowners with the maximum affordable sales price. The Housing Authority prepared maximum affordable sales price quotes for twenty-two (22) homeowners who were considering selling their home; and b. Reviewed required application documents to determine income-eligibility of prospective homebuyers; and c. Reviewed title reports, appraisals, and purchase documentation in order to calculate the "silent second" the City would record against the property; and d. Prepared affordable housing documents for signature by both parties; and e. Followed up with the escrow company to insure all affordable housing documents were recorded against the property as prepared. In addition to affordable ownership sales activity, the Housing Authority assumed the functions of administering the Residential Rehabilitation Program and facilitating new affordable ownership purchases. As a result of the passage of AB1X 26, the State eliminated funds for the Residential Rehabilitation Program. All housing developments, which included affordable housing ownership units, have been completed and the affordable housing units were sold prior to FY 2020-2021 . There are currently no affordable housing ownership units planned for construction. The following table summarizes activity by income category for New Purchase, Resale and Rehab activity: OWNERSHIP Income Level New Purchases Resales Rehab TOTAL Very Low Income 0 1 0 1 Low Income 0 2 0 2 Moderate Income 0 2 0 2 TOTAL 0 5 0 5 2. The Housing Authority assisted thirty-three (33) affordable homeowners refinance their existing mortgage by subordinating the City's Silent Second to the new first mortgage. Twenty-eight (28) affordable homeowners successfully refinanced their mortgage, resulting in an average savings of $90.59 per month. Fourteen (14) of the twenty-eight (28) reduced their loan term from 30 years to either 20, 15 or 10 years. 3. The Housing Authority is responsible for monitoring the affordability restrictions recorded against the 279 affordable ownership units located within five (5) housing developments. As a result of each development's different monitoring criteria, the Housing Authority mailed out two hundred fifty-four (254) "Annual Owner Certification" forms prior to the end of FY 2020-2021. Homeowners must initial and sign the forms and submit requested documentation. 4. Of the 279 units, the Housing Authority assumed eighteen (18) transitional housing units with three (3) non-profit agencies: Human Options, Inc.; Salvation Army; and OC Gateway to Housing, managing six (6) units each. As part of the Housing Authority's annual monitoring, the Authority requests an annual report from each of the agencies. The following is a combined summary of the activity that occurred in FY 2020 - 2021 : TRANSITIONAL HOUSING Adults 18-62 Adults 62+ Children 0-18 Disabled Total# Men Women Men Women Preschool School Families served in FY 2020/2021 51 5 48 0 0 37 65 10 Families currently being served as of June 22 2 20 0 0 14 16 0 30,2021. PERMANENT HOUSING Ownership Rental Total# Subsidized Unsubsidized Subsidized Unsubsidized Families moved into permanent housing 20 0 1 6 13 Families moved in with other family 1 Families moved for other reasons 8 EMPLOYMENT Total# Total# Total# Employed before entering the program Obtained Employment during the Lost job while in the program and 36 program 9 currently unemployed 5 Lost job while in the program but found a 6 Unemployed throughout the 7 Received a promotion while in 5 new one program the program Received a raise while in the program 7 Average%Income increase while 353% Received a pay 2 in the program reduction while in the program EDUCATION Total# Total# Total# Attending College before entering the Enrolled in College during the Received a college degree or program 3 program 2 certificate 4 Enrolled in a trade school or other Adults completed GED or obtaining Children completed GED or specialized training during the program 6 HS Diploma during the program 0 obtaining HS Diploma during the 4 program Enrolled into a GED program during the Preschoolers enrolled in an Early Preschoolers in child care program 0 Start or Head Start program 27 31 COUNSELING NEEL- Total# Total# Total# Families receiving counseling/life skills Adults receiving counseling/life Children receiving counseling training during the program 11 skills 14 during the program 17 during the program Total Hours 286 Total Hours 248 Total Hours 117 5. The Housing Authority assumed the functions of monitoring the two (2) covenant- restricted senior affordable housing rental projects (Heritage Place and Coventry Court) and two (2) loan-restricted affordable housing four-plexes. There are fifty- three (53) affordable units (17 —very low; and 36 — low) and one (1) manager's unit at Heritage Place. As of June 30, 2021 , 16 very low and 35 low units were leased. At Coventry Court, one hundred fifty-three (153) of the two hundred forty (240) units are affordable (36 — very low; 61 — low; and 56 — moderate). As of June 30, 2021 , 36 very low, 61 low, and 55 moderate affordable units were leased. As a result of the passage ofAB1X 26, the State eliminated funds forthe Residential Rehabilitation Program. 