HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 CODE AMENDMENT 2022-0004 (ORDINANCE NO. 1528) – DENSITY BONUS UPDATEDocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-B354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 M ETING DATE: TO FRO SUBJECT: SUM RY: Agenda Item 15 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: DS City M nager mS� Finance Director N/A EPTEM ER 20, 2022 TTHEW S. W ST, CITY M NAG R O NITY DEVELO M NT DEPARTM NT CO E AM NDM NT 2022-0004 (O DINANCE NO 1528)—DENSITY BO US UPDATE (INTRO UCTIO AND FIRST READING) This Project is a City -initiated request to am nd Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) to bring the Tustin City Code (TCC) into conform nce with current State Density Bonus Law (G vernm nt Code Section 65915-65918). The State Density Bonus Law provides developers with tools to encourage the developm nt of affordable housing by providing additional density above and beyond the Zoning and G neral Plan density. State Density Bonus Law also provides developers with incentives intended to help m ke the developm nt of affordable housing econom cally feasible. O her tools include reduced parking requirem nts, and incentives/ concessions and waivers of developm nt standards such as reduced setbacks and m nim m square footage requirem nts. O August 9, 2022, the Planning Com ssion adopted Resolution 4455 (Attachm nt A), recom nding that the City Council adopt O dinance No. 1528, approving, CA 2022- 0004. The Planning Com ssion M nutes from August 9, 2022, are provided as Attachm nt B for additional reference. RECO ENDATIO : That the City Council introduce and have a first reading, by title only, of O dinance No. 1528, amending Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Developm nt of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) to bring the Tustin City Code (TCC) into conform nce with current State Density Bonus Law (G vernm nt Code Section 65915-65918), and set the second reading for the next regularly scheduled City Council m eting. FISCAL IM ACT: No im acts to the G neral Fund are anticipated. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 — Density Bonus Update Septem er 20, 2022 Page 2 CO RELATIO TO THE STRATEG C PLAN: This action correlates to the City's Strategic Plan G al A for Econom c and Neighborhood Development, Strategy 15 to create affordable and workforce housing options and Strategic Plan G al E for O ganizational Excellence and Custom r Service, Strategy 3 to conduct a review of the developm nt approval process to identify stream ining opportunities, and im lem nt a plan of im rovem nt. APPRO AL AUTHO ITY: The TCC 9295g authorizes the City Council to adopt zoning code am ndm nts following a recom endation by the Planning Com ssion and a public hearing. BACKG O ND: W en a developer seeks and agrees to construct a housing developm nt that will contain housing units for lower incom households ("affordable units"), per State Density Bonus Law, cities and counties m st provide a density bonus along with incentives/concessions and waivers to allow for the production of the affordable housing units. Every city and county are required to adopt an ordinance that specifies how the jurisdiction will im lem nt the State Density Bonus law. There have been several bills that have taken effect since the last tim the City adopted the O dinance that im lem nts the State's Density Bonus law. This Code Am ndm nt will incorporate new provisions into the City's TCC in order to achieve com fiance with current State law. DISCUSSIO : California G vernm nt Code California G vernm nt Code Sections 65915 through 65918 pertain to density bonuses and other incentives. These sections require cities and counties to grant density bonuses to developers who seeks and agrees to construct a housing developm nt that will contain: specified percentage of housing units set aside to very low-, low-, or m derate-incom households; senior housing; housing for transitional foster youth, disabled veterans, hom less persons; or lower incom students. Cities and counties m st com ly with all requirem nts for density bonuses and m st grant the am unt of density bonus or incentives/concessions for which developers m y be eligible. The proposed Code Am ndment (CA) 2022-0004 would bring the TCC into com liance with current State Law. Tustin City Code The City of Tustin's current Density Bonus Law, Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Developm nt of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) was first adopted in 2006 by 0 dinance No. 1320 and last am nded in 2017 by 0 dinance No. 1484. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 — Density Bonus Update Septem er 20, 2022 Page 3 Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 has been prepared to am nd and restate in its entirety Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the TCC to corn ly with the latest State Density Bonus Law (G vernment Code Sections 65915-65918) as m dified by Assem ly Bills (AB) 2797, 2753, 991,1763, and 2345 and Senate Bills (SB) 1227, 290, and 728. The proposed updates to the TCC are presented in Attachm nt C and Attachm nt D provides the draft ordinance with the text changes tracked. The following chart highlights som of the legislation that triggers the updates reflected in the proposed am ndm nt: • B 1227 - Added a bonus for eligible student housing developm nts. • B 753 equires ocal overnm nts o otify evelopers df equired or a com tete density bonus application. • B 763 Added xtra onuses for taller and re ense 00 ercent affordable projects. • B 345 educed he ercentage f nits hat st a devoted to ow ncom nits or the eveloper to eceive r 3 oncessions; increased the xim m ensity bonus from hirty-five ercent (35%) to ifty percent (50%); and educed parking standards applicable to ensity bonus. • B 90 Clarifies that density onus law pplies to ental and or -sale housing, extends im ted arking equirem nts o evelopm nts 64 t least 0% m derate ncom nits, and certain student ousing rojects uality for ne density bonus incentive or concession nd larifies specific provisions of the law. • B 728 - allows developers (for -sale density bonus housing developm nts) to sell affordable units to qualified onprofit housing corporations instead of selling the units directly to a low or m derate incom hom buyer. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 — Density Bonus Update Septem er 20, 2022 Page 4 The proposed updates to the TCC code include the following: • Added section for Student Housing per SB 1227. • Updated density bonus percentages consistent with AB 2345, SB 290 and AB 1763. • Revised Target Units and M xim m Incentives or Concessions to com ly with current State Law. • Revised language claryfing that waivers m st be consistent with federal law. • Rem ved reference to outdated reference to housing set-aside funds. • Added subsection to clairfy that rental units are eligible for density bonus provisions per SB 290 and subject to affordable rents. • Added language per SB 728 which allows non -profits to purchase affordable units and m nage the units accordingly. • Added language to clarify equity sharing provisions. TCC 9132 Parking Standards • Updated parking standards per AB 2345, Zero to one bedroom requires one parking space; two to three bedroom requires one and half parking spaces, and four or m re bedroom requires two and half parking spaces and no parking when located within located within 1/2 m le of a m jor transit stop when requested by the applicant. • Rem ved language to com ly with State Law that lim is the City's ability to request special studies to justify a concession or waiver request. • Revised application procedures per AB 2753, providing clarity on m terials necessary for a com tete application. TCC 9142 Housing Incentive Agreem nt • Incorprates existing City Policy adopted by City Council in 2017. The Local W rkforce Housing Preference Policy is a priority system where applicants who are currently em loyed in or currently residing in the city of Tustin would have a priority over an applicant who does not currently reside or is not em loyed in the City of Tustin. The City policy adopted in 2007 is not being changed. • dded subheadings, organized sections, and added specific code references within the Chapter to im rove the readability of the code. • evised language to achieve consistency with State Law. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 — Density Bonus Update Septem er 20, 2022 Page 5 Consistency with the Tustin's Housing Elem nt of the G neral Plan The proposed Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 is consistent with the City's Housing Elem nt of the G neral Plan in that it com lies with the following goal and policy: Housing Elem nt G all: Provision of an adequate supply of housing to m et the need for a variety of housing types and the diverse socio-econom c needs of all com nity residents com nsurate with the City's identified housing needs in the RHNA allocation. Policy 1.3: Regulatory Incentives — Support the use of regulatory incentives, such as density bonuses and deferm nt of im act fees, to offset the costs of affordable housing while ensuring that potential im acts are addressed. Public Notice A 1/8 -page public notice was published in the Tustin News on Septem er 8, 2022, inform ng the public of the City Council public hearing for proposed CA 2022-0004. In addition, the public notice was posted at Tustin City Hall, the Tustin Library, and the Tustin Area Senior Center. Environm ntal Review This Project is not subject to the California Environm ntal Q ality Act ("CEQ "; Cal. Pub. Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 Chapter 3, Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environm nt) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) because it has no potential for resulting in a physical change to the environm nt, directly or indirectly and will not result in any physical development in and of itself. Any future developm nt which utilizes these provisions will require CEQ review specific to the site and proposed developm nt. In addition, the State Density Bonus Law contains m ndatory provisions that the City m st implem nt, whether or not it adopts its own ordinance, therefore the am ndm nt does not create a new land use regulation. Planning Com ssion Action O August 9, 2022, the Planning Com ssion adopted Resolution 4455 (Attachm nt B), recom nding that the City Council adopt O dinance No. 1528, approving, CA 2022- 0004. CO CLUSIO : The proposed Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 would be consistent with the City's G neral Plan and bring the TCC into conform nce with latest State Density Bonus Law (G vernm nt Code Section 65915-65918); therefore, Staff recom nds that the Tustin DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Code Am ndm nt 2022-0004 — Density Bonus Update Septem er 20, 2022 Page 6 City Council introduce O dinance No. 1528 by title only, am nding and reinstating in its entirety Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Developm nt of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) and set the second reading for the next regularly scheduled City Council m eting. 5 DocuSigned by: Ivw,a Rh itrbw v2ESAE588F82047F— Irm Huitron Assistant Com nity Developm nt Director - Planning ET DocuSigned by: a.Rttii{�m& SAE588F82047F... Raym nd Barragan Principal Planner Attachm nts: DocuSigned by, ...nuow,� 54A5 Justina L. W Ilkom om nity Developm nt Director A. Planning Com ssion Resolution No. 4455 B. Planning Com ssion M nutes — August 9, 2022 C. Draft O dinance No. 1528 ("Clean Version") D. Draft O dinance No. 1528 ("Redlined") DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ATTACHMENT A PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4455 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 RESOLUTION NO. 4455 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1528, AMENDING AND RESTATING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 1 OF ARTICLE 9 (LAND USE) OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE (CODE AMENDMENT 2022-0004) RELATING TO INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That the State of California identifies affordable housing and special needs housing as a statewide priority. The legislature has created new incentives to facilitate and expediate housing production. Recent legislation expands prior State law requiring local agencies to grant density bonuses and development incentives, concessions, and waivers to reduce the cost of providing affordable housing. B. That Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the Tustin City Code (TCC), which contains provisions for density bonus and development incentives, concessions, and waivers for affordable housing, was last updated in October of 2017 with the adoption of City Council Ordinance No. 1484. C. That a City initiated Code Amendment 2022-0004 has been prepared to amend and restate in its entirety Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the TCC to comply with the State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Sections 65915-65918) as modified by Assembly Bills (AB) 2797, 2753, 991,1763, and 2345 and Senate Bills (SB) 1227, 290, and 728. D. That Code Amendment 2022-0004 updates existing TCC provisions pertaining to density bonus and development incentives, concessions, and waivers for affordable housing, which incentivize the production of new affordable and special needs housing, thereby contributing to the heath and welfare of underserved populations, including lower income households, senior citizens, transitional foster youth, disabled veterans and homeless persons. E. That on August 9, 2022, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held by the Planning Commission on Code Amendment 2022-0004. F. That Code Amendment 2022-0004 is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"; Cal. Pub. Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 Chapter 3, Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) because it has no potential for resulting in a physical change to the environment, directly or lindirectly and will not result in any physical development in and: of itself. Any future development which utilizes these provisions will require CEQA review specific to the site and proposed development. In addition, the State Density Bonus Law contains mandatory provisions that the City must implement, whether or not it adopts its own ordinance, therefore the amendment does not create a new land use regulation. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1528, amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 1 of Article (Land Use) of the Tustin City Code (Code Amendment 2022-0004) relating to incentives for the development of affordable housing, attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the 9th day of August, 2022. DAVID J. MELL , JR. Chairperson Z Jb*f INA L. WILLKOM Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN 1, JUSTINA L. WILLKOM, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4455 duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 9th day of August, 2022. JU57TINA L. WILLKOM Planning Commission Secretary DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ORDINANCE NO. 1528 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AND RESTATING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 1 OF ARTICLE 9 (LAND USE) OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE (CODE AMENDMENT 2022-0004) RELATING TO INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That the State of California identifies affordable housing and special needs housing as a statewide priority. The legislature has created new incentives to facilitate and expediate housing production. Recent legislation expands prior State law requiring local agencies to grant density bonuses and development incentives, concessions, and waivers to reduce the cost of providing affordable housing. B. That Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the Tustin City Code (TCC), which contains provisions for density bonus and development incentives, concessions, and waivers for affordable housing, was last updated in October of 2017 with the adoption of City Council Ordinance No. 1484. C. That a City initiated Code Amendment 2022-0004 has been prepared to amend and restate in its entirety Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the TCC to comply with the State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Sections 65915.65918) as modified by Assembly Bills (AB) 2797, 2753, 991,1763, and 2345 and Senate Bills (SB) 1227, 290, and 728. D. That Code Amendment 2022-0004 updates existing TCC provisions pertaining to density bonus and development incentives, concessions, and waivers for affordable housing, which incentivize the production of new affordable and special needs housing, thereby contributing to the health and welfare of underserved populations, including lower income households, senior citizens, transitional foster youth, disabled veterans and homeless persons. E. That on August 9, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4455, and recommended that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1528, approving Code Amendment 2022-0004 amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the Tustin City Code relating to incentives for the development of affordable housing. F. That on I , 2022, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held on Code Amendment 2022-0004 by the City Council. Ordinance No, 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 SECTION 2. Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as stated in the revised Chapter 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 31St day after its adoption. The City Clerk or his or her duly appointed deputy shall certify to the adoption of the Ordinance and cause this Ordinance to be published as required by law. SECTION 4. CEQA Exemption. The City Council finds that this Ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"; Cal. Pub. Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 Chapter 3, Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) because it has no potential for resulting in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly and will not result in any physical development in and of itself. Any future development which utilizes these provisions will require CEQA review specific to the site and proposed development. In addition, the State Density Bonus Law contains mandatory provisions that the City must implement, whether or not it adopts its own ordinance, therefore the amendment does not create a new land use regulation. SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, sub -section, clause or phrase in this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is for any reason held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance or the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. PASSED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin on this day of , 2022. AUSTIN LUMBARD, Mayor CARRIE WOODWARD, Acting City Clerk Ordinance No. 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF TUSTIN } CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1528 CARRIE WOODWARD, Acting City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance 1528 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the day of , 2022, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: CARRIE WOODWARD, Acting City Clerk Ordinance No. 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Attachment: Chapter l Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing Ordinance No. 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ARTICLE 9 - LAND USE CHAPTER 1 INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING CHAPTER I INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING PART I GENERAL 9111 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this Chapter is to provide incentives for the production of housing for very low-, low-, moderate -income, senior citizens, transitional foster youth, lower income students, disabled veterans and homeless persons in accordance with California Density Bonus Law (Government Code section 65915 et seq.). In addition, it contains provisions for a density bonus or development incentive/concession when a child care facility is to be included in an affordable housing development, or when land is donated for affordable housing under specified conditions. The regulations and procedures set forth in this Chapter shall apply citywide. The intent of this Chapter is to facilitate the development of affordable housing and to implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the City's Housing Element. 9112 DEFINITIONS Whenever the following terms are used in this Chapter, they shall have the meaning established by this section: "Affordable Housing Cost", means as defined in Health and Safety Code section 50052.5. The term applies to for -sale units. "Affordable Rent" means as defined in Health and Safety Code section 50053. The term applies to rental units. "Applicant" means a developer or owner who desires to construct five (5) or more dwelling units. "Child Care Facility" means a child day care facility other than a family day care home, including, but not limited to, infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers. "Common Interest Development" means a community apartment project, a condominium project, a planned development, or a stock cooperative. "Concession or Incentive" means the concession(s) and incentive(s) as specified in Government Code section 65915(k) and Section 9123 of this Chapter. "Density Bonus" means a density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density, as of the date of application by the applicant to the City. The applicant may elect to accept a lesser percentage of density bonus. The amount of density bonus to which the applicant is entitled shall vary according to Section 9121. "Density Bonus Units" means those residential units granted pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter which exceed the otherwise maximum allowable residential density for the development site. When calculating the number of permitted density bonus units, any fractions of units shall be rounded to the next whole number. "Development Standards" includes a site or construction conditions, including, but not limited to, a height limitation, a setback requirement, a floor area ratio, an onsite open space requirement, or a parking ratio that applies to a residential development pursuant to any ordinance, general plan element, specific plan, charter, or other local condition, law, policy, resolution, or regulation. "Director" means the City's Director of Community Development or designee. Tustin, California, Code of Ordinances created: 2021-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] 1704060,1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 "Housing Authority" means the Tustin Housing Authority. "Housing Development" means a development project consisting of five (5) or more residential units, including single-family, multifamily units, and mixed-use developments for -sale or for rent. "Housing development" also includes a subdivision or common interest development, approved by the City and consists of residential units or unimproved residential lots and either a project to substantially rehabilitate and convert an existing commercial building to residential use or the substantial rehabilitation of an existing multifamily dwelling, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 65863.4 of the Government Code, where the result of the rehabilitation would be a net increase in available residential units. For the purpose of calculating a density bonus, the residential units shall be on contiguous sites that are the subject of one development application, but do not have to be based upon individual subdivision maps or parcels. The density bonus shall be permitted in geographic areas of the housing development other than the areas where the units for the lower income households are located. "Housing Incentive Agreement" means a legally binding agreement between an applicant and the City and/or the Housing Authority to ensure that the requirements of this Chapter are satisfied. The agreement among other things shall establish the number of targeted units, size, location, terms and conditions of affordability, production schedule, and may be part of a larger disposition and development or regulatory agreement. "Lower Income Household" means households whose income does not exceed the lower income limits applicable to Orange County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code. "Major Transit Stop" means a site containing an existing rail or bus rapid transit station, or the intersection of two (2) or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of fifteen (15) minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods, and includes any major transit stop that is included in an applicable regional transportation plan. "Maximum Allowable Residential Density" means the density allowed under the zoning ordinance and land use element of the general plan, or, if a range of density is permitted, means the maximum allowable density for the specific zoning range and land use element of the general plan applicable to the project. Where the density allowed under the zoning ordinance is inconsistent with the density allowed under the land use element of the general plan, the general plan density shall prevail. "Natural or constructed Impediments" includes, but is not limited to freeways, rivers, mountains, and bodies of water, but does not include residential structures, shopping centers, parking lots, or rails used for transit. "Non -Restricted Unit" means all units within a housing development excluding the targeted units. "Persons and Families of Moderate Income" means persons and families of low or moderate income whose income exceeds the income limit for lower income households and as defined in Health and Safety Code section 50093. "Persons and families of Low or Moderate Income" means persons and families whose income does not exceed one hundred twenty (120) percent of area median income adjusted for family size by the State Department of Housing and Community Development in accordance with adjustment factors adopted and amended from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. "Qualified nonprofit housing corporation" means a nonprofit housing corporation organized pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that has received a welfare exemption under Section 214.15 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for properties intended to be sold to low-income families who participate in a special no -interest loan program, Created: 2022-e3-25 24:26:55 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11744060,1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 "Senior Citizen" means, a person sixty-two (62) years of age or older, or fifty-five (55) years of age living in a senior citizen housing development. "Senior Citizen Housing Development" means, as more fully defined in Civil Code section 51.3 and 51.12, a residential development developed, substantially rehabilitated, or substantially renovated for senior citizens that has at least thirty-five (35) dwelling units. "Special Needs Housing Development" means any housing, including supportive housing, intended to benefit, in whole or in part, persons identified as having special needs relating to any of the following: Mental health; physical disabilities; developmental disabilities, including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism; and risk of homelessness, or housing intended to meet the housing needs of persons eligible for mental health services funded in whole or in part by the Mental Health Services Fund, created by Section 5890 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Special Needs Housing Development is more fully defined in Section 51312 of the Health and Safety Code, and supportive housing development is more fully defined in Section 50675.3.4 of the Health and Safety Code. "Specific Adverse impact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact,based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete. "Student housing development" means any housing used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students enrolled full time at an institution of higher education accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. "Targeted Unit(s)" means a dwelling unit(s) within a housing development which will be reserved for - sale or rent to, and is made available at an affordable rent or affordable housing cost to very low, low, or moderate households, or is (are) units in a senior housing development. "Unobstructed Access" means a resident is able to access a major transit stop without encountering natural or constructed impediments. "Very Low Income Households" means households whose income does not exceed the very low income limits applicable to Orange County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50105 of the California Health and Safety Code. PART 2 IMPLEMENTATION AND INCENTIVES 9121 IMPLEMENTATION A housing development meeting the requirements of this section is eligible for a density bonus. The granting of a density bonus shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. (a) The City shall grant one (1) density bonus, the amount of which shall be as specified in Section 9122, concession(s) or incentive(s), as described in Section 9123, waivers or reductions of development standards, as described in Section 9124, and parking ratios, as described in Section 9132 when an applicant seeks and agrees to construct a housing development, excluding any units permitted by the density bonus awarded pursuant to this Chapter, that will contain at least any one (1) of the following: (1) Housing for Lower Income Households. Ten (10) percent of the total units of the housing development as targeted units affordable to lower income households; or (2) Housing for Very Low Income Households. Five (5) percent of the total units of the housing development as targeted units affordable to very low income households; or Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (3) Senior Housing or Mobile Home Park. Senior citizen housing development or mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons pursuant to Section 798.76 or 799.5 of the Civil Code; or (4) Housing for Moderate Income Households. Ten (10) percent of the total units of a housing development are sold to persons and families of moderate income, provided that all units in the development are offered to the public for purchase; or (5) Housing for Transitional Foster Youth, Disabled Veterans, Homeless Persons. Ten (10) percent of the total units of a housing development for transitional foster youth as defined in Section 66025.9 of the Education Code, disabled veterans, as defined in Section 18541 of the Government Code, or homeless persons, as defined in the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11301 et seq.). The units described in this subparagraph shall be subject to a recorded affordability restriction of fifty-five (55) years and shall be provided at the same affordability level as very low-income units; or (6) Student Housing. Twenty (20) percent of the total units of the housing development for lower income students in a student housing development that meets the following requirements: (i) All units in the student housing development will be used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students enrolled full time at an institution of higher education accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. In order to be eligible under this subclause, the developer shall, as a condition of receiving a certificate of occupancy, provide evidence to the City that the developer has entered into an operating agreement or master lease with one or more institutions of higher education for the institution or institutions to occupy all units of the student housing development with students from that institution or institutions, An operating agreement or master lease entered into pursuant to this subclause is not violated or breached if, in any subsequent year, there are not sufficient students enrolled in an institution of higher education to fill all units in the student housing development. (ii) The applicable 20 -percent units will be used for lower income students. (iii) The rent provided in the applicable units of the development for lower income students shall be calculated at 30 percent of 65 percent of the area median income for a single -room occupancy unit type. (iv) The development will provide priority for the applicable affordable units for lower income students experiencing homelessness. A homeless service provider, as defined in paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 103577 of the Health and Safety Code, or institution of higher education that has knowledge of a person's homeless status may verify a person's status as homeless for purposes of this subparagraph. For purposes of calculating a density bonus granted pursuant to this Subsection 6, the term "unit" means one rental bed and its pro rata share of associated common area facilities. The units described in this subsection shall be subject to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years. (7) One hundred (100) percent of all units in the development, including total units and density bonus units, but exclusive of a manager's unit or units, are for lower income households, as defined by Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code, except that up to twenty (20) percent of the units in the development, including total units and density bonus units, may be for moderate -income households. (8) For purposes of calculating the amount of the density bonus pursuant to Section 9121, the applicant who requests the density bonus pursuant to this subsection shall elect whether the bonus shall be awarded on the basis of subparagraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (S), (6) or (7) of this subsection. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (9) For the purposes of this section, "total units" or "total dwelling units" excludes units added by a density bonus awarded pursuant to this section or any local law granting a greater density bonus but includes Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program units pursuant to Chapter 96. (b) Land Donation. When an applicant for a tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or other residential development approval donates land to the City as provided for in this subsection, the City shall grant a density bonus, the amount of which shall be as specified in Section 9122(h). This increase shall be in addition to any increase in density mandated by Section 9121(a), up to a maximum combined mandated density increase of thirty-five (35) percent if an applicant seeks both the increase required pursuant to this subsection and Section 9121(a). All density calculations resulting in fractional units shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to enlarge or diminish the authority of the City to require a developer to donate land as a condition of development. An applicant shall be eligible for the increased density bonus described in this subsection if all of the following conditions are met: (1) The applicant donates and transfers the land no later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application. (2) The developable acreage and zoning classification of the land being transferred are sufficient to permit construction of units affordable to very low income households in an amount not less than ten (10) percent of the number of residential units of the proposed development. (3) The transferred land is at least one (1) acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development of at least forty (40) units, has the appropriate general plan designation, is appropriately zoned with appropriate development standards for development at the density described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Government Code section 65583.2 for development of affordable housing on land suitable for residential development, and is or will be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure. (4) No later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or of the residential development application, the transferred land shall have all of the permits and approvals, other than building permits, necessary for the development of the very low income housing units on the transferred land, except that the City may subject the proposed development to subsequent design review to the extent authorized by subdivision (i) of Government Code section 65583.2 if the design is not reviewed by the City prior to the time of transfer. (5) The transferred land and the affordable units shall be subject to a deed restriction ensuring continued affordability of the units consistent with Section 9131(d) and (e), which shall be recorded on the property at the time of dedication. (6) The land is transferred to the City or to a housing developer approved by the City. The City may require the applicant to identify and transfer the land to the developer. (7) The transferred land shall be within the boundary of the proposed development or, if the City agrees, within one-quarter (%) mile of the boundary of the proposed development. (8) A proposed source of funding for the very low income units shall be identified not later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application. (c) Housing Development with Child Care Facility. When an applicant agrees to construct a housing development that conforms to the requirements of Section 9121(x) and includes a child care facility that will be located on the premises of, as part of, or adjacent to, the project, the following shall apply: (1) The City shall grant either of the following, unless it finds, based upon substantial evidence, that the community has adequate child care facilities: (1) An additional density bonus that is an amount of square feet of residential space that is equal to or greater than the amount of square feet in the child care facility, or Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] ( Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (ii) An additional concession or incentive that contributes significantly to the economic feasibility of the construction of the child care facility. (2) The City shall require, as a condition of approving the housing development that the following occur: (I) The child care facility shall remain in operation for a period of time that is as long as or longer than the period of time during which the targeted units are required to remain affordable pursuant to Section 9131(d) and (e). (ii) Of the children who attend the child care facility, the children of very low income households, low Income households, or families of moderate income shall equal a percentage that is equal to or greater than the percentage of dwelling units that are required for very low income households, low Income households, or families of moderate income pursuant to Section 9121(a). (d) Apartment to Condominium Conversion Housing Development. When an applicant for approval to convert apartments to a condominium project pursuant to Section 9274 of this Code agrees to provide at least thirty- three (33) percent of the total units of the proposed condominium project to persons and families of low or moderate income, or fifteen (15) percent of the total units of the proposed condominium project to lower income households, and agrees to pay reasonably necessary administrative costs incurred by the City, the City shall grant either of the following, unless the apartments proposed for conversion constitute a housing development for which a density bonus or other incentives were previously provided under Government Code section 65915: (1) A density bonus to increase the number of units by twenty-five (25) percent over the number of apartments within the existing structure(s) proposed for conversion; or (2) Other incentives of equivalent financial value, which may include the reduction or waiver of requirements which the City may otherwise apply as conditions of conversion approval. (1) In reference to subsections 9121 (d) (1) and 9121 (d) (2), the City may place such reasonable conditions on the granting of a density bonus or other incentives of equivalent financial value including, but not limited to, conditions which assure continued affordability of units to subsequent purchasers who are persons and families of low and moderate income or lower income households and (ii) The application to convert apartments to a condominium project may be submitted to the City for preliminary review prior to submittal of formal request for subdivision map approvals pursuant to Section 9141. The City shall notify applicant in writing of the manner in which City will comply with this subsection (d) within ninety (90) days of receipt of a written proposal. (iii) An applicant shall be ineligible for a density bonus or other incentives or concessions under this subsection 9121 (d) if the apartment complex proposed for conversion includes a parcel(s) on which rental dwelling units are or, if the dwelling units have been vacated or demolished in the five-year period preceding the application, have been subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance or law that restricts rents to a level affordable to persons and families of lower or very low income; are subject to any form of rent or price control through the City's valid exercise of its police power; or are occupied by lower or very low income household unless the proposed condominium project replaces those units in accordance with Section 65915(c)(3)(B) of the Government Code and either of the following applies: a. The proposed condominium project, inclusive of the units replaced, contains affordable units at the percentages set forth in Section 9121(a), or b. Each unit in the development, exclusive of manager's unit or units, is affordable to, and occupied by, either a lower or very low income household. (e) Ineligible Housing Development Project. An applicant shall be ineligible for a density bonus or any other incentives or concessions under this Chapter if the housing development is proposed on any property that Created: 2622»03.25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 includes a parcel or parcels on which rental dwelling units are or, if the dwelling units have been vacated or demolished in the five (5) year period preceding the application, have been subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance, or law that restricts rents to levels affordable to persons and families of lower or very low income; or occupied by lower or very low income households, unless the proposed housing development replaces those units in accordance with Government Code section 65915(c)(3)(B), and either of the following applies: (1) The proposed housing development, inclusive of the units replaced pursuant to this paragraph, contains affordable units at the percentages set forth in Section 9121(a), or (2) Each unit in the development, exclusive of a manager's unit or units, is affordable to, and occupied by, either a lower or very low income household. 9.22 AMOUNT OF DENSITY BONUS Amount of Density Bonus. The amount of density bonus granted shall be based on the category and percentage of affordable housing units proposed, as reflected in the following tables: (a) Lower Income Households. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(1), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Low -Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 10 20 11 21.5 12 23 13 24.5 14 26 15 27.5 16 29 17 30.5 18 32 19 33.5 20 35 21 38.75 22 42.5 23 46.25 24 50 (b) Very Low Income Households. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(2), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 5 20 6 22.5 7 25 8 27.5 9 30 10 32.5 11 35 12 38.75 13 42.5 14 46.25 15 50 Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 (EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (c) Moderate Income Households. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(4), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Moderate -Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 24 30 25 31 26 32 27 33 28 34 29 35 30 36 31 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 41 38.75 42 42.5 43 46.25 44 50 (d) Senior Housing or Mobile Home Park. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(3), the density bonus shall be 20 percent of the number of senior housing units. (e) Transitional Foster Youth, Disabled Veterans, and Homeless Persons. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(5), the density bonus shall be 20 percent of the number of the type of units giving rise to a density bonus thereunder. (f) Student Housing. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(6), the density bonus shall be 35 percent of the student housing units. Created: 2022-03-25 10.;26:56 [EST] ( Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (g) One Hundred Percent Affordable. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(7), the following shall apply: (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) below, the density bonus shall be 80 percent of the number of units for lower income households. (2) If the housing development is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, no maximum controls on density shall be imposed. (h) Land Donation. When an applicant for a tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or other residential development approval donates land to the City in accordance with Section 9121(b), the applicant shall be entitled to a 15 -percent increase above the otherwise maximum allowable residential density for the entire development, as follows: Percentage Very Low income Units (Land Donation) Percentage Density Bonus 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 35 9.23 INCENTIVES OR CONCESSIONS (a) Applicability. An applicant for a density bonus may submit to the City a proposal for the specific concession(s) or incentive(s) that the applicant requests pursuant to this Chapter. The City must grant the concession(s) or incentive(s) requested by the applicant unless the City makes a written finding, based upon substantial evidence, of any of the following: (1) The concession or incentive does not result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs or for rents for the targeted units as specified in Section 9131. (2) The concession(s) or incentive(s) would have a specific adverse impact upon public health and safety or on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the development unaffordable to low- and moderate- income households. (3) The concession or incentive would be contrary to state or federal law. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev, 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (b) Number, The applicant shall be entitled to receive the following number of concessions or incentives: Target Group Target Units (Percent) Maximum Incentives or Concessions Very Low Income 5 1 10 2 15 3 Low Income 10 1 17 2 24 3 Moderate Income (for -sale units only) 10 1 20 2 30 3 100% of Total Units restricted to lower income (maximum 20% moderate) and located within %2 mile of major transit stop 100 (excluding manager's units) 4 and up to 3 additional stories, or 33 feet. Student Housing 20 1 (c) Type. Incentives or concessions may include the following: (1) A reduction of site development standards or a modification of zoning code requirements or architectural design requirements that exceed the minimum building standards approved by the California Building Standards Commission as provided in Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code, which result in identifiable and actual costs reductions, including, but not limited to: (1) Reduced minimum lot size. (ii) Reduced minimum setbacks. (iii) Reduced minimum street standards such as reduced minimum street width. (iv) Increased maximum lot coverage. (v) Increased building height. (vi) Reduced ratio of vehicular parking spaces that would otherwise be required. (2) Approval of mixed use zoning in conjunction with the housing project if commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development and if the commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses are compatible with the housing project and the existing or planned development in the area, including the City's General Plan, where the proposed housing project will be located; or (3) Other regulatory incentives or concessions proposed by the applicant or the City that result in identifiable and actual cost reductions. (4) The granting of a concession or incentive shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. This provision is declaratory of existing law. Created: 2622-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 9124 WAIVERS OR REDUCTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (a) Applicability. An Applicant may submit to the City a proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards and may request a meeting with the City. A proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards pursuant to this section shall neither reduce nor increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is entitled pursuant to Section 9123. (b) Review. The waiver or reduction shall be granted unless the City Council adopts a written finding, based on substantial evidence, of either the following: (1) The waiver or reduction of development standards would have a specific adverse impact upon health, or safety, and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact. (2) The waiver or reduction of development standards would have an adverse impact on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources. (3) The waiver or reduction of development standards would be contrary to state or federal law. 9125 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE (a) Applicability. The City may approve additional assistance to facilitate the inclusion of more Targeted Units than are required by this Chapter. (b) Type. The City Council may approve any of the following in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to: (1) A density bonus greater than that required in Section 9121 of this Chapter. (2) A proportionately lower density bonus than what is required by this Chapter when the housing development does not meet the requirements of this Chapter. (3) Waived, reduced, or deferred planning, plan check, building permit and/or development impact fees. (4) Direct financial aid (e.g., Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Funds, community development block grant funds) in the form of a loan or a grant to subsidize or provide low interest financing for on or off-site improvements, contribution to land, or construction costs. PART 3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARD REQUIREMENTS 9131 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS (a) Location. Targeted units shall be built on-site, and be integrated within the housing development except those units built in conjunction with the donation and transfer of land pursuant to Section 9121(b). (b) Time of Construction. Targeted units shall be constructed concurrently with non -restricted units unless both the City and the applicant agree in the housing incentive agreement described in Section 9142 to an alternative schedule for development. (c) Bedroom Count. Except for a senior citizen housing development, the number of bedrooms of the targeted units shall be generally equivalent to the bedroom mix of the non -restricted units of the housing development, as determined by the Director and embodied in a housing incentive agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the applicant may include a higher proportion of targeted units with more bedrooms than the non -restricted units. (d) Affordable Housing Restrictions — Rental Units. An applicant shall agree to, and the City shall ensure, continued affordability of all low- and very low-income rental units that qualified the applicant for the award Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 of the density bonus for at least fifty-five (55) years or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program. (e) Rents Units. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 9131(e)(1), Rents for the lower income density bonus units shall be set at an affordable rent. (1) For housing developments meeting the criteria of subsection 9121(a)(7), and except as my otherwise be required by the Surplus Land Act, rents for all units in the development, including both base density and density bonus units, shall be as follows: (i) The rent for at least 20 percent of the units in the development shall be set at an affordable rent. (ii) The rent for the remaining units in the development shall beset at an amount consistent with the maximum rent levels for a housing development that receives an allocation of state or federal low- income housing tax credits from the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. (f) Affordable Housing Restrictions -- For Sale units. An applicant shall agree to ensure, and the City shall ensure, that a for -sale unit that qualified the applicant for the award of a density bonus meets either of the following conditions: (1) The unit is initially occupied by a person or family of very low, low or moderate -income, as required, and is offered at an affordable housing cost and is subject to an equity sharing agreement. (2) The unit is purchased by a qualified nonprofit housing corporation pursuant to a recorded contract that satisfies all of the requirements specified in paragraph (10) of subdivision (a) of Section 402.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and that includes all of the following: (i) A repurchase option that requires a subsequent purchaser of the property that desires to resell or convey the property to offer the qualified nonprofit corporation the right to repurchase the property prior to selling or conveying that property to any other purchaser. (ii) An equity sharing agreement. (iii) Affordability restrictions on the sale and conveyance of the property that ensure that the property will be preserved for lower income housing for at least 45 years for owner -occupied housing units and will be sold or resold only to persons or families of very low, low, or moderate income. (g) Equity Sharing. The City shall enforce an equity -sharing agreement required pursuant to subsections 9131(f)(1) or 9131(f)(2), unless it is in conflict with the requirements of another public funding source or law. The following apply to the equity -sharing agreement: (1) Upon resale, the seller of the unit shall retain the value of any improvements, the down payment, and the seller's proportionate share of appreciation. (2) Except as provided in subsection 9131(8)(5), the City shall recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation, which shall then be used within five (5) years for any of the purposes described in subdivision (e) of Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code that promote homeownership. (3) For purposes of this subsection, the City's initial subsidy shall be equal to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale minus the initial sale price to the moderate -income household, plus the amount of any down payment assistance or mortgage assistance. If upon resale the market value is lower than the initial market value, then the value at the time of the resale shall be used as the initial market value. (4) For purposes of this subsection, the City's proportionate share of appreciation shall be equal to the ratio of the City's initial subsidy to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale. (5) If the unit is purchased or developed by a qualified nonprofit housing corporation, the City may enter into a contract with the qualified nonprofit housing corporation under which the qualified nonprofit housing Created: 2022-03-25 14:25:56 [EST] ( Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704460.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 corporation would recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation if the qualified nonprofit housing corporation is required to use 100 percent of the proceeds to promote homeownership for lower income households within the jurisdiction of the City (h) Design. The design and appearance of the targeted units shall be consistent with the design of the total housing development. Housing developments shall comply with all development standards applicable to housing in the City, except those which may be modified as provided by this Chapter. (i) Housing Incentive Agreement. A housing incentive agreement shall be entered into between the applicant and City and/or the Housing Authority to memorialize among other things, the applicant's commitment to provide targeted units in accordance with this Chapter and other applicable provisions of State Law. The agreement shall be made a condition of the development permits (e.g., tract maps, parcel maps, site plans, planned development, conditional use permits, etc.) for all housing developments pursuant to this Chapter. 9132 PARKING STANDARDS (a) Parking. Upon the request of the developer, the vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, of a development meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a), shall not exceed the following ratios: Number of Bedrooms Parking Ratio 0-1 1 space 2-3 1.5 spaces 4 or more 2.5 spaces (1) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development includes at least 20 percent low-income units pursuant to Section 9121(a)(1) or at least 11 percent very low income units pursuant to 9121 (a)(2), is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per unit. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development includes at least 40 percent moderate - income units pursuant to Section 9121(a)(3), is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, and the residents of the development have unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per bedroom. The following table provides the ratios described in this subsection, for a project meeting the eligibility criteria: Housing Development Parking Ratio Criteria Type Low income units 0.5 space 1) located within % mile of a major transit stop (at least 20 percent) 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 3) Upon request of the developer Very low income units 0.5 space 1) located within % mile of a major transit stop (at least 11 percent) 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 3) Upon request of the developer Moderate income units 0.5 space 1) located within % mile of a major transit stop (at least 40 percent) 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 3) Upon request of the developer (b) One Hundred Percent Affordable and Near Transit or Senior Citizen Housing. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development consists solely of rental units with an affordable housing cost to low income families, Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [E5T] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701405.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 exclusive of a manager's unit(s), then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking standards if the development meets either of the following criteria (1) located within one-half mile of a major transit stop and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, or (2) is a for -rent Senior Citizen Housing Development as defined in Section 9112, and has either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. (c) Special Needs Housing. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development is a for -rent Special Needs Housing Development as defined in Section 9112, then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose any minimum vehicular parking requirement. A development that is a Special Needs Housing Development shall have either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. (e) Parking Calculations. If the total number of parking spaces required for a development is other than a whole number, the number shall be rounded up to the next whole number. (f) Tandem Parking. For purposes of this section, a development may provide on-site parking through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not on -street parking. (g) Parking Incentives/Concessions. If the development meets the requirements of Section 97.21., an applicant may request parking incentives or concessions beyond those provided in this Section pursuant to Section 9123(x). A request pursuant to this Section shall not increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is entitled pursuant to Section 9123(b). (h) General. The City may, in its discretion, reduce or eliminate a parking requirement for developments of any type in any location. (i) City Study. The City may impose a higher parking ratio not to exceed the ratio described in Section 9132(a)(1) if, based on substantial evidence found in a parking study prepared by the City within seven (7) years preceding the proposed project and which includes an analysis of parking availability, differing levels of transit access, walkability access to transit services, the potential for shared parking, the effect of parking requirements on the cost of market -rate and subsidized developments, and the lower rates of car ownership for low- and very low income individuals, including seniors and special needs individuals. The City shall make findings, based on the parking study supporting the need for a higher parking ratio. PART 4 APPLICATION AND HOUSING INCENTIVES AGREEMENT 9141 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND REVIEW (a) Application Requirements. An applicant proposing a housing development pursuant to this Chapter, shall submit a preliminary application to the Community Development Department prior to the submittal of any formal request for approval of a permit for a housing development. Applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre -application conference with the Community Development Director to discuss and identify potential application issues. No charge will be required for the pre -application conference. A preliminary application shall include the following information: (1) Existing land uses on the property, including any existing rental unit(s). (2) A request for density bonus by specifying the code section of which the density bonus shall be awarded. (3) A description of the proposed housing development including the total number of units, targeted units by income category, and density bonus units bedroom mix. (4) The zoning and general plan designations and assessor's parcel number(s) of the project site. (5) The location of the targeted units within the housing development. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] ( Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (6) The number of additional housing units requested as the density bonus for the housing development. (7) A vicinity map and preliminary site, floor, and elevation plans, drawn to scale, including building footprints, driveway, and parking layout. (8) A description of any requested concession(s), incentive(s), waiver(s), modified parking standards, and/or development bonus requested and an explanation of why each is needed. In requesting a concession, incentive, waiver, modified standard of parking or waiver or reduction of development standards, the applicant shall explain how granting the request will result in identifiable and actual cost reductions for the development. (9) If a density bonus is requested for a land donation, the application shall show the location of the land to be dedicated and provide evidence that each of the conditions included in Section 9121(b) can be met. (10) If an additional density bonus or concession or incentive is requested for a child care facility, the application shall show the location and square footage of the child care facility and provide evidence that each of the conditions in Section 9121(c) can be met. (11) The applicant shall acknowledge in writing that a housing incentive agreement is required. (b) Application Review. (1) Following receipt of the application, the City shall notify the applicant whether the application is complete in a manner consistent with the timelines specified in specified in Government Code section 65943. (2) An application for a density bonus and/or concession or incentive pursuant to this Chapter shall be processed concurrently with any other permit application(s) required for the housing development. At a minimum, the application shall contain all the information described in Section 9141(a) plus all other required information. Final approval or disapproval of an application shall be made by the City Council; upon recommendation of the Planning Commission for those housing developments which require Planning Commission entitlements; except that no approval shall be effective until the City or the Housing Authority (as applicable) and applicant have executed a housing incentive agreement. (3) Where the applicant proposes that the City provide optional additional assistance as described in Section 9125 herein, the proposal shall be considered by the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council, or the Housing Authority where the Housing Authority funds are requested, for their preliminary approval unless such housing development does not require Planning Commission entitlements in which case, the City Council or the Housing Authority, as applicable, can authorize such assistance. A preliminary approval shall indicate the City Council's approval of the proposal for processing, but no optional additional assistance shall be deemed approved until embodied in the housing incentive agreement. 9142 HOUSING INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (a) Agreement Requirement. Once an application for a density bonus and/or concession or incentive is approved pursuant to Section 9141(b), a housing incentive agreement shall be prepared consistent with any conditions of approval related thereto subject to review and approval as to form by the City Attorney. The City (or the Housing Authority) approval and execution responsibilities for such agreement shall be as identified in the approval of the housing development application pursuant to Section 9141(b). Where such identification is not made by the City Council, such agreement shall be subject to approval by the City Council. (b) Agreement Review. The final approval of any documents as required by the agreement shall take place prior to or concurrent with final map approval, or, where a map is not being processed, prior to issuance of building permits for any parcels in the housing incentive agreement. The agreement shall be recorded with Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] ( Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 the Orange County Recorder concurrent with the recording of the final map or within thirty (30) days of approval if a map is not processed and shall be binding to all future owners and successors in interest. (c) Agreement Contents. The agreement shall include at least the following: (1) The total number of units approved for the housing development including the number of targeted units. (2) A description of the household income group to be accommodated by the housing development, and the standards for determining the corresponding affordable rent or affordable housing cost. (3) The location, unit sizes (square feet), and number of bedrooms of targeted units. (4) Affordability restrictions for low and very low income targeted units for at least fifty-five (55) years from the date the buildings) is first occupied or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, rental subsidy program. (5) A schedule for completion and occupancy of the targeted units. (6) A description of the concessions or incentive(s), or optional additional assistance being provided by the City or the Housing Authority. (7) A description of remedies for breach of the agreement by either party (the City may identity tenants or qualified purchasers as third party beneficiaries under the agreement). (8) A provision, consistent with City Council Policy, establishing a preference for the purchase or rental of the target units by Tustin residents or individuals employed within the City of Tustin. (9) Other provisions to ensure implementation and compliance with this Chapter and State Law. (d) In the case of for -sale housing developments or conversion of apartments to a condominium project consistent with this Chapter, the agreement shall provide for the following regarding the initial sale and use of targeted units during the applicable use restriction period and for the respective affordability period as set forth in Section 9131: (1) Targeted units shall, upon initial sale, be sold to eligible very low income households, low income households or persons and families of moderate income consistent with this Chapter or as approved by the City Council at an affordable housing cost or be made available to qualified residents in a senior citizen housing development. (2) Targeted units shall be initially owner -occupied by eligible very low, low income, or moderate income households, or by senior citizens in the case of a senior citizen housing development or mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons. (3) The agreement shall provide for the continued affordability of the very low income, low income, and moderate income targeted units for the applicable affordability period. (4) The agreement shall provide for the recapture by the City of its proportionate share of appreciation upon resale of the targeted units in accordance with this Chapter. (e) In the case of rental housing developments, the agreement shall provide for the following conditions governing the use of targeted units during the affordability period: (1) The rules and procedures for qualifying tenants, establishing affordable rent, filling vacancies, and maintaining targeted units for qualified tenants; (2) Provisions requiring the owner to verify tenant incomes and maintain books and records to demonstrate compliance with this Chapter and State Law. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:5s [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ATTACHMENT 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 9, 2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 MINUTES COUNCIL CHAMBER & VIDEO CONFERENCE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 9, 2022 7:00 p.m. CALLED TO ORDER. Given. INVOCATION: Pastor Dane Counts, King's Way Foursquare Church Given. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Steve Kozak, Chair Pro Tem Present. ROLL CALL: Chair Mello Chair Pro Tem Kozak Commissioners Higuchi, Mason Absent. Commissioner Chu had an excused absence. None. PUBLIC INPUT: Hurtado confirmed no public input was received. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — JULY 12, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the July 12, 2022 Planning Commission meeting, as provided. Daudt Daudt directed the Commission to move the item forward to a future meeting due to absences from Higuchi & Kozak at the July 12, 2022 meeting and Chu's absence at this evening's meeting, therefore; lack of quorum. Findings 2. FINDINGS REQUIRED BY AB 361 FOR THE CONTINUED USE OF made. TELECONFERENCE FOR MEETINGS In order for the Planning Commission to continue to have the option to meet via teleconference during the pandemic, AB 361 requires the Commission to make specific findings at least every thirty (30) days. RECOMMENDATION: Make the following findings by a majority vote of the Planning Commission: Minutes — Planning Commission August 9, 2022 — Page 1 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 a. A state of emergency has been proclaimed by California's Governor due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and continues to be in effect; b. The Commission has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency; and c. State and local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. Hurtado Hurtado confirmed no public comments received. Motion: It was moved by Mason, seconded by Kozak that findings were made by a majority vote of the Planning Commission. *Motion carried 4-0-1. **Chu had an excused absence. PUBLIC HEARING: Adopted 3. CODE AMENDMENT 2022-0004 (ORDINANCE NO. 1528) — DENSITY Reso. No. BONUS ORDINANCE UPDATE 4455, as presented. SUMMARY: This Project is a City -initiated request to amend Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) to bring the Tustin City Code (TCC) into conformance with current State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915-65918). The State Density Bonus Law provides developers with tools to encourage the development of affordable housing by providing additional density above and beyond the Zoning and General Plan density. State Density Bonus Law also provides developers with incentives intended to help make the development of affordable housing economically feasible. Other tools include reduced parking requirements, and incentives/ concessions and waivers of development standards such as reduced setbacks and minimum square footage requirements. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4455, recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1528, amending Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) of the TCC to bring the code into compliance with State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915-65918). Huitron Presentation given. Higuchi Higuchi asked questions relative to Subsection G - Equity Sharing and market value. �J Minutes — Planning Commission August 9, 2022 — Page 2 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Huitron Huitron responded to Commissioner Higuchi's questions regarding equity sharing and market value. Mason Mason asked questions relative to equity sharing, sale of affordable units and when an affordable unit is no longer considered affordable. Huitron Huitron responded to Mason's questions. Mello Mello asked additional questions relative to the sale of affordable units and equity sharing, history of previous affordable units that have sold, and how city's share of equity is utilized. Daudt Daudt responded to Mello's questions. Willkom Willkom provided additional response to Mello's question relative to previous affordable housing units that have been re -sold. Huitron Huitron provided additional clarifying answers to Mello's questions. 7:23 p.m. Opened the public hearing. Mr. John Mr. Garay provided comments on parking requirements and concerns he had Garay relative to type of affordable units provided by developers. 7:27 p.m. Closed the public hearing. Higuchi Higuchi asked about allocation of affordable units within a project. Huitron Huitron provided a response to Higuchi's question. Higuchi Higuchi provided comments on the application of density bonus law, his experience working with density bonus requirements and made clear that the proposed amendments are to comply with State law. Huitron Huitron provided additional explanation on City process on reviewing projects that include affordable units. Mello Mello asked follow up questions regarding the proportionality requirements of affordable units. Huitron Huitron provided a response to Mello's question. Willkom Willkom provided further clarification to the proportionality requirement of affordable units on project sites. Kozak Kozak asked if there were any applications that are in process or pending that propose affordable units. Minutes — Planning Commission August 9, 2022 — Page 3 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Willkom One of the pending applications is the multi -family residential project at the Tustin Legacy. There is a pending application that will be brought before the Commission and includes a density bonus request. Higuchi Higuchi provided final thoughts on density bonus code and the potential to deed restrict ADUs1JADUs. Huitron Huitron responded to Higuchi that Government Code prohibits cities from requiring a deed restriction on ADUs; however, the City can still continue to require deed restrictions on JADUs. Motion: It was moved by Higuchi, seconded by Mason, to adopt Resolution No. 4455, as presented. Motion carried 4-0-1 ** REGULAR BUSINESS: Received & 4. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE —AUGUST 2022 filed. Staff will be providing a brief update to the Commission on pending legislation related to Community Development that is being monitored. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission receive and file the report. Huitron Presentation given. Higuchi Higuchi asked questions relative to advocacy at the County and city level. Huitron Huitron provided a response to Higuchi's question. Mason Mason asked questions regarding the Council's lobbying efforts. Huitron Huitron provided an answer to Mason's questions and provided recent examples of council's efforts. Motion: Received and filed. STAFF CONCERNS: Willkom Willkom updated the Commission — recently the City Council authorized staff to hire a consultant to look into the DCCSP and the RHASP to reassess the effectiveness of the specific plans (i.e. look into vacant sites, incentives to promote development, any constraints found, etc.). Expecting the consultant to begin work in the next few weeks. Minutes -- Planning Commission August 9, 2022 — Page 4 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 COMMISSION CONCERNS: Mason Mason mentioned graffiti; a crime in progress; homeless drug activity; toured crisis center; let's go back out and tour the community (with the Chief of Police, CC, etc.) in order to reconnect with the communfty. Higuchi Higuchi mentioned his ride -along with TPA years ago; echoed Mason's comment on the next walking tour. Kozak Kozak attended Tustin Area Community Arts Council's "Wizard of Oz". Mello Mello echoed fellow Commissioners comments with, the concerns taking place; he thanked Huitron; he asked about the street signs that are no longer posted on Walnut Avenue and Tustin Ranch Road; what does the traffic situation look like at the new Costco — he noticed traffic on El Camino over the weekend; the Red Hill site behind the school — are they under construction or is illegal dumping occurring? Willkom Willkom to ask Public Works about the street signs, The City has received the building permit application. Close to issuing the grading permit and the building permit application is being reviewed. The property owner to be notified of the overgrown vegetation. Higuchi Engaged Tustin is a great application The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, August 23, 2022. DAVID J E L L 0, JR. Chairperson , W 111'L',jAjtIII. JUWNA L. WILLKOM Plannmg Commission Secretary Minutes — Planning Commission August 9, 2022 — Page 5 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ATTACHMENT C DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 1528 (CLEAN VERSION) DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-B354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 MI 00191110 F-, 0 [y al[*1 ffN7Wij AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AND RESTATING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 1 OF ARTICLE 9 (LAND USE) OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE (CODE AMENDMENT 2022-0004) RELATING TO INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That the State of California identifies affordable housing and special needs housing as a statewide priority. The legislature has created new incentives to facilitate and expediate housing production. Recent legislation expands prior State law requiring local agencies to grant density bonuses and development incentives, concessions, and waivers to reduce the cost of providing affordable housing. B. That Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the Tustin City Code (TCC), which contains provisions for density bonus and development incentives, concessions, and waivers for affordable housing, was last updated in October of 2017 with the adoption of City Council Ordinance No. 1484. C. That a City initiated Code Amendment 2022-0004 has been prepared to amend and restate in its entirety Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the TCC to comply with the State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Sections 65915-65918) as modified by Assembly Bills (AB) 2797, 2753, 991,1763, and 2345 and Senate Bills (SB) 1227, 290, and 728. D. That Code Amendment 2022-0004 updates existing TCC provisions pertaining to density bonus and development incentives, concessions, and waivers for affordable housing, which incentivize the production of new affordable and special needs housing, thereby contributing to the health and welfare of underserved populations, including lower income households, senior citizens, transitional foster youth, disabled veterans and homeless persons. E. That on August 9, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4455, and recommended that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1528, approving Code Amendment 2022-0004 amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 1 of Article 9 of the Tustin City Code relating to incentives for the development of affordable housing. F. That on September 20, 2022, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held on Code Amendment 2022-0004 by the City Council. Ordinance No. 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 SECTION 2. Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing) of Article 9 (Land Use) of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as stated in the revised Chapter 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 31St day after its adoption. The City Clerk or his or her duly appointed deputy shall certify to the adoption of the Ordinance and cause this Ordinance to be published as required by law. SECTION 4. CEQA Exemption. The City Council finds that this Ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"; Cal. Pub. Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 Chapter 3, Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) because it has no potential for resulting in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly and will not result in any physical development in and of itself. Any future development which utilizes these provisions will require CEQA review specific to the site and proposed development. In addition, the State Density Bonus Law contains mandatory provisions that the City must implement, whether or not it adopts its own ordinance, therefore the amendment does not create a new land use regulation. SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, sub -section, clause or phrase in this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is for any reason held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance or the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. PASSED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin on this 20th day of September, 2022. AUSTIN LUMBARD, Mayor CARRIE WOODWARD, Acting City Clerk Ordinance No. 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-B354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1528 CARRIE WOODWARD, Acting City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is 5; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 1528 was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the September 20, 2022, and was given its second reading, passed, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the , 2022, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: CARRIE WOODWARD, Acting City Clerk Ordinance No. 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Attachment: Chapter I Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing Ordinance No. 1528 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ARTICLE 9 - LAND USE CHAPTER 1 INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING CHAPTER 1 INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING PART 1 GENERAL (r1 IIIi IIIi111J:110114—A1►Ult►III i4►1111 The purpose of this Chapter is to provide incentives for the production of housing for very low-, low-, moderate -income, senior citizens, transitional foster youth, lower income students, disabled veterans and homeless persons in accordance with California Density Bonus Law (Government Code section 65915 et seq.). In addition, it contains provisions for a density bonus or development incentive/concession when a child care facility is to be included in an affordable housing development, or when land is donated for affordable housing under specified conditions. The regulations and procedures set forth in this Chapter shall apply citywide. The intent of this Chapter is to facilitate the development of affordable housing and to implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the City's Housing Element. 9112 DEFINITIONS Whenever the following terms are used in this Chapter, they shall have the meaning established by this section: "Affordable Housing Cost", means as defined in Health and Safety Code section 50052.5. The term applies to for -sale units. "Affordable Rent" means as defined in Health and Safety Code section 50053. The term applies to rental units. "Applicant" means a developer or owner who desires to construct five (5) or more dwelling units. "Child Care Facility" means a child day care facility other than a family day care home, including, but not limited to, infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers. "Common Interest Development" means a community apartment project, a condominium project, a planned development, or a stock cooperative. "Concession or Incentive" means the concession(s) and incentive(s) as specified in Government Code section 65915(k) and Section 9123 of this Chapter. "Density Bonus" means a density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density, as of the date of application by the applicant to the City. The applicant may elect to accept a lesser percentage of density bonus. The amount of density bonus to which the applicant is entitled shall vary according to Section 9121. "Density Bonus Units" means those residential units granted pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter which exceed the otherwise maximum allowable residential density for the development site. When calculating the number of permitted density bonus units, any fractions of units shall be rounded to the next whole number. "Development Standards" includes a site or construction conditions, including, but not limited to, a height limitation, a setback requirement, a floor area ratio, an onsite open space requirement, or a parking ratio that applies to a residential development pursuant to any ordinance, general plan element, specific plan, charter, or other local condition, law, policy, resolution, or regulation. "Director" means the City's Director of Community Development or designee. Tustin, California, Code of Ordinances Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] 1704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 "Housing Authority" means the Tustin Housing Authority. "Housing Development" means a development project consisting of five (5) or more residential units, including single-family, multifamily units, and mixed-use developments for -sale or for rent. "Housing development" also includes a subdivision or common interest development, approved by the City and consists of residential units or unimproved residential lots and either a project to substantially rehabilitate and convert an existing commercial building to residential use or the substantial rehabilitation of an existing multifamily dwelling, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 65863.4 of the Government Code, where the result of the rehabilitation would be a net increase in available residential units. For the purpose of calculating a density bonus, the residential units shall be on contiguous sites that are the subject of one development application, but do not have to be based upon individual subdivision maps or parcels. The density bonus shall be permitted in geographic areas of the housing development other than the areas where the units for the lower income households are located. "Housing Incentive Agreement" means a legally binding agreement between an applicant and the City and/or the Housing Authority to ensure that the requirements of this Chapter are satisfied. The agreement among other things shall establish the number of targeted units, size, location, terms and conditions of affordability, production schedule, and may be part of a larger disposition and development or regulatory agreement. "Lower Income Household" means households whose income does not exceed the lower income limits applicable to Orange County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code. "Major Transit Stop" means a site containing an existing rail or bus rapid transit station, or the intersection of two (2) or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of fifteen (15) minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods, and includes any major transit stop that is included in an applicable regional transportation plan. "Maximum Allowable Residential Density" means the density allowed under the zoning ordinance and land use element of the general plan, or, if a range of density is permitted, means the maximum allowable density for the specific zoning range and land use element of the general plan applicable to the project. Where the density allowed under the zoning ordinance is inconsistent with the density allowed under the land use element of the general plan, the general plan density shall prevail. "Natural or constructed Impediments" includes, but is not limited to freeways, rivers, mountains, and bodies of water, but does not include residential structures, shopping centers, parking lots, or rails used for transit. "Non -Restricted Unit" means all units within a housing development excluding the targeted units. "Persons and Families of Moderate Income" means persons and families of low or moderate income whose income exceeds the income limit for lower income households and as defined in Health and Safety Code section 50093. "Persons and families of Low or Moderate Income" means persons and families whose income does not exceed one hundred twenty (120) percent of area median income adjusted for family size by the State Department of Housing and Community Development in accordance with adjustment factors adopted and amended from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. "Qualified nonprofit housing corporation" means a nonprofit housing corporation organized pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that has received a welfare exemption under Section 214.15 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for properties intended to be sold to low-income families who participate in a special no -interest loan program. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 "Senior Citizen" means, a person sixty-two (62) years of age or older, or fifty-five (55) years of age living in a senior citizen housing development. "Senior Citizen Housing Development" means, as more fully defined in Civil Code section 51.3 and 51.12, a residential development developed, substantially rehabilitated, or substantially renovated for senior citizens that has at least thirty-five (35) dwelling units. "Special Needs Housing Development" means any housing, including supportive housing, intended to benefit, in whole or in part, persons identified as having special needs relating to any of the following: Mental health; physical disabilities; developmental disabilities, including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism; and risk of homelessness, or housing intended to meet the housing needs of persons eligible for mental health services funded in whole or in part by the Mental Health Services Fund, created by Section 5890 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Special Needs Housing Development is more fully defined in Section 51312 of the Health and Safety Code, and supportive housing development is more fully defined in Section 50675.14 of the Health and Safety Code. "Specific Adverse impact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete. "Student housing development" means any housing used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students enrolled full time at an institution of higher education accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. "Targeted Unit(s)" means a dwelling unit(s) within a housing development which will be reserved for - sale or rent to, and is made available at an affordable rent or affordable housing cost to very low, low, or moderate households, or is (are) units in a senior housing development. "Unobstructed Access" means a resident is able to access a major transit stop without encountering natural or constructed impediments. "Very Low Income Households" means households whose income does not exceed the very low income limits applicable to Orange County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50105 of the California Health and Safety Code. PART 2 IMPLEMENTATION AND INCENTIVES 9121 IMPLEMENTATION A housing development meeting the requirements of this section is eligible for a density bonus. The granting of a density bonus shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. (a) The City shall grant one (1) density bonus, the amount of which shall be as specified in Section 9122, concession(s) or incentive(s), as described in Section 9123, waivers or reductions of development standards, as described in Section 9124, and parking ratios, as described in Section 9132 when an applicant seeks and agrees to construct a housing development, excluding any units permitted by the density bonus awarded pursuant to this Chapter, that will contain at least any one (1) of the following: (1) Housing for Lower Income Households. Ten (10) percent of the total units of the housing development as targeted units affordable to lower income households; or (2) Housing for Very Low Income Households. Five (5) percent of the total units of the housing development as targeted units affordable to very low income households; or Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (3) Senior Housing or Mobile Home Park. Senior citizen housing development or mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons pursuant to Section 798.76 or 799.5 of the Civil Code; or (4) Housing for Moderate Income Households. Ten (10) percent of the total units of a housing development are sold to persons and families of moderate income, provided that all units in the development are offered to the public for purchase; or (5) Housing for Transitional Foster Youth, Disabled Veterans, Homeless Persons. Ten (10) percent of the total units of a housing development for transitional foster youth as defined in Section 66025.9 of the Education Code, disabled veterans, as defined in Section 18541 of the Government Code, or homeless persons, as defined in the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11301 et seq.). The units described in this subparagraph shall be subject to a recorded affordability restriction of fifty-five (55) years and shall be provided at the same affordability level as very low-income units; or (6) Student Housing. Twenty (20) percent of the total units of the housing development for lower income students in a student housing development that meets the following requirements: (i) All units in the student housing development will be used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students enrolled full time at an institution of higher education accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. In order to be eligible under this subclause, the developer shall, as a condition of receiving a certificate of occupancy, provide evidence to the City that the developer has entered into an operating agreement or master lease with one or more institutions of higher education for the institution or institutions to occupy all units of the student housing development with students from that institution or institutions. An operating agreement or master lease entered into pursuant to this subclause is not violated or breached if, in any subsequent year, there are not sufficient students enrolled in an institution of higher education to fill all units in the student housing development. (ii) The applicable 20 -percent units will be used for lower income students. (iii) The rent provided in the applicable units of the development for lower income students shall be calculated at 30 percent of 65 percent of the area median income for a single -room occupancy unit type. (iv) The development will provide priority for the applicable affordable units for lower income students experiencing homelessness. A homeless service provider, as defined in paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 103577 of the Health and Safety Code, or institution of higher education that has knowledge of a person's homeless status may verify a person's status as homeless for purposes of this subparagraph. For purposes of calculating a density bonus granted pursuant to this Subsection 6, the term "unit" means one rental bed and its pro rata share of associated common area facilities. The units described in this subsection shall be subject to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years. (7) One hundred (100) percent of all units in the development, including total units and density bonus units, but exclusive of a manager's unit or units, are for lower income households, as defined by Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code, except that up to twenty (20) percent of the units in the development, including total units and density bonus units, may be for moderate -income households. (8) For purposes of calculating the amount of the density bonus pursuant to Section 9121, the applicant who requests the density bonus pursuant to this subsection shall elect whether the bonus shall be awarded on the basis of subparagraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7) of this subsection. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (9) For the purposes of this section, "total units" or "total dwelling units" excludes units added by a density bonus awarded pursuant to this section or any local law granting a greater density bonus but includes Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program units pursuant to Chapter 9B. (b) Land Donation. When an applicant for a tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or other residential development approval donates land to the City as provided for in this subsection, the City shall grant a density bonus, the amount of which shall be as specified in Section 9122(h). This increase shall be in addition to any increase in density mandated by Section 9121(a), up to a maximum combined mandated density increase of thirty-five (35) percent if an applicant seeks both the increase required pursuant to this subsection and Section 9121(a). All density calculations resulting in fractional units shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to enlarge or diminish the authority of the City to require a developer to donate land as a condition of development. An applicant shall be eligible for the increased density bonus described in this subsection if all of the following conditions are met: (1) The applicant donates and transfers the land no later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application. (2) The developable acreage and zoning classification of the land being transferred are sufficient to permit construction of units affordable to very low income households in an amount not less than ten (10) percent of the number of residential units of the proposed development. (3) The transferred land is at least one (1) acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development of at least forty (40) units, has the appropriate general plan designation, is appropriately zoned with appropriate development standards for development at the density described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Government Code section 65583.2 for development of affordable housing on land suitable for residential development, and is or will be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure. (4) No later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or of the residential development application, the transferred land shall have all of the permits and approvals, other than building permits, necessary for the development of the very low income housing units on the transferred land, except that the City may subject the proposed development to subsequent design review to the extent authorized by subdivision (i) of Government Code section 65583.2 if the design is not reviewed by the City prior to the time of transfer. (5) The transferred land and the affordable units shall be subject to a deed restriction ensuring continued affordability of the units consistent with Section 9131(d) and (e), which shall be recorded on the property at the time of dedication. (6) The land is transferred to the City or to a housing developer approved by the City. The City may require the applicant to identify and transfer the land to the developer. (7) The transferred land shall be within the boundary of the proposed development or, if the City agrees, within one-quarter (%) mile of the boundary of the proposed development. (8) A proposed source of funding for the very low income units shall be identified not later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application. (c) Housing Development with Child Care Facility. When an applicant agrees to construct a housing development that conforms to the requirements of Section 9121(a) and includes a child care facility that will be located on the premises of, as part of, or adjacent to, the project, the following shall apply: (1) The City shall grant either of the following, unless it finds, based upon substantial evidence, that the community has adequate child care facilities: (i) An additional density bonus that is an amount of square feet of residential space that is equal to or greater than the amount of square feet in the child care facility, or Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (ii) An additional concession or incentive that contributes significantly to the economic feasibility of the construction of the child care facility. (2) The City shall require, as a condition of approving the housing development that the following occur: (i) The child care facility shall remain in operation for a period of time that is as long as or longer than the period of time during which the targeted units are required to remain affordable pursuant to Section 9131(d) and (e). (ii) Of the children who attend the child care facility, the children of very low income households, low income households, or families of moderate income shall equal a percentage that is equal to or greater than the percentage of dwelling units that are required for very low income households, low income households, or families of moderate income pursuant to Section 9121(a). (d) Apartment to Condominium Conversion Housing Development. When an applicant for approval to convert apartments to a condominium project pursuant to Section 9274 of this Code agrees to provide at least thirty- three (33) percent of the total units of the proposed condominium project to persons and families of low or moderate income, or fifteen (15) percent of the total units of the proposed condominium project to lower income households, and agrees to pay reasonably necessary administrative costs incurred by the City, the City shall grant either of the following, unless the apartments proposed for conversion constitute a housing development for which a density bonus or other incentives were previously provided under Government Code section 65915: (1) A density bonus to increase the number of units by twenty-five (25) percent over the number of apartments within the existing structure(s) proposed for conversion; or (2) Other incentives of equivalent financial value, which may include the reduction or waiver of requirements which the City may otherwise apply as conditions of conversion approval. (i) In reference to subsections 9121 (d) (1) and 9121 (d) (2), the City may place such reasonable conditions on the granting of a density bonus or other incentives of equivalent financial value including, but not limited to, conditions which assure continued affordability of units to subsequent purchasers who are persons and families of low and moderate income or lower income households and (ii) The application to convert apartments to a condominium project may be submitted to the City for preliminary review prior to submittal of formal request for subdivision map approvals pursuant to Section 9141. The City shall notify applicant in writing of the manner in which City will comply with this subsection (d) within ninety (90) days of receipt of a written proposal. (iii) An applicant shall be ineligible for a density bonus or other incentives or concessions under this subsection 9121 (d) if the apartment complex proposed for conversion includes a parcel(s) on which rental dwelling units are or, if the dwelling units have been vacated or demolished in the five-year period preceding the application, have been subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance or law that restricts rents to a level affordable to persons and families of lower or very low income; are subject to any form of rent or price control through the City's valid exercise of its police power; or are occupied by lower or very low income household unless the proposed condominium project replaces those units in accordance with Section 65915(c)(3)(B) of the Government Code and either of the following applies: The proposed condominium project, inclusive of the units replaced, contains affordable units at the percentages set forth in Section 9121(a), or Each unit in the development, exclusive of manager's unit or units, is affordable to, and occupied by, either a lower or very low income household. (e) Ineligible Housing Development Project. An applicant shall be ineligible for a density bonus or any other incentives or concessions under this Chapter if the housing development is proposed on any property that Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 includes a parcel or parcels on which rental dwelling units are or, if the dwelling units have been vacated or demolished in the five (5) year period preceding the application, have been subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance, or law that restricts rents to levels affordable to persons and families of lower or very low income; or occupied by lower or very low income households, unless the proposed housing development replaces those units in accordance with Government Code section 65915(c)(3)(B), and either of the following applies: (1) The proposed housing development, inclusive of the units replaced pursuant to this paragraph, contains affordable units at the percentages set forth in Section 9121(a), or (2) Each unit in the development, exclusive of a manager's unit or units, is affordable to, and occupied by, either a lower or very low income household. 9122 AMOUNT OF DENSITY BONUS Amount of Density Bonus. The amount of density bonus granted shall be based on the category and percentage of affordable housing units proposed, as reflected in the following tables: (a) Lower Income Households. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(1), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Low -Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 10 20 11 21.5 12 23 13 24.5 14 26 15 27.5 16 29 17 30.5 18 32 19 33.5 20 35 21 38.75 22 42.5 23 46.25 24 50 (b) Very Low Income Households. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(2), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 5 20 6 22.5 7 25 8 27.5 9 30 10 32.5 11 35 12 38.75 13 42.5 14 46.25 15 50 Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (c) Moderate Income Households. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(4), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Moderate -Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 24 30 25 31 26 32 27 33 28 34 29 35 30 36 31 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 41 38.75 42 42.5 43 46.25 44 50 (d) Senior Housing or Mobile Home Park. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(3), the density bonus shall be 20 percent of the number of senior housing units. (e) Transitional Foster Youth, Disabled Veterans, and Homeless Persons. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(5), the density bonus shall be 20 percent of the number of the type of units giving rise to a density bonus thereunder. (f) Student Housing. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(6), the density bonus shall be 35 percent of the student housing units. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (g) One Hundred Percent Affordable. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(7), the following shall apply: (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) below, the density bonus shall be 80 percent of the number of units for lower income households. (2) If the housing development is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, no maximum controls on density shall be imposed. (h) Land Donation. When an applicant for a tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or other residential development approval donates land to the City in accordance with Section 9121(b), the applicant shall be entitled to a 15 -percent increase above the otherwise maximum allowable residential density for the entire development, as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Units (Land Donation) Percentage Density Bonus 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 35 9123 INCENTIVES OR CONCESSIONS (a) Applicability. An applicant for a density bonus may submit to the City a proposal for the specific concession(s) or incentive(s) that the applicant requests pursuant to this Chapter. The City must grant the concession(s) or incentive(s) requested by the applicant unless the City makes a written finding, based upon substantial evidence, of any of the following: (1) The concession or incentive does not result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs or for rents for the targeted units as specified in Section 9131. (2) The concession(s) or incentive(s) would have a specific adverse impact upon public health and safety or on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the development unaffordable to low- and moderate- income households. (3) The concession or incentive would be contrary to state or federal law. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (b) Number. The applicant shall be entitled to receive the following number of concessions or incentives: Target Group Target Units (Percent) Maximum Incentives or Concessions Very Low Income 5 1 10 2 15 3 Low Income 10 1 17 2 24 3 Moderate Income (for -sale units only) 10 1 20 2 30 3 100% of Total Units restricted to lower income (maximum 20% moderate) and located within % mile of major transit stop 100 (excluding manager's units) 4 and up to 3 additional stories, or 33 feet. Student Housing 20 1 (c) Type. Incentives or concessions may include the following: (1) A reduction of site development standards or a modification of zoning code requirements or architectural design requirements that exceed the minimum building standards approved by the California Building Standards Commission as provided in Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code, which result in identifiable and actual costs reductions, including, but not limited to: (i) Reduced minimum lot size. (ii) Reduced minimum setbacks. (iii) Reduced minimum street standards such as reduced minimum street width. (iv) Increased maximum lot coverage. (v) Increased building height. (vi) Reduced ratio of vehicular parking spaces that would otherwise be required. (2) Approval of mixed use zoning in conjunction with the housing project if commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development and if the commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses are compatible with the housing project and the existing or planned development in the area, including the City's General Plan, where the proposed housing project will be located; or (3) Other regulatory incentives or concessions proposed by the applicant or the City that result in identifiable and actual cost reductions. (4) The granting of a concession or incentive shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. This provision is declaratory of existing law. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 9124 WAIVERS OR REDUCTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (a) Applicability. An Applicant may submit to the City a proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards and may request a meeting with the City. A proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards pursuant to this section shall neither reduce nor increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is entitled pursuant to Section 9123. (b) Review. The waiver or reduction shall be granted unless the City Council adopts a written finding, based on substantial evidence, of either the following: (1) The waiver or reduction of development standards would have a specific adverse impact upon health, or safety, and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact. (2) The waiver or reduction of development standards would have an adverse impact on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources. (3) The waiver or reduction of development standards would be contrary to state or federal law. 9125 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE (a) Applicability. The City may approve additional assistance to facilitate the inclusion of more Targeted Units than are required by this Chapter. (b) Type. The City Council may approve any of the following in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to: (1) A density bonus greater than that required in Section 9121 of this Chapter. (2) A proportionately lower density bonus than what is required by this Chapter when the housing development does not meet the requirements of this Chapter. (3) Waived, reduced, or deferred planning, plan check, building permit and/or development impact fees. (4) Direct financial aid (e.g., Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Funds, community development block grant funds) in the form of a loan or a grant to subsidize or provide low interest financing for on or off-site improvements, contribution to land, or construction costs. PART 3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARD REQUIREMENTS 9131 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS (a) Location. Targeted units shall be built on-site, and be integrated within the housing development except those units built in conjunction with the donation and transfer of land pursuant to Section 9121(b). (b) Time of Construction. Targeted units shall be constructed concurrently with non -restricted units unless both the City and the applicant agree in the housing incentive agreement described in Section 9142 to an alternative schedule for development. (c) Bedroom Count. Except for a senior citizen housing development, the number of bedrooms of the targeted units shall be generally equivalent to the bedroom mix of the non -restricted units of the housing development, as determined by the Director and embodied in a housing incentive agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the applicant may include a higher proportion of targeted units with more bedrooms than the non -restricted units. (d) Affordable Housing Restrictions — Rental Units. An applicant shall agree to, and the City shall ensure, continued affordability of all low- and very low-income rental units that qualified the applicant for the award Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 of the density bonus for at least fifty-five (55) years or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program. (e) Rents Units. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 9131(e)(1), Rents for the lower income density bonus units shall be set at an affordable rent. (1) For housing developments meeting the criteria of subsection 9121(a)(7), and except as my otherwise be required by the Surplus Land Act, rents for all units in the development, including both base density and density bonus units, shall be as follows: (i) The rent for at least 20 percent of the units in the development shall be set at an affordable rent. (ii) The rent for the remaining units in the development shall be set at an amount consistent with the maximum rent levels for a housing development that receives an allocation of state or federal low- income housing tax credits from the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. (f) Affordable Housing Restrictions — For Sale units. An applicant shall agree to ensure, and the City shall ensure, that a for -sale unit that qualified the applicant for the award of a density bonus meets either of the following conditions: (1) The unit is initially occupied by a person or family of very low, low or moderate -income, as required, and is offered at an affordable housing cost and is subject to an equity sharing agreement. (2) The unit is purchased by a qualified nonprofit housing corporation pursuant to a recorded contract that satisfies all of the requirements specified in paragraph (10) of subdivision (a) of Section 402.