6. During FY 2014 — 2015, two covenant-restricted affordable housing rental projects in Tustin Legacy (Amalfi and Anton Legacy) began leasing. During FY 2015-2016, the Housing Authority assumed the functions of monitoring both projects. At Amalfi, thirty-seven (37) of the five hundred thirty-three (533) units are moderate-income, affordable units. As of June 30, 2021, 36 units were leased. There are two hundred twenty-five (225) affordable units (88 - very low; 73 — low; and 64 — moderate) at Anton Legacy. As of June 30, 2021 , 83 very low, 72 low, and 58 moderate units were leased. The following table summarizes activity by income category for Rental Housing activity: RENTAL HOUSING Income Level Rehab Senior Family Very Low Income 0 52 83 Low Income 0 96 72 Moderate Income 0 55 94 TOTAL 0 203 249 7. As identified in the City's 2008-09/2017-18 Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy, there were two hundred seventy-seven (277) affordable rental units in Tustin which were at-risk due to expiring affordability restrictions. These units are not restricted by agreements with the Housing Authority and are not part of the Housing Authority's affordable rental inventory but they are restricted through agreements with State and Federal agencies. In November 2013, the affordability restrictions associated with the Irvine Company Apartment Communities' Rancho Alisal, Rancho Maderas and Rancho Tierra expired, allowing one hundred seventy-seven (177) affordable rental units to convert to market rate. The plan to preserve affordability outlined in the Housing Strategy was not viable with the Dissolution of Redevelopment and the recapture by the State of the Housing Authority's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund Balance. Affected renters were referred to the County of Orange Affordable Housing Rental List as well as encouraged to place their names on interest lists for Amalfi and Anton Legacy Apartments. We continue to monitor the remaining 100 units which are at risk. 8. The former Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency purchased two (2) four- plexes with low and moderate income housing funds in 2000, then sold them to the City in 2010. The City and the Housing Authority, which had been managing the units since the Dissolution of Redevelopment, and the Orange County Rescue Mission (OCRM) developed a proposal for OCRM to purchase the four-plexes for the purpose of providing services to homeless veterans. On December 16, 2014, the City Council approved the proposal to convey the two (2) City-owned four-plexes to OCRM for homeless Veterans' housing. On February 10, 2015, the sale was executed. In June of 2016, OCRM completed the rehabilitation of the units and, on July 26, 2016, the first twenty-one (21) of twenty-six (26) homeless veterans moved in to their new home at the Tustin Veterans Outpost. As part of the annual monitoring, the Housing Authority requests an annual report from OCRM. The following is a summary of the activity occurring in FY 2020 - 2021: VETERANS FAMILY MEMBERS Men Women Spouses Children Total Disabled Disabled Veterans currently being served as of 10 7 1 1 1 3 7 June 30, 2021 Veterans Served in FY 2020-2021 20 13 3 3 1 5 7 EMPLOYMENT Employed before 2 Obtained 9 Received a 3 entering the program employment during promotion or the program pay raise while in program EDUCATION Obtained a trade school 1 Children attended school during 4 certificate during the program the program HOUSING Transitioned into 0 Transitioned into 0 Transitioned 7 permanent market rate permanent into stable housing subsidized or housing affordable housing Transitioned into a higher level 1 Transitioned into a lower level of 2 of care care SERVICES Bed nights provided 5,685 Meals provided 17,052 Individual counseling sessions provided 1,440 Group counseling sessions provided 628 Mental health counseling sessions provided 472 Veterans enrolled in healthcare (VA benefits/Medi-Cal) 20 Legal consultation sessions provided 4 Community resource referrals provided 2 9. In September 2018, the City Council adopted the Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program, an inclusionary housing and in-lieu fees policy, brought forward by the Housing Authority. The policy requires developers to create affordable housing and/or pay an in-lieu fee towards the creation of affordable housing within the Downtown Commercial Core Plan and the Red Hill Specific Plan. Through June 30, 2021 , $1,979,632.17 in in-lieu fees have been collected under the policy. Two major opportunities for these funds will be 1) to provide the gap financing necessary to support the financeability of a 100% affordable housing project and 2) to preserve affordable housing units at-risk due to expiring affordability covenants. 10. On July 5, 2016, the City and the Housing Authority entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Habitat for Humanity of Orange County ("Habitat"). In FY 2017-2018 the City conveyed a City-owned, R3-zoned lot to Habitat for the purpose of building two (2) affordable units to be sold to income- eligible Veterans. Construction of the two homes began in FY 2017-2018. In FY 2018-2019, construction was completed and two Veteran families moved in to their new homes in December 2018. 11 . On November 6, 2018, the City and the Housing Authority entered into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with Family Promise of Orange County to build the "House of Ruth", a seven-unit transitional housing apartment development for homeless families. On February 18, 2020, the City Council approved a Disposition and Development Agreement with Family Promise. Family Promise, along with their partner HomeAid Orange County, are currently raising the necessary funds to construct and operate the project. 12. On January 15, 2019, the Housing Authority entered into an agreement with Temporary Shelter Inc., to operate the Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter ("TTES"), a low-barrier, fifty-seven (57) bed shelter serving homeless with ties to Tustin. TTES opened on March 18, 2019 and, as of June 30, 2021 , there were forty- two (42) guests. During FY 2020-2021, TTES sheltered one hundred four (104) guests and, of the one hundred one (101) exits, thirty-four (34) guests transitioned positively into more stable housing. Agenda Item RDA 2 * (� Reviewed: .A�...J(�!ENDA REPORT City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A LOCAL WORKFORCE HOUSING PREFERENCE POLICY FOR PARTICIPANTS IN THE CITY'S AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS SUMMARY Tustin City Council and Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Board approval is requested for adoption of a Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy for participants in City or Agency affordable housing programs. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Tustin City Council and Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Board adopt the attached Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy for those interested in seeking affordable housing opportunities in Tustin by granting current Tustin residents or individuals employed within the city of Tustin preference over an applicant who does not currently reside or is not employed in the City of Tustin. FISCAL IMPACT This action will have no fiscal impact on the City or Agency at this time. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Many families and/or individuals cannot afford to live in the same city in which they are employed. Included in this category are people who contribute to the community on a daily basis whether it's the local restaurant, hospital or school and encompasses a wide variety of professions including, but not limited to food service workers, nurses, teachers, retail sales associates, and police officers. The local employment preference, also referred to as a workforce housing preference, would assist employees working in the city of Tustin to secure affordable housing in close proximity to their place of employment. In addition, it would assist in alleviating the number of commuters congesting the local highways. It also provides these families with the opportunity to become an integral part of the community by reducing the amount of time spent commuting to and from work on a daily basis. William A. Huston Preference Policy November 6, 2007 Page 2 In addition, the high cost of housing has caused many families to move to the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino counties) and away from their families in search of reasonable housing accommodations. The local residency preference would assist current residents in need of affordable housing with an opportunity to remain in their existing community. This methodology was used to establish the waiting list for the affordable housing units at the Villages of Columbus which included the Camden Place, Cambridge Lane and Clarendon neighborhoods. The table below represents the number of applicants who participated in the Villages of Columbus Affordable Housing Lottery in relation to those who had either a Tustin residency or employment preference. Approximately 23% of those who participated in the lottery received a local preference with 9% purchasing a unit. The remaining 91% of the local preference pool of applicants wishing to purchase units in these projects received an opportunity to purchase but either declined or did not qualify for purchase of the units. ModerateVery- Low Low . . Total number of pre-qualified applicants who participated in the 148 319 