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and that includes all of the following: (i) A repurchase option that requires a subsequent purchaser of the property that desires to resell or convey the property to offer the qualified nonprofit corporation the right to repurchase the property prior to selling or conveying that property to any other purchaser. (ii) An equity sharing agreement. (iii) Affordability restrictions on the sale and conveyance of the property that ensure that the property will be preserved for lower income housing for at least 45 years for owner -occupied housing units and will be sold or resold only to persons or families of very low, low, or moderate income. (g) Equity Sharing. The City shall enforce an equity -sharing agreement required pursuant to subsections 9131(f)(1) or 9131(f)(2), unless it is in conflict with the requirements of another public funding source or law. The following apply to the equity -sharing agreement: (1) Upon resale, the seller of the unit shall retain the value of any improvements, the down payment, and the seller's proportionate share of appreciation. (2) Except as provided in subsection 9131(g)(5), the City shall recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation, which shall then be used within five (5) years for any of the purposes described in subdivision (e) of Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code that promote homeownership. (3) For purposes of this subsection, the City's initial subsidy shall be equal to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale minus the initial sale price to the moderate -income household, plus the amount of any down payment assistance or mortgage assistance. If upon resale the market value is lower than the initial market value, then the value at the time of the resale shall be used as the initial market value. (4) For purposes of this subsection, the City's proportionate share of appreciation shall be equal to the ratio of the City's initial subsidy to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale. (5) If the unit is purchased or developed by a qualified nonprofit housing corporation, the City may enter into a contract with the qualified nonprofit housing corporation under which the qualified nonprofit housing Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 corporation would recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation if the qualified nonprofit housing corporation is required to use 100 percent of the proceeds to promote homeownership for lower income households within the jurisdiction of the City (h) Design. The design and appearance of the targeted units shall be consistent with the design of the total housing development. Housing developments shall comply with all development standards applicable to housing in the City, except those which may be modified as provided by this Chapter. (i) Housing Incentive Agreement. A housing incentive agreement shall be entered into between the applicant and City and/or the Housing Authority to memorialize among other things, the applicant's commitment to provide targeted units in accordance with this Chapter and other applicable provisions of State Law. The agreement shall be made a condition of the development permits (e.g., tract maps, parcel maps, site plans, planned development, conditional use permits, etc.) for all housing developments pursuant to this Chapter. 9132 PARKING STANDARDS (a) Parking. Upon the request of the developer, the vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, of a development meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a), shall not exceed the following ratios: Number of Bedrooms Parking Ratio 0-1 1 space 2-3 1.5 spaces 4 or more 2.5 spaces (1) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development includes at least 20 percent low-income units pursuant to Section 9121(a)(1) or at least 11 percent very low income units pursuant to 9121 (a)(2), is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per unit. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development includes at least 40 percent moderate - income units pursuant to Section 9121(a)(3), is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, and the residents of the development have unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per bedroom. The following table provides the ratios described in this subsection, for a project meeting the eligibility criteria: Housing Development Parking Ratio Criteria Type Low income units 0.5 space 1) located within % mile of a major transit stop (at least 20 percent) 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 3) Upon request of the developer Very low income units 0.5 space 1) located within % mile of a major transit stop (at least 11 percent) 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 3) Upon request of the developer Moderate income units 0.5 space 1) located within % mile of a major transit stop (at least 40 percent) 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 3) Upon request of the developer (b) One Hundred Percent Affordable and Near Transit or Senior Citizen Housing. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development consists solely of rental units with an affordable housing cost to low income families, Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 exclusive of a manager's unit(s), then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking standards if the development meets either of the following criteria (1) located within one-half mile of a major transit stop and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, or (2) is a for -rent Senior Citizen Housing Development as defined in Section 9112, and has either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. (c) Special Needs Housing. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development is a for -rent Special Needs Housing Development as defined in Section 9112, then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose any minimum vehicular parking requirement. A development that is a Special Needs Housing Development shall have either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. (e) Parking Calculations. If the total number of parking spaces required for a development is other than a whole number, the number shall be rounded up to the next whole number. (f) Tandem Parking. For purposes of this section, a development may provide on-site parking through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not on -street parking. (g) Parking Incentives/Concessions. If the development meets the requirements of Section 9121, an applicant may request parking incentives or concessions beyond those provided in this Section pursuant to Section 9123(a). A request pursuant to this Section shall not increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is entitled pursuant to Section 9123(b). (h) General. The City may, in its discretion, reduce or eliminate a parking requirement for developments of any type in any location. (i) City Study. The City may impose a higher parking ratio not to exceed the ratio described in Section 9132(a)(1) if, based on substantial evidence found in a parking study prepared by the City within seven (7) years preceding the proposed project and which includes an analysis of parking availability, differing levels of transit access, walkability access to transit services, the potential for shared parking, the effect of parking requirements on the cost of market -rate and subsidized developments, and the lower rates of car ownership for low- and very low income individuals, including seniors and special needs individuals. The City shall make findings, based on the parking study supporting the need for a higher parking ratio. PART 4 APPLICATION AND HOUSING INCENTIVES AGREEMENT 9141 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND REVIEW (a) Application Requirements. An applicant proposing a housing development pursuant to this Chapter, shall submit a preliminary application to the Community Development Department prior to the submittal of any formal request for approval of a permit for a housing development. Applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre -application conference with the Community Development Director to discuss and identify potential application issues. No charge will be required for the pre -application conference. A preliminary application shall include the following information: (1) Existing land uses on the property, including any existing rental unit(s). (2) A request for density bonus by specifying the code section of which the density bonus shall be awarded. (3) A description of the proposed housing development including the total number of units, targeted units by income category, and density bonus units bedroom mix. (4} The zoning and general plan designations and assessor's parcel number(s) of the project site. (5) The location of the targeted units within the housing development. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (6) The number of additional housing units requested as the density bonus for the housing development. (7) A vicinity map and preliminary site, floor, and elevation plans, drawn to scale, including building footprints, driveway, and parking layout. (8) A description of any requested concession(s), incentive(s), waiver(s), modified parking standards, and/or development bonus requested and an explanation of why each is needed. In requesting a concession, incentive, waiver, modified standard of parking or waiver or reduction of development standards, the applicant shall explain how granting the request will result in identifiable and actual cost reductions for the development. (9) If a density bonus is requested for a land donation, the application shall show the location of the land to be dedicated and provide evidence that each of the conditions included in Section 9121(b) can be met. (10) If an additional density bonus or concession or incentive is requested for a child care facility, the application shall show the location and square footage of the child care facility and provide evidence that each of the conditions in Section 9121(c) can be met. (11) The applicant shall acknowledge in writing that a housing incentive agreement is required. (b) Application Review. (1) Following receipt of the application, the City shall notify the applicant whether the application is complete in a manner consistent with the timelines specified in specified in Government Code section 65943. (2) An application for a density bonus and/or concession or incentive pursuant to this Chapter shall be processed concurrently with any other permit application(s) required for the housing development. At a minimum, the application shall contain all the information described in Section 9141(a) plus all other required information. Final approval or disapproval of an application shall be made by the City Council; upon recommendation of the Planning Commission for those housing developments which require Planning Commission entitlements; except that no approval shall be effective until the City or the Housing Authority (as applicable) and applicant have executed a housing incentive agreement. (3) Where the applicant proposes that the City provide optional additional assistance as described in Section 9125 herein, the proposal shall be considered by the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council, or the Housing Authority where the Housing Authority funds are requested, for their preliminary approval unless such housing development does not require Planning Commission entitlements in which case, the City Council or the Housing Authority, as applicable, can authorize such assistance. A preliminary approval shall indicate the City Council's approval of the proposal for processing, but no optional additional assistance shall be deemed approved until embodied in the housing incentive agreement. 9142 HOUSING INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (a) Agreement Requirement. Once an application for a density bonus and/or concession or incentive is approved pursuant to Section 9141(b), a housing incentive agreement shall be prepared consistent with any conditions of approval related thereto subject to review and approval as to form by the City Attorney. The City (or the Housing Authority) approval and execution responsibilities for such agreement shall be as identified in the approval of the housing development application pursuant to Section 9141(b). Where such identification is not made by the City Council, such agreement shall be subject to approval by the City Council. (b) Agreement Review. The final approval of any documents as required by the agreement shall take place prior to or concurrent with final map approval, or, where a map is not being processed, prior to issuance of building permits for any parcels in the housing incentive agreement. The agreement shall be recorded with Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 the Orange County Recorder concurrent with the recording of the final map or within thirty (30) days of approval if a map is not processed and shall be binding to all future owners and successors in interest. (c) Agreement Contents. The agreement shall include at least the following: (1) The total number of units approved for the housing development including the number of targeted units. (2) A description of the household income group to be accommodated by the housing development, and the standards for determining the corresponding affordable rent or affordable housing cost. (3) The location, unit sizes (square feet), and number of bedrooms of targeted units. (4) Affordability restrictions for low and very low income targeted units for at least fifty-five (55) years from the date the building(s) is first occupied or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, rental subsidy program. (5) A schedule for completion and occupancy of the targeted units. (6) A description of the concessions or incentive(s), or optional additional assistance being provided by the City or the Housing Authority. (7) A description of remedies for breach of the agreement by either party (the City may identity tenants or qualified purchasers as third party beneficiaries under the agreement). (8) A provision, consistent with City Council Policy, establishing a preference for the purchase or rental of the target units by Tustin residents or individuals employed within the City of Tustin. (9) Other provisions to ensure implementation and compliance with this Chapter and State Law. (d) In the case of for -sale housing developments or conversion of apartments to a condominium project consistent with this Chapter, the agreement shall provide for the following regarding the initial sale and use of targeted units during the applicable use restriction period and for the respective affordability period as set forth in Section 9131: (1) Targeted units shall, upon initial sale, be sold to eligible very low income households, low income households or persons and families of moderate income consistent with this Chapter or as approved by the City Council at an affordable housing cost or be made available to qualified residents in a senior citizen housing development. (2) Targeted units shall be initially owner -occupied by eligible very low, low income, or moderate income households, or by senior citizens in the case of a senior citizen housing development or mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons. (3) The agreement shall provide for the continued affordability of the very low income, low income, and moderate income targeted units for the applicable affordability period. (4) The agreement shall provide for the recapture by the City of its proportionate share of appreciation upon resale of the targeted units in accordance with this Chapter. (e) In the case of rental housing developments, the agreement shall provide for the following conditions governing the use of targeted units during the affordability period: (1) The rules and procedures for qualifying tenants, establishing affordable rent, filling vacancies, and maintaining targeted units for qualified tenants; (2) Provisions requiring the owner to verify tenant incomes and maintain books and records to demonstrate compliance with this Chapter and State Law. Created: 2022-03-25 14:26:56 [EST] (Rev. 22-2022) 1701905.11704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ATTACHMENT D DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 1528 (REDLINED VERSION) DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 ARTICLE 9 - LAND USE CHAPTER 1 INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING CHAPTER 1 INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING PART 1 GENERAL PJ111ii 111ii 111111'11111.4Z91,1VAL110lt►111111:11L1kI The purpose of this Chapter is to provide incentives for the production of housing for very low-, low-, moderate -income, senior citizens, transitional foster youth, lower income students, disabled veterans and homeless persons in accordance with California 1 Density Bonus Law (Government Code section 65915 et seg.). In addition, it contains provisions for a density bonus or development incentive/concession when a child care facility is to be included in an affordable housing development, or when land is donated for affordable housing under specified conditions. The regulations and procedures set forth in this Chapter shall apply citywide. The intent of this Chapter is to facilitate the development of affordable housing and to implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the City's Housing Element. 9112 DEFINITIONS Whenever the following terms are used in this Chapter, they shall have the meaning established by this section: "Affordable Housing Cost", means as defined in Health and Safety Code se^+;^^ 50-0-5-2.5. The +^r.,, applies te fE)F sale units. in the HeusiRg Incentive AgFeement, On its sele diseFetien, the City er the Heusipg Ce4section 50052.5. The term applies to for -sale units. "Affordable Rent" means as defined in Health and Safety Code Sec-tiensection 50053. The term applies to rental units. "Applicant" means a developer or owner who desires to construct five (5) or more dwelling units. "Child Care Facility" means a child day care facility other than a family day care home, including, but not limited to, infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers. "Common Interest Development" means a community apartment project, a condominium project, a planned development, or a stock cooperative aas defined OR _S^^*0^^ 1351 ^{ the Civil Cede "Concession or Incentive" means the concession(s) and incentive(s) as specified in Government Code SectieRsection 65915(k) and Section 9123 of this Chapter. "Density Bonus" means a density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density, as of the date of application by the applicant to the City. The applicant may elect to accept a lesser percentage of density bonus. The amount of density bonus to which the applicant is entitled shall vary Tustin, California, Code of Ordinances Page 1 of2001704060.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 according to Pestahimshedd in SeCtieR 912 .Section 9121. "Density Bonus Units" means those residential units granted pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter which exceed the otherwise maximum allowable residential density for the development site. When calculating the number of permitted density bonus units, any fractions of units shall be rounded to the next whole number. "Development Standards" includes a site or construction conditions, including, but not limited to, a height limitation, a setback requirement, a floor area ratio, an onsite open space requirement, or a parking ratio that applies to a residential development pursuant to any ordinance, general plan element, specific plan, charter, or other local condition, law, policy, resolution, or regulation. "Director" means the City's Director of Community Development or designee. "Housing Authority" means the Tustin Housing Authority. "Housing Development" means construction p., ;_,-t=a development prosect consisting of five (5) or more residential units, including single-family, multifamily units, and mixed-use developments for --sale or for rent. "Housing development" also includes a subdivision or common interest development, approved by the City and consists of residential units or unimproved residential lots and either a project to substantially rehabilitate and convert an existing commercial building to residential use or the substantial rehabilitation of an existing multifamily dwelling, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 65863.4 of the Government Code, where the result of the rehabilitation would be a net increase of at least five (5) ^" leFein available residential units. T#eFor the purpose of calculating a density bonus, the residential units shall be on contiguous sites that are the subject of ones) development application, but do not have to be based upon individual subdivision maps or parcels. The density bonus shall be permitted in geographic areas of the housing development other than the areas where the units for the lower income households are located. "Housing Incentive Agreement" means a legally binding agreement between an applicant and the City and/or the Housing Authority to ensure that the requirements of this Chapter are satisfied. The agreement among other things shall establish the number of targeted units, size, location, terms and conditions of afford affordability, production schedule, and may be part of a larger disposition and development or regulatory agreement. "Lower Income Household" means households whose income does not exceed the lower income limits applicable to Orange County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code. "Major Transit Stop" means a site containing an existing rail or bus rapid transit station, or the intersection of two (2) or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of fifteen (15) minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods, and includes any major transit stop that is included in an applicable regional transportation plan. "Maximum Allowable Residential Density" means the density allowed under the zoning ordinance and land use element of the general plan, or, if a range of density is permitted, means the maximum allowable density for the specific zoning range and land use element of the general plan applicable to the project. Where the density allowed under the zoning ordinance is inconsistent with the density allowed under the land use element of the general plan, the general plan density shall prevail with the ,,, eeptien of the ""�"� T—usti , C.,eeifi., Plan which exch AeS the ,J.,Y„-it„ benus alle.. ed by this Ghapt...- "Natural or constructed Impediments" includes, but is not limited to freeways, rivers, mountains, and bodies of water, but does not include residential structures, shopping centers, parking lots, or rails used for transit. "Non -Restricted Unit" means all units within a housing development excluding the targeted units. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 "Persons and Families of Moderate Income" means persons and families of low or moderate income whose income exceeds the income limit for lower income households and as defined in Health and Safety Code 5ectieRsection 50093. "Persons and families of Low or Moderate Income" means persons and families whose income does not exceed one hundred twenty (120) percent of area median income adjusted for family size by the State Department of Housing and Community Development in accordance with adjustment factors adopted and amended from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. "Qualified nonprofit housing corporation" means a nonprofit housing corporation organized pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that has received a welfare exemption under Section 214.15 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for properties intended to be sold to low-income families who participate in a special no -interest loan program. "Senior Citizen" means, a person sixty-two (62) years of age or older, or fifty-five (55) years of age living in a senior citizen housing development. "Senior Citizen Housing Development" means, as more fully defined in Civil Code Sectieesection 51.3 and 51.12, a residential development developed, substantially rehabilitated, or substantially renovated for senior citizens that has at least thirty-five (35) dwelling units. "Special Needs Housing Development" means any housing, including supportive housing, intended to benefit, in whole or in part, persons identified as having special needs relating to any of the following: Mental health; physical disabilities; developmental disabilities, including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism; and risk of homelessness, or housing intended to meet the housing needs of persons eligible for mental health services funded in whole or in part by the Mental Health Services Fund, created by Section 5890 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Special Needs Housing Development is more fully defined in Section 51312 of the Health and Safety Code, and supportive housing development is more fully defined in Section 50675.14 of the Health and Safety Code. "Specific Adverse impact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete. "Student housing development" means any housing used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students enrolled full time at an institution of higher education accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. "Targeted Unit(s)" means a dwelling unit(s) within a housing development which will be reserved for -- sale or rent to, and is made available at an affordable rent or affordable housing cost to very low, low, or moderate households, or is_(are) units in a senior housing development. "Unobstructed Access" means a resident is able to access a major transit stop without encountering natural or constructed impediments. "Very Low Income Households" means households whose income does not exceed the very low income limits applicable to Orange County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50105 of the California Health and Safety Code. PART 2 IMPLEMENTATION AND INCENTIVES ate, e4.4-21-0 DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 9121 IMPLEMENTATION A housing development meeting the requirements of this section is eligible for a density bonus. The granting of a density bonus shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. (a) The City shall grant one (1) density bonus, the amount of which shall be as specified in Section 9122, concession(s) or incentive(s), as described in Section 9123, waivers or reductions of development standards, as described in Section 9124, and parking ratios, as described in Section o'�9132 when an applicant seeks and agrees to construct a housing development, excluding any units permitted by the density bonus awarded pursuant to this Chapter, that will contain at least any one (1) of the following: (1) Housing for Lower Income Households. Ten (10) percent of the total units of the housing development as targeted units affordable to lower income households; or (2) Housing for Very Low Income Households. Five (5) percent of the total units of the housing development as targeted units affordable to very low income households; or (3) Senior Housing or Mobile Home Park. Senior citizen housing development or mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons pursuant to Section 798.76 or 799;_5 of the Civil Code. (4) Housing for Moderate Income Households. Ten (10) percent of the total units +eof a e9FRMOR ,nteresthousing development ferare sold to persons and families of moderate income, provided that all units in the development are offered to the public for purchase-, or (5) Housing for Transitional Foster Youth, Disabled Veterans, Homeless Persons. Ten (10) percent of the total units of a housing development for transitional foster youth as defined in Section 66025.9 of the Education Code, disabled veterans, as defined in Section 18541 of the Government Code, or homeless persons, as defined in the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11301 et seq.). The units described in this subparagraph shall be subject to a recorded affordability restriction of fifty-five (55) years and shall be provided at the same affordability level as very low income units -Lor (61 Student Housing. Twenty (20) percent of the total units of the housing development for lower income students in a student housing development that meets the following requirements: (i) All units in the student housing development will be used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students enrolled full time at an institution of higher education accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. In order to be eligible under this subclause, the developer shall, as a condition of receiving a certificate of occupancy, provide evidence to the City that the developer has entered into an operating agreement or master lease with one or more institutions of higher education for the institution or institutions to occupy all units of the student housing development with students from that institution or institutions. An operating agreement or master lease entered into pursuant to this subclause is not violated or breached if, in any subsequent year, there are not sufficient students enrolled in an institution of higher education to fill all units in the student housing development. The applicable 20 -percent units will be used for lower income students. iii) The rent provided in the applicable units of the development for lower income students shall be calculated at 30 percent of 65 percent of the area median income for a single -room occupancy unit type. (iv) The development will provide priority for the applicable affordable units for lower income students experiencing homelessness. A homeless service provider, as defined in paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 103577 of the Health and Safetv Code, or institution of higher education that has DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 knowledge of a person's homeless status may verify a person's status as homeless for purposes of this subparagraph. For purposes of calculating a density bonus granted pursuant to this Subsection 6, the term "unit" means one rental bed and its pro rata share of associated common area facilities. The units described in this subsection shall be subject to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years. (7) One hundred (100) percent of all units in the development, including total units and density bonus units, but exclusive of a manager's unit or units, are for lower income households, as defined by Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code, except that up to twenty (20) percent of the units in the development, including total units and density bonus units, may be for moderate -income households. L8) For purposes of calculating the amount of the density bonus pursuant to Section 9121, the applicant who requests the density bonus pursuant to this subsection shall elect whether the bonus shall be awarded on the basis of subparagraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5 6) or (57) of this subsection. (79) For the purposes of this SeCtiORsectlon, "total units" or "total dwelling units" de net incl, deexcludes units added by a density bonus awarded pursuant to this Sectiensection or any local law granting a greater density bonus- but includes Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program units pursuant to Chapter 9B. (b) Land Donation. When an applicant for a tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or other residential development approval donates land to the City as provided for in this subsection, the City shall grant a density bonus, the amount of which shall be as specified in Section 9122-(hL This increase shall be in addition to any increase in density mandated bysectien Section 9121(a), up to a maximum combined mandated density increase of thirty-five (35) percent if an applicant seeks both the increase required pursuant to this subsection and °- ibsertien Section 9121(a)._ All density calculations resulting in fractional units shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to enlarge or diminish the authority of the City to require a developer to donate land as a condition of development. An applicant shall be eligible for the increased density bonus described in this subsection if all of the following conditions are met: (1) The applicant donates and transfers the land no later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application. (2) The developable acreage and zoning classification of the land being transferred are sufficient to permit construction of units affordable to very low income households in an amount not less than ten (10) percent of the number of residential units of the proposed development. (3) The transferred land is at least one (1) acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development of at least forty (40) units, has the appropriate general plan designation, is appropriately zoned with appropriate development standards for development at the density described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Government Code Sectieesection 65583.2 for development of affordable housing on land suitable for residential development, and is or will be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure. The Fn-.,;Ohln (4) No later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or of the residential development application, the transferred land shall have all of the permits and approvals, other than building permits, necessary for the development of the very low income housing units on the transferred land, except that the City may subject the proposed development to subsequent design review to the extent authorized by subdivision (i) of Government Code Sectieesection 65583.2 if the design is not reviewed by the City prior to the time of transfer. (45) The transferred land and the affordable units shall be subject to a deed restriction ensuring continued affordability of the units consistent withseetiensSection 9131(d) and (e}L which shall be recorded on the property at the time of dedication. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (56) The land is transferred to the City or to a housing developer approved by the City. The City may require the applicant to identify and transfer the land to the developer. (67) The transferred land shall be within the boundary of the proposed development or, if the City agrees, within one-quarter (%) mile of the boundary of the proposed development. (-78) A proposed source of funding for the very low income units shall be identified not later than the date of approval of the final subdivision map, parcel map, or residential development application. (c) Housing Development with Child Care Facility. When an applicant agrees to construct a housing development that conforms to the requirements of Section 9121(a) and includes a child care facility that will be located on the premises of, as part of, or adjacent to, the project, the following shall apply: (1) The City shall grant either of the following, unless it finds, based upon substantial evidence, that the community has adequate child care facilities: (i) An additional density bonus that is an amount of square feet of residential space that is equal to or greater than the amount of square feet in the child care facility, or (ii) An additional concession or incentive that contributes significantly to the economic feasibility of the construction of the child care facility. (2) The City shall require, as a condition of approving the housing development that the following occur: (i) The child care facility shall remain in operation for a period of time that is as long as or longer than the period of time during which the targeted units are required to remain affordable pursuant to Section 9131(d) and (e). (ii) Of the children who attend the child care facility, the children of very low income households, low income households, or families of moderate income shall equal a percentage that is equal to or greater than the percentage of dwelling units that are required for very low income households, low income households, or families of moderate income pursuant to Section 9121(a). (d) Apartment to Condominium Conversion Housing Development. When an applicant for approval to convert apartments to a condominium project pursuant to Section 9274 of this Code agrees to provide at least thirty- three (33) percent of the total units of the proposed condominium project to persons and families of low or moderate income, or fifteen (15) percent of the total units of the proposed condominium project to lower income households, and agrees to pay reasonably necessary administrative costs incurred by the City, the City shall grant either of the following, unless the apartments proposed for conversion constitute a housing development for which a density bonus or other incentives were previously provided under Government Code Sectionsection 65915: (1) A density bonus to increase the number of units by twenty-five (25) percent over the number of apartments within the existing structure(s) proposed for conversion; or (2) Other incentives of equivalent financial value, which may include the reduction or waiver of requirements which the City may otherwise apply as conditions of conversion approval. (3 The (i) In reference to subsections 9121 (d) (1) and 9121 (d) (2), the City may place such reasonable _conditions on the granting of a density bonus or other incentives of equivalent financial value including, but not limited to, conditions which assure continued affordability of units to subsequent purchasers who are persons and families of low and moderate income or lower income households.. and 4 ii) The application to convert apartments to a condominium project may be submitted to the City for preliminary review prior to submittal of formal request for subdivision map approvals pursuant to Section 9141. The City shall notify applicant in writing of the manner in which City will comply with this subsection (d) within ninety (90) days of receipt of a written proposal. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 �__LL An applicant shall be ineligible for a density bonus or other incentives or concessions under this subsection 9121 (d) if the apartment complex proposed for conversion includes a parcel(s) on which rental dwelling units are or, if the dwelling units have been vacated or demolished in the five-year period preceding the application, have been subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance or law that restricts rents to a level affordable to persons and families of lower or very low income; are subject to any form of rent or price control through the City's valid exercise of its police power; or are occupied by lower or very low income household unless the proposed condominium project replaces those units in accordance with Section 65915(c)(3)(B) of the Government Code and either of the following applies: H}a. The proposed condominium project, inclusive of the units replaced, contains affordable units at the percentages set forth in Section 9121(a), or {44!L. Each unit in the development, exclusive of manager's unit or units, is affordable to, and occupied by, either a lower or very low income household. R1 —Ineligible Housing Development Prosect. An applicant shall be r^^s rI_ICA^� ^i*h&P R_^ the sAt f ineligible for a density bonus or ^^ a sate that Fneets the f^"^ ^^ eFiteF; (iii) Wit (134) mile of a major traRSit Step- aT,E_1 any C#y previsiOR other incentives, muitually agreed upoR by or concessions under this Chapter if the developer and the City and DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (7) if the developer of the affe r.d-ah-le units; d- A_P_s; nA-t C --A- Fn MP_.nC_e �.AVA C --A- A -f thA';P n R APrArPIAACP With +h,, +�r.-..,I;r, ,,s ., ,irl e.d ;., the agreemeRt f.,r partnered housing, the City AY .,;+hhRld cPr+Ff!c P,; Rf e y f..r+he eernmerriaI development under em#r„w+�„r, ­r,r;l +h., .J.,.,.,I. peF has c pleted- .,f the -,ff.,rd--,hl„ units. n IMM OIL "N (f) A proposed housing develepme^+ which on any property that includes a parcel or parcels on which rental dwelling units are or, if the dwelling units have been vacated or demolished in the five (5) year period preceding the application, have been subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance, or law that restricts rents to levels affordable to persons eFand families of lower or very low income shall be iReligih_le f„r ,-„r„ ;+„ hr Rus . or occupied by lower or aRy eth ineeRt` es erg ss+eRs uR .el- this P@rivery low income households, unless the proposed housing development replaces those units in accordance with Government Code 5ectieesection 65915(c)(3)(B), and either of the following applies: (1) The proposed housing development, inclusive of the units replaced pursuant to this paragraph, contains affordable units at the percentages set forth in Section 9121(a), or (2) Each unit in the development, exclusive of a manager's unit or units, is affordable to, and occupied by, either a lower or very low income household. 9122 AMOUNT OF DENSITY BONUS 4Amount of Density Bonus. The amount of density bonus granted shall vary be based on the amount by which thecategory and percentage of affordable housing units exceeds the pereeRt ge est hl;shedproposed, as reflected in the following tables: (a) Lower Income Households. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a})(1), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: TaFget Percentage 4dd44eRal A dd;tdRRRl GFeup of Percentage Target PeRsit Density TaFgetLow-Income Units WRots BE)RUs (exeludiRg Pe" R. W&s � Bonus DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Inc -Amp} Percentage Density Bonus 5 €ac -h-1 3 5 22.5 10 peFeeRt 20perfent percent ;;,tease percent, n 9 30 10 32.5 11 35 12 38.75 13 5 Pe maximum e�11 — int percent t n e r -e -a -se 21.5 12 23 10 peFeent Each 1 4:0 INA ed-nr-+n I .,,.,,, +e. -13 pereen24.5 t t, peFeent -3-5 peFeent Hou4Re 4 26 per -est Trans4monal foster youth, disabledye+.,rangy 10rt M r hemeless n ns'15 27.5 per-ent 16 29 17 30.5 18 32 19 33.5 Vey Low 30 15 €ae#I ineeme artacrccrrrcr permit peFeent percent mnnc'rca�2 n percent, mum �c n n+ 35 Be+aatieer-20 21 38.75 22 42.5 23 46.25 24 50 }-Very Low Income Households. For housing dev developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(T) (bb) 2-), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 5 20 6 22.5 7 25 8 27.5 9 30 10 32.5 11 35 12 38.75 13 42.5 14 46.25 15 50 Moderate Income Households. For housing deve epmeRt FneetiRgthe cFqterqa eFSeGtiOR 012(,)121 kb4(c) 3-�;e���developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(4}), the density bonus shall be calculated as follows: DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 .PGr Percentage Moderate -Income Units Percentage Density Bonus 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 24 30 25 31 26 32 27 33 28 34 29 35 30 36 31 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 41 38.75 42 42.5 43 46.25 44 50 (d) Senior Housing or Mobile Home Park. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(3), the density bonus shall be 20 percent of the number of senior housing develepnentunits. {c4(e) Transitional Foster Youth, Disabled Veterans, and Homeless Persons. For housing developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(-3}5), the density bonus shall be 20 percent of the number of the type of units giving rise to a density bonus thereunder. �d}(f) �-Student Housing. For housing develep Reptclevelopments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(40 the density bonus shall be 35 percent of the student housing units. J&L�-One Hundred Percent Affordable. For housing dev developments meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a)(7), the following shall apply: DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) below, the density bonus shall be 80 percent of the number of units for lower income households. (2) If the housing development is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, no maximum controls on density shall be imposed. {e4(h) Land Donation. When an applicant for a tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or other residential development approval donates land to the City in accordance with Section 9121(b}), the applicant shall be entitled to a 15 -percent increase above the otherwise maximum allowable residential densitv for the entire development, as follows: Percentage Very Low Income Units (Land Donation) Percentage Density Bonus 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 35 9123 INCENTIVES OR CONCESSIONS (a) Applicability. An applicant for a density bonus may submit to the City a proposal for the specific concession(s) or incentive(s) that the applicant requests pursuant to this Chapter, and may Feq est a meetiRg with the City. The City must grant the concession(s) or incentive(s) requested by the applicant unless the City makes a written finding, based upon substantial evidence, of any of the following: (1) The concession or incentive does not result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs or for rents for the targeted units W he sel as specified in Section 9131. (2) (2) The concession(s) or incentive(s) would have a specific adverse impact upon public health and safety or the .,hysm al eRviFeRmeRt eF on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the development unaffordable to low- and moderate- income households. (3) The concession or incentive would be contrary to state or federal law. (b) Number. The applicant shall be entitled to receive the following number of concessions or incentives: DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 Target Group Target Units (Percent) Maximum Incentives or Concessions Very Low Income 5 1 10 2 15 3 Low Income 10 1 X17 2 3&24 3 Moderate Income (C-Andernin"imfor-sale units only) 10 1 20 2 30 3 100% of Total Units restricted to lower income 100 (excluding manager's 4 and up to 3 additional stories, units or 33 feet. (maximum 20% moderate) and located within % mile of major transit stop Student Housing 20 1 (c) Type. Incentives or concessions may include the following: (1) A reduction of site development standards or a modification of zoning code requirements or architectural design requirements that exceed the minimum building standards approved by the California Building Standards Commission as provided in Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code, which result in identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual costs reductions, including, but not limited to: (i) a --Reduced minimum lot size. (ii) Reduced minimum setbacks. (iii) e) --Reduced minimum street standards such as reduced minimum street width. (iv) Increased maximum lot coverage. (v) e�--lncreased building height. (vi) #Reduced ratio of vehicular parking spaces that would otherwise be required. (2) Approval of mixed use zoning in conjunction with the housing project if commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development and if the commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses are compatible with the housing project and the existing or planned development in the area, including the City's General Plan, where the proposed housing project will be located; or (3) Other regulatory incentives or concessions proposed by the applicant or the City that result in identifiable, f4fl-- f-iEie�, and actual cost reductions. (4) The granting of a concession or incentive shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, or other discretionary approval. This provision is declaratory of existing law. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 9124 WAIVERS OR REDUCTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (a) Applicability. An Applicant may submit to the City a proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards and may request a meeting with the City. A proposal for the waiver or reduction of development standards pursuant to this section shall neither reduce nor increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is entitled pursuant to Section 9123. (b) Review. The waiver or reduction shall be granted unless the City Council adopts a written finding, based on substantial evidence, of either the following: (1) The waiver or reduction of development standards would have a specific adverse impact upon health, or safety,-etk�ck�ysaeI evit, and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact. (2) The waiver or reduction of development standards would have a-speE+fiean adverse impact on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources. (3) The waiver or reduction of development standards would be contrary to state or federal law. 9125 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE (a) Applicability. The City may approve additional assistance to facilitate the inclusion of more Targeted Units than are required by this Chapter. b Type. The City Council may approve any of the following in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to: (a1) A density bonus greater than that required in Section 9121 of this Chapter. (b2) A proportionately lower density bonus than what is required by this Chapter when the housing development does not meet the requirements of this Chapter. (e3) Waived, reduced, or deferred planning, plan check, building permit and/or development impact fees. (44) Direct financial aid (e.g., housing set aside f, ^�'�Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Funds, community development block grant funds) in the form of a loan or a grant to subsidize or provide low interest financing for on or off --site improvements, contribution to land, or construction costs. PART 3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARD REQUIREMENTS 9131 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS (a) Location. Targeted units shall be built on-site, and be integrated within the housing development except those units built in conjunction with the donation and transfer of land pursuant to Section 9121(b). (b) Time of Construction. Targeted units shall be constructed concurrently with non -restricted units unless both the City and the applicant agree in the housing incentive agreement described in Section 9142 to an alternative schedule for development. (c) Bedroom Count. Except for a senior citizen housing development, the number of bedrooms of the targeted units shall be generally equivalent to the bedroom mix of the non -restricted units of the housing development, as determined by the directerDirector and embodied in a housing incentive agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the applicant may include a higher proportion of targeted units with more bedrooms than the non -restricted units. {4)—(d) Affordable Housing Restrictions - Rental Units. An applicant shall agree to, and the City shall ensure, continued affordability of all low- and very low income rental units that qualified the applicant for the award DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 of the density bonus for at least fifty-five (55) years or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program. Rent; fer thp 1pwpr nrAmp HPR,; P ty benus uRits ;h;;" hP ';Pt 4 AR ;;ffArd;;hlP rpn* Owner eeewpied units shall hP (e) Rents Units. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 9131(e)(1), Rents for the lower income density bonus units shall be set at an affordable rent. (1) For housing developments meeting the criteria of subsection 9121(a)(7), and except as my otherwise be required by the Surplus Land Act, rents for all units in the development, including both base density and density bonus units, shall be as follows: (i) The rent for at least 20 percent of the units in the development shall be set at an affordable rent. (ii) The rent for the remaining units in the development shall be set at an amount consistent with the maximum rent levels for a housine development that receives an allocation of state or federal low- income housing tax credits from the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. (f) Affordable Housing Restrictions — For Sale units. An applicant shall agree to ensure, and the City shall ensure, that, the initial eEeu^^^* e ^"_a for -sale un4sunit that qualified the applicant for the award of thea density bonus are peFsons and familiesmeets either of the following conditions: (1) The unit is initially occupied by a person or family of very low, low or moderate -income, as required, and that the units is offered at an affordable housing cost.- and is subject to an equity sharing agreement. (2) The unit is purchased by a qualified nonprofit housing corporation pursuant to a recorded contract that satisfies all of the requirements specified in paragraph (10) of subdivision (a) of Section 402.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and that includes all of the following: (i) A repurchase option that requires a subsequent purchaser of the property that desires to resell or convey the property to offer the qualified nonprofit corporation the right to repurchase the property prior to selling or conveying that property to any other purchaser. (ii) An equity sharing agreement. (iii) Affordability restrictions on the sale and conveyance of the property that ensure that the property will be preserved for lower income housing for at least 45 years for owner -occupied housing units and will be sold or resold only to persons or families of very low. low. or moderate income. (g) Equity Sharing. The City shall enforce an equity -sharing agreement, required pursuant to subsections 9131(f)(1) or 9131(f)(2), unless it is in conflict with the requirements of another public funding source or law. The following apply to the equity -sharing agreement: (1) Upon resale, the seller of the unit shall retain the value of any improvements, the down payment, and the seller's proportionate share of appreciation. T#e (2) Except as provided in subsection 9131(8)(5), the City shall recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation, which shall then be used within five (5) years for any of the purposes described in subdivision (e) of Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code that promote homeownership. (23) For purposes of this subsection, the City's initial subsidy shall be equal to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale minus the initial sale price to the moderate -income household, plus the amount of any down payment assistance or mortgage assistance. If upon resale the market value is lower than the initial market value, then the value at the time of the resale shall be used as the initial market value. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (-34) For purposes of thisO11"'�crrwA,;*A r" ^nsubsection, the C#y4 ty's proportionate share of appreciation shall be equal to the ratio of the City's initial subsidy to the fair market value of the home at the time of initial sale. {4—(5) If the unit is purchased or developed by a qualified nonprofit housing corporation, the City may enter into a contract with the qualified nonprofit housing corporation under which the qualified nonprofit housing corporation would recapture any initial subsidy and its proportionate share of appreciation if the qualified nonprofit housing corporation is required to use 100 percent of the proceeds to promote homeownership for lower income households within the jurisdiction of the City (h) Design. The design and appearance of the targeted units shall be consistent with the design of the total housing development. Housing developments shall comply with all development standards applicable to housing in the City, except those which may be modified as provided by this Chapter. 4—(i) Housing Incentive Agreement. A housing incentive agreement shall be entered into between the applicant and City and/or the Housing Authority to memorialize among other things, the applicant's commitment to provide targeted units in accordance with this Chapter and other applicable provisions of State Law. The agreement shall be made a condition of the development permits (e.g., tract maps, parcel maps, site plans, planned development, conditional use permits, etc.) for all housing developments pursuant to this Chapter. {#9132 PARKING STANDARDS (a) Parking. Upon the request of the developer, the vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of disabled aeGess and guest parking for persons with a disability and guests, of a development meeting the criteria of Section 9121(a), shall not exceed the following ratios: Number of Bedrooms Parking Ratio 0-1 1 space 2-3 -21.5 spaces 4 or more 2.5 spaces 'Notwithstanding paragraph (4a) above, if a development includes the maximum ^^pe^^tage ^Fat least 20 percent low-income units pursuant to Section 9121(a)(1) or at least 11 percent very low income units ^••Wed f^• in seetien °"' ,^^'pursuant to 9121 (a)(2), is located within one-half (mile of a major transit stop, and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, then, upon the request of the developermameg," st, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per unit. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above. if a development includes at least 40 Dercent moderate -income units pursuant to Section 9121(a)(3). is located within one-halfmile of a major transit stop, and guest parking. (1) 0) if the residents of the development e(YAhave unobstructed access to lev., e families exel sive of , nk(i ,the maior transit stop from the development then, upon the request of the developer may Feq est, the City shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, including handmeapped and ^u inclusive of parking for persons with a disability and guests, that exceeds t4e0.5 spaces per bedroom. The following table provides the ratios -,4' the .developmentisi described in this subsection, for a project meeting the eligibility criteria: Housin Development Parking Criteria Ratio Type Low income units 0.5 space 1L_L- edlocated within Net *A- Exe-ee' 0.5 spaees peF unit DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-B354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (at least 20 mile of a major percent) transit stopAv#1- unobstructed access to the major transit Stop 443) Upon request , the development developer Very low 0.5 r;+ nl..t +., Exceed 0.5 spaces per income units space CitizeR HeHSing (at least 11 Develepm^^+ , percent) .def;RP-d- ;n +; n 9117 Rd has ei+heF paFatr s;+ 9F URObStFUCted i+h' h;;If mile hu t least eight times pe day -located within mile of a major transit stop 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 443) Upon request of the developer Moderate 0_5Lir^�"gym Not to ed 0.3 spaees per r;+ income units space Housing, as defined (at least 40 in Section 9112, and percent) p@Fa+. S;+ bus route that e ates at least eight times peF dad -located within mile of a major transit stop 2) unobstructed access to the major transit stop 343Uponeethee developer (b) 00 --One Hundred Percent Affordable and Near Transit or Senior Citizen Housing. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development consists solely of rental units with an affordable housing cost to low income families, exclusive of a manager's unit(s), then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose a DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 vehicular parking standards if the development meets either of the following criteria (1) located within one- half mile of a major transit stop and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, or (2) is a for -rent Senior Citizen Housing Development as defined in Section 9112, and has either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. (c) Special Needs Housing. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, if a development is a for -rent Special Needs Housing Development as defined in Section 9112, then, upon the request of the developer, the City shall not impose any minimum vehicular parking requirement. A development that is a Special Needs Housing Development shall have either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. (e) Parking Calculations. If the total number of parking spaces required for a development is other than a whole number, the number shall be rounded up to the next whole number. (f) Tandem Parking. For purposes of this section, a development may provide on-site parking through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not on -street parking. (g) Parking Incentives/Concessions. If the development meets the requirements of Section 9121, an applicant may request parking incentives or concessions beyond those provided in this Section 9122.pursuant to Section 9123(a). A request pursuant to this si helivisienSection shall not increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is entitled pursuant to Section 9123(b). (w --b General. The City may, in its discretion, reduce or eliminate a parking requirement for developments of any type in any location. (P4—i) City Study. The City may impose a higher parking ratio not to exceed the ratio described in Section 9131(h9132(a)(1) if, based on substantial evidence found in a parking study prepared by the City within seven (7) years preceding the proposed project and which includes an analysis of parking availability, differing levels of transit access, walkability access to transit services, the potential for shared parking, the effect of parking requirements on the cost of market -rate and subsidized developments, and the lower rates of car ownership for low- and very low income individuals, including seniors and special needs individuals. The City shall make findings, based on the parking study supporting the need for a higher parking ratio. PART 4 APPLICATION AND HOUSING INCENTIVES AGREEMENT 9141 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND REVIEW (a) Application Requirements. An applicant proposing a housing development pursuant to this Chapter, shall submit a preliminary application to the Community Development Department prior to the submittal of any formal request for approval of a permit for a housing development. Applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre -application conference with the directerCommunity Development Director to discuss and identify potential application issues. No charge will be required for the pre -application conference. A preliminary application shall include the following information: (1) Existing land uses on the property, including any existing rental unit(s). (2) A request for density bonus by specifying the code section of which the density bonus shall be awarded. (3) A description of the proposed housing development including the total number of units, targeted units by income category, and density bonus units bedroom mix. (4) The zoning and general plan designations and assessor's parcel number(s) of the project site. {f5) The location of the targeted units within the housing development. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (6) The number of additional housing units requested as the density bonus for the housing development. (7) A vicinity map and preliminary site, floor, and elevation plans, drawn to scale, including building footprints, driveway, and parking layout. (8) A description of any requested concession(s), incentive(s), waiver(s), modified parking standards, and/or development bonus requested and an explanation of why each is needed. In requesting a concession, incentive, waiver, modified standard of parking or waiver or reduction of development standards, the applicant shall provide substantial facts On the form of a development pFO forma that development pFe fOFFna shall inelud-e infer.m.atien ideRtifying capital cests, equity investment, debt nEeme, pFe tax eash flow, after t;o( c -;;,;h flew, @Rd FetuFn A—R iPwP#mPPt ;;Rd thp Ac#i -Al r -R# rpd- wtiRnq te be explain how granting the request will result in identifiable and actual cost reductions for the development. (9) If a density bonus is requested for a land donation, the application shall show the location of the land to be dedicated and provide evidence that each of the conditions included in Section 9121(b) can be met. (10) If an additional density bonus or concession or incentive is requested for a child care facility, the application shall show the location and square footage of the child care facility and provide evidence that each of the conditions in Section 9121(c) can be met. (11) The applicant shall acknowledge in writing that a housing incentive agreement is required. {b(b) Application Review. (1) Following receipt of the application, the City shall notify the applicant whether the application is complete in a manner consistent with the timelines specified in specified in Government Code section 65943. L2) An application for a density bonus and/or concession or incentive pursuant to this Chapter shall be processed concurrently with any other permit application(s) required for the housing development. At a minimum, the application shall contain all the information described in Section 9141(a) plus all other required information. Final approval or disapproval of an application shall be made by the City Council; upon recommendation of the Planning Commission for those housing developments which require Planning Commission entitlements; except that no approval shall be effective until the City or the Housing Authority (as applicable) and applicant have executed a housing incentive agreement. `d)--Lj Where the applicant proposes that the City provide optional additional assistance as described in Section 9125 herein, the proposal shall be considered by the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council, or the Housing Authority where the Housing Authority funds are requested, for their preliminary approval unless such housing development does not require Planning Commission entitlements in which case, the City Council or the Housing Authority, as applicable, can authorize such assistance. A preliminary approval shall indicate the City Council's approval of the proposal for processing, but no optional additional assistance shall be deemed approved until embodied in the housing incentive agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 9142 HOUSING INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (a) Agreement Requirement. Once an application for a density bonus and/or concession or incentive is approved pursuant to Section 9141(b), a housing incentive agreement shall be prepared consistent with any conditions of approval related thereto subject to review and approval as to form by the City Attorney. The City (or the Housing Authority) approval and execution responsibilities for such agreement shall be as identified in the approval of the housing development application pursuant to Section 9141(b). Where such identification is not made by the City Council, such agreement shall be subject to approval by the City Council. (b) Agreement Review. The final approval of any documents as required by the agreement shall take place prior to or concurrent with final map approval, or, where a map is not being processed, prior to issuance of building permits for any parcels in the housing incentive agreement. The agreement shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorder concurrent with the recording of the final map or within thirty (30) days of approval if a map is not processed and shall be binding to all future owners and successors in interest. (c) Agreement Contents. The agreement shall include at least the following: (1) The total number of units approved for the housing development including the number of targeted units. (2) A description of the household income group to be accommodated by the housing development, and the standards for determining the corresponding affordable rent or affordable housing cost. (3) The location, unit sizes (square feet), and number of bedrooms of targeted units. (4) Affordability restrictions for low and very low income targeted units for at least fifty-five (55) years from the date the building(s) is first occupied or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, rental subsidy program. (5) A schedule for completion and occupancy of the targeted units. (6) A description of the concessions or incentive(s), or optional additional assistance being provided by the City or the Housing Authority. (7) A description of remedies for breach of the agreement by either party (the City may identity tenants or qualified purchasers as third party beneficiaries under the agreement). {$(8) A provision, consistent with City Council Policy, establishing a preference for the purchase or rental of the target units by Tustin residents or individuals employed within the City of Tustin. (99) Other provisions to ensure implementation and compliance with this Chapter and State Law. (d) In the case of for -sale housing developments or conversion of apartments to a condominium project consistent with this Chapter, the agreement shall provide for the following regarding the initial sale and use of targeted units during the applicable use restriction period and for the respective affordability period= as set forth in Section 9131: (1) Targeted units shall, upon initial sale, be sold to eligible very low income households, low income households or persons and families of moderate income consistent with this Chapter or as approved by the City Council at an affordable housing cost or be made available to qualified residents in a senior citizen housing development. (2) Targeted units shall be initially owner -occupied by eligible very t-ewlow, low income, or moderate income households, or by senior citizens in the case of a senior citizen housing development or mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons. (3) The agreement shall provide for the continued affordability of the very low income, low income, and very-lewmoderate income targeted units for the applicable affordability period. DocuSign Envelope ID: 239BD86B-8354-4090-8C4C-4B4C6D1C4442 (4) The agreement shall provide for the recapture by the City of its proportionate share of appreciation upon resale of moderate ince ^ the targeted units in accordance with this Chapter. (e) In the case of rental housing developments, the agreement shall provide for the following conditions governing the use of targeted units during the affordability period: (1) The rules and procedures for qualifying tenants, establishing affordable rent, filling vacancies, and maintaining targeted units for qualified tenants; (2) Provisions requiring the owner to verify tenant incomes and maintain books and records to demonstrate compliance with this Chapter and State Law.