196 663 Lottery. Total number of pre-qualified applicants who participated in the 30 74 46 150 Lottery and received preference Total number of applicants who received preference and purchased a 10 30 17 57 unit. Total number of affordable units 25 64 54 143 It is staff's recommendation that the City Council adopt a Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy for participants in the City's affordable housing programs where certain factors, including but not limited to the following may apply (1) the unit has been developed as part of a Disposition and Development Agreement's Affordable Housing Obligation (2) the City or Agency has assisted in gap financing for those development projects where affordable housing units are provided (3) the City or Agency facilitated the projects access directly or indirectly to tax-exempt financing for the project and (4) the City has provided a density bonus for the project. The Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy is a priority system where applicants who are currently employed in or currently residing in the city of Tustin would have a priority over an applicant who does not currently reside or is not employed in the City of Tustin. In order to qualify for the local preference, the applicants must have at least six months of employment or residency in Tustin. The applicant will be required to complete a Certification of Eligibility — Local Workforce Housing Policy Form and provide the required supporting documentation. The establishment of this Policy assists the City in providing balanced housing opportunities to very-low to moderate-income families who live and work in Tustin. Staff will be available on November 6, 2007, to answer any questions. '16"7 Az::nlm�- /rl� Christine Shingleton Kimberly M Allen Assistant City Manager Redevelopment Project Manager Attachments City of Tustin and Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy for Affordable Housing Opportunities The City of Tustin and the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency have established a local preference to families and/or individuals interested in purchasing or renting an affordable housing unit within the City boundaries where certain factors, including but not limited to the following apply: (1) the unit has been developed as part of a Disposition and Development Agreement's Affordable Housing Obligation (2) the City or Agency has assisted in gap financing for those development projects where affordable housing units are provided (3) the City or Agency facilitated the projects access directly or indirectly to tax-exempt financing for the project and (4) the City has provided a density bonus for the project. The purpose of the policy is to assist in housing individuals and/or families who are part of the current Tustin workforce or currently reside in Tustin. This program would also assist in alleviating congestion on local highways by cutting down on the commute many workers are experiencing in traveling to and from work. In addition, due to the high costs of housing in Orange County, many are forced to move to the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino County). The implementation of this policy will assist in preventing the flight of current residents to other counties in search of affordable housing. Local Preference is a priority system where applicants that are currently employed in or currently residing in the city of Tustin have a priority over an applicant that does not currently reside or is not employed in the City of Tustin. To qualify for the Local Preference, a minimum requirement of six months employment or residency is required. In order to create a pool of diverse applicants and to encourage development of Workforce Housing in Tustin, a policy has been established to grant residency and/or employment preference to families and/or individuals who cannot afford to live in Tustin. Employment "Workforce Housing" Many families and/or individuals cannot afford to live in the same city where they are employed. This category includes people who contribute to the community on a daily basis whether it's the local restaurant, hospital or school. It includes a wide variety of professions including, but not limited to food service workers, nurses, teachers, retail sales associates, and police officers. Workforce Housing is further defined as housing available at an affordable cost to families and/or individuals whose income does not exceed 120% of the area median income. The area median income (AMI) is an estimate of the median income of a Metropolitan Statistical area calculated by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. See the chart listed below for the current 2007 maximum income levels established for Orange County, which will be adjusted on an annual basis. Standards for Affordable Housing Programs Very-Low-, Low- , and Moderate-Income Households Maximum Income Levels 2007 Household Very-Low-Income Low-Income Moderate-Income Size Up to 50% Up to 80% Up to 120% of Median Income of Median Income of Median Income 1 $27,550 or less $44,080 or less $66,120 or less 2 $31,500 $50,400 $75,600 3 $35,400 $56,640 $84,960 4 $39,350 $62,960 $94,440 5 $42,500 $68,000 $102,000 6 $45,650 $73,040 $109,560 7 $48,800 $78,080 $117,120 8 $51,950 $83,120 $124,680 2007 Orange County Median Annual Income: $78,700 (based on a family of four) Residency The high cost of housing is causing many families to move out of Orange County to find affordable housing. The residency preference would provide local residents in need of affordable housing with an opportunity to remain in their existing community. By establishing a "Local Workforce Housing Preference Policy" the City and the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency will be able to assist in providing affordable housing opportunities to very-low-, low-, and moderate-income families currently employed or residing in the City of Tustin, thus providing balanced housing opportunities. Policy: The City and Agency have adopted a policy to grant preference to applicants of affordable housing units that are either: 1. Employed within the city of Tustin, or 2. A current resident within the city of Tustin Subject to this policy, applicants interested in purchasing or renting any affordable housing unit located within the City of Tustin's boundaries who qualify for a priority determination based on one of the preferences listed above shall be given priority over applicants that are not currently employed in or residing in Tustin. A minimum requirement of six months employment or residency in the City of Tustin is required to qualify for the preference. In order to verify residency, the applicant(s) must provide two of the following: • Driver's License with local address • Copy of current utility bill in applicants name with local address • Copy of applicants current rental/lease agreement reflecting local address • Copy of applicants automobile and/or renters or homeowners insurance policy for residence insured in Tustin with local address In order to verify local employment, the applicant(s) must provide the last three pay stubs with the name and address of the company printed on the pay stub. If the pay stub does not provide the name and address of the company, in addition to the pay stubs, a letter from the employer verifying employment will be required. The Developer, Lender, or Leasing Agent in each housing development will be required to verify residency by collecting the required documentation. The applicant(s) will be required to sign a Certification of Eligibility — Local Workforce Housing Policy form stating that the information provided on their application regarding local employment and/or residency is true and that providing false information will permanently disqualify them from participation in any of the City's affordable housing programs. The Certification of Eligibility — the Local Workforce Housing Policy form and supporting documentation must be provided to the City of Tustin and Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency with the initial loan packet submission from the lender or rental certification from Leasing Office. CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY LOCAL WORKFORCE HOUSING POLICY FORM APPLICANT CO-APPLICANT LOCALADDRESS LOCAL EMPLOYER PROPOSED ADDRESS The undersigned ("Applicant/Purchaser") hereby certify(ies) the following: Purchaser acknowledges that preference in this affordable housing program was granted due to the applicant's ability to meet the minimum six month requirement of either current Tustin residency or employment and has provided the two required documents to substantiate claim of local residency/employment. Documents Provided: Residency: ❑ Driver's License with local address Copy of current utility bill in applicants name with local address ❑ Copy of applicants current rental/lease agreement reflecting local address ❑ Copy of applicants automobile and/or renters or homeowner's insurance policy with local address Employment ❑ Last three pay stubs with name and address of employer printed on check Last three pay stubs and letter from employer verifying employment CERTIFICATION: IfWe certify that the information provided in this Certification of Eligibility — Local Preferences is true and correct as of the date indicated below. I/We acknowledge my/our understanding that the intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) of the information contained in this request in will result in permanent disqualification from participation in any of the City of Tustin's Affordable Housing Programs. All persons listed on the purchase contract and loan application (ownership) or lease agreement (rental) must sign this certificate. Applicant Co-Applicant Signature Signature Printed Name Printed Name Date Date